Rambler consecrated oil from the icon of the Allzaritsa. The royal mercy "Allmans. The meaning of the icon "All Communion"

Publication or update date 01.02.2016

  • The book is a historical description of the introduced Lord of the Women's Monastery in Serpukhov.
  • Shrine of a dominical monastery

    Holy Oil

    Consecrated oil is a shrine. Use it with reverence, prayer and faith. Oil can be crucial to impose sore places; If necessary, take in food in a small amount, pin to the backup or a piece of bread.

    Orthodoxy, unlike dualistic concepts, has never been considered material evil. God created everything "very good", and therefore, according to the Holy Apostle Paul, not only people reached theology, but the creation itself will eventually be released from the force of decomposition. Christianity does not call a person, like many religious philosophical systems, completely disappear from matter, but, on the contrary, uses matter in the save person. God saves a man as material creation, not without participation in this matter.

    That is why we can say that every icon is wonderful, first of all, testifying to the true miracle - a miracle opportunity to communicate a person with God. One of the most amazing Orthodox miracles is the unwanted power of the saints. When was the worship of icons? Do we know whose relics were the first to worshi?

    It is impossible to use holy oil as additives in food in the form of refueling salads, soups, etc., in order not to desecrate the shrine. It follows from icons or with other shrines.

    In the Lady Monastery before the miraculous peaceful icons God's Mother "Unfortunate Bowl", "All Communion" and in the tombstone of the PRP. Varlaam Serpukhovsky is burning non-resident lamps, oil from these lamps, consecrated by grace of these shrines, is used to attach. With the help of God, according to the prayers of the Vlady man of the Virgin and the ashes of God's Varlaam, through this holy oil, the suffering gets healing from their ailments.

    As mentioned above, Christianity appreciates the human nature. Clear proof of this is the tradition of honoring the relics of the saints. Holy Fathers note that the main reason for the relics of relics in the Church of Christ is the embodiment. The Son of God, having accepted the human nature in all its completeness in the embodiment, excluding sin, thus shows its meaning and dignity. The Holy Apostle Paul urges Christians to glorify God not only in the soul, but also in our bodies who are also the creation of God and the temple of the Holy Spirit, and therefore even death is unable to deprive a person of this prerogative.

    The vessel from the Holy Oil is subject to burning.

    Holy water with the world

    Holy water with the world is a shrine. Use it with reverence, prayer and faith. Holy Water with the world can be crucified to impose sore sick places, if necessary, take a bummer, take a small amount during the day using a special dishes for the holy water.

    As for the practice of reverence, we should note that in the Old Testament it is already mentioned about the wonderful remains of the gone of the saints. 4 The king talks about how the touches of the bones of the prophet Elisha revived the dead. In addition, in the Gospels, we see an indication of the posthumous reverence of the bodies of the saints: after Herod decapitated the Holy Prophet and the Forerunners of the Lord John, the prophet's disciples took his body and reverently buried him. It was also made with the body of the first Christian martyr, Saint Archdiakon Stephen.

    Holy Water with the world can not sprinkle premises and things. You can not use for cooking, teas, brazers, etc., in order not to desecrate the shrine, it should be stored with the icons or with other shrines.

    In the St. George Temple of the Lord Monastery, the peacefulness of more than 30 icons, many of which are miraculous. The world, collected from these icons, is added to the holy water. With the help of God, according to the prayers of the Major Virgin and all saints through this holy water with the world, those who are healing from their ailments,

    From the history of the Church, we also know that the first ancient evidence of the relevance of the saints belongs to the middle of the second century, taken from the life of the Hierarch of Polycarp Smirns. His life says that after the Hieromat burned on a fire, Smirns Christians collected their remains and kept them "at a suitable place."

    What are the relics associated with the world? Where are the most famous? Mirr-streaming relics - holy relics, whose holiness is confirmed by external manifestations - Floods of Mirra. So, periodically, a special viscous liquid comes from them, Mirra, which has a powerful, pleasant smell.

    The vessel from the holy water with the world can be used for storing the holy water (do not use under other drinks!) Or beging.

    Holy water with prayer

    Consecrated water is a shrine. Use it with reverence, prayer and faith. Holy water with prayers can be taken throughout the day using a special dishes for the holy water.

    The most famous flows transmitted in the darkness are located in the distant caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra belonging to an unknown God-fearing. The origin of only one of them is reliably known - the Hieromonach of the Clement, the Roman Pope, affected at the beginning of the second century in Chersonese. In 988 or 989, part of his relics was translated by order of equal apostles of Prince Vladimir in Kiev, and then found himself in the laurel cave.

    Orthodox pilgrimage routes often indicate various holy sources. What is significantly in them? What is the water in them? Good water from the source and holy water, blessed in the church, for example, on the Epiphany, despite the opinions of many, is not the same thing.

    Holy water with prayer can be sprinkling the premises and things. You can not use for cooking, teas, brazers, etc., in order not to desecrate the shrine. Store it follows from icons or with other shrines.

    In the Laddie Monastery, before the miraculous peaceful icons of the Mother of God, the "Inspromanding Bowl", "All Communion" serve prayers with akathist and aquatic congestion. This holy water on prayers of the Major Virgin has a gracious effect to heal the suffering and bodily illness.

    We call water in the spring "saint" not because it is blessed in the well, but because of its unusual, wonderful origin. From the history of the church, we know that in places of special phenomena of God or the Virgin or some of the saints, sources wonderfully appeared. Using this water with reverence, as well as with faith and hope for God, many of which had health problems, healed their weakness. Therefore, such water is known as "holy" or "healing" among people, because taken with a prayer, it benefits the human body.

    However, water blessed by the Great or Small Blessing of Waters is more correctly called "Holy". Alexander Schmeman says that all materials were intended to be a means of achieving the ultimate goal, man deification, the knowledge of God and unity with him. Dimitri Rostovsky, Holy Water has the right to sanctify both the human soul and the body - the sole prerequisite for this is the belief of the person himself. Feofan The replacement says that it is pointless to rely on the healing power of the Holy Water, if there is no true faith in God in your heart.

    The vessel from the holy water can be used for storing the holy water (do not use under other drinks!) Or beging.

    Mitten, cake, handkerchief, consecrated on the tombstone of the PGP. Varlaam Serpukhovsky

    Consecrated product is a shrine. Use them with reverence, prayer and faith. You can wear or apply to patient places with bodily or spiritual illnesses. They should be stored with the icons or with other shrines.

    And in other places, Saint writes that grace coming from God through the Holy Cross, holy icons, holy water, relics, and even communication itself, has the power only for those who are worthy of this grace through repentance, humility, service to others, the deed of mercy and manifestations of other Christian virtues. But without them, grace does not save. It does not act automatically as a talisman, but is useless for wicked or Christians by name, but without any virtue.

    Thus, we can drink one hundred liters of FEOFANI water, but if we do not have faith in God and love for our neighbors, this water, unfortunately, will never be a source of living water, which will send us to eternal life, said in the order of great blessing Waters.

    In the Lady Women's Monastery, the relics of the St. Varlama Serpukhovsky are resting under prior. According to the prayers of this room of God, the consecrated things have a gracious power to help and heal the suffering from spiritual and bodily illness.

    Emple separately from other things (you can detergent). Water after washing to pour under a tree or bush, so that I would not get my legs or did not defile animals.

    How we should treat Reliquia like a Hat of St. Mark Mogila-Digger or Slippers of St. Spiridon from Tremmatus, who are said to have a special miraculous force? According to established pious traditions, we treat such holy subjects as to their holy "owners". In some cases, for example, there are even special liturgical days dedicated to the clothes of the Most Holy Virgin or the goals of Holy.

    In the sacred Scripture, it was not said that not only some of the moghers had a gift of miracles, but even part of their clothes had special wonderful forces: the mantle of the Holy Prophet Elijah divided the waters of the river, and the shawls and aprons of the Holy Apostle Paul were used to treat diseases and even the expulsion of evil spirits .

    Candles are burned out of non-regulatory lamps in the miraculous peaceful icons and tombstones of the PSP. Varlaam Serpukhovsky

    Candles, burned near the restless lamp, are shrine - it is necessary to handle them with reverence.

    They are intended only for home use. Candles lay in front of icons when reading the Akathist of the Mother of God or PSP. Varlaama (the number of candles corresponds to the fortiest), when reading the prayer rule, the state of mental sorrow, in diseases and temptations.

    Belts leather consecrated

    But we never appeal to such questions in prayer, but only to the saints to which they belong. We do not exclaim: "Holy Hat, pray to God for us," but we say: "About the Holy Father Mark, pray to God for us." Removing this or that item is not based on its autonomous holiness, but on his belonging to one or another devotee: the grace of the Holy Spirit is so replete with God-elected by God that even their everyday items become the guards of God's power. But at the same time, such sacred items should not become paramount to us, overshadowing God himself, the donor of miracles.

    In addition, the candle is a certificate of faith, the involvement of a person to the Divine Light. She expresses the flame of our love for the Lord, Mother of God, Angels or Saints. You can not put a candle formally, with a cold heart.

    The external action should be supplemented with a prayer, at least the simplest, in your own words.

    Otherwise, such a perverse spiritual practice will lead us to dependencies from relics, and our life will be a search for specific relics, while the main thing is the desire to repent and communicate the body and the blood of the Lord - becomes something insignificant and trivial. Thus, the words of one modern theologist are increasingly justified, who marks a fairly common trend today: pilgrims are sent to the monasteries not for communion, but for the "sand from the grave". But this, unfortunately, nothing more than a sign of human spiritual illness.

    The case is witnessed that after the might of the candle, the raised drunkard calmed down.

    Ladanka, consecrated on the tombstone of the PRP. Varlaama Serpukhovsky and the miraculous image of the Mother of God "Insprivitary Bowl"

    Fencing the fadows of unclean and carries the gracious power of the shrine, on which it is consecrated.

