Anatoly Nekrasov - Life without crises. The crisis opens up your opportunities. Life without crises. The crisis opens up your opportunities The greatest value in the life of any person is himself

Anatoly Nekrasov

Life without crises. The crisis opens up your opportunities


The theme of this book was born at a time when the first financial crisis in the new millennium was sweeping across the planet. Its difference from all others is in its globality and the very high speed with which difficulties arise in one country after another. Most people perceive the crisis as a negative phenomenon, but I would advise not to rush to unequivocal assessments. Now, at the turn of epochs, we should reconsider all the "baggage" with which we enter the new time. We need a deeper understanding of various phenomena, including the crisis. In Japanese, this concept is denoted by two hieroglyphs: the first one means "destruction", and the second means "opportunities."


In Japanese, this concept is denoted by two hieroglyphs: the first of them means "destruction", and the second - "opportunities."

Indeed, in spite of various negative consequences, during the crisis, renewal takes place, cleansing of the old that hinders development, and new roads open. Based on this, many believe that the crisis is a necessary part of the evolutionary process and it should be present in life as an obligatory stage of development. For example, the birth of a child, the moment it leaves the mother's womb, is also a crisis process, and in some cases, surgical intervention is required. There are plenty of examples in life when the new arises through the destruction of the old. Therefore, people come to terms with the fact that everything new is born in agony, and take it for granted.

But it should not be forgotten that the crisis also has a negative side. People find themselves in difficult difficult conditions, face many problems, often accompanied by suffering. And a person is on Earth not for suffering, but for a happy, joyful life, and everything on the planet is designed for this. Therefore, I take the view that crisis is not an obligatory evolutionary form... The development of a person, family, society can occur without crises. And even at the moment of childbirth, a woman can be in such a high state that she experiences not pain, but joy, does not suffer, but feels ecstasy.


Why do we periodically face crises and have to overcome them? Many are looking for an answer to this question and give different reasons. For example, a well-known social and political magazine published a list of twenty-five politicians and businessmen who, allegedly, by their wrong actions, launched the mechanism of the global crisis. Nothing like this. The search for the causes of the crisis in specific individuals is a profound delusion. The true causes of any crisis lie not on the surface, but in the essence of the phenomena. Even more so in the global crisis. If not found true reasons crisis, the wrong diagnosis is made, then the prescribed method of treatment will be ineffective, if not harmful. In the best case, it will be possible to remove the symptoms of the disease, to slow down its course. The measures taken by the governments of states eliminate only the consequences, and even then not always, but in no way the root causes of the crisis. Of course, you also need to get rid of the consequences. But without eliminating the causes of the crisis, man and society will again and again step on the same rake. And only in the country where special attention is paid to the elimination of the root causes, a future without crises is possible.

I see three main reasons behind any crisis.

The first reason. When a person or a society stops in development and lags behind evolution, stagnation occurs, and additional external efforts are required to get out of it. A person who is frozen in development brings illness or some other problem onto himself. One of the root causes of America's war against Iraq, for example, was that the Arab country was in deep stagnation. And if we analyze history from such positions, we will see many examples of stagnation in one or another state provoking attacks on it by other countries.

Anatoly Nekrasov

Life without crises. The crisis opens up your opportunities


The theme of this book was born at a time when the first financial crisis in the new millennium was sweeping across the planet. Its difference from all others is in its globality and the very high speed with which difficulties arise in one country after another. Most people perceive the crisis as a negative phenomenon, but I would advise not to rush to unequivocal assessments. Now, at the turn of epochs, we should reconsider all the "baggage" with which we enter the new time. We need a deeper understanding of various phenomena, including the crisis. In Japanese, this concept is denoted by two hieroglyphs: the first one means "destruction", and the second means "opportunities."

In Japanese, this concept is denoted by two hieroglyphs: the first one means "destruction", and the second means "opportunities."

Indeed, in spite of various negative consequences, during the crisis, renewal takes place, cleansing of the old that hinders development, and new roads open. Based on this, many believe that the crisis is a necessary part of the evolutionary process and it should be present in life as an obligatory stage of development. For example, the birth of a child, the moment it leaves the mother's womb, is also a crisis process, and in some cases, surgical intervention is required. There are plenty of examples in life when the new arises through the destruction of the old. Therefore, people come to terms with the fact that everything new is born in agony, and take it for granted.

But it should not be forgotten that the crisis also has a negative side. People find themselves in difficult difficult conditions, face many problems, often accompanied by suffering. And a person is on Earth not for suffering, but for a happy, joyful life, and everything on the planet is designed for this. Therefore, I take the view that crisis is not an obligatory evolutionary form... The development of a person, family, society can occur without crises. And even at the moment of childbirth, a woman can be in such a high state that she experiences not pain, but joy, does not suffer, but feels ecstasy.


