The body is occupied in the middle group. Summary of a lesson in drawing a person in the middle group “Cosmonaut. How to keep a strong and healthy body for a long time

Abstract of GCD for speech development.

Age group - different age (junior)

GCD theme: "Me and my body"

Activities: speech, communication, perception of fiction, cognitive research, music.

Forms of organizing children's activities: game situation.

Purpose: the formation of ideas about the parts of the body.

A) educational - enter into active dictionary children names nouns: forehead, neck, eyebrows, eyelashes, shoulders, elbows, knees, chin, etc.; activate verbal vocabulary: watch, listen, eat, breathe, walk, run, hold, wear, etc .; use nouns in the genitive case in speech; encourage children to read a familiar poem; fix the name of body parts.

B) developing - to develop the main types motor skills: general and minor, the ability to correlate their movements with the words of the song; develop visual and auditory attention and memory, thinking, phonemic hearing.

C) educational - arouse interest in further knowledge of oneself.

Preliminary work:

Examining the poster "My body» ... Showing and naming parts of the body and face on yourself and on the doll in everyday communication during games and regime moments. Examining body parts and animal toys. Discussion with children for what certain parts of the body are needed. Reading a poem by A. Barto "Bear" and illustration showing. Learning this poem with children.

Materials and equipment:

Soft toy "Bear", Pictures "What is the bear missing?".

Literature: O. A. Novikovskaya "Synopsis of complex classes with children 3-4 years old "

V. V. Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the second junior group of kindergarten"

V. I. Kovalko

I. E. Averina

Activity stages

1 motivation

Gymnastics One, two, three, four, five - we will study the body.

(The teacher reads the rhyme with the children and shows the body parts listed in it.)

One, two, three, four, five -

We will study the body. (Walk in place.)

Here is the back, and here is the tummy (Show your back with both hands, then your belly.)

Legs, (Stomp your feet.)

Handles, (Stretch your arms forward and rotate with your hands.)

Eyes, (Show the eyes with the index fingers of both hands.)

Mouth, (Show your mouth with the index finger of your right hand.)

Nose, (With the index finger of your right hand, point to the nose.)

Ears, (With the index fingers of both hands point to the ears.)

Head ... (Put your hands on your head.)

I barely managed to show it. (Shake your head from side to side.)

The neck twists the head - (Clasp your neck with your palms.)

Oh, I'm tired! Oh - oh - oh - oh!

Educator: Although I listed it for a long time, I still did not name all the parts of the body.

Show more:

Forehead (With the fingers of both hands, stroke the forehead from the middle to the temples.)

And eyebrows. (With index fingers, run along the eyebrows from the middle to

Here are the eyelashes (Show eyelashes with index fingers)

They fluttered like birds. (Blink your eyes.)

Pink cheeks (Stroke your cheeks with your palms from nose to temples and finish)

The chin is bumpy. (Movement on the chin.)

Hair is thick, (With the fingers of both hands, like a comb,

Like meadow grasses. (Brush hair.)

Now I'll take a look lower

I will name what I will see:

Shoulders, (Touch with the right hand to the right shoulder, and with the left to

Elbows (Without removing your hands from your shoulders, put your elbows forward.)

And your knees (Bend down slightly and pat your knees.)

I, Eve, Paulie ... (Straighten up and spread your arms to the sides, gesturing towards the children.)

A knock on the door. A bear comes to visit (soft toy)... Greets children.

Educator: Teddy bear liked the poem about body parts very much and he also wanted to show what body parts he has.

But he asks you guys to help him, to answer questions. What are different parts of the body for? What to do? Will you help Mishka?

3. Collaboration

1.Mishka's questions.

bear: Guys, what are eyes for?

Children: To watch.

bear: And what are the ears for?

Children: To listen.

bear: What is a nose for?

Children: To breathe, sniff.

bear: And what is the mouth for?

Children: To eat, to speak.

bear: What are hands for?

Children: To hold, carry, do various jobs, play, paint ...

bear: And what are the legs for?

Children: To walk, run, jump, stomp ...

bear: Guys, we have a lot of similar body parts. But I have something that people don't have. Try to guess what it is.

I have it small, while others have it big, fluffy and elegant. What is this? Children: Tail. Bear: And also, guys, people have nails on their fingers, and animals have claws.

