The second youngest group is flowering plants. Complex thematic planning in the second junior group: “Indoor flowers. Plants in the middle group

MBDOU "Atamanovsky kindergarten" combined type

Summary of the lesson on the development of speech in the second younger group

on the topic "Flowers"


educator of the 1st category

Vlasova Svetlana Ivanovna

Atamanovo 2017

Summary of the lesson on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group "Flowers"


Clarify the characteristic features of flowers, consolidate the ability to compare flowers with highlighting common and distinctive features, drawing up a short story according to the reference scheme on the issues of the educator.


Strengthen the ability of children to compose short story on the issues of the educator according to the support scheme.

To fix the pronunciation of sounds (h), (g), (w), (y)

To develop in children an initiative speech, the ability to maintain a dialogue with adults and children, to answer questions with a full answer.

Develop the play experience of each child, stimulate interest in play communication with peers.

3. Type of occupation: Complex. Consolidation and clarification of previously studied material.

4. Form of the lesson: Group.

5. Duration: 15 minutes.

6. Participants: educator, pupils of the 2nd junior group.

7. Age of students: 3-4 years

8. Equipment and materials: painting with flowers (chamomile, lilies of the valley, bells, dandelions), reference scheme for describing flowers, cards with different parts of flowers by the number of children, audio recording "Waltz of Flowers" by PI Tchaikovsky.

9.Preliminary preparation: looking at illustrations about flowers, observing flowers on the site, getting to know parts of a flower, reading poetry about flowersE. Blaginina"Ogonyok"A. K. Tolstoy"My bells ...", J. Kolas« Flower», making riddles, memorizing the verse "Dandelion".

10. Methods and techniques: creating a game situation, showing, talking, describing.

11. Structure of the lesson:

Stage of the lesson



1. Introductory organizational

Organization of directed attention. Creation of an emotional mood.

(Greeting, establishing eye-tactile contact ...)

1-2 minutes

2.The main part


Dynamic pause

Conversation, games, exercises to consolidate and summarize the material

Change of activity, prevention of fatigue

8-10 minutes

1-2 minutes

3.The final part (reflection)

Checking and consolidating the knowledge gained

2 minutes

12.Progress of the lesson

1. Introductory organizational part.

Hello children. Come on to the carpet. Let's all stand together in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tight

And let's smile at each other!

Children join hands in a circle. They smile, greet each other.

2.The main part.

The music "Waltz of the Flowers" by PI Tchaikovsky is playing in the background.

Q. Let's close our eyes and imagine that we have come to a green meadow.

Well done, open your eyes. What do you see in my hands? (Displaying pictures with flowers). (Appendix 1.) (Answers of children).

Reading a verse:"In the Sun"

In the sun, in the sun,

Meadow path

I walk on soft grass

Sometimes in the spring.

And love and fun to me

Look around

Little blue and little white

I enjoy flowers.

Guys, invites you to consider the flowers. Answer the questions.

What color are the flowers? (Yellow, white, blue, red)

What color are the leaves? (Green)

What size are the flowers? - big or small? (Answers of children)

What else does a flower have? (Stem, root)

So the flowers are different or the same? (Various)

These are the good fellows. Would you like to try making your own flower?

D. game "Collect the flower". (Appendix 2.)

(Give each child a different piece of flowers.)

Sit on the carpet, get to work. (Children pick flowers)

You have beautiful flowers. Sasha, name your flower, describe it to us (describes the flower using the reference scheme). (Appendix 3.)

If desired, 2-3 more pupils describe their flowers.

Flowers are very similar to us humans. At night we sleep and the flowers close their petals and rest. And in the morning we wake up, open our eyes, and flowers open their petals.

Do you want to become flowers? Get your hands and fingers ready.

Finger gymnastics: "Flower"

Connect the hands at the wrist, and gently spread the fingers to the sides,

Depicting an opened flower.

In the evening, the flower opens its corolla again,

Close your fingers - "unopened flower"

And now he will sleep

Hands - to the starting position

Until the morning like a chick

Hands - under the cheek

Guys, let's stand in a circle and collect one large bouquet of flowers, and the flowers are you! Have we got a beautiful bouquet? (Yes!)

Guys, come up with many different words about flowers (Children's answers: beautiful, bright, red ... fragrant).

