May 9 script by junior schoolchildren with a presentation. Extracurricular event on the theme: "May 9 - Victory Day". Topic: “Great May! victorious May! "

For this event, it is necessary and important to involve high school students. This scenario is suitable for students in grades 3 and 4. Also, do not forget to invite Veterans, grandparents, and all those close to you.

: Leader, Presenter (high school student and elementary school student), participants in the scenes (high school students and elementary school), primary school students.

slides (prepare a presentation about Victory Day in advance).

The assembly hall is decorated in accordance with the theme of the event. The Presenters appear on the stage (preferably in themed clothes corresponding to the time):

Hello dear guests. On this significant day for our country, we are glad to see you all at our holiday dedicated to the Great Victory Day.

June 22, exactly four o'clock,
Kiev was bombed, we were told
That the war has begun.

These lines are familiar to everyone. The Second brought so much grief and evil to our people World War... Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

How many families have lost their homes, how many women have lost their husbands, how many children have become orphans. Let us honor the memory of the victims with a minute of silence.

(Minute of silence)

An exciting moment of goodbye, no less exciting moment of meeting. How it was?

Farewell Scene.
High school students are participating. The slide shows the platform). A guy (in military uniform) and a girl appear on the stage (summer dress and blue scarf on the shoulders):
- Why are you shedding tears, stupid? The war will end soon, and I will definitely come back to you!
- My heart feels trouble. How can I be here without you?
- The main thing is to wait for me, write me long letters to the front and love me with all your heart! You will see, we will defeat the enemy in the first battle, because we have such fighting guys!
- Oh, I'm not calm, not calm. You just take care of yourself, okay? I have collected food for you for the journey, and now, take my cross, it will help, will protect you from evil, and every night I will pray for you!
(Locomotive whistle sounds)
- Duty calls. I have to go! You will always be in my heart, I will never stop loving you! I'll be back soon, word of the Soldier!

(He hugs her, kisses her goodbye and leaves. Music sounds, the girl sings the song "Blue Handkerchief", finishing the song, leaves)

Not many people know that Red Army soldiers managed to defeat about 80% of German troops, while Great Britain destroyed only 20%.

Both men and women took part in the war. In the Soviet Army there was a "Night Witches" detachment, which managed to drop about 3000 tons of bombs on the enemy troops. They were silent, dexterous and fearless. For the destruction of at least one aircraft, Hitler promised to award the "Iron Cross".

(You can show a slide with a photo of the squad)

The largest number of victims during the Second World War was in Russia - about 21 million people.

Not many people know that the youngest soldier is the American citizen Calvin Graham, who went to war at the age of 12. (Show the photo on the slide). During the Great Patriotic War, five schoolchildren under the age of 16 received the title of Hero. The whole country was proud of these children. Lena Golikov and Sasha Chekalin were 15, Valea Kotik, Marat Kazei and Zina Portnova were 14 (photos on slides).

Despite fear and horror, our gallant soldiers never lost heart. A lot of songs sounded at the front, so one of the most beloved was "Smuglyanka".

(Students of the elementary school appear on the stage. A boy with an accordion in his hands, girls in white socks and perform a dance to the composition "Darkie")

We will never forget
We will always remember
How much suffering, grief and evil,
War has caused our country.
We will never forget
War heroes
For our peace of mind
They gave their lives!

We will never forget
We have no right to forget
And these deeds,
We need to appreciate!
We must pay tribute to
To the valiant warriors, lay flowers!

(Several students, under the supervision of a teacher, carry flowers to the nearest monument)

I invite students to our stage (names class), for the solemn.

The war lasted 1418 days. This is considered to this day the most terrible event that happened on our planet. People did not lose faith, hope and love lived in their hearts.

Scene "Soldiers by the fire".
The characters are senior and junior schoolchildren. The slide shows a forest and a bonfire.

Soldier 1:
- Eh, now I would like to lie on my warm bed, eat homemade borscht and listen to the songs of my daughter. Eh, how she sings. She turned 5 in December.

Soldier 2:
- And I would like to walk across the field, but as if hugged my Masha!

Soldier 3:
- And I received a letter today. My son was born, my wife named Alyoshka, in honor of my dad. He writes that he is a strong kid, very much like me. I would give anything to see the family again!

Soldier 4:
- You will see! We will all return home, the war is about to end, and we will be home again!

Soldier 1:
- Now the fourth year has gone, and she still does not end cursed! Look how many of these Germans are in the forest!

Soldier 2:
- April this year is warm. Last year it was slushy and damp.

Soldier 3:
- Comrades, how can I imagine how my wife is there, and even with a child, my heart is bleeding!

Soldier 4:
- Be patient, there is not much left. My soul feels that the end is coming soon.

