IV. Preparation for the exam. The idea of ​​denying the value of the state, condemning it as the main restrictor of individual freedom is characteristic of the system of views. The idea of ​​achieving social harmony by

7. The idea of ​​achieving social harmony through a fair redistribution of wealth in society is characteristic of the belief system

1) conservative

2) pacifist

3) liberal

4) social democratic

8. In the N. state, elections are regularly held on an alternative basis; the opposition has equal rights to propagate its views along with the ruling elite. Which political regime formed in the state H.?

2) totalitarian

3) democratic

4) dictatorial

9. Political power, as opposed to other types of power,

1) is a volitional action

2) encourages people to take certain actions

3) is associated with the activities of the state

4) is the relationship between people and their associations

10. What are the institutions of the political system?

1) political organizations, the main of which is the state

2) a set of relationships and forms of interaction between social groups and individuals

3) norms and traditions governing the political life of society

4) a set of political ideas that are different in their content

11. Are the judgments about the shortcomings of the majoritarian electoral system correct?

A. A significant part of the voters in the country may remain unrepresented in the government.

B. In the country's parliament, as a rule, not the entire spectrum of political parties and movements is represented.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are wrong

12. The tasks of political power include

1) mastering new technologies

2) regulation of public relations

3) work in a private law firm

4) development of new computer programs

13. A specific feature of political power, in contrast to other types of power, is (are)

1) appeal to all citizens of the country

2) the relationship of domination and subordination

3) the presence of a subject-object connection

4) manifestation in the aggregate of customs and traditions

14. Are the following judgments about the state correct?

A. Monarchy and republic are forms of government.

B. Democracy and dictatorship are forms of political regime.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are wrong

15. The focus on the conquest of political power is

1) the principle of the parliament

2) the leading task of the trade union

3) the peculiarity of political culture

4) the purpose of the political party

16. In State F. supreme power belongs to the hereditary ruler. His power has no legal restrictions. He concentrates in his hands the full range of legislative, administrative and judicial powers. What is the form of government in this state?

1) mixed republic

2) parliamentary monarchy

3) presidential republic

4) absolute monarchy

17. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of "political institution".

Parties, social movements, the banking system, the state, the electoral system, non-governmental organizations.

Find and specify a term that is not related to the concept of "political institution".

Answer: the system of banks.

18. The political values ​​of a democratic society include

1) one-party system

2) parliamentarism

3) uncontested elections

4) human rights

5) the rule of law

6) political pluralism

Answer: 2, 4, 5, 6.

19. Establish a correspondence between the elements of the political system and its subsystems: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) political tradition 1) organizational

B) state 2) regulatory

C) political doctrine 3) communicative

D) interaction of parliamentary committees 4) cultural and


Answer: A B C D

20. Read the text below, each position is numbered.

(1) In the wake of the election campaign, a new party appeared on the political arena of the country, uniting a number of public organizations and movements. (2) The party's program was based on the demands for expanding democratic rights and freedoms, guarantees of the rights of private owners, and capital amnesty. (3) This can be seen as a new step towards the development of democracy in our country. (4) At the same time, negative aspects of the increase in the number of democratic parties are noticeable, which can complicate the choice of the voter.

Determine which positions of the text are worn.

A) factual nature

Answer: 1 2 3 4

21. The head of state N. is elected by the assembly of electors and performs representative functions. The government is formed by the parliament and is responsible to it. The head of government is the prime minister. What form of state does this example illustrate?

1) a parliamentary republic

2) absolute monarchy

3) presidential republic

4) parliamentary monarchy

22. The forms of territorial-state structure include

1) democracy

2) republic

3) federation

4) monarchy

23. A democratic regime is characterized by

1) comprehensive state control over the life of society

2) the dominance of the executive

3) militarization public life

4) political pluralism

24. Are the following judgments about the majoritarian electoral system true?

A. The majoritarian electoral system is characterized by the nomination of candidates on party lists.

B. The majority electoral system is characterized by voting in single-mandate constituencies.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are wrong

25. There is no government censorship in the N. State, opposition print media are freely published, and there is independent television. What political regime has developed in the state of N.?

