An abstract Node on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the middle group on the topic "My city. Kindergarten is so good - you can't find the garden better

Software content:

  • Continue to consolidate the knowledge of children about the name of the native city to acquaint with its sights.
  • To summarize that people who built the city very tried and well performed their work.
  • Relieve a sense of pride in your city.

Material and equipment: Slides - photos of the hometown; Photos (city, village Several landscapes, park, Square); Envelope with a split picture "Collect a new attraction for the park"; Computer, multimedia projector.

Preliminary work: Drawing up the album "My city". Reading poems and stories about your hometown. Ride with parents to your favorite places for the rest of the hometown.

Move node:

The occupation is carried out in the hall, where the illustrations of the hometown.

Educator:Today we will go on a tour of the hometown in the "Mini Museum". In this museum, the exhibition of photos with views of the hometown and attractions. Many cities in the world, but the best city in which we live.

The educator reads a poem about his hometown:

He is not an ancient, my city, not new,

The city is old but the most native

City Chistopol - port city,

Kama, pure washed water.

Educator:Guys, what do you think about what is said in this poem?

Children:About the city, about his beauty, about nature.

Educator: Do we live in the city, in the village or in the village? (children's responses).

Game "Find the City". The educator offers children to consider illustrations (city, village, several landscapes, park, square) and postpone those of which the city is depicted. Children perform a task.

Educator:How did you guess what is the city?

Children:There are many high houses in the city, big streets, travels, many people, many shops).

Educator: Correct guys. A place where many people, streets and buildings are called the city. Each city has its name. Tell me, what is the name of the city in which we live?


Educator: You probably have already been with your parents in many favorite places (children's answers).

Educator: I suggest you go on a tour of the bus through the hometown, without leaving the group.

Children are searched for chairs, placed in a row of two slightly neglection for best Review Slides that will be shown.

Educator:We go on the road and eat through the streets of our city. (Demonstration of slides of the streets of the city, ride cars, buses, shops are visible, many people.) We arrived at the first stop, the beloved place of all citizens-a children's park (a demonstration of the slide with the image of the park). Do you like to be in a children's park? What is in this park? (children's responses).

The game "Collect a new attraction". The educator invites children to replenish the children's fleet with new rides. To do this, you need to collect cut pictures. The educator offers a journey through the native city (Slide - Cinema).

Educator:What do in the cinema? Which of you was in the cinema? What cartoons watched? How to behave in the cinema? (children's responses) Excursion to the native city continues. (Slides of other objects are considered in the same way).

Game "Tell me, what do you know about this place?" The educator sets children a few questions about each object.

In conclusion, the educator summarizes the trip.

Educator: Our beautiful city was created, the people of different professions were built. They tried, worked well, so that in the city it was convenient to live to be beautiful and big. If every resident will do something good for the city, it will still be more beautiful. Our journey ends to us it's time to go back to our kindergarten that you have learned about our city that you liked in our journey. All were well done!

Abstract Node according to knowledge (FCCM) "Travel in the Forest". Medium group

Tasks for educational areas:
1. Cognitive development: expand and clarify the submission of children about forest animals, to expand the knowledge of children about the characteristics external view And their habits.
2. Socio-communicative development: improve the skills of gaming interaction in children, form a humane attitude towards wildlife and forest residents.
3. Speech development: to expand and activate the vocabulary of children.
4. Physical development: develop a large motility.
Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "speech development", "physical development".
Enrichment of the dictionary: bergogus, lair, hollow, hare-white, hare-rusak.
Equipment: tape recorder, magnetic board, letter from Luntka. Support pictures on fixing the rules of behavior in the forest, pictures with animals (hare, squirrels, bear, wolf, foxes.) Panel: "What the artist confused" (with the image of animals.) Pictures depicting animals for each child, posters with a housing image animals. Music of spring forest. Cards: " Interesting Facts From the life of animals. "
Planned Result:
knows the rules of behavior in nature, recognizes and calls wild animals (Fox, hare, bear, protein);
Knowing the dwellings of wild animals in description (Fox, hare, bear, protein), can find ways to solve the problem situation.
Emotional and positive attitude towards wildlife, respectful attitude towards other children, the desire to work in the group;
experiences positive emotions, knows how to listen to each other;
the manifestation of the cognitive initiative, the skills of self-assessment the correctness of the task, the ability to keep the goal of the activity before obtaining its result;
Able to express his thoughts, the ability to look for optimal ways to solve problematic (gaming motivation).

