Game library for rallying the children's team. Cohesion exercises. "Do you love your neighbors"

Children's team building games

1. Touching clothes ... colors
The players should touch the clothes (their own or someone else's) of the color that the presenter says.
2. Water
The driver sits in a circle with his eyes closed. The players move in a circle with the words: "Water, water, that you are sitting under water, go out for a minute, let's play a joke." The circle scatters (a few steps) and everyone stops. "Waterman", without opening his eyes, is looking for one of the players, his task is to determine who is in front of him. "Water" can touch the player standing in front of him, but you cannot open your eyes. If the driver guesses correctly, they switch places.
3. Blinkers
An odd number of people are playing. The players form 2 circles: outer - boys, inner - girls. Each girl must stand strictly in front of the boy. The boy, who did not have enough pair, stand in the outer circle, the girls fix their eyes on him. To find a mate - he winks at some girl, seeing this she must run to him, and the boy standing behind her must catch her in time. Anyone who gape (blinked) is forced to look for a mate.
4. Lavata
The players stand in a circle, hold hands and begin to move in a circle, singing loudly: "We are dancing, we are dancing, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, our cheerful dance is Lavata." Then everyone stops and the presenter says: "My elbows are good, but the neighbor's is better" - everyone takes their neighbors by the elbows and starts to move again singing. The facilitator can name what he wants (waist, shoulders, heels, legs, etc.).
5. Toe-heel
Everyone becomes in a circle very tightly, so that the toe rested against the heel in front of the one standing. When they got up right, everyone starts to squat slowly in this position - it turns out that everyone sits on the knees of the previous one. If you have successfully sat down, you need to try to hold out for so little.
6. "Putanka"
Conditions: The driver turns away. Participants, standing in a circle and holding hands, begin to get confused with each other, forming a living ball. The driver's task is to untangle this tangle without tearing his hands.
7. "GrOb"
Everyone is walking around the room, and someone shouts out a phrase that informs about the danger. "Attention! We are attacked by cave lions! (or something else) "After signaling the danger, the participants in the game must immediately gather in a close group, hiding the weak in the middle, and then in chorus say the phrase:" Let's rebuff the cave lions (or others). " Then the group scatters around the room again, and the game is repeated. For a successful game, it is necessary that the phrases are pronounced exactly as stated in the instructions, and at the same time with a completely serious look.
8. "Joystick"
Team game (two teams are best). Teams face each other, each taking a neighbor's hand by the thumb. The neighbor's thumb will be a joystick. The first in the chain extends his hand forward over the table. What the coin is put on. Everyone closes their eyes, except for the last member of the team. He controls the "joystick" by transmitting a command to the first through the rest of the participants. The goal of the first is to lower your finger exactly on the coin.
9. "Crane"
One of the participants in the game lies down on the floor (chairs, bench), and the other participants raise him, supporting each one with one hand. Under friendly joint conditions, the group easily lifts any participant, even the most overweight. Those who are raised come up with a role for themselves and communicate it to everyone. The roles can be as follows:
the coach of the winning team;
the colonel who won the battle;
a ballerina flying upward in a dance;
a swimmer climbing the crest of a wave;
a cloud flying across the sky on a hot day;
a log on a clean-up day;
a jumper hovering over the bar;
lotus flower on the surface of the lake, etc.
10. "Tetris".
You have to draw the details of the construction set (Tetris) on a large sheet of paper, and the number of these details should be equal to the number of participants in the game. You post this poster and invite each participant to choose one of the details and play it. After all the participants have distributed the details among themselves, invite them to build the structure that you depicted on another sheet of Whatman paper. Try, as far as possible, not to depict towers and skyscrapers, because it will be difficult for the participants in the game to avoid falling when it is necessary to create a living pyramid of five to six participants.
11. "Clown"
A box of matches (only the top of it). Everyone line up in a column, the first person puts the box on his nose. The essence of the game is to pass this box from nose to nose to all members of your team as quickly as possible, with your hands behind your back. If someone's boxes fell, the team starts the procedure again.
12. "Hush, Louder"
You probably played the game "Is it cold - hot?" Our game is similar to it: the guys sit in a circle, the driver leaves the circle and turns his back. One of the members of the circle has an object hidden. The driver's task is to find the person with the hidden object. As soon as he enters the circle, everyone begins to sing a song and the louder the closer the driver is to the hidden object. Accordingly, the song is sung quieter if the driver moves away from this person. When the item is found, the driver changes, if not, the game continues.
13. "Mathematics"
Children sit in a circle. The counselor gives the task: “We begin to count in a circle, the one who has a multiple of three, says his name instead of a number”. This game can be used to develop memory and attention. Play around and you will see that this is indeed the case.
14. Count.
Teams are given a set of small cards with numbers written on them. The task is to find the sum of all the numbers and name the result. The more precise team wins.
15. What is it?
Teams are given cards with the names of 3-4 items. Task for each team: after a short discussion, ask the audience a question about the subject, without naming it, so that everyone else will give an answer. For example, what is it?
A comfortable seat with palm rests? (Armchair.)
A fluid for joining parts? (Glue.)
Milk, telephone, rain.
Bread, scissors, moon.
Giraffe, spoon, snow.
Car, night, sugar.
16. Show me.
To be drawn using all team members:
orchestra, electric train, centipede, zoo, TV, telephone;
fans whose team is losing, spectators watching a cool action movie, people in line for sausage, patients from the ward before the operation;
tough hares, wild pigs, lone wolves, crazy chickens;
Leaning Tower of Pisa. Chinese wall. Kremlin, bridge over the Thames;
the letter "A", "K", "W", "R", "Y";
the painting "Bears in a Pine Forest", "Barge Haulers on the Volga", "Ivan the Terrible Kills His Son", etc.
17. Masters of pantomime.
A player of one team for his rivals must, using facial expressions, gestures and without uttering a sound, depict a given animal, so that everyone would guess who it is.
18. Cheerful account.
For this competition, a set of cards with numbers from O to 9 is prepared in advance for each team. The teams line up in front of the leader, in front of whom there are two chairs. Each player receives a card with one of the numbers. After the leader reads the example for the teams, the players with the numbers that make up the result "run out to the leader and sit on chairs so that the answer can be read. Let's say this was an example: 32 +4. The guys who have cards with numbers 3 and 6 in their hands should sit on the chairs next to the leader, since the sum of 32 and 4 is 36. The team that succeeds in doing this quickly and correctly earns a point. The score goes to five points.
19. Who is faster?
The team completes tasks quickly and accurately.
1st option. Build using all team members:
a circle;
20. Silent mail
Material: 2 sheets of paper, 2 markers.
A group of players sit close enough in single file one after another. The first and last players receive one sheet of paper and markers each. The last player draws some kind of image (object, living creature, etc.) on a piece of paper. At the same time, other players should not see what was drawn. After that, the last player draws with his finger on the back of the neighbor exactly the same image as on the piece of paper. The neighbor, even if he did not quite understand what it was, draws with his finger on the back of his next neighbor what, in his opinion, was drawn on his back. The first player, after drawing something on his back, must transfer this image to paper. As a result, the two options are compared.
21. Drawings of group pictures
Material: paper, markers / pencils.
The host of the game distributes one sheet of paper to everyone. Everyone writes down their name. All participants begin to draw, making one or two strokes on the sheet. Then a sheet of paper is passed to the neighbor on the left. The started picture is supplemented by its neighbor on the left and passed on. This happens until the picture is returned to the owner.
22. Take turns
Material: cards with numbers from 1 to 100, blindfolds. (number of persons)
All players are free to stand on the playing court. The presenter blindfolds the players. Then the presenter gives each player a card with a number and whispers his number. The cards contain numbers from 1 to 100. The task of the group is to line up in the correct numerical sequence so that the smallest number is on the right, and the largest is on the left. As the players search for their seats, one arm of each should be extended forward to prevent collision. Players are not allowed to talk to each other. If the group thinks that it is in the correct sequence, i.e. problem solved - everyone opens their eyes.
23. Telegram
Everyone stands in a circle and hold hands. The leader is selected. He says: "I, F.I., am transmitting a telegram to F.I.," and imperceptibly shakes the hand of one of his neighbors. Handshakes are passed further in a circle until they reach the address. Who received, says: "Thank you! I received the telegram." The facilitator's job is to notice the handshake. If this happened, then the person who was noticed becomes the leader.
24. House - tree - dog
Material: paper, felt-tip pens or paint brushes, blindfolds.
All are divided into pairs. Each pair receives one felt-tip pen or one brush with paints, one Whatman paper. Both participants are blindfolded. Each pair, working with only one tool, must draw a house - a tree - a dog. In this case, the players should not talk to each other.
25. Sorcerers
The players stand in a circle with their eyes closed, after which the presenter, touching the shoulder, appoints two or three of them as sorcerers. Then everyone opens their eyes and begins to make a chaotic movement, shaking hands. Each of the sorcerers can (but is not obliged!), When shaking hands, to enchant the player whom he shakes hands, imperceptibly scratching his palm. The bewitched, having made two more handshakes with someone, goes to the corner for the bewitched (leaves the game). The task of the non-sorcerers, looking at each other, is to expose all the sorcerers; the task of those, in turn, is to enchant everyone.
26. Flashers
Representatives of the same sex (for example, girls) sit in a circle on chairs facing inward, one seat is free. Representatives of the opposite sex, for example, young people stand behind the backs of chairs, one at a time behind a chair (including an empty one) and hold their hands at the seams. One of the participants who stands behind an empty chair is trying to lure one of the sitting people into his chair by winking at him (in our example, her). When one of those sitting tries to run away to an empty chair, the task of the one who stands behind him is to prevent him from doing this, that is, to carefully catch and not let him in.
27. Square
All players stand in a square (so that all the space inside the square is occupied) as closely as possible, you can even outline a square in advance, in which they should fit. Then the presenter gives commands, and the square executes them, trying not to increase the area he occupies, for example:
- The square went to the left. - the square goes to the left.
- The square sits down. - a square with screams and screams trying to sit down.
- The square is jumping. - a square with no less intense noise jumps.
28. Lyudmila Prokofievna
The group is lined up in one line, they are invited to go from one end of the room to the other with their usual gait, and then back and forth. Then you need to walk, lifting your head up, dropping it low, stretching your neck, pulling your head into your shoulders, waving your arms, pressing them to the body, bending in half, bending back, wagging your hips, not moving your pelvis at all, not bending your knees, raising your knees high , with a wide step, putting the heel of one leg to the toe of the other, run very quickly, go as slowly as possible. Then walk again with your usual gait, trying to track the changes that have occurred.
29. Alien knees
The group sits in a tight circle, moving the chairs closer together. Each participant puts his hands on the knees of the neighbors. The right hand is on the left knee of the neighbor on the right. On their own knees, each participant has the hands of his neighbors in a circle. On the left knee is the right hand of the neighbor on the left, and on the right is the left hand of the neighbor on the right. The game consists in clapping hands on the knees consistently, not overtaking each other. You need to carefully monitor when it comes to your own hand, and not to your own knee. The game requires constant concentration. As soon as concentration falls, the participant is mistaken. The one who made a mistake takes away the hand of which the mistake was made.
Complicating the task:
1. any participant, when the turn to clap comes to one of his hands, has the right to change the direction of movement of the claps. To do this, he needs to slap his hand on the knee on which this hand lies, twice.
2. The members of the group who have dropped out of the game move to the center of the circle, where they form their inner circle and continue to play.
30. "Tuka"
Tuka is a fish that fishermen often dry by stringing it on long ropes. Now we, like a toucan, will be “strung” on a long, about 15 m long, rope, at one end of which a pine cone is tied. All team members must pass this bump through all the clothes from top to bottom, passing the bump to each other in turn. Naturally, the winner is the team, the last participant of which is the first of all teams to pull out of his trousers pine cone with fifteen meters of rope tied to it.

