Atlantis is a fairy tale or reality. Atlantis: Another Myth or a New Reality? Plato's Tales of Atlantis

Egor Ponomarev

Research work of a student of grade 3 on the topic "Atlantis: myth or reality"





Nizhnevartovsk city

Section: "Fundamentals of Sciences"

3 a class

Municipal budget

In the name of E.I.Kuropatkin "

Head: Benko Galina Anatolyevna

Primary school teacher

Municipal budget

General education institution

"Secondary school number 2 - multidisciplinary

In the name of E.I.Kuropatkin "






Nizhnevartovsk city

Atlantis: Myth or Reality?

Section: "Fundamentals of Sciences"



  1. Introduction (relevance, purpose, research objectives, object,

subject and base research, sources of information, hypothesis

And research methods) ……………………………………………………………… .2

II. Main part …………… ... ………………………………………………………… .3 - 7

2.1. Mentions about Atlantis and the Atlanteans …………………………………………… ... 3 - 4

2.2. The facts confirming the existence of Atlantis …………………………… ..4 - 5

2.3. Disputes about the whereabouts of Atlantis ………………………………………… ..5 - 6

2.4. Theories of the death of Atlantis ……………………………………………………… ... 6 - 7

III. Practical part of the research ………………………………………………… 8 - 9

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………… 10

References ……………………………………………………………………… .11

Appendices …………………………………………………………………………… ..12

  1. Introduction

This work is dedicated to Atlantis - the legendary "island" that died about 10,000 years ago.

Atlantis is a legendary land (a ghost island, archipelago or even a continent), presumably located on the site of the modern Atlantic Ocean and sank to the seabed, about 11,500 years ago as a result of the Flood, or an earthquake, or other cataclysm, together with its inhabitants - " Atlanteans ".

Relevance This topic is that for two thousand years the legend of Atlantis has haunted scientists, researchers, theologians and occultists, and everyone who is interested in the mysteries of ancient civilizations. Scientists ask the question: did Atlantis really exist? What happened to her? Where did its inhabitants come from and where did they disappear to? But there is still no concrete answer.

Some scientists consider the problem of Atlantis not worthy of attention fiction, others - the solution to the riddle that reveals the origins of the culture of mankind. Interest in it has especially increased in recent decades, when the development of science has demanded a revision and rethinking of the provisions that seemed until recently firmly established and unshakable.

Research objectis Atlantis.

The subject of researchis the reality of the existence of Atlantis and the people inhabiting it - the Atlanteans.

Research hypothesisis that "Atlantis existed, and the Atlanteans possessed knowledge and development much higher than modern people."

Purpose of the studyis to identify, on the basis of the available information, how the legendary Atlantis perished.

In accordance with the set goal, the following tasks are considered in the work:

1. Conduct research work through scientific studies, fiction, periodicals and Internet sites on the research topic;

2. Describe the world order of Atlantis and the people who inhabited it;

3. Get acquainted with the main theories of the location of Atlantis.

4. Consider the theory of the death of Atlantis.

4. Prepare and conduct a survey of students on this topic.

The main methods studies were literature analysis, comparison, generalization, questioning.

Sources of information on this research topic were books, encyclopedias, scientific publications, Internet resources.

  1. Main part

we would have to endow him with downright superhuman genius,

thanks to which he was able to predict scientific discoveries,

which were made only after millennia.

Valery Bryusov

1.1 Reminiscences about Atlantis and the Atlanteans

In the works of some ancient Greek historians, geographers, mythographers, mathematicians, theologians and astronomers, there is mention of one state that has sunk into eternity: the legendary island of Atlantis.

For the first time Atlantis is mentioned in two treatises of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato - Timaeus and Critias (359-347 BC). Plato writes that he learned this story from his great-grandfather, who heard this story from his grandfather.

According to Plato, Atlantis is an island of enormous size, located behind the Pillars of Hercules. Framed on three sides by mountains that protected the island from the northerly winds, it was open to the sea from the south. Its shores fell steeply to the sea, so the island was mountainous. Atlantis was a large and rich country with large cities and a very developed economy at that time.

The Atlantean army was a formidable force. Atlanteans were a warlike people, they successfully fought for many years, conquering new territories and wealth; so it was until Athens stood in their way. The laws in Atlantis were established in accordance with the ordinance of the god Poseidon. The religion of the inhabitants of Atlantis was simple, the Atlanteans worshiped the Sun. The inhabitants of the legendary country resembled today'sIndians - had black hair and brown eyes, athletic build.

An interesting version of the description of the Atlanteans, their way of life, can be found in the book by Shirley Andrews published in our country in 1998 “Atlantis. Secrets of a Disappeared Civilization ”. Atlanteans were very similar to us: no less intelligent than us. Strong in body and spirit, they strove to lead a balanced and harmonious life. These people were tall and slender. Their race was distinguished by great longevity. They knew how to transmit thoughts over a distance. Great place in public life The Atlanteans were occupied with religious holidays, rituals of honoring the gods and ceremonies. Sailing to foreign lands, the Atlanteans everywhere communicated with other peoples, and gradually their dialect became the common language of culture and trade. " At first, the Atlanteans did not have a written language. Then they began to use various symbols - spirals, zigzags, which the Atlanteans used when communicating with foreigners.

Moreover, with the help of pointed stones, hammers and bone incisors, sailors-

Atlanteans in many places painstakingly carved distinct petroglyphs on rocks and boulders. According to Plato, as a result of a terrible earthquake within a day, the mighty Atlantis disappeared forever under water.

Scientists to date have not come to a consensus regarding Plato's story about this mysterious country. Perhaps Atlantis was just a product of one of the ancient Greek legends? According to these scholars, in such ancient times, 9000 years before the birth of Plato, such a highly developed culture could not exist. I couldn't, for the simple reason that the end of the ice age had just come. Many scientists agree that cavemen and highly developed Atlanteans could live at one time.

Nevertheless, most scientists argue that Atlantis could well exist in reality, because the legends had to have at least some basis, and most of the myths reflected events that took place in reality. After all, the ruins of the once mythical ancient Troy were found, which was also considered the fruit of the imagination of blind Homer. And not so long ago, the fact was scientifically proven that the ancient Greeks could make rather long distant voyages on their ships. As for the enormous and destructive force of earthquakes, then, according to geologists, it is really capable of a short time to bury a huge territory.

  1. The facts confirming its existence

More than 50 thousand publications are devoted to the problem of the sunken island. Over 20 expeditions explored the places where, according to the ideas of their organizers, the people of Atlantis once prospered. But they all returned empty-handed.

At the beginning of the 20th century, three expeditions were equipped and sent in search of Atlantis, one of which (the second) was led by Pavel Schliemann, the grandson of the famous discoverer of Troy, Heinrich Schliemann. “According to Pavel Schliemann, his famous grandfather left a sealed envelope so that it could be opened by one of the family members who would make a solemn promise to devote their whole life to research, the indications of which will be found in this envelope. Paul made such an oath, opened the envelope and read the letter that was there. In the letter, the grandfather said that he had undertaken a study of the remnants of Atlantis, the existence of which he did not doubt. In the summer of 1873, Heinrich Schliemann allegedly found (during excavations in Troy), a peculiar bronze vessel large sizes, inside of which there were smaller earthenware vessels, small figurines of a special metal, money from the same metal and objects "made from fossil bones."

The facts and evidence of the existence of Atlantis are:

1. Pyramid examined by Dr. Ray Brown on the seabed near

In the Bahamas in 1970, Brown was accompanied by four divers, who also discovered houses, rectangular structures, and metal tools of undetermined purpose. The crystal has been found to increase the energy passed through it.

2. A flooded city about 640 kilometers from the coast of Portugal, which was found by a Soviet expedition led by Boris Asturua, the buildings in it were made of hard concrete and plastic. A statue was raised from the bottom of the sea.

3. Remains of roads and buildings on the island of Binini were discovered and photographed in the 60s by one of the expeditions. Similar underwater ruins were photographed in the coral reef area in the Bahamas, as well as in Morocco at a depth of 15-18 meters underwater.

4. A huge pyramid with 11 rooms and a large crystal on top was, according to Tony Bank, discovered at a depth of 3000 meters under water in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

5. In 1977, the Ari Marshall expedition reported that a huge pyramid had been found and photographed near Say Reef in the Bahamas at a depth of about 45 meters.

Interesting is the fact, which has entered all the myths and legends of the world, that the founders of all civilizations that arose after the flood appeared suddenly, sailing from some other, disappeared continent. It is believed that the Atlanteans, who survived the cataclysm, scattered all over the world and passed on their knowledge to the Egyptians, Mayans, and Aztecs ... That is why the historical heritage of these great civilizations is so similar - they all built pyramids, worshiped the Gods.

Thus, Atlantis is a mystery both for geologists, geophysicists, seismologists, oceanologists, and for historians, archaeologists, art historians and people who study ancient cultures. However, if we assume that Atlantis really existed, another rather important question arises. Where should researchers go, where should they look for this mythical land? Scientists from different times and countries have never been able to come to a common opinion.

  1. Controversy over the whereabouts of Atlantis

Views on the location of Atlantis were constantly changing and diverging dramatically. Therefore, the geography of the search for Atlantis is very wide and varied.

Possible locations for Atlantis are:

1. Atlantic Ocean. It is absolutely clear from the text of Plato's dialogues that Atlantis was in the Atlantic Ocean.

2. Mediterranean Sea. Many researchers have come to the conclusion that when describing Atlantis, Plato was describing Tira or Crete. Some have suggested that Cyprus is the last trace of Atlantis. The expedition of the American scientist studied the bottom with the help of sonar and discovered the remains of ancient buildings, as well as canals and even a river bed.

3. Spain (Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean). Exploring satellite images of southern Spain, German physicist Rainer Kuehne discovered two strange rectangular structures surrounded by several concentric circles near Cadiz, on the site of the Marisma de Jinojos salt marshes. The expeditions found ancient metal objects at the bottom of the sea in the Cadiz region.

4. Cuba (Caribbean). The English scientist and writer Andrew Collins believes that the island of Cuba is quite consistent with Plato's description of Atlantis. The expedition of the Russian woman Polina Zelitskaya, her husband and their son discovered stone megaliths and a sunken stone pyramid at a depth of 300-400 meters in the Caribbean Sea near the peninsula in the southeast of Cuba. Megaliths are covered with inscriptions in an unknown language

5. Crimea (Black Sea). In the early 90s of the last century, the former nuclear submariner Vitaly Goh found 37 pyramids no worse than the Egyptian ones, ranging in height from 36 to 62 meters. All of them are in the quadrangle Sevastopol-Cape Sarych-Yalta-Bakhchisarai and are hidden under a layer of limestone. On satellite images in the area of ​​12 Fedyunin's heights, a clear rectangle with a size of 795x715 meters oriented strictly to the cardinal points was found. The diameter of the island on which the capital of Atlantis was, according to Plato, was about 925 m.

6. Celtic shelf. Russian scientist Vyacheslav Kudryavtsev put forward a hypothesis according to which Atlantis was located in the territory south of what is now England and Ireland, and west of France. Atlantis was flooded by a rise in ocean levels of more than a hundred meters as a result of melting glaciers and is now the continental shelf.

It can be noted that the presumptive territory of the Atlantis location is huge - from the Bermuda Triangle across the entire Atlantic Ocean to the islands in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Greece and Italy. However, according to Plato, it could only be in the Atlantic Ocean and nowhere else.

Therefore, it should be noted that only one thing can finally solve the problem of the existence of Atlantis: finding what was left of it on the seabed. If this event takes place, then, most likely, it will radically change all ideas of mankind about its own history.

  1. Theories of the doom of Atlantis

For many centuries, scientists have been pondering the mystery of the death of Atlantis, questions about the reasons

Her deaths remain controversial.

Earthquake. Many Atlantologists believe that the earthquake could have been the natural disaster that brought Atlantis to the bottom of the ocean. In accordance with the new concept of the block structure of the earth's crust and movement lithospheric plates the strongest earthquakes occur at the boundaries of these plates. The main quake lasts only a few seconds, and the entire earthquake can last up to several tens of minutes. This means that the day allotted by Plato is enough for an earthquake.

Tsunami. The height of a tsunami in the open ocean can be as little as a few meters. At a wavelength of several tens, or even hundreds of kilometers, this is not very noticeable. Thus, a tsunami can destroy the coastal zone of the mainland or even an entire island in two hours.

Collision of an asteroid with the Earth.Polish astronomer L. Seidler believes that the destruction of the continent is associated with the fall of a comet or an asteroid on our planet. An asteroid collision with the ground can quickly destroy any island. The only condition is sufficient mass and speed of the asteroid.

Capture of the Moon by the Earth.The Austrian engineer Gerbiger suggested that Atlantis was erased from the face of the Earth by giant waves that arose as a result of the Moon hitting the Earth's gravitational field. So, in 1912, he created a theory that asserted that 11,500 years ago, the Earth captured its present satellite, the Moon, as a result of which high tides occurred on the Earth, a giant wave rose that flooded Atlantis.