Soldier 1 (begins to sing softly):
- Dark night, only bullets whistle across the steppe ... (everyone begins to sing along).

War. How much pain sounds in this word. How many broken hopes, plans and how much grief caused to people.

War made fragile women strong. Fearing death, they went to the front to defend their country. Thus, eighty-seven women received the title of Hero of the Union.

Most of the women were snipers or intelligence officers. They were feared and respected. Among the total number of officers - 80 thousand were women.

We are proud. Remember. Thank you!

Not everyone knows that Victory Day has not been celebrated for 17 long years! The first large-scale celebration happened in 1965.

Victory Day is a day of remembrance, and we swear that we will never forget what was done in the name of the country, in the name of the people and freedom!

(All participants go on stage and sing the song “Victory Day.” If Veterans are present in the hall, they are given flowers)

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A joyful, cheerful melody sounds. Children play, read books, jump, play with toys, whisper (5-6 people). Everyone else is standing near the chairs.

Pupil(in the middle of Hall).
If they say the word "Motherland"
Immediately in memory rises
Old oak, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate.
By the river a shy birch
And a chamomile hillock ...
And others will probably remember
His own Moscow courtyard.
The first boats are in the puddles,
With a skipping rope foot stomp
And a big neighboring factory
Loud joyous beep.
Or the steppe is red from poppies,
Golden virgin land ...
Homeland is different
But everyone has one!

Record "Holy War".

Children become a semicircle, some in caps, a nurse, letters are held behind their backs.

Leading... At dawn on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. For 4 long years until May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of their homeland from fascism. They did it for the sake of future generations, for our sake. Let us tell our children and grandchildren about this just war so that they will remember.


1. On the first day of the war, they were 17-20 years old. Out of every 100 children of this age who went to the front, 97 did not return. 97 out of 100! Here it is, the war!

2. War - this is 1725 destroyed and burned cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and villages in our country. The war is 32 thousand blown up factories and plants, 65 thousand kilometers of railways.

3. War is 900 days and nights of besieged Leningrad. This is 125 grams of bread per day. These are tons of bombs and shells falling on civilians.

4. War is 20 hours at the bench a day. This is a crop grown on sweat-salty soil. These are bloody calluses on the palms of girls and boys like you.

5. War ... From Brest to Moscow - 1000 km, from Moscow to Berlin - 1600. Total: 2600 km - if you count in a straight line.

6. Seems a little, right? By plane, about 4 hours, but in dashes and on bellies - 4 years 1418 days.

7. People died, did not spare their lives, went to their deaths to drive the fascists from our land. For example, 28 Panfilovites. They did not allow any of the more than 50 enemy tanks to reach Moscow. "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind." Defending the capital, almost all the soldiers were killed, but they knocked out 50 Nazi tanks.

8. At the classroom hour, we learned about the Belarusian village of Khatyn. It was like this: on March 22, 1943, the small village of Khatyn was surrounded by the Germans. Soldiers broke into peasant huts and threw people out into the street. The inhabitants were herded into the barn. It was getting closer and closer in him. The mothers tried to calm the children down, but they themselves could not hold back the tears. There were many large families in Khatyn. For example, the Baranovskys have 9 children. The Novitskys and Iotko - 7. And 19-year-old Vera Yaskevich was rocking her seven-week-old son in her arms. Old people were pushed into the barn with rifle butts. Punishers surrounded the barn with straw, doused it with gasoline and set it on fire. They were burned alive. Many tried to escape from the fire. In vain! The SS men in cold blood, without a miss, shot them with machine guns. This day was the last for 149 residents of Khatyn. 75 children were martyred.

9. The war was. These yellowed triangles are proof. These are letters from the front. They were written by my great-grandfather ... to my great-grandmother ... When he went to the front, his daughter was just born. He asked in a letter: "Is my daughter aguk?" He never managed to see his daughter. My great-grandmother received only a funeral.

Leading... In many families, soldiers' triangles-letters have been preserved, which were sent from the front by fathers and grandfathers, husbands and sons, brothers. They wrote that they would return home and only with a victory.

Children read lines from family letters to the front.

Leading... The greatest burden of the war was borne on the shoulders of a woman mother.

Soldier 1(writes a letter) .
I know you have anxiety in your heart-
It's not easy being a soldier's mother!
I know you are all looking at the road.
On which I once left.
I know, wrinkles are deeper than steel
And the shoulders became a little stooped.
Today we stood to death in battle,
Mom, for you, for our meeting.
Wait for me and I will come back,
Just wait really hard!

Soldier 2
(opens the letter and reads).
Hello dear Maxim!
Hello my beloved son!
I write from the front line
Tomorrow morning - fight again!
We will drive the fascists.
Take care, son, mother,
Forget sorrow and sadness -
I will return with victory!
Finally, I will hug you.
Your father.

