Flaxseed and banana biscuits. Linseed cookies. Flaxseed meatballs

Homemade lavash "Lightness in everything"

Wheat flour - 2 cups; flaxseed flour - 1/2 cup; 1/3 teaspoon salt; soda 1/3 teaspoon; kefir or yogurt up to 1 cup. Knead the dough like on dumplings, hold in a warm place (1 hour), roll out thin cakes. Bake in a skillet lightly greased with ghee. This lavash replaces bread, causes a feeling of quick satisfaction of any hunger. It can serve as a basis for the preparation of unleavened, yeast-free roll and pies that do not get fat.

Cholesterol-free meat balls

Combine two volumes of ground beef and one volume of Health Compass flaxseed flour. Add finely chopped onions. It's a good idea to add one volume of finely chopped zucchini or cabbage here. Knead everything well. Soak your hands in cold water, shape the meatballs, place them on a baking sheet, lightly greased with ghee. Bake in the oven at 210 degrees. Let cool. Serve with Ginger or Garlic Linseed Oil.

Flaxseed jelly "Hearty"

Dissolve 3-4 tablespoons of flaxseed flour in 1 liter of water. Bring this mixture to a boil, add 5-6 tablespoons of chokeberry or cherry jam there. You can add lemon or orange zest, cinnamon. Remove from heat. Season the cooled jelly with honey. Eat to your health! With regular use of this jelly within a month, it is possible to reduce weight.

Flaxseed porridge

Pour flaxseed flour into boiling milk or water while stirring in a ratio of 2: 1 and cook for 1-2 minutes. Disconnect heat source. Season with salt, sugar, or honey. Stir until tender.

It is also recommended to use flaxseed flour as a 30-50% additive when cooking oatmeal, rice, semolina, pumpkin porridge. This increases their nutritional value and taste. using as additives: yogurt, dried apricots, raisins. nuts, cocoa, you can make porridge to your liking.

Banana buns. for 12 buns

Egg 1 pc

Milk 1% 250 ml. - 1 cup

Vegetable oil 50 ml. - 0.25 cups

Sugar 125 ml - 0.5 cups

Banana puree 300 gr

Vanilla 5 ml - 1 tsp

Flaxseed flour 250 ml. - 1 cup

White wheat flour 250 ml. - 1 cup

Coarse wheat flour 250 ml. - 1 cup

Soda 5 ml - 1 tsp

In a large cup, combine egg, milk, butter, sugar, bananas and vanilla

In another cup, combine flour, baking soda, baking powder. mix dry and liquid ingredients, stir thoroughly. Pour the well-beaten mixture into 12 portion molds. Bake at T-200 *, 20-25 min. or until ready.

You can substitute banana puree with another fruit puree.

Pumpkin loaf (mashed or sweet potato) 1 gluten-free loaf.

Flaxseed flour 375 ml. - 1.5 cups

Rice flour 375 ml. - 1.5 cups

Bakery powder 15 ml. - 1 tbsp.

Soda 5 ml. - 1 tsp

Sugar 125 ml. - 0.5 cups

Salt 2 ml. - 0.5 tsp

Spices 7 ml. - 1.5 tsp

Egg 2 pcs.

Pumpkin 250 ml. - 1 cup

Milk 250 ml. - 1 cup

Spices - cinnamon, cloves

Pumpkin puree can be substituted with mashed or sweet potatoes

Heat oven to 180 * mix flaxseed flour, rice flour, baking powder, baking soda, sugar, salt and spices. beat eggs with pumpkin and milk. mix solid and liquid ingredients. pour the mixture into 1.5 liters. a saucepan. Bake for 50 minutes. Refrigerate for 5 minutes.

Linen and oat buns 20 buns

Sugar 125 ml. - 0.5 cups

Egg 1 pc

Egg white 1 pc

Vanilla 2 ml. - 0.5 tsp

Flaxseed flour 175 ml. - 0.75 cups

White wheat flour 125 ml. - 0.5 cups

Oat flakes 125 ml. - 0.5 cups

Salt 1 ml. - 0.25 tsp

Baking powder 2 ml. - 0.5 tsp

Soda 2 ml. - 0.5 tsp

Heat the oven to 180 *, beat the sugar, egg white, egg and vanilla. combine flaxseed flour, wheat flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder and baking soda. Knead the dough. scooping up 15 ml. dough, spread on a baking sheet, bake for 10 minutes. cool for 1-2 minutes. then remove and place on the stand.

