Methods of learning karate schoolchildren. Training kids karate. Karate, as a scientific and educational discipline

Korate Kyukusinkai in Russia passed the 30-year-old path of difficult formation, struggle for survival and approval as a national public organization, for the inclusion of the style of Kyukusinkai into a single sports classification of the State Committee of the Russian Federation. Nowadays Kyukusinkai Russia (FKR) has the right to officially develop the style of Kyukusinkai in the country and represent it abroad.
FCR - member of the International Karate Federation (IFK), one of the leading organizations in the world. This was made possible by the selfless efforts of Russian organizers, instructors and athletes, as well as a combination of sports training and traditional karate training.

The outstanding carrier of the tradition of Budo-karate is Hanxi Steve Arneil - the president and founder of IFK, 9 Dan, one of the first and best students of the founder of Kyukusinkai Masutatsa Olyama. Hansey has a decisive influence on modern school Kyukusinkai, carries out instructing and methodological assistance, generously gives his richest experience and knowledge.
Continuing the tradition of Budo-karate and budo-sports, developing Kyukusinkai school in Russia, we express Hansey Steve Arnal with sincere and deep gratitude.

The systematization of the benefits of the traditional methodology of karate training, undertaken in this manual, is aimed at strengthening the school and the development of Kyukusinkai style. We hope that the program-abstract will be aware of the daily work of instructors and examiners who carry the main responsibility for the full transmission of the traditional school Kyukusinkai - the concentration of military art, spiritual practice and the path of self-knowledge.

Transfer of traditional school.

Care and careful attitude towards treasures of the Far Eastern Military and spiritual tradition, summarizing the experience of masters, the full transfer of school and style Kyukusinkai - the factors of paramount importance for the Federation of Kyukusinka Russia.

Instructors and examiners FCR are the main carriers of Budo-karate traditions. Their professional qualifications, experience, skill, spiritual maturity and personal interest - the key to the preservation of high standards of FKR and IFK, creative development of school Kyukusinkai.

The goal of the program-abstract is to climb the first-pool schools of Kyukusinkai, traditional military training, awareness and systematization of key principles and methods of training, the definition of the foundation, core and the rod of the training process. At the same time, this is a training program for Russian instructors and examiners in the IFK system.

The transfer of the traditional school "From hand to hand" from masters to students - a lively creative press. In the course of training, the present allowance can serve as a plan-map of traditional Kyukusinkai preparation, a methodical help for Budo-karate mentors.


Basics of traditional karate.

1.Budo-karate and sport. Budo-sport.

Budo-karate as a traditional Eastern Military Way. Sport as the brainchild of Western tradition and the product of Western mentality. Traditional karate in unconventional socio-cultural conditions. Modern development of Kyukusinkai as military art, spiritual practice and budo-sports.

2. Budo-karate - "Zen's type of struggle" and spiritual military tradition.

Budo-Card in the family of Military Arts of the East and "Dzensky Fighting". Budo-karate in the global context of a single spiritual military tradition. Spiritual and dedication hierarchy of military traditions ("Profan", "Neophyte", "dedicated to the warrior"). Professional and dedication hierarchy of military arts ("Student", "Podmaster", "Master"). Master of military art as a "dedicated warrior" and "master of life."

3. The victim of the military "craft", "art" and "paths" in traditional karate-up.

Multi-Organ base of military craft. Karate as a combat complex of special purpose, view of self-defense and means of survival. Karate as military art, means of improving the personality and the field of military skills. Military way of self-knowledge and "divine union". Karate as a complex of active meditation, a specific (Dao-Zen) form of yoga and sacral ritual in the Zen tradition of Budo and Busido. External (exoteric) and internal (esoteric) plans for the content of traditional karate and spiritual military tradition.

4. The "body", "technicians" and "spirit" - the foundation of traditional karate training.

Tanden as a center of unity. The unity of the legs and the body ("Niza" and "mid-" body) through the concentration of energy in Tandan and the "picking up" belly. Union of the body and hands ("mid" and "top of the" body) through "collecting shoulder nodes". The unity of the limbs (support and "weapons" of the body) through "picking up" three joints (legs - pelvis, knee, ankle; hands - shoulder, elbow, brush; fingers - appropriate interphalating joints).

5. Concept "body - weapon" in traditional karate.

Aspect of military craft. The body is as an arsenal of offensive and defensive weapons and as "armor". Training karate as the manufacture of weapons ("forging and hardening the sword"), hardening the body as the manufacture of "armor". Aspect of Military Art. Analogy with the art of gripping weapons, cutting solid objects (Wed Tetsychovivi) and fencing in Kando. Aspect of the military journey. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe "spiritual sword" or the Zenskoy "Festival of Justice".

6.Ane-energy aspect of unity in karate.

Mobilizing volitional intention. "Willow to life" and "will to victory". "Awakening" and "Presence" of the combat spirit. Energy management in action. The expiration of mental energy through the movement, breathing (Ibuki), Creek (Kiai) and the view. "Empty consciousness" and the state of a combat "trance without affects."

7.This-meditative aspect of unity in karate.

Traditional karate training system as an active-meditative complex, School of self-regulation and spiritual practice. Traditional types of zen and yogic meditation. Their accompanying and adapted use in karate. Special meditative practices and psychotechnics in the aspects of "crafts", "art" and "paths".

8.Fundam, core and rod of the traditional karate school at the present stage.

Kikhon, Kata and Kumite - "Three China" systems of traditional learning. Preparatory, intermediate, binders and additional sections of learning. Technical and style canons Kyukusinkai and qualified regulations of the International Karate Federation (IFK).

Section 1. Training in the form of kikhon

1. Filling in basic canonized technology without a partner.

Kikhon as the process of forming a "body - weapon", mastering the fighting Arsenal Karate and adjustment of the "combat vehicle". Kihon as a result of crystallization of experience of masters, selection and style canonization of school technology. Kikhon as a fundamental method of traditional learning - the implementation of the "ideal" technique in the "ideal" conditions.

2. The main requirements for the implementation of the technique in the form of kikhon.

a) stable position and dynamic equilibrium in all phases of movement.
b) Coordination of movement with breathing (passive phase - inhale, active - exhalation).
c) the correct form of technology.
d) real power of technology, due to the special distribution of energy flow by phases of movement:
- explosive principle (send from tandan) in the stroke free from the stress;
- maximum (almost instant) acceleration;
- The shortest focused concentration of force on the target (with subsequent almost instantaneous stress discharge).

3. Home tasks in the formulation of high-quality equipment and training methods.

a) the study of classic racks, basic movements and turns.
b) respiratory control during the implementation of technology.
c) performing movements correct in shape, with the trajectory provided by the trajectory and the total amplitude.
d) separation of movement in phases (from 2 to 5), phased reduction in the number of phases and the transition to a fledged execution - in a slow, moderate and fast pace with a gradual increase in concentration.
e) sequential, controlled and dosage acceleration in each phase of movement (maximum at the end point). A gradual approximation of the start of acceleration to the original position (up to an explosive start and lightning conversion).
(e) Long-term retention of finite focused concentration (for example, starting with 5 or 3 accounts) with a gradual reduction in the deduction time (up to instant focusing of energy emission).
g) constant monitoring of stress discharge immediately after focused concentration.

4. Special tasks in achieving high quality techniques and additional training methods.

a) To master the correct form of movement - performing it slowly and without concentration.
b) to achieve high-speed endurance (while maintaining a form) - performing equipment with full amplitude and focusing concentration in series mode (for example, from 2-3 repetitions) and super soles (for example, from 1 to 5 and from 5 to 1 repetition or other options ). The last blow in the series is advisable to emphasize with Kiai.
c) to achieve forcefulness - long periods of rhythmic repetition of technology with maximum amplitude, speed and force with real conservation of the form.

5. The general rules for the implementation of the technique in the form of kikhon.

a) the predominant method of performing shocks and blocks with hands in moving - in the "Oh" position. Masters requirement - to perform any technique in the "Hakaki" position. In combinations, the technique can be performed in both positions.
b) the predominant method of performing kicks in movement is in the "Haku" position. The need to perform kicks in the "oh" position in Kihon is associated with moving back (back).
c) For all types of equipment, strictly defined levels are provided: Dzhedan, Tyudind, Gedan. The main landmarks, respectively: the level of the eyes, solar plexus and the lower abdomen.
d) Focusing the technician on the central axis of movement. There also achieves maximum acceleration in rushing shocks.
e) The main moves forward moving a moving step with a replacement rack. Preparation of the feet of the front leg - turn on the Tyusoka heel inside at an angle of 45 degrees. The active movement of the foot on Tyusoku is completed by the reverse transfer of the center of gravity and fixing the hip. The landing level in the rack is still saved. It is less likely to move moving with the movement of the leg along the arc (Sentin-Dati, as well as the kiba-data 45 degrees when performing protection).
e) turns in all racks performed with a sliding preparatory intercession of the back or front legs are made only on Tyusoku. Complete with a reinforced vigorous twist and fixation of hip. The most common round of 180 degrees in the racks of Zenkutsu-Dati, the Kiba-Dati 45 degrees traditionally (although it happens differently) is performed with the back of the back leg, and in the racks of Santin-, Kokutsu-, Nekosasi, and Morossi-Dati - With the oppression of the front foot. The landing level in the rack is still saved.
g) In most cases, the transition to a rack or a rotation of a little bit precedes the execution of techniques of blows and blocks with hands. Foot blows are always completed by the transition to a steady position.
h) the landing level is one for all racks due to the natural decrease in the center of gravity. While keeping the body direct position (The tilt forward is conditionally 1 degrees), and the legs are loaded to actively move the body in movements and turns.
and) in all technicians it is necessary to maintain correctly formed and collected shock positions.

6.Well principles of performing individual species, species and groups of technology.

a) when performing shocks and blocks with hands, requiring shim and preparation of a reversing hand, in displacements, it is advisable to combine the initial phase of the movement to combine with the preparation of the front leg feet. Completion of technology occurs simultaneously with the reverse and collecting the abdomen, as a rule, with the end of the rotation of the hips, if such is provided.
b) When performing direct penetrating strikes (such as "CUCKI"), as well as a number of outstanding strikes (rone Tattsui Mahe Ohko-Uti, fixed here, Dzhedan Uti-Uti and Highi-Uti) Keep the frontal position. The shoulders in the final position are rooted (after the reverse) at an angle of about 45 degrees on the zamach for the hint of the hips and shoulders are located straight.

C) when performing fixed secant and impulsive return, "ricoce", shocks (such as "UT"), as well as almost all shots of elbows (hidji-athe), the hips and shoulders are located front, and at the target point - at an angle of 45 degrees .
d) Blocks performed by two hands or strengthened by imposing the accompanying hand, in the final position are combined with a frontal beeder and shoulders.
e) in circular blocks, the ply-accelerated movement of hands on the circular trajectory is important. In Suto, Mavashi Uce (in Kokutuz and Nekosasi-Dati), the hips and shoulders are constantly located at an angle of 45 degrees.
e) In shocks and blocks, the shoulders are always omitted. If you need to straighten your hand, the elbow is fixed.
g) Characteristics Binding with hands:
- Preparation of the support leg with a turn on the Tyusok heel inside at an angle of 45 degrees;
- Active removal ("Uskitch") of the thigh under the desired angle (in the base hidza and mahe-gary - at an angle of 45 degrees);
- The execution of the impact is accompanied by the necessary turn on the Tyusok of the supporting leg and balancing due to the proportionate inclination of the body as a counterweight (the principle of "rocker").
h) When performing high strikes with legs, the support leg, thanks to the push of the send, is unloaded.
When performing deposits from top to bottom (Mavashi Gary Ghadan, Kansa and Cocato Gary), on the contrary, the supporting foot is loaded.
and) for most of the strikes that are performed with the return of the legs, the speed of "exhaust" and the return of the leg is important.
K) Singing rigid strikes are performed on the principle of maha with acceleration to the target point on the central axis.
L) Boots with legs in jumps associated with pushing the body into the air, at the start require small spring squats. The main purpose of jumps is connected not so much with a change in height, as with unexpected distance overcoming.
m) When straightening the leg in all blows, the knee is fixed.

7.The bottom didactic principles, methods and stages of learning to individual technicians.

a) movement from simple to complex, from elements and phases to a holistic action, from conditional - to real.
b) Technique on site is usually carried out in classical equivalent racks (Fudo-Dati, Santin-Dati, Kiba-Dati). At the beginning, slowly, by phases, without concentration, then slowly and dlyow without concentration, hereinafter, with a gradual increase in speed and concentration (up to the conditioned multiple repeat mode).
c) technique in movements is performed by classic racks usually three steps (always from the initial left zenkutsu-dati); Forward with a rotation of 180 degrees and back with a return (after the second turn) at the starting position. The initial exit to the left Zenkutsu-Dati from Gadan-Barai is performed with a hunger of the right leg back. Return to the original Fujo-Dati with a reverse jade of the right leg forward.
d) Implementation of the technique in moving forward and back without turning (i.e. spin) is usually also performed for three steps.
e) The execution of techniques in displacements may complicate due to the change in the movement scheme and the use of various turns. For example, a scheme of 11 movements includes alternating steps and turns 180 degrees, 5 movements in a square consist of alternating steps with turns of 90 degrees.
etc. Traditionally used schemes for the movements of the simplest kata (kikhon-kata 1 and 2, taikayuk).
e) tasks may complicate due to the combination of equipment for each step while maintaining the rack.
g) tasks may complicate due to the change of racks for each step while maintaining the equipment.
h) tasks may complicate due to the change of racks and the combination of various techniques.

And) tasks may complicate due to the execution of combinations of self-defense in classical racks. At the same time, for the provided change of distance and maneuvers, movements are used forward, waste back, turns, shifts on the parties, etc.

8. Principles of building combinations.

a) Strokes and blocks with hands in a minimum combination of 2 elements are combined according to the schemes: "blow + blow", "block + block", "block + blow", "Stroke + block". Combinations are performed alternately with both hands and on-hand.
b) Strokes and blocks of legs in a minimum combination of two elements are combined and carried out according to the same principles.
c) a combination of two techniques performed by hand and legs are built according to the schemes: "Hand + leg", "foot + hand." At the same time, various combinations of shocks and blocks in the same name and a variest ratio are possible.
d) Use in combinations of 3 elements allows you to change the rhythm and mix the main accents.
e) in any combinations performed in the form of kikhon, a clear and full-fledged
Execution of related technicians related to each other.

9. General criteria for assessing the level of ownership of basic technology.

a) Preservation of shape, speed and concentrations that determine the real power of the technique. It should be sufficient to defeat the living goal and performing simple Tetsych tests.
b) the ability to combine any techniques and racks within the program of the relevant belt and in the complete amount of previously developed standards (in particular, when confirming the qualifications of the examined).
c) the ability to use various movement schemes and turning methods.
d) maintaining good quality equipment in any tasks within the software requirements.
e) preservation of sufficient quality of equipment when it is fulfilled in intensive conditional modes.

10. Motheratic conditions and procedures for performing technique in the form of kikhon. The main Japanese teams and Etiquette dojo.

In IFK to perform any equipment with hands in displacements there are certain commands and the corresponding procedure.
On the team "Fudo-Dati!" The initial position of FUDO-Dati expectation is accepted.
According to the abbreviated team "Maha Gedan Barai, Yoy!" A transition from Fudo-Dati to the position of Joy-Dati for 4 mental accounts with Kiai at the end. In the initial phase, bent brazed hands are turned palms to the ears. When moving down, the hands are straightened, compressed in fists and stop parallel to the body and hollows.
On the team "Kamae-TE!" Fast backstage with the right foot back to the left Zenkutsu-Dati with Left Sakeman Maha Gedan-Barai with Kiai.
From this standard position, any previously announced or immediately specified technique in certain racks is performed.
If the task is valid, then immediately follows: "ITI, nor, san." Then, after the team "Mavate!" Rotate 180 degrees with Kiai. All actions are performed immediately after the account and the relevant commands. The reverse "track" of movements is completed with the same turn and return to the specified left rack. On the team "Naorta!" Returns the right leg to be returned to the left foot, followed by an ease aside to the original Fude-Dati and with an obligatory cover in the transitional phase closed in the breast forearms.

If you need to repeat the displacement cycle from the right rack, the "Handai!" Command is served. And the position of the legs simultaneously changes. After that, the same commands are served and the corresponding tasks are performed.
If the task is performed without an invoice, then the "Motorey!" Team is given, and then - "Hadzime!". After that, the provided action is performed measured measuringly (at the Taipek pace) and it is voiced to maintain a common rhythm on the "wasp!", And turns are performed with kiai.
To perform kicks, the almost the same procedure is used. After entering the left Zenkutz-cottage from Gadan-Barai, an additional team is served: "Keri But Yoy, Yoy!". Accordingly, the same slow movement of the hands is performed in Zenkutz-Dati, which when leaving Fudo-Dati in Yoy-Dati.
Tasks can be carried out on an account or without an invoice. One way with the first blow to the foot, compressed in the arms of the arms rises into a protective position. At the turns quickly, with kiai, hands, compressed in fists, fall into the squeezing position down.
For senior belts (especially on the exam), movement is also provided forward by 3 steps with the implementation of the technique of the invoice, and back (after rotation) - without an account. This provides a task that after turning is performed after the "Motorei, Hudzime!" Command. Return to the original Fudo-Dati is made after the "Naur!" Command.
Since, with a standard exit to the left Zenkutsu-Dati, the right leg is given out of yoy-data back, when returning to Fudo-Dati, it pulls up to the left foot, which classic rack did not task. If the cycle of movements is completed in the left MAE Kiba-Dati, then the leftmost left leg is made to the side - the Zenkutu-Dati is restored, and then returns to the original Fujo-Dati.
If necessary, all the technique can be performed with Kiai, then the "Kia-TE!" Command is given. Next, the task can be done on or without an account (after the corresponding commands).
When submitting an incorrect or incorrectly understood team, when students began to do an unforeseen, should stop their team "Yame!" And return to the initial position by the team "Naor!".
When explaining unusual or complex tasks, the instructor must be sure that it understood it correctly. To do this, he can ask a control question; "Vakat?", I.e. "Clear?" (Abbreviated from "Vakarimas Ka?"). The affirmative answer is voiced by the disciples of the exclamation of "Osu!". If the task is not understood, the students are better to raise the hand and ask for clarification.
If students need to give a breather, relax, correct clothes, etc., the "Yasume!" Team is served. (Usually after returning to the original FUDO-Dati).
If during the training session it is necessary to plant students, then the "Sage!" Team is served. Typically, a traditional posture for meditation is used or (in the case of a long conversation) in Turkish. If meditation is provided (Zadzen), then the command is given to close the eyes - "Mokuso!". After completing meditation, the "Mokuso Yame!" Command is served.
At the end of the workout, which is completed with the traditional short Zadzen session (after opening the eye), the instructor announces a series of ritual bowels in the sitting position, at which students are hit in front of their knees. In accordance with the Hierarchy of the School, the team "Hansey Nag Ray!" (If Hanxi is present in the hall), then, respectively, "Sieman, Senseai, Sixpai and Otagai Nor Ray!" Mutual bows are performed with simultaneous exclamations "wasp!".
To raise a group to your feet, the team "Tate!" Or in polite form - "Tate Kudesai!".
The final greeting, expressing mutual gratitude to those present in the hall (or at the training ground), is performed after the command of the leading instructor: "Arigato Hukaimasit!". Swelling is the repetition of gratitude, and then - the exchange of welcoming exclamations "wasp!" At the same time, the lead instructor and all the black belts are standing, and the younger students are sitting.
It should be remembered that when entering the hall (Dojo) and when leaving the hall, each school member pronounces the general greeting "wasp!" With a bow from Fudo-Dati. From the same exclamation begins any appeal to the eldest (according to the hierarchy adopted at the school).

