When Orthodox Christians celebrate Trinity. What is the Orthodox holiday Trinity? Icons of the Holy Trinity

By church calendar The Day of the Holy Trinity is one of the twelve great holidays - the 12 most important holidays in Orthodoxy. Other names for this day are Pentecost, Trinity and Descent of the Holy Spirit.

The essence of the Trinity lies in the fact that it was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, and they went to different languages to preach the Resurrection of Christ to all nations.

The events of the Descent of the Holy Spirit are described in the book of Acts of the Holy Apostles: then all the disciples of the Son of God gathered in the upper room of Zion to celebrate the Jewish Pentecost - on this day the Jews always remembered how, on the fiftieth day after the Exodus from Egypt, the Lord on Mount Sinai gave Moses the ten commandments.

At this time, in the house where the apostles were, it became very noisy, "and separated tongues appeared to them, as it were, of fire, and rested, one on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave herald them. "

All the apostles, on whom the Holy Spirit descended in the form of bright, fiery, but not hot tongues, felt enthusiasm and a huge surge of strength.

The fact that the apostles spoke in different languages ​​has a special meaning of Pentecost: on the "birthday" of the Church of Christ, which took place through the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus, all the nations of the world were united. Thus, the connection between people and God, lost after the events of the Fall, was restored.

The Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit was established by the apostles, but it officially entered the Christian calendar only at the end of the 4th century - in 381 in Constantinople at the Second Ecumenical Council, the church adopted the Trinity dogma.

Why is the holiday called the Day of the Holy Trinity

On this day, the secret was revealed to all people that God is one, but in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

When Trinity is celebrated in 2019

The Day of the Holy Trinity is always celebrated on Sunday, in 2019 this day falls on June 16. Orthodox believers necessarily go to Trinity in churches for divine services and receive communion.

Traditions of the celebration of the Trinity in different countries

The traditions of celebrating this day in each country differ from each other. For example, in England, on the Day of the Holy Trinity, large-scale processions are held, accompanied by brass bands and choirs. Italians honor the memory of this day in the following way: they scatter rose petals from under the domes of temples. In France, during the service, trumpets sound that imitate the wind that rose in the Zion upper room before the Holy Spirit descended.

Traditions of celebrating the Trinity in Belarus

Housewives decorate their homes with flowers, birch branches, fresh grass.

In Orthodox churches in Belarus, the Pentecost liturgy is especially solemn: the floors are traditionally lined with birch branches and field herbs, and beautiful flowers are in vases.

After the liturgy, the evening is also served - at this time the parishioners turn to the Almighty with requests for intercession and help.

On this day, after the evening, comes the end of the post-Easter period - the time when in Orthodox churches they do not kneel down and do not bow down to earth. Kneeling is not done because the period from Easter to Pentecost is a time of joy.

After the service, people go home to the festive tables: on Trinity you can eat everything - in a week, on June 4, Peter's fast will begin.

Do's and Don'ts on Trinity

There are a lot of superstitions about what should not be done on this day: supposedly one should not walk in the field and forest, work, swim. Nevertheless, the most important mistake on the Trinity is precisely following these very superstitions, they have nothing to do with Pentecost.

Do not give in to them, it is better to go to church for service, take communion, thank God for the gift of the grace of the Holy Spirit and just spend this day peacefully.

There are also no additional restrictions for the entire week after Trinity.

Is it possible to marry Trinity

A wedding on the Day of the Holy Trinity is prohibited - on the days of the twelve holidays, the sacrament of marriage is not performed.

The same applies to the registration of marriage - on Sunday (Trinity is celebrated only on this day) Registries do not work.

Trinity is one of the rolling Orthodox holidays. On this day, temples are decorated with birch branches and fresh grass. And on the day of the Holy Trinity, special prayers are read. They are read only once a year and on this particular holiday.

Speaking about Christian holidays, one cannot but dwell on the Trinity in more detail.

