George Romanov Brother Nicholas 2 Personal Life. Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov and his family. "I do not pretend to"

June 28, 1899 at this place, near the village Abastumba (Georgia) At the age of 28, Cesarevich died Georgy Aleksandrovich Romanov, brother russian emperor Nicholas II. At about 9.30 in the morning, the Grand Duke drove on the gasoline tricycle towards the Zekar Pass past the Molokanka Coultalk Anna Dasoyee, and after 10 minutes, returning back, a few meters from the cart germinated and drove on the side of the side ... The heir to the heir of the throne was all in the blood, Prince Georgy Mocro coughed and smoothed by a thick bloody albeit, then got up from the tricycle, passed a few steps and fell to the ground ...

- What is your Highness with you? - Anna Dasaeva ran to Zesarevich ...

"Nothing ..." he learned to answer His Highness with a weak voice and it turned out to be the last thing he said in life ...

Two years earlier, his brother, King Nicholas II during the first universal census of the population of the Russian Empire in the column "Rod classes" indicated: " the owner of the land of Russian"Now, the second after the" host "man in the state died in the Georgian wilderness in the hands of a simple thrush and also sectarian.

In the present Russia, the direction of "alternative history" was fashionable and in almost every grafoman fabrication on this topic. Modern highly oral progressors in one way or another are trying to save the empire. Hero cycle Romanov Andrei Velichko "Caucasian Prince" establishes a telepathic connection from our time with his namesque - the Grand Duke George on the eve of his death, through the portal pulls him into the current Moscow, heals here from tuberculosis, and then Uncle Zhora with Prince "Gauche", returning to the 1899th and Increasing the military-technical potential of the country yes, creating effective and completely controlled power structures, of course save Russia ...

However, in reality and today, the alternative to "salvation of the Fatherland", effective than the last words of Cesarevich is not visible ...

Personal history George Alexandrovich is certainly tragic, as a person is very sorry. Born in hereditary right of a super-star of his time average of three sons Alexandra III. (In the photo of the extreme right), Georgy received an excellent education, participated in the brightest large-scale parties and was fond of flotation. In the rank of Michman, it went around Europe on the "Memory of Azova" frigate, on the Trieste raider, with a reception on the ship, went in a lung surtuk, to accompany the cute Italian, he has heard, and he also fell asleep on the draft when then he went to the pyramids in Egypt. Doctors were unanimous in the diagnosis of the consequences of such details - consumption.

Since 1891, when Cesarevich was 20 years old and until the end of the life with rare departures of Georgy Alexandrovich held in the Mountain Georgian village and, thanks to the presence of the brightest persons, a rapidly developing resort Abas fog. After 8 years, during the morning riding on the tricycle, the vessel broke into the lungs weakened, went throat and the Grand Duke died on the side of the road.

However, the family of Romanov and Habsburgs and the brilliant Ottoman Sultans are also on the side of the history, and the world's device itself was already incurable patientsAt the beginning of the 20th century, the blood walked in the three most conservative empires ... Alternative Michman "Gosha", whether he instead of the brother-cooling Mikhail in 1917, when Nikolay renounced the throne anyway, would not save a terrible huge country, where 99 % of the population lived in shit and worked on clean, brilliant super-stars on the right of birth, where officials stole everything they touched, and "the owners of the Russian land" all this was quite satisfied. Georgy Alexandrovich believed in the invariance of such a system of things, in the right to hold a poor empire and in its exception. His tiny bacteria in his lungs was not careful and Cesarevich died in the mud, the road.

Tragic, but quite naturally for the era of the sunset empires. Bacteria of socialism, fascism and others ... Izmov destroyed the old world, his agony lasted three quarters of the twentieth century. Part of the people on the planet, whom the great princes probably would not feel about the texts now write about the blogs about them, part of people on the planet are starving, part of everything is satisfied with everyone (perhaps drunk), part is unhappy and brave, part, thanks to the achievements that destroyed The old system of bacteria and despite other people enjoying life. We are different, but still live in a world where the surname under which you were born that means less than 100 years ago. This is not bad ... Of course we can say that now there is no choice - except that the TV is more or less to buy, Mars or Snickers ..., but when at 99% descendants of people, that then lived in shit, sighs about the times of languid ladies , vicious but restrained cornets and lieuverants, great-wide part of people are even more far from life than deputies and superstars of our days and dream, even in an alternative reality, but save the empire is at least strange and amazing ...