    The real shrine is given as the mercy of God's human race - for the capture of enemies visible and invisible.

    How should we use it correctly? Exceptionally blessed oil was used exclusively in services. Here is the story of this practice: on the uterine for large holidays, during Polyleos, the priest will take the oil from the lamp before the icon of the holiday or saint and will enjoy them worshiping, symbolically meaning the participation of faithful in the joy of the holiday. We do not find any in the sacred, nor in liturgical texts that this oil has special healing properties.

    However, at the same time, the oil itself has always been considered a healing substance. Even in the Old Testament, the oil symbolized the kindness of God towards man, joy and revival. Simeon from thessalonikov writes: Oil is holy by ceremony force and filled with divine power, and moreover, as it is acknowledged, it enlightens and sanctifies the soul, strengthening both bodily and spiritual forces, healing wounds, destroying diseases, cleaning from All sinful impurities, having the power to provide us with the mercy of God and calm it.

    Suckers consecrated on the tombstone of the PRP. Varlaam Serpukhovsky

    Consecrated crackers are a shrine - it is necessary to treat them with reverence, prayer and faith.

    You can use them during the day drinking sacred water. It is impossible to eat with other products, for example: carbonated water, tea, soups, etc. They should be stored with the icons or with other shrines.

    Of course, as mentioned above, such wonderful forces of such sacred objects, as oil, do not indicate their distinctive character or independence. Holy oil is only a symbol, the way God acts in our lives. And therefore, the main thing is that our pious attitude to such sacred facilities has not become magic or ritualism.

    He approached the victim, poured oil and wine through the wound and tied them. "They will come to the blessings of the Lord: Grain, Wine and Oil." In these words, the Prophet Jeremiah predicts the blessings that God once climbs on his people. The oil, in particular, was a special sign of God's blessing among the many beautiful provisions of a good shepherd, is his anointing: "You enjoy my head with oil." The Atr's tribe was especially blessed among all the knees of Israel, because, as Moses said, "the oil of his olive trees runs through his legs."

    In the Lady Women's Monastery, the relics of the St. Varlama Serpukhovsky are resting under prior. In the prayers of this room of God, consecrated crackers have a gracious power to help and heal the suffering from spiritual and bodily illness.

    Packaging from consecrated crackers is becoming burning.

    Belts leather consecrated

    The belts with the prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos are consecrated on the miraculous peaceful image of the Mother of God "Inspromandable Bowl" and the tombstone of the PRP. Varlaam Serpukhovsky.

    It is not surprising that the oil has become a symbol of the completeness of God's blessings, poured through his Holy Spirit, and that the expected Savior would be anointed. Thus, the oil has become a rich symbol of our life in Jesus or our business in his anointing and in the outpouring of His Holy Spirit. The use of oil can be an excellent and powerful way to update our life in Jesus, especially when this oil "has become sainted by the Word of God and Prayer."

    It may not be used by any other element in the Bible in such a variety of purposes like oil. Only some of them are listed below. The oil was used for cooking and baking. In particular, the breads offered to sacrifice should have been made with butter. The oil was often mixed with spirits and was used to make themselves more beautiful and attractive. Thus, it was also used for honored guests. Anointing their flavored butter was a sign of great honor and respect, as well as a way to offer refreshment after traveling.

    Belts with Jesus and Virgin Prayers, belts with a prayer "Live in help ..." (90 psalm), belts with a prayer "save and save" are consecrated on the tombstone of the PRP. Varlaam Serpukhovsky.

    Cancer treatment with the Icons of the Allzaritsa
    Essential icon is used in the treatment of man with cancer or for fence from cancer.

    The icon put in a red angle and read standard prayers in front of it.
    prayer with prayer to her at the end of the prayer and asking at the end of the prayer to
    it is about human healing.
    Read about this icon in details on the Internet
    Prayer first
    Oh, all-inclusive, wonderful Virgin, Pantanass, Allzaritsa!
    Yes, enter my shelter!
    Yes, tell the word, the fragrant mother of the God of grace and love, and so the soul is healed and the smart body will strengthen it.
    You have the power of the invincible and omnipotently word is yours, about the Allzaritsa.
    You for me (name) tell me.
    You are for me (name) of the stroke.
    You for me (name) mind.
    Yes, I will glorify your nice name, the Allzaritsa, forever forever. Amen.
    Prayer Second
    Major Bogomati, Church. Hear multiply disheveled frustration
    before the miraculous icon of yours, from the lot of Afonovskago to Russia brought,
    watch for your children, inseparable inconsiderations of the suffering, to the holy image
    Your faith with faith! Yiker Kromrome bird covers their chicks,
    taco and you are now, cautiously alive, the faceting of us with a multi-purpose
    omophore. Patience and Oslabia appeared. Tamo, the idea of \u200b\u200bhope disappears,
    understanding the hope of Budi. Tamo, the earliest sorrow overgrown,
    tamo, the appearance of the darkness of despair in the souls noted, let the incomplete light
    Divine! Cute comforters, weak strengthening, fierce hearts
    softening and enlightenment Darui. Healing the sore people of yours, about the global
    Tsarice! The mind and hands of the doctor of us bless, but will serve the gun
    Unbeligious doctor of Christ's Savior of our. Yako live, escaping with us
    we pray before the icon of yours, about Vladychitsa! Prostivate your hand, fulfilled
    healing and dozes, joy of mourners, in the cooking consolation, yes
    miraculous help will soon receive, glorify the smallest inseparable
    Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit forever. Amen.
    Tropean of the Virgin Mary of Allzaritsa, Glas 4
    Halfing the habit of hasty, the desire for warm demanding grace
    Twee, save, Ladychitsa; get rid of the circumstances for you, from
    just sneaking your fence herd is yours, to your intercession
    Prayer Third
    Oh, healing chief,
    B. Virgin,
    Intercession and sricot of light in the hearts,
    All the world and merciful healing,
    We are at home my dwelling
    And tell the word, so that my soul is healed;
    Yes, the spirit of my spirit
    Yes, and the body of my body,
    Yes, I healed my illness (for onocology: Cancer, my body is eating)
    Say the word and sculpt the storm of my passions
    And healed enmity my bodily
    And yes I will glorify wonders your
    Always forever in centuries!
    May it be so!
    fencing a kind of cancer if there is a predisposition to it,
    you need to buy an icon of the Allbits and keep it in the bedroom. And every 20th
    months for 3 years and 1 and a half months Read it one of
    the above prayers asking for your genus from cancer.
    From cancer
    also treat the icon of the Virgin four-chapted and five-party, as well as
    famous for his healing power of the icon Troyoulist and the Virgin
    But if the oncoocholar has already started there is a body,
    count for helping some prayers little. The best treatment in
    this case is a combination of herbal and homeopathy with prayers,
    readable for the believer.
    I did not accidentally mention the believer, having
    in mind not belonging a person to any religion, but his sincere
    Faith in God. As popular healers spoke for many centuries:
    "He treats only God." And that God can cure a person, a person must
    let go inside yourself. If a person is closed from God, then no
    prayer, no external worship, no feat of relatives
    the patient and no most advanced treatment will help him. Only one
    Who lives with God within himself, at any time gets from God
    consolation and help. The one who does not accept God in herself remains without
    his. This is the right to choose a person and fee for this choice.
    I was convinced of personal experience more than once that save the unbeliever (and even
    relating to any religion externally) man at the moment when he
    faced fatal danger is impossible.
    If the tumor is already
    took a serious form, prayers in combination with gentle treatment may
    it's not enough. In this case, traditional medicine recommends
    any serious ritual for healing from such a disease.

    Of these rituals, pouring a man's healing from onco-scab
    it is the ritual "All Commissars of Seven Rivers." It is called so because
    it uses the icon of God's Mother's Mother "Allmenitsa" and the strength of seven rivers and seven

    This ritual saved many lives because he
    used not only for the treatment of cancer, but also to save life
    human with a deadly generic damage or curse, as well as for
    saving the life of a weak child or a woman from any female

    Ritual "All Commons of Seven Rivers"
    For the ritual to you
    the icon of "All Communication" and the voluntary desire of the patient will be made
    pilgrimage. Without voluntary desire, spend this ritual of meaning
    it does not have - God will not give a man healing.
    Choose a route
    pilgrimage (but it should be voluntary if a person does not want
    there is no need to drag - God will not give him healing).

    I will give an example
    When Evdokia Stepanova herself offered her services for cure to one
    the famous actor, but he answered that he did not believe in God and does not believe. Then
    She told him, then he would die. Because he can only heal
    God, and if a person does not accept God, he will not give him healing. what
    And it happened, although this actor was treated by the best doctors of Soviet times.

