What types of teaching activities are basic. Testing teachers by category. The transformative function of pedagogical activity

Acquaintance with historical events native land, country, labor and military traditions

people, familiarity with state symbols, participation in socially useful

activities for the benefit of the state and society, the formation of political literacy,

the formation of legal competence, training in ways of intercultural cooperation is

directions civil-patriotic education.

6. Supplement (insert missing).

A complex and continuous process of forming life orientations, attitudes and beliefs,

tastes and needs of the individual, the complex impact of the educational process, team, personality

educator, social environment, moral and psychological climate in the family and educational institution -

this is moral upbringing.

7. Supplement (insert missing).

The leading activity in the educational program is cognitive

(educational) activities.

8. Supplement (insert missing).

The leading activity in the leisure program is playroom activity.

9. Choose the correct answer.

The principle of the involvement of children and adolescents in real socially significant relationships refers to

1.device and functioning of ECE;

2. the life of the preschool educational institution;

3.socialization of the individual in ECE center.

10. Choose the correct answer.

Complex social system characterized by the organic unity of the organization and

psychological community is:

1. educational system;

2. public association;


Development stages of temporary children's collective(according to A.N. Lutoshkin):

1. "Soft clay" - 2;

2. "Scarlet Sail" - 4;

3. "Burning torch" - 5;

4. "Shimmering Beacon" - 3;

5. "Sand placer" - 1.

12. Supplement (insert missing).

A theoretically grounded system of pedagogical views, ideas that opens the way

achievement of the educational goal and determines the content, forms and methods of educational

activities are concept (system of) education.

13. Supplement (insert missing).

The form of organizing the life of the team, which is based on the activity and

the responsibility of team members, their ability to make and implement decisions that meet

the tasks of team development is self management.

14. Supplement (insert missing).

The joint management activity of teachers and students is co-management.

15. Supplement (insert missing).

A leader is a person who has a high authority among colleagues, friends, comrades and others by virtue of

his personal, spiritual, organizational, professional and other qualities that distinguish him

among the rest of the people.

16. Choose the correct answer.

Highlight the most important function of the family in the field of education:

1. reproductive;

2. culturological;

3. transmission of tradition and social continuity.

17. Fill in the missing

The concept of children of "risk group" should mean children with manifestations of social and

psychological and pedagogical maladjustment (neglect).

18. Establish a correspondence between the main types of training programs implemented in UDOD:

By age 9 1 Orientation, fundamental, applied, informational 1
By floor 8 2 General cultural, in-depth, vocational guidance
By implementation duration 7 3 Heuristic, algorithmic, research, creative
By forms of implementation 6 4 Profile and multidisciplinary
By type of activity 5 5Art, technical, ecological and biological, tourism and local history, school of early development
By educational area 4 6 Group, individual
By implementation methods 3 7 One-year, two-year, etc.
By mastery levels 2 8 Boys, girls, mixed
By line of business 1 9 Preschoolers, students of primary, basic, high school, teenagers

19. To fill in the missing.

Children's independence is the need and ability of a child without outside help.

make personal decisions, translate them into reality and bear for them about responsibility.

20. To fill in the missing

Gender identity - the child's perception of his sexual accessories.

General methodological bases of activity

1. Supplement (insert the missing word).

Effective behavioral methods of pedagogical diagnostics include:

1. situations (natural and artificial);

2. sociometry;

3. discussion;

4. analysis of interaction;

5. observation.

2. Choose the correct answer.

Personally and socially significant content of collective creative affairs (KTD), according to

1. love;

2. mutual trust;

3. respect;


5. honesty.

3. Choose the correct answer.

Imaginary or real activity purposefully organized in a team of pupils

for the purpose of recreation, entertainment, education is:

1. event;

2. collective action;

3.the game.

4. Supplement (insert the missing word).

The prerequisites for the preparation and conduct of key cases in UDOD are:
1. collective development;

2. collective planning;

3. collective performance;
4.collective analysis of results.

5. Establish correspondence between indicators and monitoring criteria personal development child in the process of mastering the additional educational program:

6. Establish correspondence between indicators and performance monitoring criteria

teaching a child on an additional educational program

Theoretical knowledge The ability to cook your own workplace and clean it up after yourself, compliance with safety rules, accuracy and responsibility in work
Proficiency in special terminology Adequacy of information perception, independence in the construction of a discussion presentation, logic in the construction of evidence
Practical skills and abilities provided by the program Independence in the selection and analysis of literature, in the use of computer sources of information, in educational and research work
Possession of special equipment and equipment. Creativity in execution practical assignments
Creative skills No difficulty in using Special equipment and equipment
Educational and intellectual skills Compliance of practical skills and abilities with program requirements
Educational and communication skills The meaningfulness and correctness of the use of special terminology
Educational and organizational skills and abilities Compliance of the theoretical skills of the child with the program requirements
7. Establish a correspondence between structural elements and their content. Additional educational program.
Title page - 5 List of sources on general pedagogy, methodology, didactics, general and age-related pedagogy, teaching aids, etc.
Explanatory note - 4 Short description themes
Academic - thematic plan - 6 - Forms of classes for each topic or section - Methods and methods of organizing EPD, didactic material, Technical equipment of classes - Forms of summing up on each topic or section
Content of the studied course - 2 - Focus - Relevance - Goals and objectives - Distinctive features from other programs - Age of children - Duration educational process, stages - Forms and mode of training - Expected results and methods of their verification - Forms of summing up
Methodological support - 3 - The name of the educational institution - Where, when and by whom the program was approved - The name of the program - The age of the children - The duration of the program - Full name author, position - Name of the settlement - Year of development
References - 1 - List of sections, topics - Number of hours for each topic, broken down into theoretical and practical classes

8. Establish a correspondence between the type and content.

10. Choose four correct answers.

To the methods of organizing the life of the children's collective, according to the classification of B.T. Likhachev,


1.collective game;

2.collective competition;

3. persuasion;

4.collective perspective;
5.collective self-service;

6. Introspection.

11. Establish the correct sequence.

Determine the sequence of steps for preparing and conducting educational activities:

1. pedagogical analysis - 6;

2. preliminary preparation - 4;

3. creating a psychological mood - 3;

4. carrying out - 5;

5. definition of the goal and objectives - 1;
6. choice of form, genre, name - 2.

12. Supplement (insert missing word).

The form of the organization of the educational process, limited by a time frame, implying

training of children specially organized by the teacher (transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities to

specific subject), as a result of which the assimilation of this knowledge by children occurs,

the formation and development of skills and abilities is an educational class.

14. Establish correspondence between concepts and definitions.

Levels of mastering educational programs.

15. Choose the correct answer.

Diagnostics of good breeding is an evaluative procedure aimed at identifying:
1.personality traits;

2. characteristics of the environment in which the personality was brought up;
3. interests of the individual.

16. Add the correct answer.

Diagnostics can be: initial, current and final.

17. Add the correct answer.

The formed system of value relationships of the child's personality to himself, to others, to
the surrounding world is personal growth. (self-esteem)

18. Choose the correct answer.

Effective methods for studying the formation of a children's team are:

1. methodology "Proverbs" (SM Petrova);

2.the methodology "What is our team" (AN Lutoshkin);

3. test "Thinking about life experience" (NE Shchurkova).

19. To fill in the missing.

The main groups of methods of pedagogical diagnostics:

1. ascertaining;

2. estimated;

3. productive;

4 ... behavioral.

20. Choose the correct answer.

An effective method for studying the development of a child's personality is:
1.methods of studying personal growth (IV Kuleshova, DV Grigoriev, PV Stepanov);
2. test "Thinking about life experience" (NE Shchurkova);
3. methodology for studying good breeding (N.E. Shchurkova).

21. Choose the correct answer.

A method for studying objects and phenomena using their conditional samples and analogues

defined as:

1. modeling;

2. design;

3. forecasting.