Let's plunge into history

What is the history of the holiday of the Holy Trinity? The Lord ascended on the 40th day after the Resurrection. And on the tenth day after His Ascension, the Mother of God with the apostles gathered in one of the houses of prayer. Where, in fact, they prayed. And suddenly a loud noise came from the sky, as if the wind had risen. And this noise filled the whole house where the Mother of God was with the apostles. Tongues of fire appeared from heaven, and each of them descended on the disciples of Christ. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, starting to speak in different, hitherto unknown languages.

On that day, in connection with the holiday, there were Jews in the city. Hearing the noise from the prayer house, many of them gathered in front of him. And they heard the apostles speak in different dialects. Some of those present began to mock the disciples of God, saying that they were drunk.

Hearing about this, the Apostle Peter stood before the Jews. And he told that his brothers in Christ were not drunk at all. They are filled with the Holy Spirit, and the prophecy of Joel has come true. God said that He would send the Holy Spirit to all flesh. And they will prophesy, and they will be taught through visions and dreams.

What is the holiday dedicated to?

The Day of the Holy Trinity is established in honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. Remarkably, the New Testament does not directly indicate whether the Mother of God was with them at that moment. However, according to Bishop Innokenty Borisov, how could the One who conceived and gave birth to the Savior of the world have missed this event?

Its meaning

What does the day of the Holy Trinity symbolize? This is the birthday of the church. On this day, the first apostolic church was established. The Lord gathers near Himself all people who want to follow Him. Regardless of nationality. The Old Testament describes such an event as the construction of the Tower of Babel. People wanted to build a tower in Heaven. And the Lord, seeing this, arranged it so that these builders suddenly spoke in different languages. Everyone spoke a language they did not know. And no one could understand each other. People gathered in groups with those who spoke their new language. This is how the Babylonian scattering of people took place.

On the day of the Holy Trinity, the Lord sends the Holy Spirit to the apostles. And they begin to speak in different languages. Why is this done? To gather all believers ready to follow Christ. For the salvation of everyone who follows God.

Double name

The Day of the Holy Trinity and the Feast of Pentecost are two different names for the same event. Why Pentecost? Because the Holy Spirit touched the apostles on the 50th day after Easter, that is, after the Resurrection of Christ.

Old and New Testaments

In the Old Testament, the feast of Pentecost already existed. But in a different sense. It was a harvest festival. As time went on, the meaning of the holiday changed. Pentecost became a symbol of the birth of the Old Testament Church. The events of this day were recalled as the Covenant that the Lord made with Moses and the people of Israel about 50 days after the Jews left Egypt.

And finally, in the New Testament, Pentecost, or the day of the Holy Trinity, became the celebration of the birth of the Christian church.

The Day of the Holy Trinity in Russia is one of the most beautiful. The smell of incense and freshly cut green grass is mixed in the church. The floors in the temples are covered with grass. The temples themselves are decorated with birch branches and wildflowers. The vestments of priests on this day are green.

After the Liturgy, Great Vespers is served. It should be performed in the evening, as the name implies, but then not all parishioners will be able to attend the celebration. Vespers is the glorification of the descent of the Holy Spirit. In addition, three special prayers are read at Vespers. About the church, about the salvation of all who pray and about the repose of all the departed, including those who are in hell. While the prayers are read, the clergy and parishioners kneel. Kneeling is a symbol of the end of the Easter period. For in the Easter period they do not bow down to the ground and kneel down.

During Matins on the day of the Holy Trinity, two festive canons are sung. One of them was written by John of Damascus, the second by Cosma Mayumsky.

Why decorate the temple?

On the day of the Holy Trinity, as mentioned above, churches are decorated with birch branches. Why is this being done? There are several explanations for this custom.

