Battle at Cambra. Battle at Cambre Further fighting

Cambone. Despite the initial success, the British failed to fulfill the task and break through the German front. Cambré's operation went down in history as the first battle in the history of wars in which tanks were used in mass quantities.


Overall position at the front in 1917

The Campaign Plan for 1917 the country of the country was accepted at the end of 1916 at the conference in Shantilia. This plan assumed the simultaneous onset of allied armies on the three main theaters of hostilities (Western, East and Italian) and the final defeat of the troops of the central powers. In early 1917, at the Union Conference in Rome, British Prime Minister Lloyd George offered to transfer the Anglo-French artillery to the Italian front to achieve the maximum effect from the offensive in the Isaonez region. However, this initiative was not adopted due to the opposition of the French delegation.

Before surgery

Plan and preparation of operation


At the head of the 3rd British army, General Julian Bing.

Army Troops
3rd British Corps 6th Infantry Division, 12th Infantry Division, 20th Infantry Division, 29th Infantry Division.
4th British Corps 36th Infantry Division, 40th Infantry Division, 51st Infantry Division, 56th Infantry Division, 62nd Infantry Division.
6th British Corps 55th Infantry Division.
Cavalry building 1st Cavalry Division, 2nd Cavalry Division, 5th Cavalry Division.
Tank corps 1st Tank Brigade, 2nd Tank Brigade, 3rd Tank Brigade (total 476 tanks).
Armament 1536 machine guns, 1009 guns, 1000 aircraft.


The 2nd German army commanded General Georg von der Marvitz.

  • 2nd German Army:
Army Troops
13th German Corps 9th Reserve Division, 20th Landwork Division, 54th Infantry Division, (were directly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged breakthrough), the 183th Infantry Division. In addition to this, the Cambra district was transferred from the Eastern Front of the 107th Infantry Division.
14th German Corps The 20th Infantry Division (was directly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged breakthrough), 111th Infantry Division, 240th Infantry Division.
Armament 224 guns, 272 mortars, 900 machine guns.

Start of operation

Early in the morning of November 20, the British troops occupied their initial positions, on the front section of 10 kilometers, tanks were lined up, ready for attack. At 6 am, the tanks began the attack of the German line Hindenburg. The English artillery opened fire at the positions of the German army, creating a fire shaft. Also, the British used aircraft, however, due to fog, the aircraft did not play a significant role in the offensive. But German aircraft were also unable to cause significant damage to the enemy, lost in the fog.

Soon, the British tanks hit the German tanks, reaching the first line of the trenches of German defense. The tanks were the fight as follows: one tank approached the towers of the Germans and opened the fire, the second tank dropped the fascine, through which the Third Tank passed the German trench. Then the third tank dropped the fascine into the second trench, which was held the first tank. The infantry that occurred for the tanks was also divided into three groups.

The first group was clusters of the trenches, the second group blocked the trenches, the third was a group of support. A sudden powerful attack of a large number of tanks (about 400 cars) caused panic in the ranks of the German troops. In the first hours of the battle, Germans lost a large number of positions and reference points. By 11 o'clock on November 20, the advancing troops achieved major success, capturing the first and second lines of the German troops and advanced by 6-8 kilometers.

By 13 o'clock in the first day of operation, the rupture of the German front reached 12 kilometers. However, Bing clearly ceased with the introduction to a breakthrough of Canadian cavalry. Cavalry spoke only at 14 hours 30 minutes. The time was lost, the cavalrymen, crouching across the river, was acterior. Camprees have part of the 3rd cavalry corps were stopped by German infantry units. The powerful fire guns and artillery fire allowed the Germans to stop the cavalry breakthrough and later eliminate the breech in the front line.

Over the first day, the British captured 8,000 German soldiers, 160 officers, 100 guns and a significant number of machine guns, and there are small losses.

Further fighting

The German divisions were broken and suffered heavy losses. The Hindenburg line was broken into a large depth. There was actually the German troops on the breakthrough site. Against the British acted only separate battalions and few detachments deposited on cars. However, at this time, the British command ceased to the offensive, engaged in the regrouping of troops, and only by the middle of the day was renewed offensive. But by this time, the German command pulled the reserves to Cambre and could restore the front line.

The Germans quickly found a way to deal with tanks, establishing field guns on trucks. These improvised self-propelled artillery settings were able to meet English tanks in the directions of their movements. In addition, German pilots were discharged by phosphoric bombs on tanks to facilitate the detection of tanks with artilleryrs.

Having lost the pace and fail to use the front breakthrough, the British troops actually stopped. In addition, the British began to carry significant tank losses. As a result, the infantry broke away from tanks and could no longer expect support from tank units.

At this time, the English offensive was actually exhaled. Scattered attacks of the British no longer brought significant results. The lack of proper interaction between the infantry units and tanks was manifested. By November 29, there were positional fighting, by November 30, the Germans managed to completely stop the promotion of the British troops.

German counteroffensive

After the British offensive was actually ended, the German command pulled significant reserve forces to this section of the front. Thus, the German army had 16 divisions in the Cambray area (about 160,000 people), 3,600 machine guns, 1,700 guns, 1088 mortars, over 1000 aircraft. Focusing large forces, the German command planned Consturdar in British troops. General Marvitz hoped to surround and destroy all British parts, which entered into German defense. The Germans aimed against the right flank, the Germans aimed at 7 divisions, against the left - 4 infantry divisions for the purpose of powerful impact and the environment of the British troops.

The battle of Cambra did not have a significant impact on the course of the war, but it was essential for its importance for the art of warfare. The battle has shown that the interaction of various types of troops played a crucial role in the success of the operation. Received the further development of the tactics of the hostworm based on the interaction of infantry, artillery, tanks and aviation. The Cambré was born anti-tank defense.

