Stories about past human lives. Memories of children about past life. Fantasy or real facts? Tarot Cards, Astrology, Divination

The phenomenon of reincarnation (the embodiment of the soul in the new body) is known since ancient. For example, for Indians, it is an ordinary fact. In addition, thousands of cases are known and documented when people suddenly began to somehow "remember" their last lifeIt is often so accurate that they could describe to the little things and the surrounding atmosphere of their previous stay on our mortal land.

A newly similar case occurred with a resident of the Samara Region Alena, which shared his memories with researchers of abnormal phenomena, one of which was the Volga Ufologist Gennady Belimov. From him we learned this story.

"I received a few letters from Alena, in which she shares his memories of the past of her earthly life," says Gennady Stepanovich.

Here are excerpts from these letters:

"For the first time I was born in 1624 by a man and remember three more lives further. The second birth is again a man, in England, then a woman in Spain, in 1790 ... I remember me called Mylena. At the age of 15, I was settled in the upper room in the form of a cell, with a bed with large metal embodied and the old perina, which unpleasantly smelled. The windows were lattices, "convenience" here. So in imprisonment I lived for a long time and about 35-39 years old died. "

But the main thing in the letters were the memories of Alena about life in the body of Vincent, the boy born in England at the beginning of the 18th century.

"I was inflicted by Vincent Dablag, the face of noble origin. I moved from the village house to the castle, in the estate purchased by the father. The castle is ancient, he still exists, and recently I saw him by chance on TV. Immediately I learned about how my heart was badly clogged.

In 1725, everything in my life changed dramatically. Not far from my dwelling, in old wooden chapel, I met a girl, we loved each other with all the ruinedness of our youth. She was ready to die, just to be with me ... we could not marry. Unknown cash income, crucified and rumors as if I was associated with the devil himself ... Yes, I always seemed strange for others. Her parents would never agree to this marriage. When everything was revealed, they cursed the daughter, the father deprived her bold and part of the laid inheritance.

... We read a lot, walked in the woods, ride horses. I remember the father's funeral, Tini already lived with me. I remember, I had to stay a few days after the funeral to hear the reading of the will - then it was not immediately done by law. I was very hard for even a short separation from Tini.

12 years flew like one day. True, they say that happiness, no matter how much it las, always briefly. The day came, the biggest day. She died on my hands. I looked into her eyes, they walked, left, and then she told the phrase, which I remembered forever. And she remembers her exactly - on this phrase I will know that the girl who will find me now is my Tini. I will ask her, and she will tell me this phrase ... maybe not literally, but very close to the text. Her farewell look still stands with me before your eyes.

I buried her not far from the chapel, in which we met for the first time. I wrapped Tini into her beloved shawl. Then everything was like in the fog. It was not life. "

In his last letter, Ufolog Belimov is an unknown Alyona wrote: "I told you about my first love, because I had a certain goal. I have no one to seek help. You know about me a lot and calmly, sensible perceive. I will reveal the most important thing: I know - my love now lives in Europe, most likely, in Russia, I'm sure, I feel it. She is looking for me, most likely among men, not knowing that I am now in female body. I do not have access to the Internet and there is no man who would help with it and correctly understood me. Therefore, I want to ask you for help. After 15 years I will leave the earth, I would like last years To spend with her, my sweetheart, I am sure that when she sees the ad, she will know me.

I clearly feel that my love here, as it was shown to me in the vision. This is a 160 cm girl with rising, thin, curved legs, small breasts, thin lips, straight nose, big blond eyes, short-lived dark hair, big moles either left, or right (I can confuse) on the chin or just below, on the neck . He is engaged in sports, now she is 27-28 years old. She recently remembered by whom she was looking for me, but in the body of a man. She is alone, but immediately recognizes internally as soon as he sees me. Works for this moment The driver on the "bull", but soon will change the work. I can confuse the car, but it transports small loads, in my opinion, food. Help me!.."

"It was my cores to act here," says Volzhsky Ufolog. - Indeed, if the story is true, then in the case of their meeting, we, researchers, we get a good evidence of the reality of the phenomenon of reincarnation. Let it be a thousandth event of confirmation, but it will be, and it should not be missing.

We posted an ads of Alena on sites, but has passed for several months - no one has responded. However, it is understandable: to find such an advertisement in the Internet of the Internet - as if to look for a needle in a haystack. I am more in a printed word, so I turned with this story to a specialized magazine: in logic, the girl, former Tini, should be interested in incredible stories, mysterious situations, and maybe, this story will still come to her eyes. "

Here is a story. Another of the thousands of people's stories who seemed to remember their last life. But is it true? And if such "memories" is not only the fruit of a patient fantasy, how to explain them?

According to some scientists, it happens when a person's psyche can connect to a huge information reserve hiding in a collective unconscious. As if the personal computer connected to the birthbamine Internet.

There is another theory, the author of which was the Soviet professor-physiologist Peter Anokhin, is based on the fact that the whole reason for "memories" is concluded in the so-called silent genes - as if excessive, not participating in the transfer of hereditary information, which are not inactive at all, and encode information about everything that happens with a person throughout his life.

People in the process of communication are constantly exchanged by cells: with handshakes, kisses, just when in someone else's house, the dust of which contains exfoliating, but completely lively cells of its inhabitants. Therefore, each of us wears a lot of genetic material of other people - not always familiar and not even alive. Typically, this genetic material "Dremlet", but in some conditions it may awaken and cause changes in the psyche of the carrier. If the donor of the genetic material has already completed its life PathThe carrier of borrowed cells seems to revive his fate.

But all these assumptions continue to remain theories and hypotheses that are not possible to refute, and confirm. And people suddenly unexpectedly remembered their last life, continue to appear among us.

