Home workplace by the window. How to organize your workplace? Ideas for decoration

Many of us have to work from home from time to time, if not regularly. But, unfortunately, not every living space allows you to allocate a separate room for an office or workshop. Today we will talk about how to arrange a comfortable workplace in the living room without harming its design.

Workplace in the living room - where exactly should it be located?

To answer this question, decide what time you usually have to work from home.

We work at home during the day

If you work at home mainly during the daytime, it is better to place the workplace in an area with good natural light. After all sunlight improves mood and improves performance. The traditional approach, with obvious merit, is the living room workspace by the window. Not only will you "catch" the daylight, but you will certainly find a place for shelves with books or documents. In this case, the desktop can be made to order in such a way that its tabletop and window sill are one whole. It not only looks harmonious, but also saves space. In a small room, you can do without a table altogether, a wide window sill will successfully cope with its role.

You are especially fortunate if the living room has a bay window. After all, this multifaceted glazed "lantern" seems to have been created to design a comfortable working area, the main advantage of which is excellent uniform illumination from all sides. A curtain or blinds will protect you from direct sunlight.

If there is an insulated balcony or loggia in the apartment, the working area can be equipped there. This way you will get the most out of all your square meters without taking an inch away from the living room itself. Sometimes it is advisable to combine this area with a living room. In some cases, for this it is enough just to remove the window block between the room and the balcony, and fix the countertop on the remainder of the wall partition. As a result of this minimal disruption, you will increase your living space and create a workspace with good natural light.

We work at home in the evening

If you have to work at home mainly in the evening, first of all you need to take into account that the living room is a common room. And, as a rule, it is in the evenings that the whole family gathers here to chat or watch TV. Therefore, the working area in the living room should be located so as not to infringe on anyone's interests: it should be convenient for some to relax, and for others to work. How can this be achieved?

You may also like the idea of ​​a neat console table against the back of the sofa. With this arrangement of furniture, the work area and the recreation area in the living room are outlined, but not completely separated. Having settled down at the table with work or handicrafts, you will be close to your loved ones, you will be able to maintain a general conversation or watch an interesting program out of the corner of your eye.

If classes require concentration and increased attention, it is worth removing the workplace away from the TV. The worker will be less distracted by sitting with his back to the living room. In this case, the table can be installed in the gap between the cabinets or between the cabinet and the wall. Such an impromptu niche will create a sense of isolation from everything that is happening around and will help to tune in to a working mood.

Working area in the living room - do you need partitions?

When deciding whether the living room area will be separated by a partition from the rest of the room, take into account the size and shape of the room, the location of the windows, as well as the number of inhabitants in the apartment and your occupation.

The partition is not an end in itself, but a tool that must be used wisely. After all, it can make a small room even more cramped, but it can give a long rectangular room proportionality and comfort.

The photos below show a beautiful living room with a workplace in a small studio apartment. The owners installed a narrow table for two in a shallow niche created specially for this, but they did not separate the working area from the rest of the room with a partition. See how spacious this small but seamless multipurpose space seems.

And the room in the next photo gives the impression of being too elongated and somewhat dull. Zoning the workplace with a neat partition in this living room would be quite appropriate.

It is not necessary to partition the living room if there is only one free artist living in the apartment, because he will not interfere with himself. He can place his workplace absolutely anywhere, even on a console shelf next to the TV. And for family man it will be extremely inconvenient: try to concentrate when football or melodramatic passions are boiling over your ear!

If a large family lives in an apartment, a living room with a work area outside the partition will be a real salvation for a person engaged in mental work. There are many ways to separate your refuge from the noisy world of the living room: a solid plasterboard "wall" in the spirit of minimalism or a popular design with shelves-niches, a bookcase or light translucent plastic, a glass panel with decor or a partition with increased sound insulation made of frosted glass blocks, sliding panels, or simply heavy curtains ...

The list does not end there, the choice is yours.
The main thing is that in this corner you can concentrate without interference, as well as place work accessories, folders with documents, and even allow yourself some creative clutter. After all, you got not just a workplace in the common living room - you created a piece of your personal space.

Living room with work area ... in the closet

The lucky man, whose main work tool is a laptop, can afford to work without even getting out of bed. For him, the organization of the workplace is more a matter of self-discipline.

