Experiments of fascists. Concentration campus Auschwitz: experiments on women. Joseph Mengele. History of Auschwitz. Modern state of affairs

We all remember what horrors I made Hitler and the whole third Reich, but few people take into account that the German fascists were the sworn allies of the Japanese. And believe me, their executions, torment and torture were no less humane than German. They mocked people even for some reason or benefit, but just for fun ...


This terrible fact is very difficult to believe, but there are many written evidence and evidence of its existence. It turns out that soldiers who guarded the prisoners often starved, food was lacking at all and they were forced to eat the corpses of the prisoners. But there are also facts that the military cut off parts of the phone for food not only for the dead, but also living.

Experiments on pregnant women

"Part 731" is especially famous for its terrible bullying. The military specially allowed to rape prisoners to those who were able to become pregnant, and then various frauds were performed on them. They were specifically infected with venereal, infectious and other diseases to analyze how the female organism and the fetus body will behave. Sometimes on early timing Women "cut" on the operating table without any anesthesia and removed the premature child to see how it copes with infections. Naturally, women and children died ...

Brutal torture

There are many cases when the Japanese mocked the prisoners not for the sake of obtaining information, but for the sake of ill-entertainment. In one case, captured by the wounded sea infantry was taken off the genitals and, stuck their soldier in her mouth, let him go to her. This senseless cruelty of the Japanese was shocked by their opponents.

Sadistic curiosity

Japanese military doctors during the war not only conducted the Sadiistic experiments on the prisoners, but often they did it without anything, even a pseudo-nuclear goal, and from pure curiosity. That were the experiments on the centrifuge. The Japanese was wondering what would happen to the human body if he was rotating for hours on a centrifuge at a huge speed. Dozens and hundreds of prisoners have become a victim of these experiments: people died from the discovered bleeding, and sometimes their bodies just ruptured into parts.


The Japanese mocked not only over prisoners of war, but also over civilians and even their own citizens suspected of espionage. A popular punishment for espionage was cut off any part of the body - most often, legs, fingers or ears. Ammputation was carried out without anesthesia, but at the same time carefully watched the punishment survived - and suffered until the end of his days.


Immerse the interrogated into the water until he starts to choke, - torture is well known. But the Japanese walked on. They simply lily in the mouth and nostrils of prisoner streams of water, which went straight into his lungs. If the twist resisted for a long time, he simply chopped up - with this method of torture, the score was literally for a minute.

Fire and Ice

In the Japanese army, experiments on freezing people were widely practiced. The limbs of the prisoners were frozen to a solid state, and then with live people without anesthesia cut the skin and muscle to study the effect of cold on the fabric. Similarly, the impact of burns were studied: people alive burned the skin and muscles on their hands and legs by burning torches, carefully watching the change in tissues.


All in the same notorious part of 731 Chinese prisoners were driven into special chambers and were subjected to powerful X-ray radiation, observing what changes were subsequently occurred in their organism. Such procedures were repeated several times until a person was dying.

Burial zalway

One of the most cruel punishments for American prisoners of war for the riot and disobedience was burial alive. The person was put vertically in the pit and bought a bunch of land or stones, leaving him to choke. The corpses of the troops of the allies were punished with such a cruel way.


The decapitation of the enemy was a common execution in the Middle Ages. But in Japan, this custom has been preserved until the twentieth century and was applied to the captive during the second world. But the most terrible thing was that by no means all the executioners were guided in their craft. Often, the soldier did not bring his blow to the sword to the end, and then he got a sword on the shoulder of execution. This only extended to the torment of the victim, which the executioner of Collars with the sword, until he reached his goal.

Death in the waves

This pretty typical of the ancient Japan appears to be applied and during the Second World War. The executed tied to the sixth, covered in the zone of the tide. The waves were slowly climbed while the person did not start chopping up to finally, after a long torment, drown completely.

The most painful penalty

Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world, during the day it is capable of growing 10-15 centimeters. This property of the Japanese has long been used for an ancient and terrible execution. The man was caught back to the ground, which sprout fresh bamboo shoots. A few days of the plant ruined the body of the sufferer, condemning him on terrible flour. It would seem that this horror was to stay in history, but no: it is known that this execution the Japanese was used for prisoners and during the Second World War.

Cooked from the inside

Another section of the experiments carried out in part 731 are experiments with electricity. Japanese doctors beat the prisoners, attaching electrodes to the head or to the body, giving a lot of voltage at once or a long time exposed to the voltage less than ... They say that a person has a feeling that it is frightened, and it was not far from truth: some The bodies of the victims were literally cooked.

Forced labor and death marches

Japanese camps of prisoners of war were no better than Hitler's death camps. Thousands of prisoners who found themselves in Japanese camps worked from dawn to dawn, while, in stories, they were supplied very poorly, sometimes not food for several days. And if the slave strength was required in another part of the country, hungry depleted prisoners chas, sometimes a couple of thousand kilometers, on foot under the scorching sun. Few prisoners managed to survive Japanese camps.

Captive forced to kill their friends

The Japanese were masters of psychological torture. They often forced prisoners, under the threat of death, beat and even kill their comrades, compatriots, even friends. Regardless of the fact that this psychological torture ended, the will and soul of man forever turned out to be broken.

Related Materials

In 1947, there were 23 physicians on the dock in Nuremberg. They were judged for the fact that they turned medical science in the monster, which was subordinate to the interests of the Third Reich.

