How can the primary needs are socialized. Factors of realization of needs. Information process


This topic has attracted my attention and interesting what, the topic includes the most important incentives of human activity - the needs, interests and values. What a person needs, what he is interested in and what is expensive in life, that's what is hiding in the title of this work.

Needs, interests and values \u200b\u200bare close and at the same time not identical fundamental concepts. They developed in the history of public thought to designate the direct causes of social actions, as a result of which changes and transformations occur in various spheres of life. Therefore, the philosophical analysis of these categories is inseparable from the study of real life situations, social practice, from the analysis of the actual problems currently in front of our society.

Object research is a person, and subject Studies considering its needs, interests and values.

The purpose of the study is:

· Study of the content of the concepts of "need", "Interest", "Value" and their ratio

The objectives of the research are:

· Let the definition of concepts - "Need", "Interest", "Value"

· Reveal the problems of "needs", "interests" and "values".

· Match these concepts


General notions about the need

need interest value

In modern social science, the term "need" has several common values.

The need is in the very general understanding - a significant link in the system of relations of any acting subject, this is a certain need of a subject in which the aggregate of external, the conditions of its existence, claim externally, arising from its essential properties, nature. In this, the need for the need acts as a cause of activity (wider - as the cause of all vital activity). This is the most common, philosophical, meaning of the category "Need", which has a direct or indirect influence on the interpretation of this concept within sociology, political economy, general and social psychology, demographics, a complex of disciplines that study political processes, and other public sciences. The etymology of this concept is that it applies to the whole world of organic and social life, as if indicating the natural relationship between these two higher forms of motion of matter. To a certain extent, this circumstance is explained by the multi-faceted concept of need, and its sufficiently common character.

A more detailed value of this category is primarily associated with the specificization of ideas about the subject of activity, and consequently, the carrier needs. As such, anyone can act biological organism, human individual, naturally established community of people (family, race, tribe, people), social layer or social group within the framework of this society (class, estate, nation, professional group, generation), society as defined social system, social Institute, Functioning in the framework of the Company (system of education, state and its organs, etc.), finally, humanity as a whole. The specifics of sociological analysis of the problem of needs is to clarify the relationship between the social actors dedicated here. In this case, the need appear to operate at the level of society, social group and personality, and each of these levels has a certain originality, internal specifics. At the same time, they interpenetrate each other, forming an endless whirlpool of human aspirations and desires, a complex diversity of the factors that determine them, the film of the results of these aspirations that are manifested in the actions and actions of people.

Crossing the needs of these subjects, coincidence between them, their association and discrepancy, similarity and confrontation, the refraction of one level of deployment of needs in another form a complex system, the principles of the development and operation of which can only be understood on the basis of a materialistic understanding of history.

Another line of specification of the category "Need" is related to the clarification of the combination of subjects of cash, natural and social conditions for the existence of a subject, which act as an object of need. The measure of "materiality" or "spirituality" needs, the degree of its generalization, its "landiness" or, on the contrary, "elevation" is determined not only by the properties of the subject involved in the relationship in question, but also the properties of the subject of the subject.

Different groups of public, sciences explore different blocks in a complex picture of needs. Some parts of it are designed in more detail, others are only designated by a dotted line. We will try to recreate the main contours of this picture so that, relying on them, formulate more or less general concept needs.

In his favor common sense The concept of needs goes beyond social science. The need is an integral property of the whole living, the moment of the very life of the body, the inner incentive of any behavior of a living being, it is something requiring its satisfaction, and this satisfaction itself is carried out in the process of active interaction between the body and the world environment.

The need is the property of the whole living, expressing the initial, initial form of its active, selective, attitude to the conditions of the external environment. The character of this selectivity itself is given by the state of the body. In this electoral terms, in the desire to certain objects of the outside world, certain conditions The medium is found in the internal contradiction of the body, the voltage, which should be removed by the effect of the organism itself. It is due to the presence of a particular need for the body becomes a subject of action, activities.

Any complex organism is characterized not by one of any need, and the system of needs, which is related to the interaction of its functional structures. The harder the body more important Acquires the relationship of its parts. The needs of the body are dynamic, interchangeable, cyclical. Any need arises as a state of dissatisfaction, anxiety, increasing more and more to the last limits, is satisfied and goes out until the new voltage resulting from embezzlement vitality. The limits of oscillations of the need for its occurrence to satisfy the essence of the characteristics of certain life cycles of the body and at the same time the objective boundaries of its being: exacerbated to the extreme and completely unsatisfied need leads to its destruction and death. The life itself is accompanied by a constant change of phases of states of needs, transitions of these phases to each other. The harder the body, the wider the circle of its needs and the diverse the form of their satisfaction. In the most complex organisms, the cyclicity of needs is complemented by their elasticity.

Socialization of human needs

World History is primarily the history of the development of human needs and ways to satisfy them, the history of creation materials Activities intended for the implementation of these needs, and by no means a history of pure thought, self-consciousness, etc. One of the fundamental prerequisites of historical progress, emphasized K. Marx and F. Engels, is that "the most satisfied need, and this is a generation of new needs is the first historical act."

An animal knows new needs. The life of even highly organized animals is to satisfy the genetically specified circle of needs. Differentiation of individuals of the animal flock according to their physical strength, endurance, speed of the reaction. Observation, ability to communicate, etc. does not lead to new needs. A completely different business is the differentiation of the abilities of people, members of the human community. Here, individual differences lead to the search and selection of new means of activity, which turn into an individual and group experience, to the new need for this community of human individuals, which has a significant impact on improving the viability of the entire society.

In the very source point, we are talking about the satisfaction of the biological needs of the emerging team. But the satisfaction of these needs of physical existence with the help of a person created by a person's satisfaction, that is, nebiologically. This is the essence of the first historical act. There is a qualitatively new type of evolution based on the increase in funds to meet the needs and on the transformation of these funds into the items of new, actually human needs. Consequently, the ability to expand the circle of needs and to generate new ones - the most important thing Socialization of needs, their humanity.

At the same time, this process of distinguishing a person from the animal world represents and the process of qualitative transformation of the human biological needs themselves, their filling social content due to the specific features of people's work activities.

1 Concept of needs

IN modern natural science The term "need" has several values.

"The need - in the most general meaning of this word is a significant link in the system of relations of any acting subject, this is a certain subject of the subject in a certain set of external conditions for its existence, the claim to external circumstances arising from its essential properties, nature." In such as the need, the need acts as a cause of activity (wider - as the cause of all vital activity). The value is associated with the specificization of ideas about the subject of activity - biological organism, human individual, community of people. Social group or layer.

The need is the property of the whole living, expressing the initial initial form of its active, selective relationship to the conditions of the external environment. The needs of the body are dynamic, interchangeable, cyclical. The concept of "need" summarizes the needs of people, their aspirations, claims that require constant satisfaction. The needs of the personality and other incentives of its commands are formed not only under the influence of its social status, but also under the influence of the lifestyle, the spiritual culture of society, the social psychology of various public groups.

There are various classifications of the needs of a person who are built both by the dependence of the body (or personality) from some objects and the needs that he experiences. Needs are divided into primary (basic, innate) and secondary (social, acquired) needs. In domestic psychology, the need is most often divided into material, spiritual and social.

Material needs are called primary, they underlie the vital activity of a person. These needs have been formed in the process of phylogenetic socio-historical human development and make up its generic properties. The whole story of the struggle of people with nature was, above all, the struggle for satisfying material needs.

Spiritual and social needs reflect the social nature of man, its socialization. However, it is necessary, however, to note that the material needs are also a product of human socialization. Even the need for food in humans has a socialized appearance: after all, a person uses food is not raw, as animals, but as a result of a complex process of its preparation.

