What i to do with severe headaches. What to do if your head hurts badly? Causes of severe headache

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 8 minutes


"My head hurts" - these words we hear and pronounce so often that we got used to them, perceiving headache, as something annoying, but temporary and insignificant. “I’ll take some pill,” it became a cure for the headache. However, headache is often a symptom of any serious diseases and malfunctions in the body, some of which are life-threatening.

How to distinguish the nature of the headache and notice the disease in time?

The main causes of headache - what can provoke it?

Headache can have different localization, character and intensity:

  1. Headache of vascular origin - the cause is squeezing, narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels of the head, as well as their expansion.

Various factors can provoke this:

  • Blood clots or emboli that block the lumen of small or large vessels.
  • Atherosclerosis of GM vessels.
  • Edema, swelling of the GM and membranes, vessels.
  1. Headache due to muscle tension - occurs with a prolonged uncomfortable position of the head, heavy loads and physical stress, after sleeping in an uncomfortable position, due to an improperly selected bed - a mattress and a pillow.
  2. Headache of CSF-dynamic mechanism of origin - occurs when certain parts of the brain are compressed.


  • Pathological increase or decrease in intracranial pressure.
  • Compression of the brain by a hematoma, cyst, tumor.
  1. Neuralgic headaches - occur when nerve fibers are damaged or when they are exposed to some pathological process.


  • Various neuralgias (most often - trigeminal nerve, occipital nerves).
  • Damage to the vestibular nerve.
  1. Psychogenic headache - as a rule, it develops against the background of mental disorders, apathy.

Reasons for psychhalgia:

  • Stress.
  • Depression.
  • Long-term emotional experiences.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Parkinson's disease.

There are over 200 factors that trigger headaches. If cephalalgia occurs against the background of complete health, then most often this happens after:

  • Alcohol intake (vasodilation, intoxication).
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun, heat, sauna (overheating, sun or heat stroke, sudden vasodilation, loss of fluid with sweat).
  • Consuming products containing caffeine.
  • High humidity.
  • Sleep disturbances, after lack of sleep or displacement of the usual routine.
  • Wearing contact lenses or incorrectly fitted glasses.
  • Strenuous mental activity.
  • Stressful situations, fear, intense excitement, worries.
  • Injuries, bruises, head concussions.
  • Excessive or uneven sports activities.
  • Dentist visits and dental treatments.
  • Massage sessions.
  • Smoking.
  • SARS, other infectious, colds or inflammatory diseases.
  • Hypothermia, contrast shower.
  • The beginning of the diet, fasting.
  • Reception of some products - chocolate, smoked meats and marinades, nuts, hard cheeses etc.
  • Sex.
  • Taking any medication or inhaling toxic fumes.

Headache diagnostic program - how to independently determine why a head hurts?

The headache itself does not need diagnosis. But you always need to find out what causes this pathological condition. The doctor may prescribe an examination program, depending on the patient's condition, age, nature and location of pain.

Headache diagnostic program

  1. Laboratory diagnostic procedures including general analysis blood, general urine analysis. Sometimes a study of cerebrospinal fluid is required, which is taken through a puncture.
  2. X-ray the head in the desired projections, the spine.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging head and spine.
  4. CT scan head and spine (including positron emission CT).
  5. Angiography vessels of the brain.
  6. Ultrasound.
  7. EEG, RheoEG, myography.

It is helpful to have a table on hand to suggest the root cause of your headache.

But do not try to diagnose yourself on your own, and even more so - to self-medicate. Contact a specialist!

Primary headache diagnosis table

If you have frequent headaches, keep a diary, in which you note the time, the nature of the headache and after which it began.

How to relieve headaches with home remedies and when to see a doctor?

First of all, it is worth knowing about dangerous diseases and conditions that accompany a headache.

Headache, increased blood pressure, irritability, sleep disturbances, dizziness often indicate cerebrovascular accidents. It is unacceptable to endure such symptoms - they can end in a stroke. Moreover, in last years stroke has grown significantly younger and increasingly affects people who face an excessive workload and a high degree of responsibility every day: executives, business owners, fathers of large families. When symptoms of cerebrovascular accident appear, doctors often recommend taking combined drugs to improve vascular function, for example, "Vasobral". Its active components stimulate metabolic processes in the brain, improve the condition of blood vessels, and eliminate the consequences oxygen starvation brain tissue associated with impaired blood supply, have a stimulating effect, which reduces the risk of stroke.