Respiratory gymnastics: (we develop speech breathing). Demonstrate how to take a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. As you exhale, pronounce the phrase: "Oh, how it smells!"

I suggest you smell the flowers. (Children repeat the exercise).

Dynamic pause: (simulate movements and sounds)

Suddenly a strong wind blew. How does the wind make noise? (Sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh)

The flowers bent one way and the other.

The wind began to blow even stronger, and the flowers began to spin (children are spinning in place). (Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)

Bees flew to the beautiful flowers and hummed. (W-w-w, w-w-f)

And the funny gnats decided to circle around the flowers and rang. (Z-z-z, z-z-z).

But the breeze scared away all the insects. And the insects scattered (Sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh).

And the meadow became quiet and calm

Tell me guys, why do we need flowers? (Answers of children)

Is it worth picking flowers? (Answers of children)

That's right, there are many flowers, but if you pick them, they will wither and die. Let it be better that flowers will always be in our meadows and flower beds, and will delight us for a long time.

If I rip offflower,

If you rip offflower,

If you and I are together

If we rip offflowers,

All the glades will be empty

And there will be no beauty.

And it's time for us to return to the group, let's close our eyes. And let's imagine that a light breeze brought us back to kindergarten.

Here we are in the group.

Where we were? (In the meadow)

What did we see there? (Flowers, lilies of the valley, daisies, dandelions, bees, mosquitoes ...)

Let's remember what each flower has? (Petals, stem, leaves, root)

Who flew to the flowers? (Insects…)

Did you enjoy being flowers? (Answers of children)


1. Varentsova NS Teaching preschoolers to read and write. For classes with children 3-7 years old; Mosaic-Synthesis - Moscow, 2009.

2. Gerbova V. V. Development of speech in kindergarten. Program and guidelines; Mosaic-Synthesis - Moscow, 2008.

3. Novikovskaya O. A. Speech gymnastics. Games and tasks for the development of speech in preschoolers; AST, Owl, VKT - Moscow, 2011.

4. Ushakova O.S. "Classes for the development of speech in kindergarten" - M., 1998.

Natalia Kremneva
Thematic week in the second junior group “Phenomena of nature. Flowers"

Thematic week in the second junior group« Natural phenomenon, flowers»

Target: Systematize children's knowledge of natural phenomena.

Ensure the development of the ability to distinguish between 2-3 spring flower.

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Interaction with parents:

folder move "Poisonous flowers» « Natural phenomena»

individual conversations with parents about children's clothing in group

Traffic rules: Exhibition of traffic lights of the future (joint work of children and parents)

participation of parents in an environmental campaign « Flowers of life»

Walk: Labor assignments: Labor on the site. Watering plants in a flower bed.

Tasks. Teach children to water properly flowers explain why plants are watered in the morning and evening. Encourage children to be helpful.

Cultural and hygienic skills: Practical exercise "My handkerchief is always with me".

Tasks. To ensure the development of children's ability to use a handkerchief correctly and in a timely manner, to develop personal hygiene skills. Teach children to turn away when coughing and sneezing, cover their mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

Final event: entertainment "Visiting the sun"

Day "Rain": hero Kapitoshka

Show presentation "Where does the rain come from"

Tasks: systematize knowledge of children about the rain.

Dance learning "An evil cloud was punished"

Target: Provide the development of the ability to stage a song

Staging of Suteev's fairy tale "Under the mushroom"

Target: Provide the development of the ability to play individual episodes of the tale.

Creative workshop: “Give us your rainbow colors»

purpose: to ensure the development of the ability to depict a rainbow, observing the sequence Creative workshop: plastinography "Cloud and Rain"

Target: To ensure the development of the ability to independently roll out plasticine and compose a plot picture.

Rainbow Day: hero "Rainbow-arc"

Didactic game « Multi-colored caps» .

Tasks: to ensure the development of children's ability to recognize and name Colour, develop and adjust color perception by correlating details according to color... Develop fine motor skills of the fingers, teach to talk about the work done, answering the questions of the teacher.

Creative workshop: “Give us your rainbow colors»

purpose: ensure the development of the ability to draw a rainbow using wax crayons in a consistent manner flowers.

Shaping a socio-sensory experience "Rainbow"

Target: Reinforce children's understanding of color and designate in words: red, yellow, green, blue, etc.