Section 2. Methodical complex for training kata.

1. Immediateness with kikhon in the training of kata.

Kikhon is the basis and "building material" for kata. The community of basic methods at the base of technology and combinations achieving the necessary quality of their implementation.

2. Minor requirements and criteria for qualitative performance of kata. The tasks of the phased mastery of each "shape".

a) knowledge of the text of Kata, canonized in the school of Kyukusinkai IFK (including the tempo and rhythm, breathless freedom, kiai, standard forms of start and completion of the complex).
b) the quality of technology corresponding to the style canons of school.
c) Understanding the meaning of all technical elements and techniques of kata, knowledge of the main interpretations of their combat use and an idea of \u200b\u200bthe spectrum of possibilities. Senior belts require an understanding of the psycho-physiological mechanisms and the meditative nature of kata.
d) real, the execution of the combat spirit, the performance of kata. Compassive ("artistic") the expression of the power of Karate Kyukusinkai, the energy rise and actively - the meditative state of consciousness.

3. Specific for kata training tasks and stages of their solution.

a) Creating a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe unique character and appointment of each "form".
b) the establishment of the right rhythm in separate combinations based on uniform principles. The assimilation of the main norms of proportional grouping of elements expressed in conventional units (mental account):
- execution of slow movements - for 4 accounts;
- Performance of moderate movements - for 2 accounts;
- Performing rapid movements - by 1 account (usually 1 movement step or rotation);
- grouping of 2 quick movements in one position - by 1 account (such as "block + blow", exemption from capture - block, 2 impact, etc.).
c) meaningful grouping of combinations that meet the main completed battle phases with the allocation of main accents in the receptions.
d) establishing the general correct rhythm while complying with the generally accepted pace of execution, i.e.b 1-2 seconds. in correlation with the boundaries of the IFK temporary standard. Speed \u200b\u200bperformance of the technique corresponds to the reality of the battle. Other rates are associated with special didactic tasks.

4. Basic methodical complex for high-quality kata development.

a) the exhaustion of the most difficult elements of the technique for a separate study of them in Kihon (preparatory or related).
b) Sequential development of short and more extended combinations in a given (strictly defined) pace and rhythm to achieve the necessary quality of equipment.
c) the use of the method of building a "chain" - technical elements, combinations and combinational groups - to reliably consolidate the rhythmic text of the kata.
d) a rhythmic chanting (on the "OSU") of all accentuated technical (rapid) actions for the formation of a faithful sensation of the pace and rhythm of kata, the feelings of the "fluid form".
The memorization of the Temp-rhythmic structure of kata can be strengthened, reproducing appropriate chants out of the execution of the text of kata (without) movements in a given position, during pressures or squats at the set pace and rhythm, etc.).

E) "Official" execution of kata, intended for qualifying exams and competitions. Kata is executed in complete silence (without appointing and other respiratory ghosts) with the implementation of Kiai and Ibuchi in the stipulated places and compliance with the temporary regulation. Achieving Momarity - a crown of systematic (long and painstaking) work on kata.

5. Additional methodical complex for solving special tasks in the development of kata.

A) To achieve full control of the form and purity of technology - slow and smooth execution (cf. Soft style of Taijitzian) with the designation of the points of moderately focused concentration.
b) to build force with proper respiratory coordination while maintaining a form - a slow concentrated framework of kata with Ibuchi. In this power mode, only the inhalation phases are rapidly performed (per step, the initial phases of the zamach or cover, including on the rotations).
c) to increase the speed and power concentration - the execution of kata with serial (or super spernet) multiplication of individual techniques or short combinations. With their doubling, tripling, etc., the shape and amplitude of movements should continue.
d) to enhance the focused concentration at the end of the equipment - the execution of kata with extended kiai (in a slow, moderate and fast pace) and the appropriate retention of the concentration on each element (from 5 to 2 mental accounts).
e) for complete conscious text control, the quality of technology, confident mastering the entire "shape" - the execution of kata in the combined mode. A possible algorithm: Slowly and smoothly, with a moderate concentration - slowly and strongly with Ibuki - with rapid repetitions of elements - quickly and strongly with kiai - with real speed and concentration, but in silence. The scheme of alternation of methods of performing techniques in kata can be set in advance or deployed arbitrarily on teams during execution.
e) to educate flexible, moving consciousness and ability to spontaneous ("explosive") and a really powerful execution of each technique - the execution of kata as a series of "outbreak" concentration of energy (with kiai) in alternation with short meditative pauses (with eyes closed and reflector Voltage). Commands (account) are advisable to apply with an arbitrary interval so that from the state of complete extension, the eyes opened, it was possible to carry out spontaneous and instant mobilization.
This is a wonderful "breathing gymnastics", one of the means of instant awakening of the "combat spirit" and entering the state of the combat "trance without affects", as well as a quick and natural return to the state of "peace and peace". Each blow and a block in such a workout thinks and felt like "as the last in life."
g) for testing stability in the qualitative development of "shape" and orientation in space, brought to the inner sensation, "Kata's feelings" - the execution of kata with closed eyes in the "official" version.
h) for testing special endurance and safety stock in stressful situations (competitions, exams, demonstration performances) - the practice of "kata-marathon". It may be, the execution of one kata in a row several times in the "official" version, with the preservation of the quality of equipment and style (for example: Taikyuk - 10 times, pinana - 5 times, Khan - 3 times). The content of kata - marathons is determined by the mastered standards (for the exam) or competitive repertoires.

6. Special and complicated methods of studying and executing kata.

a) the allocation of combinations similar in structure and technique of combinations from various kata of the diversified repertoire for a separate study. Promotes memorizing text, awareness of the community of different "forms", uniform principles for building ads and a canon of school.
b) the "constructive" execution of a group of kata, for example, in a row only initial combinations from Taikyuk and Pinanov. This is a kind of reproduction in motion, the exposition of the main "ideas" of Kata, "Thematic Table of Contents" of the repertoire. By the same, the principle can be combined and the endings of kata of a particular group.
c) Kata execution in the form of "Hurray" contributes to the best memorization of text, freedom to use turns through the back and is preparing to perform the "turntables".
d) the execution of kata in the form of "gyaku", i.e. In the mirror-symmetrical version, it helps overcoming the known "one-sidedness" in the performance of certain techniques and combinations, helps to help the text of the kata.
e) the execution of kata in "crash", i.e. From the end to the end, requires increased control and excellent knowledge of the text of Kata ("along and across"). Promotes reliable mastering the appropriate arsenal techniques and techniques.
e) execution of the text of kata in one place (i.e., without displacements in a given position) allows you to work on kata in a limited space with an increased self-control.
g) a mental training on the material of kata in solving various training tasks allows you to carry out internal, meditative work on kata, discipline consciousness, develop memory and conceptual thinking; Perhaps in any conditions, allowing to focus.
h) "Work on canon" on the basis of the simplest kata. For example, the use of a taika scheme to master new techniques, solving special methodological and tutorials.
and) "canonical modeling" of new "forms". Creating your own kata for encryption and the transfer of "ideas" related to the military "craft", "art" and "paths".
K) "Canonical improvisation" - spontaneous reproduction of fragments of famous kata and the creation of new compositions in the style of Kyukusinkai. Ensures deep knowledge of school traditions and high level of skill.

7. Regulatory procedures and teams provided for for the execution of kata.

Fulfillment of Kokusinkai IFK is preceded by way out in Fudo - Dati after the corresponding command.
If Kata begins immediately from Fudo - Dati (without crossing the Musubi - Dacy) with a yoy - data (group Taike and Pienna), then, after declaring the names of the Kata name and its clear repetition by students, the team "Yoy!". When performing kata under the score, the corresponding movements follow after each account. If you need to perform kata without a score, the team "Motorei, Hadzime!" In the last movement, a brief stop is made until the command is completed. "Nahor!" After it, returns to the original Fudo - Dati.
Upon completion of the Taike, the left foot is first allocated back on Tyuseok on the width of Fudo - to date from the right leg. Only after that it is returned to the frontal initial position with the cover closed in the breast forearms in the intermediate phase. At the end of Kata Pinan, the foot, which is taught to the original Fudo - Dati, first in a bent position, pulls up on Tusoku to another (also bent) foot, and then removed to the side in Fudo - Dacy, exit to straight legs.
In Kata Taikeka and Pinano - Sono - neither refund to the starting point occurs with the displacement of the central axis slightly back (about the width of the shoulders). In all the other Kyukusinkai IFK kata, when compliance with the movement scheme and proportional racks, ideally provides for a completely accurate return at the starting point (one of the signs of a good school).
If kata begins and ends with a short-term meditation in Musubi - Dati, the transition to this position is performed on the command "Musky!" Slowly, on 4 mental scores and always with the formulation of the right leg to the left foot.
At first, the Musubi Rack is accepted on the 1st account - data and hands are revealed, which are slowly reduced by the subsequent accounts and, as "magnetized", on the 4th scores are closed down at thenime. At that time the eyes are closed. After a few seconds, the name of the kata is announced.
On the team "yoy!" The transition to the position of Yoy - Dati with Ibuki.
After the team "Hadzime!" Announced Kata, which ends with an independent return to Musubi - Dati, and on the 1st account, the position of Musubi is taken - dation, and the open palms bent in the elbows of the hands are closed in the frontal plane above the forehead level. With slow hand lowering, the face of the face is closed. After 2-3 seconds, on the team "Noare!" Meditation in Musubi - Dacy stops.
In this case, the eyes open and takes place within the borders from the team "Hadzime!" Prior to the completion of the last technical action (Taike, Pinai) or after the end of the final transition to Musubi - Dati.
8. Approximate timing for the execution of Kokusinki IFK.

The timing gives temporary benchmarks necessary for any "official" kata performances.
All Taikeki is performed in 20-23 seconds., Pinana 1 and 3 - for 22-24 seconds, Pinana 2.4 and 5 - for 30-33 seconds.
Santin but kata is performed in 2 minutes. 14 seconds - 2 minutes. 16 seconds Santin with Kiai - for 19-20 seconds. TENSEY - for 2 min.19 seconds. - 2 minutes. 23 seconds
Gakisay Dai is performed for 47-50 seconds, Gakisay Syo - for 48-50 seconds. Kata Yansa is performed for 1 min. 02 sec. - 1 min. 04 sec., Tsukuki But Kata - for 36-38 seconds., Sikha - for 43-45 seconds, Kanka give - for 1 min. 40 sec. - 1 min. 45 sec., Saytent - for 1 min. 24 sec. - 1 min. 26 sec., Suschi - for 1 min. 15 sec. - 1 min. 26 sec., Gari - for 38-40 seconds. And Seipay - for 46-48 seconds.

Section 3. Regulatory combinations
(Iponne and Sambon - Kumite, Rentraq, Kikhon - Kata) and methods for studying them.

1. Instructive goals and objectives in the development of regulatory combinations.

In Ippon - Kumite 1 and 2 (10 ku) - acquaintance with the combat use of basic technology (attack - protection - counterattack) in moving by 1 step in the classic rack.
In Sambo - Kumite (9 ku) - familiarity with the use of military equipment in moving by 3 steps. The classic rack performs a series of attacks, protection and counterattacks.
12 Rentrak is divided into 2 types:
-Renrak 1st type (9-5 and 2 ku) - combinations characteristic of clicker tournaments. Feature of the combat rack: the hand in the position "oh" serves Garda, the hand in the "Hakak" position "charged" under the breast.
-Renrak 2nd type (1 ku, 1 Dan) - combinations characteristic of Nokdown Tournaments. In the combat rack Kyukusinkai, both hands protect their heads and ribs.
Kikhon - Kata - Complexes of technology (10 KW - 2 DAN), which are reproducing in the direction of regulatory techniques in the program of each belt. The basic form - performing on the spot in the right Santin - Dacy (for 10 ku - in Fudo - Dacy).

2. Performance and methods for the study of Ippon- and Sambon-Kumite.

Combinations are performed in the form of kikhon and must meet all the requirements of the quality of real technology. All methods of work in Kijam are suitable for mastering. Advanced control exercises in pairs.

3. Features of execution and methods of study by Rentrak.

For the Rentraq of the 1st type, first of all high-speed impulsively return long blows with hands (gyaku-tsuki with the inclusion of the thigh and the full reverse) and sweepers of the legs (with a quick embossed and return of the lower leg).
In a combat rack, characteristic of a clicker, the following elements are common:
a) exit to the battle rack (from the position of Yoy - Dacy) with a decrease in the center of gravity, the rapid removal of the revealed hands and rapidly collecting them in a protective position;
b) turn in a battle rack (with the preservation of landing) from the back of the leg, the UKE block - UE and a similar quick transfer of hands in a protective position;
c) Return to its original position in Fudo - Dacy always back with the standard cover of forearms in the transition phase.
It is necessary to distinguish and separately train the varieties of basic gyaku - Tsuki:
a) penetrating fixed punch from the chest (in Rentrak 1.4 and 9);
b) impulsively - a return blow from the chest with the effect of ћrikatl (in renack 2,3,4-9).
For renarak 2nd type, penetrating fixed shocks are characterized by hands from Nokdown Kamae - TE - Dati (without reverse under the chest).
Renraku 12 (Hochon Renraku) uses not only high-speed recurrent strikes with legs, but also riding securing strikes with legs. When entering the battle rack and turns the protective position with compressed fists. When the blow is performed by hand, you need to displace the entire body on the Tyusoka of the corresponding leg and cover the face (head) with the second hand.
All Rentraq in the group can be performed with rhythmized chant on "wasp!" With Kiai on the final technique and turns. If necessary, any individual (accentuated) techniques can sound.
All the developed regulatory combinations (in full - from Ippon-Kumite 1 to Renraku 12) can be performed in the "test - marathon" mode on the principle of building chains. Each "link" (separate combination) is performed 3 times (except for sambon - kumite) in moving forward and backward from the left, then from the right rack. When increasing the next "link", all previous "chain links" are reproduced.
It is also advisable for the form of testing freedom of ownership of mastered combinations. The principle is to perform any combination and their grouping in an arbitrarily asked order.

4. The execution procedure and methods for studying IFK software standards based on Kikhon - Kata.

The key to mastering and memorizing the entire volume regulatory equipment (10 ku - 2 Dan) - basic complexes performed on the spot, in the right Santin-Dati. The exit to the rack is performed after the transition from Fudo - Dati in Yoy - Dati with Morotte Uti - Uke slowly with Kiai on the 4th mental score.
By team "Mii Santin - Dati, Yoy!" Initially, the standard transition from Fudo - Dati in Yoy - Dati, and on the team "Kamae - TE!" - Exit to the right Santin - Dati. Kikhon - Kata can be followed by or without it (by the team "Mogoré, Hadzime!"). In the first case, return to the original rack (right Santin - Dacy) occurs on the last score immediately after the final technology. In the second case - independently. In both cases, each technique can be performed on the "wasp!", And return to the right Santin - Dati with Kiai. On the team "Noaore!" - Standard transition to the right foot back to the original Fudo - Dati.
Kihon-based derivatives - kata are due to the typical tasks of training technicians combined with the practical consolidation of program standards in the prescribed manner of alternation techniques.
With a standard movement by 3 steps and backwards, one technique from Kikhon - Kata can be performed. In the abbreviated version, the technique changes after each turn. The same principle can be used when moving forward and backward without turns (i.e. back back).
These methods of using the Kikhon schema - kata can be combined with alternating classic racks, as well as using a combat rack Kyucusinkai. In addition, the entire series of the technician can be played for each step with only one hand (in the "Oh") and one foot (in the "Giacu" position). Thereby increasing the total volume of technology during one displacement cycle.
Basic and derivatives from kikhon - kata form and methods for performing regulatory equipment in various ways of displacements can be carried out in conditioned "marathons", including by the "champions" method. In addition to physical endurance, it requires marginal conservation and self-discipline.

Section 4. Kikhon in a combat rack.

1. Kikhon in a combat rack in the system of traditional training.

Unified methodological basis for studying and performing karate technique in a combat rack. Specificity of work in a combat rack, reflecting the factor in variability of the conditions of real combat and universal principles of adaptation to them. Kikhon in a combat rack - a step from a classic kikhon to Kumite on the way to a free battle, a technical foundation for sports martial arts and the art of saiopackers.
2. Style of kikhon in a combat rack Kyucusinkai.
a) Perfectly balanced, compact and maneuverable source combat rack. The length of the rack - 3 feet, the foot is divorced on the width of the shoulders, the front leg sock is directed forward, the rear - at an angle of 45 and to the side.
b) the optimal protection of the combat rack, the possibility of complete freedom of action in the attack and counterattack. The hands bent in front protect their head and torso (covering the rib).
c) Special college and economy in performing shocks and blocks with hands. The prevalence of abbreviated trajectories, small amplitudes with a dynamic, high-speed implementation of the technique and the preservation of closed vital centers.
d) special economy and freedom in the performance of high-speed blows and protection of feet, thanks to a compactly balanced, equivalent and mobile combat position.