    If a
    the person will voluntarily agree to the pilgrimage, he must choose
    the path in seven monasteries so that on the way from your home to the last
    monastery move seven rivers. Make such a pilgrimage in one day
    It is hardly possible, but you can return home, only passing through 7 rivers and
    7 monasteries, so the route should also be envisaged for
    Previously, it could be done in the monasteries themselves.
    the home icon of the Allzarits take the way with me, carefully wrapped it in
    pure single color handkerchief or sanctified boards designed for
    church decoration. Man before pilgrimage and everyone who decided
    go with him, bless with this icon.
    Moving every river, ask to wash off the disease:
    Baba water, light river,
    Remove with (name) everything than the soul is sick.
    All the shower and the body is worn,
    All the seven rivers are removed
    As it was at the beginning began, it will be now and so it will be.
    May it be so!
    Religious man instead of mystical "let it be so!" Uses "Amen!" or any word-key of your faith.
    In this plot of the word (except for the keyword), nor rearrange, nor read in a different way, otherwise it will not work!
    The monastery comes, taking with them in a special bag (that is, in a bag
    there should be only icons and boards into which it will wrap up and
    nothing more) Icon All Complete, turning it before that. With this icon
    explain the service in every monastery completely. At the end of the service in
    the same temple independently read prayers to the Virgin Essenitsa (the same
    The most you read at home) with a request to heal.
    In the monastery
    sacrifice money asking for healing. In every monastery take the holy
    Water, pouring it into a separate little bottle. Coming out of the monastery,
    the icon thoroughly wrapped on the boards, and the bottle put next to her to
    The strength of the icon added the holy water of healing energy.
    In the last monastery for an odd amount they buy consecrated oil and incense.
    Return home, all seven waters are mixed together. A bit of this water
    added to a bucket with conventional water from under the tap, poured in full
    silence. This water is washed in the house all the handles, window sills, thresholds and
    After which the pure holy water is washed the patient from the head to
    fot so that the body is covered entirely. The patient at this moment can
    feel very bad: can go bad sweat, the head is spinning,
    climb temperature, etc. All the same, it must be washed. And with bad
    to put in the bed, letting him sleep as much as you need
    for conversion.
    After the ablution of the patient, it is necessary to wash your own hands from elbows down with holy water with any prayer.
    Oil every day lubricates sore place after prayer before icon
    Allzaritsa. And incense put under the patient's pillow.
    For 3 days
    After the ritual, nothing to do with anyone. Overnight from midnight to 3
    in the morning do not open doors and windows and do not fit the phone at this time
    if he spawns.
    If everything in the ritual is done with faith, a person begins to recover within 40 days.
    If there is no faith - nothing will help.

    Sheremetyevo Airport lived his well-defined life. Plane landing ... registration begins ... On our flight registration has not yet started. I accompanied on Athos two familiar monks, and we sat in the waiting room, talked. Suddenly, an unclear woman approached us, smiled timidly, imploringly looked at my companions.

    - I accidentally heard you fly to Athos. Request for me: there is icon there, they say, he treats from cancer. What is called, I do not remember, but they know there. I always wear a paper icon with myself, my granddaughter is ... - She cried usually and bitterly, as they crush the hurry and no hopeful people.

    She extended to my companions already a little washed with a small icon with a squeaking on the royal throne of God's mother. On the knees of the Godhead, the right hand is blessing, and in the left holding scroll. Behind, behind the throne, two angels. One extends his hands, the other folded them crucifably on the chest. I immediately remembered that at home I have exactly the same, brought to me last year as a gift from Athos.

    - "All Commuritsa"! - Almost simultaneously exclaimed.
    - Come on, Mother, address. There is clearly God's fishery - still a little and flew away. You are right, in Athos this icon. We will be imposed on that miraculous. Let's come back. We take, - just managed to say my companions. Registration began.

    I wonder, I thought, an ordinary day, unremarkable, and surprisingly and brightly, the Lord over him. It suits meetings, gives hope, pleases. Later asked. That woman really came to the monks behind her icon attached to the "All Commander", and even over the oil from the lamp above it. I thanked very much.

    And there is "All Commus" in the watopedic monastery. They say this monastery is one of the richest and vast in Athos. It is based on an equivalent prince of Konstantin in the first half of the IV century. True, he was soon ruined by the Roman emperor, the Bogoto-Julian. But it so happened that the son of the Byzantine emperor Feodosia Great was miraculously saved in this place, and the Gratis Father restores the monastery again. What happened to the son? The young Tsarevich Arkady returned to the sea from Rome to Constantinople. Suddenly a terrible storm rose, and his wave dropped into the marine bunch. Killed by grief, satellites stuck to the Afonov shore. What was their surprise when they saw a serenely sleeping Tsarevich on the shore under the shadow of the thranny. Woke, began to hug and kiss. Tell me, ask how you got to Athos? And Tsarevich repeats only that he saved his Virgin Mary, only he repeats ... The joy of Emperor Feodosia was great, he did not regret the means - restored the ancient abode. Since then, she got the name of the watoped, which means - a "excavation bush".

    At the very place where the boy was discovered, the altar of the monastery temple was now located. Great shrines of the Watoped Monastery. It is here that a part of the sponge is stored, on which the crucified Savior was given to drink a tser (vinegar with bile). It is here that is part Life-giving cross Lord. The invaluable treasure of the monastery is the belt of God's mother is stored in a silver ark under glass. I was told that the belt is small, centimeters thirty, woven, dark, with golden thread in the middle. Here, in Watopad, and the awnable head of John of Zlatoust. And icons, miraculous icons. "Otrada or consolation", "prestress", "shocked" and - "All Communion".
    Place "All Commissars" in the Cathedral Temple, to the left of the royal gates. They say that one old man brought it to the monastery. Once it approached the icon of the young man, I wanted to cross, but by force invisible was discarded from the icon on the floor. In fear, he ran out of the temple, and soon admitted to the monastic elders, which was engaged in witchcraft.

    The first list with the icon was made only in 1993 for Greece. People began to notice that in front of the icon get healing from ... Cancer. Earth has suffered rumors. They found out in Russia about an amazing icon, they began to spread there, then the Greek postcard icons. They are catastrophically lacked. They diverged home, where the trouble was spent, the desperate people fell to them in prayer. Russia requested, Russia worked, Russia believed. Then, at the request of the mercy of the Mercy of the Holy Righteous John Kronstadt, at the Children's Oncology Center on Kashirskoye Highway, the vicar of the Watopedic Monastery Archimandrite Ephraim blessed to make a list from Athos came to an unfortunate child. This girl was the first to put on the icon. And miracles began. A few months later, for the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Allzaritsa became ... to make peace. Several major droplets of the world appeared on it, and amazing fragrance filled everything around. For the holiday of introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mirochnia repeated again.

    It is necessary to say that the news about the amazing icon was spreading in Moscow with lightning times. She was transferred to the temple of all the saints of the former Novo-Alekseevsky monastery, which is in Krasnoselsky Lane, not far from the Metro Station "Krasnevskaya". Before the icon began to serve prayers, on which the firs (oil) are consecrated for the healing of ailments. But "All Communion" did not leave the children of the oncological center. The miraculous image regularly bring here, and here are the prayers.

    A young couple lived without God. A child was born, but he was happy for a long time. Another year did not turn to him, and the doctors were diagnosed with the thunder among the clear sky: liver cancer. They began to throw in different directions, but the conclusion is one: the firstborn is doomed. And then a familiar believing woman brought to the house to young parents a postcard icon from the miraculous image "Allzaritsa", oil, consecrated on a prayer, akathist. I advised: read akathist forty days daily and smear the child with a butter. And the mother gave this advice: every week to go to the temple and communion. All performed. Forty days passed, they made a survey ... Yes, yes, the child sentenced to death was completely healthy. Do you need to say that parents have become faithful to the chads?

    Per a short time Before the "grace" there was a lot of wonderful healing. In the winter of 1995, a brain tumor was discovered in the winter of 1995, metastases were already. It began to come to the prayer to the holy image. And after a year in the spring, the tumor was not found on the re-examination. Parishioner of the temple named George suffered by cancer bladder. Began to walk to the "All Commander" on the prayers. A year later, there was no trace from the disease. Woman named Hope received severe spinal injury: a compression fracture with a displacement. They made an operation, but the strongest pains did not dilige, it was hard to make a few steps on their own. Literally delimited to the "All Comrician". Now without any assistance goes to the temple.

    "Allzaritsa", who came to us with the Holy Mountain Athos, does not leave Russians with his Milosts and, first of all, those whose prayer with faith and patience. It can not be bored in front of the way a cynical person cannot. Recall in which already once: you will be like your faith. Open the heart, let the miracle in it - only at first glance it is easy. It is a great work, and, like any great work in the name of God, he is awarded.

    Well, wonderful, nice that we have now "All Commuritsa", in Greek - "Pantanass". Watopedan shrine that came to Russia. Saved save. Probably not only patients with serious illnesses, but also tired to live without faith, fallen and not rising again. God's mother patientifies us with its wonders. Do not see them - sin. And see - it means to believe. According to our faith, by faith ...

    Prayer for the Most Holy Theotoko and Savorodel Mary Before Her Icon "All Communion"

    Oh Major Bogomatiya, All Commary! We hear the multi-breaking rehabilitation of our before the miraculous icon, from the Afonovsky lot to Russia in Russia, the proud of your choice of all I have been commemorable, inseparable inconsiderators, to the holy look at your faith with the faith! Jacques Bird Kromrome covers her chicks, so now, and you are still alive of the land, the sealing of all provisions are now commemorated with a multi-purpose omophore. Tamo, the hope of hope disappears, the bad hope of Budi. Tamo, the appearance of the moody grief overwhelm, patience and weakenly appeared. Tamo, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe darkness of despair in the souls, you wanted to take the wrong light of the Divine! Unwell comfort, weakly strengthened, fierce hearts softening and enlightenment Darui. Healing the sore people of yours, about the barking queen! The mind and hands of the doctor blessing; May they serve as a weapon of the doctor of Christ the Savior of our Savior. Yako lives, escaping with us, I pray before the icon, about Vladychitsa! Pretty your mouth, filled with healing and dozes, joy of grieving, in the cooking consolation, yes the miraculous help will soon receive, we glorify the lifelong and inhapless Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the eyelids. Amen.

    Athos Shrine

    The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, called the "All Communion" (that is, "all-mistress", "all-lady") was written in the 17th century and is in Athos, in one of the ancient Greek monasteries - Watopeda. Already at that time, the monks began to notice that the prayer before this image of the Mother of God brings relief and healing.

    The first miracle of "Allzaritsa" was the deliverance of one person from the sorcery.

    The defeated witness of this healing, Monk Watopeda made the first list with the "doctor's" icon. " Over time, this image of the Virgin has become known worldwide.

    People of different faith walked to "All Comrica", but everyone prayed - begged about healing.

    Here are just some cases of help from the miraculous icons that have already occurred in our time.

