Vocational retraining training. Professional retraining in the direction of “Pedagogy. Requirements for listeners

Recruitment to the "Academy of Informatics for Schoolchildren" continues. Classes start September 16th!
Recruitment for vocational training programs continues. Classes start October 1st!


Why you should study with us

The SPbPU Graduate School of Engineering provides students with ample opportunities for additional education in the field of IT technologies. You can get a new specialty in programs in less than 1 year or master the most modern technologies in short-term programs.

  • 25 years in the professional IT education market.
  • Experienced instructors are specialists and industry experts, Microsoft, Cisco, Adobe and Autodesk certified instructors.
  • Author's and authorized training programs.
  • Unique technical equipment of classes and laboratories.
  • Different forms of education: daytime, evening, distance.
  • Diplomas, certificates and certificates of SPbPU.

Professional retraining

New specialty after 1 year

Program concept

Professional retraining programs allow you to short time get only the most important and necessary knowledge for a specialist in a particular field, “without water” and disciplines “for general development”.

Course programs are developed in close cooperation with industry experts and leading IT companies. They are based on the current qualification requirements of state professional standards and employers to specific professions and positions.

You will study in comfortable classrooms and laboratories, with modern equipment and under the guidance of experienced teachers and mentors from the industry.

Benefits of professional retraining

  • Shortened training time. Fast and high-quality entry into the industry.
  • Only practice-oriented subjects, copyright and authorized training programs.
  • Evening training.
  • Flexibility and scalability of training.

Our programs in areas

Administration of computer systems and networks

  • Corporate IT Infrastructure Administration New!
  • Information protection in computer systems and networks New!



  • Application Software Developer (Java Language)
  • Application software developer (Languages ​​C and C++)
  • Application software developer (Python language)

Computer design

  • Animation design (Motion design) New!

Admission rules and cost

Additional information about the rules of admission, cost and discounts is presented

Computer courses

Over 150 courses different levels complexity, duration and focus

Author's training programs

Our courses have been developed by highly qualified teachers, the training programs of all courses combine theory and practice. Fundamental knowledge is presented on a par with modern computer technologies.


All our teachers are experts in their fields and competent teachers. This is confirmed by various international certificates and positive feedback from listeners. Currently, our team includes certified specialists from Microsoft, 1C, Adobe, Autodesk, Cisco.

Authorized training center status

The Graduate School of Engineering has many certifications, which indicates recognition from leading IT companies. The advantages of training in an authorized center are obvious: licensed software, courses developed according to company documentation, certified teachers.

Generally recognized graduation documents

We give our students a certificate of advanced training from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and an international certificate.

Advanced training of the adult population in the field of metalworking and food production

The Center for Advanced Studies invites everyone who wants to receive or improve professional education.

Multifunctional Qualification Center GBPOU Polytechnic College No. 47 named after V.G. Fedorova provides training for the adult population under the programs of vocational training, retraining and advanced training.

In the Multifunctional Center for Professional Qualifications on the basis of GBPOU Polytechnic College No. 47 named after V.G. Fedorov, additional professional educational programs (advanced training, retraining of specialists) and vocational training programs (vocational training, retraining, advanced training of workers and employees) are being implemented in the field of nutrition (including catering services), computer technology and mechanical engineering.

Training is conducted in the laboratories and workshops of the technical school:

    HAAS Workshop

    Laboratory "Training of CNC machine operators DMG MORI »

    Turning and milling workshop

    locksmith workshop

    HAAS Training Center

    Laboratory "Educational culinary workshop"

    Hotel service laboratory

    Laboratory "Hotel room"

    Commodity laboratory food products

    Laboratory of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Electronic Engineering, Electrical Machines and Electrical Apparatus

    Laboratory Maintenance and car repair

    Laboratory technological equipment and tooling Laboratory of robotic machine tools

    Laboratory of electrical equipment of vehicles, technical equipment of gas stations and technologies for dispensing fuels and lubricants

    Aircraft Assembly Technology Laboratory.

All workshops and laboratories are equipped with modern equipment and provide high quality training. For all types of classes, an academic hour is set for 45 minutes. Forms of study:

  • practical and seminar classes

    laboratory works

    round tables

    master classes

    business and role-playing games


    experience exchange seminars

    offsite classes


    performance of attestation and other types of work.

Mastering the vocational training programs ends with a qualification exam, which includes practical qualification work and testing of theoretical knowledge within the qualification requirements for the relevant professions of workers.

Mastering the programs of additional professional education ends with the final certification. The term of development provides an opportunity to achieve the planned learning outcomes, improve the existing level of education, the acquired competencies in the course of advanced training and the acquisition of a new competency (qualification) in the course of retraining.

Upon completion of training, a document is issued:

    When studying under vocational training programs

    When studying under professional development programs

    When studying under retraining programs

Training is paid. The recruitment of groups is carried out constantly, the beginning of training as the acquisition of groups.