During the shift, the counselor with the detachment very often finds himself in a situation of forced waiting (in front of the dining room, before the start of an event or excursion, etc.). In such cases, short-term team-building games will help - fun and useful view activities. Having organized the children with the help of the game, the counselor, firstly, will not let any of them get bored, and secondly, they will not be able to get lost.

Flashing lights

Children stand in two circles - inner and outer, facing the center of the circle. This is how pairs are formed: one - from the inner circle - stands with his back to his partner and looks at the driver; the other - from the outer circle - stands behind him at a distance of half a step, looks at his heels, holds his hands behind his back. The driver is in the center of the inner circle (without a pair), he winks at someone from the inner circle. Seeing that they winked at him, the player of the inner circle tries to run away. If the partner manages to keep him, the driver winks at the other player, and if not, then the runner stands behind the driver's back, and the player who missed the partner becomes the driver.

For myself - for my neighbor

Children stand in a circle. The left hand is held outstretched forward with an open palm upward, the right hand is held downward with a palm pinch (as if they were holding something in it). When they say “themselves,” the children with their right hand seem to put something into their left hand. On the word "neighbor" - with the right hand, they "put" something into the left hand of the neighbor on the right. Everything. at the same time perform movements and say: "To myself - to a neighbor." In fact, a small object (a coin or a pebble) is passed in a circle. The facilitator (in the center of the circle) should notice who has the coin. When he succeeds, he and the player who had the coin change places.


The game teaches concentration, composure, develops the ability to act in a group. In turn, the players name by letter of the alphabet, memorizing the letters they have inherited. The presenter offers to print a telegram with a specific text. For example: “I'm going. Meet. Dwarf". Before the beginning and end of the phrase, the whole group should clap their hands twice. Then he claps once, "typing a letter", the one who got the first letter of the telegram, followed by the one with the second letter, etc. After the word "printed", the whole group makes one clap, thus separating words apart.

The game continues until the group has transmitted the entire telegram "Typewriter" is being played in silence.


Like the previous one, this game promotes concentration of attention, develops the ability to act in a group, but is more dynamic and energetic. All players sit in a circle, settle in order and remember their numbers. The presenter sets the pace: two claps on the knees, two finger clicks. Everybody repeats. As soon as it is possible to establish a uniform rhythm, words are entered. Striking the knees twice, the presenter pronounces his number twice: “One, one” and makes two clicks with his fingers; then, slapping on the knees for the first time, he says his number, after the second - he says the player's number, to whom he gives the word, for example: “One, three”. Now the player number 3, without leaving the general pace, is leading the game. It is advisable at the beginning of the game to simply pass the word in turn so that the players remember the pace and rules of the game, and then do it at random, gradually accelerating the pace.

Animal voices

Human alliance

The group consists of 10-12 people. Participants are asked to stand in a circle, reach out and grasp with their right hand with one person and with their left with another. Then they are asked to unravel without unclenching their hands. Success depends on how the participants negotiate with each other. The children then discuss how they come to an agreement in real life how important these agreements are.


Time game. Standing in a circle and holding hands, players (10-50 people) try to convey the "impulse" as quickly as possible by squeezing the hand to the neighbor on the right. Try to play the game first with your eyes open and then with your eyes closed. Compare the time. Now ask one of the participants to send an “impulse” in two directions. See if the "impulses" can cross and continue their move further. Similarly to an impulse, you can transmit anything you like, for example, a sound or some word.

Stay unnoticed

On the ground with thick grass and a flag is set by bushes at a distance of 100-150 m from the location of the group of players. The leader stands beside him. Players on command crawl to the flag, trying to remain unnoticed by the leader. The one who will be discovered by him rises and remains in the same place until the end of the game. After a while, the leader blows the whistle by which everyone else goes up. The winner is the one who is closer to the flag.

North South West East

10-15 people play, built in two ranks and opened one step. By the compass or by the sun, the leader indicates to the players the sides of the horizon: north, south, west, east. Then he loudly names some side of the horizon, for example, north, and all players must quickly and clearly make a turn, facing north. Whoever makes a mistake gets a penalty point. The winner is the one who receives fewer penalty points.


During the walk, the detachment makes a halt in a place from which a wide panorama opens up in one direction and various local objects are visible (pillars, houses, bushes, etc.). For a minute, the guys carefully examine the landscape, trying to remember all the details, and then turn their backs to it. The supervisor asks them various questions about what they have just observed. For each correct answer - a point.

Late - step back

Parallel lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of one step. On the first line, the members of the squad are lined up by height. On the command “Disperse” the players run across the court, after which the command “Become” is given. Whoever gets up last takes a step back to another line. Then the game is repeated. The winner is the one who remains on the first line after the game has been played 5-7 times.

Signs in the forest

The players follow the game leader through the forest and carefully look at their surroundings. Having passed a certain distance, the leader leaves the players in place, and he himself returns to the starting position by the same way. He marks his path with various signs that are not striking: he puts a small bunch of grass on the ground, breaks a dry branch of a tree, scatters torn leaves, puts a cross on the bark of a tree with chalk, etc. He makes marks in 12 places and writes down which left traces. Arriving at the starting point, it gives a signal, according to which the players go on their way back. Everyone tries to notice and remember the signs left by the leader. When all the guys get together, they are invited to write down what signs they saw on the road. The winner is the one with the more complete list.

Who will deliver the package faster

Two or three routes are planned on the site. A movement diagram is drawn up for each of them, on which the areas of movement in azimuth, landmarks and marked flags, branches, serifs on trees are indicated. To do this, the route is drawn on paper, divided into sections, the azimuth of each link is determined, and its length is measured in steps. At the starting point, each detachment is handed a package and the task is to deliver it to the headquarters faster. On command, the groups begin to move in parallel at a distance of 200-300 m. The group that reaches the destination first and hands over the package to the mediator wins.

Note... The game can be played both for several units and for groups of one unit.

Green rocket

This game tests the ability of children to gather on alarm, read footprints, disguise themselves, move silently over rough terrain, their ingenuity, resourcefulness and endurance in the border service.