P.V. Simonov (1987) believes that the needs of a person can be divided into three groups: vital, social and ideal. In each of these groups, the needs of preservation and development are allocated, and in the Social Group - also the needs of "for themselves" (aware of the right to him) and "for others" (Recognized as "duties"). Satisfying any of the following needs contribute to the initial independent needs for armed (means, knowledge, skills) and the need to overcome obstacles to the goal, identified by P. V. Simonov with the will.

A.V. Petrovsky (1986) divides needs: by origin - on natural and cultural, on the subject (object) - on material and spiritual; Natural needs may be material, and cultural - material and spiritual.

Foreign psychologists do not so much classify the needs, as they give the listing. Murray (N. Murrey, 1938) allocates the following psychogenic needs: in aggression, affiliation, dominance, achievement, protection, game, avoidance of harm, avoiding failures, avoiding accusations, independence, rejection, understanding, knowledge, help, patronage, understanding , order, attracting attention to yourself, recognition, acquisition, counteraction, explanation (training), sex, creation, preservation (leaning), respect, humiliation.

Psychologists also speak about the need for conservation and development, deficit (growth); On the need to be different from others, the only, indispensable (that is, the need for the formation and preservation of its own "I"); On the need for avoidance; about the need for new impressions; On primary and basal needs - on the one hand, and the secondary needs - on the other. Alsaed a group of neurotic needs, the dissatisfaction of which can lead to neurotic disorders: in sympathy and approval, in power and prestige, in possession and dependence, in information, in glory and in justice.

Perhaps, only A. Oil gave a slender classification and a system of needs, highlighting their groups: physiological needs, security needs, social relations, self-esteem, self-actualization.

Obviously, the proposed classifications and division of needs for groups do not reflect their diversity. The unsatisfied need causes a failure in the functioning of the subject, and even threatens its existence. As such, it can act as an individual and social community, organization. Dissatisfied need is manifested in one form or another. For example, unsatisfied need for food - in the form of a feeling of hunger, in water - in the feeling of thirst, in vitamins - in avitaminosis, in communication - in the feeling of boredom, longing, etc. Unattended need leads to its awareness. An afflicted need is the presentation of the subject that it is necessary for existence and development. The presentation may approach objective needs (I wanted, there is - I understand: it is necessary to eat), and may be quite far from it.

The needs of the individual are objectively the necessary conditions for the existence of a person. As a natural social being, a person has two groups of needs: some are generated by its physiology and psychology, others are designed by society. Often these two groups of needs are intertwined. Thus, the awareness of the natural need is by its nature a social design that does not carry the imprint of the culture of this society. Status needs are objectively necessary conditions for the preservation and development of the status position. Thus, the status position of the teacher includes such objectively the necessary conditions for its conservation (needs), as the existence of the university, its financing in volumes to support the learning process and pay salary, etc. Status needs underlie many directions of consumer activity of people. Conscious status needs are fixed in such judgments: "In this costume, it is indecent", "This car does not match my position," etc.

The work of a person is often one of the powerful factors for the formation of status needs. Here the status need is melted with a psychological need for belonging to the group. In a way, having considered a view of a person's needs from a number of psychologists, it is clear that there is still no uniform classification of needs and what is the basis of division every author, puts various approaches.

The main problems of the analysis of needs consist in establishing their composition, hierarchy, borders, levels and opportunities to satisfy. These problems are closely interrelated. In particular, as will be shown below, the needs hierarchy are largely due to the levels of their satisfaction. As A. Marshall wrote, "the needs and desires of a person to bear numbers." After a hundred years, the compatriot of the Great Economist, a reputable psychologist M. Argail celebrates approximately the same: "We are still unknown a complete list of human needs." The largest number of publications is devoted to the classification of needs. At the very least, since Aristotle, their division on bodily and spiritual is known. Currently, the primary is considered to be the classification proposed by American psychologist A. Oil.

A. Masu tried to explain why at different times people drive different needs. The scientist believes that human needs are located in the order of hierarchical significance.

According to the degree of importance, the need is arranged in the following order:

Physiological needs;

Self-preservation needs;

Social needs;

Demand needs;

Needs to self-affirmation.

A person seeks to first meet the most important needs. As soon as he manages to satisfy some important need, she stops being a moving motive for a while. At the same time, the urge to satisfy the need for the importance of the need. This scheme is usually depicted as a pyramid or need staircase.

One of the most famous is the two-factor theory of the needs of F. Herzberg. According to this theory, all factors determining human behavior in the enterprise can be divided into two groups, hygienic and motivating. The first Herzberg offered to attribute sanitary and hygienic working conditions, providing physiological needs, as well as security and confidence in the future. Motivating factors are correlated with the needs of self-expression and development.

Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the needs of domestic literature on psychology and sociology. In particular, V. I. Tarasenko considered two groups of needs: existence and development; V. G. Podmarkov - Three groups: collateral, vocation and prestige.

An important aspect of the needs analysis is their hierarchy. The condition for the emergence of intellectual and spiritual needs is the functioning of physiological systems of the human body. However, many authors absolute this relationship. Sometimes the oil scheme is set out as if the needs in creativity and self-realization may appear only after fully satisfying all other needs. For example, one of the most famous specialists in the service F. Kotler illustrates the pyramid of the oil by the following arguments: A resident of the USA Betty Smith, conceived to buy an expensive camera: "What light sheds the theory of the butter for the interest of Betty Smith in the acquisition of the camera? You can guess that Betty has already satisfied their physiological needs, the needs of self-preservation and social needs that do not motivate her interest in the cameras. And the interest in the camera may result in either from a strong need for respect from others, or from the need for self-affirmation. Betty want to realize their creative potential and express themselves through photography classes. "

From this quote and other descriptions of the consumer behavior of Mrs. Betty Smith, which F. Kotler sets out on several pages of his book, it follows that the name of the lady for complete happiness on top of the Pyramid, only Nikon cameras lack.

Although some sequence in satisfying needs, undoubtedly exists, but it cannot be considered the same for all people. Facts are known when the need for creativity and spiritual improvement has become dominant not after satisfying all other needs (physiological, involvement, recognition, etc.), and, essentially, on the verge of survival, when the basic need for food was not yet satisfied Accommodation and security. Experience shows that the hierarchy needs is predominantly individual or group. General can only be considered that the satisfaction of the needs of existence at a certain base level is prerequisite Formation of all other needs. Consequently, when classifying needs, not only their types, but also levels of satisfaction should be taken into account. Thus, the classification schemes known to us do not take into account: 1) the entire range of human needs; 2) individual differences in composition, hierarchy and significance of needs; 3) levels of satisfaction of needs; 4) the dependences of the needs from the values \u200b\u200band human life objectives.

2 needs of modern man

A modern man in the exact meaning of this word is a person who exercises every effect as a subject, through the awareness of his action and a person who draws himself into the work of ideal entities.

But very often people understand the concept of a modern person - as a person of this century, i.e. People like I.Kant, Z. Freud and Archimedes cannot be (in their opinion) with modern people. But this is an erroneous opinion - all of them modern people Just one times, centuries, centuries.

And the word "modern" does not have a temporary restriction, and modern needs does not mean the needs of 2009, it means current needs, and whether they are relevant in 2009 or in several centuries to this day it is not important.

Therefore, the needs of all people are so to speak by the driving force of every person, to activities and at all times. Therefore, the needs are nothing more than motivations to the activities of people. And the motivation of people is studied for a very long time and of course each scientist has advanced his point of view, in our time they are known as meaningful theories of motivation. The content theories of motivation are based on the human needs hierarchy, which are the driving force of the work of people in the process of social production.

The most famous theories of motivation of this group are: theory of needs of the oil, theory of existence, communication and growth of Alderfer and others.

Abraham Masu is one of the largest scientists in the field of motivation and psychology. The theory of human motivation developed by Abraham Maslow can be attached to almost any aspect of individual and social life. According to the butter, the good theory of motivation must include the following provisions. Individual is an integrated, organized integer. Motivated by the whole person, not his part. When a man is hungry, he is all hungry: he wants to eat, not just his stomach.