Preliminary work: reading fiction: Stories about animals V. Bianki, Russian folk tales About animals, "Winter beasts", viewing encyclopedias. D / and "name of the cub", "whose tail, paws, muzzle?"

The course of entertaining activity

The teacher introduces a letter from Luntik:
"Hello guys! Writes to you Luntik. I am on the moon. And once my mother read the poem "What is a forest?"
What is the forest? Pines to heaven,
Birch yes oaks, berries, mushrooms ...
Animal paths, paths and nursing,
Soft grass, on a bitch owl.
Lily Silver, air clean - clean,
And the spring with live key water.
Guys, I really liked the poem, but I, unfortunately, do not know what a forest is and who lives there. Tell me, please, about the inhabitants of the forest. I look forward to your response. "
Educator: Guys, how do we do? (children's responses)
And let's go on a trip to the forest cleaner. And all that we will see there, we will record on the camcorder, and then send the record to the Luntik. But before we go with you on a journey, let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest. I will show you pictures, and you have to think and answer well this, or bad.
The tutor shows pictures and accompanies them with the words:
If I come to the leaf
And Torva Chamomile? (badly)
If you eat a piddle
And you will choose a piece of paper? (badly)
If the bread piece
Penka leave? (OK)
If the branch is wearing,
Praying? (OK)
If the bonfire is restored,
And I will not wear? (badly)
If a lot of science
And remove for forget. (Bad)
If the garbage will remove
I order a bank? (OK)
I see that the rules you know, then go away. (Music sounds)
Please close eyes and imagine that you got into the forest.
Imagine that on the trees Nobuchi kidneys, the willow blooms, the first gentle grass makes his way.
- What is this time of year? What happens at this time of the year in the forest? (Nature wakes up, herbal appears, birds sing, a bear wake up, etc.).
But various animals hid on the forest clearing, but the artist painted everything right. (Children find the mistakes of the artist.)
Now Luntik will know how different animals look like.
Cowardly, long, gray or white. (Hare.)
Do you know that: in our forests they live a hare-rusak and hareboat. Hare Rusak is a bit larger than blessing hare. Ears and tail at the hare - Rusak are longer, in winter and summer it is gray, and the tail is always black. True, it is brightened by the Boc Winter, and the back remains Roma.
Belyaka hare in summer the color of the fur on the back is reddish-gray, with black ripples, the sides are bright, and belly white.
For the winter, the White woman puts on a snow-white warm coat, only the ears' tips remain black.
Live hares in minks.
In the summer, the hares love to eat cereals and legumes, and in the winter they clung to Cour with young Osinok and Yves. Sometimes feeding with hay and bark of fruit trees.
And this beast is the largest and large in our forests. And he is brown, closure, clumsy. (Bear.)
Two types of bears live in our country - brown and white. And in our forests there is a brown bear. The fur coat is thick, dense, but it is afraid of the cold, and as soon as winter on the threshold is a bear in Berloga and sleeps there until spring. He sleeps long. In winter, 2-3 bears are born in the berry. Newborn feed on mother's milk. And the milk is a bit, as the Bed has not eats anything in the winter and lives at the expense of fat, cloudy in summer and especially in autumn.
But why are the bear be born in winter? Because only at this time the bear has its own "house" - Bergogus. After all, in the summer he wanders around the forest and spends the night, where he will have. Bear feeds with different berries, roots, insects, small animals. And he still loves Honey.
Promial, stacking, redhead or gray, loves nuts. (Squirrel.)
But the squirrel in the tree plot. Squirrel nibbles all that she is on the teeth: mushrooms, bumps, different roots. Therefore, protein belongs to rodents. Squirrel House - Wooden on the tree.
Sweet, redhead, deft. (A fox.)
