Stories about divine help people read. Wonderful stories from modern life. We never talk truth

First of all, I would like to thank Alyona for her sincere wonderful story about her life and about God's wonders in her, and for her work in writing this pretty big story in the revocation to this video: And since the story for the recall is not a small and very interesting, publish it separately, on this page. Thank God for you Alain, save God!

Hello, my name is Alena

I want to tell you a small story from my life
When I was 5 years old, I began to ask the question, but is God? I approached my mother and asked "Mom, and God is? who is he? "And my mother told me, well, dear, the Communist Party taught us that there is no God, there is no fiction. I approached the dad and asked him "dad, and God is? "" No, the Communist Party says that there is no, how would you say that, well, you read books, there are different fairy tales, there Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrica, so, it's like Russian People's Epos, fiction people ... "But I'm all Equally believed that he is, sometimes I told mom, "see how beautiful the world, flowers, trees, and the planets of the stars, someone once had to create it all? Mom agreed, but it was clear that she still doubts. I was born in the family of unbelievers and full atheists who denied everything and everything, but I believed in the soul that he was and loved me.

When I was 9-10 years old, I as all ordinary children probably saw ordinary dreams, toys, books ... And once I began to dream of scary dreams, there were a lot of them, but I will describe a couple of them. It means such a place as a recreation park, greens are a lot, people walk, various people are sitting on the benches, who read who speaks, all those who are busy, and now they sit 2 alcoholics, already pretty drunk, the guy has sitting with a sad face And as I saw, his thoughts were about suicide, and here I see 2 demon, terrible, black huge societies, something similar to a person, legs like a person, and instead of the feet of the hoof, and then there are still beams and also more others, some instead of the face distorted pork socks, says one another "about alcoholics, this is what you need" in people without faith in God, there is no such protection, and it is easier for them to impose in such people, and here one disgraced in This alcoholic, passed through the stomach and I saw the demon inside it rejoices and gloating, and here I did not understand anything, grabbed for the stomach (they did not see the demons) the second asks him what happened? That's nothing, just grabbed the belly. And I see a lot different people In the park there are and darkness, the darkness was smeared, scary, before the disgrace, and they grow in search of the one who would be given to and choose those who have thoughts black (about murder, suicide, alcohol, drugs, debauchery ...) I woke up I say mom, the struggle goes for the souls of human terrible, you need to believe and clean your thoughts. Mom began to somehow think about all this.

How much time passed, a couple of months somewhere, a single dream dreams. Like the first that in the place I like a big park. Many people are different, and again the demons go, do not get down, they are chosen in search of regular victims on the pretext of people with bad thoughts, then in some unite, then in others, and every time they are happily gloomy. There were also such people in which not one demony was allocated, but a few. Here, one demon who was pretty far from me, I noticed me, headed for me, and on the other hand I noticed me, and I see in a distance of Hallehes, I wanted to move away, to move somewhere, but there were a lot of them I did not know where to move and what should I do. Suddenly, from somewhere about me, an angel was a big, high such, strong and powerful, he told me "I am your shield and sword, I'll close you, don't be afraid of anything." And he opened his hands, he had hands with hands like a person, and There were big wings, 2 meters in diameter somewhere or more, and he closed me with his wings and I became so calm and good. From him, such power and power came out, he looked at the demons who tried to break through, but they could not approach and 5 meters closer, the demon were trying to attack unsuccessfully, and he stood tightly and not lying. Then I woke up and told about it my parents and friends and then my mother also believed that God was.

On this, my quest did not end with God, annoying the idea that God is the Creator of all the lively persistently spinning in my head. Over the year passed and then something happened once. I was probably 11 years old or so. There was an ordinary night, I slept, and at 2 o'clock at night, I heard a loud hiss in the dark, at first I didn't open my eyes, because I thought that it was possible on the street something happening, but when there was a loud hiss and such as the Cocan became Louder, I understood someone or something in my room and I sat on my knees. Usually, when we close or reset the windows overnight, then the room is dark, but sometimes there are days when the bright moon is shining and the outlines of objects in the room are clearly visible. It was just such a night. I turned my head and froze from horror, on a room with a terrible hissing crawled a huge black snake, I was so frightened that I closed my eyes from fear to not see me, I was paralyzed from fear and I could not scream and call for the help of my parents.

Since I was a child, I did not immediately realize what was happening, at first I thought how at 2 o'clock in the morning such a big snake could involve to us in the house, if all the doors and windows are tightly closed and we live in a block house on the third floor? And then I understood, this is not a snake, this demon has accepted such a guise, the hiss intensified and approached, since my eyes were closed and I did not see her, but I guessed the sound. And I suddenly frightened so much and I myself do not know how, I began to say "God save me, to save me from this horror," I repeated this word again and again, since we had a family not a believer, we didn't have a prayer and I did not know any prayer, I asked God for help my words as I could. And suddenly I felt some very powerful strength here in the room, I did not see anyone, my eyes were still closed, but the presence of this power clearly felt. I continued to ask God not to leave me and the hiss was on the right side, then with the left, then it was distinguished, it was approaching, and gradually for the sound I realized that he (demon, a snake,) goes, on a removing hiss, I realized that He flew out the window, but I did not stop praying and was still afraid to open my eyes, after what happened, I was afraid to sleep, and I was a pity to wake on the bed with open eyes, my parents were a pity, so I sat and waited when they wake up. In the morning, I told about the whole parents, they were certainly shocked. I began to talk about my dreams and that I saw my friends and neighbors and friends of my father, friends were also not believers, they began to say that with your child something wrong, it should be shown to a children's psychologist, but better psychiatrist.

Among my friends were those who engaged in Eastern philosophy, there are also talking about the knowledge and cleansing of the soul and it became interesting for me, we discussed different things with them, read a lot of literature on this topic. Since there were no believers in my environment, I had no idea that there was such a book as a Bible. My friends advised me to go to a couple of very good shops, where many different spiritual literature and choose something suitable for me. In the store, I went for a long time among different shelves, opened the books looked, I read, I understood that this was something wrong and was looking further, I don't even know what it was. And I got into my eyes a big thick book with a strange name, as I was then seemed to me, "the life of the saints" I opened there, there were descriptions of life Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim Sarovsky, John Kronstadt, Seraphim, and others, I seemed to me This is interesting, so I bought this book and start reading.

When I read this book, I was really very surprised at how much these people were modest, krobroi, kind and opposing towards other people. And for their kindness and service to others, God gave them different gifts, who could treat hands from diseases, who immediately saw secret and obvious sins and much more. And when their spiritual children asked for instruction, many of them said "perform the commandments and especially the commandment, love your neighbor as yourself." For some reason I remember it.

After some time, dream of dreaming. I was probably somewhere 13-14 years old. I am in the church, soon the service was to begin, I see the candles burn, icons, people walk, suddenly demons and there are a lot of them in the temple and they are so in the scattering on the temple and they grow in search of people to whom they would have to press, and I stand in such a perturbation and think how did they dare to go to the temple? How is it possible? And then one of them sees me, and goes clearly into my direction, I frightened a little, I backed up and here, neither take a little sudden old woman, such a born with a big book, turns to me and says "Don't be afraid of anything, I'm with you, I am your defense ", this book turned out to be a prayer room, and she began to quickly read prayers, the fact that it was not an ordinary grandmother, I understood right away, such love and great reverence came from her, I realized that it was someone from Saints devotees are not different. And I was all stood and thought, well, how did these demons even dreamed into the temple to go, how can they? And this old woman of my thoughts could read, as I understood, she turned to me and says, maybe, maybe as they can, and then she said "Well, what do you think, if a person is an alcoholic or what kind of witchcraft is doing demons to him And they are treated, and how they will be treated, they will not leave, they do not leave such a person anywhere, no for a minute, nor for a second, well, such a person went into the temple, but to the demons? They go with him "" Well, nothing, I'm still stronger prayer I will read, and they will be from the temple to pop up as scratching, because it will be sissing from the strength and greatness of God "and she began to read different prayers, and our father, and Psalm 90, and the symbol of faith and many other prayers that I know and I do not know.

So gradually I began to read and rethink more of the book "Life of Saints" and when I reached the lives of St. John Kronstadt, it was written there that he had expelled demons from the temple and I immediately remembered about this dream, then when I reached the lives of Blessed Ksenia Peterburg and Matrona Moscow I was surprised how this old woman from my dream was like someone from them.

Now I will write you a couple of cases that have happened to me, probably by the will of God, and for something it was necessary.

It was then for me somewhere 14-15 years old, from time to time I have strong headaches, probably because of the fall in childhood, once I came home from school with a strong headache, my mother was at home, I asked her to give me a pill Since it was hard to endure, to which Mom said that children should not drink such pills and will be better if I go to sleep. I have been tossed for a long time, but I could not sleep. Then I felt that I had a lot of frozen, I got up to the blanket, on the street at that time it was very warm, but I was getting colder and colder, I'dked even, as if unpleasant chills, my body temperature fell rapidly, I wanted to get up But I couldn't be able to my surprise, I did not feel the hands, my feet, as if they were not at all, I tried to open my eyes, but it was also no seemingly, I could not understand what was going on? He's headache either did not give rest and this terrible cold on the skin ... ..

And suddenly I felt that from somewhere from the bottom I change to the top of the body, such a strange slip, there were some vibrations inside me, which all the fault and diminished, but the body remained fixed, I felt that I would go out of the body , there was no panic or fear, there was no pain, and suddenly I separated from my body, I felt it for sure, the headache disappeared, a terrible cold on the skin also disappeared, I was so comfortable, warm and cozy. I obviously felt that I was in a vertical position, although I knew that I seem to be lying? Then I saw as if on top, there was someone small and bored on the sofa, here I looked at, oh, I didn't know here, I don't know why, and rapidly flew through the window, I flew somewhere in The universe, for some time I flew and thought. What is it, I died? Then I flew into some kind of black tunnel, it was large in diameter, about 5-6 meters, on a sensation of a strange liquid metal, which was constantly modified, and some strange monotonous hum was heard, but not very loud. The tunnel was big and long.

As it removes from the beginning of the tunnel, the sound disappeared and I clearly felt that this tunnel, this is a bridge between the world of living and the world of the dead and that there, at the end of the tunnel and there is a border, that trait after which there is no refund. At the end of the tunnel, I saw a dazzling white light, this light was alive, I told myself a feet, stop, stop, I don't want to fly from the tunnel, I want to stay and look around, before that I flew through the tunnel at high speed, and here I have sharply He stopped and as if he was in the air, inside this tunnel, until the end of the tunnel, there was literally a couple of meters, in the cloud of dazzling light I saw the contours of the human figure, but I did not see it. And this light was so warm, so kind, such a loving, so affectionate and this kindness and love were limitless, as if they were not beginning and end, I didn't even imagine that you could love. And this light told me so affectionately "And I know you" and I thought, and I don't have you, and at that moment I thought it, I already somehow realized that it was Jesus.

