In which city does the Transsiberian start? Trans-Siberian Railway. The direction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, the history of construction. Location of the road, city of the Trans-Siberian Railway

The Trans-Siberian Railway is firmly associated with the word "most". The longest railway in the world (9288.2 km), the largest and most expensive project of its time. The construction of the highway took 25 years and spent 1.5 billion rubles in gold (about 25 billion US dollars at the current exchange rate).

If you stretch the Transsib in a straight line, then its length will take 73% of the Earth's diameter. The road passes through 7 time zones and 87 cities. Today, a full route along the highway from Moscow to Vladivostok takes 6 days. Train number 1 with the self-explanatory name "Russia" runs between the two cities. This symbolic unity is also emphasized by the similarity between the Yaroslavl railway station in Moscow (where the train departs from) and the station in Vladivostok (where it arrives).

In the middle of the 19th century, Siberia and the Far East were sparsely populated and poorly developed territories. Until 1883, the Russian population here did not exceed 2 million. Land development was impossible without a railway. The plans for construction were hatched for a long time, but the matter got off the ground only at the end of the century.

February 5, 1891 Emperor Alexander III issued a decree on the construction of the Great Siberian Way. On May 19 of the same year, Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich (future Emperor Nicholas II) personally drove the first wheelbarrow with the ground to the railroad bed and laid the first stone in the foundation of the Vladivostok railway station.

Historically, the eastern part of the road is about 7000 km long. It stretches from Miass in the Chelyabinsk region to Vladivostok. It was this site that was built from 1891 to 1916. Construction was carried out simultaneously from Vladivostok and Chelyabinsk.

Many difficulties awaited the builders: they had to dig tunnels through the mountains, make embankments under the canvas up to 30 m high, build bridges over deep Siberian rivers, lay paths through dense taiga, vast swamps and permafrost. It was especially difficult on the site near Lake Baikal. In 1897, a powerful flood washed away the railway embankments for 400 km, the city of Doroninsk was completely destroyed by water. The next year, there was a severe drought, an epidemic of plague and anthrax broke out. As a result, train traffic on the Trans-Baikal Railway began only in 1900.

On the contrary, in the steppes of Western Siberia it was easy to make a road, but there were no suitable building materials. Therefore, timber for sleepers was transported for 400 km from Tobolsk, gravel for an embankment - for 750 km from Chelyabinsk. In 1913-1916, a railway bridge with a length of more than 2.5 km was built across the Amur River. At the time of completion of construction, it turned out to be the second longest bridge in the world.

At the same time, more than 100 thousand people were employed in the construction. The construction was carried out not only by hired workers, but also by local residents, soldiers and convicts. Much was done by hand, the tools were primitive - an ax, a saw, a pick and a wheelbarrow.

But, despite all the difficulties, the railway was built at an accelerated pace. At least 500 km of railroad tracks were laid annually. Already in 1903, long before the end of construction, a regular railway connection began between St. Petersburg and Vladivostok. Some sections of the highway were then laid using a simplified technology. And across Lake Baikal, trains were ferried on a special ferry.

By the end of construction, the population of Siberia had almost doubled (from 5.8 to 9.4 million people). Since 1906, the growth rates have been staggering - the region's population has grown by 500 thousand people a year. According to the Stolypin agrarian reform, immigrants were allocated land, numerous benefits were given. The Transsib was not just a road - many schools, hospitals, colleges and temples were built along the way.

The Trans-Siberian Railway still retains its strategic importance. More than 100 million tons of cargo is transported annually along it from east to west. It is also the shortest road for goods from China to Western Europe... By rail, the journey takes 11-15 days, and by sea - 20 days longer.

Historically, the Transsib is the eastern part of the highway, from Miass ( Chelyabinsk region) to Vladivostok. Its length is about 7 thousand km. This site was built from 1891 to 1916.

On February 25 (March 9), 1891, Alexander III signed a personalized imperial decree, given to the Minister of Railways, on the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. According to preliminary calculations, the cost of building the railway was supposed to be 350 million rubles in gold (according to the Soviet encyclopedia, as a result, it was spent several times more). The total cost of the construction of the Transsib from 1891 to 1916 amounted to 1.5 billion rubles.
The movement of trains on the Transsib began on October 21 (November 3), 1901, after the "golden link" was laid on the last section of the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER). Regular railway communication between the capital of the empire, St. Petersburg and the Pacific ports of Vladivostok and Port Arthur, was established on July 1 (14), 1903, although trains had to be ferried across Baikal on a special ferry.

