Concepts of modern natural science - Gorbachev V.V. Concepts of modern natural science. Gorbachev V.V. Gorbachev of the concept of modern natural science

Name: Concepts of modern natural science.

The textbook sets out the physical principles that make it possible to explain the world of animate and inanimate nature around us from the standpoint of modern, including post-nonclassical, physics. The general fundamental physical problems of the motion of material objects in the concepts of classical, quantum and relativistic mechanics, the relationship between space and time, the model of the origin, evolution and organization of the Universe are considered. The physical foundations of ecology and the role of the biosphere and noosphere in human life and synergetic models in the economy are outlined.
The manual contains Interesting Facts and hypotheses from various fields of physics and technology, biology, chemistry, sociology and other sciences. The book includes questions for self-examination, an extensive list of references, topics of abstracts, a dictionary of terms used in modern natural science.
Designed for students, graduate students and university professors. Useful for a wide range of readers interested in the problems of modern natural science.

The course "Concepts of Modern Natural Science" is a synthesis of the wisdom of ancient civilizations, the achievements of natural and human sciences, paves the way for an understanding of nature, man and society. It covers a wide range of issues and is fundamental, fundamental to everything modern education.
One of the main goals of the manual is to involve the reader in the creative process of self-knowledge, to show that without the involvement of science it is impossible to understand one's purpose on Earth, but at the same time there are still many unknown and not subject to science phenomena. The course is structured in such a way that its study was creative, shaping views of the world. Moreover, it perfectly meets the traditions of Russian education with its school of fundamentality and breadth of approach to explaining the essence of things.

Part one
1.1. Stages of development and formation of natural science 11
1.1.1. Plato's Program 12
1.1.2. Aristotle's representations 13
1.1.3. Democritus Model 15
1.2. Problems of Natural Science on the Way of Cognition of the World 16
1.2.1 Physical Rationalism 16
1.2.2. Methods of cognition 17
1.2.3. Holistic perception of the world 19
1.2.4. Physics and Eastern Mysticism 20
1.2.5. The relationship between the natural sciences and the humanities 26
1.2.6. Synergetic paradigm 30
1.2.7. The universal principle of natural science - Bohr's complementarity principle 31
Control questions. .41
Literature 41
2.1. Three-dimensionality of space 43
2.2. Space and Time 48
2.3. Features of Newtonian mechanics 54
2.4. Mechanical movement 59
2.5. Laws of Newton - Galileo 60
2.6. Conservation laws 64
2.7. Optimality Principles 68
2.8. Mechanical picture of the world 71
Test questions 73
Literature 73
Chapter 3. FIELD PHYSICS 73
3.1. Definition of field 73
3.2. Faraday - Maxwell's laws for electromagnetism 77
3.3. Electromagnetic field 79
3.4. Gravity Field 81
3.5. Electromagnetic picture of the world 83
Test questions 84
Literature 84
Chapter 4. Einstein's theory of relativity - a bridge between mechanics and electromagnetism ... 85
4.1. Physical principles of the special theory of relativity (STR) 85
4.1.1. A. Einstein's postulates in SRT 86
4.1.2. G. Galileo's principle of relativity 88
4.1.3. Relativity and time invariance 91
4.1.4. Light Speed ​​Constancy 92
4.1.5. H. Lorentz Transformations 93
4.1.6. Change in length and duration of time in STO 94
4.1.7. The Twin Paradox 96
4.1.8. Change in mass in STO 98
4.2. General theory of relativity (GTR) 99
4.2.1. General relativity postulates 99
4.2.2. Experimental verification of general relativity 100
4.2.3. Gravity and Space Curvature 103
4.2.4. The main results of the foundations of the theory of relativity 106
Test questions 107
Literature 107
5.1. Description of processes in the microworld. 107
5.2. The Need to Introduce Quantum Mechanics 109
5.3. Planck's hypothesis 113
5.4. Measurements in Quantum Mechanics 116
5.5. Wave function and the uncertainty principle of W. Heisenberg 117
5.6. Quantum Mechanics and Time Reversibility 119
5.7. Quantum electrodynamics 120
Test questions 121
Literature 121
6.1. A. Einstein's cosmological model - A.A. Friedman 123
6.2. Other models of the origin of the Universe 125
6.2.1. Big Bang Model 126
6.2.2. Background radiation 130
6.2.3. Is the Universe expanding or contracting? 131
6.2.4. The scenario of the development of the Universe after the Big Bang 133
6.2.5. The Inflated Universe Model 136
6.3. Modern concepts of elementary particles as the fundamental principle of the structure of matter in the Universe 138
6.3.1. Classification of elementary particles 140
6.3.2. Quark model 142
6.4. Fundamental interactions and world constants. ..... 145
6.4.1. World Constants 147
6.4.2. Fundamental interactions and their role in nature 149
6.4.3. What does the substance of the Universe consist of ?. 150
6.4.4. Black holes 152
6.5. The model of a unified physical field and the multidimensionality of space-time 156
6.5.1. Possibility of multidimensionality of space 157
6.6. Stability of the Universe and the Anthropic Principle 160
6.6.1. The plurality of worlds. ... 161
6.6.2. The hierarchy of the structure of the Universe 164
6.7. Antimatter in the Universe and Antigalaxies 167
6.8. The mechanism of formation and evolution of stars 169
6.8.1. Proton-proton cycle 169
6.8.2. Carbon-nitrogen cycle 171
6.8.3. Star Evolution 172
6.8.4. Pulsars 175
6.8.5. Quasars 178
Test questions 181
Literature 181
7.1. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and synergetics 183
7.2. Dynamics of chaos and order 185
7.3. E. Lorentz's model 186
7.4. Dissipative structures 187
7.5. Benard cells 187
7.6. Belousov-Zhabotinsky reactions 188
7.7. Dynamic Chaos 190
7.8. Phase space 191
7.9. Attractors 192
7.10. Aggravated mode 198
7.11. Poincaré's model for describing a change in the state of a system 203
7.12. Dynamic instabilities 205
7.13. Energy change during the evolution of the system 206
7.14. Harmony of chaos and order and the "golden" ratio 207
7.15. Open Systems 212
7.16. The principle of production of minimum entropy 213
Security questions 215
Literature 215
8.1. Symmetry and conservation laws 219
8.2. Symmetry-asymmetry 221
8.3. Electric charge conservation law 222
8.4. Mirror Symmetry 223
8.5. Other types of symmetry 224
8.6. Chirality of animate and inanimate nature 227
8.7. Symmetry and entropy 229
Security questions 230
Literature 230
9.1. Mechanic classification 232
9.2. Modern physical picture of the world 234
Test questions 238
Literature 238