Why do we periodically face crises and have to overcome them? Many are looking for an answer to this question and give different reasons. For example, a well-known social and political magazine published a list of twenty-five politicians and businessmen who, allegedly, by their wrong actions, launched the mechanism of the global crisis. Nothing like this. The search for the causes of the crisis in specific individuals is a profound delusion. The true causes of any crisis lie not on the surface, but in the essence of the phenomena. Even more so in the global crisis. If the true causes of the crisis are not found, the diagnosis is wrong, then the prescribed method of treatment will be ineffective, if not harmful. In the best case, it will be possible to remove the symptoms of the disease, to slow down its course. The measures taken by the governments of states eliminate only the consequences, and even then not always, but in no way the root causes of the crisis. Of course, you also need to get rid of the consequences. But without eliminating the causes of the crisis, man and society will again and again step on the same rake. And only in the country where special attention is paid to the elimination of the root causes, a future without crises is possible.

I see three main reasons behind any crisis.

The first reason. When a person or a society stops in development and lags behind evolution, stagnation occurs, and additional external efforts are required to get out of it. A person who is frozen in development brings illness or some other problem onto himself. One of the root causes of America's war against Iraq, for example, was that the Arab country was in deep stagnation. And if we analyze history from such positions, we will see many examples of stagnation in one or another state provoking attacks on it by other countries.

The second reason. A crisis also arises when development does not correspond to the vector, the main direction of evolution. In this case, a person or a society deviates further and further from the “high road” and at some point finds itself in a critical state. And again, to return to the main path of life, an external influence is required. The example of a society that finds itself in such a position is well known. The collapse of the Soviet Union was a consequence of the fact that the country followed its own original path, not taking into account the global development trends.

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Anatoly Nekrasov

Life without crises. The crisis opens up your opportunities


The theme of this book was born at a time when the first financial crisis in the new millennium was sweeping across the planet. Its difference from all others is in its globality and the very high speed with which difficulties arise in one country after another. Most people perceive the crisis as a negative phenomenon, but I would advise not to rush to unequivocal assessments. Now, at the turn of epochs, we should reconsider all the "baggage" with which we enter the new time. We need a deeper understanding of various phenomena, including the crisis. In Japanese, this concept is denoted by two hieroglyphs: the first one means "destruction", and the second means "opportunities."


In Japanese, this concept is denoted by two hieroglyphs: the first of them means "destruction", and the second - "opportunities."

Indeed, in spite of various negative consequences, during the crisis, renewal takes place, cleansing of the old that hinders development, and new roads open. Based on this, many believe that the crisis is a necessary part of the evolutionary process and it should be present in life as an obligatory stage of development. For example, the birth of a child, the moment it leaves the mother's womb, is also a crisis process, and in some cases, surgical intervention is required. There are plenty of examples in life when the new arises through the destruction of the old. Therefore, people come to terms with the fact that everything new is born in agony, and take it for granted.

But it should not be forgotten that the crisis also has a negative side. People find themselves in difficult difficult conditions, face many problems, often accompanied by suffering. And a person is on Earth not for suffering, but for a happy, joyful life, and everything on the planet is designed for this. Therefore, I take the view that crisis is not an obligatory evolutionary form... The development of a person, family, society can occur without crises. And even at the moment of childbirth, a woman can be in such a high state that she experiences not pain, but joy, does not suffer, but feels ecstasy.


Why do we periodically face crises and have to overcome them? Many are looking for an answer to this question and give different reasons. For example, a well-known social and political magazine published a list of twenty-five politicians and businessmen who, allegedly, by their wrong actions, launched the mechanism of the global crisis. Nothing like this. The search for the causes of the crisis in specific individuals is a profound delusion. The true causes of any crisis lie not on the surface, but in the essence of the phenomena. Even more so in the global crisis. If the true causes of the crisis are not found, the diagnosis is wrong, then the prescribed method of treatment will be ineffective, if not harmful. In the best case, it will be possible to remove the symptoms of the disease, to slow down its course. The measures taken by the governments of states eliminate only the consequences, and even then not always, but in no way the root causes of the crisis. Of course, you also need to get rid of the consequences. But without eliminating the causes of the crisis, man and society will again and again step on the same rake. And only in the country where special attention is paid to the elimination of the root causes, a future without crises is possible.

I see three main reasons behind any crisis.

The first reason. When a person or a society stops in development and lags behind evolution, stagnation occurs, and additional external efforts are required to get out of it. A person who is frozen in development brings illness or some other problem onto himself. One of the root causes of America's war against Iraq, for example, was that the Arab country was in deep stagnation. And if we analyze history from such positions, we will see many examples of stagnation in one or another state provoking attacks on it by other countries.