3. Basic methods and movement schemes in a combat rack.

Moving with the preservation of a balanced equivalent position is the most important condition for stable operation in a combat rack. Basic method - short displacements (without replacement of the rack) due to stretching position when moving the nearest in the direction of movement of the leg and subsequent recovery of the rack due to tightening the other leg into its original location.
Travel is performed on Tyusoku. Ahead and left (from the left pillar) - from the left leg; Back and right - with the right leg. Combining in alternating four directions (forward - back and left - right) gives "Cross" - basic scheme Displacements without changing the side of the rack.
Kyukusinkai combat rack allows you to make movements and maneuvers at different distances and in various ways (direct steps, "tricks", treasures through both a date, turns on any leg) with a change and without changing the position of the position. Displacements in a combat rack at an angle of 45a in four intermediate directions (i.e., according to the diagram of the "diagonal cross"), a combination with a "straight cross" give a universal scheme "eight-pointed star". The combination of direct movements, movement in a circle, straight and circular turns creates the perfect range of maneuvering options. At the same time, the combat rack, dynamically "flowing" in other positions, remains the balance of the balance in battle.

4. Implementation of equipment in a combat rack.

Hands (first of all the Tsuki, Sita - Cuka and Kae - Cuka) in position "Oh" and "Hakaki" are combined with the transfer of support on Tyuseok, inclusion in the work of the hip and "collecting" body by means of concentration in tandane, abdomen and "shoulder nodes ". At the time of the strike, the cover is preserved with a free hand, after hitting the hand returns to the protective position.
Different types of protection (derivatives from classical, including circular, blocks, locking overlays, soft "conductive" blocks, etc.) are performed in accordance with the same principles.
The execution of impacts and protection of legs from a combat rack (from any leg) involves a speedy return to a well-balanced position. Both hands are in a protective position all the time.
To perform kicks, various ways to prepare and move forward and back, displacements on the parties, movement in a circle and other maneuvers caused by remotely tactical factors can be used.

5 Perform combinations in a combat rack.

Uniform with kijon principles for building combinations (from kicks and hands in combination with protection). Distance factor and typical tactical conditions when working in a combat rack. Approximation of the form of technology and the structure of combinations to the conditions of real combat (entrance to the Middle Fight, the resistance of the press, bypassing the goal with the displacement from the attack line, bypass, turns, etc.)
The key value of the "bodies" from strikes from the arsenal: CUCES, SIT - CUCKES, KEE - CUCKES - when combining the same or different techniques. The optimal scheme is moving to 3 steps forward - back or in four directions ("Direct Cross").
When moving in the left counter forward and left a typical combination - "oh - gyaku", when moving back and right - "Hakaku - Oh". The need for subsequent development of reverse combinations. The ability to act from any position by any hand. The importance of synchronizing shocks with the formulation of the appropriate foot on Tyusoku and the instant "collecting" ("unity") of the body.
The key principle of building typical combinations with shocks (and protection) kicks - the ability to beat with any foot with any order of combining strikes with hands.
Performing special exercises on the basis of equipment (series, super sperius, etc.) on the "fold" legs and hands - a necessary condition for increasing combinational possibilities when working in a combat rack.
The feasibility of performing tactically complicated technicians to approach the combination work to the reality of sports fight or self-defense. The inclusion in the exercise "cutting", "catching up" or "counter" straight and circular blows for the corner of 45a, 90a, as well as 180a and even 270a (mainly using Block and Back). The ability to work with hands in different directions, move along the outer circle (as if around the enemy) and on the inner circle (as in the environment situation).
The need to include in the overall program of combinational work in a combat rack "exotic" technician and "prohibited" techniques from combat arsenal self-defense.

6. Method of digital encryption combinations when working in a combat rack.

Allocation of combinational "archcroples", including the most common techniques. Mastering them by the basic combinational arsenal. Numbering of a limited number of key combinations providing freedom of action by any hand or foot. The appropriate selection and activation of "primary" means and "running" combinations as a basis for mastering a combinational style of the fight and the development of combinational thinking.
An example of the educational "repertoire" of 3 combinations containing the foot and 3 combinations only from shocks with hands.
Combination according to the scheme "Oh - gyaku + any foot":
Y1 - oh gyaku + mavashi-gary (not any level);
Y2 - oh gyaku + mahe-gary (Tyudid);
Y3 - oh- (gyaku) + Harry (Tyudid).
The ability to use on a given basis of other techniques - CEAAGE, OROS-Cocatau, Energy Mavashi, individual "coronal" combinations.
Combinations of 2-3 blows with hands are performed by any hand and in free alternation. Differ in the last blow:
Y4 - any straight blow ("oh" or "gyaku" in any rack);
Y5 - similarly, sieve tsuki;
Y6 - similarly, Kahesky Tsuki.
The study of a limited set of 6 types of combinations involves their subsequent execution in a given or random order and volume. Free combination battle with "shadow" - the final task in the kikhon section in the battle rack.

7. Performing kata in a combat rack.

Work in a combat rack using a plan for moving the simplest kata (primarily a taikochka) disciplines and develops orientation in space. It involves the achievement of special dynamics in short displacements while maintaining the quality of equipment performed in the appropriate style. When saving kata, it is possible to use any types of equipment and tactically justified combinations.

Section 5. Cumite basic forms.

Stages and preparation methods for free battle.
1. Educational Kumite, as a Methodical Complex real interaction With a partner.

Varieties of educational kumite as a reflection of typological diversity of educational tasks. Technical, tactical, conditioned tasks and their relationship. Typology of opponents and necessitability of sports and military training.

2. Principles and stages of complication of technical tasks.

a) Conditioned single attacks and protection.
b) Conditioned single attacks and protection with a single counterattack.
c) Conditioned single attacks and protection with a combined counterattack.
d) the conditioned series of alternately performed single attacks, each of which provides certain protection and counterattack options (single or combined).
e) arbitrary alternation in a series of single attacks and response to each of them in a certain way (with a single or combined counterattack).
e) arbitrary alternation in a series of single attacks and arbitrary (spontaneous) response to each of them in any way (within the developed arsenal of technology).
g) caused by combined attack and the corresponding protection with a conditioned counterattack (single or combined) for the last blow.
h) Conditioned combined attack with an arbitrary protective response to any blow with a single or combined counterattack.
and) an arbitrary combined attack with an arbitrary protective response and a free choice of funds (within the developed arsenal of technology).
k) Applying protection without blocks - care for a safe distance with an immediate counterattack (single or combined, due or arbitrary).
l) Applying protection with blocks and simultaneous counterattack (for any tasks).
m) the use of advanced counterattack without blocks (for any tasks).
Sufficient technical training in Kumite allows us to focus on tactics.

3. The principles of remote maneuvering, the nature and stages of complication of tactical tasks.

a) Protection and counterattack with a waste back to a safe distance - the tactics of "retreating water".
b) Protection and counterattack with caring from the attack line and rapprochement with the enemy - the "flowing water" tactics.
c) protection and counterattack, not soda - cliff tactics.
d) protection and counterattack with a leading convergence with the enemy - the "stop" tactics or a leading "inclusion".
e) Spontaneous remote maneuvering with an unpredictable contact interaction with the enemy - the "fire" tactics.

4. The most important criteria for the typology of opponents and the spectrum of technical and tactical tasks.

a) Battle tactics with an opponent working mainly by legs. For long distances - care and deviations with the preservation of a safe distance that allows you to perform advanced inputs and counterattacks.
At the middle distance - advanced protective reactions ("live" hands, legs).
Use of home care from direct attacks and on the parties with rapprochement from circular attacks. In the near distance (after exploration) - rapidly advanced inputs with rigid blocks and a massive counterattack.
b) Battle tactics with an opponent working advantageously with hands on ћTellAlvanisal in a dense melee.
In the near distance - "sticking" with a counterattack of knees and "spreading" supports with low kicks for legs, leading traumatic blocks, biceps strikes and other decisive ways of response combat combat, characteristic of the clock tactics. Using the "flowing water" tactics with a counterattack when passing the enemy by.
At the middle distance - "stretching" the enemy on itself (with the control of his hands on the verge of safe distance) and almost simultaneous counterattack at the lower and middle levels. With successful actions, rapprochement and work with hands and elbows.
On the far distance - the use of advanced knocking straight lipsticks, short inputs with any strong single silent legs. Readiness to continue the fight with your hands. Another possibility is flexible maneuvering on the verge of safe distance in combination with unexpected sharp entrances with short counterattacks (fire tactics).
c) Tactics of reference to milking with a "combinational" fighter involves different interaction options. The choice of cliff tactics requires a decisive counterattack. The "flowing water" tactics makes it possible to control from a favorable position. The tactics of the advanced "inclusion" allows you to "extinguish" an attack through the "sticking", "mating" of the hands and legs and strongly counterattack.
d) the fighting tactics with a "maneuverable" fighter provides for holding position in defense. No need to pursue a moving enemy, but you need to be prepared for intercepting the initiative with a powerful "collapse" counterattack.
e) the fighting tactics with a "knockout" involves identifying the prevailing manner of the fight and the "coronal" taking of the enemy. It is advisable to be protected by a distance, maneuvering and provoke an opponent for familiar actions. At a convenient point, you should use hard traumatic protection or an unexpected maneuver with a decisive counterattack.
(e) Battle tactics with a "dirty" fighter working on the verge of prohibited actions makes increased requirements for protecting and retaining a safe distance. When interception, the initiative can be used as a combined counterattack and strong single strikes on open and vulnerable places.
Tactical training as a whole implies the development of various possibilities of fighting and the ability to quickly adapt to the enemy, imposing his tactics, style and manner of fighting. If necessary, the fighter must be ready and able to change and combine tactical techniques.
Technical and tactical training in a traditional school is not limited to sports competitions. They are also aimed at self-defense and survival in extreme conditions, based on the typology of opponents and the situation of real combat. Here they can be taken into account as an opponent's preparation profile (wrestler, boxer, all-rounded) and various concomitant factors (untrained, but a strong opponent, a cunning street "Drachun", armed enemy, the threat of several opponents, etc.) at the same time, fundamental tactical principles In Budo-karate and budo-sports are one.

5. Basic ways to transition from conditional coumit to free battle.

a) Phased complication of educational tasks and removal of restrictions.
b) Raman extension in the attack, and, accordingly, in protection and counterattack.
c) extension of "chains" in the circumstance of the interaction of partners. Early interception of the initiative on the principle of paired kata, where the exchange of counterattack attacks (from 2 to 5 continuously performed "links").
d) use of the same method, but with the exchange of arbitrary attacks-counterattacks when conducting continuous, but short contractions (from 2 to 5 "links").
e) increasing the rate of conducting free gaming sparring - from a slow and fully controlled "chess-gaming" interaction with a partner to a speed spontaneous battle with a very easy contact.
e) increasing the degree of contact and strength in the interaction of partners. Use additional protective equipment when carrying out free training battles with full contact.
g) "rehearsal" fighting, taking into account the temporary regulation of sports fights with individual technical and tactical tasks and conditioned conditions (including using manual makivo or additional protective equipment).
h) attracting special techniques and psychotechnics for the development of increased sensitivity and solving the ability to adapt to the enemy (for example, the use of training techniques with closed eyes).
and) the complication of the conditions of conducting the battle and training testing to purchase additional combat experience and the corresponding "stock margin" (for example, training sparring with 2-3 opponents to any, but gradually complicated tasks).

Section 6. Related, additional and specialized forms and methods of training.

1. Workout and stretching as a factor of functional support for the training process.

Interdependent and related sections of general and special physical training.
- Workout and stretching due to summing up, studying and execution of karate technique.
- Compliance of the types of workout with the prevailing profile, goals and tasks of training.
- Standard and arbitrary - technical series for hands and legs in technical training.
- Dynamic (running or jumping) Workout options (for example, Thai type) in sparring training.
- Actually Sparring forms of the warm-up - from the slow motion and lightweight "chess-gaming" sparring with a gradual suspension of moving gaming battle with light contact.
- Speed-force types of warm-up workout (power exercises, including with one or more partners, moving games, relay, etc.).
- Soft, static and static-dynamic forms of workout on the basis of traditional methods of psychoeenergenic self-regulation, respiratory and meditative exercises in rehabilitation training
- Stretching compliance (usually related warm-up) targets, tasks and workout conditions (at the points of the level of student preparedness).
- Static, dynamic and static-dynamic stream shapes.
- Basic principles and versions.
- "sparing" methods and tensile techniques in the optimal volume and with full control.
- The principle of security is the basis of the gradual and dosing complication of the exercise complex.

2. Special conditioner-cyclic training athlete.

Target installation to achieve a form of form or an intermediate level of preparation for the competitions of a certain temporary cycle.
- accounting for individual opportunities athletes in the content of the training process.
- ensuring the necessary "stock of strength" in conditions as close as possible to real.
- concomitant primacy and special physical training.
- Medical support and control.
- Work on the shells in the contact style karate.
- Stopping strikes on projectiles, taking into account the specifics of technology and training tasks (bags, hand makivars, paws).
- Combination work, formulation of "coronal" techniques.
- conditioned, speed-speed work.
- Conditional and sparring, technical and tactical work on projectiles with a partner (for individual tasks and in the form of "rehearsal" fighting).
3. Film military all-voltage preparation.

Military all-around at Budo-karate school.
- Acquaintance with adjacent species of martial arts and military arts.
- Work with weapon based on karate.
- The ability to fight without weapons with an armed enemy.
- Use of primary items and means in real battle.
- Climbing from military craft and art of self-defense to school survival and military path.

4. Hardening of shock surfaces and practicing taetsycho in the system of military and sports training.

- Special methods for the formation of "body-weapons" and "armor" in traditional karate.
- Testing the real efficacy of shock technology in the practice of Taesimai.
- Demonstration of "fruits" karate in demonstration performances.
- Testers Taetsivari in sports competitions.
- Compety, technical and psychological aspects in preparation for Tetsychovivali.

5. Psychological preparation and testing in Budo-karate. Methods of psychoregulation and spiritually - meditative practice.

The unified basis of traditional oriental systems of psychoregulation and spiritual practice.
- Methods of the Taoist, Dzhen and Indian yoga, Chinese qigun, Korean Chharek, etc. in traditional Eastern training.
- "Dissolving" of the corresponding methods during traditionally organized training.
- Activation of psychoregulative mechanisms in the cycle of intensive preparation and testing in extreme conditions (educational fees, night workouts, Kumite tests, etc.)
- Budo-karate system as a school of psychoregulation and spiritual practice.
- Traditional and adapted for karate forms of Dzhen meditation.
- Dzazen sessions at the beginning, late, middle workout, outside Dojo.
- Special forms of Zen meditation when walking (Kinkhin), on the run ("Hey-Syu, Tay-Syo"), sound (vibration-manric) meditation, etc.
- Kata, Kumite and Taetsychovivari as specific forms of active meditation and spiritual practice.

6. Etiquette dojo and a ritual of communication in a traditional school.

Spiritual and professional military hierarchy and ritualized relations in a traditional school.
- The discipline of composure and ethics of communication as the face of the School of Military Art.
- Harmonization of the community of truth seekers in the military path as a factor of the survival of Budo-karate and spiritual practice.

Conclusion. Professional and ethical principles in the activities of instructors and examiners.

Instructors and examiners are the main keepers and media of a holistic tradition characterized by the unity of military crafts, art and path. Responsibility for the fullness of the transmission of traditions, creative development of Budo-karate and modern budo-sports.
The norm of the instructor of Kökusinkai, an expert Budo-karate, master of a mentor - a creative approach to learning, an increase in its own professional qualifications, compliance with ethics of behavior and communication, demanding to students and respect for their honor and dignity.
The examination of the examiner is compliance with the High IFK standard, strictly follow the current standards, regulations and the exam procedure.
The instructor is the examiner - the face of the traditional school, a sample of discipline and self-control, the guarantor of the observance of the dojo etiquette. His care is the atmosphere of passionateness, emotional and spiritual lifting in training and exams, contributing to the most complete disclosure of opportunities and manifestation of advantages of Kyukusinkai adherents.
The combination of professional principle and demanding of the examiner with a sober balance of solutions, a comprehensive assessment of the results. Accounting for all determining factors, ranging from the correlation of various aspects of the preparation of applicants, and to their physical, age and personal features.
The vocation of Masters Kyukusinkai is to master the "skill of life." Search for "wisdom" during classes and tests. "True" motivation and spiritual goal setting is the guarantee of the truth of the path of Kyukusin Budo-karate.

Pedagogical principles and teaching methods karate

The most important thing is the regularity of classes. There is no other way to master any art that does not exist. Day after day, month after month, year after year - the same room, the same people, the same exercises. There are moments when you want to quit everything. Such moments visit everyone without exception. But we also know well that the monotony is apparent, and we are not thinking about life without it.

Funakoshi Gitin

In the process of training karate, it is necessary to be guided pedagogical principles Consciousness and activity, accessibility, systematic and consistency, strength, theory of theory with practice, scientific, rational combination of collective and individual learning.

The principle of consciousness and activity Inappropriate mastering Karate technique, creative attitude and interest in learning, responsibility for the legitimate use of studied techniques in everyday life.

For conscious mastering the art of karate, you need to teach engaged in the ability to evaluate the results of our own actions, overcome the difficulties associated with the development of equipment and karate tactics, to work independently on improving the studied techniques, control their feelings and actions in classes and in everyday life.

Principle of clarity Provides for use when training karates of various techniques and means: an oral explanation, a practical demonstration, video and photographic materials, drawings and schemes, imitation, including with the help of various devices and simulators.

Training to each reception begins with his explanation and display. The show must be clear and correct, accompanied by laconic explanations, while the attention of students is focused on the most important elements of the reception. Each item being developed should be explained both from the point of view of its execution and from the point of view of the semantic load that he carries. To make it easier for students to fulfill the new technical action, it is necessary to show his connection with the previously studied techniques, emphasizing the similarities and differences. In addition, each element of technology, regardless of whether it enters the kata or in the Kumite combination, should be worked out in a pair with a partner, in order for students to understand why one or another element is performed and what role he plays in Kata or duel.

Principle of accessibility It assumes that only the estimated tasks are put before engaged, taking into account their age, gender, the level of physical training. As the Czech teacher Ya. A. Komensky identified, should be moved from the lung to the difficult, from the known to unknown.

Training in karate begins with the study of individual elements. In this case, learning a specific element or a combination of elements can be divided into three closely related stages.

