How does a scorpio man behave when. How does a Scorpio man love? Scorpio man personality traits

A man who was born under the sign of Scorpio is a secret, it is a hurricane, it is a walking "combination lock", because it is not easy to guess his feelings and intentions. He is able to hide everything until the last moment, you never guess what he thinks about, what he is planning, is in love or is just joking. However, it is so difficult until the moment when you do not get to know him better, do not learn to be a real psychologist. And if you wondered how a Scorpio man in love behaves, it means that you are ready to learn all the rules of the game that will help you understand this high-quality sly. Next, we will consider everything in more detail, but first you need to find out the main thing - such a man perfectly controls all his emotions and actions, and he can open up completely unintentionally for himself only in one moment - when he is enthusiastically busy with his most beloved work. So how do you know if a Scorpio is in love?

  1. A man who was born under this difficult zodiac sign knows the value of money. He's not greedy, but he's not a spender either. Earning money, he knows in advance what he will spend all his finances on. And if suddenly Scorpio first begins to make you cute presents, and then does not think at all about their cost, but only cares about satisfying your desire, then there can be no ambiguous interpretation of his actions. He's in love! Such a man will try to put the whole world at your feet, there are no impossible tasks for him. No other representative of the strongest half of humanity will act the way a Scorpio man in love behaves. However, be careful! If you do not feel the same feelings towards him, then it is better to step aside, he will not forgive any betrayal, or treason, or resentment.
  2. The Scorpio man has a complex character, he is very emotional, passionate. However, do not be alarmed ahead of time! He will be like that only until the moment when a fire of passions flares up in his soul. So, if you previously knew him as a cold and unapproachable person, but now everything has changed, and he simply personifies calmness, restraint, poise, then you can be sure. He is very passionate about you, if he is so transformed. Further, you may not even think about how a Scorpio man in love behaves, because such an instance is already in front of you.
  3. There is one more fact that cannot be discounted. Only for his beloved girl, the Scorpio man is ready to get a star from the sky. This is said figuratively, but in general it is. He is able to ignore the request of any other person, even if he needs something very urgently. But if a loved one asks for some little thing in the middle of the night, Scorpio will react instantly and raise a whole hurricane around him until he does what he was asked to do.
  4. A man who was born under this zodiac sign will only surprise the lady he is in love with. If, for no reason at all, he decided to shower you with flowers, sing under the balcony in the early morning, or take you to the end of the world, then you can be congratulated. This is exactly how a man in love Scorpio betrays himself.

The signs are all obvious. He simply ceases to be like himself and is able to commit rash acts. Now you understand how a Scorpio man in love behaves. It remains only to decide whether to accept these feelings or not. Do not play with him, he will not tolerate this and will not forgive!

Girls, tell me please….

Not the one that is poisonous! The one who is a scorpio according to the horoscope! I fell in love with him very much. Artemochka's name! And his birthday is on the seventh of November. Now he is twenty-three years old (I am a little more than three years younger). Why and why am I telling all this? I want each of you (girls and women) to tell from personal experience about scorpions in love! Thank you all! Do not invent or compose anything, please. But the real truth and I will really appreciate it….

Female comments sent:

  • Katerina:

When he falls in love, he seems to remember a song, in which there is a line about tenderness, affection and kindness. That is how he is…. Scorpion! It changes only very much (in the opposite direction completely) when his love passes.

  • Veronica:

He controls strongly when he falls in love. But this is only at first! Then it all dies down. All that remains is "gentleness", attentiveness, and a very careful attitude. Scorpio loves to make surprises. Ask him to hit the road to the store - he will run a bullet. But it will not only buy what you asked for. You can also buy something that you did not expect to see, but love.

  • Jeanne:

Scorpio is a sign that is always the same, alas. I'm getting divorced with my Scorpio! He is boorish, cruel, knows how and is not afraid to betray, he can get angry and throw out evil on me…. It's hard to love Scorpions…. Very hard!

  • Pauline:

He will show his love only when you move away from him! Until that moment, Scorpio will not take any action. He is even ready to keep silent about everything, but he will not initiate.

  • Nina:

Forgive me, but I can't decide with which letter to start writing the name of the zodiac sign (with a small or with a capital). I think that this is not so and it is important. And now - about the important! When a person with this sign falls in love, he becomes balanced and calm to the point of nausea. What else is important? Politeness is escalating!

  • Tatiana:

The eyes betray him! They shine especially when the scorpion is in love. Like New Year's balls! Only with them I can compare them now. Nothing else came to mind yet.

  • Elizabeth:

Scorpio in love will do everything in order to win love to the one to whom he wants to give his heart. But if his beloved rejects him, he will hate her. And further. He is capable of revenge! And only he knows to what extremes revenge can take him.