The second reason. A crisis also arises when development does not correspond to the vector, the main direction of evolution. In this case, a person or a society deviates further and further from the “high road” and at some point finds itself in a critical state. And again, to return to the main path of life, an external influence is required. The example of a society that finds itself in such a position is well known. The collapse of the Soviet Union was a consequence of the fact that the country followed its own original path, not taking into account the global development trends.

AND third reason... A crisis also arises when a person or society begins to consume in excess of any measure, when consumption exceeds output. This situation is confirmed by the current global crisis. It started in the United States of America, a country that is the world's largest consumer. We can say with full confidence that the current global crisis is a crisis of the consumer civilization.

When life flows like a full-flowing river across the plain - calmly, without rifts, there is no room for crises in it. When obstacles are encountered on the way, when the course of life slows down, then at these moments tension arises, and even stagnation. The current global crisis suggests that many different problems have accumulated in human civilization that have to be overcome with a difficult surgical way.


Life is full of small and large crises, and they occur regularly: personality crisis, crisis family relations, crisis in business, crisis in the development of society, crisis in relations between countries, financial, economic, social crises and others. People often don’t think about the fact that they are in this or that crisis. And many are in crisis all their lives, not suspecting that they can live differently. Having come to terms with the constant presence of crises, with the fact that they are an integral part of evolution, people open the "doors" through which problems penetrate in their lives.


Many are in crisis all their lives, not suspecting that they can live differently. Having come to terms with the constant presence of crises, with the fact that they are an integral part of evolution, people open the "doors" through which problems penetrate in their lives.

Many of us are ready to accept the possible arrival of a global crisis that will destroy both human civilization and the Earth itself. And now they are preparing for the next "end of the world" ... And I invite readers to look at life in a different way - can we live without crises? In order to answer this question, you need to look at all crises and the reasons for their occurrence much deeper. Moreover, analyzing the current situation, we get a reason to deeply study the topic of crises. The financial crisis, which originated in one country and began to spread like an avalanche around the world, affects other areas of people's lives. We see that the financial crisis affects production, business, political relations. Ordinary people, businessmen, corporations and even states find themselves in crisis. But this is all a visible part of life. We will try to consider other aspects of this process as well.

There are no accidents ...

Let's start with the fact that nothing is accidental in life. The current crisis has its own reasons. We will not consider the apparent reasons that economists, politicians, and journalists talk about. We will look deeper and reach the root cause of all crises. But before proceeding with this, you need to understand that this or that crisis does not arise by itself. It is necessarily interconnected with other crises. For example, a financial crisis is always accompanied by crises in other areas of life. In particular, it is necessarily accompanied by social, spiritual and cultural crises ...

The beginning of all crises in a person

Knowing that a person is the measure of all things, that it is a person who creates life and, of course, crises, we need to peer into these depths, to look closely at the person himself. After all, all crises originate in it! And when we consider the issue from this point of view, with the proper depth of understanding, the full picture of the crises will open before us. Only then the interconnection of all crises, from personal to global, will be obvious.

Today's crisis is even more interesting because it occurs at the beginning of a new millennium, at the beginning of a new era. This is the first big crisis, which may be the last, or it may repeat itself in the near future. It all depends on you and me: if we get scared, panic, do something stupid, the crisis will certainly return so that we still learn the lesson. But there is another option for the development of the situation - according to the principle "the event itself is not so important as the way out of it." You calmly transfer the problem that has arisen to the rank of a task, identify the causes of difficulties, find a solution - and events develop in a different scenario. I invite everyone to go along the second path together.

Anatoly Nekrasov

Life without crises. The crisis opens up your opportunities


The theme of this book was born at a time when the first financial crisis in the new millennium was sweeping across the planet. Its difference from all others is in its globality and the very high speed with which difficulties arise in one country after another. Most people perceive the crisis as a negative phenomenon, but I would advise not to rush to unequivocal assessments. Now, at the turn of epochs, we should reconsider all the "baggage" with which we enter the new time. We need a deeper understanding of various phenomena, including the crisis. In Japanese, this concept is denoted by two hieroglyphs: the first one means "destruction", and the second means "opportunities."

In Japanese, this concept is denoted by two hieroglyphs: the first one means "destruction", and the second means "opportunities."

Indeed, in spite of various negative consequences, during the crisis, renewal takes place, cleansing of the old that hinders development, and new roads open. Based on this, many believe that the crisis is a necessary part of the evolutionary process and it should be present in life as an obligatory stage of development. For example, the birth of a child, the moment it leaves the mother's womb, is also a crisis process, and in some cases, surgical intervention is required. There are plenty of examples in life when the new arises through the destruction of the old. Therefore, people come to terms with the fact that everything new is born in agony, and take it for granted.

