What happened to Barnabas. Ekaterina Varnava: photos before and after plastic surgery. Is it true that Barnabas did breast surgery

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The beauty-TV presenter Yekaterina Varnava, well-known in the vastness of the CIS, has recently been increasingly heard. Attention is attracted by noticeable changes in the girl's appearance: Katya has not only lost a lot of weight (now the actress weighs about 60 kg), she has transformed, but also made plastic surgery.

Barnabas in childhood and youth

Before and after plastic surgery

We all remember Catherine Barnabas before the operation and her transformations. Possessing a considerable height of 175 cm (according to some sources 181 cm), the girl, in addition, was famous for her dense complexion, she never differed in thinness, and even in her youth, judging by the old photos, Catherine was large. Barnabas was recognizable from afar with broad shoulders, steep hips and long legs, but in the appearance of the TV presenter, one of the most noticeable features, in addition to the eyes-magnets, was the nose. He spoiled the overall picture with Katya a little, since he often received epithets in his address: long and massive.

It also hit the thin lips of the actress. If the first lip augmentation (the difference in upper lip), the girl decided to do it a long time ago (2011, at the same time a noticeable correction of the eyebrows was made), then she went over to the plastic of the nose and the repeated augmentation of the lips relatively recently, namely after or during the period of weight loss.

From various sources and the girl's entourage, it is known that the TV presenter was encouraged to take such drastic measures (nose surgery) not so much the PR of her person as the weight loss itself. After the extra and superfluous kilograms disappeared, and Katya herself joined the Hollywood skinny standards, her facial features sharpened, indicating an unattractive detail of her appearance even more.

If we compare the early photos of the actress with the new ones, even a blind skeptic will note the results of plastic surgery: the nose was shortened and given a more correct, noble shape, while the result of the operation harmoniously reflected on the overall appearance of Catherine. Katya even began to be compared with the Italian top model of Romanian origin Madalina Genea (ex-girlfriend of Michael Fassbender and Gerard Butler).

As for the rumors around the second hobby for the lips of the TV presenter, here, as in the case of any other rumors related to her appearance, Ekaterina Varnava does not give any comments. In favor of repeated cosmetic intervention, it is also said last photos girls. Now the lips of the celebrity are close to the recognizable Angelina lips.

The result of losing weight and plastics of the actress gave her unabated hype, contracts and a lot of new fans. The latter can only hope that Katya will not play further with the scalpel, stopping from the temptation of other changes.

Photo in Maxim magazine

Katya starred in the nude format for the April 2010 issue of the Russian version of the men's magazine "Maxim".

Everyone loves to laugh, especially since laughter is known to prolong life. There is currently no shortage of uplifting content on blue screens; on the contrary, it is sometimes difficult to make a choice, because there is no limit to the variety of such TV shows and programs. It's good when the material offered to the viewer contains all the best traditions of the genre: humor, costumes, dances, wit. Thanks to this cocktail, truly popular and interesting shows are obtained, which you are looking forward to. Well, if they participate in such performances beautiful women, then success is simply assured.

Comedy show beauty

For several years now, to the delight of viewers, the Comedy Woman program has been broadcasting, in which mostly representatives of the beautiful half of humanity take part. Among them there is an unusually beautiful and talented young girl: a tall, leggy brunette. She could easily build a successful modeling career and conquer the world catwalks. However, thanks to her natural charm, incredible charisma, the ability to laugh and laugh at herself, she has been delighting viewers as a versatile comedy character for over 10 years.

During this time, the actress underwent dramatic changes regarding her appearance and life in general. Today we will talk about Catherine Barnabas before and after plastic surgery, we will try to figure out whether surgery really took place or is it just slander and gossip of envious women.

Why do many people compare the photos of Catherine Barnabas before and after plastic surgery?

The media personality is always under the scrutiny of society. Unfortunately, this is the price of fame and universal love. True, sometimes the so-called universal love implies far from a reverent attitude towards an idol, but rather, on the contrary, a desire to expose shortcomings, find out all the smallest details of personal life and make them public. That is why any changes in appearance are regarded by many fans and fans as a result of plastic surgery.