Read carefully!! Please read the letter carefully! We had a normal and ordinary family like. One day, 3 years ago, we hired a housekeeper, because they did not cope at home themselves. But there was still not sweet. My sister my eldest brought up me and the brother alone was hard, but everything was fine, did not need anything. Initially, everything was fine, weeks after 2 housekeepers became some strange little, became any rustle to be afraid of our house, with time, when it was removed, I felt like a worse and worse (let's call it Lyudmila, I do not remember her name). I found explanation for myself - I thought that she was drinking 100%, or sick something. And then the day came when she came .. But .. after 35 minutes I asked back home, because I felt terrible ... The following day, she comes ... Our house no longer comes into the house. I cry, even sobbing says: Everything .. I can't anymore, I don't know what they want from me (telling my sister) they ask to convey that the time has come .. (my sister asks who asks ??? What time?) But She sobbing, shouts something .. means trying to give our money back - for the work that we Dali her - sister does not take certainly. She takes throws this money and runs away. He said something something, but I do not remember that. It seems to forget this strange lady and everything is calm. But .. in a couple of days, my sister wake up at night ... I wakes up, shaking ... I do not understand what happened completely. In Toto moment, when I was already completely woken, I saw her crazy eyes .. I was bad ... She walked off the corner in the corner and constantly repeated: I remembered ... I remembered .... I sat in a chair, me It was terrible scary, what happened to her? what does she say? In general, some kind of nonsense! And at that time the phone rang ... I wanted to take the phone, I stretch my hand, and suddenly ... my sister sharply almost rushes on me and telling a trembling voice: do not raise !! Do not raise !! it's them!! I sat down again on my place. She began to say: I remembered the last life ... I saw it with my own eyes .. I remembered how I was dying .. I lay on the bed ... the beds were from the iron pattern .. I was in the room alone .. I died. . I was very old. I died of death .. Nobody had no one. Suddenly, all life in seconds passed before his eyes .. I died ... Further I walked along the corridor, the corridor was very dark, but at the end there was light. I walked, walked for a very long time. Soon everything became brighter and brighter ... I entered ... I was in paradise ... I saw Paradise .. I saw God. .. '"She says herself, and inserting sometimes - the turn to tell you quickly, so as not to forget ..." We live on this planet more than once! I just remembered it! If we live life wrong, then we die and bother again. God gives everyone such an opportunity, everyone should fall into paradise, hell can be said to be on Earth, because we will die and bother again and again until we change our lives. When we die God takes the memory all. If in the past life you grew up in rich and secured seed, you had everything and you did not believe in God and did not live according to his laws, then in the next life you can be born in the poor family, the poverty where hunger. Everything can happen. When you die, God gives you some advantages in life - for example beauty, mind, talent, and can pick up happiness with you, everything depends on how much you lived correctly. My sister says that God gave her strength and mind (she is a pretty girl and a very interesting person I want to say a lot. There was always a lot of fans, but in general she is a little scary - but after 5 minutes of communication with her anyone will be delighted - because she will be Smart from God and a very interesting girl, here) but also took something - probably some of the beauty, I no longer remember - I may be mistaken at the expense of beauty, so I will miss. Then she says: And then I remembered everything, all my life. And God gave me a chance again to change .. Because if you lived life as God wants, that is, the right life, you are not delayed on the planet, God just picks you up. And ... I remember how to be born again ... When the child is born, he remembers everything ... but every day forgets more and more .. so I born again ... Because God can just take it and Let go to hell? It's impossible! He created us, we are part of him, like him .. Therefore, Jesus was born, he opened this door with the key ... Light - she appeals to me (my pseudonym) do you believe me? I look at her with the shock with her eyes, herself is in full shock .. what to say .. nothing came into mind ... "I don't know" - I say. In general, she was very strange on the following day (this is understandable) the next day a conversation took place. She says: Light .. I hear sometimes voices in my head, I know they say that you are in another time. I have everything confused .. I sometimes really do not know what time I am now. Our soul can live immediately in several bodies, you do not know that, but it is. Sometimes my sister asked me which age now? What year? I was horrified and despair. . I was scared for her .. because it is a native and beloved little man ... Everyone can understand me. That day she left for one believed family. I called her guy, told what was going on, he went to her. In general, the letter and so delayed. I'll tell you about the main thing. Her boyfriend is led by her to a friend Dr. .. She lay in the hospital 2 weeks on the tablets and almost all the time slept. After it came to myself half a year. Then she told me'' Light, I looked at the window that day ... You know what I saw ?? Everything was privity and suddenly ... All people ... All cars ... All the moving stopped. As a pause in a movie ... I heard a voice .. God said ... you see, he said that life is a moment, she was and her no. Look at all, everyone is in a hurry somewhere .. everything is always rushing somewhere .. why ?? If one problem is solved, there will always be different .. Each of them does not remember what they need ... Why is it always missing something, for something in this life run and fuss ... Then I heard the voices that talk I became me - you are not in that time, you can not here, your time does not come .. You have to go back .. come back, you have a lot more things there! Return! And I returned .. I remembered all the world. Everything.
My sister says that the pills whom she just worsened the situation, eat all the origin of it from her inside everything experienced that Oan lives with it .. Seishhas has everything well ... Her family, baby and loved husband .. Establish everything. . But she says that he will not live on this planet for a long time ... She is confident, because he knows that there is another life, she saw her, she remembered everything ..
Girls, this is absolute truth. Nor a drop of puzzled .. I probably even forgot to add something. She is not sick she normal personLoving wife and mother. It was a little hard in life, but it's neither I am sure. I can add that some of my friends, I don't understand at all why neither from this, completely different people who did not even meet each other - they told me that when with me or with my family would be stirred, some very strange A quiet, completely incomprehensible, screking a little .. do not know how to explain. I want to notice the beed so somewhat completely different people - who are completely unfamiliar with each other. There were other strange cases in life .. But about this, too, too much at once. Thank you for reading, I hope you will understand.