But it should not be forgotten that the crisis also has a negative side. People find themselves in difficult difficult conditions, face many problems, often accompanied by suffering. And a person is on Earth not for suffering, but for a happy, joyful life, and everything on the planet is designed for this. Therefore, I take the view that crisis is not an obligatory evolutionary form... The development of a person, family, society can occur without crises. And even at the moment of childbirth, a woman can be in such a high state that she experiences not pain, but joy, does not suffer, but feels ecstasy.


Why do we periodically face crises and have to overcome them? Many are looking for an answer to this question and give different reasons. For example, a well-known social and political magazine published a list of twenty-five politicians and businessmen who, allegedly, by their wrong actions, launched the mechanism of the global crisis. Nothing like this. The search for the causes of the crisis in specific individuals is a profound delusion. The true causes of any crisis lie not on the surface, but in the essence of the phenomena. Even more so in the global crisis. If the true causes of the crisis are not found, the diagnosis is wrong, then the prescribed method of treatment will be ineffective, if not harmful. In the best case, it will be possible to remove the symptoms of the disease, to slow down its course. The measures taken by the governments of states eliminate only the consequences, and even then not always, but in no way the root causes of the crisis. Of course, you also need to get rid of the consequences. But without eliminating the causes of the crisis, man and society will again and again step on the same rake. And only in the country where special attention is paid to the elimination of the root causes, a future without crises is possible.

I see three main reasons behind any crisis.

The first reason. When a person or a society stops in development and lags behind evolution, stagnation occurs, and additional external efforts are required to get out of it. A person who is frozen in development brings illness or some other problem onto himself. One of the root causes of America's war against Iraq, for example, was that the Arab country was in deep stagnation. And if we analyze history from such positions, we will see many examples of stagnation in one or another state provoking attacks on it by other countries.

The second reason. A crisis also arises when development does not correspond to the vector, the main direction of evolution. In this case, a person or a society deviates further and further from the “high road” and at some point finds itself in a critical state. And again, to return to the main path of life, an external influence is required. The example of a society that finds itself in such a position is well known. The collapse of the Soviet Union was a consequence of the fact that the country followed its own original path, not taking into account the global development trends.

AND third reason... A crisis also arises when a person or society begins to consume in excess of any measure, when consumption exceeds output. This situation is confirmed by the current global crisis. It started in the United States of America, a country that is the world's largest consumer. We can say with full confidence that the current global crisis is a crisis of the consumer civilization.

When life flows like a full-flowing river across the plain - calmly, without rifts, there is no room for crises in it. When obstacles are encountered on the way, when the course of life slows down, then at these moments tension arises, and even stagnation. The current global crisis suggests that many different problems have accumulated in human civilization that have to be overcome with a difficult surgical way.


Life is full of small and large crises, and they occur regularly: personality crisis, crisis in family relations, crisis in business, crisis in the development of society, crisis in relations between countries, financial, economic, social crises and others. People often don’t think about the fact that they are in this or that crisis. And many are in crisis all their lives, not suspecting that they can live differently. Having come to terms with the constant presence of crises, with the fact that they are an integral part of evolution, people open the "doors" through which problems penetrate in their lives.

Many are in crisis all their lives, not suspecting that they can live differently. Having come to terms with the constant presence of crises, with the fact that they are an integral part of evolution, people open the "doors" through which problems penetrate in their lives.

Many of us are ready to accept the possible arrival of a global crisis that will destroy both human civilization and the Earth itself. And now they are preparing for the next "end of the world" ... And I invite readers to look at life in a different way - can we live without crises? In order to answer this question, you need to look at all crises and the reasons for their occurrence much deeper. Moreover, analyzing the current situation, we get a reason to deeply study the topic of crises. The financial crisis, which originated in one country and began to spread like an avalanche around the world, affects other areas of people's lives. We see that the financial crisis affects production, business, political relations. Ordinary people, businessmen, corporations and even states find themselves in crisis. But this is all a visible part of life. We will try to consider other aspects of this process as well.

There are no accidents ...

Let's start with the fact that nothing is accidental in life. The current crisis has its own reasons. We will not consider the apparent reasons that economists, politicians, and journalists talk about. We will look deeper and reach the root cause of all crises. But before proceeding with this, you need to understand that this or that crisis does not arise by itself. It is necessarily interconnected with other crises. For example, a financial crisis is always accompanied by crises in other areas of life. In particular, it is necessarily accompanied by social, spiritual and cultural crises ...