You need to be alert and urgently consult a doctor if:

  • The headache appeared for the first time, suddenly.
  • The headache is simply unbearable, accompanied by loss of consciousness, respiratory distress, palpitations, facial flushing, nausea and vomiting, and urinary incontinence.
  • With headache, visual disturbances, muscle weakness, speech and consciousness disturbances are observed.
  • Against the background of severe headache, a person partially or completely loses the ability to move.
  • The headache is accompanied by other symptoms - a rash, a rise in temperature to high levels, fever, delirium.
  • Severe headache in a pregnant woman, with status Epi and a sharply elevated blood pressure.
  • The head hurts for a long time.
  • Headache increases with movement, change in body position, physical work, going out into bright light.
  • Each headache attack is stronger in intensity than the previous one.

How to relieve headaches with home remedies?

If you are sure that the headache is caused by overwork or, for example, stress, then you can get rid of it in the following ways:

  1. Head massage fingers, a special massager or a wooden comb improves blood circulation, relieves vasospasm and soothes. Massage the head with light movements from the temples, forehead and neck to the crown.
  2. Hot and cold compresses. Soak two cloths, one in hot and one in ice water. Put a cold compress on your forehead and temples, and press a hot one to the back of your head.
  3. Potato compress. Cut the potato tuber into 0.5 cm thick circles. Place the mugs on the forehead and temples, cover with a towel and tie. As the potatoes get warm, replace them with a new one.
  4. Warm shower- neither hot nor cold! Stand under the shower so that the water gets on your head. Can be combined with scalp massage with a comb.
  5. Chokeberry tea. Especially useful for hypertensive headaches.
  6. Whiskey compress. Rub the temples and forehead with a lemon peel or a slice of cucumber. Then attach pieces of lemon peel or cucumber slices to the temples and fix it with a handkerchief on top.

The site site warns: the information is provided for informational purposes only, and is not a medical recommendation. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances! If you have any health problems, consult your doctor!

Headaches are one of the most common ailments in humans. Barely feeling this symptom, many are in a hurry to take various pain relievers, most often in the form of pills. However, sometimes situations arise in which a head hurts, pills do not help, and most people do not know what to do, what to do.

The reason nothing works is because headaches are often just a symptom of more serious illnesses. In this regard, it is necessary to fight not with the consequences, but with the source of the problem, that is, with the cause of the disease.

The prerequisites for the appearance of a headache can be many - from simple overwork to problems requiring surgical intervention. Most often, the headache does not go away for the following reasons:

  • a stressful condition caused by conflicts or excitement;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • rheumatism in the neck;
  • excessive use of alcohol or tobacco;
  • drops in blood pressure;
  • allergy or poisoning;
  • drug exposure;
  • weather dependence.

It is not difficult to cope with most of the listed factors - it is enough for a person to change his lifestyle a little, react more calmly to difficulties and balance the diet.

However, in some cases this will not be enough and you will need to take specialized drugs or the help of a qualified specialist. The latter is especially important, since self-medication can lead to a worsening of the condition or the loss of precious time for medical care.

Doctors note that headaches can be one of the symptoms of the following health problems:

There are also types of headaches that are not associated with other pathologies. These include:

  • migraine;
  • cluster headache.

As you can see from the list, the diseases are serious. That is why, if the head hurts badly (and especially if) and the pills do not help, it is necessary to diagnose as early as possible in order to prevent complications in the future.


This disease has a long duration - from several hours to several days and is often hereditary. Most often women suffer from the disease. The reasons for the appearance of migraines are mainly sleep problems, a change in hormonal background, unbalanced nutrition and vascular pathology. With migraines, pain is usually pulsating in nature and focuses on one side of the face.

The disease can be recognized by the symptoms that precede it:

  • irritability;
  • isolation;
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • rejection of bright light and noise.