According to the oil, some characteristic can be considered a basic need if it satisfies the following conditions:

Its absence leads to the disease;

Its presence prevents the disease;

Its recovery is healing the disease;

Classification of oil needs.

Classification of needs.

Stages of formation and function of needs

The process of awareness of the need implies its stage. This was well shown on the example of development in men of sexual entraints (V.M. and I.V. Rivina).

The 1st stage-latent or stage of forming the need during which a specific setting of sensitivity to external stimuli is occurring.

The 2nd stage is an unconscious modality of needs (motivation). It is characterized by the occurrence of a sense of any new state for himself. Psychologically, it is experienced as an amplifying feeling of anxiety. Motivation energy is not yet nonspecific, which can motivate any other behavior.

3rd stage - stage awareness of the need. It is characterized by the appearance of sexual attraction. The subjects reported testified to the emergence of pleasant sensations, thoughts, dreams and sexual plans.

Highlight two main functions Personality needs: signal and prompting.

The first is that the emergence of the need signals a person about the appearance of a deficit, changing the state (physical or mental), the need of something. It is a modified state that is aware of either an unconscious person is a signal that runs activity.

The second function is to encourage activity, activities to meet the need for eliminating or enhancing a state of mind. The need acts as a source of activity, motivators, human behavior

Biological (Natural) Needs

These are universal primary needs of the body's livelihoods: nutrition and allocation needs, the need to expand life space, childbearing (reproduction of the kind), the need of physical development, health, communicating with nature.

Submitting to the call of its nature, a person encourages actions aimed at the immediate satisfaction of biological needs.

Material needs

We call the need for funds and conditions for satisfying biological, social and spiritual needs.

Among the variety of these needs, Marx highlighted three needs: in food, dwelling and clothing.

Social needs

In contrast to biological and material needs, social needs do not understand themselves, they exist as granted, do not encourage people to immediately satisfy. It would be, however, it would be an unforgivable mistake to conclude that social needs play a secondary role in human life and society.

On the contrary, social needs in the needs hierarchy play a decisive role.

We will classify these groups of needs for three signs of criteria:

1. Needs for others

2. Needs for yourself

3. Needs with others

Needs for others are the needs that express the generic essence of a person. This is the need to communicate, protect the weak

The need is "for yourself." The need for self-affirmation in society, self-realization, self-identification, the need to have its place in society, in the team, the need of power, etc.

The needs "together with others". A group of needs, expressing the intensive forces of many people or societies as a whole: the need for security, freedom, aggressor curb, the need of peace, political change.

Features of the needs "together with others" are that they combine people to solve the urgent problems of public progress.

The most respected person is a person who has a wealth of social needs and the consideration of all the efforts of his soul to meet these needs.

Spiritual needs

As we noted above, any need is characterized by a focus on any subject, encourages a person to master this subject.

The subject of spiritual need is spirituality.

Spirituality and consciousness - the concepts of one-order. But not any spiritual consciousness.

Spirituality is the desire to overcome yourself in his mind, to achieve high goals, follow the personal and public ideal, universal values. Spirituality is also manifested in the desire for the beautiful, to the contemplation of nature, to the classical works of literature and art. Culture is a substance of spirituality, in it - the quintessence of the spiritual experience of mankind.

Spirituality is the most valuable wealth of a person, it is impossible to buy it, nor take a loan from anyone, it can only be formed by your own efforts. Only spiritually rich man is capable of true disinterested friendship, on durable love, a binder man and a woman with marriages.

The more complete definiteness of spirituality acquires by comparing it with its antipode - a rampant.

Cheerfulness is one of the main reasons for human loss in man; Alcoholism, addiction, prostitution cynicism, amoralism - all those defects that brake public progress. Unceous man is an alienated person, he is alienated from the sublime form of his being.

Spiritual needs are the desire to acquire and enrich their spirituality. Infinitely diverse Arsenal of Spirituality: Knowledge of the world, society and man, art, literature, philosophy, music, artistic creativity, religion.

Value-oriented needs

The basis for the allocation of this group of needs is the classification of needs for the criteria for their humanistic and ethical orientation, by their role in the lifestyle and the comprehensive harmonic development of the individual.

For these criteria, you can allocate reasonable and unreasonable (perverted) needs, true and false, progressive and destructive needs.

Consider reasonable and unreasonable needs.

Reasonable needs are needs, the satisfaction of which contributes to the normal functioning of the human body, an increase in the prestige of the person in society, its humane development, the humanization of all parties public Life. The following criteria for reasonable needs can be distinguished:

1. A sense of measure in meeting the needs, not adjusted to degradation of the personality.

2. Harmonic combination of different needs. It is impossible to recognize a reasonable even spiritual need if its satisfaction is achieved through the suppression of other (natural and material) needs.

3. Compliance of the needs of the personality abilities and the presence of funds for their implementation.

4. Handling needs. Reasonable can be called the needs of the person, and not the opposite when the need is managed by a person.

The formation and satisfaction of reasonable needs is a noble and honorary task of a system of government, education and education, the entire reply of public life.

Unreasonable needs - such a group of needs that create deadlocks in the functioning of the human body, in the development of personality, are damaged by the interests of society, and in the case of their oxans, they lead to the degradation of human society and the dehumanization of all social relations. The range of unreasonable needs is extremely wide: smoking to drugs.

This is an excessive need for alcohol, in drugs, homosexuality and lesbianness, some plastic operations. These defects of modern society exist not so much from the lack of material benefits, as from the delight of the material benefits and humorousness of a person, the lack of ideals in humans for which it is necessary to fight.

Finally, the latter of the groups of value-oriented needs is true and false needs.

Although the definition of a mentioned need group is difficult to attribute to absolutely true, it, however, play a certain role in the orientation of the individual in complex intricateness of tastes, needs, sentiment. In practical life there is no sustainable subordination in the needs hierarchy. Depending on the conditions and life circumstances, the biological, then material, is the spiritual need for the first place.

Wide distribution in foreign psychology received the theory of hierarchy needs A. Oil. It highlights five levels of human needs:

1. Basic (basic or primary) physiological needs.

2. The need for security.

3. The need for love and social activity.

4. The need for respect and self-esteem.

5. Consoleness in self-realization.

40. Primary needs are by nature physiological and, as a rule, congenital. Examples can serve as food, water, need to breathe, sleep and sexual needs.

Secondary needs by nature are psychological. For example, needs for success, respect, affection, power and need for belonging to someone or anything. Primary needs are laid genetically, and secondary usually realize with experience.

38. Classification of needs in domestic and Russian pseokhology In domestic psychology, the most common need is divided into material (need for food, clothes, dwelling), spiritual (the need for knowledge ambient Both yourself, the need for creativity, aesthetic pleasures, etc.) and social (the need for communication, in labor, in social activities, in recognition by other people, etc.).

Material needs are called primary, they underlie the vital activity of a person. These needs have been formed in the process of phylogenetic socio-historical human development and make up its generic properties. The whole story of the struggle of people with nature was, above all, the struggle for satisfying material needs.

Spiritual and social needs reflect the social nature of the human nature, its socialization. However, it is necessary, however, to note that the material needs are also a product of human socialization. Even the need for food in humans has a socialized appearance: after all, a person uses food is not raw, as animals, but as a result of a complex process of its preparation.

35. Classification of the needs of PO. Mak-Daitla, Murray (N. Murrey, 1938) allocates the following psychogenic needs:

in aggression, affiliation, domination, achievement, protection, game, avoiding harm, avoiding failures, avoidance, independence, rejection, understanding, knowledge, help, patronage, understanding, order, attracting attention to themselves, recognition, acquisition, counteraction, clarification (learning), sex, creation, preservation (leaning), respect, humiliation.