The continuous rail track between St. Petersburg and Vladivostok appeared after the start of the working movement along the Circum-Baikal Railway on September 18 (October 1), 1904, and a year later, on October 16 (29), 1905, the Circum-Baikal Railway, as a segment of the Great Siberian Way, was adopted as a permanent operation, and for the first time in history, trains were able to follow only on rails, without using ferry crossings from the coast Atlantic Ocean to the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

The construction was carried out only at the expense of the state's own funds without attracting foreign capital. At the beginning of the construction, 9,600 people were involved, by 1896 there were already about 80,000 people. An average of 650 km of railway tracks were built annually, as of 1903 more than 12 million sleepers, 1 million tons of rails were laid, the total length of the constructed railway bridges and tunnels was more than 100 km.

Scheme of the modern Transsib: red - the historical route, blue - the northern route, green - the Baikal-Amur Mainline, black - the section of the southern route in Siberia

Map of the old Trans-Siberian Railway with the Chinese Eastern Railway (through Manchuria - modern China)

The construction was divided into "sections", stages of construction:

As you can see, the Transsib was not led from west to east (which is more logical from the point of view of logistics, rail supplies from the Ural factories), but was divided into sections and the work was carried out almost in parallel. Question: how were the rails transported to the eastern sections of the track? By sea to Vladivostok? And how were the rails delivered to the middle sections of the Transsib? Or did they equip the embankments, laid the sleepers, which then waited for the rails to be laid?

But this is only part of the questions. Main question: construction speed. In fact, 7 thousand km of track have been laid in 14 years. This is not only the arrangement of embankments and canvases, but also countless culverts, bridges over large and small rivers.

I propose to compare this amount of work with an almost modern construction site of this scale:
Baikal-Amur Mainline(Bam)

The main route Taishet - Sovetskaya Gavan was built with long breaks from 1938 to 1984. The construction of the central part of the railway, which took place in difficult geological and climatic conditions, took more than 12 years, and one of the most difficult sections: the Severomuisky tunnel was put into permanent operation only in 2003.
BAM is almost 500 km shorter than the Transsib in the section from Taishet to the seaport of Vanino. The length of the main route Taishet - Sovetskaya Gavan is 4287 km. BAM runs north of the Trans-Siberian Railway.
In April 1974, BAM was declared an all-Union shock Komsomol construction site. In fact, this is the year of the beginning of large-scale construction.

Summing up the figures, it turns out: Transsib, 7 thousand km long, using only manual labor, carts and trolleys, was built for 14 years. And the BAM, a little more than 4 thousand km long, after almost 100 years, with all the mechanization in the form of excavators, dump trucks, mining equipment - 11 years!
Say, the difference is economic systems, approach to construction, the difference in the number of people involved in construction? The Transsib was built by convicts, and the BAM - by enthusiastic Komsomol members. And the BAM passes through more inaccessible mountain areas. Perhaps, but such a difference in terms, with a difference in the length of the tracks by two times and with a technological gap, is difficult to explain.

With these lines, I do not want to question the feat of the people of those years, our ancestors. In any case, it remains the great construction site of Russia at that time. But more and more versions appear that the Transsib was not so much built as it was restored. Only bridges over rivers and some sections of the road were equipped. In the bulk - it was put in order, or simply dug up. And there is reason to think so.

Look at these photos of the construction of the Transsib (1910-1914. Album of views of the construction of the middle part of the Amur railway):

197 miles. Career development by teams of exiled convicts

197 miles. Development of seizure by teams of exiled convicts

The impression is that the road is being dug up. But judging from the official point of view about this photo, it is possible that a railway track was laid at the edge of a sheer wall made of soil. When the workers threw the soil with shovels, it spilled out onto the canvas and filled up the sleepers. The result is a visible effect that the road is being dug up.

Another interesting fact:

An old railway track was found in Krasnoyarsk

Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk archaeologists during excavations at the construction site of the bridge across the Yenisei discovered a section of the railway laid in the 1890s. The find came as a surprise, and for several reasons at once. Firstly, because of its scale: scientists often find small fragments of old railway tracks - rails, sleepers, crutches, but this is the first time that a 100-meter road has been discovered.
Secondly, the railway line was hidden deep underground - under a one and a half meter layer of soil.