Suggest didactic games "Rainbow-arc"(expand spectrum colors, "Collect the tail of the Cockerel" (paint over colors)

Target: systematize children's knowledge

Day Sunny heroes: "Sunbeams"

Learning a song "The sun has a friend"

Tasks: Provide the development of the ability to sing loudly, expressively.

Outdoor play "The sun and the rain"

Target: to match the movements with the text of the poem, imitating an adult.

Creative workshop: plastinography "Look out the sun through the window"

Target: Development of fine motor skills, to ensure the development of the ability to independently invent a plot.

Physical education - song "I'm lying in the sun"

Target: Develop the active speech of children, teach to accompany speech with movements

Creative workshop on modeling on the topic "Sun"

Target: to ensure the development of the ability to smear plasticine on cardboard with a pressing movement of the index finger; to form interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Day of the Wind: hero Breeze - prankster

Experimental activities "Where the breeze came from"

Target: systematize children's knowledge of the origin of the wind.

Outdoor play "Blow up, bubble!"

Target: Perform a variety of movements in a circle. Practice pronunciation of sound (NS).

Role-playing game "Walk into the woods"

Tasks. To ensure the development of the ability of children to play a certain role in the game, prepares a play environment, to outline the course of the game.

Independent activity in the corner feigning: Defile « Flowers»

Tasks: Lead children to the independent choice of attributes for games, encourage independence and creativity.

Day flowers: heroes: « Flowers»

Game situation "Visiting the woodsman"

A task: to form the ability of children to identify a plant by its characteristic features. Educational: - to consolidate the ability to correctly name the main parts of the plant.

Outdoor play « Flowers - in pots.

Target: to ensure the development of the ability to respond to the signal.

Creative workshop « Flower tale»

Target: Ensure the development of the ability to independently invent, sculpt flowers coming up with a plot of a fairy tale.

Dandelion watching

Target: Systematize knowledge of children about the characteristics of dandelion growth. Ensure the development of the ability to observe the dandelion. Foster a caring attitude towards flower world.

Creative workshop: drawing "Polyana flowers» .

Tasks: to ensure the development of the ability to dip the cone in the paint and apply the image on the sheet by wetting (poking)... Develop color perception, supplement the resulting image with details.

Related publications:

Integrated final lesson on lexical topics in the second junior group “Winter. Winter phenomenon. Wild animals in winter ""Walk in the winter forest" Problem: Little is known about the life of wild animals. What kind of babies they have. Objectives: To reinforce the knowledge of the season in children.

Scheduling in the middle group. Thematic week "SDA" Organized educational activities 1. Cognitive development... FEMP. Objective: Exercise in counting and counting objects within 5 according to the sample.

Our preschool educational institution hosted a thematic week "My Family". The goal was set: to expand children's understanding of the family through the organization of different ones.

"My family" Purpose: To form an idea of ​​the family as people who live together. Objectives: To form an idea of ​​the family. Bring up.

Thematic week "My family" in the second junior group Family is a source of joy and happiness, Love is an inexhaustible source. And in clear weather, and in bad weather Keeps the family and values ​​life for a moment. Family.


Group: II junior group No. 2 Topic: "The world of flowers and insects"

Purpose: to form elementary ideas about flowers, about the features of the structure, characteristic features and ways of caring for them. To foster a desire to take care of them, to protect nature; to give knowledge about the profession of "gardener".

Final event: exhibition of handicrafts "Flowers from natural and waste material" Date of the final event: 20.04.2017

Responsible for the final event: educators, parents, children.

Day of week

Main part


DOW component





Conversation "Flowers are the beauty of the earth"

Individual work with Julia, Dasha "What I saw on the way to kindergarten." Purpose: to develop speech, memory, attention.

Exercise "We wash our hands correctly." To form basic cultural and hygienic skills in children, teach them how to wash their hands correctly, and dry them thoroughly.

Add the album and postcards "Flowers" to the group. Examination of illustrations, cards with flowers. Purpose: to familiarize children with examining illustrations, develop curiosity.

Conversations with children "My address", "The street on which I live."