37. Classification of needs by K. Khorni, E.FromE. Fromm (1998) believes that a person has the following social needs:

1. In human relationships (assigning themselves to the group, the feeling "we", the avoidance of loneliness);

2. In self-affirmation (the need to make sure of its own significance in order to avoid a sense of inferiority, imbalance);

3. In attachment (warm feelings for a living being and the need for response - otherwise apathy and disgust for life);

4. In self-consciousness (consciousness of themselves by unique personality);

5. In the orientation system and the object of worship (involvement in culture and ideology, a predensive attitude towards ideal subjects).

three factors defining the progress of individualization. They are specification, mentalization and socialization.

Specificationmethods of meeting needs are based on the fact that every need is satisfied in a certain way and that the number of these methods is limited, since the readiness to use ineffective or harmful ways is fastened, while the use of other methods is fixed. This is the process of forming individual traits of human behavior. It leads to consolidation during the daily practice of one or more ways of action, with the help of which an individual is able to satisfy a certain need.

Mentalization(Bailey, 1958; Clapared, 1930) is based on the reflection of the consciousness of the content of the need or several of its aspects. It makes it possible to conscious person participation in concretizing ways to meet needs and can significantly affect the course of activity that satisfies the need. For example, awareness of the fact that my way of behavior in. This situation is the result of satisfying a certain need, may cause creative search for other, more responsible for my IDEAL-SELF methods of action, and encourage to consider the correct selection of motives (see Chapter I and II of this work).

Socializationmethods of meeting needs are based on subordination by their specific cultural values, within which our life flows (see Mac-Kinnon, 1948, p. 124). 17 The condemnation of one means of action and approval of others depending on the moral samples causes the relative unification of the methods of satisfying needs.

48. As the main functions of motives, the following are distinguished:

encouraging functionwhich characterizes the energy of the motive, in other words, the motive causes and determines the activity of a person, his behavior and activity;

guide functionwhich reflects the direction of energy of the motive on a specific object, i.e. the choice and implementation of a certain line of behavior, since the person always strives to achieve specific goals. The guide function is closely related to the resistance of the motive;

regulatory functionThe essence of which is that the motive predetermines the nature of the behavior and activities, which, in turn, depends on the implementation of human behavior and activity or ultrasound (egoistic) or socially significant (altruistic) needs. The implementation of this function is always associated with the hierarchy of motives. Regulation is which motives are most significant and, therefore, the behavior of the personality is most significant.

Alking the specified stimulating, control, organizing (E. P. Ilyin), structuring (O. K. Tikhomirov), sense-forming (A. N. Tentev), controlling (A. V. Zaporozhets) and protective (K. Obukhovsky) Motive functions.