January 30, 1933, Berlin. Clinic Professor Blots. The usual medical institution that compete doctors sometimes call the Devil Clinic. Alfred Blotsa colleagues do not like, but he still listens to his opinion. In the scientific community, it is known - he first studied the impact of poisoning gases on the human genetic system. But Blotus did not publish the results of its research. On January 30, Alfred Blots sent a congratulatory telegram to the new chancellor of Germany, in which he offered a program of new research in the field of genetics. He received an answer: "Your research is of interest to Germany. They must be continued. Adolf Gitler".

What is "Eugene"?

In the 1920s, Alfred Blotis travels around the country with lectures on what "Eugene" is. He considers himself the founder of a new science, his main idea of \u200b\u200b"racial purity of the nation. Some call it a struggle for healthy image Life. Blotts claims that the future of a person can be simulated at the genetic level, in the womb and this will occur at the end of the 20th century. He was listened and surprised, but no one called him "Dr. Devil." Yudin Boris Grigorievich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences argues that "Evgenika is called science (although it is difficult to name science"), which is engaged in genetic improvement of a person "
In 1933, Hitler believed German geneticists. They promised the Führer that for 20-40 years will grow a new person, aggressive and obedient power. The conversation was about cyborgs, the biological soldiers of the Third Reich. Hitler caught fire for this idea.
During one of the lectures of Blots in Munich, a scandal flared out. To the question that the doctor offers to do with sick, Blotus replied to "sterilize or kill", and what exactly is the purpose of Eugene. After that, the lecturer was overwhelmed, and the term "Eugene" appeared on the articles of newspapers.
In the mid-30s appeared new symbol Germany, glass woman. This symbol was even shown at the World Exhibition in Paris. Evgenik came up with Hitler, but doctors. They wanted good to German people, and everything ended with concentration camps and experiments over people. And everything began with a glass woman.
Boris Yudin argues that the doctors "shot" German leaders to Nazism. At the time when this term has not yet existed, they began to engage in Eugene, which in Germany was called racial hygiene. Then, when Hitler came to power and his approximate, it began to understand that it would be possible to sell the idea of \u200b\u200bracial hygiene. From the book of Professor Burl, "Science and Swastika": "After the arrival of Hitler to power, the Führer actively supported the development of German medicine and biology. Financing scientific research Ten times increased, and doctors declared the elite. In the Nazi state, this profession was considered the most important, since its representatives were to be responsible for the purity of the German race. "

"Human hygiene"

Dresden, Museum of Human Hygiene. This scientific institution was under personal patronage of Hitler and Himmler. The main task of the museum is the mass propaganda of the head. It was at the Museum of Human Hygiene that developed a terrible plan to sterilize the population, which supported Hitler. Hitler insisted that only healthy Germans had children, so the German people will provide the "millennial existence of the Third Reich." Those who suffer psychic diseases and physical disabilities should not force their offspring. This speech had a relation to not so much to individual people as to whole nations.

In the hands of Hitler, Eugene turned into science of racial murders. And the first victims of Eugene became Jews, because in Germany they were declared "unclean race". According to Hitler, the ideal German race was not to "pollute" blood, mixing with Jews. This idea was supported by the doctors of the Third Reich.
Professor-Evgenists developed laws of racial purity. According to the laws, the Jews had no right to work in schools, government agencies, teach at universities. And first of all, according to doctors, it was necessary to clear the scientific and medical orders from the Jews. Science became an elite closed society.
In the mid-20s in Germany was the most advanced science. All scientists and doctors who worked in genetics, biology, obstetrics and gynecology, considered the prestigious to pass internship in Germany. Then a third of doctors were Jews, but after a large cleaning in 1933-1935, German medicine has become completely Aryan. Himmler actively attracted doctors in the SS, and many entered, because they were supporters of the ideas of the Nazis.
According to Blots, the world was originally divided into "healthy" and "unhealthy" peoples. This is confirmed by the data of genetic and medical research. The task of Eugene is to save humanity from diseases and self-destruction. According to German scientists, Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Chinese, negros are nation with an inadequate psyche, weak immunity, and an increased ability to transmit disease. The salvation of the nation is in the sterilization of some nations and the regulated fertility of others.
In the mid-30s, in a small estate near Berlin, a secret object was located. This is a Medical School of Fuhrer, its activities Patron Rudolph Ges, Deputy Hitler. Every year, medical workers, obstetricians and doctors were collected here. It was impossible to come to school at their own request. Pupils were selected the Nazis, the party. The CC doctors took the staff that were held at a medical school advanced training courses. This school was preparing physicians to work in concentration camps, but first, these personnel were used for the sterilization program for the second half of the 30s.
In 1937, Karl Brand becomes the official boss of German medicine. This person is responsible for the health of the Germans. According to the sterilization program, Karl Brand and its subordinates could get rid of mentally ill people, disabled people and children with euthanasia. Thus, the Third Reich got rid of the "unnecessary mouths", because military policy does not imply the existence of social support. Brand fulfilled his task - before the war, the German nation was cleared of psychopaths, disabled and freaks. Then they destroyed more than 100 thousand adults, and gas cameras applied for the first time.

Division T-4

September 1939, Germany attacked Poland. Relationships to Poles Führer expressed clearly: "Poles must be slaves of the Third Reich, because at the moment the Russians are insecured for us. But no person who can manage this country should not be alive. " Since 1939, Nazi doctors will start working with the so-called "Slavic material". Death factory began their work, only in Auschwitz was one and a half million people. According to the plan, 75-90% of the incomings were to immediately fall into gas chambers, and the remaining 10% of people - to become a material for monstrous medical experiments. The blood of children was used to treat German soldiers in military hospitals. According to the Historian of the Zalessky, the rate of blood intake was extremely high, sometimes even taken all the blood. Medical personnel from the T-4 division developed new ways of selection of people to destroy.