In order for the headache to go away, some dietary changes are needed. So, experts recommend abandoning alcoholic beverages, coffee, citrus fruits, smoked products, chocolate, eggs and cottage cheese. It is best to immediately contact a specialist when symptoms appear and undergo a complete diagnosis of the body, based on the results of which a further course of treatment will be offered. If this is not possible, then the following folk remedies can help:

  • lemon peel, which is applied to the temporal areas;
  • freshly squeezed potato juice;
  • tincture based on clover leaves;
  • blackcurrant juice, take 3-4 times a day;
  • massage of the temporal areas using peppermint oil.

Cluster pain

The disease resembles the previous one, but differs in a smaller area of ​​the painful area. Typically occurs at one point on the head. Most often found in men of athletic build. Specific traits the appearance of the patient, as a rule: a square face, a split chin and light eyes. This type of headache does not occur in children.

Cluster pain more acute than migraine. In addition, there is a burning sensation in the head in the eyebrows and pain in the eyes. The pain may eventually spread to the ears, jaw, or temples. The duration of painful sensations varies from several tens of minutes to several hours. In some cases, seizures can go away for a long time. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • irritability;
  • eyes watery and redden;
  • pallor;
  • nausea;
  • nasal congestion;
  • sweating

A possible cause of pain is a change in hormonal levels associated with a dysfunction of the hypothalamus.

Brain tumor

This neoplasm appears in the brain tissues and can be both malignant and benign. The latter can be cured without surgery. A malignant tumor grows very quickly and metastases. Therefore, the disease is difficult to treat, especially in the later stages.

With this disease, the pain is felt constantly, and during movement it only intensifies. The most severe pains occur in the morning and at night due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. The nature of the pain is pressing, pulsating.
In addition to the headache itself, other symptoms gradually appear:

  • bouts of vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • vision problems;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • memory impairment;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • persistent signs of fatigue.

Early treatment has a much greater chance of success than later treatment. That is why it is recommended not to delay the visit to the attending physician. The patient's life sometimes depends on this. Typically, radiation therapy and certain medications are prescribed. In some cases, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. Treatment based folk remedies doesn't help here. The most that can be achieved is to ease the symptoms.

Sometimes the pain appears due to intoxication. Poisoning can be caused, for example, by the fumes of toxic substances contained in clothing or furniture. To remove pain, it is enough to get rid of problematic household items. However, food poisoning is the most common cause of headaches. If you suspect this disorder, you must:

  • flush the stomach;
  • take activated carbon;
  • drink a laxative.

These measures will help to remove harmful substances from the body, as a result, the pain will decrease or completely stop. In case of poisoning, headache pills do not help. In case of alcohol poisoning, it is advised to drink a little orange juice or mineral water.

Pressure drops

Unstable blood pressure, in addition to headaches, can lead to dizziness or even stroke. If this problem occurs, be sure to contact a specialist. Having found the cause of the drops in blood pressure, he will prescribe the appropriate drugs.

In some cases, a headache is added to the toothache over time. Of course, first of all, you need to solve the problem with your teeth by visiting a good dentist. Decoctions based on the following herbs will help:

  • fragrant mint;
  • Linden;
  • sage;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • yarrow.

Allow the tincture to cool to room temperature before taking the tincture, as liquid that is too hot or cold will only aggravate the symptoms.

Stress and depression

Stressful and conflict situations, anxiety, depression almost always lead to headaches. The main thing in this case is to calm down, try to get rid of the problem and relax. Sometimes it will be enough to take a light pain reliever and valerian tincture. But the main thing is to sleep well.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to ventilate the premises more often, change the working position every half hour, and also do exercises. A head massage helps a lot. psychological help to a specialist. After an appointment with a psychologist, a person sometimes completely reconsiders his views on problems. In especially advanced cases, antidepressants or hypnotic drugs may be prescribed.

At positive result appropriate medications and measures will be prescribed. An attempt to self-medicate can lead to sad consequences, since some remedies can worsen the situation.

Treatment methods

It is not always necessary to rush to take medications with a headache. This can be addictive and in some situations will only make the pain worse. The best solution is to do a light massage of the head, namely the forehead, temples and the back of the head. Then it is advisable to go for a walk in the fresh air. Herbal tea with the addition of mint or motherwort will have a beneficial effect on the condition. But it is not recommended to drink coffee.