He told me "I know everything about you, every your hour, every day, every minute and every second of your life, I know everything from your very birth, I know every thought, I know about you that even You don't know about yourself ... nothing is hidden from me. "I felt that he reads thoughts, at the same time sees other people, he sees the past present and the future at the same time, yes it is difficult to understand, but he sees everything hears and does multidimen He is omnipresent. And I also felt that he was like a loving mom or dad, only his love in a hundred times is stronger, I suddenly felt for a minute with a little child who was 5 years old who runs to him barefoot on wet grass, I wanted to run to him, hug Firmly hard and stay ... And I also felt myself that he is like a big and powerful strong ocean, and I have such a small little droplet from this ocean, such a tiny, but I am part of him, and I have to connect with him. I had a feeling of immense joy next to him, the feeling of puppy delight, my soul sang and rejoiced next to him, I was very good, and I suddenly felt such a thing that was where the world was different, and What is my house there, I always thought my home where my parents, friends, here on earth, no, I obviously felt that there was my real house.

He understood me without words, when a lot of thoughts and emotions were swept in his head, he already knew about everything. And he said "Let's go with me, where we will go there, you will be very good", and I'm in a rustling of unrestrained puppy delight, I wanted to run behind him, but suddenly I remembered my parents and about my mother, my mother with youth suffers from various diseases Hearts and her serious kidney problems, so doctors forbidden her to give birth more children, she could have only one child and I was this child. I understood that if I leave now, then I didn't die, I was absolutely not physically, but I felt sorry to my mother and I remembered for some reason "Life of the Saints" where the reverend elders gave advice to keep one of the commandments of Christ (love her neighbor as Himself) I do not know why, but at that moment I remembered exactly the instructions of these elders and the thought swept in my head that I needed to return, but not for myself, but for mom. While all these thoughts rushed in the head, God already knew my answer, there was such a feeling that he had already knew all my thoughts, but nevertheless he asked me again, if I want to stay and go with him. I said that I really want to stay, but I can not, then he asked why? "Although the answer has already knew, I said that there are people who I love and I need them, and what I want to return, but not for myself, but for them. Then God said "Go come back" and he said it is very affectionate, and I flew at high speed back from the tunnel feeling of joy and some grace were with me after communicating with him.

I rapidly flew into the room in the room and entered my body, the feeling was not pleasant. It was a feeling that I sketch into a cold and small jade, then something else happened, I was very shaken once, then even stronger the second time, shook, so that I almost fell off the bed, I was very cold , the hands of the hands are very numb and I almost could not move them, unpleasant cold goosebumps ran around the body, in the chest, there were sensations of suffocation as if I had asthma, I really had no asthma when I realized that I could normally Move his fingers, I opened my eyes. The state of Euphoria, immense joy was with me for about two weeks after what happened. Now I told all my friends and acquaintances that God is and he is alive and the omnipresent and I am a living witness of Togo.

Then I matured, I met many other people, including with believers, from them I learned what the Bible is, I began to visit the temple, go to services, to confession

I understand that my story is long, but I would like to tell you about one case that happened to me in adulthood.

From time to time I go to the service, I will not say that it is very often, but if I go, I'm going with my thoughts and I think only about God in the temple, I have no extraneous thoughts. I somehow came to the service, I see not our father as usual, and someone else, the father in good moodBefore starting service, joking with parishioners. I started the service I stand, focused, listening to the words of prayer everything goes as usual as myself, and suddenly I feel that I get so easy, my body is becoming like a fluff, it's easy for me, the feeling that I am a takeoff and feeling infinite joy And happiness. Suddenly there is no temple somewhere disappear somewhere, no people, there is nothing, just some kind of peaceful infinite space, I can not understand where I am? My wrapping of Euphoria will argue everything and increases and somewhere after 15-20 seconds, I do not know how, I turn out in the temple in the service, the feeling of immense bliss covers me, and at this moment I see how the dome of the temple opens, and there is a stream from there Dazzling white light, and it's like the rays like the sun, to diverge on the temple and the whole temple envelops, envelops with this light. The radiance of this light angered and I suddenly see how in a pillar of this light, the dazzling white pigeon goes down. Only not a small, like a bird, but a huge large meter in length, he slowly and slowly sank and entered the altar and all the world that was in the temple, also entered with him. And everything in the temple has become like before. This is the state of extraordinary joy and euphoria with me for about three weeks, I fell asleep with this state and woke up with him, and I did not go to work, and I flew like on the wings, after a whole working day I didn't even have a feeling of fatigue . Many my friends and acquaintances I told about it.

I had another friend who did not believe in God, he didn't just believe, he still said "I hate God" I was very strange to hear. I told him how you can hate someone you do not know? somehow he was at my guest, I was trying to form it, drink tea, he says to me, I can't, I feel bad from your icons, they look at me so strangely, they have such a look like bud they burn me with watered gland, and this person is some kind of oletism occupy, I first did not know that, well, in general, he asked me to remove it somewhere, I said to him that I would not do this for anyone and they would be there Stand where they are. He spoke everything to me, well, where is your God? Why don't I see him? And I told him, well, when you are invited to visit you go to a beautiful house with a garden, for example, do you see that there is there behind the closed door? Not. Well, here is our heart, it's like a door to God, if your door is closed, what will you see?

For God is not in paintings and not on icons, it is primarily in our heart! Jesus Christ is a live God and the ubiquitous. He came to us because of great love for people, took our sins from each of us, died and risen and remained in heaven, which means to this day alive, and will return (the second coming) according to the Bible. Not a gift in the Bible there is such an important phrase "and created a man of man in the image and likeness to his" what does it mean? And the fact that God originally created a good person who is loving who can forgive, with merciful, such as he himself. This is later later, mankind mired in murder. Hate and debauchery, and we moved away from God. Nothing hate and angry can not be near God. Evil and hatred Antipode of good. People are meek harmony closer to God when a person performs the commandments of Christ and especially the one where there is a "love melee of your neighbor as himself." He acquires the quality of Christ, that is, it goes closer to the original source to the person who created the Lord initially. And of course, a person must take baptism and Christ as a personal Savior, confessing in sins, and go to confession to clean the soul.

Read the "Life of Saints" What these people are humble, loving, meek and they for their love for other people, and for honoring God, and for faith is strong, many gifts were given, people to heal, many saw sins secret and explicit, many were the Mother of God or Jesus. And why, because they followed the commandments and the light of their love to all and to all the lives went from the heart of them and God entered and lived in this heart. Remember the words from the Bible, and in your faith will be given to you, or when Jesus healed the patients, the students were divided, as he could do it and what did Jesus answer them? What can I do, you can do and you. This is exactly what I wrote about the above about the gifts of Saints Righteous. And there are still such words where Jesus says if the faith of yours was at least with mustard grain and you would say Mount to turn, then she would turn. When we love God and honor him, not such wonders in life can be seen.

I wish you all peace, good love and great joy
And the light of our Lord Jesus Christ will come in every house, in every heart.

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Share your impressions, write about your cases of manifestations of God and God's wonders in your real life.

Each Orthodox carries a lot of stories of wonderful healing or other manifestations of God's help. We tell them to each other to share with the neighbor the joy of the explicit presence of God in our lives, console and cheer in difficult circumstances. The Orthodox man lives by the grace of God and innumerable by his good deeds. We just need not forget about it.

But not everyone can tell about his meeting with a miracle, write simply and convincingly, as Mikhail Ivanovich Makarov could do it. He was not a professional writer, he was just a truly Orthodox man.

Mikhail Ivanovich was born in 1906, pressed to the Lord in 2004, a little without surviving up to a hundred pet. As a child, he studied at church-parish school with Danilov Monastery, loved the abode, was her parishioner and even a ring at the monastery bell tower. Mikhail Ivanovich lived like an ordinary, no particularly outstanding life of a simple worker - but it was life with God. Never, even in the most difficult gogling times, he did not recover from faith, from the church. And the Lord helped.

And these cases of the wonderful assistance of God Mikhail Ivanovich considered his duty to record and convey to us, his readers. Moreover, knowing Mikhail Ivanovich, you can say for sure that this simple and very modest person does not say one extra word, did not embellish anything in his stories, but simply shared with us what had to be survived.

Mikhail Ivanovich told about how the Lord had repeatedly saved in heavy diseases, as a miracle of healing led to the faith of his wife, told about the favorite Moscow shrines - the miraculous icons of the Mother of God Vladimir, who was at that time in the Kremlin, and the Iverskaya of the Iverly chapel on Red Square, "All Morning Joy" from the temple on Ordyanka and the "healer" from the temple of the Resurrection in Sokolniki - and on genuine stories of healing and helping God on prayers to them. "Human life is complex. A person, even the most happy, it is time to grief, grief, difficult circumstances. Go to this time for help to the Mother of God ... Pour it in front of it in hot prayer your sorrow, give a good promise ... "- Mikhail Ivanovich calls us, because he knows well that such a prayer does not remain untrined.

Unbelievers are often trying to explain to a miracle match, Mikhail Ivanovich answers them: "Just disbelief does not want to recognize the help of God. The disbelief is always raised to explain the fact of the help of God anything, but not the help of God ... Believe it! Faith will not teach any bad, it does not hurt anything good. Believe, and you will have many grateful, joyful "coincidences"! ... "

Sawl, Sawl! What do you drive me?

I proclaim the name of Jehovah before you, and whom to pardon - surviving.

In 1921, famous Russian artist Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov wrote a small picture of the "travelers". On the steep bank of the wide river go together two: a peasant and a peasant. He with uncovered Cosmodo-bearded head. The peasant in the head is a beautiful handkerchief. Behind the shoulders at the peasant Kotomka, on the legs - chuni. The peasant in the legs of the Napti. Under the Koshibor, through which they go, the roofs of the peasant huts are visible. On the river, the tug pulls Barge. Everything is so simple and ordinary. But what is not easy and not forgiven: there is a traveler - Christ to meet them. They are amazed by this meeting.

"What an incompetent, unreal picture," some may think. Not. And modern and real. And now, as before, as two thousand years ago, Christ is his persecutes, and those who want to meet him, and to those who want to show his name and pardon. He is, is his preching mother, are saints. Are visibly and invisibly in revelations, troubles and misfortunes. No wonder in the Russian peoples in trouble or attack before: "I visited the Lord." So it was, so it will be so, because the gates of hell, the gates of evil will not overcome the church of Christ.