Experiments in Auschwitz headed Joseph Mengel. Prisoners nicknamed his "Angel of Death". Tens of thousands of people became victims of his experiments. He had a laboratory and dozens of professors and doctors who were selected by children and twins. Gemini poured blood and transplanted the organs from each other. Sisters forced to give birth to children from the brothers. Operations were carried out on forced gender change. There were attempts to change the color of the child's eye by injection of various chemicals in the eyes, amputation of organs, attempts to sew children together. Of the 3 thousand who came to Mengel, twins survived only three hundred. His name has become nominative to designate a killer doctor. He anatomized the living babies, experienced women with high voltage current blows to find out the endurance limit. But it was only the top of the iceberg killer doctors. Other groups of doctors put experiments with low temperatures: how low the degree can withstand a person. What is the most effectively to oversee the person, and how can you reanimate it. The influence of phosgen and mustard gas on the human body was influenced. Found out how long a man can drink sea waterConducted bone transplantation. I was looking for a tool that allowed to speed up or slow down a human growth. Tried men alternative orientation.
With the beginning of hostilities on the military front, hospitals were overcrowded by the German soldiers, and their treatment requires new techniques. Therefore, they began a new series of experiments on prisoners, causing them injuries similar to the wounds of German soldiers. Then they were treated in different ways, finding out what methods are effective. Introduced shards shrapnel to find out the stages on which operations need. Everything was carried out without anesthesia, and tissue infection led to the amputation of the prisoner limbs.
To find out what danger is threatened with a pilot when depressurizing the plane cockpit at high altitude, the Nazis planted prisoners into a low-pressure chamber and fixed the body's reaction. Experiments were carried out on the use of euthanasia, sterilization, the development was checked infectious diseases, such as hepatitis, raw tit and malaria. They have become infected - he was heal - they have become infected until the person died. Experimentalized with poisons, adding them to food with prisons or was shot by poisonous bullets.
These experiments were carried out not sadists, but professionals from a special division of the SS T-4. By 1944, the monstrous experiments became known in America. This caused unconditional condemnation, but the results of experiments were interested in special services, military departments, and some scientists. That is why the Nurembergsky process of killer doctors ended only in 1948, and the case materials for this time disappeared without a trace, or found themselves in US scientific centers, including materials on " Practical medicine Third Reich. "

Fascist Germany, except that I started the second World War, also is not well known with its concentration camps, as well as those, horrors, which happened there. The horror of the Nazi camp system consisted not only in Terror and arbitrarily, but also in those colossal in scale, experiments over people, which were held there. Scientific studies were organized with a scope, and their goals were so diverse that it would take a lot of time to at least call them.

In the German concentration camps on live "human material", scientific hypotheses and development of various biomedical technologies were inspected. War times dictated their priorities, so doctors primarily interested in the practical application of scientific theories. For example, the possibility of preserving the performance of people under conditions of excessive loads, blood transfusion with different rees-factors was investigated, tests of new drugs were carried out.

Among these monstrous experiments can be called pressure tests, experiments on hypothermia, development of a typhoid vaccine, experiments with malaria, gas, sea water, poisons, sulfonamide, experiments on sterilization and many others.

In 1941, experiments were carried out with hypothermia. Dr. Rashar led by direct control of Himmler. The experiments were carried out in two stages. At the first stage, they found out what temperature and how long a person can withstand, and the second stage was to determine how to restore the human body after frostbite. For these experiments, prisoners were exported in winter without clothes for a whole night or placed in ice water. Experiments on hypothermia were carried out exclusively on men to simulate the conditions in which German soldiers were on the Eastern Front, as the Nazis were poorly prepared for winter period time. For example, in one of the first experiments, the prisoners were lowered into a container with water, the temperature of which was 2 to 12 degrees, in the costumes of pilots. At the same time they put on life jackets that kept them afloat. As a result of the experiment, Rashar found that attempts to return to the life of a person who fell into ice water is equal to almost zero if the cerebellum was condensed. This was the reason for the development of a special vest with the head restraint, which covered the back of the head and did not give the back of the head to dive into the water.

The same Dr. Rashar in 1942 began to conduct experiments on prisoners using pressure changes. Thus, the doctors tried to establish what air pressure is able to withstand a person, and what time. For the experiment, a special barocamene was used, in which the pressure was regulated. At the same time there were 25 people. The purpose of these experiments was to help pilots and parachutes at high height. According to one of the reports of the doctor, the experience was carried out over a 37-year-old Jew, which was in good physical form. After half an hour after the beginning of the experience, he died.

The experiment was attended by 200 prisoners, 80 were died, the rest were just killed.

The fascists also conducted large-scale preparations for the use of bacteriological. The emphasis was mainly done on rapid auction diseases, plague, Siberian ulcers, typhus, that is, such diseases that are in short time Could cause mass infection and death of the enemy.

In the third Reich there were large reserves of bacteria of a rapid typhus. In the case of their mass use, it was necessary to develop a vaccine to disinfection of the Germans. On behalf of the government, Dr. Paul was engaged in the development of a typhus vaccine. The first to those who experienced the action of vaccines were prisoners of Buchenwald. In 1942, they were infected with a typhoid of 26 gypsies, which were vaccinated before that. As a result, 6 people died of disease progression. This result did not satisfy the leadership, since mortality was high. Therefore, studies were continued in 1943. And the next year, an improved vaccine was again tested in humans. But this time, prisoners of the National Boiler were victims of vaccination. Conducted the experiments Dr. Coratain. For the experiment, 80 gypsies were selected. They were infected with a typho in two ways: with injections and airborne droplets. Of the total number of experimental infected only 6 people, but even such a small number did not have any medical care. In 1944, all 80 people who were involved in the experiment, or died of illness, or were shot by convingulars.

