Pastila, liqueur and pickled fruits. What can be made from thorns? Pastila, liqueur and pickled fruit Sloe pastila in a dryer

The blackthorn is widespread in the wild in Europe, Asia, and the Far East, forming rugged thorny thickets.
It was also known to the healers of Ancient Greece and Rome, who recommended the fruits of this plant for diarrhea. I.V. Michurin bred two hybrid varieties from thorns with very tasty fruits.

Blackthorn fruits contain tannins and aromatic substances. They are very rich in pectin and pectin-like substances, therefore they can serve as a source for the production of pectin along with, for example, apples.

There is vitamin C and malic acid in the thorn, sugars (their amount increases as the fruit ripens, and the tart taste gradually turns into sweet), prunazine glycoside, mineral salts.
Flowers and leaves of thorn are rich in biologically active substances.

The pharmacological action of different parts of the plant is not the same, or even exactly the opposite. Blackthorn fruits (fresh, processed into jelly, compote, jam and tinctures, in the form of a decoction or extract) have an astringent effect and are recommended for use in disorders of the stomach and intestines (ulcerative colitis, dysentery, food poisoning and candidiasis. A medicinal drink for intestinal infectious diseases thorn wine is also considered. Fresh juice helps with jaundice. Preparations from thorn flowers act, unlike fruits, as a laxative for constipation, including in children. These drugs regulate intestinal motility, act as a diuretic, diaphoretic and antihypertensive agent.

Both fruits and flowers improve metabolism and are indicated for gastritis, spasmodic colitis, cystitis, edema, and kidney stones. Help with rheumatism, boils, pustular skin diseases.

Decoctions of thorn flowers are used for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and esophagus.

Blackthorn tea is a mild laxative; increases urine output. They drink it for chronic constipation, cystitis, prostate adenoma. Blackthorn tea is good for sedentary people.

Collection and storage
The thorns are harvested in ripe autumn. They are poured into a wooden container, covered with a damp cloth and stored in a cellar. Or they are cleaned of impurities and soft berries and kept scattered in a thin layer in boxes in a cold, ventilated room. Thus, the fruits are stored for a whole month. At this time, fermentation takes place in the berries, they become softer, more juicy and sweet, their tart taste is weakened.
At this point, they must be eaten raw or processed, as they will then begin to rot and mold.

Sloe can be dried in the sun, under a roof or in special dryers at a temperature of 45-50 °. Dry fruits yield 25%. They are poured into bags or some kind of container and stored. Used in winter for compotes and jelly.


The sloe is sorted out, washed, placed in a juicer along with sugar (for 1 kg of fruit - 100 g of sugar). The resulting juice is poured into jars, sterilized; hermetically sealed and cooled.

Ripe fruits are cleaned of impurities, rinsed well and stewed with a little water, covering the vessel with a towel or lid. When the berries are well soft, rub them through a sieve. Add sugar to the resulting puree (at the rate of 200 g per 1 liter of puree), bring to a boil and pour boiling into jars. Fill the containers to the top, immediately seal hermetically and leave the lids down until the contents cool completely.
Blackthorn puree is used for baby food mixed with other fruit and berry torah.

Crumple well-ripe fruits, place in a vessel and pour the same amount of hot (80 °) water in the same volume. Close the lid and let stand for two days to separate: juice. Strain through a bag of durable material. The resulting juice gives a sediment, then strain it again through a sieve covered with gauze. For 1 liter of juice, add 1.5 kg of sugar, which is dissolved, stirring for a long time. In the syrup prepared in this way, vitamin C is preserved for a long time.

When using the syrup, dilute with water in the ratio: for 1 kg of syrup - 5-7 liters of water.
You can increase the acidity of the syrup by adding lemon juice or citric acid dissolved in a small amount of water.
Blackthorn syrup is recommended for children and the sick.

Pour the thorn juice into an enamel bowl, heat to a boil, add sugar (for 1 liter of juice - 1 kg of sugar) and boil until tender. Pour the finished jelly into sterile jars, cover with paper and put in a cool place.

For a 0.5 l jar: 3-4 allspice peas, 1 piece of cinnamon, 2-3 pcs. cloves.
For the marinade: 0.1 l of water, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of vinegar.
Put allspice, cinnamon, cloves and washed thorns in prepared jars. Pour in hot marinade, close the jars with lids, sterilize for 15 minutes, seal and cool.