Part two
11.1. Thermodynamic features of the development of living systems 243
11.1.1. The role of entropy for living organisms 244
11.1.2. Instability as a factor in the development of living things 247
11.2. An energetic approach to describing living things 249
11.2.1. Persistent imbalance 251
11.3. Levels of organization of living systems and a systematic approach to the evolution of living 253
11.3.1. Hierarchy of levels of organization of the living 253
11.3.2. Fibonacci method as a factor of harmonic self-organization 255
11.3.3. Physical and biological methods of studying the nature of living 257
11.3.4. Anthropic principle in the physics of the living 259
11.3.5. Physical evolution of L. Boltzmann and biological evolution of C. Darwin 262
11.4. The physical interpretation of biological laws 264
11.4.1. Physical models in biology 265
11.4.2. Physical factors of development of a living 268
11.5. Space and time for living organisms>. ... , 270
11.5.1. The connection of space and energy for living things 271
11.5.2. Biological time of a living system 272
11.5.3. Psychological time of living organisms 276
11.6. Entropy and Information in Living Systems 280
11.6.1. The value of information,. ... 282
11.6.2. Cybernetic Approach to the Description of the Living 285
11.6.3. The role of physical laws in understanding living things 287
Test questions 289
Literature 289
12.1. From atoms to protolife 289
12.1.1. Hypotheses of the origin of life 289
12.1.2. Necessary Factors for the Origin of Life 293
12.1.3. A.I. Oparin's theory of the abiogenic origin of life. ... .294
12.1.4. Heterotrophs and autotrophs 297
12.2. Chemical processes and molecular self-organization 299
12.2.1. Chemical Concepts and Definitions 300
12.2.2. Amino acids 306
12.2.3. The theory of chemical evolution in biogenesis 307
12.2.4. M. Eigen's theory of molecular self-organization 308
12.2.5. Cyclic Organization of Chemical Reactions and Hypercycles 310
12. 3. Biochemical constituents of living matter 313
12.3.1. Molecules of living nature 313
12.3.2. Monomers and macromolecules 315
12.3.3. Squirrels 316
12.3.4. Nucleic acids 321
12.3.5. Carbohydrates 323
12.3.6. Lipids 327
12.3.7. The role of water for living organisms 330
12.4. The cell as an elementary particle of molecular biology ... 332
12.4.1. Cell structure 334
12.4.2. Processes in cell 338
12.4.3. Cell membranes 339
12.4.4. Photosynthesis 341
12.4.5. Cell division and formation of the organism 342
12.5. The role of asymmetry in the emergence of living things 346
12.5.1. Optical activity of matter and chirality 347
12.5.2. Homochirality and self-organization in living organisms 349
Control questions. 353
Literature 353
13.1. Informational molecules of heredity 354
13.1.1. Genetic code 355
13.1.2. Genes and the Quantum World 359
13.2. Reproduction and inheritance of traits 360
13.2.1. Genotype and phenotype 361
13.2.2. The laws of genetics G. Mendel 362
13.2.3. Chromosomal theory of heredity 363
13.3. Mutagenesis processes and transmission of hereditary information 365
13.3.1. Mutations and radiation mutagenesis 365
13.3.2. Mutations and development of the organism 370
13.4. The matrix principle of synthesis of information macromolecules and molecular genetics 373
13.4.1. Transfer of hereditary information through replication. ... ... 373
13.4.2. Matrix synthesis by constant reduplication 375
13.4.3. Transcription 375
13.4.4. Broadcast 376
13.4.5. Differences between proteins and nucleic acids 379
13.4.6. A new mechanism for the transmission of hereditary information and prion diseases 380
Test questions 382
Literature 382
14.1. Ontogeny and phylogeny. Ontogenetic and population levels of life organization 383
14.1.1. Haeckel's law for ontogeny and phylogeny 383
14.1.2. Ontogenetic standard of living 384
14.1.3. Populations and population-species level of living 385
14.2. Physical representation of evolution 387
14.2.1. Synthetic theory of evolution 387
14.2.2. Population Evolution 388
14.2.3. Elementary Factors of Evolution 391
14.2.4. Living organism in individual and historical development 392
14.2.5. Geological evolution and the general scheme of the evolution of the Earth according to N.N. Moiseev 393
14.3. Axioms of Biology 396
14.3.1. First Axiom 397
14.3.2. Second Axiom 398
14.3.3. Third Axiom 400
14.3.4. Fourth axiom 402
14.3.5. Physical representations of the axioms of biology 404
14.4. Signs of the Living and Definitions of Life 406
14.4.1. A set of signs of the living 407
14.4.2. Definitions of life 410
14.5. Physical model of the demographic development of the joint venture. Kapitsa 414
Security questions 419
Literature 419
15.1. Physical fields and radiation of a functioning human body 420
15.1.1. Electromagnetic fields and radiation of a living organism 422
15.1.2. Thermal and other types of radiation 429
15.2. The mechanism of interaction of human radiation with the environment. ... 431
15.2.1. Electromagnetic and ionizing radiation 431
15.2.2. Possibilities of medical diagnostics and treatment based on radiation from the human body 436
15.3. Memory device. Reproduction and transmission of information in the body 440
15.3.1. Physical processes of information signal transmission in a living organism 441
15.3.2. Physical basis of memory 444
15.3.3. Human Brain and Computer 448
Security questions 450
Literature 450
16.1. Structural organization of the biosphere 450
16.1.1. Biocenoses. - 451
16.1.2. Geocenoses and biogeocenoses. Ecosystems 452
16.1.3. The concept of the biosphere 453
16.1.4. Biological cycle of substances in nature 455
16.1.5. The role of energy in evolution 456
16.2. Biogeochemical principles of V.I.Vernadsky and living matter 458
16.2.1. Living matter 458
16.2.2. Biogeochemical principles of V.I. Vernadsky 460
16.3. Physical representations of the evolution of the biosphere and the transition to the noosphere 462
16.3.1. The main stages of the evolution of the biosphere 462
16.3.2. Noosphere 463
16.3.3. Transformation of the biosphere into the noosphere. 464
16.4. Physical factors of influence of the Cosmos on earth processes 467
16.4.1. The connection of the Cosmos with the Earth according to the concept of A. L. Chizhevsky 470
16.5. The physical foundations of ecology 474
16.5.1. Increased anthropogenic load on the environment 474
16.5.2. Physical principles of environmental degradation 479
16.6. Sustainable Development Principles 481
16.6.1. Biosphere Sustainability Assessments 481
16.6.2. The concept of sustainable development and the need for environmental education 484
Test questions 486
Literature 486

Part three
17.1. Basic Principles of Universal Evolutionism 489
17.2. Universal evolutionism and methodology for the application of the Darwinian triad in the evolution of complex systems of any nature. ... 490
17.3. Universal Evolutionism and Synergetics 493
17.4. Modern rationalism and universal evolutionism. .498
17.5. Physical understanding of the theory of passionarity L. N. Gumilyov 503
18.1. The Rise of the Information Society 505
18.2. Globalization and Sustainable Development 512
18.3. Sociosynergetics 515
18.4. Civilization and Synergetics 521
18.5. Globalization and Synergetic Forecast of Human Development 527
19.1. Physical models of self-organization in economics 533
19.2. Economic model of long waves N. D. Kondratyev 537
19.3. Reversibility and irreversibility of processes in the economy 540
19.4. Synergistic views of sustainability in the economy 541
19.5. Physical Market Modeling 543
19.6. The cyclical nature of economic processes in the model of N. D. Kondratyev 544
19.7. Model of oscillatory processes in economics 548
19.8. Evolutionary management 550
Test questions 555
Literature 555

1. Newtonian concepts of time and space 566
2. Anthropic principle (AL) 567
3. The golden proportion as a criterion for harmony 570
4. Synergetic Paradigm 576
5. The role of water in nature and living organisms, 580
6. Influence of radiation effects on the environment 584
Notes 587
Literature 593
Topics term papers, abstracts and reports 600
Questions for the test and exam 604
Glossary of Terms 608


1 Scanning and formatting: Yanko Slava (Fort / Da Library) Icq # Library: Page numbers - at the bottom update V. V. Gorbachev CONCEPTS OF MODERN NATURAL SCIENCE Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions Moscow "ONYX 21st century" "Peace and Education" 2003 UDC 50 (075.8) LBC 20.1 G67 G67 Gorbachev V.V.