The length of the section of the railway line, located next to the Transsib, is about 100 meters. Note that archaeologists found it under a rather thick layer of soil - more than 1.5 meters deep.

Why haven't you reused railroad tracks? At the time of iron deficiency, they were worth their weight in gold. I do not believe that they just took it and buried it. If we compare it with the theme of the buildings brought in, the picture is catastrophic. Or all this soil, clay, fell from above (a dusty space cloud, a giant comet?) Or exits of water and mud masses from the bowels. With earthquakes (I had a note on this mechanism) or with a larger cataclysm.

Another observation:

In 1822 Krasnoyarsk received the status of a city and became the capital of the Yenisei Province

And before Transib is more than a decade. There are no prerequisites to move the capital. Or was he already? In the 1840s, a cataclysm occurred and it was restored at the end of the 19th century. in just 10 years!

The trade and transport route before the construction of the Transsib went through Yeniseisk:

Another fact in favor of the antiquity of the railway. The Trans-Siberian was brought to Baikal, a huge ferry was launched, brought somehow from England, and carrying trains, only then the Circum-Baikal Railway was built. Was it impossible to build it right away? Most likely, the ancient railway went along the place where the fault was formed and filled with water, which became Baikal (it is not in this size on the old maps).

Watch about the oddities of the railway from the 35th minute

Be sure to watch these videos below! Non-existent railways are shown on maps of the 18th century:

Skeptics say these cards were issued in the late 19th century. and it depicts the roads of that time, although the dates of the maps are 1772. Usually, the maps depict the state of the territories of that period, to which information about the roads, cities, countries belongs. Do not overlap ancient maps with old boundaries with modern paths. Even taking into account the fact that the map of 1883 shows railway roads that have not even been built yet.

References to "railroad" (rail - rail)) in sources can be traced back centuries to 1600.

Readers told me the version that most of the old churches are, perhaps, ancient railway stations. See for yourself, many railway stations, both earlier and now, are very similar in their architecture to churches. Dome structures of central buildings, arches, spiers, etc.

I had an article:. It contains videos from Shukach with the version that Serpent Shafts are the remains of ancient railway embankments.

And in I showed that the Transsib, at least near Krasnoyarsk, was a double-track. One of the old embankments is now used for modern railway tracks.

Most likely, there was a period when all technically (not technologically) advanced civilization perished in some event. That level is roughly described in some of the works of J. Verne. The level of engineering + the use of simple technology. Medieval robots, barrel organs, organs, etc. speak about the level of specialists. And without roads and logistics, it was impossible to build such a civilization.

Trans-Siberian Railway. Photo: Alexey Zadonsky / Wikimedia Commons

The Trans-Siberian Railway (Trans-Siberian Railway; Transsib), formerly known as the Great Siberian Way, is a railway across Eurasia that connects Moscow with the largest East Siberian and Far Eastern industrial cities in Russia. The length of the highway is 9288.2 km - it is the longest railway in the world.

In this fascinating article, we have outlined 30 short points, thanks to which you will learn the whole history of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Now let's go!

1. In 1886, the Governor-General of Irkutsk Aleksey Ignatiev sent a petition to St. Petersburg about the urgent need to build the Great Siberian Route.

2. In 1887, it was decided to build a railway in Siberia, after which the first research work.

3. In 1891, work began on laying a railway line from both ends - from Chelyabinsk and Vladivostok.

4. In 1893, the basic principles of construction were formulated - to build firmly, quickly and as economically as possible. The latter condition gradually supplanted strength, and later, during the increase in traffic, additional work was required.

5. Cost-saving measures included: reducing the width of the roadway, thinning or even getting rid of the ballast, lighter rails with reduced service life, excessive climb and descent angles that imposed certain speed limits on the train and the skill of the drivers. Bridges across rivers were allowed to be erected from wood, and station buildings to be built without foundations, which subsequently led to additional investments in the infrastructure of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

6. At the same time, the construction of the railway line became a testing ground for new construction technologies: the use of electricity in drilling operations, special norms of explosives for new types of blasting operations, which greatly facilitated the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

7. In 1894, construction began on the Chelyabinsk-Omsk section - the first train started. In 1895, the railway reached the Ob River, the birthplace of the city of Novosibirsk.