2. Be attentive.

Educator: And, really, Mishenka, paws, tail, and claws are only in animals. Now we will check if the guys remember this well. Guys, I will name the parts of the body, and you listen carefully and answer who has them - Mishka or you.

(Educator, children, movement, is performed by the educator and children).

Who has nails? I have. ( .) Who has claws? At the bear. (Show to Bear.) Who has paws? At the bear. (Show to Bear.) Who has legs? I have. (Stomp your feet.) Who has a tail? At the bear. (Show to Bear.) Who has hands? I have. ( Stretch your hands forward.)

Physical education: And now, Mishka, we would like to play with you.

"Clubfoot bear"(movement to music)

Educator: Once a misfortune happened to Mishka - a trampler. Do you know what the trouble is?

Dropped the bear on the floor

Tore off the bear's paw

I won't leave him anyway-

Because he's good.

Educator: Do you feel sorry for Mishka? How can we help him?

You and I will not leave Mishka in trouble, we will cure Mishka - the trample - we will sew him a paw.

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables. On the tables there are pictures with the image of a Teddy Bear - a trample on which any part of the body is missing.

Educator: Name, what part of the body the bear does not have?

Children: Bear has no paw (ear, nose, torso).

Educator: - And now we will take the necessary body parts and treat the cubs.

Children overlay these parts on their pictures.

Educator: What did you sew (but) to your Bear?

Children's answers.

Educator: Teddy bear was very sad, and now, when the guys cured him, he became cheerful again.

This is what Mishka has become because he has reliable friends - guys who are always ready to come to his aid.

And you, Mishka, stay, stay still with us.

bear: Thank you, I'll stay with pleasure.

5. Reflection

Educator: Today we talked about parts of the body of humans and animals.

What are they needed for?

What else did we do with you? (Treated Mishka).

What did you enjoy doing the most?

Mishka and I liked the way you answered. All the guys are great.



Abstract of GCD for speech development.

Age group - different age (junior)

GCD theme: "Me and my body"

Activities: speech, communication, perception of fiction, cognitive research, music.

Forms of organizing children's activities: game situation.

Purpose: the formation of ideas about the parts of the body.


A) educational - enter names into the active dictionary of childrennouns: forehead, neck, eyebrows, eyelashes, shoulders, elbows, knees, chin, etc.; activate verbal vocabulary : watch, listen, eat, breathe, walk, run, hold, wear, etc .; use nouns in the genitive case in speech; encourage children to read a familiar poem; s Strengthen the name of the body parts.

B) developing - to develop the main types motor skills: general and fine, the ability to correlate your movements with the words of the song; develop visual and auditory attention and memory, thinking, phonemic hearing.

C) educational - arouse interest in further knowledge of oneself.

Preliminary work:

Examining the poster"My body " ... Showing and naming parts of the body and face on yourself and on the doll in everyday communication during games and regime moments. Examining body parts and animal toys. Discussion with children for what certain parts of the body are needed. Reading a poem by A. Barto"Bear" and showing an illustration. Learning this poem with children.

Materials and equipment:

Soft toy "Teddy bear", pictures "What is the bear missing?".

Literature: O. A. Novikovskaya"Synopsis of complexclasses with children 3-4 years old "

V. V. Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the second junior group of kindergarten"

V. I. Kovalko "ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers"

I. E. Averina "Physical education minutes and dynamic pauses in the preschool educational institution"

Activity stages

1 motivation

Gymnastics One, two, three, four, five -we will study the body.

(The teacher reads the rhyme with the children and shows the body parts listed in it.)

One, two, three, four, five -

We will study the body. (Walk in place.)

Here is the back, and here is the tummy (Show your back with both hands, then your belly.)

Legs, (Stomp your feet.)

Handles, (Stretch your arms forward and rotate with your hands.)

Eyes, (Show the eyes with the index fingers of both hands.)

Mouth, (Show your mouth with the index finger of your right hand.)

Nose, (With the index finger of your right hand, point to the nose.)

Ears, (With the index fingers of both hands point to the ears.)

Head ... (Put your hands on your head.)

I barely managed to show it. (Shake your head from side to side.)

The neck turns its head - (Clasp your neck with your palms.)

Oh, I'm tired! Oh - oh - oh-oh!

Educator : Although I listed for a long time, I still did not name all the parts of the body.

Show more:

Forehead (With the fingers of both hands, stroke the forehead from the middle to the temples.)