When working, you need to change positions more often, if necessary, use table lamps and ventilate the room more often. Upon returning home, you should take a contrast shower and drink a mug of honey and milk. If all this does not help, then you need to take pain relievers. However, remember to do this no more than once a week to avoid becoming addictive.

  • the head should not be hypothermic, so you need to wear a hat or other headgear;
  • try to find out the cause of the onset of the disease by consulting a specialist;
  • try not to get depressed and support positive attitude no matter what;
  • healthy sleep is the key to your health;
  • do not forget about periodic walks in the fresh air;
  • in case of severe pain, avoid sudden movements and unpleasant odors;
  • take pain relievers less often.

Folk remedies

For headaches, hawthorn and oregano with the addition of lemon help well. The broth is prepared by adding a tablespoon of one of the herbs, lemon and a spoonful of honey (optional) to a container of boiling water. Next, you need to let the product brew, and then take 50 ml of it 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day. A popular folk remedy is taking baths with infusions. fragrant herbs and lemon balm.


If you have frequent headaches and regular pain relievers don't work, you should make an appointment with your doctor. Correct and on time started treatment with the use of suitable drugs will help to avoid problems and complications in the future. Of course, most often pains appear due to stress and overexertion, but it is still not worth the risk, because your health is at stake, and in some cases even your life.

Significantly spoils the quality of life. What can we say about pain that does not allow to work fully, perform household activities, or even just get out of bed. If you are tired of taking pills "from the head", now is the time to understand the causes of the headache and, perhaps, help yourself on your own - with the help of massage and exercises.

For modern man the headache has become a routine situation, on which there is no point in wasting time and it is easier to wash down the discomfort with pills. In fact, like any pain, a headache signals a problem in the body - it is primary and secondary when it accompanies another disease.

There are many more reasons for headaches than the ones we will discuss. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to understand the location, nature, duration of pain, be tested and examined by a doctor. For some types of headaches, you can help yourself: we give effective exercise that will help with regular exercise.

So, let's find out why you have a headache?

A dull, monotonous pain covers the head from both sides, like a hoop. If such pain haunts you more than 15 days a month, then it is already considered chronic. "Neurotic helmet" - this type of headache is also called - more often overtakes people who are often experiencing stress, emotional stress and overwork.

Tense neck muscles for a long time also provoke this pain, so office workers who sit at the computer and phone all day always carry Citramon with them. By the way, with frequent use, analgesics will cause an abusal headache, did you know?

What to do? Brew chamomile tea, play soothing music, fill the room with pleasant scents, breathe deeply, and try these exercises.

  1. Opening your palms, press on your temples with your fingertips. Massage in small circular motions.

  1. Round the palm into a crab shape. Grasp the temples and the frontal lobes of the skull with your fingers. Massage with gentle pressure.

  1. Grasp the temples with an open palm and press, changing the intensity.

Pain pulsates in the temples general state bruised, puffy face looks like you've been on a binge all night. The pain can cover two parts of the head at once, radiating to the back of the head, forehead, temples, eyeballs. Most often, the head with VSD hurts in the morning or at night.

Often such pain overtakes at the time of a change in weather, in women it is interconnected with the menstrual cycle. Maybe your blood vessels are spasmodic or your blood pressure jumps sharply - with VSD, the headache is secondary and most often serves as a sign of a malfunction in the central and autonomic nervous system.

What to do? Eliminate caffeine from your diet, go swimming, apply a wet compress, and learn a set of treatments.

  1. With the pads of outstretched fingers, press with horizontal movements on the neck muscles at the level of the hairline

  1. Connect your index and middle fingers. Massage from below with short circular movements the point where the bones of the skull begin to feel. To feel for it, tilt your head back - it will be somewhere on the fold line.

  1. Connect your index and middle fingers. Massage from above with short circular movements the point where the bones of the skull begin to feel. To feel for it, tilt your head back - it will be somewhere on the fold line.

  1. Place your fingers on the muscles of the neck that encircle the line of the spine. Press with your fingertips with a gripping motion, varying the intensity.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Headache with osteochondrosis comes suddenly to the back of the head, and then spreads to the entire skull. Typical accompanying symptoms are numbness and tingling of the fingers, dizziness, deterioration of the sensory organs, palpable spasms in the neck. In the process of diseases of the cervical spine, blood circulation is disturbed, nerves and arteries are pinched due to displacement of the vertebrae.