Fox is characterized by an amazing ability to adapt to a variety of living conditions and change in the habitat. Some even learned to live in big cities. The amazing cunning fox made her heroine many fairy tales and. Foxes feed on rodents, worms, insects, birds and all types of smaller animals.
Foxes are mostly night animals and prefer to hunt at night. Lisa lives in Nore, which roets under stone or bush.
And about this animal say that his legs are fed. He has gray wool, sharp teeth. And they live in flocks.
Wolf - predatory wild animal. He loves meat, so hunts on other animals.
Wolf "House" is called - the lair.
Listen to how little magician lives.
In the wolf's lair in deep
Wolf sleeps under her side
Little wolf
Requests, there are asked.
It is not dangerous yet
Requests only milk.
And get down - and again
It will be very hard to sleep.
As soon as you grow up
You will run around the bushes
The lair arrange yourself
And the maclogs are headed
Behind the lamb to Khlev will come.
How many new things will know now Luntik.
And now let's play a little.
Somehow a forest path, the animals walked on the water
(go in a circle)
- Behind mom Losiha, Schol Malo
(toggle, high raising legs)
- after a mama fox, ate fox
- after my mother's mom, rolled by a high
(imitate the wound of the tangle)
- Behind my mother, a bear was broken
(stepping the rotational)
- Behind the mother, the bumps are jumping,
(jumping forward)
- for mom's haunted, obliquely engaged
(Show your hands long ears)
- Wolf led wolf
All moms and children want to get drunk.
And now, I want to check if you have learned and remembered animals. We will play in the game "And what's wrong?"
I will read descriptions of animals, and you be careful, find errors, guess, about whom I say.
This hare is big big, his fur coat is thick, dense, but the cold he is afraid, and as soon as winter is on the threshold - jump in Berloga and sleeps there until the spring.
I told about the hare? (Children's responses) And about whom is this story? (children's responses) is a story about the bear. (Picture of the bear is exhibited)
The ears and the tail at the wolf are longer, in winter and summer it is gray, and the tail is always black. True, it is brightened by the Boc Winter, and the back remains Roma.
The wolf likes to eat cereals and legumes, and in the winter he glands the bark with young Osinok and Yves. Sometimes feeds with hay and bark of fruit trees.
I told about the wolf? And about whom is this story? (An exhibited a hare picture).
Fox is a prompt, staring, redhead or gray, gnawing all that she is on the teeth: mushrooms, bumps, different roots. Therefore, the fox belongs to rodents.
I told about the fox? And about whom is this story?
(A picture of the protein is displayed).
This is a redhead animal, a strong, similar to the dog, lives in the voupel.
About whom I told? What confused? (The fox picture is set).
But the evening comes, and it's time for all animals to go home. But who lives where. Let's see and help your animals get home.
The educator offers each child to take a picture of the animal and "settle" each in his house.
Well, well, I think Luntik, looking at our film, finds out a lot of new things about the inhabitants of the forest. And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's close your eyes. Listen to the vote
Forests for forgiveness. Once, two, three music of us in kindergarten Vernney.
Guys, you liked the journey through the forest. Who have you seen in the forest? What you managed during our journey, and what not? I really liked you to travel with you, you are attentive, good children. What would you tell Luntik? How would you help him? After the walk, you can draw animals, and we will send pictures and the film Luntik as a gift.

Anna Sovetskaya
Abstract Node on FCCM in medium group "Furniture"

Goal: Expansion of the dictionaries (Sit, Lying, Sleeping, Table, Chair, Bed, Wardrobe). Fixing in a speech of nouns with a generalizing value « furniture» . Improving the grammatical system of speech (the formation of nouns in the plural, adjectives, the development of speech hearing, memory, connected speech. Development of fine motility of the hands, coordinate speech with the movement. Educating the ability to care for furniture And carefully treat it.