Write a review about the article "Battle of Campi (1917)"


  1. The history of the First World War 1914-1918. / Edited by I. I. Rostunov. - 1975. - T. 2. - P. 353-354.
  2. Bryan Cooper. The IronClads of Cambrai. - London: Pan Books, 1970. - P. 63.
  3. Oburyukhtin V. I. Cambre operation in 1917 - 1936. - P. 38.
  4. John Fuller. Tanks in the Great War 1914-1918. - m .: Publishing House of the Supreme Military District Council, 1923. - P. 108.
  5. John Fuller. Tanks in the Great War 1914-1918. - m .: Publisher of the Supreme Military District Council, 1923. - P. 120.
  6. M. Borhurt. The use of tanks in the battle under Cambra. - m., 1931. - P. 37-39.
  7. Bryan Cooper. The IronClads of Cambrai. - London: Pan Books, 1970. - P. 88.
  8. Erich Ludendorf. My memories of war 1914 - 1918. - 5. - m., 1924. - T. 2. - P. 76.
  9. Oburyukhtin V. I. Cambre operation in 1917 - 1936. - P. 101.
  10. Bryan Cooper. The IronClads of Cambrai. - London: Pan Books, 1970. - P. 78-79.
  11. John Fuller. Tanks in the Great War 1914-1918. - M.: Publisher of the Supreme Military District Council, 1923. - P. 118-119.
  12. Oburyukhtin V. I. Camp Operation in 1917 - 1936. - P. 130-131.
  13. M. Borhurt. The use of tanks in the battle under Cambra. - m., 1931. - p. 53.
  14. Arndt. Air war. - m., 1925. - P. 87-88.
  15. Zaison, A. M. First world War. - 2000. - P. 693-694.
  16. Oburyukhtin V. I. Camp Operation in 1917 - 1936. - P. 39.
  17. Henry Albert Jones. The War In The Air: Being The Great War By The Royal Air Force. - London: Imperial War Museum, Dept. Of Printed Books, 1999. - T. 4. - P. 250. - ISBN 1-901-62325-4.


In Russian:

  • Oburyukhtin V. I. . - m .: Militzdat NKO USSR, 1936. - 244 p. - (library of the commander).
  • Zaison, A. M. . - St. Petersburg. : Polygon, 2000. - 878 p. - ISBN 5-89173-082-0.
  • / edited by I. I. Rostunov. - M.: Science, 1975. - T. 2. - 608 p.
  • World Wars of the 20th Century: In 4 kN. / Institute of General History. - M.: Science, 2002. - ISBN 5-02-008804-8 Kn. one: World War II: East. Essay / Out ed. G. D. Shkundin. - 2002. - 686 Page: IL. ISBN 5-02-008805-6 (in per.)
  • . Digest of articles. - M, 2016
  • Verzhkhovsky D.V. World War II 1914-1918. - M.: Science, 1954. - 203 p.
  • Basil Lidde Garth. 1914. The truth about the First World War. - m .: Eksmo, 2009. - 480 p. - (Fracture of history). - 4300 copies. - ISBN 978-5-699-36036-9.

In English:

  • Alexander Turner. . - 1. - OXFORD, UK: Osprey Publishing, 2007. - 96 p. - ISBN 978-1-84603-147-2.
  • Terry C. Treadwell. Cambrai, The First Tank Battle. - London: Cerberus Publishing, 2006. - 192 p. - ISBN 1-841-45042-1.
  • Gerald Gliddon. VC "S of the First World War - Cambrai 1917. - London: Sutton, 2004. - 263 p. - ISBN 0-7509-3409-3.
  • Jack Horsfall. Cambrai, The Right Hook. - London: Cooper, 1999. - 176 p. - (BattleGround EUROPE). - ISBN 0-85052-632-9.
  • A. J. Smithers. Cambrai, The First Great Tank Battle 1917. - London: Pen & Sword Books, 1992. - 176 p. - ISBN 0-85052-268-4.
  • Bryan Cooper. The IronClads of Cambrai. - London: Pan Books, 1970. - 224 p. - (British Battles Series). - ISBN 0-330-02579-1.


In English:

  • (Inaccessible link - history , copy)
  • British 62nd Division Before, During and After The Battle. See Also Havrincourt.


Excerpt characterizing the battle of Campi (1917)

Cavalgard officer, sowing, drove to another.
- No, I left.
"How would I not answer for delay! Here is the annoyance! " - thought an officer. He traveled the entire camp. Who said that they saw how Yermolov drove with other generals where he said that he was, right, again at home. The officer, not dining, was looking for up to six o'clock in the evening. Nowhere Yermolova was and no one knew where he was. The officer Naskoro snapped from his comrade and went again to Avangard to Miloradovich. Miloradovich was also not at home, but here he was told that Miloradovich on the ball at General Kikin, which must be ermis there.
- Yes, where is it?
- And Vaughn, in Ochkin, - said the Cossack officer, pointing to the distant standing house.
- Yes, how is there, behind the chain?
- they sent two regiments of ours in the chain, there now such a bus goes, trouble! Two music, three choir of songwomen.
The officer went beyond the chain to Ochkin. From afar, then driving up to the house, he heard friendly, the funny sounds of the dance of the Soldier song.
"In Oluza and ah ... in Aluzi! .." - with the gastrip and with Torban, he was heard, occasionally drunk his votes. The officer and fun fell on the soul from these sounds, but at the same time and terribly for the fact that he is to blame, without having submitted an important order entrusted to him. Was last ninth. He tears from the horse and entered the porch and in the front large, preserved a landlord house, which was between the Russians and the French. In the buffet and in the front, lackeys with wines and disasters fussed. Songniks stood under the windows. The officer was introduced at the door, and he saw all of all together the most important army generals, including a large, noticeable figure of Yermolov. All the generals were in unbuttoned fructures, with red, lively faces and loudly laughed, standing by a semicircle. In the middle of the halls, a beautiful short general with a red face Boyko and deftly produced Trepak.
- Ha, Ha, Ha! Ai Yes Nikolai Ivanovich! Ha, Ha, Ha! ..
The officer felt that, entering this minute with an important order, he was doubly guilty, and he wanted to wait; But one of the generals saw him and, having learned why he, said Yermolov. Ermolov with a frowning face came out to the officer and, after hearing, took the paper from him, saying nothing to him.
- Do you think it's inadvertently he left? - said this evening a staff comrade Cavaliangard officer about Yermolov said. - These are things, it's all on purpose. Konovnitsa rolling. Look, tomorrow, what will happen!

Another day, early in the morning, the stray Kutuzov got up, prayed to God, dressed and with the unpleasant consciousness that he had to lead the battle, whom he did not approve, sat down in a stroller and drove out of the leaving, in five versts behind Tarutina, to the place, Where the upcoming columns were collected. Kutuzov drove, falling asleep and waking up and listening, is there no right shots, didn't it start? But it was still quiet. Only the dawn of raw and cloudy autumn day began. Drown to Tarutin, Kutuzov noticed the cavalries who were driven by horses across the road at which the stroller was eager. Kutuzov looked at them, stopped the stroller and asked what shelf? The cavalrymen were from the column that had to be far ahead in the ambush. "Error, maybe," thought the old commander-in-chief. But, passing further, Kutuzov saw infantry shelves, guns in goats, soldiers for porridge and with firewood, in the entras. Called an officer. The officer reported that there was no statement about the speech.
"As I would not ..." he began Kutuzov, but immediately silent and ordered to call the senior officer to himself. Sleeping from the stroller, lowering the head and breathe hard, having silently waiting, he walked back and forth. When the officer of the General Staff Eichn, Kutuzov, was not overwhelmed, that this officer was a wine mistakes, but because he was a decent subject to express anger. And, shaking, choking, an old manWhen having come to the state of rabies, in which he was able to come when she was lying on the ground from anger, he was frightened to Eichen, threatening his hands, shouting and swearing with square words. Another turned down, Captain Brozin, not to blame for nothing, suffered the same fate.
- What is the channel yet? Shot by flashing! - He shouted hoarsely, waving his hands and staggering. He experienced physical suffering. He, the commander-in-chief, the little, whom everyone assures that no one has ever had such power in Russia as he, he is put in this position - raised to laughter in front of the army. "In vain so worried to pray for the current day, it did not sleep in vain and was thinking about everything! - He thought about himself. "When was a boy officer, no one would have a dream so much to do with me ... and now!" He experienced a physical suffering, as from corporal punishment, and could not not express his angry and suffer cries; But soon his strength weakened, and he, looking around, feeling that he had a lot of good, sat down in a stroller and silently left back.
The plenty of anger was no longer returned to more, and Kutuzov, weakly blinking with his eyes, heard the excuse and words of protection (Yermolov himself was not to him until another day) and insistence of Benigsen, Konovnitsyn and Tolya that the same failed movement to make the same day. And Kutuzov should have agreed again.