"Last summer, my husband and I went to nature. So we rested for the first time, and I was not easy to fall asleep in the fresh air right under the stars. It's good to lie in the arms of the husband, but then he fell asleep, and I stayed in a half of the hours, waiting for the attack at any time. Three days of this rest, I was finally deep at night I was able to fall asleep, and I saw a dream in which there was a small American boy-an Indian who lost in the place where we broke the camp. I felt his alarm and fear when he tried to find some food and find the way home. At night, he lay on Earth and, like me, could not sleep, listening to every rustle and movement. It seemed to him that someone was chasing or pursuing him, and he looked around all the time. So the day after day. In the end, he could no longer bear it and ran. However, the leg is stuck in the roots of the tree, and the boy, falling, broke it. He could not move and lay on the ground in anticipation of death ... I woke up all the cheeky, my heart was pounding. I am convinced that it was the boy. Everything was perceived so bright and really, which could not be just a dream. "

"All my life I tormented a bad premonition, as if something bad was about to happen. Last year, I first visited Athens, and when it was in Parfenon, this feeling was flooded at me with an unprecedented force. I collapsed on the steps, tears rolled in my face. Personal people asked how to help me, but I could not answer anything. He knew only that was here before. Not in this life, in another. Something bad happened to me in Parfenone, and the visit to this place aggravated all my feelings. From that day I was completely freed from them. I do not think that I really want to know about the events of that past life. "

"My brothers and sisters quickly learned to swim, I was always afraid of water. But the father was in rabies, because our family was fond of boat sports and spent all vacation directly on water or by the ocean. Thirteen-year-old boy parents led me to the hypnotherapist because of my habit of gnawing nails. At the reception, I accidentally returned to last life, held on a small island in Pacific Ocean. Everything was fine there, we were engaged in fishing. One day we sailed to the house in a hurry to escape from the impending storm, but he still overtake us. I fell overboard and, although I was an excellent swimmer, drowned. Previously, the reincarnation never thought. The doctor explained everything to me, but I did not tell my parents what it looks too strange. And the strangest thing is that my current mother in the past life was my wife. It has long led me to confusion. "

Have you ever thought about your past lives? In some such interest, vague memories of something that happened in the distant past. Others - the desire to learn more about yourself: where they were and where they go. In any case, there are techniques that allow you to open past your lives.

Thousands of years, people believe in the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation. This faith is distributed worldwide: in Asia, both America, Africa, Australia and Europe - everyone believe that death is not the end and the rebirth will be followed in a particular body.

In the east, reincarnation was always perceived as something of granted. This concept is an essential part of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Initially absent in the syntoism, it gradually became part of this belief system when Buddhism reached Japan in the twelfth century. True, the reincarnation is not part of Islam, but its Sufi direction takes the idea of \u200b\u200brebirth.

It is known that the ancient Egyptians were buried next to the dead magic spells that had to help a person will be revived in their chosen form. In Greece, in the sixth century BC e., Ofic cult taught that all people are partly sinful, partially holy. However, developing through various reincarnations, we learn to get rid of our nature from the sinful side and achieve in the end of holiness. At this stage, of course, the cycle of rebirth is completed.

Later, the ideas of the opposites were perceived by Pythagoras and became an integral part of his philosophy. The scientist was able to remember his past lives. Yamblich (Iamblichus) in the work of Pythagora's Life wrote: "Pythahor brought a lot of evidence that he had the knowledge of his past lives, it allowed him to instill invented attention to others and remind him of their past existences" 2. In past lives, Pythagoras was: the Trojan warrior of the Eporpus, a preacher Hermotimus, burned rivals, the Cyprus Fisherman, the Phoenician prostitute and a peasant from Thrace3.

Socrates also believed in reincarnation. According to legend, he spent the last morning of his life in thought about how his soul existed before the human birth and how she would continue to live after the death of his physical body. Socrates philosophically analyzed human life, leaving us a well-known expression: "Know yourself!" I must say that his original ideas The soul is the subject of discussion and now.

The most famous student of Socrates - Plato - firmly believed in reincarnation and wrote: "Know that if you become worse, get to the worst souls, if better - to the best, and with every change and death you will suffer as you can suffer In a similar case, "4. The ideas of Plato about reincarnation had a deep influence on the entire Western philosophy and did not lose their significance today.

Later, the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation perceived Greek Gnosticism. He played an important role in early Christian beliefs. In the second century of our era, Clement Alexandria argued that we are developing in the process of many reincarnations. Origen, one of the most important theologians of that time, was agreed with him.

The Bible, apparently, also accepts the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation. So, in the Gospel of Matthew (11: 13-15), Jesus tells his students who John the Baptist in the past life was: "For all the prophets and the law were proceeded to John. And if you want to accept, he is Elijah, who should come. Who has ears hear, yes hears! " This statement is confirmed by the Gospel from Matthew (17:12), where Jesus says: "... But I tell you that Elijah already came, and did not recognize him, but they did, as they wanted; So the Son of Human will suffer from them. " In another case, Jesus asked his students: "For whom people honor me, the Son of Human?" The answer was: "Some of John the Baptist, others for Elijah, and others for Jeremiah or for one of the prophets" (MF 16: 13-14).

The students again mention the reincarnation when Jesus ask about a man who was blind from birth: "Pupils asked him: Rabbi! Who sinned, he or his parents, what was born blind? " (In 9: 2). It is clear that this person could not sin it before birth, unless he sinned in the previous life. Interestingly, Jesus does not stock up students for such thoughts and responds to them: "It was not sinned neither by him nor his parents, but this in order to be the affairs of God" (in 9: 3).

Unfortunately, in 553 N. e. The II Constantinople The Ecumenical Cathedral was announced that reincarnation is a reactionary doctrine. The Christian Church immediately renounced the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation and forced her supporters to go under the underground. Reincarnation again was declared the heretical I Lyon (1247) and the Florentine (1439) universal cathedrals. Everyone who believed in these ideas risked being alive burned on the fire.

Contrary to everything, faith in reincarnation did not disappear. Apparently, the most famous from the underground sects were Catar, exterminated by the Inquisition. Interestingly, the Bible contains only favorable references to reincarnation5.

In the time of Renaissance in Europe, there is a surge of interest in the ideas of Pythagora, Plato and Kabbalah. Leonardo da Vinci was one of the few who took the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation. In his " Written books"We find several expressions that testify to His faith in the immortality of the soul. It is known that Jordano Bruno was found guilty of heresy and had to execute in 1600. Before being burned, he turned to the inquisition with the following words: "I thought I believed that the souls were immortal ... Since the soul could not exist without a body just like the body without a soul, she moves from the body to the body" 6.

The idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation can be found in the Jews in Kabbalah7 and olome8. Numerous references on reincarnation are also contained by the Hindus in Bhagavad-Gita and Upanishads; Yes, and the Koran belongs to it favorably. In Buddhism, the ultimate goal is considered to be exemption from an infinite cycle of rebirth and achieving Nirvana. In fact, the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation or its options can be found in the traditional beliefs of the majority of the peoples of the world.