Stuffed zucchini

Take a small young zucchini, remove the skin from it, cut into circles about 1 cm thick, remove the seeds.

Let's prepare the filling. Take dense tomatoes, cut them into small pieces, add a little salt. Grate the cabbage on a shredder, also lightly salt and remember it with your hands. Cut the onions into small cubes. Shift the vegetables and add the "Russian" or "Bogatyrskaya" (dry) flaxseed porridge there in a 1: 1 ratio, ie. 1 part vegetable mixture: 1 part dry porridge.

Grease a baking sheet with melted butter and place the zucchini slices on top of it. Fill the inside with the filling. Bake in the oven at 2000C until tender. 5 minutes before the end, grease the circles with sour cream and return to the oven until browned. You can use grated cheese instead of sour cream.

Halva "Linen"

Grind the flax seeds, add just a little water and mix with honey in a 2: 1 ratio, i.e. 2 parts ground seeds and 1 part honey. You can add pre-soaked raisins, dried apricots or prunes. You should get a pasty mass. This delicious homemade halva is a great addition to tea, coffee and kefir. You will get real pleasure, spreading this pasta on a crust of brown bread or cookies.

Healthy Food Recipes: Flaxseed flour is gluten free. It improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, lowers cholesterol levels and prevents the accumulation of excess weight. Flaxseed flour is obtained from flaxseeds after oil is squeezed out of them.

Flaxseed flour is gluten free... It improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, lowers cholesterol levels and prevents the accumulation of excess weight. Flaxseed flour is obtained from flaxseeds after oil is squeezed out of them.

That is, Flaxseed flour and ground flaxseed are different foods. Flaxseed flour of industrial production already lacks flaxseed oil, unlike home-milled flaxseeds (they contain up to 48% flaxseed oil).

Proteins in flaxseed flour. The amino acid composition of flaxseed proteins has the most valuable vegetable proteins and high nutritional value. The protein content in flaxseed flour reaches 50%, and the nutritional value - up to 92%.

Fats in flaxseed flour. The mass fraction of fat in the flour is 30%, represented by polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 families, is characterized by a low content of saturated fatty acids, flaxseed flour contributes to the implementation of important biological functions in the human body.

Another 30% of the flour mass is fiber a, necessary for the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It absorbs harmful substances and toxins and removes them from the body. Fiber slows down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates and lowers cholesterol levels. It is found in almost all plant foods, but in varying amounts.

This natural product is also rich in trace elements. Flaxseed flour contains seven times more potassium than bananas. It also contains a large amount of magnesium and zinc.

Flaxseed meal and diabetes. According to Canadian researchers (note not cited in source), eating bread with a 25% flax supplement results in a typical post-meal rise in blood sugar 28% lower than using bread without supplements. Flaxseed meal reduces the dependence of diabetics on special drugs.

Cooking applications

Typically, flaxseed flour can be used in almost any recipe and even as an egg and butter substitute. It is a highly nutritious addition to any diet.

Flaxseed flour is added to yeast and unleavened dough for baking pies, buns, pancakes and pancakes from 10 to 30% by volume. Flaxseed flour is used to make flaxseed bread, tortillas, cookies and crackers, hearty thick cocktails, even pizza dough. Baking with the addition of flaxseed flour acquires a pleasant brownish tint, has a unique taste and aroma.

It can be added to the first and second courses: soups, cereals, sauces, casseroles. Or use as part of or instead of a breading mixture for making cutlets, etc. Flaxseed flour has excellent binding properties, so it can easily replace eggs in some recipes - for example, in vegetable casseroles - during the fast it is especially valuable.

In addition, flaxseed flour has moisture-absorbing properties, which explains its ability to increase the freshness of products (baked goods with the addition of flaxseed flour do not stale for a long time). You can buy flaxseed flour in stores and departments of healthy / diet food, online stores.