2 Concepts of modern natural science: Textbook. manual for university students / V. V. Gorbachev. M .: LLC "Publishing house" ONYX 21st century ": LLC" Publishing house "Peace and Education", with: ill. ISBN (LLC "Publishing house" ONYX 21 century ") ISBN (LLC" Publishing house "World and Education") The textbook sets out the physical principles that allow us to explain the world of animate and inanimate nature around us from the standpoint of modern, including post-nonclassical, physics ... The general fundamental physical problems of the motion of material objects in the concepts of classical, quantum and relativistic mechanics, the relationship between space and time, the model of the origin, evolution and organization of the Universe are considered. The physical foundations of ecology and the role of the biosphere and noosphere in human life and synergetic models in the economy are outlined. The manual contains interesting facts and hypotheses from various fields of physics and technology, biology, chemistry, sociology and other sciences. The book includes questions for self-examination, an extensive list of references, topics of abstracts, a dictionary of terms used in modern natural science. Designed for students, graduate students and university professors. Useful for a wide range of readers interested in the problems of modern natural science. Author: VV Gorbachev Academician-Secretary of the Physics Section of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Full Member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. E. K. Tsiolkovsky, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. Author of over 20 monographs and textbooks. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Laureate of personalized medals of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences named after P. L. Kapitsa and Peter I. Awarded the silver cross of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the Order of Tatishchev "For the benefit of the Fatherland." Laureate of A. L. Chizhevsky's prize "For his contribution to the propaganda of Chizhevsky's ideas and the development of modern natural science." UDC 50 (075.8) BBK 20.1 ISBN (LLC "Publishing house" ONYX 21 century ") ISBN (LLC" Publishing house "World and Education") Gorbachev V.V., 2003 LLC "Publishing house" ONYX 21 century ". Registration,

3 3 Electronic table of contents ... Electronic table of contents ... 3 Capsules (inserts) ... 9 FOREWORD ... 10 This course consists of two parts ... 10 Part I. PHYSICAL BASIS OF THE MATERIAL WORLD ... 12 Chapter 1 GENERAL CONCEPTS OF NATURE Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky Stages of development and formation of natural science Plato's program Representations of Aristotle Democritus's model Problems of natural science on the way of understanding the world Physical rationalism Methods of cognition Ernest Rutherford Holistic perception of the world Physics and oriental mysticism of Lao Tzu natural and humanitarian ... Sci. Werner Heisenberg Synergetic paradigm The universal principle of natural science Bohr's complementarity principle Niels Bohr ... 27 CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES Chapter 2. MECHANICS OF DISCRETE OBJECTS Three-dimensionality of space Space and time Isaac Newton ... 37 Fig Image of the world line in the space-time mechanics of Newton Motion in Mechanics Newton's Laws of Galilee z Conservation laws Principles of optimality Mechanical picture of the world CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES Chapter 3. PHYSICS OF FIELDS Definition of the concept of field Fig Model of field lines Faraday - Maxwell's laws for electromagnetism Electromagnetic field Gravitational field Electromagnetic picture of the world CONTROL ISSUES REFERENCES CHAPTER 4. THE THEORY OF EMERGENCY OF PERFORMANCE Physical principles of the special theory of relativity (SRT) A. Einstein A. Einstein's postulates in SRT G. Galileo's principle of relativity Fig Fig Fig Galileo transformation х "= х vt connects the position of the body Ρ in systems

4 counts К and К "Fig Change of electromagnetic forces in stationary K and moving K" frames of reference Fig Theory of relativity and invariance of time The constancy of the speed of light Fig "Einstein's train" Transformations of G. Lorentz Change in length and duration of time in SRT Fig. displacement for a system moving with a speed ν with the "Twins Paradox" Change in mass in SRT General theory of relativity (GTR) Postulates of GTR Experimental verification of GTR Fig Deviation of light rays from a star S when passing near the Sun from a straight trajectory Gravity and curvature of space Fig Movement of subjects A and B from the equator exactly to the north along parallel trajectories The main results of the foundations of the theory of relativity CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES Chapter 5. FOUNDATIONS OF QUANTUM MECHANICS AND QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS Description of processes in the microworld First Second The need to introduce quantum mechanics Erwin Schrödinger waveform ... 70 Louis de Broglie's dualism Planck's hypothesis Max Planck Measurements in quantum mechanics Wave function and the uncertainty principle of W. Heisenberg Wolfgang Pauli Quantum mechanics and time reversibility Quantum electrodynamics CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES Chapter 6. PHYSICS OF THE UNIVERSE A. Einstein's cosmological model Friedman Other models of the origin of the Universe Model of the Big Bang Georgy Antonovich Gamov Relic radiation Is the Universe expanding or contracting? Scenario of the development of the Universe after the Big Bang Fig Scheme of the physical history of the Universe Model of the inflating Universe Modern concepts of elementary particles as the fundamental principle of the structure of matter in the Universe Paul Dirac Classification of elementary particles Fig Scheme of classification of elementary particles Quark model Table Table Table Fundamental interactions and world constants World constants

5 Fundamental interactions and their role in nature What does the substance of the Universe consist of? Fig Possible forms of stable matter in the Universe Black holes Model of a unified physical field and multidimensionality of space time Possibility of multidimensionality of space Fig Model of three-dimensional frequency space (OD optical range, visible part of the spectrum, UV ultraviolet, IR infrared) Stability of the Universe and anthropic principle Multiple worlds Fig Schematic representation regions corresponding to stable regions of the Universe Hierarchy of the structure of the Universe Fig Scale of the Universe Fig Scale of the microworld Antimatter in the Universe and antigalaxy Mechanism of formation and evolution of stars Proton-proton cycle Fig Schematic representation of the proton-proton chain Carbon-nitrogen cycle Evolution of stars Fig Main sequence of stars of population I, k to which the Sun belongs (t C is the mass of the Sun) Fig Diagram of the evolution of stars in population I Pulsars Fig. The pulsar model proposed by Gold Quasars CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES Chapter 7. PROBLEM "DISORDER ORDER" IN KIND AND SOCIETY. SYNERGY CONCEPTS Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and synergetics Dynamics of chaos and order Model E. Lorentz Dissipative structures Belousov Zhabotinsky reactions Dynamic chaos Phase space Attractors Fig Image of attractors on phase diagrams Fig Bifurcation diagram (A characteristic of the state of the system, λ is the control parameter Model) Regime with peaking systems Dynamic instabilities Changes in energy during evolution of the system Harmony of chaos and order and the "golden ratio" of Leonardo da Vinci Open systems Principle of production of minimum entropy CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES Chapter 8. SYMMETRY AND ASYMMETRY IN DIFFERENT PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS Symmetry and asymmetry of electric conservation Symmetry symmetry Other types of symmetry Chirality of animate and inanimate nature Fig. Mirror symmetry of water molecules (a) and butyl alcohol (b) Symmetry and entropy CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES

6 Chapter 9. MODERN NATURAL-SCIENTIFIC PICTURE OF THE WORLD FROM THE POSITION OF PHYSICS Classification of mechanics Fig. Cube of fundamental physical theories Modern physical picture of the world CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES Part II. PHYSICS OF LIVING AND EVOLUTION OF NATURE AND SOCIETY 145 Chapter 10. GENERAL PROBLEMS OF PHYSICS OF LIVING CHAPTER 11. FROM PHYSICS OF EXISTING TO PHYSICS OF ARISING Thermodynamic features of development of living systems The role of entropy for living organisms Instability as a factor in the development of living organisms Stable level of organization and a systematic approach to the evolution of the living Hierarchy of levels of organization of the living Fibonacci method as a factor of harmonious self-organization Physical and biological methods of studying the nature of the living Anthropic principle in the physics of the living Physical evolution of L. Boltzmann and biological evolution of C. Darwin Physical interpretation of biological laws Physical models in biology Physical factors of development of living Space and time for living organisms Connection of space and energy for living Biological time of a living system Psychological time of living organisms Entropy and information in living systems The value of information Cybernetic approach to describing living things The role of physical laws in understanding living things CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES: Chapter 12. PHYSICAL ASPECTS AND PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY From atoms to protolife Hypotheses of the origin of life Necessary factors for the origin of life The theory of the abiogenic origin of life A.I. Oparin Heterotrophs and autotrophs Chemical processes and molecular self-organization Chemical concepts and definitions Fig Scheme of changes in free energy and chemical bonds in molecules of living organisms Amino acids Theory of chemical evolution in biogenesis M. Eigen's theory of molecular self-organization Cyclic organization of chemical reactions and hypercycles Biochemical components of living matter Molecules of living nature Monomers and macromolecules Proteins Rice The structure of protein-myoglobin Rice The structures of 20 amino acids found in proteins Nucleic acids Rice The structure of the nucleotide of the monomer of nucleic acids Rice Double helix of the DNA molecule Rice The construction of nucleic acid from nucleotides Carbohydrates Rice ATP structure Rice Scheme of obtaining free energy with the participation of ATP Rice Scheme formation of an ATP molecule Fig Diagram of the Lipman cycle on the participation of phosphorus molecules in the energy processes of a living organism Lipids