On another day, troops from the evening gathered in the appointed places and performed at night. There was an autumn night with black shut-off clouds, but without rain. The Earth was wet, but there was no dirt, and the troops walked without noise, only a weakly heard was the occasionally of the brand of artillery. They were forbidden to talk loudly, smoking the tubes, carving fire; Horses held from rye. The mystery of the enterprise increased its attractiveness. People walked fun. Some columns stopped, put guns into the goats and lay down on the cold earth, believing that they came there, where it was necessary; Some (most) columns walked the whole night and, obviously, did not go there, where they needed.
Count Orlov Denisov with the Cossacks (the most insignificant detachment of all others) one hit his place and at one time. This squad stopped at the extreme edge of the forest, on a path from the village of Stromilova to Dmitrovskoye.
Before the zareche of the rear-year Count Orlova woke up. Brought a fade from the French camp. It was the Polish Untera Corps Software Officer. Unter an officer this in Polish explained that he ran because he was offended by the service that he would have time to be an officer that he was brave and therefore threw them and wants to punish them. He said that Murat would spend the night in the verset from them and that, if he was given a hundred man convoy, he would be alive to take him. Count Orlov Denisov consulted with his comrades. The offer was too flattering to refuse. Everyone was called to go, everyone advised to try. After many disputes and considerations, General Major Greeks with two Cossack shelves decided to go with Unters officer.
"Well, remember," said Count Orlov Denisov Unter Officient, giving him, "in the case you lied, I Velly hang you like a dog, and the truth is a hundred Chervonsev."
Unter Officer did not answer these words with a decisive view, sat down and drove with the quickly assembled Greek. They hide in the forest. Eagle Count, shaking from the freshness of the morning of the morning, agitated by what is expected to their responsibility, having conducted Grekov, left the forest and began to look around the enemy camp, visible now is deceptive in the light of the morning of the morning and harmful fires. On the right of Count Orlova Denisov, according to the open slope, our columns should appear. Count Orlov looked there; But despite the fact that they would be noticeable from afar, the columns of these were not visible. In the French camp, as it seemed to Count Orlov Denisov, and in particular, according to his very dressed adjutant, they began to move.
"Ah, right, late," said Count Orlov, looking at the camp. He suddenly, as it often happens, after the person who we believes, no more before your eyes, he suddenly perfectly clearly and obviously it became that Unter officer this deceiver that he was altered and only spoil the whole thing of attacks the lack of these two regiments, whom he will lead God knows where. Is it possible to grab the commander-in-chief from such a mass?
"Right, he is lying, this shelma," said Count.
"You can tear out," said one of the suite, who felt the same as the Count Orlov Denisov, distrust of the enterprise, when I looked at the camp.
- BUT? Right? .. What do you think, or leave? Or not?
- Do you want to tear?
- Torture, soak! - Suddenly, the count of Orlov said strongly, looking at the clock, "it will be too late, very light.
And the adjutant rocked the forest behind the Greek. When the Greeks returned, the Count of Orlov Denisov, excited and this canceled attempt, and in vain expectations of infantry columns, which were not shown, and the closeness of the enemy (all the people of his detachment were experiencing the same), decided to step.
In a whisper, he comked: "Sit down!" Distributed, crossed ...
- With God blessing!
"Uraaaaa!" - She was keen on the forest, and, one hundred per one, how from the bag, pouring, flew having fun of the Cossacks with their darts, through the stream to the camp.
One desperate, frightened cry of the first seen the Cossacks of the Frenchman - and everything that was in the camp, frowning, the pains threw guns, rifles, horses and ran where it fell.
If the Cossacks persecuted the French, not paying attention to what was behind and around them, they would take Murata, and all that was there. Chiefs and wanted it. But it was impossible to move from the point of Cossacks when they got to mining and prisoners. No one listened to teams. Taken there was there a thousand five hundred people of prisoners, thirty-eight guns, banners and, more important for the Cossacks, Horses, saddle, blankets and various items. With all this, it was necessary to do, to get prisoners to the hands of prisoners, cannon, divide the prey, shout, even to fight with each other: the Cossacks were engaged in all this.
The French, who did not pursue more, became gradually late, gathered by teams and began to shoot. Orlov Denisov expected all the columns and did not come further.
Meanwhile, by the disposition: "Die Erste Colonne Marschiert" [the first column is (it.)], Etc., the infantry troops of the columns who were commanded by Benigsen and managed only, came out and, as always, came somewhere , but not there, where they were appointed. As it always happens, people who have come fun began to stop; There was no displeasure, the consciousness of confusion, moved somewhere back. The surcharges of the adjutants and the generals shouted, angry, quarreled, said that they were not going there at all and were late, someone was scolded, etc., and finally, everyone waved her hand and went only in order to go somewhere. "Done somewhere!" And indeed, they came, but not there, and some there, but were late so that they came without any benefit, only to shoot them. Tol, who in this battle played the role of Weiver in Austerlitsky, diligently poured out of place in place and found all the way. So he rinsed the Baggovet's body in the forest, when it was already quite light, and this body had long had to be there, with Orlov Denisov. An excited, sobbed in failure and believing that someone is to blame for this, tung to the Cabulus commander and strictly began to reproach him, saying that it should be shifted. Buggow, old, combat, calm general, also exhausted by all stops, confusion, contradictions, to the surprise of everyone, completely disgusting to their character, came to rabies and spent unpleasant things by Tol.
"I don't want to take lessons from anyone, but I know how to die with my soldiers is not worse than the other," he said and went ahead with one division.
Coming out on the field under French shots, agitated and brave buggy, without thinking, it is useful or useless his entry into business now, and with one division, went straight and led his troops under the shots. Danger, kernels, bullets were the very thing that he had to be in his angry mood. One of the first bullets killed him, the following bullets killed many soldiers. And the division it stood several times without benefit under fire.