L. was a staunch athe system. Moreover, the propagandist atheation and by the nature of his work read antireligious lectures, including in Danilov Monastery, when there was a receiver for minor offenders. In an anti-religious spirit, she brought up their two children - a boy and a girl. Once, during your holiday, she took a trip to Siberia with children - see cities, see people. In one of the cities, they threesome went to walk. On the way, they saw an open-acting temple, entered into it and, looking with curiosity, began to unceremoniously inspect him. At this time, there were no praying in the temple, one washed the floor cleaner. We are now quite often able to observe in the temples such a picture as passing passersby, including women in the pants, also unceremoniously stated on the walls of the temple, are suitable for icons, inevitably and ignorantly consider them a misunderstanding eyes. Instead of a friendly ask such passersby, that it is not clear to them, and tell them about the content of wallopi or icons, some "believers" are walked on curious angry - you can never do this. We do not know, perhaps, Dandy of God led them to this temple to reveal them the face of God, call them and pardon them. But back to L. Her attention attracted the icon of Our Lady, placed near the iconostasis. L. came to the icon and began to consider the Mother of God. Suddenly she heard a voice from the icon, from which she became bad. She fell in front of an icon in a deep glonium and began to pray for the Virgin about forgiveness. I heard her children, but did not understand the words. What he heard L., she does not say, but she immediately interrupted the trip, returned to Moscow, he herself baptized, baptized the children and threw an anti-religious work. She began to jealously attend the temple, on sermons and services to study faith and commandments to our church, to pray hard. Her son Alyosha began to serve in the temple, he learned to Church Slavonic reading and became a reader. Having served in the Soviet Army, he entered the spiritual seminary, he accepted monasticism and now in San Hegumen exists in one of the temples. Daughter L. also accepted the posture, and now she is inkin. So in our time, the Lord called on and pardoned his elects and made them servants of his church.

M.V. Nesterov. Travelers.1920s. GTG

It was. We know about the phenomenon of Christ from the Gospel, from the acts of the Holy Apostles, from the lives of saints. But the fact of the past secular life. All cultural people know the Great Russian writer I.A. Goncharov. But far from everyone knows that he was Christ before his death. This is what tells about this fact A.F. Horses in the book "Memories of Writers".

"Deep faith in a different life accompanied the pots to the end. I visited him a day before His death, and when I express my hope that he would also recover, he looked at me with a surviving eye, in which she still flicker and flashed life, and told a solid voice: "No, I will die. Town I have seen Christ, and he forgave me. "

But not everyone is Christ, but only especially chosen. We must have obliged to pray that the Lord save all people.

Lord! Return the Church of your holy all who left it from it, bring to her not leading it, pretend to be your ministers of persecutors and connect us all in faith, hope and love.

Somehow in May of 1946, a group of women-holidays is located on the bench of the veranda of the holiday home "Tea-Georgia" to continue the started conversation.

The best stories About miracles

In France, there is an ancient cross, the words about the Lord Jesus Christ are knocked out on it.

If it were not for God's wonders - it would not be an Orthodox faith!

In the whole world, at all times, it has always been occurred, and today, wonders are amazing and unexplained from the point of view of science phenomenon and events. There are a lot of them, thanks to these wonders, many people on Earth acquired faith in the Almighty God and became believing people. History stores a large number of reliable facts of all kinds of amazing cases and events - really what happened on Earth, and therefore they believe people in God or not, but these miracles have occurred earlier, they are also taking place and our time and help people find a real faith in God.

Therefore, as if unbelieving people did not say and did not claim that God is not and can not be that all believers in God, people are ignorant and insane, after all, let's give place to existing real Facts, that is, such events that really happened. And carefully listen to those people who themselves were participants and witnesses of these events ...

The Lord wants to save every person, and for the sake of this good purpose - he concerns many wonders and signs through the saints elected. So that people through these miracles learned about God, or at least remembered him and truly think about their lives - are they right? Why do they live in this light - what is the meaning of life? ..

Death is not the end

Several certificates of professors

Andrei Vladimirovich Nerzdilov - Petersburg Psychiatrist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Psychiatry Department of the St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Scientific Director of the Gerontological Department, Honorary Doctor of Essec University (United Kingdom), Chairman of the Association of Oncopsychologists of Russia:

« Death is not the end and not the destruction of our personality. This is just a change in the state of our consciousness after the completion of the Earth Being. I worked for 10 years in the oncological clinic, and now I have been working in the hospice for more than 20 years.

Over the years, communicating with seriously ill and dying people, I have had the opportunity to make sure that the human consciousness does not disappear after death. That our body is just a shell that the soul leaves at the time of the transition to another world. All this is proved by numerous stories of people who have been in a state of such a "spiritual" consciousness during clinical death. When people tell me about some of their mysteries, deeply shook their experiences, the extensive experience of the doctor's practitioner allows me to distinguish hallucinations from real events with confidence. Explain such phenomena from the point of view of science is not only me, but no one else can - science does not cover the whole knowledge of the world. But there are facts that argue that in addition to our world there is a world of others - the world acting on unknown laws and is out of our understanding. In this world, in which we all fall after death, time and space have completely different manifestations. I want to tell you a few cases from my practice that can dispel all doubts about its existence. "

I will tell you one interesting and unusual story that happened with one of my patients. I want to note that this story made a big impression on academician, head of the human brain institute, Natalia Petrovna Bekhterev, when I retold her.

Somehow asked me to watch a young woman named Julia. Julia has a clinical death during a difficult operation, and I had to determine whether the consequences of this state remained, is the memory, reflexes, whether completely consciousness restored and so on. She lay in the postoperative ward, and as soon as we began to talk to her - immediately began to apologize:

- Sorry that I deliver so much trouble with doctors.

- What trouble?

- Well, those ... during surgery, ... when I was in a state of clinical death.

- But you can't know anything about it. When you were in a state of clinical death, you could not see anything or hear. There is absolutely no information - neither by the part of life, nor from death - it could not come to you, because your brain has been turned off and the heart stopped ...

- Yes, the doctor, it's all so. But what happened to me was so real ... And I remember everything ... I would tell you about it if you promise not to send me to a psychiatric hospital.

- You think and speak completely reasonable. Please tell us about what you have experienced.

And that's what Julia told me then:

At first - after the introduction of anesthesia - she did not realize anything, but then he felt some impetus, and suddenly thrown out of her own body
that rotational motion. With surprise, she saw himself, lying on the operating table, saw surgeons that bent over the table, and heard someone shouted: "She has stopped her heart! Immediately start! " And then Julia was scared frightened, because I realized that this is her body and her heart! For Yulia, the heart stop was equivalent to the fact that she died, and barely heard these terrible words, as she instantly embraced anxiety for the remaining houses of loved ones: Mom and a small daughter. After all, she did not even warn them that she would operate it! "How so, I'll die now and don't even say goodbye to them?!"

Her consciousness literally darted towards her house and suddenly, oddly enough, she instantly ended up in her apartment! She sees her daughter Masha plays with a doll, grandmother sits next to his granddaughter and knits something. The knock on the door and the room includes a neighbor and says: "This is for Masha. Your Yulia has always been a sample for her daughter, so I sewed the girl's dress in polka dot so that she looked like her mother. " Masha rejoices, throws a doll and runs to a neighbor, but on the way randomly hurts for the tablecloth: the old cup falls from the table and breaks down, lying next to her a teaspoon, flies behind it and falls under the rushing carpet. Noise, ringing, turmoil, grandmother, splashing hands, shouts: "Masha, how awkward you! ". Masha is upset - she is sorry for her old and such a beautiful cup, and the neighbor hurriedly comforts them with the words that the dishes be happily ... And here, completely forgetting about what happened earlier, the excited Julia comes to her daughter, put her hand on his head and says: "Masha, this is not the worst grief in the world." The girl wraps in surprise, but as if not seeing her, immediately, turns away back. Julia does not understand anything: there was no such daughter to turn away from her when she wants to console her! The daughter was brought up without a father and was very tied to the mother - never before she was so! Such her behavior of Julia was upset and puzzled, in full confusion she began to think: "What is happening? Why did the daughter turned away from me? ".

And suddenly I remembered that when she appeared to her daughter, she did not hear her voice! What, when she stretched out her hand and stroked her daughter, she also did not feel any touch! Thoughts begin to be confused: "Who am I? Do not see me? Is I really died? " In confusion, she rushes to the mirror and does not see his reflection in it ... This last circumstance Her suned her, it seemed to her that she would just get crazy about it ... But suddenly among the chaos of all these thoughts and feelings, she recalls everything that happened to She used to: "I did the operation!" She recalls how she saw his body from the side, - lying on the operating table, "recalls the terrible words of a doctor about the stopped heart ... These memories frighten Julia even more, and in her confused consciousness immediately rushes: "I have to be in the operating room, because if I do not have time, then doctors will find me dead!" She rushes out of the house, she thinks about what transport would be to get to get there to catch ... and at the same instant it turns out again in the operating room, and the voice of the surgeon comes to it: "Heart earned! We continue the operation, but quickly, so that it does not happen to re-stop! " The further failure in memory, and then it wakes up in the postoperative chamber.

And I went to Julia home, handed over her request and asked her mom: "Tell me, and at this time - from ten to twelve hours - didn't the neighbor named Lydia Stepanovna come to you?" - "What are you familiar with her? Yes, came. " - "And brought a dress in polka dot?" - "Yes, brought"... everything came up to small details except one: they did not find a spoon. Here I remembered the details of the Julian Story and said: "And you look under the carpet." And really - the spoon lay under the carpet ...

So what is death?

We fix the state of death when the heart stops and the work of the brain stops, and at the same time, the death of consciousness is in that concept, in what we always imagine her - as such, simply do not exist. The soul is freed from his shell and clearly realizes the entire surrounding reality. It has already been a lot of evidence, this is confirmed by numerous patient stories who were in a state of clinical death and survived posthumous experience within these minutes. Communication with patients a lot teaches us, and also makes us wonder and think about such extraordinary events to write off at chance and coincidence is simply impossible. These events dissipate all doubts about the immediateless of our souls.

Saint Joasaf Belgorod

Then I studied at the St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy. I had a lot of knowledge, and the faith was not real. At the celebrations on the occasion of the opening of the relics of St. Joasaph, I was reluctant and thought about the huge crowd of the people, the thirsty of the miracle. What can be wonders in our time?

I arrived and moved something inside: this saw that it was impossible to remain calm. From all over Russia, patients came along, cripples - so much suffering and pain, which is difficult to look. And yet: the universal waiting for something miraculously unwitting was transmitted to me, in spite of my skeptical attitude towards the upcoming.

Finally, the emperor has arrived with his family and a celebration was appointed. At the celebrations, I was already standing with deep excitement: I did not believe and still waited for something. It is difficult for us now to imagine this sight: thousands and thousands of patients, curved, underemploy, blind, the cakes lay, stood on both sides of the path, according to which the relics of the saint were supposed. Special attention was attracted by one curb: it was impossible to look at it without shudder. All parts of the body have grown - some ball of meat and bones on Earth. I waited: What can happen to this person? What can he help?!

And they carried the coffin with the relics of St. Joasaph. I have never seen this and hardly see once again in my life - almost all sick, standing and lying along the road - they healed: blind - turned, deaf - they began to hear, dumb - they began to say, shout and jump from joy, cripples - sick members straightened.

With trepidation, horror and reverence I looked at everything that happened - and did not let out of the sight of that curved. When the coffin was with the relics, he spread his hands - there was a terrible crunch of bones, as if something was broken and breaking inside him, and he began to straighten with the effort - and got on his feet! What a shock was for me! I ran to him with tears, then grabbed some kind of journalist by the hand, I asked to write ...