7 Rice The structure of unsaturated (a) and saturated (b) fatty acids Rice Dissolution of the ionic end of a fatty acid in water Rice Dissolution of hydrocarbon chains of soap in oil The role of water for living organisms Cell as an elementary particle of molecular biology Cell structure Rice Cell structure Processes in the cell Cell membranes Photosynthesis Cell division and the formation of an organism Rice Cell cycle The role of asymmetry in the origin of living things Optical activity of matter and chirality Homochirality and self-organization in living organisms CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES Chapter 13. PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF LIVING WORLD CODES AND DEVELOPMENT HERITAGE CODES AND HERITAGE CODE elements in physical and genetic atomism Reproduction and inheritance of traits Genotype and phenotype Genome Gene pool The laws of genetics by G. Mendel Chromosomal theory of heredity Mutagenesis processes and transmission of hereditary information Mutations and radiation mutagenesis Nikolay Vladimirovich Timofeev-Resovskiy Mutations and development of the organism The matrix principle of synthesis of information macromolecules and molecular genetics Transmission of hereditary information through replication Fig. DNA replication Matrix synthesis by means of convariant reduplication Transcription Translation mechanism of transmission of hereditary information and prion diseases CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES Chapter 14. PHYSICAL UNDERSTANDING OF EVOLUTIONARY AND INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS Ontogenesis and phylogeny. Ontogenetic and population levels of life organization Haeckel's law for ontogeny and phylogenesis Ontogenetic level of life Populations and the population-specific level of living things Physical representation of evolution Synthetic theory of evolution Evolution of populations Elementary factors of evolution Living organism in individual and historical development Geological evolution and the general scheme of the Earth's evolution according to H.H. Moiseev Axioms of biology The first axiom The second axiom The third axiom The fourth axiom Physical representations of the axioms of biology

8 14.4. Signs of the living and definitions of life. The set of signs of the living. Definitions of life. Physical model of demographic development of the joint venture. Kapitza CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES Chapter 15. PHYSICAL AND INFORMATION FIELDS OF BIOLOGICAL STRUCTURES Physical fields and radiation of a functioning human body Fig. Scheme of physical fields in the human body Electromagnetic fields and radiation of a living organism Fig. Distribution around a person electric field formed as a result of the bioelectric activity of his heart Thermal and other types of radiation The mechanism of interaction of human radiation with the environment Electromagnetic and ionizing radiation Possibilities of medical diagnostics and treatment based on radiation from the human body Memory device. Reproduction and transmission of information in the body Physical processes of information signal transmission in a living organism Fig. The structure of a neuron Fig. The electric potential of the action of a nerve impulse Physical basis of memory Human brain and computer CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES Chapter 16 PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF THE BIOSPHERE AND FOUNDATIONS OF ECOLOGY Structural organization of the biogeocene of the biosphere of the biosphere. Ecosystems The concept of biosphere Biological circulation of substances in nature The role of energy in evolution Fig. Distribution solar energy coming to the Earth Biogeochemical principles of V.I. Vernadsky and living matter Living matter Biogeochemical principles of V.I. Vernadsky Physical representations of the evolution of the biosphere and the transition to the noosphere Main stages of the evolution of the biosphere Noosphere Transformation of the biosphere into the noosphere Physical factors of the influence of the Cosmos on terrestrial processes L. Chizhevsky Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky Physical foundations of ecology Increase of anthropogenic load on the environment Physical principles of environmental degradation Principles of sustainable development Assessing the sustainability of the biosphere The concept of sustainable development and the need for environmental education.284 CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES Chapter 17. PHYSICAL MODELS OF SELF-ORGANIZATION IN THE ECONOMY OF N. Economic model Kondratyeva Reversibility and irreversibility of processes in the economy Synergetic representations of stability in the economy Physical modeling of the market The cyclical nature of economic processes in the model of N.D. Kondratyeva Model of oscillatory processes in economics CONTROL QUESTIONS REFERENCES CONCLUSION. EVOLUTIONARY SYNERGY PARADIGM: 8

9 FROM A WHOLE KNOWLEDGE TO A WHOLE CULTURE. 295 LITERATURE Main Additional TOPICS OF COURSE WORKS, ABSTRACTS AND PAPERS QUESTIONS FOR EXAMINATION AND EXAMINATION VOCABULARY OF TERMS A B C D Ε G Τ Π I LITERATURE CONTENTS Capsules (inserts) Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky ... 13 Ernest Rutherford ... 19 Lao Tzu ... 21 Werner Heisenberg ... 25 Niels Bohr ... 27 Isaac Newton ... 37 A. Einstein .. .56 Erwin Schrödinger ... 70 Louis de Broglie ... 71 Max Planck ... 72 Wolfgang Pauli ... 75 Georgy Antonovich Gamow ... 81 Paul Dirac ... 88 Leonardo da Vinci Nikolai Vladimirovich Timofeev-Resovsky Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky

10 10 FOREWORD The course "Concepts of Modern Natural Science" is a synthesis of the wisdom of ancient civilizations, the achievements of natural and humanitarian sciences, paves the way for understanding nature, man and society. It covers a wide range of issues and is fundamental, fundamental for all modern education. The emergence of the course "Concepts of Modern Natural Science" is due to the problems that arose before mankind by the beginning of the third millennium. Many specific questions of a particular profession are answered by special sciences, but they do not answer global questions: how is the world around us in general arranged? what fundamental laws does nature obey? what are Life, Mind, Man and where is his place in the Universe? This is largely determined by the formation of this type of thinking and methods of cognition, which make it possible to reveal the fundamental laws and universal principles that govern the processes in the surrounding world. Achievements of natural sciences, and first of all physics, correspond to them. However, now it is becoming more and more obvious that a holistic perception and explanation of the world only on the basis of the natural-scientific method of cognition is not enough, it requires a humanitarian approach. On the other hand, it is important to include the concepts, concepts and methodology of the natural sciences in humanitarian education as a component of human culture, to show why the humanities need physics, to assert in the public consciousness the need for natural education, including it in the system modern culture... One of the main goals of the manual is to involve the reader in the creative process of self-knowledge, to show that without the involvement of science it is impossible to understand one's purpose on Earth, but at the same time there are still many unknown phenomena that are not subject to science. The course is structured in such a way that its study was creative, shaping views of the world. Moreover, it perfectly meets the traditions of Russian education with its school of fundamentality and breadth of approach to explaining the essence of things. On the other hand, it is quite natural that it is impossible to grasp the immensity and sufficiently fully and equally illuminate all scientific approaches and concepts. Despite a certain selection of material and an attempt to build a paradigm of the modern natural-scientific picture of the world, many interesting questions in the proposed tutorial did not find their development. To a certain extent, this was done deliberately: in the author's opinion, there should be more questions in such a course than answers. This course is divided into two parts. The first part gives an idea of ​​the physical principles of explaining nature from the standpoint of modern (including post-nonclassical) physics. Following the terminology of I. Prigogine, this is the physics of the necessary, or existing. It considers the general fundamental principles of the motion of material bodies within the framework of classical, quantum and relativistic mechanics, the relationship between space and time, the foundations of the theory of relativity, the physics of the Universe and modern ideas about the structure of matter, methods of discrete and probabilistic description of nature, the use of synergetic concepts to explain the behavior of complex systems and the role of symmetry-asymmetry in various physical manifestations. The evolution of ideas about nature from a mechanical picture of the world through electromagnetic and field to modern natural science is given. The second part deals with the issues of physical understanding of the principles of biology, reproduction and development of living systems, physical factors of the influence of the Cosmos on earthly processes, the role of internal and external physical fields in the evolution of living organisms. These problems relate to the physics of the emerging and are related to the problems of the physics of the living. Synergetic representations of self-organization in economics are considered as an example of the use of physical models in humanitarian applications. Each chapter ends with self-assessment checklists and a bibliography. A list of questions that can be used for a test or an exam is given, topics of essays have been developed with reference to the necessary literature.

