A married couple is looking for a third partner. The first time my husband and I decided to look for a partner for a threesome

The text is not mine, taken from the vastness of the Internet. Ideal for all types of dating

A wonderful guide for single men on dating a couple. Everything is stated very clearly, point by point. Literally a desktop guide. All men who want to get acquainted should be sure to print and hang them at the monitor.

When meeting by correspondence on the Internet:

1. Read carefully the couple's questionnaire, if they do not meet men - better not write, so as not to learn something new about yourself.
2. Your profile must be informative and reliable. Compose it correctly. If your profile does not contain a photo, write to the couple that you are ready to send a photo to them by e-mail.
3. You can use a photo with your member as a screensaver on your computer, but it is better not to post such a photo in your profile, and even more so, God forbid you send such a photo to a couple.
4. Remember that it is usually a man who speaks on behalf of the couple. Consider this, otherwise the promise to "lick" something can sparkle for you with new colors.
5. After writing the first letter to the couple, wait for a response before writing again. If they didn't answer, check the correctness of the first four points.
6. When starting a correspondence, remember that when people want to meet, they first give their name.
7. Your message should not consist of two words, but it should not resemble "War and Peace" either. Write to the couple why you are writing to them, and of course - why are you writing to them. After all, they can dream about sex, and you just need to sell the elephant.

8. Be the first to write your contact phone number. This will indicate your reality. If the couple gave you their contact phone number, call them at a convenient time for them. Just call. Do not write SMS, do not dishonor yourself. It is advisable to make such a call on the day of exchange of telephone numbers or the next day. Having called in a month, you should be ready to hear the unpleasant "and you, in fact, who?" If you have phone numbers for both husband and wife, always call your husband. Consider this a good form.
9. Be prepared to attend your appointment. We even recommend that you offer such a meeting first, this will add bonus points to you.

During a real meeting:

1. When going to a preliminary meeting, do not forget that you are going on a Date. Look and behave accordingly.
2. When communicating with a couple in a cafe, the initiative should come from you. To get the couple interested in yourself is your task, so do not be silent, talk. If a couple has to strain so that the meeting does not resemble a memorial service for the MZHM, then you behave like a Young Guard in the Gestapo, and most likely "die" for them forever.
3. Ladies love with their ears, so watch your tongue. Also, remember, there are never too many compliments.
4. Do not delay the preliminary meeting, let a little understatement remain between you.
5. After the preliminary meeting, do not force events and do not bother the couple. If they liked you, sooner or later you will find out about it.
6. When you were given to understand that the couple is ready for a thematic meeting - be a man - take over the organization of the meeting, but taking into account all the wishes of the couple.
Believe me, it will be inconvenient if a couple wants a canopy bed, and you came with a backpack and a bucket of barbecue.
7. Remember swing is financially costly. Either discuss monetary issues with a couple at once, or rely only on yourself. Most couples will offer you half of the cost. If this did not happen, then as soon as they left, you can become depressed.
8. At a thematic meeting, give the initiative to the couple. Wait for the moment when it becomes clear that the lady does not mind moving from words to deeds. Look for an excuse to touch the lady. Dance, massage and other simple methods, as a rule, speed up the process, but, of course, do not guarantee it. "No means no".
9. Show the couple that you are here not only for yourself, but also for their pleasure. If they do not smoke, refrain from cigarettes. Don't drink a lot of alcohol, or rather don't drink it at all. And please, turn off your cell phone for these 2-3 hours. Your wife will wait, let alone the boss.
10. Remember that the meeting does not end at the moment of your gushing, but after the click of the door lock. Therefore, until the last step into the open elevator, try to behave in such a way that a sigh of regret, rather than joyful relief, is heard behind your departing back. (This point was not voiced by us, but damn true)

No, perhaps, for a start, about how we were looking for a second man in our MZHM.
Now, I think this also needs to be told, it is quite amusing.

If you think that it is easy to find a third in a couple, despite the fact that no one asks for marriage and, in general, no matter how obligates you to anything, then this is sooo wrong.
Finding the third is a task, in general, almost unrealistic. Especially on the Internet (and you understand that we got there first of all).
And it's not easy because he, the third, should be bi, at least in the asset. So, there are absolutely no problems with this (yes, I said that we have bi - at least row with a shovel?).
And it's not even a problem that both should like him, but both should like him.
Men are less picky in this regard, so here a woman can choose whom she would like to see on herself, and Andrey and I more or less have the same tastes.

Ideally - and we have discussed this more than once - we would find one and constant family friend. So that a person is pleasant, and pleases both, and something he could.

