How to melt chocolate at home. How to melt black and white chocolate at home? The main method for preparing liquid chocolate is in a water bath

Many delicious things are prepared from this magical product - Sho-Ko-Lad. It is drunk liquid with cinnamon, rum and cream, it is used to cover cakes, it is used in pastries and makes crunchy figurines. But how to melt chocolate to make it liquid?

You need to choose the right product: the best one - with a lot of cocoa butter, no nuts, waffles, raisins and fillings. Do not take porous chocolate - it is not suitable for melting.

The main method for making liquid chocolatein a water bath.

  1. You need to break the tile or chop it with a wide knife. Let the pieces be approximately the same for uniform heating and melting.
  2. Use a non-stick ovenware. It must be completely dry. It is advisable not to use aluminum bowls and ladles - the chocolate mass in them will become an ugly grayish color.
  3. Boil water in a separate saucepan. The bottom and sides of the dishes with chocolate should not touch the boiling water. If the width is less than the size of the pot, you can wrap the dish in a towel; for the same reason, the bowl of food does not need to be covered with a lid.
  4. To melt the product completely enough temperature 55 - 85 degrees. If you overheat dark chocolate, it will harden after hardening and will taste bitter. White and milky melts faster than black, but when overheated they lose their properties and taste. When chocolate melts over boiling water or over medium-high heat, the process is fast but uneven. And later the mass will become too thick and lumpy.
  5. After the bowl of chopped chocolate is set over the hot water, stir the pieces constantly so that they melt gradually. Melt the chocolate slowly

Advice... If you want to get a hot drink, add heated (but not boiling) cream to the broken pieces. To begin with - in a small amount, then - gradually topping up. If you add boiling cream to melted chocolate, their temperature may not be the same, and the chocolate will delaminate, with the release of butter.

Another way- melt the chocolate in the microwave.

  1. The bar is broken or so-called chocolate chips are used.
  2. Place in a ceramic bowl in the oven for 25 seconds (medium power).
  3. Then mix gently and back into the oven. They do this until everything melts completely.

Melted chocolate is often required when preparing confectionery. There are a number of rules, the observance of which will allow you to melt this delicacy so that it turns out to be tender, homogeneous in consistency.

How to properly melt chocolate

The main recommendation is: chocolate should not be overheated. Otherwise, it will be lumpy and thick, so the icing will definitely not work out of it. The optimum melting temperature for dark chocolate is 50-55 degrees, white and milk - 45 degrees. Consequently, it is a little easier to overheat white and milk chocolate than bitter ones.

It is desirable that the heating is uniform, but this is very difficult to achieve. Therefore, when heating a chocolate treat, you should constantly stir it to avoid the appearance of lumps.

For high-quality melting, it is worth cutting the chocolate into small pieces, you can even rub it on a grater. Naturally, if you try to melt a whole bar of chocolate or just large pieces, then such an attempt will be unsuccessful.

In addition, it is strictly forbidden to allow water (condensate, steam) to get into chocolate, because it will lose its taste and properties. To this end, you need to make sure that all the utensils and accessories used (work surfaces, pots, spoons, etc.) are completely dry.

There is a little trick that will make the process of melting chocolate a little easier: you do not need to melt the entire chocolate treat to the last piece. Due to the fact that the unmelted pieces are surrounded by a warm chocolate mass, they will melt on their own within a few minutes. You can do the same if you want to add butter or cream to the chocolate mass. Heated cream or melted butter will heat and melt the remaining chocolate pieces.

How to melt a chocolate bar if you need to get high-quality liquid icing? To do this, when heating it, be sure to add a little liquid (about 1 tablespoon per 30-50 grams of chocolate). When using dark chocolate, the volume of liquid should be increased. It is recommended to add only warm liquid, as adding cold water sharply increases the likelihood of the mass hardening. The liquid can be mixed with chocolate by hand or using a blender, food processor, and at low speeds. Instead of water, you can use cream or butter (the cream must be hot and the butter must be melted).