11 The vocabulary of terms used in modern natural science is very useful for students. The manual is written in living language, contains original examples that allow a deeper understanding of the problems of modern natural science. It is of undoubted interest for humanities students and curious readers. The methodological goal of such a course is to provide students with an understanding of a holistic picture of the World within the framework of natural science and humanitarian paradigms, their understanding of the role of man in uniting three interconnected subsystems of his habitation, natural, artificial (technosphere) and social environments. The course "Concepts of Modern Natural Science" complies with the State Educational Standard and the program for humanitarian specialties of universities. It is intended for students, graduate students and teachers of these specialties and is useful for readers interested in the problems of modern natural science. The author is grateful to the reviewers: Corr. RAS, Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sciences L.A. Gribov, Academicians of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sci. V.I. Fistul and Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sciences A. N. Georgobiani, as well as Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sciences to K. N. Bystrov for valuable advice and discussion of the manual. Author 11

12 12 Part I. PHYSICAL BASIS OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE MATERIAL WORLD Alles war gesagt, doch alles beibt zu sagen. (Everything has been said, all that remains is to say everything.) I. Goethe Two things fill my soul with ever new and growing admiration and blessing as you think deeper and deeper: the starry sky above me and the moral law in me. I. Kant Chapter 1. GENERAL CONCEPTS OF NATURE The term "natural science" in its semantic sense means "nature" (nature) and knowledge about it. Sometimes they use the less common phrase "natural history", which comes from the common Slavic word "Veda" or "Veda" knowledge. We still sometimes say "know" in the sense of knowing. However, at present, natural science, especially modern, is understood primarily as exact natural science, reflecting the general laws of nature formulated in a mathematical form, of all processes occurring in the micro- and macrocosm. And natural science, like social science, science of science or environmental engineering, is usually associated with amorphous ideas about the subject of their own, private "knowledge". Quite a long time ago, the Latin term natura nature, widespread in European countries (for example, in Germany, Sweden and Holland), entered the Russian language as a synonym for the word "nature". On its basis, the corresponding term "Naturwissenschaft" was formed, i.e. literally the science of nature, or natural science. It is combined with another definition of the subject of the study of nature "natural philosophy" (philosophy of nature). 5 Problems of origin, structure, organization of nature, everything that is in the Universe (Cosmos), i.e. in essence, all problems of natural science, cosmology and cosmogony were originally related to "physics". In any case, Aristotle (years BC) called his predecessors and contemporaries who dealt with these problems "physicists" or "physiologists", for the ancient Greek word "fizis", or "fuzis", is very close in Russian to the word "nature". Modern natural science affects not only natural-scientific problems proper, but also humanitarian ones, because it examines scientific methods and ways of human cognition of nature. The study of these paths is also the subject of philosophy as a science of thinking and cognition, sociology as a science of the development of human society, psychology as a science of human intelligence and biology as a science of living things. Therefore, natural science is, to a certain extent, the basis of all knowledge, both natural science, technical and humanitarian. In general, modern natural science as a scientific worldview paradigm is based on physical concepts. This is determined by the fact that, possessing a scientific method and formulating ideas about nature at a quantitative level in the form of fundamental laws and principles, physics has created a basis for explaining the real physical world. At the same time, after R. Descartes () rejected attempts to cognize the spiritual life of man scientific methods, physics later began to lose its positions, faced with those unknown and unexplained phenomena that do not fit into the framework of only physical concepts. Currently, we understand that at the fundamental level, nature is one, the boundaries in it are very conditional and the various sciences that study it only reflect the consistent approach of the collective mind of mankind to the truth of our ideas about the world. In addition, just as it is impossible to comprehend the laws governing human life and activities through acquaintance only with the anatomy of its individual organs, so it is impossible, studying separately individual natural sciences, to cognize nature as a whole. Therefore, modern natural science as a set of many sciences about the world is itself a generalized integrative integral 6

13 noah science. The concept of modern natural science should be created on a holistic basis of the relationship between natural and humanitarian cultures, an unbiased objective view of the environment and inner world person. As the Austrian physicist E. Schrödinger () noted, "all natural sciences are associated with universal human culture," and the American physicist I. Rabi () also emphasized that "physics is the core of the humanities education of our time." The word "concept" means a certain way of understanding, the interpretation of an object, phenomenon, process, the main point of view on these essences, a guiding idea for their systematic presentation and illumination. On the other hand, a concept is a system of associations and concepts that is formed in the process of the development of our consciousness. The very acquisition and construction of the concept is also the development of consciousness. As academician Η. Η. Moiseev (), there is a situation when the Reason knows itself. As a result of the construction of the concept of modern natural science, a scientific picture of the world or a scientific paradigm is created. By it the author understands an integral system of scientific views on the general laws of development of nature, society and living things, which arises as a result of not only synthesis and generalization of natural scientific concepts, concepts and terms, but also understanding and description on the basis of modern physical models of origin and development in the whole of life, its specific manifestations in living nature, as well as the essence of the socio-economic, including historical, development of society. This should include philosophy, which has always performed in relation to science the function of the methodology of cognition and which Aristotle defined as the doctrine of primary causes, first principles, the most general principles of being. Currently, successful attempts are being made to describe such categories as morality, ethics, conscience, and other spiritual and aesthetic values ​​through the concepts of exact science. Note that a physical model is created essentially for the same reason why an architect constructs a model of a group of buildings: to visually represent the relationship and proportionality between buildings, free spaces between them and the aisles or streets that connect them. In physics, they usually strive to make a mathematical model in order to describe the phenomena, the process 7 Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky 13 The great Russian scientist encyclopedist V. I. Vernadsky () studied the issues of origin and development chemical elements on Earth and in Space, the reasons for the origin of "living matter", the interaction of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and noosphere of the Earth and their connection with the Cosmos. In his works, in essence, the foundations of modern natural science are laid. VI Vernadsky was born in St. Petersburg in 1863, in the family of a professor of political economy, a typical representative of the Russian liberal intelligentsia of the last century. Vladimir Ivanovich received an excellent education in a classical gymnasium and then graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University. He was greatly influenced by the well-known Russian soil scientist V.V.Dokuchaev (), who taught a course in mineralogy at this university. Vernadsky knew 15 languages, was interested in history, philosophy, global problems of the human