Equipment: Side pictures, split pictures « Furniture» , Toy furniture.

Travel course.

Organizing time

The game "Board word"

If you want to sleep,

In the bedroom is waiting for you (bed)

How nice on our tan

Sang (sofa)

To the legs rested

Sit you on (stool)

Not terrible frost if

You sit in the cozy (armchair)

With tea cakes drip

For dinner (table)

Sweater, sweater, warm scarf

Carefully fold B. (cupboard)

2. Game "Guessing":

Pedagogue alternately shows pictures with the image of items furnitureplaced on the board, asks: "What it is? What is this subject furniture

Then the circular motion will circle all the considered objects and asks children: "How is all these items called in one word?" (Furniture.)

3. Game "Describe the subject"

And now the guys tell me what is the table?

Round, square, rectangular, dining

And what is the sofa?

Soft, big, small, folding, comfortable

And what is the bed?

Big, bright, soft, wooden

And what is the chair?

Solid, soft, high, low

And what is the wardrobe?

Small, large, outdoor, closed, wooden

4. The game "one - a lot". I show you a picture on which one object, and you must call the subject in the plural.


Here is a crib (Divide your hands to the sides).

To sleep Riothe sweet (sit down, palms under the cheek).

So that in the dream he smashed (slowly climb).

So that you will be more big (Stop on socks, pull hands up).

5. Game "Collect the picture"

And now we need to collect objects furniture

Tell me what did you do?

I got a bed

Where do we put a bed?

In the bedroom

I got a chair

Where do we put a chair?

In the kitchen

I got a sofa

Where will the sofa stand? - Living room (hall)

I got the table

Where will the table stand?

In the kitchen

6. Fingering gymnastics "Lot furniture in the apartment»

1, 2, 3, 4, compress and squeeze the cams

Lot furniture in the apartment

In the closet, we will hang a shirt (Canceling your finger)

And in the buffet we put a cup (Canceling your finger)

For the legs rest

Sit down a little on the chair (Canceling your finger)

And when we slept tightly,

On the bed were faced (Canceling your finger)

And then we are with a cat

We sat at the table (Canceling your finger)

Tea with jam drank together (clap)

Lot furniture in the apartment dilute hands

7. Game "What is friends with?"

Chair "Friends" With a cot or notebook?

Chair "Friends" With bed

Table "Friends" with a chair or dough?

Table "Friends" With a chair

Cupboard "Friends" with shelf or needle?

Cupboard "Friends" with shelf

Armchair "Friends" With a sofa or Ivan?

Armchair "Friends" With a sofa

Shelves "Friends" With a book with a lid?

Shelves "Friends" With a book

Sofa "Friends" with a couch or candy?

Sofa "Friends" with couch

8. Game "Name gentle"

Let's play and let's call gently as we call a big chair and small ... (Stool)

Large sofa and small ... (Sofa)

Large cabinet and small (locker)

Big table and small (table)

Large bed and small (Cot)

9. Game "Confusion":

(The teacher shows a pointer to pieces furniture And gives them wrong names: Shows on the legs of the chair and calls them with handles, etc.) children correct mistakes. Then the teacher incorrectly talks about the target appointment of objects furniture. For example, shows a chair and he speaks: "We sleep on a chair". Shows on the bed and he speaks: "We dance on the bed" etc. Children correct the teacher.

10. Outcome. Guys, what's new we learned today? For what we need furniture? Should we protect furniture, care for her?

Publications on the topic:

The abstract of the game educational situation on the FCCM in the second youngest group "Good in our kindergarten" Software tasks: Educational: to educate a benevolent attitude, respect for employees of the pre-school institution, to their work. Developing:.

The summary of the total Node for the first half of the FDCM in the middle group "Traveling with Kolobcom" Objective: to summarize the knowledge of children in cognitive development in the first half of the year. Tasks: educational: consolidate the knowledge of children about trees in the forest;.

What is the furniture and what is needed in the kitchen, in the hallway, in the bedroom, in the living room? 1. History about hedgehog and fox. - On the road from the living room on.