Sort fruits by ripeness, remove leaves, spoiled fruits, rinse in cold water. Simultaneously prepare sugar syrup of 50% concentration (610 g of water and 610 g of sugar per 1 kg of sloe).

Put the sorted and washed fruits in boiling sugar syrup for 5 minutes, remove from heat and let cool. Then remove the thorns from the syrup and place tightly in jars. Bring the syrup to a boil and pour over the fruit. Cover the jars with lacquered lids, sterilize at 100 °, seal hermetically and cool.
Sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters for 12-15 minutes, jars with a capacity of 1 liter - 15-20 minutes.

Cherry plum and blackthorn jam is prepared with seeds. Light-colored varieties of cherry plum and violet-black Thorns with dense pulp are sorted according to the degree of maturity and size. Wash the sorted fruits with cold running water, remove the stalks, prick and stand for 20-25 minutes in a 1% solution of sodium bicarbonate - baking soda (10 g per 1 liter of water), which protects the fruits from cracking. Then drain the solution, wash the fruits thoroughly with cold water, strain, put in an enamel bowl, pour 25% hot sugar syrup and blanch for 3-4 minutes.

Drain the syrup and pour over a stronger sugar syrup prepared from the calculation: for 1 kg of berries - 1.2 kg of sugar and 1 glass of water. Leave the berries in this syrup until they cool completely (for 4-5 hours). After that, boil for 10-15 minutes and leave until completely cooled. After 8-10 hours, bring the jam to a boil again and cook over low heat for 25-30 minutes until tender.

Pour the finished jam into jars at a temperature of 90-95 °, seal. If the spill is made at a temperature of 80-90 °, the jam is pasteurized at 90-95 °: jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters - 10 minutes, 1 liter - 14-15 minutes.

Wash ripe fruits, let the water drain, place the thorns in a juicer and steam blanch until softened. Rub the fruits through a sieve, put the mashed potatoes in an enamel bowl along with the juice, heat to a boil over low heat with stirring and add sugar in parts (1 kg - for 1 kg mashed potatoes).

Pack hot, boiled jam in jars, cover with varnished lids and seal. Place the jars with their neck down, cool to 40-45 ° and turn the lids upside down.

Pastila is made from thorns (see above).
Place the puree in an enamel bowl and boil over low heat with continuous stirring until the volume is halved (by measurement). Since the blackthorn has a tart taste and contains a significant amount of acid, sugar must be added to the heated jam in parts (100-150 g per 1 kg of jam).

Put the boiled puree cold on parchment paper, oiled with vegetable oil, with a layer of 1.5-2 cm and dry.

In the process of drying in the sun, after 2-3 days, turn the marshmallow onto another sheet of parchment paper, and remove the sheet that turned out to be on top. When the marshmallow acquires a dense consistency, lay it out on a wooden board.

Pastila is considered ready when, rolled into a tube, it does not break or stick together.

Roll the finished marshmallow into a tube or cut into pieces and store in small plywood boxes covered with parchment paper. For long-term storage, put the pastille (so as not to dry out) in dry, clean jars and seal hermetically.

Plum and blackthorn wine is made infrequently in our country, much less often than apple wine. This is due to the fact that apple wine is a little easier to make, and the apple harvest (in terms of weight) exceeds the plum harvest by an order of magnitude. Meanwhile, the interest in Japanese and Chinese plum wine available in stores is quite large (as an exotic product) and it makes sense to talk about the technology of its production at home.

First, a few words about plum wine itself. Plum wine itself is neither an exclusive drink, nor something very outstanding. A perfectly ordinary table wine. But on the other hand, it has a rather original bouquet (especially in a semi-dry or semi-sweet version) and under certain conditions can compete even with grape wines, especially for red meat dishes (beef, veal). Everyone knows that the best sauces for red meat are made on the basis of plums and prunes. And it is especially sweet for dessert and fruit.