Interest in reincarnation has constantly grew over the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In America, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Pan wrote a lot on this topic. In France, Voltaire, Victor Hugo, George Sand and Gustav Flaubert, in Germany - Johann von Goethe, Immanuel Kant and Gothold Lessing, in England - David Yum and Alexander Pop.

IN modern era Interest in reincarnation was revived with the beginning of the activity of the theosophical society. It claimed the role of the World Brotherhood and encouraged the study of the history of religion, philosophy and science, and also engaged in the study of inexplicable laws in nature. Today, this society does not push any specific doctrines, but seeks to perceive the reality of reincarnation and karma. The theosophical society was founded in 1875 by Elena Blavat, Henry Olcott and William Jajd. Madame Blavatskaya announced that in past incarnations was Pythagoras and Paracels.

Later Edgar Casey (Saus) (1877-1945), a convinced Christian and a doctor, became the chief defender of the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation. He became interested in her when, being in a trance, mentioned Karma. Before that, he did not hear anything about Karma and believed that reincarnation refers to pagan beliefs. Fortunately, friends advised him to continue the study of this issue. As a result of the experiments, he came to the conclusion that in reincarnation there is no, in fact, nothing pagan. His ability to look into past lives allowed him much more efficiently than ever, to treat his patients - both their bodies and souls. In the period from 1923 to 1945 Casey described about 2,500 past lives, descriptions were preserved in the archives of the Association of Research and Enlightenment Virginia10. They clearly show what changes undergoing human personality on the way from one life to another.

In the twentieth century, interest in reincarnation has increased steadily. At first, the British psychiatrist Alexander Cannon and French psychic, Colonel Albert de Rocha (De Rochas) investigated hypnotic regressions. Even Alister Crowley wrote a book about his method of reproducing past lives. In the 50s of the twentieth century The well-known business of Brüdy Murphy in the United States and the memories of the past lives of Mrs. Naomi Henry in England, who followed him, caused universal arousal and interest. These memories opened due to hypnosis.

In Wales, the hypnologist Arnall Broaxham also conducted many studies of hypnotic regressions in past lives, writing to a tape recorder more than four hundred sessions. Jeffrey Averson (IVerson), a producer of a television show about Broxam's records, later wrote about him a book "More than one life", which became a bestseller in 1976.

In 1983, the first book of Shirley McLean on the reincarnation "in danger" was published, which became so popular that the television miniser was released. Available written books Maclein helped popularize the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation in the masses.

Dr. Helen Vabach (Wambach) in the 70s of the XX Art. With the help of hypnosis, more than a thousand people were regressing and collected a huge amount of data confirmed by reality reincarnation. All of her volunteers (with the exception of one) in previous lives were ordinary people and conducted an ordinary life. Most of them are the peasants whose way was incredibly difficult. They worked hard and emitted very much, and their children were dying in infancy. This is not the same life in which people would like to move themselves just fantasizing.

Although most of the doctors of Dr. Vamba whites of middle-class people, she noticed: In the past life, they often turned out to be representatives of another race and the opposite sex. Considering that in the world, an approximately equal number of men and women, it is natural to assume that with regression thousands of people, this ratio should remain unchanged. And there is. In past lives studied by vibes, out of 1100 volunteers 49.4% were women and 50.6% - men 11. If these regressions, as already mentioned, were pure fantasies, most people would wanted to become white men12. This did not happen, which indicates the authenticity of memories of past lives.

Research of Dr. Vabach gives an answer to another important question: does the theory of reincarnation refute the theory of reincarnation the fact that the population of the Earth is growing steadily? Between the I and XV centuries the population of the Earth doubled, then XIX century, it doubled again and has become four times since then. Dr. Vaby noted that the number of returns for its subjects in these periods reflects the same proportions.

More than half of the earth's population considers the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation proven. These people agree that the human body with personal characteristics will die, but the soul itself is immortal. She has already lived a lot of lives, and even more expects her in the future.

It is quite natural, as it is impossible to experience everything for only one life. Many incarnations give us a variety of existential experience: we can know the wealth and poverty, to become black and white, a man and a woman, intellectual and mentally limited, radiating health and suffering from ailments. We can live in technologically developed countries and return to places where it is just a struggle for survival. In fact, we are different people. But knowledge of reincarnation is capable of making people more tolerant.

During many reincarnations, we gradually progress, or regressing, depending on our thoughts and actions during each life. This is the law of causal relationship. We reappen exactly what they sowed.

Why do people do not remember their past lives?

According to the beliefs of the ancient Greeks, the gods immersed the souls of the dead to the river of oblivion so that at the new birth was released from memories of past lives. Probably, this is a great luck that most people do not retain past incarnations in memory, all the painful and difficult episodes of which would have made progress in real life almost impossible.

Most people are born without conscious memories of previous embodiments. However, many are capable of seeing fragmentary paintings from their past lives, sometimes with a lot of details. Throughout my life, I remembered myself a small child. I sat near a huge fire and, satisfied, looked at large, continuously moving red circles. After sitting, I realized that these red circles were lined black dresses of Russian peasants. When they danced around the fire, I saw only red circles. Obviously, it was a memory of past life - but only reproduction in the memory of a separate happy moment. I had to become an adult to restore the lost facts of the last life.

It is not surprising that people who remember their former incarnations are more often found in countries where reincarnation is accepted as a fact. Studies conducted in Northern India in the 1970s showed "that approximately one person from five hundred remembers the previous life" 13. In the West, such studies were not conducted.

Dr. Yang Stevenson The last forty years has been studying the cases of "reincarnation type" and published a number of argued books about his finds. Over the years, he described more than 2500 cases, mainly involving memories of past lives of young children. About eight hundred of them were investigated in detail.

Dr. Stevenson believes that evidence of children convince more than adult messages. This is due to the fact that the first did not have time to read historical novels or watch a lot of films that they could involuntarily give as evidence of past lives. Mixing in our mind of such information hidden under the surface of consciousness, with actual events called cryptomosis. Dr. Stevenson believes that most of the hypnotic regressions of adults returns these forgotten memories, and not genuine last life.