Monday 17.04.17

GOD: 1. Knowledge. (FTSKM) “Early spring. Flowers "Ilyushin No. 24 p. 103

Learn to reconcile numerals with nouns and adjectives; develop coherent speech; replenish vocabulary; to cultivate a respect for nature.

2.Physical culture.

According to the plan of a specialist


Observation of thawed patches and green grass. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to understand the dependence of phenomena in nature. Labor: collecting broken branches at the site.

Objectives: to educate hard work, the desire to help adults;

to form teamwork skills. Under. game "" Card index walks April № 3

Individual work. Development of movements.

Exercise: Hit the target. Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to throw bags at a horizontal target. Attract Amelia, Roma, Katya.

Situational conversation about the weather in the spring. To teach the ability to dress independently and consistently.

Remote material:

stretchers, rakes, buckets, scoops, sand molds.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Head massage. Hardening procedures. Preventive actions. Exercise for the eyes.

Word game "Guess the flower".

CHL: memorizing the finger game "Flowers"

Board-printed games at the request of children. Develop the ability to play together and bring the game to the end.


Observation "What is the weather today?" Teach children to distinguish the nature of the weather. Develop coherent speech, observation, cognitive interest. P / game "Birds and a cat" Learn to act in accordance with the text of the game. signals given by the master. Develop attention.

Individual work with children - jumping on two legs moving forward.

Practical exercise "My shoes". Form children self-service skills, a conscious attitude to order. Learn to take off your shoes yourself, untie your laces, unfasten Velcro and fasteners, and carefully put your shoes on the shelf.

Self-guided walking activities. Games with portable material.


Role-playing game "Family"

Did. game "Funny Caps". Strengthen the ability to create an image based on a sample. Attract Dima, Samira, Prokhor, Arseny.

Game situation "Why is Masha crying?" For children to have a caring attitude towards their peers, to teach them to show compassion, to consider how to act in different situations.

Offer children plasticine and molds. Strengthen the ability of children to sculpt with the help of molds.

Working with parents:

To attract parents to participate in the competition "Garden on the Window"

Day of week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security


Conversation "Primroses - the first spring flowers". Introduce the first spring flowers, replenish the dictionary with new words "primroses".

D / game "When does this happen?" Purpose: to consolidate the ideas of children about the seasons, their characteristic features; develop observation skills.

Problem situation during washing: “Why did the flower wilted?” Purpose: to show that the flowers also need to be clean; lead to the understanding that all living entities must observe the rules of hygiene.

Examining the illustrations "In the world of flowers"

Purpose: to expand the understanding of how plants are adapted to life in natural conditions.

Tuesday 18.04.17


Kolesnikov No. 15 p.42

to learn to distinguish between equality and inequality of groups according to the number of objects included in them, expressing the results of comparison in speech; guess the riddle based on visually perceived information, understand the poetic comparisons that underlie the riddle; examine the oval with a tactile motion, draw an oval point by point; introduce geometric figure- oval; continue to teach to compare objects in size.

To teach children to complete the task at the signal of the teacher. To develop the speed of reaction in children.


Watching the trees. Goals:

to consolidate the ability to find and describe a given tree; learn to distinguish a tree from a group of others based on external

signs. An outdoor game "At the Bear's Forest". Card index of walks (April) №6.

ATS development work Exercise: "Birds".

Purpose: to teach children to jump off the bench, landing on both feet, keeping balance. Involve a subgroup of children.

Strengthen the skills of the sequence of undressing before bed. Learn how to put things on the chair correctly.

Independent activity of children with portable exercise equipment

Purpose: to encourage children to use exercise equipment as intended.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Walking barefoot on a massage mat. Preventive actions. Exercises for prof. colds.

D / and "Guess the plant by description"

(Find an item according to the listed characteristics). Involve all children.

CHL: P. Solovyova "Snowdrop"

Work in the center of creativity: Drawing "Flowers" (To develop the ability to draw an object consisting of several parts: a stem, leaves, a flower; to consolidate the ability to paint over an object without going beyond the outline).

GOD: 1.Muse. div

According to the plan of a specialist.


D / i: "Learn by description." Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to recognize trees according to the description of an adult, to name their main features. Job assignment: collect toys at the end of the walk.

Purpose: to instill in children basic work skills. Under. game "Beetles"

Card index of walks (April) №6.