8. In 1898, the Trans-Siberian Railway already reached Irkutsk. In the same year, the railway reached Lake Baikal and ... stalled for as long as 6 years.

9. In 1896–97. catastrophic floods washed away at least 400 kilometers of the Amur railway - many villages were simply destroyed.

10. Movement on the Trans-Baikal Railway was resumed only in 1990.

11. In 1899, a part of the Trans-Siberian Railway from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk (on the other side) was put into operation.

12. The height of the required embankment in the Krasnoyarsk region reached 17 meters, and on the Trans-Baikal railway the height of the mound reached an unimaginable 32 meters!

13. The unique Amur Bridge, 2600 meters long, completed in 1916, was the last building on the Trans-Siberian Railway.

14. The railway bridge across the Yenisei River in Krasnoyarsk was built taking into account the peculiarities of the powerful ice flows of this river. The length of this bridge was 1 kilometer. The distance between the supports reached 140 meters, the height of the metal trusses was up to 20 meters. The bridge was completed in 1899. At the 1900 World's Fair in Paris, the bridge was awarded a gold medal, as was the Eiffel Tower.

15. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was accompanied by the construction of cities serving the railway with train stations, warehouses, station buildings, houses, schools, colleges and even churches.

16. At different stages of the construction of the railway, 90 thousand people took part.

17. The exiles and prisoners also worked during the construction of the Transsib - for this they had their sentences reduced.

18. During the reforms of the Minister of the Interior Russian Empire Petr Stolypin, farmers were given the opportunity to get a plot Siberian land and some part of the money. At the beginning of the 20th century, the population of Siberia grew by half a million people annually. The development of Siberian lands dramatically increased agricultural production in Russia - by about 60% in the first 15 years of the 20th century. Siberia became a food supplier for Europe, as a result of which the Trans-Siberian Railway needed a second line.

19. The construction speed of the Trans-Siberian Railway was 500-700 kilometers annually. The line passed through several rivers, mountains and permafrost - all this seems fantastic even in our time.

20. The Trans-Siberian Railway, which originates at the Yaroslavsky railway station in Moscow and ends in Vladivostok, is the largest railway line in the world. Its length is 9288.2 km.

The main course of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Angasol loop. Photo: Slava Stepanov /

21. The Angasol loop, 7 km long, is the steepest descent of the Trans-Siberian Railway (up to Lake Baikal from the west) - 27 km.

22. The only railway station in the world made of marble is Slyudyanka I railway station (5311 km).

23. The longest tunnel of the Trans-Siberian Railway - across the Amur River - 7 km (non-working). The longest tunnel in operation is Tarmanchukansky - 2 km. In total, 15 tunnels were built.

24. On the section to Nakhodka, there are stations more distant from Moscow than Vladivostok - Cape Astafiev and the port of Vostochny.

25. The Trans-Siberian Railway crosses 16 large rivers in Europe and Asia, including the Volga, Kama, Yenisei, Amur and Irtysh.

26. In 2000, after the reconstruction of the railway bridge across the Amur River near Khabarovsk, the Trans-Siberian Railway became fully double-tracked.

27. In 2002, the railway from Moscow to Vladivostok was fully electrified.

28. New Great Silk Road. Several countries have an agreement on direct freight transport from Beijing (China) to Hamburg (Germany) via the Trans-Siberian Railway.

29. The world's longest train on the Trans-Siberian Railway went from Kharkov (Ukraine) to Vladivostok. Travel time - 7 days 6 hours and 10 minutes (9.714 km). The train is currently off the route.

30. The branded train "Russia", going from Moscow to Vladivostok, spends 6 days and 2 hours along the Trans-Siberian Railway.

If you know any more Interesting Facts about Transsib - let us know in the comments under this article, and I will definitely add it!

The Trans-Siberian Railway (Great Siberian Way) surpasses any railway line on our planet, it was built for almost a quarter of a century - from 1891 to 1916, and its total length is more than 10,000 kilometers. The Transsib reliably connects Russian western and southern ports, as well as rail links to Europe (St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Novorossiysk), on the one hand, with Pacific ports and rail links to Asia (Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Vanino, Zabaikalsk). The history of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway will be discussed below ...