Books and movies will be driven by the epoch as tourists, showing the facade and massaging the brain with the ideas with the ideas not weaker than advertising Mars or Snickers. To look at the tourist facade drive to Abastumba, there is almost the destroyed Palace of Cesarevich Georgy, the Grand Duke, who was lucky in the difference from his brother, not to label the great misfortunes. Old, semi-terrestling, not the right palace in Abastumba. Even tourists are now very rare - who needs such a memory of the Empire? But unlike lush and shining tourist attractions from the past days, there is something that is not necessary, although not necessary and forever, the left, but genuine, honestly and sincerely rotted after the sick era ...

Abastumani clamped in a close river gorge by OCCH. In the Middle Ages, the caravan road was held here through the Zequar Pass in Kutaisi. During Turkish rule, no one in the gorge lived, but the healing hot springs and the "special air" abas-fog rumors went. After one of the endless Russian-Turkish wars and take the fortress of Akhaltsija General Passevichi in 1829, military doctors of the Russian army began to use the unique conditions of the terrain. The soldiers seem to have recovered here much faster.

Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich, the brother who abolished the serfdom of Alexander II, the governor of the Tsar in the Caucasus instructed to work with all local mineral waters to Dr. Adolf Remmert. He loved abas-fog, began to fume the sources here and erect the innings. Gradually, the gorge began to figure out the villages of the Great Tiflis patients.

Abastumban is 28 km from Akhaltsikhe, the administrative center of the region. Now there are 5-10 minibuses per day. Akhaltsikhe in turn is removed 220 km from Tbilisi and 50 km from Borjomi. A trip can be entertaining!

Abas-fog Grand Prince Georgy preferred to Swiss Davos. Dr. Remermert had a plot of land at the top of the village at the river. It was believed that living in a wooden house for health is more useful and the architect of the wooden palace became popular in the Caucasus Swedt-wood construction Otto Simison.

This is now the once paphos arch at the entrance to the territory of the palace ...

But sometime, of course, the stay of the Augustic person caused a splash of the resort's popularity. In abas-fog, they have been driving not only to be treated, but "to test" in the field of view is hopelessly sick super star from the royal family ...


Flygel for guests and servants suffered from fire already in the absence of any empires on this territory. In 2009, the nun from the women's monastery nearby, looked after the former palace, and then the Soviet sanatorium, they say, did not follow the fire during the preparation of some monastic meal ...

Park and Palace George Alexandrovich ...

Surreal bribed angels froze in an unnatural infernal dance ...



Horror ...

Let's try to go to the chasarevich ...



From the remnants of the former luxury - the skeleton is possible royal fireplace ...

... and stucco on the ceiling ... + bonus: extended with meat wire ...


The entrance to the second floor is closed ... most likely for security reasons for persistent visitors - the staircase behind this door is absolutely old ...

The chair most likely remained from the departmental Soviet sanatorium, but also is it sad to pose a hopelessly sick young man in it at the turn of the centuries?

Very texturely revealing ladder ...

And a couple more pictures of decline with Georgian autographs ...


While the December sun turns the morning frost in Abastumani ...

... I would like to offer the Georgian authorities or the new owners of the palace (they say it and the land bought a certain mysterious office 1.5 years ago) do not restore Palace Georgy Aleksandrovich ... Canned as it is, can still add some rusty fragments of the era and show so visitors ...


... Here you can drive excursions and talk about the fact that the empire is not eternal ...

... and people, even the most important, even the owners of all and all of all the right of birth as many things as the rest ...


It would turn out, in my opinion, the most correct museum of that era ...

However, a 28-year-old guy who was sorry for a 28-year-old guy, as well as any other than an ordinary person who could and would like to live more ...