First stage - Primary learning when a general idea is created about the element that lies at the heart of the conscious development of any motor action. As a result of the receipt of primary information about the new element (form, amplitude, the direction of the application, etc.) in the student's memory, general connections are established with already studied elements that ensure the construction of a technical actions program to fulfill.

Second phase - In-depth learning of technical action, when as a result of the active joint work of the teacher and the student, the technique of performing an element is being implemented. In the process of this testing, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe element is specified, errors are eliminated and the possibility of self-performing technical action is possible.

Third stage - fixing and improvement of the technique of performing an element, during which the degree of mastering the element is communicated to automatism to perform this element in various conditions (in kata, in Kumite, etc.), without losing time on reflection on the order of its execution.

It must be achieved that from the very beginning the disciples performed this or that reception correctly. If there are common for the whole group or most mistakes, you should stop the occupation and indicate the shortcomings. At the same time, it is necessary to show how to properly perform one or another technical element, several times to control the correctness of its execution, after which it begin to fulfill the entire reception.

It is very important that during the classroom, the disciples not only themselves correctly performed this or that technical action, but also followed the correctness of its fulfillment by their comrades and, if necessary, helped them eliminate the notic disadvantages. Such an active conscious attitude to the material studied contributes to a more successful assimilation, since noticing the errors that the partner admits, the student itself will try to prevent them.

The principle of systematic and sequence Ensures teaching and assimilation of equipment and karate tactics in a certain order, the system. It requires logical constructions of both the content and learning processWhat is expressed in compliance with a number of rules. For example, before proceeding to learning to strike, you should teach the student to stand correctly, and before teaching karate tactics, make sure that the student has mastered the basic technique, which includes racks, movement in racks, blows and protection.

The requirement of systematic and consistency in the training of karate is aimed at preserving the continuity of the meaningful and procedural aspects of learning, in which each occupation is a logical continuation of the previous one, both in content and for forms and methods performed by students of exercises and technical actions.

"Repeating indiscriminately old and, with every repetition, adding a little new, the child is firmly absorbing a huge number of facts that he would never do without building a new one on a strong foundation of an old one," the great Russian teacher K. D. Ushinsky wrote. The training material is distributed so that techniques and karate tactics are studied as if on the helix: previously mastered techniques are repeated after some time, but already in a more complicated form. This makes it possible not only to train those engaged in individual technical actions and improve their techniques in general, but also to correct errors and errors admitted at previous occupations.

Principle of strength It requires that the knowledge gained is firmly fixed in the memory of students, they became part of their consciousness, the basis of behavior. Psychological studies show that memorization and reproduction depends not only from the material being studied, but also from the attitude towards it. Therefore, for high-quality assimilation of equipment and tactics of karate, it is necessary, first of all, to form the interest of students to classes, to martial arts in general. In addition, a durable absorption occurs if the material studied is structured, if the quantity and frequency of the exercises performed are correctly selected, the individual features of students are taken into account, systematic control over the results of learning is ensured.

The strength of the assimilation also depends on the cognitive activity of students, and their emotional state during classes. Improving the emotional state of students during karate classes contribute to the use of various, constantly changing general competition and special exercises, setting during the occupations of various competitive tasks (who are faster, stronger, above), the use of game and sports and gaming exercises, optimal loads and their variation, correct Selection of partners for exercises in pairs, good condition of dojo, sports inventory, etc.

The teacher has a huge impact on the emotional state of students. From his ability to convince, find the right words to excite or, on the contrary, to reassure students, largely depends the strength of the learning of their knowledge, their success in mastering the art of karate. Systematic manifestation of positive emotions, frequent stay in good mood contribute to the qualitative absorption of tactical and technical actions, form an optimistic attitude to classes. On the contrary, constant negative states during occupations negatively affect the level of preparation of students, mastering and consolidating under study of technical actions under study, form indecision, insecurity in their forces and lead to disappointment in karate. Therefore, for durable assimilations of knowledge obtained in the process, it is very important that the optimistic mood has been supported among the students all the time, the spirit reigned and confidence in their abilities.

Principle of scientific relationship It is that in the process of classes, the teacher and instructors analyze the results achieved in the formation of both their own skills and the skill of their students, make substantive conclusions, are looking for the most effective from existing and test new exercises in the interests of improving the quality of education and karate tactics, develop And in practice, the methods of an individual approach to learning depending on age, sex, intellectual and other characteristics of students.

However, to go ahead, it is not enough to simply observe and analyze the results of performing certain exercises and technical actions and then apply them in practice. You need to be able to predict and foresee. It is in this that the principle of communication theory with practice .

The basis of the scientific foresight creates science, knowing the laws of the development of phenomena. In this regard, karate, as well as everything on Earth, is subject to the laws of physics and mechanics. Only Funakoshi Gitin, Patriarch of Modern Karate spoke about this.

Modern scientific research has fully confirmed the results of the labor of the old masters of karate, which created the technique of a huge devastating force empirically. However, if in the past, the success and error in the karate technique could be clearly fixed in the event of the death of one of the fighters that represented this or that school, then in modern conditions of this kind, experiments can not be allowed. Therefore, the role of foresight in the practical development of karate art is exceptionally large. In order to train karate, it is necessary to know the history of its development, and the existing theoretical and practical methods for the transfer of knowledge, and psychotechnic, and biomechanic, without which it is impossible to achieve pedagogical success in learning.

The principle of rational combination of collective and individual learning It involves the inclusion in the training process by the teacher and instructors of various types of workouts (physical training, special physical training, training equipment, tactical and technical training) as part of a group or with individual students, as well as the use of various ways to interact students in class: individual work, work in permanent and replaceable pairs, in small and big groups. This principle also provides for stimulating students to independent work Above the improvement of its tactical and technical skills, using mutual assistance and mutual education, creative implementation of the disciples of the obtained technical and tactical skills in practice in free fights, the development of their own "handwriting".

The principles listed above form a holistic unity, the system of closely soldered elements: the implementation of one principle is related to the implementation of others. Activity and systematic is associated with strength, availability with scientific and so on. In general, these principles give the teacher and instructors a set of instructions on the organization of karate classes - from goal-setting to the results of the results.

Basic methods Education of students in the process of karate classes are general methods Widely used in pedagogy, such as:

Clarification and conviction;

Promotion and punishment;

Requirement and sensitive attention;

Individual approach and positive example.

However, along with general methods of training in Karate can also be applied specific methods For the development of individual qualities and abilities necessary for mastering the Tactical and Technical Arsenal Karate.

In accordance with the studies conducted by S. K. Shakhov, in the process of occupying for the development of various special qualities, the following specific methods of [Shakhov Shk K., 1998] can be used.

For the development of motor abilities, reactivity and speed:


With accelerations;



Combined (relay, games, etc.).

For the development of force:


? "To failure";

Maximum effort;

Great efforts;



Short-term effort;

Variable influences;

Synthetic effects.

For the development of speed-force abilities:


With accelerations;




For the development of coordination abilities:


Variable influences;




For the development of endurance:






In general, the methods listed above do not exhaust all their diversity. Each teacher and instructor has their own set of the most suitable, from its point of view, learning methods, including its own development. Nevertheless, the choice of learning methods cannot be arbitrary. Their set should be subordinated to the main idea of \u200b\u200bkarate - education is physically strong, mentally and spiritually rich personality. Based on these methods, the entire training process in karate is being built.

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Chapter 4 Schools and Styles Karate (Technique, Tactics and Training Methods) There are no good and bad styles, there are no good and bad techniques, there are good and bad performers! The motto of authentic masters of karate The total number of schools and karate styles today does not know no one. Whether there are several

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1. Features of the techniques and application of karate technician nets

1.1.4 Good Tone Rules

2. Methods, organization and results of their own studies

2.1 Research methods

2.2 Organization of own research

2.3 Results of own research

2.3.1 Results of questionnaire

2.3.2 Methodical substantiation of own research and discussion

2.3.3 Intermediate Control Results

2.3.4 Final Control Results

2.3.5 Results of expert estimates at the end of the experiment


List of used literature


Appendix 2.

Appendix 3.

Appendix 4.

Appendix 5.

Appendix 6.


The grinding refers to one of the main directions in karate. The reticent style (SHOTOKAN) was founded by Funakosi Gitin, or his son (different sources affirm differently). The Master Karate Funakosi had a literary pseudonym, which sounded as "Seto", it was he who was taken as the basis for the name of the new direction in Karate Netokan-Kan. In the literal translation from the Japanese language "Seto" means "a house for pegless pines" or "Sea and Pine House". The "Kan" particle is a hall. That is, the "netcan" is a place, a hall for studying this type of art. In Russian, the netican sounds very close to Schotokan (Gorbilev A.M. Master Motobu. Dodze, 2003. -№3.s.16-19).

Funakoshi Gitin at one time dedicated himself to learning the styles of Okinawsky TEE - before the so-called Okinawa karate. These styles Meii Ryu and Serine Ryu. Netsoke has become a modification of these two united arrangements. The names of Seray Ryu and Serin-ryu are Okinawan names that Funakosi themselves have been changed to Japanese. There were other changes - inside the technique itself. As for the name, then under the influence of the founder of the judo Dzudo Djigo Kano Funakosi changed and read the term as the "way of karate". Such an approach emphasizes the fact that the netogen is not just martial art, but a whole system of upbringing is spiritual and physical. This is the main difference in the direction of Netokan, since most schools based in last yearsare just the fighting systems in srawl.

A distinctive feature of a strain, expressed in motion - it is moving in a straight line, that is, a linear direction of force. In the netokane, most often the racks are practiced - wide and low, blocks are rigid, shocks with hands - with the inclusion of thigh forces in it. Thus, in the netokane, it is customary to adhere to the desired rule: "Put on one blow" (Japanese IKKEN-Khisatsu) (Travnikov A.I. Karate for beginners. M.: Eksmo, 2012. P. 48-69).

Selecting the style and technology for the "own direction" of Funakosi studied the work of Mastersto Masters and ITOS. Pretty sophisticated battle techniques were practiced in their school - blows from the near distance and blows (mainly legs) at the level of the average. Funakosi together with students complemented existing techniques to blows at the upper and middle levels, and the conduct of fighting began to spend almost always on average. A system was also created to exercise sports fights. NANU Networkan is a mixture of old and new techniques (Aksenov E.I. Karate from a white belt to black.: Ast, Astrel, 2007.c.28-32).

The purpose of the work is to designate the features of learning children of younger school age by impact techniques of feet in karate nets

Tasks of this study:

1. Consider the classification of technical techniques of karate nets.

2. Learn the features of Karate technical techniques.

3. Note the scope of applying the technician Setoan.

4. Consider the mental and ethical side of the question.

5. Classify receptions.

6. Consider the age of children when studying the technician,

7. Consider the peculiarities of the perception of information when teaching children of younger school age with technical techniques of karate nets.

8. To study the methods of working out technical techniques.

9. To study the means of working out technical techniques.

Object WRC - machinery and taking tools karate nets.

The structure of the work is determined by the objectives and objectives of the study, consists of administration, two chapters, conclusion and literature of the used literature.

Chapter 1 Features of the techniques and application of Karate Syotokan

1.1 Technical techniques karate nets, their classification

1.1.1 Features of technical techniques karate nets

Schotokan has its own, characteristic only by this area, features - engaged in this sport the child (or adult) must have a pretty good level of physical training. In addition, it is necessary to clearly know all the techniques of the direction and be able to work with the limit dedication.

Since Karate Shotokan technique is extremely linear movements and the same linear application of force, it differs sharply from many other types of karate and Chinese battle styles - mainly the use of movements in a circle (Nakayama M. Best Karate.The 2nd: Ladomir, 1997.c.12-14).

For low wide durable racks, dynamic and clear transitions are characteristic. The thigh goes to blow a powerful energetic movement, the fight is accompanied by complex hand movements. This creates a feeling of conciseness and economy of movements. Before each attack, an indefinite amount of fraudulent movements come, then it follows the accurate and fast blow to achieve maximum efficiency as soon as possible with minimal energy consumption.

To protect in battle, hard blocks are used that the opponent has a desire to attack again. Breathing, as in many sports practices, pays great attention to the netokane. Breathing should be right. As for movements, they must be controlled - the blow and clear end of the strike. In battle, the maximum amount of energy available and a minimum of time should be used.

Karate Shotokan teaches the ownership of the combat technique immediately against several opponents. Schotokan stops the attention on Kata technique and teaches the battle technique without rules. Where the use of similar techniques begins, the framework of sports competitions end. Naturally, there are age limitations (Plfulger, A. Schotokan Karate-to: 27 kata in schemes and drawings for certification and competitions. Novosibirsk: Fair-Press, 2002. P. 77-99).

Technique of throws - Cutter Carate. These are fast and powerful movements of the opponent's body in space, as well as efficient cuttings, thanks to which the enemy is derived from balance. The chain technique provokes an independent fall of the enemy, allowing you to avoid felt in the fight against capture - this is necessary in order to withstand a fight with several opponents. Also, the netokan karate allows wearing and use of weapons in the duel.

Send the knowledge and apply in practice blocks, blows with hands and legs in a jump or from a static position for 6-7 months (speech about adults). Subject to daily many hours of training. At the same time, absolute perfection will still fail (Li, Bruce, Uchara, M. Bruce Lee combat school. Beijing, Stork, 1996. P. 13-28).

By sending a child of a younger school age on netokan classes, it is necessary to prepare it morally, having laid several postulates of this martial art in it. This, except that the child must already be prepared physically and be familiar with one or another direction of karate (what is needed, but not necessarily). In improving the netcan, it is necessary to take into account the center of gravity of the body in motion and speed of blocks and shocks. In addition, the athlete must constantly control his body.

1.1.2 Application Technician Schemean in practice

Equilibrium in battle plays not a latter role. Together with the change in the position of the body, the center of its severity is changing. The most important skill in Netokan is the ability to choose the desired rack in various battle situations without losing the center of gravity. The correct position in the rack will ensure the preservation of equilibrium even in cases where it seems impossible (Nakayama M. Best karate. Volume 4 Kumite.m.: Ladomir, 1997.s.87-88).

The correct position of the legs largely determines the outcome of the battle. To ensure a harmonious movement in space, the fighter should think about the legs. Too wide layout of the legs will provide good stability, but will not allow moving quite easily and quickly. If the legs are supplied by a narrow rival, there will be a sufficiently small push to provide you with a loss of equilibrium.

Since the center of gravity in battle is constantly moving, as the position of the hands, legs, the body itself changes, then the loss of equilibrium can play the opponent's hand. Mastery - to transfer body weight from foot to foot, change the position of the body and not lose the center of gravity - is purchased and worked out for years.

In the desire for victory, it is necessary to seek the harmony of strength and speed of impact. These things are interconnected. The victory in the duel can not be achieved alone by force - the Schedule philosophy: Speed \u200b\u200b- Assistant Power.

Children need to be taught to concentrate in one movement of the entire existing, forces and speeds. The concentration is made with the participation of the body and consciousness. The center of body energy concentration is located just below the navel - tanden. What is, the concentration is rather an aspect of the volitional, in which, relaxed to the muscles, are instantly strained to apply. Voltage at the last moment provides a blow to more powerful power.

The technique of Metzan is in the ability to strain and relax muscles, alternating, if necessary, these skills. For greater efficiency, the alternating training is needed constant. A constant self-control helps in this process. Because the faster the voltage mechanism is activated, the more effective there will be a blow. The punch of the leg, which is applied correctly, the enemy will be "invisible" - that is, he will only feel it, and, of course, should be plunged (Pfluger, A. Schotokan Karate-up: 27 kata in schemes and drawings for certification and competition. S. 56-62).

1.1.3 Setsan and mental state

By organizing classes with children, it is necessary to prepare their psyche -. The ability to regulate it. All techniques are only effective when the fighter is completely renounced from reality. When he is closed in the inner world and feels integrity within himself. This skill opened ascetics. In Netokan, this skill means - exhaustion of each movement to the absolute using special energy "KI". This energy is given to each person, but not everyone knows how to use. With the help of "ki", the internal stress is eliminated, and the movements are carried out consciously (that is, without this internal voltage). All ligaments of martial interaction of muscles, and any movement in general (block, kick) performed is hard and laconic, like lightning and like a sword punch.

Netsoke teaches to use the energy of stars, which, passing through us, opens up new opportunities and facets. Retroin fighter is part of the universe, and the Universe is inside it. And the power of the fighter and the effectiveness of his battle depends on the serene, deprived of any emotions, the state, that is, from the energy "KI" (skills - to use it right) (Lee, Bruce, Uchara, M.: Bruce School Lee. S. 78-90).

Three conditions are important in battle:

1) calm (concern distorting real validity,

2) anger is paralyzed and will result in fear, makes the rampant deeds),

3) spontaneity (akin to improvisation - it owns people who are never losing the presence of the spirit),

4) susceptibility (this is the ability of the superman - the ability to predict the opponent's action by external state and other signs. It is achieved in the process of persistent workouts).

kort Karate Net Pech

1.1.4 Good Tone Rules

Getting Started, it is necessary to give children an understanding that from now on they will contact the ancient culture of martial arts, will get acquainted with the ancient knowledge of civilization. It is necessary to remind children about such concepts as "honor" and "courage" and "nobility". Enter the concept of "Dodge", which means a community, a place for training, sacred place for samurai. In Dodge, it is forbidden to walk in the shoes, it is impossible to laugh and talk loudly. If we talk about the past, then according to the tradition, in this place no one could not get to get, as all knowledge at the School of Martial Arts were secret. In addition, hierarchical relationships are installed in Dodge - the younger subject to the eldest, and all that pulled on the path of improvement must read and respect the mentor (teacher, instructor). The violator is usually expelled. Dodge must be carefully chosen (this is a hall or part of the garden), purified from garbage and washed.

The clothes of the fighter should also be special. Guide is always clean, defined color, tied up. The belt, according to the rules of good tone, can not be on the rank - for such a violation also expelled. The belts should be tied on the same level. The power means the end of the belt on the right, and the morale is the end of the left. It should be carefully followed by clothing, and after classes, Guillae also develops in a special way.

As a sign of respect, it is necessary to make a bow for standing (Hits Ray), and in case of being late, it is a bow on the knees (Sezan Ray). And how many times did not come out of the karate hall, every time his appearance should be accompanied by a bow.

Conversations during training are prohibited - only a teacher can say. But if he addresses someone specifically, it is necessary to make a bow, listen and worship again (Tsnemoto Khakura Ya. Hiding in foliage. PBB .: Eurasia, 1996.C.111-117).