Meanwhile, from the front, another column was to attack the French, but with this column was Kutuzov. He knew well that nothing but confused would not come out of this against his will started battle, and, as far as he was in his power, held troops. He did not move.
Kutuzov silently drove on his sulfur horse, lazily answering suggestions to attack.
"You have everything in the language to attack, and not see that we do not know how to make complex maneuvers," he said to Miloradovich, who asked forward.
- I did not know how to take Murat's lives in the morning and come on time: now there is nothing to do! - he answered another.
When Kutuzov reported that in the rear of the French, where, on the reports of the Cossacks, there was no one before, now there were two battalion of Poles, he glanced back to Yermolov (he did not speak with him since yesterday).
- Here are asking for the offensive, offer different projects, but you will begin a little, nothing is ready, and the warned enemy takes its measures.
Yermolov narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly, hearing these words. He realized that for him the thunderstorm passed and that Kutuzov would limit himself to this hint.
"This is he to get to my account," Yermolov said quietly, pushing Raevsky's kneel, who was crowned.
Soon after that, Yermolov came forward to Kutuzov and respectfully reported:
- Time is not missed, your littleness, the enemy did not go. If you want to come? And then the guard and smoke will not see.
Kutuzov said nothing, but when he was conveyed that Murat's troops retreat, he ordered the offshore; But every one hundred steps stayed for three quarters of an hour.
All the battle consisted only in what the Cossacks of Orlov Denisov did; The remaining troops only lost several hundred people in vain.
As a result, Kutuzov received a diamond sign, Benigsen, also diamonds and one hundred thousand rubles, others, according to the ranks, respectively, they also received a lot of pleasant, and after this battle there were still new movements in the headquarters.
"That's how we are always done, all the overall!" - They spoke Russian officers and generals after the Tarutinsky battle, - just as they say now, giving feeling that someone's stupid there does so, overall, and we would not do that. But people who speak so or do not know things about which they say, or deliberately deceive themselves. Any battle is Tarutinskoe, Borodino, Austerlitskoye - anything does not occur as the managers assumed. This is a substantial condition.
Countless free forces (for anywhere else is free, as during the battle, where it is about life and death) affects the direction of the battle, and this direction can never be known forward and never coincides with the direction of some kind of force.
If many, at the same time, the diverse directions act on some body, the direction of the movement of this body cannot coincide with any forces; And it will always be average, the shortest direction, the fact that the mechanics is expressed by the diagonal of the parallelogram of forces.
If in the descriptions of historians, especially French, we find that they have wars and battles fulfilled on a certain plan, the only conclusion that we can do from it is that these descriptions are not true.
The Tarutinsky battle, obviously, did not reach the goal that only meant: in order to introduce troops in dispositions, and the one that the Eagles graph could have; Mushy, or the goal of the extermination of the instantaneous entire body, which Benigsen and other persons could have, or the goals of the officer who wanted to get into business and distinguish itself, or the Cossack, who wanted to acquire more mining than he acquired, and so on. But , if the goal was what was really committed, and the fact that for all Russian people was then a common desire (the expulsion of the French from Russia and the extermination of their army), it will be quite clear that the Tarutinsky battle, which is due to his inconsection, was the most What was needed at that time campaign. It is difficult and impossible to come up with some kind of outcome of this battle, more appropriate than the one that it had. With the most low voltage, with the greatest confusion and with the most insignificant loss, the biggest results were acquired in the entire campaign, the transition from retreat was made to the offensive, the weakness of the French was observed and he was given the impetus that the Napoleonic army was expected for starting flight.

Napoleon enters Moscow after the brilliant victory de la Moskowa; Doubts in the victory can not be, since the battlefield remains behind the French. Russians retreat and give up the capital. Moscow, filled with a provisionant, weapons, shells and indispensable wealth, - in the hands of Napoleon. Russian army, twice the weakest French, continued month does not attempt to attack. Napoleon's position is the most brilliant. In order for the double forces to fall on to the remains of the Russian army and exterminate it, in order to distort the favorable world or, in case of refusal, to make a threatening movement for St. Petersburg, in order to even, in case of failure, return to Smolensk or to Wiln , or stay in Moscow, - for Togo in one word to keep the brilliant position in which the French army was at that time, it would seem, no special genius. To do this, it was necessary to make the simplest and easy: prevent troops to robbery, harvesting winter clothes that would take in Moscow to the entire army, and correctly assembled in Moscow for more than six months (according to the testimony of French historians) of the entire army. Napoleon, this brilliant of the geniuses and had the power to manage the army, according to historians, did nothing.
He not only did not do anything, but, on the contrary, consumed his power to choose from all his ways to choose what was more stupid and the clearest things. From everything I could do Napoleon: Wintering in Moscow, to go to Petersburg, go to Nizhny Novgorod, go back, north or south, the way then I went to Kutuzov, - Whatever I will come up with, more stupid and more Napoleon, that is, staying until October in Moscow, providing troops to rob the city, then, hesitate, leave or not leave the garrison, get out of Moscow, go to Kutuzov, not to start battles, go to the right, reach the small Yaroslavl, again without having experienced the chance , It's not for the road on which Kutuzov went, but to go back to Mozhaisk and on a ruined Smolensk road, - it's more stupid, there was nothing more to be invented, somehow showed the consequences. Let the most skilled strategies come up with imagining that Napoleon's goal was to destroy his army, another series of actions will come up with the same non-responsibility and independence from all that Russian troops have taken, would take away so completely all The French army, like what Napoleon did.
Brilliant Napoleon did it. But to say that Napoleon ruined his army because he wanted this, or because he was very stupid, it would be just as unfair to say that Napoleon brought his troops to Moscow because he wanted it, and therefore that he was very smart and geniant.
In the other case, his personal activity, which did not have more power than the personal activity of each soldier, only coincided with those laws on which the phenomenon was committed.
Completely falsely (only because the consequences did not meet the activities of Napoleon) represent us the historians of Napoleon's strength weakened in Moscow. He, in the same way, as before, after, in the 13th year, it consumed all his reduction and strength to make the best for himself and his army. Napoleon's activities during this time are no less amazing than in Egypt, in Italy, in Austria and in Prussia. We do not know correctly about the extent to which the genius of Napoleon in Egypt was valid, where forty centuries looked at his greatness, because these all the great feats are described by the French only. We cannot really judge his genius in Austria and Prussia, since information about his activities should draw from French and German sources; And the incomprehensible passing of the corps without battles and fortresses without siege should decline the Germans to recognizing the genius as the only explanation of the war that was carried out in Germany. But we recognize his genius to hide your shame, thank God, there is no reason. We paid for to have the right to simply and directly look into business, and we will not give way to this right.
Its activity in Moscow is also amazing and genius, as elsewhere. Orders for orders and plans for plans come from it since its entry into Moscow and before exiting it. The absence of residents and deputiation and the most fire of Moscow do not confuse him. He does not miss the good of his army, no actions of the enemy, nor the benefit of the peoples of Russia, nor the management of Paris's shares, nor diplomatic considerations of the upcoming conditions of the world.