22. Choose the correct answer.

A set of actions, operations and procedures that provide a guaranteed

getting the predicted result is:

1. technology;

2. technique.

23. Fill in what is missing.

Educator additional education can work:

1.according to the standard program,

2. according to the modified program,

3.for the experimental program

24. Fill in what is missing.

Approval, praise, gratitude, reward, responsible assignment, kiss of a loved one,
moral support in a difficult situation, the manifestation of trust and admiration - all this
methods encouragement.

25. Choose the correct answer.

Persuasion methods are aimed at the rational sphere of the child, stimulating methods -

on the emotional, and the methods of organizing life - on the ... sphere:


2. moral;

3. value-based.

26. Choose four correct answers.

Methods for stimulating children's activity include:
1.the game;

2.encouragement and praise;
3. notation and moralizing;
4.problem-search situations;
5.alternation of types of children's activities.

27. Fill in what is missing.

The methods of organizing educational and cognitive activities include:

1. perceptual methods;

2. verbal methods;

3. practical methods;

4. logical methods;

5. research methods;

6.reproductive methods.

28. Choose five correct answers.

The choice of upbringing methods is determined by:
1.the goals and objectives of education;
2.age characteristics of pupils;

3.individual and personal characteristics of the pupils;
4. availability of material resources;
5.the level of qualifications of the teacher;
6.foreseeing the results of applying the method.

29. Fill in what is missing.

The forms of training sessions for children's associations of additional education can be
in the form of classroom lessons (in the classroom) and extracurricular activities (hiking, excursions).

30. Fill in the missing

To the most common forms of mass educational work of a children's association
additional education includes concerts, competitions and Exhibitions (personal,
thematic, summary, etc.).

Supra-subject module

1. Establish the correct sequence of regulatory legal acts in the hierarchy, starting

from the act of greatest legal force:
4. Model regulation on a general education institution.

1 ... Convention on the Rights of the Child.

3 ... Order of the Ministry of Defense of Russia "On approval of the Regulations on obtaining general education in the form

external studies ”(registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia).

2 ... RF Law "On Education".

2. Choose the correct answer:

Is it permissible to carry out various forms of verification when admitting a child to study in the 1st grade

his readiness to study in a particular school?

1.admissible for admission to an advanced school;

2. is acceptable in the form of testing;

3. is permissible by decision of the Council of the institution;

4. unacceptable.

3. Choose the correct answer:

When a student is expelled from a general education institution for repeated rude

violation of the statutes of the institution requires consent:

1. the founder;

2. the education administration body;

3. commissions for juvenile affairs and protection of their rights;

4. school self-government bodies.

4. Choose the correct answer:

Legal act regulating social and labor relations in the organization and concluded

workers and employer is called:

1. an employment contract;

2.collective agreement;

3. a bilateral agreement;

4. labor agreement.

5. Choose the correct answer:

The standardized part of the working time of a pedagogical worker includes:
1.organization and implementation of methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance to parents

(legal representatives) of students (pupils);
2. fulfillment of duties related to participation in the work of pedagogical and methodological councils;

3.organization and conduct of optional classes;

4. on duty at the institution during the educational process in order to ensure order and

disciplines during study time.

6. Choose the correct answer:

For violation of the requirements of legislative and other normative acts on labor protection to an employee

the following disciplinary sanctions may apply:

1. reprimand, dismissal, criminal liability;

2.remark, reprimand, dismissal;

3. remark, reprimand, financial responsibility;

4. reprimand, dismissal, criminal liability.

7. Choose the correct answer:

Working hours of all employees of an educational institution during the vacation period

is set:

1. by the decision of the municipal educational authority;
2. local acts of the institution;

3. by the decision of the pedagogical council of the educational institution;
4. by the decision of the public authorities of the educational institution.

8. Choose the correct answer:

Activities of state, municipal educational institutions of additional

children's education is regulated by:
1.by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation;
2.standard regulations on the institution of additional education for children;
3. by the order of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
4. the founder.

9. Choose the correct answer:

During the vacation period, teaching staff:

1.can be involved in performing household work that does not require special knowledge;

2.carry out pedagogical, methodological, and organizational work related to

implementation of the educational program, within the normalized part of their working time,

defined by him before the start of the holidays;

3.in accordance with the order of the director of the educational institution,

to perform one-time work on the basis of this educational institution

4. are engaged in improving their qualifications outside the walls of an educational institution.

10. Choose the correct answer:

Upon admission to an educational institution, the administration is obliged to introduce the child and his

parents with:

1. job descriptions of teachers who will teach the child;
2.The charter of the educational institution;
3. collective bargaining agreement,
4. internal labor regulations.

11. Choose the correct answer:

The study load, the mode of classes in an educational institution is determined by:
1. by the decision of the Council of the educational institution;

2.The charter of the educational institution on the basis of recommendations agreed with the authorities

health care;
3. the schedule of training sessions;

4. SanPinami.

12. Choose the correct answer:

Guarantees and compensation for teachers who combine work with training,

are provided subject to the following conditions:

1.when receiving an education of the corresponding level for the first time ;

2. upon receiving education in accordance with the position held;

3. with the consent of the head of the educational institution;

4. if it is regulated by the provisions of the collective agreement of the educational institution.

II. Pedagogy

1. Choose the correct answer.

The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of educational

institution is:

1. educational program;

2. curriculum;

3. state educational standard;

4. Law "On Education".

2. Choose the correct answer.

A source of educational information that discloses in a form accessible to students

the content provided by educational standards is:

1. textbook;

2. curriculum;

3. training program;

4. workbook.

3. Choose the correct answer.

Priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures

assumes the principle:

1.the principle of fundamentalization;

2. the principle of variability of education;

3. the principle of advanced education;

4. the principle of completeness of education.

4. Choose the correct answer.

Methods of activity applicable both in the educational process and in solving

problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several

or all academic subjects are:

1. personal results;

2. subject results;

3. metasubject results.

5. Choose the correct answer.

The method of orderly interconnected activities of the teacher and students, directed

for solving educational problems is:

1.methodical reception;

2. rule;



6. Choose the correct answer.

The principle ensuring the unity of general, special and additional education in all

types of educational institutions are:

1. The principle of openness;

2. The principle of variability of education;

3. The principle of advanced education;

4. The principle of completeness of education.

7. Choose the correct answer.

Possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, design learning process,

step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results - this is;

1.the effectiveness of pedagogical technology;

2. reproducibility of pedagogical technology;

3. controllability of pedagogical technology;

4. conceptuality of pedagogical technology.

8. Choose the correct answer:

Law-like pedagogical activity, implementing a scientifically grounded project

didactic process and possessing a high degree of efficiency, reliability,

guaranteed result is:


2. technique;

3. technology;

9. Choose the correct answer:

The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in accordance with human nature is:

1.the principle of cultural conformity;

2. the principle of individualization;

3. the principle of being different;

4. the principle of personal orientation.

10. Choose the correct answer:

Among the listed types of pedagogical activities, the basic ones include:

1. design;

2. research;

3. organizational and methodological work;

4. pedagogical communication.

11. Choose the correct answer:

A tool that has the potential to improve the performance of the educational system when

appropriate use is:

1. innovation;

2. innovation;

3. innovation;

4. technology.

12. Choose the correct answer:

Purposeful change, introducing new stable elements into the implementation environment,

as a result of which the system transitions from one state to another is:

1. innovation;

2. innovation;

3. technology;


III. Psychology.

1. Choose the correct answer.

The main line of relations for the social situation of development junior student is an:

1. child - parents;
2. child is a teacher;
3. child - peers;
4. child - educator.

2. Choose the correct answer

The main line of relationships for the social situation of adolescent development:

1. child - educator;

2. the child is a teacher;

3. child - parents;

4. child - peers;

5. the child is the closest environment.