One case, detailed by Professor Stevenson and many others relating to Parmoda, the second son of the Indian professor. Parmode was born in 1944 as soon as he learned to speak, he uttered the following words: "Moradabad", "Sakranpur" and "Brothers Mohan". When he was two and a half years, he said Mother that she does not need to cook food, as he has a wife in Moradabad. Somehow relatives brought him a cookie, and he said that he owns a large biscuit factory in Moradabad. Parmode repeatedly asked the parents to take him there and said that he was one of the brothers Mohan. Over time, all the new details of his former life began to appear. The child argued that his past name was Paramanand that he was a businessman who deceased exactly for nine months and six days before the birth of Parmoda.

When the boy was five years old, it turned out that in Moradabad there is a company known as the "Mohan Brotherhood". When her owner Mohan Lal found out about Parmode, he came home to him. Unfortunately, the boy stayed at relatives, but it was contractual that he will visit Moradabad.

When the family came to Moradabad, Parmode immediately recognized his brother and hugged him warmly. He learned the hall of the municipality and announced that they were already approaching the company. The driver of the car to check the Parma, decided to drive past the store, but the boy learned the building and ordered the driver to stop. He entered the house in which he lived in the previous life, and with respect to the room with respect to the room in which he prayed daily. He found out his wife, parents, brothers and all their children, except the eldest son. When Paramanand died, it was thirteen to this son, and in six years he has changed very much. Parmode happily remembered cases from family life.

For two days spent in Moradabad, the boy convincingly proved that he was the reincarnation of Paramanand, as it was easily remembered different places and different people From your past life. He showed the building, which was once the Office of the branch of the company "Brothers Mohan". Explained how water is harvested, knew how to fix the installation. For such an inspection, the car specially led to an inoperative state14.

Children at a very early age often show some talents or abilities. It is most likely that this is the result of the experience of past lives. The rich imagination of young children is also a manifestation of previous embodiments.

With hypnotic regressions in past lives, one problem: they are hard to confirm. Someone can tell a great story about past life, full of incredible details that you can find confirmation. However, there is a possibility that he received this information from books or movies. Such problems do not arise with young children, as they cannot receive information about their past lives in any other way.

Children remembering past lives often say they do not invent. When children grow up, the events of past lives are gradually erased from their memory and in the end are completely lost.

Is it dangerous?

There is no danger in carrying out regression last life according to the methods presented in this book. However, there are other potentially dangerous. In the 1970s, the study of past lives with drugs was distributed. It is not surprising that some of these experiments ended in deplorable. For a successful study of the past embodiments, there is no need for artificial stimulants.

There are also methods of returning to past lives with the use of their own body. In this case, the assistant touches the various sections of your body and observes the reaction. When touched to the correct point you are returning to past life. This method is effective. I used it many times, but I do not bring here for two reasons. There are people who are abuse of this situation during the regression process. Obviously, you must trust the one who touches you. The second disadvantage of the method is that you cannot use it without assistance. On the other hand, none of the methods set forth in this book does not require a partner.

It is necessary to take into account the following. Awareness of past lives opens to us karma created in them. For some people, such knowledge can be heavy nonsense. Most of us are struggling with karma created in this life without worrying about the karma created in past lives. Therefore, it is better not to take regression in past lives, if you are not sure that you can cope with the consequences of the former karma.

In practice, I was convinced that for most people, returning to past lives does not cause difficulties. However, some people, despite the fact that all the well-known methods are trying, cannot open the door to past incarnations. I feel that it is not by chance; They are protected from memories of past lives until they are ready to accept all the information.

Why investigate your past lives?

People often ask me why you need to explore your past lives. And I usually answer that regression can give a key to understanding why a person commits certain actions, behaves anyway in the current life. Turning to previous lives, you can get information about the appointment of a person in the present. Regression can explain the causes of the difficulties and problems that a person is experiencing in this life and suggest which karma needs to be improved. When people know why they act in this way, they acquire greater control over their lives.

Appeal to past lives is also an extremely valuable form of treatment. It allows you to affect the causes underlying the problem, instead of fighting only with external manifestations. Memories of past lives are imprinted in DNA of each of the more than ten trillion cells that make up our body15. Using a similar treatment method, we can heal the ailment, which existed maybe over the course of many previous embodiments.

The feeling of guilt plays an important role in the lives of many people. It creates depressed fear, anger, grief. Therapy by past lives can help such people to free themselves from this feeling arising in previous incarnations.

Many people turn to regression into past lives during the crisis. They are looking for problems in it when in reality everything goes wrong. Regardless of the result achieved, such regressions always benefit.

One patient came to me shortly after her husband threw her. "I was always jealous," she said to me. - I do not know why. This is madness, but I always lose people who love. "

She returned to his last life on Jamaica in the nineteenth century. Being a capricious eldest daughter of rich planters, always obtained the desired one. The young man in which she fell in love with unfortunately, was carried away by another. I tried all the means to repel it from the rival, but nothing helped. Then in the attack of jealousy, she paid that the girl poisoned. The young man, having learned that his beloved died, hanged himself.

After this regression, my patient came to consult. Her life has improved, and the feeling of jealousy appears very rarely.

Perhaps the most important result that can be obtained from regression into the past life is forgiveness, both for yourself and for others. You can forgive people who harm you in past lives, and forgive themselves for causing it to others. This contributes to the rehabilitation of oneself and other people. If this happens, you will definitely feel the joy of movement.

Knowledge of past lives also gives man peace of mind. Many are afraid of death, but fear disappears when the awareness comes that death is not an end.

Regression in former life give another advantage - the opportunity to discover the abilities that you did not guess. The skills and talents you use in past lives are not lost. They are still your part and can be developed in this life.

Most people who have decided to undergo regression in the past life seek to find out if they follow their destination in this life. Many feel dissatisfaction and want to know what to do with their lives. In this case, regression is extremely useful. And in the end it will demonstrate that our potential is unlimited.

Most of my patients believe in reincarnation, not some remain skeptics even after regression. However, with all the diversity from the views, they still receive a certain benefit when one of the past lives is revealed before them. Regardless of the depth of your interest in this issue, the experiments described in subsequent chapters will be useful to you in the present.

Does everyone have a last life?

