Final fantasy is the best part on pc. Dreams Come True - Games Like Final Fantasy! The modern era: a shadow of past greatness

With the long-awaited release of the fifteenth "fantasy", the release of which the fans of the series have been waiting for a long ten years, we decided to put an end to the eternal dispute about which part Final Fantasy the best.

Time will tell where the last game in the franchise will take in history, but it's clear that Final Fantasy XV will inevitably be compared to others, more beloved (for now) and somewhat more innovative. We invite you to take a look at the rich history of "Final Fantasy" and find out why gamers will remember this or that part.

We warn you right away that only the main games of the series were included in the list, so Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Dissidia were not included in it.

10. Final Fantasy X-2

Final Fantasy X-2 had to be the first in the franchise in many ways. The first direct continuation of the story changed the overall mood of the game quite a lot, making it more lightweight, which was received with hostility by some fans. However, those who decided to give FFX-2 a chance have discovered one of the best combat systems in the series, as well as an excellent class system that migrated straight from the undeservedly forgotten Final Fantasy V. And, of course, the game has an obscenely pesky title track.

9. Final Fantasy XII

In Episode 12, the series clearly faced a crisis of self-determination, which resulted in the absence of a prominent protagonist and a central storyline.

However, the developers managed to present the strongest cast of characters, a grandiose plot that draws the player into the world of Ivalice, and in addition, an excellent combat system and character development system. With this game, Square Enix has gallantly closed the PlayStation 2 chapter.

8. Final Fantasy VIII

When your predecessor is a game that changed things within a genre, it is very difficult to live up to high expectations. After the tremendous success of Final Fantasy VII, they tried to cram everything they could into the eighth part: political intrigue, teenage problems, a love story and much more. Obviously, big ambition was destined to face some rejection from fans.

And yet, fantasy eighth showed a phenomenal leap in terms of graphics over the prequel. And the binding system, despite some shortcomings, provided great opportunities for setting hero statuses. Finally, it features one of the best soundtracks in the series, and in the case of Final Fantasy, that says a lot.

7. Final Fantasy V

In the third part, Square created a system of professions, but it was in the fifth "final" that this idea was properly implemented. The game provides over twenty classes: from traditional magicians and warriors to exotic chemists, dancers and even mimes. Later, FFV allows you to combine individual skills, which creates tremendous opportunities for party creation.

Here we are talking just about the case when the worked-out addicting gameplay almost entirely draws out a plot that is really weak by the standards of the series.

6. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Speaking of pulling, here's an example of a true rebirth from the ashes. The 14th Final Fantasy was released so bugged that Square Enix themselves recognized it as a disaster and officially apologized.

A Realm Reborn miraculously managed to change the state of affairs and presented a huge and beautiful world with a flexible pumping system and intuitive battles. And the excellent visual and audio design keeps the level set by the best games in the series. Finally, it's just a fun and addictive MMORPG.

5. Final Fantasy IV

Final Fantasy today is inseparable from a grand and dramatic storyline. However, this was not always the case, and verified storylines were not considered a mandatory item in role-playing games Oh. It was Final Fantasy IV that set the trend.

For the first time, gamers could feel empathy for pixelated characters and play not only for the sake of the gameplay itself, but also out of interest in the story. In addition, it is here that the Active Time Battle system appears for the first time, which has become the hallmark of Final Fantasy for a long time. In other words, all subsequent releases in the series owe a lot to her.

4. Final Fantasy VII

"Overrated", "primitive" and many other offensive epithets have recently become quite common when it comes about Final Fantasy VII. But no matter how you feel about this game, one cannot argue with one fact: Final Fantasy VII changed the rules of the game in the whole genre. One of the first 3D RPGs not only became synonymous with the success of the first Sony console (and the breakdown of relations with Nintendo), but also changed the attitude of Western players towards Japanese RPGs, becoming the key to success for other series as well.

The plot and characters of FF VII are not primitive, but archetypal for the whole genre. Cloud, Tifa and Iris have become recognizable characters outside the game world. And this is not to mention the excellent musical accompaniment, the time-tested Active Time Battle and the perfectly functioning matter system. And do not forget that, in the end, the winners are not judged, and in terms of commercial success, Final Fantasy VII leaves far behind all the parts that came out before and after it.