2) totalitarian

3) democratic

4) dictatorial

26. Are the following judgments about the elections of the highest authorities of the Russian Federation correct?

B. Elections of deputies of the State Duma are carried out on an alternative basis.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are wrong

27. Which of the directions of activity is typical for a political party in a democratic society?

1) development of national economic plans

2) leadership of ministries

3) promoting their views in the media

4) passing laws

28. A characteristic feature of a modern democratic society is

1) the supremacy of the executive over the legislative

2) lack of separation of powers, checks and balances between them

3) the presence of state-owned media

4) influence civil society on the activities of the state

29. Are the following judgments about political parties true?

A. Opposition parties in a democratic society act as constructive critics of the government and offer their policy options.

B. The task of the opposition in a democratic society - by any means, including unconstitutional ones, is to overthrow the government and seize power.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are wrong

30. Are the following judgments about political parties true?

A. Parties are an institution of the political system.

B. Parties have the right to legal violence against their members.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are wrong

31. Write down the word missing in the diagram.

Answer: unitary.

32. Establish a correspondence between political institutions and their functions: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.


A) representation of aggregate 1) state

public interests

B) development of political programs 2) parties

C) nominating political leaders

D) the creation of the rule of law

Answer: A B C D

33. Read the text below, each position is numbered.

(1) The second round of the presidential elections took place in the country. (2) Voter turnout was significantly lower than in the first round. (3) Apparently, political absenteeism is growing in society, voters are losing interest in political life. (4) This tendency, I think, has a very negative impact on the prospects for the development of democratic foundations.

Determine which text positions are worn

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments

Answer: 1 2 3 4

34. The institutional subsystem of the political system includes (are)

1) political ideology

2) parties and social and political movements

3) legal regulations

4) ethical and moral standards

35. In the N. state, elections are held according to the majority system. Which of these signs is typical for it?

1) elections are held according to party lists

2) single-mandate constituencies are formed

3) an electoral barrier is established for a party to enter parliament

4) seats in parliament are distributed in accordance with the number of votes received by the party in the elections

36. In the state of Kazakhstan there is a two-tier system of power; the constitution clearly delineates the powers of the center and the regions. These signs are characteristic of the state

1) unitary

2) federal

3) confederate

4) republican

37. Establish a correspondence between the principles of classification of parties and their specific examples: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) in composition 1) illegal

B) in relation to the law 2) reformist

C) in relation to the authorities 3) opposition

D) by methods of defending interests 4) personnel

E) by the coverage of the territory

Answer: 1 2 3 4

38. Read the text below where a number of words are missing.

Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.

“The political regime is an orderly interaction of the structures of the political system, as well as the totality of __________ (1) the achievement of political goals and the implementation of __________ (2). This concept reveals the dynamic, functional nature of the political system. Qualitative characteristics of political __________ (3) are: scope of rights and __________ (4) of a person, methods of implementation state power, the nature of the relationship between the state and society, the presence or absence of society's ability to influence the adoption of political __________ (5), ways of forming political __________ (6), methods of political action. In political science, there are several classifications of political regimes ”.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

Below are the pass numbers. Write under each number the letter corresponding to the word you have chosen.

A) power

B) faction

D) society

D) solution

G) freedom

H) political science

I) institute

Answer: 1 2 3 4 5 6


(Section "Right")

Part A

А 1. The fundamental branch of the Russian legal system is the law:

1) administrative;

2) constitutional

3) civil

4) criminal

A 2. The norm of private law is the norm:

1) Criminal liability for violation of electoral rights;

2) Administrative responsibility for free travel;

3) Responsibility for unjustified dismissal from work;

4) Criminal liability for drug trafficking.