Abstract Node on FDCM in the Middle Group "Planet Earth - Our Common House" The abstract node in the FDCM in the middle group "Planet Earth is our common house." Topic: "Planet Earth - our shared house." Sell: 1. Form positive.

The purpose of the lesson: to expand the presentations of children about signs of spring. Tasks: educational: expand the horizons, replenish the vocabulary;

An abstract classes in familiarization with the outside world in the middle group for children with the Furniture TNR Purpose: expanding ideas about furniture subjects. Tasks: 1. To acquaint children with furniture views, its production. 2. Learning to form.

State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten № 25 Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg.

Node abstract in the middle group formation of a holistic picture of the worldon the topic "Journey through the streets of the city."

Educator: Tsyganova Love Valerievna

purpose : Prevention of children's road traffic injuries by raising the level of knowledge according to the rules of the road.

Tasks .

Educational :

Improve the idea of \u200b\u200bsafe behavior on the streets and roads of the city;

Secure the knowledge of children about the rules of road traffic and the appointment of some road signs: "Pedestrian Transition", "Underground Transition", "Overhead Transition", "Caution Children", "Bus stop", "Power point", "Hospital", "Entry is prohibited ";

Expand the view of the roadway;

Improve orientation skills in space;

Consolidate the knowledge of children about the meaning of traffic signals;

Consolidate pedestrian behavior rules;

Teach children find a way out of the problem situation;


Develop attention, thinking, imagination;

Develop emotional responsiveness, independence;


To educate in children a sense of responsibility for personal security, respectful attitude towards the rules of the road and the desire to follow them.

Preliminary work :

Conversations: "Purpose of traffic lights", "Road signs", "Rules of behavior on the road", "Rules of behavior in public transport", etc.

Viewing illustrations "Dangerous situations"; "ABC PDD", cards with the image of road signs, transport.

Reading poems, mysteries, artistic works According to the rules of the road, such as: S. Marshak "LTEPA", S.Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa-Militizer", A.Ivanov "How inseparable friends", "Encyclopedia of educated children", T. Perevalova "Dr. Aibolit - for Road ABC "and others.

Didactic games "Fourth extra", "Geometric transport", "Collect the picture from parts", "who will find more and call road signs."

Material and equipment : improvised bus, road signs and traffic lights, zebra from fabric, pictures depicting situations on the streets of the city for didactic game "Pick care road sign", 2 light backgrounds and 5 multi-colored signals for the Didactic Game "Picture Traffic", music composition "We are going, we are going, we are going to the distant edges ...", the sound of car brakes, cut pictures with road signs.

OO integration: "Social and communicative development", "physical development", "speech development", "cognitive development", "artistic and aesthetic development".

Node move:

The group sounds the melody of the song "We are going, we go, we are going to the distant edges, .."

Children enter the group, the educator turns to children (road signs are hung in the group).

Educator: Guys, look, today our group is a little unusual, some signs are hung around. See what kind of signs are it hanging here? (Children's responses.)

Children: These are road signs.

Educator: Tell me why do road signs need? (They warn pedestrians and drivers about danger.) What are the familiar signs? (Children's responses. Sign "Pedestrian Transition".)

Educator: Guys, and who can tell me why you need this sign?

Children: He shows us where you can move the road

(Sign "Caution, Children" sign.)

Educator: And what does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign denotes "Caution, children." The driver from afar sees this sign and slows speed, because in this place the way can go

Educator. And where do you usually put such signs?

Children: near schools, kindergartens.

Educator. Right.

(Children call "Pedestrian Transition", "Entry is prohibited", "Caution Children", "Bicycle Movement Forbidden", "Bicycle Track", "Bus stop", "Parking".)

Educator: What are the signs for? (Children's responses.)

Educator: That's right, signs are needed to know where to move the street, where you can ride a bike, where the bus stop is located and so on.

Today, I want to offer you to go on a journey through the streets of our city and see whether the rules of the road movement do you know how you? Want to? (Answer children.) But what we will go with you, you will need to guess


House on the street goes

To work everyone is lucky

Not on kurichy thin legs

And in rubber boots. (Bus.)