In St. Petersburg, I returned to another person - deeply believing!

Miracle healing from deafness from the Ivice icon in Moscow

In the newspaper: "Modern Izvestia" is printed by a letter of one person healed in Moscow in 1880 (newspaper of the 213rd year). One music teacher, German, Protestant, but did not believe in anything, he has lost his hearing, and at the same time work and means to life. Having lived everything, they acquired, he decided to endorse suicide - go and drowned. It was July 23, the same year. "Passing by the Iverish gate," he writes, "I saw the crowd of the people who gathered around the carriage, which was brought to the chapel of the icon of the Mother of God. In me, suddenly there was an irrepressive desire to approach the icon and pray with the people and to make it to the icon, although we are protestants - we do not recognize the icons.

And here I, who spent up to 37 years, was represented for the first time and fell on his knees before - and what happened? The undoubted, striking miracle happened: I, without hearing almost anything for the minute during the year and 3 months, who considered doctors completely and hopelessly deaf, attached to the icon, at the same time - again received the ability of hearing, received to such an extent that not only sharp sounds, but also a quiet speech and whisper began to hear perfectly clearly.

And all this suddenly accomplished, instantly, painlessly ... Immediately, in addition, the Mother of God, I gave myself an oath to comply with everything that happened with me. " This man then accepted Orthodoxy.

Miracle from the gracious fire

This case told one nun, living in the Russian Gunnensky Monastery near Jerusalem. Translated her back from the Pühthytsky monastery. With trepidation and delighted, she stepped on the holy earth ...

Here is the first Easter on the Holy Land. Almost a day she took a place closer to the entrance to the coffin of the Lord in order to see everything well.

Half the Great Saturday came. In the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher, all lights were repaid. Tens of thousands of people are eagerly waiting for a miracle. From Kuvuklia seemed to be a reflections of light. A happy patriarch made two beams of burning candles from Kuvuklia to pass the fire to the fooling people.

Many people look under the dome of the temple - there are blue zippers ...

And our nun does not see the lightning. And the fire from the candles is usual, although she watched greedily, trying not to miss anything. Passed the Great Saturday. What feelings did the nun survived? There was a disappointment, but then the consciousness of his unnecessary see the miracle ...

Passed year. The Great Saturday came again. Now Inokiny occupied the most modest place in the temple. Kuvuklia is almost not visible. She lowered his eyes and decided not to raise them: "I am unworthy of seeing a miracle." Passed waiting hours. Again, scream scream shake. The nun did not raise the head.

Suddenly, as if someone made her see her. The look of her fell at the corner of the Kuvuklia, in which a special hole was done through which the burning candles from Kuvuklius outwards. So, from this hole separated by a bright, shimmering cloud - and immediately a beam of 33 candles in her hand caught fire by himself.

Tears of joy boiled on her eyes! What was gratitude to God!

And the lightning of blue under the dome she also saw it too.

Wonderful assistance in John Kronstadsky

A resident of the Moscow region Vladimir Vasilyevich Kotov suffered strong pools In the right hand. By the spring of 1992, his hand almost stopped moving. Doctors have established an estimated diagnosis - heavy arthritis of the right shoulder, but there was no significant help. Once the patient fell into the hands of the book about the Holy and Righteous John Kronstadt, reading it, he fought the wonders and the wonderful healing of patients from their diseases that were described in this book, and he decided to go to St. Petersburg. On August 12, 1992, Vladimir Kotov confessed, fell and served the saint righteous Father, John Kronstadt and anointed his hand, everything shoulder santed butter From the lamp from the tomb of the saint.

At the end of the service, he, coming out of the monastery, headed for a tram stop. Vladimir Vasilyevich hung the bag on the right shoulder and gently laid his silent hand on her, as he usually did lately. When walking the bag began to subsoine and he automatically corrected it with his right hand, without feeling any pain. Staying as the inserted, not believing himself, he began to move back to his sore hand. The hand was completely healthy.

The mother of one person has a heart and stroke happened and paralyzed it. She could not even move, he was very worried about his mother, and as a man who believes prayed a lot for her, asking God to help his mother. And the Lord heard his prayers, he accidentally met one, already old, the monk, the spiritual daughter of the Holy Righteous Father of John Kronstadt, he told her about his trouble and she comforted him. Gave him a municipality that I once wore the waters of God's father John, and said that this mitten had a lot of power and helps sick people, just need her to wear a sick hand. SUMPLY was served by John Kronstadt, John Kronstadt, plunged into the holy water the municipality and, having come home, sprouted the mother of this water.

Then put on the mother's mother's hand, and ... Immediately the fingers on the sore hand came to move. The doctor when she came to the sick, did not believe her eyes - the former paralyzed woman was calmly sat on the chair and was healthy. Having learned the history of healing the patient, the doctor asked this mitten. But the matter is not in a mitten ... but in the grace of God.

Nikolay my waters healed paralyzed

In Moscow, in the lower church of Christ the Savior, there is an amazing miraculous icon of Nicholas, donated by Russia ITALY. This is an unusual icon, it is composed of mosaic, small multicolored pebbles. Approaching the icon, I doubted the power and the miraculousness of this icon, as I saw that the icon was not like the usual handwritten icons at all and thought about myself: "They say where the Italians can be, something good, the more holy and miraculous , After all, they are not orthodox, and the icon itself is some kind of incomprehensible and does not look like an icon "? A year later, the Lord dispeld all my doubts and showed that God, all his saints, all their icons and power have a divine miraculous force, which heals all the weakness of people and helps themselves to suffer, to everyone who addresses the holy wings to God.

That's how it happened. About a year after this case, one my relative told next case. She had an adult son, who, together with his wife, lived in a family hostel, where they had their own room. Mother often visited him, that's that day, she as usual came to visit him, but his son was not at home. She decided to wait for a son's return watch, and talked to a woman with a watchful, and she told her the following story. Her mother has three children, two sons and daughter, that is, she herself. They had trouble, first the father dies, and then followed by the younger son and the mother did not stand such a big loss, she was paralyzed, and besides that she fell into a perceptual state. It was not taken to the hospital, because they recognized a hopelessly sick, and they said that she would not live for a long time. The daughter took his mother to himself and cared for her for more than two years, of course, everything in her house was very tired of such a heavy load, but the daughter continued to care for his paralyzed and inflicted mother.

And here I was brought from Italy from this icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker, and she decided to go. When I came to the icon, I thought about a lot to ask the "Nichoshka", but, approaching the icon, I forgot about everything and just asked St. Nicholas to help her mother, was attached to the icon and went home.

Sitting to the house, she suddenly saw how to meet her, on her feet there was her patient, a paralyzed mother, comes to her and well indignant: "You are what it is, a daughter, such a straightener arranged in the room, dirt so much stinks, some rags hanging everywhere." It turns out his mother came to himself, got out of bed, seeing that in the room there was a fair, dressed and went to meet her daughter to scold her. And the daughter had tears from joy for the mother and a huge sense of gratitude to the "Nichochka" and to God for the wonderful healing of her mother. Mother could not believe the fact that she had lacquered without memory and paralyzed.

Savior Batyushka Seraphim

This happened in the winter of 1959. My one year old son got sick. Diagnosis - bilateral lung inflammation. Since the condition was very difficult, he was put in the intensive care unit. I was not allowed to him. Twice was clinical death, but the doctors saved. I was in despair, ran out of the hospital to the Elokhovsky Epiphany Cathedral, prayed, cried, screamed: "Lord! Save son! " And once again I come to the hospital, and the doctor says: "There is no hope for salvation, tonight the child will die." I prayed to the temple, sobbed. I came home, cried, then fell asleep. I see a dream. I enter the apartment, the door of one of the rooms is ajar, and from there there is a blue light. I enter this room and simure. Two walls of the room are hung from the floor to the ceiling by icons, a lamp is burning near each icon, and in front of the icons standing on the knees an old man with raised up and praying. I stand and do not know what to do.

Here he turns around to me, and I recognize in him Seraphim Sarovsky. "Are you a slave of God?" -he asks me. I rush to him: "Father Seraphim! I have a child dying! "He me: "Let's pray."It becomes knees and prays. I stand behind and pray too. Then gets up and says: "Carry it here." I bring to him a child. He looks at him for a long time, then the tassel, which enjoys healing, wipes his lobik, chest, shoulders and tells me: "Do not cry, he will live."

Here I woke up, looked at the clock. It was five in the morning. Quickly dressed and went to the hospital. I go. The duty nurse raised the phone and says: "She came".I stand nor alive, nor dead. The doctor includes, looks at me and says: "They say miracles does not happen, but today a miracle happened. At about five in the morning, the child stopped breathing. That did, nothing helped. Already gathered to leave, looked at the boy - and he took a deep breath. I did not believe my eyes. Listened to the lungs - almost clean, only small wheezes. Now he will live. " My son came to life at the moment when the father of Seraphim hooked him with his tassel. Glory to you, Lord, and the Great Reverend Seraphim!


I work at the Moscow Airport. Once, at work, I read in the book of Hieromonach Trifon " Miracles of recent times"On how people were Saint Seraphim Sarov. I thought about myself: "Such just can not be. These are all ordinary fictions. "

After a while I go to the plane and I see, and towards me Tikhonechko goes the father Seraphim. I did not believe my eyes, although I immediately recognized him, exactly the same as on the icon. We were greeted. He stopped, good smiled at me and said, without revealing his mouth: "You see, it turns out that it may be!" And I went further. I was so amazed that I didn't answer anything, I didn't ask him about anything, I only walked around until he disappeared. Valentina, Moscow.


I live in Italy, in Rome, I go to the Orthodox Church. In the library of this church, I saw your book " Miracles of recent times", Dear Pathushka Trifon. Low bow to you for your work. I read it with great pleasure. Here, abroad, spiritual literature is a bit, and every such book - great value. I am writing you about what happened to me. Maybe someone will benefit to learn about it.

Once, in one book, I read a small story of a man who smoked a lot what is called one cigarette for another. Once, traveling in the plane, he read the Bible. There were no other books. Flying to the destination, he was surprised to find that for all four hours a flight never lit and even wanted to smoke! This story fought me in the heart, because I myself smoked myself for a long time, but comforted myself what I smoked on a day no more than three - five cigarettes. Sometimes I did not smoke a few days to prove to yourself that I can throw at any time. What self-exclusiveness for all smokers! As a result, I once began to smoke in a pack per day. It was scary to think what will happen to me next. After all, I also support bronchial asthma, and smoking for me, especially in such quantity, was simply suicide.

So, after reading this story, I decided to try to quit smoking by reading the Bible. And it was absolutely sure that the Lord would help me. I read it with a drink all your free time. And at work there was one desire - to work out as soon as possible. 1306 Large Format Pages Small Fonts were read in three months.