1.1.5 Classification of Receptions Setsan (Kata)

The program of training Karate Netzan consists of three required sections: kikhon, kata and cum.

Kikhon is the basic varieties of kata and attacking and protective movements.

Kata is entire complexes that are executed according to the standard.

Kutite is a fight or an enemy exercise.

We will focus more in more detail.

Kata is a formalized sequence of movements associated with the principles of the fight with an imaginary opponent or a group of opponents, in fact - the quintessence of the technique of a particular style of martial arts.

Techniques (kata) in netcan-karate about 25 - 27 pieces. The amount depends on the federation and direction. Basically, in the netokane, the techniques are divided into two levels (Funakosi, Karate-up: My lifestyle. M.: Sofia, 2000. 112 p.):

1) sewing Gata (mandatory kata).

2) Jiyu Gata (additional kata).

The sewage of Gata is still divided into two categories Cat: Xtena Gata (Bassay Dai, Dzion, Empham, Kanca give) and Kikhon Gata (five Hayanov + Tekki Stodan).

A group of Jiu Gata includes all other forms of kata that are available in the scheme of karate. (Funakosi, Karate-up: My Lifestyle. M.: Sofia, 2000. P. 212.).

JKA (Sanga Direction), uses karate nets, in their program included 25 forms of kata.

From the initial list of Kata, Taikoka Stodan (since there is a great similarity with Heian Shaodan) and Jein (there is similarity with the Dzion and similarity in techniques with other kata).

Full list of kata netcan-karate, which is practiced by JKA:

Sewing Gata:

1. Kikhon Gata: Heyan Nidan, Heian Schodan, Heian Sandan, Heian Godan, Heian Yondan, Shadan's tech.

Empy: One of the most popular cat in the netica is aimed at developing power.

Dzion: Kata happened from China, named after the Buddhist temple Dzion. This form of kata can be met not only with the netokane, but also in Vado-Ryu karate.

Kanka give: kata containing many movements. The founder of the Networkan Funakosi loved this kata very much. Kata is found in other directions, such as: "Kusanka" or "Schikoku-Shanku".

Bassay Dai: This is the traditional Akina form of kata called "Passai". Its benefit is that it helps to work out the basic technique of Netsoke.

Jiyu Gata:

Hangenets: This kata in the netokan is the only response focusing. With its help, the ability to use the energy of ki is reasonably and efficient.

Jitte: This kata helps in learning - to protect against weapons.

Texts Nidan: This is a kata taken from Tekki Stodan. There is an opinion that Sensei Motobu has improved and knew only one of this kata, and that he mastered the essence of the karate on the basis of and practicing it and more than any other kata.

Hancaku: This cat is likened to the crane sitting on the rock. Suchata is very useful for the ability to balance in space. There is important equipment, both legs and hands.

Bassay Sho: Kata, training weapon protection (Bo). This kata is based on the ability to block the enemy in different ways.

Texts Sandan: Before Kata was called Nahanchi. The name has changed Funakosi, besides that, he replaced the Rack of Nahanchi-Dacha, taking the Cybo dacha instead of her.

Kanca sho: or Kanka give. This cat almost disappeared from everybody after changing her Sensei ITOS, but she retained a student of Chibana Sensei.

Sochi: Powerful kata is likely - it's like an explosion. It is practiced to increase the strength of the right part of the body without the use of the movement of the thigh.

Chinkie: Kata that does not require much energy costs, so it is recommended and used mainly by women (children).

NIDZHESHIO: At the heart of this Kat - a combination of slow technician with strong and flexible techniques. Kata has its own characteristic rhythm.

Hathiesho sho: Kata uses Cupute-cottages and greatly increases the power of the right leg.

Godzishovo give: The Origin of Kata was named Bozyshyeo - "Khotaki". This kata, unlike the previous one, enhances the strength of the left leg using neooashi-cottages.

Vankan: This is a very short kata in the netokan. With one "Kiya".

ONSU: A completely special kata. The name is taken from the old book Karate "Ryuku Kampo Karate", whose publication date is 1922.

Make: or Ryhai, or "Nanko" and "Make." Works against Bo.

In short: all elements of kata of modern netsaan are elements of the cube (though, in the structure of the cube 26 elements).

So: Six pairwise parallel faces of the Cuba are 6 kata Di-sho: Kanca, Bassai, Godjyuno, eight vertices are 5 Heians and 3 Tekki, twelve edges correspond to the rest of Kata (Olyama M. Classic karate.Im.: Eksmo, 2006. P.87-95).

1.2 Features of teaching children of primary school age technical techniques of karate nets

1.2.1 Features of the perception of information when teaching children of younger school age Technical techniques of karate nets

Before talking about the peculiarities of learning the younger school age with technical techniques of karate nets, let's figure it out than a child is different from an adult, and whether he is able to defeat "such sports science" as a netokan.

The practice of Karate Netzan was formed and transformed into combat art for quite a long time. She, like many types of karate, is the synthesis of philosophy, historical, cultural, ethnic and aesthetic principles. But the most basic principle is training technique (Dolin, A.A. Campo - the tradition of military arts. M.: Science, 1991. P.132-188).

The entire MetaCan technique (both for children and for adults) is based on connecting the sharpness of the movement with the concentration of force at the right moment.

Such movements are energy-economically and are produced only when an impact mechanism is understood. And since by the time of the start of classes, the mechanism of motor stereotypes has already developed (even in children), then it will be needed.

The program of training nets for any age consists of: kikhon (base), kata (complex) and cum (fight with the opponent). These are three partitions of karate netcan, which are studied simultaneously. In addition, there is a level for beginners (student), level for more prepared and workshop. At the same time, the stupid level is possible if the child is well prepared physically (that is, trained) and will have a well-developed intelligence. In addition, it is necessary to possess certain features of character. This is called the "sobriety of the mind", reasonableness, and so on. And effective and fast learning occurs only if it demonstrates a high level of memorization, the ability to analyze and the ability to adjust their movements (Kaistanov N.A. Karate canons. Formation of spirituality by means of karates by D.Zd.: Phoenix, 2007.c. 122-134).

We will understand more, which are capable of learning for sure children of 7-10 years old (children of younger school age), given the features of children's perception.

For the most part, children are not capable of complex analytical and logical constructions. The level of their thinking is therefore called a criminal. This means that the guys perceive only concrete things before a certain age, specific tasks are simple and understandable. In order for the child to remember all the details so that his perception with this coped without interference, it is necessary to offer information in training in small portions, built logical.

The child remembers the information figuratively, so it must be represented by it in a convenient form for this, understandable for a child. And in which it is that it depends on the method of perceiving of each particular child (remember the methods of perception of information: visually, with sound and with the help of touch). For greater efficiency with the child, it is necessary in advance by experimentally and by observing (can also, also, special testing), to identify how it perceives and remembers information. That is, before the physical classes, the theoretical classes are needed. This is the perfect option (Nakayama, M. Karate dynamics: the textbook of the legendary master. SPb.: Zlatoust, 2004. P. 26-49).

Collecting for the classroom of children of young school age, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that among them there will be all types (visuals, kinestics and audilations), there will be mixed types - it is also worth considering. What does it mean? In the class of netting, showing every movement - how it is performed practically - it is necessary to explain in words (describe) what is happening and, of course, to give children to practice, immediately after explanation and demonstration. When explaining with the words it is worth using images, understandable and familiar to children (no wonder some kata in translation means such names are nominable, as, for example, "crane". But with the demonstration of Kata "Peace" and "peace" in children there may be problems). If the child still understands little and still does everything wrong - most likely, this is a kineeter. In this case, it should be instructed personally - to approach it and put legs (and hands too) as needed, then together (synchronously) make the movements of your legs (and hands) so that the child felt how his muscles and muscles work. Be sure to make the opportunity to feel the meaning of what is happening - for which it is necessary for this or that movement.

If a kineeter child fieces the movement, he will remember him even better than children-audials and visuals. And it is despite the fact that, at first glance, it seems that it reaches him a lot longer and worse.

The difference in the perception of reality is one of the reasons, in connection with which a productive activity with karate karate children is possible only in small groups. This means that the nets for younger school age should not exceed ten people per instructor. This is primarily due to the fact that each child needs an individual approach and a sufficient amount of attention.

Teach an adult who has a conceptual apparatus, logical thinking and the ability to structure material developed, and the level of self-consciousness and self-organization at the height is much easier. But the children who have not yet learned to manage their attention is harder, since their attention has to control and return and return to the place (often the child is distracted by other (outsiders) things). In addition, the younger school age, and in middle-aged children, the motivation for learning (anything, including netokan or any other art) is missing, not formed or is not good formed. In the absence of motivation, parents usually come to help (unless, of course, they themselves are molted) who find the right words and arguments to ensure the child's appearance. The child himself, if you walk - do not go to classes depends on it, at any time it can "look out", he can "change their mind", getting difficulty, retreat when something does not work, does not leave the first time and throw. This suggests that the volitional control in children is absolutely absent, no consciousness and responsibility (Herbers A.I. Karate for beginners. M.: Eksmo, 2012. p.205).

To this, when they are training, you should be ready. That is, a lot of children will begin to engage, but by the end of the year their half will remain. The reason for the "disappearance" of children can be the situation with parents - they get tired to motivate the child and force him to walk. Of course, the instructor needs to make all their efforts so that children remain to be interested in the motivation not to cool down to the next lesson (Lee, Bruce, Uchara, M. Bruce Lee. S. 1-30).

Returning to an adult man: He is always ready to memorize, he knows that for better memorization it should be done and he already has a certain energic memorization technique, it has already been developed. The production method of memorization in an adult occurs intuitively, and also respectively the characteristics of his perception. An adult person, unlike the child, can be offered a large material (many different movements) to memorize and assimilate, and you can have time, while dragging all this material in practice. With the child it will not work. That is why the occupation with adult people can last up to two hours a day, and with the children of one will be more than enough. At the same time, almost all lessons should be organized in a game form (this applies to the guys of younger school age). And the information load will have to enter and increase gradually. For many reasons: one hour for a large material is not enough, a large material to give a child at a time can not be established (Nakayama, M. Best karate. Volume 1. Full overview.: Ladomir, 1997.c.42-50).

And about perception. Any child perceives the speech of the adult (information) as some kind of integer. For example, if an adult pronounces a rather long monologue, then the child will most likely understand the overall meaning of his speech, but will not understand the meanings of many or some words separately (Lee, Bruce, Uchara, M. Bruce Lee, Bruce School. P. 113 ).

What is it connected with? The main flow of information is absorbed by the child is non-verbal, that is, it goes like through it, past him. With adults - the same, but they already have extensive experience in verbal communication (unlike the child), so during communication (during the perception of someone else's speech), first of all, comprehend words - and what do they mean? The kids perceive the information, and above all, through the facial expressions, poses, television, on the look, Tembre, voice, in a smile. This is called to read the "body hieroglyphs". Thanks to this ability, children understand some things even earlier than adults. Intuitive. Subconsciously. Adult, just needed before understanding, to realize (Kochergin, A.N. Introduction to the School of Combat Karate. Nizhny Novgorod: Lex Star LLC, 1995. P. 2-47).

The experience of adult people dominates the intuition, and it is bad or good - let's figure it out.

Children feel good when "uncle pretends strict and angry" - they know exactly what he is "kind and good", but this "aunt - on the contrary - pretending that she is good," and in fact "she is bad " For a child, feelings are important - that adult has long ceased to pay attention and betray the importance, what he learned to do. And the child to analyze this particular layer of information (non-verbal) can be best, and not to understand the order and correctness of the performance of kata, for example, if in the flow of information at the moment it is about kata. What conclusions can be made of all this.

First, in the event that the instructor will allow yourself to conduct an occupation in a bad mood or with poor well-being, when it has problems with focusing when he overcomes negative emotions - children instantly feel. It will be impossible to manage a group of children of younger school age. What can be advised in this case? Away - bad mood, away - bad emotions, all home problems - outside the hall. In addition, the instructor must have the highest level of self-control - it should be a master in using the energy of his own body "KI" in class. And, it should be noted, it should also show the appropriate example for children - to learn to control emotions.

Secondly, learning children is necessary solely individually - given their peculiarities of perception, personal characteristics, the existing level of physical training and age features. Each child needs to devote a sufficient amount of attention - only then there will be an effect and result (Bishop, M. Okinawa karate. M.: Iiris-Press, 1997. P.69-120).

What is the difference between children's perception from an adult. Children's perception, in contrast to an adult, is characterized by brightness, that is, freshness (inappropriateness). What does this phenomenon mean? And the fact that the child has no incomplete, which came from the outside of the world perception of the world - and therefore he has no templates. The child has not yet established the connection between perceived pictures (actions, phenomena), so the world is unusual for him, amazing and somewhere even strange. Absolutely any new images of a child capture, he is incredibly interested in all that happens around him - simple and difficult. Any images that arose in front of the child are literally "imprinted" in its memory - firmly and firmly.

For comparison: Remember yourself - what is remembered, it is best cut into memory? What amazes is surprising is impressive - something unusual, non-standard, out of a series of won. And what is accompanied by strong emotion. As for the child, it is literally everything is surprised, and all this is accompanied by stormy emotions. That is why any new impressions of the child are bright. And if something has already been explained if he already knows something, then it is this phenomenon that he has a lesser degree of interest, or does not cause anything at all. In children's perception, templates are in memory very quickly and firmly (Mikryukov V.Yu. Encyclopedia Karate.PB .: All, 2013.c.112-136).

It is noticed: unproductive occupied classes from those instructors who are doing one and the same thing every time - the same movement is the same, in the same sequence, in the same form and so on. With children it is unacceptable, because unproductive. Although, subsequently, when learning, the netokan testing of movements to automatism will be needed anyway, but it is already in children older children and, rather, adolescents, and not in young students. At the stage of working with children of younger school age, no template working out will benefit - the children will stop walking, because they will lose interest. Or will go, but everyone will do formally, not as it should, because it will seem to them that they "all already know", they will be bored.

And yet - about this, then you need to say - you constantly need to return to the past, otherwise there will be no memorization and consolidation. But each time you need to submit to some new form, with some changes, so that it looks like a new way, and to cause an emotional response and surprise again and again. The instructor of children of younger school age will have to be very tried to achieve results with such children.

Thirdly, you need to always check whether a particular pattern laid the child correctly. If the template is laid incorrectly - this is a big interference in further work. How to check? It is necessary to put a child in such conditions so that when performing a particular movement (impact or block), it has been forced to control its actions. The wrong template will result in incorrect implementation (Kochergin, A.N. Introduction to the school of combat karate. P. 77-110).

For example, if a child demonstrating "Mae Geri Keaga" (a straight punchy kick for ahead), the leg in the knee does not bend - it is recommended to create an obstacle in front of him (for example, to put a bench), or to plant the other (at some distance) of another Child is a partner. And so that the child, fearing obstacles, did not go back - the wall should be behind him. But then he will be forced to bend the knee as follows, waving his foot.

This is called "breakdown of the template and laying a new one." As already noted, nettingan is not just a kind of sports martial arts, it is a philosophy that requires understanding. Only understanding will speed up the execution and create a situation of correct memorization. A well-structured thinking process in humans allows him to be successful in the netokan. Children who have more developed by the perception of "technical" to train is easier than "Humanitarians", since the accuracy of thinking is needed in the netokan. Approximate in Karate is unacceptable (Zakharov O.E. Technique of applying strikes. Photo: Litres, 2012.c.45-76).

When working with children, a method of gradual reflection, which occurs during the execution process is quite effective. The gradual understanding becomes the result of multiple repetitions. But, again, repeats should be with some kind of novelty. In this complexity. Therefore, of course, teach teens is much easier than children of preschool and even children of younger school age. And a lot more time you have time to devote to breaking old templates.

In order for the child's learning process, some more or less complicated actions moved from place, the child should be able to:

Control your own attention

Control their own actions that, by the way, should be coordinated with the actions of the instructor,

Understand what he does (and the formedity of the conceptual apparatus depends on the experience),

Logically think (for this skill, by the time of classes, there should already be formed large hemispheres of the brain, well, to think, and not to use ready-made templates, teaches the instructor),

To be able to control the will and intentions (such skills are achieved exclusively by upbringing and self-education).

Without all the listed skills, training will be impossible, so it is necessary to work with the child, forming in it everything necessary for the assimilation of the complex material subsequently. And this process, it is worth noting, rather long and time-consuming (Ivanov-Katansky S.A. Practical combat karate.m.: Fair-press, 2001.c.143-199).

1.2.2 Development of technical techniques in children of younger school age in karate nets

The net satellite is called art, but the child, engaged in the net satellite, most likely, exercises in it, which is mastered by art. That is, the child in the classes seizes the exercises forming this martial art and mastering the exercises apply to the study of more complex kata. This is the acquisition of basic knowledge, primancy. At the same time, no Master Metopan Using Base Technology does not hold - for battle, other speeds are used, another rhythm, other trajectories. It turns out that the child a priori is still no fighter - does not own enough information.

It is known that the technique in Netokan is not associated with "natural movements" - those that are committed in everyday life, which are based on the usual coordination (Kochergin, A.N. Introduction to the School of Combat Karate. P. 77).

Children are poorly coordinated - no wonder they are splashing, things drop, the foreheads split. Little deft children are completely small. And the technique of karate netsan to children - their body - especially unusual. Although, from the point of view of biodynamics, the movements of this art are optimal. Any blows to the netokan are the result of long workouts, but in no case natural movements. Impact technique in the netokan must be developed, and for greater efficiency of this process and need special summarizing exercises. What is mastered by children (Bishop, M. Okinawska karate. P. 15-48). All techniques, when working with the child, it is necessary to "put". Technique strikes with legs, technique of blocking movements, displacement techniques and rack technique. This is a fairly grave work, but when coordination becomes a thing of the usual, all movements will look as if they are natural, and not trained. Thus, naturalness is a consequence of the training (ENOAD, K. Higher Kata Schotokan. St. Petersburg: Zlatoust, 2003. P. 19).

As already mentioned, the template is a big interference and the "enemy" of Karate nets. And with children at this moment there are many more problems than with adults. Why? Because adult his templates are able to realize, and the child has no such skill. Here the instructor comes to the rescue, who does everything for the child. The instructor has to use a number of special exercises that will help form new types of movement. The danger is that "wrong motions" tightly and instantly "stick" to the child - then the movement is no longer conscious and uncontrollable. Pretty laboriously, then wean a child from the usual wrong movement. In this regard, all the basic movements in the Netokan must be learned with the guys separately. It is also necessary to organize the trajectory control in the intervals. Special exercises are used to synchronize all parts of the body.

