Psychological pedagogical competence of a physical education teacher. Development of key competencies in physical education lessons. Theoretical questions in psychology

Zhitlov Andrey Anatolievich
Position: teacher physical culture
Educational institution: MOBU Secondary School No. 25 MO Korenovskiy District
Locality: Art. Platnirovskaya municipal district Korenovsky district of Krasnodar region
Material name: article "Professional competence of a physical education teacher"
Subject:"Professional competence of a physical education teacher"
Date of publication: 21.11.2016
Section: secondary education

Professional competence of a teacher as a condition for the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
What is the main thing in the work of a teacher? Knowledge, skills, skills? Cognitive activity of children? Human communication? Improving yourself as a person? ... Life in the real world is extremely changeable. Substantial changes in education are impossible without fundamental changes in the teacher's professional consciousness. A lot of new knowledge and concepts have appeared that are necessary for a modern teacher. One such concept is competence. What is it, how we imagine it and it will be discussed. one . Competence concept.







At present, quality assurance is a very important issue for our country. educational process... However, no matter how the education system is reformed, as a result, it, in one way or another, becomes locked into the school teacher. It is the teacher who is the main figure in the implementation in practice of the main innovations in the field of education. In turn, the success of the educational process depends on the personal qualities of the teacher, his professionalism, abilities and competence. The psychological competence of a teacher is manifested in the ability to form and organize such an educational, developmental environment in which it is possible to achieve the results previously formulated by the teacher.

Competent psychological activity makes certain demands on the personality of the teacher, i.e. development of its need-motivational, cognitive, emotional-value, operational, communicative and reflective components. This is the formation of readiness for professional activity in the system of variable education, readiness for innovative activities and the need for self-education. The ability, on a diagnostic basis, to independently choose the best model for students and, within this framework, to design a true educational process becomes necessary condition formation of professional psychological competence.

The profession of a teacher, including physical education teachers, is classified as a profession of "increased speech responsibility", in which communicative competence becomes a necessary condition for professionalism. The issues of psychological training of future teachers of physical culture are quite in demand in the current Russian education, since the introduction of children, adolescents, youth to physical culture and sports leisure, to sports and to a healthy lifestyle is determined by the state as a strategic task. For modern sports, sports of high achievements and physical culture and health-improving activities, a trainer and teacher of a new type is needed, who can reveal the psychological resources of the pupil, for example, the motivation of achievements, emotional-volitional concentration, confidence in their abilities, confidence in success, the ability to teamwork.

Have psychological competence modern teacher physical culture has a special psychological structure that includes certain components: knowledge, motivational-value, activity, as well as the subsystems or competences formed on their basis: psychological-pedagogical, communicative, autopsychological, socio-psychological, socio-perceptual.

The main psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the psychological competence of a future teacher of physical culture are:

Studying the necessary psychological preparation by students on the basis of interactive content;

Obtaining special educational and professional actions aimed at solving the problem of the complex development of the psychological health of students.

Taking into account the specifics of the work of a physical education teacher, teacher-trainer and other specialists of the specified area of ​​activity in the field of education, their existing value of education, interests and goals of personal professional growth, and also taking into account new educational standards, the content and structure of the program of additional professional education should be based on the principles of variability, block-modular construction and independent improvement of the quality of education, which in turn implies the choice of a potential listener for a set of individual curricula (courses) in the logic of the designated direction (educational program) of advanced training.

In accordance with this, the development of an educational program for advanced training of a specialist may imply the indispensable introduction of invariant and variable blocks into its composition:

The main block of curricula, mandatory for all, is devoted to fundamental development issues modern education, education of children and youth, psychological and pedagogical theory;

Basic module on communicative, research, reflective competence and other issues that are relevant for a specialist;

Variable block to choose from in the process of improving functional competence;

Thematic seminars;

Individual training schedule with a high level of preparedness of the student for independent learning activities and sufficient basic education.