Ind. work: D / and "Whose kids?" (To consolidate knowledge about wild animals and their cubs, who how shouts. Exercise in the correct sound pronunciation). Attract Amelia, Dasha Vasilisa.

Work on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills. Monitor the posture of children during dinner, remind the rules of behavior at the table.

Independent play activity of children.

Removable material: paddles, ice slides for downhill skiing, molds.


Sr game"Hospital". Game situation "A butterfly damaged a wing" Purpose: to encourage the child to take on a certain role, to use substitute items, to foster a sense of empathy.

Didactic game "Lotto - Plants". Attract Dima, Roma, Yaroslav.

Didactic game "Put it in place" Purpose: to form ideas about the rules of safe behavior, the desire to maintain order in the house.

Independent activities of children - games with hoops, pins and balls

Purpose: to develop the physical activity of children.

Working with parents:

Invite parents to create, together with their child, a craft from junk material on the theme "Flower"

Day of week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security


Conversation "Houseplants"

D / and "What's in Buratino's basket" (Purpose: classification of objects: clothing, transport, gardening tools).

We continue to learn to learn the elementary rules of duty: laying out napkins and spoons. To show that a beautiful table setting (flowers in vases) creates coziness and fosters a culture of behavior at the table.

Enriching the corner of creativity with coloring on the theme "Indoor and garden flowers." Prepare pencils for free drawing (polycolour, crayons, a roll of wallpaper, paper)

Wednesday 19.04.17

GCD: 1. Development of speech. Consideration of plants "Flowers". Zatulin st. 119

To form ideas about the plants of the native land. To activate the children's vocabulary, to learn to understand the generalizing word - flowers. Develop the ability to conduct a conversation at a normal pace. Cultivate an interest in nature. Develop aesthetic senses.

2. Musical zan-e

According to the plan of a specialist.


Observing people's clothing. Work:

cleaning the site after the snow melts.

Objectives: to teach to cleanliness and order;

foster a sense of beauty. Under. game "In the meadow". Purpose: to develop the ability to quickly run, jump, dodge a trap.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Objectives: To reinforce soft landing skills with a subgroup of boys.

Canteen duty.

Purpose: to summarize the previously acquired skills of duty on table setting for dinner.

Remote material

Rakes, buckets, stretchers, panicles, balls.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Walking massage paths. Hardening procedures.

Riddles "Dangerous electrical appliances - why?" (TV, vacuum cleaner, electric stove, samovar, etc.)

CHL: poem by E. Blaginina "Ogonyok".

Builds. game "Fence for a flower bed". Purpose: to encourage children to control simple buildings according to the model and according to the idea, to offer to beat the building, to help children come up with a game plot.

DOD "Rechetsvetik"

"Beautiful flower".

Finger hymn .:


1. To improve the ability of children to make buildings out of covers, to match in color.

2. Raise children's interest in completing the assignment.

3. Develop creativity, ingenuity.


Watching the trees.

Purpose: to look at the trees, pay attention to swollen buds, how the trees sway / they are shaken by the wind. Independent play activity. Purpose: to encourage children to play together, teach how to play without quarreling, share toys.

Card index of walks (April) №7.

Game exercise: "The tree is growing."

Purpose: to simulate the movements of tree growth, swaying branches.

Work on fostering a culture of table behavior

during dinner. Strengthening the ability to use a napkin and cutlery.

Creation of conditions for motor activity.

Purpose: to develop the creativity of children in motor activity, to intensify interest in it. Promote the health of children.


Center story games: "House: general cleaning" goal: to consolidate the knowledge that things should be in their places: clothes - in the closet, shoes - on a shoe rack, heads. hangers).

Ind. work: "Magic groats" (development of fine motor skills, n / a "Disassemble the seeds." Attract Arseny, Dima, Katya.

Corner of nature: game situation: matryoshka suggests finding geraniums by smell (To consolidate the idea of ​​the distinctive properties of geraniums (green, fragrant, round, fluffy leaves, white and red flowers, teach how to find it among other plants, continue to teach to labor operations for caring for plants) ).

Creation of conditions for gaming activities. Board-printed games and tasks.

Purpose: to form the ability to play in microgroups, to promote the use of previously acquired knowledge by children in the game; develop children's cognitive interest.