At the outpost (in the place of the game) a flag is raised or a green light rocket is given - an alarm signal, the "Alarm" signal sounds. The detachment gathers on the parade ground, the commander reports on the gathering.

From the detachment, 2-4 people are allocated in advance, who are violators of the border. In the established place, they violate the conventional border, breaking the control-track strip and leaving well-visible traces on it. Each of them follows its own previously defined route, without leaving the game area. Their task is to go unnoticed by the barrier and transmit the cipher code to the leader in a certain place. Violators do not know about the exact location of the barriers. On the way, they leave 5-6 noticeable traces.

The squad leader assigns a task to his squad. A search group of 3-8 people is allocated, depending on the number of violators. She must find the trail control strip to find traces and determine how many violators have passed, the direction of their movement, and then look for the violators until they are completely destroyed or detained. The rest of the squadron moves silently into the screen and camouflages themselves. They must prevent the breakthrough of violators, notice them in time and detain them. When searching the detainees, it is necessary to find a cipher code. In the screen, the guys are positioned so that there is a connection between them. Interaction signals are established, as well as a password for identifying each other. It is necessary to pursue the violators silently, not to leave the protected area, because this can be used by other violators and will pass through the unguarded area.

The game ends when all violators have been detained. It is important for the organizer of this game to accurately allocate the time for the entry of the offenders, the search party and the screen. When summarizing the results, it is necessary to note the positive and negative actions of the divisions during the collection and on alarm, the actions of the screen, the search group, and violators.

Team building games

Rope course.

We bring to your attention a series of specially designed exercises that will help to make children friends, teach them to feel and understand everyone. And this course is called a rope course. Why? because main idea- all together, as if tied with one rope. In addition, the rope will come in handy for some exercises. So, stock up not only with rope, but also patience, and most importantly, desire! The rope course is a series of specially prepared lessons, psychophysical exercises for small groups, as well as individual lessons. This program was developed by the American company Barron Adventures.

In the process of completing the course, an atmosphere of creative search is created, the possibilities of making non-standard decisions are being worked out, mutual assistance and support in the team increases. Using the example of exciting, but rather difficult exercises, the group learns to solve a common problem, develop tactics and a strategy for solving it. By participating in the "Rope course, the children begin to overcome barriers in communication, get to know each other better, thanks to this, a natural and quick cohesion of the group occurs. The analysis of each exercise gives the children the opportunity to understand how the task was completed, a decision was made who took an active position and how this influenced They also think about what could have been done differently and better next time, how to overcome difficulties in life in a more effective way. "The rope course is a mutual learning program in which the participants learn everything from their own experience, according to their actions. The main goals of the rope course are teamwork and leadership, but you can add that it gives: the development of a strategy group; creativity; self-expression; effective leadership; self-confidence; problem solving; overcoming oneself.

From our own experience, we have become convinced of the effectiveness of this course in working on team building. We recommend using it during the organizational period of the shift. It is necessary to comply with all the conditions for performing the "Rope Course".

The group that passes the test must not exceed 12 people. 2. Exercises are performed under the guidance of a counselor who is well familiar with the "course. 3. The time for preparing the assignment is not limited. 4. The assignment is considered completed if everyone copes with the task without error. If at least one participant makes a mistake, the group returns to the starting position. And also, in no case do not forget that the course can be conducted only in a warm, benevolent atmosphere, and it depends only on you, dear colleagues!

Exercises one. " Nodules". Participants form a circle and join hands, and the hands of one person must be clasped with the hands different people... Objective: without disengaging the hands, untangle the knot and form a circle. * This exercise provides an opportunity for everyone to participate in developing a strategy.

« Electrical circuit". The team is split into pairs. The partners sit opposite each other, where they connect their hands and feet, thus forming an electrical circuit through which current flows through the linked arms and legs. The task of the participants: stand up without breaking the electrical circuit. Now combine two pairs with each other to create an electrical circuit consisting of four people. The task remains the same - to stand together without breaking the chain. When this stage is successfully completed, re-combine the groups to form an electrical circuit of 8 people. In the end, you will receive an electrical circuit formed by all the participants that need to rise. There are two main conditions for this exercise: 1) the electric current must flow unhindered in a closed electrical circuit formed by interlocking hands and feet; 2) at each stage, participants must take off from the ground at the same time. A tip to the counselor: do not forget to support the children, because it is very difficult for them!

« Big Mac". Organize a large circle. Divide the team into pairs and ask each pair to choose a phrase of two words that are traditionally used together (for example, one partner says: "Big", - the other: "Poppy"; one: "Nut", - the other: "Butter", etc. etc.). Then explain that according to the terms of the game, you need to close your eyes and not open them until the end of the event, and, in addition, you can only say your chosen word. Now the leader shuffles the team so that the partners are far from each other. Partners with closed eyes, shouting their word, find each other. Once the couple is reunited, take them out of the way of those who still have their eyes closed. Upon completion of the task, each pair informs all participants of their own word combination. For this exercise, the playground plays a very important role, which must be large.

« Seated circle". The team forms a tight circle (shoulders touching). Then ask the children to turn 90 degrees to the right. Assignment: You need to slowly sit on your knees to each other and touch the shoulder of the person behind with your hand. Complete this exercise on high note laughing and clapping to everyone.

« Push ups". Divide into groups of 4. Your task is to push up from the ground so that only your hands rest against it, and hold out for at least 5 seconds. * Tip for counselor: it will be most convenient to perform push-ups if the group lies facedown on the ground so that a square is formed, the sides of which are formed by the bodies (the legs of one lie on the back of a neighbor). The counselor needs to ask the children if they have back problems? In this exercise, these children can be recruited as judges.

« All aboard". Equipment: any designated area (bench, chair, bar). The task of the participants: to fit the whole team on a medium-sized site. You need to remove both feet from the ground, and hold on for at least five seconds. Second stage: you need to do the same on a smaller area.

« Log". Equipment: any log (tree lying on the ground, gymnastic beam, etc.). The team lines up on a beam. Starting with the first person, the team is ferried to the opposite end of the log. The result should be the same line, in the same order. * A tip to the counselor: it is better to arrange the team, alternating boys and girls.

« Trolls". Equipment: trolls - a small board, block or other auxiliary item. Mark two parallel lines at least three meters apart. The task of the team is to cross from one line to another, without touching the ground, using trolls.

« Walk of the blind". Have each participant cover their eyes with a blindfold. When all eyes are closed, tell the children that we are going on a journey across the untouchable land that our eyes cannot touch. Ask to put your right hand on the shoulder in front of you. Slowly begin your journey along your chosen route, including climbing stumps, hills, crawling under low overhanging trees and branches, squeezing between trees, etc. Finish in some tight (but safe!) Place. * A tip to the counselor: this exercise should be performed in complete silence. A sign should be chosen to indicate the danger (shaking, clap on the shoulder, etc.).

« Web". Equipment: pre-woven cobweb from ropes. The number of cells must correspond to the number of participants. The task is to get the whole team across the web from one side to the other, without touching any part of it. If you touch the web, the whole team comes back and starts the exercise again. If any of you crossed to the other side, then he cannot return, bypassing the web, and help the team. Each slot can only be used once.

« Crossing". Equipment: rope, bucket of water. A "pendulum" is prepared in advance (the rope is attached to the support). The challenge is to get the whole team across the designated line without touching the ground. In addition, each team member needs to carry a container of water without spilling a single drop. Insurance required!

« Electric fence". Equipment: rope, pole (board, stick, etc.). The challenge is to get the whole team across an imaginary electrical wall without touching a single visible or imaginary part of it. If anyone touches the wall, the whole team goes back and starts the exercise again. * A tip to the counselor: the pole can be used by the whole team as well as by the last participant.

« Trust - foul". Build the team in two lines so that both groups face each other. Ask to take off watches, rings, bracelets, stretch your arms forward, bend them at the elbows (90 degree angle). Hands alternate with each other, forming a "cradle" for the falling. The palms are facing up and in no case are interlocked either with each other or with the hands of a neighbor on the side or opposite. The belayer's knees are slightly bent. The leader stands in a line at the place where the greatest weight of the falling person will have and, no matter what happens, do not remove his hands during the fall of the participant. Put strong guys with you. As the line progresses, you can change the order of the line so that each participant experiences the moment of being caught, but keep the strongest in the middle. If you have a large strong team, you can be the leader of the fall (out of line), but if you feel that the team needs you for the safety of the fall, ask the guys to choose the leader (Maestro) themselves. Prepare the Maestro so that he can check the incident. The torso and legs should be absolutely straight, like a string; Hands - crossed over the chest and locked in a lock; The head is slightly tilted back; Ask them to take off their glasses and take items out of their pockets. Words that must be said before falling: 1) FALLER: "Are the belayers ready?" 2) INSURERS: "Insurers are ready" 3) MAESTRO: "Fall". After landing, shake your friend in your arms - show affection.

This concludes the "Rope Course". You have received the results of this program. Was everyone able to complete the exercise? Nobody was left on the sidelines? And on the evening "light". Ask the children what they learned during this course?