His imperial Highness Heir Cesarevich and Grand Duke
October 20 (November 1) - June 28 (July 10)
Monarch Nicholas II.
Predecessor Nikolay Alexandrovich
Successor Mikhail Alexandrovich
Birth April 27 (May 9)
Tsarskoye Village, Russian Empire
Death June 28 (July 10) (28 years)
Abastumban, Tiflis province, Russian Empire now Adigensky district, Georgia
Place of burial Petropavlovsky Cathedral, St. Petersburg
Rank Romanovs
Father Alexander III
Mother Maria Fedorovna
Religion orthodox
Georgy Aleksandrovich on Wikisklad


In childhood, George was healthier and strong than his older brother Nicholas. He grew up a high, beautiful, cheerful child. Despite the fact that George was a pet pet, he, like other brothers, was brought up in Spartan conditions. The kids slept on army beds, got up at 6 o'clock and took a cold bath. For breakfast, they usually served porridge and black bread; Lunch from lamb and roast beef with peas and baked potatoes. At the disposal of children there were a living room, a dining room, a games room and a bedroom, furnished with the simplest furniture. Rich was only icon decorated precious stones and pearls. The family lived mainly in the Gatchina Palace.


The brothers had the same teachers, although they studied in different rooms. Among their mentors were the most respected professors. Both brothers perfectly owned english language, they spoke freely in French and German, expressly express themselves on Danish. Affected boys shooting and fishing. Georgia was able to his career on the fleet until he fell ill with tuberculosis.

By decision of the parents in 1890, Georgy, together with the elder brother, went to an overseas journey, the end point of which Japan was supposed to become. Maria Fodorovna hoped that the sun and the sea air would go to his son. However, approximately halfway, in Bombay, the attack happened to George, and he was forced to return back. Nikolai continued a trip without brother.

Heir Cesarevich

In 1894, suddenly died Alexander III. Nikolai became the emperor. Since he has not yet had children, Georgy was announced the heir to Zesarevich.

However, Georgy's health state remained bad. He lived in the Caucasus, in Abastumba. Doctors even forbade him to go to St. Petersburg at Father's Funeral (although he was present at the end of his father in Livadia). The only joy of George was the visits of the mother. In 1895, they traveled to relatives to Denmark. There, another attack happened to him. George for a long time was chained to bed, until finally felt better and did not return to Abastumban.


Death and burial

On June 28, 1899, at the age of 28, he died suddenly from tuberculosis along the road from the Zekar Pass back to Abas-fog "by bicycle with a gasoline engine" in front of the Molokanka Anna Dasoye - according to official notice in the government newspaper. During driving, the Grand Duke opened bleeding from the throat, he came down from the "bicycle" and Loe to Earth. He was trying to assist through artificial respiration, but it did not help. The sections found: the extreme degree of depletion, chronic tuberculosis process in the period of the cavernous decay, the lightweight heart (right ventricular hypertrophy), interstitial jade.

George's news about death was a heavy blow for the entire imperial family and especially for Maria Fedorovna.

His burial was committed by the highest approved ceremonial: the remains were delivered to Borjomi on the chariot, then by train railway In Batum, then on the squadron "Georgy Victoronec" in Novorossiysk, from where the train - to St. Petersburg, where the coffin came from his body on July 12 and put in the Peter and Paul Cathedral. The funeral on July 14 was headed by Metropolitan St. Petersburg Anthony (Vadkovsky), the emperor and the empress were attended; He was buried in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral next to the sarcophag of the Father.


In 1899, near the resort village of Abastumani at the site of the death of Cesarevich was raised.

Nikolay always remembered George and especially his wonderful sense of humor. He recorded the best brother's jokes on the shoes of the paper and collected them in the "box curiors". And years later, the king has repeatedly used it to edit close. In 1910, Georgy Mikhail's younger brother, in memory of his brother, gave his newborn son of Georgy. Georgy Mikhailovich also lived not long and died in a car accident in 1931.