In addition, other cruel experiments over prisoners were held in the same Buchenwalde. So, in 1943-1944, experiments with incendiary mixtures were carried out. Their goal was to solve problems related to bomb blasts when soldiers received burns with phosphorus. Basically, Russian prisoners used for these experiments.

Here were experiments with genital bodies, in order to identify the causes of homosexuality. They involved not only homosexuals, but also men of traditional orientation. One experiment was a transflection of genital organs.

Also in Buchenwald, experiments were carried out on infection with the prisoners with yellow fever, diphtheria, smallpox, as well as poisoning substances. So, for example, to study the effect of the effects of poisons on the human body, they were added to the food enclosed. As a result, part of the victims were dying, and part was immediately shot to conduct an opening. In 1944, all participants of this experiment were shot using bullets with poison.

In the concentration camp, DAKU also conducted a series of experiments. So, in 1942, part of the prisoners between the ages of 20 and 45 became infected with malaria. A total of 1200 people were infected. The permission to carry out the experiment was received by the head by Dr. Plentner directly from the Himmler. The victims were biting the malaria mosquitoes, and, in addition, they were also poured by the disputes who were taken from mosquitoes. For treatment, Kinein, Antipirin, Pyramidon, as well as a special drug, which was called "2516-Bering" was used. As a result, approximately 40 people died of malaria, about 400 - died from complications after the disease, and another part died from excessive doses of medicines.

Here, in Dakhau, in 1944, experiments were carried out on the conversion of sea water into drinking. For experiments, 90 gypsies were used, which were completely deprived of food and forced only sea water.

The Auschwitz concentration camp was carried out no less terrible experiments. So, in particular, throughout the period of the war, experiments were carried out on sterilization, the purpose of which was the identification of fast and efficient way Sterilization of a large number of people without large temporary and physical costs. During the experiment, thousands of people were sterilized. The procedure was carried out using surgical intervention, X-ray and various drugs. Initially, injections were used with iodine or silver nitrate, but this method had a large number side Effects. Therefore, the pain was preferable. Scientists have established that a certain amount of X-ray rays can deprive the human body to produce eggs and sperm. During the experiments, a large number of prisoners received radiation burns.

Special cruelty differed experienced with the twins who spent Dr. Mengele in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Before the war, he was engaged in the issues of genetics, so the twins were especially "interesting."

Mengele independently sorted "human material": the most interesting, in his opinion, was sent for experiments, less hardy - for labor work, and the rest in the gas chamber.

In the experiment, 1500 couples were involved, from which only 200 remained alive. Mengele conducted experiments on the change in the color of the eyes, making injections of chemicals, resulting in complete or temporal blindness. In addition, he made an attempt to "create Siamese twins", sewing twins. In addition, he conducted experiments with an infection of one of the twins in infection, after which he conducted the autopsy of both to compare the affected organs.

When Soviet troops approached Auschwitz, the doctor managed to flee to Latin America.

Not without experiments and in one German concentration camp - Ravensbrüc. In experiments used women who were injected with tetanus bacteria, staphylococcus, gas gangrene. The purpose of the experiments was to determine the effectiveness of sulfonamide drugs.

Uznzers made cuts, where the fragments of glass or metal were placed, and then put the bacteria. After infection behind the experiment, carefully watched, recording changes in temperature and other signs of infection. In addition, there were experiments on transplantology and traumatology. Women were deliberately crossed, and in order to be more convenient to monitor the healing process, they cut the body parts to the bone. Moreover, they often have limb amputated, which were then dried into a nearby camp and sewed to other prisoners.

Not only are the Nazis mocked the concluded concentration camps, they also had experiences over the "True Aryans". So, a great burial was discovered, which was first accepted for Scythian remains. However, it was later possible to establish that German soldiers were in the grave. Nakhodka led to the horror of archaeologists: part of the bodies were beheaded, others were cut by the ber bones, thirdly had holes along the spine. It was also established that during life on people he was influenced by chemicals, as well as cuts, cuts were clearly visible in many turtles. As later it turned out, these were victims of Anecherb experiments, - the secret organization of the Third Reich, which was engaged in the creation of a superman.

Since it was immediately obvious that holding such experiments would be associated with a large number of victims, the Himmler took responsibility for all deaths. He did not consider all these horrors as a murder, because, according to him, the prisoners of concentration camps are not people.

Great Patriotic War left an indelible mark in the history and destinies of people. Many lost their loved ones who were killed or tortured. In the article, we consider the concentration camp of the fascists and those atrocities that were going on in their territories.

What is a concentration camp?

The concentration camp or the concentration camp is a special place designed to conclude persons of the following categories:

  • political prisoners (opponents of the dictatorial regime);
  • prisoners of war (captured soldiers and civilians).

The concentration camps of the fascists were sadly glorified by inhuman cruelty to the prisoners and impossible conditions of content. To appear these places of conclusion became even before the arrival of Hitler to power, and even then shared on women's, male and children. They were kept there, mostly Jews and opponents of the Nazi system.

Life in camp

Humiliation and bullying for prisoners began with the moment of transportation. People were transported in commodity cars, where there were not even running water and fenced out of the sorcement. The natural needs of the prisoners were to cope in public, to the tank, standing in the middle of the car.

