Do Mormons drink. Why are the Latter-day Saints (Mormons) do not drink tea and coffee? - Why do Mormons contest dead people

Many know that Mormons have "Rules" that they should and what should not be done. Indeed, Mormons complies with the Health Code, called the Word of Wisdom. But instead of thinking about the word wisdom as a simple set of rules or the list of what is allowed and forbidden, Mormons look at the word wisdom as a revelation from God and tips on how to lead healthy image Life.

The Prophet Joseph Smith received the word wisdom in 1833 in the form of revelation from God. Today, the word wisdom is stated in the book of Scriptures called "Teaching and Covenants" (see U. and C. 89, preface to section). Mormons consider both the privilege and responsibility to follow the Word of Wisdom and grateful for the blessings of the health and strength that come when they live on his advice.

Do Mormons drink alcohol, tea and coffee?

In the word of wisdom, the Lord commanded Mormons to refrain from the use of harmful substances. Mormons teach not to drink any alcoholic beverages (see U. and C. 89: 5-7). They are also taught not to drink "hot drinks", that is, coffee and any tea, except herbal (see. U. and Z. 89: 9), and not to use tobacco (see U. and Z. 89: 8). More prophets last days It is learned that Mormons should refrain from the use of forbidden drugs and abuse of prescription drugs (see "In the name of the moral forces of youth" [brochure, 2011], p. 26).

What mormons can eat and drink?

In addition to what should not be used, the word wisdom gives wise advice on what is useful for our body. In the word of wisdom, the Lord claims that fruits and vegetables should be used "prudently and with thanksgiving" (U. and Z. 89:11). He also instructs Mormons that the meat "intended [enamant] for human use", and it should be eaten "moderately", (U. and Z. 89:12), and grain, such as wheat, "useful as a person" ( U. and Z. 89:16). Mormons also believe that in addition to concern about our bodies through healthy food, we must take care of themselves, doing physical exercises and taking enough time to sleep. (see U. and C. 88: 124; see also in the name of the moral strength of youth, p. 25

The sicks who fulfill the word wisdom and keep the commandments, the Lord promises "health in his body and the brain in his bones", "wisdom and great treasures of knowledge" and the ability to "run, and not to get [in] ... walk, and not to weaken [ Let] "(U. and Z. 89: 18-20). Mormons believe that the observance of the words of wisdom is not too big price for these wonderful blessings.

How can I learn more?

The word wisdom is not just a set of rules or a list of substances that mormons are forbidden to eat and drink. Mormons believe that the word of wisdom is a gift. This is a sacred revelation from Heavenly Father, who wants his children to be healthy and happy. To learn more about the modern revelation from God, go to the site

Are you a fan of pop culture? Then you undoubtedly heard jokes and funny stories about Mormons and their unique lifestyle (there is even a popular Broadway musical on this topic). Starting with the fact that Mormons do not drink coffee and ending with a visit to three-hour worship every Sunday, the Mormon lifestyle is more unusual than it seems from the side.

However, most Mormons like to live as they live. Some aspects of their lifestyle in one people are harder than others, but Mormons believe that this lifestyle makes them happier now, and he will bring big blessings later.

To help you understand why Mormons live as they live, we chose three examples of what Mormons are paying primary attention in life, and, more importantly, why.

Word of wisdom

Among the most obvious aspects of the Mormon lifestyle are a strict law of health. Mormons do not drink coffee, tea or alcohol, and they refrain from tobacco use in any form. This health law in Mormon culture is based on the scriptures and is usually called the word wisdom.

"That if any person among you drink wine or strong drinks, it's not good ... And yet: tobacco neither for the body, nor for the abdomen, and it is not useful for a person ... and more: hot drinks for no body, no belly "(Teaching and Covenants 89: 5, 8-9).

In addition to these words, the word wisdom encourages moderation in power mode along with the use of a large number of fruits, vegetables and cereals. Mormons comply with the word wisdom as a commandment of God, which promises the blessing of good health.