In militarily, immediately on joining Moscow, Napoleon strictly orders General Sebastiani to follow the movements of the Russian army, sends the corps on different roads and Murata orders to find Kutuzov. Then he diligently disposes of strengthening the Kremlin; Then makes the brilliant plan of the future campaign along the entire map of Russia. In terms of diplomatic, Napoleon calls for a robbed and torn captain Yakovlev, who does not know how to get out of Moscow, details his entire politics and his generosity and, writing a letter to the emperor Alexander, in which he considers him a debt to tell his friend and brother That messenger dismissed in Moscow, he sends Yakovleva to St. Petersburg. Observing in the same details of his species and generosity in front of the tuchmine, he and this old man sends to Petersburg for negotiations.
With respect to legal, immediately after fires, ordered to find the perpetrators and execute them. And the villain is punished by the fact that it was ordered to burn him at home.
Regarding the administrative, Moscow, the Constitution was given, the municipality was established and the following was published:
"Moscow residents!
Inappropriate your cruel, but His Majesty Emperor and the king wants to stop the current. Terrible examples you have taught you how he punishes disobedience and a crime. Strict measures taken to stop the mess and return overall safety. The Department Administration, chosen from you, will make up your municipality or hail rule. This will be fed about you about your needs, about your benefits. Members of these are distinguished by the Red Lental, which will be worn over the shoulder, and the hail head will have over the white belt. But, excluding the time of their position, they will only have a red ribbon around the left hand.

There was one means of offensive against the Germans, to apply which did not allow the dirt of Flemish positions. It was a car war. The main reserve of the tank corps was gradually built during 1917 and, therefore, survived. His commander Brigadier Major General X. Elle was looking for the opportunity to apply it with benefit during the summer and interested General Sir Julian Binga, commander of the Third Army, the idea to arrange a surprise to the enemy in the form of a tank attack on his front site. Here was dry, chalk soil, on which tanks should not be thrown. One of the artillery officers of Binga, the Brigadier Major General of the 9th Scottish Division H.H. Tordor, meanwhile, developed a plan to support the tanks with unexpected bombardment, so that in such a way to deprive the enemy of the opportunity to learn about the attack in advance. In August, the bandage made plans for Ellis and Tudor, and on October 13, they approved Heig Headquarters, at least in principle. By the beginning of November, when the battle of Paskendale began to appear in vain, Hagiga was concerned about compensating for failures with any success, and on November 10, under the pressure of Bing, gave consent to the implementation of the Ellis-Tudor's plan.

The offensive was to be deployed in Cambra, as soon as possible, with the participation of over 300 tanks, eight infantry divisions were followed by the support of thousands of guns. The artillery plan was critically important for the success of the operation. Usually, bombing and barrier shelling started only after all batteries were "targeted." Although the shooting ensured the accuracy of the fire by observing the falling of shells, it was a long process, which, besides, always warned the enemy about preparing actions and allowed him to bring reserves into a dangerous sector. Tudor developed a method for shooting guns by calculating the deviation of each of the norm by electrical means. When the deviations were transferred to mathematically with an exhaustive fullness of the mesh card, the artillery commander could be sure that his batteries would be able to cover the established goals without any pre-shooting, which still always gave the opposite plans for the offensive.

The tanks grouped on the front of the front with a length of 10 thousand meters should have attacked the dense group with the following infantry, which was supposed to capture people, to capture the guns and consolidate the occupied territory. The tanks provided infantry access to the enemy positions, breaking the passages in wire barriers - on the "Line of Hindenburg" in Cambre, their depth was several hundred meters, - while the infantry gave tanks the opportunity to move through the trenches, throwing them under the caterpillars of the twigs, which worked like bridges. Three German defense lines were located one after another to the depth of more than six kilometers. All this was planned to overcome one jerk on the first day. Because in the Cambré sector, the calm reigned for a long time, its garrison was only two divisions - the 20th Landver and the 54th reserve, supported by no more than 150 guns. The 20th Landver Division was evaluated by the exploration of allies as the "Fourth Sort Division". Unfortunately, the 54th reserve division, stronger formation, was under the command of General von Walter, an artilleryist who, which was unusual for the German military, led to the use of tanks and prepared his artilleryrs to lead fire on moving goals with protected Positions.

The sharp interest of Walter to Tank Operations - despite the fact that at this time the German army did not have tanks - had the most decisive effect on the result of the battle. Also played the role of an error in assessing the possibilities of tanks from General G.M. Harper Commander of the 51st Mountain Scottish Division, Infantry Formation, located in the center of the front of the attack. Harper, brave, but the standard thoughtful person, disliked the tanks, but she loved his soldiers to the mountains. In his opinion, the tanks attracted the attention of German artillery and put his infantry under her fire. Instead of ordering them to follow close to tanks, he gave an order to keep them at a distance of 150 - 200 meters. This separation was destined to solve the fate of the British offensive at the critical moment of the battle.

It all started well. Unfortunate German soldiers, the garrison of the Cambly Sector, were not ready for a hurricane bombardment, which collapsed on them at 6 h. 20 min. am on November 20. Following this, dense columns of tanks appeared - a total of 324, the infantry crawling in front of the columns. Within four hours, the attackers in many places have advanced to a depth of more than six kilometers, there are almost no losses: the 20th Infantry Division in the 2nd Durham Battalion of Light Infantry lost killed four people, in the 14th Durham battalion of light infantry seven people were injured.

Other was the situation in the center. There, the 51st Mountain Scottish Division, cautiously following the tanks at a distance of about a hundred meters, entered the defense zone of the German 54th reserve division, artillerymen prepared by General Von Walter, began to install British tanks, as soon as they were not supported by infantry, On the hill at the village of Flekier, and destroyed them one by one. Soon eleven were dismissed, and five were destroyed by one German sergeant, Kurt Kruger. He was killed by the mountaineers, when the infantrymen of the 51st division finally stood up with tanks. By that time, however, it was too late to achieve the goal that was to be taken during the day. In the end, while on the left and right of the battlefield in Cambra, the German positions were completely destroyed, the protrusion was made in the center before the ranks of the British. This was the result of the refusal of the clear idea of \u200b\u200bsupporting the breakthrough of General Binga and the revolutionary plan of Ellis and Tudor.