For 90% of owners of phones and gadgets, the wording "smartphone" neck is relevant, because at the end of the working day, spasms in the cervical spine with this lifestyle are simply inevitable.

What to do? Improvement of the entire spine is the only correct option for the treatment of osteochondrosis. Start by visiting a chiropractor who can correct the first cervical vertebra(Atlanta), or at least with stretching in the morning.

This disease simply leaves no chance for a fulfilling life. On the days of migraine attacks, a person is absolutely disabled, because the unbearable pain strictly in one half of the head literally knocks down. Often this is a hereditary disease, more characteristic of women. Doctors associate this pathology with impaired metabolism of serotonin, a substance involved in the transmission of nerve impulses.

A migraine attack lasts from 4 hours to 3 days, it can be predicted by typical signs - bright flashes begin to jump before the eyes, the field of vision narrows and becomes clouded, the picture doubles.

Treatment of migraine is strictly prescribed by a doctor, no self-medication will help here, because different drugs are used at different stages of migraine.

What to do? As soon as you feel the impending symptoms, set aside time in advance to wait out the storm - moderate lighting, bed rest, a warm bath. It has been reliably established that a hard massage of the fingers, back of the head and pills helps.

  1. With the fist of your left hand, grasp the fist of your right. Place your right thumb on top. Squeeze your fists together tightly for a minute, then change hands.

  1. With the index and thumb, squeeze the muscle that adducts the thumb of the other hand. Change palms one at a time.

  1. Use your thumb and forefinger to massage the fingertips of your other hand. Feel free to change hands and pressure.

  1. With all fingers of the hand (except for the thumb), grab the fingers of the other hand, forming a half-fist. The thumbs on both hands are pressed to the palm. Press with pulsating movements.

  1. Pull back the fingers, except for the thumb, stretching the muscles of the wrist until it feels painful. Change hands.

  1. Place the middle finger behind the ring finger, pull it back. Change hands.

  1. Massage the middle phalanges of the fingers of the other hand with your thumb and forefinger. Feel free to change hands and pressure.

  1. Pull back fingers on the hand in turn. Hold the stretch slightly at the bottom tension point. Change hands as you feel.

  1. Massage the lower phalanges of the fingers of the other hand with the thumb and forefinger. Feel free to change hands and pressure.

  1. Use your thumb and forefinger to massage the center point on the palm of your other hand. Feel free to change hands and pressure.

Pressing and bursting pains are often observed after birth or traumatic brain injury. Without experience, it can be confused with a migraine attack - also intolerance to bright light, nausea, blurred vision.

Due to the increased pressure inside the skull, the pain is very strong over the entire surface of the head, sometimes radiating to the area around the eyes. Pain due to ICP builds up gradually, not overnight. It catches up most often in the morning, accompanied by vomiting, edema, decreased libido.

What to do? Electrophoresis and acupuncture must be done by a qualified specialist, and you can help yourself at home simple exercises: head tilts up and down, left and right.

Viral or bacterial disease

Headache in this case is a secondary symptom, and the intensity varies from sluggish pain in ARVI to acute and pulsating in. The last example, by the way, is a reason for urgent hospitalization.

In mild cases, the head quickly goes away as you recover or take antipyretics. If you catch an infection, then in addition to headaches there will be fever and chills - the body is fighting with all its might against foreign "invaders".

Headache with neurological symptoms accompanies menningitis, pneumonia, malaria, and typhoid fever.

What to do? Exercise will not work to get rid of such a headache; the primary illness must be treated.

Inflammation of the sinuses

Headache due to inflammation in the sinus area comes with nasal congestion and a runny nose. It is deep and constant, according to the patient's feelings, is located in the maxillary, paranasal or paranasal region. Swelling of the face, cramps on the forehead and cheekbones, with sudden movements, the headache intensifies - all these are signs of inflammation of the sinuses.

Sinus headache goes away with the underlying disease - allergy, infection, or neoplasm.

What to do? For an accurate diagnosis, as well as a method of treatment, go to the doctor.

Trigeminal neuralgia

You will recognize this pain as a short but excruciating flash that occurs suddenly in any area of ​​the face. The attack interval is from 10 seconds to 2 minutes, and no pills will help - you just need to wait it out. The muscles of the face can contract convulsively and uncontrollably, and pain points can migrate from attack to attack.

