Feast of the Holy Trinity. Rites for the Holy Trinity. What is the Trinity number for Orthodox and Catholics

In order to immediately answer the question of When the Trinity is in 2016 for the Orthodox, you just need to remember another alternative name for this holiday - Pentecost. That is, we can make a logical conclusion, knowing that the Trinity is also associated with Easter, then this holiday falls on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ.

This year Orthodox Church celebrated the onset of Easter on May 1, it turns out that the date of the Holy Trinity falls this year on June 19. It is important religious holiday, which, regardless of the date, always falls on Sunday. On this day, believers try to understand the trinity of the one Christian God, who simultaneously appears in three hypostases - Father and Son, Holy Spirit.

About the history of the Holy Trinity

This holiday has long historical roots and was celebrated in Old Testament times. At least, the followers of Jewish traditions attributed this day to the three most important during the year, which were closely associated with the acquisition of the Sinai Law by the Israelites. It was received 50 days after the Jews left Egyptian lands. Even then, the celebration of this day was massive, accompanied by fun and even sacrifices, which in the distant described times was a normal practice.

If we consider specifically the Christian traditions of the holiday, then you can often find information that this day is called the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit and traditionally, it is always celebrated on the fiftieth day from the onset of Easter of Christ. For every Christian, this day is the personification of the solemn and beautiful beginning of a new era in the existence of mankind, when it was delivered and cleansed from its sins. It is clear that in Christianity the Trinity is a great holiday and its significance can hardly be overestimated even for those who have not read biblical parables.

The main message and features of the Trinity, according to the biblical scriptures, is that it was on this day, more than two millennia ago, that fire descended from heaven, which opened the sacred mystery and trinity of God to the 12 apostles who were witnesses of the event. Since then, the trinity of one God and his three hypostases have become an important pillar of Christianity, which has survived to our time and which even true believers can be quite difficult to understand.

After such a manifestation, the apostles were able to speak in all the languages ​​of the world and this was done so that they could carry the word of God throughout the world. From that day on, the apostles went to all parts of the world and to distant countries in order to spread Christianity around the planet, to tell about this religion in the indigenous language of the inhabitants living in different territories. The apostles were able to even reach India, Asia Minor and everywhere on their journey they talked about Jesus Christ, baptized people who wanted to join a new religious movement and convert to Christianity.

Important! The fate of God's apostles, who went to spread Christianity around the world, was quite tragic. Of the 12 people, only John survived, and the rest were executed by governments and people who professed other religions and considered Christianity to be evil.

How Trinity is celebrated

When Trinity is in 2016, the Orthodox date for this holiday in the current year falls on June 19. The custom of the magnificent celebration of the Trinity in Russia was introduced by the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, who in the 14th century, only three centuries after the baptism of Rus, lived on our lands. You need to understand that preparation for the Trinity begins on Trinity Saturday, on this day you need to go to the church for a memorial service, then go to the cemetery to visit your deceased relatives.

Important! In Christianity, burial service is not given for drowned people, people who have gone missing or committed suicide, but it is on Trinity memorial Saturday that this prohibition is lifted and each person can remember in the church that deceased person about whom his soul hurts and about whom he cannot pray, order a requiem on other days.

As for Sunday and the holiday of the Holy Trinity itself, solemn services are held in churches, festive chants are heard in accordance with all the festive church canons. During Vespers they glorify the descent of the Holy Spirit, prepare for the next holiday, the day of the Holy Spirit, which Christians celebrate on Monday immediately after the Holy Trinity. On Sunday, festive priests wear the garments of an emerald or white, and the temple is decorated with birch twigs, fresh herbs and wildflowers.

How to Prepare for the Trinity

Since on the holiday itself you cannot clean the house and work, the day before you should clean the house, throw away things that cause unpleasant and difficult memories, anger and resentment. It is advisable to decorate the house inside with fresh greens - you can use birch twigs, maple and oak, bunches of wildflowers for this. By the way, with such bouquets on Sunday itself, you can go to church services.

Believers believe that keeping the customs of the Trinity will help make a difference in life and attract positive things to it. In the morning, you must definitely go to church and sincerely pray to God, ask him for happiness, joy and health, grace for your family. Many were convinced that if you sincerely ask for something on the day of the Holy Trinity, then everything will come true, most importantly, come to the church with a pure soul and not wish other people harm.