Before and after Catherine Barnabas, there were and will be many more famous people who will be discussed in this context. By the way, some stars of show business themselves talk about all their manipulations and any changes in order to attract attention to themselves. However, our today's heroine is not one of them.

Youth and first steps into popularity

Appearing for the first time on TV screens in the TV show "KVN", Ekaterina Varnava appeared as a very young girl and immediately conquered many with her spontaneity and, to some extent, even insolence. The girl was distinguished from the background of others by her height and stunning figure. After a while, she attracted the attention of not only the audience of the youth "Club of the cheerful and resourceful", but also the demanding producers of famous television channels.

She was invited to take part as a presenter in a popular TV show, and then Barnabas's career only rapidly gained momentum. By the way, from that moment on, the fans began to closely follow the girl, paying special attention to her appearance. After all, Katya Barnabas before and after plastic surgery, in their opinion, radically changed not only facial features, but also natural forms.

Slimming, liposuction or just fatigue?

During the period of all-consuming success, fans began to notice that the girl was changing and transforming. She lost weight, changed her hair color and began to stick to calm tones in her makeup. However, many immediately suspected Catherine of the fact that she allegedly resorted to plastic surgery. Articles began to appear in the press, supported by photos of Catherine Barnabas before and after plastic surgery. A huge number of unsubstantiated assumptions and guesses fell down. At the very beginning, the famous girl all over the country did not react in any way to the attacks against her by journalists, then she considered it necessary to comment on the situation, and now she made something of her like an object for jokes.

First-person comments

One Russian women's fashion magazine once invited Catherine to find out the details of her transformation. It is clear that the conversation touched upon the topic of operations and was held under the motto: "Barnabas before and after plastic surgery." However, the girl only said that as a result of the crazy rhythm of life, when there is no time for a normal lunch break, and dinner sometimes only happens in the morning, she lost weight and her face changed a little. It is worth noting that these events took place during the period of the girl's stunning career rise. When asked about lip augmentation, the Comedy Woman star answered with absolute honesty, because it was simply pointless to deny: the photos before and after Barnabas's plastics spoke for themselves. Now she is the owner of sensual plump lips, and at the time of her first appearance on the screens of the country she could not boast of this.

Supposed list of plastic surgeries from fans

Many fans of the girl competently argue that the lips are far from the only modernization undertaken by the girl in pursuit of perfection. Here are some of them:

  1. Removal of Bish's lumps, which subsequently provide for the drawing of a clear line of the cheekbones.
  2. Breast augmentation.
  3. Eyelid lift.
  4. Changing the shape of the nose.

The star categorically denies all of these surgical interventions. Beauty experts and the country's best plastic surgeons have tried to figure out the credibility of her claims. To do this, they closely studied the photos before and after the plastics of Catherine Barnabas. It is worth saying that the conclusions they drew are quite interesting.

Expert opinion

Let's start to understand in order. As for the beauty experts, they said they did not see such interference in the image of the famous comedian Barnabas. After plastic surgery (before and so she was graceful), the face acquires sharp cheekbones, and with Catherine, this effect was achieved as a result of strong weight loss. As for the suspicions related to the situation with an increase in breast volume, the answer of experts and plastic surgeons is definitely no. This is because Catherine, before losing weight, was a curvy girl and her forms have not gone anywhere, just now, against the background of a fragile body, her breasts stand out significantly and attract undue attention. Therefore, those fans and admirers who study the photos of Catherine Barnabas before and after plastic surgery should be told not to look for evidence that refutes expert opinion. The girl herself has repeatedly said that she did not resort to the help of surgeons, but owes her beautiful forms to her mother and grandmother.