3. Final Fantasy IX

Released at the end of the era of the first PlayStation, the ninth "fantasy" was one of the most highly regarded additions in the series, but also the least commercially successful. Apparently, the new generation of fans, who fell in love with the futuristic worlds from the previous two parts, could not fully accept the sharp change in direction to nostalgia.

However, cartoon characters, classic setting, and streamlined gameplay have helped Final Fantasy IX find its loyal fan base. At the same time, behind the external carelessness, a rather gloomy fairy tale is hidden, the main theme of which is death.

It should be noted that this particular game in the series is the favorite of Hironobu Sakaguchi, the father of the entire Final Fantasy franchise.

2. Final Fantasy X

The jubilee of Final Fantasy was honored to be the first on the PlayStation 2. Believe it or not, fifteen years have passed since its release. Likewise, it's hard to forget the slight shock of the first Final Fantasy X videos released. The mind-boggling graphics look good to this day. Also, the tenth chapter for the first time presented the heroes with real voice acting (albeit with varying degrees of success).

And besides, we are presented with a truly gripping storyline with excellent characters, among which, of course, Tidus and Yuna, whose love story is better shown in the foreground than in any other Final Fantasy episode. Do not forget about the successfully updated battles, as well as the system of spheres, which turned the pumping of characters into an exciting mini-game.

And yet, for all its indisputable merits, the tenth "fantasy" is not the best in the series.

1. Final Fantasy VI

After evaluating all the ingredients for Final Fantasy's success - storyline, gameplay, music scores, and other elements - there was no other outcome. Released twenty-two years ago, the 16-bit RPG is still the unattainable summit that Square Enix has not yet been able to re-conquer. Each of the fourteen characters is given close attention, the large-scale narrative does not seem overly drawn out, and the title theme of Final Fantasy VI is one of those that are probably written once in a lifetime.

The sixth Final Fantasy also featured one of the best villains in the gaming industry - the mad wizard Kefku, who (spoiler alert!) Manages to achieve his goal and initiate the real end of the world. The main characters have to save only what is left after the death of the world they know.

Despite the fact that each of the games in the series is one of a kind, it is Final Fantasy VI that is the embodiment of best qualities Square Enix games, even with all the technological breakthroughs that followed.

Whether Final Fantasy XV will be able to take its place among the best games in the series will only become known some time after the release. So far, we can say that the fifteenth part at least corresponds to the standards set by its predecessors. And this is already pleasing.

In honor of this grandiose event, we asked the people involved in the development of the games of the cult series the most main question: "What is your favorite Final Fantasy?"

It would seem a simple question, but serious controversy flares up around it.

Akihiko Matsui - combat system designer FFIV, FFV, FFXI, FFXIV

Best game: Final fantasy ii
Why: The character development system provides tremendous freedom, and a fascinating dramatic plot does not allow you to remain indifferent. Even after so many years, it is still a masterpiece. It’s probably fair to say that Final Fantasy II didn’t turn the series into a series of small developments. And it was because of her that I decided to connect my life with game development.

Akitoshi Kawazu - FF and FFII Designer, FFXII and FF Crystal Chronicles Series Producer

Best game: Final fantasy v
Why:[It has] the best combat system.

Hajime Tabata - Director of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy, FF Type-0, FFXV

Best game: Final Fantasy
Why: You are simply thrown out into the world, but over time you begin to learn its history. And then the title appears on the screen with great music. The gameplay style and direction of this moment is the starting point for all Final Fantasy. After I had a chance to work on the numbered part myself, I understand this more clearly than ever.

Hiroaki Kato - FF Tactics Advance Development Leader, FFXII

Best game: Final fantasy tactics
Why: The world of Ivalice and the system of work is simply incredible!

Ichiro Hazama - Project Manager for Dissidia FF, Producer for Dissidia 012 FF and Dissidia FF NT

Best game: Final fantasy vi
Why: The sprite graphics are beautiful and unique, and the music is amazing. We all know she's the best. The history of each character is spelled out in the smallest detail. The overall level of accuracy has been brought to an unattainable height. It was this game that made me look for a job at Square.

Motomu Toriyama - FFVII Director, FFX Director and Writer, FFX-2, FFXII, FFXIII, FFXIII-2, Lightning Return: FFXIII

Best game: Final fantasy xiii
Why: Lightning, the strongest heroine, is able to cope with any enemy.