Technological disaster.Modern scientists are of the opinion that the destruction of the island was caused by a catastrophe caused by some of the man-made achievements of the ancient Atlanteans, that the intellectual Atlanteans themselves destroyed their home as a result of experiments in the field of atomic energy and nuclear physics. As a result of such experiments with electromagnetic energy, the continent disappeared under water, and most of the citizens of Atlantis died - only a few who landed in Spain, Egypt and Yucatan managed to escape.

Many believe that what happened to the Atlanteans is very similar to what I once said on television: a change in the tilt of the axis affected some of the Earth's masses, and this led to the splitting of the continents. Atlantis and Lemuria sank lower, and as a result of this, a significant part of the land was under water.

However, in my opinion, perhaps the most probable from a geological point of view

a version is presented according to which deep tectonic processes and mutual

collisions of continental plates gave rise to both earthquakes and tsunamis that destroyed this civilization.

III. Practical part

The practical part of the research was carried out on the basis ofMBOU "Secondary school №2-multidisciplinary them. E.I. Kuropatkin ", the participants of which were students of the third grades.

For the study, certain methods and techniques were chosen:

questioning students in order to identify their attitude to the problem of finding Atlantis;

Generalization and systematization of the knowledge gained.

7 questions were developed. In total, 56 students of the 3rd grade of our school, aged from 8 to 10, took part in the survey.

The data obtained in the course of the study are presented in diagrams.

Diagram 1. What is Atlantis?

Diagram 2. Where is Atlantis located and can it be found?

Diagram 3. Why do you think Atlantis perished?

Diagram 4. Would you like to know more about Atlantis?

Thus, we can conclude that the base of the study was students of 3 grades, and only half of them heard anything about Atlantis and its inhabitants, 13% of students assume that it was located in the Atlantic Ocean, and 57% believe that it was a place finding Atlantis is the well-known Bermuda Triangle, 57% of the students from the proposed options for the possible destruction of Atlantis, the majority preferred the option - the flood.

The analysis of the results of the research allows us to assert that the students of the 3rd grade are mostly aware of the topic of my work, but would like to receive information on this issue.


The conducted research allows us to conclude thatAtlantis has been shrouded in an aura of mystery for many centuries. People have been trying to find the suddenly disappeared state for almost two thousand years: some - wanting to take possession of the treasures described by Plato, others - out of scientific interest, others - just out of curiosity.

In the course of work, I got acquainted with the stories of Plato, which contain assumptions about the existence and location of Atlantis. But I, nevertheless, tend to the opinion of scientists of our time and think that Atlantis really is at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. Although it is possible that Atlantis did not exist, and all these stories and writings are nothing more than myths and tales, it has not been proven that the find at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle is the lost Atlantis.

Of all the hypotheses about the death of Atlantis, in my opinion, the most correct and main hypothesis is that Atlantis died as a result of a cataclysm or an error of the Atlanteans in an experiment on the displacement of the space-time continuum of the planet, which ended in failure for themselves and for their continent.

For a long time in the hearts of people there will be a glimmer of hope that it is possible to find an "earthly paradise" and unravel the mystery of the fabulous Atlantis. The attractiveness and magic of Atlantis lies precisely in the fact that it is not known for certain whether a beautiful country existed in general, or this is the fruit of Plato's fantasies about an unrealizable, but so desired world.

While doing this work, I learned and got acquainted with new, entertaining material, which, perhaps, will be useful to me in the future. This work was not difficult and very interesting.

I want to finish my work with the words of Francis Bacon, quoted in the book by Shirley Andrews: “... I believe that someday most of this information will be confirmed - for the good of our own civilization. So, opening your mental eyes wider, fixing your gaze on the distant Atlantis ... read not in order to contradict and refute, and not to take your word for it, but in order to weigh what you have read and reflect ... ”.

In the future, I want to continue this research topic and learn about the laws of Atlantis and the secrets of the death of Atlantis.


  1. Alexandrovsky G. Atlantis is not a legend! // Science and life. - 2009. - No. 9.
  2. Voitsekhovsky Alim. Secrets of Atlantis.
  3. Zhirov N. Atlantis. The main problems of atlantology. - M., 2001.
  4. Kozlov A. Atlantis. [Electronic resource]. Address:
  5. Krasnova E. "Atlantis: Paradise Lost" Ekaterina Krasnova [Electronic resource] //
  6. Shirley Andrews. Atlantis. Secrets of a Disappeared Civilization / Per. from English - SPb .: Future of the Earth, 2003.

Annex 1

Application form

Dear friend!

I ask you to take part in the survey, thereby you will help in writing the project "How did the legendary Atlantis die? ..".

I ask you to take the filling out of the questionnaire seriously and sympathetically.

1. What is Atlantis?

  • Island;
  • state;
  • mainland;
  • town;
  • Do not know.

2. Where was Atlantis located?

  • in the Mediterranean;
  • in the Atlantic Ocean;
  • in Cuba;
  • Do not know.

3. What caused the death of Atlantis?

  • earthquake;
  • tsunami;
  • fall of an asteroid;
  • man-made achievements (actions) of the Atlanteans - an atomic explosion;
  • Do not know.

4. Who was the first to tell about this legendary land?

  • The philosopher Plato;
  • President V.V. Putin;
  • it became known after the Great Patriotic War;
  • Do not know.

5. Do you think the Atlanteans were more advanced than modern people?

  • No;
  • Do not know.

6. Describe the inhabitant of Atlantis - Atlantis?

  • a very small and slender person;
  • a tall, athletic person;
  • Do not know.

7. Would you like to know more about Atlantis?

  • No;
  • Do not know.

Thank you for participating in the survey.

Appendix 2


(dates are approximate)

65 million years ago - Extinction of the dinosaurs.

450,000 BC NS. - The appearance on Earth of aliens from the outside.

100,000 BC NS. - Appearance modern man- homo sapiens

55,000 BC NS. - Cro-Magnons.

52,000-50,722 BC NS. - 52,000-50,000 years. BC NS. - The unification of five large peoples, the development of sciences and crafts among the Atlanteans.

50,000 BC NS. - Pole shift. Atlantis loses part of its landmass and turns into a group of five islands.

35,000 BC NS. - The emergence of rock art in caves in southwestern Europe and South America.

28,000 - the ice age begins. Part of the land is shifting and turns into a group of small islands stretching in a chain from it to the mainland of North America.

16,000 BC NS. - Peak of the Ice Age.

12,000 BC NS. - War of the Bird-Snake.

10,000 BC NS. - The final death of Atlantis. The Earth's magnetic axis is shifting again, the glaciers begin to retreat.

Appendix 3

It is interesting

An interesting variant of the description of the Atlanteans, their way of life, the level of knowledge can be found in the book by Shirley Andrews “Atlantis. Secrets of a Disappeared Civilization ”. Atlanteans were very similar to us: no less intelligent than us, they also laughed, smiled, loved, got angry, angry and made serious decisions. Strong in body and spirit, they strove to lead a balanced and harmonious life. These people were tall and slender. Their race was distinguished by great longevity. They knew how to transmit thoughts over a distance. They managed to achieve complete understanding without the help of words. The ability to control their brains, most likely, allowed them to communicate on an equal footing with aliens from outer space. Atlanteans could communicate with animals and birds in a telepathic way, which they sometimes resorted to to transmit thoughts to each other. Religious holidays, rituals of honoring the gods and ceremonies occupied an important place in the social life of the Atlanteans.

Writing signs


N.K. Roerich. Atlant. 1921 Comparison of modern humans and Atlanteans


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Slide captions:

ATLANTIS: MYTH OR REALITY? ... Research work Author of the work: Ponomarev Egor, student of 3rd grade A. Supervisor: Benko G.A., primary school teacher Nizhnevartovsk, 2017 MBOU "Secondary school No. 2 - multidisciplinary named after E.I. ... Kuropatkin "

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES of the research work Purpose of the research: on the basis of the available scientific material, find out whether Atlantis existed in reality or is it a myth. Tasks: Carry out research work through the study of scientific, fiction, periodicals and Internet sites on the topic of research; describe the world order of Atlantis and the people who inhabited it; get acquainted with the main theories of the location of Atlantis; consider the theory of the death of Atlantis. Research object: Atlantis island. Subject of research: the reality of the existence of Atlantis and the people inhabiting it - the Atlanteans. Research hypothesis: "Atlantis existed, and the Atlanteans possessed knowledge and development much higher than modern people."

To this day, Atlantis remains a mystery for geologists, geophysicists, seismologists, oceanologists, as well as for historians, archaeologists, art historians and people studying ancient culture. Scientists believe that there are very few chances to find golden statues of goddesses, a temple of Poseidon or something similar in the depths of the ocean. For the simple reason that the processes of erosion, sedimentation and other natural processes destroy most of the traces of ancient civilizations, but indirect evidence of their existence still reaches us. IN SEARCH OF ATLANTIS

THE FIRST Mention of Atlantis A network of circular canals in Atlantis ancient greek philosopher Plato (424-347 BC). He presented the history of Atlantis in two dialogues - "Timaeus" and "Critias". According to Plato, he used information received from the Athenian legislator and statesman Solon, who was Plato's great-grandfather. Revered in Ancient Greece as "the wisest of the seven wise", Solon visited the ancient Egyptian capital Saissa. It was there that the priests told him that 9,000 years ago there was a large island in the Atlantic Ocean, which was larger than Libya (as Africa was called in ancient times) and Asia taken together. The network of circular canals in Atlantis These dialogues are written in the form of a conversation between Socrates, Hermocrates, Timaeus and Critias, in which Timaeus and Critias tell Socrates about the social systems known to them. and the state structure, about the way of life, manners, customs of the people who lived there.

THE WORLD OF ATLANTIS Atlantis is an island of enormous size; Atlantis was protected from three sides by mountains, it was open to the sea from the south; The shores of the island fell abruptly to the sea; Atlantis was a large and wealthy country with large cities and a very developed economy; The territory of the country has been indented by numerous spiral irrigation canals; Atlantis was the largest port of the ancient world; The laws in Atlantis were established in accordance with the ordinance of the god Poseidon. The main city of Atlantis is unusual in its architecture. Its streets are in the form of regular circles, the corners of intersections are rounded. In the middle of the main city was the acropolis, where the temple of Poseidon and the royal palace were located. The Acropolis was built in such a way that the canals, made in the form of concentric circles and filled with water, turned it into an island. This kind of "island on an island" was surrounded by stone walls, which were connected by bridges and had towers and gates. The city plan says that the site of construction was an ancient crater of an extinct volcano. This can be evidenced by the presence on the island of a three-color volcanic tuff (white, black and red), which was used to build city walls, and the presence of springs with hot and cold healing water for which Atlantis was so famous. Scientists studying the mysteries of Atlantis have come to the conclusion that such an interesting layout of the city (in the form of concentric circles) may be a sign of Atlantean Sun worship.

ATLANTS The inhabitants of Atlantis were the Atlanteans. Atlanteans: reminiscent of today's Indians, black hair and brown eyes; very similar to us: no less intelligent than us; tall and slender, growing up to 6 meters; and stranded athletic physique; strong in body and in spirit, fearless and strong; strive to lead a balanced and harmonious life; were able to transmit thoughts to a distance; and shook the ability to control your brain; Have reached the highest level of civilization; l easily comprehended mathematics, philosophy; d dumped ore, processed copper, tin, bronze, gold, silver; had highly developed technology (aeronautical vehicles, sea vessels, underwater vehicles). Atlanteans used various symbols - spirals, zigzags, which were used when communicating with foreigners. !!! Signs along ancient riverbeds, carved before 10,000 BC. e., can be found today in Africa, in the Canary Islands, around the Gulf of Mexico, as well as in many other areas where rivers once flowed into the Atlantic Ocean. The religion of the Atlanteans was simple - they worshiped the sun. The offerings were flowers and fruits.

Location of Atlantis Views on the location of Atlantis have been constantly changing and diverging dramatically. The geography of the search for Atlantis is very wide and varied. From the text of Plato's dialogues, it is clear that Atlantis was in the Atlantic Ocean behind the Pillars of Hercules, which are called the Strait of Gibraltar. According to him, opposite the Pillars of Hercules lay a large island, larger than Libya and Asia combined, from which it was easy to cross over to other islands “to the entire opposite continent,” in which America is easily guessed. Two scientists, Pavel Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitski, working with an underwater robot off the coast of Cuba, discovered stone megaliths and stone pyramids at a depth of 300-400 meters in the Caribbean Sea. And they concluded that an ancient city is located at the bottom of the ocean within the boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle. Megaliths are covered with inscriptions in an unknown language. The flooding of the land occurred due to the rise in the water level. These data indicate the similarity of the area with that described in the legend of Atlantis. !!! Exploration at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle of Atlantis continues as part of the Exploramar project.