In my practice, regression has not yet had the case so that a person does not have past lives. On the contrary, it seems that most people have unlimited quantities from which you can choose.

One of my regular customers is a joiner. For incomplete twenty years, we investigated many of his past lives. Sometimes, coming to me, he wants to return to some kind of definite, which we have already explored to the smallest details. Another time - to look into the unfamiliar. At times, he prefers to let go of the regression in the will of the case.

Common for different lives is that he always worked well with his hands. Apparently, he had an equal number of female and male livesAnd in all he used his skill. In male incarnations was a builder, a chamber, a farmer, a mechanic, etc. in female - shepherd, cook, nurse and cleaner.

I admire practicalism passing through all his life, because my own was the full opposite of their opposite. Basically, I was distorted and in most of my past lives was a monk, a priest, a musician, a writer and a teacher.

Unfortunately, many of my patients come to me out of curiosity and continue to explore other lives like this joiner. Therefore, it is difficult for me to determine whether there is a common thread passing through various incarnations of one person. This is an interesting field for research.

But I know for sure that you have passed through a lot of lives, were on earth many times and will even repeat back here in the future.

Do you know the balance of vu?

Almost every person is familiar with the feeling of Deja Nu, that in French means "already seen." This is the feeling that you were in this place earlier and experienced a similar sequence of events. Reincarnation is only one of the many possible explanations. Other explanations may be such: I saw this scene earlier on TV, observed this, but not identical, or saw this event in a dream, before it happened.

Sometimes, however, the depth of Vu leads to the spontaneous recall of the past life. It can surprise people who do not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject. One of my familiar experienced a similar feeling somehow in my evening at home. Cropped lemon to put in drinks cooked for themselves and her husband, and then sat on the veranda to admire the sunset. When she brought the glass to her lips, he felt the smell of lemon on their fingers and immediately moved to his last life in Italy in the time of Renaissance, where I posed the artist in the Great Garden.

I am sure that the fragrance of Lemon was in that garden, "she said to me. - his smell unexpectedly returned me to the past. I do not understand why this happened now, because the aroma of lemon is familiar to me all my life. In any case, he felt insanely happy. He was in love with Arold, who posted, and experienced the tide of delight, so strong that it seemed that my heart would not stand, she smiled sadly. - Nothing like this in this life was not with me.

Dr. Frederick Lenz, a psychologist, engaged in the study of spontaneous memories of past lives and described his observations in the book "Life Times". He noticed that most of these memories comes in a dream or during meditation, when visions appear, or as the moments of the depth of Vyu. Dr. Lenz drew attention to the fact that directly in front of the spontaneous memory of the last life, people feel that they would become lighter, and bright colors begin to gligrate their eyes. They have a feeling of euphoria, good health, and it seems that the room begins to vibrate. Then they are unexpectedly transferred for a few moments last life. Often after that seem slightly discovered.

Can I prove that the past life was actually?

Unfortunately, in many cases it is impossible. Most people behaved their life to the time in which they existed. Only few could get an education or travel. Life proceeded in the vicinity of his own house. They did not always know the name of the nearest city or village, the year of their birth or the name of the country in which they lived. They could not even know their last name. It is quite natural that such stories are difficult to prove or refute.

Most recently, I regressed the young woman in the medieval Europe. In that life, she was a man-dog. He was ambitious, worked a lot and eventually became the owner of his own business. Amazed many details of the bread baking process. But the baker was illiterate and did not have the concept of an era or even about the title of the city in which he lived. Obviously, it will be extremely difficult to learn more about him, because he himself knew very little about himself.

In other cases, the wealth of details helps proof of existence in former life due to the lack of historical information. Jess Stern described one of such cases in the book "In search of a girl with blue eyes." Girl with blue eyes lived at the end of the nineteenth century in Canada in countryside. She never moved away from her house, knew little about her neighbors and lived during when records about births, death and marriages were scarce or absent at all. Although this story is extremely convincing and rich in details, it is still impossible to prove the reality of reincarnation.

Another thoroughly studied example concerns George Field, a fifteen-year-old student high Schoolwhich regressed last life where was a farmer during Civil War. When he refused to sell his potatoes to the soldiers of the Yankees at a price of several cents for the bushel, he was killed by a shot in the stomach. This regression was conducted by Loring J. Williams, who later wrote a report about it for the magazine "Fate". After the publication of the article, a new information appeared, which was included in the wonderful book of Brad Steifer "You will live again" 16. Williams together with George Field went to Jerferson (North Carolina) to find any evidence. George Field, or Jonathan Powell, as his name was in a past life, was able to give very detailed information about people who lived in the area at the time. However, although most of the information managed to confirm, to finally prove the reality of regression in the past life failed.

From time to time, anyone from my patients returns to her old life, where he was a man about which we can learn from historical books. I regressed one person last life, where he was the Oliver Cromwell accountant. The study of historical books showed that someone under the same name was indeed known as the Oliver Cromwell accountant. This man remembered the smallest details and even the terms that are already forgotten today. Therefore, it is possible, and it is even very likely that my patient really was once that man.

Unfortunately, and in this case, it is not possible to prove anything. Skeptics will be readily affected that my patient could take information from the long-being forgotten book read by him. He could hear a radio program, see a film or a television performance, where such a person was shown. Therefore, it is impossible to prove that he was in the past life. My patient, however, considers it all true, which helped him. In the end, only it matters.

Do I have a soul soul?

Soul's soul is someone with whom you had a robust connection in many incarnations. Most people believe that the relationship with a relative soul is a strong love relationship between two people, which continued hundreds, and perhaps even thousands of years. Often it is. And always wonderful when people find out that the one whom they adore in the current life was their love and past.

Relationships with a related soul may include other important relationships between two people, outside the sphere of love and romance. For example, your manager in the present was your teacher or student in many past lives. This can also be considered a connection with a kindred soul, it is also strong, important and necessary for your progress, although it has a platonic character. Therefore, another advantage of returning to past lives is the opportunity to find your relative soul.

The indisputable proof of reincarnation is the memories of children about the past life.

Children are incorruptible witnesses who describe events that could not know. They expand our idea about this world and the laws of being.

History Sam. Himself grandfather

Little Sam found the parents' surprise, stating that he sees his car on the old photo!