In England, the bells rang in honor of the victory - for the first time since the beginning of the war. However, the holiday was premature. Bing Cavalry, who decided to move through the battlefield after the tanks at dusk on November 20, came across the non-adhesive wire barriers turned back. Infantry repeated this way on November 21 and in the following days. On November 30, the German army again demonstrated the terrifying power of his counterattack. Within ten days before the beginning of the Kronprinz, the RUPPrecht, the local commander, were collected twenty divisions. With this morning attack, they not only returned a large part of the territory, shot down tanks on November 20, but also additionally a plot that had previously held the British. The Battle of Cambrais, which was to form a deep "pocket" in the German front line, ended with the formation of very ambiguous conditions along the line of Drokur - Kean - Such, a winding double protrusion, which gave both British and the Germans a certain number of long-held territory. It was an adequate symbol of an unreliable balance of power on the West Front at the end of 1917.

Camber's operation was carefully thought out by the English command. She, according to their plan, was to facilitate the position of Italians defeated under Kaorpetto. The British, hoping for success, they wanted to smooth out a difficult impression from unsuccessful fights in Flanders and at the same time check the tanks as a means of achieving a goal when attacking the enemy position. To do this, for the first time, a tank corps was created under the command of General Ellis. In a conversation with Colonel Fuller, he asked what the impression was made by tanks on the infantry in the battles under Iprom. The answer was disappointing: "bad. The infantry thinks that the tanks did not justify themselves. Even tanks are discouraged. " As a result, close attention was paid attention to the development of infantry interaction with tanks in the training camp. Using the old fortifications, imitating the German position of Siegfried (the British called Her Position of Hindenburg), English infantry eight days before Cambra, held joint exercises with tanks on special instructions. Tanks in the eyes of amazed infantry took Rips to 3 meters wide and vertical obstacles with a height of up to 1.2 meters, the wire bonds swept, capening them with four-panel anchors. The anchors were fastened with a steel cable to the feed of the tank and reset before approaching it to boom.

The term of study at 8 days was obviously small, but the English infantry believed in tanks and psychologically configured to joint action with them in battle. During the teachings, tankers used tank fascine (75 ligaments of twigs bonded by chains, with which the tank could overcome wide German tanks. The fascines were fastened at the top of the tank and when approaching the trench was discharged into it. Establishing an innovation to dignity, the English command ordered in October 1917 . 400 tank fires.

For the implementation of the operation, the 3rd British Army General Binga as part of 8 infantry divisions, 3 tank brigades and 3 cavalry divisions were attracted. The total number of forces amounted to 72 thousand bayonets and 20 thousand sabers. The technical equipment of the troops was also at the height: 1536 machine guns, 1009 guns, 378 combat and 98 auxiliary tanks, 1000 aircraft.

The Germans had 4 divisions, which were 36 thousand bayonets, 900 machine guns, 224 guns and 272 mortars (272). Their positions were well fortified. Defense depth was 7 - 9 km.

The basis of the English plan was put on the principle of a sudden strike with tanks without prior multi-day artillery preparation. For the first time, tanks were supposed to sang the fortified position of Germanians. For the development of success, it was planned to introduce three cavalry divisions to capture Cambone, Forest Berlon, crossing through r. Sense. The plan envisaged the exit to the enemy rear to the south of Sense and west of the Northern Channel with the further development of success towards Valencienne. The breakthrough site was chosen by the British between the channels of Lesko and the northern south-west of Cambra width 12 km. The locality had a flat character, very convenient to promote tanks. But it was limited to the channels who were perpendicular to the front.

The Germans did not expect an offensive under Cambra. The British did everything so that the opponent knows nothing about their preparations. Tanks were drove in railway platforms in the evening. From the unloading station, they moved their own move on the initial positions that were 1000 m from the enemy front edge. With the help of the fire of mortars and machine guns masked the noise of tank engines. The surprise was observed, and the Germans, despite the testimony of two prisoners of the Irish, who called the day before the date of attack - November 20, were not prepared for her.

On November 20, early, in the morning under the cover of the mist, English troops occupied their places on the source positions. Ahead of them, 900-1000 m from the German watchdogs, who were preparing the tanks, stretched into the line at the front to 10 km. At 6 o'clock 10 minutes, the tanks accompanied by infantry, built by the ranks, went to the assault of the position of Siegfried, and after 10 minutes, the English artillery opened fire. In 200 m in front of the tanks there were explosions, forming a fire shaft. English aviation, despite the bad visibility, climbed into the air, but its actions were not particularly successful. Airplanes lost orientation. Two Aircraft British crashed on the trees with a raid at the Hermann airfield.

Twelve German aircraft that rose from the airfield also did not fulfill their tasks. They have not reached the front line, getting lost in the fog.

Hermann posts were glad to peer into a solid wall of a gray mist, listening to a strong crash that awkward on them. Steel colossiles weighing from the fog of 28 tons hit the German trenches. When attacking tanks, the British applied the following combat order; One tank walked ahead, behind him 180-250 steps followed two tanks with an interval of 225 - 350 steps. All three tanks had fascines. The head tank unfolded along the enemy's trench and opened the fire, the second tank approached the opponent's trench and discharged the fascine, in which the third tank turned the trench and in turn, discharged the fascine into the second trench. The head tank was unhindered through the pharyes two tag and dropped her fascine in the third trench. The infantry, which walked over two tanks of the second line by track of the caterpillars, was divided into three groups. The first group was clusters of the trenches, the second blocked the trenches and the third was a support group. A sudden attack of tanks and infantry produced panic in the ranks of German soldiers. One after another they lost their positions and reference points. On November 20, for 11 o'clock 30 minutes, the British were moved to a depth of 6 - 8 km, capturing the first and second line of the Siegfried position, except for the Phalkier point, where they met strong resistance. In Flekier, the English tanks fell under a concentrated artillery fire with a short distance.

German artilleryrs used a convenient position. At the exit to the ridge of the mountain near the village of Tankov, they were well visible and served as an excellent target for artillery players. In this battle, the 27th reserve infantry regiment of Germans destroyed 18 tanks from 20 participants in the case. By 13 o'clock, the German front was breaking down the width of 12 km, and the British were preparing to introduce Cavalry in Breach. But she spoke only at 14 o'clock 30 minutes. Time was lost. The 3rd Cavalry Corps, intended for the development of a breakthrough, acted separately, in parts. The Channel's head squadron passed the head squadron, but the most accommodated Campie was scattered by German infantry. Attempting for several other squadrons to speak the north of Marcaine was also repulsed. The promotion of the main forces of the 3rd cavalry corps was suspended by the heavy heat of machine guns and artillery of the Germans. The cavalry corps stopped, accustomed in the folds of the terrain. The German infantry, taking advantage of this, organized the closure of the breakthrough.