During the day, you can set a festive table. The most different dishes, sweets and fruits. Necessarily on this day you need to serve to the beggar who asks, try not to upset people and not get angry with them, but noisy festivities, songs and round dances on the day of the Holy Trinity are only welcome.

About old signs

When the Orthodox Christians had Trinity in 2016 and how to prepare for it, they found out. It remains only to say a few more words about folk signs for this day. For example, to attract wealth to the house, you need to pick the centaury grass and hide it under your clothes, go to the service with it, and then take a steam bath with this plant. Folk omen says that after such a ceremony, money will stick to your hands.

It is also on Trinity to harvest various medicinal herbs for the winter, because herbs plucked on this day have three times more healing power. You can also consecrate grass in the temple on this day, and then hide it behind the images of the house and ask the Lord for a rich harvest this year and for a dry summer.

This is the basic information that will help determine when the Trinity is in 2016 for the Orthodox (June 19), as well as how exactly to prepare for this holiday. Hope your family will have a good mood and only good thoughts, deeds.

In the church calendar, Trinity occupies a special place - it is the birthday of the Christian church and the baptism of the first parishioners. The first baptisms were performed by the apostles - the companions of Christ, on whom the holy spirit descended.

The birth of the Christian church

It took 40 days after the resurrection of Jesus, and ten days after his ascension. The Apostles and the Most Holy Mother of God were in the upper room on the second floor in the house on Mount Zion. With them were the disciples of Christ and the first believers - they did not know what to do next.

What is the number of Trinity in 2018

Suddenly, the whole room was filled with an unprecedented noise - as if the winds filled the room. And the Spirit of God descended on each apostle and on the Most Holy Mary in the form of tongues of flame. The apostles suddenly spoke all together in different languages who were not previously known. An unimaginable noise arose, attracting the residents of Jerusalem and guests of the city passing by.

Passers-by decided that those in the house were drunk. Saint Peter went out on the porch and announced that the spirit of God had descended on the apostles, and they could prophesy. The apostles went outside and began their first sermons in different languages. Their speeches were filled with divine fire and conquered those present.

On the same day, about 3 thousand people were baptized - this is how the Christian church was born. The first Christian temple was the same house on Mount Zion - now the Assumption Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The apostles traveled to many countries to preach.

They were endowed with gifts to prophesy and heal, and carried the teachings of Jesus Christ to different nations, having mastered different languages ​​by divine will. Subsequently, all the apostles, except for John, were executed. Nevertheless, the Christian Church still exists today, although the states that sentenced the apostles to death have long since disappeared from the face of the earth.

Trinity Day, like most Christian holidays, is tied to Easter. It falls on the 50th day after the Resurrection of Jesus, that is, on the fiftieth day after Easter. One of the Names of the Trinity - Pentecost - is always Sunday.

Holy Trinity Day is the birthday of the Christian church, which found its first temple on Mount Zion, the first converts and preachers. The fiery tongues, in the form of which the Holy Spirit overshadowed the first adherents of Christianity, endowed them with abilities and special strength to carry the Christian doctrine to all countries, in which they succeeded.

Flames also signify the ability to scorch and cleanse from sins, warm souls and fill them with the light of faith. On Pentecost in churches, after the Divine Liturgy, Vespers are celebrated in memory of the condescension of the holy spirit on the disciples of Jesus.

The priests invoke the grace of the Holy Spirit on all those present at the service, their departed relatives and healthy relatives. On the birthday of the Church of Christ, the temple is decorated with greenery, branches, even the floor is covered with green branches. Each believer comes to the service with a bouquet of flowers. Houses are decorated with branches of greenery, especially birch trees, and bouquets of flowers.

Trinity in 2018 will also be decorated with green birch branches and flowers. Even the clothes of the priests for the holiday are green, as a symbol of the renewal and birth of the church. The greenery on this holiday symbolizes flowering in the days when Moses received the tablets with the laws. Branches, according to Jewish customs, were used to decorate the upper room on Mount Zion, where the first adherents of Christianity gathered, and where the Holy Spirit descended.

Also, the greenery reminds of the Mamre oak forest, where the Divine spirit appeared to Abraham. Greenery also reminds believers that the grace of God fills human souls, and they flourish with virtue.