Mormons attach great importance to their families, they spend time together and strengthen their relationships. This article explains the importance of the family, and the next quotation generalizes it well:

"In the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Creator, defining the eternal fate of his children, the family allocated the central place" ("Family: appealing to the world"). This appeal was made up by Mormon prophets and it refers to the importance of families and responsibilities of family members.

Mormons believe that the commandment that God gave Adam and Eve, still acts: "Move and breed, and fill the earth" (Genesis 1:28). In some Mormon families, many children, but not everyone, because it is a personal choice of each.

In Mormon culture there is a unique tradition - a family home evening. This is part of the Mormon Lifestyle: Families allocate Monday evening to spend time, having entertained by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and strengthening their relationship.

Church community

Mormons often talk about other members of the Church as their family. (In fact, Mormons tend to call each other "Brother" or "Sister" in the church environment.) Mormon community is organized in the group of parishioners in geographical basis, called parishes. The "parish family" works together to teach each other the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to be involved in the execution of administrative and leading functions on the ground and serve people (regardless of whether they are members of the Mormon Church or not).

Church of Jesus Christ of the Last Days (the official name of the Mormon Church) is a worldwide organization. There are parishes around the world, and they all act equally. Each arrival has the same model of manual and organization for women, men, youth and children. In fact, at any sunday you may find that the same things are discussed on different languages, in different large or small cities.

This awareness is a favorite aspect of the Mormon lifestyle for many members of the Church. No matter where they travel, what places are visited or where they move, the local Mormon parish is a pleasant and familiar place. Mormons try to live according to what the sign proclaims on each meeting house: "Visitors, welcome."

Although the differences in the lifestyle can separate them from around the world, the way of life of Mormon is aimed at bringing happiness. And millions of SPD members will gladly agree with this.

This article was written in English and published on Translation of Tamara Martynenko.

IN everyday life Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormons, are not much different from their friends, neighbors and colleagues. Is that a complete refusal to drink alcohol, coffee and black tea in society, where such traditions are considered not only natural, but also necessary for a full-fledged life, often causes misunderstanding.

What encourages these strange people to separate from the collective, filling their glasses with juice instead of champagne, and sipping out of the cup chamomile tea instead of coffee? Mormons sincerely believe in the fact that our physical body is not just our temporary abode. On this occasion, the apostle Paul, referring to the Corinthians, said quite definitely: "Don't you know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God lives in you? If someone breaks the temple of God, God shines, because the temple of God is holy, and this temple is you. "

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the state of our physical body and our spirit is very interrelated. Requires a lot of willpower in order to feel the vigor of the spirit when the body is weakened by the disease, or suffers from something else. However, as well as on the contrary: the sadness and suffering of the spirit with great probability will lead to body disease. And the fact that Jesus Christ, during his earthly ministry, a lot of time and strength gave up to save people from their physical dismissions, speaks about many things.

For followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of the last days, there is no doubt that the loving Heavenly Father, taking care of the well-being of his children, opens his will on all relevant issues of life on Earth. And, of course, the problem of compliance with our bodies in holiness could not be left to them. Through the revelation of this prophet, God gave people the doctrine of health, known as the word of wisdom, from which you can find out what we must and what should not do to keep our bodies healthy. The meaning of this law is to eat useful products and refrain from what harms our bodies and is addictive, in particular, it is recommended to abandon alcohol, tobacco and hot drinks, under which black tea and coffee are meant.

I, as I think, and many other Mormons, more than once had to catch foul or mocking views of people who consider themselves free to eat and drink that he would rise, and I was deprived of the joys of life a slave of incomprehensible rules. However, it turns out that they are not free. Non-free moral - from prejudice and ridiculous traditions; Increased physically - constant consumption of harmful substances, having made dependent on them. "As a result, evil intentions are now and will be in the hearts of conspirators in the last days, I warned you and warning you, giving you this word wisdom as a revelation ..." - to this warning given to God through the Prophet, it is worth listening to this. And when we see another beautiful advertisement, promoting coffee, as a source of bliss, is it worth thinking if the manufacturers of this drink really care about our happiness, or the purpose of this company makes dependent on caffeine as much as possible gullible citizens and earn money on their weakness? In this world, it is very easy to be a victim of someone's unscrupulousness. And it is very difficult to understand where the truth is really being. Even doctors do not always have an unequivocal opinion on what is useful, and what is harmful to our health. Yes, even doctors may doubt and mistaken. But not God. Listening to him, we will never be deceived.