During these three months - I stopped smoking. Initially, I forgot that I did not attempt in the morning. Then one day it seemed the opposite smell of smoke, which was very surprised. Next, noticed that literally forcing myself smoking the habit: I did not yet understand what it was. And finally, thought: "If I don't want to smoke, I will not buy a new packager for tomorrow." Every day came to mind - I did not smoke! And only then I realized what the real miracle happened! Thank God!

When children are sick, you need to hope for the help of God

I got married early. I had a faith in God, but work, home care, everyday bustle pushed faith to the background. I lived, not referring to God with prayer, without observing posts. It's easier to say: I cooled to faith. I didn't even think that the Lord hears my prayer if I appeal to him.

We lived in Sterlitamak. In January, the junior child got sick, a boy of five years old. Invited doctors. He examined the child and said that he had diphtheria in acute form, prescribed treatment. Waited for relief, but it did not follow. The child has weakened. He no longer recognized. Could not accept drugs. From his chest, a terrible lag was broken, which was heard in the entire apartment. Two doctors came. We sadly looked at the patient, talked to each other. It was clear that the child would not survive the night. I did not think about anything, mechanically did everything necessary for the patient. The husband did not move away from bed, afraid to miss the last sigh. In the house, everything was amended, only a terrible whistling wheezing was heard.

They hit the bell to the evening. Almost unconsciously, I dressed and told my husband:

- I will go, I will ask you to serve prayers about his recovery. "Don't you see that he dies?"

- Do not go: he will end without you.

"No," I say, "I'll go: the church is close."

I enter the church. Father Stefan goes to me.

"Batyushka," I tell him, "my son dies from diphtherite." If you are not afraid, serve me prayer.

- We are obliged to pass the dying everywhere. Now I will come to you.

I returned home. Wheems continued to be distributed throughout the rooms. Liccino completely crouched, the eyes have rolled out. I touched the legs: they were completely cold. Painfully squeezed the heart. Whether I cried, I do not remember. I cried so much in these terrible days that, it seems, and tears have flushed. He burned the lamp and prepared the necessary.

Father Stephen came and began to serve prayers. I carefully took the child together with the pillow and pillow and carried in the hall. I was too hard standing to keep it, and I sank into the chair.

Prayer continued. Father Stephen opened the gospel. I hardly got up from the chair. And the miracle happened. My boy raised his head and listened to God's word. Father Stefan cumshot read. I was attached; The boy was attached. He wrapped my neck with his hand and was heard the prayer. I was afraid to breathe. Father Stefan raised the Holy Cross, painted them a child, gave him to attach and said: "Get well!"

I laid the boy in bed and went to spend the father. When Father Stephen left, I hurried to the bedroom, wondering that I would not hear the usual greedy soul. The boy slept quietly. Breathing was smooth and calm. I went to my knees with a moutigation, thanks to the gracious God, and then I myself fell asleep on the floor: the strength left me.

On the other morning, just hit the Sautron, my boy rose and a clean, sonorous voice said:

- Mom, what is me all lying? I'm tired of lying!

Is it possible to describe how my heart happily clogged. Now the milk was warmed, and the boy gladly drank him. At 9 o'clock in the hall, our doctor joined the hall, looked at the front corner and, without seeing there a table with a cold corpse, called me. I responded with a cheerful voice:

- Now I go. - Is it really better? - asked the doctor in surprise.

"Yes," I replied, healthy with him. - The Lord revealed us a miracle.

- Yes, only a miracle could have healed your child.

A few days later, Father Stephen served with our thanksgiving prayer. My boy, completely healthy, prayed diligently. At the end of the prayer, Father Stephen said: - You need to describe this case.

I sincerely wish that at least one mother who read these lines, in the hour of grief, did not fall into despair, and kept faith in the great mercy and love of God, in the goodness of the unknown ways, which the God's fishery leads.

On the importance of prosdiadia

One very large scientist, medic, hard fell ill. Invited doctors, his friends, found a patient in such a state that there were very little hopes for recovery.

He lived a professor only with his sister, an old woman. He was not something that is completely unbelieving, but it was not very interested in religious issues, he did not go to the church, although he lived near the temple.

After such a medical sentence, his sister was very saddened, not knowing how to help his brother. And then I remembered that there is a church, where you can go and submit to prosomide about the hard brother.

Early in the morning, not to mention the brother's word, the sister gathered on the early dinner, told the priest about his grief and asked to take out the particle and pray for a brother's health.

And at the same time, her brother was a vision: as if the wall of his room would disappear and the inside of the temple was discovered, the altar. He saw his sister, who spoke about something with the priest. The priest approached the altar, took out a particle, and this particle with a ringing fell to disk. And at the same time the patient felt that some force entered his body. He immediately stood out of bed, which could not be done for a long time.

At this time, the sister returned, there was no limit to surprise.

- Where have you been? - exclaimed the former patient. - I saw everything, I saw you in the church spoke with the priest, how he took a particle for me.

And then both with tears talked the Lord for wonderful healing.

The professor lived for a long time after that, never forgetting about God's mercy, formerly to him, sinful. He went to church, confessed, became involved, began to observe all posts.

It is said that God's miracles can not be covered. So I decided to tell you how my mother saved me from death. It was many years ago.

I saved faith in God

I used to live in the village, and when the work was not, moved to the city, bought me half at home. After some time, new neighbors instilled in the second half of the house. Then we were told that our houses would be demolished. Neighbors began to offend me. They wanted to get the apartment more and told me: " Leave from here to the village" At night, the windows were broken. And I became every morning and pray, " Live in help"Lit, all the walls we swore and only then go to bed. On the weekend prayed in the temple.

One day the neighbors were very offended. I appreciated, namingly and fear and fell asleep during the day. Suddenly wake up, I look - there is no lattice on the window. I thought that the grid was broken by the neighbors - they were intimidated me all the time, and I was very afraid of them. And here in the window I see a woman - so beautiful, and in her hands she has a bouquet of roses of red, and on Rosa roses. So, she looked at it to me, and I had calmly in my soul. I realized that it was the Most Holy Mother of God, that she will save me. Since then, I began to rely on the Mother of God and was no longer afraid of anything.

Somehow come from work. Neighbors then drank from a week. Just managed to go home, I wanted to lie down, and something suggests me: you need to go out in Songy. I already understood that this guardian angel suggested me. In Songy came out, and there is already a fire. Ran out and just managed to cross your house. And I really asked Nicholas the Wonderworker to save my house, so that I don't stay on the street. Firefighters quickly arrived and all poured, my house survived. And the neighbors died in a fire. I saved faith in God.

How I saved the life of his son with holy baptism

When my son was three months old, he fell ill with bilateral staphylococcal bronchopneumonia. We were urgently hospitalized. He was getting worse and worse. A few days later, the head of the department transferred us to a single chamber and said that my little long remained to live. My grievance was not limit. Called mom: "The child dies unresolved what to do?" Mom immediately went to the temple to the priest. He gave the mother of baptisma water and said which prayer should be read during the commission. He said that in emergency cases, when a person with death, baptism can make a layman. Mom brought me baptized water and texts of prayers.

Batyushka said that if the danger of the child's death arises and there will be no opportunity to invite a priest to him, then let his mother, father, relatives, friends, neighbors. Pour, reading the prayer "Our Father", "King Heavenly", "The Virgin Delo Rejoice" - in a vessel with water a little holy water or baptismic water, cross the child and plunge three times with the words: "The slave of God is baptized(here you need to pronounce the name of the child) In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". If the child is surviving, then baptism will then complement the priest.

There were glass doors in the ward, the sisters were again over the corridor. Suddenly, at three o'clock they had a meeting. Our nurse instructed me to follow the state of the Son, until it is attended by the meeting. And I calmly, dubbed my son without interference. Immediately after baptism, the child came to his senses.

After the meeting, the doctor went and was terribly surprised: " What happened to him? "I answered: "God helped!" A few days later we were discharged from the hospital, and soon I brought my son to church, and the Battyan tried holy baptism.

In their affairs will get each

One man bought a house in the village. There was a burnt chapel in this village, and this man decided to build a new one. I bought a bar and boards, but, to his surprise, none of the inhabitants of this village wanted to help him. There was spring, gardens, crops, landing - all their throat. I had to build myself, pre-planting my garden. Work on construction turned out so much that it was necessary to forget about the weeding and watering of the landing. By the fall, the chapel was almost ready. Guests arrived - colleagues with children. Guests had to be fed, and then only remembered the builder about his garden. She sent there Dachnikov - what if something and grew up? The garden met them the wall of overgrown Burnah. "Impassable taiga",- Jold guests.

But, to universal surprise, together with the Bianoan - rose and landing, and - huge sizes. The fruits of plants turned out to be so huge. The inhabitants came from the whole village - to look at this miracle.

So the Lord gave this man for his good deed. And in the village of all the inhabitants, this year, the harvest turned out to be a nickidal, although they walked polls in their groats ...

Everyone will get everyone!

We never talk truth

Another familiar woman, already an eloctal, was addicted to talk with the "voices". "Voices" transferred her various information about all relatives, and at the same time about other planets. Part of what they reported was a lie or did not come true. But my friend did not consider it quite convincing and continued to believe them. As time went. She began to feel bad. Apparently, doubts fumbled into her soul. Once she straight asked them: "Why do you often tell a lie?" " We never talk truth» - answered "Voices" and began to laugh at her. My friend became terribly. He immediately went to the church, confessed and never worked out.

What can I tell you when you - God call?

The nun Ksenia talked about his nephew the following. The nephew of her is a young man 25 years old, an athlete, a hunter-bear, Karate, recently graduated from one of the Moscow institutions - in general, a modern young man. At one time he was carried away by the eastern religions, then began to communicate with the "voices from space." As Mother Ksenia and her sister, the mother of a young man nor said him from these classes, he stood on his own. For some reason, he was not baptized in childhood and did not want to be baptized. Finally - it was in 1990-1991 - "Voices" appointed him a meeting on one of the annular metro stations. At 18.00 he had to sit in the third car train. Of course, his home was discarded him, but he went. Exactly at 18.00 he sat down in the third carriage and immediately saw a man who he was needed. He understood this for some extraordinary power emanating from him, although the man did usually looked out.

The young man sat down opposite the stranger, and suddenly he embraced his horror. Then he told that even on the hunt, one on one with a bear, he never experienced such fear. The stranger silently looked at him. The train was already a third circle along the ring, when the young man remembered that in danger it is necessary to say: "Lord, hollow," and began to repeat this prayer for himself. Finally he rose, approached the stranger and asked him: "Why are you called me?" "And what can I tell you when you call God?" - answered the one. At this time, the train stopped, and the guy jumped out of the car. The next day he was baptized.

Repentance of a badness

"I had a close girlfriend, got married. In the very first year, her son Vladimir was born. From the birthday boy hit an unusually humble character. For the second year, her son Boris was born, I also surprised everyone, on the contrary, an extremely uncomfortable character. Vladimir all classes have passed the first student. At the end of the university, he entered the Sacred Academy and was ordained in priests in 1917. Vladimir joined the way to which God was elected from birth. From the very beginning began to enjoy the respect and love of the parish. In 1924, he and his parents were sent to Tver without the right to leave the city. They should have been constantly under the supervision of the GPU. In 1930, Vladimir was arrested and shot.