In honor of the prince, the German colonists founded in 1885 by the German colonies in Transcaucasia (in the present time - pos. Chinarla in Azerbaijan)

In 1994, the body of Cesarevich Georgy was exeted to analyze DNA and comparing it from DNA remains

Koshconal forge is preparing - a decree on the recognition of the official status behind the Russian imperial house in the face of the descendants of the Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich. The consequences of this may be the most tragic for Russia, since they affect not only the state-political sphere, but also religious-mystical.

Today it is already impossible to "sincerely mistaken" regarding the status of Kirillovich. Their claims are refuted documented: this is the book M. Nazarova "Who is the heir of the Russian throne?", and preceding publishing L. E. Bolotina and R. G. Krasyukova, and losted by Cyrilovichi in 1997. Court in Canada(where they tried to blame in slander K. Weimarna, who has long called them by impostors, But their claim was rejected with the imposition of legal costs). Now Kirillovichi can repeat their "arguments" only in the calculation of people unfamiliar to the essence of the question.

So, these applicants argue that after the killing of the royal family led. Kn. Kirill inherited the throne on the right of birth. But silent that the birthright is not the only condition of the throllery. The law also requires compliance with the loyalty of Orthodoxy and impeccable piety (Art. 64), including marriage (Art. 185); Also required oath of sovereign, church and civil laws. Absolutely all these requirements have already violated. Kn. Kirill.

Conscious of his inferiority, Kirill's family hated the sovereign and took the most active part in the overthrow of the monarchy in February 1917. The day before the renunciation of the sovereign, Kirill removed his Guards crew with the protection of the royal family and moved along with him to the side of the Masonic Committee of the Duma (already dispersed scene). Kirill called on other military units to "join the new government." In the revolutionary interview, he ink the royal family and stated: "With the junction of the old regime, it will be possible to breathe freely in free Russia and me."

For such a violation of the oath, the traitor could only wait for the court, and not the throne - if legitimate power was preserved. However, without remaining in "free to breathe free to breathe," relatives inflicted by Bolsheviks, he proclaimed himself in emigration by "Emperor Kirill I". This caused universal outrage. Only later, the foreign first period (who did not know about the deprivation of Kirill's Rights of the Prestolonia) from the political needs of the unification of the emigration put the prison with the recognition of his "head of the house of Romanov". But whose recognition of the law, which contradicts the law cannot be proof, emphasized in this connection the philosopher I. A. Ilyin.

In 1948, a non-uniform marriage of the son of Kirill Vladimir was followed with a divorced Leonida Georgievna Kirby (Bagration-Mukhranskaya in the XIX century - this Georgian born was equal in the XIX century, and was not considered to be equal; therefore, in particular, due to marriage with Bagration-Mukhransky Princess Tatyana Konstantinovna had to sign a renunciation of the rights to the throne). Vladimir had to be married secretly, not in Russian, and in the Greek Church in Switzerland - since Russian bishops did not bless this marriage.

Vladimir has no male offspring. The only daughter of Mary married the Prussian Prince, gave birth to George from him and divorced. According to general ruleHer son is ranked on his father to the gogyenzollerns dynasty, and not Romanov, which is noted in the international dynastic directory Burke's. This is George to us and prepare in the "monarchs". By law, he has no right to the property of Romanov, nor on the title of the Grand Duke, who is not transferred further to the grandchildren of the emperor (Art. 146). Already Vladimir Kirillovich was a great-grandfather, so he, his spouse and the offspring assigned this title illegally.

The facts of the relationship of this family with the Gitler's party, with the Vatican (Cyril promised Catholics to the Ulya in exchange for support!), Then the support for Slogalvik circles with the slogan "Tsar and Tips", then the call of Vladimir to the war against the USSR in the nuclear weapon era, etc. . - Show that this family sought to sit on the throne with any anti-Russian forces.

Rothschild prepares his "monarch" on the throne of Russia

A month ago in March 2013, at the congress of monarchical organizations from around the world, Gosh Gogenzollerne was already recognized as a contender for the Russian throne.

Russia was represented here by the Vice-Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Jew Anton Bakov, who already announced himself with the Prime Minister of New Monarchic Russia.

There were also caused and Matvienko with Naryshkinwho set the task: to comprehend on behalf of the Russian parliament a document confirming that Gosha is a legal "heir", but temporarily lived outside the borders of Russia!