The substances contained in plum wine have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle and blood vessels. And an absolutely unsurpassed drink is plum brandy - a refined moonshine, the initial product for which is plum wine. As a digestive, plum brandy will give a big head start even to high-quality whiskey.
So, plum wine. Plums, unlike apples, initially contain a fairly large amount of sugar in their juice. But the problem is that it is quite difficult to get the actual plum juice. The plum contains a lot of pectins, jelly-forming substances. Therefore, you will never find pure plum juice on sale. Only nectar, i.e. juice with pulp, rather thick and opaque liquid. And even then, as a rule, diluted 50% with water. Otherwise, it will simply not be fluid.

All this fully relates to the technology of self-making homemade plum or thorn wine. The thorn is just a wild plum. Its fruits are plentiful, but practically not at all edible due to the huge content of tannins and astringents. Therefore, the only rational use of thorn fruits is their processing into wine. And thanks to these very substances, thorn wine is an order of magnitude better than wine from simple table plums, which simply has no bouquet at all. Is that due to all kinds of aromatic and flavoring additives. Therefore, table plums are fresh for food, compotes, preserves and pavidlo are jams. But on the thorn should be paid attention precisely as a raw material for making thorn (plum) wine at home.

Stage 1. After harvesting plums or thorns, the berries are not washed and they are allowed to wither a little (2-3 days) in the open air. At this time, yeast fungi settle on them, which, in fact, will make you wine. After that, the berries should be placed in a strong container and crushed until a homogeneous paste. That is, each berry must be mashed and mashed. Pure water is added to this puree in a ratio of 1: 1 (1 volume of water is added to 1 volume of puree) and the whole mixture is left in the air. Of course, cover the container with gauze or a mosquito net, as the smell of plums will attract hordes of wasps and fruit flies.

This dilution of the original product with water is actually the main difference between making plum wine from apple wine. As you know, in the manufacture of apple wine, pure apple juice and sugar are used, without the addition of water.

Stage 2. When foam and bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the mixture (the fermentation process has begun) and the pulp begins to separate from the mixture of juice and water, the mixture should be filtered through a fine mesh. Dry insoluble substances and seeds are sent to compost, and the resulting juice (in fact, it is an extract from the plums, but we will call it plum juice) is poured into sealed vessels for fucking fermentation.

Sugar is added to the juice at the rate of 200-250 g / liter for dry and semi-dry wine and 300-350 g for semi-sweet and sweet wine. Sugar is added by stirring it directly in the juice.

The vessels must be filled no more than 75%, because in the process of fermentation, a fairly strong dense foam is formed. Then the vessels are closed and water seals are installed. The simplest water seal is a piece of a tube, one end lowered into a vessel, and the other into a container (glass) with water. Then carbon dioxide will freely leave the vessel, and the outside air will not be able to get into it.

Stage 3. Fermentation. The fermentation process takes place in the usual way and at a temperature of 20-25 gr. lasts a month and a half. When the gas evolution stops, young wine (and this is wine, not juice) should be drained from the sediment and poured into other sealed vessels for maturation.

Stage 4. Wine maturation. Unlike apple wine, plum and blackthorn wine clarifies very, very slowly. Particles of insoluble substances are so small that they are not filtered out by any filters. Therefore, in plum wine there is always a certain turbidity and, as it were, a haze. Which, however, does not affect the taste in any way. And even wine of 2-3 years old, being poured into the cleanest vessel (for example, a decanter) and standing in it literally 2-3 days, gives a barely noticeable sediment at the bottom. We must take this just philosophically - this is a property of plum wine. By the way, the same Japanese and Chinese plum wine that is sold in hypermarkets transparently, not because it is well aged, but because it is not wine at all, but a product reconstituted from wine material ...

Ripening of plum or thorny wine also lasts for several months, after which the wine, especially thorny wine, acquires its unique tart and spicy aroma. In the process of ripening, cloves, apple wine or black rowan wine are added to plum wine.
The bouquet of thorny wine has a bright pronounced smell of ripe plums and an old garden and evokes a lot of associations and memories of the past summer and dreams of the future. Especially in the frosty winter season ...

Zucchini themselves do not have a pronounced taste, only a slight smell, slightly pumpkin-like. In addition, the squash dries out too much, and it looks more like chips than a marshmallow. Therefore, in order for the zucchini marshmallow to be more tasty, it must be diluted with other berries and fruits, with a sharper taste.

Young zucchini, in which there are still no large seeds, grate on a coarse grater. Squeeze out the juice well.