Soldier 3(with a candle).
My dear relatives!
Night. The light of a candle trembles.
This is not the first time I remember
How do you sleep on a warm stove.
In our little old hut
That the forests are hidden from sight,
I remember a field, a rivulet,
I remember you again and again.
My brothers and sisters are dear!
Tomorrow I'm going to fight again
For my Fatherland, for Russia,
That she was in dire trouble.
I will gather my courage, strength,
I will beat the Germans without pity,
So that nothing threatens you,
So that you can learn and live!

Dance "Cranes".

Leading... Not only men, but also women fought in the war. They were nurses, doctors, nurses, scouts, signalmen. Many soldiers were saved from death by gentle kind female hands.

Nurse(a girl in a headscarf with a red cross, with a bag).
Cannons rumble, bullets whistle.
A soldier was wounded by a shell fragment.
Sister whispers:
"Come on, I will support you,
I will bandage your wound! "-
I forgot everything: weakness and fear,
She carried him out of the fight in her arms.
How much love and warmth was in her!
The sister saved many from death.

Leading... About 40 million Soviet people died. Can you imagine what this means? This means - 30 killed on 2 meters of land, 28 thousand killed every day. This means that every fourth inhabitant of the country died.

I ask everyone to stand up. Let us bow our heads before the greatness of the feat of the Soviet soldier. Let us honor the memory of all the victims with a minute of silence.

A minute of silence.

Song "Eternal Flame".

We are not here with you because the date,
Memory burns like an evil shard in my chest.
To the grave of the unknown soldier
You come on holidays and weekdays.
He protected you on the battlefield.
He fell without stepping back.
And this hero has a name -
Of the Great Army simple soldier.

And finally, on May 9, 1945, the long-awaited Victory came!

The sun is shining on Victory Day
And it will always shine for us.
In fierce battles our grandfather
They managed to defeat the enemy.
The columns are going in an even formation,
And songs are pouring here and there,
And in the sky of hero cities
The festive fireworks are sparkling!

The song "To the parade with grandfather!"

Let the calm cities sleep.
Let the sirens shriek
Doesn't sound over my head.
Let not a single shell explode
None of them scribbles a machine gun.
Let our forests announce
Only birds and children voices.
And let the years pass peacefully
Let there never be a war!

Song "We sing about the world".

Dance "Childhood".
The war has passed, the joy has passed,
But pain calls out to people:
"Come on, people, never
let's not forget about it.
May the memory of her be true
They store about this flour,
And the children of today's children,
And our grandchildren, grandchildren.

Children throw balloons with paper doves on them to the music.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Bolsheivanovskaya secondary school of the Ilovlinsky municipal district of the Volgograd region

Holiday script for primary school,

"I remember! I'm proud!"


primary school teacher

Olga Narusheva

The village of Bolshaya Ivanovka, 2014


the formation of a high patriotic consciousness among pupils, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland;

the formation and development of a personality with the qualities of a citizen - a patriot of the Motherland.


fostering patriotic feelings, developing cognitive interest and love for the Motherland, familiarizing with the historical and cultural heritage;

fostering a sense of respect and gratitude to the participants of the Great Patriotic War for their feat, loyalty and devotion to the Motherland.

Registration: the stage is elegantly decorated with garlands of colorful balloons, flowers. In the center there is a stand "I remember, I am proud" with a St. George ribbon and photographs of relatives who died in the Second World War (from the family archive)

Scene "The beginning of the war"

The music "Burnt Sun" (No. 1) is playing

Children play on the stage: a ball, a jump rope, roll dolls in a stroller, sit on a bench and read a book, walk arm in arm

The music gradually dies down.

2 The sounds of the explosion of shells, the roar of planes are heard, the children look up, freeze.

The song "Sacred War" (No. 3) is played. The words are read against the background of the song

On June 22, 1941, at 4 o'clock in the morning, the fascist troops crossed the border of our Motherland. The war caught everyone suddenly.

The music fades. A boy and a girl come out holding hands

    June ... the sunset was falling

And the sea overflowed on a white night.

And the ringing laughter of the guys was heard

Not knowing, not knowing grief.

    June. Then we did not know yet

From school evenings, walking,

That tomorrow will be the first day of war

And it will end in 1945, in May.

Music sounds loud (no. 3)

All the kids go away

    Peacefully the country woke up
    On this June day.
    Just turned around
    In the squares her lilacs ...

    At once, in an instant,
    Everything changed around.
    A young man in a spring T-shirt
    He looks like a stern fighter.

    The girl became a sister
    The cross is on her sleeve.
    How many unknown heroes
    Now he walks around the country ...