British tank crosses the German trench

On the first day of the offensive, the British captured about 8 thousand German soldiers and 160 officers of prisoners, 100 guns and a large number of machine guns. Their own losses were insignificant.

In order to put their troops in order, the British suspended the offensive. Only at noon on November 21, they resumed him. The fighting on this day did not bring them great success. The Germans began to come to themselves. Rentally tightened reserves. Their counterattacks began to bear fruit.

In the fight against tanks on 22 and 23 November, the Germans used field guns installed on trucks. It helped them to maneuver and meet English tanks in the directions of their movement. Well-proven anti-aircraft batteries of Germanians in the fight against tanks. The German pilots also participated in this struggle, diving, fired a tanks on top of phosphoric bullets. The scattered attacks of the British were less and less reached due to the violation of the interaction of infantry and tanks. November 29, the Germans finally stopped promoting the English troops.

By this time, 10 divisions operated by the British. The Germans pulled 16 divisions that had 160 thousand bayonets, 3,600 machine guns, 1700 guns, 1088 mortars, over 1000 aircraft. Aims against the right wing of the British 7 infantry divisions and against the left 4 division, after a short artillery preparation according to the method of refined shooting applied controls, counting on the enemy. The fire shaft was covered by the attack of the German infantry, aviation suppressed the infantry resistance of the British. As a result of the Kontrudar of Germans, the British lost 9 thousand prisoners, 716 machine guns, 148 guns, 100 tanks.

The British, using the 73 remaining combat-ready tank, reflected Kontrudar Germanians and went back to December 5, leaving Markuen, Kantnah and the Baron forest. The Germanians could not surround the British as it was provided for by the Conitary Plan.

Cambray's operation did not have any noticeable effect on the course of the war. She did not receive and operational development. But its influence on the art of war management is essential. With the battle of Cambra, the emergence of new methods and forms of conducting an armed struggle caused by the massive application of tanks are connected. Received the further development of the tactics of the hostworm based on the interaction of infantry, artillery, tanks and aviation. The Cambrais has anti-tank defense.

100 years ago, at the end of November - early December 1917, another large-scale battle was launched on the Western Front - the battle of Cambra. It was distinguished by the fact that it was the first in a massive tank offensive, in which the British were thrown into the battle of almost 400 combat vehicles. They managed to break through the German defense in a few hours, but due to the inconsistency of further actions, everything was completed by another bloody slaughter.

Preparation of the operation

The offensive under Cambra (North of France) was the last in 1917 attempted allies to apply a decisive blow to the German army on the West Front. Two previous operations ended with a complete failure. The so-called "Nivel's Offensive" (named by the name of the franchisee of the French Army, which was named by the French Army, who was named by the French Army, who was named by the French Army, who was named by the French Army who was named after the French Army who had planned him), then entered the history called "Nivel Meat Grinder". And launched by the British army in the summer and launched before November 1917, the battle of Paschendale (by the name of the village in the vicinity of the city of IPR) led to minor results and to even greater losses.

However, the British command did not accept and developed a plan of a new offensive, in which the decisive role for the first time was given to the tank parts. It was already obvious that the tanks are becoming an important means of breaking through enemy defense. For this purpose, a tank corps was formed. However, during the occurrence under Paschendale, the tanks could not show themselves. The lowland of Flanders due to heavy rains and artillery strikes turned into a sea of \u200b\u200bdirt, in which both tanks and infantry are branded. It discredited tank troops in the eyes of the soldier. Even the tankers themselves were discouraged. Based on this experience, a new offensive, the British command after careful intelligence decided to hold on a more suitable area - a lowest and dry, which was found south of Cambra.

In addition, the British carefully approached the preparation of the operation - conducted joint training on the interaction of tank crews and infantry, worked out the tactics of overcoming deep and wide enemy trenches and anti-tank pvv. Tanks acted in groups of at least three cars, each of which carried the fascine - a large bunch of twigs bonded with chains. One tank first pressed the infantry resistance in the first line of the trenches, then the second - she dumped into her the fascine, which was supposed to pass the third tank, dropping, in turn, the fascine is already in the second trench, etc. Combat vehicles overcame Rips 3 meters wide and vertical obstacles in 1.2 meters, a wire barrier was easily swam. It made a strong impression on the infantrymen who were shocked by the abilities of armored vehicles. In this case, the English infantry also acted several groups, each of which had its own task. One group blocked enemy positions, the second - she cleaned the trenches, the third was a group of support.

According to the plan of the British command, the upcoming offensive was intended to begin without long-term artillery training. For the first time in history, the tanks were supposed to break the defense of the enemy. Then, the cavalry divisions were planned to be in a breakthrough, which were to be a rapid raid to seize Cambra, surroundings and crossing the Sanas River. After that, it was envisaged to enter the rear of the German troops from Valencien and surround the German group.

In the preparation of the operation, the British strictly observed secrecy. Tanks were driven to the front in the evening and when the armored vehicles moved to the front, they necessarily have opened a strong fire of artillery and machine guns to drown out the roar of the engines. All these masking measures eventually brought their fruits. The German command did not suspect anything about the preparing occurrence, although shortly before the start of operation two English "languages" at the interrogation reported the exact date of the beginning of the British offensive - November 20. Important for a tank breakthrough had relief of the area. The breakthrough plot was chosen outly: it was to the south-west of Cambra on the front site of 12 kilometers there was a flat terrain, favorable for the movement of armored vehicles.

Commander of the 3rd British Army Julian Geduort George Bing (1862 - 1935)

Forces side

The British threw the 3rd Army of General Julian Bing: 3rd, 4th and 6th corps, cavalry and tank corps. In total, the army had 8 infantry divisions in its composition, 4 tank brigades (476 tanks), 3 cavalry divisions. The total number was 92 thousand people. The army was 1536 machine guns, 1009 guns. On the breakthrough site, 1000 aircraft focused. The tank corps were on the tanks of Mark I and Mark IV.

British opposed the 2nd German army General Georg von der Marvitsa: 13th and 14th corps (36 thousand people). Total 5 infantry, 1 reserve and 1 LANDER DIVISION. Another infantry division was moved to Cambra district from the East Front. There were 224 guns, 272 mortars and 900 machine guns on their weapons. Already during the battle, the German command pulled a significant additional and reserve forces into this section of the front with the aim of organizing the counterdard. Thus, the German army began to count in the district of Cambre 16 divisions (only about 160 thousand people), 1,700 guns, 1088 mortars and 3,600 machine guns, over 1000 aircraft.