14 society. In 1897, Vernadsky defended his doctoral dissertation and became a professor at Moscow University. In 1906 he was elected a member of the State Council from Moscow University. On the initiative of V. I. Vernadsky and under his chairmanship in 1915, a commission was created to study the natural productive forces of Russia at the Academy of Sciences. At the end of 1921, Vernadsky founded the Radium Institute in Moscow and was appointed its director. In 1926 his famous work "Biosphere" was published. He conducted research on natural waters, the circulation of substances and gases of the Earth, cosmic dust, problems of time and space. But the main theme for him remains the theme of the biosphere of the area of ​​life and the geochemical activity of living matter. For Vernadsky, science was a means of cognizing nature. He was not an expert in any one science, or even in several sciences. He brilliantly knew a dozen sciences, but he studied nature, which is immeasurably more complex than all individual sciences. Like many natural scientists who have achieved outstanding success in special fields, Vernadsky came to his philosophical conclusions in his declining years, seeing in them a natural generalization of the fundamental principles underlying the universe. But even among the luminaries of natural science, he stands out for innovation, breadth of views, depth of ideas and their amazing modernity. VI Vernadsky is the founder of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, radiochemistry. As a professor at Moscow University in 2000-2002, he resigned in protest against the oppression of students. In 1919 he was the first president of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. or an object in quantitative language. To create a physical model, three initial positions are used: all natural phenomena (and now, within the framework of synergetic representations of complex open systems, these include the processes and organization of socio-economic and living systems) can be explained by physical laws expressed in mathematical form; these physical laws are universal and do not depend on time and space; all basic laws should be simple. Many humanitarians and people who are even more far from science believe that their life has nothing to do with abstract mathematical theories and fundamental physical laws, and if mathematics is needed, then only then, 8 to count money. In reality, the fundamental mathematical and physical ideas, the dominant physical and mathematical paradigms (including the synergetic one) leave their mark on the thinking style of scientists, representatives of not only natural, but also the humanities, and on the everyday thinking of all people without exception. They penetrate into the language as speech turns, into logic, psychology, politics, into moral ideas and values, into ethics and aesthetics. At all times, man strives to live and act in accordance with his inner nature and, if possible, in harmony with external Nature, by which we mean what we know about her and can express in terms and symbols of modern science. It is one of the tasks of modern natural science to teach a person to navigate correctly (“scientifically”) in the real world, to realize his place in it. In addition, according to I. R. Prigogine (b. 1917), “natural science is a dialogue with nature. And as it should be in real dialogue, the answers are often unexpected, and sometimes just amazing. " Therefore, modern natural science is not just interdisciplinary training course, but the real science of knowing the world, life and man. Man is an essential object of nature with cosmological significance. Yet ancient greek philosopher Protagoras (5th century BC) began one of his works ("On Nature") with the words: "Man is the measure of all things existing and non-existent." This prophetic saying of Protagoras anticipated the so-called anthropic principle, which was first deliberately introduced into the foundations of cosmology and analyzed in detail already in 14

15 our time. Having corrected the well-known Protagoras dictum in his own way, VI Vernadsky, as it were, anticipated, following Protagoras himself, the anthropic cosmological principle: "A thinking man is the measure of everything." V. I. Vernadsky was fully aware of the vital necessity of a philosophical worldview and the fundamental significance of the metaphysical principles of natural science, about which he wrote back in 1902: "In the history of the development of scientific thought, one can clearly and accurately trace the importance of philosophy as the roots and life atmosphere of scientific research." ... And in his other work, he noted: “In our time, the framework of a separate science, into which scientific knowledge, cannot accurately determine the area of ​​scientific thought of the researcher, accurately characterize it scientific work... The problems that occupy him more and more often do not fit into the framework of a separate, definite, established science. We specialize not in sciences, but in problems. " At the same time, V.I.Vernadsky considered it essential and possible to strive for the most complete coverage of natural phenomena and nature itself as a whole. At the same time, the differentiation of special sciences continues, and now there are already up to 500 natural and 300 humanities. According to V.I. Vernadsky, the provisions of these sciences should be reflected conceptually just in modern natural science. The well-known philosopher, an expert in the field of logic K. Popper () in his book "The Logic of Scientific Discovery" wrote: "There is at least one philosophical problem in which all thinking humanity is interested. This is the problem of cosmology, the problem of understanding the world, including ourselves, and our knowledge as part of the world. " Let us consider, within the framework of modern scientific concepts, how this problem was specifically solved and how a scientific picture of the world is created. Stages of development and formation of natural science If you want to know nature and appreciate its beauty, then you need to understand its language in which it speaks. It gives information only in one form, and we have no right to demand from it. so she changes her language to get our attention. Ρ. Feynman Training rarely bears fruit for anyone other than those. who are predisposed to this, but they almost do not need it. Gibbons' statement cited by R. Feyman in his lectures on physics The science of nature originated in Ancient Greece more than 2500 years ago as a unified natural philosophy. The natural basis for its emergence and development was the observation of inquisitive people over the world around them. From these observations, conclusions and generalizations were made and theories were constructed. Since in the initial period of the formation of a unified science there were no measurements, but only observations and reasoning, the first observers clothed their conclusions in certain philosophical categories. All natural-scientific knowledge and ideas about nature at that time were not divided into separate areas of knowledge and thus constituted a single science, the basis of which was logical reasoning and inferences about what was observed. This is where the name natural philosophy comes from, that is, wise reasoning about nature (nature is nature, philosophy is love for wisdom). These theoretical concepts were naive and often wrong. But along with the accumulation of knowledge, they were analyzed and many ideas were formed in the form of prophetic guesses, which are now being confirmed in the modern natural-scientific picture of the world. One has to be surprised at the genius of the guesses of the Greek philosophers, given the level of development of science at that time. Thus, the founder of the Ionian philosophical school Thales (BC) 11 taught that the stars are composed of the same substance as the Earth. Anaximander (BC) argued that worlds arise and collapse. In the materialistic philosophical school of Epicurus (BC), they taught the plurality of inhabited worlds, and they considered these worlds to be similar to our Earth. For example, the Epicurean Metrodorus argued that “to consider the Earth as the only inhabited world in infinite space would be just as blatant absurdity as to assert that 15

16 only one ear of wheat. " Representatives of the natural philosophy of Ancient Greece are considered the first naturalists in understanding the unity of the world as a whole. In ancient natural science, the idea of ​​the material fundamental principle of all things and eternal motion was strengthened. As the fundamental principle of what the world and everything that exists, it was proposed: fire, water, air and a certain beginning "aiperon". So, Heraclitus of Ephesus (5th century BC), who considered fire to be the beginning of everything in the world, formulated the idea of ​​the unity of the world and its mutability ("everything flows, everything changes, nothing is eternal, except for change") ... The idea of ​​the continuity of motion ("the world is one, was, is and will be forever new") as a whole is in good agreement with modern ideas about moving matter Plato's program In the development of ancient Greek natural science, three scientific programs can be distinguished: the idealistic Plato (BC) and two materialistic Aristotle and Democritus (BC). Plato's scientific program can be called mathematical, since in the sense of understanding the role of quantitative calculations in the scientific study of the world, it largely determined the path of development of natural science. It is based on the idea of ​​Pythagoras (VI century BC) that "numbers are the essence of things." Plato argued that "God is a geometer." Despite the fact that Plato recognized the material world as consisting of four substances: fire, air, water and earth, he attributed to the particles of which they are composed, a different geometric shape in the form of polyhedrons: for fire, tetra - 12 hedrons, for air, octahedrons, for water icosahedrons, cubes for the earth, that is, he introduced abstract topological concepts. This was due to the idealistic ideas of Plato that the material world of being is only a reflection of the world of man's ideas, his ideas, and not really existing matter. Therefore, mathematical constructions and numerical abstractions of the program of Pythagoras Plato were assigned an almost mystical role, which is manifested up to the present time in religious canons, astrology and magic, and in science in some "mysterious" mathematical numbers: 3,; 1/137; 1, etc., the meaning of which (why they are exactly like that) is still not clear. In this program, the idea was also put forward of the rotation of all celestial bodies, including the Sun, in spheres around a central fire. It arose from observations of the starry sky and periodic changes of day, night, winter, summer and reflected the then existing ideas about the world. Note that in the III century. BC. Aristarchus of Samos (IV III c. BC) proposed the idea of ​​the heliocentric structure of the universe and the movement of all celestial bodies around the sun. This idea was revived by N. Copernicus () later, in the Middle Ages. Representations of Aristotle A common feature of the continual program of Aristotle and the atomistic Democritus is their materialism. According to the continuous approach, the entire material world consists of a continuous substance in constant motion. All objects of nature ("existing things") do not arise or are destroyed, but exist eternally and appear in various forms of this substance, transforming from one form to another. This essentially physical program of Anaxagoras Aristotle is also consonant with modern ideas about the forms of existence and movement of matter also because it assumed the presence of all "things" in each object ("everything is in everything" or "everything is a part of everything"). In modern scientific language, this is the structure of matter from elementary particles. Aristotle believed that the world is a rotating Cosmos and its movement began in some small 13 volume of space from the initial impulse, and this is in good agreement with one of the modern theories of the origin of the Big Bang Universe and the expanding Universe. The Cosmos itself is a kind of limited sphere, in the center of which the Earth is located. Space and time exist only within this Cosmos and are filled with "primary matter". Primary matter under the influence of a combination of "primary forces" of hot, cold, dry and wet passes into one of 16

