My husband wants to flog me. Flagellation in high life. Problems related to men, but worried about women

Of course, at first I did not believe that she would actually whip me with rods; thought he would scare and calm down. My marital experience, with Svetlana and with my first wife, suggested that wives are easy-going and are almost always ready to forgive, you just need to take the first step yourself.

Maybe at that moment she was still hesitating and, standing over me, was deciding how to behave further. But I didn’t have time, I didn’t have time to say anything to my wife. A light shadow flashed across her face, it seemed that she had decided something for herself. A moment later, Svetlana, squinting angrily, looked at my naked body and, with the calmness of a man who knows what to do, began to choose the rod. At that moment, I realized that I would really be flogged. And nothing will help to avoid flogging, and it is useless to ask for forgiveness, you had to think before.

My wife chose three birch rods, went to the bed and slapped them on my buttocks with a swing. Unaccustomed, the blow came out awkward, not strong, I didn’t even cry out. It probably surprised her, and the next four times she did her best, so that I yelled loudly. She stopped, maybe to rest, or she was stopped by my cry.

Under a woman, you, go, also yelled, with pleasure? she snapped angrily.

I was silent, and she punched me again. She very quickly learned to flog with the rods, and now they whistled defiantly before dropping down on my buttocks. Tears came to my eyes from pain and shame. The blows rained down in a continuous stream, I yelled after each of them. Finally, taking advantage of the pause, I began to beg for mercy. But this only infuriated her spouse, she angrily cursed in an abusive way, remembering my mistress, and continued the execution even more energetically. After that, I already screamed like a little boy who is being whipped for school offenses. This is my thirty-nine years old! ..

Honey, well, forgive me! - I prayed again after the next portion. In response, she examined three birch rods, pretty broken off on my bare ass, then turned her gaze to me.

And then she smiled for the first time in the whole spanking. There was something condescending in this smile, superiority was read beautiful woman over a naked man, tied to a bed, just whipped. I no longer felt the gaze of my wife, just a woman was looking at me, and I felt myself not as a husband, but only as a man who was punished in the most shameful and shameful way that a woman can think of for a man.

However, at that moment the punishment was not over yet. Apparently, the red transverse traces of the rods on the man's large white buttocks can bring a woman to ecstasy; or a man screaming under the rods excites a beautiful lady in the best way possible, especially if she whips with her own hands.

In short, my wife looked at me intently, either a smile or a grin wandered on her lips; she went to the coffee table, took fresh birches, quickly returned to me, swung her head and ... again there was the whistle of three birch twigs.

This bunch turned out to be stronger - before the rods broke, I received three dozen very dexterous blows. Each of them was accompanied by my heart-rending cry. It hurt, but much sharper than the pain, I felt ashamed. Even the shame of the whipping. The first flogging in life. At thirty-nine years old. When a young, very beautiful, slender woman in a short skirt was whipping. Something sexy was mixed in here, and therefore my penis grew to an unimaginable size, at least so it seemed to me.

When the execution was over and my wife untied the ropes, I tried to hug her, tried to unbutton my blue blouse. But my wife resolutely dismissed me.

I don’t make love to a man who has just been whipped, ”she said impudently. Look in the mirror at your butt.

The mirror was just opposite, Svetlana turned it slightly and grinned contentedly:

Rods for a husband are the first means to be well-behaved. And remember: now, if anything, - a spanking. But it won't help, I'll tell that woman on the phone how I whipped you for her. And henceforth I will punish offenses with rods. In our family, the husband is being thrashed with rods or a belt, like a schoolboy, do you understand ?! - concluded with undisguised pleasure my wife.

Before the next flogging, Svetlana did not begin to explain why. True, there was no smell of women here, after all, whipping is a very instructive punishment: after those first whips, I never cheated on my wife. Never. But it turned out that I, her husband, were now given the cane for other offenses. She only said: "You are not a child, to whom, before whipping, you must first explain the reason and expediency of the whipping ?!"

Just like that, simple and short. Then she ordered me to take off my pants, and she went to the kitchen. "Behind the rods?" I thought with fear. But from the kitchen she went to another room and hesitated there.

For some reason, I realized that this time too, I, a forty-year-old man, could not be spanked. Svetlana, if she's already decided, then everything is tight, you will never move. Stubborn.

There was no choice but to undress. I stayed in blue jersey pants that fit my ass tightly. He lay down on the sofa with his buttocks out. The heart was beating noisily, and the penis became huge again. And then she came in. In a beautiful black dress, very short, shoes on high heels and with a thick wide belt in his hands. Oh my God! This gorgeous lady will punish me! Belt? Everything floated before my eyes.