Flaxseed Brownie


    250 g prunes

    300 ml of water

    3 tbsp with a large slide of natural cocoa powder

    4 tablespoons with a large slide of flaxseed flour

    a handful of almonds (optional)

    vanillin (optional)

How to cook:

Rinse the prunes thoroughly, steam in boiling water, cut into pieces (very convenient with scissors). Add flour, cocoa, nuts. Mix. Pour in water and mix until smooth.

Put in a mold and bake at 180C for 20-25 minutes. Allow to cool in the mold, remove, cut into pieces and chill well. When warm, baked goods on linseed flour are very soft and moist, after cooling, always in the refrigerator, they become denser! published

Hello everyone!

Lately, I just think about what to eat in order to lose weight.

I'm not the only one, am I?

I want health, harmony and beauty, but I don’t want to torment myself because of this and chew cabbage all day, even cauliflower.

I am for the food to be tasty, varied and healthy for the body.

Therefore, we are constantly looking for ingredients that can be used to prepare the right dishes.

One of the latest discoveries is flaxseed flour, which is obtained after grinding and degreasing.

In this article, you will learn:

Flaxseed flour - benefits and harms

Flaxseed flour - a product of grinding flaxseed meal

The benefits of flaxseed flour become apparent as soon as you know its composition.

It is rich in plant proteins, vital vitamins (A, E, B1, B2, B6, folic acid) and minerals (potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, chromium, sodium, selenium), fatty acids.

What is the use of flaxseed flour?

But flour owes its reputation as one of the healthiest foods to three main ingredients: omega-3s, lignans, and fiber.

And the absence of gluten - wheat protein or gluten, which causes intolerance in many people and is a provocateur of many diseases. (You can read more about gluten in this one.)

Let's take a closer look at the main useful properties of these components:

  • Omega-3

Omega-3 is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that is a “good” fat and is not produced by our bodies.

It is necessary to eat more foods that contain it, because Omega-3 normalizes heart function, helps to cope with diabetes and asthma, improves skin condition, and lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Flaxseed contains many times more of this fatty acid than any other plant product.

  • Lignans

As for lignans of plant origin, these are phytoestrogens and antioxidants that have antiallergic and antitumor effects.

  • Cellulose

And dietary fiber (fiber), soluble and insoluble, normalizes the digestive system and helps cleanse the body.

Due to this unique composition, flaxseed flour is effective for:

  • cleansing the body of toxins and toxins
  • normalization of weight and work of the gastrointestinal tract (useful for people suffering from constipation, gastritis and gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer)
  • prevention of growth and reproduction of cancer cells
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and preventing thrombosis

Ways to use flaxseed flour

In general, such a composition ensures the successful use of flaxseed flour not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, treatment and prevention of various heart diseases, eating disorders, and is used for weight loss and bowel cleansing.

It would be nice if the government obliged its residents to take flaxseed flour every day, as King Charles did in the eighth century, issuing a special royal decree under this

There are so many ways to use flaxseed flour that at first I was confused.

I selected the options for which there were the most good reviews, I have already done something, something has yet to be cooked and tried.

In general, I share. And if you have your own know-how, I will be very glad to see them in the comments.

Flaxseed flour for medicinal purposes

In fact, we can say that any use of flaxseed flour has a healing effect, it has such a beneficial effect on a variety of body systems.

But when treating specific diseases, you should consult your doctor so that there is no overdose or any negative effect.

As a rule, flour is used as an additional natural remedy in the treatment of coronary heart disease, diabetes, colitis, cystitis, dysbiosis and allergic reactions.

In such cases, one tablespoon of flour is mixed with a glass of kefir or other sour milk product without additives and drunk for two to three months at night or in the morning.

You can also use water, but it is not clear how to drink such a mess, except for a bite, only there is little pleasure from this.

Flaxseed flour for face

Flaxseed flour is great for making face masks. It has a lifting effect, tightens the skin and tones it, making it elastic and velvety.

In addition, flaxseed flour can be included in scrubs and oriental ubtans.

It helps cleanse pores of impurities, improves blood circulation and evens out the complexion.

Flaxseed meal for weight loss and bowel cleansing

There are two main ways for these purposes.

The first option is to drink a glass of kefir with a tablespoon of flour instead of dinner for three months.

Some sources suggest adding more honey, but for me this will negate our goal.