In Russia, the celebrations lasted for several days. Trinity week was popularly called Green, Gryana or Klechalnaya. By the Green Week, they finished all spring work and prepared for the summer harvest. The cycle began on the 7th Thursday after Easter - Semik. It was a day of remembrance for those who died a violent death (suicides, drowned people) and unbaptized children.

Saturday - Parental - was the day of obedience of the deceased relatives. Monday was called Spiritual Day, and Thursday was called Navskaya Trinity or Mermaid Day. The week was green as the cult of vegetation dominated. Greenery was everywhere. Mainly used birch branches, but also decorated houses and temples with branches of oak, ash, maple, poplar.

They went to the Saturday service on the eve of the holiday with a bouquet of flowers, and on Sunday, after the morning service, it was customary to visit, go out into the countryside, especially closer to the water. In Russia, on Pentecost, girls used to divine their betrothed - fortune-telling was called Green Christmastide. Mostly they wondered about the betrothed and the future family life... For this, after the round dances, the girls took off their wreaths and let them into the water.

It was a good sign if the wreath floated on the water. A sunken wreath was considered a very bad omen. The wreath, which swirled in place, promised that the girl would not have a wedding this year.

On holidays, fairs and festivals were organized in towns and villages.

Believers attend church services, commemorate their relatives, especially those who died not by their own death. On a holiday, it is customary to receive and treat guests, visit relatives. There are no food restrictions. The only tradition is the loaf, which symbolizes the unity of the family.

Trinity loaf is then cut and dried from it rusks - they are added to the wedding loaf. The tablecloth on which the loaf stood was put under the tablecloth for matchmaking - to bewitch the groom. They begin to prepare for the holiday the day before - they clean up the house and yard, burn all unnecessary and old things.

The house is decorated with birch, oak, maple branches, and bouquets of flowers. Even the yard can be decorated with green branches. Be sure to make beautiful bouquets, with one of which they will go to the evening service. The bouquet is scattered in the garden or field - for fertility, and some are kept behind icons, medicinal decoctions are made from herbs.

After Sunday service, it is not customary to sit at home - people go to nature, to the water. In the old days, people wove themselves wreaths of birch branches and flowers, young people danced around the water, and then the girls let their wreaths into the water. On this day, in round dances, young people looked after a couple for themselves, the Trinity wreath symbolized betrothal. The celebration of the Trinity intricately combines the religious traditions of the Church's birthday and folk customs.

Trinity or "Pentecost" is one of the most important holidays of all Christians, which is usually celebrated on the tenth day after the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven and on the fiftieth day after the end of the celebration of Easter.

This celebration is considered to be twelve because it exalts the personalities of the triune God: the Holy Spirit, the Son, and the Father. On the day of Trinity, the Holy Spirit appeared before the apostles and told them about her resurrection.

So, Trinity in 2016, what date? This Great holiday in 2016 will be celebrated on June 19. But this event is connected not only with the personality of the triune God, its history is at once in several foundations of the holiday.

History of the celebration of the Holy Trinity

Since ancient times, every Orthodox believer has considered the Trinity to be the most significant event. This holiday is celebrated fifty days after the end of Holy Easter. And the name of this holiday is associated with several significant events at once. First of all, the day of Trinity is directly related to the appearance of the Holy Spirit before the apostles. In addition, the second name of the holiday Pentecost means that the celebration of this event falls on the fiftieth day after Easter.

What is the date of Trinity in 2016 is the date of celebration according to church calendar falls on Sunday - June 19. From year to year, this event falls exclusively on Sunday. This is one of the main celebrations in the entire Orthodox world. Take a look at the production calendar for 2017.

In our time, probably, everyone already knows what date the Trinity holiday begins in 2016, as for the historical values ​​of this celebration, they were laid down several centuries ago. The Slavs, even before the adoption of Christianity, linked the date of the celebration of the Trinity with the onset of spring. A few centuries ago, this celebration was called Rusal or Green Week. The main tradition of this holiday was considered to appease the pagan gods of fertility and "mother" nature for the rest of the year.

On this day, the Slavs decorated their homes with branches of green plants, fresh flowers and other riches of nature. In those days, people worshiped the elements of water, fire and wind. It was for these elements that all the main rituals of this celebration were performed. During the Rusal or Green Week, mass festivities were organized with various entertainment options.