17 four "elements": fire, air, water and earth. Elements, in turn, can both pass from one to another, and enter into various compounds and form "substances": stones, metals, meat, blood, clay, wool, etc. And as a logical result, bodies are created from substances. Aristotle also introduced the concept of natural and violent body movements. For terrestrial bodies, it is natural to move either down ("heavy" bodies) or up ("light" bodies), and it was believed that the cause of natural movements is inherent in their nature. For celestial bodies, their circular motion around the Earth as the center of the Cosmos was assumed to be natural. The violent movement was explained by the action of forces on the body, and it ceased if the force ceased to act. The concepts of natural and violent forces and the movements caused by them flowed from everyday practice and observations of the movement of bodies in real life and were adopted in science until the 18th century. By this time, the concept of force as the cause of motion had become the basis of Galileo Newton's classical mechanics. Note that it was Aristotle who first introduced the term "physics" to denote the doctrine of nature. Therefore, from a formal point of view, Aristotle is the first physicist, although Anaxagoras with his idea of ​​moving matter and Pythagoras can be attributed to the first physicists, since he was the first to study and describe the appearance of different sounds depending on the length of the string. Aristotle wrote 61 books, and in the history of science right up to our time, probably not a single figure can be found equal to Aristotle in the breadth of coverage of the fields of knowledge studied by him, the level of novelty and depth of research in each of these areas and the degree of influence on the subsequent development of scientific thoughts. He is rightfully considered an antique classic and not only natural science. Let's not forget that Aristotle was also the teacher of the outstanding commander Alexander the Great (BC) Democritus Model the whole material world. Atoms move in emptiness and are diverse in shape, when they collide, they interlock and form bodies, and the variety of bodies was explained by the difference in atoms. You can see here a naive, but generally correct from the point of view of modern science, view of the world. In this atomistic world there was a place for the Gods. They were also made of atoms, but inaccessible to the human senses. Naturally, the Gods were assigned a higher mind, which controls the whole world. This atomistic program was characterized by rigid determinism, which was subsequently preserved in the mechanics of Galileo Newton, i.e. any movement of matter was assumed to be necessary, due to some reason. Randomness was completely excluded from the picture of the world. It was considered subjective and was explained by the lack of human knowledge. At the same time, Epicurus, a follower of Democritus, suggested the existence of objective chance. The atomic theory, like the earlier one, was supplanted by the continual one. Her rehabilitation began only in the 17th century. Note also that back in the 1st century. BC. Lucretius Carus (99 55 BC) in his book "On the nature of things", dedicated to Epicurus, poetic form set forth many ideas of the materialism of the world, the connection between space, time and matter, the discreteness of matter and the relativity of motion. In conclusion of a brief consideration of the stages of development of ancient natural science, we note that in the poem of Lucretius Kara, in addition to natural scientific issues, general humanitarian problems of life, death, spirituality, ethics and morality were considered, and the main thing in this attempt to understand the world around us was the integrity of perception, the idea that the world is one ; and the description of its structure was based precisely on such a holistic, as they say now, approach. Further development of the understanding of the world during the transition to a quantitative description of the processes of motion of matter proceeded through mechanistic ideas about nature. This was associated with the name of G. Galileo (), who combined physics and mathematics, introduced the concepts of inertia, frame of reference, acceleration as the cause of motion, the principle of relativity and a number of other parameters of motion

18 1.2. Problems of natural science on the way of knowing the world What you do not understand does not belong to you. I. Goethe Not what you think, nature Not a cast, not a soulless face, It has a soul, it has freedom, It has love, it has a language. F. Tyutchev The explanation of natural phenomena from the point of view of physics and its various applications in technology is based on some fundamental physical concepts and principles. The most general, important, fundamental principles or concepts of the physical description of nature include matter, motion, space and time. Revealing their content, let us note, first of all, the structure of matter, i.e. what the world around us consists of, including ourselves. This is the theory of elementary particles in its modern representation and the movement of matter in the broad sense of the word, as well as the interaction of particles and fields with each other. Other fundamental principles include the following concepts: conservation laws, symmetry, asymmetry, order, disorder, discreteness, continuity, probabilistic, i.e. statistical approach to describing phenomena. Classical physics gave an almost universal recipe for describing and understanding simple motion and explained the action and construction of technical mechanisms and machines based on the ideas of Galileo Newton. But this applied precisely to mechanical movement, and not to changes in general, for example, in a living organism. Physical rationalism. The idea was formed (and for a long time about 200 years!) that classic mechanics as part of physics can explain all possible phenomena in nature. This view led to the emergence in the XVIII century. rational scientific approach, logically and correctly describing, as it seemed, the world around. This position glorified physics as a science, and allowed Rutherford to later jokingly say: "All sciences are divided into two groups: physics and stamp collecting." 16 On the basis of a rational scientific approach, “physicalism” arose, a general scientific paradigm that explains any processes in animate and inanimate nature, society, society as a whole by analogy and in accordance with the physical principles developed in classical mechanics. It is known that the French diplomat Talleyrand () used the mechanics D "Alambert (), believing that on its basis he would be able to logically and undeniably convince his colleagues that he was right. Another example, which has become classic: when Napoleon got acquainted with the cosmological theory of Laplace (), the classic of that mechanics, then noticed to the author that there is no place for God in this mechanics. To which Laplace replied: "Sire, je n" avais pas besoin de cette hypothese "(" My emperor, I did not need this hypothesis "). The French utopian thinkers C. Saint-Simon () and C. Fourier () applied the ideas of mechanics to use them in social sciences... In essence, it was an attempt to reduce the natural science of that time to the sum of the then known physical laws. The philosophical basis of this approach, leading to a strict determinism of cause-and-effect relationships, including in quantitative values, was the fundamental distinction between the world and man, introduced by R. Descartes. As a consequence of this distinction, confidence arose in the possibility of an objective description of the world, devoid of references to the personality of the observer, and science saw its ideal and purpose in such an objective description of the world. Of course, now we understand that this is not true: classical mechanics works only within certain limits, at speeds of propagation of interaction, less than the speed of light, and masses, greater than a gram. Another, humanitarian approach to explaining the world on the basis of anthropocentrism is also incorrect, according to which objects of inanimate nature, plants, animals and even gods in ancient times were likened to humans. Subsequently, it turned out that this rather naive approach is closer and more understandable to man, and in modern natural science it has been revived in the form of an anthropic principle. eighteen

Gorbachev V.V. Concepts of modern natural science: Textbook. manual for university students / V. V. Gorbachev. M .: 000 "Publishing house" ONYX 21 century ": 000" Publishing house "Peace and Education", 2003. 592 p. silt

Concepts of modern natural science. V.V. Gorbachev 2nd ed., Rev. and add. M .: ONIX 21st century, Peace and Education ", 2005. 672 p. The tutorial outlines the physical principles to explain the environment

Contents Introduction ... 9 Chapter 1. Subject and structure of natural science ... 12 1.1. The science. Functions of science ... 12 Science as a branch of culture ... 13 Science as a way of knowing the world ... 15 Science as a social institution ... 17

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION NOU HPE "MOSCOW ACADEMY OF ECONOMICS AND LAW" Institute of Economics Department of Mathematics and Informatics APPROVED Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Doctor of Economics, Professor


SECONDARY (COMPLETE) GENERAL EDUCATION STANDARD BASIC LEVEL The study of natural science at the basic level of secondary (complete) general education is aimed at achieving the following goals:

Contents Introduction ... 9 Chapter 1. NATURAL SCIENCE AS A UNIFIED SCIENCE ABOUT NATURE ... 13 1.1. Natural-scientific and humanitarian culture ... 13 1.2. The place of science in the system of culture and its structure ... 14 1.3. Characteristic

SAMPLE QUESTIONS TO EXAM ON KSE for full-time students 1. Science. The value of science. Classification of sciences according to the subject of knowledge and tasks to be solved. Integration and differentiation in modern science.