And yes, to be free. It is necessary.
First, we don't need any other woman. Andrei does not pull (and if I did, I would have nailed it, fuck it!), But I have no idea what to do with her, that is, by nature I, after all, am not bi, and women do not excite me, even though I have experience ... Secondly, everything is as usual: with a married person it is more complicated, he is not particularly master of his time.

So, as practice shows, it is generally difficult to find one and permanent in such a format (in fact, is it necessary?).
It is very difficult to find a vagrant here.

It is not easy because, in principle, the same problem is triggered as for single women.
Of course, we do not care who will be the third with us, and having a good member is, yes, not all. Besides, whoever sees that member there. And those who show without asking are sent to ignore immediately and firmly, because everything is clear with you, friends.
Yes, you need to sit, talk, get to know each other a little. Perhaps nothing will happen.
Andrei also believes that if a man wants to join, then somehow it should not be like a mating, and he should come, at least not empty-handed. Because to sit, drink, talk. And I completely agree with him. We are, of course, "out of love", but no.

And people who, drooling onto the monitor, write "well, what, well, where are you", and are bursting to come, well, now, right now and after hello ... and right through the screen you can feel how it is smoking there - well, with them everything is clear too. At home, we are waiting for you beautiful, we will not wait, but of course.
In short, no rush and rush.

Mamba, in this regard, rotted a little less than completely. I would even say a little more. We, somehow foolishly, started a questionnaire there, in which we wrote that the couple was looking for friends. Exclusively men.
No, they are writing something. But damn it ... Actually, you have to deal with all the same things that single ladies face in search of life mates or just partners.
And if, simply, sexual begging in the case of a couple almost does not happen (but, no, I lie! All kinds of slaves are asking), then sexual bargaining - blooms curly and terribly.
They trade in a standard way: what if I come - will there be sex? This is despite the fact that no one else, in general, promises anything to you, they just talk to you about life.

For some reason, it usually starts over the phone.
When the stage "communicated in the questionnaire" has already passed, it seems that the person is more or less normal and we give him a phone number.
This is where, usually, the main problem of all single girls comes out: bargaining.
We communicate fifty-fifty, sometimes I, sometimes Andrei.
Once, I almost spat, pressing the hang up after a short conversation.

He mimicked: "And we, for sure, will do it? And you will not refuse later, when I have already arrived?"

"Oh well, e-my," he says, "phew, what a ... people took it straight and shit into the phone, it started flowing ... But it will, but it won't ... Yes, be a man, come, talk, have a drink, tell an anecdote, everything will be for you if you yourself are normal.
In general, I began to strongly sympathize with women. I didn't think, he says that there are so many govna around.

By the way, those who take the phone in reserve call a special a * yy. Do you know why? No, this is some kind of joke, honestly.
Watch the thought: he glues to the couple to pick up the phone, call later and try to negotiate with the woman one-on-one.
They are extremely amazed when Andrei answers.

In general, there are a lot of such deer, completely, not sinking into the fact that since there are two of us, then we will meet together.
That is, one, at least, will be present and observe, and in general, of course, will join. Both there and here.
For some reason, many do not catch up with this.
Here, absolutely, sincerely, men write to a married couple, but at the same time, even at the stage of correspondence, they flatly do not want to communicate with their husband or "is it possible to send him somewhere?" Or "I will come, but not to be touched by him."
It means not even what you thought, but so that, in general, did not touch.
Interestingly, why the heck were you going to the couple then? Why not look among the lonely ladies?

Although I understand why they climb exactly to couples. For many, this is like a flag "here you can easily", that is, since it is already clear that the search is far from being a relationship and getting married, then it is much easier with the rest, just whistle and they will give you.
Having broken off, they often do not understand why.
To summarize: from Mamba, we did not find anyone. We didn't even meet anyone from there.

In fact, thematic sites are not an option. More precisely, an even larger bottom. From there we did not meet anyone either. And I sincerely do not understand how people there manage to find someone for themselves. And do they manage.
There, in general, all inadequate freebies flock. The feeling that they are sitting and grazing, communication also begins immediately, getting down to business. As in a joke: neither "hello" to me, "thanks" to you, nor "goodbye" to us.
It's even worse with these. These immediately send their especially valuable x * and. Muzzle - here, not always, but x * d - please.

And it's even harder to talk to them: after all, a thematic place. And explaining to someone there that you must first, at least in communication, please - vashsche, the task is unrealistic.
Like, since you're here, what the fuck is the communication? Well accustomed to where.
Therefore, begging happens there. Like: "Here, I just registered, I want to try, please."