Introduction1. The concept of needs Classification of needs analyzes the basic needs of man2.Satisfaction and dissatisfaction of personal needs Structure of needs3.Motivation Motivation theory for oil4.Formation of social needs as a socio-economic process Concludes of the literature usedIntroductionAll living on Earth, whether it is a plant or an animal, fully lives or exists only when it is observed or the environment of certain conditions. It's many centuries ago, during the existence of a person skillful, the border of consumption began to expand. She also wore a physiological character. During the evolution, this border went beyond the limit of a purely physiological need. And at present, the need for beautiful clothes, exquisite food, in pursuit of fashion and prestige are relevant, and employment in the labor market,development, both large and small business. The trace of any activity of a person is to satisfy the needs. Man works to secure meals, clothes, recreation, entertainment. A person who does not have any needs is a dead person. For a long time, evolution can be reduced by several years of human development, and thus simplify the understanding of the differences in higher and lower needs (secondary and primary). In scientific sources, this difference is defined as a concept for automatic understanding, i.e. two categories are given, the difference in which the human brain catches pretty quickly. What is the difference after all? Distinguishes these concepts that distinguishes man from the animal, that is, the mind. Only primary needs are tested by a person. Since evolution or a few years of socialization of a person and a low-level creature, turns into a highly organized. The main feature of this transformation is the appearance at a certain stage of the highest needs. The consistency of society is a sociological category, which is based on collective habits, that is, what exists in the subconscious, which came from our ancestors, and rooted in society so much. Interesting these needs depending on the subconscious, which cannot be analyzed, considering a particular individual. They must be considered globally, regarding society. To satisfy the need to have a good. You can determine the needs of a person as a state of dissatisfaction, or the needs that he strive to overcome. This state of dissatisfaction causes a person to take certain efforts, i.e., carry out production activities. 1. The concept of needsIn modern natural science, the term "need" has several values. "The need - in the most general meaning of this word is a significant link in the system of relations of any actor, this is a certain subject of the subject in a certain set of external conditions for its existence, the claim to external circumstances arising from its Essential properties, nature. In such as the need, the need acts as a cause of activity (wider - as a cause of any life activity). The most detailed value is due to the specificization of ideas about the subject of activity, i.e. Mercharge needs (biological organism, human individual, community of people (family, genus, tribe, people), social group or layer (class, nation, estate, generation). Customs concept is the property of all living, expressing the initial initial form of its active, selective relationship On the conditions of the external environment. The needs of the body are dynamic, interchangeable, cyclical. The "need" will generalize the needs of people, their aspirations, claims that require constant satisfaction. Personality needs and other incentives of her commands are formed not only under the influence of its social status, but also under the influence of its social status. In total lifestyle, spiritual culture of society, social psychology of various public groups. 1.1 Classification of needs There are various classifications of the needs of a person who are built both by the dependence of the body (or personality) from some objects and the needs that he experiences. A. N. Leontiev In 1956, accordingly, accordingly, it divided the needs for subject and functional. Consoles consumption are divided into primary (basic, innate) and secondary (social, acquired) needs. A. Pieron proposed to distinguish between 20 types of fundamental physiological and psychophysiological needs that create a base for any motivated behavior of animals and humans: hedonic, research attention, novelty, the search for communication and mutual assistance, competitive motivations and other needs of domestic psychology most often need to be divided into material ( The need for food, clothes, dwelling), spiritual (the need for knowledge of the environment and himself, the need for creativity, in aesthetic pleasures, etc.) and social (need for communication, in labor, in social activities, in recognition by other people etc.). Material needs are called primary, they underlie the human activity. These needs have been formed in the process of phylogenetic socio-historical human development and make up its generic properties. The whole history of the struggle of people with nature was, first of all, the struggle for satisfying material needs. Downtime and social needs reflect the public nature of the human nature, its socialization. However, it is necessary, however, to note that the material needs are also a product of human socialization. Even the need for food in a person has a socialized look: after all, a person uses food is not raw, like animals, but as a result of a complex process of its preparation. V. Simonov (1987) believes that the needs of a person can be divided into three groups: vital, social and ideal. In each of these groups, the needs of preservation and development are allocated, and in the Social Group - also the needs of "for themselves" (aware of the right to him) and "for others" (Recognized as "duties"). The satisfaction of any of the listed needs contributes to initially independent needs for armed (means, knowledge, skills) and the need to overcome obstacles to the goal, identified by P. V. Simonov with Will. V. Petrovsky (1986) divides needs: by origin - on natural and cultural, on the subject (object) - on material and spiritual; Natural needs may be material, and cultural - material and spiritual. P.A. Rudik (1967) highlights public and personal needs, which is hardly correct: every need is personal. Another thing is, what goals (sociable or personal) meets the satisfaction of the need of a person. But this will already be characterized by the motive, and not the need. V. A. Kruttsky (1980) the needs are divided into natural and spiritual, social needs. Plain psychologists do not so much classify the needs as they give the listing. Murray (N. Murrey, 1938) allocates the following psychogenic needs: in aggression, affiliation, domination, achievement, protection, game, avoidance of harm, avoidance of failures, avoidance, independence, rejection, understanding, knowledge, help, patronage, understanding, , attracting attention to yourself, recognition, acquisition, counteraction, clarification (training), sex, creation, preservation (leaning), respect, humiliation. E. Froms (1998) believes that a person has the following social needs: in human relationships (assigning themselves to the group, the feeling "we", avoiding loneliness); in self-affirmation (the need to make sure of its own significance in order to avoid a sense of inferiority, imbalance); in attachment (warm feelings for a living being and the need for response - otherwise apathy and disgust for life); in self-consciousness (consciousness of themselves by unique individuality); In the orientation system and the object of worship (involvement in culture and ideology, a preissing attitude towards ideal subjects) .Shologists also speak about the need for conservation and development, deficit (growth); On the need to be different from others, the only, indispensable (that is, the need for the formation and preservation of its own "I"); On the need for avoidance; about the need for new impressions; On the primary and basal needs - on the one hand, and the secondary needs - on the other. Also the group of neurotic needs, the dissatisfaction of which can lead to neurotic disorders: in sympathy and approval, in power and prestige, in possession and dependence, in information, in glory and in justice. B.F. Lomov allocates human needs in substance, energy and information, Olport (1953) and A. Oil (1998) - "needs needs" and "growth needs", E. FroM (1998) - the need for people with people, Knowledge, the need to identify themselves with a class, nation, religion, fashion, etc. Also identify the needs that are considered fundamentally not derived from biological needs for food, sex, etc. P.: The need for communication, the need for self-defense actions, such as games, and the need for absolute truth. Perhaps only A. Oil gave a slender classification and a system of needs, highlighting their groups: physiological needs, safety requirements, social relationships, self-esteem, self-actualization. Obno, that the proposed classifications and division of groups for groups do not reflect their diversity. A technological need causes Failure in the functioning of the subject, and even threatens its existence. As such, it can act as an individual and social community, organization. The present need is manifested in one form or another. For example, unsatisfied need for food - in the form of a feeling of hunger, in water - in the feeling of thirst, in vitamins - in avitaminosis, in communication - in the feeling of boredom, longing, etc. People notice indicators of needs when the latter are not satisfied. So, we may not suspic on the need for the air until we block the flow of oxygen into the respiratory tract. Unattended need leads to its awareness. Required need is the presentation of the subject that it is necessary for existence and development. The presentation may approach objective needs (I wanted, there is - I understand: it is necessary to eat), and may be quite far from it. Unattended physiological need is manifested in sensations that promote an incentive to action only after decoding. For example, the belly fell ill. What happened? Man decodes his feelings based on his ideas about medicine, personal experience What is closely related to the level of medical culture of this country. Therefore, conscious needs are often very far from objective or directly opposite to them. Many needs are manifested in such forms that require qualifications for decoding them (for example, the need for vitamins is realized only in the presence of a certain medical erudition). The ability of the individual is objectively the necessary conditions for the existence of a person. As a natural social being, a person has two groups of needs: some are generated by its physiology and psychology, others are designed by society. Often these two groups of needs are intertwined. For example, there is a natural need for water, but the society has formed a feeling of squeaming in relation to everything unclean, so synthetic conscious need arises not in water in general, but in clean water. The absence of the latter causes the same suffering as the lack of water at all. Thus, the awareness of the natural need is by its nature a social structure that does not carry the imprint of the culture of this society. Sustainable needs are objectively necessary conditions for the preservation and development of the status position. Thus, the status position of the teacher includes such objectively the necessary conditions for its conservation (needs), as the existence of the university, its financing in volumes to support the learning process and pay salary, etc. Status needs underlie many directions of consumer activity of people. The conscious status needs are recorded in such judgments: "In this costume it is indecent," "This car does not correspond to my position," etc. Work is often one of the powerful factors for the formation of status needs. Thus, many activities require the processing of a large number of information, which generates the need for funds for its collection and analysis, among whom the key place is now ranked with a personal computer. The need for it is generated by an individual, but its workplace for which a computer is required to serve. Another source of status needs is the subculture of the medium to which the individual belongs. If in this environment, many have computers, use them, working or playing on them, are talking about them, then the possession of the computer turns into a more or less rigid condition to afford it. So, if the individual came to the Hacker Wednesday, computer fans, then join it, without having a computer, he will not be able. Here the status need is melted with a psychological need for belonging to the group. In a way, having considered a view of a person's needs from a number of psychologists, it is clear that there is still no uniform classification of needs and what is the basis of division every author, puts various approaches. 