Working with parents:

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Day of week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security


Conversation "What has appeared in our flower beds"

D / and "Guess what kind of plant?" Purpose: to continue to acquaint with the structural features of plants, with a variety of leaves, stems, flowers.

Duty for classes.

Encourage children's participation

in joint games, create playful situations that contribute to the formation of an attentive, caring attitude

to others.

Thursday 20.04.17

GCD: 1. Modeling "Flowers". Yanushko "Modeling" No. 13, building 40

Continue to teach children to pinch off pieces of plasticine and roll balls out of them, press the plasticine ball with your index finger, attaching it to the base; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

2. Physical education.

According to the plan of a specialist


Continue to watch for signs of spring, for changes in the weather. Labor: clearing the site from the remnants of snow and debris. Objectives: to teach to cleanliness and order on the site; cultivate friendships. Under. game "Mousetrap"

walks (April) №8.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Purpose: to exercise in bouncing on the spot.

Formation of CGN and self-service skills.

Fostering the ability to maintain order in your locker.

Creation of conditions for motor, game activity. Purpose: to encourage children to organize games on their own, find something to do with their interests, develop imagination.

GCD: 1. Physical entertainment.

According to the plan of a specialist

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

Board-print game "Cut pictures"

Purpose: to teach how to make a whole from parts; to form the ability to see a holistic image in part; develop orientation on the plane, speech.

CHL: L. Nikolaenko "Who scattered the bells ..."

Organize an exhibition of crafts

"Flowers from natural and waste material"


Watching the dog.

Purpose: to pay attention to appearance dogs. Learn to distinguish between parts of the body. To acquaint children with the peculiarities of behavior. Labor assignment: collect toys after a walk in the basket. Purpose: to teach children to carry out the simplest work assignments. P / N: "Shaggy dog".

Purpose: teaches children to listen carefully to the text, to pronounce it together with the teacher. Start moving after the last words.

Card index of walks (April) №8.

D / n: “Find a pair”.

Purpose: to classify objects by color / shape /.

Work on fostering a culture of behavior at the table during dinner. Game exercise "Sitting correctly at the table"

Introduce: portable material for games on the site - shovels, buckets.

Develop physical activity in children.


C \ r and. "Flower shop". (Give mom a beautiful bouquet).

Game "Wonderful bag" (to develop the ability to feel round objects, name the quality of objects).

Tidying up the group room

tell children that

every thing in the group has its place. And now, guys, you need to clean up toys together, clean them up, don't break them,

then we will play again.

Work in the center of the book: "Knizhkina Hospital" (to form knowledge about the properties of paper, to cultivate a respect for the book).

Working with parents:

Sliding folder "Spring"

Day of week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security


Conversation "How the watering can made friends with flowers" (to acquaint children with garden tools, define them and tell about their purpose).

Speech ball game "Odi - a lot".

Duty for classes.

Purpose: to summarize the previously acquired skills on duty in preparation for classes.

Board-print game "Puzzles". Develop attention and memory.

Friday 21.04.17

GCD: 1. Drawing. "Dandelions in the grass" Komarov No. 84, p. 85

Arouse in children a desire to convey in the drawing the beauty of a flowering meadow, the shape of flowers. Practice drawing techniques. To consolidate the ability to gently rinse the brush, dry it on a napkin. Learn to enjoy your drawings. Develop aesthetic perception, creative imagination.


According to the plan of a specialist.


Traffic monitoring

Purpose: to expand knowledge about transport.

Labor assignment: collect toys after a walk in the basket.

Purpose: to teach children to carry out the simplest work assignments. Under. game "Colored cars".

Objectives: to teach to move quickly on a signal and stop without bumping into each other; fix the primary colors.

Ind. work on FIZO. The game of low mobility "Through the brook".

"We're setting the table". Strengthen the ability to help set the table for dinner.

Remote material

Rakes, buckets, flags different color, cars, hoops, handlebars, jump ropes.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

Hardening procedures. Walking on a relief surface.

D / and "Name how many" (counting items). Attract Katya, Dasha, Arseny, Danil A.

Music: listening to the work: "Waltz of the Flowers".

Didactic game "Geometric Lotto". Strengthen the ability to name and find the appropriate geometric shapes.


Watching the rain.