Another brother, Boris, joined the Komsomol, and then, to the sadness of the parents, became a member of the Union of Sugurizians. Father Vladimir still tried to return him to God, but could not. In 1928, Boris became the chairman of the Union of Sugurizians and married the girl Komsomolskaya. In 1935, I came for several days to Moscow, where Boris met by chance. He happily rushed to me with the words: "The Lord on Brother's Prayers, Father Vladimir in Heaven, returned me to him." That's what he told me: "When we were walked, then the mother of my bride blessed her way" non-manual save "and said: "Just give me the word that you do not throw it; Let him now do not need you, just do not throw. " He really is unnecessary to us, was demolished in the barn. A year later, we had a boy. We both were happy. But the child was born a patient, with a spinal cord tuberculosis. We did not regret the money for doctors. They said that the boy can only live until herstel. The child has been five years old. Health is worse. It has reached us that the famous professor in childhood diseases is located in the exile. The child is very bad, and I decided to go and invite professors to us.

When I ran up to the station, then the train was gone on my eyes. What was done? Stay and wait, and there is a wife alone and suddenly the child will die without me? Thought and turned back. I come and find the following: Mother, sobbing, stands on the lap by the bed, hugging already the cool legs of the boy ...

Local Feldscher said it is the last minutes. I sat down at the table against the window and looked desperate. And suddenly I see how I reaches that the doors of our barn will be reached and my native late brother Father Vladimir comes out. He holds in his hands our image of the Savior. I OBOMLEL: I see how he goes, how to fly him long hairI hear how he opens the door, I hear the steps. I am all frightened like marble. He enters the room, approaching me, silently, as it may give me an image in hand and, as a vision, disappears.

Seeing all this, I rushed in the barn, found an image of the save and put it on the child. In the morning the child was completely healthy. His physicians only diluted with his hands. Traces of tuberculosis - no. And then I realized that there is God, I understood the prayer of the brother.

I declared the exit from the Union of Sugurizians and did not conceal the miracle what happened to me. Everywhere I made everywhere about the miracle happened to me and called for faith in God. Painted the Son, giving him the name - Georgy. " I said goodbye to Boris and did not see him anymore. When I came to Moscow again in 1937, I learned that after the baptism of my son, he and his wife went to the Caucasus. Boris everywhere discovered his delusion and salvation. A year later, he, being completely healthy, suddenly died. Doctors have not defined the causes of death: he was removed by the Bolsheviks, so that no longer chatted and the people did not mutter ... "

Suggested by Saint Alexander Svirsky

Often with us happens that they make mistakes, and we know what we do wrong, but we continue to make them, not even realizing their significance. And then for the rescue come over. Or in the book, which you know, or will tell someone, or you will meet the right person, but God's fishing is in everything.

Previously, I believed that the form of clothing for the Orthodox woman does not play much of great importance: in trousers, I went today or in the mini-skirt - it's still, without a difference, the main thing is to come to the Temple, and in the world - as I want. And I dream somehow sleep, I go to the temple, to the left of me - Icon, I go to her, and Alexander Svirsky comes from the icon. He says to me: "On the body put on simple women's clothing And wear, as appropriate, and publish the Saint Zosima. "

Subsequently, I was explained by the priest's importance of words that mentioned to me by Rev. Alexander. Pants on a woman, a short skirt and other tight clothes cause temptation. And now, imagine, you went to the subway in such clothes, and how many men looked at you and even sinned their thoughts - so so many people you will be the cause of their sin. After all, it is said: "Do not seduce!"

Healing from blindness

In consecration of water, a wonderful prayer is pronounced, in which the healing force is requested for using this water. In consecrated subjects, spiritual properties are concluded that are not inherent in the usual substance. The manifestation of these properties is like miracles and testifies to the connection of the human spirit with God. Therefore, all information about the facts of manifestation of these properties is very useful to people, especially during the temptation and doubt in faith, that is, in the spiritual connection of a person with God. This is especially important at present when the misconception is widespread, as if such a connection does not exist and that it is proven by science. However, science operates with facts, and the denial of facts on the basis of only the basis that they do not fit into the specified scheme - this is not a scientific method.

To numerous manifestations of special healing properties Consecrated water can be added another completely reliable case, which took place at the end of the winter of 1960/61.

The elderly pension teacher A. I. was sick with his eyes. She was treated in the eye dispensary, but despite the efforts of the doctors, completely blinded. She was a believer man. When the trouble happened, she was a few days in a row with a prayer applied to the eyes of a vaccine moistened with baptic water. To the surprise of doctors, in one, really beautiful morning, she began to see well again.

It is known that in patients with glaucoma, such sharp improvements in conventional treatment are impossible, and deliverance A.I. From blindness is one of the manifestations of the wonderful healing properties of holy water.

Unfortunately, not all miracles are written, even less in print, and we simply do not know much. A miracle, about which I told, obviously will be known only to the narrow circle of people, but we, who, inquired by the grace of God, to be among them, will pay thanks and glory to God.

Power of faith in God

One woman told the story about his father Romashchenko Ivan Safonovich, born in 1907, on how at the end of 1943, on a false denomnation of one traitor who collaborated with the fascists, he fell for 10 years to the camp. And how many hard tests he had to survive there. In addition, he was very sick with tuberculosis, because of which he in 1941 was not taken to the front.

Even behind there, in incredibly hard conditions, her father continued to be a real Orthodox Christian. He prayed, tried to live on commandments, and even ... observe posts! Although there was a hard exhausting work, and one of the food is one of the balancing, he still restricted himself in food. The father led the calendar, knew and remembered the days of the great church holidays, calculated the day of the onset of the main bright holiday of Easter Christ. He told him a lot of interesting things about his chamber, sacred history, he knew a lot of prayers, psalms and sacrifices. Especially father honored the main orthodox holidays, and first of all, Easter.

Once he refused to go to work in this bright holiday, for which he was on the orders of the leadership of the camp, as a recalcitrant, immediately took into the so-called "knee bag". This construction really resembled a narrow bag, but stone. In it, a person could only stand. Guilty left in it for a day without outerwear and caps. In addition, a bright lamp was burning, and cold water was constantly dripped on the head of the head. And if we consider that in the north during this year the temperature is minus 30-35 degrees of frost, then the outcome for the father was known in advance - death. Moreover, from numerous experience everyone knew that a person in this "stone bag" kept no more than a day during which he gradually frozen and died.

And the father was closed in this terrible fatal structure. Moreover, learning that Easter came, the camp authorities and the security began to celebrate it. A closed in the "knee bag" the prisoner was remembered only at the end of the third day.

When sent to the clock came to pick up his body to bury, then swipe. Father stood - alive and looked at him, although it was all covered with ice. The clock was frightened and ran away to report to his superiors. Everyone escaped to look at the miracle.

When he was taken from the "bag" and, having placed in Lazarez, began to ask how he was able to survive, because everything was dying before him during the day, he answered that he did not sleep all three days, but he prayed to God incentively. At first it was terribly cold, but by the end of the first day it became warmer, further to warmer, and on the third day it was already hot. He said that he was warm, from the inside, although he was ice outside. This event so worked on all that the father was left alone. The head of the camps in Easter work canceled, and the father even allowed not to work in other church holidays for his greater faith.

But the campman was replaced. A new, rightly the beast came to replace the latter, and not a man. Cruel, flared, not recognizing God. The Saint Easter Christ came again. And although on this day work was not assumed, but at the last moment he ordered everyone to go to work. Father again refused to go to work in this bright holiday. But the ceamers persuaded him to enter the place of work, otherwise, they say, this one without soul and the heart of the beast just tortons.

The father came to the place of work, but he refused to work on the cutting down. Reported to the boss. He ordered to immediately put on it, specially trained to catch up and break a person, dogs. Guards launched dogs. And now, more than a dozen big dogs with evil leav rushed to the Father. Death was inevitable. All prisoners and security frozen, waiting for the end of a terrible bloody tragedy.

The father, bowing and crossing the four sides of the world, began to pray. This later he said that he was read mostly 90th Psalm ("Lives in Help"). So, the dogs rushed in his direction, but not rewarding 2-3 meters before him, suddenly stumbled upon some invisible barrier. They fiercely jumped around the father and ledali, first evil, then all quieter and quieter, and finally began to lie in the snow, and then all the dogs were sleeping together. Everyone is just dumbfounded from this explicit God's Miracle!

So again everyone was shown a huge faith in the God of this man, as well as the power of God! AND "Lord is close to us, our God, when he will call him" (Deven.4, 7). He did not allow the death of a faithful slave who loving him.

Father returned home to the family to Mikhailovsk in December 1952, where he lived for many more years.

Dear friends readers!

Last summer, we have already acquainted you with a book forgotten by the writer A.A. Dobrovolsky (pseudonym in the Soviet literary space - A. Trishatov) "Ten Min". On our website, the Kremlin chapter was published - the author's child's childhood memories of the miraculous assistance to him and his younger brother from the Holy Revigant Princess Euphrosynia, the patron saint of our temple, the Holy Great Grand Prince Dimitri Donskoy.

Today we bring to your attention a fragment of another chapter from this book. And her theme is also holy assistance, only in the days of the young people's youth, when, being in heavy life circumstances, he clearly and visibly felt in his life the patronage of God's mother herself, having met with one of her miraculous icons.

Stories like this are always read with special interest - after all, many of us they raise living memories of what happened in our own destiny. We carefully store them in memory, share them with loved ones; These stories are sometimes transferred in families from generation to generation, but unfortunately, quite rarely become the property of a wide range of people ... But in them the history of personal relationships of a person with God and his saints is surprisingly connected not only with the history of a particular arrival, but also with The story of Christ's church itself, as well as, often, with the history of the country, the people ... gathering together, these small, sometimes completely simple, heartfelt, imbued with faith and love of the story of God's leadership, become a real chroniclee - deserted, instructive, encouraging and comforting Reading, subject for reflection, and sometimes and long-awaited response to our questions.

A.A. Dobrovolsky. "Ten min" (fragment).<~h3>


October came on the 17th. After the October Revolution, the life of everyone changed. General confusion, uncertainty in tomorrow, loss of property and all material values, devastation, hunger, illness - all this followed one after another. All my plans collapsed. Together with all others were closed and those newspapers and magazines with which I was connected. All printing houses were nationalized, including the type of Ryabushinsky, where my second book of stories was recruited. My dating immediately slept. Writers traveled. Many were left for not yet broken south, others completely emigrated from Russia.

In our family worked alone Varya alone, and there were four of us. I am always painful, now I have been sick all the time. How to live, what to do, how to facilitate the desperate position of Vari, I completely stopped understanding, I have not seen any exit and suffered terribly. My friend Vanya tried to support me in every way and something for me to come up with. And so he began to develop such a plan before me. Through Galitsky, arrange me in some kind of sanatorium in Sokolniki. Let I live there for several months, and during this time something will turn out. Cute Vanya, he struggled to help me somehow.