A3. The current Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted:

1) the Federal Assembly;

2) the Duma Committee

4) the State Council

A 4. The highest legal force in the hierarchy of legal acts is possessed by:

1) the Constitution;

2) Federal law;

3) Government decrees;

4) The law of the subject of the Russian Federation

A5. Rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation may be limited:

1) Federal law;

2) by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation;

3) The law of the subject of the Russian Federation

4) Resolution of the UN Security Council

A.6 Criminal liability arises for:

1) Causing property damage

2) Breach of debt obligations

3) Violation of labor discipline

4) Committing a crime

A.7 Are judgments about the presidential elections correct? Russian Federation?:

BUT). Only a male citizen of the Russian Federation who has higher education and reached the age of 35.

B) A citizen of the Russian Federation who is at least 35 years old and has permanently resided in the Russian Federation for at least 10 years can be elected President of the Russian Federation.

1) Only A is true 3) Both statements are true

2) Only B is true 4) Both judgments are not true

A.8 In the Russian Federation, the age of marriage is set at:

Part B

When completing the task of the second part, write your answer in the answer form next to the number of task B1, starting with the first box. The answer must be given in the form of a word, a sequence of letters without spaces and punctuation marks. Write each letter in a separate box in accordance with the given samples.

IN 1. Write down the word missing in the outline.







(Section "Economy")

1. The basis of the economic life of society is:

1) regulation of social relations

2) production of material goods

3) development of resource-saving technologies

4) interaction between the state and political parties

2. In a market economy, competition between producers:

1) leads to tax cuts

2) leads to stagnation

3) increases consumption

4) balances supply and demand

3. The income received by the owner of the shares is called:

1) profit

2) capital

4) dividend

4. The reasons for inequality of consumer income in a market economy include:

1) type of electoral system

2) level of education and qualifications

3) establishment minimum size wages

4) limited resources in the economy

5. The owners of the joint stock company are:

1) the president of the society

2) members of the board

3) supervisory board

4) shareholders

6. The market for means of production consists of:

1) foreign exchange savings

2) skilled workers

3) tools and objects of labor

4) information services

7. What is the most scarce in subsistence farming

1) goods and services;

2) money;

4) natural resources?

8. The main motive for the behavior of market entities:

1) satisfaction of social needs;

2) personal economic benefit;

3) meeting the intellectual needs of the entrepreneur;

4) all answers are correct.

9. Which statement distorts the essence of commodity production:

1) commodity production exists only if there is a division of labor;

2) commodity production involves the production of a product to meet the needs of the manufacturer himself;

3) commodity production is impossible without exchange;

4) commodity production involves the production of products that consumers need.

10. What is the persistent scarcity in the command economy:

1) money;

2) resources;

3) goods and services;

4) smart goods.

11. Market functions are:

1) ensuring production efficiency;

2) ensuring social justice;

3) preservation of the environment;

4) differentiation of consumers.

12. Which of the following statements incorrectly characterizes natural economy:

1) in the conditions of a natural economy, everything that a person needs for life, he produces himself;

2) in a subsistence economy, the product produced cannot be exchanged;

3) under the conditions of a subsistence economy, there is a close dependence of producers on each other;

4) subsistence farming is characterized by very low productivity (the produced product is barely enough to meet the needs of the producer).

13. What is a persistent deficit in a market economy:

1) social guarantees;

2) money;

3) services of world-class specialists;

4) smart goods.

14. Market means:

1) economic relations associated with the purchase and sale of services;

2) the system of economic relations between sellers and buyers

goods mediated through supply and demand;

3) the system of economic relations between enterprises and the population regarding the purchase and sale of services;

4) a system of economic relations between sellers and buyers of goods, mediated through supply and demand and affecting exclusively the sphere of circulation.

15. Private property is a form of legal consolidation of rights for a citizen:

1) possession and use of any property;

2) use and disposal of any property;

3) the use and disposal of any property;

4) possession, use and disposal of any property.

16. The main factors of production are:

1) land, capital and entrepreneurship;

2) property and labor;

3) money and labor;

4) labor, land, capital and entrepreneurship.

17. The form of public ownership is:

1) municipal property;

2) joint stock property;

3) cooperative property;

4) collective property.