So, we continue the series of stories about the construction sites of the century on LifeGlobe. This highway is one of the longest in the world, and the most difficult in the world in terms of construction conditions. The Transsib is one of the most important achievements, along with DneproGes, BAM and other construction projects of the century, which we have already talked about. Let's turn to the history of the highway: They started talking about construction back in the middle of the nineteenth century. In 1857 the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia NN Muravyov-Amursky raised the issue of building a railway on the Siberian outskirts of Russia. He instructed the military engineer D. Romanov to conduct surveys and draw up a project for the construction of a railway from the Amur to the De-Kastri Bay. The first practical impetus to the beginning of the construction of the grandiose highway was given by the Emperor of the Russian Empire Alexander III. In 1886, on the report of the Irkutsk Governor-General, the Tsar imposed a resolution:

“I have read so many reports of the governors-general of Siberia, and I must confess with sadness and shame that the government has so far done almost nothing to meet the needs of this rich but neglected region.

Alexander III

The merchants of Russia especially actively supported the idea of ​​construction. So, in the all-subject address of the Siberian merchants in 1868 it was emphasized

“We alone, Sovereign, Your Siberian children, are far from You, if not in our hearts, then in space. Because of that, we endure big needs.
The riches of the plowed soil lie without benefit for your throne and us. Grant us a railroad, bring us closer to You, alienated from You. They ordered Siberia to take root together in a single state ”.

At the same time, there were also fundamental opponents of the construction of a railway in Siberia. They frightened with rotten swamps and dense taiga, terrible cold weather and the inability to develop Agriculture... They even urgently demanded an urgent medical examination to determine mental abilities defenders of the idea of ​​building railways in Siberia. Acting Governor of Tobolsk A. Sologub, to the government's request about the possibility and necessity of building a highway in Siberia, replied that all sorts of swindlers, buyers and the like will come to the province with railways, that a struggle will flare up between foreigners in Russian merchants, that the people will be ruined and all the benefits will go to foreigners and crooks. And the most important thing: "Monitoring the maintenance of order in the region will become impossible, and, in conclusion, it will be difficult to monitor political exiles due to the facilitation of escapes."

The Committee of Ministers considered on December 18, 1884 and January 2, 1885 the submission of the Ministry of Railways. As before, the voices were divided. Therefore, the Committee of Ministers came to the conclusion that the indication of a specific direction of the road within Siberia, due to the lack of information about the economy of many regions of Western Siberia, especially the movement of goods along them, is premature. At the same time, he recognized it possible to allow, without starting the construction of a road from Nizhny Novgorod to Kazan, the construction of a road from Samara to Ufa. This decision was influenced by the statement of the chairman State Council Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich on the significance of the state artillery factories of the Zlatoust district for the country. The decision of the Committee of Ministers was approved by the emperor on January 6, and on January 25 he also allowed the construction of the road to begin at the expense of the treasury. Construction work began in the spring of 1886, and in September 1886 the road to Ufa was opened. The well-known engineer K. Mikhailovsky supervised the work. In the same year, under his leadership, the construction of the road to Zlatoust began. Construction work had to be carried out in a mountainous area. Many artificial structures were erected. In August 1890 trains went along the entire Samara-Zlatoust road

According to the estimates of the Committee for the Construction of the Siberian Railway, the project cost reached 350 million rubles in gold. Almost all work was done by hand, using an ax, saw, shovel, pick and wheelbarrow. Despite this, about 500-600 km of railway lines were laid annually. History has never known such a pace. The most acute and intractable problem was the provision of labor for the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. The need for skilled workers was met by the recruitment and transfer of builders to Siberia from the center of the country. At the height of construction work, 84–89 thousand people were employed at the Transsib construction. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was carried out in harsh natural and climatic conditions. Almost the entire length of the route was laid through a sparsely populated or uninhabited area, in an impassable taiga. It crossed the mighty Siberian rivers, numerous lakes, areas of increased swampiness and permafrost (from Kuenga to Bochkarevo, now Belogorsk). The area around Baikal (Baikal station - Mysovaya station) presented exceptional difficulties for the builders. Here they had to blow up rocks, lay tunnels, erect artificial structures in the gorges of mountain rivers flowing into Lake Baikal.

