Lavash stuffed "Nostalgia" with sprats and cheese. Ingredients for cooking "Lavash roll with sprats" Lavash rolls with sprats

Several years ago I was visiting a friend, she suggested making a quick roll with sprats, I don't really like them, but I decided not to refuse and see what happens there.
It turned out very tasty and since then I often make these at home, my husband is just delighted with such rolls.

So, for a roll, I usually buy Armenian lavash, there are just two large lavash in the package,

I unfold one first and proceed:
mix mayonnaise, about 200 grams with four to five cloves of garlic

I grease pita bread with this mixture, trying to do it carefully, not to leave dry places.

After that, take three boiled eggs and three of them on a coarse grater, evenly distributing them over the entire surface of the pita bread.

We put the second pita on top, it is desirable that it be slightly smaller than the first.

After that we take sprats, I usually take two jars, it is advisable to drain some of the oil from them, put them in some deep dish and knead them into porridge.

After we have made porridge from the fish, we put it on pita bread, which can also be greased with mayonnaise with garlic, or it can be dry, as you like.

I apologize for the quality of this photo, somehow it didn't work out, I tried.
After that, we twist the pita bread into a roll, so that it is not very thick, I advise you to twist it not from the short side, but from the wide one.

You should get such a sausage - long and not very thick.

After that, we leave the roll to lie down a little, so that it is saturated and tastes better. Then we cut it into pieces of about 1.5 - 2 cm wide, I recommend that the knife be sharp, otherwise the roll will simply wrinkle. I usually cut off the edges, since they are still dryish.
After cutting the roll, put it on a plate and serve. Bon Appetit.

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

Estimated Serving Cost: RUB 10

A fish treat in an original culinary performance will always be at the table - both on a regular weekday and on a wedding celebration.

Thin Armenian lavash with sprats, vegetables and cheese is incredibly tasty, besides, such an appetizer looks very unusual, which immediately raises it to the rank of a favorite.

If guests unexpectedly appeared, and only canned food, packaging of unleavened flatbreads and mayonnaise came from stocks, the title of hospitable hostess will be saved! ..

How to make your favorite snack irresistible

  • Since the main component of our filling is smoked sprats in oil, we advise you not to save on them. Among the store variety, it is best to choose a product from a trusted company;
  • The beauty of the snack is not only in its excellent taste characteristics, but also in its appetizing form. If the filling turns out to be too juicy, the lavash will certainly get wet, and the dish will not look too presentable. So that this embarrassment does not happen, it is better to drain the butter from canned food - it really belongs in mashed potatoes;
  • The fish component of the treat is quite high-calorie. You can reduce its energy value by replacing mayonnaise with low-fat yogurt or sour cream;
  • Another option for reducing calorie content is replacing sprat with sardine in its own juice. The taste will turn out
  • Cucumber as a vegetable additive to fish filling can be prepared in two ways - grate with large holes, as recommended in the recipes, or cut into thin slices;
  • It is best to serve the roll stuffed with sprats by holding it for half an hour in the refrigerator for impregnation.

Now let's take a closer look at how to cook your favorite pita bread with sprats and vegetables.

Lavash appetizer with sprats and cream cheese: a recipe with a photo


  • Thin lavash sheets - 2 pcs.
  • Soft processed cheese - 3 briquettes.
  • Smoked sprats in oil - 1 canned food.
  • Fresh cucumber - 2-3 medium greens.
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons
  • Greens (dill / parsley) - 1 bunch.

Homemade delicious pita bread with sprats and cheese

  • First of all, let's send the cheese to the freezer for 15-20 minutes to harden - this way it will be easier to grate it with a grater with small holes. It is best to take cheese with an original creamy taste without aromatic additives so that it does not compete with sprats in its taste.
  • While the cheese is cooling, open a can of canned food, transfer its contents to a deep plate and thoroughly mash the fish with a fork. If there is not much oil, you do not need to drain it - we will make the filling more juicy and aromatic.
  • Now grind the hardened curds and mix the mass with the sprat "minced meat".
  • Season the fish-cheese filling with mayonnaise and mix. You don't need to salt it - fish and cheese already have a salty flavor, but a pinch of black pepper or a spicy herb can be added if desired.
  • Now let's leave the filling soaked in aromas and flavors.
  • After washing the cucumbers and greens, dry them and take up the knife. Chop the greens as small as possible. Cucumbers can also be cut into thin slices with a knife or coarsely grated.
  • Mix the greens, add a little salt and immediately spread the resulting vitamin mix on one of the pita sheets, level them.
  • Place the second sheet on top. Cover it with fish and cheese paste. To get a more pronounced fishy taste, you can not turn the sprats into "minced meat", but spread them in halves on grated cheese, dividing them along the ridge.
  • It remains to roll the double cake into a tight roll, wrap it in foil or food grade polyethylene and send it to the refrigerator to soak for a quarter of an hour.

Serve the roll, cut it into slices about 2 cm thick and sprinkle with fresh herbs. You can decorate the dish with "rolls" with sprats with olives and thin slices of bell pepper.