  1. Perhaps birches serve as a reminder of Mamvra. It was there that the oak was and is, under which there was the appearance of the Holy Trinity to Abraham in the form of three angels.
  2. The second explanation is related to the day of Pentecost. When the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, the Jews celebrated the feast of the granting of the Law of God to them. On the fiftieth day after the exodus from Egypt, Moses and the Jews approached Mount Sinai, where the Lord gave Moses the ten commandments. It was in the spring, the mountain was dotted with flowering trees. Perhaps from that moment the decoration of temples with birches and greenery began. To once again, as it were, be with Moses on Mount Sinai.

Parent's Saturday

The Day of the Holy Trinity is preceded by Parents' Saturday. What day is this? This day all Orthodox world commemorates his departed relatives: parents, grandparents, relatives. Hence the name - Parental.

How to spend Parent's Saturday? Be sure to go to the temple, submit notes about the deceased loved ones. Good deeds done on this day in memory of deceased parents and relatives are the best gift to them who are in the face of God.

What can you do on a holiday?

Prayer on the day of the Holy Trinity, participation in divine services, communion are the most correct way to spend this day. But for some reason, it is not always possible to visit the temple. Do not despair, you can also pray at home, bring the Lord a sincere prayer that comes from the very heart.

On a holiday, it is not forbidden to prepare holiday food, as well as feed and water pets.

What should you abstain from?

First of all, wine drinking is crazy. In other words, from the accepted tradition of celebrating holidays accompanied by alcoholic beverages... And celebrate to such an extent, until you "put your face in the salad."

Drinking wine is not a sin in itself. The Lord Himself and the Mother of God drank wine at a wedding feast in Cana of Galilee. It was made a sin by people who can drink without restriction. The holiday is not to get drunk to the point of unconsciousness.

Secondly, you should postpone your business and work for another day. By working on great holidays, people show their disrespect for God in this way. Of course, there are cases that require mandatory execution and cannot be postponed. If possible, it is better to do them after the person has gone to the festive service.

The third point is chores around the house. You cannot wash, wash, clean, sew, etc. For this there are other days, and the holiday should be dedicated to God.

Particular attention should be paid to such a moment as landing. Since ancient times, on Trinity it was strictly forbidden to plow the land (in the current variation - to dig the beds), to carry out sowing and planting.

Is it possible to devote time to a hobby?

It depends on which one. On the day of the Holy Trinity, it is forbidden to sew, knit, embroider, in general - needlework will have to be put aside. You can read it, but again it depends. It goes without saying that it shouldn't be romance novels, books from the genre of horror and other non-useful secular literature. You can read classics, for example, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Tyutchev and other writers.

Listen to music and watch movies - with an eye to the content. On the holiday, you should devote the maximum part of your time to being with God. And everything that concerns a hobby should be associated with Orthodoxy.

Is it allowed to go out into nature?

As for hiking in nature, there is a sign that you cannot go to the Trinity in the forest or to the beach. Allegedly, the goblin is odd in the forest, but they can drag mermaids under the water. This is all nonsense. You can go to the forest and to the river. Only to do this after visiting the temple, for it is not good to replace the festive service with barbecue in the bosom of nature and bathing.


In Russia it was believed that if it rains on the day of Pentecost, the summer will be warm and the harvest rich.

Houses, like temples, were decorated with greenery and birches. The more greenery there is in the house that day, the happier its inhabitants will be.

It was customary to visit each other, arrange merry feasts, without turning them into drinking alcohol. Close people were invited to dinner, and they were treated to a Trinity loaf, egg dishes, pies and pancakes. People brought treats and positive emotions to each other.

And what are the congratulations on the day of the Holy Trinity? How to congratulate others on this day?

The best gift for an Orthodox person will be consecrated birch twigs. Ideally, go together with loved ones to the temple, consecrate the greenery, and then gather at the festive table.

When the Trinity is celebrated

What date is the day of the Holy Trinity? This is a rolling holiday that always falls on a Sunday. It is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. Orthodox Christians will celebrate Pentecost on May 27, 2018.