Baked English Tank Mark I

British offensive

The British went to the attack at about 6 am on November 20 without traditional art preparation, limiting himself only to the fiery shaft, followed by tanks, and a little behind - infantry. At the front of 15 kilometers, 360 tanks at the same time moved. Against the 2 German divisions on this site, 7 British. The British used and aviation, but due to adverse weather (fog), the aircraft did not play a big role. True, the German aviation could not actively attack the enemy. Invented and terched by the British tactics worked on perfectly. A sudden powerful attack of a large number of tanks caused panic in the German troops. In the first hours of the battle, the Germans lost most of the positions and support points, and by noon, the British managed to advance by 6-8 km, breaking through all three lines of German defense. By 13 o'clock in the first day of operation, the rupture of the German front reached 12 kilometers.

However, General Bing was late with the commissioning of cavalry, the attack of which began with a two-hour delay of 14 hours 30 minutes. In addition, the cavalry acted hersally. Time was lost. The Germans managed to transfer to the place of reinforcement breakthrough (individual battalions and small detachments on the vehicle), who met the Connection with strong machine-gun and artillery fire. As a result, the plan of the decisive breakthrough of the German front is income fell.

Thus, the British broke the German divisions that kept defensive, they suffered heavy losses. On the first day of the battle, the British captured more than 8 thousand German soldiers, 100 guns and a significant number of machine guns, and there were small losses. There was no significant German forces on the breakthrough site. However, the British could not use a favorable moment for the development of the offensive, which allowed the enemy to take retaliatory measures.

The British stopped the offensive, engaging the troops, and only by the middle of the day on November 21, they resumed an attack. But at that time, the German command pulled the reserves to Cambre and could close the gap tightly. The Germans to stop the new tank breakthrough, used homemade self-propelled artillery settings - installing field weapons on trucks. Artillery got the opportunity to meet English tanks at dangerous directions. By November 22, most tanks spent the stocks of fuel and ammunition, to replenish them under the fire turned out to be impossible, and the English infantry without supporting the tanks move forward could no longer, heavy positioning battles were again. The Germans continued to pull the reserves by preparing counteroffensive.

Thus, it fails to use the front break, the English troops actually stopped. Fights again became positional, individual attacks no longer brought significant results. The British offensive has exhaled. By November 30, the Germans managed to completely stop the adversary promotion.

British offensive. Card source:

German counterpart

After an English offensive was actually completed, the German command pulled the troops and prepared his blow. The German army in the Cambra region brought to 16 divisions. General Marvitz planned to surround and destroy all British troops, which entered into German defense. Against the right flank, the British Germans aimed 7 divisions, against the left - 4 infantry divisions for the purpose of a powerful strike and the environment of enemy troops.

On November 30, German troops, after severe artillery training, went to counteroffensive. The Germans actively used artillery and aviation. By December 3, they defeated the towns of Marquen, Kantna and Berlon engaged in the previously engaged in the British (4-6 kilometers to the west of Campree), but it was not possible to surround the enemy. Using the remaining tanks, the British were able to avoid the environment. On December 7, the English command completed the troop of troops to the initial positions. The battle was completed. As a result of the counteroffensiveness of the German army, the British suffered heavy losses, losing 9 thousand people only prisoners, 100 tanks, 148 guns and hundreds of machine guns.

German counteroffensive


The battle of Cambra ended in fact. The British broke through the enemy front, but could not develop the first success, again wearing in positional battles. The Germans managed to quickly respond to an enemy breakthrough, adopted successful countermeasures, pulled reserves and reinforcements. Then the Germans went to a counteroffensive for the purpose of the environment and destruction of the British shock grouping, but also without decisive success. The British army actually returned to the starting position. The British lost more than 44 thousand people in the battle, Germans - about 40 thousand thousand soldiers.

The battle showed that tank connections will still show themselves when breaking through enemy defense. Russian Military Historian, General Andrei Zaisonchkovsky noted that "we can assume that the problem of the mechanization of the army leads its beginning from here." However, in general, the interaction of various types of troops played a crucial role in the development of the operation. Received the further development of the tactics of the hostworm based on the interaction of infantry, artillery, tanks and aviation. Also, Cambra was born anti-tank defense.

The battle of Crabbe showed that the initiative passes to the allies, the German army moved to strategic defense, although also retained the offensive potential.

Masking Tanka

Battle of Cambra. Baked English tanks Summary of other presentations

"First World War" History "- Yutland sea Boy. Cause. Battle in Somme. Concepts. Goals of warring powers. Results and consequences of war. The first combat car in the world. Versailles peace treaty. Verden battle. Brest world. World War I. Compiece truce. Triple Alliance. Main characteristics. Austria-Hungary. Test for verification. A truce between Soviet Russia and Germany. The beginning of the First World War.

"The causes and consequences of the First World War" - the First World War. Brousilovsky breakthrough. The greatest crimes. Both sides suffered large losses. The causes of the First World War. Dukhonin Nikolai Nikolaevich. Battle at Verden. Marn battle. Compiece truce. Battle on Somme. The consequences of war. The ratio of forces. Military political unions on the eve of the war. Etland battle. Denikin Anton Ivanovich. Gofman. August. Battle of Cambra. Capitulation of Germany.

"Brusilovsky breakthrough" - it was in the first world war for the first time tanks were applied. Who is Brusilov? By November 1916, fights on Brusilov entrusted directions ended. The positional nature of war. Brusilovsky breakthrough put Austria-Hungary on the edge of the military and political catastrophe. All who were in the camp fled the head in different directions. But the explosion never sounded. He studied in the Page Corps. Brousilovsky breakthrough.

"The First World War 1914-1918" - September 1914 on Marne. Outcome 1916: The advantage of the forces of the Entente. Historical inevitability. Accident. World War II 1914-1918. World catastrophe. Schliffen plan: Lightning war France Russia. World War II 1914-1918. October 1914 - Joining Turkey War. Stabilization. Murder in Sarajevo Heir to the Austrian throne Franz Ferdinanda. Opening of hostilities in the Black Sea and in Transcaucasia.

"Commands of the First World War" - Colonel-General Paul von Hindenburg. An outstanding Russian commander, General Staff, General from infanteria. Outstanding military leaders of the 20th century. The hero of the Russian-Japanese and First World War. Paul von Hindenburg. Ferdinand Fosh is a French military figure. Paul von Hindenburg-monetsky Colonel-General. Russian commander and military teacher. German warlord and politician. Anton Ivanovich Denikin.

"War 1914-1918" - time. The results of the First World War. Militarism. Austria-Hungary. Versailles peace treaty. 1914 - 1918. Great Britain. Mandate system. World War I. Imperialism. Mobilization time. France. Entente. Monopolies. Blitzkrieg. The League of nations. Verden. War. Triple Alliance. Washington Conference. Germany. Sarajevo. Occasion. Russia.

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