And eyebrows. (With index fingers, run along the eyebrows from the middle to


Here are the eyelashes (Show eyelashes with index fingers)

They fluttered like birds. (Blink your eyes.)

Pink cheeks (Stroke your cheeks with your palms from nose to temples and finish)

The chin is bumpy. (Movement on the chin.)

Hair is thick, (With the fingers of both hands, like a comb,

Like meadow grasses. (Brush hair.)

Now I'll take a look lower

I will name what I will see:

Shoulders, (Touch with the right hand to the right shoulder, and with the left to


Elbows (Without removing your hands from your shoulders, put your elbows forward.)

And your knees (Bend down slightly and pat your knees.)

I, Eve, Paulie ... (Straighten up and spread your arms to the sides, gesturing towards the children.)

A knock on the door. A bear comes to visit(soft toy) ... Greets children.

2. Setting goals (solving a problem situation)

Educator: Teddy bear liked the poem about body parts very much and he also wanted to show what body parts he has.

But he asks you guys to help him, to answer questions. What are different parts of the body for? What to do? Will you help Mishka?

3. Collaboration

1.Mishka's questions.

bear : Guys, what are eyes for?

Children : To watch.

Mishka: And what are the ears for?

Children: To listen.

Bear: What is a nose for?

Children : To breathe, sniff.

Bear: And what is the mouth for?

Children: To eat, to speak.

bear : What are hands for?

Children: To hold, carry, do various jobs, play, paint ...

bear : And what are the legs for?

Children : To walk, run, jump, stomp ...

Bear: Guys, we have a lot of similar body parts. But I have something that people don't have. Try to guess what it is.

I have it small, while others have it big, fluffy and elegant. What is this? Children: Tail. Bear: And also, guys, people have nails on their fingers, and animals have claws.

2. Be attentive.

Educator: And, really, Mishenka, paws, tail, and claws are only in animals. Now we will check if the guys remember this well. Guys, I will name the parts of the body, and you listen carefully and answer who has them - Mishka or you.

(Educator, children, movement, is performed by the educator and children).

Who has nails? I have. (Show nails by stretching the arms forward with the back side up.) Who has claws? At the bear.(Show to Bear.)Who has paws? At the bear.(Show to Bear.)Who has legs? I have.(Stomp your feet.)Who has a tail? At the bear.(Show to Bear.)Who has hands? I have. (Stretch your hands forward.)

Physical education: And now, Mishka, we would like to play with you.

"Clubfoot bear"(movement to music)

4. Independent activity of children to test ways of activity

Educator: Once a misfortune happened to Mishka - a trampler. Do you know what the trouble is?

Dropped the bear on the floor

Tore off the bear's paw

I won't leave him anyway-

Because he's good.

Educator : Do you feel sorry for Mishka? How can we help him?

You and I will not leave Mishka in trouble, we will cure Mishka - the trample - we will sew him a paw.

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables. On the tables there are pictures with the image of a Teddy Bear - a trample on which any part of the body is missing.

Educator: Name, what part of the body the bear does not have?

Children: Bear has no paw(ear, nose, torso).

Educator: - And now we will take the necessary body parts and treat the cubs.

Children overlay these parts on their pictures.

Educator: What did you sew to your Mishka?

Children's answers.

Educator: Teddy bear was very sad, and now, when the guys cured him, he became cheerful again.

This is what Mishka has become because he has reliable friends - guys who are always ready to come to his aid.

And you, Mishka, stay, stay still with us.

Bear: Thank you, I'll stay with pleasure.

5. Reflection

Educator: Today we talked about parts of the body of humans and animals.

What are they needed for?

What else did we do with you? (Treated Mishka).

What did you enjoy doing the most?

Mishka and I liked the way you answered. All the guys are great.

Pryadikhina Natalia Yurievna

Form of work: subgroup

15 people participated (subgroups 7 and 8 people).

Purpose: Teach children to draw a person.


Teach children to draw a person with a pencil, passing characteristics appearance astronaut.

To form the ability to hold a pencil correctly, perform the simplest actions with it: draw body parts consisting of circles and ovals of different sizes.

To develop the ability to convey the shape, structure of the depicted object, taking into account the correct proportions of all parts of the body;

To develop fine motor skills of hands, aesthetic taste, diligence, desire to draw.