The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway required huge funds. According to preliminary calculations of the Committee for the Construction of the Siberian Railway, its cost was determined at 350 million rubles. gold, therefore, in order to speed up and reduce the cost of construction, in 1891-1892. for the Ussuriiskaya line and the West Siberian line (from Chelyabinsk to the Ob river), simplified technical conditions were taken as a basis. Thus, according to the Committee's recommendations, the width of the roadbed in embankments, excavations and on mountainous sections, as well as the thickness of the ballast layer, were reduced, lightweight rails and shortened sleepers were laid, the number of sleepers per 1 km of track was reduced, etc. capital construction only large railway bridges, while medium and small bridges were supposed to be erected with wooden ones. The distance between the stations was allowed up to 50 versts, track buildings were built on wooden posts. Here the builders first encountered permafrost. Traffic along the Trans-Baikal Railway was opened in 1900. And in 1907, the world's first building on permafrost was built at the Mozgon station, which still stands today. The new method of building buildings on permafrost has been adopted in Canada, Greenland and Alaska.

In terms of the speed of construction (over 12 years), in terms of length (7.5 thousand km), difficulties in construction and the volume of work performed, the Great Siberian Railway had no equal in the whole world. In the conditions of almost complete off-road conditions, the delivery of the necessary building materials - and in fact, it was necessary to import everything except timber - took a lot of time and money. For example, for the bridge over the Irtysh and for the station in Omsk, the stone was transported 740 versts by rail from Chelyabinsk and 580 versts from the banks of the Ob, as well as by water on barges from quarries located on the banks of the Irtysh 900 versts above the bridge. Metal structures for the bridge over the Amur were manufactured in Warsaw and delivered by rail to Odessa, and then transported by sea to Vladivostok, and from there by rail to Khabarovsk. In the fall of 1914, a German cruiser sank a Belgian steamer in the Indian Ocean, which was carrying steel parts for the last two trusses of the bridge, which delayed completion of work by a year.

Trans-Siberian Railway already in the first period of operation, it revealed its great importance for the development of the economy, contributed to the acceleration and growth of the turnover of goods. However, the capacity of the road was insufficient. Traffic on the Siberian and Transbaikal railways became extremely tense during Russian-Japanese war, when troops poured in from the west. The highway could not cope with the movement of troops and with the delivery of military supplies. During the war, the Siberian railway allowed only 13 trains per day, so a decision was made to reduce the traffic of civilian goods and, after a few decades, to build the Baikal-Amur Mainline (for more information about the construction of the BAM, follow the link)

The train departs from Moscow, crosses the Volga, and then turns southeast towards the Urals, where it - about 1800 kilometers from Moscow - bypasses the border between Europe and Asia. From Yekaterinburg, a large industrial center in the Urals, the route lies to Omsk and Novosibirsk, through the Ob - one of the mighty Siberian rivers with intensive shipping, and further to Krasnoyarsk on the Yenisei. Then the train goes to Irkutsk, overcomes the mountain range along the southern coast of Lake Baikal, cuts off the corner of the Gobi desert and, passing Khabarovsk, heads to the final point of the route - Vladivostok. There are 87 cities on the Transsib with a population of 300 thousand to 15 million people. 14 cities through which the Trans-Siberian Railway passes are the centers of the subjects Russian Federation... In the regions served by the highway, more than 65% of coal produced in Russia is mined, almost 20% of oil refining and 25% of industrial timber production are carried out. More than 80% of the deposits of the main natural resources, including oil, gas, coal, timber, ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores. In the east, through the border stations of Khasan, Grodekovo, Zabaikalsk, Naushki Transsib provides access to the railway network of North Korea, China and Mongolia, and in the west, through Russian ports and border crossings with the former republics of the Soviet Union, to European countries... The Trans-Siberian Railway is marked with a red line on the map, a green line is BAM

The entire Trans-Siberian Railway is divided into several sections:

1. The Ussuriysk railway, with a total length of 769 kilometers with thirty-nine separate points, entered into permanent operation in November 1897. It became the first railway line in the Far East.

2. West Siberian road. Except for the watershed between Ishim and Irtysh, it runs along flat terrain. The road rises only on the approaches to bridges over large rivers. Only to bypass water bodies, ravines and when crossing rivers, the route deviates from a straight line

3. Construction of the Central Siberian Railway began in January 1898. Along its length there are bridges across the rivers Tom, Oya, Uda, Kiya. The unique bridge across the Yenisei was designed by an outstanding bridge bridge - professor L. D. Proskuryakov.