Well, now it's time to deal with controversial issues concerning Catherine Barnabas (before and after the plastics, her photos differ). It is about changing the shape of the nose, the so-called rhinoplasty, and about lifting the eyelids. It is worth saying that the opinions of specialists about these operations were divided. Half believe that there were no surgical interventions, and the comedian's nose remained the same as in her youth. The photo clearly shows a small hump inherent only to Catherine and a peculiar tip, which has not changed at all. The other half of the experts believe that the nose began to look more miniature and graceful, which means that rhinoplasty took place.


Comparing the photos of Katya Barnabas before and after the plastics, or rather the pictures of her youth and those that were taken quite recently, the experts came to common denominator... They almost unanimously decided that Barnabas was doing an eyelid lift, and possibly also using Botox drugs. Plastic surgeons who took part in the experiment to determine the external changes of the famous girl noted that facial expressions after the aforementioned drug began to differ slightly from the original.

In fact, in conclusion, I would like to say that everyone has every right to dispose of their own appearance at their own discretion. People are also not obliged to account for this to anyone. Therefore, it should be concluded that Katya Varnava, the photos before and after the plastic of which are presented in the article, like the others, has every right not to disclose her personal life.

Childhood of Catherine Barnabas

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Varnava was born into a military family on December 9, 1984. Immediately after her birth, the family went to permanent place residence in Germany, where the girl's dad was seconded. Katya returned to Russia only at the age of seven. In the family of a military Cossack and a doctor, besides Katya, two more children were growing up (the girl had two older brothers, Igor and Alexei).

In the military city of Germany, Catherine graduated from the first grade. And in the second I went to a Moscow school. The girl clearly remembers how difficult it was for her to join the new team. Katya Varnava came from Germany in beautiful clothes and bright toys. Moscow peers, accustomed to empty store counters, did not see such luxury and thought that Katya was showing off. As a result, the girl became an outcast. She was avoided for a long time, and the schoolgirl sincerely did not understand why. Only now does she know where the childish dislike came from.

“I just had things that they didn’t have, such as a beautiful lacquered pencil case. For several years it was very difficult for me - because there are no friends, and everything around is not the same as before, ”says Barnabas.

From early childhood, Ekaterina Varnava was engaged in ballroom dancing. Parents were sure that their daughter as a dancer had a great future. And the girl herself has already seen herself in this sport professionally. However, in adolescence, Barnabas begins to grow rapidly and outgrows all dance partners (now the artist's height is 175 centimeters, and her weight is 62 kilograms). Problems began with finding a suitable candidate. When a partner was found, Ekaterina had to quit ballroom dancing due to an injury - during training, a 14-year-old girl fell and injured her back until the spinal discs were displaced. Forced refusal from sports Katya experienced very difficult. The girl is still uncomfortable when she sees her former dance partners at Russian and international championships.

Nevertheless, Ekaterina Varnava even after school wanted to connect her life with choreography and went to the University of Culture. However, it was not possible to enter this university. Higher education Katya graduated with a degree in Jurisprudence from the Faculty of Humanities, Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. However, Catherine did not want to connect her life with the profession she received.

Ekaterina Varnava and KVN

In 2003, Ekaterina Varnava, while still in student status, began to play for the KVN team "Their secrets", and since 2005 has been playing in the permanent composition for the "National Team of Small Nations". However, together with colleagues from last command Katya appeared on TV screens back in 2004. True, as a guest player. Then comedians took part in the Music Competition 1/4 finals of the Premier League season.

After the 2005 Premier League season, Ekaterina Varnava plays in the permanent squad of the Small Peoples Team. In the same year, the girl played 5 games in the Premier League, including at the festival. In the final, Barnabas finished fourth. In 2005, Katya, together with the "National Team of Small Nations", performed an out-of-competition performance at the "Voting KiViN 2005" festival.

Catherine Barnabas. KVN-2005. Premier League

In parallel with her performances for the National Team of Minor Nations in the Premier League, Katya Varnava plays for the team “My Secrets” in the season of the Higher Ukrainian League and reaches the semifinals. In 2006, following the results of the KiViN festival in Sochi, Yekaterina Varnava and the "National Team of Small Nations" receive a ticket to the Higher League of KVN. But in the first game, the team will fail.