Location of ATLANTIS Many researchers have come to the conclusion that when describing Atlantis, Plato was describing Crete. And the sea that washed the island of Atlantis (between Crete and Egypt) was called in antiquity the Atlantic, it was located in the Mediterranean Sea, and later, due to an error in linking Atlantis not to the Nile, but to the Gibraltar pillars, the name "Atlantic" spread and to the ocean beyond the strait. Crete was perfect in all respects. Sheer cliffs rising from the sea; the color of the stones, hot springs and other traces of post-volcanic activity - all exactly matched the descriptions of Plato. In search of the Mediterranean Atlantis, work is underway on the island of Crete and the nearby seabed. The famous French explorer Jacques Yves Cousteau believes that Atlantis is the island of Santorini. According to an international group of archaeologists, Atlantis is not at all in the Atlantic itself, but in the south of Spain. In 2009-2010, scientists (Spaniard Diaza-Montesano, German Richter and Dane Bergman) used deep-earth radar, satellite images of the area, digital mapping and modern underwater technology, in the Guadalquivir delta, under a thick layer of silt sediments, archaeologists were able to find signs of the antiquities of the city with a ring structure, as well as ancient metal objects. !!! The positive territory of Atlantis is huge - from the Bermuda Triangle across the entire Atlantic Ocean to the islands in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Greece and Italy. However, according to Plato, it could only be in the Atlantic Ocean and nowhere else.

THE THEORY OF ATLANTIS DEATH For many centuries, scientists have been pondering the mystery of the death of Atlantis, questions about the reasons for its death remain controversial. Many Atlantologists believe that the earthquake could have been the natural disaster that brought Atlantis to the bottom of the ocean. Considering that an earthquake can last up to several tens of minutes, then the days allotted by Plato are enough for an earthquake. During earthquakes, cases of a sharp subsidence of the earth by several meters were recorded. Moreover, the Azores and Iceland in the Atlantic and the Aegean Sea in Greece are areas of increased seismicity. Earthquakes with their epicenter on the seabed cause tsunamis - another type of natural disaster - "long waves". The height of a tsunami in the open ocean can be as little as a few meters. At a wavelength of several tens, or even hundreds of kilometers, this is not very noticeable. The wave speed in the open ocean can be 1000 km / h. A tsunami can destroy the coastal zone of the mainland or even an entire island in two hours.

ATLANTIS DEATH THEORIES Supporters of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean believe that the destruction of the continent is associated with the fall of a comet or an asteroid on our planet. An asteroid collision with the ground can quickly destroy any island. The only condition is sufficient mass and speed of the asteroid. Astronomer O. Mook also put forward a hypothesis about the fall of a huge meteorite in the Florida Peninsula on the Atlantic coast, which, according to his calculations, occurred on June 5, 8499 BC. (according to the Gregorian calendar) and caused the disaster. The force of the blow was equivalent to the explosion of 30 thousand hydrogen bombs. The Austrian engineer Gerbiger suggested that Atlantis was erased from the face of the Earth by giant waves that arose as a result of the Moon hitting the Earth's gravitational field. So, in 1912, he created a theory that asserted that 11,500 years ago, the Earth captured its present satellite, the Moon, as a result of which high tides occurred on the Earth, a giant wave rose that flooded Atlantis. Modern scientists are of the opinion that the destruction of the island was caused by a catastrophe caused by some of the technogenic achievements of the Atlanteans, that the intellectual Atlanteans themselves destroyed their home as a result of experiments in the field of atomic energy and nuclear physics. As a result of such experiments with electromagnetic energy, the continent disappeared under water.

CONCLUSIONS Scientists are still trying to decide whether the existence of Atlantis is myth or reality. The most real is the complex cause of the death of Atlantis. Any of the cosmic causes (a meteorite fall, a collision with an asteroid and a flight in the Earth's atmosphere) causes an ensemble of geophysical consequences (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes). Mutually reinforced, all these phenomena could lead at least to the death of a small continent, a large island or a set of small islands, that is, those formations, which, most likely, was Atlantis. Why I believe in the existence of Atlantis: The presence of a large number of archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean, speaks in favor of the fact that Atlantis existed in reality The very description of Atlantis, its state structure, architecture, trade, handicrafts, Agriculture is full of such details and details that it looks very plausible, and it is difficult to believe in its fiction. Many people agree that cavemen and highly developed Atlanteans could have lived at the same time.Legends usually have at least some basis, and most of the myths reflected events actually


The debate about whether the existence of Atlantis was a reality or a beautiful legend has not subsided for many centuries. On this occasion, a large number of the most contradictory theories were put forward, but they were all based on information obtained from the texts of ancient Greek authors, none of whom personally saw this mysterious island, but transmitted only information obtained from earlier sources. So how true is the legend of Atlantis and where did it come from in our modern world?

An island that has sunk into the abyss of the sea

First of all, let us clarify that under the word "Atlantis" it is customary to understand a certain fantastic (since there is no direct evidence of its existence) island located in the Atlantic Ocean. Its exact location is unknown. According to the most popular legend, Atlantis was located somewhere near the northwestern coast of Africa, bordered by the Atlas Mountains chain, and near the Pillars of Hercules that framed the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar.

The famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato placed it there in his dialogues (works written in the form of conversations between historical or fictional persons). On the basis of his works, a very popular legend about Atlantis was subsequently born. It says that around 9500 BC. NS. in the above area there was a terrible earthquake, as a result of which the island forever plunged into the depths of the ocean.

On that day, an ancient and highly developed civilization, created by the islanders, whom Plato calls "Atlanteans", perished. It should be noted right away that, due to similar names, they are sometimes mistakenly identified with the characters of ancient Greek mythology - the mighty titans holding the firmament on their shoulders. This mistake is so widespread that when seeing the sculptures by the outstanding Russian sculptor A.I. Terebenev (see photo below), decorating the portico of the New Hermitage in St. Petersburg, many people have an association with heroes who once sunk deep into the seas.

The riddle that excites the minds of people

During the Middle Ages, the works of Plato, as well as most other ancient historians and philosophers, were consigned to oblivion, but already in the XIV-XVI centuries, called the Renaissance, interest in them, and at the same time in Atlantis and the legend associated with its existence , has increased rapidly. It does not weaken to this day, giving rise to heated scientific discussions. Scientists around the world are trying to find real evidence of the events described by Plato and a number of his followers, and to give an answer to the question of what Atlantis really was - legend or reality?

The island, inhabited by people who created the highest, at that time, civilization, and then absorbed by the ocean is a riddle that excites the minds of people and prompts them to look for answers outside the real world... It is known that even in Ancient Greece, the legend of Atlantis gave impetus to many mystical teachings, and in modern history it inspired theosophical thinkers. The most famous of these are H. P. Blavatsky and A. P. Sinnett. The authors of all sorts of pseudoscientific and simply fantastic works of various genres, also appealing to the image of Atlantis, did not stand aside.

Where did the legend come from?

But let us return to the writings of Plato, since it is they that are the primary source that has sparked centuries of controversy and discussion. As mentioned above, the mention of Atlantis is contained in two of his dialogues, called "Timaeus" and "Critias". Both of them are devoted to the question of state structure and are conducted on behalf of his contemporaries: the Athenian politician Cretius, as well as two philosophers - Socrates and Timaeus. Immediately, we note that Plato makes a reservation that the primary source of all information about Atlantis is the story of the ancient Egyptian priests, which was orally passed down from generation to generation and finally reached him.

The troubles that befell the Atlanteans

The first of the dialogues contains a message from Cretius about the war between Athens and Atlantis. According to him, the island, whose army his compatriots had to face, was so large that it surpassed all of Asia in size, which gives reason to rightfully call it a mainland. As for the state formed on it, it amazed everyone with its grandeur and, being unusually powerful, conquered Libya, as well as a significant territory of Europe, stretching as far as Tyrrenia (Western Italy).

In 9500 BC. NS. The Atlanteans, wishing to conquer Athens, brought down on them all the might of their formerly invincible army, but, despite the obvious superiority of forces, they could not achieve success. The Athenians repulsed the invasion and, defeating the enemy, returned freedom to the peoples who were until that time in slavery to the islanders. However, this misfortune did not recede from the prosperous and once prosperous Atlantis. The legend, or rather, the story of Cretius, which is the basis for it, tells further about a terrible natural disaster that completely destroyed the island and forced it to plunge into the ocean depths. Literally within a day, the raging elements wiped out a huge continent from the face of the earth and put an end to the highly developed culture created on it.

Commune of Athenian rulers

The continuation of this story is the second dialogue that has come down to us, called "Kritiy". In it, the same Athenian politician tells in more detail about the two great states of antiquity, whose armies met on the battlefield shortly before the fatal flood. Athens, according to him, was a highly developed state so pleasing to the gods that, according to legend, the end of Atlantis was a foregone conclusion.

The description of the system of government that was arranged in it is very remarkable. According to the testimony of Cretius, on the Acropolis - a hill that still stands in the center of the Greek capital - there was a kind of commune, partly reminiscent of those that the founders of the communist movement drew in their imaginations. Everything in her was equally and everything was enough in abundance. But it was inhabited not by ordinary people, but by rulers and warriors who ensured the maintenance of the order they liked in the country. The laboring masses were only allowed to gaze with reverence at their shining heights and carry out the plans descended from there.

Arrogant Descendants of Poseidon

In the same treatise the author contrasted the high-proud Atlanteans with the humble and virtuous Athenians. Their ancestor, as is clear from the writings of Plato, was the god of the seas himself, Poseidon. Once, having witnessed how an earthly girl named Kleito did not live in the waves of her young body, he was inflamed with passion and, evoking feelings in her, became the father of ten sons - demigods-demihumans.

The eldest of them, Atlas, was put in charge of the island, divided into nine parts, each of which was under the command of one of his brothers. In the future, his name was inherited not only by the island, but even by the ocean on which he was located. All of his brothers became the ancestors of dynasties that for many centuries lived and ruled on this fertile land. This is how the legend describes the birth of Atlantis as a powerful and sovereign state.

Island of abundance and wealth

In his work, Plato also gives the dimensions of this legendary mainland, known to him. According to him, it reached 540 km in length and at least 360 km in width. The highest point of this vast territory was a hill, the height of which the author does not specify, but writes that it was located about 9-10 km from the sea coast.

It was on it that the ruler's palace was built, which Poseidon himself surrounded with three land and two water defensive rings. Later, his Atlantean descendants threw bridges over them and dug additional channels through which ships could freely approach the berths located at the very walls of the palace. They also erected many temples on the central hill, richly decorated with gold and decorated with statues of the celestials and earthly rulers of Atlantis.

Myths and legends based on the writings of Plato are full of descriptions of the treasures owned by the descendants of the sea god, as well as the wealth of nature and fertility of the island. In the dialogues of the ancient Greek philosopher, it is mentioned, in particular, that, despite the dense population of Atlantis, wild animals lived very freely on its territory, among which there were even not yet tamed and not domesticated elephants. At the same time, Plato does not disregard many negative aspects of the life of the islanders, which caused the wrath of the gods and caused the catastrophe.

The end of Atlantis and the beginning of the legend

Peace and prosperity that reigned on it for many centuries collapsed overnight through the fault of the Atlanteans themselves. The author writes that as long as the inhabitants of the island put virtue above riches and honors, the celestials were supportive of them, but turned away from them as soon as the glitter of gold overshadowed spiritual values ​​in their eyes. Looking at how people, who had lost their divine essence, were filled with pride, greed and anger, Zeus did not want to restrain his anger and, having gathered other gods, gave them the right to pass their judgment. At this, the manuscript of the ancient Greek philosopher breaks off, but judging by the catastrophe that soon fell on the wicked proud, they were considered unworthy of mercy, which ultimately led to such a sad outcome.

The legends of Atlantis (or information about the events that actually happened - this remained unknown) attracted the attention of many ancient Greek historians and writers. In particular, the Athenian Gellanik, who lived in the 5th century BC. e., also describes this island in one of his writings, however, calling it somewhat differently - Atlantis - and not mentioning its death. However, modern researchers, for a number of reasons, believe that his story is related not to the lost Atlantis, but to Crete, which happily survived the centuries, in the history of which the sea god Poseidon also appears, who conceived a son from an earthly virgin.

It is curious that the name "Atlanteans" was applied by ancient Greek and Roman authors not only to the islanders, but also to the inhabitants of continental Africa. In particular, Herodotus, as well as at least famous historian this is the name of a certain tribe that lived in the Atlas Mountains near the ocean coast. These African Atlanteans were very militant and, being at a low stage of development, waged constant wars with foreigners, among whom were the legendary Amazons.

As a result, they were completely exterminated by their neighbors, the troglodytes, who, although they were in a semi-animal state, still managed to win. It is believed that Aristotle said on this occasion that it was not the military superiority of the savages that led to the death of the Atlantean tribe, but the creator of the world Zeus himself killed them for committed iniquities.