Naoki Yoshida - Producer and Director of FFXIV

Best game: Final Fantasy III & Final Fantasy VII
Why: Rather than picking the best game, I'll name the ones that have had the greatest impact on the streak. Final Fantasy VII has influenced every aspect of it, from graphics to universe, character design, and level of content. This game is comparable to an MMORPG. It has absolutely everything.

As for Final Fantasy III, I consider it a masterpiece in terms of experience. In its initial state, those systems appeared that were further developed - a system of work and a combat system in real time. I think these two parts of Final Fantasy are at the heart of everything that follows. I enjoy working on games that develop the ideas of the time, and thank everyone for supporting the series!

Shinji Hashimoto - Producer of FFVII and FFXV, Executive Producer of FFIV, FFV, FFXIII, FF Type-0, FFXIII-2, FFVII Remake

Best game: Final Fantasy
Why: Even though my participation in the fate of the series began only with Final Fantasy VII, the very first part immediately comes to mind when I think about the origins. With him began a long road to the 30th anniversary. Warriors of light, they are simply unforgettable.

Takashi Katano - Lead Programmer for FFX, FFXII, FFXIII, FFX / X-2 HD Remaster

Best game: Final fantasy v
Why: The system is so amazing and hilarious that I spent hours playing just for it.

Takashi Tokita - FFVII Director, FF Dimensions Producer

Best game: Final fantasy iv
Why: Best Final Fantasy? How difficult it is ... I have not played all the parts of the series, but if you have to choose one, then I'll call it Final Fantasy IV. And not even because it was with this game that my work in the company began, but because it was she who set the foundations of my tastes in games. Light, darkness, meetings and alliances - it became the main thing. I am happy to have had the opportunity to create Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.

Takeo Kujiraoka - designer of the FFXIII and FFXIII-2 combat systems, director of Dissidia FF NT

Best game: Final fantasy x
Why: After completing the passage, I was sad and worried for three days. It was the first Final Fantasy dubbed game, and for me the execution was immediately flawless. It was also the first game in which I spent more than a hundred hours (and as a result, this period increased three times more when I completed the main plot). I studied absolutely all the materials that it contains.

Toshiyuki Itahana - designer of FFIX, FFXI, FF Crystal Chronicles

Best game: Final Fantasy IX & Final Fantasy XIV
Why: Final Fantasy IX was the most memorable game in the series for me because it had a strong influence on my approach to design. As a player, I choose Final Fantasy XIV. I don’t think there will be another game in the MMO genre whose hero would have caused the same response in me, where I would consider the characters my friends and enjoy every new meeting. It seems to me that I live in this world and, together with other warriors of light, create its history.

Yoshinori Kitase - Stage Director, Writer and Director of FFV, FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, FFX, Producer of FFXIII, FF Type-0, FFXIII-2, Lightning Return: FFXIII, FFVII Remake

Best game: Final fantasy v
Why: I love all the games in the Final Fantasy series, but this time I'll call it Final Fantasy V. It was the first game in the series that I worked on. In her, the system of work and abilities has taken on its final form!

By the way, if you and your friends are also arguing about the best Final Fantasy, from today Dissidia Final Fantasy NT will help you decide once and for all who is stronger.

For a long time, each new part of the "final fantasy" was a reference point for games in the genre of JRPG, but after a series of events unpleasant for fans, the glory of the franchise faded. But, until now, every novelty in the genre, one way or another, is compared with the best games in the Final Fantasy series.

It is not surprising that the lion's share of the projects in the collection is occupied by the games of Hironobu Sakaguchi - "the father of the last fantasy."

on PC and consoles based on the author's personal gaming preferences!

I am Setsuna

A game similar to the early Final Fantasy games developed by Tokyo RPG Factory. The advantages of the project include meticulous adherence to the genre canons of the 90s, and the disadvantages are that in the pursuit of playing on the love of gamers for retro games, the developers seem to have forgotten that these canons were outdated at the same time.

Blue dragon

Created by "dream-team" in the composition of Sakaguchi / Akira Toriyama / Nobuo Uematsu reminds (which is not surprising :) at the same time the 9th part of FF and the games of the Dragon Quest series. It does not reach the best parts of the genre landmarks (due to a couple of annoying flaws), but it is recommended for familiarization.