Psychological competence in the system of competencies among future physical culture teachers is formed both in the course of cognitive and in the process of transformative activity, which is aimed at organizing the individual mastering of methods and technologies.

This activity is formed, including in the course of conducting workshops, which have an integrative nature due to their target orientation towards the formation of motives, values, methods of activity, knowledge as components of competence, as well as specific psychological, psychological, pedagogical, subject content of competencies ( psychological-pedagogical, communicative, autopsychological, social-psychological, social-perceptual).

The correct implementation of tasks to improve the communicative competence of physical education teachers can be achieved with the greatest activation of their efforts. For the self-development of communicative competence, constant work on oneself is necessary in the following areas: increasing the level of knowledge of the language, self-control in communication, improving the culture of speech behavior. To do this, the advanced training course includes another block related to the development of professional competence, which consists in practical exercises - training to activate independent work listeners aimed at improving speech and setting on the development of correct speech in all situations verbal communication(not only in dealing with business issues, in communicating with colleagues and school management, but mainly in interpersonal communication with students and their parents).

Traditionally, the formation of a vocational education system in the field of physical culture was associated with the need to preserve and strengthen the health of the population with the help of physical culture and sports. Currently, it is necessary not only to preserve and reproduce this tradition in the professional training of physical education teachers, but also to transform them in accordance with new educational technologies, focusing on the dynamic diversity of the needs and interests of social groups and customers, on increasing the social need for specialists who know how to work with different age groups of people with different state health and taking into account the interests of the individual.

So, the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the correct development of psychological competence in physical culture teachers are a special educational and professional activity of students. In the process of this activity, students master the integrative educational content, which is built in accordance with the logic of the content and forms of organization of educational activities, involving the formation of elective modules in curricula saturated with psychological content; the use of problem-search and interactive teaching methods; modeling of pedagogical situations and communicative means of their resolution with subsequent reflection in practical lessons; experience in the use of assessment and regulation, self-reflection and self-regulation of psychological and functional states in conditions of physical exertion; experience in the application of psychological knowledge in the process of pedagogical interaction in the conditions of pedagogical practice; the inclusion of psychological knowledge in the basis of scientific research activities students - future teachers of physical education.

The factors of the necessary organization of the psychological competence of a physical education teacher are the following: the degree of self-identification with the carriers of psychological information; attitude to psychological theory and practice as a cognitive basis for constructing constructive models of professional interaction; individual experience in the application of psychological laws, techniques and methods of interaction with students; reflective experience of using psychological knowledge in the practice of imitation classes and quasi-professional activities; the degree of immersion in the innovative processes of psychologizing education through personal creative projects and collective research activities.


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The activity of a physical culture teacher is based on solving the following tasks: formation of a system of knowledge about physical culture and vital motor skills and abilities; development of individual motor abilities and an increase in the level of physical fitness of students; education of value orientations for the physical improvement of the individual; formation of the need for regular exercise and the chosen sport; education of moral and volitional qualities; development of interpersonal experience.

At physical education lessons, we form the following competencies: key (formation of the will to win); general cultural; social (sports games as a means of developing social competence); educational and cognitive; personal; informational; communicative; self-educational; a competent attitude to one's own health; subject: recreational-adaptive, organizational (daily regimen), motor-conditioning, motor-applied, sports-recreational.

Manifestation of key competencies in the process of education in the field of physical culture: Key competencies Social significance Personal significance General cultural Cognition of the cultural and historical foundations of physical culture, awareness of the role of physical culture in the formation of the ability to achieve comprehensive physical and spiritual development, healthy way life; maintaining health and high performance; preparation for work and defense of the Fatherland. Determination of the importance of systematic physical education for improving health, increasing the level of physical fitness and prevention of diseases; development of interest and habits for systematic physical education and sports.