It is more difficult for those who deal with a lot of paper documents. And it is very difficult for needlewomen when they are faced with the need to organize their workplace in a common living room, especially if the room is small. Where, without cluttering up the room, store kilometers of fabrics and ribbons, kilograms of yarn, mountains of beads, piles of accessories and other treasures? Moreover, so that everything is at hand, otherwise it will take hours to find the right piece or thread.

Let's turn to the experience of previous generations. They lived long before the advent of digital media in a very "material" world, and therefore invented a secretaire. What do you like best: the bureau in vintage style with a hinged lid or a modern model with a pull-out top? Or you can make a roomy organizer cabinet to order, which will have several folding and retractable work surfaces at once.

In the depths of this furniture there is a place for a personal office with an extensive paper archive, and for a home workshop with all its tools and consumables. At the right time, the magic wardrobe can be easily and quickly folded, so as not to disturb the order in the living room. You don't have to worry that the needles or important papers left on the table will fall into the hands of a young fidget, because everything is securely closed. Finally, the psychological moment is also important: you open the closet and you are at work, you close it - you can relax and unwind.

Take a look at a selection of our photos and make sure that the living room with a workplace arranged in a closet is beautiful and very convenient.

Design of a living room with a workplace - briefly about the main thing

Thinking over the design of a living room with a workplace, you can go in two ways: either emphasize the working area, or, conversely, make it as invisible as possible. The main thing is that the result is an interior that is comfortable for you and your loved ones.

The working area in the living room is distinguished by contrasting furniture, decorative partitions, the color and texture of the walls, lighting and multi-level ceilings. You can organize a work area on the podium, using it as a spacious storage system. At the same time, it is important not to forget that the work area and the recreation area are parts of a single space, and there should be no stylistic dissonance between them.

Choosing furniture

Furniture for a living room with a workplace should not only be comfortable, but also harmoniously selected. Buying a wall with an already provided work table can simplify the task. Such furniture sets are functional and, as a rule, have a restrained laconic design. With their help, it is easy to create a holistic interior of a modern living room.

But for a small room, the wall is not the best way, it may simply not fit there. In this case, pay special attention to the choice of the desktop. Hardly anyone will like a living room with a massive work desk in an office style. Compact narrow tables are preferred, possibly folding. Space-saving and space-saving models with two legs, which are attached to the wall at the back, as well as shelving tables and window sill tables. They can be equipped with a retractable part, where you can easily hide writing instruments and even a laptop.

Pay attention to the design of this wonderful living room. At first glance, you can't understand that the photo shows a living room with a workplace. The hostess simply hid her low glass work table behind the back of the sofa. From the side of the front door, the work area in this bright living room is practically invisible.

Playing with color

Calm neutral colors are traditionally used to decorate the working area: white, light gray, beige. Light greens and shades of blue are also popular. They are believed to promote concentration.

All-out bright reds, deep purples, and other intense colors tend to fatigue quickly, but they work well as small accents. A chair and a couple of these accessories in the work area will make the design of the room livelier. The main thing is that these color spots resonate in the overall living room palette.

Many of us are thinking about how to equip a workplace at home so that we do not have to painfully wake up in the morning and go to a boring office in a crowded transport. After all, the working day can be started outside the box - just by moving from one room to another.

If your profession involves remote employment, we suggest that you urgently start organizing your desktop with your own hands, because coffee tastes better at home, and native walls help!

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How to organize a workplace at home?

Psychologists say: a competent and thoughtful organization of the desktop is a direct path to high productivity and good mood during the working day.

In addition, the decor of the desktop and its concept in general is an easy way to express yourself. One glance at the design of the desktop is enough to understand whether this is a traveler, collector, designer or musician.

In addition, when decorating a desktop at home, you are not limited by corporate requirements, you can afford a beautiful desktop in any style, the main thing is to provide:

  • optimal level illumination by combining natural and artificial light sources;

  • comfort: you should not slouch or reach for the keyboard;

  • convenience to keep your office and documentation close at hand.

Try to comply style unity so that the design of the desktop is in harmony with the interior of the room in which it is located. If you do not want someone to see the holy of holies - your workplace at home, “hide” it behind a plasterboard partition, portable screen, curtain, or place it in a niche.

How to decorate your desktop with your own hands? Use figurines, frames, fresh flowers, original lamps, cork or magnetic boards to fix notes with notes.