A figment of fantasy that has survived for centuries

The attitude of modern researchers to the information presented in Plato's dialogues and in the writings of a number of other authors is extremely skeptical. Most of them consider Atlantis to be a legend with no real justification. Their position is explained primarily by the fact that for many centuries no material evidence of its existence has been found. This is indeed the case. Archaeological data on the existence of such a developed civilization in West Africa or Greece at the end of the Ice Age, as well as the nearest millennia to it, are completely absent.

It is also perplexing that the story, allegedly told to the world by the ancient Greek priests and then reaching Plato in oral retelling, was not reflected in any of the written monuments found on the banks of the Nile. This involuntarily suggests that the ancient Greek philosopher himself composed the tragic history of Atlantis.

He could easily borrow the beginning of the legend from the rich domestic mythology, in which the gods often became the founders of entire nations and continents. As for the tragic denouement of the plot, he needed it. The fictional island had to be destroyed to give the story external credibility. Otherwise, how could he explain to his contemporaries (and, of course, descendants) the absence of traces of his existence.

Researchers of antiquity pay attention to the fact that talking about the mysterious continent located near the western coast of Africa, and about its inhabitants, the author gives exclusively Greek names and geographical names. This is very strange and suggests that he invented them himself.

Tragic mistake

At the end of the article, we will cite several very amusing statements that are made today by zealous supporters of the historicity of Atlantis. As mentioned above, today it was raised on the shield by many supporters of occult movements and various kinds of mystics, who do not want to reckon with the absurdity of their own theories. They are not inferior to them and pseudoscientists trying to pass off their fabrications for the alleged discoveries they made.

For example, for last years on the pages of the press, as well as on the Internet, more than once articles appeared that the Atlanteans (whose existence the authors did not question) achieved such high progress that they led a wide research activities in the field of nuclear physics. Even the disappearance of the continent itself without a trace is explained by the tragedy that occurred as a result of their unsuccessful nuclear test.

History of Atlantis: myths, speculation, mysteries and real facts

For more than one generation of researchers have been controversial about the existence of Atlantis - the mighty ancient state, once and for all disappeared from the face of the Earth. Interest in this topic arose after the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato saw the light. It was Plato who first wrote about Atlantis, described the ancient civilization, the strength and power of the Atlanteans. Was this a deliberately and skillfully created myth, or are we dealing with a description real facts ancient history human civilization - remains a mystery. Neither before nor after was it possible to obtain and find evidence of the existence of the Atlantean state. The mysteries of Atlantis remain unsolved until now, forcing historians to put forward new hypotheses, and researchers to look for the place of the disappeared island-state on the map of the planet.

The civilization of Atlantis is a source of controversy

Today, a huge number of works have been written about the disappeared mighty civilization of the ancient world, from poetic essays and literary descriptions to serious scientific treatises. In each case, one has to deal with a huge set of assumptions and hypotheses that the ancient world looked different than the current map of the world looks like. Another new hypothesis gives rise to a new myth, which instantly acquires new details, assumptions and details. Another thing is the complete absence of facts capable of giving an answer to the question: did Atlantis exist in reality or not. This meager research material remains the domain of science fiction and atlantologists. Skeptics believe that the history of Atlantis is an artificially created phenomenon in historical modern science.

It is necessary to consider the problem of Atlantis in two aspects: from the point of view of the historical epic, and using a scientific approach. In the first case, you have to deal with the evidence base and materials, the existence of which is never disputed by anyone. The palm in this area belongs to the works of Plato. The ancient Greek philosopher mentioned the mighty state of antiquity in the dialogues "Critias" and "Timaeus", which were compiled on the basis of the diaries of another prominent ancient Greek scientist philosopher Solon, who was Plato's great-grandfather. With the light hand of Plato, the name of the ancient state appeared, and its inhabitants began to be called Atlanteans.

In his notes and books, the ancient philosopher relied on the legend according to which the ancient Greeks fought against the Atlantean state. The end of the confrontation was put by a grand cataclysm that led to the death of Atlantis. According to the ancients, it was this catastrophe that led to the fact that the island city of Atlantis disappeared forever from the face of the planet. What kind of catastrophe on a planetary scale led to such consequences is still not known and has not been proven. Another question is that in the scientific community at the moment there is a point of view that 12 thousand years BC. the world has indeed suffered a major catastrophe that changed the geography of the planet.

Plato's dialogue "Timaeus" rather accurately indicates the location of the Atlantean country, is full of descriptions of the details of the culture and life of the Atlanteans. Thanks to the efforts of the ancient Greek philosopher, the disappeared civilization is stubbornly searched for in the Atlantic Ocean. Just one phrase "opposite the Pillars of Heracles", recorded by Plato, indicates the location of the legendary country. There are no more accurate data on the location of the mysterious ancient state, so many researchers of this topic believe that Atlantis could be located in any other part of the ancient world.

The inconsistency of many of the facts set forth in Plato's works posed a number of questions for subsequent generations. The main secrets of Atlantis are as follows:

  • whether there is a high probability of the existence of an island of such a large size, traces of which are almost completely absent today;
  • what kind of catastrophe that occurred in antiquity could lead to the instant death of a large state;
  • could in such ancient times exist a civilization with such a high level of development, which is attributed to the Atlanteans by ancient and modern researchers;
  • why today there are no real traces from the past, testifying to the existence of Atlantis;
  • are we descendants of the highly developed culture of the Atlanteans.

How Atlantis was seen by the contemporaries of the ancient Greeks

Studying Plato's works, one can briefly summarize the information that has come down to us. We are dealing with the history of the existence and mystical disappearance of a large archipelago or a large island, which was located in the west of the then ancient world. The central city of the superpower was Atlantis, owing its name to the first king of the state of Atlanta. Island location explains state structure empire. Probably Atlantis, like many cities of ancient Greece, was an alliance of island rulers united under imperial rule. Perhaps in Atlantis there was a different state system, but in Plato's dialogues the names of the kings are given, after whom other islands of the empire are named. Consequently, the ancient civilization took the form of a union or confederation.

Another question lies in Plato's detailed description of the life order of the mysterious power. All the main buildings and structures of the state are located on the central island. The Acropolis, the royal palace and temples are protected by several rows of earthen ramparts and a system of water channels. The inner regions of the island are connected to the sea by a huge shipping channel, so we can safely say that the power of Atlantis was focused on achieving sea power. Moreover, according to Plato, the Atlanteans worship Poseidon ( ancient greek god, the ruler of the seas and oceans - the brother of Zeus). In Plato, the temples of the Atlanteans, their architecture and the arrangement of dwellings shine with luxury and wealth. Reaching the shores of Atlantis, surrounded on all sides by water, and the way to the island lay only by sea, was not an easy task for the sailors of that time.

Plato in his narratives is very keen on describing the improvement of the capital of the Atlanteans. The most interesting thing in this aspect is that the descriptions of the ancient Greek philosopher strongly resemble the descriptions of other ancient Greek cities found in other ancient sources. The described infrastructure, weapons, ships, religion and lifestyle of the inhabitants of Atlantis look like the height of human excellence and a model of well-being.

The mystery of Atlantis in Plato's descriptions is present at every step. Is it not surprising that people live far from the centers of civilization known to the then world, but they have a sufficiently high level of development, can make long sea voyages, trade with everyone around, eat spices and other cultures. The Atlanteans have a powerful army and a large fleet capable of confronting the armies of the ancient states of the Mediterranean.

This should be the point. Only Plato was able to describe the life and structure of the legendary state so clearly and in detail. Finding other sources that would point to such facts was not, no, and probably will not be. Neither the Sumerians nor the ancient Egyptians said anything about a large state in the Western Hemisphere. The ancient ruins of the Indian civilizations of North and South America are silent about the interaction with the mysterious and powerful state. Could such a powerful civilization be located in the Central Atlantic many years ago, about which there is still no real evidence?

Secrets of Atlantis: myths and legends versus real facts

Some researchers continue to feed the world with illusions that Atlantis really was. Following the lead of Plato, who pointed out the exact location of the island, researchers in search of Atlantis check the territories in the Azores region, in the Bahamas. This is facilitated by the consonance of the names of the Atlantic Ocean and the legendary island.

According to one version, Atlantis was located in the region of the Azores. Studies of the Ampere Seamount, located on the way from Europe to America, and the neighboring areas of the Atlantic Mid-Range Ridge, have not yielded any results. The geological and morphological structure of the seabed does not give reason to believe that a large geological formation existed in this area of ​​the earth's crust in ancient times. Even a gigantic cataclysm that wiped out such a large island or archipelago would have left behind undeniable evidence. If the island sank as a result of a successive chain of earthquakes and floods, then its remains could be found today.

Modern scientists do not have data on a major geological and tectonic catastrophe that befell the earth in antiquity. The biblical data on the global flood that befell the Earth and mankind takes us to a completely different era. All information, events and facts that speak in favor of the existence of Atlantis in this part of the globe do not stand up to criticism, if we rely on the theory proposed by Plato.

The supporters of another hypothesis - the Mediterranean one - have more compelling evidence in their favor. However, there are a number of controversial issues here as well. What were the real boundaries of such a powerful union, and where could such a large island or small continent be located? The western border of the world known to people of that time, runs along the Pillars of Hercules - now the Strait of Gibraltar, which connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic. Why, with such a richness of events and crampedness, the ancient world did not have cartographic data on the location of a large state that influenced the political and economic structure of the world. On the maps compiled by the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians and Egyptians that have survived to our times, the known areas are limited to the Mediterranean region, the territories of southern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

Many atlantologists are increasingly agreeing that a civilization of this size could exist in the Eastern Mediterranean, in the investigated sphere of the political and economic interests of the ancient states. The disappearance of the island and the death of the Atlantean country can be linked to the catastrophic eruption of the Santorini volcano, which erupted around the 17th century BC. This hypothesis takes place, since it was during this period that the Cretan state flourished. According to this theory, the volcanic eruption not only destroyed half of the island of Thira, but also destroyed numerous city-states that existed in the region. If we put aside the question of names and the link to Plato's statements about the Pillars of Hercules, such a picture of the ancient world has a right to life.

In this context, the version about the existence of a powerful state in ancient times, competing with the ancient Greek city-states, perfectly coexists. The facts of the strongest cataclysm of that time were also noted in ancient sources. Today volcanologists and oceanologists reasonably consider this version of the death of Atlantis to be quite real. Scientists have found evidence that the Minoan civilization really possessed enormous military power and had a high level of development, allowing it to wage a confrontation with the Greek states.

Sparta and Athens are located 300-400 kilometers north of the islands of Thira and Crete, which are ideal for the location of the Atlantean state. The explosion of the volcano, which in one night destroyed a mighty power, destroyed the balance in the world that had existed until that moment. The consequences of such a large-scale catastrophe affected the whole of Southern Europe, North Africa and the coast of the Middle East.

Versions in favor of a different location for the legendary power today have no basis. Researchers increasingly associate the existence of Atlantis with Plato's philosophical view of the existing world. This is echoed by other sources, in which the land of the Atlanteans is associated with other mythical territories and states that existed in the imagination of the ancient Greeks.

Hyperborea and Atlantis - ancient mythical states

When asked where to look for Atlantis today, the answer may sound prosaic. You have to search everywhere. It is possible to rely on ancient sources only in those cases when the question is raised about the cultural heritage that has come down to our times. In the sense in which we perceive Atlantis today, as an imaginary country and a highly developed civilization, the ancient Greeks at one time represented Hyperborea. This mythical country, located in the far north, a thousand kilometers from the coast of Ancient Greece, was considered by the Greeks to be the habitat of the Hyperboreans, the descendants of the gods. Is this not the Atlantis that Plato wanted to tell the world about while writing his treatises?

Hyperborean lands, according to modern scientists, should have been located on the territory of the present Scandinavian countries: in Iceland or in Greenland. The Greeks directly pointed out that even Apollo himself, the sun god, was considered the patron saint of this people. What are these lands, do they really exist? It was assumed that Hyperborea was for the ancient Greeks a fictional country where perfect and mighty people, the gods are resting. The country that Apollo regularly visits may be the very Atlantis - the state to which the ancient Greeks aspired in their development.

The history of Atlantis is a mystery that researchers have been trying to penetrate for thousands of years. It is rooted in deep antiquity, inaccessible for direct research, but interest in this problem only grows stronger over the years. Many legends and traditions in different parts of the globe sometimes repeat the same subjects, and we understand that we have before us an ancient exposition the history of mankind, which has never been recorded and survived only in legends, and that something very important for all of us is connected with the history of Atlantis - our ancestral home ...