Manifestation of key competencies in the process of education in the field of physical culture: Key competencies Social significance Personal significance Educational and cognitive Cognition of the basics of physical development and upbringing in order to form a spiritually rich and physically healthy personality. Acquisition of knowledge necessary for physical education and sports; knowledge of the basics of personal and public hygiene; possession of knowledge about the rules for regulating physical activity in conditions of morning exercises, regular sports.

Manifestation of key competencies in the process of education in the field of physical culture: Key competencies Social significance Personal significance Communicative Possession of different types of information; the ability to conduct a discussion on the development of sports and physical education; developing your own position on these issues. Ability to analyze and evaluate the activities of friends, classmates; the ability to give recommendations for independent physical education, based on modern physical culture and health-improving technologies.

Manifestation of key competencies in the process of education in the field of physical culture: Key competencies Social significance Personal significance Social Understanding the benefits of physical exercises for human health, increasing his working capacity and increasing life expectancy, as well as the role of physical exercises in the prevention of occupational diseases, in the fight against industrial injuries ... Ability to use physical culture means to prepare for professional activity; possession of modern requirements for the scientific organization of work and leisure.

Manifestation of key competencies in the process of education in the field of physical culture: Key competencies Social significance Personal significance Personal Possession of self-realization techniques; personal and life self-determination. Possession of techniques of personal self-expression and self-development; the ability to control the physical condition of the body.

The educational standard of secondary (complete) general education in physical culture, where the basic requirements for the level of training of high school graduates indicate that a student must acquire the following competencies: motor activity, self-control and individual physical development. The development of communicative competence is carried out at all physical education lessons.

Communicative competence. It includes: knowledge of the required languages; ways of interacting with surrounding and distant people and events; group work skills; possession of various social roles in the team. The student must be able to: introduce himself, write a letter, a questionnaire, a statement, ask a question, lead a discussion, etc.

The activity of a physical education teacher in the formation of key competencies of students: Formed competencies Goals of physical education Means of physical education, skills and knowledge that ensure individual health Personal Education of a respectful attitude to their own health, the acquisition of skills in individual physical culture lessons, focused on improving performance, prevention diseases. Complexes of medical physical culture. First aid for injuries. Definition individual characteristics physical development and fitness. Understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of bad habits by means of physical education.

The activity of a physical education teacher on the formation of key competencies of students: Formed competencies Aims of physical education Means of physical education, skills and knowledge that ensure individual health Social, competence in health-improving and rehabilitation activities Mastering the technologies of modern health-improving systems of physical education. Complexes of professionally applied physical exercises. The simplest techniques of autogenous training and relaxation to relieve fatigue and improve performance. Knowledge of the characteristics of a person's physical working capacity, factors of the positive influence of physical exercises on health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The activity of a physical education teacher in the formation of key competencies of students: Formed competencies Goals of physical education Means of physical education, skills and knowledge that ensure individual health Educational and cognitive, competence in motor activity, taking into account the individual characteristics of physical development and medical indications Enrichment of motor experience with professionally applied exercises focused on preparing for the upcoming life. General and applied physical training. Possession of the methods of motor activity. Ability to perform test tasks that determine the individual level of physical fitness.

The activity of a physical education teacher in the formation of key competencies of students: Formed competencies Goals of physical education Means of physical education, skills and knowledge that ensure individual health General cultural, personal Assimilation of the system of knowledge about physical education, their role and significance in the formation of a healthy lifestyle and social orientation. Knowledge of the characteristics of individual health, physical development, the possibilities of their correction through physical exercises; possession of the methodology for organizing individual forms of physical exercise; the ability to perform individual sets of exercises, to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities.

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Formation of professional competence of a technology teacher in the light of the transition to the second generation FSES

Today, every educational institution strives to live and work in a new way... This is required modern society who needs highly educated, purposeful, erudite, competitive, proactive, spiritually and physically healthy individuals who can take a worthy place in society.

Great hopes for fundamental changes in the educational process are pinned on the standards of the second generation, which is the main direction of the educational national policy "Our New School".