Over time, after the adoption of Orthodoxy, the Trinity took on different characteristics. On this day, they began to revere the triune spirit, which was the savior and protector of many believers. This holiday was called Pentecost, and this name was associated with the calculations of all the celebrations mentioned in the article above. But in our time, Orthodox believers began to count fifty days after the end of Easter, after which it was possible to celebrate Pentecost, as for the celebration of the Trinity itself, they began to celebrate it seven days after Pentecost. The day after Trinity Sunday, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of the Holy Spirit.

It has long become a tradition among Christians that what date the Trinity will be in 2016, then nature for this holiday finally says goodbye to the cold weather. At this time, new plants appear in the fields and forests, and there is even more greenery. This is all connected with the advent of youthful beauty and freshness. In honor of the celebration of the Trinity, the floors and walls of the church are decorated in a special way in all Orthodox churches: wreaths of green twigs and fresh flowers were hung on the walls, and carpets of fresh plant branches were laid on the floor. The Trinity symbolizes the return to grace and comfort. Therefore, from ancient times to our time, the formation of the Orthodox Church was carried out.

The name of this celebration is associated with the appearance on earth of the Holy Spirit, who after the death of Christ appeared before the apostles. Jesus previously spoke of this visit long before his ascension to heaven. Every believer believed that such an event must surely happen when the Holy Spirit saves believers from destruction and proves their faith.

In the soul of every person, the Holy Spirit has found its own form. After Jesus was crucified on the cross, faith in the Holy Spirit became more sincere and unforgiving.

Traditions of the Holy Trinity

Since ancient times, the traditions of celebrating the Orthodox Trinity have survived to this day. This day is sincerely respected and appreciated by many believers. That is why people try to prepare for it in advance.

First of all, every dwelling was thoroughly cleaned. They washed the floors and windows in the house, took out all the rubbish and unnecessary trash. In all outbuildings and living quarters, people carried out general cleaning. Also a prerequisite was the decoration of each house. People wove wreaths of fresh flowers from twigs of green plants and decorate the windows and walls in the house with them. And now many believers collect fresh flowers in bouquets and put them in vases. Thanks to such decorations in your home, you can create an atmosphere of comfort, natural wealth, cleanliness and pleasant aromas.

With the onset of Trinity until lunchtime, you can visit the church, stand at the prayer service with a lit candle in your hands. Throughout this holiday, you cannot ask anything from the Lord God, you are only allowed to thank him for saving and protecting human souls from destruction. After coming home from church, believers set festive tables, on which a wide variety of dishes are presented. Since ancient times, it has been customary to invite many guests into the house on Trinity and treat them to a delicious dinner. At the same time, the believers did not forget about the suffering and poor people, they were given alms, which consisted of sweets, loaf, juicy, pies with various fillings and other goodies.

Usually, Trinity is celebrated only before lunchtime, since with the onset of evening, mass festivities began. On this day in the evening, young girls wondered about their betrothed. According to pagan beliefs, the Slavic believers believed that on this day one could see a real mermaid. But this only promised a great disaster for a person, since the mermaid could drag the abyss of a river or lake with her. Therefore, in order to protect themselves from the spell of the mermaid, the believers dressed in green clothes, gathered on the banks of the river and had a lot of fun and shouting to scare away the mermaid. It was forbidden to go close to the water alone, swim or wash by the lake. Because these actions promised the mermaid that the person became subject to her.

At that time, there was another belief that the souls of deceased loved ones who had previously died not by their own death returned to this celebration. Therefore, so that the souls who have come do not get lost in our world and do not harm living people, they remember the dead, and give alms to the suffering.

Catholics also note Orthodox Trinity... The date of this Catholic holiday is slightly different from Orthodox date, but the foundations of this celebration and the general traditions are almost completely identical. Trinity in 2016, what date? Catholics celebrate this celebration on May 22. All Catholic believers on this day also thank the Triune God for freedom and peace throughout the earth. In honor of the Trinity, people laid rich tables with a wide variety of delicacies, organized a feast and unrestrained fun. The beggars were given alms in the form of various foodstuffs.

Holy Trinity in 2016: what date, signs and customs, what not to do, and also much more, read our article.

When is the Trinity in 2016?

The Holy Trinity is one of the most important holidays in the Christian tradition. In 2016, it is celebrated on June 19. Trinity or Pentecost traditionally falls on the 50th day after Easter.

History of the feast of the Trinity

The Feast of the Trinity glorifies the apostles on whom the Holy Spirit descended. This event was promised by the Savior before his ascension into Heaven. The Descent showed people that God exists in three guises - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. On the day of the Holy Trinity, the good news was preached all over the world.