Unfortunately, we often tend to find justifying our weaknesses, sometimes even looking for convincing scientific justification, or just claiming that "at all times people drank and were healthy." Brigham Young, the second Prophet of the Mormon Church, spoke about this: "They may argue that some people who use alcoholic beverages and tobacco, healthy, but I insist: they would be even healthier if they didn't use it, and then they had It would be the right to blessings promised to those who follow the Council given in the Word of Wisdom. "

Of course, not always and not for all follow the word of wisdom is light, because the main scope of its application is our desires and appetites. Perhaps this role is to teach us to control their desires and passions - no less important than maintaining physical health. After all, a person who lives only to meet whims and passion, can not show his top Qualities. Many of those who first get acquainted with this teaching, in addition to the purely physical problems of eliminating the familiar substances, are faced with the problem of misunderstanding and even rejoices by other people. The most difficult of all youth is, for which the role of the "White Crow" is especially painful, and tempting to break the word wisdom in order not to lose popularity in the eyes of others, especially strong. But, after time, it turns out that loyalty to his beliefs much more attracts people than attempting for the majority.

There are people who agree that alcoholism, or smoking, is harmful, but it is believed that if it is moderate, then nothing terrible will happen. Someone wisely noticed that a person claiming that in his life you need to try everything, in practice only the worst tries. It is impossible to combine incompatible. It is impossible to simultaneously have a strong family and preach free love; It is impossible to combine freedom from dependencies and acquaintance with the narcotic kayf; It is impossible to maintain the purity of the body, taking into it unclean and harmful substances. In order to enjoy the freedom of will, it is not necessary to give away the temptations from time to time and make an incorrect choice. "Everything is permitted to me, but not everything is useful; Everything is allowed to me, but nothing should have me, "said the Apostle Paul. It is important to be able to distinguish good from evil, and not at all try both of the other.

Word of wisdom, recorded in the 89 section of the book of modern revelations "Teaching and Covenants", is the main source of knowledge about the law of health. There is no official interpretation of this word of wisdom, besides the fact that it was given by the heads of the church in the very first days, when it was said that under the "hot drinks" mean black tea and coffee, there was no. Perhaps this fact, it is from time to time disputes about the permissibility of the use of mormons of certain products. One of such acute moments, for example, is a popular "Coca-Cola" in the world and other similar drinks. The church never occupied a certain position about this, providing parishioners to use their gift to choose, convincing only to do it with prudence. However, Mormon leaders constantly urge to abandon any drinks containing harmful, addictive drugs and substances. Here I would like to note that the word of wisdom was given "as a principle with a promise, adapted to the possibility of weak and weakened from all saints, which are or may be called saints." Perhaps this is one of the reasons that it contains not so much direct limitations - the actual ban, as already mentioned, is imposed only on alcohol, tobacco, black tea and coffee - and everyone has the ability to independently determine how we are weak, Or strong, and what he is willing himself to limit, and also to show his wisdom in choosing between what is worth eating, and from what it is better to refuse.

But, making your choice, it is worth remembering that health is far from the only consequence of loyalty to the word wisdom and most likely not even the most important thing.

"And all the saints, who remember that it should be observed and fulfilling these sayings, in obedience to the commandments will receive health in the body and the brain in their bones;

And they will find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, and even hidden treasures;

And they will run, and do not get tired, and will walk, and do not weaken.

And I, Lord, I give them a promise that an angel-destroyed by them, like children of Israel, and will not hit them. "

Yes, any of these promises is worth a little restricted! What do you think?