The beginning of all crises in a person

Knowing that a person is the measure of all things, that it is a person who creates life and, of course, crises, we need to peer into these depths, to look closely at the person himself. After all, all crises originate in it! And when we consider the issue from this point of view, with the proper depth of understanding, the full picture of the crises will open before us. Only then the interconnection of all crises, from personal to global, will be obvious.

Today's crisis is even more interesting because it occurs at the beginning of a new millennium, at the beginning of a new era. This is the first big crisis, which may be the last, or it may repeat itself in the near future. It all depends on you and me: if we get scared, panic, do something stupid, the crisis will certainly return so that we still learn the lesson. But there is another option for the development of the situation - according to the principle "the event itself is not so important as the way out of it." You calmly transfer the problem that has arisen to the rank of a task, identify the causes of difficulties, find a solution - and events develop in a different scenario. I invite everyone to go along the second path together.

This is the first big crisis, which may be the last, or it may repeat itself in the near future. It all depends on you and me: if we get scared, panic, do something stupid, the crisis will certainly return so that we still learn the lesson. But there is another option for the development of the situation - according to the principle “the event itself is not so important as the way out of it” ...

I have no doubt that a person is able to understand the causes of any problem and get rid of it. Tasks that are beyond our strength simply do not exist. There are many examples when people learn from crisis situations and no longer fall into them. In general, any repetition occurs only when a person has poorly learned the first lesson. This happens in all areas of life. Both in personal development and in the financial field. So, if we now see the reasons, realize them, then we will be able to enter another plane of life - without crises. Let me remind you once again that we consider the crisis as a whole, in all its dimensions - both personal, family and social. In each of them, the same principles apply.

It is very important now, at the beginning of our conversation, to mention that by studying the topic of the crisis, we are solving with you not only our personal problems. Considering this or that issue, we must understand that we are always acting on a large scale, even if we are not aware of it. Let us take the crisis as a lesson, attending which, we understand that every person should strive to become a globally thinking, large-scale personality. We will learn to see ourselves as earthlings responsible for everything that happens on our planet.


A way out of a personal crisis

The main reason for any crisis is that the old forms, old methods, old tactics, the old way of life do not correspond to the requirements of the new time. And the longer the old resists, trying to maintain its position, the more severe the crisis is. The extreme forms of social crisis are revolutions and wars. We begin to consider the manifestations of the crisis in life with the crisis of the personality. In a person as a person, the crisis manifests itself in many ways: from mild malaise, mental depression to serious illness and, ultimately, death.


Usually financial, social and political crises considered separately from the personality crisis. At first glance, these phenomena have nothing to do with each other. In reality, everything comes from a person, from his inner state. Therefore, the roots of all, even global, cataclysms must be sought in a person, especially when he is in a crisis situation. What are the main values ​​of human society today? Money, oil, gold, diamonds and many other resources, but not a person. Until society understands that the main value of life is a person, and does not put in the first place the question of his harmonious internal state, it will regularly face small and large crises. But society is made up of individuals. First of all, the person himself must understand his value and put himself first in his life, take full responsibility for his life.

The person himself must understand his value and put himself first in his life, take full responsibility for his life. The natural natural system of values ​​is a guarantee of a way out of any crisis, be it a disease or a global economic cataclysm.

It is very important to turn to the natural system of values, when a person is in the first place, and introduce it into the practice of your life. Neither children, nor work, nor parents, nor a cat and a dog, but the person himself is the greatest value of his life. Positioning himself in this way, he becomes the master of life and determines how to live - with or without crises. The natural natural system of values ​​is a guarantee of a way out of any crisis, be it a disease or a global economic cataclysm. Many do not even think about the value system in which they live. And they don't know her. I will remind you that for an adult first value he himself appears. If a person wants to start a family, then half of them. Here they are together and will be the most important value in life.

Second value- that space of life, which is necessary for married couple: home and everything that is required for them happy life.

But only on the third place children are in the natural system of values ​​as a result of the created happy couple and the presence of comfortable conditions.

In fourth place- parents, relatives, genus in general. They energize the development of the family.

In fifth place there is labor activity, work that gives satisfaction and brings the greatest income only in those cases when a person correctly understands its place in the value system.

A person living in such a system of values ​​is guaranteed to protect himself from any cataclysms and crises. If you see true next to me happy person, ask him about the value system. And you will hear that he adheres to the natural system of nature.


Each person is like the Cosmos. There is such a concept - "inner harmony of a person", which generates external harmony. How is it determined? The harmonious interaction of three main components: mind, heart and eros. Do not be intimidated by the word "eros"! On many, I have noticed, it acts like a red rag. But eros means life energy, the most powerful energy of the physical body. Sexual energy, which is most often remembered when hearing the word "eros", is only part of this vital energy. The same thing happened with the concept of "eros" as with the concept of "love", which was divided into earthly and divine, understanding the former as nothing more than sexual relations between a man and a woman.