What do you need to remember from the article? First, what is the day of the Holy Trinity dedicated to? The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles.

Second, how to celebrate Pentecost. Visit the temple, defend the service, pray with everyone. Confess and receive communion.

Thirdly, do not forget to go to church on Parents' Saturday and commemorate deceased relatives.

Fourthly, do not turn the holiday of the Trinity into a sweeping entertainment event with alcohol abuse.

Fifth, postpone various work. Not to be engaged in needlework on this day, and summer residents - to forget a little about their gardens.

There is no better way for a Christian soul to spend a holiday than to go to church. In the hustle and bustle of life, we often forget about our soul, about its needs. As well as about God. And He is waiting, patiently waiting for us to take a step towards Him. And He is ready to accept everyone, just come.

So let us, at least on Christian holidays, take this step towards God.

One of the most significant Orthodox holidays on the church calendar in late spring - early summer is Trinity, also called Pentecost. Trinity is tied to the date of Easter, and like that, each year falls on a different date. When will Trinity 2019: what date is Orthodox Pentecost celebrated, what kind of holiday it is.

When Trinity is celebrated in 2019

Trinity is celebrated on a new day every year. It is determined according to the fiftieth day after the onset of the Easter holiday. In 2019, this day falls on June 16.

According to the texts of the Gospel, the holy apostles waited fifty days for the descent of the Holy Spirit promised by Christ to earth. Persecuted for their faith, they secretly gathered every night in a simple upper room in Zion for prayer. On the fiftieth night, the long-awaited miracle happened.

The holy spirit descended on the disciples of Christ in the form of a bright flame. At that very moment, the apostles acquired miraculous abilities. They could now prophesy, heal, and speak all the languages ​​of the world. These properties were granted by God to their chosen ones so that they could carry the light of Christian teaching throughout the world and work miracles, instilling faith in Jesus Christ in people.

The history of the appearance of the holiday of Trinity

If you believe the legend, then on this day many centuries ago, Jews who arrived from different parts of the country gathered in Jerusalem. Somehow they heard conversations in different languages ​​that came from the house where the 12 apostles were.

People even thought they were just drunk. But, the Apostle Paul with his disciples came out to the people and said that the Holy Spirit had come down to them from heaven and endowed them with the ability to carry the Word of God.

After that, he called on the Jews to repent of their sins, and also to be baptized. The apostle's preaching was so heartfelt that all people immediately followed the advice of Christ's disciples. On this day, many thousands of people have accepted Christianity, and therefore Pentecost is considered the day of the founding of the Christian church.

Trinity holiday traditions

Since Trinity is a religious holiday, it is natural that this day is never complete without service in the temple, which, according to tradition, includes Divine Liturgy and Great Vespers.

Moreover, churches on Trinity are usually decorated with greenery: freshly cut grass is usually placed on the floor, icons are decorated with spring flowers and young tree branches. On this day, many believers bring with them to the church several branches of birch to consecrate them, and then put them in their homes (usually the consecrated branches were placed near the icons). It is believed that in this way you can protect your home and yourself at the same time from all evil. In general, birch is the main attribute of the holiday, its branches symbolize the power of the Holy Spirit.

Another tradition of Trinity Day is to arrange a feast and invite all relatives, friends and loved ones to the celebration. By the way, since Pentecost is not a fast day, the hostesses have the opportunity to demonstrate all their culinary skills and please their guests with a wide variety of treats. However, a loaf was and remains a traditional dish on Trinity.

Previously, on the Day of the Holy Trinity, real folk festivals were organized - in the late afternoon in all the villages they began to lead round dances, sing songs and dance. It is worth noting that detailed fun on Trinity do not lose their popularity to this day.

In addition, it has always been customary to woo on Trinity Day. So, it was believed, if you get married at Pentecost, and play the wedding on the Intercession - the day when, according to our ancestors, autumn meets winter, then a happy life together is guaranteed.