Purpose: teaches children to notice the changes that are happening around. P / N: "The sun and the rain." Purpose: to teach children to run scattered, without bumping into each other. To navigate in space, to act on the signal of the teacher.

Card index of walks (April) №9.

Game exercise: “Catch and roll”.

Purpose: teaches children to push the ball in a specific direction with

Situational conversation "Help a friend" - teach children to help a friend while undressing.

Independent play activity during a walk. Strengthen the ability to play together.


Games in the sports corner. To develop physical activity of children, speed and dexterity.

Writing a descriptive story

about the flower. Attract Prokhor, Olya.

Creation of conditions for labor activity. Household labor - wipe the dust from the parts of the designer. Purpose: to make children want to keep toys and building materials clean and tidy, to develop the ability to do work quickly and accurately, to bring the work started to the end.

Labor in a corner of nature (caring for indoor plants- watering, cleaning dust from leaves).

Working with parents:

Tips for parents on environmental education of children "Everyone needs a friend"

Elena Volchanova


Correctional educational:

Consolidation of the generalizing concept « flowers» .

Extension passive vocabulary(nouns - names flowers: dandelion, chamomile, poppy, buttercup, porridge, bell).

Consolidation of general ideas about flowers, their characteristic features.

Enrichment of the vocabulary (nouns - names of parts plants: stem, leaves, flower)

Correctional and developmental:

Development of the optical-spatial function, constructive praxis, fine motor skills.

Development of phonemic hearing, differentiation of nouns that are similar in sound and differ in one sound.

Correctional educational:

Education of concentration and endurance.

Equipment: Toy Masha, basket, Flags of two flowers for every child.

The course of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, look who came to visit us? Who is this?

That's right guys, Masha came to us for help, she played with bunnies in the meadow, jumped, jumped and did not notice how she broke everything flowers... And now she doesn't know how to collect them. Let's help Masha?


A speech therapist attaches an image of one plant to a board, shows and names it parts of: stem, leaves, flower... Then he invites the children to first show and then name the parts of the plant. Then each child collects his own flower on the table, once again shows and names the parts of the plant.


The speech therapist explains to the children what he will call flowers and various objects... If he calls flowers, you need to raise the red flag, if he names an item, you need to raise the yellow flag. Next, the speech therapist says a couple of words, and the children raise the appropriate flags: poppy - varnish, cancer - poppy, small - poppy, poppy - flour. Masha, porridge, Sasha, porridge. Masha praises the children.

And Masha also told me that she brought us a whole basket flowers that she wanted to give to mom. Masha takes the basket and there is nothing in it.

Oh guys, I lost them in the clearing when I ran to you. Nothing Masha now the guys and I will help you collect everything flowers in the meadow... Will we help you?

4. Game "Bouquet for Masha"

Each child collects his own bouquet. We name who what flowers will pick.



Masha saw how deftly and quickly you did everything, she wanted to give you all a big gift - an unusual gift, in order to find out what it is - it needs to be collected.

Well, in order for us to quickly and deftly collect the gift, we need to stretch our fingers.

5. Finger gymnastics « Flower» Connect the wrists, spread the palms to the sides, slightly round the fingers.

Grew up high flower in the meadow,

Spread your fingers apart.

In the spring morning he opened the petals.

Rhythmically move your fingers together-apart All petals beauty and nutrition

Lower your palms down, press your backs against each other, spread your fingers.

Together they give roots underground.

6. Game "Let's collect a chamomile"

Well, now let's see what kind of gift it is.

the speech therapist helps. Clarifying the names of the parts flower... We call flower... This is what a great gift Masha has prepared for all the children.

Masha thanks the children and presents medals with flowers for help.

Oh, what good fellows you all helped me. I have a little present for each of you. Masha puts medals on each child. (Children call flowers on medals) ... Masha says goodbye and leaves.

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Tasks: Correctional educational: Expand vocabulary on the topic "flowers of the field" Learn to use the preposition "on" Learn phrasal.

Integration: Social and communicative, Cognitive development, Speech development. Educational tasks: To consolidate knowledge about indoor plants.