The priority goal of modern Russian education is not the reproductive transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities from the teacher, but the full-fledged formation and development of the student's abilities to independently outline the educational problem, formulate an algorithm for solving it, control the process and evaluate the result - to teach to learn. The educational system of the country faces a difficult task: the formation of a mobile self-fulfilling personality capable of learning throughout life. The leading slogan of the past years "Education for life" was replaced by the slogan "Education throughout life". The main factors for building a personal development vector are the ability to navigate the sea of ​​information and the ability to make correct decisions based on data from various sources.

It should be noted that the most vulnerable side of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in a general education school is the preparation of a teacher, the formation of his philosophical and pedagogical position, methodological, didactic, communicative, methodological and other competencies. Working according to the standards of the second generation, the teacher must make the transition from traditional technologies to technologies of developmental, personality-oriented learning, use technologies of level differentiation, training based on a competence-based approach, "educational situations", project and research activities, information and communication technologies, interactive methods and active forms of education.

Thus, the changes taking place in the country, in society, the implementation of the priority national project "Education", impose new requirements on the modern teacher.

What is a modern teacher like?

Perhaps it is difficult to unequivocally answer this question. This is a person capable of creating conditions for development. creativity, develop students' desire for creative perception of knowledge, teach them to think independently, independently formulate questions for themselves in the process of studying the material, more fully realize their needs, increase motivation to study subjects, encourage their individual inclinations and talents. The modern teacher is in constant creative search, as well as in search of an answer to the urgent problematic question "what to teach schoolchildren?" The modern teacher combines love for work and for students, knows how not only to teach children, but he is also able to learn from his students. The modern teacher should identify the most best qualities, inherent in the soul of every child, to encourage children to enjoy the acquired knowledge, so that, after graduating from school, they clearly understand their place in society and can work for its benefit, and are ready to participate in solving current and future problems of our society ... A modern teacher is a professional. The professionalism of a teacher is determined by his professional suitability; professional self-determination; self-development, that is, the purposeful formation of those qualities that are necessary for the performance of professional activities. Distinctive features modern teacher, teacher - master are constant self-improvement, self-criticism, erudition and high work culture. Professional growth of a teacher is impossible without a self-educational need. For a modern teacher, it is very important never to be satisfied with what has already been achieved, but it is imperative to go forward, because the work of a teacher is an excellent source for unlimited creativity. “Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to only what they think they can do. You can achieve a lot more. You just have to believe in what you are doing ”(Mary Kay Ash). For a modern teacher, his profession is an opportunity for self-realization, a source of satisfaction and recognition. A modern teacher is a person who can smile and be interested in everything that surrounds him, because the school is alive, as long as the teacher in it is interesting to the child.

The main element of the educational process was and remains the lesson. What is the novelty of the second generation standard and the modern lesson?

The authoritarian style of communication between teacher and student is gradually overcome. The nature of the relationship between the participants in the educational process is of great importance. The positive nature of the relationship stimulates the cognitive activity of students, increases its effectiveness.The teacher in the lesson must combine exactingness towards students with the manifestation of pedagogical tact, respect and sensitivity to children.

Currently, the teacher acts more as an instructor, mentor , takes the position of a curator, manager. The student becomes an active participant in the educational process, and not a passive listener. It is necessary to strengthen the motivation for learning, to show that school knowledge is not about obtaining knowledge abstracted from life, but the necessary preparation for life, its recognition, the search for useful information and the skills to apply it in real life.

Using the table, considercharacteristics of the main changes in the activities of a teacher working according to federal state educational standards.

Subject of change

Under professional competence in relation to teaching activities the integral characteristic of the personality and professionalism of a teacher is understood, which determines his ability to effectively solve professional problems arising in pedagogical activity in specific real situations. At the same time, the teacher has to use his knowledge, skills, experience, life values ​​and moral guidelines, his interests and inclinations

The main competencies of a modern teacher:

    To be able to study together with students, independently closing their "educational holes".