Bring up: accuracy, perseverance, interest in the result

Preliminary work:

Examination of pictures depicting a person, features of the appearance of an astronaut wearing a spacesuit. Learning movements and words of finger gymnastics, physical education, communicative games. Guessing riddles on the topic: parts of the human body. Reading the stories of E. Permyak "What are hands for?", "About the nose and tongue", S. Marshak "One head is given to us." Conversations about the functions of parts of the human body.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, this week we talked about space and astronauts. What is the name of the First Cosmonaut who flew around the Earth?

Children: Yuri Gagarin.

Educator: Today we will try to draw an astronaut.

Children: We don't know how to draw an astronaut.

Educator: This is not as difficult as it seems. An astronaut is a man in a spacesuit. Guys, let's remember the parts of the human body. To do this, I will ask you riddles.


1. On the face it stands out,

Not in his own business pokes,

But sniff and sniff too

He can gladly. (nose)

2. The day is over, it is quiet.

You lay down, closed them

And she yawned slightly

And quietly fell asleep. (eyes)

3. If it were not for him, I would not say anything. (language)

4. Don't rush anywhere

And don't eat too fast!

Don't stuff it

But, of course, don't yawn! (mouth)

5. With them we can all listen,

Our hearing is excellent!

But it's worthless to eavesdrop

This is not appropriate! (ears)

6. Here is a riddle, dear friend,

Easy - listen:

I take a spoon with it,

I'll eat porridge! (hand)

7. All their life they catch up with each other, but they cannot overtake. (legs)

8. There are two stakes,

On stakes - a barrel,

There is a bump on the barrel,

On a hummock there is a dense forest. (human)

Educator: Well done! All the riddles have been solved. Listen carefully to the poem and show all the parts of the body that it speaks of.

I. Ilyina

These are the eyes to see.

This is a nose to breathe.

These are ears to hear.

These are the legs to run.

These are pens to mom

Hug very tightly.

Educator: Now get up. Let's spend a physical education.

Physical education

We start the warm-up:

We spread our legs wider

Let's spread our arms to the sides

And then bend at the elbows.

Up hand, down hand

It's time for us to sit down

We finish the warm-up:

Straighten your arms, legs!

Educator: Clever girls! We remembered parts of the human body. You can start drawing.

Finger gymnastics.

Four brothers are walking towards the eldest.

Hello, highway, - they say.

Great, Vaska-pointer,


Grishka the orphan

Yes, little Timoshka!

Drawing sequence:

Educator: Guys, where is a person's head?

Children: Up.

Mark the topmost mark on the crown of the head.

1. Draw a circle - a head. We draw a circle for the head larger than usual for a person. Why do you think?

Children: Head with a helmet.

Educator: We mark with two horizontal lines the upper and lower parts of the helmet.

2. Draw the lines of the outline of the helmet on the left and right and facial features.

3. The human body is elongated. Therefore, we draw an oval to the head. There are four small ovals to it: two - at the top where the shoulders are and at the bottom in the places where the hips will be (connecting parts in a spacesuit).

4. Draw elongated ovals of the shoulder and forearm from the shoulder points, mark the elbow at the waist level. Draw a small circle at the bottom of the hand - a palm. We'll get back to the fingers later. Draw the legs from three ovals. The legs are thicker and longer than the arms. Draw an elongated oval from the points of the thigh, from the thigh to the knee, one part, from the knee to the lower leg, the second part, both parts are approximately the same in length. The foot of the foot is a small oval.

5. Now you can deal with the small parts of the spacesuit. Draw headphones on the helmet. On the spacesuit there is a panel with buttons, we will add fingers to the palms. How many are there on each hand?

Children: Five.

Educator: And we will definitely finish painting the oxygen hose. What is it for an astronaut?

Children: Oxygen is supplied through it. Oxygen is in the cylinders behind the astronaut. Without oxygen, the astronaut will die.

Children draw each stage after showing and explaining the teacher. Independent work children. The teacher controls the process and helps those who find it difficult.

Individual analysis of works.

teacher sample

children's work

After class, play together.

Grab your neighbor by the barrel

Spider, spider,

grab your neighbor by the barrel.

Frog, frog

and now for the ear.

Deer, deer,

take it by your knees.

Doggie, doggie,

grab the nose.