But it was only the beginning, a lot of bullying and torment prepared for disagreeable Nazi regime of the concentration camp of the fascists. Torture women and children, medical experiments, aimlessly exhausting work - this is not the whole list.

On the conditions of detention can be judged by letters of prisoners: "Lived in hellish conditions, torn off, drunk, hungry ... I was constantly and cruelly beaten, deprived meals and water, subjected to torture ...", "shot, sequels, traveled by dogs, drowned in water, scored Sticks, Morious hunger. They have become infected with tuberculosis ... stolen cyclone. Poisoned by chlorine. Zhgley ... "

From the corpses removed the skin and cut off the hair - all this was then used in the textile industry in Germany. The doctor Mengel's doctor was famous for the terrifying experiments on prisoners, thousands of people were killed from whose hands. He explored mental and physical exhaustion of the body. He conducted experiments on the twins, during which they transplanted them from each other, poured blood, the sisters were forced to give birth to children from their own brothers. Remedified operations on gender change.

All fascist concentration camp, names and conditions of detention in the main ones, we will consider such bullying, the names and conditions of detention.

Camp ration

Usually the daily diet in the camp was as follows:

  • bread - 130 gr;
  • fat - 20 grams;
  • meat - 30 grams;
  • crupes - 120 gr;
  • sugar - 27 gr.

The bread was issued in the hands, and the rest of the products went to cooking, which consisted of soup (issued 1 or 2 times a day) and porridge (150-100 gr). It should be noted that a similar diet was intended only for working. The same, who for some reason remained not occupied, received even less. Usually their portion consisted only from half a portion of bread.

List of concentration camps of different countries

In the territories of Germany, allied and captured countries, fascist concentration camps were created. The list of them is much, but let's call the main:

  • On the territory of Germany - Galle, Buchenwald, Kotbus, Düsseldorf, Schliben, Ravensbrück, Essay, Spröbberg;
  • Austria - Mauthausen, Amstetten;
  • France - Nancy, Reims, Mulhouse;
  • Poland - Majdek, Krasnik, Radom, Auschwitz, Przemysl;
  • Lithuania - Dimitravas, Alitus, Kaunas;
  • Czechoslovakia - Kunta Mountain, Natra, Glinsko;
  • Estonia - Pirkul, Pärnu, Clog;
  • Belarus - Minsk, Baranovichi;
  • Latvia - Salaspils.

And this is not a complete list of all concentration camps, which was built by fascist Germany in the pre-war and war years.


Salaspils, one might say, the most terrible concentration camp of the fascists, because, except for prisoners of war and the Jews, they contained children. It was located on the territory of the occupied Latvia and was the central eastern camp. It was not far from Riga and operated from 1941 (September) to 1944 (summer).

Children in this camp not only contained separately from adults and massively destroyed, and used as blood donors for German soldiers. Every day, all children were taken around the half-liter of blood, which led to the rapid death of donors.

Salaspils was not like Auschwitz or Maidaek (camp of destruction), where people were driving into gas chambers, and then burned their corpses. He was sent to medical research, during which more than 100,000 people died. Salaspils was not like other concentration camp of the fascists. Torture children were ordinary here, which was held on a schedule with careful recording of results.

Experiments on children

The testimony of witnesses and the results of the investigations revealed the following ways of extermination of people in Salaspils camp: beating, hunger, arsenic poisoning, injection of hazardous substances (most often children), carrying out surgical operations without painkillers, blood pumping (only in children), shootings, torture, useless heavy Labor (transfer of stones from place to place), gas chambers, instillation alive. In order to save ammunition, the charter of the camp was prescribed to kill children only with butts. Most of the fascists in concentration camps have surpassed everything that has seen humanity in a new time. A similar attitude towards people cannot be justified, because it violates all imaginable and inconceivable moral commandments.

Children not long left with mothers, usually they were quickly taken and distributed. So, children under the sixth year old were in a special barrack, where they were infected with cute. But they were not treated, but aggravated the disease, for example, with a swimming, why children died for 3 to 4 days. In this way, the Germans killed more than 3,000 people for one year. The bodies of the dead part were burned, and partly buried in the camp.

In the act of the Nuremberg process "On the extermination of children", the following numbers were brought: during the excavation of only the fifth of the concentrationrrian territory, 633 children's bodies were discovered between the ages of 5 to 9, located layers; A platform impregnated with an oily substance was also found, where the remains of unburned children's bones will find (teeth, ribs, joints, etc.)

Salaspils is truly the most terrible concentration camp of the fascists, because the atrocities described above are not all the torments that prisoners were subjected. So, in the winter brought by children barely and bare chasing to the barrack Polkilometer, where they had to wash in ice water. After that, by the same way of chasing children in the next building, where they were kept in the cold for 5-6 days. At the same time, the age of the older child did not reach even 12 years. Everyone who survived after this procedure was also etched by arsenic.

Children breast-age They were kept separately, they conducted injunction them, from which the child in the torment died in a few days. Granted coffee and poisoned porridge. About 150 children died of experiments per day. The bodies of the fallen were carried out in large baskets and burned, dropped into cesspools or were buried near the camp.


If we begin to list the women's concentration camps, Ravensbrryuk will stand in the first place. It was the only camp of this type in Germany. He accompanied thirty thousand prisoners, but by the end of the war was filled with fifteen thousand. The Russian and Polish women were mainly kept, the Jewish had about 15 percent. There were no prescribed instructions for torture and torthes, the arms of the behavior was chosen themselves.