Then Gosha on behalf of his "Prapradeda" Nikolai-2 will sign a document on the exit from the founders of the Fed, after which Rothschilds will receive full legal control over all finance of the world!

After that, the Rothschilds can safely move to Macau Island and begin to introduce a new world currency, for this, they will immediately "throw" a lot of countries with large amounts of cash and euros.

Our "opposition" they will give the team about the beginning of the rocking situation in the country.

After that, Alya-Nemtsov - Alekseeva - Navalny - Yashin, etc., will begin to destabilize the situation.

And in the Caucasus, defeated from Syria militants, will begin with local gangsters seizing territories of Russia in the space between the borders of Ukraine and Kazakhstan!

Really, I think it will be by August! If not earlier!

Nevertheless, we have a chance not only to compete, but also to win!

If the GDP persuaded to declare the salvation of the royal family - then he could be free from inner enemies, and from external!

In China, now the army is 200 million, and imagine what will happen if they invaded the territory of Russia!

I send some more new photos of the gogyenzollers; After all, everything will begin with them! See how the Cossack betrayed the "Union of Cossacks of Russia", Ataman Pavel Filippovich Zadorozhnaya, who came along with "Masha" in Ingushetia. He even had ahead of the dodolotsky, in pursuit of money and handles from the gogenzollers, which Rothschilds allocated $ 15 billion on the promotion., I. June 22 at the 400th anniversary of the Romanovs they will be announced by "kings" .

Best regards, Sergei!

Head of the Russian Imperial House E. I. V. Soviet Great Princess Maria Vladimirovna
and E. I. V. Heir Cesarevich and Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich

And without of this frame - Well, no way do it:

Russian imperial house

The Russian Imperial House is the Romanov Dynasty, designed to the throne of the Great Latest Church and Zemsky Cathedral of 1613 on the basis of the nearest kinship on the female line with the fascinated first Dynasty of Rurikovich, and reigning until 1917.

Before the revolution of 1917, the Russian Imperial House of Romanov was the only one of its kind institutions - a family having a rank of a state institution, from the environment of which carriers of the supreme power took place.

After the revolution of 1917, the Russian imperial house lost political power and lost the status of a state institution, but retained the status of historical institution, that is, corporations with undoubted continuity from the moment of their occurrence and carrying out activities in their internal historical laws. By analogy with the norms of the canonical law of the Church, the norms of the historical law of the Russian imperial house continue to operate in a part that does not contradict the Constitution and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

After the revolution, 1917, the Russian imperial house was in exile, but the order of inheritance of the dignity of the head of the dynasty and the very belonging to the house is maintained based on the provisions of dynastic law.

At the moment, the Russian imperial house consists of two persons:

Head of the Russian Imperial House E. I. V. Great Princess Maria Vladimirovna;

E. I. V. Heir Tsarevich and Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich.

All other descendants of the dynasty members of the Rights do not possess and do not belong to the Russian imperial house.

Masha and Gosha officially represent Russia
at the wedding of Prince Albert Monacle and Charlin Whitstock

about. May, Dundy, Zhamolov, Masha, Pope, Gosh, Sunset, Lopukhin.

2009-05-13 "The Highest Visit" of Masha in Transnistria.

In a bunch of all photos and information about George, Brother Nicholas, with subsequent replenishment and further analysis.
(In short, quite dark story with him.)

Georgy Aleksandrovich 1871, Tsarskoye Village - June 28, 1899 near Abastumban, Tiflis province) - His imperial Highness, Cesarevich and Grand Duke, the third son of Alexander III and Maria Fedorovna, Brother Nicholas II.

In childhood, George was healthier and strong than his older brother Nicholas. He grew up a high, beautiful, cheerful child. Despite the fact that George was a pet pet, he, like other brothers, was brought up in Spartan conditions. The kids slept on army beds, got up at 6 o'clock and took a cold bath. For breakfast, they usually served porridge and black bread; Lunch from lamb and roast beef with peas and baked potatoes. At the disposal of children there were a living room, a dining room, a games room and a bedroom, furnished with the simplest furniture. The rich was only icon, decorated with precious stones and pearls. The family lived mainly in the Gatchina Palace.