18. What is the most complete and correct definition of the subject of economics:

1) economics studies activities that include the production and exchange of goods;

2) economics studies variables whose behavior affects the state of the national economy (prices, production, employment, etc.);

3) economics studies how society uses the limited resources needed to produce various goods and services in order to meet the needs of its members;

4) economics studies money, banking system and capital.

19. Are the following judgments about the functions of the state true in the conditions market economy?

A. In market conditions, the state organizes public works necessary for citizens, for which, due to lack of profit, private entrepreneurs do not undertake.

B. The state in market conditions is interested in protecting the economic interests of entrepreneurs and consumers.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are wrong

20. The state influences the market economy,

1) controlling prices

2) centrally allocating resources

3) directive planning of production

4) applying antitrust laws

21. Which of the following applies to measures of monetary regulation of the economy:

1) tax regulation

2) resale of securities

3) registration of licenses for private services

4) change in the rate of bank reserves

22. The execution of the budget in our country is ensured by:

1) parliament

2) judicial authorities

3) the government

4) law enforcement

23. Are the following judgments about monopoly correct?

A. The economic life of a modern state includes elements of both competition and monopoly.

B. The state seeks to restrict the activities of monopolies by legal methods.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are wrong

24. What function of money testifies to their absolute liquidity:

1) measures of value;

2) means of circulation;

3) means of payment;

4) means of accumulation.

25. An economy is efficient if it has achieved:

1) full employment of the able-bodied population;

2) full employment of other factors of production;

3) increasing the satisfaction of needs through the economic use of all factors of production;

4) effective use of production factors.


A 1.2 A 2.4 A 3.4 A 4. 2 A 5. 4 A 6. 3 A 7. 3 A 8. 2 A 9.2

A 10.3 A 11.1 A 12.3 A 13.2 A 14.2 A 15.4 A 16. 4 A 17.1

A 18.3 A 19.3 A 20.4 A 21.4 A 22.3 A 23.3 A 24.2 A 25.4


    Averyanova G.I. Unified State Exam 2010. Social Studies: We hand over without problems! / - M .: Eksmo, 2010.

    Baranov P.A. Social science: complete reference to prepare for the exam / P.A.Baranov, A.V. Vorontsov, S.V. Shevchenko; ed. P.A. Baranova. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2010.

    Belokrylova O.S. and etc... Social science. Tests. - Rostov n / Don: Phoenix, 2004 (Graduate Library Series).

    Bogolyubov L.N. Social science. Grade 10: textbook. for general education. institutions: basic level / [LN Bogolyubov, YI Averyanov, NI Gorodetskaya, etc.] ed. L.N. Bogolyubova; Grew up. Acad. Science, Ros. Acad. Education, Publishing House "Enlightenment" - 6th ed. - M .: Education, 2010.

    Bogolyubov L.N. Social science. Grade 11: textbook. for general education. institutions: basic level / [LN Bogolyubov, NI Gorodetskaya, AI Matveev and others] ed. L.N. Bogolyubov [and others]; Grew up. Acad. Science, Ros. Acad. Education, Publishing House "Enlightenment" - 5th ed. - M .: Education, 2010.

    Bogolyubov L.N. Social science. Grade 11: textbook. for general education. institutions: profile. level / [LN Bogolyubov, A.Yu. Lazebnikova, A.T. Kinkulkin et al.] Ed. L.N. Bogolyubov [and others]; Grew up. Acad. Science, Ros. Acad. Education, Publishing House "Enlightenment" - 4th ed., Rev. - M .: Education, 2010.

    Demonstration version of control measuring materials of the 2001 unified state exam in social studies. - M .: Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2011

    Constitution of the Russian Federation. Anthem of the Russian Federation. Coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Flag of the Russian Federation. - M .: Publishing house "Omega-L", 2008.

    Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates educational institutions to conduct in 2011 the unified state examination in social studies. - M .: Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2011.

    Krayushkina S.V. Social studies: A short course for applicants to universities: a textbook. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2009 (Series "Entrant").