After the Sochi KiViN-2007 festival, the team “Small Peoples Team” ceases to exist, and our heroine plays only in the “Svoi Sekty” team. However, the team will face the same fate as the Small Peoples Team.

Catherine Barnabas and Comedy Woman

The wide popularity of Ekaterina Varnava was brought by participation in the purely female comedy show "Comedy Woman". She enters the stage in the form of a sex symbol, and also deals with the choreography of the participants and the production of numbers. She tried herself in the role of an actress - she played herself in the sitcom "Univer".

Nowadays, there are very few comic programs on Russian television with the participation of women. Comedy Woman is one of the few projects. As Ekaterina admits, she and her stage colleagues are trying to break the stereotype that women have no or a meager sense of humor. And he adds that the team does not want to unite with men, since the humor of one sex is not always clear to the other. In addition, if a man-humorist can afford to be rude on stage and speak outright vulgarities, then a woman cannot do this.

By the way, the participants of Comedy Woman write jokes to themselves. Comic numbers are born literally on the go. The whole team thinks over the lines and intonations of each hero.

At the end of 2010, Ekaterina Varnava took part in a photo shoot for the Russian version of Maxim magazine for the first time. For a long time, the girl did not dare to undress in front of camera lenses, because she was afraid of condemnation from conservative parents. However, the artist accepted the offer of the representatives of the glossy publication, and dad and mom reacted to the daughter's decision surprisingly adequately. However, after the magazine was published, my father showed his displeasure. As a protest, he bought several magazines with Katya on the cover and with the words "I will know that someone will not get this issue" brought the editions home. However, the girl was pleased with the joint work with photographers.

In November 2012, Ekaterina Varnava repeated her experience of a candid photo shoot and appeared on the cover of XXL magazine.

Personal life of Catherine Barnabas

The Comedy Woman star had a long-term relationship with an unfree man. After an affair with a married woman and the role of her mistress, Katya Varnava realized that this was not for her.

“My longest love affair lasted two years. Everything was complicated, incomprehensible - both due to the circumstances and emotionally. I understood that dating a married person is bad, wrong, I avoided this relationship for a long time. But love made me turn off the right path - I'm not a robot and I can't program myself.

Then it was time to switch to new level, change something, but nothing happened. He could not decide what he wanted, and the status of an eternal lover did not seduce me. And we parted. Having finished that novel, I concluded that I would never have anything like it. A married man is not for me. "

Somewhere in April 2012, Ekaterina Varnava began to meet with her work colleague Dmitry Khrustalev. At first, the couple did not advertise their relationship, but the press often found them together in an informal setting. Although they did not make official statements, you can see from the photographs that they were connected not only by friendly relations. Six months later, Catherine moved to her lover. But the happiness was not long, by the middle of next year the couple broke up.

After parting with Khrustalev, Varnava began dating dancer Yevgeny Borodenko. Young people work together, often rest and fill up social networks with joint photos.

Catherine Barnabas now

Ekaterina also actively appears in television projects and flashes on the television screen. In 2012, in the series "Happy Together," she played the role of herself. In the same year, the film "8 First Dates" with Oksana Akinshina and Vladimir Zelensky was released on the big screen. Katya played a secondary role - the girl of the main character.

Interview of Catherine Barnabas about humor

Since the end of summer 2012, she has been the host of the NTV Utrom program. She was also one of the presenters of the "Battle of the Choirs" program on the "Russia 1" channel.

In the fall of 2013, it became the main character advertising campaign for the online shoe store Sapato.ru. And in 2014 she became the host of the Ukrainian television project "Who is Above".

Catherine Barnabas gained popularity due to her charisma, which is hard to miss. She stands out not only for her unusual presentation of herself, but also for her bright appearance. Many fans of the girl's creativity are interested in knowing whether Catherine resorted to plastic surgery or her beauty is her own merit.