    All to fight the enemies
    On a formidable and long march!
    Walking in circles across the sky
    The watchman of the country is the plane.

    From the endless Siberian plain

To Polesie forests and swamps

The heroic people rose,

Our great Russian people.

    He went out, free and right,

Answering war to war,

Stand up for the native state,

For our mighty country!

The music "Farewell of the Slav" (No. 4) is played.

Children rearrange in pairs, boys pick up rifles, girls put on caps, march to the music of the first verse. The music dies down readers recite poetry

1. We went to the holy war

grandfathers and fathers, the boys left and

girls of the forties are our peers.

2. I left my childhood in a dirty heating room,

A nurse in the infantry echelon.

I came from school to dugouts damp

Because the name is closer

than Russia,

Couldn't find it!

The "Farewell of a Slav" (No. 4) sounds. Children (6 people) leave

Sounds "About the heroes of bygone times ..." (No. 5)

During the war, there were heavy battles in the battles near Moscow,

Stalingrad, Kursk, Smolensk, Sevastopol, Odessa, Leningrad, in the Caucasus.

On February 2, 1943, after defeating the enemy at Stalingrad, a turning point came in the war and the liberation of the occupied territories began.

No, early the enemy triumphed victory!
And through the fires smoky horns
The fighters follow the enemy's trail
Crashing a step into the creaky snow.

The fighters are among the dear arable lands
With a victorious step, formidable and light,
And their people are calling: our guards,
Beloved, welcome sons.

Video "Battle of Stalingrad". Song "Hot Snow" (no. 6)

The war years were difficult. Many trials fell on the shoulders of the fighters.

And funny soldiers' songs, which are very dear to us, helped to survive. Let's remember some of them.

Children leave the hall. A group of students come out to perform songs.

A Potpourri of War Songs (No. 7).

Clouds go gloomy on the border

The harsh land is enveloped in silence

On the high banks of the Amur

Homeland's sentinels stand

Apple trees and pears were blooming

Mists floated over the river

Came ashore Katyusha

To the high bank to the steep

One summer at dawn I looked into the neighboring garden

There, a dark-skinned Moldavian woman picks grapes

I turn pale I turn red I suddenly wanted to say

Let's stand over the river to meet summer dawns

Curly maple green leaf carved Hello my boyfriend, my good my dear Maple green and curly maple Yes curly carvedLittle blue modest handkerchief fell from drooping shoulders you said you won't forget affectionate joyful meetings Sometimes at night we said goodbye to you

No more nights

where are you handkerchief dear welcome dear

Disciple. There are many cities in Russia

In the battles that glorified the state,

And among them, any of us is ready

Call Bolshaya Ivanovka by right.


From the village of Bolshaya Ivanovka, 238 people went to the front, of which 119 people died without returning home from the battlefield.

There were 6 hospitals on the territory of Bolshaya Ivanovka. Soldiers and officers who died from serious wounds in hospitals are buried in a mass grave. In the terrible, harsh days of the war, children stood up next to the adults. They fought in partisan detachments, collected warm clothes for the front-line soldiers, helped the wounded in hospitals, sat at the steering wheels of combines.

69 years have passed since that terrible war. Fewer and fewer survivors survive the horrors of war. Now on the territory of our village lives 1 participant of the Second World War - Svetlov F.E., 1 prisoner of German concentration camps - Melnichuk M.G., 23 home front workers.

There is not a single family in Russia where great-grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons fought. And in every family they sacredly honor the memory of the victims.