This article is written by Anna: My life is a mix: from accounting, bringing income to food; journalism, where I can realize my creative ambitions; Family, which gives you the opportunity to love, and feel your beloved, and the Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints of the Last, allowing me to get closer to God, and this, in turn, fills my life with light, peace and confidence in tomorrow, independent of external circumstances.

Often, when you meet the Church of Jesus Christ of the Last Days of interest to ask the question of interest: why are the Latter-day Saints (Mormons) do not drink tea and coffee? Church of Jesus Christ of the Last Days - Living Church. She was restored as it existed in ancient times, and today it also leads Christ through the prophets who receive revelations for the whole church.

One of these revelations is the word of wisdom, which was given to the prophet Joseph Smith in 1833, at the dawn of recovery. The word wisdom is the law of health. God promises that those who observe this law "will get health in the body and the brain in their bones, ... will run, and do not get tired, and will walk, and do not weaken. And I, Lord, give them a promise that an angel destroyer will pass by them, like children of Israel, and will not hit them. " UZ 89: 20-21

Thanks to this law, we find the answer to the question why the Saints of the last days do not drink tea and coffee, and we learn in general, what is useful, and what is not for the human body. Eating wine I. stiff drinks "It's not good and obscene in the face of your father" and "strong drinks are not for the abdomen, but for the ablution of your body." Tobacco "is not useful for a person", and hot drinks, such as tea and coffee, "no body, nor for abdomen." Nevertheless, "Herbs God intended for the body, nature and human benefits ... they all should be used prudently and with thanksgiving." And such products like meat should be "used moderately". God said: "And I will be pleased, if it is not used, except only in winter or during a cold or hunger." Therefore, members of the Church of Jesus Christ do not drink tea, coffee and follow other restrictions that help keep the body healthy.

In the time of Joseph Smith, when this revelation was received, there was no evidence confirming the harm of tea, coffee, tobacco and spirits, and the members of the church adopted this revelation on faith. And only many years later, modern scientists were able to conclude that black tea and coffee contain substances, in particular caffeine and theophylline, which actively act on the central nervous system, adversely affect the work of the cardiovascular system, cause dependence and have a harmful effect on the body in Overall.

However, members of the church can replace black tea or coffee with useful herbal fees, such as mint, chamomile, chamber and others. The harm of alcohol or tobacco is more obvious, and we all know not the obstacle about the destructive consequences of these strong substances that cause dependence and destroy the human body.

In addition to revelations, the data of God Joseph Smith, there are revelations of the last days, which were obtained by modern prophets, where it is indicated that members of the church should also avoid "receiving any drinks, medical preparations, chemicals or other hazardous substances that are used to achieve the state of the "kayfa" or another artificial effect that can harm your body or mind. We are talking About marijuana, potent drugs issued by recipe or sold without prescription drugs and household chemicals. " (See "In the name of the moral strength of youth" / Physician and mental health /).

In addition to the list of harmful substances, the word wisdom also contains a number useful products For human body. In particular, in the 89 section of the exercises and covenants, it suggests that fruits, vegetables, grain, such as wheat, "useful as a man's food" (UZ 89:16).

Also, in addition to a healthy diet, an important meaning of the church members disseminate other aspects of a healthy lifestyle, such as exercise and healthy sleep. Church members relate to the law of health not as the list of rules in which it is listed, which is permitted or prohibited, they know that by following the advice on how to conduct a healthy lifestyle, they will be able to gain blessings not only physical, but also spiritual: " And all the saints who remember that it should be observed and fulfilling these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, will receive health in the body and the brain in their bones; And they will find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, and even hidden treasures. "

In 1 Message to Corinthians 3: 16-17 Apostle Paul taught: "Do not you know that you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God lives in you? If anyone breaks the temple of God, God shines: For the temple of God is holy; And this temple is you.

Since our bodies are the temple of God, we should take care of our temple properly and be grateful for modern revelations that help us in this.

No coffee and cross: Mormon Life Rules

Photo: Archive of Publication Heroes

One day, the buddy showed a booklet that was given by the passers-by foreigners. It briefly described about the plan of happiness, the Book of Mormons and the Church of Jesus Christ of the Line Days.