Be attentive to details, creative clutter is good, but folders, organizers, shelves will help you organize your workspace and not lose important documents.

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DIY desktop organizer

Features of the design of the workplace in different rooms

Bulky and uncomfortable Soviet-style desks have long gone into oblivion, now the design of the workplace is a symbiosis of style, thoughtfulness and functionality.

There are even more ideas for a small-sized desktop than for a spacious workplace. Therefore, the owners of small-sized living space will also be able to afford, if not an office in an apartment, then at least an individual work-zone, making the most of utility rooms, corners and niches.

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Since you can arrange your desktop anywhere, we offer several decent options:

  • Workplace in the bedroom: it is better to place it by the window, in a closet or niche, without losing even a centimeter of usable area.

  • Workplace in a closet or pantry- generally a super economical option, when the space is used mainly vertically thanks to convenient hinged organizers on the desktop.

  • Workplace on the balcony has a number of advantages: it is isolated, hidden from prying eyes and allows you to implement many ideas for your desktop with your own hands: hang homemade pots with flowers, make shelves for storing the necessary office supplies.

  • Workplace on the windowsill... By transforming the window sill into a table top, you get an ergonomic workspace with a gorgeous look. In addition, the workplace by the window is always provided with natural light.

  • Workplace under the stairs... A great idea for efficient use of space at home.

  • Another option is living room with workplace, where it can not only fulfill its direct function, but also divide the room into functional zones, if it stands in the center.

When planning a kind of office-home, consider the specifics their work. While a small folding or hinged table with a laptop and a lamp is enough for a programmer and a writer, the work place of a needlewoman is a spacious work area, for which sometimes you have to allocate a whole home office.

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Feng shui desktop

Many people believe that for high productivity, it is enough to turn the work area into a corner of calm using feng shui tricks. According to the ancient Chinese method, the optimal place for a feng shui workplace is northeastern part of the house.

What else do Feng Shui experts advise us:

  • do not put the desktop back to window or exit;
  • do-it-yourself desktop decor also obey the laws of feng shui and place water symbols(aquariums, pictures with rivers and waterfalls) in front of you or over your head;
  • hide the wires: they symbolize the outflow of financial assets;
  • the left edge of the workplace is a zone of wealth, when deciding how to decorate the desktop - put it there Money Tree, preferably live, piggy bank or three-toed frog.
  • diy for the desktop (diy - do it yourself) is better placed in right sector of the table symbolizing creativity.

In short, if you are a freelancer by vocation, often while away your nights at work or love handicrafts, feel free to use our tips and photos when deciding how to decorate your workplace to your liking!

A working corner in an apartment is needed not only by a schoolchild and students. Many of us increasingly work remotely, check important e-mail on a computer, or have a hobby. All the more acute is the question of when several family members need a workplace in an apartment at once, because now almost everyone has their own computer or laptop that needs to be placed somewhere. In this article, we will tell you how to organize a comfortable workplace in an apartment, even if there is very little free space in it.

Cabinet from Hülsta-Werke Hüls

Office layout

Ideally, if you have the opportunity to allocate a separate, albeit small, room for your study. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the general recommendations of designers, psychologists and therapists regarding the location of the workplace.

Compact workstation with shelves, Shake

Basic rules for planning a workplace:

  • the front door should not be located behind the back of a seated person. If the entrance does not fall into the field of vision, this creates psychological discomfort and interferes with concentration.
  • ideally, if the window will be located to the left of the workplace
  • remember the rule "20 × 20 × 20": in order not to spoil your eyesight, while sitting in front of the monitor, look into the distance at a distance of about 20 m for at least 20 seconds every 20 minutes. In practice, this means that every 20 minutes you need to look out the window, so it's good if it is near
  • if you plan to spend more than 3 hours in a row at the workplace, be sure to take care of a back-comfortable chair, which should be individually adjusted for the user's height and weight
  • do not forget about artificial lighting: it should be bright enough and at the same time provide directional lighting in the place you want
  • a modern workplace implies the availability of technology, so you should take care of additional sockets and so that unaesthetic coils of wires do not get confused under your feet
  • do not forget about organizing storage places in the office: shelves for books, boxes for papers, a roll-up cabinet, etc. for sure you will need

According to psychologists and designers, cold colors are optimal for the office. It is believed that dims stimulate the brain in the best way, without distracting, like bright red, and not unnecessarily relaxing, like, for example, blue. In addition to the basic tone, you can choose furniture and decor in natural colors, for example, choose shades of natural wood in combination with sand or ocher.