Here it is based not only on the stabilization of the intestines and regular bowel movements, but also on the activation of metabolism and a decrease in the total calorie content of the diet.

This option did not suit me purely psychologically.

Well, I can't live without a normal dinner, I won't fall asleep when I'm hungry, and I'll walk around all evening angry.

Flaxseed flour with kefir

But the second method turned out to be more suitable.

  1. For three weeks, the body is cleansed, then for two months a maintenance regimen.
  2. Week one: kefir and a teaspoon of flour instead of breakfast.
  3. In the second week we add two spoons, in the third - three.
  4. Then we use flour as an additional ingredient for a light breakfast, it can be mixed with kefir, yogurt, omelet, added to porridge in water.

My review about flaxseed meal for weight loss

This option is especially convenient for those who run headlong to work or study in the morning.

There is no satiety, especially in the first weeks, but there is a feeling of lightness and the effect of weight loss. Smooth weight loss, stool normalization, no hunger cravings.

I am still in the middle of the way, but already minus 4 kilograms and my health has become much better.

By the way, such a useful undertaking also affects my love for midnight snacks, already, as it were, it’s a little embarrassing to overeat in front of my body☺

Flaxseed flour recipes

To be honest, I did not appreciate the pure flaxseed meal, I mean porridge and jelly.

Maybe I just cooked the wrong way, and someone can suggest how to make them tastier?

Flaxseed porridge recipe

Flaxseed porridge is actually flour mixed with warm water or milk, with honey, jam or berries added to taste. .

Flaxseed jelly recipe

Kissel is also prepared very simply: add 3-4 tablespoons of flour, a little honey, orange peel to the heated water (one liter), bring to a boil and cool.

I do not doubt the benefits, the enveloping properties of these dishes are especially good, but the taste is very specific, I did not dare to cook again.

Where can you add flaxseed flour?

For me, the biggest plus of flaxseed flour is that you can cook a huge number of dishes with it, adding it in different proportions, and most importantly, it does not contain gluten !!!.

In small quantities, it will be invisible to your family, who probably do not like to "chew grass", and will bring a lot of benefits.

A little in salads, cereals, omelets, vegetable dishes and smoothies; as a breading for fish and meat; in homemade sauces.

Flaxseed baked goods

But my hit is baked goods, which I will not give up even for the sake of losing weight. You can completely replace regular flour with flaxseed flour in the recipe.

This of course will greatly affect the taste, so I usually limit myself to replacing a third.

At the same time, the amount of carbohydrates is noticeably reduced, which makes baked goods less nutritious and more useful.

But now I make two dishes only on this flour, I will give their recipes in full.

Flaxseed pancakes - recipe

Mix a glass of milk with four tablespoons of flour, add egg white, a teaspoon of sugar and a little cinnamon.

Let the dough brew a little and fry in a dry frying pan.

They grab quickly, in taste and color, of course, are very different from traditional pancakes, but don't let that scare you, it turns out delicious.

The exit is small, for a snack for two adults.

I like to serve it with honey and low calorie sour cream (I mix them) or maple syrup (not a dietary option).

Oatmeal - flaxseed cookies with nuts


  • 1 cup butter
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 large egg
  • ½ cup plain flour
  • 1/2 cup flaxseed flour
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal (not instant)
  • 1-1.5 cups Additional Ingredients: Flaxseeds, Chopped Nuts, Dried Cranberries, Raisins


Whisk together soft butter, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, salt, baking soda, egg. Mix together flour, oatmeal, nuts and additives.

Put everything together and keep at room temperature for about 30 minutes.

Put on a baking sheet: spread with a spoon in the form of a ball and then press down to make a cookie.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees, bake for 10-12 minutes and cool well.

Then place in the refrigerator.

It turns out very satisfying, healthy, and tasty cookies.

It is not very sweet, if there is not enough sweetness, you can add more sugar.

Video about the beneficial properties of flaxseed flour

I also offer you a good video about the beneficial properties of flaxseed flour, be sure to watch it, you will learn a lot!

Where to buy flaxseed flour

I buy such good organic flaxseed flour here... A pack weighing 450 grams can cost you about 250 rubles.

It has an amazing nutty taste.

Two tablespoons added to hot or cold porridge, pancakes or waffles, or when baking breads, muffins, and quickbreads, will provide you with astounding nutritional value.