The players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other in random order. The throw must be accompanied by a compliment to the person to whom the ball is thrown.

The bigger the ball, the better - it makes people open up.


The players stand in a circle with their eyes closed, after which the presenter, touching the shoulder, appoints two or three of them as sorcerers. Then everyone opens their eyes and begins to make a chaotic movement, shaking hands. Each of the sorcerers can (but is not obliged!), When shaking hands, to enchant the player whom he shakes hands, imperceptibly scratching his palm. The bewitched, having made two more handshakes with someone, goes to the corner for the bewitched (leaves the game). The task of the non-sorcerers, looking at each other, is to expose all the sorcerers; the task of those, in turn, is to enchant everyone.


The players stand in a circle, alternating by gender (that is, boy-girl-boy-girl, and so on), with a driver in the center. The players clap their hands rhythmically and say in chorus the following words: “Aram-shim-shim, aram-shim-shim, Arameya-Zufiya, show me! And again! And two! And three! ”, At this time the driver, closing his eyes and pointing his hands forward, rotates in place, when the text ends, he stops and opens his eyes. The representative of the opposite sex closest in the direction of rotation to the place shown to him also goes to the center, where they stand back to back. Then all the others clap their hands again, saying in chorus: “And again! And two! And three!". On the count of three, those in the center turn their heads to the sides. If they looked in different directions, then the driver kisses (usually on the cheek), the one who came out, if in one - they shake hands. After that, the driver stands in a circle, and the one who leaves becomes the driver. There is also a version of the game, in which for the representatives of the stronger sex, the words "Aram-shim-shim, ..." are replaced by "Wider, wider, wider circle!" He has seven hundred girlfriends! This, this, this, this, and the beloved is this one! ”, Although in general it does not matter. When playing a game at a younger age, it makes sense to replace kisses with scary faces, which two in the center wriggle at each other, and at an older age, you can kiss on the lips.

Who is in that much

Two commands: 1.In 1 min. Show a proverb. Its team is guessing. 2. Draw on the topic. (Drink). Its team is guessing. 3. Write a story with a rope. Each command is given 2 keywords. One of which should be the last. 4. Topic: "...". Guess as many words as possible (in 1 min.) That a player from his team has said before

Search for papers at the stage

Papers are cut in advance. Then they hide on the floor of the building: in the suitcase, in the corridor, wards, shower, room 5, on the dryer. Then the children are divided into two teams and look for these pieces of paper, each on its own side. The team that finds more pieces of paper wins.

Come up, tell

Assignment: To stage the conversation of the heroes: 100 dollars and a penny, a gold earring and a holey sock, a rusty nail and heel, a dirty plate and toilet soap, an old newspaper and a plane.

Share on the basis

One person walks out the door, while the group agrees on what basis to divide and splits into two groups (for example, those who have laces and those who do not). The task of the logged in is to guess by what criterion the group is divided into two parts.

Count to ten

“Now, at the start signal, you close your eyes, put your noses down and try to count from one to ten. But the trick is that you will be counting together. Someone will say “one”, another person will say “two”, a third will say “three” and so on ... However, there is one rule in the game: only one person should pronounce a word. If two votes say “four,” the counting starts over. Try to understand each other without words. " did the group manage to do it? If so, how? If not, why not? What was in the way? Who took an active part, who remained silent?

Sculptural portrait

Some of the participants are called (or chosen by the group - this is even more interesting, because it shows whose opinion and vision, whose feedback the group members want to receive first of all) to be a “sculptor” who will immortalize the group in “monumental sculpture”. Each character of the sculptural group should have its own role, its own function. The sculpture of the group should somehow "be embodied in stone", and, perhaps, in some other material, which will help to highlight the role of each. “You are a sculptor. So embody what you see, how you feel. We will be your material - the sculpture will consist of us. Put us in different poses, sculpting and “carve” anything out of us. And then tell me what you wanted to say with your piece. " The sculptor begins to work. In this case, the “sculptures” can be different: it all depends on the situation in the group and how the participant sees it. For example, the leader can be put on a chair, at his feet they can build the participants who unconditionally follow him, who raised their eyes to him, someone can be behind the chair on the periphery of the sculptural group and, with fingers attached to their eyes in the form of binoculars, etc. Then follows comment by the "sculptor". He talks about what he had in mind, giving this or that participant the appropriate pose, choosing for him certain roles in which they were seen. Several such “sculptural portraits” can be made by different participants.


Everyone joins hands, standing in a circle and begins to get confused. When everyone got entangled, and one big "mess" turned out, one can imagine that the whole group turned into one huge beast. Now it is urgently necessary to determine where his head is and where his tail is. ("Who will be the head? And who will be the tail?" - Asks the presenter). When the beast is oriented, where is his right and where is his left, he must learn to move in all directions, including back. And then, the beast must run, and maybe even someone caught along the way, "eat".

Talking things.

Can you imagine things saying? Have you ever got the feeling that the objects around you seem to want to tell you something? Imagine that some object has learned to speak. What would he tell about you? Choose three subjects from this list and write down everything that each of them could tell about you. Write on the chalkboard the names of the following items: Toothbrush, bus, coat; boots, wardrobe, hairbrush; ballpoint pen, mirror, dining table; bed, TV, plate; bicycle, radio, textbook on the Russian language; soap, desk, lamp; soccer ball, soft toy, pet. They give about 20 minutes for the guys to draw three drawings depicting these objects. Then, on behalf of each subject, the child must compose a story about himself and write it down. Now break into fours and show each other your drawings and stories. Ask others what they think about this. What subjects did you choose for yourself? What did the subjects say about you that you liked the most? Did the subjects tell you about any of your weaknesses? Whose stories were the most interesting for you? What would the teacher's table say about you? Various variations are possible.


This game should be played by both sexes in equal numbers. Representatives of one sex, for example, girls secretly from the representatives of the other "divide" them among themselves, that is, each girl thinks of one of the young people (only one and they should not overlap!) Then both groups sit on the benches opposite each other and take turns trying to understand who made them. This is done like this: a young man approaches the girl he is supposed to be and (not too much!) Stomps his foot in front of her, if he guesses correctly, the girl claps her hands, and they both go on a "romantic journey", that is, leave the game. Otherwise, the girl stomps her foot in response and the young man, returning to his place, again waits for his turn. This continues until there is only one pair that has not yet met. All the rest come up with some (preferably funny and kind) task for them, which they, amid general laughter, perform.

Flashing lights

Representatives of the same sex (for example, girls) sit in a circle on chairs facing inward, one seat is free. Representatives of the opposite sex, for example, young people stand behind the backs of chairs, one at a time behind a chair (including an empty one) and hold their hands at the seams. One of the participants who stands behind an empty chair is trying to lure one of the sitting people into his chair by winking at him (in our example, her). When one of those sitting tries to run away to an empty chair, the task of the one who stands behind him is to prevent him from doing this, that is, to carefully catch and not let him in.

I like you

(from 8 years old)

Objectives: This is a great exercise to help develop good relationships between children. Some children can express their emotions easily, for others it is a problem. In this game, all participants have a real opportunity to develop this important skill. The web is a great metaphor for the interconnectedness of all students in a class.

Materials: Ball of colored wool.

Instructions: Please, all sit in one common circle. I want to invite you to take part in one very interesting game. Together we will make one big colored web that connects us to each other. In addition, each of us can express our kind thoughts and feelings that he has for his classmates. Now I will show you how this game should proceed.

Wrap the free end of the woolen thread a couple of times around your palm and roll the ball towards one of the children. Try to pick a student who is not the most popular in the class.

You see what I have done now. I have selected a student who should be next on the web. After we have handed the ball to someone, we tell this student a phrase starting with the same words: "Kolya (Masha, Petya)! I like you because ..." For example, I say: "Kolya ! I like you, because today, before the start of the lessons, you politely opened the door to the class for me. " After listening to the words addressed to him, Kolya wraps the thread around his palm so that the "web" is more or less stretched. After that, Kolya must think and decide who to transfer the ball to. When the next student has the ball, Kolya turns to him with a phrase that begins with the same words as mine. For example: "Yana, I like you because yesterday you helped me solve a difficult math problem." At the same time, you can talk about how this person made you happy, what you like about him, for which you would like to thank him. And so our game continues further and further ... Try to remember well what they will tell you when they will transmit the ball.

Make sure that all children get a ball during the game. Explain to the children that we love not only our closest friends, but every student in the class. After all, everyone has something that is worthy of respect and love. These thoughts are very important to constantly repeat and emphasize in modern society filled with competition for a place in the sun. Not a single family, not a single collective can be full-fledged and effective as long as there are "scapegoats" and "outsiders" in them. If some children have difficulty in pronouncing the initial phrase "I like you because ...", then let them replace it with the words "I liked how you ...".

Gradually, the "web" will grow and fill. The child who received the ball last begins to wind it in the opposite direction. In this case, each child winds his part of the thread on a ball and pronounces the words spoken to him and the name of the one who said, giving the ball back to him.