Arriving women undressed, outdated, soapy, issued a robe and assigned a number. Also on clothes indicated racial affiliation. People turned into an impersonal cattle. In small barracks (in the postwar years, 2-3 families of refugees lived in them) contained about three hundred prisoners who were placed on three-story doors. When the camp was crowded, up to thousands of people who had to sleep with all on one hiracles were driving into these tiles. There were several toilets and a washbasin in the barracks, but there were so few of them that the floors were afraid of the excrement after a few days. The practical entire concentration camps of the fascists (the photos presented here are only a small share of all horrors) were represented by such a picture.

But not all women fell into the concentration camp, pre-selected. Strong and hardy, suitable for work, left, and the rest were destroyed. Worked prisoners on construction and sewing workshops.

Gradually, Ravensbrüc was equipped with a crematorium, like all the concentration camps of the fascists. Gas cameras (nicknamed by the shields) appeared at the end of the war. Ashes from crematoriums went to nearby fields as fertilizers.

Were held in Ravensbrück and experiments. In a special barrack called "Lazaret", German scientists have experienced new drugs, pre-infecting or curly experimental. There were few survivors, but they suffered from transferred to the end of their lives. Experiments were also carried out with the irradiation of women by X-rays from which the hair fell out, the skin was pigmented, death fell. Cutting the genital organs, after which few people survived, and those quickly older, and in 18 years old looked like an old woman. Such experiments carried out all the concentration camps of the fascists, torture of women and children - the main crime of Nazi Germany against humanity.

At the time of liberation, the concentration camps were there five thousand women remained there, the rest were killed or transported to other places of conclusion. Soviet troops who came in April 1945 adapted camp barracks for the refugee settlement. Later Ravensbrüc turned to the deployment point of the Soviet military units.

Fascist concentration camp: Buchenwald

The construction of the camp began in 1933, next to the town of Weimar. Soviet prisoners of war began to arrive at the first prisoners, they completed the "hellish" concentration camp.

The structure of all structures was strictly thought out. Immediately behind the goal began "appelplat" (places), specially intended for the construction of prisoners. It consisted of twenty thousand people. Not far from the gate was the Cake for interrogations, and on the contrary, the office was located, where the Lagerführer and duty officer lived - the camp. Baracks for prisoners were deeper. All barracks were numbered, they had 52. At the same time, 43 was intended for housing, and workshops were arranged in the rest.

A terrible memory was left behind the concentration camp of the fascists, the names of them still cause in many fear and swirop, but the most terrifying of them is Buchenwald. The most terrible place was considered the crematorium. There were invited people under the pretext of a medical examination. When the prisoner undressed, he was shot, and the body was sent to the oven.

In Buchenwalde contained only men. Upon arrival at the camp they were assigned the number on german languagewho had to be learned in the first day. Prisoners worked in the Gustlovsky plant for the production of weapons, which was located a few kilometers from the camp.

Continuing to describe the concentration camp of the fascists, turn to the so-called "small camp" Buchenwald.

Small Camp Buchenwalda

"Small camp" was called a quarantine zone. The living conditions here were, even in comparison with the main camp, just hellish. In 1944, when German troops began to retreat, the computers were brought to this camp, which were mainly Soviet citizens, Poles and Czechs, later and Jews. All the places were not enough, so the part of the prisoners (six thousand people) was placed in tents. The closer was 1945, the more the captured prisoners became. Meanwhile, the "small camp" included 12 barracks of 40 x 50 meters. Torture in the concentration camps of the fascists were not only specially planned or with a scientific goal, life itself was in such a place. 750 people lived in the barracks, their daily soldering consisted of a small piece of bread, no longer relied.

Relations among prisoners were tough, documented cases of cannibalism, killing for someone else's batch of bread. A common practice was to store the bodies of the dead in the barracks to receive their soldering. The clothes of the deceased shared between his cellmates, often fought for her. Due to such conditions, infectious diseases were distributed in the camp. Vaccinations only aggravated the situation, since injection syringes did not change.

All the inhumanity and horror of the concentration camp of fascists photo is simply not able to convey. The stories of the witnesses are not intended for the faint of heart. In each camp, not excluding Buchenwald, there were medical groups of doctors who were conducting on prisoners. It should be noted that the data they produced allowed German medicine to step far ahead - in any country in the world there was no such number of experimental people. Another question was worthy of millions of tortured children and women, those inhuman suffering that these innocent people experienced.

The prisoners were irradiated, amputated healthy limbs and cut off organs, sterilized, neutered. Checked how long a person is able to withstand a strong cold or heat. Specially infected diseases, introduced experimental medicines. So, in Buchenwald a contamicated vaccine was developed. In addition to the title, prisoners were infected with smallpox, yellow fever, diphtheria, paraly influence.

Since 1939, Camp managed Karl Koh. His wife, Ilza, was nicknamed the "Buchenwald Witch" for love for sadism and inhuman bullying over prisoners. She was afraid more than her husband (Karl Koch) and Nazi doctors. Later, it was called "Frau Abazhur". This nicknamed a woman is obliged to make various decorative things from the skin of the killed prisoners, in particular, the lampshades that were very proud of. Most of all she liked to use the skin of Russian prisoners with tattoos on the back and chest, as well as the skin of Roma. Things from such material seemed to her the most elegant.

Buchenwald's liberation occurred on April 11, 1945 by the hands of the prisoners themselves. Having learned about the approach of the Allied troops, they disarmed security, they captured the camp leadership and two days managed the camp, until American soldiers approached.