Adentro work table

In small apartments, it is often impossible to allocate a separate room for an office, so the workplace can be in any of the rooms, for example, in the bedroom. Usually in this case it comes about a small work table for a laptop or your favorite diary, which will find a place even in the smallest room. In the ladies' bedroom, the work and dressing tables are often combined.

An original table that allows you not to be distracted by strangers from Roset Italia

Advice: A folding cabinet door can be used as a table top. There are even special cabinets with a secret behind the doors of which a mini office is hidden.

Secretaire by Dyrlund

For a bedroom, small rooms in general, as well as for cases when a desk is needed only from time to time, a compact sliding table-shelf can become an ideal option. To date, there are a lot of options for this kind of structures, and their advantages are obvious: they do not take up free space, while being at hand at the right time.

A compact or folding work area is also a good choice for a living room. It can be a cabinet-bureau with a retractable table top and shelves for papers and small things, and it is easy to choose the right model, regardless of the interior style you choose. The advantage of this solution is the ability to hide the workplace, for example, for the arrival of guests.

Another possible variant- a narrow console table with only two legs and fixed against the wall. Such tables also do not take up much space and look elegant in the interior, but they are not suitable for those who need a wide tabletop or a stationary computer to work.

A extendable console table that does not take up much space and can become a full-fledged writing table, Bontempi Casa

Memo: if you have at least a small niche or even a pantry in your apartment, it can be easily re-equipped by making a visually separate small workplace. The main thing is to take care of sufficient lighting and comfort.

Working table in the living room, designed by Nest Design Studio

If you live in a one-room apartment or studio apartment, and you really need a full-fledged workplace at home, it makes sense to consider an option with transforming furniture, for example, a bed hiding vertically in the wall, in place of which a spacious work desk appears. Such furniture is not cheap, but for your own safety, it makes sense to purchase only high-quality models of folding furniture.

Folding and transforming furniture for small spaces, Clei

Workplace on the balcony

With the seeming exoticism of this option in the realities of real life, this option is almost the most common today. Insulated and glazed balconies easily accommodate a medium-sized desk with everything you need, turning into a cozy modern office, isolated enough so that you do not interfere with your work or your favorite hobby.

Spacious balcony, designed by Davidie Rozin Architects

Usually you can find 2 options: when the room is combined with a balcony, demolishing the wall and getting a common space, and when a separate office is equipped on the insulated balcony. From the point of view of building and legal norms, the second option, of course, is preferable, since even a partial demolition of the facade walls requires a very complex coordination, and in most cases it is generally prohibited.

Balcony secretaire, designed by Lucy Johnson Interior Design

If you decide to equip a workplace on the balcony, you will have to take care of both insulation (a layer of insulation on the walls, warm floor, reliable, multi-layer glass unit), and protection from sunlight, which will surely prevent you from quietly working in the summer. So you will need dense ones no less than a desktop.

This option in domestic realities is not very common, largely due to the modest area of ​​our kitchens, but it should not be discounted. A small work table for a tablet or laptop, as well as a favorite notebook with recipes, which allows you to sit down for a while, distracted from cooking, would surely please many housewives. Most often, for such needs, a distant part of the countertop is allocated or the window sill is expanded.

Kitchen Design by BSA Management, Inc

Small laptop corner in the kitchen, designed by Sarah Barnard Design

As you can see, even in a small apartment, if you wish, you can fit several work corners or equip a comfortable work area, the main thing is to use any possibilities and not limit your choice to standard furniture.

Workplace in a studio apartment, Onecollection table

Working from home has many benefits. One of them is the ability to work in an environment that gives aesthetic pleasure and adjusts to the desired mood. In this article, we have collected tips and ideas for you on how to create a space in your apartment that awakens your creativity: organizing a workplace at home.

1. Create background

For cabinet design, neutral wall colors - beige, gray - are best suited. Such a choice will allow you to complement the interior with bright accessories without overloading the overall composition, because we are talking about a room in which nothing should interfere with your concentration.

2. Inspiration for work at home

Create a large surface to which you can attach motivational, inspirational, or work-related pictures and leaflets. There are many options for this: magnetic wallpaper; paint that creates the surface of the chalk board; textile wall covering; cork layer on the wall. The materials placed on this surface will fuel your creative thinking.