4. The Trans-Baikal Railway is a part of the Great Siberian Railway, which starts from the Mysovaya station on Lake Baikal and ends at the Sretensk pier on the Amur. The route runs along the shores of Lake Baikal, crosses numerous mountain rivers. The construction of the road began in 1895 under the direction of engineer A. N. Pushechnikov.

5. After the signing of an agreement between Russia and China, the construction of the Manzhurskaya road, connecting the Siberian Railway with Vladivostok, began. The new 6503-kilometer road made it possible to open through railway traffic from Chelyabinsk to Vladivostok.

6. The construction of the Circum-Baikal section began at the very last stage (in 1900), since this is the most difficult and expensive area. The construction of the most difficult section of the road between the Aslomov and Sharazhangai capes was headed by the engineer A.V. Liverovsky. The length of this highway is eighteenth of the total length of the road, and its construction required a fourth of all road costs. Along the entire route, the train passes twelve tunnels and four galleries. The Circum-Baikal Railway is a unique monument of engineering architecture. On May 17, 1891, Tsar Alexander III issued a decree on the beginning of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, "ordering now to begin the construction of a continuous railway across all Siberia, which has to connect the abundant gifts of the Siberian regions with the network of internal rail communications." At the beginning of 1902, the construction of the Circum-Baikal Railway began, which was headed by engineer B.U.Savrimovich. The railway track along the shore of Lake Baikal was built mainly in 2 years 3 months and was put into operation almost a year ahead of schedule (which was largely facilitated by the outbreak of hostilities in the Far East). On September 30, 1904, the working movement on the Circum-Baikal Railway began (the first train traveled from the port of Baikal to Kultuk, the Minister of Railways, Prince M.I. Khilkov), and on October 15, 1905, permanent traffic was opened. In the photo: tunnel No. 8 pierced through the cliff of Cape Tolsty.

7. In 1906, work began on the route of the Amur road, which is divided into the Severo-Amurskaya (from the Kerak station to the Burei river with a length of 675 kilometers with a branch to Blagoveshchensk) and the Vostochno-Amurskaya line.

In the 1990s - 2000s, a number of measures were taken to modernize the Transsib, designed to increase the throughput of the highway. In particular, the railway bridge across the Amur near Khabarovsk was reconstructed, as a result of which the last single-track section of the Transsib was eliminated. Further modernization of the road is expected due to obsolescence of infrastructure and rolling stock. Preliminary negotiations are underway with Japan aimed at the possibility of building tracks like the Shinkansen, which will reduce the total travel time from Vladivostok to Moscow from 6 days to 2-3 days. On January 11, 2008, China, Mongolia, Russia, Belarus, Poland and Germany signed an agreement on a project to optimize the Beijing-Hamburg freight traffic

The creation of the Transsib is the greatest achievement of the Russian people. The builders finished the road with difficulties and joys. They laid it on their bones, blood and humiliation, but still coped with this incredibly hard work. This road allowed Russia to carry a huge amount of passengers and cargo. Every year, up to 100 million tons of cargo are transported along the Transsib road per year. Thanks to the construction of the highway, the uninhabited territories of Siberia were settled. If the Transsib had not been built, then Russia would probably have lost most of its northern territories.

August 8, 2011 at 0:07:17 AM| Categories: Places, History, Other

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railway modernization innovative

The Trans-Siberian Railway is a powerful double-track electrified railway line with a length of about 10 thousand km, equipped with modern means of information and communication. It is the longest railway in the world, a natural extension of the international transport corridor No. 2.

In the east, through the border stations of Khasan, Grodekovo, Zabaikalsk, Naushki, the Trans-Siberian Railway provides access to the railway network of North Korea, China and Mongolia, and in the west, through Russian ports and border crossings with the former republics of the Soviet Union, to European countries.

The highway passes through the territory of 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 5 federal districts. These resource-rich regions have significant export and import potential. In the regions served by the highway, more than 65% of coal produced in Russia is mined, almost 20% of oil refining and 25% of industrial timber production are carried out. More than 80% of the country's industrial potential and main natural resources are concentrated here, including oil, gas, coal, timber, ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores, etc. There are 87 cities on the Transsib, of which 14 are the centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

More than 50% of foreign trade and transit cargoes are transported via the Transsib.