  • Oksana:

The scorpion becomes very strange! Now it is silent, like a fish, endlessly, then it begins to chatter incessantly. Perhaps this is how he behaves in order to attract attention.

  • Inna:

Scorpio lovers are always the same! It's about age. To this I am leading that the age of your beloved could not have been indicated. Scorpios fall in love strongly, but they cool down immediately, as they achieve the one they dreamed of. And the Scorpio achieves beautifully…. He gives flowers, writes poetry, and orders music on the radio. In general, he is capable of anything! For example, a Scorpio in love gave me two cars of his own. And he did not take them when we ran away. This shocked me and left me hoping that he would return. But he didn’t come back.

  • Anastasia:

Do not know. Well, in no way, it seems, Skorpiosniki lovers do not behave! They are ordinary, everyday and do not betray their love in any way. They think, for sure, it's easier to live that way, that it frees them from any responsibility…. After some time, people of this sign admit their mistakes.

  • Helena:

Scorpio is very worried. And this is reflected in all of his behavior. He starts to stutter, to joke inappropriately, to smile. It may surprise him to laugh, something reminiscent of hysterical. He will fidget nervously on the piece of furniture on which he will sit at the moment when he sees his beloved. This is observed in almost all Scorpios!

  • Karina:

I do not advise you to fall in love with a scorpion! He doesn't give a pass if he falls in love! He will get anyone! I was so “lucky” in life that I almost always met only with representatives of this sign. I am trying to understand why it happens this way and not otherwise…. So far - to no avail.

  • Oksana:

How do scorpions in love behave? Why not ask the scorpions directly? We sit here, guessing - guessing, like solving riddles. Time is wasting! And the scorpions, perhaps, are waiting for our actions!

  • Olga:

Hooked on my mom too! My dad's birthday is the same day! Only another year, of course. Mom told me that dad was a romantic. I wrote letters to her (not electronic, as is fashionable and customary now, but postal!). He gave her gifts, promised to cook. Mom melted. Naturally, everything changed after the registry office. But my mother remembers that romance all the time. Life is hard, of course, with such people, but they do not know how to hide their love. They have everything - for show! And timidity is natural, but temporary.

When they fall in love, they learn all the information from friends about the one they are in love with. There is no shyness or shyness. They go ahead in conversation, using their entire vocabulary.

  • Maria:

How does a scorpion in love behave? - Some are trying to buy their loved ones! At the moment I'm talking about my Earring. He got his pay and spent it all on jewelry. A lot of time has passed since then, but he never reproached me for the money spent and did not even remember that he was spending something. But he himself, without a jacket, poor thing, went through the whole winter. And my conscience gnawed at me. I will never forget this….

  • Lyudmila:

Scorpions become pessimists, because they set themselves up for non-reciprocity in advance. When they find out (if they find out) that they are loved, they turn into children. They start jumping, running, shouting and having fun with all their might. Yes, so that everyone can hear.

  • Love:

They are such owners! Generally, always. But when they fall in love - especially! The most interesting thing is that they feel comfortable with this.

  • Lucy:

Messages are sent five hundred times a day! It strains to horror. But Scorpios are better off not talking about what is "strained" in this, because they are very touchy.

Continuation. ... ...

How does a man in love behave? -

Life stories.

When a woman faces the question of how to win the favor of a man she likes, a variety of proven methods are used. The most successful of these is the study of the characteristics and preferences reflected in the horoscope. If the man you chose was born under the sign of Scorpio, then after reading this article, you will know exactly how to conquer a man - Scorpio?

Such people are too selective in the choice of a partner, they look closely, evaluate, decide for a long time, therefore a Scorpio man should always think that it is he who is conquering a woman, and not vice versa. Despite his high demands, he does not spend his whole life in search of an ideal; short and frivolous novels regularly appear in his life. Only a woman who can win the Scorpio's heart will he take seriously, show respect and cherish.

How to charm a Scorpio man?

When deciding what needs to be done and how to please a Scorpio man, any woman should remember that this sign is simply obsessed with all mysterious and supernatural things, so it is worth more often putting on an aura of mystery, thanks to which the chances of charming a partner will greatly increase. Play and fickleness will also help to interest the Scorpio man, the alternation of increased attention and interest with cold indifference will cause him an increased interest.

But, if, nevertheless, all the actions taken hooked a man - Scorpio and he is ready to conquer a partner, the main thing is not to forget that an easy victory will cool his ardor. The more a woman resists, the more desire her partner will have to conquer her. In order for a man to feel sincere feelings and respect his partner, he will have to make a lot of efforts, because next to him he wants to see a faithful and devoted girlfriend who will share with him all the joys and failures and will never betray.