    Be able to plan and organize independent activities of students (help the student to determine goals and educational results in the language of skills / competencies).

    Be able to motivate students, including them in a variety of activities, allowing them to develop the required competencies;

    To be able to "stage" the educational process, using various forms of organization of activities and including different students in different types of work and activities, taking into account their inclinations, individual characteristics and interests.

    Be able to take the position of an expert in relation to the competencies demonstrated to students in different types activities and evaluate them using appropriate criteria.

    Be able to notice the student's inclinations and, in accordance with them, determine the most suitable educational material or activity.

    Possess project thinking and be able to organize a group project activities students and lead it.

    Possess an exploratory mindset, being able to organize research work learners and lead it.

    Use an assessment system that allows students to adequately assess their achievements and improve them.

    To be able to reflect on their activities and their behavior and be able to organize it among students in the course of training sessions.

    To be able to organize the conceptual work of students.

    To be able to conduct classes in a dialogue and discussion mode, creating an atmosphere in which students would like to express their doubts, opinions and points of view on the subject under discussion, discussing not only among themselves, but also with the teacher, accepting that their own point of view can also be questioned and criticized.

    Possess computer technologies and use them in the educational process.

Conceptual apparatus Competence (from Lat. Competentia - "belonging by right") - the terms of reference of any institution or person; the range of issues in which this person has knowledge, experience. (Large dictionary of foreign words) Competence - possession of knowledge that allows you to judge something, express a weighty, authoritative opinion. (Large dictionary of foreign words) Competence in education - the level of education. (OE Lebedev) Competence in pedagogy is the ability to act in a situation of uncertainty.

Levels of educational competencies: - key - refer to the general (metasubject) content of education; - general subject - refer to a certain range of academic subjects and educational areas; - subject - specific in relation to the two previous levels of competence, having a specific description and the possibility of forming within the framework of academic subjects. (A.V. Khutorsky)

The components of key competencies for a teacher are communicative competencies: orientation in social situations, determination of personal characteristics and emotional state of other people, selection of adequate ways of dealing with them and implementation of these methods in the process of interaction, distribution and concentration of attention, action in a public situation, attraction to oneself attention, the establishment of psychological contact, the culture of speech, - information competencies: the amount of knowledge and the ability to acquire them in the following areas: about yourself, about students and their parents, about the work experience of other teachers, in the scientific and methodological plane, as well as general outlook,

The components of key competencies for a teacher are regulatory competencies: goal-setting, planning, mobilization and sustainable activity in achieving results, assessment of performance results, reflection, - intellectual and pedagogical competence: a complex of intellectual-logical and intellectual-heuristic pedagogical competence (according to V. I. Andreev ), namely, analysis and synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization and concretization (intellectual and logical); generation of ideas, analogy, fantasy, overcoming the inertia of thinking, critical thinking (intellectual-heuristic),

The components of key competencies for a teacher are operational competence: a set of actions necessary for a teacher to carry out professional activities (that is, in fact, pedagogical skills) - prognostic, projective, methodological, organizational, pedagogical improvisation, expert actions.

Characteristics of professional competence 1. Effective use of individual abilities, allowing the fruitful implementation of professional activities. 2. Possession of professional knowledge, skills and abilities; flexibility in solving professional problems; developed cooperation with colleagues. 3. An integrated combination of knowledge, abilities and attitudes that are optimal for performing professional functions.