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Summary of a lesson in ecology for children of the second junior group

Agoshkova Olga Anatolyevna, educator MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 52 combined type "Oryol
Material description: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the 2nd junior group (3-4 years old) on the topic "How we taught Dunno to take care of flowers." This material will be useful for teachers of younger groups of kindergartens. This is a summary of a lesson aimed at familiarizing children with the properties of water; consolidation of knowledge about the structure of plants, about the rules of caring for them, as well as fostering respect for plants.

Synopsis of direct educational activities in the 2nd junior group on the topic "How we taught Dunno to take care of flowers."

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Artistic Creativity".
Target: generalize and systematize children's knowledge about indoor plants.
1.To teach children to carefully examine indoor plants and find signs of their unhealthy condition, show the need to care for them.
2. To clarify the ideas of children about the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants (heat and moisture); bring kids to the understanding that plants cannot live without water.
3. To cultivate a respect for all living things, arouse sympathy, a desire to help
4. To develop aesthetic perception, intellectual and creative abilities;
two indoor plants (balsam) in identical pots. One plant is flowering, well-groomed; the other is wilting in a pot of dry soil. Watering can; 2 glasses of warm and cold water; loosening stick; sheets of paper with a picture of balsam without flowers; red gouache; napkins.
Preliminary work:
reading poems about plants; memorizing the poem "Fire" by E. Blaginina; examination of subject pictures on the topic, pictures from the series "Caring for indoor plants", pictures from the album on the development of speech "Children watering flowers"; viewing plants in the living corner of the group; supervision over the work of the plant caretaker; conversation about the structure of plants and their benefits.
Characters: Dunno (educator).
- Children, let's come with you to the window and watch what the weather is like today. There is still snow outside, while it is still cold. Do you see flowers on the street? Why?
(Answers of children).
Educator:- But we have a wonderful flowering plant in the corner of nature. It is called balsam or light. Let's all repeat the title together.
Educator:- Why does it bloom, do you think?
(Answers of children).
Educator:- That's right, we have warmth, a lot of light, we often pour balsam. Why do you think this plant is called a light?
(Answers of children).
Educator:- It blooms with bright colors, like lights. Listen to what poem I am going to read to you about balsam:
Crunches outside the window
Frosty day.
Stands on the window
The petals are blooming
As if it were really
Lights came on.
I water it
Its shore,
Donate it
I can’t help anyone.
He is very bright,
Very good
Very much like my mother
Looks like a fairy tale!
Guys, what kind of houseplant is this poem about? Now let's remember what parts of plants we know.
(Children show and name parts of the plant).
A knock on the door.
Educator:- Who's there? After all, this is Dunno! Hi!
Dunno:- Hello guys! Help me please! This flower was given to me by my friend Sineglazka. He was so beautiful, with bright colors…. And now something has happened to him, he is ill.
Educator: - Why do you think Dunno's "light" is so sick?
(Answers of children).
Dunno:- Why did he become like this?
Children:- It needs to be watered!
Educator:- What kind of water is suitable for irrigation? Now you will touch the glasses of water and say which water is most pleasant for the flower.
(Experimental action is being carried out.)
Educator:- Now show Dunno how to water the flowers correctly.
(1 child is called).
Educator:- This flower has another funny name "Vanka - Wet". Listen to the poem:
There are lights among the leaves
Roly wet flowers.
This is what the people called him -
He drinks a lot of water.

Educator:- It is not the leaves that need to be watered, but the ground. Well done, guys, you know how to take care of indoor plants!

Educator: - And now we will play with you, and we will invite Dunno to play with us. Stand in a circle!
Physical education:
Children, joining both hands with palms to each other in the shape of a tulip, slowly open their fingers.
Our scarlet flowers
Open the petals.
(Fingers open slowly)
Flowers all come to life
They shake their heads.
(Wiggle hands)
Our scarlet flowers
Close the petals.
(Slowly close your fingers.)

Educator:- Guys, let us draw a flower "light" as a gift to Dunno and his friends! Sit down at the tables.
(The teacher shows and explains how to complete the assignment Children draw with their fingers, after completing the assignment, wipe their fingers with wet wipes).
Educator:- Well, here, Dunno, today the guys told and showed you how to take care of indoor plants so that they do not get sick. And as a keepsake, we will give you the flowers we have drawn. Come to visit us again, and we will teach you how to properly loosen the soil and tell you why it needs to be done.
Dunno says goodbye to the children and leaves. The lesson is over.

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