No, don’t! - I began to plead.

But there was nowhere to go, I continued to lie motionless, half-naked, in blue pants, with my ass up. Meanwhile, the lady hung a belt on a chair, pulled out two ribbons from her pocket and tied my arms and legs tightly. I did not dare to resist so I was ashamed.

How long can you tolerate such a naughty husband like you ?! - either asked, or stated Svetlana Ivanovna. (For some reason, I instinctively felt that during a spanking, my wife should be respectfully called by name and patronymic.) - That's enough! Today I'll whip you like a schoolboy with a belt! - concluded the spouse.

However, she soon got tired of talking, and she got down to business. Such a brutal, ferocious flogging I could not have imagined. I cried with shame and pain. It must have been a funny picture: a tall man, tied up, crying when a gorgeous lady punishes him with a belt. But this was not enough for my wife. Probably to enhance the educational effect of the flogging, she stopped for a minute and pulled the underpants off my bottom. It was extremely embarrassing, my penis began to throb and during the next three blows with a belt on the buttocks, I finished. I hardly felt these three blows, although they were very strong ...

During the whole story, he nervously smoked cigarette after cigarette, a dozen cigarette butts remained in the ashtray.

This is how we live, - he said at the end of the conversation. - No, after all, women are amazing creatures: easily and imperceptibly she made me her slave, but none of those around her even knew about it. You are the first to whom I told everything, I don't even know why. I wanted to speak out ... besides, you are a doctor ... maybe this is a clinical case?

But I even like that I have such a strict and extravagant wife, ”he continued, not allowing even half a word to be inserted. - I gave her on March 8 a book, you know, such a beautiful gift edition "Notes to the Hostess". So Svetlana wrote on the cover in this book: In the film "Wild Orchid", a gorgeous lady whipped a naked man with a whip and said: you are a very bad boy, you are a very bad boy ... You should do the same with you and say: you are a very bad husband.

And in the last section - "At leisure" - I drew a sign: "Husband's behavior in a week." And the columns are the number; behavioral assessment; note. And then she wrote in: "March 8; unsatisfactory; should be punished: flogging in lowered pants - 35 blows, but since today is a holiday, the punishment is reduced to 20 blows."

Girls, walking through the vastness of the tyrnet, stumbled upon a narrative family life one girl. To be honest, I was left under a little shock. What do you say?
"Hello, dear men. I want to share one moment of family life with my husband.
I am 31 years old. We somehow immediately got the custom that my husband reserves the right to apply a belt to me on a soft spot as an educational measure. As if it was implied from the very beginning and neither I nor he perceives it as something non-standard and beyond. Moreover, we do not perceive it as violence or pressure on a person. Rather, as a piquant inevitable element of family life. It's like she's a family.)
He is not a retrograde or a despot, but a completely advanced and charming person.) At the same time, he is inclined to perceive a woman as a keeper of the hearth, an affectionate companion of life. He is quite comfortable in such a coordinate system. And we are both lucky with the choice of companions, because we hold the same views. He believes that the right to self-realization and independence is an inalienable right of every person, no matter a man or a woman. At the same time, there are naturally the most comfortable natural social roles for both sexes. A woman can choose a difficult ambitious path, or she can choose the classic version, and he is not one of those who would blame her for it.)
This is in short, so that his position and train of thought would be clear.
We both work, but within the family he appreciates in me, first of all, the primordial feminine qualities, if I may say so.) He admits that he enjoys very much precisely from the fact that at home he will have a warm, cozy atmosphere and an ideal integral touch of a cozy family nest - an affectionate sensual wife))) He does not like the manifestations of female infantilism and bitchiness. We agreed that such a classical system of relations, in particular, including the same belt, forms the most acceptable type of woman from our general point of view. In the end, everyone is happy)
As for housework, we do it as we agree, there is no strict distribution of responsibilities as someone might think. Everything is very democratic.)
And of course we are adults and we fully understand what erotic connotation the punishment of flogging carries in itself and how it affects our sex life. In the most positive way, by the way.) And not only directly, but rather to a greater extent precisely through the formation of this comfortable system of relations.)
At the same time, the punishment with a belt does not cease to be a tangible educational measure at all. And it is precisely as an educational measure that it is used responsibly and extremely rarely. One of such cases is vividly recalled when this punishment had a decisive effect. Approximately at the very beginning of the relationship, he cured me in this way from smoking.)) I remember this precisely because it felt exactly like a punishment and was perceived by me precisely as strict participation but not as violence. He said that a smoking girl is one conversation, but if you are my smoking girl, then this needs to be fixed. He took off his belt and kicked my ass. I had no idea that everything could be so simple.))) I sulked at him for a while, but ultimately admitted that this decision was correct on his part. Says I'll catch it with a cigarette I'll flog it the same way, half as a joke, half seriously.
Now we have a son. She has been married for 6 years. This system of relations suits me completely.
She says that she always wants me and treats me with incredible trepidation and tenderness precisely because of my consonance with that deeply affectionate image of a true woman.)
If some especially distinguished girls were flogged by their chosen ones, there might be a more balanced and prosperous atmosphere in their family. No scandals and screams in front of children, etc.)
Gently took off his pants, whipped and order! Then I remember for a long time))) The main thing is no domestic violence. "