3. Choose four correct answers.

The motives behind bad behavior in adolescents are:

1. power;

2. revenge;

3. to attract attention;
4. avoidance of failure;

5. hooliganism.

4. Choose three correct answers.

The features of communication between a teenager and adults include:

1.resistance in relation to previously fulfilled requirements of adults;
2. striving for close emotional contact, confidential communication;
3.active defense of their rights to independence;
4.attempts to limit the claims of adults in relation to themselves.

5. Choose the correct answer.

Activities resulting in the creation of new material and spiritual values

is an:

1. creation;

3. creation;

4. training.

6. Choose the correct answer.

The level of creative giftedness, the ability to create, constituting a relatively stable

personality characteristics are:
2. learning ability;
3. developmental ability;
4. tolerance.

7. Choose three correct answers.

Working with gifted children requires:
1.lessons on an individual schedule;
2. small size working groups;
3. education of leadership qualities;

4. preparation for professional activity.

8. Choose the correct answer.

The parameters of creativity are:

1.the ability to detect and pose a problem;
2. the ability to generate a large number of ideas;
3. the ability to analyze and synthesize;
4. all answers are correct

9. Choose the correct answer.

The behavioral problems of gifted children are manifested in the form of:
1.asocial behavior;
2. aggressiveness;
3. depressive state;
4.all answers are correct.

10. Choose the correct answer.

Verbal means of communication include:

2. facial expressions;


4. pantomime;
5. eye contact.

11. Choose four correct answers.

Non-verbal means of communication include:

1. gestures;

2. facial expressions;

4. pantomime;

5. eye contact.

11. Choose the correct answer.

Conflict is:

1. collision of opposing positions based on oppositely directed motives

or judgments;

2. confrontation of the parties;

3. rivalry aimed at achieving victory in the dispute;

4. dispute, discussion on an acute problem.

12. Choose the correct answer.

Conflict genes are:
1. manifestations of the conflict;

2.words, actions (or inaction) that can lead to a conflict;
3. the causes of the conflict due to the social status of the individual;
4. personality states that occur after the resolution of the conflict.

13. Choose the correct answer.

Behavior strategies in conflict are:
1.compromise, criticism, struggle;
2.concession, withdrawal, cooperation;
3. struggle, withdrawal, persuasion;
4. cooperation, consensus, concession.

14. Choose the correct answer.

The technology of effective communication in conflict allows:
1. to convince the opponent that he is right;
2. to achieve superiority in the dispute;

3. to reach an agreement even at the cost of a serious concession from the opponent;
4.achieve mutual understanding and mutual empathy with the opponent.

15. Choose three correct answers.

Difficulties arising in the relationship between a teacher and a gifted child are manifested in:

1.decrease in the teacher's self-esteem;

2.psychological unwillingness of the teacher to accept the fact of the child's giftedness;
3.lack of professionalism of the teacher;
4. " exploitation "of a gifted child.


1. Choose the correct answer

Practicing military-applied sports refers to:
1.extracurricular activities;

2. compulsory training;

3. voluntary training;

4. special training.

2. Choose the correct answer

Property the environment, which, under specific conditions, can lead to negative

the consequences are called:

1.about danger;

2. risk;

3. a threat; 4. disaster.

3. Choose two correct answers.

UN experts refer to the basic vital interests of the individual as:
1. social security;

2. life expectancy;

3. availability of information;

4. well-being;

5. spiritual well-being.

4. Choose the correct answer

Maximum penalty for falsely reporting a threat

terrorist act:

1. reprimand;

2. a monetary fine;

3. forced labor;

4.administrative arrest;

5.deprivation of liberty .

5. Choose the correct answer.

The severity of an accident is determined by the presence of:

1. explosions and fires;

2. floods;

3.death of people;

6. Choose the correct answer.

When a fire alarm is declared, the teacher leaves the office:

1. first;


3. remains in the office;

4. awaiting instructions from the director;

5. waiting for the arrival of firefighters.

7. Choose the correct answer.

In the event of a "storm warning", you should not:

1.Tightly close windows and doors;

2. turn off the gas, extinguish possible sources of fire;

3.turn off the radio;

4. Take cover indoors.

8. Choose the correct answer.

Causes of occurrence infectious diseases:

1. viruses and bacteria;

2. a cold;

3. overwork;

4. all of the above.

9. Choose the correct answer.

The earliest signs of fatigue are:

1. complaints of the child about fatigue;

2. passivity and unwillingness to switch to extraneous activities;

3. redness or paleness of the face;

4. an increase in physical activity and the number of errors in work.

10. Choose the correct answer

For abdominal pain, you should:

1. urgently consult a surgeon;

2. apply a heating pad and take no-shpu;

3. drink a glass of warmed milk;

4. wash out the stomach.

11. Choose the correct answer.

With loss of consciousness and preserved breathing, you should:

1. warm up and give strong sweet tea;

2. start a closed heart massage;

3. call the neurological team,

4. to carry out all the listed activities.

12. Choose the correct answer.

With the appearance of pain in the region of the heart, pallor of the face, sweat on the face, you should:
1. to put the patient with the head up and give valerian;

2. do a light massage of the neck area;

3. give validol or nitroglycerin and lay down,

4. Give Corvalol and take it to the clinic.

13. Choose the correct answer.

The situation in a certain territory or water area, which has developed as a result of the occurrence

a source of natural emergency that may or has resulted in

loss of life, damage to human health and (or) the environment, significant
material losses and violation of the living conditions of people are called:

1. extreme situation;

2. emergency ;

3. geopathogenic zone;

4. the exclusion zone.

14. Choose the correct answer

Ambulance health care citizens of the Russian Federation are provided with:

1.with a medical policy;

2. if the place of registration and the data of the medical policy match;

3. to all citizens, regardless of registration on a paid basis;

4. for all citizens, regardless of registration, free of charge ;

5. Free only for citizens of the Russian Federation.

15. Choose the correct answer

If there is panic in a crowd of protesters, do not:

3. get rid of the scarf and tie;

4. park your car near the rally .

Pedagogy test
for certified teachers

Choose the correct answer

  1. The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of an educational institution is
    1. Educational program.
    2. Syllabus.
    3. State educational standard.
    4. Education Act".
2. A source of educational information that discloses the content provided for by educational standards in an accessible form for students is:
  1. Textbook.
  2. Syllabus.
  3. Training program.
  4. Workbook.
3. The regulatory framework for the creation of working curricula by general educational institutions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics and conditions of their functioning, is:
  1. Education Act".
  2. National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation
  3. Basic curriculum.
  4. State educational standard.
4. The system of value attitudes of students formed in the educational process is:
  1. Personal results
  2. Metasubject results
  3. Subject results
5. Methods of activity that are applicable both within the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, are:
  1. Personal results
  2. Metasubject results
  3. Subject results
6. Stable, objective, essential links between the sides of the pedagogical process, social and pedagogical phenomena, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of education and training, pedagogical practice are built. - this is
  1. Pedagogical technologies
  2. Pedagogical rules
  3. Pedagogical patterns
  4. Pedagogical principles.
7. The fundamental basis of pedagogical activity based on a certain concept is:
  1. Strategy
  2. An approach
  3. Technology
  4. Methodology
8. Priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures presupposes the principle:
  1. Fundamentalization principle
  2. The principle of variability in education
  3. The principle of anticipatory education
  4. The principle of completeness of education.
9. The inclusion in the content of education of the types of activities of students for its development is a reflection of:
  1. The principle of the structural unity of the content of education at various levels of community and at the interdisciplinary level
  2. The principle of the unity of the content and procedural-activity aspects of training
  3. The principle of accessibility and conformity to nature of the content of education
  4. The principle of taking into account social conditions and the needs of society
  1. The need for the exchange of cultural experience between generations is the basis for:
  1. Informational function of pedagogical activity
  2. Demonstration function of pedagogical activity
  1. The requirement for the standard of actions of the teacher, broadcasting cultural images to other people, forms the basis:
  1. The transformative function of pedagogical activity
  2. Informational function of pedagogical activity
  3. The communicative function of pedagogical activity
  4. Demonstration function of pedagogical activity
  1. Pedagogical support refers to the types of pedagogical activities called:
    1. Organizational and pedagogical
    2. Correctional(psychological)
    3. Methodical
  1. Pedagogical diagnostics refers to the types of pedagogical activities called:
    1. Methodical
    2. Creative and pedagogical
    3. Organizational and pedagogical
    4. Directly pedagogical
  1. The method of orderly interrelated activity of the teacher and students aimed at solving educational problems is:
  1. Methodical reception
  2. The rule
  3. Method
  4. Technology
15. The principle that ensures the unity of general, special and additional education in all types of educational institutions is:
1. The principle of openness
2. The principle of variability of education
3. The principle of advanced education
4. The principle of completeness of education