    "I arrived from Turkey to Greece to the examination of the Muslim family: their five-year-old son felt worse and worse, lost consciousness, chuckled with rapid walking. Doctors revealed noise in the heart, warning that at the slightest increase in physical activity it may not withstand. By phone, the boy's boy "by chance" saw the transfer of the miraculous icons of Mount Athos, among whom was "All Communion". He brought references on the Internet and came with his son to the Watopedian monastery. The priests of the monastery held them towards the icon, where the father of a sick child had prayed in his own words. The next examination it turned out that the child is completely healthy. The son of his son returned to the watoped and admitted baptism there. "

    In Russia, the image of the Mother of the Mother of the Allbits is known as an icon, which pray "from cancer." This disease, by the way, is not at all new, but was known in the days of the ancient Egyptian papyrus 1600 BC, in which it is said about what kind of grave aless. Already then, both adults and children suffered from oncology.

    As "All Complete" was in Moscow

    In 1991, in the Moscow Children's Oncology Center on Kashirskoye Highway, a small patient noted that the light from the "All Commissions" icon (small paper image). She told about this doctors and parents.

    Adults squeezed incredulously heads until the glow noticed other children in the ward.

    And soon someone from adults. An incurable girl's disease began to succumb to treatment. Parents and doctors - everyone was shocked.

    A little later, at the initiative of the community of mercy in honor of St. John Kronstadt, at the Moscow Children's Oncology Center, the first list of the icons "All Communion" was made. According to the blessing of the abbot of the watopedic monastery of Archimandrite Ephraim, the image was written by the Russian icon painter who was among the brethren of Watopeda.

    Before the icon began to serve prayers for sick children and their parents.

    It is in the oncological center that many suffering was revealed wonderful help.

    Soon it was decided to move a wonderful image in the temple of all saints in the Red Selo (now Alekseevsky monastery). But the image of "Allzaritsy" is regularly brought back to the oncological center for maintaining prayers.


    Cases of healing and help from the image of "Allzaritsa" in the temple of all saints in the Red Sale of the Alekseevsky monastery are collected and carefully considered. Here are some such evidence:

    One of the halls of the temple in a red village wrote it to the abbot: "By visiting the temple in April 2003, I bought holy oil from the icon of the Mother of the Mother of the Allzaritsa. Anointed their eyes in several places, prayed to the Mother of God. The improvement came in half an hour, then I fell asleep. According to prayers and in the concept of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Lord healed my eyes. "

    "The middle-aged man was diagnosed with liver cancer. Doctors refused to make operation. He began daily to go to the temple of all saints, on the prayer service "Essenitsa." After some time, he had better, he passed repeated surveys, and it turned out - no cancer. "

    "Father diagnosed with a stomach cancer of the IV stage with metastases in the lungs," writes Svetlana. - From friends and friends, his wife learned about the miraculous icon of the Allzaritsa. She came to the evening service and prayed to the Most Holy Mother of God, read akathist. Then during the week I read a daily acafist at home before the Icon of the Allzaritsa, and prayed to her. And a miracle happened: doctors, preparing his father to a heavy operation, did not find any cancerous tumor, and the dimming were not metastasis, but the traces of the bronchitis of the smokers. The conclusion of doctors is a scarce, healing ulcer of the stomach. "

    Where to pray in front of the "chief" in Moscow

    In Moscow, the image of the Most Holy Theotokos "Allzaritsa" can be bowed to the Alekseev monastery (the temple of all saints), in the Novospassian monastery and in the church of the Holy Martyr Tatyana at Moscow State University.

    In the church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana, the list with the miraculous icon was brought in 2005 - she was presented by the churches of the parishioners who returned from pilgrimage to Athos. Since then, a prayer service with akathist is regularly performed here - once every two weeks on Tuesdays.

    In the Novospassian monastery, the list with the Greek Icons "All Commissars" was delivered in 1997. In 2000, she cleared, certificates of healing appeared. In the monastery, a daily reading of an akathist before the miraculous icon is performed, and on Sundays they serve prayers.

    In the Alekseevsky monastery, in the temple of all the saints, that in a red village, prayers with an akathist in front of the "All Communion" are performed every Sunday at 16:30. If on Monday you have great holiday, the beginning of the prayer is at 15:00.

    You probably know that there is a large number of icons of God's Mother of God. But there are such images of the Virgin, who separately allocate from the total mass due to their amazing healing properties. One of the images of this plan is the icon of "All Communion", about the magic of which I suggest you talk further.

    The divine Face of the Virgin found under the name "All Commissions" (in the Greek version of the Pantanass) can be found on the Holy Mount Athos near the northeastern column of the Cathedral Church of the Watoped Monastery, on the left side of the royal gate.

    The icon is distinguished by miniature parameters and, according to legend, she gave her blessing to Afonov's elder Isihast, handing out his followers. The appearance refers to the seventeenth century.

    The sacred subject demonstrates us to the Mother of God, closed in the robe of the crimson color, which sits on the imperial throne. In his hands, she holds the Bog Mustoreman of Jesus, who has a left brush clamp a scroll, and the right brush - expresses a blessing gesture.

    Deva's right hand shows on his son, giving understanding that he is the Savior of the whole world. On a secondary background, you can observe the image of two angelic creatures, favorably bonus with their wings holy maiden.

    The icon of the Virgin All Communion is honored by the inhabitants of Athos, and far from its limits. This icon is able to heal people who have found oncology - the most terrible modern pathology. There is a huge number of cases about cancer, whom the disease left after they prayed from the Lick of Allmans. And the icon makes rid of the passion to practice magic, eliminates the dependence of adolescents from alcoholic and narcotic substances.

    The value of the Icons of the Allzaritsa, what helps

    The miraculous icon was visited by the Afonovsky older Joseph Isihast his followers on Mount Athos.

    The icon of the Holy Virgin Mary "All Communion" (also called the "Pantanass") has a significant meaning for all adherents of the Christian religion and just Orthodox people.

    • there are cases of wonderful healing of people who suffered from severe pathologies;
    • the image has a property to motivate people to quit the occupation of sinful affairs (magic, blasphemy);
    • in addition, the Holy Mother of God is able to instruct a person to the faithful life path, strengthens faith and allows you to comfort from problems;
    • the main healing property of the icon is to eliminate oncological pathologies. Of course, so that the faces of the face really manifested themselves - it will take faith and happen very strong. Only with the help of genuine faith and prayer you can get rid of any twigs.

    The image of the Icons of the Allzaritsa Pantanass also give the name "Liberty", based on which its real powerful power becomes understandable.

    History of amazing healing with the face of nonsense

    The first time the impressive power of the Virgin of the Virgin people watched many years ago. The old man Joseph Isihast told about this amazing incident that had a place to be described by the icon. Once, some young man entered the church and wished to make a bow of the icon, but unexpectedly the face of the Virgin Equipped in the same way with lightning, and the young man was thrown into the land invisible strength.

    When he rose, then hesitantly told the priests, which did not adhere to the righteous lifestyle and practiced occupation occult. Even the very purpose of his visit to the Watopedic Monastery was to check the power of his magic on sacred images. But under the influence of the wonderful intervention of the Mother of God, the young man has ever lost interest in magic, dramatically changed his life and turned into a god-fearing person.

    To see this miraculous icon with their own eyes, people from all over the globe are striking her. And about the fact that the image allows you to get rid of oncological diseases - it is known in a huge number of facts confirmed by doctors. I suggest to talk about them more detail:

    • This story occurred in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. A girl approached the icon of the Blessed Virgin and the prayer was approached, since her visual nerve was amazed by cancer. For several days, she appealed for help to the icon and finally her hot requests were heard - an amazing way his eyesight returned to her, although the doctors said that there was no chance of such.
    • If you are interested in where you can find the icon of the Allzaritsa in Moscow, then I draw your attention to the fact that in 1995 Archimandrite Efrem blessed writing the exact copy of the Lick of the Virgin. This list was taken to Moscow at the request of the Society of Mercy, headed by John Kronstadstsky (located at a pediatric oncological hospital). Sincere time, many children began to feel much better.

    And by the expiration, a couple of months, for Christmas, the face of the Virgin Mary began to allocate the world, there were only a couple of droplets, who gave everything around excellent fragrance. Repeated peace accounted for the celebration of the introduction to the Church of the Holy Virgin.

    • Another amazing miracle presented by the icon of the Mother of God in Russian Federation He was the healing of the young man, for a long time suffering from drug dependence. Subsequently, he was able to completely abandon his destructive habit and returned to normal life.

    What requests can I contact the icon of the Virgin Mary?

    In the chronicles of amazing hesishability for the sacred image of the Virgin Mary systematically, renewing confirmations of the Divine grace of all people who appeal to it for help.

    In particular, the Mother of God is most often asked to provide the following help:

    • heal from cancer and other heavy pathologies;
    • eliminate the dependence of the person from the detrimental habits - alcohol and narcotic substances;
    • drive out demons, remove obsession, to have protection against the whole witchcraft and associated with magic;
    • parents ask for help for their children, in order to the Holy Mother of God put them on the right path, a good creator.

    What prayer can be addressed to the Virgin Mary you can learn at the end of the article, reviewing the video offering the prayer of the Virgin. In the meantime, let's find out where you can find the Lick of Allmans in the territory of the Russian Federation.

    The image of the Allzaritsa Pantanass in Russia

    Previously, we have already talked about the fact that in Russia the Lick of the Virgin is the fame of the icons, to which they treat help in healing from oncological pathologies. By the way, cancer is not at all a new phenomenon (as many people think), there are still old vintage papyrus of the ancient Egypt of the 1600th year to our era, telling about all the horrors of this hard pathology. Already in those distant times, oncology struck both an adult population and babies.

    In 1991 in Moscow in a children's oncological hospital (located on Kashirskoye highway), one girl was noted the appearance of an amazing glow from the "All Commary" icon). She told the doctors and their native about this phenomenon.