3. Correct lighting

Lighting can change the atmosphere of any room. Make sure your work area is well lit. Firstly, it disposes to active work, and secondly, it is better for the eyes. To do this, you can use both a familiar table lamp and stylish LED strips and lamps.

4. "Revitalization" of the workplace

Art objects (including photographs) will help you create a workspace in which you will feel comfortable. By the way, art doesn't have to be expensive. As long as it gives you pleasure and makes you happy, it fulfills its function.

5. Storage space

Choose furniture so that in your office there is a place for all things and little things, because chaos can distract from business and interrupt the creative flow of thought. If you live in Ukraine, then you can buy inexpensive furniture in Kiev in the furniture salon Expertmebel.

6. Personalization of the workplace

Convey your own personality to your workplace, at least by placing your paperweight on the table, indoor plant or your favorite mug. And photos of happy moments from your life will always bring a smile.

The writing desk is often located by the window.

Work table located in the corner of the living room

Corner desks create a larger workspace

Chalk and magnetic boards - a practical idea for the study

Diary right on the wall

Wall decoration with books

Industrial style workplace

Wooden boxes as shelves

LED strips installed under the wall cabinets

Muted color scheme

My friends often stay late at work to take a lesson at an online school or complete a freelance project. This is explained by the fact that it is more familiar and more convenient to work in the office.

My article will help them and you organize what Americans call a home office - a workplace at home to work and study productively. Especially if you do not live alone and in a small apartment.

Set aside a separate spot

Step outside the couch and lift the laptop off your lap. Otherwise, after a couple of months, your back will respond with pain, your eyes with fatigue, and even the strongest motivation will turn into procrastination.

Take a look at the following corners - there will certainly be a place for a desktop or at least a folding table top:

  • near the window;
  • on the balcony;
  • in the closet;
  • between cabinets and openings;
  • in a niche, in the corner;
  • in a separate area created with partitions.

“A workplace in a one-room apartment should be mobile and multifunctional. Instead of a computer table, you can buy a universal folding table, which will turn into a dining room with the arrival of guests.

Instead of a traditional personal computer, use a combination: monitor + laptop. After work, the monitor can be easily removed, and if it has a large diagonal, it can easily replace the TV. And the table will be free for other needs. "

Alena Podmasco, stylist of the Leroy Merlin company

“The main mistake a freelancer makes is to work in bed or on a soft couch / armchair. Especially if you work with texts. There is always the temptation to merge with pillows and hang out on YouTube in a lulling atmosphere or take ten tests like "which Disney princess is closer to you in spirit." I've fallen into this trap many times. Now I have organized a home workplace at a regular desk.

Life hack 1. Constantly working from home is tiresome, so I made a map of coffee shops within walking distance and with stable Wi-Fi.

Life hack 2. Find places with "happy hours" - for example, Point 242 discounts on coffee until 10 am, in "Doublebee" - until 12. This will motivate you to leave the house early. And to start the day with a cup of good coffee is a good thing. "

Katerina Karslidi, chief editor of the portals Cinemaholics.ru and Film.ru

Ideally, if there is enough space in the chosen corner, there is a lot of light and you can look out the window. So it is better to insulate the balcony than to clear the pantry.

“The favorite technique of designers is to make a kopeck piece out of a one-room apartment, turning a balcony into a study. Replace double-glazed windows, put underfloor heating, insulate the walls. Just keep in mind that heating radiators on the balcony are not allowed. "

Margarita Symonenko

Don't sacrifice form for functionality

Remember: furniture serves you and your needs, not you. Invest in a comfy chair, a beautiful desk, stylish wall shelves that fit in with your décor. Do not turn the corner into a soulless "cubicle" - it is not even an hour, you will want to escape from your home office.

“For a small apartment, furniture in light shades is suitable, dark furniture looks more bulky. The glass table looks weightless and visually expands the area. But weigh the pros and cons: the glass tabletop is unusually cold, requires careful treatment and more careful maintenance. "

Margarita Symonenko, designer-architect of the ready-made building solutions service "TNOMER"

“At my desk I spend most of the day: work, rest, eat, turn on movies at night. Initially, the corner was designed for my husband: they needed a place for a computer and for working with papers. Therefore, the keyboard slides back to free up space. There were other requirements to the place: that it should take up a minimum of space, be protected from the dog (therefore, the table has a long back wall so that the dog does not climb under it and pull out the wires); so that I can be accommodated next to my husband. It's more convenient for us to communicate, watch memes and TV shows: while one is working, the other is resting. Everyone is busy with their own business, but at the same time together, and not in different corners.