Snack pita bread with sprats and carrots: the best recipe

This version of your favorite snack is spicier than the previous one. You can put carrots in the filling fried in oil or cooked in Korean - whoever prefers what. Hard cheese will add spice to the treat.


  • Thin Armenian cakes - 1 pack.
  • Fish sprats - 1 jar.
  • Hard cheese -150 g.
  • Boiled chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Medium carrots - 1 root vegetable.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Low-fat mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons
  • A pinch of salt.

Home-made snacks in pita bread with sprats and carrots

  • After removing the fish from the tin, we decant the oil. It can be added to carrots when fried to add flavor.
  • Using a fork, turn the sprats into a homogeneous mass.
  • We clean the root crop, grind it on a coarse grater and put it in a pan with heated oil. Fry the carrots over a medium-intensity fire until golden brown for about 5 minutes, not forgetting to add salt and stir it so that it does not burn.
  • Grind hard-boiled eggs in any convenient way, three cheese on a grater coarsely.

The preparatory work is completed - we are starting to assemble the snacks.

  • Put fried (or pickled in Korean) carrots on the first pita leaf. It must be evenly spread over the entire surface of thin bread, leaving only the edges unoccupied for easy folding.
  • Apply a sprat mass to the carrots. Cover with pita bread.
  • On the second pita bread, apply a thin layer of mayonnaise sauce, cover it with egg crumbs, and put cheese on top.
  • Having rolled the cakes into a roll, we pack it in polyethylene and send it to the refrigerator for impregnation for 1 hour. Serve by cutting into portions and garnishing with herbs and flowers from fresh carrots.

We have once again made sure that from the simplest products that are always at hand, you can easily prepare, if not a culinary masterpiece, then a truly original appetizer. Thin pita bread with sprats and vegetables is a very original treat that will become a very appetizing alternative to the already slightly fed up fish sandwiches. And vegetables, as an addition to the fish filling, will favorably set off its piquant taste, making the appetizer even more original. It will turn out surprisingly tasty, sparkling and spicy! ..

Lavash roll is a great alternative to traditional sandwiches. And yeast-free pita bread is especially useful. For a roll, take a special rectangular pita bread. There are many different filling options, today we are preparing, according to a detailed recipe with a photo, step by step lavash with sprats and pickled cucumber, delicious, beautiful and nutritious. If for some reason you do not use mayonnaise in your kitchen (even if we are talking about), then replace it with unsweetened yogurt sauce with mustard and lemon juice, it will also turn out very tasty.

- lavash - 1 pc.;
- eggs (hard boiled) - 2 pcs.;
- sprats - 1 bank;
- pickled cucumber - 1 pc .;
- hard cheese - 120 g;
- mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons;
- greens to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Cut the lavash in half. Put one half on a film and grease with mayonnaise.

Grate cheese and put on pita bread, sprinkle with herbs.

Cover with a second layer of pita bread. Brush with mayonnaise and sprinkle with coarsely grated eggs.

Cut the sprats into halves.

Put on pita bread in strips, leaving a distance of about 2-2.5 cm between them.

Cut the cucumber into thin strips and place on the sprats.

Spin the pita bread with a tight roll, wrap in plastic and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours so that it is well saturated.

Serve with vegetables and herbs.
It turns out very tasty and

What appetizer can be prepared in less than an hour and can be successfully put on the table both on weekdays and on holidays? Of course, this is pita bread with sprats, which will become not only a worthy substitute for the usual sandwiches for a solemn feast, but also an excellent snack option. This recipe does not have many filling options - nevertheless, such a fish does not go well with all products, but there is an opportunity to experiment with serving.

So, to make lavash with sprats, we will definitely need a can of high-quality canned food and Armenian thin lavash. We will vary the rest of the products according to our wishes.

Our recipe will help you do everything right and not get confused.

Lavash snack with sprats


  • Armenian thin lavash - 2 pcs.;
  • Sprats - 1 can;
  • Cheese - 100 g;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


  1. First, boil hard-boiled eggs, cool and clean. Next, grind them with a fork or three on a fine grater.
  2. We also rub the cheese, and open the sprats. If the fish are dense and of good quality, you should not grind them, and it is not always convenient to apply later - it is better to cut them lengthwise.

If the sprats turned out to be soft and heterogeneous, knead them with a fork into a gruel. The main thing in both cases is to drain the oil so that the filling does not turn out to be too greasy and liquid.

  1. Now we are preparing a spread of mayonnaise and garlic. We pass a couple of peeled cloves through a press and mix with mayonnaise in a separate cup.

For those who prefer a more dietary option, we suggest making a mixture of mustard and low-fat yogurt. We also mix it with garlic, but in this case we take 1 clove, not 2, so that the spread does not turn out too sharp.