Hippopotamus, hippopotamus,

grab your neighbor's belly.

stroke your hair.

Grasshoppers, grasshoppers,

hold him by the shoulders.

Related publications:

Objectives: To teach children to create the image of a Snow Maiden in a long fur coat, observing the proportions between the parts of the figure. Exercise in drawing from several.

Purpose: to complete the drawing "I am an astronaut" Objectives: - to consolidate the skills of drawing with soap bubbles, stamps; - develop the ability to paint.

Purpose: 1. Development of children's cognitive activity, artistic and aesthetic abilities. 2. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge of the Cosmos.

Lesson summary in middle group... Unconventional drawing techniques (with cotton swabs) with elements of plasticine "Flowers for Mom".

purpose: to introduce children to the concept of the word "person".

Course of the lesson

I. Conversation. Construction.

In the hall the song "You are a man" by E. Krylatov sounds in the recording.

A doctor appears in front of the children. He talks about what includes the concept of the word "person".

Doctor. There are many types of inhabitants on the planet - these are plants, animals, people. A common feature of these living organisms is that they all originate in a tiny cell. An adult organism grows out of it. Listen to the riddle. Whoever guesses correctly will go to the table to work with the designer.

So the riddle:

On earth he is smarter than everyone

Because everyone is stronger.

Answer quickly

Who is smarter and most powerful?

Children guess the riddle. Two children, who were the first to guess the riddle, are called to the table in order to make a "human" out of the constructor. There is a competition. Children sitting on the ground observe the actions of their comrades. Whoever designed the model first won.

Doctor. What was the human being constructed of?

Children(answer one at a time). From parts of the constructor. From the details.

Doctor... Right! Every detail resembles a cage. This means that a person consists of cells.

II. Acquaintance with parts of the human body.

Boy(runs out and screams). Here I am!

Educator(names and shows parts of a person's body, demonstrating them on the helper boy). Face, chest, arm, abdomen, thigh, fingers, feet, knee, toes.

How many hands does a person have? (Two.)

Two means a pair.

How many legs? (Two.) So a couple.

Educator... How many fingers are on your hand? Let's count. Children (count). There are five fingers on the hands.

Girl(runs in and screams). I'm here too!

Educator(shows). Head, neck, shoulder, back, elbow, foot.

Boys and a girl walk and demonstrate simple physical exercises: marching in place; hand claps: body bends to the right, left.

This is demonstrated with cheerful marching music.

III. Pinning the topic. Working with the table.

A table with a picture of a child is hung out. The summoned children show what they have learned about the person. The work is carried out on the instructions of the educator.

On the instructions of the educator, children show themselves what they have learned about the person.

IV. The game.

The teacher quickly names the parts of a person's body, but not in order: knee, face, leg, chest, fingers, chest, abdomen, thigh, legs, thigh, toes, neck, foot, head, elbow, shoulder, back.

Children show on themselves. Whoever made a mistake is eliminated from the game.

V. Riddles.


We stand on them and dance,

Well, if we order them,

They run us,

Tell me what their names are? (Legs.)

Children. Legs!


Five brothers

One job. (Fingers.)

Children. These are the fingers!

Educator. Let's count how many fingers are on two hands. Children (count). There are ten of them!

Vi. Summarizing.

Irina Timofeeva
Summary of classes in the middle group on the topic "Parts of the body."

purpose: introduce children to parts of the human body; teach how to form plural nouns; learn to make sentences on visual material; learn to distinguish between right and left hand, leg, etc.; pin the dictionary to the given subject; develop attention.

The course of the lesson.

(Children enter the group is in a circle)

Educator: Guys, let's say hello. (Greet each other, passing a handkerchief) When we greet you, we wish each other good health. Let us wish good health to our guests as well. (Greet guests)

Educator: Oh, guys, we received a letter, let's see what kind of letter it is. (Children watch and listen)

Educator: And here is the package. Let's see what's in it. Here are the rings and balls that Doctor Aibolit spoke about. Let's think about how we can protect our body with these items? What can you do with them?

(Children name different ways of acting with balls and rings.)

Educator: Let's play

There was a big turtle (children roll Su-Jok between their palms)

And bit everyone out of fear

Bite, bite, bite, bite

I'm not afraid of anyone.