How to melt chocolate in a water bath

To do this, break the chocolate into small pieces or rub it on a grater and place it in a dry and clean bowl, which is then placed on a pot of hot water. A prerequisite is that the bottom of the bowl should not touch the water. It should be melted over low heat, stirring constantly, not allowing the mass to overheat. Care must be taken to ensure that no steam enters the bowl. If the melted mass is to be used later, it can be left in a bowl in a water bath.

How to melt chocolate in a microwave

As a rule, chocolate does not melt in a microwave oven, since it is very difficult to keep track of the uniformity of its heating. But the result can be good if the following rules are followed. For heating, the minimum power is set (for a 100-gram tile, it will take about 3 minutes to heat up). First you need to stir after a minute, then every 30 seconds.

How to melt chocolate in a saucepan

There is also an easier way, which uses one pot. The only condition is that the bottom of it must be thick, because this allows you to achieve uniformity of its heating. Small pieces of chocolate delicacy are placed in a saucepan and constantly stirring over low heat.

Desserts, pastries, cakes and other sweets seem incomplete without chocolate in its various interpretations. Chunks, grated shavings or glittering icing are just a small list of chocolate additives that allow you to create unsurpassed confectionery masterpieces.

A special role is assigned to the masters for melted chocolate. Its shiny glossy surface, inviting aroma and excellent taste will be an excellent decoration both for birthday cakes and as an independent dish with fruits and marshmallows.

How to make melted chocolate quickly and easily

Today in the culinary business there are various techniques and recipes on how to make melted chocolate quickly and easily at home. Each hostess can choose the most optimal option and improve her skills with it:

Recipe number 1 based on the use of a water bath. It will need two containers, one of which should be smaller. It is necessary to collect water in a large bowl and heat it over a "low" fire. When the liquid heats up, you need to immerse a container with chopped chocolate in it, stirring thoroughly until it is completely melted.

Recipe number 2 more suitable for dark chocolate, which should not be absolutely rare with a pouring consistency. It is worth placing a saucepan with chopped chocolate mass in the oven at the minimum temperature and leaving it for 7-10 minutes.

Recipe number 3 will allow you to prepare melted chocolate for subsequent mixing with other ingredients, since its structure will be thick for "pouring" desserts. In a special bowl you need to put a chocolate bar, put it in the microwave and in the “defrost” mode bring it to a liquid consistency.

Taking a look at the proposed step-by-step recipes for melted chocolate with a photo, even inexperienced young housewives can effortlessly create unsurpassed culinary wonders in their kitchens.

The choice of a particular method depends on the purpose and subsequent use of the resulting chocolate mixture. If the task of thermal heating is to get a pouring homogeneous mass, it is necessary to cook melted chocolate with milk, adding it in a small amount and stirring constantly.

It is worth remembering that when choosing a type of chocolate, you should not dwell on the porous version. It does not lend itself well to heat treatment and does not allow achieving a homogeneous mass. You should also not save money by purchasing cheap chocolate bars or with a low content of cocoa butter. The result will disappoint you and nullify all efforts.

What can be made from melted chocolate: recipe for dessert with fruits

Many novice cooks are wondering what can be made from melted chocolate to get an original dessert or dish. It is easier to answer briefly: “Almost everything!” Than to list in detail all areas and ways of using it. And do not equate this ingredient only with sweets, as now more and more sauces and main dishes contain chocolate additives.

We will offer only a few simple recipes from melted chocolate. Despite the simplicity of preparation, they will captivate you with their taste and unsurpassed appearance.

Let's start with the simplest dessert - melted chocolate with fruit. To prepare it, it is enough to do a few simple procedures:

  1. Melt the chocolate bar to taste, letting it cool slightly.
  2. Dip slices of your favorite fruits in the chocolate mixture: banana, strawberries, grapes.
  3. Literally a few minutes for the frosting to harden and an amazing dessert is ready.
  4. Fans of savory sweets will appreciate the addition of cream or brandy in the chocolate mass.

Such a fruit and chocolate dessert is the embodiment of romance and sophistication! If this culinary "level" is passed, you can gradually complicate the recipe.