Exercise analysis:

Is it easy for you to say nice things to other children?

Who has said anything nice to you before this game?

Is our class friendly enough?

Why is every child worthy of love?

Anything about this game that surprised you?

Good friend

(from 9 years old)

Objectives: Children acquire the ability to build friendships while still in the family, but they can develop this skill to the fullest only by making friends outside their home. Therefore, it is very important to promote the development of friendship between children in the classroom. The Good Friend game contributes to this important educational task.

After completing this exercise, you can give additional task: Imagine a person who does not want to have friends at all, this person does everything to stay alone. Do you know such a person? Write a story or paint a picture of someone who doesn't want close friends.

Materials: Paper, pencil, felt-tip pens - for every child.

Instruction: Think about your good friend. This could be a real person with whom you are actually friends. If you don't have such a friend yet, then you can simply imagine him. Or you can think about who you are just going to make friends with.

What can you say about this person? What do you love to do together? What does this friend of yours look like? What do you like most about him? What are you doing to make your friendship stronger and stronger?

Think about these questions. You can write down the answers to them on paper, you can draw, or you can do both. (15 minutes.)

Now gather in groups of four. If you want, you can show each other your drawings and compositions. Or you can also tell us what you were thinking about doing this exercise. Listen carefully to what the other children in your four have to say. (10 minutes.)

Exercise analysis:

How does a person find a friend?

Why are good friends so important in life?

Do you have a friend in our class?

Friend biography

(from 10 years old)

Objectives: Children will develop and deepen friendships with others if they take a real, active interest in the lives and affairs of their friends. By comparing their lifestyles with the lifestyles of others, they broaden their understanding of life and the world, develop tolerance and open-mindedness.

This game encourages children to reflect on the lives of their friends.

Materials: Questionnaire of the participant of the game - for each child. A set of cards with the names and / or surnames of all students in the class.

Application form

Write the life story (biography) of the person who got you by lot. Find out as much as you can about him. However, be sure to include the following in your biography:

This child's first and last name



The address

Description of his / her appearance

Names of his / her family members

What does he / she like to do?

What do you like about him / her?

Has this person ever moved to another place?

Does both his / her parents work, and by whom?

What decorates his / her life?

Your own portrait of this man

Instruction: I want to offer you a new, very interesting game... You will need to write biographies of your friends. Do you know what a biography is?

Talk to the children about what it is and, if possible, tell, for example, someone's biography.

I have prepared cards with the names of all the students in our class. Draw lots and check if you got your own name, in which case you will need to exchange cards with someone. You will need to compile a biography of the person whose name is written on your card. In order to help you with this, I have prepared a questionnaire, the questions of which must be answered. Read all points of the questionnaire carefully.

Now I will give you 10 minutes to talk with the student you should write about, and another 10 minutes to answer the questions yourself (20 minutes.)

Now you can record your classmate's life story. (30-45 minutes.)

Exercise analysis:

Have you learned anything new about the person you are describing?

What do you have in common, how are you different?

Did you like your biography written by someone else?

What are your most important goals in life at the moment?


(from 6 years old)

Objectives: This is a very fun game that children especially enjoy. younger age... It allows children to physically express their positive feelings, thereby promoting the development of group cohesion in the classroom. This game helps shy children to communicate more closely with others.

This exercise is good enough to "warm up" the class at the start of the school day. By conducting it, you show your desire to see in front of you a single cohesive group, uniting all students in the class, regardless of their level of sociability.

Instructions: Please sit in one big circle. How many still remember what he did with his stuffed toys to express his good attitude to them? That's right, you took them in your arms. I want you all to be good to each other and be friends with each other. Naturally, sometimes you can argue with each other, because when people are friendly, it is easier for them to endure resentments or disagreements. I want you to express your friendship with the rest of the students by hugging them. Perhaps there will be a day when one of you does not want to be hugged. Then let us know that you want to just watch for now, but not participate in the game. Then everyone else will not touch this child. I will start with a light, very small hug and I hope that you will help me turn this hug into a stronger and more friendly one. When the hug reaches you, any of you can add enthusiasm and friendliness to it, so that we can all make our good relationship even stronger.

Check if the child sitting next to you wants to participate in the exercise. You can tell by some of the non-verbal cues. But sometimes you can ask him openly: "Do you want me to hug you?" Most children will answer you yes. After that, start the first round of the game by gently and softly hugging the child sitting next to you. He, in turn, asks his neighbor if he wants to take part in the game, and if so, hugs him. Thus, a friendly hug is passed in a circle until it returns to you. We hope that when it reaches you, it will become stronger and made with more enthusiasm.

Exercise analysis:

Did you like this game?

Why is it good to hug other children?

How do you feel when another child hugs you?

Do they pick you up at home? How often does it happen?

Scratch your back

(from 6 years old)

Objectives: With this exercise you can significantly increase

the level of group cohesion. This game is popular with young children, adolescents and adults alike, because it provides players with the opportunity to get closer to each other, experience a sense of community with the group, relax and re-focus their attention. You can do this exercise at the beginning or at the end of the lesson, or you can do it as a break between difficult study tasks.

Instruction: Please stand in two large circles so that each of you is opposite the student from the other - the outer or inner circle ... Now I want the children from the outer circle to turn to the right at the same time. Now let all those who stand in the inner circle turn to the right. Now everyone sees the back of their classmate in front of them.

Now we will start giving each other a pleasant and invigorating massage. (State the names of two students from different circles standing next to each other.) Have Oleg and Olga rub the shoulders of the students in front of them with their palms. When Oleg and Olga finish the massage, those two will give the same massage to the next two - standing in front of them. And so on in a circle until the massage "returns" to those who started it - to Oleg and Olga.

CHAPTER 1. The magic of our name

Handshake or bow

Participants greet each other using rituals of greeting from different nations (10 minutes)

1. Tell the group about the greeting gestures of different nations. Warn participants in advance that they will have to use these rituals by introducing themselves to each other.

Here are some options for greeting:

  • hug and kissing three times alternately on both cheeks (Russia);
  • a slight bow with arms crossed on the chest (China);
  • handshake and kiss on both cheeks (France);
  • light bow, palms folded in front of the forehead (India);
  • a slight bow, arms and palms extended at the sides (Japan);
  • a kiss on each cheek, palms rest on the partner's forearm (Spain);
  • simple handshake and eye contact (Germany);
  • soft handshake with both hands, touching only with fingertips (Malaysia);
  • rub your noses against each other (Eskimo tradition).

2. Invite the group to form a circle.

3. One of the participants begins a "circle of acquaintances": stands in the middle and greets the partner on the right. Then he goes clockwise and greets all members of the group in turn .

4. Each time the participant must greet his counterpart with a new gesture. At the same time, he introduces himself, calling his name.

5. In the second round, another participant enters the circle, standing to the right of the first, and so on.

Notes (edit)... This game is suitable for meeting participants in multicultural groups . In the course of it, an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for each other are maintained. In addition, the participants will certainly be interested in meeting people in different ways. At the end of the exercise, a short exchange of impressions can be done.

Good afternoon, shalom, fireworks!

Participants introduce themselves and greet each other at different languages (10 minutes)

Materials. Prepare a card for each participant with the word “hello” written in different languages. (Perhaps with the help of your group members, you can expand the list of greetings.) If you are working with a multicultural group, write “relatives” for the participants on the greeting card.


Italy: Bon giorno;

Sweden: Grüezi;

England: Hello;

Germany: Guten Tag;

Spain: Buenos Dias;

Hawaii: Aloha;

France: Bonjours, Salut;

Malaysia: Selamat datang;

Russia: Hello;

Czech Republic: Dobry den;

Poland: Dzièn;

Japan: Sayonara;

Israel: Shalom;

Egypt: Asalamu Aleikum;

Cherokee (USA): Schijou;

Finland: Hyvä päivää;

Denmark: Goddag;

Turkey: Merhaba.

1. Ask the participants to start the game by standing in a circle.

2. Walk in a circle, holding the prepared cards in your hands (or wearing a hat), and have each one pull out one at a time without looking.

3. Invite group members to walk around the room and greet everyone they meet: first greet him, then say their own name.

Finally, invite the participants to briefly share their experiences.

Note. This game is also very suitable for multicultural groups.

Say hello with your elbows

Participants greet each other with their elbows touching

Preparation: Set aside chairs and tables to allow participants to walk freely around the room.

1. Ask participants to stand in a circle.

  • each "number one" folds his arms behind his head, so that the elbows are directed in different directions;
  • each “number two” rests his hands on his hips so that the elbows are also directed to the right and left;
  • each “number three” puts his left hand on his left thigh, his right hand on his right knee, with his arms bent, elbows bent to the sides;
  • each "number four" holds his arms folded crosswise on his chest (elbows facing to the sides).

3. Tell participants that they have only five minutes to complete the assignment. During this time, they should get to know as many members of the group as possible by simply calling their name and touching each other with their elbows.

4. After five minutes, gather the participants into four subgroups so that all the first, second, third and fourth numbers, respectively, are together. Have the participants greet each other within their subgroup.