1.2 Analysis of the main softwareconsiders of man The main problems of the analysis of needs consist in establishing their composition, hierarchy, borders, levels and opportunities to satisfy. These problems are closely interrelated. In particular, as will be shown below, the needs hierarchy are largely due to the levels of their satisfaction. As I wrote A. Marshall, "the needs and desires of a person to bear numbers." After a hundred years, the compatriot of the Great Economist, a reputable psychologist M. Argail celebrates approximately the same thing: "We are still unknown with a complete list of human needs." A common number of publications is devoted to the classification of needs. At the very least, since Aristotle, their division on bodily and spiritual is known. Marshall refers to the classification of Bentama, Benfield, Jevons, McCulloha, Hermann and other authors. Currently the main classification proposed by the American psychologist A. Maslu. He highlights five groups of needs: physiological, security, involvement (to the team, society), recognition and self-realization (self-expression). These groups make up a hierarchical structure, i.e. It is assumed that the needs are satisfied consistently in the order in which they are listed. Such a scheme is usually depicted in the form of a pyramid or staircase needs. In the classification of K. Alderfer, three groups of needs are allocated: existence, communications and growth. The needs of existence correspond to the first two groups of the needs of Maslow, the needs of communication - the third and fourth groups; The needs of growth - the fifth group. This scheme, like the oil scheme, has a hierarchical structure. McClelland highlights the needs of achievement, complicity and power. These needs do not have a hierarchical structure, they interact depending on the individual psychology of a person. However, the most famous is the two-factor theory of the needs of F. Herzberg. According to this theory, all factors determining human behavior in the enterprise can be divided into two groups, hygienic and motivating. The first Herzberg offered to attribute sanitary and hygienic working conditions, providing physiological needs, as well as security and confidence in the future. Motivating factors are correlated with the needs of self-expression and development. The attention is paid to the analysis of the needs of domestic literature on psychology and sociology. In particular, V. I. Tarasenko considered two groups of needs: existence and development; V. G. Podmarkov - Three groups: collateral, vocation and prestige. The textbooks on the general economic theory adopted the division of the needs for primary (in food, clothing, housing, continuation of the kind) and secondary (in communication, knowledge, development). Typically, the conventionality of such a grouping is noted even for a separate person in different periods of his life. In the classification of needs, as at any other classification, must, first of all, be observed by the requirement of completeness. This means that each element of the analyzed set must be attributed to a particular group. In the problem under consideration, the implementation of this condition is difficult because the complete list of human needs to establish almost impossible. In many classifications, including the most well-known, the requirement of completeness is not respected. Thus, in the schemes of the Maslow, Alderfer and McClland there are no groups to which the need for freedom, faith, spiritual improvement and other aspect of the analysis of needs are their hierarchy. The condition for the emergence of intellectual and spiritual needs is the functioning of physiological systems of the human body. However, many authors absolute this relationship. Sometimes the oil scheme is set out as if the needs in creativity and self-realization may appear only after fully satisfying all other needs. For example, one of the most famous specialists in the service F. Kotler illustrates the pyramid of the oil by the following arguments: A resident of the USA Betty Smith, conceived to buy an expensive camera: "What light sheds the theory of the butter for the interest of Betty Smith in the acquisition of the camera? You can guess that Betty has already satisfied their physiological needs, the needs of self-preservation and social needs that do not motivate her interest in the cameras. And the interest in the camera may result in either from a strong need for respect from others, or from the need for self-affirmation. Betty want to realize their creative potential and express yourself through photography class. "Is this quotation and other descriptions of consumer behavior Mrs. Betty Smith, which F. Kotler sets out on several pages of his book, it follows that a named lady for complete happiness on the top of the pyramid There is enough only the "Nikon" camera. Although some sequence in satisfying needs, undoubtedly exists, but it cannot be considered the same for all people. The facts are known when the need for creativity and spiritual improvement has become dominant not after satisfying all other needs (physiological, involvement, recognition, etc. d.), but, essentially, on the verge of survival, when the basic needs of food, housing and security were not yet satisfied. But the strength of the needs in creativity can be judged by biographies of outstanding scientists and artists. Many of them, like P. Gogen, for the sake of opportunity to create a prosperous existence. Archimedes and Dmitry Shostakovich created great works in besieged cities. The twenty-year-old Galois Equare in the prison cell was developed by the foundations of modern algebra; On the eve of the duel, which is tragically ended for him, he wrote a mathematical article. Experience shows that the hierarchy of needs is predominantly individual or group. The general one can only consider the fact that the satisfaction of the needs of existence at a certain base level is a prerequisite for the formation of all other needs. Therefore, when classifying needs, not only their types, but also levels of satisfaction should be taken into account. In fact, the classification schemes known to us do not take into account: 1) the entire range of human needs; 2) individual differences in composition, hierarchy and significance of needs; 3) levels of satisfaction of needs; 4) the dependences of the needs from the values \u200b\u200band human life objectives. 2 . Satisfaction and dissatisfaction of peopleovetic needsThe needs for two types should be divided: the needs of the existence and the need to achieve the goals of life should be achieved. The needs of existence are usually attributed to physiological and security. We believe that the needs of involvement should also be attributed to this kind. This is determined by the fact that a person cannot exist any long time outside of any team (in particular, families). It is possible to allocate the following basic levels of satisfaction of the needs of existence: 1) minimum, 2) basic, 3) level of luxury. Milmet level Satisfying the needs of the existence ensures human survival. Gas (normal) level provides the possibility of significant intellectual and spiritual needs. This level can be defined both subjectively and objectively. In the first case, the criterion for achieving a baseline is considered the time that a person is engaged in thoughts about satisfaction of food, clothing, dwelling and security. It is advisable to proceed from the fact that this time should not exceed half the time of wakefulness. An objective assessment of the baseline may be a consumer budget that experts consider necessary for various activities. In particular, the labor of miners belongs to the number of the most intense and dangerous. Therefore, the costs of food and rest at miners are objectively more than that of the office personnel. Luxury is invited to consider this in which the satisfaction of the needs of the existence above the basic level becomes an end in itself and / or a means of demonstrating a high social situation. At the level of luxury, the person "lives to eat, and does not eat to live." The characteristic of the corresponding lifestyle is available in the works of A. Marshall, T. Weblendes and many other authors. So, Marshall has the following statements: "Laws directed against luxury turned out to be vain, but it would be a huge achievement, if the moral spirit of the Society could encourage people to avoid all types of bragging with individual wealth." "... The world would be much perfect if everyone bought things less and easier, tried to choose them from the point of view of their true beauty; ... Consideration of the impact provided for the general well-being in the way that every individual spends its income, is one of the most important tasks of the service to the lifestyle of people. "Related levels, of course, do not exhaust all the steps of meeting the needs of existence. As an illustration, you can bring data on the "elevation" of the needs in Germany after the Second World War. With distinctness peculiar german language , German economists write about three big waves of needs during the first 5--6 years of restoration of the economy: "Der Sogenannten" Fress-Welle "(the so-called" Region Wave ")," Der Kleidungs-Welle "(" Waves of Clothing "), "DER WOHNIGSWELLE" ("Apartment Wave"). After that, the needs of luxury (Die LuxusbediIRFNISSE) were developed. For most people, the level of physiological needs is significantly affected by the structure of intellectual, social and spiritual needs. At the same time, from ancient times, it is known that the smaller the person is focused on material benefits, the more freedom from the life of life and the strengths of this world. All the great philosophers and religious figures are those who are customary to call teachers of humanity, called for a reasonable restriction of physiological needs. Numerous statements on this topic leads A. Schopenhauer. For example: "... Socrates, with the form of luxury goods issued for sale, exclaimed:" How many things that I don't need are "". Thus, after reaching the basic level of satisfaction of the needs of existence, the needs of achieving the goals of life, which, appropriate to differentiate for four groups: 1) material benefits for individual and family; 2) power and glory; 3) knowledge and creativity; 4) spiritual improvement. In dependence on individual inconsistencies, abilities and claims from some people after reaching the basic level of satisfaction of the needs of existence will be dominate the desire to maximize the consumption of material goods; in others - to power and glory; Third - to knowledge and creativity; At the fourth - to spiritual improvement. On the first pages of books on the basis of service, it is usually postulated that there are no such borders. For example, in the introduction of one of the most solid textbooks in the United States for the service: "The main problem in the servicework with which any society faces is to conflict between actually unlimited human needs in products and services and limited resources that can be used to meet these needs. "There is no doubt that the spiritual needs of a person do not have the boundaries, his desire for knowledge, development and application of their abilities. As for the material needs, their infinity cannot be considered apparent. In the world of things, the desire of a reasonable person with the richest imagination is quite specific. The infinity of the needs are derived from technical progress. But, creating new products and services, it ultimately is expressed in the growth of average energy consumption and other nature resources. Their amount is limited and constantly decreases. It is known that oil reserves and many other minerals remained only for several decades. This fact is increasingly realized by the educated part of the population and can not affect the formation of its needs. For the need to prove the need for rational use of limited resources, it is absolutely not necessary to proceed from the Axom of the infinity of human needs. It is known that the smaller the requirements of the axiom, the stronger the building of the theory. Therefore, as a postulate defining the tasks of the servicework, it is quite enough for the statement that people's needs more possibilities their satisfaction. 