Double Layer Melted Chocolate Parfait

An original and at the same time unusual sweet dish can be "conjured" in a matter of minutes. Let's call it "Chocolate Fantasy" and perform the actions in a simple sequence:

  1. Heat 200 g of chocolate mass with 350 ml of milk in one bowl.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of gelatin to the resulting mixture and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. In a separate container, beat 4 egg yolks with 90 g of sugar until frothy.
  4. Mix the egg mixture with the chocolate "milk", stirring thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Add 250 ml of whipped cream to the cooled chocolate-egg mass, pour into vases and place in the refrigerator until it solidifies.

The two-layer parfait is ready and can enchant even the most demanding culinary critic with its tenderness.

Melted chocolate cream for cake decorating

Connoisseurs of cakes will love the melted chocolate cream, which will harmoniously go with any cakes, emphasizing their exquisite taste. Let's turn to the "classics of the genre", where just a couple of manipulations allow you to get a real culinary masterpiece:

Prepare 50 g of chocolate, 100 g of butter 82.5% fat, 50 g of condensed milk as ingredients.

Melt the chocolate mass in a water bath, add butter and mix thoroughly.

Mix the chocolate-buttery mixture with condensed milk, achieving a homogeneous structure. The cream for the birthday cake is ready, it remains only to grease the cakes!

Of course, recipes for chocolate cream today delight with their variety and simplicity. But the most pleasant thing for a modern housewife is that they do not contain incomprehensible and "hard to get" products. Everything ingenious should be simple, without unnecessary unnecessary efforts!

Uncomplicated Melted Chocolate Cake

Those who are confident in their culinary skills should try making a simple cake with melted chocolate. To do this, you need to step by step follow the instructions of specialists:

Sift 180 g flour and 40 g cocoa through a fine sieve.

In a separate bowl, beat 4 eggs, 4 yolks and 220 g of sugar until it is completely dissolved. A water bath can be used to facilitate this process. Just do not overheat the mixture, maintaining the temperature regime in the aisles of 43 degrees

Beat the heated egg mass with a mixer until a thick foam appears and the volume increases. At the same time, it is gradually necessary to add flour with cocoa.

Add 70 melted butter to the resulting dough, stir gently. Prepare a split baking dish by placing parchment paper on the bottom and greasing it with oil.

The biscuit should be baked in the oven for no more than 35 minutes at 190 degrees. It is important that the stove was preheated

The dough soaking syrup is very easy to prepare. Heat 100 g of sugar in 100 ml of water, bring the liquid to a boil. After the sweetened water has cooled to 40 degrees, add 20 ml of rum to it.

After 5-6 hours of "rest", cut the baked biscuit into three identical cakes.

For the cream, mix 200 g of condensed milk and 50 g of melted chocolate, stir thoroughly. Next, add 500 ml of cream of 35% fat and beat with a mixer until creamy.

"Assembling" the cake involves greasing each cake with rum syrup, and then with a thick cream. Having connected all three cakes, carefully smearing the sides and top, it is necessary to place the cake in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

The final stage is decorating with glaze, which includes 250 ml of cream and 250 g of chocolate. Melt all this, stirring until smooth.

Pour the sponge cake with slightly cooled glaze on all sides, gently smoothing the sides.

That's all, the wonderful sponge cake with amazing chocolate cream is ready! It's time to surprise guests and loved ones with unsurpassed royal delicacies!

Recipes on how to decorate a cake with melted chocolate

For those who do not know how to decorate a cake with melted chocolate, we will offer several recipes.

Idea # 1: By itself, the melted chocolate mixture is an excellent alternative to icing, which can decorate any surface of a pie, pastry, cake without additional help.

But if such a recipe seems too simple, let's try to complicate it and suggest idea # 2:

  1. Prepare a glaze mixture of chocolate bars and tops in equal proportions in a water bath.
  2. Let it cool in the refrigerator, after which the frozen mass must be beaten with a mixer.
  3. Fill a pastry bag with a nozzle of the desired shape with whipped icing and form graceful patterns and elements in the form of flowers, twigs, curls.