Additional information by phone:

7 926 574-75-12 — Kosenko Yulia Vladimirovna

7 926 323-11-36 — Amirkhanova Guzel Idealovna

7 905 538-97-76 — Fedorov Dmitry Alexandrovich

List of programs of additional professional education,
implemented in GBPOU PT No. 47 in the 2018/2019 academic year

Professional training

Program code

Education document

19861 Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment

Profession Certificate

Profession Certificate

16675 cook

Profession Certificate

12901 Confectioner

Profession Certificate

16045 CNC machine operator

Profession Certificate

Profession Certificate

19149 Turner

Profession Certificate

Profession Certificate

19479 Milling machine

Profession Certificate

Professional retraining

Program code

Name of the training program

Education document

Professional Retraining Diploma

18511 Car mechanic

Professional Retraining Diploma

16675 cook

Professional Retraining Diploma

12901 Confectioner

Professional Retraining Diploma

16045 CNC machine operator

Professional Retraining Diploma

18809 General machine operator

Professional Retraining Diploma

19149 Turner

Professional Retraining Diploma

Turner on machines with numerical control

Professional Retraining Diploma

19479 Milling machine

Professional Retraining Diploma


Program code

Name of the training program

Education document

19861 Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment

Professional Development Certificate

18511 Car mechanic

Professional Development Certificate

16675 cook

Professional Development Certificate

12901 Confectioner

Professional Development Certificate

16045 CNC machine operator

Professional Development Certificate

18809 General machine operator

Professional Development Certificate


Professional Development Certificate

Italian food

Professional Development Certificate

9 PC Computer modelling
10 PC Fundamentals of computer literacy Professional Development Certificate
11 PC Logistics Professional Development Certificate
12 PC

Professional foreign language(English, Chinese)

Professional Development Certificate
13 PC Decorating confectionery Professional Development Certificate
14 PC Computer-Aided Design AutoCAD Professional Development Certificate
15 PC Working on HAAS machines Professional Development Certificate
Mediterranean Kitchen

Professional Development Certificate


Professional Development Certificate

Cooking for housewives

Professional Development Certificate

Decorating gingerbread

Professional Development Certificate

Modern technologies for the production of catering products

Professional Development Certificate

Diagnostics of a modern car

Professional Development Certificate

Assembly, modernization, modding, fine-tuning of the computer

Professional Development Certificate

Operator of machine tools with numerical control (milling work - training in working with the MasterCam program, tool binding)

Professional Development Certificate

Operator of machine tools with numerical control (milling work - training in working with the MasterCam program, KOMPAS, tool binding, training production of a part)

Professional Development Certificate

Programs of additional professional education in 2017

Professional training


Number of hours

"Working on HAAS machines"

"Professional English language» course "English language" Module 2. "Business English"


Module 1. "Mastic and marzipan"

"Decoration of confectionery products" Module 2. "Icings and jellies"

"Decoration of confectionery"


"Carving" Module 2. "The art of carving"

"General physical preparation"

Advanced training "New technologies for practice-oriented training of highly qualified workers and mid-level specialists in accordance with the requirements of the new Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

"Building, upgrading, modding, fine-tuning a computer"


"Organization of the educational process based on electronic learning resources"


"Hardware structure of a personal computer"


Advanced training on the topic "Development of curricula and organization educational process within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard 3+ SPO, the system of credits and modern requirements normative documents Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation"

Advanced training on the topic "Peculiarities of conducting the practice of open source software in accordance with the requirements of GEF 3+"

Advanced training on the topic "Organization of the educational process in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard 3+ SVE And preparation for accreditation of an educational organization SVE in the framework of modern requirements of regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation"

Programs of additional professional education in 2016

Professional training

Professional Development Programs


Number of hours

Advanced training in the profession "CONFECTIONER" (from rank to rank)

"Working on HAAS machines"

"Automated design system AUTOCAD"

"Diagnostics of a modern car"


"Assembly, configuration and repair of a personal computer"

"Professional English" course "English"

"Decoration of confectionery"

"Sugar Floristry"

"Operation of motor vehicles"

"General physical preparation"

Advanced training "Peculiarities of conducting the State Examination in SVE In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard 3+ and regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science, the formation of a fund of assessment funds of the State Examination, the issuance of diplomas for educational programs of SVE"

Advanced training "development of curricula and organization of the educational process in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard 3+ SVE, the system of credits and modern requirements of regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation"

Advanced training “Features of the organization of training according to the new Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary General Education in the context of the implementation of SVE programs. New technologies ONLINE AND OFFLINE LEARNING. Formation of an electronic educational and methodical complex of discipline, module. Development of e-learning and distance learning»

Advanced training "Organization of the educational process in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard 3+ SVE and preparation for accreditation of an educational organization of the SVE in the framework of modern requirements of the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and new methods for accreditation in the SVE of the Federal State Educational Standard 3+"

Advanced training "Development of funds for evaluation funds for the implementation of PPKRS and PPSSZ within the framework of the implementation of GEF 3+, taking into account the introduction of professional standards"

Advanced training "Peculiarities of conducting practice in secondary vocational education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard 3+, the system of credits, professional standards and modern regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation"


Internship "New technologies in catering"Cook&Chill" and "SOUS VIDE"

The Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining is a structural subdivision of the Moscow State Educational Institution that implements additional professional education programs. The Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining was established with the aim of training highly qualified specialists, increasing the professional knowledge and competencies of specialists, improving their business qualities, and preparing them to perform new labor functions in accordance with the demands of the region's economy.

The system of continuous education of MRSU responds flexibly to changes taking place in education and the economy of the region. Conditions have been created that provide students with the opportunity to show personal activity and interest from the formation of the need for education in advanced training and professional retraining programs to the construction of individual trajectories of professional development. The peculiarity of this system is to support the professional development of representatives of the pedagogical community of the Moscow region after the completion of training:

Model of the system of continuous education of MRSU

Approaches to the choice of forms and methods of professional development in the system of continuous education have changed. Today the most popular are:

Competitive advantages of the system of continuous education of MRSU are:

  • high qualification of the teaching staff, which allows not only to maintain the system of continuous education at a high level, but also to develop it through the implementation of new relevant programs
  • growth in the effectiveness and demand for further vocational education programs (increase in the number of students)
  • increase in the demand for teaching staff in the conduct of consulting activities, examination of educational programs
  • increasing the role of employers in the design and implementation of advanced training and professional retraining programs
  • trainee training and team training based on municipalities Moscow region

To get acquainted with the full list of advanced training and professional retraining programs:

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