The last story

"The Last Story" is an exclusive for WII from "the same" Sakaguchi, only in some places it resembles the classic parts of FF, offering instead of turn-based battles, battles in real time, and game mechanics and game world most of all evoke associations with the 12th part of the FF.

The legend of dragoon

A good role-playing game from SCEI in the style of the 7th and 8th Final Fantasy games, released at the turn of the millennium. Literally a couple of touches were not enough for this game to enter the host of great representatives of the genre. Unfortunately, the first attempt in the genre field by the internal studio of Sony has remained the only one to this day.

Xenoblade Chronicles (game series)

The plot of this wonderful game from Monolith Soft is set in a world inhabited by humanoids "hom" and creatures of mechanical origin "mekhon", between whom there has been a conflict for centuries. Belonging to the genre of action-RPG, a large open game world and combat system, reminiscent of Final Fantasy XII from Yasumi Matsuno.

Lost odyssey

A game of the same type as Final Fantasy most closely resembles the latest FF titles created by Hironobu Sakaguchi.

The classic combat system (not without unique features, but still), the "game" of the characters "in front of the camera" and, most importantly, the atmosphere - everything is not just similar, but kind of hints that this particular game could be a numbered part of the cult RPG series, don't part the legendary developer with the publishing house Square Enix.

But, in all honesty, we cannot say that FFXV gives the same unforgettable feeling of a fantastic adventure as the best parts of the series.

Final Fantasy includes dozens of spin-offs and 15 numbered parts, among which there are several projects that changed the gaming industry forever. Of course, many of Final Fantasy's iconic releases today look dated and play archaic. But the touching and twisted plot that made the series legendary is still capable of outperforming any modern video game.

Final Fantasy VII (1997)

Video games can be divided into 2 periods: before Final Fantasy VII and after. It's hard to imagine, but once it was the 7th part of Final Fantasy was the most popular game in the world. Children and adults played it with the same enthusiasm. Why, it was this game that popularized the RPG genre and sold over 10 million copies, which was unheard of for an RPG.

The main three whales, on which all subsequent games in the series are based and the entire JRPG genre was brought to the absolute in this game: a twisted plot with beautiful cutscenes, a variable combat system and a huge world open for exploration.

At the time of its release on PlayStation, it was the most expensive game and certainly one of the most beautiful. Three-dimensional characters amazed with the level of graphics, and amazingly detailed CGI videos were a completely new level for the gaming industry back in 1997.

It's not worth talking about the plot at all, it's like ruining the holiday, it's better to go through the game on your own.

Final Fantasy VIII (1999)

After the success of the seventh part, the developers could buy a tropical island and until the end of their lives not to steam about anything and sip sake pompously. But fortunately, this did not happen, and after 2 years the world saw Final Fantasy VIII, which consolidated the success of the previous part.

Among the innovations, it is worth noting the binding system, with the help of which one keeper is attached to each character (there are six of them in total) - a huge summoned creature that can deal with even the most difficult opponents. The rest of the gameplay has not changed much, but only underwent additional polishing.

Well, let's move on to the most delicious - the plot. The melodramatic love story of Squall and Rinoa is combined with a popular science script that touches on the theme of the time paradox - this is an example of a complex, convoluted, but at the same time touching and kind plot.

Final Fantasy IX (2000)

With the ninth installment, the Japanese have set themselves the task of once again jumping over their heads and creating the best Final Fantasy. Square Enix has successfully coped with this task and Final Fantasy IX with enviable regularity gets to the top of the best games in history. In particular, the visual style, the colorful effects and the return to the origins of the series were commended.

Instead of the already familiar steampunk universe, familiar from the last 3 parts, the players found themselves in a more classic fantasy world. Another nuance that makes the game related to the first parts in the series is Moogles, small animals, with which you can save the game.

In general, players enthusiastically accepted the new project of Japanese developers and periodically return to the game to once again plunge into this cozy world.

Final Fantasy X (2001)

The jubilee of Final Fantasy has become almost as significant an event as Final Fantasy VII. The transition to the Playstation 2 allowed the developers to bring videos, graphics and staging to a high quality new level setting a high bar for the electronic entertainment industry. Another important innovation is that the playable characters have finally been fully voiced.