    V.I. Kurbatov Social science. - Rostov n / Don: Phoenix, 2006. (Series "Textbooks, study guides").

    Lavrinenko V.N. A course of lectures on political science / V.N. Lavrinenko., Zh.B. Skripina, V.V. Yudin. - M .: Walters Kluver, 2010.

    International documents on human rights. Collection. - SPb .: Special literature, 1995.

    Basic codes and laws of the Russian Federation. - SPb ..: Publishing House Ves, 2002.

    Federal Law "On the Elections of the President of the Russian Federation" dated January 10, 20003 No. 10 - FZ.

    Marchenko M.N. Social Science: Textbook / M.N. Glazunov and others; ed. M.N. Marchenko. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Prospect, 2010.

    Petrunin Yu.Yu. Social Science: Textbook for Applicants / ed. Yu.Yu. Petrunin. - ed. 5th, rev. and add. - M .: KDU. 2008.

    Petrunin Yu.Yu. Dictionary of Social Science: A textbook for university entrants / Yu.Yu. Petrunin, M.I. Panov, L.B. Logunova and others; Ed. Yu.Yu. Petrunin. - 4th ed. - M .: KDU, 2008.

    Halin. A. Yu. A short course in philosophy: textbook. allowance. - M .: Publishing house "Okay-kniga", 2008.

    Economy. Glossary of terms. Exam answers. - M .: "Answers", 2007.

Read also:
  1. C2 Show three examples of the existence of a multiparty political system in modern Russia.
  2. F62.0 Chronic personality change after catastrophic experience
  3. F62.1 Chronic personality change after mental illness
  4. II. Systems, the development of which can be represented using the Universal Scheme of Evolution
  5. III. Requirements for the organization of a medical waste management system
  6. Features and problems of the functioning of the foreign exchange system of the Republic of Belarus




4.Social Democratic

The program of a political party reads: “The party considers the main principle its ideology, ensuring the continuity of development, taking into account the richeskikh traditions and foundations in the development of political decisions ”. What ideology does this party adhere to?


2. liberal



The idea of ​​achieving social harmony through a fair redistribution of wealth in society is characteristic of the belief system



3. liberal

4.Social Democratic

Conservative parties are characterized by

1.calls for the elimination of the coercive power of the state

2. rigid organization

3.Calls for radical change

4.calls to defend the traditional ways of the country's development

Central to the liberal democratic ideology is the idea

1.equal distribution of wealth

2. civil society

3.class struggle

4.the need for the destruction of exploitation

Are the following judgments about political ideologies correct?

A. The fundamental value for the ideology of conservatism is respect for the customs and traditions of ancestors.

B. Liberal ideology recognizes the value of collectivism and the priority of the collective consciousness over the individual.

1.Only A is true

2.Only B is true

3.Both statements are true

4.both statements are wrong

A. Political ideology is characterized by the active participation of the masses in its development.

B. political ideology is characterized by the presence of a program social development

1.Only A is true

2.Only B is true

3.Both statements are true

4.both statements are wrong

Are the following judgments correct?

A. The ideology of conservatism is consistent with the statement "The state is something without which it is impossible to implement neither order, nor justice, nor external security, nor internal solidarity."

B. The ideology of conservatism is consistent with the statement "Equality is one of the necessary elements of society, while freedom is both a means and, in a sense, an end in itself."

1.Only A is true

2.Only B is true

3.Both statements are true

4.both statements are wrong

Are the following judgments about political ideology correct?