  1. We unfold both pita bread and begin to lay out the ingredients.
  2. Grease the first sheet with half of the garlic mixture. On top, evenly distribute half of the cheese and lay out the chopped canned fish or pate from them.
  3. Cover with another sheet of pita bread and press lightly with your hands.
  4. Apply the remaining spread again, and pour the chopped eggs and the second half of the cheese on top
  5. Gently twist the roll, trying to make it tight, but not squeezing too hard so that the filling does not flow out.
  6. We wrap it with foil or cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Lavash will be soaked properly, making the appetizer really juicy.
  7. Over time, we take out the roll, unfold it and cut it into portions 2-2.5 cm wide in oblique cuts - this will make them more aesthetic.

Serve pita bread with sprats and cheese, decorate the plate with herbs, olives and slices of fresh vegetables.

Simplified recipe

Also, this dish can be made with one sheet of pita bread. To do this, we just need to slightly cut the number of products. This is especially true for the liquid component.

  • Mayonnaise or yogurt should only lightly coat the dough layer. Instead of 2 eggs, we take 1, and cheese is enough for 60 g.
  • Sprats will be needed, as usual - 1 can. Grind them or lay them out chopped.

Such a roll will be ready faster - 15 minutes is enough, because there is only one dough layer!

Well, for those who love a more piquant taste and do not deny themselves high-calorie treats, we recommend preparing the following dish.

Sprats in pita bread with carrots

For a pita bread we need

  • Lavash - 2 sheets + -
  • Sprats - 1 jar + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 1/2 bundle + -
  • - 1 medium + -
  • - 1 clove + -
  • - 3 tbsp. + -

How to cook pita bread with sprats

  1. Immediately set to boil 2 hard-boiled eggs and rinse the greens so that they have time to drain and dry.
  2. At the same time, we clean the carrots, three of them on a coarse grater and spread them to be sautéed in vegetable oil in a preheated pan. We keep it on fire, stirring continuously for 5-7 minutes and remove.
  3. Open the sprats and chop or cut lengthwise.
  4. Rub the cooled eggs on a fine grater - it is necessary that the protein is also finely chopped. 70 g of hard cheese or feta cheese is chopped in the same way.
  5. Pass the garlic through a press and combine with mayonnaise. Mix well.
  6. We unfold a sheet of pita bread and grease it with half of the garlic mayonnaise. On top, evenly lay out all the sautéed carrots, and then the sprats.
  7. Cover everything with another sheet of pita bread. Again coat and distribute the eggs first, then the cheese and sprinkle everything with shredded herbs.

We roll up the roll and wrap it in polyethylene. We put it in the refrigerator and in half an hour a great spicy snack is ready!

Cut the pita bread into portions and serve, garnishing with tomato and cucumber slices.

For lovers of pita bread snacks, we also offer a whole selection of recipes. Cook and enjoy the variety.

You see, there is nothing complicated in preparing pita bread with sprats! This is one of the simplest recipes, a dish that will be appreciated by both guests and households. Treat your friends for a holiday with unusual pita rolls with sprats!

It is difficult to surprise sophisticated admirers of a variety of cold pita bread snacks, but still I will try. Recipes for dishes from Armenian lavash amaze with their variety of options, and if you are looking for a new and interesting filling for lavash, I bring to your attention a delicious lavash stuffed "Nostalgia" with sprats and cheese.

Sprats are no longer considered a delicacy, and they were replaced by other overseas and expensive products, such as truffle oil, or the exotic Mimolette cheese, eaten by nematodes and ticks.

But I really want to remember that unique taste of the Soviet past, when sprats were on the table only for the New Year, and before the New Year's feast, the house was filled with the aroma of sandwiches with sprats and tangerine peels, which were dried on the battery ...

This is exactly the case when from the most ordinary and traditional products for us, an incredible snack for a holiday is obtained with the taste of such favorite sprats, and a delicate cheese filling with a garlic taste. Lavash rolls with sprats will definitely appeal to all your guests, and this pita bread roll can rightfully be considered a universal snack.

If you have not changed your mind about making a roll with sprats, then add the recipe to your bookmarks, or print directly from the site.


  • Sprats in oil ½ can (160g can)
  • Hard cheese 100 gr.
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise 100 gr.
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Thin lavash 2 pcs.


Eggs need to be boiled in advance (3-4 minutes) and grated on a fine grater.

We also rub hard cheese (for the recipe I used "Russian") on the finest grater.

You will have to tinker with sprats. You can simply knead them with a fork, but then the "sprat porridge" will not be easy to distribute over the sheet of pita bread. Therefore, we cut each fish with a knife lengthwise, as shown in the photo.

Peel the garlic and pass it through a press.

In a separate bowl, mix mayonnaise with garlic.

This recipe will require two sheets of pita bread. You can use small sheets, or cut one large one. Small square pita breads are rare in our store, so I cut one large oval pita bread in half.

Spread the first sheet of pita bread with half mayonnaise with garlic.

Sprinkle the pita bread evenly with grated cheese.

Cover with a second sheet of pita bread.

Spread the second pita bread with the remaining mayonnaise with garlic, and sprinkle with grated eggs.

We roll up our pita bread with sprats into a tight roll.

It turns out into such a long "sprat sausage".

We wrap the roll in foil or cling film, and send it to the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. You can cut the roll in half for easy storage in the refrigerator.

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