Brief biography of the TV presenter

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Varnava is a popular TV presenter, actress and choreographer. Many people learned about the girl thanks to her participation in the comedy show Comedy Woman. She also repeatedly performed as part of one of the KVN teams. The star was born into a family of a military man and a doctor. The girl has two older brothers. Initially, the TV presenter graduated from the university as a lawyer, but did not work in her specialty. From the first release of the comedy show, the girl becomes a sex symbol thanks to her shocking appearance.

Ekaterina Varnava - the owner of a bright appearance

Ekaterina acted in films, playing cameo roles in such popular TV series as "Univer", "Deffchonki", "Happy Together".

The girl is a native Muscovite. Since childhood, she has an extraordinary charisma and sense of humor, attracting the attention of the public. Since 2013 he has been meeting with the famous choreographer Konstantin Myakinkov.

Children's and youthful photos of the artist

Ekaterina Varnava was fond of dancing during her school years Catherine Barnabas in her youth preferred black hair Ekaterina Varnava as a teenager with a friend Ekaterina Barnabas in her youth with her friends Catherine Barnabas as a child

What does Catherine say about plastics

The star completely denies rumors about surgical correction of appearance. The media personality claims that she has never resorted to operations, but simply carefully monitors herself, although some changes are evident. The girl claims that changes in appearance associated with dietary revision. Instead of meat and fish, Catherine prefers plant fiber and dairy products, thanks to which she managed to lose weight and transform.

Katya Varnava with her boyfriend Kostya

Catherine Barnabas has a fondness for colored lenses and periodically changes eye color.

What experts and ordinary people say

According to the majority of fans of Catherine's work, the girl still resorted to surgical intervention, and more than one. The star's nose has changed, the chest has become larger and the cheekbones are more expressive. The girl's lips were also corrected. They look more plump than they did when they were younger.

Specialists in the field of plastic surgery also agree that such changes in appearance are associated with a large number of operations. So, the artist constantly resorts to Botox injections, so she has practically no facial wrinkles on her face. Surgeons believe that Catherine did rhinoplasty, as the shape of her nose changed, especially the tip. It has become less voluminous than before.

Catherine Barnabas's nose after plastic surgery has significantly decreased

Experts say that the girl has enlarged her breasts with the help of implants. She looks elastic and more voluminous, which the star emphasizes with a revealing neckline.

The chest of Catherine Barnabas has noticeably increased

Pronounced cheekbones could be the result of either rapid weight loss or the removal of Bish's lumps. The artist herself claims that she has lost a lot of weight, so her facial features look more expressive than before.

The cheekbones of Catherine Barnabas became more expressive

There is no talk of silicone implantation in the lip area. According to the surgeons, the girl resorts to injectable augmentation with the help of fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Catherine is naturally endowed with good external data, so she skillfully emphasizes them with the help of cosmetics and beauty injections.

Lips of Catherine Barnabas: photo before and after augmentation

Some experts argue that the woman also resorted to blepharoplasty, as her gaze became more expressive and open, although this may be the result of professional makeup.

I believe that Catherine corrected the shape of her nose by resorting to plastic surgery. All other changes are related to the fashion for injection rejuvenation. Fillers of hyaluronic acid are undoubtedly present in the lips of the artist, since if we compare the appearance of a girl in her youth and at the present time, then an increase in volume is noticeable. Also, do not discount that the star has lost a lot of weight, so the cheekbones have become more distinct and chubby cheeks have disappeared.

Catherine loves to change and often experiments with her appearance. Eyebrow and lip tattooing also made some adjustments.

Photo of Catherine Barnabas before and after plastic surgery

Ekaterina Varnava before and after lip augmentation Katya Varnava before and after nose correction Ekaterina before and after cheekbones correction Changes in the appearance of a star: before and after photos Katerina Varnava: photos before and after breast augmentation

Plastic surgery of a TV presenter: the opinion of esperts on video

The list of plastic surgeries that the star resorted to will remain a mystery. One can only guess and rely on the opinion of experts. However, the bright and shocking girl never ceases to amaze her fans with a constant change of image and new stunning images that she presents on stage.

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