Therefore, in fact, we had only two such experiences in a year. And both are not from thematic sites.
But about experience - it's already tomorrow.

When my husband and I decided to look for a partner for threesome sex, we registered a profile on a dating site, and since there was no opportunity to register as a couple, the profile was female. Offers from the men fell like peas. I immediately replied that my husband and I were looking for a partner for MZHM. This frightened many, and about half was eliminated by itself. We first met with potential candidates together with my husband. But I had too many demands on men, so after a while my husband got tired of “dating,” and he gave me this right. After a month of “casting,” a worthy man could not be found, and I realized that despite the fact that I liked some of them, I just “dig”, looking for imaginary shortcomings, subconsciously delaying what it was all about.
On one Friday, circumstances turned out so that the children were not at home, this happens extremely rarely, and it was a sin not to take advantage of the unexpected freedom. We called an acquaintance with whom we already had a personal meeting, but he already had plans for the evening.
Then I remembered about a young man with whom I corresponded the day before. He had, once upon a time, the experience of interacting with a couple of swingers. And he and I had something in common - his wife, after the birth of the child, also did not want sex. I wrote to him, offering to meet in a cafe, and he immediately agreed. My husband and I agreed that first I would come alone, and if I liked the man, I would call and my husband would drive up....
When I was walking down the street to a cafe, I thought that today what we have been waiting for might happen, and my heart began to beat in my chest. As soon as I entered, I immediately calmed down. I came first, almost immediately after me Dima came. We spoke in different topics: about travel, work, children. Some stiffness was felt. Dima said that he was very worried, although it was not noticeable on him. A little later, I called my husband to drive up. The husband immediately defused the situation, and the conversations of the men spilled over into another channel - about cars and services. Nobody mentioned what we were here for.
When Dima came out, I told my husband that he could come to us. The husband asked: "Do you really want this?" To say that I was already attracted to Dima - no, it was not. Nice, well-groomed, cute, but not at all my type. But he inspired confidence, was tactful and understanding, interesting, and I thought that everything should turn out well with him. And that it is time to cross the line that separates fantasy from reality.
When Dima sat down, I said: "Do you mind coming to us?" He began to shake noticeably, his cheeks were covered with a blush, and in an agitated voice he replied that he would gladly go with us.
My husband and I got into our car, and Dima followed in his own. While we were driving, we excitedly discussed what we were going to do, where to start, and whether what we had been waiting for would happen now. (It took 10 months from the husband's proposal to "take a walk" to the implementation.)
The husband went to the bathroom first. Dima and I sat down on the sofa, and he asked if he could kiss me. It was so unusual to feel someone else's lips, which were puffier than my husband's, but very pleasant. My heart started beating again ...
While I was washing in the shower, all thoughts were only about one "really now? .." Adrenaline made my heart pound faster and faster. No one had touched me yet, but I was already excited.
Dima was the last to go to the bathroom. While he was gone, I put on stockings and a dress, I did not wear panties. The husband lay down on the sofa in jeans, unbuttoned them. I lay down next to him, and he pulled up my dress so that the elastic bands of the stockings were visible. I really wanted to pull up the dress, but I didn't. We were kissing and caressing each other when Dima came in. He lay down beside me, behind me, and began stroking my back and kissing my neck. My husband turned me to him and, as it were, passed me from hand to hand, and we began to kiss. Dima wanted to take off my dress, but I was so embarrassed that I didn't let it be done, and then it didn't matter if I was wearing a dress or not. The sensation of two pairs of hands, two mouths, two penises on your body at the same time - it was incredibly exciting, and the pleasure was twice as much. Men replaced each other, postures and caresses changed. I was lost in space and time, I was as if in another dimension, I flew away ... And I did not even notice how my husband quietly went into another room, so as not to embarrass Dima, who from excitement could not finish.
When we both fell helplessly on the sofa, my legs were shaking, there was no more strength to move. My husband came in and kissed me. We sat hugging each other, as if in a dope. Looking at us, Dima said: "How happy you are." There was no embarrassment (later my husband admitted that he expected that we would all be embarrassed and lower our eyes), no disappointment, but only complete satisfaction - physical and emotional, and there was no thought in my head. Everything happened naturally and exactly as we imagined it. After seeing off the guest, my husband and I remembered what had happened all evening, feeling our feelings for each other in a new way. And I was infinitely grateful to my husband for this gift, for his trust and love for me.

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