Flaxseed flour is better than this, I have not met.

Well, it turned out wordy, but flaxseed flour is worth it

Can linseed flour be harmful?

Its potential harm is associated with an increase in estrogenic activity, which is more necessary for women, but not applicable to men.

But for this, flour must be added to each dish, which is unrealistic in ordinary life.

If you liked this article, I will be grateful if you share it with your friends on the Internet or like it.

Alena Yasneva was with you, Good day to all!

photo @@ noxnorthy

Flaxseed flour has a low calorie content with a rich content of proteins, microelements, "useful" carbohydrates, vitamins, fatty amino acids. The composition and properties of the product are ideal for people who want to lose weight. This flour is used to prepare healthy meals and drinks (with kefir, water, yogurt).

Its use is a budgetary and pleasant way to improve your health.

Drink recipes

1.In a glass of orange juice (freshly squeezed) add a spoonful of flour (tablespoon), stir until a lump-free liquid is obtained. It is necessary to infuse the drink for at least 15-20 minutes. He can act as a substitute for breakfast.

2.Kissel. Flaxseed flour is poured with cold water (250 ml), brought to a boil with constant stirring and cooked for 3-4 minutes. Add honey. Its properties will improve the taste and will not damage the calorie content of the jelly. Take for dinner.

3. Smoothies. In a glass of yogurt (low-fat without additives) stir a dessert spoon of flax seed powder with a slide, add a banana, beat with a blender and drink. It is allowed to use kefir instead of yogurt.

Independent recipes

1 Fruit salad.

Cut healthy apples, bananas, pears, kiwi (any other fruit) into cubes. Season with yogurt to which flaxseed flour is added (1 tablespoon). Kefir is also suitable for refueling. Serving size should not exceed 300 ml.

2 Flaxseed flour for weight loss in porridge.

Flaxseed flour (4 tablespoons) pour boiling water in the same proportion. Add grated apple (pear). You should drink after half an hour.

Season the vegetable salad with a mixture of sour cream and healthy flour. The properties of vegetables (rich in fiber, high in vitamins) help to lose weight.

Salad recipes:
- cucumbers combined with tomatoes;
- carrot;
- beets with garlic.

4. Chicken puree soup.

It can be made with your favorite low-calorie recipe without frying the ingredients. Flaxseed flour properties make it possible to use it instead of wheat flour as a thickener.

5. Flaxseed sweet pasta.

Add a little water to the flaxseed flour to make a mixture similar in thickness to sour cream. Add honey (half of the amount of flour), pre-steamed and chopped dried fruits. Store the pasta in the refrigerator for no more than a day, spread on bread. Its benefits are especially great for losing weight with a sweet tooth.

6. Using flaxseed sauce instead of mayonnaise.

Pour boiling water (70 ml) over a couple of tablespoons of flaxseed flour (with a slide), stir. Add a pinch of salt (half a teaspoon), two teaspoons of mustard (ready-made), a teaspoon of sugar, squeezed juice from half a lemon. Grind the resulting composition with a whisk. Pour sunflower oil (130 ml) in a thin stream and mix with a blender. You can add garlic for pungency. The sauce is good for salad dressing.

7. Flaxseed flour goes well with wheat flour.

Its use in bakery products reduces calorie content - the harm of baking for the figure, increases usefulness, gives a delicate nutty flavor. The diet imposes contraindications for the frequent use of baked goods.

8. Baking

The sticky properties make it possible to replace some of the eggs in a baking recipe with flaxseed flour.

Recipes for cleansing the body with flaxseed flour

Cleansing the kidneys.

Flour (4 tablespoons) is added to boiled water in the amount of three liters. The mixture is brought to a boil and cooled. You need to drink it for two days every two hours.

Cleansing the liver and intestines.

Violation of their correct work - harm to other organs. The process takes place in several stages, each of which is designed for one week. Such recipes are based on the fact that new healthy foods are introduced into the diet gradually. With the help of such cleaning, the liver is better able to cope with excretory functions. Yogurt can be replaced with kefir.

Mix a glass of yogurt (light without additives) with 1 dessert spoon of flaxseed flour. Drink for breakfast.
Increase the flour volume to two tablespoons.
Increase the flour volume to three tablespoons.