Notes. This funny game breaks the usual stereotypes of greeting and helps to establish contact between the participants.

Table conversation

Game situation: participants get to know each other and establish contact in a cozy imaginary restaurant (30 minutes)

Preparation: Set aside chairs and tables so that participants can walk freely around the room.

1. Recreate the spirit of table conversation by describing a restaurant renowned for its pleasant atmosphere and fine dining. The participants came here to eat, get to know each other, talk about various topics.

2. Allow the group to move freely around the room. Then, reincarnate as the "head waiter" and shout: "Table for two!" This means that each participant must find a match for himself - the one who is closest to everyone. Partners introduce themselves to each other. Give them a couple of minutes to discuss the topic "What food do I prefer."

3. Now shout: "Table for four!" Now each couple must unite with some other. They give their names and talk about the following topic: "What I do most willingly in my free time."

4. The next stage of the game is "Table for Eight". Let all quartets unite in pairs. Participants get to know each other and then have a conversation: "A place that I would definitely like to visit."

5. Allow the group to come together for a quick exchange of impressions: “What have I learned about other members of the group? What was especially interesting or unexpected? "

Variants... Other interesting topics:

  • What would I most like to do in this group?
  • What do I want to know the most here?
  • A goal that we will hopefully achieve together.

Circle of names

Participants memorize each other's names

Material: Bring a cute stuffed toy with a funny name with you.

1. The group sits in a circle on chairs.

2. Start the game with your name. Also, imagine a toy animal such as "This adorable little mouse is called Charlie." Then pass the mouse to your neighbor on the left. He continues the game, pointing at you and saying, for example: “This is Ivan Ivanovich. This is Charlie, and my name is ... ( name)". The toy is passed clockwise, and everyone to whom it falls, before introducing himself, repeats all the named names (as well as the name of the toy).

3. The participant whose name has been misnamed stands up from his chair. He will be able to sit down again only when the name is pronounced correctly by one of the subsequent players.

Note... Very large group should be divided into subgroups of 12-16 people.

This is my name

Participants take turns giving their names and talking about them

(20-30 minutes)

1. Participants sit in a circle.

2. Invite the player to your right to stand up from their chair and give both their full name and the name they would like to be in the group. Then the speaker should say something about his name. He might, for example, try to answer questions like:

  • What does my last name mean?
  • Where is my family from?
  • Do I like my name?
  • Do I know who chose him for me?
  • Do I know what my name means?
  • Would I like to be called by a different name?
  • Who else in the family bore this name?

Each participant decides for himself what to tell and how to comment on his story, but the speaker needs to keep within two minutes.

3. When he has finished speaking, the speaker sits down again. The game continues in a counterclockwise circle.

The options are:

  • the speaker stands in the center of the circle;
  • the presenter walks with the player in a circle and talks about his name;
  • the speaker goes into a circle and chooses a participant to whom he would like to address, introducing himself and expressing associations about his own name.

Exchange of places

The two participants change places. During the exchange, they introduce themselves and say something nice to each other.

1. The group sits in a circle leading in the center.

2. The presenter asks any participant, looking into his eyes: "Can you change places with me?" This offer is accepted without fail.

3. The participant rises from his seat, goes towards the leader. A welcome handshake, introduction, and some short positive comment, such as "My name is Ivan Naymer, I love your smile."

4. The leader takes the vacant chair of the participant, and he, as a new leader, invites another member of the group to swap places with him. The game continues until each participant at least once visits the host.


Another great opportunity to learn the names of other members

(10-15 minutes)

Training. Set aside chairs and tables to allow participants to move freely around the room.

1. Invite the participants to walk freely around the room and greet everyone they meet with a handshake. At this time, they must pronounce only their name. Make sure all participants come close to each other.

2. The action is repeated, but now everyone must call their partner by name. If someone cannot remember the name of another, he prompts.

3. You can give the game an interesting additional emphasis by asking the group to form a circle. One of the participants goes to the middle of the circle and turns to someone: "Sasha, what is my name?" The one who cannot remember the name switches places with the volunteer in the middle of the circle.

Name and epithet

This humorous game is another opportunity to learn the names of all participants and, at the same time, is a good self-promotion.

1. The group is seated in a circle.

2. One of the participants introduces himself to the rest and selects an epithet in relation to himself that expresses something positive. This adjective should begin with the same letter as the name, and, if possible, contain exaggeration, for example, the magnetic Magda, the genius Gennady, the violent Boris, etc.

3. The second speaker first repeats the name and epithet chosen by the previous participant, then adds his own combination. The third person repeats both options and then introduces himself. This continues in a circle. The last participant is the hardest of all, but he has a better chance of remembering the names of all participants.

4. It is better to conduct the game so that you are the last participant, because it is extremely important for you to know all the members of the group by name. Therefore, your neighbor on the right or left must start the game.

5. At the end of the game, invite the group members to exchange their impressions by answering the following questions:

  • What epithets amazed me?
  • What names was difficult for me to remember?
  • Who am I interested in now?


Everyone introduces themselves and tries to remember the names of all members of the group. At the end of the game, the participants mark their memorable names.

1. Have group members walk freely around the room and shake hands with as many people as possible.

2. Each time they shake hands, they should introduce themselves and say something important about themselves. Keep your message short. At the same time, you need to keep in mind as many names of the group members as possible.

3. Now invite everyone to return to their seats and write down those names that they can remember (except for the names previously known to the participants). The task is given no more than two minutes.

4. Ask group members to underline the first three names that are marked. Do these names have special meaning? Why exactly these three names came to mind first? Maybe that was the name of people with whom special memories and feelings were associated?

5. Ask participants to break into fives and exchange views on the meaning of the first three names written on the sheets. The task is given five to ten minutes.

6. Bring the whole group together and invite them to discuss the following questions:

  • Why were these three names the first to come to my mind?
  • How do I usually remember a person's name?
  • What feelings and associations help me retain people's names in my memory?
  • Do I know of any special tricks to help me remember names?

How i feel

Participants will be able to relax, make contact with each other. One of the goals of the game is to build a group

(20-30 minutes)

Training. Set aside chairs and tables so that you can move freely around the room.

1. Ask group members to sit in a circle.

2. Each participant in turn goes to the middle of the circle and performs an action that expresses his state of health at the moment. For example, someone is feeling tired. Then he can lie on the floor or dully trudge across the room. At the same time, you need to tell the group your name.

Then all participants repeat the demonstrated action (for example, wandering tiredly around the room) while repeating the named name.

3. When the “author of the action” considers that he has already “expressed himself” enough, he shouts: “Stop!”, And the rest of the group stops performing the action. The facilitator chooses another participant, puts his hand on his shoulder, and this person continues the game.

4. The second participant shows the new action while calling their name. This continues until all members of the group have completed the task.

Options. You can make the game even more unpredictable by entering additional rule... If it seems to someone that the action has dragged on, he can intervene himself, shout "stop!" and start a new action.

Fictional stories

This game is an invitation to dream up. Each member of the group comes up with a hero who will bear his name and tells his story

1. Invite group members to pair up.

2. Give couples five minutes to get to know each other. Partners introduce themselves by name and discuss the following issues:

  • Who did I get my name from?
  • Which of my friends (relatives) bears the same name?
  • Are there my namesakes among famous people?
  • Do I know any literary or movie heroes bearing the same name?
  • How does my name affect my behavior in life?

3. Now explain the task to the group members: each must invent a story and tell it to their partner. The hero of the story bears the name of the narrator.

4. Each story has five minutes. The partner should silently and interestedly listen to the story and at the same time try to understand what kind of person the narrator is, how he perceives life.

5. Within five minutes of completing the story, the listener asks questions to the speaker.

6. At the end of the game, all members of the group get together and sit in a circle. Each participant introduces his partner and tries to characterize his personality. The purpose of the performance is not to tell the story already told once again, but to illuminate the partner's personality from different, sometimes unexpected, sides.


By doing this exercise, the participants will be able to show initiative, organizational talent and the power of imagination, and at the same time learn each other's names.

Material... Paper and pens.

1. Have each participant write their name on a piece of paper - in block letters, in the middle of the paper and from top to bottom (perpendicular).

2. After that, the members of the group begin to walk around the room and try to associate the names of everyone else with the letters of their own name in the form of a crestword. Participants whose first names are very short can write their last name. Below is an example of a crestword, where the base name was Ekaterina.

3. The one who in five minutes manages to include the maximum number of names in his crestord is symbolically awarded by a group: everyone stands around the winner and enthusiastically applauds him for ten seconds.

Name as oracle (Named message?)

The game uses the intuition of the participants. As a result, everyone will be able to extract valuable information from the letters of their name.

Material... Paper and pens.

1. Participants sit in a circle. Everyone writes their name on a piece of paper. If there are too few letters in the name (for example, Oia) or for some reason it is impossible to make up several new words from them (for example, among the members of the group there is Anna or Peter), the participant must write down his last name.