    Of course, adults this news was perceived quite skeptical, until the light was noticed by other small patients. And then they even saw adults. Surprisingly, but after that, the grave ailment of the girl began to gradually cure. Parents and doctors could not find an explanation for such an amazing event.

    And a little later, the community of mercy at a children's oncological hospital in Moscow created the first list of the Lika "All Commissars". She gave her blessing the abbot of the watoped monastery Archimandrite Efrem, and the image itself wrote a Russian icon painter, relating to the number of Watopeda's Brotherhood.

    Since then, the icons utter prayers for the ill babies and their relatives. And it was in this hospital that a very large number of people could get magical impressive support from the higher forces.

    Spearly, an amazing lyric was transferred to the church of all saints (located in a red village), which is now called Alekseevsky monastery. But the image of the "Pantanass" is still often brought back to the oncological hospital to fulfill the ministry of prayers.

    Icon is allzaritsa where is in Moscow

    If you live in the city of Moscow and would like to pray from the icons of the Allzaritsa, then we advise you to visit, first of all, Alekseevsky monastery, and also a novas monastery and the temple of the Holy Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University.

    In the last temple, the list with the icon appears in 2005 - he was presented to the church by the parishioners who returned from pilgrimage to the sacred mountain of Athos. Since then, prayers with akathist are periodically performed here - once a month on Tuesday.

    In the novely monastery, the list from the Lick "Allzaritsa" was in 1997. In 2000, a miracle occurred - the icon began to make peacekeeping, after which there were testimonies telling about amazing healing. In the temple every day they read akathist before a wonderful face, and a prayer service is held every Sunday.

    As for the Alekseevsky monastery (located in the Red Sale), then in it prayers with akathist at the Lick "All Commissions" are performed once a week on Sundays in half the fifth evening. In the case, if on Monday there should be a big holiday - prayer begins at three in the afternoon.

    Now you know the meaning of the icon of the Virgin of the Allsers, as well as where it can be found in Russia, in particular, in Moscow.

    Finally, browse the thematic video with the Prayer Family of the Allsers:

    Icon of the Mother of God
    referred to as "chief" ("Pantanass")

    The Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "All Communion" ("Pantanass") pray about healing from cancer, about getting rid of the magical charms. The celebration is performed on August 18/3.

    The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, referred to as the Allzaritsa (Greek - "Pantanass"), is located on the Holy Mount of Athos in Greece. She stays at the Watoped Monastery, in the Cathedral Temple of the monastery, to the left of the royal gates. This icon is small in size. Her spelling time refers to the XVII century.

    Icon All Complete and Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Watoped Monastery on Athos

    On the icon depicts the casting virgin in the harness of the robe, ascending on the royal throne. In her arms, her goggladesman with a scroll in his left hand and a blessing hand. The right hand of the Virgin Mary points to his royal son, as the Savior of all people. In the background - two angels, who with awe autumn wings with a pretty male.

    The icon of the Mother of the Mother of the Allbits or Pantanass. Athos. Watoped

    This icon belongs to the iconographic type of the Panach, which translated from Greek means "pre-corrupt", "prechile". A binding is the second name of the Icons of the Virgin of this type. The general basis of such icons is that the Mother of God is depicted by the squeezing on the throne with the baby's babies. The throne symbolizes the royal grandeur and the glory of the Mother of God, the most perfect of all born on Earth.

    One day a strange person came up to the icon and began to murmur with something vaguely. At that moment, the Lick of Our Lady was excited by wonderful light, and the invisible power dropped the young man on the floor. In fear, he ran out of the temple and with tears admitted to the elders in the fact that the sinful life was led and engaged in witchcraft and magic. So the Most Holy Mother of God appeared a miracle from his own image, turned his young man from wicked and instructed repentance. The miraculous intervention of the Virgin convinced him to change the life and stay in Athos.

    It was the first manifestation of the miraculous power of the icon of the Mother of God "All Communion", later began to notice that the icon had a beneficial effect on patients with various tumors, including malignant, as they are called in modern world. Not many know that the disease is cancer ancient history. The name "Cancer" occurred from the term "carcinoma" introduced by the hypocriter, formed from two Greek words: "Crab" and "Tumor". Hippocrates called the tumor carcinoma, because it looks outwardly reminds the crab. And for the first time the disease is described in the Egyptian papyrus about 1600 BC. E .. The papyrus is told about several forms of cancer and it is reported that there is no treatment from this disease. Already in the first century BC. The Roman doctor of Avl Cornelius Celsis proposed at an early stage to treat the cancer with the removal of the tumor, and in the later - not to be treated at all.

    It cannot be said that over the past 2000, doctors somehow have specially advanced in the fight against this disease, which is an increasing number of people from year to year. Now, as before, this disease is considered incurable, and all the sick cancer relieves only on a miracle. We must admit that cases of wonderful healing are found, many of them, do not all be associated with a hot prayer appeal to the Savior and the Virgin. Therefore, when in the XVII century, the miraculous strength of the Icons of the Mother of God "Allmenitsa" was discovered in the cure of cancer, with the icons began to make accurate lists for other abode. Gradually, the icon became known all over the world as a healer of cancer, and today the image of the Virgin "All Communion" has grace to heal the most terrible of contemporary humanity. The name of the Icon of all-Madam, the BSE-Lady - speaks of its special, comprehensive strength. This image of the Virgin has the most powerful healing principle.

    At the request of the community of mercy of the Holy Righteous John Kronstadt, at the Children's Oncology Center on the Kashirskie Highway, the Vicar of the Watopedic Monastery of Archimandrite Ephraim blessed to make a list with the Afonov Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God "All Communion". The exact copy of the icons written in compliance with the canon, prayerful toes and solemn services appeared to unhappy children.

    It is necessary to say that the news about the amazing icon was spreading in Moscow with lightning times. The miraculous image was transferred to the temple of all the saints of the former Novo-Alekseevsky monastery, which is located in Krasnoselsky Lane, not far from the station "Krasnoselskaya", regularly the image of Allzaritsa will be brought back to the oncological center for maintaining prayers.

    Temple of all saints in red village, m. Krasnoselskaya

    To the left of the royal gates is the icon of the Mother of God "All Communion"

    After some time, a church-Slavic version of Akathist The Mother of God was created in honor of her "Allzaritsa" icons, different from Greek. Every Sunday in the temple of all saints at 16.30 (and in the event that Monday accounts for a great holiday - at 15.00), prayers are made with reading akathist by the Mother of God and the consecration of oil to induce all the suffering, and not only from cancer. The chronicle of healings is constantly replenished with new and new testimonies of wonderful help to those who have already not to get it from earthly doctors. There are stories and about the old men, and about babies, on the face of women and men, about cure in the late stages of cancer and about the removal of suspicion of him, about recovery from deaths and from those that bring a lot of torment, but are not fatal and about much more. Grateful people not only leave their stories in the book, but also carry all sorts of gifts to the shrine.

    Today, this list, which is located in the temple of all saints in the Red Selo, is no longer the only one in Russia. In 1997, another miraculous copy of the Icons of the Mother of God "Allzaritsa" appeared in Moscow, which is located in the Novospassky Monastery (Moscow, the Peasant Pl., 10, m. Proletarian). This list was specially manufactured in the Watoped Monastery and brought to Russia. It is worshiped as a miraculous and peaceful. There is also a book in which all the miracles originating from the shrine are recorded. Before it is made daily prayer singing, and on Sundays they serve prayers with sanitization.

    Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God "All Communion" in the Novospassian Monastery

    Lord Women's Monastery (Moscow region, city of Ceppov). This icon has sobbed more than 30 times. Two cases of cancer healing are witnessed. Akathist is read daily to the miraculous way of Mother of God, during which the names of people suffering from various ailments come true.

    Tropear, voice 4
    In the way, the habitual grapple of graceful thanks, Vladychitsa; / save from the circumstances to you; / From all sorts of attacking the fence herd is yours, // to the intercession of your appealing is dreaming.

    Prayers for the Most Holy Virgin

    Prayer first
    Oh all-building, accuordant to the Mother of God, Pantanass, All Commary! Taken worthy yes, it's not necessary for my shelter! But Yako Milostivago God Lyubaglaglantic Mati, the roots of the word, and my soul will heaance and will strengthen my body. IMASHA Bo Power invincible and does not exist to you all the verb, about the Allzaritsa! You are for my thief. You are so good. Yes, you glorify the copper name yours always, now and in demonstrative eyelids. Amen.

    Prayer Second
    Oh Major Bogomatiya, All Commary! We hear the multi-breaking rehabilion of our before the miraculous icon, from the lot of Afonovskago to Russia brought, the proud of your children, insecious inconsiderations of the suffering, to the holy look at your faith with faith! Jacques Bird Kromrome covers her chicks, so now, and you are still alive of the land, the faceting of us with a multi-purpose omophore. Patience and Oslabia appeared. Tamo, the hope of hope disappears, the bad hope of Budi. Tamo, the earliest chagrin looks up, Tamo, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe darkness of despair in the soul, you will assume the incomplete Light of the Divine! Unwell comforts, weakly strengthened, fierce hearts softening and enlightenment Darui. Healing the sore people of yours, about the barking queen! The mind and hands of the dorsal us are blessed, and will serve as a weapon of the doctor of Christ the Savior of our Savior. Yako lives, escaping with us, I pray before the icon, about Vladychitsa! Pretty your Ruta, filled with healing and dozes, joy of grieving, in the cookie comfort, yes the miraculous help will soon receive, we glorify the detached inhabitant Trinity, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.
    Author: Temple of the Library Trinity on Sparrow Mountains

    Prev Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Allzaritsa" ("Panta? Nassance") pray about healing from cancer, about getting rid of the magical charms. The celebration is performed on August 18/3.