Auschwitz (Auschvitz Birkenau)

Listing the concentration camp of the fascists, Auschwitz can not be bypass. It was one of the largest concentration camps in which various data died from one and a half to four million people. The exact data on the dead remained not to be found. Mostly victims were Jewish prisoners of war, which was destroyed immediately upon arrival in gas chambers.

The complex of the concentration camps was called Auschwitz-Birkenaau and was located at the outskirts of the Polish city of Auschwitz, whose name became nominative. The following words were engraved over the camp gates: "Labor frees".

This huge complex, built in 1940, consisted of three camps:

  • Auschwitz I or the main camp - the administration was posted here;
  • Auschwitz II or "Birkenau" - was named death camp;
  • Auschwitz III or Bun Monovitz.

Initially, the camp was small and intended for political prisoners. But gradually all new and new prisoners arrived at the camp, 70% of which were destroyed immediately. Many of the torture in the fascist concentration camps were borrowed from Ovwitz. So, the first gas chamber is functioning in 1941. Used gas "Cyclone B". For the first time, the terrible invention was tested on Soviet and Polish prisoners with a total number of nine hundred people.

Auschwitz II began its functioning from March 1, 1942. Its territory included four crematorium and two gas chambers. In the same year, medical experiments began with women and men in sterilization and castration.

A small camps were gradually formed around Birkenau, where prisoners operating at factories and mines were contained. One of such camps, gradually flooding, and began to be called Auschvitz III or Bun Monovitz. It contained about ten thousand captives.

Like any concentration camp of the fascists, Auschwitz was guarded well. Contacts S. foreign world They were banned, the territory surrounded the fence from the barbed wire, the guard posts were exhibited around the camp at a kilometer's distance.

On the territory of Auschwitz, five crematoriums continuously worked, which, according to experts, had a monthly productivity of approximately 270 thousand corpses.

On January 27, 1945, the Soviet troops were liberated by the Auschwitz-Birkenaau camp. By that time, approximately seven thousand prisoners remained alive. Such a small number of survivors is associated with the fact that for about a year before that the concentration camp began mass murders in ignitions (gas chambers).

From 1947, on the territory of the former concentration camp, a museum and a memorial complex dedicated to the memory of all those killed from the hands of fascist Germany began to function.


For all the time of war on statistics, about four and a half million Soviet citizens turned out to be in captivity. These were mainly civilians from the occupied territories. What survived these people is difficult to even imagine. But not only the mockery of fascists in concentration camps were destined to demolish them. Thanks to Stalin after liberation, returning home, they got the stigma "traitors." The gulag was waiting for their homeland, and their families were subjected to serious repression. One captivity was changed to others. In fear of his life and the lives of loved ones, they changed their names and tried to hide experienced in every way.

Until recently, information about the fate of prisoners after liberation was not advertised and silent. But people who survived such, they simply should not be forgotten.

In 1947, there were 23 physicians on the dock in Nuremberg. They were judged for the fact that they turned medical science in the monster, which was subordinate to the interests of the Third Reich.

January 30, 1933, Berlin. Clinic Professor Blots. The usual medical institution that compete doctors sometimes call the Devil Clinic. Alfred Blotsa colleagues do not like, but he still listens to his opinion. In the scientific community, it is known - he first studied the impact of poisoning gases on the human genetic system. But Blotus did not publish the results of its research. On January 30, Alfred Blots sent a congratulatory telegram to the new chancellor of Germany, in which he offered a program of new research in the field of genetics. He received an answer: "Your research is of interest to Germany. They must be continued. Adolf Gitler".

What is "Eugene"?

In the 1920s, Alfred Blotis travels around the country with lectures on what "Eugene" is. He considers himself the founder of a new science, his main idea of \u200b\u200b"racial purity of the nation. Some call it a struggle for a healthy lifestyle. Blotts claims that the future of a person can be simulated at the genetic level, in the womb and this will occur at the end of the 20th century. He was listened and surprised, but no one called him "Dr. Devil." Yudin Boris Grigorievich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences argues that "Evgenika is called science (although it is difficult to call science"), which is engaged in human genetic improvement. "

In 1933, Hitler believed German geneticists. They promised the Führer that for 20-40 years will grow a new person, aggressive and obedient power. The conversation was about cyborgs, the biological soldiers of the Third Reich. Hitler caught fire for this idea.
During one of the lectures of Blots in Munich, a scandal flared out. To the question that the doctor offers to do with sick, Blotus replied to "sterilize or kill", and what exactly is the purpose of Eugene. After that, the lecturer was overwhelmed, and the term "Eugene" appeared on the articles of newspapers.
In the mid-30s, a new symbol of Germany appeared, a glass woman. This symbol was even shown at the World Exhibition in Paris. Evgenik came up with Hitler, but doctors. They wanted good to German people, and everything ended with concentration camps and experiments over people. And everything began with a glass woman.
Boris Yudin argues that the doctors "shot" German leaders to Nazism. At the time when this term has not yet existed, they began to engage in Eugene, which in Germany was called racial hygiene. Then, when Hitler came to power and his approximate, it began to understand that it would be possible to sell the idea of \u200b\u200bracial hygiene. From the book of Professor Burl, "Science and Swastika": "After the arrival of Hitler to power, the Führer actively supported the development of German medicine and biology. Financing of scientific research has increased ten times, and doctors declared the elite. In the Nazi state, this profession was considered the most important, since its representatives were to be responsible for the purity of the German race. "

"Human hygiene"

Dresden, Museum of Human Hygiene. This scientific institution was under personal patronage of Hitler and Himmler. The main task of the museum is the mass propaganda of the head. It was at the Museum of Human Hygiene that developed a terrible plan to sterilize the population, which supported Hitler. Hitler insisted that only healthy Germans had children, so the German people will provide the "millennial existence of the Third Reich." Those who suffer from mental illness and physical disabilities should not force their offspring. This speech had a relation to not so much to individual people as to whole nations.