Father showed a family family photo album, and on one of the pictures of Grandpa's Sam, who died before his birth was depicted.

Seeing the car in the photo, the child said with full confidence: "This is my car!" Sam's mother reacted with a complete distrust of the child's statement, and decided to "check it out."

She showed Sam by a photo, where the grandfather of the boy was depicted in childhood, surrounded by his peers. Sam's grandfather sama could hardly be able to make her mother herself.

Surprisingly everyone, Sam pointed to the boy in the photo and said: "And this is me!" He unmistakably found "herself", that is, his grandfather, among children who were depicted in the photo.

Also Sam said that he knows about the death of "his" sister. Sam's sister Sam really was killed, about which the boy said: "They were killed by bad people."

This case was explored by the famous American scientist Jim Tucker.

In its activities, he studied more than 2500 memories of children about past lives. Dr. Tucker professionally approached his work and took into account the influence of parents for children's memories.

After meeting with Sam, he came to the conclusion that the boy's memories are true, - information about the grandfather could not be received from parents, and some facts he could not know.

The boy found his killer in the past life

In the community of druses on the border of Syria and Israel, a boy was born with a long red mark on his head.

When the child turned 3 years old, he told his parents that in the past life was killed. He remembered that the death of him came from hitting an ax on the head.

When the boy was brought to the village from his memories, he was able to call his name in past life. Local residents said that such a person actually lived here, but disappeared about 4 years ago.

The boy remembered not only his home, but also called the name of his killer.

When meeting with the child, this man seemed frightened, but he did not confess the crime. Then the boy pointed the place where the murder occurred.

And surprisingly, the skeleton of man and an ax, who turned out to be a murder tool on this very spot.

The skull of the found skeleton was damaged, and just the same notin was on the head in the child.

I'm not your son

The history of man named Tan Jiangshan is as interesting. He was born in the Chinese province of Hainan in the city of Dunfan.

At the age of three years, the boy struck his parents, saying that he was not their son, and that before him called Chen Mindao!

The boy in detail described the place where he lived before, and even called the names of his parents.

He also remembered that he died during revolutionary actions from saber shocks and shots. And on the abdomen of the child were actually Major spots, similar to footprints from Sabli.

It turned out that the former birthplace of Tan Jiangshan is not so far away. And when the boy turned 6 years old, they went to his former native village with their parents.

Despite its children's age, Tan Jiangshan was easily able to find his home. Surprisingly everyone, the boy loosely spoke on the dialect of the place where they arrived.

Going to the house, he recognized his former father and introduced Chen Mindao. Santa - the former father of the boy with difficulty could believe in the story of the child, but those details that the boy told about his past life, forced him to recognize her son.

Since that time, Tan Jiangshan has another family. His father from past life and sisters accepted him as the former Chen Mindao.

How is my mom?!

At the age of 6, Cameron Mcaulai began to say that he used to live in another house. Each time his description of the past life was becoming more than more.

The child called the island where he lived before, described the house and his family. Cameron often worried that his mother misses without him, the boy wanted to meet his family again and say that he was fine.

The norm, Mom Cameron in the real life, could not calmly look at the experience of the son. And she decided on a trip to find the same house that her son spoke so much.

Watching the psychologist Dr. Jim Terker, who specializes in past lives, they went to Barra Island. According to the stories of the boy, they found the same house where cameras lived.

It turned out that the former owners are no longer alive, and Cameron and Mom met the new owner.

The norm experienced that his son would hardly learn that he did not meet those for whom they arrived. But fortunately, Cameron examined the house, remembered all his rooms And their favorite places, and calmly took the fact that his former family is no longer.

After the trip, the rule was assured that the Son's stories are not a deviation in the psyche of a child or his fantasy, but a real story.

They returned with Cameron home, and he no longer worried about a meeting with the same family.

All these stories prove that the memories of children about the past life can be real, and parents do not attach them attention.

Or maybe this is how the child wants to inform parents important facts that will help to understand parents,

According to the book Trutz Hardo "children who lived earlier: reincarnation today."

In the article, I will talk about my experience, who led me to the conclusion that we all come from past lives.

Our consciousness is arranged so that, in addition to the current, perceived sense of reality, the many other information and impulses are constantly selected in us. Including from past lives.

Information from them comes to us, in this, the current embodiment, in various ways and different ways.

I noticed that this effect acts at the memory level in this way:

  • Some kind external object Or the event find the inner response in the depths of our memory and go into consciousness in the form of images and complexes of sensations with them related.
  • Some layers in your inner world They are unpaid due to the coincidence with your current state. It goes like inclusion through the coincidence of internal vibrations: the present and past.

How to treat such effects and what to do with it is a personal matter of everyone.
I will not be more theorizing, I will tell you how it was with me ...

Associative complexes of sensations

Late summer evening, I am at home. I live on the 5th floor. He went to the balcony, put his hands on a wooden handrail, and the wave of the coolness and a special smell of an evening moisture turned into my face.

Before the pleasant and familiar set of sensations that I had enough of this - happened transfer of consciousness to another realityWhere I Young: I sit on the ship, hugging the mast. On my leg - rope as a safety loop.

I feel that this is my favorite view of the rest: to sit on top and enjoy the space of marine sailing. When the wet air blows the face, the sea is downstairs, and around - freedom and happiness. And such a full of young life, which is simply nothing to dream about!

Later, when I was already engaged in reincarnation, I found out that three of my lived lives were connected to the sea.

In one of them, I was brought up by the grandfather, "sea wolf" and already a teenager began his career on the ship as a jungle. Apparently, the episode of that life and broke out from memory, reminding about the favorite rest of the rest in the sea.

Communication with loved ones. Repetition of scenarios from past lives

I always had good and very calm relationship with my mother. For all questions we easily found mutual languageexcept one-clothes. But this topic is our true "Stumbling stone".

Since childhood, I always had no difference that I was dressed. I could walk in the same T-shirt and jeans. If it is convenient for me and comfortable, you do not need to change clothes, unless you wash.

Mom always tried to dress me, especially when we went to visit. Often she won, and I detectively flew to a holiday in some dress with Ryushki, building plans, as I'm going straw and blur.