Take any berries (raspberries or currants) and puree them with a blender. Mix berries with grated zucchini and add sugar to taste.

Try mashed potatoes, maybe you need to add cinnamon, lemon, or vanilla to it? It's all a matter of taste. But keep in mind that when the marshmallow dries up, it will acquire a more intense taste, this applies to both sugar and flavorings.

Lubricate the marshmallow tray with vegetable oil, and put the squash and berry mass on it. Smooth with a spoon. If you want to get a multi-colored marshmallow at the exit, you can "paint" it by putting a multi-colored fruit juice on top with a spoon.

The standard mode for drying pastilles is Medium, that is, about + 50-55 degrees.
Time is determined "by eye". Turn off the dryer and use your finger to apply pressure to the marshmallow. If it is elastic and does not tear, then it is ready. But this check should be done no earlier than 10 hours after the start of drying. The thicker the layer, the longer the pastille will dry.

Remove the marshmallow from the pallets when it is still warm. This will prevent it from sticking to the pallet and will be flexible enough to make rolls out of it. If desired, the marshmallow can be dried a little more.

Pastila from boiled zucchini

This recipe is for those who like a smoother pastille, without chunks or surprises.
The zucchini should be washed, seeds removed and cut into cubes.

Boil the syrup:
For 1 kg of zucchini you need 5 kg of sugar and 200 grams of water.

Pour the zucchini into the syrup, and while they are boiling, grate the zest of one lemon on a fine grater.

10 minutes after boiling, pour the zest into a pot of zucchini and boil until the zucchini is transparent and soft. This usually takes 40-50 minutes. After that, cool the "jam" and beat it well with a blender.

Place the mixture on a marshmallow tray and dry in the same way as in the previous recipe.

To prevent the finished marshmallow from drying out, store it in rolls, tightly wrapped in cling film, or in glass jars.

True, I do not know those people who have this delicacy for a long time.

The next recipe on how to make pastille from zucchini and bananas, see the video:

The Brovchenko family. Blueberry and zucchini pastilles. Recipe.

The history of the world culinary knows thousands of recipes for sweet dishes and desserts. There are copyright, invented by modern confectioners, and traditional, typical for a particular country, area. Pastila is a dish based on apples, egg whites and sugar. Three simple ingredients help create not only delicious, but also very healthy dish.

Fruit marshmallow is a healthy sweetness that is suitable for both slimming girls and young children. Pastila is prepared only from fruits and berries, with little or no sugar added. This is the case when the sweet is not only not harmful, but also useful. After all, all the benefits of vitamins, trace elements and fruit fiber remain.

Pastila can be purchased ready-made. Now this delicacy is very popular and you can buy it not only in specialized stores, but also in any supermarket. Or you can cook it yourself. This is done very simply and quickly enough, and the cost of homemade marshmallows will be several times lower.

How to make apple marshmallow at home - photo recipe

To make marshmallows, you only need apples, berries, such as cranberries and a little sugar. First you need to make the base - thick fruit and berry puree. The base must necessarily contain berries or fruits rich in pectin, not watery, such as apples or plums. But as a flavoring agent, you can use absolutely any berries to your taste.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 23 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Apples, berries: 1 kg
  • Sugar: to taste

Cooking instructions

    For mashed potatoes, peel the apples, clean the insides. Cut the apples into small pieces and place in a saucepan.

    If the berries have a rough skin or bones, then it is better to rub them through a sieve so that only delicate berry puree gets into the marshmallow. To do this, first grind the berries in a blender or meat grinder.

    Then rub this mass through a sieve.

    The cake will remain in the sieve, and the homogeneous puree will fall into the pan with apples.

    Add some sugar.

    Without adding water, cook apples with berry puree over low heat until soft.

    Grind the contents of the saucepan until smooth. If you used juicy berries, then boil a little puree until thick.

    Cover the baking sheet with parchment. The quality of the parchment is of key importance. If you are not sure about it, brush the parchment with a little vegetable oil.

    Put the fruit mass on the parchment and spread evenly over the entire area. The thickness of the fruit layer should be only a few millimeters, then the marshmallow will dry out quickly.