There are also a number of traditions related to the preparation for the Trinity. For example, a couple of days before the holiday, believers usually arrange a general cleaning of the house. The fact is that on the Day of the Holy Trinity itself, you cannot clean up, as well as sew and wash, in other words, do some kind of housework. And in parent's saturday- the day preceding Trinity - it is customary to visit cemeteries and commemorate the dead.

Signs and beliefs on the Trinity

  • Rain on Trinity - for the harvest, for mushrooms, for warm weather and late frosts.
  • Hot weather is a sign of a dry summer and a bad harvest.
  • Whoever gets into the Trinity under the rain will get rich.
  • The herbs collected on this day have a healing effect and work as powerful amulets.
  • Birch twigs consecrated in the temple will be powerful amulets for the house for the whole year.
  • Three days later, the birch trees put on a holiday to decorate the house are still fresh - a sign of wet haymaking.
  • The dew collected on the Trinity has a special power that can heal and give strength.
  • If the patient is washed with water from the herbs taken in the temple during the service, the person will recover and live a long time.
  • The brooms for the bath prepared on this day will have healing powers.
  • A wreath woven on this holiday by an unmarried girl is able to attract bright and strong love into her life.
  • To send a wreath down the river at Pentecost - long-awaited love will come to fate.
  • Whoever on this holiday is the first in the house to drink water and pray, he will be healthy and successful all year round.

Fortune telling on Trinity

Pentecost is a wonderful day for fortune telling. The Church is always against all sorts of fortune-telling and predictions, however, our people have pagan roots, and there has always been a custom of fortune-telling and fortune telling on Christian holidays.

After all, these days nature is especially receptive, open, mystical forces are very close to us. The main thing is not to do any evil, all fortune-telling must have good and sincere intentions.

  1. A beautiful and romantic ceremony for girls is curling a birch tree. The girls went into the forest and curled a birch tree - they decorated its branches with ribbons, beads, weaved wreaths from the branches. Thus, the young ladies called for love.
  2. The girls also put birch branches under the pillow so that the betrothed would come in a dream. It is believed that the guy whose image comes in a dream will be a husband.
  3. This fortune-telling has survived to this day. Many curious girls fall asleep on birch branches with trepidation and excitement, wanting to see their love and destiny in a dream.
  4. Another fortune-telling with birch branches is for fate. Such fortune-telling can also be done for adult women. Approaching a birch tree, without looking at it, you need to pick a twig - and then examine it.
  5. If the twig is flat and smooth, fate this year will be happy, without difficulties.
    A crooked or bumpy branch is a sign that the year will be difficult.
  6. The famous divination by chamomile is in fact the Trinity rite. But everything is not easy - at first the daisies were woven into the wreath, and only then, in the evening, before going to bed, the girl takes out a random daisy from the wreath in which she wore all day, and wonders.

Tearing off petal by petal, you can ask not only "loves - does not love", but also "will come true - will not come true", "I will marry - I will not get out" and other questions that torment a girl's heart. This fortune-telling is only for unmarried young ladies.

One of the most significant Orthodox holidays on the church calendar in late spring - early summer is Trinity, also called Pentecost. Trinity is tied to the date of Easter, and like that, each year falls on a different date. When will Trinity 2018: what date is Orthodox Pentecost celebrated, what kind of holiday it is.

What is the date of the Trinity in 2018

Pentecost is not an accidental name for the Trinity. Since Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, on Sunday exactly 7 weeks after Easter. Easter in 2018 was celebrated on 8 April. Thus, Trinity will also be celebrated unusually early this year, not in June, as usual, but at the end of May.

In our country, Trinity is not a public holiday, only a church one. The only church holiday included in the nationwide number is Christmas. In a number of regions, Radonitsa is a day off. Other Orthodox holidays are not public holidays.