The inner harmony of a person is determined by the harmonious interaction of three main components: mind, heart and eros.

So, looking at a person as a unity of mind, heart and eros allows you to eliminate the deepest disharmony, which is the cause of crises within a person and then manifested in life.

If a person is not smart enough then he is experiencing many problems. Without a developed mind, it is difficult to realize oneself in life.

If a person has a closed heart, then his life is devoid of love and the brightest colors.

If a person has not developed eros then he is missing vitality for active action. In this case, a person has to spend the biological energy of his body for life, which leads to illness, rapid aging and premature death. The condition for achieving inner harmony is the maximum development of all three parts.

It is also important not only how these parts are developed, but also how they are connected with each other, whether they are friends with each other. The harmony of mind and heart gives rise to wisdom. But without eros, wisdom will be only contemplative. The harmony of all three parts, of the whole trinity, is characteristic of wise creators, creators.

The inner trinity of man

So, we looked into the essence of man, into the essence of the creator, touched the source of both a happy life and various crises. It is very important to put things in order right here. Especially now that we are entering a new era. Let's take the time to take a deeper look at the inner trinity of man. I invite everyone to look at themselves from these positions and eliminate internal disharmony. And your new state will instantly manifest itself in life by good deeds. Everything is very simple - everything is in the person himself. And no matter how paradoxical it may seem, a way out of any crisis is hidden inside a person. After reading the book, I recommend that you return to this chapter again. Because in each of the following chapters - about the crisis in the family, society, financial, political and other crises - we will constantly turn to the root cause, to the person. Man is the parent of all crises. Consequently, by changing himself, developing, he is able to eliminate crises from life.

The mind unites a person with the information space of the Universe, the heart - with the all-pervading energy of love, eros - with living nature.

For human life, a developed mind, an open heart, active vital energy (energy of eros) are needed. The mind unites a person with the information space of the Universe, the heart - with the all-pervading energy of love, eros - with living nature. Thus, each of the elements of the trinity brings a person to the universal level. Their condition and their interaction actively influence the formation of a person's destiny. When the trinity acts in concert, without oppressing each other, fully revealing themselves, then a person lives happily and brings beauty to the world.

The mind that took power over man

Today we see that the trinity is far from the state of harmony. Most people are characterized by overdevelopment of the mind. The mind rules over people. He is in command of the heart and eros. And this is the main problem of humanity. The mind undertakes to completely determine the life of a person, although its actual role is far from so significant.

The mind rules over people. He is in command of the heart and eros. And this is the main problem of humanity. The mind undertakes to completely determine the life of a person, although its actual role is far from so significant.

When the mind dominates the heart, a person loses love and compassion, which are replaced by a state of coldness and indifference. And if the mind interferes with the movement of vital energies coming from eros, natural processes in the body are disrupted. The person becomes awkward, angular.

He has various mental and physiological abnormalities... This is clearly seen in the example of "smart" children. The mind that has taken power over a person is called reason... That is, the mind begins to judge, reason about things, going beyond its capabilities.

The mind that has taken power over a person is called reason. That is, the mind begins to judge, reason about things, going beyond its capabilities.

The role of the mind in life should not be underestimated, but it should not be exaggerated either. Everyone knows the expression: "In the beginning was the Word." So most people try to put the mind at the beginning of life and build their worldview on this. The mind is initially given the first place, and it consolidates its power over man and the world. And he who took power once does not want to give it up. If, moreover, he has power for a long time, then he begins to perceive such a state as natural... The title “Homo sapiens” is assigned to a person, and therefore very few people even think that the mind can and should be deprived of power.

Examples of the ruling mind

Consider a few examples of the dominant mind. In a moment of crisis, the mind sees danger and begins to look for its source. As a rule, a certain set of "enemies" is already programmed in the mind: relatives, colleagues, officials, government, president, infidels, Satan ... The mind begins to look for means of protection from danger or means for a preemptive attack. It takes a person “on the warpath”: it makes him develop strength, accumulate means of defense and attack. But one who has embarked on the path of struggle must always remember that there will always be a projectile penetrating the thickest armor and any aggressor will sooner or later face a superior enemy.

Reason leads a person “on the warpath”. In a moment of crisis, the mind sees danger and begins to look for its source, the search for the "enemy" begins.

A certain set of "enemies" is already programmed in the mind: relatives, colleagues, officials, government, president, gentiles, Satan ...