Competencies of a specialist in physical culture and sports: - general professional (general scientific and research competencies), corresponding to the level of a specialist with a university education; professionally focused on all major groups of areas of training and is associated with the solution of cognitive problems, the search for non-standard solutions; determines the fundamentality of education;

Industry-wide (educational and physical culture and sports competencies) related to the training of specialists in physical culture and sports, integrating educational (psychological and pedagogical) and physical culture and sports scientific and practical spheres; refers to orientation in general theoretical, socio-economic, organizational and management issues in the sphere of physical culture and sports and the educational field, to planning and organizing the work of the team, resource provision of activities, labor quality management system, etc .; provides polyprofessionalism, readiness to solve general professional tasks (the totality of them that a specialist with higher education in the field of physical culture and sports) and creates the basis for specialization;

Special (pedagogical, managerial, recreational competencies) related to professional functions a) a teacher of sports culture and a coach, b) a head of a physical culture and sports organization, an employee of physical culture and sports management bodies, c) a methodologist (instructor) in physical culture, an organizer in a sports committee , the municipality, at enterprises and organizations, in public physical culture and sports, youth and other organizations, in cultural and educational institutions d) a methodologist (instructor) in therapeutic physical culture as an implementer of the rehabilitation functions of specialists in physical culture and sports.

General professional competences General scientific - associated with orientation in general philosophical, socio-economic, cultural, historical, scientific and methodological issues. Research-related to the solution of cognitive tasks, the search for non-standard solutions, the collection and processing of information, etc., provide the ability to creative innovation

Industry-wide competences Educational: General theoretical - scientific area of ​​competence: history and philosophy of education, legal foundations of educational activities, management of educational systems, fundamentals of pedagogical activity, natural science foundations of pedagogical activity. General pedagogical - scientific area of ​​competence: principles, patterns, goals, content, teaching methods; principles, patterns, goals, content, methods of education; educational approaches and technologies. General psychological - scientific area of ​​competence: developmental psychology, psychology of activity, psychology of communication.

Industry-wide competencies Physical culture and sports: General theoretical - scientific area of ​​competence: history and sociology of physical culture and sports, economics and management of physical culture and sports, legal foundations of physical culture and sports Industry - scientific sphere of competence: theory of physical culture and sports, content and types of physical culture and sports activities , the scientific foundations of the school course, the fundamentals of educational activities in FC and S, pedagogy of FC and S, psychology of FC and S.

Special competences (pedagogical) Goal-setting: Orientational: imply orientation of students / pupils in moral values. Developmental: involves the development of thinking, imagination, skills, speech, etc. students. Mobilizing: activating the attention of students, developing their sustainable interest in learning, including in the lessons of physical culture and C. Informational: involves the search, selection and structuring of subject and methodological information.

Special competences (pedagogical) Organizational and structural: Constructive: include designing a lesson / training session, extracurricular activities, multilevel assignments, independent work of students, communication, etc. Organizational: the organization of information in the process of its preparation, activities and behavior of students. Communicative: include the establishment of constructive relationships and the organization of interaction between participants in the educational process. Gnostic: include research and diagnostics of individual students / pupils and the team, the levels of training and education of students, the levels of their physical development and sports fitness, etc., oneself as a subject of activity.

Special competences (recreational) Gnostic: imply enrichment of one's own knowledge about the methods and forms of physical recreation and rehabilitation. Communicative: include the establishment of constructive relationships between participants in physical education and recreational activities, creation of a favorable microclimate, motivation of a positive attitude of different groups of the population to active recreation. Design: provide for the long-term planning of strategic, tactical, operational tasks related to the organization of leisure for schoolchildren and the conduct of extracurricular and extracurricular physical education.

Special competences (recreational) Constructive: involves the selection and compositional construction of the content of physical culture and recreational activities, the choice of specific types and forms of organizing outdoor activities for different groups of the population, methods and methods of promoting healthy lifestyle and outdoor activities. Organizational: direct implementation of physical culture and recreational ideas.

Special competences (managerial) Design (related to the analysis, planning and forecasting of activities). Constructive (refer to the development and adoption of various management decisions, the implementation of specific professional actions). Mobilization (refer to the field of motivation and stimulation of the activities of subordinates, the team). Communicative (refer to the field of constructing business relationships and organizing connections with the external environment). Organizational (refer to rational organization activity, its control and coordination).

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