The table was not designed for a child at all. Now we think that the surface could be made longer. If we had one more workplace, my daughter could easily sculpt or paint between us. During gatherings in full force we remove the keyboard under the monitor and put the child on our knees. Previously, dishes were piled up in the middle of the table - now children's pencils and toys. And yes, a rock painting of a child instantly appears in an uncleaned open notebook.

I like a monitor stand in the table - I hide little things under it: a little makeup, workbooks and pens. Previously, we kept small office supplies in a nightstand with a drawer, but now it is sealed with adhesive tape: protection from children's hands. "

Anna Maslennikova freelance developer on maternity leave

Appreciate vertical

“You can save space with the help of the vertical: choose a high bed under the ceiling, and organize the workplace right below it. This scenario requires additional lighting, especially if the corner is away from the window. Place a sconce above the table or place a floor lamp on the side.

Place everything that can be hung on the wall: replace the bedside table with shelves, a regular table with a hinged tabletop, mountains of papers with vertical storage systems or signed boxes stacked on top of each other. Put your current tasks on a magnetic board. "

Margarita Symonenko, designer-architect of the ready-made building solutions service "TNOMER"

Hide the table

"Table - central part working area that requires the most space. The problem is solved if you hide it in a wardrobe or chest of drawers. A pull-out or folding tabletop is even more compact and easy to clean. The simplest solution is a secretary or a bureau.

You can also use a window sill as a desktop by slightly expanding it. Or make a suspended tabletop that visually lightens the space. "

Margarita Symonenko, designer-architect of the ready-made building solutions service "TNOMER"

Maintain order

Tame your technique. If you use the entire arsenal of office equipment, one table will not be enough for you. Think about where the printer, scanner, speakers will be located, whether there are enough sockets for them and whether it is possible to replace several different devices with one multifunctional one. Can you do without them at all? For example, a smartphone application (Doc Pro - Book Scanner to PDF, Scanner Pro, etc.) is sufficient to scan documents. You just take a photograph of the document, and the program enhances and saves the image.

Run the wires. There are special clips and cable holders, but you can get by with regular office clips. Sign identical cables.

Organize chaos. Think about where to store office supplies and other small items. Place next to what should always be at hand. Personally, it's easier for me to start when I have a stylish notebook (not necessarily Moleskine) in front of my eyes. An anti-stress toy, which is pleasant to twist in your hands, can help the developer to concentrate. Put the rest in the signed boxes.

“One-room apartment in Novosibirsk, the owner works mainly from home. He lives alone, so the work area is not fenced off. During the day, there is enough natural light: it falls from the window on the left, the apartment is located on the 10th floor. Local lighting is provided in the evening and at night.

The workplace is a built-in table with a Wi-Fi router hidden under it. The curbstone serves as a support for the printer. The home office has organically blended into the interior and does not hide the space. "

Separate personal and work

“The brain needs to be helped to focus. If it is difficult to divide the space (as in a one-room apartment), build conditional boundaries. For example, create two Accounts in your own computer. Use one for professional activities - block some of the time-wasting sites there, remove shortcuts for games. The other is for a "free lifestyle." It will be easier for you to stay productive on your work profile because you have to take a deliberate action to switch to procrastination.

Examples of other life hacks: change into more formal shoes or put on a shirt and a suit, change a chair for an office chair, set a timer for a time intended only for work tasks. "

Maria Shumikhina, psychotherapist and coach, board member of the International Association for Psychoanalysis of Business and Organizations.


  1. Your knees will not replace a table, and a sofa will not replace a chair. Invest in comfortable furniture.
  2. Even in a one-room apartment, you can find a separate corner for work. As a last resort, screw a folding tabletop to the wall and bring a folding chair.
  3. Anything that can be hung on the wall - hang on the wall.
  4. Keep your workplace tidy: recycle excess paper, deal with wires.
  5. Separate personal and work space.

Bonus tip: Even in your ideal workplace, don't forget to take a break!

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