Don't stop at the suggested recipes, these are just a small part of what liquid chocolate can do within home cooking. Create, experiment, practice "chocolate witchcraft", and your household will be grateful to you!

Read also:

Chocolate Stick Cookies Recipe
Tangerine slices in chocolate: recipes with photos
Chocolate muffin tins recipe
Chocolate Balls Recipe for Cake Decorating

There are many gourmet dishes with the addition of chocolate in the world. Its beneficial properties have been known for a long time. In addition, chocolate cheers up, invigorates and is one of the most delicious foods.

Almost all restaurants, cafes and shops offer desserts that contain liquid chocolate. For example, everyone's favorite ice cream with chocolate icing, muffins, cocktails and other goodies. Liquid chocolate is used to make fondues and sweet fountains.

Some home cooking lovers are wondering: how do confectioners manage to make delicate chocolate icing? How to melt chocolate so that it does not crumple or freeze?

Housewives often make mistakes that cause the chocolate to burn, curl and crumple.

To enjoy your favorite dishes at home and delight loved ones, it is important to know how to properly melt chocolate. At first glance, it seems that it will not be difficult to do this. But in this case, as in any other, there are tricks. This is what this article will be about.

How to melt chocolate at home

The technology for making sweet desserts and cocktails at home using liquid chocolate is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. To bring chocolate to a uniform liquid state, you must follow a few simple rules.

Consider two methods that are available to everyone. The first is the preparation of liquid chocolate in a water bath. Anyone who has a gas or electric stove at home can do this, and, of course, everyone has one.

The second implies the presence of a microwave oven in the house. These days, most likely, this is not a problem either. Most people have modern household appliances. But, as a last resort, you can use a regular oven.

Method 1: preparing liquid chocolate in a water bath

To melt chocolate in a water bath, you will need to heat the water in a bowl to 60 degrees. The subsequent sequence of actions is simple:

  1. Take a heavy-bottomed saucepan and chop the chocolate into it. Anyone will do - white, milky or dark - depending on individual preferences. It is desirable that it be without fillers and additives in the form of raisins, nuts, waffle crumbs, etc. Another important point - the pan must be dry, otherwise the chocolate will burn.
  2. We place the container on the steam bath so that it does not come into contact with water. This is very important because the ingress of water, steam or condensation will alter the taste and texture of the product. This is especially true for milk and white chocolate, which melt faster than dark chocolate. Do not overheat.
  3. Reduce heat to low and stir chocolate constantly. The water in the pot should not be allowed to boil. If you notice boiling, you need to turn off the gas.
  4. After the disappearance of visible lumps, remove the container with chocolate and cover with a plastic bag or cling film. Leave for a few minutes to melt small pieces, and the mass becomes monotonous.

Possible mistakes

Chocolate can be overheated easily. If you want to make frosting or fondue, never heat the water bath to a boil. If the temperature is too high, it will melt unevenly and burn. As a result, the chocolate will harden and lumps will remain in it. But do not think that the product is completely spoiled and will have to be thrown away. The resulting mass is useful for making a cake or brownie.

Add butter to melt the icing chocolate. It will give a pleasant creamy taste and help to achieve the optimal state of the chocolate mass. The glaze will turn out to be delicate and will have all the necessary taste.

Failure can be caused by the quality of the chocolate itself. When buying, you need to carefully look at the composition of the product and the expiration dates. Chocolate often spoils due to improper storage, so it is better to buy it in those stores that you trust.

Before buying, carefully study the composition of the chocolate. A good bar should contain a high percentage of cocoa butter.

Method 2: making liquid chocolate in the microwave

This method, in turn, is divided into two more options.

First, put the crushed chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl and set the timer for 3 minutes. After a minute, remove the container and mix the chocolate mass thoroughly. Put back, but it is already necessary to stir every 30 seconds until the time runs out (3 minutes).

Second: we put the chocolate in a container and put it in the microwave. We select the defrosting mode and set the time - 2 minutes. After the time has elapsed, take out the mass and mix. If necessary, set it for another 60 seconds.