Georgy, Ksenia, Mikhail, Zesarevich Nikolai on the rink.

Eyeman Alexander III and Empress Maria Fedorovna and Son George on board the yacht. 1892 year.

By decision of the parents in 1890, Georgy, together with the elder brother, went to an overseas journey, the end point of which Japan was supposed to become. Maria Fodorovna hoped that the sun and the sea air would go to his son. However, approximately halfway, in Bombay, the attack happened to George, and he was forced to return back. Nikolai continued a trip without brother.

Bronumous cruiser "Memory Azaz" and half-armored frigate "Vladimir Monomakh"
in Pirae, the end of the 1880s or the beginning of the 1890s

His imperial Highness Heir Cesarevich Nikolai, Prince Georg Greek, and Grand Duke Georgy Aleksandrovich with Officers of Frigate "Memory Azov"

Afternoon rest of the highest Persons on the Frigate "Memory of Azov" (Cesarevich, Prince George Greek, Grand Duke Georgy Aleksandrovich)

In 1894, Alexander III unexpectedly died. Nikolai became the emperor. Since he has not yet had children, Georgy was announced the heir to Zesarevich.
However, Georgy's health state remained bad, it was decided to send it to Absturman.

That is how, at different times, a small village called in the forests of the Meschetian Mountains of Georgia.

It is known for its unique climate, lively sources, beautiful nature and exquisite architecture. In ancient times, the fortress of Ozrokh rose at this place. In the Middle Ages through the Gorge of the Usch River, which preserved the name of the fortress, ran lively crammed paths. In 1829, under the name Abbas-fog village passes from Ottoman Empire to the Russian. From this period, he gradually turns into a rather well-known balneological resort.
Life in Abastumban has changed cool when he was chosen to stay in him the Grand Duke George Alexandrovich. Different places were considered to undergo treatment, but the sad experience of staying the Grand Duke in Algeria led to the fact that nevertheless Abastumban was preferred.

Probably, the opinion of the Grand Prince, the governor in the Caucasus, Mikhail Nikolayevich played a considerable role in this. Living for many years in the Caucasus, he knew him well and loved, he was a fierce fan of the entire Caucasian.

Great Prince Mikhail Nikolaevich

The life of the Grand Duke George Alexandrovich in Abastumbeni consisted of medicinal procedures, rides around the surroundings in the summer, study. Prince's companion Prince Georgy Alexandrovich was the Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich (Gigo), an expert on history, born in Georgia, in Tiflis, who was interested in these places and well who knew them. The place these are full of ancient ruins, monuments of old days of distant times.
Grand Duke Georgy Aleksandrovich and Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich

The photo taken during the masquerade at the Great Prince Palace. He himself sits ahead in White Cherkess. Behind him, presumably, Princess Nijaradze, in the center in Armenian national costume A.Kalamkarova, the wife of the Abastuman Director of the Mail. Photography belonged to Victoria Iskandarov and was exhibited on the Internet.

Death and burial
On Monday, on June 28, the heir tozarevich, having ordered a tricycle with a gasoline engine, walked in the palace garden, examining flower plantings. At 9 o'clock in the morning, his imperial highness knew the tricycle and take a walk on the highway, towards the Zekar Pass. The weather was good, with a small wind. The heir to Cesarevich rode very quickly (his high quality tricycle develops speed up to 35 miles per hour).
On such a motorcycle, Cesarevich performed on the last day of his life.

For the Palace of the Grand Dukes, George and Alexander Mikhailovich, noticing a slowly-dried cart from Abas Tuman in the estate of the Count Olsufyev with the milk-thrush Anna Dasayeva, Anna Filippovna Dosayeva (Dasaeva). I lived all my life in Abstumani and buried on Abastunumsky cemetery.