The Feast of the Trinity means that God did not reveal himself to people immediately, but did it in stages. Modern Christians identify the Trinity in the creation of all life on Earth by God the Father, after which He sent His Son - Jesus Christ, and then - the Holy Spirit. Thus, on the Holy Trinity, believers praise God in all his forms.

Trinity 2016: customs and traditions of this day are traditionally associated with birch

Before the celebration of Trinity, you should do a general cleaning at home and throw out all the trash, especially items that are associated with negative memories.

Trinity or Pentecost is traditionally associated with birch. Temples are decorated with branches of this tree. People have been hanging birch branches on Trinity since ancient times. Christians attach them to the walls and throw the floor. According to legend, such ceremonies promised a fruitful summer.

On the eve of Trinity, the girls performed the ceremony of "curling birches": they went into the forest and bent the tops of young birches to the ground, after which they wove wreaths from the branches. It was important to keep such a “curl” until Trinity - then it was believed that all wishes would come true, and there would be peace and order in the house.

Matchmaking was also extended to Trinity, although on this day one cannot marry. In addition, on Trinity, the girls wondered about the betrothed and fate.

On the day of Trinity, it was customary to organize mass festivities with gifts and treats in the form of pies, gingerbread and jelly.

Signs for Trinity in 2016

It was believed that with Trinity spring ends and real summer comes, and the cold recedes until autumn.

Rain on Trinity, it promises a good harvest year and an abundance of mushrooms in the forests. It also meant a warm summer and no frost.

Trinity in 2016: What Can't Be Done?

On Trinity, you cannot work at home, in the garden and in the field, cook food and even feed birds and animals. On this day, it is better to postpone handicrafts, mowing, mowing grass and chopping wood.

Throughout the "mermaid" week (three days before Trinity and three days after), you cannot swim in reservoirs and even just wash at home. It was believed that mermaids and other evil spirits can destroy the bathing person.

Spirits Day 2016: What Date?

The day after Trinity, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of Spirits. In 2016, it falls on June 20. On this day, you also cannot work on the land, which is considered a birthday girl, but you can look for a treasure on Spirits Day.

The Holy Trinity is one of the main Christian holidays. It is customary to celebrate it on the 50th day after. In the Orthodox religion, this day falls into the number of twelve holidays that extol the Holy Trinity. Among the people feast of the Holy Trinity it is customary to call Pentecost.

After Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, the tenth day came - the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ. The Jewish people celebrated this great day of the Holy Trinity in memory of the Sinai legislation. Apostles, mother of God and the disciples of Christ were at this time in a single upper room in Jerusalem.

Celebration of the Trinity in 2018

Pages of history tell us about this amazing and great holiday of the Holy Trinity, but how can we determine what date the Trinity will be in 2018? Some sources present reliable facts that indicate that the date of the celebration of the Trinity falls on May 27, 2018 (Sunday).

On this day, all Orthodox people decorate their home with greenery, birch twigs, prepare a festive table and invite guests.

Any holiday, be it religious, state or family, has certain traditions, which are very often adhered to by several generations.

The Trinity is a kind of symbol of the return to life. On this wonderful holiday, all nature comes to life, blooms and fills with bright colors and alluring aromas.

How to prepare for the holiday?

It is necessary to prepare for the feast of Trinity in advance. First you need to clean up the house, free it from unused things, especially from those that may remind you of unpleasant moments in life. On the eve of this holy feast zhel It is advisable to decorate your abode with fresh green branches - according to old traditions, these can be branches of birch, oak, maple. You can also create excellent bouquets of wildflowers, one of which should be taken to church. As all Christians know, the trinity in 2018, like in any other, will fall on Sunday, so the whole family gets together, the most dear people come, since this holiday connects people and calls for their mutual understanding.

Rituals that are customary to observe on the Trinity

One of the most famous and widespread rituals is throwing wreaths on the water, although there are many other equally well-known rituals. Many Christians know that Trinity 2018 will be marked by the gathering of herbs in the church, such actions are usually performed by healers in order to brew an amazingly healing broth and cure serious illnesses.

Those who want to get huge wealth need to disrupt centaury branch, hide in your bosom and withstand the service in the church. After that, they usually go to the baths with a branch in order to attract a lot of money.

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