How to choose the right chocolate

To prepare a certain dish, a certain type of chocolate is required. For example, one species will be viscous and viscous, another will quickly solidify, and the third will remain watery. Therefore, you need to carefully consider the choice of this ingredient.

The first thing to note is never buy the cheapest product. It is unlikely that he will give a successful result. Aerated chocolate is not suitable for these purposes. It is not intended to be melted.

  • The product must be of high quality, as we have already said above.
  • Use heat-resistant, thick-walled pans.
  • Do not let water get into the chocolate mass - even one drop will ruin all your efforts, causing lumps to form.
  • During the heating process, constant stirring is necessary.
  • Heating should be gradual.
  • Do not heat tiles from different manufacturers together.
  • Single portion for melting - no more than 250 g.
  • The product temperature must first be brought to room temperature.

The main rule is not to overheat the product. That is why it is better to use a special thermometer, which will help to ensure that the temperature of the melting mass does not exceed the melting point - 44 ° C, 46 ° C for milk, 48-50 ° C for dark and 55 ° C for bitter with a cocoa content of 70% and more.

On a water bath

Prepare two containers - a 1.5-2 liter pot for water and a container for chocolate. For the latter, you can take a saucepan with a smaller diameter with handles, which is convenient to hang on the edges of the lower container. Or it can be a wide bowl that can be stably placed on a pot of boiling water.

Melting procedure:

  1. Break the tile into small pieces, or better, chop it into crumbs with a sharp knife or grate.
  2. Pour ¼ of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  3. When the water boils, reduce heat to low and place a second container on top with chocolate.
  4. While stirring continuously, wait until most of the product has melted.
  5. Remove the bowl from the bath and continue stirring until the remaining pieces are dispersed.

The top container should be shallower than the bottom to avoid reaching the bottom. There should also be some distance between the water and the bottom of the bowl. ...

In the microwave

Medium for milk and dark chocolate, low for white chocolate. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Chop the chocolate, put in a bowl.
  2. Place in the microwave for 30 seconds. dark chocolate, for 20 sec. milk or 15 sec. White.
  3. Remove bowl and stir contents, repeat heating.
  4. Stir the mass thoroughly each time between heating.
  5. When more than half has melted, the melting is completed, and the mass is stirred until completely dissolved.


The container must be suitable for microwave use. This can be a special microwave oven or a heat-resistant glass or ceramic bowl that does not heat up in the device.

In the oven

This method is similar to working in the microwave - the chocolate is also taken out several times to check its condition and stir. Procedure:

  1. Preheat the oven to 60-65 ° C.
  2. Place the chopped tiles in a heat-resistant container, which you place in the oven on the top shelf, away from the fire.
  3. After 2 minutes, check the mass and stir it. Repeat until everything is melted.

Can I melt in a saucepan on the stove

This is a dubious option, as melting directly on the stove increases the risk of overheating and burning. It is highly discouraged to use such a method, since the likelihood of spoiling the product is very high. Moreover, there is an affordable alternative - to make a water bath on the stove.

But if for some reason there is no other option, then:

  • heat very slowly on minimum heat;
  • stir the melting mass continuously;
  • choose dishes with a double bottom;
  • add a little cream or milk to the product (30 ml per 100 g).

With this method, it is advisable to arm yourself with a thermometer in order to control the temperature and avoid exceeding it.

With a hairdryer

This appliance is more often used to warm up chocolate - slightly cooled down or to bring it to operating temperature.

To make liquid chocolate with a hair dryer, you must:

  1. Grate it on a fine grater, put it in a deep bowl.
  2. Remove the nozzle from the device, turn it on at minimum power and direct hot air into the bowl, while stirring the mass.
  3. Continue until the product is completely dissolved.

You can melt the chocolate icing in the same way with a hairdryer. Although it will take longer than conventional methods.

In a multicooker

When firing up, the appliance is used to create a water (steam) bath as follows:

  1. Grind the chocolate into a container that fits steadily onto the multicooker bowl.
  2. Pour 500 ml of water into the bowl of the appliance and turn on the "Steamer" mode.
  3. After boiling water, place the bowl on top and melt the product for 5-8 minutes, stirring continuously.