But in Ukraine, since 1991, Trinity is one of the national holidays. Accordingly, the following Monday is a day off in Ukraine.

Pentecost is a kind of "birthday" of the Christian church. The Gospel tells about the events that happened on that day as follows. 10 days after the Ascension of the risen Christ, the apostles and the Mother of God were together in the Jerusalem upper room and heard noise from heaven. This is how the Holy Spirit descended on them.

This action appeared to them as tongues of flame that descended from heaven - one tongue for each apostle.

The Holy Spirit bestowed on the apostles a preaching ability that they had not experienced until this day. Not understanding what to do next, the disciples of Christ, who were not scientists, but who were ordinary fishermen and workers, acquired the greatest gift - an understanding of the teachings of Christ and the ability to tell people about it.

The apostles received the ability to speak different languages ​​to preach the teachings of Christ. Thanks to such abilities, they converted several thousand people to Christianity on the same day.

Later, dispersed to different ends of the world, the disciples of Christ carried the faith with them and conquered the world by the power of their preaching.

Therefore, the Day of the Holy Trinity is a celebration of the birth of the church. The Lord gave the apostles, who did not come to their senses after the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Christ, the strength that gave them a chance to conquer the world, using equal opportunities to defeat the most powerful orators. The apostles who received the gift attracted the first people to Christianity, and the new faith was forever strengthened in the world.

The Feast of the Holy Trinity is one of the most interesting and, perhaps, the most unusual church celebrations. He, like Easter, is also always celebrated on Sunday - namely, 50 days after this day (the Holy Trinity is also called Pentecost).

At the same time, for the most part, we know much more about Bright Resurrection or Christmas than about the day Holy Trinity... That is why it will be interesting to figure out what kind of holiday it is, why it has several names, and what is the sacred meaning of this date. And most importantly - how to properly celebrate the Great Trinity?

Feast of the Trinity in Orthodoxy: meaning and names

First of all, let's figure out the names. There are simple cases when everything is clear: Christmas is Christmas, and Easter is Easter (or the Bright Resurrection of Christ). But with Trinity, the situation is a little different - the holiday has several names at once:

  1. Trinity Day (Day of the Holy or Most Holy Trinity, Trinity Day) - i.e. a holiday in honor of the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  2. Pentecost is the word that has exactly the same meaning. It just reminds us that the descent of the Spirit took place on the 50th day after Easter. Therefore, the celebration always falls on Sunday as well: May 27, 2018, June 16, 2019, etc.
  3. Spirits day, or the day of the Holy Spirit - this name emphasizes the key event in honor of which the holiday is celebrated.

All these names for the feast of the Trinity can be found in various sources - for example, in Wikipedia, Orthodox magazines and others. By the way, the Day of Spirits falls on Monday, and Pentecost itself falls on Sunday.

But at the same time, what do the three days of the Trinity mean? They symbolize the same holiday, it is simply celebrated for three days.

Holy Trinity: what a holiday

So what's the point of this have an interesting holiday? Why is it considered one of the great Christian celebrations along with Easter, Christmas, Epiphany and other significant dates? Answers to these questions can be obtained if you learn something about those events of two thousand years ago, which laid a good tradition to celebrate this date.

The history of the feast of the Trinity dates back to the times last days life of Jesus on earth. Shortly before his death, he promised that exactly 50 days after that, God would send a Comforter who would invisibly help all his followers.

Indeed, after 40 days the Savior ascended to heaven, and a decade later, Christ's disciples gathered together in one of the houses of Jerusalem. And at that moment a very strong noise was heard in the sky, as if a hurricane wind swept over the city.

It turned out that these were not streams of air, but a miraculous event: at the same moment, tongues of flame were lit over the heads of the disciples-apostles. People began to speak in all languages ​​and dialects that were used at that time by local peoples. Then the holy apostles-followers of Christ began to teach people, preaching to them salvation and God's love.