2.1. Structure of needsThe structure of needs may vary at the same person throughout various periods of his life. At the same time, the lower the subjective-normal level of satisfaction of the needs of existence, the more likely that after its achievement will dominate the intellectual and spiritual needs. The main differences between the proposed structure of needs are as follows: the needs are divided into two types: existence and achievements of life; The first type includes needs: physiological, security, involvement; To the second - the need for material benefits, power and glory, knowledge and creativity, spiritual improvement; three levels of satisfaction of the needs of existence are distinguished: the minimum, basic, luxury level; the need to achieve life goals are formed after reaching the basic level of satisfaction of existence; basic levels of satisfaction The needs of existence may have significant individual differences. 3. MotivationThe motive (or motivation) is the need that has become so urgent, which makes a person look for ways and ways to satisfy it. The most popular of them are the theory of Sigmund Freud and the theory of Abraham Maslow - suggest completely different conclusions for the activities of the consumer and service. Freud believed that people are mainly not aware of those real psychological forces that form their behavior that a person is growing, at the same time in itself a lot of impulses. These things are never fully disappearing and never under full control. They manifest themselves in dreams, reservations, neurotic behavior, obsessive states, etc. Thus, a person does not give himself a full report in the origins of his own motivation. 3.1 Theory of Motivation MaslowAbraham Masu tried to explain why at different times people drive different needs. The scientist believes that human needs are located in the order of hierarchical significance from the most up to the least urgent. Developed oil hierarchy is presented in Fig. 1. The degree of importance needs are located in the following order: - physiological needs; - the needs of self-preservation; - social needs; - demands in respect; - the needs of self-affirmation. The very important needs seeks to satisfy the most important needs. As soon as he manages to satisfy some important need, she stops being a moving motive for a while. At the same time, the urge to satisfy the need for the importance of the need. Performance. Motivated person is ready for action. The nature of his action depends on how he perceives the situation. Two different peopleAs the same motivated, in the same objective situation can act differently, since it perceive this situation in different ways. Interesting perception. Faced with a huge amount of stimuli, a person is not able to respond to everything. Most of them he pulls out, and the following stimuli are noticed: - related to the available this moment The needs; - which are expected; - which are sharply different with some kind of values \u200b\u200bfrom the usual. Interesting distortion. Irriters noticed by the consumer are not necessarily perceived by them as it was conceived by the sender. Each person seeks to enter entering information into the framework of his opinions existing. Under the selective distortion, they mean the tendency of people to transform information, giving it personal significance. Interesting memorization. The person is inclined to memorize information supporting his relationships and beliefs. A person absorbs knowledge in the process of activity. These are certain changes that occur in the behavior of the individual under the influence of the experience gained by him. Lowings and relationships. Through action and assimilation, a person acquires beliefs and relationships. And they, in turn, affect its purchasing behavior. Deadly - mental characteristics of an individual of anything. The loudspeople can be based on real knowledge, opinions or just faith. Manufacturers, of course, are interested in the persuasion of people regarding specific goods. Of these beliefs, images of goods and brands are folded. Almost to all - politics, clothing, music, food, etc. - A person has its own attitude. The relation - which has developed on the basis of the existing knowledge is a steady favorable assessment of an individual of any object or idea experienced to them feelings and the focus of possible actions. Formation of social needs as a socio-economic processA new conceptual approach to the study of social needs as a complex multi-level system, covering the needs of society, allows us to consider the formation of public needs as: - a reproductive process; - information process; - social process. The presence of three components of the unified process of formation of social needs characterizes it as the most important basis for reproduction and Evolution of economic systems. All three components of the process of formation of social needs are interconnected. Thus, any reproductive process involves the accumulation and accounting of information about the object of reproduction, in this case - about the economy as a whole. Information, in turn, acts as a mandatory initial condition for any economic process, while the volume of information disposable information can be different. The mechanisms for obtaining the subjects of the necessary economic information depend on many factors, including the most important links of production and consumption, type of organization of the economy, characteristics of the economic environment. Since the process of forming a system of social needs is aimed at the results of public reproduction, taken in the broad sense of the word, i.e. Including the formation of value reference points of society and a separate person in it, then, therefore, the formation of social needs is a social process. As a political economical category Public needs may be considered in a wide and narrow sense of the word. In the first case, they express relationships about the evolution of economic systems in the second - Regarding the reproduction and development of one particular economic system. At the same time, social needs always reflect the macro-economic bonds, developing in the studied farm (farms), and represent information flows that characterize the connection of production and consumption, the type of reproduction process. Formation of social needs is a multi-level reproductive and information process. The study of it is possible in the following aspects: 1) generalvolutionary - as the evolution of public needs systems operating in different types economy, as well as the evolution of individual subsystems of a holistic system of social needs; 2) specifically historical - as reproduction of a system of social needs and its subsystems within a certain system of farming; 3) futurological - as identifying the trends in the formation of a system of social needs of a qualitatively new economy system, Not yet existing as a holistic system, i.e. In this case, the subject of research is needed public Development. Let uspect that the formation of social needs can be considered and in relation to each of the subsystems of social needs, and in relation to a holistic system of social needs. In addition, the process of formation of social needs flows at various levels of management and, accordingly, implies its research on the micro level, the regional level, the macro level of the economy, as well as, which is especially relevant in modern conditions At the global level. It should be noted that the consideration of the process of formation of social needs is possible from the point of view of the mechanism of needs to implement needs, in this case the focus of the study shifts to the problems of the types of macro regulators of social needs and subjects of macro regulation of social needs. In contrast to the needs, public needs are societies, mediated by the macro-economic relations, And, accordingly, the process of their formation relies on the following macro projects: 1) production relations, reflecting the processes of integration, uniform, diversification, etc.; 2) reproductive bonds that characterize the type of reproduction, the main proportions of public reproduction; 3) financial connections showing areas and the priorities of financial flows; 4) organizational bonds that ensure the manageability of this economic system at various levels; 5) information connections that suggest a developed network of collection and processing of economic info Ormariations, as well as the presence of channels of its transfer. Apersion and multi-levelness of the process of forming social needs illustrates the previously used scheme of the evolution of economic systems. Based on it, will reveal the content of the process of formation of social needs as a complex evolutionary and socio-economic process. Formation of social needs can be considered: 1) as an evolutionary process, which implies a change in some public needs of others; 2) as a reproductive process flowing within a certain economic system; 3) as a process of qualitative change in all subsystems of social needs in the transition to a qualitatively other economic system; 4) as the process of becoming a new system of social needs within the transition period from one economic system to the other; 5) as the process of identifying new trends in economic life and, accordingly, the needs of social development. Forming social needs as an evolutionary process has its own source work in labor and the need for means of production, which are interrelated in the history of the formation of economic Intim and together marked the beginning of the human needs itself, as above all the needs of business entities. In turn, the formation of the needs of business entities led to the establishment of the needs of the farm, which unite the results of the process of public reproduction, structure-forming needs and part of the needs of social development. The complication of the economic systems themselves is becoming more and more developed by the socio-cultural needs of society as part of social needs generated by the needs of the economy and the immanent level of material and technical base for their satisfaction. With the advent of private ownership, the emergence of economic needs is connected, which at a certain stage of the development of economic systems begin to play a dominant role in economic and social life, their heyday as systems they reach in the conditions of domination of economic civilization. Further, the evolution of social needs leads to the emergence of financial needs as a specific form of economic needs. The needs of the development of the dominant currently in the world of economic economics are manifested in its contradictions and, based on them, the contours of future economic systems begin to emerge. Modern contradictory trends in the development of the economic world in the general plan are reduced to two main trends: globalization and socialization. The first trend is based on the needs of social development, leading to the formation and approval in the economic life of the domination of the financial economy or, as they also call, finance. The second trend, also reflected in scientific literature, based on the evolution of regional relationship relations in the modern world. Conclusion For this work, you can draw the following conclusions: 1. The need is always the need for something in subjects or conditions necessary to maintain life. Calculation of needs with its object turns the state of needs to need, and its object is in the subject of this need and thereby generates activity, the focus as a mental expression of this need for the need is used in three values: as the designation) of an object of the external environment required for normal life (the need -Object); b) the state of the psyche reflecting the lack of something (the need-condition); c) of the fundamental properties of the individual, Determining its attitude to the world (the need-property). Consoleness can also be divided into biological, social and ideal. Classification of needs is distinguished by a huge variety. Many economists have attempted to "decompose on the shelves" all the variety of people's needs. So, A. Marshall, referring to German economist German, notes that the needs can be divided into absolute and relative, higher and lower, urgent and mightble, direct and indirect, present and future, etc.: 1. The need for material benefits necessary to maintain life.2. The needs of the worldwide association of people.2. The service sector is a set of branches of the production and non-productive sphere, combined with the community of the function being performed - directly satisfying the needs of the population in services. Bibliography1. Vikhansky O.S. Management: Man, Strategy, Organization, Process. - M., 1996.2. Golovin S. The evolution of the myth "As a man became a monkey." M., 1999.3. Jacres A.G. Needs. Interests. Values. M., 19864. Motivation of human behavior in the field of labor. M., 19905. Kushlin V.I. Economic theory - M.: Institute of Economy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2004.6. Marchenko T. A. "The need for a social phenomenon." Moscow, 2000