The heir to Cesarevich learned to give a signal, and the worker Dasaeee, the boy of Athanasius Semenihin, now she turned the cart aside from the road, freeing the last for the passage of the Grand Prince. On the greeting on the cart, his imperial highness, smiling graciously, deigned to respond with a bow, quickly continuing the path. After this meeting, the cargo Dasoye was driving around the edge of the highway all the time, leaving the road for the free return of Cesarevich. According to Anna Philippovna Dasoyee, and did not pass ten minutes after the described meeting, as she saw that his imperial highness, returned to the cycling back, was heated to reduce the course of the car and smoothed his thick blood, what was at 35?. Seedlings from the place where the cross is now watered, and in which the traverse path is now laid. Dasaeva, noticing this and bloody nipper on the heir to Zesarevic, immediately sent Semenikhin to the palace of his highness for help, herself, ranging to the Great Prince, supported Cesarevich and asked: - What is your Highness?
-Nogenous - Tsearevich replied to a weak voice, and at that time his Highness ran the legs of Dasieev quietly and gently lowered the August patient to the ground, on his side, having placed Cesarevich's head on a stone elevation, and herself, grabbing a blank jug from under Milk, ran to A river flowing approximately 3 seats from this place. Having drawn the water, she hurriedly began to refresh the water-suffering head and mouth, cleaning his mouth from the blood drunk. On the proposal of Anna Dasaree to bite the water, the heir to Cesarevich, sending a widely opened eye on a woman, quietly nodded with his head and his weakened movement of his hand expressed consent to this; But his highness, due to strong blood hemorrhage, could not take water. Here Dasaeva noticed, to his horror that spots not foreshadowed a prosperous end began to perform on the face of the Augusta patient. At 9 o'clock 35 min. His imperial Highness Heir to Zesarevich and Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich quietly, without suffering, soil in the Bose. From the moment the Grand Duke stopped the tricycle's move and left him, before the death of His Highness passed no more than five minutes Anna Dasaeva, still hoping for the possibility of salvation of His Highness, but was convinced of his impotence, leaving Cesarevich in place and was running to the Cossack The post from the Palace of the Grand Prince George and Alexander Mikhailovich, let us know about the sad event. On the way, she accidentally met some Muslim boy, and then walked on the highway of the muddle of the Grenadier Mingraelian Regiment of Kasimov, Dasoeva had advocated Him, sobbing, about misfortunes with the heir to Zesarevich and, sending them to the catastrophe place, continued the path to the Cossacks.
According to Dasoyeee, the Cossacks of the same MiG jumped into the saddle and picked up the catastrophe and the palace of His Highness. Meanwhile, Semenihin managed to inform the misfortune, and the doctor of the heir to Tsearevich Liebe Medica and the faces of His Highness are rushed from the palace. The body in the bearer of the studied Cesarevich was transported to the palace, and on the spot the blood of his highness, the tent was temporarily delivered and the guard was pressed. On the other day, on June 29, at 10 o'clock in the morning, there was an opening of the body in the Bose of the studied Cesarevich and the embodiment, made temporarily located on the waters of the Senior Ordinator of the Semenov Hospital in St. Petersburg G. Birules, in the presence of Tiflis Governor I. N. Svechina, local The commandant of Major General Rylsky, Life-Medica Aikanova, Prosecutor E. N. Nimander, Chief Doctor of the Local Hospital Gopadze, Doctors GG. Dretheva, Voskresensky, Maksimovich, etc. An opening is established that the death of the Cesarevich's heir followed from a sudden breaking of the pulmonary vessel and severe hemorrhage in the throat. Balming the body of the Heir to Cesarevich ended at 8-30 hours. Evenings.

Locals during the Panhid on the site of the death of the Grand Duke George Alexandrovich. July 6, 1899.

Transferring the body of the Grand Duke George Alexandrovich from the Palace in the Alexander Nevsky Church

His burial was committed to the highest approved ceremonial remains were delivered to Borjomi on the chariot, then by train by rail to Batum, then on the squadron of Georgy Victoronese, Divorosiysk, from where the train - to St. Petersburg, where the coffin came from his body on July 12 and Put in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral. The funeral on July 14 was headed by Metropolitan St. Petersburg Anthony (Vadkovsky), the emperor and the empress were attended; He was buried in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral next to the sarcophag of the Father.

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