Guys, where do we expect a bus?

Children: at the bus stop.

Educator: I suggest you find a road sign "Bus stop" (in front of children, several signs with road signs: "Hospital", "Parking", "Bus stop").

Let's remember the rules of behavior at the public transport stop. (Children's responses.)

Educator: Correctly guys if there are many people at the stop, do not become the first row! You may accidentally push under the wheels. You can not go to the roadway to see the busement approximation.

Bad in the first row

Bad hurry:

Better in the kindergarten

What to get to the hospital

Well done! Well, I invite you to go to our bus. Guys, but how do we go on a journey, because we do not have a person who will manage our bus?! Guys who drive bus?

Children: Driver.

Educator: Offers (child name) to be a driver. And in public transport it is customary to pay for travel, and the passage for travel will be your correct answer.

Walking down the street is coming. So it (pedestrian).

Who goes on the sidewalk? (Pedestrians)

What is the animal like a pedestrian crossing? (Zebra).

How many eyes from the traffic light? (three).

Is it possible to play the roadway? (not).

What is the name of the road on which pedestrians go?

Which side of the sidewalk should you go?

If you are going on the bus, car, then you? (passenger).

Where do people wait for transport? (At the stop).

Who can you move the road with? (with adults).

What makes the cars? (gasoline).

Guys, I have another riddle for you, listen:

I am glazing Morgay

Tireless day and night.

And helps help

And I want to help you (traffic lights)

That's right, traffic light.

Educator: Traffic light - our chief assistant On the street, know and understand his signals is very important.

Guys, what do you think, why do you need a traffic light? (Children's responses.)

Children: To correctly move the road.

Children: Traffic light regulates traffic on the roads so that there is order on the streets.

Educator: Let's remember the meaning of traffic signals:

If the light fell red,

So move dangerous!

Yellow light warning,

Wait for the signal for moving!

Light green says:

Pass the way open!

What is the traffic light that the traffic can not move the road?

Children: on red

Baba Yaga doll appears and disappears.

Educator: Where are you going?

Baba Yaga: It's not when I chat here with you, I hurry !!!

Music sounds (sound brake brakes).

Baba Yaga appears with a stamped foot.

Baba Yaga: Oh, where did I get it? Hello my tough!

Educator: Hello Baba Yaga, what happened to you? We heard a terrible sound !!!

Baba Yaga: what. I flew on a broomstick broom. The broom broke, I had to land and walk, I was invited to visit me to visit myself. I tried to move the road, and you have some kind of mess. The range of the hut is high, there - here the boxes on the wheels are scking, they are not allowed to pass the Babius of Babius, and he also buzz. Seniors do not respect at all.

Educator: We are very sorry for us, but only you are to blame for everything. Baba Yaga, about what respect this is speech? After all, you flew to a red signal of the traffic light, and even in the wrong place! After all, you are not in my dense forest, but in the city, and in the city there are roads, cars, and not boxes on wheels. And respect and know here you need not elders, but the rules of the road !!!

Baba Yaga: Yes? And what is this, road rules? (Children's responses.)

Children: This ability to behave correctly on the street, to move the road, follow road signs.

Baba Yaga: Wow!

Educator: Yaguya Before going out into the street, you need to sign traffic signals and road signs as well as other pedestrian rules, sit down to us on the bus, rest, we are traveling along the streets of our city and we invite you with you. For one and the rules of the road will teach you to see everyone know the rules of the road

Guys, will you help the Baba Yaga to learn the rules of the road?

Educator: And you, be very careful. Guys will teach you everything.

Phys.Minutka"We are chauffeurs" (children show movements)

We are going, we are going on the car

(driving movement)

Click on pedal

(Bend foot in the knee, pull out)

Gas turn on, turn off

(lever turn to yourself, from myself)

We look intently in the distance

(palm to forehead)

Ukrainian wipers score

Right, Left - Clean!


Hair erschit wind

(with fingers to climb hair)

We are the chauffeons at least where!