Do you want to raise your husband? - You will succeed if you try very, very hard. And you will try, because you need it, you are interested in it. The wife always brings up her husband, but does it work?

Let's do it…. Considering current problems, we will find ways to solve them and put them into a single letter mosaic of proposals. Have you agreed, ladies? Then - we begin so that the time does not pass in vain.

Problems related to men, but worried about women

Cleaning socks

Do not be surprised that this problem comes first. Women are just tired of the "sock invasion"! Most of all, women are enraged by such a fact as the "lack of pairing" of socks, and the "inaccuracy" of socks. They are shamelessly scattered throughout the apartment, overshadowing even the scent of the coolest perfumes with their smells. Naturally, this is always impossible to endure.

  • How to deal with this?

Place the basket in the corner. Tell him to throw all his socks in there, pretending to score a goal in football.

Throw away found socks without buying new ones. The man is unlikely to like it. Don't wash his socks. Let him go to those who have already managed to be remembered for their weekly freshness.


A woman would have washed all the dishes herself without saying a word. But men are beginning to become impudent! They themselves are too lazy to wash it, and put dirty dishes not in their proper place, but in front of their beloved's very nose, saying this:

“Darling, thank you, everything was delicious…. Please wash the dishes, don't forget! "... The woman’s hands are falling ...

  • How to deal with this?
  1. Buy disposable tableware.
  2. Have a dishwashing schedule.
  3. In general, stop washing the dishes so that there are a lot of them.

Shopping for groceries

You are very worried that your husband does not go to the store. Or, if he does, he buys something completely different from what you asked ... .. And you, cursing everything in the world, tell yourself that, starting tomorrow, you will go shopping for groceries exclusively on your own. But tomorrow it turns out that you have a lot of things to do, and you still can't make it to the store. Nothing remains. The spouse is sent on a hike again.

  • How to deal with this?
  1. Give him a list of the foods you need.
  2. Go shopping together.
  3. Send messages with a list of products to his mobile.


You are extremely dissatisfied with the fact that hubby swears in obscene words in your presence. You asked (tearfully) that he would try to wean himself from such words, but the request hung like a cloud between you. And you, exhausted, are trying to simply come to terms, thinking that nothing can be changed.

  • How to deal with this?
  1. Talk. Tell me how unpleasant it is for you to hear and listen to it.
  2. Start swearing like a shoemaker too, albeit temporarily.
  3. Stop paying attention to "ugly" words.

Internet addiction

What ..., for the most painful "affected"? Not you alone, you can safely believe it! Many men cannot live without virtual world... And, plunging "just for a minute" into this world, they forget absolutely everything.

  • How to deal with this?
  1. Throw your computer out of the window.
  2. Disconnect the Internet.
  3. Punish him with a complete lack of sex!

Dislike for calls

No, your spouse loves when you call him. But he rarely calls, or on an important matter. It both offends and annoys you, and leads you to a dead end of a complete misunderstanding of the situation.

How to fight something?

  1. Do the same with your loved one.
  2. Buy him a new and sophisticated mobile phone (smartphone).
  3. Arrange a "accelerator" for him about this.


Constantly, always, to everyone ... Is it familiar and unpleasant? Fixable, albeit laborious!

  • How to fight?
  1. Take a break from depression about this.
  2. Have an educational conversation about this.
  3. Prove (by any means) that you, besides him, do not need anyone.

Bed matters

Doesn't suit hubby in intimacy? And caresses not so, and loves not that, and preludes "bypasses" .... Do not tolerate, but fix the "problems".

How to deal with this?