Asking how to captivate a Scorpio man, it is also worth remembering that he will never tolerate deception and hypocrisy. Any manifestation of insincerity will negatively affect his attitude towards his partner, his interest in her can disappear without a trace, and all the efforts of the partner to win him will come to naught.

A Scorpio man is attracted by the desire to solve any mystery, to understand its essence. To maintain increased interest on his part, even while in a relationship, a woman should not immediately open up to her partner. His interest and attention will be maintained as long as he is attracted by the mysteriousness and undisclosed secrets of his companion.

If you initially do not want a serious relationship with a man - Scorpio, then you should tell him directly about this, most likely, he will agree and agree to your terms. But, if an easy and non-binding relationship is not enough for a woman, then she will have to become an inaccessible, monolithic and indestructible fortress, which will kindle in a partner a desire to break her inaccessibility. The most important condition that will have to be observed at this stage is that a man should not guess that he himself is the object of conquest. The longer and more difficult it will be to conquer a companion, the more in the future Scorpio will value this relationship.

Trying to conquer a Scorpio man, a woman should pay great attention to her appearance. In the wardrobe of his companion, there should be outfits that emphasize all possible dignities of the figure, demonstrate its elegance and style. It is also worth using various decorations, and the use of perfume will be an important aspect when conquering a man - Scorpio. The smell emanating from a companion should excite his imagination and drive him crazy.

But good looks are not enough to fall in love with a Scorpio guy. Only the presence of a woman's erudition and a keen and inquiring mind will arouse in him sincere feelings, since in her face he will acquire an excellent interlocutor with whom he can talk for hours, while getting real pleasure.

Most of all, he loves to argue with an intelligent woman, while she must have her own clear view of everything they argue about, and the woman must defend her position. When a Scorpio man clearly argues his position, proving his innocence, he greatly appreciates that his partner, accepting his arguments and agreeing with them, does not lose her own dignity. In everything that a man is interested in - Scorpio, a woman should be well versed so that at any moment she can maintain a conversation and demonstrate her own opinion on this subject. All the efforts and expectations of a woman who wants to please a Scorpio guy will be rewarded.

In the event that a woman suddenly failed to become an impregnable fortress, which is being taken by storm, she can become a partner's best friend, whom he entrusts with all his experiences, at any time she can ask for advice or just take a walk. Very often, a strong and happy relationship is obtained from such a friendship.

If a relationship has begun, you should not give the Scorpio man the slightest reason to doubt the loyalty of his companion. He is very jealous, so even a fleeting smile, directed towards another man, can cause him a fit of mad rage, and everything will end in a serious scandal. Therefore, a woman should not sow suspicion in the soul of her man by behaving in an inappropriate manner.

Sometimes men who have already experienced a partner's infidelity sometimes have a too violent reaction to minor flirting. Therefore, if his companion suddenly decides to play with him in order to strengthen his feelings with the help of jealousy, then in the end she will be the loser. In addition, the offended partner will never forget the insult and will try to take revenge.

Knowing about the man's passion for secrets and hoaxes, his companion should know that it will be interesting for him to devote his free time to reading detective stories or watching various kinds of scientific films. He will also spend a lot of time at the computer, and when choosing games, he will give preference to strategies.

Many representatives of this sign respect sports, prefer sports such as football, tennis and basketball. Of the inactive sports, they like checkers and chess.

Thus, knowing about all his habits and addictions, and observing certain rules, Scorpio will not be difficult.

The behavior of a man in love - Scorpio

The enamored representative of this sign is very secretive, sometimes it is impossible to understand whether he has at least some feelings in his soul. He can open up only if he is in a favorable mood, when he is immersed in his favorite pastime.

If the question arises of how to understand that a Scorpio man is in love, you should carefully observe his behavior. Such people in a state of love tend to change. They easily make concessions, adjust to their partner, just to give joy to their beloved woman.

In order to conquer a woman who is attractive to him, he will stop at nothing, he can commit an unexpected and risky act, he will go ahead, just to win the heart of an unapproachable beauty.

All the sharp corners inherent in the behavior of a Scorpio in love are smoothed out, he becomes gentle and caring. He will shower his beloved woman with a variety of gifts, never sparing any means to give her great pleasure. When he realizes that he has practically won the object of adoration, he will stop at nothing, sometimes he can even reach threats against the fair sex.

Sometimes, a man in love - Scorpio behaves strangely, then mysteriously smiles at his companion, then demonstrates complete calmness, which is completely unusual for him. In order for the woman to whom he has the most sincere feelings to be happy, he will begin to work on himself, change his habits, if necessary, even change jobs, so as not to upset his beloved.

Sometimes it is very difficult to approach the representatives of this sign, it is difficult to find a common language, and if a woman succeeds in this, then she will achieve respect from him, which can develop into love.