(big finger right hand up)

Baba Yaga: Well, the brambos!

Educator: What happened, where are you?

Baba Yaga: Oh! What are the stripes ... there are no such forests in my forest (trying to jump at the pedestrian crossing).

Educator: What are you doing? It is impossible to play here!

Baba Yaga: Is that why?

Educator: Guys, explain the grandmother what it is.

Children: This is not a strip, but zebra, it needs to go on it

Baba Yaga: Zebra is a horse that lives in hot countries. What I, Zebra, led, put on the road and walk on it. How to walk on it?

What is Zebra?

Children: This is a pedestrian crossing.

Baba Yaga: Why did the pedestrian crossing name?

Children: Looks like a zebra in a light and dark strip.


Guys, can you play on the road? What can happen?

Children: You can't play on the road. Get under the car

Baba Yaga: No, I do not want to go to the hospital

Educator: Guys How should we cross the road? (Children's responses.)

Children: Need to see if there is a "Pedestrian Transition" or traffic light.

Carefully look left, whether there are cars, walk to the middle to look right. (Children along with Baba-Yaga are moving through a pedestrian crossing.)

Educator: Guys, look, here there are plates on the tables, let's see what's in them. For you, some tasks, I think there will be something interesting. (Children are divided into three subgroups.)

Didactic game: "Gather a suitable road sign"

Children get split pictures with road signs in converters. They need to properly collect.

Didactic game "Capture traffic light!"

You need to choose the desired signals and attach to the traffic light.

Educator: What are you great! They helped to return the lights of the traffic lights, correctly laid the road signs, fulfilled my requests on the layout.

Baba Yaga: And at the same time, and I learned a lot.

Educator: And to check your knowledge I suggest you play the game « It is allowed - prohibited! ".

Play on the roadway of the road (prohibited).

Return streets with a green traffic signal (permitted).

Walk the crowd over the sidewalk (permitted).

Return the street on the underpass (permitted).

Going around the street with a yellow light signal (prohibited).

Helping old men and old people to move the street (permitted).

Ride a bike without holding the steering wheel (prohibited).

Chat and loudly laugh in transport (prohibited).

Walk the sidewalk ...

Go to the street on the red light ...

Play on the roadway ...

Teach the rules of movement ...

Well done! Now I am confident. That we were able to teach Babu Yagu Rules of Road

Educator: But it's time for us to return to kindergarten

Baba Yaga: Exactly guys, I also completely forgot that I flew to the deposit to visit. So I will tell him what an adventure happened to me, and so that he believed to me, I propose to take a picture, want?

Photo for memory.

Baba Yaga flies

Educator: Guys, go to the bus, we will return to your kindergarten.


Guys did you like our journey, which is especially? (Children's responses.)

Guys, what good deal did we commit today? (Children's responses.)

I am very glad that you enjoyed our journey. And I am sure that you will continue to keep all the rules on the streets of the city.

Articles by Topic:
Red currant - benefits, harm and contraindications Red currant than useful for women
Red currant is small shrubs, whose leaves are falling in winter. It refers to many years old, and his closest relative is. Unlike black currant bushes, these higher, as if pulling up. Every year they grow n
Beer effect on female organism: benefit and harm
Beer refers to the category of alcoholic beverages, so many believe that it can be drunk without restrictions. However, this opinion is far from the truth. Experts are convinced that any type of alcohol is dangerous to human health in abuse. it
Carrots: benefits and harm to the body, useful properties of juice and boiled carrots
To maintain organs of vision, it is necessary to make carrots and blueberries permanent elements of their own. They have a beneficial effect on tired eyes, help preserve vision, prevent the development of hazardous diseases. Choosing between blueberries and carrots, Potcher
Pros and cons of tattoos for neck Minus color tattoos
The first tattoo was made more than 6,000 years ago, as the scientists of archaeologists were installed during excavations. So the art of the tattooja leaves its roots in the most antiquity. Currently, many do not mind decorate their body. But the tattoo is a serious decision