It should be noted that for children of younger school age, the most difficult is the volitional control over the movements of such peripheral parts of the body, like brush hands and feet. Many children of the limbs (since the wrists - hands and lower legs - legs) as if they exist on themselves, children do not know how to own these parts of the body, do not feel them. And if the instructor does not pay this time enough attention, then many basic technicians will become unavailable or he will master it wrong.

The instructor's task is to teach children that there is a spent scheme of performing movements, but also exist and specific optionsthat depend on one or another situations. In the absence of understanding of this, the child may have problems with the variable application of various techniques that differ from the base option.

This approach is applicable to kata, which, in no case, cannot be confused with templates. They are more often compared with hieroglyphs. And the hieroglyph is what includes several semantic layers. Kata also has exactly a variety of semantic layers. To cope with kata technically correctly, intelligently and competently, you need to be engaged in a netting agent enough time.

1.3 Means of teaching children of younger school age shock techniques of feet in karate nets

1.3.1 Foot techniques in karate nets - species. General concepts

Before talking about the means of learning children of younger school age, drum techniques of Karate's foot scenes, consider these techniques in more detail.

Geri (that is, kicks) - these are the strongest receptions of karate nets. Any other martial arts differ also types of sports from karate in that there is no shock technician in their program. And, meanwhile, gery is needed in battle, since with their help, the blow produces a more powerful effect, rather than a punch with hands. Provided that the feet receptions are finalized to automatism, a lot of time and time is spent on them.

Two types of kicks are two types: Kekomi and Keaga - they differ in the way of performing movement. Kekomy is a blow to the extension of the leg in the knee, and Keaga is the movement up the foot (Bishop, M. Okinawska karate. C. 1-35).

Now in more detail about the differences in kicks.

If we talk about the technique, you can divide my legs to penetrating, bogging and flying,

There are differences in the level of raising legs - high (to the level of the head and neck), on the average level (to the level of the torsha) and low (at the level of legs and hip bones),

There are also differences in the direction of impact - to the side, back, forward, circular back and circular forward, on the arc outside and inside,

Boots are performed:

a) from the low position - that is, from the position lying, sitting or standing on his knees,

b) from the position, standing on one leg,

c) in the jump.

In addition, kicks can be picked up to blows at the place of holding: shiven, knee, outer heel, the base of the heel, the outer side and the inner side of the foot, the base of the foot.

As already mentioned, kicks have a greater force than shocks with hands, it is, first of all, with a greater muscular mass feet.

When hitting the legs (unlikely by hand), the balance of the body is of great importance, this is due to the fact that the body weight is transferred from one foot to another. If the equilibrium was lost during the body transfer, the blow strength is reduced. Moreover, the enemy can take advantage of your lowestoreness and capture your foot, and after performing a throw. And all - you are defeated. Working with young children to perspective, given what sooner or later - at an older age and with better preparation - they will take part in battle, you need to work on their skill - tolerate body weight correctly. As for the correctness of the strike: the body should be in a vertical position, then the blow will be quite strong and fast.

To teach younger school children to keep balance, it is necessary to teach them to keep the ankle and the foot of the support leg in tension, and close the armpits. Without a latter role, the thigh plays the thigh, which gives additional load to the leg and foot. And the knee should straighten like a spring. To teach to neutralize the push, you need to work on the skill to put the supporting leg on the soil completely, and the ankle of the support leg to strain the most firmly as possible. It is also necessary to work out that the push is absorbed by the anklet, the thigh or knee of the support leg. The body should be equilibrium relative to the soil (Malyavin, V.V. Martial Arts: China, Japan. M.: Agraf, 2005. P. 155-200).

For the maximum effect from hitting the foot, it is worth a blow to the whole body, and not only one foot. So that the child understands how it is to be explained by words and show on the example. Visales and audies will digest this way, and for kinestics will have to make efforts and, as it was advised before, to approach and with him in unison to do an exercise. To achieve a better effect, it is necessary to push the thigh completely throughout the impact.

And be sure to teach, after hitting, dramatically return the foot back so as not to allow the enemy to make it capture. After returning the foot, it should instantly be ready for the next attack. The coach (Malyavin, V.V. Martial Arts: China, Japan is also working on this skill. P. 136).

1.3.2 The most popular kicks in Netokan

Mae Geri - hit forward. Such a blow is carried out by three stages. At first, the legs are produced, which is needed to avoid injury to the fighter to avoid injuries - do not damage when hitting the knee or about the enemy's thigh your own fingers. Next is the transfer of the knee. The same blow can be produced in solar plexus, the stomach, in the case of a good stretching - the opponent's head. This is a rather powerful blow that the children of younger school age are not forces.

Mavashi Geri - kick the foot on the side. Twenty types of such a strike (options). It all depends on the height of the impact and the status of the muscles (as far as they are stretched). Depending on this, the blow can be applied on the head, by the hip or by the case. In Mavashi, Geri lack there are no circular movements, characteristic of other Chinese styles, is a linear movement and application. Such impacts are typical of hard blocks and dynamic transitions, all movements, while economical (and the efficiency of movements is characteristic of all techniques of karate netsAn).

Yoko Geri - a blow to the heel. For such a strike, it is necessary to almost completely press the knee at the time of its execution. At no fulfillment this conditionThe blow will not reach the power.

In addition, the thigh takes part in the strike. The blow can be applied to the highest point (to the head level) - it is with a good stretching (Gorbilev A.M. Master Karate in Black Moscow. Dodze, 2003. -№5.s.28-32).

1.3.3 Training tools to shock techniques

For teaching children of younger school age, Karate's foot techniques should be made of branded tools. First, a successful and convenient place for training. Secondly, - and this should be paid to special attention - for the effective assimilation of the material, a well-prepared coach is needed. Coach who takes into account age, personal and other child features. Flexible and skillful coach. In addition to the knowledge of the perfection of the shock technician themselves, the coach must still have a sufficient number of knowledge about children's psychology (Funakoshi, Introduction to Karate-up. M.: Eksmo, 2009. P. 12).

In his work on teaching such eastern martial arts as a netogen, when working out the technique of the legs, the main pedagogical task is to form a harmoniously developed personality. To solve so much a high task, the coach itself needs to be a moral and moral ideal for the child. Foot technicians are studied not as a separate component, but in a number of all other techniques. So better for mastering the material of the material. Do not forget about the "novelty effect" and constant repeatance passed.

Other funds in teaching young children technician Netzan's feet is persistence and motivation (with whom children are not very well added to relationships), upbringing respect for the enemy and to the coach. Thus, almost all means for learning are intangible in nature.

With the help of the special qualities of the nature of the coach in the child, spiritual and moral qualities are formed, which, as a rule, are ahead of the physical development of the child. Engaged in the production of foot techniques, you need, first of all, to invest in his mind and the heart that blows feet are a powerful and effective "weapon" in the netican, which, in connection with this, should not be made to the detriment and outside the sports Hall.

As the Master Martial Arts Masuthasa Oyama said: "Karate - there is a way of life, and the purpose of such a path is to realize the potential human capabilities - physical and spiritual. In the event that the spiritual side was not taken into account, it is meaningless physical education. "

Because Karate Netzan declares itself as the "human life philosophy", the spiritual and moral development of the child in the process of his comprehension is given great attention. "The house of pegless pines" - how the netting is translated is a compound of three unity: the symbol of light (pine), the forces of character and creative strength (the fruits of the tree). What is the philosophy of "pegless pines"?

Another confusion attributed a pine extraordinary resistance in any situations and natural cataclysms. Drying pine is simultaneously, both flexibility and stability, and resistance - what causes respect. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that in the karate classes, the nets is paid special attention to the technique of foot blows, since it is when performing these techniques that the pine is most likely to lose this very stability, which is characteristic of the pine, - you can fall or allow the enemy to turn yourself.

In addition to stability in Netokan, attention is paid to strength, dexterity, speed and endurance, and without the formation of such qualities, as respect, compassion, cordiality, kindness - the use of knowledge of the net satellite can lead to it in evil. Incorrect understanding - for which the knowledge of the net satellite can lead to improper construction of children's relations with the world around them and with peers.

One of the means of mastering children of the younger school age, the technician Netsoke is the assimilation of the twenty commandments, which laid the founder of the direction of Hitchin Funakoshi. This is a kind of moral principles of all the teachings that children should learn primarily.

Here are some of the commandments of Ni-Dzu-Kun (Enoee, K. Higher Kata Schotokan. P. 109):

1. Karate nets and aggression is incompatible.

2. Go along the path of justice.

3. First, know yourself, then you can know others.

4. Spirit - first of all, and only after - technique.

5. Mind per minute of battle must be free.

6. Any troubles from unbright.

8. try on the scene of the opponent.

The coach is needed from the smallest years to instill with students an understanding of what, engaged in the nets, they do not just master the technique of the legs or some other technique, but, in addition, they still know such concepts as nobility, the power of the Spirit and the desire for the beautiful.

Among the latest means of teaching technicians, the nets can be noted the ethical charter or the Codex of the fighter, which in one of the items is reading: "Training should begin and finish the trial bowl before the opponent." The fundamental in the upbringing of Karates is the education of a polite, courteous and self-respecting fighter. It is etiquette MetaCan (Plfulger, A. Shotokan Karate-up: 27 kata in schemes and drawings for certification and competition. P. 13).

Thus, the peculiarities of learning children of younger school age by shocking techniques of legs to karate Net signed in the fact that during training it is necessary for a solid and multi-step approach. First of all, it is necessary before the start of workouts to help the child to penetrate the spirit of this type of art, it is necessary to give it theoretical information, Some concepts. Such, for example, as respect for the opponent, empathy, respect for the coach, reverence of laws and rules in Netokan and more. And the work on the assimilation of the technician of the strike should be very careful, reminding to children how dangerous such techniques are, if they are not useful (Nakaka, M. Karate dynamics: the textbook of the legendary master. P. 105).

The coach itself needs to be an order of magnitude higher in his skills and knowledge, as well as in moral and ethical education. It is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of the development of children of primary school age, about the peculiarities of their perception and assimilation of information. In addition, the coach develops physical talents data, for example, flexibility, joint mobility, it works on their intellectual development.

One of the fundamental funds in teaching children of younger school age to the technicians of the Netzan's feet is the fantasy of the coach. A good coach will show a variety in his classes, preparing for the guys such a program that it is always interesting for them. In order for each movement to cause a sea of \u200b\u200bnew impressions and emotions - only then classes will become effective. It should be borne in mind that the nets is not possible to study (comprehend) for compressed segments of time - the netokan will have to devote several years of life. Well, the youngest school age is the time when the child is open to everything new, and this is the time when it is necessary to invest the basic knowledge of the net satellite - that is, the primary art.

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Outleal is very good in my opinion about the teaching of kids karate.

Before talking about the possibility or impossibility of learning to the style karate of small children under the age of 7, let's try to figure out what is a stylist karate as an object of study, which is a child as a subject of learning and what it differs in this regard from an adult.
Karate is one of the Japanese self-defense systems. The basis of the technical arsenal karate is blows with hands and legs, but along with this uses the technique of throws (Naga-Vase), painful effects on the joints (kansetsu-vase), shocks on the vital points of the human body, etc.
Over the ages of the formation and practice of karate, combat art was transformed into combat art by synthesizing technology with philosophical, ethical and aesthetic principles, on which Japanese culture was based.
Leaving aside philosophical and ethical aspects, let's talk about the technique. Karate classes, as a rule, begin with training technique. All karate technique is based on the sharpness of the movement and at the concentration of energy at the right moment, which gives the blow to the blow. Movements should be energy-efficient and optimal from the point of view of biodynamics. To work out this type of movements, it is necessary not only to understand their mechanism, but also breaking the teaching of motor stereotypes to study.

The karate training program consists of three mandatory sections: Kikhon, Kata and Kuchite.
Kikhon is a basic attacking and protective movements and combinations based on various movement techniques from kata.
Kata - formalized complexes, the execution of which in karate is standardized.
Kuchite - Exercise with partner, fight with the enemy.
All three sections are studied in parallel. Step up the student in the style of karate can a person, not only physically well-prepared (trained), but also has developed intelligence and certain character traits. Effective and fast fast karate training process may be in the event that it is capable of remembered not only to memorization, but also to analyzing and self-correction.

Ordinary children, no shorterkinds (and such an overwhelming majority), and it is them that we teach karate, are not capable of complex logical constructions. Their level of thinking is called a denucica. They perceive only specifics. If you want perception little child It was clear, i.e. So that he remembers all the details, the amount of information offered to him should be very small. The child remembers the information figuratively, so it must be represented by it in a convenient form. What exactly depends on the method of perceiving a particular child. This method can be established by observing or special testing to identify modality (method of perception and memorization).
According to the method of perception and memorization, people - including small children, in whom this is especially expressed - are divided into so-called visuals (perceived mainly visually memorable images), audials (perceived mainly from words memorizing a speech image), and kinesthetics (perceived mainly through movement, with well-developed "muscle" memory). There is also a fourth group - discreters who do not belong to any of these groups, but there are few of them, and in their practice we did not come across.
When classes are held in the group, the owners of different modalities will always be in this group. Therefore, in the karate classes, it is necessary not only to show, but also to describe each movement in words. At the same time, you need to use a clear child image. If someone from children still does not understand anything and does everything wrong, then, most likely, in front of you, the kineeter. It is necessary to approach him, correctly put his legs and make it hands or legs the desired movement, let him feel like the muscles work. Be sure to show and give the opportunity to feel for which this movement is needed. If the movement is well felt, the kineetetic will remember it very firmly, even better than a visual or audio, despite the fact that "comes" to him slower.
The difference in modalities is one of the reasons why the karate can be engaged in the karate productively only in small groups - no more than 10 people per instructor. Almost every child requires personal attention and an individual approach.
It is much easier to train an adult who has a conceptual apparatus, the logic is developed and the ability to structure the material that can manage his attention (yes, by the way, small children do not know how and this, and their attention has to be managed for them), which has motivation to Learning (in children, motivation is rarely, at best, it has parents. And the child just suddenly "wanted". And after an hour "it turned out") and the volitional control (there is no choice (there is no help in his messenger, there is only a mood that the learning has to create ). In addition, the adult himself knows what he needs to be done to remember the information - he has already intuitively developed a memorization technique corresponding to the peculiarities of his perception. Therefore, an adult can offer a large material for the assimilation. For the same reason, classes with adults can last about two hours, and with babies - usually no more than an hour. Most of the lesson should pass in the form of games, the information load should be increased gradually.
The child perceives the information holistic. For example, a very small child may not understand the words addressed to him, but the general meaning of the appeal is most likely to understand. The fact is that the main part of the information is incorrect, i.e. In addition to words. Adult, thanks to his experience of verbal communication, it begins to comprehend the words themselves first. And the baby will first perceive the intonation, facial expressions, television, pose (so-called, "body hieroglyph"), voice timbre, etc. And immediately will understand what the adult will reach some time later. For example, "this uncle pretends angry, and in fact - kind", or - "aunt wants to seem good, and in fact - bad." Not because the child is so smart, and adults are fools, but because it is not capable of analyzing another layer of information. A specially trained adult can also analyze the non-verbal part of the information, but, unlike the child, interacting with this process.
From this you can draw the following conclusions.

First: If the instructor comes to a children's group in a bad mood, or feels bad, can not focus, experiencing negative emotions, children instantly feel it, and it will be impossible to manage the group. Therefore, self-control instructor who leads classes with young children should be perfect.
Second: Small children who have not yet developed a sufficiently speech apparatus - i.e. Up to 4 years of age - you can, of course, learn easy things, including and prepare for karate classes. But such preparation can only be carried out individually.