Against the background of the music "Crane flock" (No. 8) children go out one by one with a lit candle and, lining up in a wedge, talk about relatives who fought in the Second World War
    Kirzhemanova Victoria
My great-great-grandfather Alexander Petrovich Sukhov went to the front in July 1941. Participant Battle of Stalingrad... He died in 1944 in Poland during the liberation of Warsaw.
    Kiter Christina
My great-grandfather Evgeny Pavlovich Berezin went to war in 1941, was a machine gunner. Walked from Stalingrad to Berlin. He was awarded orders and medals for the liberation of Berlin. He returned from the war in 1945. Great-grandmother Berezina Anna Stepanovna helped wounded soldiers in Stalingrad hospitals.
    Petrov Anton
My great-grandfather Lenkin Kanai Fokanovich served from the first days of the war as a senior sergeant. He was wounded in battle, awarded a medal for his courage. With a victory he reached Berlin. He survived.
    Lenkin Dima
My great-grandfather Betish Pavel Petrovich was in the partisans, defended railroad leading to Stalingrad. Awarded a medal of courage for the capture of a fascist saboteur. Survived
    Simonyan Zhasmen
My great-grandfather Martirosov Grigory Sogomonovich went to war in 1939. He fought until the end of the 1945 war on the front line. I reached Berlin, never returned from the war.
    Leontiev Ilya
My great-grandfather, Voinov Sergei Ivanovich, was called to war from the city of Omsk. Fought in the sixty-second moto rifle division machine gunner. He died in August 1943 at Stalingrad.
    Silence Tanya
My great-grandfather Nikolai Nikolayevich Kuznetsov fought in the rifle division, reached Berlin. He did not return from the war.
    Lysyakova Oksana
My great-grandfather Avilov Grigory Yakovlevich defended Stalingrad, disappeared on May 4, 1945 near Berlin
    Misyurin Vlad
My grandfather Sklyarov Veniamin Vasilievich was drafted into the army in 1941, into the infantry. In 1942 he was transferred to the flight unit as a senior technician. He went through the whole war, returned in 1945.
    Shchetinskaya Nastya
My great-grandfather Viktor Georgievich Filyagin went to the front in 1941. Went through the whole war. He returned alive in 1945.
    Volobuev Danila
My great-grandfather Obodov Vasily Andreevich went through the whole war and reached Berlin. He was a scout and a sniper. He returned from the war in 1945.
    Pavlov Andrey
My great-grandmother Vanina
    Lustrova Alena
My great-grandmother Musyurova Pelageya Nikolaevna from the age of 14 worked in a hospital as a nurse, nursed wounded soldiers. She was wounded in the arm and neck.
    Alimova Vika
My great-grandfather Cherkovsky Ivan Alekseevich went to the front in 1939, where he was seriously wounded. In 1942 he volunteered for the front, served as a signalman in the signal troops. He disappeared without a trace in 1943 during fierce battles at the Kursk Bulge.
    Milyaev Zhenya
Grebennikov Alexander Nikolaevich, went through the whole war. I reached Berlin and was wounded. Remained alive.
    Ovechkin Nikita
My great-grandfather Aleksandr Andreevich Safronov was a machine gunner who defended Stalingrad. He returned from the war in 1945.

Pupil People!

Through the centuries, through the years - remember!

About those who will never come again -

I conjure you - remember!

Disciple. Again, a stingy tear guards the silence.

You dreamed of life when you went to war.

How many young people did not come back then,

Not having lived, not finished, they lie under the granite.

Looking into the eternal flame - the light of quiet sorrow -

Listen to the holy moment of silence.

Leading. In memory of the victims, I ask everyone to stand up. Let us bow our heads before the greatness of the feat of the Russian soldier. Let us honor the memory of all those who died in the war with a minute of silence.

The metronome sounds (no. 9).

Children leave the hall.

Leading. These days, when nature comes to life, we acutely feel how wonderful life is. How dear she is to us!

We understand that for everything we have - life and holidays in our life - we owe all those who fought, died, survived in conditions when it seemed that it was impossible to survive

Disciple 1 Thank you veterans -

Soldiers of the last war -

For your severe wounds

For your disturbing dreams.

Disciple 2. Because you saved the Fatherland,

Faithful to the son's duty,

Thank you, family, thank you,

From those who do not know the war.

Disciple 1. On the ninth day of jubilant May,

When silence fell on the ground.

The message rushed from edge to edge:

The world has won! The war is over!

Disciple 2. Even then we were not in the world,

When the fireworks thundered from end to end.

Soldiers of the world, you gave the planet

Great May, victorious May!

Dance "May waltz" (No. 10) (3 couples are dancing)

All participants come out, line up in 2 rows

Disciple1 Victory! Glorious Victory!

What happiness was in her!

May the sky be clear forever

And the herbs will be greener!

Song "Victory Day" (No. 11)

Victory Day, how far it was from us,
Like a coal melted in an extinct fire.
There were miles, burnt, in the dust, -

This Victory Day
Smell of gunpowder,
This is a holiday
With gray hair at the temples.
It's joy
With tears in his eyes.
Victory Day!
Victory Day!
Victory Day!

Days and nights by the open-hearth furnaces
Our Motherland did not close eyes.
Days and nights fought a difficult battle -
We brought this day as close as we could.

The chorus is the same
Hello mom, we have not all returned ...
Barefoot to run through the dew!
Half of Europe, walked, half of the Earth, -
We brought this day as close as we could.

Disciple 1. We need peace - you and me.

And to all children in the world.

And the dawn should be peaceful

Which we will meet tomorrow.

Disciple 2. We need peace, grass in dew,

Smiling childhood.

We need a world, a beautiful world


Student 3. Let the children meet the dawn

A clear, calm smile.

Let's put it all together:

"Not! No - cruel wars!

Song "Big round dance" (No. 12)

To play together, to be close friends,
To give each other smiles, flowers,
So that all our dreams come true in life.