Every woman who is in a relationship with a Scorpio man does not bother to know what things her partner does not accept. So, for example, he will never forgive infidelity, no matter how much he loves, he will gather his will into a fist, get sick, but break the relationship. Also, none of the representatives of this sign will be able to accept the friendship of his companion with a man. Therefore, any communication with male friends will have to stop, so as not to annoy your partner.

You should not make negative comments to him, this will greatly offend the Scorpio man. And in no case should you compare him with other men. Such a comparison will be perceived too painfully for him, and it is important for him that his partner perceives him as he is. You shouldn't plan something without his knowledge. Even if some matters do not concern him, it is better that he be aware of them in advance.

Since he will always dominate in a relationship with a Scorpio man, you should not pull the blanket over yourself and try on the role of a leader. This behavior can significantly lower his self-esteem and spoil his internal attitudes.

His attitude to sex does not accept haste. In order for him to achieve the highest pleasure, his intimate meetings with his girlfriend should take place in a comfortable atmosphere so that nothing prevents both partners from focusing on each other.

And, the last thing to remember about the Scorpio man is that the offended representative of this sign behaves completely unpredictably, it is impossible to understand how deep his resentment is, how he will react to it. Forgive or end the relationship. Therefore, in order to maintain the relationship, it is better not to do anything that can upset and offend him.

Scorpios in love behave in completely different ways. Some behave too intrusively, thereby causing a chill in the partner. Some are completely unpredictable. At first, they are soft, white and fluffy, but after the girl agrees, they become unbearable. But there are those who, after finding their half, begin to change for the better, correct all the bad sides of their character.

Having studied the horoscope and knowing what needs to be done and how to conquer a man - Scorpio, it is worth remembering that love is a great value, and only she is capable of giving a person true joy and only this feeling should be guided when building relationships. The horoscope is always only advisory.

Stories from our readers

The scorpio man has a strong energy that attracts women to him. In addition to energy, women admire the courage and confidence that he demonstrates on occasion. Scorpio's inherent passion does not prevent him from restraining his emotions and controlling his behavior. All these outstanding character traits involuntarily arouse interest in how a scorpio man becomes when he falls in love. In his feelings, Scorpio is unchanged in only one thing - either he loves with all his heart, or hates with all his soul.

Men born under the sign of Scorpio are adept at hiding their feelings. Sincerity is hidden under the guise of alienation and coldness, and interest - with complete indifference. The whole life of a scorpion man is spent in search of love. All his life he will search for his ideal woman, finding one, will radically change his behavior and character.

Signs of falling in love with a scorpion man

  • Scorpio in love envelops the object of his love with gentle words and attention;
  • Scorpio will try to hide his love, which he manages to do with difficulty;
  • Scorpio will try to find out everything about his beloved to the smallest detail;
  • Scorpio in love will prove to his beloved the power of his love by any means and actions, but will never tell about his intentions regarding her.

Becoming a Scorpio darling is hard daily work that will be aimed at building relationships. If a woman is not going to link her future life with a scorpio man, then she should break off the relationship at the stage of initial development. It will be difficult to break off an already established relationship, because Scorpio will perceive this as a betrayal, which, like the Scorpio's offense, does not forgive anyone. The chosen one, who is disposed favorably towards Scorpio, he will fall asleep with generous gifts.

How do you know if a Scorpio is in love?

  1. He will try to do everything to please his chosen one. Constantly confirm the sincerity of your love with your actions.
  2. Scorpio will rebuild their complex character as soon as they are convinced of the strength of their feelings.
  3. The Scorpio man is a generous person, He will spend money on gifts and surprises for his beloved.
  4. With all his might, Scorpio will try to appear before his beloved in the best light.
  5. In ordinary life, it is difficult for Scorpio to find a common language with people, but if a woman manages to do this, then at first he will show respect for her, which can develop into true love.

The most striking sign that a Scorpio is in love is that during the period of falling in love, he undergoes major changes in character and behavior. The complexities and contradictions of Scorpio's character are smoothed out. Some character traits change to completely opposite traits: Brutality - to decisiveness; dictatorship - for pliability and servility. These changes will affect only the relationship of a woman; with other people, Scorpio will remain the same. A scorpio man will ardently take part in resolving the material difficulties of his chosen one, while even a close friend may be denied help.

What not to do with a Scorpio in love

  • In no case should you compare Scorpio with someone else. Comparison can provoke anger and insult in him;
  • You should not once again remind and focus on what sign of the zodiac he was born under. In his soul, he himself feels vulnerable because of his sign;
  • The beloved must once and for all understand for herself that only Scorpio will always be the leader in their relationship.


The chosen one of Scorpio must remember that once betraying him, she will forever be deleted from his life.

How Scorpio loves

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