At best, the mind tries to negotiate, to compromise, seeks to warn the other side against the use of force. This is not always successful. Or they listen to the voice of reason only on a short time... Such a world can be fragile and requires constant attention, continuous efforts to maintain balance on the edge of life's razor. To maintain an unstable balance, the mind creates a large number of different systems, thousands of egregors, uniting various groups of people and nations. But the world is not getting better. Crises continue, and each time their power grows more and more. When these methods do not help the mind find a solution in a difficult life situation and a person finds himself in a critical situation, he begins to look for defenders on the side, goes to bow to the stronger and, thus, becomes someone's servant. A person, seemingly endowed by nature with everything necessary to solve ANY problem, becomes a slave to some structure, earthly or heavenly egregor. Religions are based on this principle.

The mind seeks to find substitutes for true sensations.

The overwhelming mind seeks to find substitutes for the true sensations emanating from the heart. He uses feelings and emotions based not on love, but on fear, pride and will. Reason tries to find a substitute for heartfelt feelings in art, in literature, in sports, in various shows. A person reads a lot, is passionate about painting, music. The JOY OF LIFE is not enough for a rational person; he needs more powerful means. And the more developed the mind, the more powerful the stimuli must be, replacing the suppressed heart.

Reason tries to find a substitute for heartfelt feelings in art, in literature, in sports, in various shows. A person reads a lot, is passionate about painting, music. The JOY OF LIFE is not enough for a rational person; he needs more powerful means.

While the child is small, harsh rational words and actions rarely appear in him - the heart still controls the situation, mainly determining the path of the child. But at some stage, the forced development of the mind begins. The opening of the heart begins to lag behind, and already in adolescence this gap can be quite significant. Hence the definition of adolescence as “difficult”. It is characterized, on the one hand, by insufficient opening of the heart, and on the other, by a mind that has pulled ahead, but is not strong, and is not able to adequately respond to the situation.

In the systems of upbringing and education, methods must be used that allow both the development of the mind and the opening of the heart.

In the systems of upbringing and education, methods should be used that allow simultaneously developing the mind and opening the heart. The more interconnected these two processes are, the more surprising the result - “ordinary” children turn out to be unusually talented, difficult teenagers acquire personal harmony. This explains and high efficiency activities of famous teachers. Under their care, children receive new knowledge in good communication with each other, with nature, in the space of love, in which the mind and heart naturally develop.

If the heart prevails in a person

A heart developed more than other centers means that a person's mind is overwhelmed with emotions and feelings, even the kindest ones. As a result, he loses the ability to make objective assessments. The so-called state of "love without mind" arises. If emotions and feelings begin to control vital energy, a person loses control over his behavior, first does, and then thinks. Homer in the Iliad characterizes stupid

If emotions and feelings begin to control vital energy, a person loses control over his behavior, first does and then thinks. Homer in the Iliad characterizes stupid a person as the owner of a "foolish heart."

The concept of "heart" is central to poetry, mysticism, and religions of different nations. It is not enough to call it the organ of intuition. The heart gives birth to love. Poets say that the whole world fits in a loving heart. The heart is attributed not only to feelings, but also to various types of activity of consciousness. And this is not an exaggeration - the heart owns the truth of the whole world! It is also a repository of such an intimate function of consciousness as conscience. The heart belongs to both time and eternity at the same time. Counting off the run of moments with its beats, the heart simultaneously carries the eternal.

The heart is attributed not only to feelings, but also to various types of activity of consciousness. And this is not an exaggeration - the heart owns the truth of the whole world.

The heart is also a repository of such an intimate function of consciousness as conscience.

No matter how much you say, we still will not be able to describe everything that personifies the human heart! The mind makes a person intelligent, the highest being on Earth, and the heart turns him into a cosmic creature. Typically rational questions such as "why?" Do not make sense to the heart. and for what?". Mind - reason is full of ambiguity, hesitation. The heart knows no doubts. Knowledge of the heart is often called faith. Unfortunately, now the concept of "faith" is distorted by religious consciousness. When the mind tries to define faith, it disappears and is replaced by the concepts of "idea", "goal", "ideal". Reason can only generate these "crutches", and faith is born in the heart! In the unity of mind and heart arises confidence... And no matter how “sharp” and “deep” the mind may be, in principle it is not capable of realizing what the heart KNOWS well.

No matter how “sharp” and “deep” the mind may be, in principle it is not capable of realizing what the heart KNOWS well.

The heart lives with hope, the heart lives with faith, the future is born in the heart. The mind stores the past, already known, and if the mind is out of tune with the heart, then everything stored in it is dead. When the heart is united with the mind and they act in concert, a wise life here and now based on past experience. In the unity of mind and heart, past and future merge with each other.