Composing new words from the letters of the first / last name is a warm-up task. Each letter can be used as much as you like. On the other hand, each new word does not have to consist of all the letters in the first / last name. The invented words can be correctly spelled in some European language, or they can be fantastic words in an imaginary language. The task is given five minutes.

2. Ask the group members how many words they have formed. Have a participant read the resulting words. This is enough to prepare for a wonderful experiment that everyone will conduct on their own name. To begin with, the letters of the first name (now the last name is not needed) are written in reverse order.

3. Each letter is the beginning of a word that the participant will have to come up with and write down. Read sequentially, these words can carry important information: a kind of parting word for the bearer of the name. It can help to ensure that life this person will take a good turn, flow happily and productively. How does this wish sound?

4. Anyone who believes that his name contains too few letters has the opportunity to ask one member of the group for an additional letter. In this case, you cannot demand a specific letter, you need to accept the letter that the other participant agrees to "borrow". When all requests for "additional letters" have been fulfilled, the group can begin work. The task is given five minutes.

5. Now each participant introduces himself, reads his inverted name and the resulting parting words to the group.

Name in your ear

This game may not be as effective at memorizing names, but it does provide an opportunity to quickly create a trusting atmosphere in the group.

Training. Set aside chairs and tables so that you can move freely around the room.

1. First, the participants walk around the room and greet each other in an unusual way: they whisper their name to everyone they meet in their ear. This should be done as if a precious secret is being transmitted that no one else should know about. Warn the players that one day they will hear a bell ringing, and this will be a signal: they will have to stop and wait for new instructions.

2. When each player has interacted with about half of the participants, ring the bell. Say that now you need to walk around the room again, but this time tell your partner his name in the ear.

3. A forgotten or unknown player's name should not become a reason for avoiding a meeting. The one who does not know the name whispers in another's ear: "I would like to know your name." The game ends with the ringing of the bell.


Training... Set aside chairs and tables to allow participants to move freely around the room.

1. Participants walk freely around the room in a circle. In doing so, they should use all the space at their disposal whenever possible. Everyone whispers his name under his breath. Announce that you will be ringing a bell during the game. This will be a signal to freeze in place and await new instructions.

2. The names are spoken louder and louder; participants move in a rhythm set by the number of syllables in their names. In this case, the whole body should move - arms, legs, body, shoulders, hands, hips.

4. Invite group members to run around the room with their arms outstretched and shout their names as loud as possible.

5. As soon as the participants really scream with all their might, stop the game by ringing the bell.

6. Have the group members continue to move in silence. At the same time, you only need to “scream” names with your body. (This exercise is suitable for all impulsive players and is given the opportunity to practice self-control.)

7. Now ask the group members the following tasks and questions:

  • imagine someone you are shouting at in this way;
  • find a suitable rhythm for your movement;
  • can you scream your name rhythmically?

maybe you want to shout not only your name, but also add a couple of other "words" to it?

8. Stop the game again and invite the participants to come together in a circle.

Options. If you are under the impression that the members of the group like the group is ready to take advantage of this improvisation opportunity, you might suggest the following: Have the players take turns walking into the middle of the circle and performing a dance to symbolize their names. The rest of the band "accompany" by clapping in a single rhythm.

I am me!

This way of presentation allows you to focus on self-affirmation. Participants confirm to themselves and to the world that they are

Training. Set aside chairs and tables so that you can move freely around the room.

1. Invite group members to move around the room in a circle. To begin with, everyone chooses a tempo that is this moment seems most suitable to him.

2. Now the participants move in a special way: they stomp with their right foot, with their left foot, make a small jump.

3. These movements accompany the following phrase: I AM(tapping with the right foot) - it(tapping with the left foot) namerek(bouncing in place). The task is given two minutes.

4. Gather group members together.

5. The group lines up in a circle, you stand in the center. Now all together repeat the same action in a general rhythm, so that there is a resonance. At first, the action takes place with less energy and everyone pronounces the key phrase in a low voice. Then the intensity of the task increases. When the action finally comes to a head, stop it.

Note... The exercise is well structured: first, there is an individual self-affirmation, when the participants complete the task in a circle, the joint action unites them.

Inverted name

Almost always, a name, read in reverse order, is a fantastic word, the meaning of which still needs to be deciphered.

1. Ask group members to sit comfortably in the chairs. Announce that the next exercise will be unexpected and will help them rest.

2. Help the participants to relax: "Close your eyes ... take three deep breaths ... lower your shoulders ... release your thoughts ... relax ... your arms ... your legs ..."

3. Everyone should concentrate on their name, mentally turn it over and say to themselves several times in order to get used to the unusual sound.

4. Now everyone imagines that the inverted name is a word of some foreign language, spoken by the inhabitants of a distant country or even creatures from another planet. Everyone imagines that he has a dictionary of this exotic language in his hands.

5. Invite participants to mentally flip through this dictionary until they find a page with their name upside down. Maybe the translation is given as a text or as a picture, or the meaning of the word is explained in some other way.

6. The one who "translated" his word, opens his eyes and calmly waits for everyone else.

7. Now the participants alternately call their real and rearranged names and in two minutes (this is the maximum time) they explain the "translation" that they found in an imaginary dictionary.

Note... Through this exercise, participants can reconsider familiar perspectives and mental stereotypes. This change will be even more intense if the members of the group identify themselves with this inverted word and describe everything in an "I-perspective": "I am a large piece of stone that separated from the mountain and now lies in a green valley ...".


Participants compose a telegraph message using their initials

Training... The room should be large enough so that the participants, having united in small groups, can be at some distance from each other. Each group will need paper and a pen.

1. Ask the players to split into subgroups of six and choose a “secretary” who will write down the information they need.

2. The members of each subgroup are introduced to each other by first and last name, and the chosen “secretary” writes down the initial letters of all first and last names.

3. Each letter is the beginning of a word. From all the words you need to compose a telegraph message. The members of the subgroup come up with the text and decide who should be the addressee.

4. Let's say the initials of the members of the subgroup look like this: LB, U.N., V.O., P.N., Z.N., I.P. Then the telegram may be as follows: "Beloved boss, we are all okay. Try not to spoil anything here, please." All work is given twenty minutes.

5. Now all the subgroups come together. The members of each team give their names and read the resulting telegram.

And who are you?

With this game, names are remembered directly and vividly

1. Ask the participants to gather in a circle.

2. Find a volunteer to take on the role of a memory coach.

3. Someone starts the game by introducing themselves as follows: an adjective starting with the same letter is added to the name. For example, "hello, I am a wonderful Zina." It is desirable that the adjective characterizes the speaker as much as possible.

Then the player asks any member of the group (except for immediate neighbors to the right and left): "Who are you?"

4. He answers: "Hello, wonderful Zina, I am an offended Oleg", turns to the next one and asks: "Who are you?"

5. The third participant says: "Hello, offended Oleg, I am an affectionate Lilia." And so it goes on.

6. The "memory coach" is included in the game. Before the speaker asks the question, "Who are you?" In this case, the whole group should respond like a Greek choir, proclaiming, for example, "This is a wonderful Zina."

7. The game continues until each member has been introduced and named at least once by the whole group in the general choir.


We can better appreciate our names if we learn to perceive their rhythm. This game combines performance with rhythmic action

1. The members of the group stand in a circle. Do a short warm-up so everyone can move rhythmically. You set a rhythm in four measures, such as clapping your hands four times, or clicking your fingers four times, tapping your foot four times, nodding your head four times. You can swing your whole body rhythmically. Players should try to synchronously connect to your action. After some time, transfer the functions of the leader to some participant (two or three minutes are allotted to complete the assignment).

2. You can show the group how the impulse to move is in the name itself. Start with your name. Pronounce it loudly and clearly, and follow each syllable with rhythmic gestures. For example, Ivan Sergeevich can stamp his foot twice when he says "I-van" and clap his hands four times on "Ser-ge-e-vich". Lisa Bodenbrug can double-click her fingers on "Le-za" and make three circular movements with her hand or shoulder, saying "Bo-den-brug".

3. Invite the players to repeat your action twice using your name.

4. When the members of the group understand the principle of the game, your neighbor on the left may introduce themselves in a similar way. In this case, the whole group repeats his name and action twice.

5. After each participant introduces themselves, the second part of the game begins. This time the circle goes from left to right. The first to speak is your neighbor on the right, but this time he only repeats his movement, during which the group pronounces his name as synchronously as possible.

Flying names

This is an interesting game in which the body helps the memory to learn the names of the participants.

Training. Set aside chairs and tables to allow participants to move freely around the room. You will also need two to three small balls or bean bags.

1. Ask the group to stand in a circle.

2.First, the participants throw one ball to each other. And every time, the one who catches him, pronounces his name: "I am Karl", "I am Masha." Keep playing until each member of the group has received the ball at least once.

3. In the second round, the participants must give the names of those to whom the ball is being thrown (“Attention, Sasha!”). The person who caught him calls the name of the person from whom the ball came to him (“Thank you, Maria!”). This phase lasts until everyone has entered the game at least once.