So let's have a big round dance
May all the people of the earth with us stand in it,
Let only joyful laughter sound everywhere
Let the song become understandable for everyone without words.

We want to tumble in the green grass
And watch the clouds float in the blue
And dive into the cool river in the summer heat,
And catch the warm mushroom rain in your palms.


We were born to live joyfully
To give flowers and smiles to each other,
To make the grief disappear, the trouble disappears
So that the bright sun always shines.

ALL: Happy Holidays! From May 9!

Used materials and Internet resources

    Photos from student family archives

Extracurricular activity for primary school

"Great War-Great Victory!"

The purpose of the lesson: education of historical literacy and a sense of patriotism in the younger generation, the formation of a sense of involvement with what was happening historical events during the war.

Methodical instructions:

    The meeting is timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary. anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

    The following methodological techniques are used for the event:

    • literary and musical composition;

      multimedia presentation (slide show)

      fragments of films;

Location: school, hall

Event progress

Lead 1 .. On May 9, the whole country celebrates great holiday- Victory Day, the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

70 years after the end of the war, a war that claimed more than 20 million lives, which turned cities and towns into ruins, destroyed factories and factories. The war brought a lot of grief and fear, but despite hunger, cold and devastation, our people won. He defeated a terrible enemy who enslaved many states and made them live in fear - he defeated fascism.

Victory Day is a great holiday in our country. On this day, they honor the memory of those who died, and bow to all those who survived.

Ved. 2 ... May 9 is celebrated all over the world as a sign of gratitude to our people for their great feat. Our people are very sensitive to this holiday and pass it on from generation to generation.

Today we congratulate everyone on this great holiday and wish everyone that there will never again be a war in our world, that there is always a peaceful, blue sky over our heads, that no one ever hears the explosions of bombs, that all peoples live in peace and harmony.

Time is running fast and today there are few with us who won the Victory at the front and in the rear. We present our performances to all veterans, all representatives of the older generation.

(A student speaks with verses)

Apprentice 1

There is no homeland in the world sweeter,
Where other skies are blue
The sun is brighter, the stars are brighter,
Where groves and forests are delightful,
Where there are rushing waters in the rivers
Turn blue like turquoise
Where, when the bad weather comes,
All the people come out like a thunderstorm.
Glorious forty-fifth!
But we will look back:
Soldiers from those war years
Today they talk to us

Lead 1 . On June 22, 1941, the peaceful life of the Soviet people was disrupted. The Great Patriotic War began.

Apprentice 2

Forty-first! June.
Year and month of the nationwide struggle.
Even the dust of the times
This date cannot be delayed.
The country was rising
And she went to the front in port
Scarlet Stars
Carrying on the banners.

Apprentice 3

The war was sacred. In that
Even the one will not doubt
Who, having arrived from another planet,
Earth will read history
Read about how under the moon
The country lived by retribution.
War is sacred if Zoe,
Without flinching, she walked to the gallows.

Apprentice 4

War is sacred. And Matrosov
With all my heart lay down on the machine gun
Oh, how many fair-haired and snub-nosed
In the name of life, death will take
They will go to the damp ground
In the sunrises, in the herbs, in the green,
Believing until death
All your righteousness, Moscow!

Lead 1 . Formidable forty-first: How he changed people's destinies, stained childhood with blood and tears, cut off the lives of many boys and girls, destroyed the dreams of seventeen-year-olds, who went straight "from childhood" to a dirty war room, to echelons with infantry, to sanitary platoons!

(Students perform with verses)

Apprentice 5

Ah, war, what have you done, vile one?
Our courtyards have become quiet.
Our boys raised their heads
They have matured for the time being.
They barely loomed on the doorstep
And they went after the soldier of the soldiers.
Goodbye boys! Boys,
Try to get back!

Apprentice 6

How I hate war!
How many years I have been dreaming about it-
Breaking sleep and silence
Everything knocks on me at night.
Those with whom he fought are knocking,
Who has not returned from the battlefield.
I lost friends every day
And fell asleep in a trench while standing

(Watching the video "From the heroes of the old days" on the screen)

Vedas 2. They wanted to return to their homes to look into the kind, full of longing and sadness eyes of their mothers. We really wanted to! But ... they rushed to the embrasures of enemy machine guns, died under bullets, accepted a martyr's death with a noose around their neck in the enemy's rear. Almost 70 years have passed since that summer Sunday in 1941, but each of us felt the lines that hit our hearts.

Apprentice 7

The country flourished. But the enemy from around the corner
He made a raid, went to war against us.
In that terrible hour
Steel becoming a wall
All youth took up arms,
To defend the native Fatherland.