Friendly guys in white shirts, black pants and ties invited to visit free English courses with native speakers. And at the same time visited the meeting of missionaries. The buddy did not go, and I, on the contrary, decided to find out what the Kuzbass Mormons live, whom some are considered to be sectarians, the second - innocuous preachers, and the third and at all - US counterintelligence.

To get to the meeting was easy: by the number specified in the booklet, a certain Davis answered - and immediately invited to the meeting. There is no His Temple in Kemerovo in Kemerov - only a rented room from several rooms on the first floor of a residential building. The entrance door is a sign with the full name of the church. Login can only be called.

Two people met me at once - smiling girls, two of whom they speak English and a little on Loman Russian. It seemed that you came to visit old friends who are very happy to see you. Inside everything is simple, without frills. As if he fell into a small audience for holding business trainings.

Russian Mormons

Meet. The first interlocutor is a Russian girl Nadia. She is 20. A year ago, I learned about Mormons through a friend who accidentally met their elders on the street. Nadia first went to classes on english languageThen he began to attend the lessons of religion. And after four months, he was baptized and became Mormon too.

- What did this faith attracted you?

- How do parents treat what are you here?

- I said that I go here, but the fact that the baptist is not yet. They will not approve it.

Next to Nadia sits a very young couple in love: 17-year-old Nikita and 15-year-old Julia.

"My whole family goes into this church. Nikita is now too with us - if he wants to know me, he should meet with this part of my life "- explains the girl.

With foreign sisters, Ash and Tobl failed to talk from Utah - I learned only that one 19, another 20 years. All the guys urgently called somewhere. It turned out that they were not yet allowed to communicate with journalists: by virtue of their inexperience and ignorance of the Russian language, they still cannot fully tell about everything related to Mormons.

As a result, we are talking about the rules of the life of Mormons with the Director of Public Relations of the Novosibirsk Mission Roman Klevakin. He answered all the questions.

Without tea and coffee

In Siberia, the Mormon Church is represented in eight cities: Omsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Novokuznetsk and Kemerovo. In Kuzbass, services are underway for a little more than five years. Apartments are small: 20-25 people. Mostly youth. Due to the modest number of people of their homes, Mormons have no assemblies, but they are gathering in leased rooms for worship.

- Roman, about the church of Mormon information a bit, so very often called the sect ...

- In society, the sect often understands a certain marginal small group of people who confes some original teaching. Or so called the religious flow, which will be distinguished from the dominant church. None nor another can be attributed. Our church is represented in 165 countries of the world. These are more than 15 million believers of different ages and nationalities. And if you look into our story, you will see that Mormons never came across anyone.

Ryan Tulson - one of the leaders of the basketball "Zenit", Mormon

- How do you think why there are so many stereotypes?

- All of them from ignorance. And native of the 90s. The Mormon Church in Russia has about 120 years. Even before the revolution of 1917, she led its activities in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But after the revolution, all religious flows were banned, and the Mormon Church ceased its activities in the country. So until the 90s continued until the law on freedom of religion. The church was once officially registered in Russia. Rumors spread differently: that Mormons people lure, recruit and even zombies. In fact, the opposite is true: it is much more difficult to get to us than to go out.

- That is, not everyone can become Mormon?

- In order to visit our church, be baptized, you need to bring your life in order. For example, comply with the law chastity in marriage. We recognize only registered official marriages. Being B. civil marriageAs they are called in the people, you can not get to the church. The same applies to polygamy - in church history for us this is a long-tired page. Also need to abandon smoking, alcohol consumption. And you can't drink tea and coffee.

- What are you driving then?

"When I my wife and 16 years ago entered this church to this church, they discovered even more drinks for themselves than they drank before: cocoa, chicory, a lot of herbal chains. And also began to drink more ordinary clean water.

- that is, refuse all this is sufficientoh, to become Mormon?