In the hands of Hitler, Eugene turned into science of racial murders. And the first victims of Eugene became Jews, because in Germany they were declared "unclean race". According to Hitler, the ideal German race was not to "pollute" blood, mixing with Jews. This idea was supported by the doctors of the Third Reich.

Professor-Evgenists developed laws of racial purity. According to the laws, the Jews had no right to work in schools, government agencies, teach at universities. And first of all, according to doctors, it was necessary to clear the scientific and medical orders from the Jews. Science became an elite closed society.

In the mid-20s in Germany was the most advanced science. All scientists and doctors who worked in genetics, biology, obstetrics and gynecology, considered the prestigious to pass internship in Germany. Then a third of doctors were Jews, but after a large cleaning in 1933-1935, German medicine has become completely Aryan. Himmler actively attracted doctors in the SS, and many entered, because they were supporters of the ideas of the Nazis.
According to Blots, the world was originally divided into "healthy" and "unhealthy" peoples. This is confirmed by the data of genetic and medical research. The task of Eugene is to save humanity from diseases and self-destruction. According to German scientists, Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Chinese, negros are nation with an inadequate psyche, weak immunity, and an increased ability to transmit disease. The salvation of the nation is in the sterilization of some nations and the regulated fertility of others.
In the mid-30s, in a small estate near Berlin, a secret object was located. This is a Medical School of Fuhrer, its activities Patron Rudolph Ges, Deputy Hitler. Every year, medical workers, obstetricians and doctors were collected here. It was impossible to come to school at their own request. Pupils were selected the Nazis, the party. The CC doctors took the staff that were held at a medical school advanced training courses. This school was preparing physicians to work in concentration camps, but first, these personnel were used for the sterilization program for the second half of the 30s.

In 1937, Karl Brand becomes the official boss of German medicine. This person is responsible for the health of the Germans. According to the sterilization program, Karl Brand and its subordinates could get rid of mentally ill people, disabled people and children with euthanasia. Thus, the Third Reich got rid of the "unnecessary mouths", because military policy does not imply the existence of social support. Brand fulfilled his task - before the war, the German nation was cleared of psychopaths, disabled and freaks. Then they destroyed more than 100 thousand adults, and gas cameras applied for the first time.

Division T-4

September 1939, Germany attacked Poland. Relationships to Poles Führer expressed clearly: "Poles must be slaves of the Third Reich, because at the moment the Russians are insecured for us. But no person who can manage this country should not be alive. " Since 1939, Nazi doctors will start working with the so-called "Slavic material". Death factory began their work, only in Auschwitz was one and a half million people. According to the plan, 75-90% of the incomings were to immediately fall into gas chambers, and the remaining 10% of people - to become a material for monstrous medical experiments. The blood of children was used to treat German soldiers in military hospitals. According to the Historian of the Zalessky, the rate of blood intake was extremely high, sometimes even taken all the blood. Medical personnel from the T-4 division developed new ways of selection of people to destroy.

Experiments in Auschwitz headed Joseph Mengel. Prisoners nicknamed his "Angel of Death". Tens of thousands of people became victims of his experiments. He had a laboratory and dozens of professors and doctors who were selected by children and twins. Gemini poured blood and transplanted the organs from each other. Sisters forced to give birth to children from the brothers. Operations were carried out on forced gender change. There were attempts to change the color of the child's eye by injection of various chemicals in the eyes, amputation of organs, attempts to sew children together. Of the 3 thousand who came to Mengel, twins survived only three hundred. His name has become nominative to designate a killer doctor. He anatomized the living babies, experienced women with high voltage current blows to find out the endurance limit. But it was only the top of the iceberg killer doctors. Other groups of doctors put experiments with low temperatures: how low the degree can withstand a person. What is the most effectively to oversee the person, and how can you reanimate it. The influence of phosgen and mustard gas on the human body was influenced. They found out how long a person can drink sea water, conducted bone transplants. I was looking for a tool that allowed to speed up or slow down a human growth. Treated men alternative orientation,
With the beginning of hostilities on the military front, hospitals were overcrowded by the German soldiers, and their treatment requires new techniques. Therefore, they began a new series of experiments on prisoners, causing them injuries similar to the wounds of German soldiers. Then they were treated in different ways, finding out what methods are effective. Introduced shards shrapnel to find out the stages on which operations need. Everything was carried out without anesthesia, and tissue infection led to the amputation of the prisoner limbs.
To find out what danger is threatened with a pilot when depressurizing the plane cockpit at high altitude, the Nazis planted prisoners into a low-pressure chamber and fixed the body's reaction. Experiments were carried out on the use of euthanasia, sterilization, the development of infectious diseases, such as hepatitis, raw tit and malaria, was checked. They have become infected - he was heal - they have become infected until the person died. Experimentalized with poisons, adding them to food with prisons or was shot by poisonous bullets.

These experiments were carried out not sadists, but professionals from a special division of the SS T-4. By 1944, the monstrous experiments became known in America. This caused unconditional condemnation, but the results of experiments were interested in special services, military departments, and some scientists. That is why the Nurembergsky process of killer doctors ended only in 1948, and materials of the case for this time disappeared without a trace, or found themselves in the US scientific centers, including materials on "practical medicine of the Third Reich".

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