A.Y. Hierarchy 145. Unfortunately, the present time is perfectly consistent with the end times of Atlantis. The same false prophets, the same false savior, the same wars, the same betrayal and spiritual savagery. We are proud of the crumbs of civilization, just as the Atlanteans knew how to rush over the planet in order to quickly deceive each other; temples were also defiled, and science became the subject of speculation and contention. The same thing happened in construction, as if they did not dare to build firmly! They also rebelled against the Hierarchy and were suffocated by their own egoism. They also disturbed the balance of underground forces and created a catastrophe by mutual efforts.

Excerpts from the book "Space Legends of the East".


The beginning of the Fourth Race

The fourth Root Race - the Atlanteans - began its existence about 4-5 million years ago. In that era, the Third Race was already leaning towards its decline, most of the vast continent of Lemuria still existed. The New Great Race was born where there is now approximately the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Then in this place there was a cluster of many islands; over time, they rose and turned into a great continent - Atlantis.

People of the Fourth Race originated from the elect of the seventh sub-race of the Third Race. The first Atlanteans were shorter than the Lemurians, but they were still giants - they reached three and a half meters. Over the millennia, their growth gradually decreased. The skin color of the first sub-race was dark red, and the second was red-brown.

The state of the first Atlanteans can be called infantile: their consciousness did not reach the level of the last Lemurian sub-races. Therefore, their development took place under the direct guidance of the Great Teachers of mankind, who endowed him with reason in the Third Race. The hierarchs of the Great Brotherhood incarnated among the first Atlanteans in the person of their rulers.

From the Divine Teachers who guided them, the Atlanteans took over the belief in the existence of the Supreme Cosmic Being, penetrating all that exists. So the cult of the Sun was established as a symbol of this highest concept. To glorify him, the Atlanteans climbed to the tops of the mountains. There, from solid stones, they built a kind of circles, representing the annual rotation of the Sun. These stones were arranged in such a way that for the one who stood in front of the altar in the center of the circle, the Sun appeared behind one stone during the summer solstice, and behind another during the vernal equinox. The same circles of stones served for other astronomical observations concerning distant constellations.

Rise of Atlantis

The third subrace of the Atlanteans - the Toltecs - reached the summit of the development of their Race. They were also tall - they reached two and a half meters; over time, their growth decreased, reaching the height of a man of our days. The skin color of this sub-race was copper-red. Their facial features were correct. The descendants of the Toltecs are the purebred representatives of the Peruvians and the Aztecs, as well as the Red Indians of the Americas.

About one million years ago, when the Atlantic Race was in its full bloom, the continent of Atlantis occupied most of the Atlantic Ocean. With its northern outskirts, Atlantis extended several degrees east of Iceland, including Scotland, Ireland and the north of England, and the south - to the southernmost tropic (approximately to the area where Rio de Janeiro is now located), including Texas, Mexico, the Strait of Mexico and part of the USA and Labrador. Equatorial regions included Brazil and the entire ocean area up to the Gold Coast of Africa. The current Azores were the inaccessible snowy peaks of the highest mountain range on the continent of Atlantis. There were also separate, as if cut off from Atlantis, parts in the form of islands of various shapes, which later turned into the continents of Europe, America and Africa.

The Toltecs created the most powerful empire among the peoples of Atlantis. Approximately about a million years ago, after long internecine wars, individual tribes united into one large federation, headed by the emperor. The time has come for peace and prosperity for the whole Race. For many thousands of years, the Toltecs reigned over all the continents of Atlantis, having achieved immense power and wealth. The city of the Golden Gate, located in the eastern part of Atlantis, was the seat of the emperors, whose power extended to the entire continent and even to the islands.

Throughout this epoch, initiated leaders have always maintained contact with the sacred Hierarchy, obeyed its precepts, and acted in accordance with its plans. Consequently, that era was the golden age of Atlantis. Governance was just and wholesome, arts and sciences flourished. The leaders of the country, using their innermost knowledge, have achieved truly extraordinary results. During that era, the culture and civilization of Atlantis reached its climax.

In the heyday, under the influence of the Adept Emperors, the people attained the purest and truest understanding of the Divine idea. The symbol was the only form with which it was possible to approach the idea of ​​that essence of the Cosmos, which, being inexpressible, permeates everything. Thus, the symbol of the Sun was one of the first to be perceived and understood.

The cult of Fire and the cult of the Sun were glorified in magnificent temples that towered all over the continent of Atlantis, especially in the City of the Golden Gate. In those days, all images of the Deity were forbidden. The disk of the Sun was the only emblem worthy of depicting the head of the Deity, and this image was found in every temple. This golden disc was usually placed in such a way that the first ray of the Sun would illuminate it during the vernal equinox or summer solstice.

Culture and civilization of the Atlanteans

Science and art reached their maximum development in the Toltec subrace. None of the other sub-races of Atlantis could compare with the Toltecs.

Writing was invented by the Atlanteans and used by them. They wrote on thin sheets of metal, the surface of which resembled white porcelain. They knew how to reproduce and multiply the text.

The heyday schools were of two categories: elementary, where they taught reading and writing, and special, where children around the age of twelve were transferred, who showed special talents. In these higher schools they received a more extensive education. Botany, chemistry, mathematics and astronomy were studied here. Much attention was paid to the fact that every educated person knew in general terms medicine and methods of treatment with magnetism.

All sciences at school were different from ours. The main task of the teacher was the development of the latent psychic powers of the student and, in connection with this, the experimental acquaintance with the secret forces of Nature. This included an introduction to the intimate characteristics of plants, metals and precious stones, as well as the chemical process of transmutation of metals. Most people then had the ability to control psychic forces. Particularly prominent persons studied in high schools and universities, where they were specially engaged in the development of latent individual forces.

Questions concerning one of the main branches of life of the Toltecs - agriculture and agriculture, were studied in detail in higher schools. Here they taught to breed special breeds of animals and grow special varieties of plants and cereals. Oats and some other varieties of cereals are the result of crossing wheat with various grasses that grow naturally on our planet. Wheat is not a product of our world - it was brought in by the Teachers of Wisdom from another planet.

All experimental research in this area was carried out in the agronomic schools of Atlantis. One of the results of these studies was a striking modification of the banana, which in the wild was almost without pulp and, like a melon, full of seeds. It was only after many centuries, maybe millennia, that a huge number of vaccinations and special growing conditions gave the seedless fruit that we now know. In many experiments on crossing and growing new breeds of animals and plants, the Toltecs used the use of artificial heat and light.

From domestic animals, the Toltecs bred a special kind of pigs, similar to small tapirs; large animals that look like cats; ancestors of dogs with wolf appearance. As milking animals, they had a special type of cattle, similar to camels, but smaller in stature. Llamas from Peru are descended from these animals.

The wise leadership of the Hierarchy was also reflected in the design of the basic types of the plant and animal kingdoms, which undergo their evolution of form and consciousness with the help of direct influence on the part of man. For example, the development of the form of such a noble animal as a horse was the result of many experiments that a man of that time made according to the outlines of the Hierarchy and through its assistants - the Initiated.

In agriculture, great importance was attached to astronomy, which at that time was not an abstract occupation. The intimate influences affecting the life of plants and animals were also the subject of study, and the Atlanteans knew how to use this knowledge. The way to make rain at will was also known.

As for the development of art, music, even in the heyday, was very imperfect, and the form of musical instruments was completely primitive. Painting also never reached a high degree of development. Sculpture, on the contrary, has reached a high degree of perfection. Everyone who had the means or the opportunity considered it his duty to put in the temple his sculptural image of wood or stone resembling basalt. The wealthier citizens cast their images from gold, silver or orichalcum.

The main branch of art at that time was architecture. Residential buildings, even in cities, were planted with gardens. Characteristic feature the Toltec home had a tower that rose at the corner or in the center of the building. The tower ended with a pointed dome and usually served as an observatory. The facades of the buildings were decorated with frescoes, sculptures or colored ornaments. Atlanteans loved bright colors and painted their houses both inside and out. A special substance, similar to glass, but less transparent, let light into the interior of houses.

Public buildings and temples were striking in their massiveness and gigantic size. The temples consisted of huge halls, similar to the giant halls of Egypt, but even more grandiose in size. Like private dwellings, temples were decorated with towers, ornaments and frescoes that matched their wealth. The towers served as observatories and for the cult of the Sun. Temples and public buildings were decorated with artistic inlays and gold plates. Buildings of public importance usually consisted of four buildings that surrounded a central courtyard, in the middle of which a fountain gushed.

The capital of Atlantis, the City of the Golden Gate, was located on the hillsides by the sea coast. The area covered with magnificent forests surrounded the city like a park. The nearby mountain range provided water to the city. At the top of the hill towered the palace of the emperor, surrounded by a garden through which flowed a stream that first supplied the imperial palace and garden fountains with water. Then he cascaded into a ditch-like reservoir that surrounded the palace grounds, thus separating it from the city that was located below. Four canals flowing from this moat delivered water to the city and fed the circular canals located below, of which there were three. The outer one, located below the others, still towered over the surrounding plain. The fourth channel was already on the plain itself, collecting all the running water and, in turn, throwing them into the sea.

Thus, the city was divided by canals into three concentric belts. The uppermost of them, adjacent directly to the palace grounds, contained a running field and huge public gardens. Most of the government offices were located in this belt. There was also a building for foreigners - a real palace in which all foreigners who visited the city enjoyed hospitality throughout their stay.

Private houses and temples occupied the next two belts. Across the vast plain are villas — residences of the wealthy class — scattered everywhere. The relatively poor part of the population lived in the lower belt area, as well as on the other side of the outer channel, near the sea. Their houses huddled closer to each other.

At its peak, the City of Golden Gate had over two million inhabitants. And the total population of the entire Atlantis in the etsokh of the heyday of the Toltec subrace reached two billion.

The Atlanteans used highly advanced technology. They realized the idea of ​​an aircraft, or a flying machine. Usually cars could accommodate no more than two people, but some could take up to 6 or even 8 people. For the construction of aircraft, a special mixture of three metals was used. This white metal mixture was very expensive. The surface of the aircraft was covered with sheets of this metal. Atlantis aircraft glittered in the dark as if covered

with plaster. They looked like a ship with a closed deck. The driving force was a kind of ether. In the center of the vessel was a box that served as a generator of this force. From there, it was transmitted through two pipes to the limbs of the ship. Eight additional pipes extended downward from these pipes. When the vessel was being lifted, the valves of the latter were opened. The current, passing through these pipes, hit the ground with such force that the ship rose upward, and the air density itself served as the further fulcrum. Most of the current was channeled through the main tube, the end of which was directed downward at the end of the vessel, forming an angle of about 45 degrees. This pipe served for take-off and at the same time made the movement of the ship.

The Atlanteans also had seagoing ships propelled by a force similar to that described above; in this case, the driving force was of a denser composition. Later, when wars and civil strife put an end to the golden age, military ships intended for air navigation largely replaced sea ones, at the same time they began to be built like military transports, so that they could accommodate up to a hundred soldiers.

The decline of Atlantis

Approximately about a hundred thousand years after the Golden Age, the decline of the great Atlantean Race began.

At the time of the Third Race, the bestiality of the "insane" was manifested in the generation of huge humanoid monsters - the offspring of human and animal parents. As time passed, the offspring of these creatures changed due to external conditions, until, finally, these offspring did not decrease in size and did not become the lower monkeys of the Miocene period. With these monkeys, later Atlanteans renewed the sin of the "insane" - this time with full responsibility. The result of their crime was the emergence of apes, known to us as anthropoids.

The moral fall was followed by the spiritual fall. Selfishness prevailed and wars ended the Golden Age. People, instead of working for the common good under the guidance of the Great Teachers, in cooperation with the cosmic forces of Nature, fell into the madness of self-destruction.

Taking an example from their masters, the animals also rushed to torment each other. This immoral influence of man on animals extends to the present day. An example of this circumstance is the breeds of big cats, trained by the Atlanteans and adapted by them for hunting, which over time turned into bloodthirsty leopards and jaguars.

Each person then began to fight only for himself, to use his knowledge for purely selfish purposes and began to believe that there is nothing higher than a person in the universe. Everyone was his own law, his god. Then the cult, which went to the temples, ceased to serve an ineffable ideal, but became a cult of man, such as he was, as he was understood.

Atlanteans began to create their own images and worship them. The statues were carved from solidified lava, from the white marble of the mountains and from the black underground stone, and also cast from silver and gold. Niches containing such statues were carved out of wood and stone and embedded in the walls of temples. These niches were built quite wide, so that the procession of priests during the celebrations in honor of this person would go around his image. So people worshiped themselves. The wealthiest maintained a whole staff of priests to serve this cult and to take care of the altar that housed their statues. Sacrifices were made to them as to gods. The apotheosis of self-worship could not have been great.

Kings, most of the clergy and a significant part of the people began to use hidden forces, disregarding the laws prescribed by the Initiates, frivolously disregarding their advice and instructions. The connection with the Hierarchy has been severed. Personal interests, the thirst for wealth and power, the ruin and destruction of enemies in order to enrich themselves more and more took possession of the consciousness of the masses.