This is how the trigeminal nerve is affected due to caries, stomatitis and even malocclusion. Potentially, no one is immune from such attacks. The pains go from the bottom of the jaw, in the neck and chin, if the lower jaw branch is affected, and if it radiates to the nose, then also the upper jaw.

The most severe pains appear when the eye area is also involved, along with the temples, forehead and eyebrows.

What to do? Go to the doctor urgently, because the causes of the disease can be very different - dental diseases, impaired metabolism, cerebral aneurysms, and more.

Cluster headache

This is the very pain that makes people ready to commit suicide - it is so unbearably painful. Feels like the process of piercing the eye from the inside. Cluster pain is concentrated in just one point on the face, most often the forehead or eye. It is accompanied by redness of the eyes, nasal congestion, increased sweating. Attacks from 15 minutes to 2 hours come serially - 2-3 times a day for weeks or months, and then recede for several years. Exacerbations fall on the demi-season, and according to statistics, men are more likely to suffer.

What to do? To lead healthy image life, undergo behavioral therapy and take pills after discussion with your doctor.

Caffeine needle

We have already mentioned the abusal headache that occurs when the usual pills are abandoned. The same thing happens to the body when you give up any other "drug" - coffee, soda or tea. The body reacts to a sharp refusal from such doping with throbbing headaches in the temporal regions, weakness, irritation, absent-mindedness, anxiety, fear, sleep disturbance and nausea.

What to do? Try herbal medicine and kinesiotherapy along with a balanced diet with the elimination of unhealthy foods.

It is difficult to meet people who have never experienced a severe headache.

Often this process catches up at the most inopportune moment, but relieving the spasm with painkillers will not always be the right decision.

Especially if the cause of the spasm has not been established. The main question will be the following: if you are worried about a severe headache, what to do to improve your well-being without harm to your health.

It is worth remembering that headaches are distinguished by type and location. This helps to get an initial idea of ​​the cause that caused it and to determine the methods of its elimination.

Once the decision has been made to treat a severe headache at home, there are a number of remedies available that are worth discussing in more detail.

Causes of headaches

Before starting to stop headache, it is required to determine the cause of this phenomenon. Otherwise, the relieved spasm will return when the anesthetic wears off.

And when integrated approach it will be possible to completely eliminate the root and signs of the disease.

So, in some cases, colds can be the cause of pain in the head. Especially if they are associated with sinusitis, sinusitis, or ordinary nasal congestion.

In this case, drugs aimed at combating the causative agent of the infection will have a great effect.

Another common cause of headache is migraine. Among its signs, one-sided localization of the inflammation focus is determined.

The process may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, misperception of light and loud sounds.

Dental problems are another cause of headaches. In this case, the focus of inflammation is concentrated in the frontal lobe.

Headache may indicate severe pathologies that require the timely intervention of specialists.

These include benign and malignant brain tumors, hypertension, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, and other problems with the vessels and the spine.

In some situations, headaches are caused by loss of visual acuity, increased intraocular pressure, or glaucoma. This phenomenon can be the result of incorrect selection of glasses.

Headaches can be caused by serious physical or emotional trauma. In the first case, a visit to a traumatologist, even in the case of a slight injury, can save you from problems in the future.

In the second case, you need to do everything necessary to protect yourself from constant stay in a state of anxiety or stress.

Determining the cause of the manifestation of the disease is the first thing to do with a headache. The nature of the actions will depend on the diagnosis.

Localization and types of headache

To determine the cause of the disease, several classifications of headache are distinguished. First of all, the nature of sensations is determined.

The pain is divided into strong, aching, sharp, sharp, pressing, throbbing and dull.

According to the site of localization, one-sided and two-sided types of pain are distinguished. Cramping may occur in the temples, occiput, forehead, or crown of the head.

The first option is considered the most common; it can be caused by various reasons. In the second option, the cause may be problems with the spine.

The third case is often caused by colds or vision problems. With pain in the crown and back of the head, suspicions fall on the development of hypertension.

If the painful sensations spread throughout the entire head area, girdle pain is diagnosed.