16. The possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results is
1. The effectiveness of pedagogical technology
2. Reproducibility of pedagogical technology
3. Controllability of pedagogical technology
4. Conceptuality of pedagogical technology

17. Law-like pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically grounded project of the didactic process and has a high degree of efficiency, reliability, guaranteed result is
1. Approach
2. Technique
3. Technology
4. Method

18. The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in accordance with human nature is:

  1. The principle of cultural conformity
  2. The principle of individualization
  3. The principle of nature
  4. The principle of personal orientation
19. Writing guidelines for organizing and conducting business games belongs to a group of pedagogical tasks called:
  1. Typical
  2. Creative
  3. Non-standard
  4. Improvised
20. Among the listed types of teaching activities, service activities include:
  1. Teaching
  2. Study
  3. Pedagogical communication
  4. Upbringing
21. Among the listed types of pedagogical activity, the basic ones include:
  1. Design
  2. Study
  3. Organizational and methodological work
  4. Pedagogical communication
22. A tool that has the potential to improve the performance of the educational system when used appropriately is:
  1. Innovation
  2. Innovation
  3. Innovation
  4. Technology

23. In the classification of teaching methods, verbal, visual and practical methods are distinguished according to:

  1. Leading source of knowledge.
  2. The nature of the mental activity of students.
  3. Leading didactic goal.
  4. The logic of reasoning.
24. The software and methodological complex "Information culture" as an element of the content of general secondary education refers to:
  1. General theoretical level
  2. Subject level
  3. Level of educational material
  4. The level of the learning process
25. A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, as a result of which the system transitions from one state to another is:
  1. Innovation
  2. Innovation
  3. Technology
  4. Experiment
26. To match the criterion of the correctness of a pedagogical action with its essence: 27. Match the type of competence of a pedagogical worker with its parameter:
Informational - 1 1. Ability to formulate educational problems in various information and communication ways
Legal - 4 2. The quality of the employee's actions, ensuring the effective construction of direct and feedback with another person
Communicative - 2 3. The use of methodological ideas, new literature and other sources of information in the field of competence and teaching methods to build modern classes with students (pupils, children)
Professional - 3 4. The quality of the employee's actions, ensuring the effective use in professional activities of legislative and other regulatory legal documents of the authorities to solve relevant professional tasks

28. Matchthe name of the approach to the design of educational programs and its essence
29. Match the teaching method and the corresponding didactic goal
30. Assign the evaluation function to its characteristics
31. To put in line with the methodological requirement for pedagogical technology its content:

Reproducibility - 4 1. Optimal cost, guarantee of achievement a certain level results
Controllability - 3 2. Philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-psychological justification for achieving educational goals
Conceptuality - 2 3. Possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, design of the educational process, diagnostics, variation of means and methods in order to correct the result
Efficiency - 1 4. The possibility of using pedagogical technology in other institutions, by other subjects
32. Match the form of education with its characteristics:

33. Match the aspect of the content of the pedagogical idea and its essence:

Socio-practical aspect - 2 1. Correlation of an idea with certain attitudes, individual individuals, groups of people (communities) or society as a whole, compliance with socio-cultural norms
Value-semantic aspect - 1 2. Generalized characteristics of subjects of pedagogical activity, regional and cultural-historical characteristics, temporal and spatial opportunities for the implementation of ideas, social, pedagogical, material and other conditions of education and upbringing
Activity aspect - 4 3. Mechanism for managing the functioning and development of an idea
Predictive aspect - 3 4. A way to implement an idea in practice

34. Match the educational approach and features of its application in the educational process
Activity - 1 1. Formation of personal qualities of students in activities adequate to the nature of this quality
Personality-oriented - 3 2. Formation of an "active person", a subject of action, concentration on the basic values ​​of social groups that are most significant for a certain type of society
Sociocultural - 2 3. Modeling the pedagogical conditions for the actualization and development of personal experience
Hermeneutic - 4 4. Creation of conditions for entry into the world of feelings of another person, into a text, into a situation in order to understand their original meaning

35. Match the teaching method and the specifics of its implementation
36. Assign the name of the textbook components to its essential characteristics
Informative component - 2 1. Focuses on general educational, subject-cognitive and practical actions
Reproductive component - 1 2. Presented with the help of verbal and symbolic presentation, as well as illustrations (vocabulary, facts, laws, methodological and evaluative knowledge)
Creative component - 4 3. Reflects worldview, moral, practical and labor, ideological, aesthetic and other directions
Emotional value component - 3 4. Is set using problem statement, problematic questions and tasks

37. Match type of pedagogical analysis and its main task:
Didactic type of lesson analysis - 4 1. Evaluation of the final result of the lesson by comparing the planned with the implemented, taking into account the success and progress of students
Methodical type of analysis - 2 2. Studying and evaluating the activities of teachers and students through subject content
Psychological type of analysis - 3 3. Studying the teacher's style of work, the well-being of students at all stages of the lesson, the level of understanding and formation learning activities
Introspection - 1 4. Assessment of the representation in the lesson of the following categories: purpose, principles, logic of teaching materials, logic of the learning process, appropriateness of using teaching aids, student activity and effectiveness

38. Match the type of pedagogical experience and the characteristics of the corresponding level of professional pedagogical competence:
Personal experience - 4 1. Designing new educational norms, pronounced authorship in all components of the pedagogical system
Mass experience - 3 2. Orientation to pedagogical search within the framework of improving individual components of the pedagogical system
Excellence in Excellence - 2 3. Possession of the highest standards of technologies, techniques, techniques known in pedagogical science
Transformative Excellence - 1 4. Possession of the basics of the profession

39. Match the form of control of educational results and the target orientation of control:
Preliminary control - 2 1. Comprehensive verification of educational results in all key goals and areas of the educational process
Current control - 4
2. Determination and fixation of the initial level of training of the student, the knowledge he has, skills and abilities related to the upcoming activity
Periodic control - 3
3. Diagnosing the quality of the student's assimilation of the basics and relationships of the studied section, his personal educational increments in the previously identified areas
Final control - 1
4. Systematic verification and assessment of the student's educational results on specific topics in individual lessons

40. Assign to a group of methods the basis of their classification
Logical approach - 4
1. Informative, formation of skills and abilities, consolidation of ZUNs, checking ZUNs
The degree of activity of cognitive activity - 3 2. Information-generalizing, performing, explanatory-motivating and partial-search, motivating and search
Correlation between the activities of the teacher and students - 2 3. Explanatory-illustrative, problematic, heuristic, research
Didactic goal - 1 4. Inductive, deductive, analysis, synthesis

41. Establish a sequence levels of educational content as a pedagogical model of social experience in the logic of transition from theory to practice:

  1. General theoretical understanding level
  2. Subject level
  3. Level of teaching material
  4. Level of the learning process
  5. The level of the structure of the student's personality
42. Establish a sequence of teaching methods in the logic of increasing the degree of independence of students:
  1. Information-receptive method
  2. Reproductive method
  3. Problem statement method
  4. Partial search method
  5. Research method
43. Establish the sequence of stages of the organization of problem-based learning:
  1. Updating the knowledge and skills of students required to solve a problem situation
  2. Introduction of a problem situation
  3. Putting forward a hypothesis (projected result of solving a problem)
  4. Verification of the given solution
  5. Reflection
44. Establish a sequence of levels of presentation of the content of education in the order of its external manifestation
  1. Education content concept
  2. The content of education by levels and branches of education
  3. Content of training courses
  4. Content training course
  5. Content academic discipline inside course
45. Establish the correct sequence of stages of work with information during the analysis of the educational process:
  1. Formulating a request for the required information
  2. Development, formulation and adoption of general, agreed norms and criteria for assessing the educational process as a whole and its analyzed elements
  3. Organization of collection and processing of information
  4. Generalization and summarization of the results obtained, their self-assessment, preparation of conclusions for making decisions about changes in the educational process
  5. Self-examination and self-assessment of the results and progress of the analytical survey
46. ​​Establish a sequence of stages thematic planning training sessions:
  1. Studying the educational program of the training course
  2. Determination of the main blocks of the thematic plan
  3. Distribution of the total number of annual teaching hours by sections and topics of the course
  4. Scheduling training sessions within each block of the training course
  5. Final layout and design of the annual thematic plan

47. Establish the sequence of stages of the innovation process:

  1. Identifying the need for changes in areas of the educational process
  2. Identifying the need for changes in the subjects of the educational process
  3. Development of ways to solve problems (design innovation)
  4. Introduction and dissemination of innovation
  5. Transfer of innovations to the mode of permanent use4
48. Establish the sequence of elements of the structure of a creative lesson:
  1. Revealing personal experience and student attitudes towards the object under study
  2. Creation of an educational situation that motivates students to creative activity
  3. Performing creative work personally by each student (group of students)
  4. Demonstration of the results of creative activity, systematization of educational products of students, their comparison with cultural and historical analogues
  5. Reflection of one's own actions to solve a creative problem
49. Establish the sequence of elements of the teacher's speech with introspection of the lesson
  1. Brief description of the class, identification of groups of students with different levels of mastery of the program material
  2. Substantive characteristics of the topic of the lesson
  3. Justification of the goals of the lesson, the choice of its type and structure
  4. Highlighting the main stage of the lesson and its full analysis, based on real learning outcomes in the lesson
  5. Evaluation of the success of achieving the goals of the lesson, substantiation of indicators of real results and determination of prospects for improving their activities
50. Establish the sequence of stages of generalization of advanced pedagogical experience
  1. Organizational stage
  2. Theoretical search
  3. Accumulation and processing of actual material
  4. Assessment of factual material and decision making
  5. Propaganda, dissemination, implementation of experience

Choose the correct answer:

1) Normative document ensuring the implementation of state educational
standard taking into account regional (national) characteristics, type n type of educational
institutions, educational needs and requests of students (pupils) are:

1. Program for the development of an educational institution

2. The main educational program of an educational institution

3. Basic curriculum

4. Additional educational program

2) The system of value attitudes of students formed in the educational process -
this is:

1. Personal results

3. Subject results

3) The ability to plan your own activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation refers to:

1. Regulatory actions

2. Communicative actions

3. Cognitive actions

4. Personal actions

4) The ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, to act within the framework of moral norms refers to:

1. Regulatory actions

2. Communicative actions

3. Cognitive actions

4. Personal actions

5) The ability to carry out an advanced search for information using the resources of libraries and the Internet, exchange information in the educational process refers to:

1. Regulatory actions

2. Communicative actions

3. General educational activities

4. Personal actions

6) The basis for identifying the following types of training sessions: a lesson in setting an educational task, a lesson in transforming an educational task, a modeling lesson, a lesson in transforming a model, a lesson in building a system of specific practical problems, a lesson in control, an assessment lesson is:

1. The structure of educational activities

2. Techniques for enhancing cognitive interest

3. Ways of organizing communication

4 Techniques for the formation of educational skills

7) The principle that ensures the transition from an adaptive and reproductive model of education to an activity and transformative one is the principle:

1 Principle of complete education

2. The principle of variable education

3. The principle of advanced education

4. The principle of developmental education

8) Activities to transform educational practice through the creation, distribution and development of new educational systems or their components are:

1. Pedagogical activity

2. Innovative activity

3. Design and research activities

4. Expert and analytical activities

9) The construction of developing educational processes within a certain age interval, creating conditions for the development of a child as a subject of activity, is:

1. Socio-pedagogical design

2. Pedagogical design

3. Psychological and pedagogical design

4. Didactic design

10) A tool that has the potential to improve the performance of the educational system when used appropriately is:

1. Innovation

2. Innovation

3. Innovation

4. Technology

11) A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, as a result of which the system transitions from one state to another, is:

1. Innovation

2. Innovation

3. Technology

4. Experiment


12) Match the type of innovative activity (design, research, educational) to its characteristics -

design - aimed at developing special, instrumental and technological knowledge about.
how based scientific knowledge under the given conditions, it is necessary to act in order to get that. what
may or should be ("innovative project")

research - aimed at gaining new knowledge about how something can be
("Discovery") and about that. how something can be done ("invention")

educational - aimed at the professional development of subjects of a certain practice, at
the formation of everyone's personal knowledge (experience) about that. what and how should they do to
an innovative project was embodied in practice ("implementation")

13) Put in line with the backbone principle modern education(principle
advanced education, the principle of completeness of education, the principle of variability, the principle
fundamentalization) its content:

The principle of completeness of education is the unity of general, special and additional education in
all types of educational institutions

The principle of advanced education is the priority development of the education sector against the background of others
socio-economic structures

The principle of variability is the unity of diversity that allows each person to choose and
develop your own position, your own educational trajectory

Fundamentalization Principle - Formation holistic picture the world adequate to the idea
interdisciplinary knowledge systems

14) Match the educational approach (system-activity; personaloriented: project: sociocultural), the peculiarity of its application in educational process:

System-activity - involves the development of the student's personality based on the system
universal ways of doing

Design - assumes perfect design and practical implementation, as well as
reflexive correlation of the concept and the consequences of its implementation

Sociocultural - involves the formation of socially significant competencies and
concentration on the basic values ​​of social groups that are most significant for a particular type

Personality-oriented - involves modeling the pedagogical conditions of actualization
and personal experience development

15) Match the teaching method (reproductive: problem statement: explanatory-illustrative: research) the peculiarity of its implementation:

Explanatory and illustrative - the teacher communicates information, the students perceive it

Reproductive - The learner follows the teacher's model

Problem presentation - The teacher poses a problem to the students and shows the way to itsolutions: learners follow the logic of solving the problem, get a sample of the deployment of knowledge

Research - Independent search activity of students (practical or theoretical)

Set sequence:

16) Establish a sequence of design stages in education:

1. Model

2. Motivational

3. Reflexive expert

4. Conceptual

5. Implementation

2, 4, 1, 5, 3 motivational, conceptual, model, implementation, reflexive-expert

17) Establish a sequence of teaching methods in the logic of increasing the degree of independence of students:

1. Reproductive method

2. Information-receptive method

3. Partial search method

4. The method of problem statement

5. Research method

2, 1, 4, 3, 5 information-receptive, reproductive, problem statement, partial search, research

18) Establish the sequence of components of the structure of educational activity in the logic of its formation:

1. Monitoring and evaluation actions

2. Cognitive need

3. Educational task

4. Educational and cognitive motive

5. Educational activities

2, 4, 3, 5, 1 cognitive need, educational-cognitive motive, educational task, educational actions, actions of control and assessment

19) Establish a sequence of developmental situations aimed at mastering the content and form of the leading activities of students:

1. Educational and project

2. Preschool game


4.Preschool educational

5.Educational and professional

6. Playroom

6, 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 play, preschool-play, preschool-educational, educational, educational-project, educational-professional

20) Establish the sequence of stages of the innovation process:

1. Identifying the need for changes in the subjects of the educational process

2. Identifying the need for changes in areas of the educational process

3. Development of ways to solve problems (design innovation)

4. Transfer of innovation to the mode of permanent use

5. Implementation and diffusion of innovation

2, 1, 3, 5, 4 identification of the need for changes, identification of the need for changes in subjects, development of solutions, implementation and distribution, transfer of innovation to the mode of permanent use

Pedagogy test

for certified teachers

Choose the correct answer

  1. The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of an educational institution is

    1. Educational program.

    2. Syllabus.

    3. Education Act".

2. A source of educational information that discloses the content provided for by educational standards in an accessible form for students is:

    1. Textbook.

    2. Syllabus.

    3. Training program.

    4. Workbook.

3. The regulatory framework for the creation of working curricula by general educational institutions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics and conditions of their functioning, is:

    1. Education Act".

    2. National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation

    3. Basic curriculum.

    4. State educational standard.

4. The system of value attitudes of students formed in the educational process is:

    1. Personal results

    2. Metasubject results

    3. Subject results

5. Methods of activity that are applicable both within the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, are:

    1. Personal results

    2. Metasubject results

    3. Subject results

6. Stable, objective, essential links between the sides of the pedagogical process, social and pedagogical phenomena, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of education and training, pedagogical practice are built. - this is

    1. Pedagogical technologies

    2. Pedagogical rules

    3. Pedagogical patterns

    4. Pedagogical principles.

7. The fundamental basis of pedagogical activity based on a certain concept is:

    1. Strategy

    2. An approach

    3. Technology

    4. Methodology

8. Priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures presupposes the principle:

    1. Fundamentalization principle

    2. The principle of variability in education

    3. The principle of anticipatory education

    4. The principle of completeness of education.

9. The inclusion in the content of education of the types of activities of students for its development is a reflection of:

    1. The principle of the structural unity of the content of education at various levels of community and at the interdisciplinary level

    2. The principle of the unity of the content and procedural-activity aspects of training

    3. The principle of accessibility and conformity to nature of the content of education

    4. The principle of taking into account social conditions and the needs of society

  1. The need for the exchange of cultural experience between generations is the basis for:

  1. The transformative function of pedagogical activity

  1. The requirement for the standard of actions of the teacher, broadcasting cultural images to other people, forms the basis:

  1. The transformative function of pedagogical activity

  2. Informational function of pedagogical activity

  3. The communicative function of pedagogical activity

  4. Demonstration function of pedagogical activity

  1. Pedagogical support refers to the types of pedagogical activities called:

    1. Correctional(psychological)

    2. Methodical

  1. Pedagogical diagnostics refers to the types of pedagogical activities called:

    1. Methodical

    2. Creative and pedagogical

    3. Organizational and pedagogical

    4. Directly pedagogical

  1. The method of orderly interrelated activity of the teacher and students, aimed at solving educational problems, is:

  1. Methodical reception

  2. The rule

  3. Method

  4. Technology

15. The principle that ensures the unity of general, special and additional education in all types of educational institutions is:

1. The principle of openness

2. The principle of variability of education

3. The principle of advanced education

4. The principle of completeness of education
16. The possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results is

1. The effectiveness of pedagogical technology

2. Reproducibility of pedagogical technology

3. Controllability of pedagogical technology

4. Conceptuality of pedagogical technology
17. Law-like pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically grounded project of the didactic process and has a high degree of efficiency, reliability, guaranteed result is

2. Technique

3. Technology

4. Method
18. The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in accordance with human nature is:

  1. The principle of cultural conformity

  2. The principle of individualization

  3. The principle of nature

  4. The principle of personal orientation

    1. Typical

    2. Creative

    3. Non-standard

    4. Improvised

20. Among the listed types of teaching activities, service activities include:

    1. Teaching

    2. Study

    3. Pedagogical communication

    4. Upbringing

21. Among the listed types of pedagogical activity, the basic ones include:

    1. Design

    2. Study

    3. Organizational and methodological work

    4. Pedagogical communication

22. A tool that has the potential to improve the performance of the educational system when used appropriately is:

  1. Innovation

  2. Innovation

  3. Innovation

  4. Technology

23. In the classification of teaching methods, verbal, visual and practical methods are distinguished according to:

  1. Leading source of knowledge.

  2. The nature of the mental activity of students.

  3. Leading didactic goal.

  4. The logic of reasoning.

24. The software and methodological complex "Information culture" as an element of the content of general secondary education refers to:

  1. General theoretical level

  2. Subject level

  3. Level of educational material

  4. The level of the learning process

25. A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, as a result of which the system transitions from one state to another is:

  1. Innovation

  2. Innovation

  3. Technology

  4. Experiment

26. To match the criterion of the correctness of a pedagogical action with its essence:

Success - 3


Thanks to this action, the achievement of the goal is facilitated or becomes possible.

Manufacturability - 2


The ability, based on the results of an action, to make a planned change with a high degree of probability

Usefulness - 1


Achievement of all specified goals in the most optimal way

Efficiency - 4


The results you want are achieved at the lowest cost

27. Match the type of competence of a pedagogical worker with its parameter:

Informational - 1


Ability to formulate educational problems in various information and communication ways

Legal - 4


The quality of the employee's actions that ensure effective construction of direct and feedback with another person

Communicative - 2


The use of methodological ideas, new literature and other sources of information in the field of competence and teaching methods to build modern classes with students (pupils, children)

Professional - 3


The quality of the employee's actions, ensuring the effective use in professional activities of legislative and other regulatory legal documents of the authorities to solve relevant professional tasks

28. Match the name of the approach to the design of educational programs and its essence

29. Match the teaching method and the corresponding didactic goal

30. Assign the evaluation function to its characteristics

31. To put in line with the methodological requirement for pedagogical technology its content:

Reproducibility - 4


Optimal cost, guarantee of achieving a certain level of results

Controllability - 3


Philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-psychological justification for achieving educational goals

Conceptuality - 2


Possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, design of the educational process, diagnostics, variation of means and methods in order to correct the result

Efficiency - 1


The possibility of using pedagogical technology in other institutions, by other subjects

32. Match the form of education with its characteristics:

33. Match the aspect of the content of the pedagogical idea and its essence:

Socio-practical aspect - 2


Correlation of an idea with certain attitudes, individual individuals, groups of people (communities) or society as a whole, compliance with socio-cultural norms

Value-semantic aspect - 1


Generalized characteristics of subjects of pedagogical activity, regional and cultural-historical characteristics, temporal and spatial opportunities for the implementation of ideas, social, pedagogical, material and other conditions of education and upbringing

Activity aspect - 4


Mechanism for managing the functioning and development of an idea

Predictive aspect - 3


A way to implement an idea in practice

34. Match the educational approach and features of its application in the educational process

Activity - 1


Formation of personal qualities of students in activities adequate to the nature of this quality

Personality-oriented - 3


Formation of an "active person", a subject of action, concentration on the basic values ​​of social groups that are most significant for a certain type of society

Sociocultural - 2


Modeling the pedagogical conditions for the actualization and development of personal experience

Hermeneutic - 4


Creation of conditions for entry into the world of feelings of another person, into a text, into a situation in order to understand their original meaning

35. Match the teaching method and the specifics of its implementation

Explanatory and illustrative - 4


Students' independent search activity (practical or theoretical)

Reproductive - 3


The teacher poses a problem to the children and shows the way to solve it; students follow the logic of solving the problem, receive a sample of the development of knowledge