7. Solovyov B. A. "Needs. Market. Demand". Moscow, 2002.

8. Harvey D. Modern economic theories. Publishing House Dashkov and K., 2000

9. Chepurin "Basics of Economic Theory". Ed - e 4th. Moscow, 1999

10. Sites,

Test "Man's Nature"

Surname, name _______________________________

Material for preparation:

Tutorial Basic - §3 Section "Man as a product of biological, social and cultural evolution", §5 section "Human activity: main characteristics"

Additionally: the textbook of the profile level, § 17, section "Needs and Interests" (electronic version: )

1 . Write down the word missed in the table.

Human needs


Object Need


Food, water, air, climatic conditions, etc.

Communication, social activities, public recognition, etc.

Answer: _______________

2 . Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts below, and write downnumber under which it is indicated.

1) Human needs, 2) Social needs. 3) physiological needs, 4) spiritual needs, 5) biological needs.


3 . Below is a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are names under which the natural needs of a person are presented in various classifications.

1) biological, 2) physiological, 3) social, 4) organic, 5) ideal, 6) natural

Find two terms "dropping" from the general row, and write down in the tablenumbers under which they are indicated


4 . Find the list of human properties in the list below.

1) the ability to joint conversion activities

2) the desire for self-realization

3) the ability to adapt to natural conditions

4) Sustainable views on the world and their place in it

5) the need for water, food, rest

Answer: ____

5 . Install the correspondence between the manifestations of the human qualities and the nature of these qualities: to each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Manifestations of human qualities

Nature of Quality


ability to continue




ability to accumulate knowledge and labor skills


ability to determine the purpose of their actions


the ability to evaluate oneself and other





Write down in the table selectednumbers



6 . Find the list of manifestations in the list below, reflecting the social nature of the person.

1) Interests

2) worldview

3) Depository

4) Skill

5) heredity

6) Ideals


7. Find the biological (natural) quality of a person in the list below and write the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) the ability to continue the kind

2) the ability to defend themselves from enemies

3) the ability to find food and equip housing

4) Ability to convert natural environment

5) Caring for the offspring

6) the ability to create new items that do not have natural analogues


8 . Set compliance between examples and types of needs:
to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.
rest and Son.




belonging to a certain group


knowledge of the world


awareness of the meaning of its existence






Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.



9 . Find the manifestation of human biological nature in the list below and write the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Interests

2) worldview

3) Depository

4) Skill

5) heredity

6) Ideals


10 . The task is missing, If you really want to execute - contact Nikolay Alexandrovich

11 . Choose loyal judgments about biosocial in person and write downnumbers under which they are indicated.

1) the social qualities of a person include a desire for professional success

2) awareness and experience of man needs in anything necessary to maintain his life and development, called the need

3) to natural (biological) human needs include the need for communication

4) The spiritual needs of a person include air needs. Nutrition, maintenance of heat exchange

5) individual-psychological features of the individual who are the conditions for the successful implementation of any activity, refer to the abilities


12. – in this test, there is no

13 . Find the list of human features in the list below, caused by biologically, and write the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) age and sexual differences

2) Temperament

3) Nervous System Features

4) self-esteem

5) Experience

6) features of the worldview


14 . Set compliance between the needs and their views: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. in self-expression


in the sense of life


in motor activity


in communication

biogenic (biological)





Write down in the table selectednumbers Under the appropriate letters.



15 . Ivan performed a task on the topic: "Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution." He discharged a feature characteristic of man. Which of these reflect the specifics of the social nature of man, unlike the animal? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) childcare

2) the desire to understand the world

3) use of items data nature

4) adaptation to environmental conditions

5) Communication with the help of a self-split speech

6) Care of the offspring


16. Choose the right judgments about self-esteem and write downnumbers under which they are indicated.

1) self-esteem is the initial point of self-knowledge.

2) A person forms self-esteem, comparing himself with others.

3) an overestimated self-esteem is always the result of its real achievements.

4) People with low self-esteem conduct a comparison with others, only being confident in success

5) understated self-esteem contributes to the development of leadership qualities

Answer: ______________

17 . Install the correspondence between examples and types of needs: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


Types of needs












decided by the subject of needs


allocated by object needs

Write down in the table selectednumbers Under the appropriate letters.



18 . Find the manifestation of the social nature of a person in the list below and write downnumbers under which they are indicated

1) a person is characteristic of instincts

2) a person is able to regulate instincts

3) a person belongs to the highest mammal, forming a special kindHomo.Sapiens.

4) man has blood, muscle, nervous systems

5) A person develops, entering into public relations, in communication with others

6) a person is able to conscious targeted creative activity


19 . Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter. Determine which positions of the text have

1) actual character

2) the nature of estimated judgments

3) the nature of theoretical statements

Write in the table under the letter, denoting the position, the figure expressing its character.


20 . Read the following text in which a number of words are missed.

Select from the proposed list of the words you want to insert into the place of pass.

"A person is __________ (a) unity. The mechanism of __________ (b), determining the biological side of a person, affects its social essence. The newborn is provided by the owner of __________ (c) to imitation and learning. Thus, the child appears as a human being. Although he still needs to learn to become a man. He is introduced into the world of people __________ (d), thanks to which a person's psyche is formed, its social __________ (e). For example, a person has obedient will with his fingers; He can take a brush, paint and start drawing. But it will not make it a real painter. Similarly, with consciousness. Conscious mental phenomena are formed in a lot of education, learning, active mastering __________ (e), the world of culture. "

Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can be used only once.

Choose a sequential one word after another, mentally filling each pass. Note that words in the list are more than you need to fill the pass.

List of terms:

1) ability

2) biosocial

3) Behavior

4) Individual

5) Need

6) Language

7) Heredity

8) Communication

9) Emotional

In this below, the table shows the letters denoting missed words. Write in the table under each letter number of your chosen word.


BUT A person belongs to the animal kingdom and obeys biological laws; Moreover, as a bodily material education, it is like any kind of matter - subject to real and energy impacts. But a person has thinking, speech and complex structure Thinking and emotional activities that we call consciousness. People are able to realize the fact of their existence, to put forward and implement life goals corresponding to the system of their value installations. In human behavior there are biological instincts, but they are controlled by the laws of the community of people. The behavior of animals is toughly programmed by the conditional and unconditional reflexesthat does not give them the opportunity to go beyond their biological nature. No matter how difficult to use the behavior of the animal, it remains the behavior of instinctively biological.

Let us turn into confirmation for the example of a person's life having a great authority in philosophical anthropology. We mean Immanuel Kant. From birth, he was so weak and painful that his viability caused the surrounding big doubts. Kant was able to organize his life so much, so strictly followed by the formulated principles themselves, which not only lived eighty years, but also revealed an example of the devotional service to science.

On the other hand, natural deposits contribute to the intellectual development of people, largely determine their tendency to creative forms of activity. Thus, in the understanding of a person it is important to avoid two extremes: "biologization" and "socialization" of human nature.

And yet it is impossible to argue that a person has two independent entities. The essence of a person is one, and it forms a combination of the sample properties, thanks to which we overcome their biological definition. Freedom of will, manifested in the ability to choose its destiny, the path of their lives is the main and main of these properties of a person. The meaning of man's life is just that independently, effort to overcome or try to overcome all the resistance and circumstances, implementing its life program. In this case, a person becomes really free because it is able to rule over external circumstances and conditions.

(V. Kuznetsov, K. Momjyan, etc.)

21 . The authors write about what brings together a person with the animal world and the person from the animal is different. Give any two signs of similarities and any two distinctive features specified in the text.

22 . What is the meaning of the authors invest in the concept of "human freedom"? Is it possible to consider as a manifestation of freedom? Argument your answer, relying on the text.

23 . The authors believe that the meaning of the life of a person is to implement his life program, often contrary to existing circumstances. Based on social science and facts of social life, bring three examples to overcome people with negative circumstances in the way of implementing their life goals.

24 . What two extremes, according to the authors, it is important to avoid in understanding a person? Specify any three negative consequences to which the same extremes can also lead.


25 . What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "ability"? Attracting the knowledge of the social science courses, make up two suggestions containing information about human abilities.

26 . IN modern society The primary needs of a person are socialized. Illustrate this fact with three examples.



By performing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive for you. For this purpose, select only one of the proposed statements

29 . Expand the meaning of the statement in the form of mini-essay, if necessary, different aspects of the problem assigned by the author (affected theme). When presenting his thoughts on the raised problem (designated topic), with the arguments of its point of view, useknowledge obtained in the study of the social studies of the correspondingconcepts , as well asfacts Public life and own life experience. (As actual arguments, give at least two examples from various sources.)


"A person is determined not only by natural qualities, but also acquired" (I. Goethe).

"Man is a fundamental novelty in nature." (N.A. Berdyaev)

"Creating a man nature, but develops and forms his society" (V.G. Belinsky)

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