A. Conservatives recognize the value of family traditions, the influence of religion.

B. Liberals deny the value of history, the past, proposing to build a society “from scratch”.

1.Only A is true

2.Only B is true

3.Both statements are true

4.both statements are wrong

1. Maintaining traditional family values ​​in society, respect for the foundations and precepts of ancestors are leading for ideology

1) conservative

2) liberal

3) social democratic

4) radical

2. The idea of ​​building a society in which the principle of distribution of benefits "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" would be implemented is characteristic of the system of views

1) conservative

2) pacifist

3) liberal

4) communist

3. Respect for the historical roots, the preservation of continuity in the development of the country are characteristic of ideology

1) conservative

2) liberal

3) social democratic

4) communist

4. The idea of ​​achieving social harmony through a fair redistribution of wealth in society is characteristic of the belief system

1) conservative

2) pacifist

3) liberal

4) social democratic

5. The idea of ​​denying the value of the state, condemning it as the main restrictor of individual freedom is characteristic of the system of views

1) conservative

2) pacifist

3) anarchic

4) social democratic

6. Are the following judgments about political ideologies correct?

A. Respect for the customs and traditions of ancestors is a fundamental value for the ideology of conservatism.

B. Liberal ideology recognizes the value of collectivism and the priority of the collective consciousness over the individual.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are wrong

7. "The goal of our struggle is to build a socially homogeneous classless society in which the principle of distribution of goods according to needs would be implemented." For what political ideology is this requirement the main, leading one?

1) conservative

2) liberal

3) social democratic

4) communist

8. Are the following judgments about political ideology correct?

A. Conservatives recognize the value of family traditions, the influence of religion.

B. Liberals deny the value of history, the past, proposing to build a society “from scratch”.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are wrong

9. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series presented below. Write down this word (phrase).

10. What word is missing in the diagram?

11. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series presented below. Write down this word (phrase).

12. Choose the correct judgments about political ideology and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The goal of political ideology is to reveal scientific truth.

2) The dominance of a single political ideology is inherent in all political regimes.

3) Political ideology expresses the idea of ​​the best social structure, methods of social transformation.

4) The most complete picture of the ideology of the party is given by its charter.

5) A political party, as a rule, unites adherents of one ideology.

13. Citizen S. is a member of one of the liberal parties. In the above list, find the ideological views that Citizen C should share. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The right to property is a fundamental legal principle arising from human freedom.

2) The rights and freedoms of an individual are the legal basis of society and economic order.

3) The history of all hitherto existing societies was the history of class struggles.

4) Democracy is the only form of government acceptable for the majority of the population, subject to the transition to the rule of law.

5) Capitalist society is split into two large hostile camps - the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

14. Find in the above list features inherent in the ideology of liberalism. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

15. Select from the list below the words to be inserted in the blanks. The words in the list are given in the nominative singular. Keep in mind that there are more words in the list than you need to select.

"Liberal __________ (1) originates in Western Europe at the turn of the 18th - 19th centuries. The main value of liberalism is human freedom and independence in the economic and political spheres. The state should not interfere in economic life, providing the main scope for free __________ (2), entrepreneurial initiative.

Liberals recognize the equality of __________ (3) in legal and political terms, natural rights and freedoms of the individual, breaking down the class barriers. Natural, natural __________ (4) of a person - life, freedom, property. They are guaranteed by __________ (5). Human freedom is guaranteed by law and, above all, lies in the independence of the individual from society. The liberal doctrine assumes equality of opportunity, equality in the courts, but not equality in the economy, it does not exist and should not exist. Everyone, rich and poor alike, should pay equal taxes.

The electoral system in a liberal interpretation allows for the presence of __________ (6) - for example, property or educational ”.

B) the state

C) ideology

D) society

E) citizens

E) competition

G) reform

H) responsibility

Read the text and complete tasks C1-C4.

By its original nature and character, political relations are a kind of social relations.

The most important distinctive feature political relations in comparison with social, economic, ideological and other relations is the emergence and development of them in connection with politics and about politics. At the same time, politics is understood in the broadest sense of the word as the sphere of activity of its various subjects, associated with relations between different strata of society, classes, ethnic groups, nations and other social communities, which is based on the problem of conquering, retaining or using political, and especially state power. Where it is impossible to seize state power, political parties, other objects of politics, entering into various relations with each other, seek to influence the process of formation and functioning of state power.