Concepts of modern natural science. Bochkarev A.I., Bochkareva T.S., Saxonov S.V. Togliatti: TGUS, 2008.386 p. The textbook is written in strict accordance with the State educational standard for the discipline

CONTENTS Introduction ... 8 Section I. Natural-scientific and humanitarian cultures, methods of scientific knowledge Chapter 1. Concepts and culture of modern natural science 1.1. Two cultures in the life of one society:

Erilova T.V. Concepts of modern natural science [Electronic resource]: electronic educational and methodological complex. Part 1 / T.V. Erilova, S.I. Konev; Sib. state industrial un-t. - Novokuznetsk: SibGIU, 2010.

FEDERAL AGENCY FOR EDUCATION State educational institution of higher professional education "Ural State University named after A.M. Gorky "Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics

ANNOTATION OF THE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE In the direction of training 09.03.03 Applied Informatics Profile "Applied Informatics in Management" "Concept of modern natural science" 1. Goals and objectives

1. Goals and objectives of the discipline Goals: Based on the study of the concept of global evolutionism to form in students: - a holistic view of the development of the objective world as an indissoluble unity of nature, society

Appendix QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT SEMINARS, TOPICS OF REPORTS AND ABSTRACTS Topic 1 RELATIONSHIP OF NATURAL KNOWLEDGE AND PHILOSOPHY 1. The natural-philosophical concept of the relationship between philosophy and natural science: essence, basic

Thematic plan for the study of the discipline for students of the specialty 080109.65 "Accounting, analysis and audit" full-time study of the topic section Name of sections and topics Number of hours

Mansurov A. N. Mansurov N. A. Methodical recommendations for the educational complex "Physics 10.11" A. Mansurova, N. Mansurova. when studying physics in classrooms high school with a humanitarian and socio-economic profile

1. The purpose of studying the discipline "Modern scientific picture of the world" is: Formation of students' understanding of the essence of the fundamental laws of nature that make up the framework of modern natural

1 Goals and objectives of the discipline: The goal of the discipline "Concepts of modern natural science" is the formation of a scientific worldview in students, an increase in the general cultural status and the level of erudition in the field

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "SIBERIAN STATE GEODESIC ACADEMY"

2 1. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE DISCIPLINE. The concepts of modern natural science (CCE) is a mandatory component in the training of bachelors and specialists in the humanities. This is fundamentally new

Biology 10-11 grades The work program of the subject "Biology" for grades 10-11 is developed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation" (dated December 29, 2012, 273-FZ); Federal State Educational


1. A list of competencies with an indication of the stages (levels) of their formation. THE COMPETENCES OF THE STUDENT FORMED AS A RESULT OF LEARNING THE DISCIPLINE (PLANNED LEARNING RESULTS) OPK-1-ability to use

1. THE PLACE OF DISCIPLINE IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE BASIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM One of the main problems that any person has to deal with throughout his life is the problem of mutual understanding.

D. Lesson 5. 3 hours Topic: Evolution of ideas about space and time. Special and general theory of relativity. Symmetry principles, conservation laws. The main questions of the topic: 1. Space and time

1. Goals and objectives of the discipline. 3 4 1. Purpose and objectives of the discipline 1.1. The goal of the discipline is to form ideas about the basic laws of natural science within the framework of scientific paradigms from the moment of the birth of the Universe,

THE BASIC LEVEL WILL LEARN Give examples of the role of natural science in the formation of a scientific worldview based on the evolution of the natural-scientific picture of the world (physical, mechanical, electrodynamic, quantum-field),

Ã. A. EDUCATIONAL GUIDE FOR ACADEMIC BACHELOR, 3rd edition, revised and supplemented with Recommended notes

PHYSICAL PICTURE OF THE WORLD The physical picture of the world is a system of the most general ideas about the structure, interaction and movement of matter from the level of elementary particles to galaxies described as universal,

A.I. Bochkarev, T.S. Bochkareva, S.V.Saksonov Approved by the Scientific and Methodological Council for Physics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in technical


Extract from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education in the direction of training a certified specialist 061100 - "Management of an organization" Concepts of modern natural science Index Discipline and its main sections Total hours ENF

Dubnischeva T.Ya. Concepts of modern natural science: Textbook. manual for stud. universities / Tatyana Yakovlevna Dubnischeva. 5th ed., Rev. and add. M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003. 608s. In the manual through

The textbook is written in accordance with the State Standard of the Russian Federation on the discipline "Concepts of modern natural science", which is part of the cycle of general mathematical and natural science disciplines, and is intended

A.A. Gorelov Concepts of modern natural science Lecture notes Textbook KNORUS MOSCOW 2013 UDC 50 (075.8) ББК 20я73 Г68 Reviewers: A.M. Gilyarov, prof. Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University M.V.

Discipline guarantor: G.A. Yagafarova and about. Head of the Department of Ecology, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology of the Sibai Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State University"

1. Fund of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students in the discipline. General information 1. Department of Mathematics, Physics and information technologies 2. Direction of preparation 44.03.05



Specialty code: 09.00.01 Ontology and theory of knowledge Specialty formula: The content of specialty 09.00.01 "Ontology and theory of knowledge" is the development of a modern scientific and philosophical worldview

WORKING PROGRAM BIOLOGY for the level of secondary general education (FSES COO) (basic level) PLANNED SUBJECT RESULTS OF LEARNING THE SCHOOL SUBJECT "BIOLOGY" As a result of studying the academic subject

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University"

1. General Provisions As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student should be able to: navigate the most general philosophical problems of being, cognition, values, freedom and the meaning of life as the basis

Biology 10-11 grades As a result of studying the course of biology at the level of secondary general education: The graduate at the basic level will learn: to reveal the role of biology in the formation of modern scientific

E.I. Petrova Symmetry in nature The process of cognition of the laws of nature has led mankind to the conclusion that evolution consists in the coexistence of two opposite tendencies: on the one hand, this is the desire for

Genkin BI PHYSICAL BASIS OF MECHANICS Textbook. St. Petersburg:, 2012 INTRODUCTION The word "physics" comes from the Greek word physis nature. Physics is the science of the most common

Biology work program Class: 10-11 Teacher: V.M. Solovyova Number of hours: 68 hours in total. Grade 10 only 34 hours; per week: 1 hour. Grade 11 only 34 hours; per week: 1 hour. Samara 2018 Explanatory

Topic 8. ONTOLOGY: “BEING” AND “MATTER” AS INITIAL PHILOSOPHICAL CATEGORIES Goals and objectives of the lecture: - to comprehend the essence of the philosophical doctrine of the existence of the world; - to reveal the content of the main categories of philosophical ontology;

Annotation of the work program in natural science for grades 10-11 The work program is drawn up on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education. (Order of the Ministry

L.A. Sergeeva The modern physical picture of the world: the philosophical aspect Physics terminologically originates from the Greek "physis" "nature", and in this sense, physics in the ancient world was identical

2 The approximate curriculum of the academic discipline is developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter FSES) in the specialty (specialties) of secondary vocational education

The beginnings of modern natural science. Concepts and principles. Savchenko V.N., Smagin V.P. Rostov n / a .: Phoenix, 2006. 608 p. In this manual, the main natural history

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