Leave the lid of the multicooker open so that condensation does not get into the melting mass.

Which way is the fastest

Of all the methods, the fastest is the use of a microwave. And you can additionally speed up the melting by crushing the product as much as possible - the pieces melt longer than the shavings.

Making chocolate icing for pouring a cake

We suggest replenishing your home culinary collection with recipes for chocolate icing on cream, butter, milk and sour cream.

With milk


  • two dark chocolate bars;
  • milk - 7 tbsp. l.


  1. Chop the chocolates into small pieces and cover with milk at room temperature.
  2. Place the bowl in a steam bath.
  3. Mixing continuously, dissolve the product completely in the milk.

Keep the cake or pastries in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours before pouring. Cool the melted icing for a minute and pour it over the baked goods.

With cream


  • cream - 70 ml;
  • bitter chocolate - 200 g;
  • icing sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • liqueur or cognac - 2 tsp


  1. Chop the chocolate, pour in the cream and melt in a convenient way.
  2. Add the icing sugar and whisk the frosting.
  3. At the last stage, pour in the liquor, stir.

This icing works well for watering a chocolate sponge cake.

With butter


  • butter - 80 g;
  • chocolate - 200 g.


  1. Remove the oil from the refrigerator and wait until it softens.
  2. Mix it with chocolate chips and melt in a "bath", stirring occasionally.

Never add chilled butter to hot or warm chocolate. Heat the products together and try to keep their temperature the same (18-25 °) before sending them for melting.

On sour cream


  • sour cream with a fat content of 20-25% - 100 g;
  • cow oil - 40 g;
  • dark chocolate - 150 g;
  • icing sugar - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Mix the cream with sugar and bring to a boil in a water bath.
  2. Melt the butter and chocolate separately from the cream, as in the previous recipe.
  3. When the sweet creamy mass has cooled to 40-43 ° C, mix it with the melted butter-chocolate mixture.
  4. Cool slightly and you can pour over the cake.

Sour cream frosting can also be made with white chocolate. It is good to pour it over cottage cheese pastries, sour cream, custard cakes or creme brulee.

And finally, we will share with you some culinary secrets borrowed from professional pastry chefs.

How to pour melted chocolate on a cake

At home, the finished cake is most often poured with icing on a large plate, parchment paper or board, and after hardening, it is carefully transferred to another, clean dish. But there is also a professional trick:

  1. Place the cake on the wire rack.
  2. Place the dish at the bottom so that excess icing drips into it.
  3. Slowly water the baked goods in a circular motion.
  4. Optionally, you can pour over the cake in two layers, while the first one must be allowed to harden.

Another option for pouring is to put the cake on a dish, cover it with parchment at the bottom. Fill with glaze, allow to harden, then remove the paper. This will keep the dish clean and not have to take unnecessary steps.

How to melt chocolate for fondue

For this dessert, the product is melted in any of the ways we have considered (in a microwave oven, in a "bathhouse", etc.). For fondue, the mass is given a creamier or more delicate taste by adding heavy cream (1: 1) or milk with butter (150 and 50 g, respectively, per hundred-gram bar). For aroma, liqueur or syrup (orange, strawberry) can be poured into the already melted mixture.

How to make hot chocolate

We offer a creamy vanilla recipe for a drink loved by many, for which you need ingredients:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • milk chocolate - 250 g;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • vanilla essence - 2 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • corn starch - 20 g;
  • sugar to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Mix chocolate with milk and melt.
  2. Over medium heat, stirring constantly, add sugar and starch, bring mixture until smooth.
  3. Do not let the drink boil - remove it from the stove when the first bubbles appear.
  4. Add honey, vanilla and salt warmed to 45 ° C, stir.

Cool the drink slightly, pour into cups and serve. Use whipped cream and marshmallows to garnish.

Melting a bar of chocolate at home is not that difficult. If you follow the temperature regime and the rules for melting, then everything will work out. Having learned how to melt chocolate, you can easily create real confectionery masterpieces - from simple icing to curly decorations.

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