However, what does the holiday of the Trinity mean for us - people living in modern times, 2000 years later? It turns out that the relevance of those events was preserved in their original form, because the descent of the Holy Spirit is directly related to all the inhabitants of the planet.

His coming to earth means the onset of a graceful time when we have a direct connection with heavenly forces. Every person today can simply pray, ask for forgiveness and receive it.

And in the old days, complex rituals were performed for this, sacrifices were made, fires were kindled. In short, forgiveness was acquired at a very high price. Now the connection with the Almighty is established in such a way that any of us can turn to him.

It turns out that the Holy Spirit is a kind of communication channel between man and God. Moreover, he is God himself, his third person. So Orthodox holiday The Trinity symbolizes the Triune Lord, who is revealed in all his fullness.


Let's rewind events 20 centuries ago and imagine such a picture. The Lord died but was resurrected. There is no limit to the joy of believers - even today the echoes of this event are echoing in the hearts of billions of believers when they say: “Christ is risen! Truly resurrected! " What happened after?

The Savior went to heaven, as expected, on the 40th day. Probably, many people had the feeling in their hearts that they were orphaned or lost their right wing. But now - only 10 days have passed, and the Holy Spirit descended on the earth.

It turns out that from then until today God himself is invisibly next to us, and at any moment we can turn for his help. It was for this purpose that the Comforter was sent to our planet.

How the Orthodox celebrate the Holy Trinity

Among church holidays Holy Trinity Day is perhaps the most beautiful event of the year. Priests put on green clothes, temples and icons of the Holy Trinity are decorated with birch branches, wildflowers, leaves. The floor in the temples is covered with fresh grass.

The green tone serves as a symbol of life-giving faith, the rebirth of nature after a long winter, but most importantly - the liberation of the human soul from sin.

That is why on this day it is customary to consecrate birch branches (after all, a birch tree is a real symbol of Russia) and bring them into the house. Legend has it that this peculiar bouquet will bring good luck for the whole year, if it is kept until the next Trinity.

Green branches of other plants - oak, linden, maple and mountain ash - are also used to decorate the Trinity dwelling. They are designed to protect the house from evil spirits. From meadow grasses, they take cornflowers, lovage, thyme, fern, mint, lemon balm, burdock, weave wreaths from them and hang them on the door, make bouquets that are placed on the table or near icons.

On the eve of Great Trinity Saturday, an all-night vigil is served. On the day of the feast of the Holy Trinity, the Gospel of John is read, a festive liturgy is celebrated.

The third day of the Trinity is called the day of the Holy Spirit. On this day, it is customary in churches to consecrate water. People take the grass and branches that decorated the temples and bring them home. They are dried and stored all year round - they protect the house from diseases and troubles. Healers recommend collecting herbs on this day - it is believed that nature endows them with special miraculous properties.

Priests do not recommend doing hard physical work, visiting the cemetery, planning any global affairs (for example, cleaning the house, working in the country, large purchases, etc.) on these holidays. It is best to find time for festive services - go to church for services, attend the liturgy in honor of the Most Holy Trinity, feel the spirit of the light ones, tune in to the festive wave.

And the rest of the day you can spend with your loved ones, help your relatives, visit old friends. There is no fasting on the feast of Holy Pentecost, therefore the festive table is supposed to be rich and plentiful, with various meat dishes, pies, fresh herbs.

Also, after a festive dinner, traditional folk festivals are organized - people strive to nature, where they perform ritual dances, sing songs, and light fires. And you can also make the most cherished wish on such a holiday - if you tune in to the fulfillment of a dream, it will certainly come true.

So what is it - a holiday Great Trinity? This is the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit, when God manifested himself in all three persons and revealed himself as the triune Supreme.

And it is also the day of the revival of the human soul, when it can receive the invaluable gift of salvation, simply by repenting of its sins and entrusting all experiences to the Lord. Such is she - the bright Holy Trinity.

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