Children's perception is different, as is known, brightness. We say: freshness of perception. Let's try to analyze this phenomenon. What does this mean - the brightness and freshness of perception? In fact, everything is quite simple. The child has no picture of the world, which is essentially a template. Including - template perception. Between the perceived images and phenomena, the child has not yet established connections, so the world seems strange, surprising, exciting interesting, so the images are literally imprinted in memory. Remember yourself: What are you remembered best? What is surprised and amazing. What is accompanied by severe emotion. So, the child surprises everything and everything is accompanied by emotions. Therefore, his impressions are bright. But what the child is already knowing what it is, about which he was explained that it was "that something and that," ceases to cause interest and attract attention. In childhood, templates add up very quickly, and they are extremely durable.
Therefore, Firstly, In any case, one and the same exercise in the same form can repeat with young children in any case - you simply don't make children do it, they will perform it purely formally, since already "everyone knows" and They are not interested.
Secondly, I still need to constantly return to the past, showing the children that they know not all - preferably in such a form to cause surprise or emotional response in children.
Thirdly, If the child has already developed an incorrect template, for example, performing any movement, it is necessary to put it in such conditions in which it will not be able to use this template and will be forced to control its actions. For example, if a child performing Mae-Geri Keaga (a bunch foot forward), does not bended his leg in the knee, you can put an obstacle (bench) or to plant a partner at a certain distance, while so that the child can move back - for example So that the wall be behind the back. Then, in order not to cling to the obstacle, he will be forced to bend the knee when Maha's foot.
Karate, as we said, does not apply to simple disciplines. Conference greatly facilitates and speeds up the execution and memorization of movements. The better the person's thinking is structured, the easier it is to teach him karate. People with technical education to teach karate is easier than humanitarians, probably due to the accuracy of thinking. No approximation in karate is unacceptable.
Another method is widely used: gradual understanding in the process of execution, as a result of multiple repetitions. In other words, "do as long as you will not understand." But in any case, in order to learn karate, understanding is necessary whether it will be the starting point or appear as a result.
In order for the child "to go" the learning process more or less complex actions, it is necessary to have:

  • attention control (it must be raised)

Control of their actions and consistency with the actions of the instructor of the conceptual apparatus (it must be formed, and for this, the child needs experience) of logical thinking (the large hemispheres of the brain must pass the formation process, in addition, the child needs to be able to learn how to think, and not use ready-made patterns - What is easier) of volitional control, or management of intention (achieved by upbringing and self-education)

Without this, training is impossible to teach complex subjects. The integrity of perception and brightness of impressions is wonderful. But without an understanding of relationships, without the ability to differentiate and integrate - in other words, to split into the components and make an integer out of parts, without the ability to focus anything in the head will not meet. Therefore, the child's learning accounted for. Due to the peculiarities of children's perception and thinking, the training of children is a process much more time-consuming and long-term than adult training.
Karate called art. Of course, it is possible to call the art of a 5-year-old picture drawings, but even if he is talented, you do not put them in one row, say, with the "ninth shaft" Aivazovsky. Rather, they can be called exercises in drawing. Similarly, we are engaged in children not karate as such, and undercover and formative exercises, including basic technology. Because the basic technique in karate is essentially also forming exercises. None of the highly qualified karate specialists do not hold the basic technology - for this you need other trajectories, speeds and rhythm.
Karate can in some way to consider science. The science, which a person adapts not only to his mind, but also to his body. And at the same time adapts to it: teaches her body to work on science.
Any instructor of the style karate knows that the technique nor in late nor at an early age is not achieved by the "naturalness of the movement". Natural movements for a child, as well as for any person - those he used to perform in his daily life preceding Karate classes. That is, movements with coordination familiar to it. And the usual coordination in many kids is such that they and a spoon to mouth cannot convey, not splashing.
There are, of course, children, deft from nature, unfortunately, their minority, but coordination of karate movements for children is completely unusual, although it is optimal from the point of view of biodynamics. For example, a straight arm hand is a workout product, not a natural movement. The technique of such a strike has to be manufactured using special summarizing exercises. Similarly, it is necessary to "put" technique of racks, movements, shocks of legs, blocking movements, etc. It is a difficult work, and for a child, and for the instructor. But when the coordination of Karate becomes the usual, movement and look, and are felt more natural than the person narnative. This applies to any type of specialized activity. So it turns out that naturalness is a product of training. And spontaneity - the result of naturalness.
Karate classes greatly interferes with the pattern. With children in this regard, there are more problems than with adults. We may argue: how so? After all, the adult always has a lot of templates, he saved them for his life so much that the child did not dream. And nevertheless it is. Because an adult can realize their templates and consciously replace them or transform, and the child is not capable of it. Everything has to make an instructor for him, you have to use many special exercises to form new types of movements. In this case, the wrong templates "stick" to the child instantly, and if there is a template - the movement ceases to be conscious and is not amenable to control. Meeting a child from the incorrect fulfillment has already become familiar to him - the occupation is very laborious. Therefore, all basic movements are learned with sections for separation, with intermediate phases and control on each trajectory site. With the help of special exercises, the work of all parts of the body is synchronized.
For kids, there is always a particularly difficult volitional control over the movements of the peripheral parts of the body - the hands and feet feet. Most children have hands from wrists to the tips of the fingers and legs below the legs exist as it were for themselves, children need to be taught to feel these muscles and arbitrarily manage them. If the instructor does not pay attention to this, most basic techniques will be performed incorrectly.
The instructor should understand and teach this children that there is a scheme for performing movements, but there are specific options depending on situations. Otherwise, in the future, the child will have problems with the variable application of technology and with the perception of various modifications different from the base option.
The same approach should be produced in children and in relation to kata (specialized formalized exercises), which in no case cannot be considered a template. Rather, they can be compared with hieroglyphs.
The hieroglyph is a symbol encompacing several semantic layers. Similarly, a variety of semantic layers - methods of interpretation and application - has every kata. Without engaged in karate N-number of years and not adapting this and all previous kata to their body and mind, it is impossible to learn how to perform it correctly - i.e. Signally and technically competently. The meaningful and technically competent execution of Kata is an understanding that kata in karate is not an anachronism, but the method of teaching biodynamic principles of karate, plastic and rhythm.
Despite the fact that Karate can not be attributed to ordinary things, you can, you need to do with young children.
First, acting carefully, it is possible to significantly develop and improve the natural data of the child - for example, the flexibility, the mobility of the joints.
Secondly, it is possible to correct the shortcomings of its coordination and adjust the defects of the development of its musculoskeletal system, for this there are special exercises.
Thus, you can save a child from physical disadvantages that would impose restrictions on its technique. At a later age of this kind, the disadvantages have to compensate, using more accessible techniques from the karate arsenal.
You can also master the basic technique with the child and learn the simplest student kata. It will take 3 -4 years (adult - 1 year), but this will create prerequisites for rapid progress in the future. For a child who is engaged long ago (several years), karate coordination becomes usual, i.e. natural; In addition, a very important skill is produced - fast and meaningful absorption of new coordination
The child learns to breathe correctly, which is also very important for karate, as well as quickly move from the tension of the muscles to their relaxation, and vice versa. Children are usually more relaxed than adults, so if they have a good technique, they have the speed of movements higher than in adults. To train Schotokan Karate, where the whole equipment is built at speed, coordination and concentration at the right moment, it is advisable to use.

In addition, the sessions of the style karate under the guidance of a qualified instructor stimulate mental development in children - it's teach to focus, develop memory, teach a child to use the features and compensate for the shortcomings of the representative of the Representation (method of information perception), lead from stereotypical thinking, develop as a logical, so and creative thinking, etc.

Students with stylistic karate affect the formation of the nature of the child - he becomes more confident, learns restraint, self-control, purposefulness. The child will understand that respect for others can be achieved only by labor and adequate behavior. It was noted that in the children's group, the greatest authority does not have those children who are trying to attract attention to themselves - there are just not taken seriously - and the most diligent and at the same time calm, who have the best technique.
We constantly repeat the words "stylistic karate". All of the above does not apply to the so-called "simply" karate, "extrastantle" karate-to, "contact" karate, Russian karate, etc. You can understand the karate in different ways and give it different definitions, but the basic principles of karate must be observed, otherwise it will not be karate.
If the child does regularly and sufficient time, the result is always there, regardless of the source data. Qualitative changes are usually manifested after a year of classes. Sustainable results can be achieved in 2.5 - 3 years.

Under the results, we mean first of all - a significant increase in traineum (which is due to the departure from the usual stereotypes of perception, thinking and movement, the development of attention control), then the possession of basic technology, an increase in mental stability, correction of behavior. Most children in order for the result to be pronounced, additional individual classes are required, well, if the instructor has the ability to conduct them.

Regarding the feasibility of classes of martial arts at an early age, you can add the following. First of all, it is necessary to determine the parents - what they want for their child. If they want him to grow up healthy, smart, has become plastic, learned to self-regulation and exercises that he can do to maintain health and good shape all his life, has become calmer and confident, then the child needs to be given in the style karate to a good instructor (not champion). From the classroom of the child's health and intelligence, you know, do not addly (I have, for example, information that about 80% of boxing sports masters are registered in psychiatric dispensaries), and no one will take a child in boxing from 5 years . In general, children are usually taken from 10 to 14 years old, and not all, but only "promising". The method of training athlete is built on the development of natural qualities, and not on the upbringing of the necessary.
It seems to us, it is more expedient to teach a child to what he can do all his life. Style karate do not end to engage in the cause of "age unsuitability". If it has ceased to participate in competitions, this does not mean that he has ceased to be improved in the technique. In general, there is no direct dependence between progress in karate and participation in competition. Huge benefit and pleasure from the karate classes can be obtained at any age, while the carat's classes do not interfere, but contribute to mental activity. All famous masters Karate lived a long life - by their conviction, thanks to Karate classes - and practiced Karate all his life. Modern major masters, such as Kanzava, Asai, Enoned, Kaz, Kenneth Funakoshi and others, in this regard are no different from them. But former athletes (all athletes inevitably eventually become former) usually do not boast of good well-being, and besides well-being, they have a lot of problems.

Technique learning karate.

Karate Shotokan is a system of holistic, universal and constantly developing. It is based on philosophical views and ethical principles, which in the modern world retain their value, allowing you to perceive karate not just as a system of self-defense or sport, but as a lifestyle. This style of karate can be practiced by people of any age and gender, as well as any level of initial physical training.

Methods for teaching karate in antiquity significantly differed from modern. Training was not massacre and was usually carried out inside the family. Thus, we can talk about the existence of family schools.

Karate was trained through the development of kata - formalized complexes - the method of direct transmission of knowledge from the master to the student. For the study of one kata usually went about 5 years. Such methods and the pace of training in no way satisfy the modern requirements. Consequence of changes in the conditions in which the karate existed and developed by natural historical processes was the formation of a new approach to karate training.

The beginning of the creation of a modern methodology of training Karate can be attributed by 1903, when the famous Master Yasuzne ITOS was able to openly teach karate in educational institutions as an educational discipline.

Master Gichin Funakoshi successfully introduced karate to Cayo Universities, Vazed, Stoday, Takushoku, Chuo, Gakusha, Jose and others. A few years after that, many educational institutions of Japan supported this initiative.

The most common in Japan and beyond Karate Schotokan thanks to the efforts of Professor and Director of Physical Education to the University of Takushoku, the chief instructor of the Japanese Association Karate, the owner of 9 Dana Karate - Masatosh Nakayma. It was developed by the optimal method of teaching karate, not based on the outstanding physical student's physical data, and therefore successfully used to teach students. He also owns the main merit in the development of karate as a system of sports training. No wonder the term "karate-up", proposed by Gichin Funakoshi and approved by the instructor instructors headed by M. Nakakova, became synonymous with sports karate. In addition to Schotokan, the method of Nakayama was adopted and took the basis of many other styles karate, which went beyond the "family" schools.

The basis of the teaching methodology of Karate Schotokan is the principle of graduality - from simple to complex. In the times of family schools, before Karate came out of isolation, training, as mentioned above, began with the study of kata. There were no student kata. The first studied kata in school was Kanca give (now it enters the program 2 ku, brown belt).

When the karate training has gained a massive nature, a different method was required. Therefore, the Master ITOS and Azato developed the Kata Hayan complex - simplified student kata, through the study of which the student is preparing for the perception of a mid-level kata. Master Gichin Funakoshi, who faced the training of schoolchildren's karate technique after introducing karate to the mandatory program of secondary schools in Okinawa, even more simplified the learning process and developed Kata Taikhuka - Complexes for beginners, as well as kikhon - complexes consisting of basic techniques. Gichin Funakoshi allocated basic movements from kata (forming exercises) to work out separately. On this path - the details of the technique - in the end, all schools went, dealing with a large number of students, despite the fact that at the beginning of the retreat from the traditional method of study, many protest caused.

Currently, the main components of the Karate training program are Kikhon, Kata and Kuchite. They can be attributed to another renduse-vase - complexes for kuchite. But they do not enter the program of most sports clubs karate, as in the sports duel - Shiai-kut hug - do not apply.

Consider the composite parts of the karate training program.

Kata - an integral part of the karate training program

"The most important thing in karate is a kata. They collected together the technique of sewn and attacks. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand the meaning of each movement and fulfill it correctly. Passion only free fight and ignoring kata will never lead to true progress in Karate"

Ma. c.atoshi Nakayama

The study and practice of kata is the main method of learning. Kata carry a spiritual aspect of karate practice and represent a series of movements consisting of a logically located in a certain sequence of protection and attack techniques, the execution of which should be brought to perfection.

Practicing Kata, Karatek studies rhythm, coordination, balance, principles of use of force, a large number of technology for self-defense and self-discipline.

Through the study of the Buncay Kata (testing of kata elements with a partner) karatek, hesitates a sense of distance and timing and is improved in the coordination of the movements necessary in combating several opponents.

For each kata there are several buckcay options. The execution adopted in this school depends on what buckan is considered basic. But in any embodiment, the performance should be natural and real, as well as emotionally filled.

Attempts due to the growth of the popularity of Karate and the arrival in the karate of athletes from other martial art types to simplify the kata and perform them in a "average" manner convenient for themselves or in general to bring kata from the curriculum transform the karate into the usual set of primitive techniques, which "passes" Competitions. Such karate differs from kickboxing only by the title.

Kata historically arose as a method of "oral memorization" of a complex of technology and transfer it from generation to generation in the learning process.

The systematic, regular and meaningful performance of Kata contributes to the development of a sense of space, allows you to improve lateral vision, polishing canonical techniques, affects the level of psychological training, makes it possible to work out the technique, which is dangerous with a partner.

The moments of the transition from one position to the other are of great importance to the other, to which students often do not pay due attention. It is in these transitions that the technique and the tactics of the battle are laid. Often, students do not understand that positions are the static, and the transition from the position to position is the dynamics of the battle.

Kata, one can say, are dynamic meditation, they pay special attention to proper breathing and focusing. And it is not by chance, because It is generally recognized that it is breathing that is a genuine secret of eastern martial arts.

The study of karate is a long and difficult process, and the main result of these classes is manifested with age when a person has physical strength decreases, but technical skills remains, which can be improved, practicing kata.

Classification of Kata

All kata can be classified according to the following features:

By technical level:

1. Student Kata. These include Taikhuek complexes and Heian 1 - 5.

2. Kata of the mid-level: Texts Stodan, Basai-Dai, Dzion, Kanca Dai, Hangenets, Empi, Texts Nidan, Kanca sho, Bassay-sho, Jitte, Chinte, Tekka Sandan.

3. Higher Kata: Hancaku, Sochika, Nijyashiho, Vankan, Dzin, Make, Godjyuno-sho, Godjyusho-Dai, OVSU.

4. Special kata. This also includes special forms of kata.

By intended purpose:

1. Kata intended for physical development and strengthen bones and muscles.

These kata are performed slowly, with full muscular voltage and powerful breathing.ibuki. By appearance They are simple, but require complete concentration and self-control.

2. Kata intended for the development of fast reflexes and the ability to move quickly.

Lightning movements in these kata cause a fast flight of swallows. These kata are performed at the speed of struggle.

All kata must be performed with the correct coordination and the specified rhythm. At the same time, fast movements are sometimes found in Kata of the 1st group, and the 2nd group is slow.

Kata combining different methodological principles are used.

All outlined concerns the basic version of the execution of these exercises (OMOT).

In training purposes, special options for the performance of kata are applied, allowing to gradually master:

Movements with different rhythm and tempo

Various form of execution of equipment

Various breathing methods

Breathing coordinated with complex movements

Here are meant as options for the individual execution of kata - for example,cono, Hurray, Cono-Hur and other special types of performance - both group execution of kata with partners.

In Kata of the 1st group, a natural breathing is used by the belly, where the active phase is exhale, and the breath is made reflexively in the preparatory and intermediate movements. Breathing should be hidden, invisible to the enemy, except for individual moments ("Kiai") in exhalation. In a state of Kiai, the highest concentration of human psychophysical forces is achieved.

To master the coherence of respiration with the movement, preparatory forms of kata execution aimed at developing harmony between breathing and movement in which breathing can voiced. The student learns to control his breathing when performing various movements, achieving their highest speed and power. Such forms are used by the bowl of all when the simplest kata is mastered.

The study of kata with different rhythm of breathing and movement is also very important for the phased solution of basic technical tasks, since attention in different cases focuses on special elements of technology.

Higher Kata typically include all aspects - power, high-speed, respiratory and energy. It is usually focused on one of them. For example, Makeyu and Otzhu - Energy Kata, ONSU - high-speed kata with complex technical elements. In general, the expansion of the accent depends on the manner of execution, because There are different levels and, accordingly, different options for the execution of some of the same kata.

By origin:

When creating your style, which was called "Schotokan", Gichin Funakoshi synthesized the technicians of two leading Okinawa styles Karate - Shore and Shorin

In Shorei-ryu, attention is mainly paid to the development of muscular power. In Shorine-ryu, on the contrary, lightness and speed of movements.

Kata Tekki, Jitte, Hangenets belong to Shorei-ryu, while Kata Heian, Bassay, Kanca, Empi, Hankaku and others are connected to Shorin-Ryu.

To facilitate the training and assessment of the level of training of kata are standardized. Error when performing kata on the exam or during the competition entails a negative assessment of the entire exam or performances.

Kikhon is an integral part of karate training program

Kikhon Designed to explore, working out and improving technical characteristics basic technology (shape, speed, rhythm, etc.).

Kikhon is a method that allows you to independently adjust your technique based on the results of practical checks in the kirt. The KIKHON method was designed and introduced in Karate Mastery Gichin Funakoshi to simplify the study of the basics of karate.

In Kikhon, the principles of construction and typical combinations of protection and attack techniques, as well as rhythm kituchi, are being implemented.

Kikhon is a basic technique and combination from kata.

Khon is part of the examination program. Clearly executed bosic technique indicates a compliance with the student a certain level, and vice versa.

Kikhon is designed to prepare the muscles to work in a certain speed-force mode. If, when working out the program of previous training stages, there were any flaws, they will become an obstacle to the development of the following steps, because The body of the student will not be prepared for this. Thus, we see that Kikhon, especially in the color belt program, performs primarily the role of forming and summarizing exercises, developed for learning rational, "clean" techniques, optimal from the point of view of biodynamics.

The method of detailing coordination complex movements is achieved by working out the correct trajectory and the correct sequence of their execution. The principles discussed above should be observed when performing all basic movements - both protective and attackers.

Kikhon is built from combinations of blocking and attacking movements using various movements.

At the initial stages of training (colored belts), these movements have the character of forming exercises and are basic.

At higher stages (brown and black belts), kikhon contains combinations that can be used in a kirt.

Each of these combinations is performed at a real speed with a given rhythm (not monotonously).

Starting from the third date, the execution of basic equipment differs from its basic performance.

Thus, Kikhon in the student stages serves to facilitate understanding and performing kata, at higher - to work out the skills of applying techniques in the cuisite (meaning a semi-cum) in various variations.

The following sections are studied in Kihon: Dacha Vase, Ashi Vase, Uka Vase, Dzuki Vaz, teaching Vaz, Geri-Vaza, Randzoku Vase

Randzoku Vase

Combinations from a certain sequence of protection and attack techniques and their use in working with partners are an equally important section in the development of both basic and advanced karate techniques,

than kata or cum. However, as long as the form of execution of individual equipment is not worked out to the proper level, i.e. Without gross violations of the geometry of the trajectory and structure (biomechanics), and the movement itself did not become a steady motor skill, it makes no sense to start learning the renduse-vase.

Usually under Randzoku, the sequence of continuous implementation of protection and attack techniques used for the enemy defense breakthrough and applying a decisive impact. Rendzoku attacked is a pronounced aggressive character. Protective Randzoku is carried out non-aggressive and not on maximum speed, with full actions control.

Probably, it will not be completely understood by Randzoku only as a set of some particular technique.