Sometimes I rested, did not give himself to move yourself than caused her considerable indignation. Then my mother looked at me with a gloomily and stood: "For a long time you will walk in this uniform, when will you start dressing like a girl?«.

In a past life, which I viewed on request: "Joint embodiment with Mom," I was a Catholic Cardinal, and my mother is my receptional daughter.

Girl was - just fire. My old heart in that life was already outlined, the service at a religious field did not contribute to the preservation of love in it. But I truly loved my daughter, I solve it absolutely everything, including me to reach.

And its main discontent was caused by my monotonous and boring clothes. She herself was still that fashionista and with all his passion inherent in her wanted me to move me to beautiful things.

And when I, laughing, refused, she passionately, with youthful maximalism spoke me: "What do you go all the time in this rocky? Buy yourself a suit! ".

Places where pulls and states in which well

For me it was a forest. It will not be an exaggeration to say that half of the free time of childhood and youth I spent in the woods, which started across the road from our house.

Most of all I liked to climb the trees and sit at the top for a long time, choosing comfortable branches and a beautiful view.

In two past lives my forced removal from society was connected with the forest.

In one of them, I ran away from my husband with my beloved man and lived for several years in a wagon in the forest at the lake, while we did not quit mercenaries.

The haired time when with Milic I was an absolute paradise in a slash (more precisely - in the forest hut)!

This life always opens on request: " The best female embodiment».

In another embodiment, I have to hide in the forest, as it turned out to be in the list of state criminals.

I was a good hunter and the inventor of many devices useful for forest life. I have built several reliable forest shelters, mostly at home on trees.

The most harmonious state - when you lie in your house above the ground, goes warm rain, around the sounds and smells of your beloved forest. And freedom!

Talents that manifest themselves from childhood, youth

Since childhood, I was attracted by:

  • books
  • painting,
  • poetry,
  • a little later - martial arts and spiritual knowledge.

Nothing is devoted to this year.

In one of the past lives, I spent in the Vatican Library of the Decade, studying secret knowledge who kept this church for himself.

I looked at my life of the artist who was famous as a portrait master. And in the current life I draw and Lepila many people invented people.

And of course, in his research, I found the life of the French poet, who began to write very early and strongly camouflage.

Two people viewed are connected with oriental martial arts. In one I was a girl who in childhood killed parents. She studied the skill of combat and seduction to take revenge on the murdes.

In another oriental life, I, an orphan boy, has come to school ninja-mercenaries in early childhood. With the development and use of combat and spy art skills, all that embodiment was connected.

Many of my lives were devoted to spiritual knowledge, and at the level of theory, and practically. I could use these knowledge and transmit them to other people.

Signs at the level of titles, characters

In the current life, in his youth, being in St. Petersburg and strongly extinguishing, I went to warm up in the first cafe. I brought me extraordinarily delicious black tea. And when I asked that this, the waiter showed me tea packing with an English inscription: "Darjeeling".

This name crashed into my heart, and then I was looking for this tea for years.

It turned out in one of the past lives mountain Dardzhiling There was a place of tea business of my family, the place of my birth and the death of the parents. And then it was here that I died myself, crashing on my sports plane.

In addition, Darjeeling is my nickname given by the guys in a private school for regularly remembered the places where my childhood passed.

That's so past lives can pass the news, which until time you cannot understand, but you can't forget too.


In this dream, I feel like a young man 17-18 years old. My mother and I come back to your native country, from where were forced to run when I was very small.

Fled to escape from a person who possess power. And now I will have the news that important person I. died we can return And take place laid for us.

What I know about myself in this dream ... I don't remember my father, I raised my mother - a beautiful and exceptionally intelligent woman, she formed my character, he taught everything that herself herself. I wiser and thinner I did not meet her in my life.

She was me and mom and friend, and teacher, and coach. She also explained to me that my development is spiritual and social - it will be seriously dependent on women I choose in my wife.

And now the day of return, he is the day of a new meeting with the close environment of my childhood. I am waiting for this, remembering my little girlfriends, somehow feeling that one of those girls will be my future wife.

I enter the reception room. First I see a premium and fun creature, light and cheerful - yes, I remember her, this girl. I configure it and immediately i evaluate the potential of our relationship.

She is like me as a sister: your beloved sister and my future best friend, she will be absolutely to trust her. With her, I can be myself: and strong, and weak, she will take me any. She can replace me in my mother in her mother's care.

That is approaching the second girl: she is gorgeous, very bright and beautiful. Well, just a rocky woman. Owned such - the dream of most ordinary men. But because of special education, I am not an ordinary man.

I pepper in the depths of the soul of this beauty - immediately repels excessive ambitiousness and fierce of her desires. And I think: "Yes, she poisoned me or dare in a dream if I stop it to arrange it!".

In the future, this woman encouraged me on risk and conquest, feats and tremendous waste of energy, skillfully manipulating the lower part of my being. And calmly betrayed when I stopped playing her games.

Finally, in the far corner at the window I see a third girl. I remember that in childhood she was the most strange of my girlfriends. "So he, my beads!" - I understand, by some inner ace i define the female entity in itwhich and looking for.

The girl I feel the maximum development potential, changes, interest not only to the material and social sephones, but also to internal, spiritual issues. As a person, she is most like my mother ...

It is this woman that I will solve all my life, I will drink with love, I will jump above my head of yesterday's head.

Such a interesting episode opened to me in a dream. What did he differ from ordinary dreams?
What am I His consciously livedAs a full range of emotions, sensations, knowledge, ideas. I remembered that it was before and what happened next.

During the day, impressions and memories continued to "catch up", and I understood: the heroines of my dream are the three of the closest my friends of the present youth.

As if images of existing girls began to leak, to come across through those memories. Their nature and nuances of our relationship in this life remained almost the same ...

As well as memory brings news through:

  • books and films that "cling";
  • countries and egregors, where it pulls;
  • strange and inexplicable reactions to people and events;
  • fears and phobias;
  • phantom and real sores
  • etc.

About this, in the following articles.

I think everyone had an experience like mine.

It turns out that I and my inner content - peculiar puzzle from pieces of lived lives.

And the task of life of the current: feeling, realizing and using all this versatility, to be ourselves.

Articles by Topic:
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