Apprentice 1

Here is the forty-first year, the end of June,
And people went to bed quietly the day before.
But in the morning the whole country already knew
That a terrible war has begun

Ved. 2 Everyone, both adults and children, stood up to defend the Motherland. Echelons went to the front, partisan detachments were created, women and children took over on a labor watch in the rear.

The greatest burden of the war was borne on her shoulders by a woman mother

Apprentice 8

Yes, unless you tell about it,
What years have you lived!
What an immeasurable weight
Lay on women's shoulders!
That morning we said goodbye to you
Your husband or brother or son
And you are with your destiny
Left alone.

Apprentice 9

One on one with tears
With breads unpacked in the field
You met this war.
And all - without end and count-
Sorrows, works and worries
We fell on you for one.
One willy-nilly-
And you need to keep up everywhere
You are alone in the field and at home,
You alone can cry and sing.

Ved. 1. The Great Patriotic War went on for four long years, a gigantic battle with German fascism continued for 1417 days and nights. There was a mortal battle "not for the sake of glory - for the sake of life on Earth." But even in the days of difficult trials - in the battles near Moscow, Kursk, on the Volga and the Dnieper - our soldiers believed that the hour of reckoning with the hated enemy would come. After all, there was a war of liberation, and this is not only death, blood and suffering, but also gigantic upsurges of the human spirit, selflessness, selflessness and heroism.

Apprentice 10

And the war went on for four long years.
We fought for our freedom.
Enemies wanted to seize our land,
And turn us into obedient slaves.
And there were many terrible battles
In which the damned enemy was defeated.
Great battle near Moscow,
In which we said firmly to the enemy: "STAY!"

Ved. 2 During the war, there were heavy battles in the battles of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, Leningrad, in the Caucasus. Having cleared the territory of our Motherland from the Nazis, the soldiers liberated the peoples of Europe from the fascist yoke.

Apprentice 11

Of course, you need to remember
And the encirclement of the enemy at Stalingrad,
And the Kursk Bulge, and the Crimea, and Leningrad.
There was Hitler who attacked us, he is no longer happy.
The fascist invaders were defeated
The Germans were driven all the way to Berlin.
Berlin was taken, and the Reichstag
Our flag was hoisted proudly.

Ved. 1. And he came that day - May 9, 1945. Victory Day! With what impatience the oppressed peoples of Europe awaited him! In his name, rivers of blood were shed and the most difficult trials were endured. Over 20 million of our citizens died during the war.

Thousands of mothers did not wait for their sons and daughters from the front.

May 1945: How can you forget the events of those days?

Apprentice 12

Let's remember all the heroes by name,
Who is broken
Fascist horde!
Here are the fascist banners falling,
Never rise

Apprentice 13

War is over,
But a singed song
Over every house
She's still spinning
And we have not forgotten
What twenty million
Gone into immortality
So that we live with you.

(Watching the video "A Minute of Silence" on the screen.)

Ved. 2 66 years have passed since the day the war ended. But in the memory of the people forever remained those who brought us Victory in May 1945

Apprentice 14

The world bows to the Soviet soldiers,
Beloved Moscow sees them!
You hear!
Are marching in the forty-fifth
Soviet troops!
Near Brest, near Moscow and in Stalingrad
Their way they
They led to the Reichstag!
And so
At the historic parade
The liberators of the Earth are standing!(Viewing the video "Victory Parade" on the screen.)

Apprentice 15

Thank you veterans -
Soldiers of the last war
For your grievous wounds
For your disturbing dreams.
Because you saved the Fatherland,
Faithful to the son's duty,
Thank you, family, thank you,
From those who do not know the war!

Scenario for Victory Day for primary school students "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten ..."

(An exhibition of books about the Great Patriotic War is being prepared for kids: books about pioneer heroes, stories and tales of A.V. Mityaev about the Great Patriotic War, etc., reproductions from paintings about the war of 1941-1945)

Leading:“The most difficult of all the troubles people have is war. The enemy destroys houses, burns grain fields. And he has no pity for either children or the elderly. He tries to scare people. “That's how cruel I am! I can do everything. I can also have mercy if you submit. "

The cowardly man obeys. A coward's life is getting worse than a dog's. A brave man fights against the enemy. In battle, he may die, he may not live to see victory. But a brave man does not fight for himself alone. He fights for happy life of the whole people and therefore does not fear death. And this is how it turns out: a brave warrior remains alive in the most disastrous trials. No wonder they say: "The bullet is afraid of the brave!" This is how A. V. Mityaev's story "The Sea Pilot" begins. People waited for the Victory Day for 1418 days and nights. The Great Patriotic War lasted for so many days.

Pupil: On June 22, 1941, the most terrible and brutal war of the twentieth century began. The whole country has turned into a military camp.