Political relations form an important part of all social relations. Their nature and features of the process of their emergence, formation and development are determined by the type of state power (slaveholding, feudal, etc.), the peculiarities of the state regime (democratic, autocratic, etc.), as well as other factors.

Being in an inextricable connection and interaction with economic, social and other relations, political relations have a significant impact on them, being subjected, in turn, from their side to the opposite influence. This is especially true of the relationship and interaction of political relations with economic ones. Political relations, politics have a constant impact on economic relations, the economy. And the latter, for its part, ultimately predetermines the type, character and other basic parameters of the policy itself.

A political conflict is defined as a confrontation between two or more subjects of political relations, due to the incompatibility (opposition) of their interests, needs, value systems and knowledge. A political, like any other, conflict is always associated with the presence of certain, usually very controversial, contradictory internal and external circumstances and always has its own subject ...

Depending on the criteria used, political conflicts are divided into different kinds... For example, depending on the duration, on the nature of the actors, depending on the resources used.

18. Based on knowledge of the social science course, others academic disciplines, give a definition of the concept of "subject of political conflict." Give any two examples of subjects of political conflict.

19. The author claims that “Political relations, politics have a constant impact on economic relations, the economy. And the latter, for its part, ultimately determines the type, character and other basic parameters of the policy itself. " Based on knowledge of the social studies course, other academic disciplines, and social experience, provide three arguments to support the author's point of view.

20. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "political ideology"? Drawing on knowledge of social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the types of political ideologies, and one sentence, revealing any of the functions of political ideology in society.

21. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "political radicalism"? Drawing on your knowledge of social studies, make two sentences containing information on political radicalism.

22. The American scientist F. Fukuyama in his work "The End of History" (1992) put forward the thesis that the history of mankind ended with the triumph of liberal democracy and market economy on a global scale: "Liberalism has no viable alternatives." Express your attitude to this thesis and substantiate it with three arguments based on the facts of social life and knowledge of the social science course.

23. Select one of the statements below, reveal its meaning, indicating the problem posed by the author (the topic raised); formulate your attitude towards the position taken by the author; justify this attitude.

Political science: "Politics disguises a lie into truth, and truth into a lie" (P. Buast).

Political science: "International politics, like any other, is a struggle for power" (G. Morgenthau).

Political Science: “Silent citizens are ideal subjects for an authoritarian ruler and a misfortune for democracy” (Roald Dahl).

"Society and public relations", grade 11, option 2

1. What is the basis of uniting people in such a social community as city dwellers?

2 The idea of ​​achieving social harmony through a fair redistribution of wealth in society is characteristic of the belief system

3. (1) More and more people in the world are using mobile

phones: they not only make or answer calls, but also

are rewritten using SMS messages. (2) The habit of communicating with

the use of short simple texts can lead to the fact that a person

forget how to talk heart to heart, delve into the intonation of the interlocutor and

sympathize with him. (3) In a number of European countries, dozens of users

phones were diagnosed with SMS addiction. (4) Specialists

the bad habits department of one of the clinics recorded that people

those suffering from this disease can write SMS messages at seven and

more hours a day.

Determine which text positions are worn

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments

4 Read the text below where a number of words are missing.

“Society is dynamic: both individuals and social groups

constantly change their ________ (1). This phenomenon is called

social ________ (2). Sociologists distinguish several types of it.

Movements that do not change the social status of individuals and

groups are called ________ (3) mobility. Examples are

transition from one age group to another, change of place of work, and

also the relocation of people from one locality or country to another, i.e.

________ (4). ________ (5) mobility presupposes quality

change in the social status of a person. Examples are

obtaining or depriving a title of nobility in a feudal society,

professional career - in modern, etc. Mobility channels

are social ________ (6): family, school, property,

church, army, etc. "

The words in the list are given in the nominative singular. Each

a word (phrase) can be used only once.

Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in

words every pass. Note that in the word list

more than you need to fill in the gaps.

A) migration B) mobility C) horizontal D) institution E) status E) vertical G) group H) stratification I) marginalization

5 What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social group"?

Drawing on knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences,

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