Special praise was given to the opportunity to change the protagonist's partners right on the battlefield and the plot, which develops a touching love story typical of the series, while touching upon the complex issues of death and religion.

Final Fantasy XII (2006)

The twelfth part of the series has been in development for a long 5 years, so at the time of its release it could no longer boast of advanced graphics, but it significantly refreshed the series thanks to numerous innovations. Real-time combat (as in Final Fantasy XV), the ability to pre-program the behavior of partners in battle and an updated pumping system are just a short list of gameplay changes in Final Fantast XII.

The only drawback of the game is the plot devoid of the usual for the series love line and complex philosophical topics, which were replaced by a continuous politot and a story about the confrontation of 2 kingdoms.

By the way, now is the time to get acquainted with this living classic JRPG, since in 2017 they released a remake - Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.

If you still haven't heard of the Final Fantasy series, then you probably live in a deep forest. But this is one of the pillars of the genre. It was she who gave us protagonists' hairstyles sticking out all over the sides, huge swords and epic boss fights. And while nothing beats the original console experience, many of the games in the series have been ported to the PC. So even if you don't want to buy a PS4, you can still enjoy one of the biggest franchises in the gaming industry.

10. Final Fantasy VI

9. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age

What the game is about: The twelfth "Fantasy" tells about the orphan Vahan, who lives in a kingdom stricken with decline and dreams of becoming heavenly. His dream comes true when the young man manages to steal magicite from under the noses of two pirates, Fran and Baltir. Together they flee the kingdom and join the resistance against the false king.

Merits: XII was the part that fans of the series missed, who fell in love with the "ten" or enthusiastically waiting for the thirteenth game. However, The Zodiac Age has a deep storyline and innovative gameplay that eventually evolved into what we know from later games. The twelfth part took the necessary risk, which refreshed the series and allowed it to reach its current heights.

Two unique traits: Combat system "gambit", which allows the player to certain actions of the characters. The first attempt to add an open world combat system to the series, instead of random skirmishes with opponents.

Fight or run? Decide for yourself, since the new combat system allows it.
Who doesn't love pirates? Do you want to become one of the heavenly robbers?

8. Final Fantasy XIII

What the game is about: Like the sixth part, the thirteenth will tell us about Lightning Farron, a former military man who rebelled against the genocidal government. She meets other outcasts and together they unite in a semblance of a team, becoming the object of persecution by those in power.

Merits: XIII, or rather Lightning, became the most recognizable figure from Final Fantasy for last years... It's like your "Frozen" in the franchise - it was everywhere, even two sequels appeared. Despite its popularity, many gamers considered the linearity of the game to be a serious flaw. Fans often refer to "thirteenth" as the most worst game series, but it is better to play it yourself and see if it is worth attention or not.

Two unique traits: The graphics in the game are great without a doubt. The scale of the battles has decreased, which veterans of the series consider to be a rendering, as well as auto-combat, but for newcomers the game has become much easier.

Press X to win: A simplified combat system ideal for newcomers to the series.
Stunning graphics and spectacular views are one of the biggest pluses in the FFXIII collection.

7. Final Fantasy IV

What the game is about: About Cecil Harvey and his Red Wings Air Force. Deprived of his rank, Cecil and his best friend Cain must stop Zemus and Golbez, who are plotting to destroy humanity.

Merits: The Quartet came out quite a long time ago and found itself in the shadow of the next heavyweight hits. But when it was ported to the PC as a form, it showed everyone how underestimated it was. The PC version is a direct port of the DS remake, which was one of those rare occasions when fans and critics alike praised all the additions and changes made to the game. The graphics matched the tone of the game, and the gameplay introduced the world for the first time what had become the hallmark of the series: the Active Time Battle system.

Two unique traits: Do you like witty dialogues? Square Enix did their best and in the "four" gave out a lot of hilarious phrases and situations. As a bonus, coming out on DS, the game acquired decent (for that time) 3D graphics.

The updated graphics of the FFIV were in line with their time.
The Quartet was known for its excellent dialogue and the remake was not disappointing.

6. Final Fantasy IX

What the game is about: The ninth part of the series took on a difficult task: it tried to weave thieves and theater in a plot. Zidane is a charming thief from the Tantalus troupe. They plot to kidnap Princess Garnet for ransom ... eventually finding out that she herself is happy to run away from Queen Branet with them.