There is another system among doctors according to which severe headaches are classified. The tension type is characterized by the fact that it periodically manifests itself in one place at about the same time.

Dislocation of pain occurs in the upper part of the skull, forehead and eye area.

Cluster syndrome involves the manifestation of a pulsating spasm with tearing, runny nose or redness in the area of ​​the eyeballs. This headache is more common in men.

The third type of classification is the pain of tension. It is distinguished by its variety and possible changes in localization.

With such headaches, the nature and intensity unpleasant sensations may also change.

Since it is not always possible to determine the cause of the headache at home, there are a number of specialized medical procedures carried out for the purpose of diagnosis.

Firstly, with the initial manifestation of the disease, the doctor will recommend doing a blood and urine test. For a more accurate diagnosis, MRI, CT and ultrasound are performed.

Doppler ultrasonography will help to investigate the condition of the blood vessels in detail. Other diagnostic methods are also at the disposal of specialists: radiography and electroencephalography.

When can you be treated at home

In most cases, people try to relieve the spasm on their own. But it is worth remembering that not every headache is treated in this way.

First, it is worth distinguishing between mild malaise and severe spasm.

Secondly, understanding the cause of the pathology plays an important role here. If the cause of the pain has already been identified in the clinic, treatment is prescribed, with the next attack of the disease, it remains only to follow the instructions of the doctor.

Apply for medical help will be especially necessary in the following cases:

  • a severe headache appeared for the first time for no apparent reason;
  • unpleasant sensations came as a surprise;
  • there was a change in the localization, intensity or frequency of manifestation;
  • to the painful sensations in the head, weakness, nausea and other additional symptoms were added.

Knowing what serious pathologies can be behind this simple phenomenon, you should definitely visit a doctor and undergo an examination. This will give you a good idea of ​​what to do next.

Pain relief with medicines

According to the patient, the simplest method for relieving headaches is taking a pill. In fact, they are really able to alleviate the suffering of a person during an attack of a very severe headache.

Only without an established diagnosis and the beginning of treatment for the cause of the disease, the removal of unpleasant sensations will not bring the desired effect. It is important to know that pain relievers fall into several categories.

The first of the considered groups is represented by non-steroidal drugs, which include Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Aspirin and others.

Their main purpose is to fight inflammation and reduce fever, but this group of medicines also helps with headaches caused by infection.

Nebalgin and Analgin belong to the third category of drugs, which helps to stabilize blood pressure. They are called analgesics.

For a comprehensive solution to this problem, the doctor additionally prescribes vasodilator and antihypertensive medications.

Combined drugs like Pentalgin or Solpadein have an extended range of applications.

A separate group of medicines is aimed at eliminating muscle spasms caused by impaired blood circulation. In pharmaceuticals, they are classified as muscle relaxants.

If the headache is caused by a migraine, a special set of drugs is prescribed for therapy.

The triptan group of medicines, which includes Trental and Stugeron, helps only in stopping the symptoms of this disease. It is strictly contraindicated to use them without a doctor's appointment.

It is worth remembering that drunk medicine will only help if it is used in accordance with its intended purpose.

To do this, you should first consult with your doctor and read the instructions regarding indications, dosages and possible side effects.

Non-drug methods

In addition to taking medications, headache is also relieved by physiotherapy:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • meditation;
  • acupuncture;
  • reflexology;
  • acupressure.

While some of these measures can be organized and done at home, most of the procedures are only possible at the clinic or hospital.

Traditional medicine

With the permission of the attending physician, headaches can be neutralized with the help of folk decoctions and infusions. Despite the herbal ingredients, they all have their own list of indications and side effects.

The information available on this issue requires careful research before use. It is not recommended to combine several decoctions in one course of treatment.

One of the most effective remedies for headaches is called propolis tincture, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. It should be mixed with alcohol in a 1: 5 ratio.

The infused mixture in the amount of 40 drops is allowed for use. To make taking the medicine more convenient, it is advised to use liquid by moistening bread with it.

Wormwood is considered a good remedy for headaches. To prepare the medicine, the root of this plant is crushed and poured with boiling water.

For the next 20 minutes, the product is infused, and then consumed in a tablespoon three times a day.

A number of products are indicated for external use. So, very effective way to relieve pain will be the application of lemon peel.