The main thing is that it combines all types of renduses - this is the connection of the elements that constitute them, through the rotation of the hips, when the end position of the impact limb and the position of the hips in one element is the original to start the other.

Another major condition in Randzok is the speed of transition from one technique to another. The speed of execution of elements in the attacking renzocoon should be high. This can be ensured only by achieving the smoothness of the execution of technology.

What to pay attention to the study of renduse

1. Powerful work of the hips and the abdominal press (renduse base).

2. The required transition rate from the element to the element, i.e. Lack of pauses between them, and, accordingly, high speed of progress and return movements of the thighs.

Externally, renduses should look like smooth, fast and light movements.

As for the speed of transition from the element to the element, it should be noted that it is not always that this speed depends on the speed of a twist or promotion of the thighs, because in many series the transition occurs in the level, in the vertical plane, when the technique of hands and legs alternates. In this case, the meaning of renduses is to implement the focal ties between the upper and lower parts of the body due to the inclusion of large, strongest muscle groups, the most important of which are the abdominal press muscles.

Randlocks are divided into bundles (up to 3 techniques) and combinations.

Principles of constructing renduses

Number of techniques \u003d 2, 3, 4, etc.

Impact limb: Hand, leg.

Rendzoku can be built as follows:

Type 1: Two techniques (Bundles)

Those + those (Dan-Dzuki, Ren-Dzuki)

Those + gery

Geri + Th.

Geri + Geri (Ren-Geri, Dan-Geri, Nidan Geri)

Type 2: Three Techniques (Bundles)

Those + those + those (Sanbon-Dzuki)

Those + those + gery

Those + gery + those

TE + Geri + Geri

Geri + those + those

Geri + Geri + those

Type 3: More than three techniques (combinations)

All renduses need to work:

From Hidari Kama-Those, from the Migi Kame

Left, right, shoe

Individually, with partners

Source and final position: Khachiji-cottages Szizen Tai

Kuchite - part of the karate training program

"In karate for victory over the enemy, you have to find harmony with him,

and not to use gross power. "

Chirokazu Canzava

Value cush

Cush is a training method in which the technique of attack and protection studied inkikhon And kata is checked and practiced in practice with a partner.

Cush - This is a specialized exercise with a partner to educate the necessary qualities and an exercise for checking the skills developed earlier in the process of interaction with the enemy.

As an integral part of the learning process, cush It implies several consecutive interrelated and gradually complicating stages of training.

Main types KUT:

1. kikhon-kuchite (Basic exercise kituch), including:

Hookhon-Kuchite (5 steps with a single basic attack and protection)

Sanbon-cake (3 steps with a single basic attack and protection)

Kikhon-Ippon-Kuchite (Tori Attacks, the uke is protected and counterattacks)

Kaeshi-Ippon-Kuchite (Tori attacks, protects against counterattack and again


Happon-Kuchite (Uka is protected, counterattacks, protects

from the response attack and again attack)

2. dzu-Ippon-Kuchite, Including:

Dzu-Ippon-cum (semi-free battle for one due to attack)

Eggs-cum (semi-free battle

on two consecutive attacks)

3. ju-kuchite (free fight)

4. doodze-kuchite (types of cum designed for

develop special skills)

At the initial stage of training, a kikhon-kite is used, in which the technique is usedkikhon and Previously specifies all technical actions of Tori and Uka, and there is no idea: levels of attacks, attack technique, protection techniques, methods of movement, racks, vehicle speed.

In the following stages of training, gradually go tojU-IPPON-KUT and then the development beginsju-kuchite .

For special preparation and learning, self-defense is applied to the doodze kuchite.

All types of educationalkuchite starting from kikhon-kuchite And finishing eggs-kuchite are transitional stages fromkikhon and kata to ju-kuchite And self-defense.

Only after durable absorption of basic technology and kata can be processedkikhon-kuchite (Fight by agreement using basic technology).

In kikhon-kutuch, the student is formed a worldview (psyche, a method of thinking, moral appearance, etc.)

Exactly at kikhon-kuchite Pupil Karate learns:

Apply in kirt and self-defense equipment mastered in Kikhon and Kata

Apply shocks exactly in a given place and optimal way

Apply the technique of attack, protection and counterattack with rhythm

Recognize the preparatory actions of the enemy to the execution of the attack

See the beginning of the attack movement itself

Feel and premonish the beginning of the attack

Feel the danger and actively react to it

Determine the distance of the distribution of attack and reality

Recognize the preparatory actions of the opponent's intentions

Differ false attack from real

Crab Protection Technology Protection and Counterattack

Sickness and excerpt

Quietly meet aggression and actively manage it or neutralize it if necessary

Apply in the attack and protect the principle of necessary sufficiency

Avoid serious injuries during training


In this video cush Partners occupy a position on a given distance from each other, the level of strikes is agreed in advance. Then they alternately work out the attack and blocking technique.

All attacks and counterattacks need to be performed very hard and sharply, but without contact with vital points on the partner's body.

All equipment in all kindskikhon-kuchite Must be performed by (energy concentration). After passive protection (block, parry, evasion, care, etc.), it is necessary to counterattack with the maximum concentration physical strengthBut not traumating it, because the kum is educational. The so-called "emotional filling" should be investing, without which the technique will be "empty" and ineffective.

General scheme of execution Kikhon-Kuchite:

Khachiji Dachi Shizentai (Natural Readiness Position)

Musubi dacha, ritsery (ceremonial bow)

Khachiji-cottages Shizentai

Yoy (source positions)


Zanashin (state of relaxed vigilance)

Khachiji cottages Shizentai.

Musubi dacha ritsemen

Khachiji-cottages Shizentai

Yasume (relax, relax)


Conditioned and fully formalized battle for 5 steps using basic equipment with Kim. The levels of attack, technique of attack, protection technique, movement methods and types of struts are known.

The main goal is to fix basic technology in motion with a partner, the development of the timing and a sense of distance, the skills of performing basic attacking and protectiveness of the same type of techniques and the development of stability of forms for five steps with a partner, i.e. Primary adaptation to the distance, its saving during the movement process. Racks, like blocks, should be stable and the same.

Execution of implementation:

Source position:

Tori. : hidari Zenkutsu-cottage from Hidari Gedan Barai

Coo. : khachiji-cottages Shizentai

All actions are performed with kim, on an account with a uniform rhythm.

Tori attacks:

In Zenkutsu dacha with ke-ashi

Each attack must be performed with Kim

The fifth attack is performed with Kim and Kiai

The uke is protected:

1. Defense algorithm: Ushiro-Sabaki with uk-vase + counterattack with kime and kiai

(care for all body back moving movement ayumi-Asha )

2. With the execution of basic blocks:

AGE-UDA [AUU] (ascending block forearm)

Soto-Ude Uka [Suu] (block forearm outside-inside)

Tea Ude [ovu] (block forearm from the inside)

Gedan bass [GB] (descending block forearm)

Ude-bass [UB] (removing block forearm outside oral)

Shutto-uke [Shu] (block with an external edge of the palm)

Out of [OTE] (falling block forearm)

3. After the fifth block, the counterattack should be followed immediately: Gyaku-Dzuki with Kime and Kiai

4. Each defense must be performed with Kim:

In multilayen racks

In the stands of the same name

5. Blocks to perform "internal" and "external"

In Ai-Khanmi (half-line position)

In Gyaku Khanmi (reverse half-term position)

In Zenkutsu-cottage [ZKD] (front stand)

In Kokutsu-cottages [CCD] (rear rack)

The figures show the implementation scheme of the arrival of the Hohon-Kuchite in the Multimame racks in Khanmi:

Sanbon Culp

Conditioned and formalized battle for three steps with basic attack and protection equipment.

Attacks are known, diversified and in different levels.

The main point is to gradually adapt the student to the combined attack technique in compliance with the basic principles of the technique, as well as in the further development of the feeling of distance and timing when changing the hands and feet of the attacker partner.

Execution of implementation:

Source position (if there is no other instruction):

Tori. - Hidari Zenkutsu-cottage with Hidari Gedan Baras

Coo. - Khachiji-cottages Shizentai

Children all actions perform on account

After the last contrast block withkim and Kiai.

Tory Atakuet

Displacement in Zenkuts-cottage with ke-ashi

Each Attack S. kim.

Last Attack and kia

The uke is protected:

Defense Algorithm: Attack Care +uka Vase + counterattack S. kim. and kia

Newcomers perform attacks withuhino Sabaka With move ayumi-Sitai-Ashi (care to all body back with sliding movement)

After the third block should follow the counterattack immediatelygianaku-dzuki from kim. and kia

Each protection must be performed withkim.

In multilayen racks

In the stands of the same name

In Ai Khanmi

In Gyaku Khanmi

In Zenkutsu-cottage

With the execution of basic blocks: Auu, Suu, UU,gB, UB. Chudan, dzhedan bara

Qualified students must use to protect:

Surfaces from the line of attack (Ushiro-Sabaki, Nanama-Sabaki, Eko-Sabaki, Sai Sabaki, IRIMA-Uka, Tai-Sabaki)

All known types of movements

Blocks and counterattacks to execute in a hunting manner

The figures show the scheme of the execution of Sanbon-Kuchite in the racks of the same name:


One of the most important speciescush - doodze-kuchite Through which the student has special skills and it works out special tactical and technical techniques necessary for success in sports karate and self-defense.

Kuchite on the job (Each attack is performed several times, and the protection with counterattack is repeated twice)

Mavashi-Saequen dzuki [MSD]

URA-Ceachen-dzuki [USD]

Qualified students should use attacking techniques in a hunting manner and all known types of movements:eri-Asha, Ayumi-Asha, Suri-Asha, Suri-Konde, Kaiten, Toby-Asha and etc.


Okuri Dzu-Ippon-kut

1. In the shuttle manner


The first attack is ordered by a Uke in advance of the following: OI Dzuki Dzhedan, OI Dzuki Chudan, Mae-Geri, Eko Geri, Mavashi-Geri, Ushiro Geri

The second attack is performed by Tori at its discretion on the basis of the current situation.

Uka: performs protection and counterattack at its discretion, applyingtai-Sabaki, Dacha Kata and Sabaki-Kata-Tai

2. In the circle

Uka is located in the middle of the circle. The signal is protected from the attack from different sides and counterattacks. Attacks are not followed in order and from different sides.

Exercise conditions

In this form, the cake of both partners use Ju-Asha and Dzu-cottage.

Tori. - It is impossible to attack the series

You can not make false actions and intimidation of the uke before carrying out a real attack

Coo. - It has the right to apply any protection and counterattack, including throws and other sections of protection techniques in any combination, but at the same time comply with the following key points:

The presence of the final impact - kime and kiaay

Running distance after a counterattack, and preferably with the care of the opponent

Saving Zanshin, i.e. The status of readiness and focus of attention throughout the kirt

Implementation of the principles of renduses

No Contract Contact

Usually, Tory attacks the most efficient and simple technique:

Hands: Osd Dztedan, Chudan, Kaz Dzhedan, Gyaku-dzuki Chudan

Legs: Mae-Geri, Eko Kekomy, Mavashi Geri, Ura-Mavashi-Geri in the levels of Gedan, Chudan and Dzedan.

This type of cum reflects the ancient principle of those - "one strike," (Ikken - Hissatsu): Either an attack is effective - either an attacker died. True, in educational form, the kituly, as a rule, always wins the Uka.

The scheme of movements of the uke and the principle of action at the time of the attack of the enemy is the same as in Kikhon Ippon-kuchite.

In this sense, the IPPon-Kuchite continues the adaptation of basic technology to apply it in a jew and self-defense.

The uke can move in any way in any of the eight main directions: back, right, left, towards the attack, and also at an angle to the attack (aside, in the direction of-forward).


This is the kind of due to the battle for one step with basic technology. There is a known level of attack for the hands and the type of foot attack (the level of attack is unknown), it is divided depending on the complexity of the actions of the uke for five types: Schodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan and year.

If the first two types of kuchite had a retreating linear character, then starting from this type - the uke applies leaving the attack line:Sabaki-Kata-Thai, Dacha Kata and T. ai-sabaki.

General instructions for the exercise:

Source position:(if there is no other instruction)

Tori. - Hidari Zenkutsu-cottages with Hydari GB

Tori before performing an attack calls her and after a small pause attacks decisively

Coo. - HCHD Shizentai.

1. Uses technical techniquesuhina Sabaki with Ayumi-Asha .

a) care from the attack back with a block and a single counterattack

b) care from the attack back with block and multiple counterattack

2. To leave the attack line, uses Nanam-Sabakov technique (care from the attack line diagonally back out or inside) with a single or multiple counterattack.

3. Care from the attack line at a right angle to the attack line (possibly with a rotation around the own axis) with single or multiple counterattacks.

4. To leave the attack line, uses Say-Sabak technique (diagonally ahead) with a block and a subsequent counterattack.

5. Movement towards an attack with protection and simultaneous counterattack (it is possible to enter the back of the enemy).

Kaisha Ippon-Kuchite

This type of cum is designed to develop from the disciples of reflexes, movements and techniques of the "impulse" type, feelings of the distance.

Tori performs a single attack by basic equipment with one step forward.

Uka and Tory (after counterattack Uka) are protected by basic blocks with a waste back or usingsabaki-Kata-Tai, Tai-Sabaki, Dacha Kata And immediately counterattack.


This is a semi-free battle, which is a training method, on one attacking effect of Tori, made with the highest possible speed and strength. Here, Tori itself chooses the moment of start and the type of attack. As in Kikhon-Kuchite, the roles between opponents (who are Tory, and who is a Uka) are distributed in advance. Both partners accept the Kama-Those free at the selected distance.

Tori, calling the level of attack, attacks immediately and decisively.

Tori, evaluating Maay, Kokudi (breathing), position and applying fins, etc., creates or uses a favorable situation - any "cripe" uka for his single attack.

Uka, applying cottage or sabaka-kata-tai in the right direction, or performing Tai-Sabak to the left or right, freely applies protection techniques and immediately counteracts.

The purpose of Dzu-Ippon-Kuchite is to work out techniques and attack tactics and protection. This is a preparation for "Jissen Kuchite" - a real battle.


As discussed earlier, one of the stages of training karate is ju-kuchite (free fight).

The most important elements of workout throughju-kuchite are Kama-Te-Kata, cottage-kata, me but dzuke-kata and a vase about Koki closet.

Kamae-te. - specific position of the top of the body

Kamae-te. It should be such to give the opportunity to move in any direction for attack or protection.

Torso in positionkhanmy (half-length position), stand straight, legs slightly bent to shift down the center of gravity slightly.

Dacha kata - Technique racks.

Maay - Distance.

Practically Maay is a distance from which you can move to one step and apply a punch with a fist or foot crucial value; Accordingly, this is a distance from which you can retreat one step and protect yourself from the attack.

But dzuke-kata - view direction .

It is impossible to fix a look at any particular subject or part of the opponent's body. We must try to see all the space behind the enemy and, on this background of the entire opponent, using peripheral vision.

Vase about hokingo koki - Psychological aspect in the implementation of the technique - "Disclosure" of the enemy.

The above points must be carefully studied when working out ju-kuchite . Training should be coordinated with training inkikhon (basic karate technique), kata (Formal karate exercises),jU-IPPON-KUT (semi-free learning battle) and other sections of the karate training program. Much attention should be paid to the really studied basic technology and the development of equipment with Kim.

Unfortunately, with the development and popularization of sports karate-to-before there was a steady tendency to move to the exercise of the Dzu-Kuchite to "maturation" of both psychological and technical. As a result, in competitions and in training, the technique is often found, in its biodynamic characteristics, not the corresponding karate technique and, therefore, not corresponding to it qualitatively (speed, rhythm, kim). This is because many karate schools do not do anything, except for the so-called sports "sparring".

Only a consistent study of all methodical sections - kikhon, kata, kikhon-kuchite, as well as cottage-kata, Ashi-Vase, Tai-Sabaki, Maay, Kokus, etc. - Displays the technique for a high quality level, while giving the student unlimited opportunities for its improvement.

Terms and concepts

To facilitate and shortly describe the technique, we specify special terms adopted in the international practice of karate. Some terms and concepts are given in the text of the respective chapters.

Ai-Khanmy - The position of the karatec case under 45 º relative to its rack.

Athe-Vase - Shooting technique with hands.

Ashi-Vase - Travel technique.

Buncay Kata. - Exercise for the development of special skills and the development of calculations of the use of karate technique for self-defense.

Gedan - Level of attack (all that is below the belt).

Geri-Vase - Technique kicks.

Gianaki Khanmy - position, reverseai-Khanmi.

Dacha Vase - Technique basic racks.

Dacha Kata - Technique change racks.

Cottages - Stand, position stop and position of the projection center of body gravity.

Dzteda - Level of attack (all that is above shoulders).

Dzu-Dacha - stand, which is a product of the synthesis of karate knowledge in the technique of racks, movements, transitions from one rack to another. From this position you can sell any technique. Keep the vertical position of the body is just as important as performing movements in a well-balanced controlled manner. Distance between opponents adopteddzu-Dacha must be approximately equal to the length of the three stop.

Doodze-kuchite - Specialized form of an educational kite to develop special skills.

Kama - Position of the body.

Kamae-te. - This is a dynamic position of the body and hands, from which you can easily perform any necessary attack, protection or counterattack in the desired direction and with the necessary force. Kama-Those is accepted in a free rack -dzu-Dacha . In sport, this position is oriented on the enemy, which is in front, and in self-defense the enemy may be

opponents can be several. Therefore, the kama-those for sports and for self-defense in principle differ from each other.

Karate. - Self-defense system, created on Okinawa by the local population and widespread in Japan by the master Karate Gichin Funakoshi and its like-minded people.

Karate-to - Physical and wellness system and sports created on the basis of certain types of training exercises used in training Shotokan Karate.

Karateca - Pupil Karate.

Kata - The main method of teaching karate. Special formalized karate exercises intended for the formation of special skills and are the main means of individual self-improvement of karatek. One of the partitions of the competition in Karate.

Kim. - Maximum tension of muscles involved in the execution of equipment at the time of contact with the target.

Mean - Traffic forward (offensive).

Sabaki-Kata-Tai - Traffic equipment and referral changes.

Tai-Sabaki - The technique of leaving the movement of an attacked body part.

Tori. - Pupil who attacks.

Coo. - a student who is protected.

Uka Kim. - Kimated blocking technique.

Uhroni - movement back (retreat).

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