    The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, referred to as the Allzaritsa (in Greek - "Panta? Nassance"), is located on the Holy Mount Athos in Greece. She is in a watoped monastery. In the Cathedral Temple, the monastery, to the left of the royal gates. This icon is small in size. Her spelling time refers to the XVII century.

    Icon All Complete and Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Watoped Monastery on Athos

    On the icon depicts the casting virgin in the harness of the robe, ascending on the royal throne. In her arms, her goggladesman with a scroll in his left hand and a blessing hand. The right hand of the Virgin Mary points to his royal son, as the Savior of all people. In the background - two angels, who with awe autumn wings with a pretty male.

    The icon of the Mother of the Mother of the Allbits or Pantanass. Athos. Watoped

    This icon belongs to the iconographic type of the Panach, which translated from Greek means "pre-corrupt", "prechile". A binding is the second name of the Icons of the Virgin of this type. The general basis of such icons is that the Mother of God is depicted by the squeezing on the throne with the baby's babies. The throne symbolizes the royal grandeur and the glory of the Mother of God, the most perfect of all born on Earth.

    In the 20th century, the "Pantanass" famous Afonovsky older Joseph Isihast blessed his students. He donases to contemporaries an ancient legend about this icon.

    One day a strange person came up to the icon and began to murmur with something vaguely. At that moment, the Lick of Our Lady was excited by wonderful light, and the invisible power dropped the young man on the floor. In fear, he ran out of the temple and with tears admitted to the elders in the fact that the sinful life was led and engaged in witchcraft and magic. So Holy Mother of God He twisted the miracle from his own image, turned his young man from wicked and instructed repentance. The miraculous intervention of the Virgin convinced him to change the life and stay in Athos.

    This was the first manifestation of the miraculous power of the icon of the Mother of God "All Communion", later began to notice that the icon had a beneficial effect on patients with various tumors, including malignant, as they are called in the modern world. Not many know that the disease cancer has an oldest history. The name "Cancer" occurred from the term "carcinoma" introduced by the hypocriter, formed from two Greek words: "Crab" and "Tumor". Hippocrates called the tumor carcinoma, because it looks outwardly reminds the crab. And for the first time the disease is described in the Egyptian papyrus about 1600 BC. e. The papyrus tells about several forms of cancer and it is reported that there is no treatment from this disease. Already in the first century BC. The Roman doctor of Avl Cornelius Celsis proposed at an early stage to treat the cancer with the removal of the tumor, and in the later - not to be treated at all.

    It cannot be said that over the past 2000, doctors somehow have specially advanced in the fight against this disease, which is an increasing number of people from year to year. Now, as before, this disease is considered incurable, and all the sick cancer relieves only on a miracle. We must admit that cases of wonderful healing are found, many of them, do not all be associated with a hot prayer appeal to the Savior and the Virgin. Therefore, when in the XVII century, the miraculous strength of the Icons of the Mother of God "Allmenitsa" was discovered in the cure of cancer, with the icons began to make accurate lists for other abode. Gradually, the icon became known all over the world as a healer of cancer, and today the image of the Virgin "All Communion" has grace to heal the most terrible of contemporary humanity. The name of the icon itself All-mistress. BSE-Lady - Says about her special, comprehensive strength. This image of the Virgin has the most powerful healing principle.

    In 1995 and the Russians were able to bow the miraculous manner, so that immediately before the face of the Virgin, to turn to the Allzaritsa with a request to get rid of the many incurable diseases, and first of all - from cancer, which is called the Chumay of the 20th century, and who does not spare no small children nor young men, nor old people.

    At the request of the community of mercy of the Holy Righteous John Kronstadt, at the Children's Oncology Center on the Kashirskie Highway, the Vicar of the Watopedic Monastery of Archimandrite Ephraim blessed to make a list with the Afonov Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God "All Communion". The exact copy of the icons written in compliance with the canon, prayerful toes and solemn services appeared to unhappy children.

    And miracles began. Significantly improved the state of children, which could not be explained only by the use of drugs. A few months later, the celebration of the Nativity of the Mother of God, the Mother of God, the Mother of God, became peaceful, several large droplets of the world appeared on her, and amazing fragrance filled everything around. For the holiday of introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mirochnia repeated again. The first miracle, manifested by the Allsen in Russia, is called the healing of a young man, many years of those who suffered a drug addict. Since then, in front of the "All Complete" icon, parents are addressed to the Virgin, praying for their children who are addicted to drugs, alcohol.

    It is necessary to say that the news about the amazing icon was spreading in Moscow with lightning times. The miraculous image was transferred to temple of all saints The former Novo-Alekseevsky monastery, which is located in Krasnoselsky Lane, not far from the metro station "Krasnoselskaya". Regularly the image of "All Commissars" is brought back to the oncological center for maintaining prayers.

    Temple of all saints in red village, m. Krasnoselskaya

    To the left of the royal gates is the icon of the Mother of God "All Communion"

    After some time, a church-Slavic version of Akathist The Mother of God was created in honor of her "Allzaritsa" icons, different from Greek. Every Sunday in the temple of all saints at 16.30 (And in the event that Monday accounts for a great holiday - at 15.00) prayers are made with the reading of the Akathist the Mother of God and the consecration of oil for the anointing of all those who suffer, and not only from cancer. The chronicle of healings is constantly replenished with new and new testimonies of wonderful help to those who have already not to get it from earthly doctors. There are stories and about the old men, and about babies, on the face of women and men, about cure in the late stages of cancer and about the removal of suspicion of him, about recovery from deaths and from those that bring a lot of torment, but are not fatal and about much more. Grateful people not only leave their stories in the book, but also carry all sorts of gifts to the shrine.

    So, for example, in 2002, one person suffered a hypertonic crisis. After discharge on the advice of relatives, he set off on tomography of the brain. The survey showed that after frequent pressure jumps in the brain, a tumor was formed. The solution was one thing - surgery. Before lying on the operation, this man went to the monastery for the blessing, and there his spouse ordered prayers to the icon of the Allzaritsa with a decree. Being in the hospital, he constantly prayed by the Allzaritsa about recovery and constantly drank the holy water, which he took after prayer. Another control examination was made in the hospital, which confirmed healing from a serious ailment.

    Today, this list, which is located in the temple of all saints in the Red Selo, is no longer the only one in Russia. In 1997, another miraculous copy of the Icons of the Mother of God "Allmenitsa" appeared in Moscow, which is in Novospassky Monastery (Moscow, peasant pl. 10, m. Proletarian). This list was specially manufactured in the Watoped Monastery and brought to Russia. It is worshiped as a miraculous and peaceful. There is also a book in which all the miracles originating from the shrine are recorded. Before it is made daily prayer singing, and on Sundays they serve prayers with sanitization.

    Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God "All Communion" in the Novospassian Monastery

    Numerous offering hanging on the icon indicate a variety of cases of healing, revealed by prayers to the Mother of God.

    The birthday icon "All Commissars" is currently there and

    Lady Women's Monastery (Moscow region, city of Ceppov). This icon has sobbed more than 30 times. Two cases of cancer healing are witnessed. Akathist is read daily to the miraculous way of Mother of God, during which the names of people suffering from various ailments come true.

    "Allzaritsa" is considered the most "strong" icon of healing cancer patients. The Mother of God is her inevitable mercy and gives healing to everyone who with faith and love addresses her in prayer before it is famous.

    Tropear, voice 4

    In the way, the habitual grapple of graceful thanks, Vladychitsa; / save from the circumstances to you; / From all sorts of attacking the fence herd is yours, // to the intercession of your appealing is dreaming.

    Believers in God people go to church, pray to the Lord, thank him, asking for forgiveness, healing. People who are not particularly thinking about the meaning of faith and prayer in our lives, visit the church only for Easter, because "so accepted." And when problems and trouble occurrence, even having a desire to ask the God of help, do not know how to do it right, what kind of saint should ask for help in a particular problem.

    History of the icons of the Mother of God "All Commissars"

    Today, statistics regarding alcoholism among the population is simply shocking. And believers know that a prayer can help the icon "Inspromandable Bowl." Women who cannot have a child, pray to the Iver Icon of the Mother of God, heals from the oncological diseases of the icon of God's Mother "All Communion".

    Until 1995, the Icon of the Mother of God "All Communion" in Russia, probably, few people knew. However, thanks to the community of mercy of the Holy Righteousness of John Kronstadt (Children's Oncology Center, Kashirskoye Highway), a copy of this icon appeared in Russia, which was written by the canon, prayerful toes and solemn services.

    This miraculous icon is called the "Pantanass", which is translated from Greek and then the "chief". She is in Greece. This icon was written in the XVII century.

    Despite its small size, it has a lot of power.

    The image of the protigurant Virgin, dressed in brightly crimped clothes and squeezing on the royal throne, today there are in different countries The world, including in Russia. In the hands of the Much Musta, the Savior of People holds on the hands.

    A legend is known about this icon of the Afonovsky elder Joseph Isihahat, which tells about the young man, once approached the image of the Allzaritsa with unbearable muttering. Suddenly the face of the Major Virgin excused, and at the same moment the invisible power threw the guy to the floor. He, frightened, ran out of the temple and, loosened, repented by the elders in his terrible sin - passionate magic. So this miraculous icon for the first time showed the power of his own image, there was the very young man from sinful affairs and witnessing him into repentance. Since then, the guy has changed his life, believed in the Lord, and helped him in this "Pantanass". The meaning of the Icons "All Communion" eventually appeared with more power, and believers began to notice what icon helps. Patients having different tumors (including malignant) argued that healing was healing, praying for this image.

    In the Moscow Oncology Center for children with the advent of Pantanass, there was a significant improvement in the state of patients, which could not be explained only by medical procedures. And after a few months, the Holy Day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin "All Communion" smoked. The clergymen discovered large drops of the world, speaking on the icon, and the temple was filled with amazing fragrance.

    During the celebration of the introduction of the Most Holy Mother of God, the image smoked again.