Infusion for removing toxins.

Pour boiling water over a spoonful of flaxseed tea flour (one and a half cups). Insist for several hours, take before bedtime. It is necessary to use the amount of the drug specified in the prescription. A sharp increase in the rate will be harmful.

Flaxseed flour and kefir: a recipe for cleansing the body at night.

The benefits of flaxseed flour are increased when combined with kefir. Pour a tablespoon of flour into a glass of fermented milk drink and stir. Drink instead of dinner. For people looking to lose weight, this drink can replace an evening meal. The composition makes the product swell in the stomach and creates a feeling of fullness. The use of this recipe is to help fight the urge to look in the refrigerator at night. Take low-fat kefir.

Flaxseed tea and pineapple.

Their correct recipes and regular use also contribute to the high-quality cleansing of internal organs and systems. The method requires a weekly application.

Pour 1 teaspoon of flaxseed flour with a glass of water and boil. Drink the resulting tea throughout the day.
In the morning before meals, eat a couple of fresh pineapple slices. Take tea in half an hour. It should be drunk before each meal for a quarter of a glass. Abundant fluid intake is a necessary condition and additional benefit for high-quality cleansing of the body.
In the evening - again pineapple slices. Citrus fruits can be used instead, as they have similar health benefits.

Flaxseed meal treatment

The composition allows for the prevention and treatment of oncology. Fatty acids prevent the formation and spread of tumors.

Cystitis. Drinks prepared on the basis of flax flour are beneficial for the genitourinary system, as they "wash" it and relieve inflammation.

Heart and blood vessels. Flaxseed flour normalizes the heart rhythm, prevents cholesterol plaques from forming, and prevents atherosclerosis.

Diseases affecting the respiratory system (asthma).

This "miracle powder" is sold in a pharmacy or online store.

Flaxseed flour: benefits and harms

Beneficial features

Maintaining normal hormonal levels during pregnancy and improving lactation. Getting the necessary vitamins is one of the conditions for the normal course of pregnancy.


Anti-inflammatory effect.

Mild laxative (bowel cleansing with kefir and flax flour).

Antioxidants help to maintain youth, the harm of an unfavorable environment is reduced.

Benefits for the genital area of ​​men.

Cosmetic recipes. Flaxseed flour is included in scrubs, masks, and creams. The skin becomes smooth and soft. Beneficial flaxseed ingredients make hair more resistant to damage. They fall out less, acquire a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Flaxseed meal for weight loss is another "usefulness" of this product.


The strong cleansing properties and composition of the product can provoke the movement of kidney stones and gall bladder.

You can avoid unpleasant surprises by timely diagnosis. Direct contraindications are not indicated on the flour boxes.

You will have to stop taking the product if you have an allergy.

Calorie content - 270 kilocalories (100 g).

Time for flaxseed meal!

One of the main trends in the food category is the return of herbal products to our kitchens. Recipes using them appear on culinary blogs one after another. Flaxseed flour is recommended as an alternative or addition to traditional wheat flour. The food additive is formed by grinding flax grains.

Flaxseed flour: benefits and harms

The product is gluten free, low in carbohydrates and high in fat. Rich in the following nutrients:

  • B vitamins, folic acid are involved in blood formation
  • valuable trace elements necessary for the health of skin, nails, hair: zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.
  • phytoestrogens that prevent the formation of cancer cells
  • fiber helps in bowel cleansing
  • vegetable protein tones muscles, satisfies hunger
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids lower cholesterol levels.

Supplementation is an important part of a healthy and effective diet because:

  • has a low calorie content
  • regulates the digestive system
  • supports memory and concentration
  • positively affects the metabolism and the work of the cardiovascular system.

The powder has diuretic properties. If you do not follow the drinking regime, dehydration may occur. When consumed more than 3 tbsp. exacerbation of cholelithiasis is possible per day.

Flaxseed flour in the kitchen

The additive is ideal for frying and baking cakes, pancakes, pancakes and pies. Can be consumed without heat treatment as an addition to pastas, yoghurts, fruit or vegetable shakes. Suitable for baking bread in a bread maker. Can also be used as a breading. This section contains detailed recipes with photos.

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