Educator: Did you feel a slight tingling sensation on your palms? There are many, many invisible magic points on our palms that help us to be healthy, but they love to sleep very much, so we need to wake them up with a massage. And diseases will bypass us. (Palm massage) How can you use magic rings? (Answers of children)

Educator: That's right, we can put rings on our fingers.

Now let's put the rings on all the fingers in turn, that is, massage them and also wake up the magic points.

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is daddy

This finger is mama

This finger is me

That's my whole family!

This massage should be done every day and only then will our health benefit. Thanks to Doctor Aibolit for a wonderful gift.

Educator: Guys, look at our guest today. But for some reason he is crying. Hello, Bunny. What happened?

Hare: I really wanted to become Doctor Aibolit's assistant, but nothing worked out for me.

Educator Why?

Hare: Because, I do not know what they are called parts of our body... The doctor asked me to put a mustard plaster on the back of one patient, and I put it on my chest, I had to smear my elbow with brilliant green, and I smeared my palms. Therefore, Doctor Aibolit said: "Here's a drawing for you human body, try to learn body parts as you learn then come. " So I came to you guys for help.

Educator: Let's see what kind of drawing you have. Look guys who is drawn? (Answers of children)

That's right, this is a drawing of a boy. We also have such a drawing, only a large one. Bunny, you've come to the right place, our children know body parts and they will teach you

The teacher shows a drawing of a person.

What is the name of the largest part of the human body? (Torso) The teacher shows where the chest, stomach, back are, then makes a guess puzzles:

1. At the animal - on the top of its head,

And with us - below the eyes. (Ears).

What are ears for? Let's check why we need ears. Close your ears tightly with your palms, press your palms to your ears. (say a few words)... Open your ears. What did I just do? (answer: we said we saw on the lips)... What did I say? (did not hear)

Brother and brother live across the path,

But they don't see each other.


What are eyes for?

Nearby are two wells, and between them there is one partition.


What is a nose for? Let's check why you need a nose. Pinch your nose with one hand and your lips with the other. Why do you need a nose? (answer: to breathe) And a person also has a forehead, cheeks, eyebrows, eyelashes, nostrils, lips, chin. (Children show the named parts of the face) .

2. Didactic game "One - many".

Ear - ears, neck-, eyes-, hair, head, face-, nose-, mouth- ...

3. Physical education. Shake our head

4. Didactic game "Pick up the words".

The teacher alternately asks the children questions:

What eyes do you have? (My eyes are beautiful, gray, large, etc.)

What is your hair? (My hair is thick, long, shiny, etc.)

What are your nose, mouth, ears? (Similar work is in progress).

Educator: And now guys, let's go to the table and do one more task. (Fold the portrait. Parts of a person's face... Application)

Educator: Bunny, look at our wonderful portraits.

guys, we are so great today, we helped the Bunny. Let's remember that we are did: told about parts of the human body what to do to be healthy. Hare: Now I know everything and can go to help Doctor Aibolit.

Thank you guys for teaching me everything. And I want to treat you with vitamins. (Gives the teacher a jar of vitamins).

Educator: Guys, let's say goodbye to the bunny and the guests.

Related publications:

Body parts. Game-lesson. First junior group Human. Body parts. What would we become big About ourselves we need to know - How much do we have? Hands and eyes and toes. What we can.

Another topic necessary for conducting conversations with preschoolers: Topic: "Parts of the body" What a preschooler should know about parts of the body: Words ,.

Calendar plan of upbringing and educational work in the senior group. Topic of the week: “Man. Body parts. I will grow up healthy " Subject: Human. Body parts. I will grow up healthy. Purpose. 1. Expanding understanding of health and important components healthy way life.

Abstract of speech therapy lesson “Guest from another planet. Parts of the body and face " Topic: "Guest from another planet" Equipment: interactive whiteboard, didactic games made in Microsoft PowerPoint, set.

Synopsis of directly educational activities (cognitive development) in the middle group “Man. Body parts" Program content: To acquaint children with body parts, name them and show them on themselves. Expand ideas about the surrounding reality.

Zumzum Ibragimov
Summary of classes in the middle group "Human body"





Middle group


Formation of children's ideas about the external features of the structure of the body human;

Introduce the capabilities of the body human(I can run, jump, etc.);

Develop the ability to consider yourself, each other;

Develop the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions;

Material used:

Illustrations depicting different people,

Doll - "Arina".

Pictures with picture human and body parts;

Poster with picture human body.