(The song "The Holy War .." is played by V. Lebedev-Kumach, music by A. Alexandrov)

1st student:

Do not forget this date for me,

That ended the war

That great spring.

To the victorious soldier

Bow to the earth hundreds of times!

2nd student:

The guys were dying

Bequeathing revenge to us

Believing holy on a holiday,

That is why he is. (S. Mikhalkov)

3rd student:

Behind Moscow -

Capital of the world

For her, in the fire of dashing years,

Brothers rose to death -

Son of a Bashkir, Russian,

Both Tatar and Georgian.

Oh, Moscow!

You are the heart of all Russia,

Light streams from your eyes

We are alive, even though we were mowed down with lead,

Without you, Moscow,

We have no life! (M. Karim)

(The melody of the song "My dear capital" sounds. Words by M. Lisyansky, music by I. Dunaevsky)

4th student:

Here the steel rattled

Granite was melted.

We were harder than steel and granite.

No one is forgotten in our Fatherland!

Nothing is forgotten in our Fatherland!

5th student:

The son wrote a letter to his father

And put an end to it.

Daughter also to the letter

She added a line.

Many days for a letter to go

To reach the goal.

There will be mountains on the way

Echoing tunnels.

The wind will drive the sand

Behind the glass of the carriage.

And then a forest flashes

Station kindergarten.

6th student:

And then the fields will go

And the forests are thick

Plowed black earth -

Central Russia.

Through the whole country will pass

Two sheets of paper in an envelope

And they will come to war

To the land of fire and death.

7 student:

Will bring a carriage to the front

This cargo is postal.

The postman will get there

Your bag is canvas.

Long way from the town

At the borders of China

Before the infantry regiment

At the forefront.

(S. Marshak)

Teacher: Children fought along with adults in the war. Many of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. (Shows books) Lenya Golikov, Volodya Dubinin, Zina Portnova, Marat Kazei, Valya Kotik, Matveeva, Zverev and many others. Many of them did not spare their lives in the name of Victory.

1st student:

The winds blew the trumpets,

The rain beat the drumbeat ...

Guys-heroes went on reconnaissance

Through the thicket of forests and swamp.

2nd student:

And now the pathfinders are going on reconnaissance,

There, where once the peers went.

3rd student:

They won't, they won't, they won't be forgotten

The guys are heroes of their native land!

Teacher: The Russian people have put down proverbs about their Motherland, bravery and courage, in which there is a call to protect it.

Everyone has their own side.

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.

Motherland - the mother knows how to defend.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

That hero - who is a mountain for the Motherland.

Stand bravely for a just cause.

All for one and one for all.

And one soldier in the field.

Whoever goes forward - that fear does not take.

Cheek brings success.

Fear has big eyes.

4th student:

On the ninth day of jubilant May,

When silence fell on the ground

The message rushed from edge to edge:

The world has won!

The war is over!

The light has never been darkened anywhere

In smoky Europe cities.

Victory was bought at the price of blood,

Let the earthly world always remember this!

(M. Khryutsky)

(Children perform the song "Solar Circle")

5th student:

How many children have their childhood returned,

Gave joy and spring

Privates of the Soviet Army,

People who won the war!

And in Berlin on a holiday date

Was erected

To stand for centuries

Monument to the Soviet Soldier

With a girl saved in her arms.

(G. Rublev)

6th student:

How many years have passed

From a historic day

And in Berlin, from a pedestal,

He is cast from metal

He looks at me like that.

(S. Mikhalkov)

(Soundtrack of the song "Alyosha". Words by K. Vanshenkin, music by E. Kolmanovsky)

7th student:

Victory! Glorious victory!

What happiness was in her!

May the sky be clear forever

And the herbs will be greener.

8th student:

We live in a troubled world

But it's not our fault

What the words sound on the air:

"Terrorism", "Aggression", "War" ...

9th student:

Restless living in the world

On the land of any country

If somewhere in the office

The plan of war is ripening,

Decisions are made:

How to multiply destruction

And wipe it off the face of the earth

Everything that people have built.

Teacher: And in peacetime many people die from the enemies of mankind - nonhumans. The name of these bandits is terrorists. High-rise buildings in America, explosions in the Moscow metro, seizure of "Nord-Ost" together with spectators in hostages, schoolchildren and their parents in Beslan, people at a bus stop in Voronezh ... Hundreds of those killed in peacetime. In the name of what?

10th student:

We are children of a free and peaceful country

Our great people do not want war.

Both our mothers and our fathers -

Fighters for peace, freedom, happiness.

11th student:

We are studying in school,

We grow poplars

We love hiking

Into the woods and fields.

Any paths are open to us in life,

We want to grow under a calm sky.

(O. Vysotskaya)

(The last verse of the song "Buchenvayada alarm" sounds)

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