    What are the people of the icon of the Mother of God "All Messenice"?

    The first miracle that the "All Communion" in Russia was healing the guy, for many years of consumed drugs. After this incident, parents with prayers about their children suffering from narcotic, nicotine and alcohol addiction began to apply to the icon. The news of the miraculous image instantly opened in Moscow, and the icon was handed over to the temple of all saints, which was previously called the Novo-Alekseevsky monastery. The miraculous image is now here, but for the service in the oncological center "Pantanass" regularly deliver to Kashirskoye highway.

    Video about the icon of the Mother of God "Allzaritsa"

    On Sundays, the temple of all saints spends prayers, the Akathist of the Virgin Mary is read and oil is consecrated for the anointing of suffering. In the chronicle of healings, new and new evidence of the wonderful healing of those who have already lost hope for recovery are constantly emerging.

    There are many stories about people who were cured, being at the last stages of cancer, recovered from very severe diseases. In gratitude, people bring presents to the shrine to the temple.

    So, for example, looking at the icon located in the Novospassian monastery, unwittingly visits the idea that there is someone's heavy life with decoration for each pendant, the necklace, someone's suffering, pain, fatal diseases, and the heart fills the joy of consciousness that all these people got rid of and healed from their misfortunes. How many rings, jewelry, - so much saved lives!

    The icon of the Mother of the Mother of Allzaritsa hears all the prayers coming from the heart of the suffering. What are people pray about?

    • About healing.
    • Healing from narcotic and alcohol addiction.
    • For help in liberation from evil spell, love spells, damage.
    • On the gift of infants with childless mothers.

    Of course, in prayer you can ask for everything, the main thing is that it goes from heart and sincerely.

    In the chronicle, many grateful records of those who got rid of such ailments and evil with the help of prayer. "All Communion" will be an excellent gift of grandmother's birthday, especially if she has serious health problems.

    For example, one 50-year-old woman writes that since childhood she did not know from his mother love, caress and understanding and suffered from it very much. Understanding that the mother is already in a rather old age, and the relationship seems to never be put on, the woman in despair turned with a prayer to the Allzaritsa. 2 days after that, her mother called her (despite the fact that she never called) and said that she missed, calling her daughter in gentle words. Except as a "miracle," this case, perhaps, it is impossible to call anymore.

    The bulk of records are grateful evidence of recovery from cancer, as well as many records from women who thank the Virgin for healing from infertility.

    According to the photo of the miraculous icon of "Allmenitsa", it can be understood that it is the main shrine of the female monastery, which was named after this shrine (Krasnodar).

    The meaning of the icon "All Communion"

    Cancer is a terrible disease that is very difficult to heal. Hearing such a diagnosis, a person can do the hands to dorate and not try to fight him at all. However, all doctors in one voice argue that a very important factor in the treatment process is the psychological attitude of the patient. The word "Nadezhda" in such cases acquires a special meaning, which, probably, can only be able to understand those who face this misfortune. The very fact of the existence of an icon capable of healing from cancer, hesitates hope for recovery. Therefore, the «chief" icon is of great importance for both suffering and those who pray for their relatives and loved ones in trouble.

    IN last years Oncological diseases suffer increasingly people. This heavy disease does not regret neither children nor mothers or old people.

    Few people know that this heel was known to humanity in ancient times. Even then, judging by the records found on a papyrus (I century BC), there were several forms of cancer that the Roman doctor proposes to cure with the removal of a tumor at the first stages. As for the last stages - Celsius believed that it is meaningless to treat such patients.

    The name "Cancer" comes from the term, which introduced the hippocrates: "Carcinoma". This word is formed from Greek: "crab" and "tumor".

    The detection of the miraculous force of the icon occurred in the 18th century, and since then its copies began to disperse around the world. Thus, the icon of the Virgin "All Communion" became known to the world due to his fellow and healing properties. The very name of the "All-Queen" confirms its special, comprehensive force. A copy of this icon can be embraced by a cross, consecrate into the church, put it in the home iconostasis and contact her with prayers.

    Where is the icon of "All Communion" in Moscow?

    • The first icon, which appeared in Russia, is today in the temple of all saints, located at the address: Krasnoselsky lane, district Art. Metro "Krasnoselskaya". Prayers are held on Sundays from 16.30.
    • A copy of the second icon was made in 1997, and this image is located in the Novospassian monastery, located on the Peasant Square - 10, not far from Art. METRO "PROLETARSKAYA". This icon will also be peaceful and has a lot of grateful records in a special book. Prayers here are held daily, and on Sundays - and the sacrament of the sanctification of water.
    • In Serpukhov, too, there is a place where the icon of "Allzaritsa" is located. In Moscow, or in the suburbs there is a miraculous icon - a diligent prayer will be heard by the Virgin, and the Allzaritsa will give mercy and healing both praying and those who are asleep and loved ones with faith and love.
    Video about the icon of the Mother of God "All Commary"

    Have you already heard about the icon of the Mother of God "All Commary"? Have you prayed for her healing? Do you believe in her power? Share your opinion in

    The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, referred to as "Greek" (in Greek - "Pantanass") is located on the Holy Mount of Athos in one of the ancient Greek monasteries - Watopeda. This small icon is revered on the holy grief from the XVII century. On the icon depicts the Most Holy Virgin in the Bagher's attire, ascending on the royal throne. On her hands - the Bog Mouden Christ with a scroll in his left hand and a blessing hand. The right hand of the Mother of God indicates his royal son as the Savior of the world. In the background, two angels are depicted, which with a reverence fall with wings with a pretty girl. Tradition retained the memory of the first miracle, glorified by the «Allzaritsa» icon on Athos. One day, a certain young man entered the temple and wanted to worship the icon, but suddenly the face of God was spawned, lit up with unearthly light and the invisible power dropped a young man to Earth. Rising, the young man with tears admitted to the elders that he lived away from God and was engaged in witchcraft. He came to the Watopadian Abode to test the power of his magic on holy icons. The wonderful intervention of the Virgin Forever turned his young man from wicked, made him change the life and become a god-fearing Christian. So the first miracle was made: the Mother of God led the dying soul to repentance ...

    The miraculous image of the "chief" is famous for both Athos and far beyond. The special thank gift of this icon is manifested in healing from one of the most common severe diseases of our time - oncology. Countless cases are known when people sick with cancer were healed after the prayer facility before the icon of the Mother of the Mother of the Mother. In 1995, at the request of the community of mercy in honor of the Holy Righteous John Kronstadt, at the Moscow Children's Oncology Center, the first list of the icons "All Communion" was made for Russia. According to the blessing of the abbot of the Watopedic Monastery of Archimandrite Ephraim, the image was written by the Russian icon painter who was among the Brahria of the monastery. In Russia, loved this image. The oncocenter served prayers for sick children and their parents. It is here that many suffering wonderful assistance and the quick intercession of Queen of Heaven were revealed. In 1997, the famous icon was transferred to the Moscow Temple of All Saints, located at: Moskva, the 2nd Krasnoselsky per.7, and transformed in 2014 to Alekseevsky Stavropigial Women's Monastery. Here, the image became famous for new numerous healing from cancer. Every Sunday evening in the temple of all saints is performed by an Akathist in the image of Pantanass, consecrated and distributed believing oil. Every day, people can pray in front and attach to it. The clergy with the insecracresses and parishioners of the monastery pray for the healing of sick.

    Today, the listings of the "All Communion" icons can be found in many temples of Russia. Such a list is located in the Moscow Novospassian Men's Monastery. Here, as in the Alekseevsky monastery, there is a record of cases of healing from the miraculous image. The celebration in honor of the Icon of the Mother of the Mother of Allzaritsa was established on August 18/31.

    Prayers with an Akathist Prev Icon of the Mother of the Mother of the Allbits are made every Sunday at 16:30. In the event that Monday accounts for a great holiday, the beginning of the prayer is at 15:00.

    The image of the Mother of God "All Commus"
    Tropean. Glas 4.

    Fluently honestly honestly by the desire to save, Vladychitsa; Get rid of the circumstances for you; From everyone to attack the fence herd is yours, to the intercession of yours that looks down.

    Prayer 1 Prev Icon of the Mother of the Mother Pantanass (All Commuritsa)

    Oh, all-inclusive, accuordant Virgin, Pantanass, All Vacation! Taken worthy yes, it's not necessary for my shelter! But Yako Milostivago God's Lyublaglantic Mother of the RTSa Word, and my soul will heale and will strengthen my body. IMASHA Bo Power invincible, and does not exist to you all the verb, about the Allzaritsa! You are for my thief, you are so bad. Yes, I glorify the copper name always, now in the infinite eyelids. Maamin.

    Prayer 2 Prev Icon of the Mother of the Mother Pantanass (Allmenitsa)

    Oh Major Bogomatiya, All Commary! We hear the multiply-disinterested irrigation of our before the miraculous icon, from the lot of Afonovsky to Russia, in Russia, the proud of your children, insecral ailments of the suffering, to the holy look at your faith with faith! Jacques Bird Kromrome covers her chicks, so now, and you are still alive of the land, the faceting of us with a multi-purpose omophore. Tamo, the hope of hope disappears, the bad hope of Budi. Tamo, the appearance of the moody grief overwhelm, patience and weakenly appeared. Tamo, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe darkness of despair in the souls, you wanted to take the wrong light of the Divine! Unwell comfort, weakly strengthened, fierce hearts softening and enlightenment Darui. Healing the sore people of yours, about the barking queen! The mind and hands of the physicians bless us; May they serve as an assistant doctor of our Savior of our Savior. Yako lives with us praying before the icon of yours, about Vladychitsa! Pretty your hand, filled with healing and dozes, joy of grieving, in the cookie comfort, and the miraculous help will soon receive, we glorify the lifelong and inhabitant Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

    The Akathist of the Mother of God before Her Icon "All Commuritsa"

    Useful contacts:

    All-Russian Free 24-Hour Phone Psychological Assistance Oncological Patients and their relatives, Phone - 8 800 100 0191. For this phone, you can get a free consultation of the psychologist, Orthodox priest, lawyer. You will be prompted as in which funds to turn to get financial assistance to pay for expensive drugs or which government programs will help pay for treatment.