    Place the baking sheet in the oven, turn it on at 50-70 degrees for 20 minutes. Then turn off, open the oven slightly. Repeat the warm-up after a few hours. As a result, you need to dry the mass to the point where it becomes a single layer and will not break and tear.

    You can check this by lifting the corner. The pastila should easily come off in a single layer. Usually in 1-2 days the pastille dries until tender.

    When the candy is dry, cut it into convenient sized slices right on top of the parchment.

    Homemade belevskaya marshmallow - a classic recipe

    Over the past one hundred and fifty years, Belevskaya marshmallow has been one of the visiting cards of the Tula region. For its preparation, only Antonov apples are used, which give the finished dessert a surprisingly delicate taste with a slight sourness and aroma.

    The proposed recipe contains a small amount of ingredients, the preparation process is simple but time-consuming. Fortunately, time is needed to dry the marshmallow, bring it to the desired condition, the participation of the cook is practically not required. Sometimes she will need to go to the oven to follow the process and not miss the moment of readiness.


  • Apples (grade "Antonovka") - 1.5-2 kg.
  • Egg white - 2 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Antonov apples must be thoroughly washed, cleaned of stalks and seeds. Peeling is optional, as the applesauce will still need to be sieved through a sieve.
  2. Put the apples in a fireproof container, put in an oven heated to a temperature of 170-180 degrees. As soon as the apples "float", remove from the oven, pass through a sieve.
  3. Add half of the granulated sugar to the apple mass. Beat with a broom or blender.
  4. In a separate container, using a mixer, beat the whites with sugar, first only the whites, then, continuing whipping, add sugar in a spoonful (the second half). The protein should increase in volume several times, readiness is determined, as the housewives say, according to "hard peaks" (protein slides do not blur).
  5. Set aside 2-3 tablespoons of whipped protein, stir in the rest of the mixture in applesauce.
  6. Line a baking sheet with baking paper, put a thin enough layer on it, send it to the oven for drying. The oven temperature is 100 degrees, the drying time is about 7 hours, the door should be slightly open.
  7. After that, carefully separate the marshmallow from the paper, cut into 4 parts, coat with the remaining protein, fold the layers on top of each other and send them back to the oven, this time for 2 hours.
  8. The pastille turns out to be very light, fragrant, stored for a long time (if, of course, you hide it from the household).

Kolomna pastila recipe

Kolomna, according to various archival sources, is the birthplace of marshmallow. For several centuries, it was produced in fairly large volumes, sold in various regions of the Russian Empire and abroad. Then the production died out, the traditions were almost lost, and only at the end of the twentieth century Kolomna confectioners restored recipes and technologies. You can also cook Kolomna marshmallow at home.


  • Apples (best sour, autumn apples, like Antonov's) - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.
  • Chicken protein - from 2 eggs.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The rules are almost the same as in the previous recipe. Wash the apples, pat dry with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.
  2. Remove the core in each, put on a baking sheet (previously covered with parchment or foil). Bake until tender, making sure not to burn.
  3. Take out the apple pulp with a spoon, you can grind it through a sieve, so you get more puree. It needs to be squeezed out, you can use a colander and gauze, the less juice remains in the puree, the sooner the drying process will take place.
  4. Beat the applesauce into a fluffy mass, gradually adding sugar (or powdered sugar). Beat the whites separately with half the sugar norm, carefully combine with the apple mass.
  5. A baking sheet with high sides, cover with foil, lay out the mass, put in the oven for drying (for 6-7 hours at a temperature of 100 degrees).
  6. Sprinkle the finished dish with icing sugar, cut into portioned squares, carefully transfer to the dish. You can invite your family for a tasting!

How to make sugar-free marshmallow

Individual housewives make sure that the dishes for their beloved household members are not only tasty, but also healthy. It is for such cases that the recipe for sugar-free apple marshmallows is suitable. Of course, this option cannot be called classic, but this recipe is the solution for dessert lovers who track the calorie content of dishes and strive to lose weight.


  • Apples (grade "Antonovka") - 1 kg.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Wash the apples, dry with a paper or regular cotton towel, cut into 4 parts. Remove the stalk, seeds.
  2. Put on a small fire, simmer, use a submersible blender to grind the "floating" apples in puree.
  3. The resulting puree must be passed through a sieve to remove the apple peel and seed residues. Beat with a mixer (blender) until fluffy.
  4. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, put the fragrant apple mass in a fairly thin layer.
  5. Heat up the oven. Reduce the temperature to 100 degrees. The drying process lasts at least 6 hours with the door ajar.
  6. But then such a marshmallow can be stored wrapped in parchment for a long time, unless, of course, children find out about it.