The course of the lesson.

Children look at illustrations depicting different people (children and adults, of different ages).

The teacher brings the doll, draws attention to it children: guys, look who came to us, this is Arina doll.

Educator: Guys, Arina is the smartest doll in the world, she wants to know everything and she is interested in everything, and now Arina wants you to help her learn more about body parts human... Let's go with her let's say hello: hello, Arina.

Arina: - Hello guys, where are you looking, what kind of pictures do you have here, who is depicted on them? (children's answers)... Oh really, people are drawn here, they are all so different.

Educator - Arina, you are speaking correctly - here are drawn different people, but if you look more closely, you will see that they are similar to each other.

Arina - no, they are not like, look my mother is so big, and the child in her arms is very small.

The educator - guys, do you think these people have what they all look like? Let's look at the people in the pictures and call what they have the same, how they are similar.

The game "How are they similar?" images: girl and boy, mom and child, grandfather and dad, etc. The teacher asks the children to name the signs of similarity of the depicted people (features of similarity - there are arms, legs, head, torso, on the head - ears, eyes, mouth, nose, hair).

Educator - guys, let's get up and show Arina what we have body.

Physical education.

I have my head turns my head

To the right - one, to the left - two. right to left, head tilt.

She sits on a strong neck

Turned over - turned over. circular turns of the neck.

Then the torso goes, hands on the belt,

Tilt back, tilt forward, tilt,

Turn - turn. turns

Everyone has skillful hands, jerks

Up - down, down - up. up down

We need legs to run, running in place

jump, jumps (2-3 times,

squat, stand ... squat (2-3 times).

That's what mine body!

You do everything with him on "five"!

Educator - now you see, Arina, that all people have what they are similar to each other.

Arina is so interesting, isn't it guys? I want to know better how it works the human body.

Educator - Well, guys, can we help Arina?

Our the body is arranged like this:

The head is placed on top and is connected to the torso by the neck. The neck helps the head to make various movements.

Now answer questions:

What for human hands? (work, paint, sculpt, etc.)

For what human feet? (walk, run, jump)

For what human head? (think, talk, watch)

What parts does the torso consist of?

The torso also has parts (the teacher calls the child and shows him): chest, abdomen, back.

Educator: All body parts to us are necessary: with our hands we eat, draw, do different work, with the help of our legs we can move. We need a head to think, on our face we have eyes to see, ears to hear, a nose to breathe and smell. And we need a torso. After all, inside it are organs: heart, lungs, stomach, intestines (shows on the table).

Arina - it can't be, I don't believe.

Educator - then try, give our children tasks, and they will complete them.

Children do practical exercises:

Show where your head is

Touch your neighbor's head, stroke it

Stretch your neck like a goose

Draw your neck into your shoulders

Perform a circular motion with your head

Turn your head one way and now the other

After completing the assignments, Arina praises the children.

Also, with the help of the neck, the head is connected to the body. The torso can also move.

Children do practical exercises:

Lean forward and then back

Turn one way and now the other

And also inside the torso "Stored" important internal organs- you can listen to the heart, its beats from each other (children listen to how their neighbor's heart beats, lungs - they help us breathe and other, very necessary and important organs.

Educator - Hands are attached to the body from above.

Arina - Show your pens, how many do you have?

The hand has a palm, and there are fingers on it, what can your hands do? (children's answers)–Practical exercises:

clap your hands

pat your tummy

hide your hands behind your back

touch your back

touch your neighbor's back

shake your finger

put your hands up in front of you

reach the floor with your palms

make a fist

wiggle your fingers

Educator - Legs are attached to the bottom of the body.

Arina - Show your legs. How many do you have? (There are also two of them.) Show how funny your feet are - practical exercises:

stomp your feet

jump on two legs, and now on one

put your feet wide and wide

walk on your toes and now on your heels

bend your knee

sit down

Educator: Guys, let's play a game, it's called "How are they similar?":

The game "How are they similar?"- consideration and discussion images: girl and boy, mom and child, grandfather and dad, etc. The teacher asks the children to name the signs of similarity of the depicted people (similarities - there are arms, legs, head, torso, on the head - ears, eyes, mouth, nose, hair).

You see, guys, you and I know how to do a lot of different movements, and our body.

In the end classes Arina thanks the children, says that she will definitely come to them again.

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