Merits:"Nine" for quite a long time retained the leadership among the games in the series on according to users' estimates, losing only to Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster. You can often hear critics and fans alike calling it the best part. If you still haven't met her charming characters and wonderful world, now is the time to do it.

Two unique traits: The art of this game is unique to the franchise and perfectly matches the aesthetics of the world in which the action takes place. If the dramatic plot of the "nine" has not awakened a child in your soul, I have bad news for you.

Protect yourself, sir! The game is filled with funny and interesting scenes.
Enjoy the wonderful atmosphere created by the magnificent work of artists and designers.

5. Final Fantasy X

What the game is about: Tidus is the star of blitzball, the whole world lay at his feet ... until the apocalypse happened. Rescued from the dying city, the young man found himself in the distant future, where he met the student-summoner Yuna, whom he swore to protect on her journey.

Merits: Who doesn't know the tenth part of Final Fantasy? It became the first game in the series to earn a sequel for its popularity. The dialogue may not be the best, but the world and characters were interesting enough to ask for more.

Two unique traits: The "top ten" is full of mini-games and side quests that enhance the immersion of the player. Final Fantasy X has gone to great lengths to breathe life into the game, including breathtaking graphics.

That's where the real beauty is. Sometimes FFX is simply mesmerizing.

4. Final Fantasy VIII

What the game is about: The protagonist Squall Leonhart from the SeeD mercenary squad falls in love with the beautiful and passionate Rinoa Hartilli, but soon they are forced to save the very fabric of being from the insidious Ultimecia.

Merits: A classic that has improved all aspects of the seventh movement. However, she received her fair share of negative reviews from gamers for focusing more on romance than adventure.

Two unique traits: Unique to the series, the story focuses on romance rather than adventure. The first Final Fantasy with realistic proportions and characters.

The hopeless romantics were glad strong history love in FFVIII.
No more corners and cubes. Eight was the first game in the series to feature realistic proportions of characters.

3. Final Fantasy VII

What the game is about: I think most of you already know this, but just in case: Cloud Strife is a genetically improved mercenary working for the AVALANCHE group. When it turns out that Rufus Shinra has kidnapped Aeris and Sephiroth is alive, AVALANCHE decides to save the girl and stop her.

Merits: The seventh installment has the most iconic status among all the games on this list. Cloud Strife and Sephiroth are arguably the most recognizable characters in the entire franchise, and the FFVII plot contains the most famous twists in the entire gaming industry. While a remake is still looming somewhere on the horizon, it's time to get acquainted with this legendary story.

Two unique traits: All the characters of the "seven" are very easy to remember and love. For all newbies - there is a very funny dressing up scene in the game. Don't thank.

All the favorites are in the collection. If you don't know them yet, you will quickly fall in love.
I envy those who are not yet familiar with the plot of FFVII, they have everything ahead.

2. Final Fantasy XV

What the game is about: Noctis Caelum is the heir to the throne of the Lucii. With three loyal squires, Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto, the prince embarks on a journey, the goal of which is to return the magic Crystal, which was guarded by his family, and destroy the evil that stole him.

Merits: The most recent part of the series, with the best gameplay. The plot can be confusing at times, and the character relationships and stunning open-world design can be enough to get the story out of the way. Make sure your PC can handle the game, it is quite demanding.

Two unique traits: An open world where you can wander for hours, all the time discovering something new. Throw in great graphics and a relaxed atmosphere with friends, and this is a gorgeous game that you want to come back to again and again.

Adventure! The open world provides a wide variety of experiences.

1. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (FF Online)

What the game is about:, the scene of action in which is the mainland of Eorzea. The player character must join one of the three Great Mouths (Campaigns) to save Eorzea from the invasion of the Garlean Empire.

Merits: In 2012, FFXIV got off to a pretty bad start, but the subsequent restart, which fundamentally changed the game, managed to please the fans. Over the years, the game has repeatedly hit the lists (and first places) of the best MMORPGs.

Two unique traits: The player can choose a gender and one of six available races. One of the best features of the game is that there is no need for viola. Want to change your class? Just pick up another weapon.

Ease of switching - to change the class, just re-arm.

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