Secret knowledge, directed in the direction opposite to the goals of evolution, in the direction of selfhood and ill will, turned into black magic and witchcraft. Luxury, brutality and barbarism increased even more, until brutal instincts began to dominate undividedly. Sorcerers and adherents of dark forces widely spread black magic, and the number of people who comprehended and applied it constantly increased.

Death of Atlantis

When the perversion of evolutionary laws reached its climax, and the City of the Golden Gate became a real hell in its cruelty, the first terrible catastrophe shook the entire continent. The capital was swept away by the waves of the ocean, millions of people were destroyed.

Both the emperor and the clergy who fell away from the Highest Hierarchy were repeatedly warned about this catastrophe.

Under the influence of the Light Forces, who foresaw the catastrophe, the best part people emigrated from this area before the disaster. These were the most advanced members of the Race, who did not succumb to the general madness, who knew the law of the world, retained the correct understanding of responsibility and control over psychic forces.

This first catastrophe occurred during the Miocene epoch, about 800,000 years ago. It has significantly changed the distribution of land on the globe. Big Atlantic continent lost its polar regions, and its middle part shrank and fragmented. The American continent in this era was separated by a strait from the Atlantis that gave birth to it; the latter extended even across the Atlantic Ocean, occupying an area from 50 degrees north latitude to several degrees south of the equator. There were also significant subsidence and uplift of continents in other parts of the world. So, a huge area was formed from the torn off northeastern part of Atlantis: the islands of Great Britain formed part of a huge island that covered Scandinavia, northern France and all the nearest seas surrounding them. The remnants of Lemuria shrank even further, while the future territories of Europe, America and Africa expanded significantly.

The second, less significant, catastrophe occurred about 200,000 years ago. The mainland of Atlantis was divided into two islands: the northern, larger one, called Ruta, and the southern, smaller one, called Laitia. The island of Scandinavia then joined the European mainland. Some changes took place on the American continent, as well as the flooding of Egypt.

After the catastrophe, the efforts of the Light Forces, acting under the leadership of the Hierarchy, for some time gave good results and kept the rescued population from practicing black magic, but the Toltec subrace could never achieve the former splendor. Later, the descendants of the Toltecs on the island of Ruta repeated the history of their ancestors in miniature. The rulers and their dynasty again achieved a certain power and reigned over most of the island. Subsequently, this dynasty also fell under the influence of black magic, which spread more and more and led again to a cosmic-inevitable catastrophe that cleared the world for its further evolutionary development.

About 80,000 years ago, the third catastrophe occurred, exceeding all others in strength and fury. Laitia has almost completely disappeared, while an insignificant part of the island of Ruta has survived - the island of Poseidonis.

In the indicated era and before the disappearance of Poseidonis, an emperor from a bright dynasty always reigned in some part of the continent. He acted under the leadership of the Hierarchy and resisted the spread of dark forces, led a minority that observed a pure and exalted life.

Before the disasters, there has always been an emigration of the best minority. These emigrations were led by spiritual leaders who foresaw the disaster that threatened the country. Dedicated kings and teachers following the "good law" were warned in advance of impending disasters. They were, as it were, the center of prophetic warnings and saved the faithful, chosen tribes. Such emigration took place in secret, under the cover of the night.

In 9564 BC. powerful earthquakes destroyed Poseidonis, and the island plunged into the sea, creating a huge wave that flooded the lowlands, leaving behind a memory in the minds of people as a huge destructive "flood".

Here is one of the legends about last days Poseidonis:

"... And the Great King of the Shining Face, the Head of all the yellow-faced, grieved, seeing the sins of the black-faced. And he sent his air ships (vimana) with pious people in them to all the Brothers Governors, the heads of other nations and tribes, saying:" Get ready. Arise, people of the Good Law, and cross the land while it is still dry. The Lords of the Storm are coming. Their chariots are approaching the Earth. Only one night and two days will the Lords of the dark face (sorcerers) live on this patient land. She is condemned, and they must fall down with her.

The Lords of the Core Fires - gnomes and elemental Fire Spirits - craft their magical fiery armor. But the lords of the evil eye are stronger than the elemental Spirits, and they are the slaves of the powerful. They are well versed in Astra-Vidya, in the highest magical art.

Rise and use your magical powers to resist the powers of the sorcerers. May every Lord of the Shining Face (Adept of White Magic) make the viman of every Lord of the dark face fall into his possession, so that none of the sorcerers could be saved from the waters thanks to him, escape the rod of the Four Karmic Deities and save their evil followers. Let every yellow-faced one sleep on every black-faced one. Even if sorcerers avoid pain and suffering. May every person, faithful to the Sun Gods, paralyze every person, faithful to the moon gods, so that he does not suffer, but also does not escape his fate. And let each yellow face give his water of life (blood) to the speaking animals * belonging to the black face, so that they do not wake up their master. "

The hour has struck, the Black Night is ready ... "May their fate come true. We are the servants of the Great Four Karmic Gods. May the Kings of Light return." The Great King fell on his Shining Face and wept ... When the Kings gathered, the waters had already moved. But the peoples have already crossed dry lands. They were already beyond the water level. The kings overtook them in their vimanas and led them to the Lands of Fire and Metal (East and North).

Meteors fell like a downpour on the black-faced lands, but they slept. The talking beasts (magic guards) were calm. The lords of the bowels were awaiting orders, but they did not come, for their masters were asleep. The waters rose and covered the valleys from one end of the Earth to the other. The plateaus remained dry and the bosom of the Earth (the land of the antipodes) too. Those who were saved lived there: people of yellow face and straight eyes (open and sincere people).

When the Lords of the dark face woke up and remembered their vimanas to save themselves from the rising waters, they saw that they had disappeared.

The peoples being led away were as numerous as the stars of the Milky Way. Just as the serpent dragon slowly unfolds its body, so the Sons of Men, led away by the Sons of Wisdom, unfolded their ranks and spread like a rushing stream of river waters. Many of the fearful among them died on the way. But most were saved.

* The talking animal is an amazingly skillfully made beast, in some ways similar to the creation of Frankenstein, who spoke and warned the owner of every approaching danger. The master was a "warlock," and the mechanical being was animated by a genie, an elemental. Only the blood of a pure man could destroy him.

Some of the most powerful of the "dark faces" magicians, having awakened earlier than others, began to pursue those who "robbed" them and who were in the last ranks. The pursuers, whose head and chest rose above the water, chased after them, until, at last, they overtook their waters, and they all perished, to the last man: the soil sank under their feet, and the Earth swallowed up those who defiled it.

So the last remnant of Atlantis - the island of Poseidonis - died from the waters below and from the fire from above.

The great mountain never stopped spewing fire. "Fire spewing Monster" remained alone among the ruins of the ill-fated island ... "

Heirs of the Atlanteans (Egypt)

About 400,000 years ago, the Grand Lodge of the Initiates was transferred from Atlantis to Egypt. The Golden Age of the Toltecs ended long ago, moral decline and the practice of black magic spread more and more widely. The White Lodge demanded a cleaner environment, and therefore was moved to Egypt - at that time a desolate, sparsely populated area. There the Grand Lodge of the Initiated was able to continue its work without hindrance for two hundred thousand years.

About 200,000 years ago, the White Lodge founded the empire, which was ruled by the first "Divine Dynasty" of Egypt, and began to enlighten the people. At this time, the first detachments of immigrants from Atlantis appeared.

During the 10,000 years that remained until the second catastrophe, two large Gizekh pyramids with large halls were built, where rituals of initiation of disciples took place and in which powerful talismans were to be preserved for the time of cosmic catastrophes, foreseen by them.

In the era of the second catastrophe (200,000 years ago) and the first sinking of Egypt, its population emigrated to the mountains of Abyssinia, which at that time were an island. When the flooded territories appeared over the sea again, they began to be populated partly by the descendants of the former inhabitants, partly by Atlantean settlers, mainly by Akkadians. Their confusion created the type of Egyptians.

The reign of the second "Divine Dynasty" of Egypt dates back to that time, when the Initiated Adepts still ruled the country.

The third Atlantis catastrophe, eighty thousand years ago, caused the second flooding of Egypt. When the water subsided, the third "Divine Dynasty", mentioned by Manetho, reigned.

During the reign of the first rulers of this dynasty, great temple Karnak and many other magnificent buildings.

The sinking of the Poseidonis Island into the ocean caused another flooding of Egypt. It was very short-lived, but it put an end to the "Divine Dynasty", because the Lodge of the Initiated moved its domicile to another country. Human dynasty ancient Egyptians, which began with Menes, possessed all the knowledge of the Atlanteans, although there was no more Atlantean blood in their veins.

At the time of the sinking of Poseidonis, the Sahara Desert was still the bottom of the ocean, just as the Gobi Desert was the bottom of the sea inside Central Asia. The islands of Great Britain were still connected to the European continent, and the Baltic Sea did not yet exist. From this time on, the outlines of the continents take on the form in which they exist today.

Other Atlantean subraces and their descendants

Turanians - the fourth subrace - were yellow. This subrace was violent and undisciplined, brutal and cruel. The Turanians have never ruled the continent of Atlantis. They were colonizers. Most of them emigrated to areas located east of Atlantis. Then they headed even further east, towards the shores of central Asia. Some of them migrated even further, along the Yellow River, and finally settled in the center of China. This subrace is now represented in parts of modern China by tall Chinese, easily distinguishable from those of the seventh subrace.

The Primordial Semites - the fifth subrace - were white. This subrace is very militant, healthy, energetic, prone to robbery. They were mostly nomads. Their characteristic features were suspicion and quarrelsomeness, eternal wars with neighbors. Their descendants are purebred Jews and Kabiles of North Africa.

The sixth subrace, the Akkadians, were white. They appeared after the catastrophe that happened 80,000 years ago. They fought frequent wars with the Semites, who were finally defeated. The Akkadians were distinguished by their commercial, navigational, and colonial abilities. The great interest shown by the Akkadians to sailing forced them to intensively engage in observing the starry sky, therefore they achieved tremendous success in astronomy and astrology. They built several large shopping centers and established connections with the most remote parts of the world. Their descendants were the Phoenicians who traded along the shores of the Mediterranean.

The last, seventh, or Mongolian, subrace originated in the Tatar steppes of Eastern Siberia. The Mongols descended directly from the Turanian subrace, which they replaced in most of Asia. They had nothing to do with the ancient continent of Atlantis. They originated in the wide expanses of Tartary and had enough places for resettlement in their own country. This subrace has grown incredibly. According to the conditions of the terrain, the Mongols became nomads, then - farmers. They were a superior sub-race compared to their predecessors, the rude Turanians. Like the latter, they were yellow. Scattered across the plains of China, they represent the modern Chinese.

The Japanese do not belong entirely to any of the subraces, being a cross between several subraces. The Japanese are like the last scum of the entire Root Race. That is why they have many qualities that distinguish them from the seventh sub-race, the Chinese.

The Fifth Root-Race, which now stands at the head human evolution, originated from the fifth subrace of the Atlanteans - the primary Semites. The most prominent families of this subrace were singled out and settled around the southern shores of the Central Sea of ​​Asia long before the death of Atlantis.

The Fifth Race is also divided into seven sub-races, of which only five have appeared so far. The first subrace from Central Asia moved to India and settled in the south of the Himalayas; she began to dominate the vast Indian subcontinent, subjugating the peoples of the Fourth and Third Races, who inhabited India at that time, to its power. The first subrace is represented not only by the Aryan Hindus, but also by one of the types of Ancient Egypt, the one to which the ruling class belonged.

The second subrace includes the Aryan Semites, which differ from the original Semites - Chaldea, Assyria, Babylon, as well as the modern Arabs and Moors. The third subrace is Iranian, to which the ancient Persians belonged, the descendants of which are the modern Persians. The fourth subrace - the Celtic - includes the ancient Greeks and Romans, as well as modern Italians, Greeks, French, Spaniards, Irish, and Scots. The fifth - the Teutonic - subrace includes the Slavs, Scandinavians, Dutch, British and their descendants scattered all over the world.


Evolution In Central Asia, in Afghanistan, halfway between Kabul and Bal, there is the city of Bamyan. Five colossal statues rise up near this city. The largest is 52 meters high. The second large statue, carved in the same way as the first, in the rock, has about 36 meters. The third statue measures only 18 meters, the other two are even smaller, and the last of them is only slightly larger than the average tall man of our present Race. The first and largest of these colossi depicts a man draped in a sort of toga.

These five figures are carved by the hands of Initiates of the Fourth Race, who, after the sinking of their mainland, took refuge in the strongholds and on the peaks of the Central Asian mountain range. These figures are an illustration of the Teaching about the gradual evolution of Races. The largest depicts the First

Rasu, her etheric body was imprinted in solid, indestructible stone. The second - 36 meters high - depicts "Born Then". The third - at 18 meters - perpetuates the Race, the fallen and conceived the first physical Race, born of a father and mother, the last offspring of which is depicted in statues on Easter Island. These were only 6 and 7.5 meters tall at the time when Lemuria was flooded. The fourth statue depicts a man of the Fourth Race, which was even smaller in size, but still gigantic in comparison with our Fifth Race.