Soon, soon after our conversation with him, he came to me in the Demidov lane on the car, which he took out from someone from familiar party members, and led me to Sokolniki. Galitsky accepted us with all angry. But, talking to us, Stepan Pavlovich announced that all our plans are impracticable and unreal. Sanatoriums and hospitals are closed. There is nothing to eat there, like everywhere around.

Evgenia Alexandrovna comforted us as she could. Finally, she resolutely said: "Let Alexander Aleksandrovich be facing a little from us. Maybe we will disperse his heavy well-being. We are a little porch. We also, thank God, everything is there. " She was so good, so gentle, so the motherly caring that we all decided that it would be fine, and I stayed in Galitsky. (...)

The apartment of Galitsky was big, with large light windows, with hospital smallest walls. It was, as Vanya said, truly bright house. And I went on this "bright house" as my own. Somehow I went to the office Evgenia Aleksandrovna. My attention attracted to myself one large icon, hanged not as usual in the corner of the room, and on the wall, high above the table. The Mother of God was on it is also unusual. Not with a baby in your arms, but with a book. When I viewed the icon, Evgeny Alexandrovna entered the room. She said: "I see how you carefully look at the image of the Mother of God. This is the icon of the Kaluga Mother of God, the patroness of my hometown. You pour her, ask her about your needs. Now you will see, she will hear you and bring out of your difficult circumstances, and will satisfy your life. What I say to you is for sure, it is tested. "

And she came out, confiring the door behind him. Her words were told with such faith and conviction that I did, as she advised me. I knew before the icon of the queen of heaven and with all diligence and with tears prayed to her: "The Mother of God, you see how difficult for me is now. Where should I look for a way out? How do I arrange your life? Help me, global! "

Another day I returned home. Mom was very happy to me: "Sasha, as well, that you came. And without you came yesterday Vasya Philippov and was very distressed that it did not find you. But he wanted to come again. "

Vasya was my comrade for gymnasium. All the gymnasiums we spent in close friendship. In the summer, I usually leaving him in Ostankino, where Philippov had their cottages. In this family I was completely like my own. With Vasya, I have not seen from the 14th year, when he was called up to the army and went to the war. He was wounded, had a long time and lay in different hospitals. And then I did not live in Moscow, but in Petrograd. I did not know about him, and his appearance was very pleased. Having come to me on the same day and ending me, he immediately said: "Sanka, we will go with me in Kaluga." He served in Kaluga by traveling agronomist under the Kaluga provincial cooperation union. "You will live with Oleinichak, and I will bring you food from the trips."

I took his invitation to go to Kaluga, I took as the imminent answer of the Mother of God to my prayer facing it before the icon of her Kaluga. I saw that the Mother of God takes me to his city that she would arrange me there.

Two days later, I went to Kaluga with Vayus.


In Kaluga, we arrived on the holiday of the Nativity of the Virgin. When we entered the station, the first thing I saw: in the corner of the passing room, the huge icon of the Kaluga Mother of God, which closed the entire corner of the wall. In front of the icon in massive candlesticks, a variety of candles that were shuffling like a fiery bush. I unwittingly stopped and bowed to the tsarice heaven who called me here. A somewhat confused, I asked the standing icons of the monk: "Is this a miraculous icon?" He smiled, but answered calmly: "The Miraculous Icon of the Kaluga Mother of God is located in the village of Kaluchuch, in four versts from the city. And if you come to bow to her, now she offers us in the city cathedral. "

Coming out from the station, I told you, hired a cab driver: "Vasya, you take me to the cathedral, I want to pray, and I will find the road to Oleinicham, then I will find one after the lunch."

In the student years, I somehow had to spend the Christmas holidays in Kaluga from the same Vasya, who served her expulsion from Moscow here with his sister. At that arrival, I learned Oleinichek family. Vasya and Dunya were then very far from religion and churches, and I, being in them in Kaluga, lived in general for us a rather scattered life. Trips, guests, balls in the noble assembly. In the cathedral, I never happened and I do not remember whether he saw him.

Fitting now to the cathedral, I was amazed by his extraordinary beauty. Was golden autumn. Wonderful day. The holiday, as I said, the Nativity of the Virgin. Surrounding the cathedral of white buildings, all one common style, created some surprisingly slender architectural ensemble. The cathedral stood, not obscured by anything, in the center of this white four-broth, in a terrible green square. Neust, transparent alleys were not closed, and even more allocated on the whiteness of the cathedral and decorated it. The shadows of trembling leaves with tender trembling revived its strict walls. Round and wide drum was covered with a silver dome. He, as an inverted silver bowl, autumn all the building, soothing the eyes with his tender glitter and purity of his impeccable subtleness.

I entered the cathedral and after all the people saw before the revealed royal gates on the amon with high steps of the bishop. He was all the golden in his clothes, slender and transparent, so similar on the great elder Metropolitan Filaret Moscow, whose portrait in the colors and in gold always hung in the room from my grandmother. The bishop held highly and triking highly. His voice, senile, but heard everywhere, was headed:

- Watching from heaven, God, and to all and visit the grapes of this, and approve and, His Nazadi Dand Your Dandy.

He blessed the people, and three boys who came to the middle to the royal gates in golden styers were surprisingly selected and clean votes: "Holy God ..."

So, where did the celestial queen led me.

After serving, I finally could approach the holy and miraculous icon. And with all zeal and with tears prayed: "Mother of God, I resort to you, do not turn your face from me a sinful, lost and not knowing how to live. How do you know, arrange me in your city, one here is found without all my loved ones. Save me from needs, from hunger, diseases and sadness. "

And the Mother of God won my prayer. Ten months I lived in her city and did not know any need nor grief. Whatever the difficulty getting up in front of me, I went to her and said everything scared me, and she graciously pointed me how to do. She never posted my hope, never left for my hope.

Two weeks I lived like a guest in the Oleinichek family and three sisters (...). Still, we understood you that it is always impossible to live like that. Vasya promised to arrange me in Himself, and everything seemed to have been well. He had excellent relations with all the bosses, and the boss, of course, would not prevent my admission. I was glad.

But then there was another obstacle. Unexpected. It was possible to get on the service according to the rules of that time only through the Burning of Labor. On the Labor Exchange I immediately realized that my business is hopeless. I was abandoned by questions: where he served, profession, experience. And when I learned that I came, stopped talking to me. "If the province needs a worker, we will come there those who are on our queue."

What to do? Vasya thought. And I went to the cathedral. And again I prayed hotly: "Mother of God, teach, indicate that I do, how to get around an unexpected obstacle that prevents my device." I decided to stay and defend myself after the service. Posted for a prayer note about the health of loved ones and put it in his pocket.

In front of the prayer, I approached the aalo to put my note, and all the time looked at the image again and asked the Mother of God for help. When I took a note from my pocket, I pulled out some of the folded paper with it, which fell to the floor at the steps of Kyota. I raised her, looked and remembered. When I leaving Moscow to Kaluga, I came to the station to accompany my friend, writer Yutanov. He, say goodbye to me, said: "But I took this note for you by Okulov. You never know what you need in a foreign city. "

In the note it was written only a few lines. Turning to Kaluga comrades, Okulov wrote that he knew me and asks to assist. Okulov was then the figure in the party, and there was a very serious stamp on the note. I put a note at the station at the station in my pocket, not knowing why I need it, and I had forgotten about it. Now I stood all prayer and thought about her.

"But this is the Mother of God specifies you what you do." With a solid belief that it is so, I went to the stock exchange for another day and asked me to miss the head. I briefly said that I want to enter the service in the provincial union of cooperation, and filed a note. He immediately embedded my direction in a few minutes, and I brought him to you with the celebration. So I entered the service secretary of the Board to Kaluga Gubovoy.

It seemed that everything went well, but in a month a new complication occurred. I lived with Oleinichak in a small room. It was an extension made by the elder brother Oleinichak Anatoly for himself to his taste. Completely isolated, with a separate entrance, it and the door, and the window went into a large apple orchard. Anatoly lived in Moscow. Without it, his room was not needed to anyone, and I felt very good in her.

And once the older sister of Margarita appealed to me.

Everything in this house was wonderful, not like anything. All the sisters were continuously laughed, and the house was so heard: "a laugh house." For some reason, I was called "Augusta" in this "laughter house". So, Margarita is somehow in the evening, when I came from service, putting out laughter, announced to me:

"Augusta, must report to you, our Anatol sent a letter, writes that he will soon come and will live in Kaluga. With him comes, - here she completely choked from laughter, - and his Terraticor. "

I realized that I need to free the room. Another day in the Union, I told you everything. He tried to calm me and became vigorously for looking for a room for me. And again there were the difficulties of the initial communism. It turned out that all the liberated rooms are rented in the city council and settled again in order of odds.

Finally, you pointed to one lady, where the leaf was going to leave, not that in Asia, not in the Caucasus. The lady agreed to settle me if I wade a room warrant. I got the order. My laughing sistems announced that I was moving, and suddenly this lady told you that the tenant was able to go beyond and remains until spring. What a desperate position I got! In the cathedral, I now walked constantly, every Sunday necessarily. And now, coming to the cathedral, I am directly without waiting for the end of the service. Salted to the steps in front of the Mother of God and told her about my circumstances, about my grief and hopeless position. I rose along the steps and, still praying and asking for help, applied to the icon. When I began to go down the steps down and did not even come to the floor, my lady came up with a question: "Are you a person who wants to remove my room? If you are you, you can move at least now after the dinner. My tenant left today. "

I have already said that I constantly went to the cathedral. My new room was very close to the cathedral, and I went there in all kinds of weather, in the rain and snow. Kaluga sabled served fine. Wonderful bishops were in the cathedral. Such a delicency, slightness, exemplary order could be found far from everywhere. And what are the wellness and beauty of the purposes! All these laws and pearls on mitra, diamond panagia.

Bishop Feofan (Tulyakov), apparently, loved the worship, understood and thinned it thinly. Choir in the temple was wonderful. Among women's votes was one completely amazing. It was a teenage girl Lida Rumyantsev with a voice of such beauty that she came to listen to how to some concert.

In Kaluga, I lived ten and a half months. Every week I was for the church service. I almost passed a complete annual circle of worship, starting with the Nativity of the Virgin and to the Assumption post.
For me it was a real school. Here, in the temple, through the worship itself, I learned through icons and church singing and acquired to the truths and the sacraments of Christianity. The rest complemented homely prayer and diligence to the Mother of God. My religious mood was, of course, was noticed in my service. But women, typist and secretaries with whom I was in constant communication - all these Cashkina, Nazimov, Larina, Larina, - All these were representatives of the old noble gods, which the coup carried in Russia drove into search of a piece of bread to our unbearable job. All these women themselves were religious, and my behavior confused them little. It may not be confused, but surprised one of our engineers, Maria or Marius Preobrazhenskaya. The daughter is very honorable and respected in Kaluga Archpriest, she, as it often happened in a pre-revolutionary time, occurring from the spiritual family, was far from religion. She was especially amazed by my diligence to the Mother of God. She said to me somehow: "You are some kind of wonderful. For you, the Kaluga of God Mother as a mother's mother. " I was silent. In your inner world I did not want to let anyone.