Problematic presentation - 2


The student follows the teacher's example

Research - 1


The teacher communicates information, the students perceive it

36. Assign the name of the textbook components to its essential characteristics

Informative component - 2


Focuses on general educational, subject-cognitive and practical actions

Reproductive component - 1


Presented with the help of verbal and symbolic presentation, as well as illustrations (vocabulary, facts, laws, methodological and evaluative knowledge)

Creative component - 4


Reflects worldview, moral, practical and labor, ideological, aesthetic and other directions

Emotional value component - 3


Is set using problem statement, problematic questions and tasks

37. Match type of pedagogical analysis and its main task:

Didactic type of lesson analysis - 4


Evaluation of the final result of the lesson by comparing the planned with the implemented, taking into account the success and progress of students

Methodical type of analysis - 2


Studying and evaluating the activities of teachers and students through subject content

Psychological type of analysis - 3


Studying the teacher's style of work, the well-being of students at all stages of the lesson, the level of understanding and formation of educational activities

Introspection - 1


Assessment of the representation in the lesson of the following categories: purpose, principles, logic of teaching materials, logic of the learning process, appropriateness of using teaching aids, student activity and effectiveness

38. Match the type of pedagogical experience and the characteristics of the corresponding level of professional pedagogical competence:

Personal experience - 4


Designing new educational norms, pronounced authorship in all components of the pedagogical system

Mass experience - 3


Orientation to pedagogical search within the framework of improving individual components of the pedagogical system

Excellence in Excellence - 2


Possession of the highest standards of technologies, techniques, techniques known in pedagogical science

Transformative Excellence - 1


Possession of the basics of the profession

39. Match the form of control of educational results and the target orientation of control:

Preliminary control - 2


Comprehensive verification of educational results in all key goals and areas of the educational process

Current control - 4


Determination and fixation of the initial level of training of the student, the knowledge he has, skills and abilities related to the upcoming activity

Periodic control - 3


Diagnosing the quality of the student's assimilation of the basics and relationships of the studied section, his personal educational increments in the previously identified areas

Final control - 1


Systematic verification and assessment of the student's educational results on specific topics in individual lessons

Pedagogy test

for certified teachers

Choose the correct answer

  1. The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of an educational institution is
  1. Educational program.
  2. Syllabus.
  3. State educational standard.
  4. Education Act".

2. A source of educational information that discloses the content provided for by educational standards in an accessible form for students is:

  1. Textbook.
  2. Syllabus.
  3. Training program.
  4. Workbook.

3. The regulatory framework for the creation of working curricula by general educational institutions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics and conditions of their functioning, is:

  1. Education Act".
  2. National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation
  3. Basic curriculum.
  4. State educational standard.

4. The system of value attitudes of students formed in the educational process is:

  1. Personal results
  2. Metasubject results
  3. Subject results

5. Methods of activity that are applicable both within the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, are:

  1. Personal results
  2. Metasubject results
  3. Subject results

6. Stable, objective, essential links between the sides of the pedagogical process, social and pedagogical phenomena, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of education and training, pedagogical practice are built. - this is

  1. Pedagogical technologies
  2. Pedagogical rules
  3. Pedagogical patterns
  4. Pedagogical principles.

7. The fundamental basis of pedagogical activity based on a certain concept is:

  1. Strategy
  2. An approach
  3. Technology
  4. Methodology

8. Priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures presupposes the principle:

  1. Fundamentalization principle
  2. The principle of variability in education
  3. The principle of anticipatory education
  4. The principle of completeness of education.

9. The inclusion in the content of education of the types of activities of students for its development is a reflection of:

  1. The principle of the structural unity of the content of education at various levels of community and at the interdisciplinary level
  2. The principle of the unity of the content and procedural-activity aspects of training
  3. The principle of accessibility and conformity to nature of the content of education
  4. The principle of taking into account social conditions and the needs of society
  1. The need for the exchange of cultural experience between generations is the basis for:
  1. The requirement for the standard of actions of the teacher, broadcasting cultural images to other people, forms the basis:
  1. The transformative function of pedagogical activity
  2. Informational function of pedagogical activity
  3. The communicative function of pedagogical activity
  4. Demonstration function of pedagogical activity
  1. Pedagogical support refers to the types of pedagogical activities called:
  1. Correctional (psychological)
  2. Methodical
  1. Pedagogical diagnostics refers to the types of pedagogical activities called:
  1. Methodical
  2. Creative and pedagogical
  3. Organizational and pedagogical
  4. Directly pedagogical
  1. The method of orderly interrelated activity of the teacher and students, aimed at solving educational problems, is:
  1. Methodical reception
  2. The rule
  3. Method
  4. Technology

15. The principle that ensures the unity of general, special and additional education in all types of educational institutions is:

1. The principle of openness

2. The principle of variability of education

3. The principle of advanced education

4. The principle of completeness of education

16. The possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results is

1. The effectiveness of pedagogical technology

2. Reproducibility of pedagogical technology

3. Controllability of pedagogical technology

4. Conceptuality of pedagogical technology

17. Law-like pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically grounded project of the didactic process and has a high degree of efficiency, reliability, guaranteed result is

1. Approach

2. Technique

3. Technology

4. Method

18. The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in accordance with human nature is:

  1. The principle of cultural conformity
  2. The principle of individualization
  3. The principle of nature
  4. The principle of personal orientation
  1. Typical
  2. Creative
  3. Non-standard
  4. Improvised

20. Among the listed types of teaching activities, service activities include:

  1. Teaching
  2. Study
  3. Pedagogical communication
  4. Upbringing

21. Among the listed types of pedagogical activity, the basic ones include:

  1. Design
  2. Study
  3. Organizational and methodological work
  4. Pedagogical communication

22. A tool that has the potential to improve the performance of the educational system when used appropriately is:

  1. Innovation
  2. Innovation
  3. Innovation
  4. Technology

23. In the classification of teaching methods, verbal, visual and practical methods are distinguished according to:

  1. Leading source of knowledge.
  2. The nature of the mental activity of students.
  3. Leading didactic goal.
  4. The logic of reasoning.

24. The software and methodological complex "Information culture" as an element of the content of general secondary education refers to:

  1. General theoretical level
  2. Subject level
  3. Level of educational material
  4. The level of the learning process

25. A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, as a result of which the system transitions from one state to another is:

  1. Innovation
  2. Innovation
  3. Technology
  4. Experiment

26. To match the criterion of the correctness of a pedagogical action with its essence:

Success - 3

Thanks to this action, the achievement of the goal is facilitated or becomes possible.

Manufacturability - 2

The ability, based on the results of an action, to make a planned change with a high degree of probability

Usefulness - 1

Achievement of all specified goals in the most optimal way

Efficiency - 4

The results you want are achieved at the lowest cost

27. Match the type of competence of a pedagogical worker with its parameter:

Informational - 1

Ability to formulate educational problems in various information and communication ways

Legal - 4

The quality of the employee's actions that ensure effective construction of direct and feedback with another person

Communicative - 2

The use of methodological ideas, new literature and other sources of information in the field of competence and teaching methods to build modern classes with students (pupils, children)

Professional - 3

The quality of the employee's actions, ensuring the effective use in professional activities of legislative and other regulatory legal documents of the authorities to solve relevant professional tasks

28. Match the name of the approach to the design of educational programs and its essence

Linear - 2

Without losing sight of the original problem, the circle of knowledge related to it is expanded and deepened

Concentric - 1

Separate parts (portions) of the educational material are lined up sequentially one after another without duplicating the topics studied in different years of study.