The series ends with the image of a man of our real, Fifth Race.

Atlantis: Another Myth or a New Reality?

Antarctic version

For more than two thousand years, there has been a fascinating legend about the mysterious country of Atlantis, where a wise and happy people lived. However, unfortunately, he could not stand the test of a good life and kindled in himself greed and a passion for conquest. For this he was punished by the gods, and cruelly: in one day and a disastrous night, as the legend says, Atlantis, together with its beautiful capital and numerous inhabitants, collapsed into the depths of the ocean! This tragic event supposedly happened about 12 thousand years ago ...

The legend of Atlantis was told to us by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristocles Plato (427-347 BC), and the controversy about the fabulous country does not subside to this day. Scientists haunted main question: where was the legendary Atlantis located? Plato pointed to the Atlantic Ocean (beyond the Pillars of Hercules, that is, beyond the Strait of Gibraltar). Many have long disputed his opinion, appealing to a different meaning of Plato's geographical terms. For example, a contemporary of Pushkin, academician Avraham Norov, believed that Plato actually meant the Mediterranean Sea. Where not the scientists "settled" poor Atlantis! And to the sands of the Sahara, and to the Canary Islands, and to the north of Europe, and even to Scandinavia!

A new striking version of the location of the mysterious country was put forward by the atlantologist Rand Flem-At. The starting point in his hypothesis was the same assumption about the inconsistency of Plato's geographical terminology with the current designations. This assumption freed the researcher's hands, and he did a small experiment. He took off an ordinary school globe from the axis and began to turn it from himself to the north. He stopped the globe at the moment when Antarctica appeared in front of his eyes, that is, the South Pole seemed to be in the center of the world. Having carefully examined the picture that opened on the globe, Rand Flem-Ath made a number of interesting conclusions that are directly related to the problem of Atlantis.

Oronius Phineus's card. 1531 g.

The researcher took the original text of Plato and again read the passage of interest to him: “From it (that is, from the island of Atlantis) it was easy to move to other islands, and from them to the entire opposite continent, which is bordered by the TRUE ocean. After all, the sea on this side of the Strait of Gibraltar is just a bay with a narrow passage into it. "

Rand Flem-Ata could not help but be puzzled by Plato's use of the word "bay" in relation to Mediterranean Sea... Only one thing could serve as an excuse for him: the "true ocean" was so great for Plato that the Mediterranean Sea seemed in comparison with it a small haven! It is unlikely that the Atlantic could claim the role of the "true ocean", since, as is known, it is practically isolated from the other oceans of the Earth by continents. But when looking at the "world" through the South Pole, the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans merge together, possibly forming the very "true ocean" of Plato? Then the continents bordering it, with such a look, look much more expressive here than in the Atlantic!

Readers must have guessed where Rand Flem-At is heading: he is placing the legendary Atlantis in ... Antarctica! Nobody seems to have proposed such an option yet. And interestingly, the researcher finds new arguments in support of his surprising assumption.

Plato reports that Atlantis was larger in territory than "Libya and Asia combined." By Libya, the philosopher meant North Africa, and Asia considered the regions that we call the Middle East. Libya and Asia "put together," according to Flem-Ata, are slightly larger than the current United States. The size of Antarctica (somewhat reduced due to later formations) and the United States has approximately the same ratio. Plato further adds that Atlantis was a mountainous island and rose "high above sea level." And in this respect, the analogy with Antarctica is complete (it rises almost 2000 m above sea level).

In 1665, the German Jesuit Athanasius Kircher published a multi-page work, including a reproduction of the ancient Egyptian map of Atlantis. A comparison of the island's configuration with the outlines of Antarctica, which it was 12,000 years ago, shows, according to Flem-At, their striking similarity. And although on the Egyptian map Atlantis is placed in the Atlantic Ocean, Flem-At considers this a mistake, into which Plato allegedly fell.

Traditionally, it was believed that Antarctica was covered with ice for at least 50-60 million years. However, in 1990, at 250 miles from the South Pole, geologists discovered the remains of a tree forest frozen into the ice, 2-3 million years old! The famous map of Turkish Admiral Piri Reis, created in 1513 on the basis of older maps dating back to the 4th century BC, depicts Antarctica without ice! On the map of Orontius Phineus (Orontius Finney), compiled in 1531, we see mountain ranges and rivers in Antarctica - where there are now only glaciers. All this speaks of ice-free Antarctica in the memory of mankind, which in those days in an incomprehensible way, without aviation and even more so satellites, was able to make maps Southern mainland with outlines drawn only in the 20th century by the methods of seismic sounding of a two-kilometer ice cover!

The American cartographer Charles Hapgood has determined that the Piri Reis map contains at least 24 points, verified with an accuracy of half a degree. But the Europeans could not achieve such precision until the famous travels of Captain Cook in the second half of the 18th century. For many years, Hapgood developed the idea, unrecognized by official science, of periodic displacements of the earth's crust (lithosphere), "floating" over a more viscous layer (asthenosphere), which rests on a solid mantle (a thick layer between the earth's crust and the Earth's core). Moreover, together with the crust, the ocean basins also "travel"! His idea was enthusiastically accepted by Albert Einstein and even wrote the foreword to the first edition of Hapgood's book "Shifts of the Earth's Crust".

Hapgood's hypothesis is directly related to the problem of Atlantis, because the displacements of the earth's crust explain the sharp climatic changes on the planet without the need to allow the "rocking" of the earth's axis, that is, the "wandering" of the poles. According to Hapgood, the poles remain in place, and the panorama simply changes under them. By analyzing climatic changes due to the displacement of the earth's crust, the author comes to the conclusion about the former warm climate in Antarctica. And he writes this circumstance into the asset of his "Antarctic" version of the location of Atlantis.

And finally, Hapgood refers to the ancient Japanese emperor Dark, who in 681 AD. ordered his guild of chroniclers to collect together the oldest myths of the Land of the Rising Sun. As a result, a whole book of myths was formed, and one of them mentioned the times when the Earth was "very young" and the first inhabited country was called "Onogorodzhima". And it was located ... not far from the pole. Hapgood is convinced: not far from the South Pole!

Bimini stone riddles

Just a quarter of a mile from the paradise resort of Paradise Point, which is located on the Bimini Islands (Bahamas), in the depths of the sea lies an unknown structure made of stone, which has been haunted by locals, scientists, mystics and psychics for several decades. Over the past years, the works of inquisitive researchers not only failed to reveal the mystery of the mysterious structure-phenomenon, but even more confused it.

This semi-mystical structure is called the Bimini road (after the name of the islands in the Bahamas). According to skeptics, it is the result of active labor and the whims of nature and is simply a whimsically located underwater rocks and reefs. According to optimistic romantics, this road does not lead anywhere, but to the place where there was once a city, island or continent of Atlantis unknown to us.

The Bimini road is like two parallel tracks paved with stone slabs. Some of these slabs are six meters long. The Bimini road is located at a depth of three to nine meters, but thanks to the perfectly transparent water, it is perfectly visible from the sea surface. Its length is 500 m and its width is 90.

Not far from it, there is a J-shaped sleeve, which is lined with the same material. In the same area, many other strange structures were found under water - concentric circles and platforms.

The world learned about the existence of the Bimini road only in 1968. As for the locals, they have always taken this amazing phenomenon for granted: “Here God blesses people for life,” they say.

It so happened that in 1968, an American, returning home from vacation to the States on his own plane, discovered a strange underwater structure from a bird's eye view and reported it to reporters. The amateur pilot was familiar with the works of his compatriot, psychic and visionary Edgar Cayce, who predicted back in 1936 that the Bimini Islands in 1968-1969. the ruins of ancient Atlantis will be discovered.

After the discovery made by the American, scientists, psychics, mystics, treasure seekers and just adventurers rushed to the Bimini Islands. Among them was the American geologist, zoologist, paleontologist and scuba diver Mason Valentine. During one of the dives to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of three meters, he discovered hundreds of stone slabs of a clear square and rectangular shape, square platforms, paved roads and dolmens - unusual structures of stone: several columns topped with a slab on top. It is difficult to imagine that such construction work was carried out only by the power of nature, by themselves, without the participation of people or any other intelligent beings. That same year, Valentine stunned the world with yet another piece of news: he found the ruins of a temple at the bottom of the Atlantic. Archaeologists assumed that their age is 10-14 thousand years, and hoped to find tangible traces of Atlantis. However, it is worth clarifying that not all experts agreed that Valentine discovered exactly the remains of the temple.

According to Plato, Atlantis disappeared from the face of the Earth in one day and one night just 12 thousand years ago. The reason for its disappearance was some natural or other cataclysm, possibly an earthquake, as a result of which Atlantis sank to the bottom of the ocean.

Back in the mid-1950s. Swedish scientists raised soil samples from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean (from a depth of 3.5 km) and subjected them to a thorough analysis. It turned out that the soil contained the remains of continental plants and river shells. This made it possible to conclude that some areas of the bottom of the modern Atlantic Ocean were once land, which means that the hypothesis of the death of Atlantis in the ocean is quite real. Well, coupled with the predictions of Casey, the findings of an amateur pilot and Dr. Valentine, this fact caused a worldwide sensation.

In the early 1970s. teacher of English language and literature of the United States Air Force Academy and archeology enthusiast David Zink flew to the Bahamas to study the Bimini Road and the ruins of an ancient temple. The dives were attended by professional scuba divers from the US Navy, who were sent to certain areas of the bottom by scientists and psychics. Samples of stone slabs from the ruins of the temple and the Bimini road raised from the bottom were sent to the laboratory for research. The result of it plunged scientists into confusion. It was claimed that the age of the samples is 28 thousand years. But here it should be clarified that Zinc trusted psychics more than scientists, and therefore soon wrote three books in which he stunned everyone with a new, even more grandiose version of the origin of underwater structures. True, except for Zinc, few believed in it so selflessly. In short: the temple discovered by Valentine was built by the inhabitants of Atlantis, and the "subcontractor" of this grandiose construction were aliens from the Pleiades star cluster.

As for the skeptics, they did not differ in originality in their assumptions about the Bimini road. In addition to its natural origin, they put forward a version that the stones of which the remains of the temple and the road consisted were thrown from sea ​​ships ballast. Stone slabs were really used in the Navy in the Middle Ages as ballast, but their concentration in one place and skillful, accurate "landing" on the seabed in such a way that a straight line was formed, similar to a road, is surprising.

The government of the Bahamas has been generous in investing in a resort and research facility near the capital city of Nassau. Scuba divers from all over the world come there. The task is one: to find Atlantis.

Tiahuanaco awaits explorers

The English cartographer Jim Allen also devoted 20 years to the search for Atlantis, until he finally discovered the legendary kingdom in ... Bolivia. The satellite image clearly showed a very long canal that connected to the round harbor. Everything seemed to fit the description of Plato. According to Allen, from Lake Titicaca, which was nearby, along the rivers and canals, it was quite possible to move to the Atlantic coast.

All that remained was to check on the ground the discovery made at the desk. Alas, in reality, the channel did not at all resemble a man-made structure; most likely, it was an ordinary hollow along a geographic fault. And with the round harbor, it turned out to be a complete embarrassment. The harbor turned out to be Bolivia's largest open pit mine for gold ore ... Although Allen's work was not crowned with success, he did not despair and continued his search for aerial and satellite images. As we will see later, a view from a height may well become a prologue to a sensation.

Why not consider the famous kingdom of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia as Atlantis? Magnificent architectural structures, the mysterious Gate of the Sun, pyramids, massive columns, bas-reliefs, statues and numerous canals - all this speaks of an ancient powerful civilization. According to the latest data, the population of Tiahuanaco reached 300 thousand people.

It is curious that, according to one of the ancient legends, the Tiahuanaco Indians angered the gods with something very much, and they punished them: during a strong earthquake main city kingdoms plunged into the water. Well, everything is right according to Plato! Relatively recently, during underwater filming, the ruins of temples and palaces were discovered at the bottom of Lake Titicaca. Unfortunately, the kingdom of Tiahuanaco will hardly be able to claim the role of Atlantis, since it flourished much later, although some researchers believe that this civilization originated 10 thousand years ago. But maybe it is worth looking for Atlantis in neighboring Brazil?

The Lost Cities of Colonel Fawcett

In 1906-1909. Colonel Percy Garrison Fawcett was commissioned by the Bolivian government to reconnoitre a vast area near the Brazilian border. The Indian guides who accompanied the colonel on his campaigns often told him about the mysterious cities lost in the jungle. In 1911, the whole world spread the sensational news about the discovery in the Andes of the magnificent city of the Incas - Machu Picchu. It turned out that South America still keeps many secrets, which Percy Fawcett tried to uncover.