As time went. Passed Great post, Easter, Trinity. Mom began to write to me that she really wants me to return that they all miss me very much that my arrival is necessary, otherwise we will take away one room. There was another reason that forced me to think about returning. White fell in the south. Staying in Kaluga became dangerous. But when I came to the cathedral, I was done to the tears, it was not necessary to leave this expensive and necessary church world to go sadly. I saw a miraculous icon only when I arrived in Kaluga. Usually she was in the village of Kaluzhka, and I reproached myself very much that in all summer and did not get there, I did not see her again. I diligently prayed in front of the cathedral list with her, I asked the Mother of God: "Do not leave me to continue. Teach me, point me, who has to look for leadership, so as not to weaken, my beginning spiritual life did not fade.

But here is appointed and the day of departure. I drove to Moscow with a whole group of our co-operators. I found that it would be more convenient for me. Travel by railways At that time it was a hard thing, and I hoped that my co-operators would help me. Yes, and horses to the station gave the Union.

On the eve of the departure, I went to walk around Kaluga, saying goodbye to your favorite places. I remember, I walked the grove from the Oka to the city. Overweight Suddenly there was a bell ringing. One of the Kaluga temples pledged him one after another. I asked the women who met me: "Why can't you call?"

- Yes, the Cathedral is carried by the Vlady, - they answered me, - came to us, Gorky, from Kaluchuchi.

I rushed to the cathedral. Lord, how I prayed this evening! As I cried and thanked the Queen of Heaven, that she came to spend me and bless it!


Another day I was leaving. I came to the Bubvoy with things. I had some things. Some unbalanced knot, basket ... I had nothing to drive home. Not that was with my companions. They drove bags and boxes. We were taken all food. We were already sitting in a whip with one of our shopping specials for procurement. At that time, I came running to us Marusya Preobrazhenskaya. She said goodbye to my neighbor, and then a little confusedly turned to me: "Alexander Aleksandrovich, and take it from me. You loved the Kaluga Mother of God so much.
I removed it from the Borean. Remember me, sinful Maria. " She gave me a wrapped on paper icon. I was ready to break down, so it shocked me. I took the holy icon in my hands. We already went. And so I drove, holding an icon in my hands. I kept her in my hands on the train. It seemed to me blaspheme to shove it in a basket or put on the shelf. And co-operators, maybe, and good-naturedly, we needed me: who takes the oil to Moscow, who is a flour, who Salo, and Comrade Dobrovolsky is the Kaluga Mother of God.

When I arrived home and removed the paper, I was very interested. Marusya, of course, without understanding wrapped the cast patch from the gloor calendar. Big Format, they were well closed the icon. But what was wonderful: on the pages that the icon were covered were portraits and article - biographical information and the exposition of the teachings of one of our Russian devotees - St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov, which before I knew anything.

Mother of God did not leave the last of my request. In his icon, she stayed with me and pointed me on the saint of Ignatia as a mentor in my spiritual feat.

The sacred legend knows many wonderful stories that took place in the lives of Christian saints or with other people on their prayers. We prepared several such evil and interesting stories for you.

The saints, who made the grace of the Holy Spirit, often encouraged the special help of God in various heavy life situations. In addition, many of them received a variety of diving from God: they could heal people from diseases, prophesy, to work wonders, subordinate wild animals and even resurrect the dead. Some wonderful stories about the saints we would like to tell our readers today.

1. Torch boat Rev. Elia

Rev. Elia lived in Egypt in the IV century. Since childhood, given to the monastery, he was raised in piety, abstinence and chastity.

When the Holy Rose, he chose an anachore path and went to the desert, where for many years he fastened and prayed to God. For his holy life, Avva Ellry was awarded from the Lord Dara's dismantling and such love for all living things that he could even lie wild animals.

Once it was necessary to visit the nearby monastery, for which it was necessary to cross the river. However, it was difficult for two reasons: first, there was no boat on the side of the saint, and secondly, a huge crocodile lived in the river, which everyone was afraid.

When the holy in thought approached the shore, a predator seemed from the water. Avva Ellius called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and the crocodile Namig camertel, substituting his back. Holy with his kittombo sat on the animal and crossed him on it across the river.

"How did you get? After all, a terrible crocodile was started in the river! "Asked his monks.

"The Lord God sent me a root for crossing," the old man answered with a smile.

2. As a chopped HR hand increased in place

Rev. John Damaskin lived in Damascus, who was then the capital of the Young Arab Caliphate. It was in the VII-VIII centuries.

Christian Sergiy Mansur, Father of the Saint, held the position of the Great Vizier at Califa. This position has passed inheritance and to John himself, a person of exceptional honesty, education and wisdom.

When a height of the iconocrobus supported by Emperor Lvy Isavir (717-741) was arisen in the neighboring Byzantium (717-741) and the persecution of Orthodoxy began, the righteous John could not stay indifferent and defended the holy icons.

The Christian intellectual wrote three theological treatises "Against the blameing holy icons", which are so detailed and reasonedly united by the iconoclastic errors, which led the emperor of the lion to rage.

In an effort to take revenge on the saint, Lev Isavra sent a letter to Khalifa, which invested a fake diploma, which he allegedly sent John. At the literacy, Byzantines were offered to start a war against the troops of the Caliph, and also reported that the Christian residents of Damascus are ready to betray their master and open the gate in front of the Byzantine army.

Caliph knew John as a pious and honest person, but was blinded with slander and ordered his right servant of the most expensive servant - his right hand. Rev. John was a famous church writer and a poet and the loss of the opportunity to engage in creativity was more painful for him. The executioner publicly cut off the Holy Desna, after which she for the whole day until the evening was put up for everyone to review on the main square of Damascus.

In the evening, a cruelly suffering from pain and grieving St. John returned a severe hand and the reverend began to pray in front of the Union of the Blessed Virgin and ask healing. He prayed all night, and in the morning he fell asleep in front of the same way, attaching a dead limb to the place from which she was cut off.

In the sleepy vision of the holy progress of God's Mother and heard her voice, who let me know that he was healed, and at the time he commanded without tired to work healed for the benefit Orthodox church. Waking up, John Damascin saw that the hand took into place and his excellently listens.

Specifiable for wonderful healing, Saint ordered to make a silver hand, which attached to a miraculous image. So according to the grace of God, the correctness of the worship of holy icons was manifested in the life of the righteous John, and a new shrine appeared in the Christian world - Icon Blessed Virgin Mary "Troyoulist".

3. Brick's mindability in the hands of Spiridon's Human

One of the most revered saints of the Orthodox world is the saint and the wonderworker Spiridon Trimifuntsky, one of the Cypriot bishops of the IV century, who participated in the first universal cathedral.

During his earthly life, Svyatwer Spiridon was his heartless and bodily diseases, expelled demons, reimbursed the rain on the ground during the drought and even resurrected the dead. But one of his miracles is especially memorious for the church.

According to the sacred legend, during the first universal cathedral in Nija Aria and his scientists, the supporters were very eloquently defended the doctrine of the original creation of God the Son by God by the Father and, accordingly, the neidissice to God, the Father of God's Son, than embarrassed by many of the bishops of the Bishops.

Then the saint and the wonderworker Spiridon, a person is simple and not a scientist, to the bishop of Easterns in Cyprus herd, decided to intervene. He picked up a brick, or as they told Plingl, and said: "SE three elements, and Plinfa is alone. So B. Blessed Trinity - Three persons, and the deity one. "

When the saint pronounced these words, then with a slightly pressed on the brick and from one side of which the flame broke out of it once burned it, water flowed from the other, and clay left in the hands of the wonderworker.

So all the gathered visually saw how three components could be one of the whole, strengthened in faith and condemned heresy aria. Therefore, on the icons of St. Spiridon, they are very often depicted with the Plinf, which he crushed in his hand on the cathedral.

4. Holy, friendly with Lvom

In the V century in the Palestinian desert, near the River Jordan performed its monastic feats to St. Gerasim Jordansky. Holy He organized a monastery with a strict charter, where his example and instructions helped breeds to join the path of salvation.

Sometimes the Rev. Gerasim leaned the brotherhood of the monastery for a short time and went to the desert for a secluded prayer. During one of the walk, he met a huge lion there, whose paw was injured.

Saint regretted the animal and was not afraid to help him. Having considered the lamp of the beast, he found a huge indoor around which the suppuration has already begun, from which the lion brutally suffered. Then the Rev. Gently pulled off the offense and cleared the wound than Savior Lion.

In gratitude for the help of Lion, I was forever stayed near St. Gerasim, everywhere accompanying his patron and not causing evil not only to him, but also the other people near people.

When the Holy Dishman went to the world of others, the Lion so wandered that he came to him on the grave and after a short time he also died. St. Gerasima of Jordansky is also depicted on icons - always together with his faithful friend.

5. Dish with a pilaf piercing space

The holy righteous John Russian was born at the end of the XVII century in Malorus. Upon reaching mature age, the pious young man was called up to military service in the army of Peter the Great and participated in the Russian-Turkish war.

During the Prut campaign of 1711, St. John, together with other warriors, was captured by Tatars, who sold him to the head of the Turkish cavalry, and he brought the Russian prisoner to his homeland, to Maly Asia.

By taking captivity, as the will of God, the ward of God served his Mr. In good faith, by fulfilling all his orders and trying to help all his home and alleviate the fate of other slaves.

Soon the owner became so respecting the righteous for honesty and nobility, which offered him to live as a free and settle, where he wishes himself, but the devotee chose to remain with his stable. Sometimes, at night, he came to the nearby temple of the Holy Great Martyr George, where he prayed diligently, stopping his knees. In the same temple on holidays, he was involved in the Holy Taine of Christ.

Once the owner of St. John decided to take a pilgrimage to Mecca and left. A few months later there was a holiday and the owner's wife invited relatives and friends of her husband for lunch to have fun and pray for his safe return home.

Blessed John served in the dining room. The hostess, remembering her husband, reminded the saint that the pilaf was favorite dish Her wife: "How glad would be your owner, Ivan, if he were here and touched this pilaf with us!"

Then John asked the hostess to give him a dish filled with a pilaf, promising him to send him to Mecca. This guests seemed very funny. But the hostess still commanded her cooking to prepare John a dish with a pilaf.

John took a dish and went into the stable. Becoming on his knees, he is hot and with his whole soul prayed to God so that he would send the owner's pilaf. And, indeed, a dish with a pilaf in the eyes of John disappeared. Then the saint returned to the hostess and said that the food was sent to Mecca. Hearing this, guests laughed and decided that John himself ate everything or gave me to the poor.

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