For the remedy to work, the source of the most intense pain should be determined. At this place you need to attach a lemon. Another remedy for headaches is raw potato juice.

Compresses and soothing aromatic oils are considered a separate set of measures for this ailment. In case of overexertion, we recommend a relaxing head massage, done with your hands or under a stream of warm water.

Soothing oils that can be added when taking a bath or in an aroma lamp include formulations based on chamomile, lemon balm, sage, bergamot or jasmine.

You can also do relaxation sessions with soothing music and scented candles.

Lemon, lavender and orange oils are often used to make compresses that are applied to the sore spot.

Alternatively, simply savoring these fragrances, which have the ability to relieve tension and relieve headaches, is enough.

Preventive techniques

Finally, consider what to do to reduce your risk of very severe headaches. This is possible with a number of simple yet effective measures:

  1. Severe headaches are often caused by mental or physical fatigue. The most effective remedy for this ailment is proper sleep. Allocating working hours and getting enough rest can also save you from this problem.
  2. The absence of bad habits, such as alcohol and tobacco abuse, will help to avoid headaches that arise as one of the symptoms of withdrawal or hangover.
  3. According to the observations of experts, even a little physical activity has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. Healthy vessels are less prone to spasms, which can cause very severe headaches. As a load, you can do one of the sports or medical gymnastics. For busy people sometimes morning exercises will be enough.
  4. Another cause of the disease is considered a lack of vitamins and minerals. You can avoid the consequences of such violations by organizing a proper and balanced diet.

To summarize: when deciding what to do when a severe headache occurs, you should first determine the cause of the pathology. The spectrum of pathologies that can cause such a problem is quite wide.

Some of them are available for detection at home, while others require special studies on diagnostic equipment.

Depending on the diagnosis, drug therapy is prescribed with the use of anesthetic drugs of a certain category. Physiotherapy can be prescribed by a doctor.

The use of folk remedies is possible only with the permission of the doctor. And everyone is available simple methods prevention that can reduce the risk of pain in the head several times.

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With a headache

There are many reasons for pain in the head - stress, fatigue, overexertion, unfavorable environmental conditions, migraine, meteosensitivity. If the head is strong and frequent, then it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible. You need to be examined and tested to exclude a really serious diagnosis and treatment.

If the head hurts not so often, but unpleasantly worries, then you should go out into the fresh air, walk for an hour or two and saturate the body with oxygen. Often this is the only headache that goes away. And in the room, for the period of the walk, open the window wide open for ventilation.

One should try to avoid noise, harsh and strong odors, cold or, on the contrary, excessively warm rooms. As often as possible, stay alone and sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. You can also take a relaxing bath with aromatic oils, but the water should be warm and comfortable for the body.

The light in the room should not be bright and "cut" the eyes. While on the street, you need to put on sunglasses over your eyes - a hat, if it's cold, or a panama hat, if.

New and unfamiliar foods can also contribute to the headache. You should try to exclude it. Or, if the food was spoiled, it is necessary to take sorbing drugs to remove toxic substances from the body.

If the sleep and wakefulness regime is disturbed, this can also cause recurrent headaches. Lack of sleep or too long sleep should be balanced so that there are no sudden changes. Also pay attention to the mattress, it may be uncomfortable and should be replaced. The pillow is also very important, the most suitable in this case would be a pillow from. It follows the contours of the body and relieves tension in the neck muscles.

Working at the computer, you need to get up often and do a little exercise for your back and neck. Osteochondrosis can also be the cause of the headache. In this case, you can take a course of preventive massage.

It is imperative to engage in physical education - swimming, yoga or jogging should become companions and assistants in the fight against headaches. Physical activity contributes to the normalization of all processes in the body - toxins and toxins are removed, blood circulation is increased, and thus organs are supplied nutrients and oxygen much faster.

Gotta stick to proper nutrition- eat fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cereals, drink plenty of water. These actions are a guarantee that the headaches will go away forever.

What medications to take for headaches

If the headache cannot be tolerated, then it is worth taking a medicine - a pill or syrup. The most common pain relievers today are paracetamol, analgin, citramone, ibuprofen. But you need to drink them with caution, taking into account all contraindications, and infrequently, since many medications can be addictive.

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