Spiral - 3

It is possible to return to the same material in different periods of study, for example, after several years, providing for the complication and expansion of its content

29. Match the teaching method and the corresponding didactic goal

Cognitive method - 4

Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Control method - 3

Creative application of skills and abilities

Conversion method - 2

Revealing the quality of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, their correction

Systematizing method - 1

Perception, comprehension, memorization of new material

30. Assign the evaluation function to its characteristics

31. To put in line with the methodological requirement for pedagogical technology its content:

Reproducibility - 4

Optimal cost, guarantee of achieving a certain level of results

Controllability - 3

Philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-psychological justification for achieving educational goals

Conceptuality - 2

Possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, design of the educational process, diagnostics, variation of means and methods in order to correct the result

Efficiency - 1

The possibility of using pedagogical technology in other institutions, by other subjects

32. Match the form of education with its characteristics:

Individual - 4

Organization of joint activities of schoolchildren on various grounds

Frontal - 3

Interaction of the teacher with the class based on the division of labor and the principle of individual responsibility of each for the overall result

Collective - 2

The teacher's work with the whole class at the same pace with common tasks

Group - 1

Interaction of a teacher with one student

33. Match the aspect of the content of the pedagogical idea and its essence:

Socio-practical aspect - 2

Correlation of an idea with certain attitudes, individual individuals, groups of people (communities) or society as a whole, compliance with socio-cultural norms

Value-semantic aspect - 1

Generalized characteristics of subjects of pedagogical activity, regional and cultural-historical characteristics, temporal and spatial opportunities for the implementation of ideas, social, pedagogical, material and other conditions of education and upbringing

Activity aspect - 4

Mechanism for managing the functioning and development of an idea

Prognostic aspect - 3

A way to implement an idea in practice

34. Match the educational approach and features of its application in the educational process

Activity - 1

Formation of personal qualities of students in activities adequate to the nature of this quality

Personality-oriented - 3

Formation of an "active person", a subject of action, concentration on the basic values ​​of social groups that are most significant for a certain type of society

Sociocultural - 2

Modeling the pedagogical conditions for the actualization and development of personal experience

Hermeneutic - 4

Creation of conditions for entry into the world of feelings of another person, into a text, into a situation in order to understand their original meaning

35. Match the teaching method and the specifics of its implementation

Explanatory and illustrative - 4

Students' independent search activity (practical or theoretical)

Reproductive - 3

The teacher poses a problem to the children and shows the way to solve it; students follow the logic of solving the problem, receive a sample of the development of knowledge

Problematic presentation - 2

The student follows the teacher's example

Research - 1

The teacher communicates information, the students perceive it

36. Assign the name of the textbook components to its essential characteristics

Informative component - 2

Focuses on general educational, subject-cognitive and practical actions

Reproductive component - 1

Presented with the help of verbal and symbolic presentation, as well as illustrations (vocabulary, facts, laws, methodological and evaluative knowledge)

Creative component - 4

Reflects worldview, moral, practical and labor, ideological, aesthetic and other directions

Emotional value component - 3

Is set using problem statement, problematic questions and tasks

37. Matchtype of pedagogical analysis and its main task:

Didactic type of lesson analysis - 4

Evaluation of the final result of the lesson by comparing the planned with the implemented, taking into account the success and progress of students

Methodical type of analysis - 2

Studying and evaluating the activities of teachers and students through subject content

Psychological type of analysis - 3

Studying the teacher's style of work, the well-being of students at all stages of the lesson, the level of understanding and formation of educational activities

Introspection - 1

Assessment of the representation in the lesson of the following categories: purpose, principles, logic of teaching materials, logic of the learning process, appropriateness of using teaching aids, student activity and effectiveness

38. Match the type of pedagogical experience and the characteristics of the corresponding level of professional pedagogical competence:

Personal experience - 4

Designing new educational norms, pronounced authorship in all components of the pedagogical system

Mass experience - 3

Orientation to pedagogical search within the framework of improving individual components of the pedagogical system

Cutting-edge improvement experience - 2

Possession of the highest standards of technologies, techniques, techniques known in pedagogical science

Leading transformative experience - 1

Possession of the basics of the profession

39. Match the form of control of educational results and the target orientation of control:

Preliminary control - 2

Comprehensive verification of educational results in all key goals and areas of the educational process

Current control - 4

Determination and fixation of the initial level of training of the student, the knowledge he has, skills and abilities related to the upcoming activity

Periodic control - 3

Diagnosing the quality of the student's assimilation of the basics and relationships of the studied section, his personal educational increments in the previously identified areas

Final control - 1

Systematic verification and assessment of the student's educational results on specific topics in individual lessons

40. Assign to a group of methods the basis of their classification

Logical approach - 4

Informative, formation of skills and abilities, consolidation of ZUNs, checking ZUNs

The degree of activity of cognitive activity - 3

Information-generalizing, performing, explanatory-motivating and partial-search, motivating and search

Correlation between the activities of the teacher and students - 2

Explanatory-illustrative, problematic, heuristic, research

Didactic goal - 1

Inductive, deductive, analysis, synthesis

41. Establish a sequence of levels of educational content as a pedagogical model of social experience in the logic of transition from theory to practice:

  1. General theoretical understanding level
  2. Subject level
  3. Level of teaching material
  4. Level of the learning process
  5. The level of the structure of the student's personality

42. Establish a sequence of teaching methods in the logic of increasing the degree of independence of students:

  1. Information-receptive method
  2. Reproductive method
  3. Problem statement method
  4. Partial search method
  5. Research method

43. Establish the sequence of stages of the organization of problem-based learning:

  1. Updating the knowledge and skills of students required to solve a problem situation
  2. Introduction of a problem situation
  3. Putting forward a hypothesis (projected result of solving a problem)
  4. Verification of the given solution
  5. Reflection

44. Establish a sequence of levels of presentation of the content of education in the order of its external manifestation

  1. Education content concept
  2. The content of education by levels and branches of education
  3. Content of training courses
  4. Content of the training course
  5. The content of the discipline within the course

45. Establish the correct sequence of stages of work with information during the analysis of the educational process:

  1. Formulating a request for the required information
  2. Development, formulation and adoption of general, agreed norms and criteria for assessing the educational process as a whole and its analyzed elements
  3. Organization of collection and processing of information
  4. Generalization and summarization of the results obtained, their self-assessment, preparation of conclusions for making decisions about changes in the educational process
  5. Self-examination and self-assessment of the results and progress of the analytical survey

46. ​​Establish the sequence of stages of thematic planning of training sessions:

  1. Studying the educational program of the training course
  2. Determination of the main blocks of the thematic plan
  3. Distribution of the total number of annual teaching hours by sections and topics of the course
  4. Scheduling training sessions within each block of the training course
  5. Final layout and design of the annual thematic plan

47. Establish the sequence of stages of the innovation process:

  1. Identifying the need for changes in areas of the educational process
  2. Identifying the need for changes in the subjects of the educational process
  3. Development of ways to solve problems (design innovation)
  4. Introduction and dissemination of innovation
  5. Transfer of innovations to the mode of permanent use4

48. Establish the sequence of elements of the structure of a creative lesson:

  1. Identification of personal experiences and attitudes of students regarding the studied object
  2. Creation of an educational situation that motivates students to creative activity
  3. Performing creative work personally by each student (group of students)
  4. Demonstration of the results of creative activity, systematization of educational products of students, their comparison with cultural and historical analogues
  5. Reflection of one's own actions to solve a creative problem

49. Establish the sequence of elements of the teacher's speech with introspection of the lesson

  1. Brief description of the class, identification of groups of students with different levels of mastery of the program material
  2. Substantive characteristics of the topic of the lesson
  3. Justification of the goals of the lesson, the choice of its type and structure
  4. Highlighting the main stage of the lesson and its full analysis, based on real learning outcomes in the lesson
  5. Evaluation of the success of achieving the goals of the lesson, substantiation of indicators of real results and determination of prospects for improving their activities

50. Establish the sequence of stages of generalization of advanced pedagogical experience

  1. Organizational stage
  2. Theoretical search
  3. Accumulation and processing of actual material
  4. Assessment of factual material and decision making
  5. Propaganda, dissemination, implementation of experience

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