    Website for patients, their relatives and loved ones: www.help-patient.ru

    What adversity would not be comprehended by humanity, the Mother of God was her images to overcome any of them. The Licks of the Virgin fill the temples and homemade prayers, reminding that help is close, it is only worth stopping the vain bustle and turn to heavenly treasures. One of these treasures is famous in the XX century the icon of the Mother of the Mother of the Mother "All Communion". The name "Allzaritsa" means that the Most Holy Virgo is the first of women and maids, from the whole human race, on earth and in heaven.

    History of the image of Pantanass

    The earliest notic image of the Virgin, sitting on the throne surrounded by angels, appeared in Viphinia, in the Trigiilian monastery, founded in 780. Now it is a city in Turkey, on the shores of the Marmara Sea. The temple in ruins remained from Pantovasiliss Monastery, on the walls of which part of the fresco of the Virgin.

    In the XIV century, the other Icon of the Allzaritsa was presented to the Grigorian monastery on Athos Moldavian rulelorem Stephen Great.

    Icon of God's Mother "All Complete", Temple on Sparrow Mountains

    In 1428, in the name of the Icon "Pantanass" ("Allmenitsa") was founded by a monastery on about. Crete. The abode survived the fall of Byzantium and surrendered only 7 years after the top of the Turks. It contained the miraculous image of the Virgin, preserved until now. About his antiquity and miracles says garland silver suspension, brought from grateful prayer rooms.

    Another image in the XVI century. It was raised by the Simonopetrovsky Monastery of the Holy Mountain from the Nicene Metropolitan.

    Icon of nonsense, known in Russia as a savings from cancer, was written in Athos in the XVII century and is located there, in the Watoped Monastery.

    Miracle Power of the Labor

    The legend has been preserved, as the Mother of God punished the sorcerer. In the temple, where the image of a pantanass was placed, a strange young man appeared. Going to the icon, he began to whisper of the vague words, and suddenly the face of Our Lady flashed like lightning. The young man flew back and fell. It was seen by many in the church. When the monks raised him and began to ask, the unfortunate admitted that he was a magician and decided to check the power of witchcraft on icons.

    A miracle that happened from Pantanass began to consider it a protector from evil forces. Later, at the beginning of the XX century, Icon was at the famous Afonovsky senior Joseph Isihast. Looking for privacy and feats, he often passed from place to place in the holy grief. In the way, he blessed his disciples and since then the icon is in the cathedral temple of the Watoped Monastery.

    Comban Icon "All Communion"

    All Communion in Russia

    An even greater glory of Pantanass acquired when a few cases of cancer occurred in front of it. Lists were made for other Athos abode, and in 1995 the miraculous icon from Watopeda arrived in Russia to worship. There was also a list placed in the Children's Oncology Center in Moscow.

    Help from the Virgin Children began immediately: the condition of all patients has improved significantly, and one girl saw the light emanating from the icon. On the feast of the Virgin Mary, the icon began to make peace, spreading fragrance.

    In 2005, an another accompanying list from Pantanass for the Allzaritsa's female monastery during the Church of Krasnodar was made on Athos. Igumen Watopeda Ephraim witnessed the identity of the image and put on the back of the icon of the blessing of the Holy Mountain on the reverse side. Having attached a list to 130 shrines of the Watoped Monastery, with Great Honors, the grace was taken to Krasnodar, where the tsaritsa heaven immediately began to expire his gracious help.

    "Allmenitsa" from the Novospassky Monastery brought to Yekaterinburg

    All Communion defeats diseases and witchcraft

    Folk love for the image of nonsense is growing, the number of temples in her honor increases. Cancer and tumor diseases, frightening with their suddenness and merciless, retreat before the prayer of the Virgin, which she brings for the whole world. Its miraculous images are flown by people, first unbelievers, and get relief. With the suspension of the development of the disease, faith and the forces to make spiritual exploits appear.

    Useful. By the Virgin, the Allzaritsa also apply for protection against witchcraft. With the insufficient faith, some people are afraid of the actions of the string, sorcerer, etc., thinking that they are able to harm.

    The Mother of God has repeatedly destroyed the goats of the sorceress, showing how they are weak in front of the power of God. Praying "Essenitsa", any Christian becomes scary for demons and no evil forces can tend to him.

    In the Kazan Temple of G. Rostov-on-Don on the icon around the Mother of God, the Holy Martyr Cyprian and Martyrs of Justinia are depicted - saints, winning the Demon's Goats.

    The first miracle from the icons arrived in Russia was healing from the addiction of the unbeliever young man. The unfortunate was damaged by reason, behaved aggressively. Mother prayed for him in front of the Allsen, ordered prayer and brought home holy water. Surprisingly, instead of an ordinary cry and curses, the guy asked the holy water and drank it all. After that, his mood changed, he began to be treated at a narcologist and got a job. Now the former addict thanks God's Mother and helps others get rid of dependence.

    Prayer in front of the "All Complete" icon

    Images and their values

    Interesting. The Mother of God on the icon is depicted in full growth, on the throne, with the Godhead in his arms. For the throne two archangel. "Reverse Perspective", used when writing an icon, means the appeal of God's peace to human. "Fields" icons denote the earthly world, and interior - "Ark" - the world of Heaven.

    Background symbolizes the divine light. Often, gold is used for the image of light, sometimes replaced by precious minerals: malachite, cinnabar, lazurite or okra.

    Nimbi and inscriptions

    Around the head of the Virgin, the Savior and Archangels - Round Nims, on the Afonov icon they are decorated with an ornament. The circle is a symbol of eternity, talking about the irregularity and infinity of God. The cross in the Nimbe of the Baby of Christ is a symbol of salvation, a certificate of victory over the devil, sin and death. The connection of the circle and the cross is a reminder that God embodied to raise people on the cross.

    Icon "Chief Church" in St. Sergiyevsky Temple

    Near the heads of the Savior, the Virgin and Archangels are inscriptions, indicating who is depicted on the icon. At the VII of the Universal Cathedral, it was decided that the Icon image could not exist without a name. In the ancient Church, the inscription itself was a solemn consecration of the image.

    The image of the Boggygrin is signed by the Greek tradition - IC XC. This is the first letters of the words Jesus Christ, the image of the Virgin - MR, that in translation from Greek means Mother of God. In the crossroads of Nimba the Savior, letters in the Greek mean "the following" (existing forever).

    Virgin Mary's clothing

    The Mother of God is depicted in clothes that wearing married women In the east in the first centuries - Muffle, Cepez, Tunic and boots on the shoulders. Maphorius - big covered, put on his head and enveloped almost the entire figure. Criminal, purple - symbol of patrician. The cape dressed under the Maphors, covered his hair.

    Tunic - Direct narrow clothes with sleeves, intercepted instructions. The instructions are the part of the liturgical choice - the symbol of the service of the whole church (in the face of Our Lady) to God.

    Procession with the icon of "All Communion"

    During his lifetime, the Mother of God dressed up modestly and jewelry did not wear. Golden decorations and squeaming on the throne, depicted on the icon, transmit the royal greatness of Our Lady.

    Three golden stars on Maforia - the symbol of "navigate" (eternal Nity, before the birth of the Savior and after), the baby closing one of the stars symbolizes the birth of the Virgin.

    Hand gestures of the Most Holy Virgin always prayer to God in prayer for the whole world.

    Picture of Boggrowse

    The Godhead is depicted in a white shirty (white - color of paradise purity), with a strip of another color on the right shoulder and in Golden Hiton. This strip is called "Blub". In Rome Klava - a sign of patrician, accessories to the highest class, and in the east, in Palestine - a sign of a traveler who makes pilgrimage in Jerusalem. Golden strokes on the clothes of the Lord are the royal dignity of Christ.

    Interesting. Baby Christ on Orthodox icons is depicted in the proportions of an adult. It reminds that the Lord has always been the perfect king, the lord of the world.

    With the right hand, the Savior blesses all praying, in the left he holds the scroll - the image of His New Testament, his sermon, his words.

    Icon "All Commus" in the Novospassian Monastery


    Archangels are depicted as they were to people - in the image of beautiful young men with wings, in beautiful clothes, decorated with precious stones, with curly hair strands. In her hair they have diadems - decorations from precious stones, Little crowns pointing to the belonging of the archangels to the retinue of the Heavenly King. Ribbons for their heads - "rumors" - mean that the archangels always hear and play the will of God.

    Archangel, depicted on the right of the Virgin, points up with his hand. In the iconopus, this gesture means a call for repentance. Archangel left stands in a prayer posture, folding his hands on his chest. In some images, including on the ancient fresco of the Trigiilian Monastery, the Archangeli signed Mikhail and Gabriel.

    Sometimes instead of the archangels are saints.

    Icon of the Mother of God "Allzaritsa", written in the Holy Mount Athos

    Where are the icons "All Communion"

    Currently, the miraculous lists from Pantanass are:

    • in the Novospassian Monastery (Moscow);
    • in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (in 2012, a blind girl was healed from the image);
    • church of all saints at the Children's Oncology Center (Moscow);
    • church of St. Martyrs Tatiana (Moscow State University);
    • female Lord Monastery in Serpukhov;
    • women's monastery "Allzaritsa" (Krasnodar).

    Holy sources in the name of the icon of the Mother of the Mother of the Mother "All Communion" are:

    • in Diveevo (Majawa);
    • in p. Taraskovo (Sverdlovsk region), there is also a local miraculous icon of nonsense;
    • in p. Big Ryazan (Samara region).

    Check video about the icon of the Mother of God

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