The colonel managed to track down a message that in 1753 the ruins of a majestic stone city were found in the jungle. While searching for the legendary mines of Muribeki (a Portuguese who managed to discover the richest deposits of gold and silver), the colonists, after long wanderings in the jungle, unexpectedly came to the mountains. Climbing a deep crevice to the top of one of them, they saw a huge city beyond the mountain range on the plain. After making sure that it had long been abandoned, the travelers cautiously descended to its ruins, hoping that valuable items had been preserved there.

In the center of the city, the attention of the colonists was attracted by a huge column of black stone, crowned with a perfectly preserved statue of a man, one arm of which rested on his hip, and the other, stretched forward, pointed to the north. In addition to this monument, in the central square of the city there were obelisks made of the same black stone covered with carvings and partially destroyed, as well as a majestic palace with powerful square columns. Above the main entrance of the palace, there is a carved image of a young man with a ribbon over his shoulder and a shield in his hand. It is curious that on his head there was something resembling a laurel wreath, and under the carved portrait, an inscription was clearly visible, the outline of the letters of which resembled the ancient Greek. Opposite the palace there was a perfectly preserved temple, the stone walls of which were covered with carving, worn out from time to time, depicting people, animals and birds.

The mysterious city was destroyed by a terrible earthquake. Deep cracks gaped everywhere in the pavement, and in some places the rows of buildings were completely swallowed up by the earth. One of the travelers found in the ruins a gold coin depicting a kneeling youth, a bow, a crown and some kind of musical instrument. Most likely, the colonists managed to find other treasures, as evidenced by vague hints in the records. In the mountains near the city, the Portuguese found abandoned silver mines. As Percy Fawcett mentioned, a similar city was visited in 1913 by the British Consul in Rio de Janeiro. There was also a statue on a large black plinth. Unfortunately, the downpour and flood forced the consul and his guides to quickly leave the ruins of the city.

In Fawcett's opinion, there were other cities besides these two lost in the jungle. They are mentioned by the Indians, and there are records about them in the documents of the Jesuits. The colonel, in his search, also relied on the opinion of one prominent Brazilian scientist, who came to the following conclusion: “In the most distant centuries, the indigenous population of America existed in more civilized conditions than now. For many reasons, this civilization has degenerated and disappeared, and in Brazil it is just possible to look for its traces. It is not excluded that the ruins of ancient cities may remain in our little-explored forests. "

The famous English writer Ryder Haggard, author of The Mines of King Solomon, presented Fawcett with a mysterious black basalt statuette, once acquired in Brazil. The figurine, about 35 cm high, was a human figurine holding a plate covered with hieroglyphs on its chest. The same writing was carved into a ribbon wrapped around the man's ankles. The colonel showed the figurine to experts from the British Museum, but they were unable to explain its origin. Then Fawcett turned to a famous clairvoyant who, looking at the statuette, saw pictures of the distant past. According to him, from the coast of Africa almost to the very South America stretched a huge, irregular shape continent. On it were dense forests, mountains, villages, cities, majestic temples. Then a terrible catastrophe broke out. After violent volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, the central part of the continent plunged into the depths of the sea. Most of the people died, but some managed to escape on boats, it was with them - the surviving Atlanteans - that the figurine got to South America.

The mystery of the Bolivian alteplano

Since modern geology is absolutely sure that a huge continent cannot go under water and disappear in a single day (and there are no traces of the “cherished land” at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean), it is obvious that the Hellene was mistaken in his conclusions.

In fact, the disappeared continent is now where it always was, "opposite the Pillars of Hercules" (Strait of Gibraltar). Only now we call it South America.

There is no doubt about this, because modern satellite mapping (which has become available in the last 20-30 years) has recorded that in South America there is actually an absolutely flat rectangular plain - the so-called Bolivian alteplano.

Plato wrote that the plain surrounding the city was "much higher than sea level" and was surrounded by mountains on all sides. In the mountains, they found gold, silver, copper, tin and the mysterious "oricalcum" - a natural alloy of gold and copper, which the Atlanteans used as a building material on the walls of the city. Hot and cold springs existed near Atlantis, and some of the buildings were entirely constructed of red and black stones excavated in the center of the island.

In alteplano, the region adjacent to Lake Poopo (southern Bolivia) is ideal for such a description. True, the Greek uses the term "sea". But, most likely, in those days any significant body of water was considered a sea.

It turns out that only the island city - Atlantis - plunged into the sea, and not a whole continent, as Plato thought, and this city was located on a rectangular alteplano next to Lake Poopo. The Greek himself claimed that Atlantis fell below sea level, and because of the huge amount of mud and silt, it was impossible to reach it now and it was unlikely that it would be found sometime in the future.

By the way, in Bolivia, in the folklore of local Indians, there is a similar story. The legend of Desaguadero tells of the flooding of the great city by the gods, whose inhabitants were punished for their sins and disobedience. Based on this legend, the remains of the ancient center of civilization should be searched for in the alteplano, among the sites corresponding to Plato's description - a small island surrounded by three circles of water and two lands. And the perimeter of the "sea" wall, which could be used to protect against the rise of water in the lake during a flood with a radius of 50 stages, is typical of volcanic formations.

So far, scientists have identified four such sites. The first is the Kwumado volcano, located on the western side of the plain, on the border with Chile. This volcano consists of a central cone (or "island") located within the crater and forming an earth ring. It, in turn, is adjoined by an outer crater. Thus, Kwumado fits perfectly with Plato's description. The central island is surrounded by two circles of land, which is probably a natural feature in alteplano. Kwumado is still an active volcano. The last time it erupted was about two or three thousand years ago, and in the surrounding area you can still find pieces of frozen lava and crushed stones.

However, Kwumado is too far from Lake Poopo and is much higher than the plain. In addition, the chaotic shape of the volcano's craters makes it unlikely that a city will ever be located in it.

Another suitable site, Kollum, is located north of the center of the rectangular plain. A circular ring of earth of the correct diameter and width allowed it to be the outer ring of the earth of the city of Atlantis. Kollum has all the hallmarks of the "low mountain" that Plato described, or "the mountain that was low on all sides," as stated elsewhere. True, the site is also too far from the lake (although the lake changes in shape and size after flooding), and, according to local geologists, the ring of the earth turned out to be formed from material that was formed as a result of the eruption of a gas bubble.

The third site - Santuario Killacas - is directly adjacent to the lake and corresponds to the distance required by Plato of fifty stadia (five miles) from the water surface. There is an oblique cone of 21 stages (2.1 miles) required diameter with a low embankment in the center and two peaks in the south. The remains of a circular crater belong to the Tertiary period. The original ring was destroyed by some kind of violent explosion or earthquake, which is similar to the story of a Hellenic philosopher.

In the center of the embankment there is a village whose inhabitants use water from nearby hot and cold springs. There are many black and red stones everywhere, even the columns of the church in the center of the settlement are made of them with the addition of white mortar, which makes it very similar to the buildings of the disappeared Atlantis.

In the language of the Aymara people, this area is called "destroyed remains", and in the Inca dialect, Chihuahua - "a volcano where something is missing." The presence of a village and a highway makes it accessible to tourists who want to contemplate with their own eyes what Atlantis looked like - on the seashore, surrounded by a plain - until it was destroyed by earthquakes and flooded by the waters of the lake.

But the area called Pampa Oliagasa is most suitable for Plato's story. It lies 50 stadia (5 miles) from the edge of the sea (Lake Pupo). Red, black and white stones can be seen everywhere. Part of Pampa Oliagas was indeed flooded after earthquakes. A circular wall could have been built around the lake to combat floods. If you climb to the top of the mountain, it is easy to see that if the mysterious city of the Atlanteans really existed here, it would be the ideal center for a variety of routes on the plain and would be connected to the lake by a channel. Thus, materials for construction could be delivered from the distant Lake Titicaca to Poopo, and in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean - through the Rio Aquas Calentes valley and the Parana River - the Atlanteans would probably equip ships full of gold and silver.

A few more hypotheses

Humanity, as we remember, learned about Atlantis from Plato's dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias". Well, Plato himself seems to have received this information from the ancient Egyptian priests.

According to Plato, thousands of years ago in the central part of the Atlantic Ocean there was a large island (or even an entire archipelago). On its territory there was a developed state with a multimillion population, beautiful and impregnable fortress cities. A powerful navy (1200 ships!) And a huge land army reliably protected the Atlanteans from the encroachments of their neighbors.

Convenient geographical position made it possible to feed the population without any problems (2-3 crops were harvested every year). The forest that covered the islands was an inexhaustible source of fuel and raw materials. Developed metallurgy, mines and quarries made it possible for the Atlanteans not only to build numerous palaces and fortresses, but also to create powerful combat vehicles, aircraft and even missiles!

Be that as it may, but one day Atlantis was gone. What happened to the island? Many science fiction writers and researchers racked their brains trying to answer this question. So, according to famous writer Alexander Belyaev, Atlantis was destroyed by the eruption of a volcano that was dormant on the island.

However, some researchers are inclined to blame ... the Moon for the death of Atlantis. According to one of the models of celestial mechanics proposed by the German astronomer K. Gestenkorn, in the distant past, the Earth did not have a satellite, and the Moon was an independent celestial body. About 12 thousand years ago, it approached the Earth and became dependent on the gravitational attraction of our planet.

The course of such an astronomical process was accompanied by gigantic gravitational perturbations that generated huge tidal waves up to 1 km high. Volcanic activity on Earth has also intensified significantly. All this, taken together, caused the death of Atlantis.

By the way, many peoples have preserved legends according to which there was no moon in the sky before the Flood, and when the moon approached the Earth, giant ocean waves appeared.

Ufologist D. Onishchenko put forward a different hypothesis 10 years ago. Atlantis was a closed world with a separate civilization. From time to time, its representatives traveled to other countries. Once, when the Atlantean expedition returned from Africa, it turned out that they had brought with them, among other things, a previously unknown disease - the immunodeficiency virus. Due to the crowded population, HIV infection began to spread rapidly among Atlanteans. Civilization was on the brink of extinction. In order not to infect the rest of the population of the Earth, the Atlanteans decided to blow up their island and die with it.

It must be said that this assumption is not without foundation. As you know, the Spaniards brought cholera and smallpox to the New World, and they were awarded syphilis there. So the exchange of diseases for representatives of different formations is quite real.

According to another version of the epidemiological version, the disease could have got to the Atlanteans from space. Today it is no secret to anyone that bacterial spores are often found on meteorites. Perhaps the Atlanteans were simply unlucky, the microbe on the celestial stone that fell on the island's territory turned out to be tenacious and harmful.

And the Muscovite V. Alekseev, pondering the question of what should be the energy of motion of a giant meteorite to break through the earth's crust, came to the conclusion that with a meteorite mass of about 2 billion tons, its density should correspond to the density of iron. It turns out that the object was not a natural space body, but a metal ... alien ship! Moreover, there could even be two such ships. They say they started a quarrel with each other and in the heat of the battle did not notice how they found themselves dangerously close to our planet. Well, and crashed into her.

However, most researchers of the unknown believe that the unknown celestial body was, albeit metallic, but of natural origin. Iron meteorites are also quite common. So, according to the calculations of the Polish astronomer Jan Gadomsky, a giant meteorite weighing about 2 billion tons could well have pierced the earth's crust, which is relatively thin in the Atlantic region. The occurrence of such a hole led to the splashing of hot magma and its connection with ocean waters. A powerful explosion followed, releasing an energy equivalent, according to some estimates, to the explosion of several thousand thermonuclear bombs.

Formed as a result of the explosion, a giant wave several kilometers high literally swept away most of the ancient civilizations from the face of the Earth. Miraculously, the surviving eyewitnesses of the cataclysm transmitted from mouth to mouth horror stories about the cataclysm that had befallen the world. Apparently, this is how the legends about the Flood appeared.

And what about Atlantis? The escaped magma sharply lowered the pressure under the thin (15-20 km) floor of the Atlantic, in particular under the Atlantis archipelago. As a result, the continental plates lost their stability and began to move, giving rise, in turn, to a chain of powerful earthquakes. And the archipelago sank under the water like a torpedoed ship. He was sinking, according to calculations, at a speed of 4-5 cm / sec! In this case, perhaps the Egyptian priests and Plato were right in asserting that Atlantis sank "instantly."

And, finally, another version of the asteroid hypothesis from the engineer Vadim Pikul from Samara. In his opinion, the impact of the heavenly messenger on the Earth was double. Before falling on our planet, the intruder split into two parts, as happened with an asteroid that fell to Earth in the Gulf of Mexico and, possibly, killed the dinosaurs. “The cataclysm was accompanied by terrible earthquakes,” the author writes, “many volcanoes have awakened, giant tsunamis have hit the coastline around the world. The island of Atlantis simply drowned, unable to withstand a double blow ... "So now, according to Pikul, it is only a small matter - to find meteorite craters at the bottom of the ocean.

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