Officially, construction began on May 19 (31), 1891 in an area near Vladivostok (Kuperovskaya Pad); Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich, the future Emperor Nicholas II, was present at the foundation. In fact, construction began earlier, at the beginning of March 1891, when the construction of the Miass - Chelyabinsk section began.

The main section of the Transsib with a distance of 7.5 thousand km, passing from Chelyabinsk to Vladivostok, was built from 1891 to 1916. This year, after the completion of the construction of a bridge across the Amur River near the city of Khabarovsk, direct passenger traffic began between Moscow and Vladivostok. Prior to that, sections of the Sino-Eastern Railway were used to travel the same route, and the journey in one direction took 16 days.

The creation of the Transsib was a great achievement of the Russian people. Despite all the hardships and dangers, the builders ended the road with difficulties and joys. They laid it on their bones, blood and humiliation, but still coped with this incredibly hard work. This road allowed Russia to carry a huge amount of passengers and cargo. The uninhabited territories of Siberia were settled.

The Great Siberian Route has retained its political and economic significance in our time. Especially now, when the price of a plane ticket is very high, a large number of passengers prefer to travel by rail. With its help, we can get to the central regions of the country, spending much less money than other types of transport. A huge amount of cargo is also transported by rail.

Thus, the Trans-Siberian Railway has become one of the leading railways in our country. Since the day of its construction, it has become the only road that impresses with its length, location and traffic volume.

The entire Trans-Siberian Railway is divided into several sections:

Ussuriyskaya road;

West Siberian road;

Central Siberian road;

Transbaikal road;

Manzhurskaya road;

Circum-Baikal road;

Amur road

Geographic limits of Transsib:

· The most western station - Moscow-3 (55 o 45 "N, 37 o 34" E);

· The most eastern station - Khabarovsk-2 (48 о 31 "N, 135 о 10" E);

· The southernmost station is Vladivostok (43 о 07 "N, 131 о 53" E);

· The northernmost station is Kirov (58 о 36 "N, 49 о 38" E).

Transsib directions:

Severny - Moscow - Yaroslavl - Kirov - Perm - Yekaterinburg - Tyumen - Omsk - Novosibirsk - Krasnoyarsk - Vladivostok.

New - Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Kirov - Perm - Yekaterinburg - Tyumen - Omsk - Novosibirsk - Krasnoyarsk - Vladivostok.

Southern - Moscow - Murom - Arzamas - Kanash - Kazan - Yekaterinburg - Tyumen (or Petropavlovsk) - Omsk - Barnaul - Novokuznetsk - Abakan - Taishet - Vladivostok.

With the commissioning of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Russia has technologically consolidated its Eurasian character and the ability to influence geopolitical processes. However, it should be noted that the Transsib is not the only route connecting Europe with Asia.

Today, the main countries involved in the transportation of transit goods along the Trans-Siberian Railway are: Republic of Korea - Finland (16.24% of the total transit volume), Finland - Japan (13.37%), Finland - Republic of Korea (12.83%), Estonia - Republic of Korea (7.96%), Republic of Korea - Kazakhstan (5.41%) and others. The leading positions in containerized cargo transportation are held by: Japan - Mongolia (16.66%), Japan - Czech Republic (13.71%), China - Ukraine (5.53%), Republic of Korea - Lithuania (5.53%) and others.

At present, the carrying capacity of the Trans-Siberian Railway is estimated at 120 million tons per year. At the same time, there is an acute shortage of carrying and carrying capacity associated with infrastructural restrictions. According to IERT OJSC, in 2012 the infrastructure capacity deficit was observed practically throughout the entire Transsib. In this regard, the implementation of projects to increase the throughput and carrying capacity of the Transsib is necessary. If there is no development of the infrastructure of these areas, according to some experts, the total non-transportation of goods along the railway network by 2020 will amount to about 86 million tons. Such a volume of non-export of goods will seriously hamper both the development of individual regions and the development of the country's economy as a whole.

Of course, the priority project is the modernization of the Transsib, since this is the most important highway that provides not only approaches to ports Of the Far East, but also the transportation of goods that originate and are absorbed in the regions of the Far East and Siberia, as well as transit through the territory of our country.

Fig. one Scheme of the Trans-Siberian Railway

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