  1. Tell me what exactly does not suit you.
  2. Tell us what you like about sex.
  3. Praise anyone if there is (will appear) for what.

Love for porn movies

We didn't want to offend you! There are men who are very fond of watching all such different things ...

  • How to overcome this?
  1. Be better than any porn star.
  2. Ask not to do this again.
  3. Watch some erotic film together and, if possible, shame him ...

Friends are the center of his universe

Does your husband pay little attention to you? Runs away to friends at the first opportunity? Of course, you cannot live like this, without the attention of a man, a loved one!

  • How to deal with this?
  1. Leave and you to your girlfriends.
  2. Show that you don't like it very much (to put it mildly).
  3. Show how upset you are.

Other methods of properly raising your beloved spouse

If the husband does not give in to upbringing, try to arrange upbringing again, but using already different methods ...

If you want to raise your husband on the account of a salary, this is real. Remember that he loves what he likes, and try to please him in everything constantly and at the same time bring him up carefully, slowly ... After this he will do everything you need!

But try not to be impudent, otherwise the spouse will think that you are in love not with him, but with his money.

If you want him to let you go to his girlfriends, introduce him to all your girlfriends so that your spouse does not have any suspicions that you are cheating on him. Some wives and phone numbers of all their girlfriends leave in order to keep the relationship "perfect".

What is the most difficult thing to bring up in men?

Love for order, and "not jealousy." But even this can be brought up if you try. Do not forget about the “golden rule of morality”. Do you remember how it sounds?

We repeat: "Do with others as you want to be treated with you."

Can you imagine what will happen to you if you start to educate? There will be a lot of resistance, you must agree. So don't torture a man! Bring up, but with caution, carefully, so as not to lead to quarrels.

Any self-respecting girl knows that her husband is such a cunning livestock who, being left to herself, is prone to drunkenness, adultery and fishing, not to mention shirking from household chores.
Therefore, if you do not want to spend best years your life on this despicable creature and stay at a broken trough, you better immediately take the education process into your own hands.

To do this, you will need: wise advice from your mother, women's magazines and sites, help from friends, shopping and, of course, figuratively speaking - a carrot and a stick.

Recommendations to beat husbands have been known since ancient times. On the wall in an Egyptian temple dedicated to the foremother of the universe, the goddess Maat, it was written: "the ears of a boy on his back." This wisdom prescribed to beat the bad guy like a sidorov goat, so that he would not turn into a goat over time and would not sit on the woman's neck.

There are several proven ways "how to beat your husband", but of them, "beat with a ruble" is the most effective and today we will talk about it.
The essence of the method is very simple.
To do this, you must take the family budget into your own hands and spend money in such a way that you spend much more than your husband earns.
Lack of finance will make him go into debt to friends, get loans from banks and constantly feel guilty that he is dumber and more useless than other men.

Under this topic, it is best to rewrite the apartment for yourself, and then you will have such a short leash for your husband that you will no longer face a lonely old age in the circle of useless friends.
Friends of her husband, whom he cannot give money to, will stop running around to visit you and drink vodka with him. There will also be an end to the bathhouse, and he will have to go fishing alone. Since fishing without drinking companions has no practical meaning, this bad habit will soon leave his life.

But do not rush to relax. With this dodgy creature, you need to be on the lookout at all times. Load it with work. Let taking out the trash be his planid, cleaning the pipes in the sink as a muse, and screwing various objects to the floor, walls and ceiling - fun entertainment.
Constantly clear his brains from all free-thinking and friction, because if the husband is not kept in tight-knit gloves, he can make a revolution.
Press on thoughts of children, family responsibilities, community responsibilities.

Try to talk with him more about all those significant things that he did not betray before. Tell him about the latest episode of Let Them Talk, share the latest rumors from the world of show business, and dream about a new car together. It is imperative to buy a car for the fur coat that he recently bought for you by selling his kidney.
Share what they say about the ruble exchange rate and the country's prospects in the beauty salon such recognized experts throughout the city as Svetka the cosmetologist and Irka the pedicure.
And if he can listen to you for more than four seconds, immediately encourage him with a glass of vodka.
This way you can work out from him conditioned reflex when, at the sound of your voice, he begins to experience euphoria.

Yes, we state the fact that a man is in financial difficulties and does not have free time absolutely not interesting to other predators, so you don't have to worry about going "to the left".

Summing up all of the above, it is not superfluous to remind you of the words found in one of the scrolls of the Ashurbanipal library, which are attributed to the goddess Ishtar:
"Oh, beautiful maiden, you go to the man - take the whip!"

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