When eros takes the lead

If eros comes to the fore, then the mind is overwhelmed with sexual energy up to hallucinations and inappropriate behavior. The dominance of eros is the cause of many sex crimes. Lots of mental disorders arises precisely on the basis of uncontrollable sexual energy. A person can become overly active, to the point of meaninglessness. This is the so-called insane Human.

What does disharmony within the trinity of man lead to?

Often there are people who have an open heart, a developed mind, an active eros, but there is no agreement and understanding between them. Such a person contradicts himself in thoughts, feelings, actions. In some situations, he acts unreasonably, recklessly, commits obvious stupidity, obeying an impulse of feelings. In other cases, where sensitivity, subtle manifestations of the soul are required, he, on the contrary, is rational and indifferent and acts "according to plan." The lack of agreement within the trinity of a person speaks primarily of his lack of love for himself. Self-love is the unifying force that harmonizes the interaction of mind, heart and eros. With insufficient opening of the heart, self-love will be directed inside a person, making him a closed system and turning him into an egoistic nature. A deep mind understands the danger of selfishness and fights against it with the most effective, in its understanding, method - the prohibition of self-love.

The lack of agreement within the trinity of a person speaks primarily of his lack of love for himself.

One of the problems that has long plagued humankind is the spirit of competition. It permeates almost all spheres of life - from children's games to interstate relations. The desire to win the attention of a woman, to get the best mark, to assemble a collection, to achieve results in sports is based on the desire to assert oneself in any way. It arises in the absence of inner harmony. In any competition, the winner is not a harmonious, but a strong (dexterous, skillful, intelligent, strong-willed, aggressive) person, whose one or two qualities are better developed than others. Reason directs a person to the development of strength, but this is dangerous. Remember how much dirt there is around sports competitions, how many mentally and physically crippled athletes. Strive to be not strong, but wise!

The greatest number of crimes is committed by the dominant reason, deprived of love for people and, truly, for itself.

A disharmonious person, unable to realize himself, tries to establish himself in any way, up to violence, deception, violation of the foundations of morality, moral principles. Some offenses are committed under the influence of base feelings and desires. But at the heart of the greatest number of crimes is the dominant reason, deprived of love for people and true love for oneself. therefore struggle with crime and others social problems ineffective. It lasts almost forever. It is necessary to eliminate the main reason for this struggle - disharmony within a person.

In order to assert himself in a rational society in the pursuit of power and wealth, the rational person has to use violence. Self-affirmation needs reason, not heart! A personality needs a harmonious disclosure of all qualities, and this is possible only on the basis of love! A harmonious personality gently, without violence, NATURALLY turns out to be in that sphere of life, in those layers and structures that it deserves in accordance with the level of its development.

For self-affirmation, reason uses the WILL. Reason says: "But what about without will?" Yes, of course, the more rational a person is, the more he needs to apply will to overcome those encountered on life path obstacles. Indeed, in this case, he does not follow the path of harmony, but where his reason directs him. "How to be, to go with the flow, to be weak-willed?" - Reason asks the question again. SWIMMING ON THE RIVER OF LIFE YOU SHOULD WHERE YOU SHOULD, RELYING ON WISDOM AND NOT VIOLATING HARMONY, BUT CREATING IT!

The harmony of mind and heart allows you to use the enormous energy of eros to solve emerging difficulties. Harmony of mind, heart and eros helps a person get rid of problems on the path of life.

And what will replace the will? STRENGTH is born in the harmony of mind, heart and eros. Based on love for oneself, for people, for the whole world, the desire gives rise to the desire to be dynamic, to do good and happiness for everyone! In this case, a person becomes a true creator.

It is very important to build the harmony of the inner trinity. There are the concepts of "balanced", "self-sufficient", "harmonious" person. They are used to characterize people who are distinguished by the equality of mind, heart and eros, when the whole trinity is in harmony. The harmony of the mind and heart allows you to use the enormous energy of eros to eliminate the difficulties that arise. Thus, the harmony of mind, heart and eros helps a person get rid of problems on the path of life.

Diseases are the result of internal disharmony

In reality, we see a different picture. The overwhelming majority of people experience a deep inner disharmony, which gives rise to many personal problems of a person and problems of society. For example, the most common personality crisis resulting from internal disharmony is illness. They come in different depths and durations. If a person does not understand the causes of the crisis, does not eliminate internal disharmony, over time, the disease will turn into a chronic one. If he continues to live like this, a complication of the disease, the emergence of other problems, is possible. All this can bring him to the edge of life. In order to get out of a crisis situation, even the most difficult one, it is necessary to find the causes of the disease and eliminate them. We know many examples of how people miraculously got rid of diseases, including fatal ones.

End of free trial snippet.

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