  1. For the marshmallow, it is important to choose good apples, ideally Antonov apples. An important point, the applesauce should be well-beaten and aerated.
  2. Take fresh eggs. The whites will whisk better if you cool them first, then add a grain of salt.
  3. First, beat without sugar, then add sugar in a teaspoon or tablespoon. If you take powder instead of granulated sugar, the whipping processes will be faster and easier.
  4. Pastila can only be made from apples or from apples and berries. Any forest or garden berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries) must first be stewed, grated through a sieve, mixed with applesauce.

Pastila does not require a lot of food, just a lot of time. And then, the drying process takes place without human intervention. Just half a day of waiting and a delicious treat is ready.

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Many have thorns in their garden plots. Often they get rid of it, not knowing what to do with the fruits. Today we will tell you about what you can cook from thorns. Due to its original taste, it is widely used in cooking. In addition to preparations for the winter, thorns make an excellent filling for pies.

Blackthorn Paste

Remove the seeds, put the fruits in an enamel pan and cook until the volume is halved. Keep the fire very small and stir constantly. Then, without turning off the heat, add sugar, in parts, at the rate of 150g per 1kg. boiled puree. That is, if initially you took 3 kg of fruit, after boiling it turned out to be about 1.5 kg, then you need 750 g of sugar. Put the finished marshmallow on oiled parchment paper.

Then we dry it in the sun, at home you can dry it in the oven, turning it on for just a few minutes. After 2-3 days, flip the pastille onto another sheet of paper. When the marshmallow dries and hardens, transfer to a wooden board. The readiness of the marshmallow is checked as follows: if you roll it into a tube, it does not break, it should not stick together either. If you are going to store for a long time, put the marshmallow in jars and roll it up. And for short-term storage, it can be stored in parchment.

Pickled blackthorn

Rinse the sloe, put in prepared jars, add allspice, cinnamon, cloves, 1-2 pcs. Now let's prepare the marinade. Add 3 tablespoons of sugar to 1 liter of water, boil everything. Add 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar to the hot marinade and pour in the berries. Sterilize the jars for 15 minutes and roll up.

Blackthorn pouring

To prepare the liqueur, we need 1 liter of blackthorn fruit, 1 liter of sugar, 1 liter of vodka. You can measure with any utensil, even pots, it just should be the same. Wash the blackthorn, put it in a large jar, add sugar and vodka there. Close the lid, shake from time to time to better dissolve the sugar. When the sugar is completely dissolved, we put it away for storage, or use it. The filling turns out to be fragrant, not very strong, beautiful in color.

A very simple recipe for homemade sloe marshmallows. A step-by-step recipe for home cooking with a photo for cooking at home for 52. Contains only 245 kilocalories.

  • Prep time: 20 minutes
  • Cooking time: 52
  • Calorie count: 245 kcal
  • Servings: 8 servings
  • Complexity: A very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Author's recipes

Ingredients for twelve servings

  • sugar 150 g
  • thorn puree 1 kg
  • vegetable oil how much will it take

Step by step cooking

  1. Ripe fruits are washed, dried, placed in a steam juicer and blanched with steam until softened.
  2. Hot softened fruits are rubbed through a sieve.
  3. The resulting torus and juice are placed in an enamel basin and, gradually adding sugar, boiled over low heat with constant stirring until the initial volume is halved.
  4. The boiled mass in a cold state is spread in a layer of 1.5-2 cm on parchment paper, greased with calcined vegetable oil, and dried in the sun.
  5. In the process of drying, after two to three days, the marshmallow is turned over onto another sheet of parchment paper, and the sheet that turned out to be on top is removed.
  6. After acquiring a denser consistency during the drying process, the marshmallow is laid out on a wooden block or hung on a rope for drying.
  7. The pastille is considered finished when, when rolled into a tube, it does not stick together.
  8. The finished marshmallow is cut into pieces of arbitrary shape and stored in plywood boxes covered with parchment paper.

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