- You need to pass baptism rite. Children we are baptized only with eight years: they are responsible for this age, and they themselves decide on their faith. Baptism is going on in the assembly in the house, but if there is no, then we hold rites in any reservoir or even in the pool. A person goes into a special white clothes and sinks into the water. After him gives a testimony. But to get out of the church, you just need to write a statement. We have the main value - this is freedom of choice: any coercion and other forms of impact on the consciousness of a person are from the evil, in the literal sense of the word.

We have every - holy

- Catholics in the temples are only four-degree crosses, and the Orthodox has six-pointed, and eight-pointed crosses. You do not have them at all. Why?

- The cross is the symbol of the crucifixion of Christ. For us, this event is as important as for any other Christian. And yet for Mormons, the main thing is that Jesus is resurrected. Those who are familiar with our tradition may noted that we do not put candles, we have no icons, we do not read any individuals. Prayers pronunciation simple wordsBut according to the sample, who gave Christ in the famous prayer "Our Father". In many ways, we are similar to the rest of Christians: our church opposes gambling and lotteries, euthanasia and abortion, same-sex marriages and polygamy.

- Does Mormons have a rite of wedding and funeral?

- Yes. Wedding is called "sealing" to eternity. Mormons believe that after death, a person continues to live in eternity and his lasts happy marriage. But we have no funeral rite: only the prayer of the consecration of the grave is pronounced. It does not put a cross - only a tombstone monument.

- Why do Mormons cross dead people?

- Jesus Christ taught that baptism is necessary for salvation of all who ever lived on Earth. But many died, not having the opportunity to be baptized. Therefore, relatives are performed for them to replace baptism.

- What are your requirements for clothes parishioners?

- We do not force anyone to dress in some ways in a certain way, but if you go to church service, you need to look decent: as much as your position allows. There are recommendations: Women do not wear short skirts and sweepers with a deep neckline, and men to wear white shirts, ties and strict pants during meetings. Someone to these recommendations listens, and someone is not.

Canadian Mormons during the cultural program in the temple in Montreal

Not missionaries, but volunteers

- Roman, where Mormons come to Russia most often come from, and what is their main goal?

- Missionaries are called up from all countries of the world. In Russia, we serve mostly guys from the USA: the states of Idaho, Utah and California. They introduce people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, lead social ministry. For example, they help here to other mormons with the move, repair, harvest, cleaning the house, along with other members of the church take part in charitable promotions. All of them are very tied to people and the country in which they serve. Returning home, they become, you can say, the ambassadors of the world, because they are impregnated with our culture and love for our people. They are all their ministry for free, for them it is not a job.

- What do they live on then?

- They pay their mission on their own. Many of them work in their country to make money on a mission, parents or local communities can help.

- What age are these missionaries, and how long will their missionary activity last?

- Usually they go to us immediately after graduation - from 18 years old - or after graduating from college. And it happens that some come to the university are leaving for a mission, and after returning continue training. Girls serve a year and a half, and guys - two years. By the way, our Russian Mormons also leave to serve - both to other countries and in Russia.

- What has changed in the activities of Mormons after the adoption of the Yarovaya package?

- He introduced clearer regulation of the religious sphere. And in general, we accept it positively. At the same time, what our missionaries do, did not quite fit in new lawSince the missionary activity is not professional for them, because they do not receive money for their ministry. In essence, this is a voluntary service to society, that is, volunteering. And so now in our country we call them volunteers.

- Roman, and what personally for you means to be Mormon? What values \u200b\u200bappear?

"I did otherwise I began to look at my family: I began to appreciate the spouse more. There is also a difference - just live with a person or find a satellite to be eternity with him. I want to keep this relationship with fresh and beautiful. I try to spend more interesting time with our five children. I must decent them to raise and give them your care. And I also gained calm, confidence, goodwill to people. Now I feel responsible for my actions. My whole family leads a healthy lifestyle: we do not smoke, do not drink, and I am calm in this sense for my teenage children. The most important thing for me is my life is filled with meaning. Not all relatives and friends share my faith, but relate to understanding, we continue to communicate - as before.

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