4. Now everyone throws the ball to the person from whom it was received in the previous round, calling his name: "Attention, Lena!" Around the middle of the round, introduce a second ball into the game, which will be thrown by the group members according to the same rules in parallel with the first. If there are more than twenty participants in the group, three balls can be used.

2. 5. After two to three minutes, you can ask the players to start walking around the room and continue to throw balls in the same order. Everyone should keep a close eye on who he received the ball from and to whom he should throw it.


This game develops imagination and helps group members remember each other's names

1. Participants stand in a circle, and you explain the rules of the game. You yourself start the game with an imaginary ball. Fold your arms as if you were holding a small ball. Then toss this “ball” a couple of times in the air so that everyone can “see” its size and weight. Run an imaginary ball in a circle so that each participant can also "feel" it.

2. Now throw the ball to someone in the circle, while shouting the addressee's name: "Hello, Zina, catch my ball!" Zina catches an imaginary ball and throws it to another member of the group, shouting: "Hello, Petya, catch it!" When everyone receives the "ball", you can move on to the next stage of the game.

3. Now the participants freely toss various imaginary objects to each other: an egg, a candy, a hot potato, a tomato, an apple, a bar of chocolate, etc. At the same time, “choosing” and “throwing” one or another object, the players unconsciously express their feelings for each other.

Note... Make sure that the movements when throwing and catching are as close to the chosen object as possible.


This is another fun way to remember the names of the group members.

Training... Set aside chairs and tables to allow participants to move freely around the room.

1. Divide the group into two teams.

2. Explain that the two teams are now playing an imaginary volleyball match (net and ball indicated). To outline a couple of starting points, you can indicate the location of the grid and the playing field with suitable items.

3. During the game, certain rules cannot be violated. When “the ball goes over the net”, the player must call out the name of the opposing team member. Then the named player can either “give the ball” to someone from his team, shouting out the appropriate name, or “send” it back, naming one of the opponents by name. As in volleyball, the "ball" must go to the other side after two passes. And each time the name of the addressee must be named.

4. Take on the role of referee of the match and take your seat according to normal volleyball rules.

Note... Make sure group members play as faithfully as possible.


In this gambling game, the participants are given an excellent opportunity to memorize each other's names

1. Participants sit on chairs in a circle.

2. First, you yourself stand in the middle of the circle. Choose one of the players and ask him the question: "Petya, who of those present would you like to see as a friend?" (you need to give the names of two people).

3. Petya gives the names of two members of the group. (Both neighbors are excluded!) These players and both Petit's neighbors switch places. At the same time, Petya himself remains in place. During a change of seats, the leader in the circle also tries to take the vacated chair. In other words, five people apply for four chairs.

4. Another version of the same game. The host shouts "Ahoy!" Then each member of the group must find a new place for himself (you cannot sit on adjacent chairs!). In this case, the leader also tries to take an empty chair.

5. The game continues to be played by the one who did not have time to take a chair.

Keep flying

Each player speaks their name out loud and keeps the hoop spinning

Material: Hula Hup.

1. The group gathers in a circle; each player stands behind their chair. The presenter comes out with a hoop in the middle and begins to twist it on his arm.

2. Purpose of the game: The hula-hoop must always remain in the air. One by one, everyone comes out to the middle to keep the hoop spinning. The one who has been in the center of the circle sits down on his chair.

3. Everyone who starts spinning the hoop again, at the same time loudly pronounces his name, and then the name of another participant who will have to pick up the baton and prevent the hoop from falling.

4. When each participant visits the center without dropping the hoop, and everyone sits in a circle again, the game ends, and everyone thanks each other with applause.

Notes (edit)... You may want to briefly talk to your participants about the meaning of this exercise. Then you can, for example, reflect on the fact that the rotating hoop symbolizes teamwork. Everyone should contribute to the common cause so that the group remains "in flight", and for this everyone needs to be attentive and concentrated.

Be in the center

This play can create strong feelings in group members.

1. Players stand in a circle.

2. Ask group members who could be the focus of everyone else's attention for some time.

3. The volunteer stands in the center.

4. The rest of the group squat with their hands behind their backs. Then everyone slowly stretches their arms forward and simultaneously rises. At the same time, they all the time repeat the name of the volunteer standing in the middle.

5. The group members then raise their hands up above their heads and move closer and closer to the volunteer in the middle of the circle. At the same time, they speak his name louder and louder.

6. Players move as close to the person in the middle of the circle as they can. At the same time, you cannot touch it.

7. The game ends when all participants are in the middle of the circle.

Toast to the group

This is an old English ritual in which all the names are mentioned; it turned into an interesting game - a dialogue between a group-choir and an individual participant

1. Participants stand in a circle ..

2. The presenter goes into the middle of the circle and loudly pronounces his name: "I am Katya Ivanova." The players say in unison: “This is our mistress. If she fails ... "At this moment, the player who was standing in the circle to the left of the presenter before he went to the center must take a step forward and pronounce his name loudly and clearly with the following words:" ... then Danya can do it Danilov ". With these words, the presenter returns to the circle, and Danilov takes his place in the center. The group says, “This is our master. If he fails ... "At this moment, the player who was to the left of Dani Danilov takes a step forward, while he was standing in a circle with everyone, and says:" Then it can ... Svetlana Slavina. "

3. Once the participants have learned these rules, start clapping rhythmically and invite the group to support you. State your name.

4. After all participants have visited the center of the circle, the game ends. Give a toast to the group. Have the participants applaud each other.


This is a very dynamic game that the members of the group will surely enjoy.

Training. Move tables and chairs away so group members can sit on the floor. In addition, you will need a cracker (this could be a rolled-up newspaper).

1. The group sits in a tight circle on the floor.

2. Participants extend their legs forward so that their feet form a second small circle in the center. One player sits down in the middle of this small circle and picks up a folded newspaper. Sometimes it is appropriate for the game to begin with the host.

3. Each participant states his or her name. The facilitator, seated in the center, shouts out the name of any member of the group. And immediately after that, he tries to slap the legs of the participant whose name was pronounced, before that player himself shouts out the next name. If the named member hesitated and they had time to slap him on the leg before he shouted out the name of another member of the group, he becomes the leader.

4. The leader also becomes the one who pulls back his feet, even if his name was not called, or shouts out a name that is not in the group.

5. As long as the players in the circle do not make mistakes or react quickly enough, the leader remains in his place.

Note... As you play, pay special attention to the energy level in your group. Some groups willingly play for a long time, in others after five minutes there is a clear decrease in the reaction speed.

Drop the curtain

This is an incredibly dynamic game with names. The group doesn't have to be small; the optimal number of participants is 15-20 people

Training: Set aside chairs and tables to allow participants to move freely around the room. You will also need a curtain (this could be a woolen blanket or a large, opaque piece of linen).

1. The group is divided into two teams. You are holding the curtain with one of the players. The teams sit on the floor on either side of the curtain. It is important to make sure that none of the players can see the opposite side.

2. Each team chooses a participant who stands close to the curtain, looking at him. In this case, you cannot call the name of the selected group member (you will have to use facial expressions and gestures!).

3. You or your assistant count loudly "one, two, three!" and drop the curtain to the floor. Both selected players, who are now face to face, try to shout out the enemy's name as quickly as possible. At the same time, the teams themselves should not help them: this is a one-on-one duel.

4. The one who first named the opponent's name takes this player to his team.

5. The team that has gathered all the players on its side wins the game. This, of course, is relatively rare. Therefore, it is useful to determine the game time after which the team with a large number of players is declared the winner.

Note: Sometimes the presenter has to remind you not to take this competition seriously. This is a joke game, a means of memorizing names. But, of course, the struggle for supremacy lends special interest to this game. Please note that some participants on occasion will question your decisions: "No, I shouted out" Kirill "before he could say my name!" Find a compelling case for your decision.

Variants... If the participants know each other well enough, you can complicate the game as follows. have the selected participants stand with their backs to the curtain. Now that the curtain falls, they won't be able to see each other. In this case, the help of team members will be needed, who will have to describe the opponent without calling him by name. Maybe they will say the following: "This is a man of about thirty years old, with a beard, glasses," and so on. Sometimes it is necessary to remind group members to describe positively and not make fun of the opponent.

  • This option is especially useful for groups in which there are people of different nationalities or with other characteristics, if they are able to describe these differences positively.

Who is this?

The game helps to consolidate the already known names of the members of the group in memory

1. Group members sit in a circle. Each participant states his or her name. Then ask the players to take a good look at all the members of the group and remember what they look like.

2. One player exits the circle and stands with his back to the group.

3. One of the group members begins to describe the selected member: "This man is about six feet tall ... he has black low shoes on a high platform ... sitting on a chair, he is very erect ...". (The description can be arbitrary in form and content.)

4. The player with his back to the group is trying to guess who in question... If this succeeds, then this person becomes the leader.

© Fopel K. Group cohesion. M .: Genesis, 2010.
© Published with the kind permission of the publisher

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