What can be prepared from spinach, its benefits and harm. Spinach: Recipes for cooking simple dishes with spinach with photos

Nowadays, for incomprehensible reasons, spinach, like greens, will be moved to the background. Although his lovers argue that, despite the specific taste of green leaves, it is hard to find the best seasoning to soups and a pleasant side dispenser than spinach. Of course, this is a matter of habit. But the unusual taste is completely overlapped by the usefulness of the spinach. Thanks to mine healing properties He rightly refers to the category diet products, since it contains a lot of iron, phosphorus calcium salts and vitamins. High content in spinach folic acid Allows you to recommend it with patients with blood diseases.

The preparation of spinach is not difficult. The problem is different: the greens are so boils that before cooking spinach, they need to be deleted.

What can be cooked from spinach? This is primarily a variety of salads with the addition of another greenery, vegetables; Green soups, borshs; Juices and just boiled spinach as a garnish. You can also be stocking to them in the future: freeze, weaken.

So salads. For example, how to make spinach with cucumbers? It is necessary to rinse 500 grams of spinach, remove rough cutters and finely cut it. Add 2 crushed bulbs of medium size, 4 spoons of chopped dill, 40 grams of lemon juice, sugar to taste. You can fill the salad with vegetable oil or sour cream. The prepared mass must be put in halves of cucumbers, from which the core should be removed.

Spinach with nuts is preparing from the boiled spinach. The leaves of spinach (500 g) need to be rinsed thoroughly, pour the glass of water, add a few twigs of the greenery of parsley or kinse and boil 20 minutes on a strong fire under the lid. Finished spinach strain together with greens, squeeze and cut down. At this time, a half-cup of nuts, 2 cloves of garlic, a pair of cilantro, salt, salt and pepper, dilute with wine vinegar and add finely chopped onions (200 g). Feeding to the table, sprinkled with a chopped greens of fresh parsley. The amount of salt and pepper depends on flavoring addictions. Good to this salad add, gently stirring, grenade grains, and replace wine vinegar

Unfortunately, the sealer of spinach is long stored, so many hostess would like to stock them, but do not know how. It is possible to prepare spinach for long-term storage: to freeze, weaken and even ... Include in the noodle.

Frozen spinach, preserving useful substances for six months after freezing, will serve as an excellent source of vitamins for the whole family in the winter-spring period. To freeze the leaves of spinach, you need to rinse them cold water, Place in a colander and taste one minute. Then spinach strain, cool, put in prepared containers and put in the freezer. And only the already frozen greens can be decomposed by packages and leave again in the freezer.

Canvate spinach can be in kind. The leaves of the spinach need to go through, rinse, pour boiling water and shine for another 5 minutes. Then you need to write water and skip them through the meat grinder. The resulting masculine to taste is salted, bring to a boil, decompose on hot banks and immediately roll, without sterilization. Jars are advisable to use small volume so that it does not have to keep open in the refrigerator open, but not used to the end, puree.

How to cook spinach for the winter with the original way, tells the next advice. The spinach tweak and wipe through a sieve can be added to the test of the test. The dough will get green. It must be finely roll, cut into strips and dry. Thus, all year round can be used by an unusual noodle enriched with vitamins.

If you have never tried spinach, then you did not live in America the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, the states, and after them and others western countries, covered the Epidemic of Love to this broadcasted vegetable on the basis of rumors about the colossal content of iron in it. They say, the reason for the latter was the banal error of the researcher, who missed the decimal comma among the number. In the meantime, the misconception was dispelled (and for this we needed dozens of years), millions of children managed to "exhaust" the useful product, which caring parents were pounded by their treasures pounds.

However, we will not hurry with sympathy to unhappy children. The benefits of spinach are still subject to research and discussions, but it remains unchanged and loved by many, and the kitchens of different nations are replete with recipes of wonderful dishes with its use. And the question "What to cook from spinach" remains relevant to many owners.

Do not eat old leaves of spinach - give them to your hamster ...

Raw spinach eaten, but only young leaflets, up to 5 cm, the old leaves are rough - they are boiled, soaring, stew and roasted.

Fresh greenery before use ished very carefully in running water and try to store no more than a week in the refrigerator.

And if you have something bought on the eye, you are purchased on the occasion of spinach, and you are unfortunately understand that it will finish in the trash can, it is better to freeze it - the leaves are perfectly stored in the freezer. But even better - try to cook one of the delicious dishes from the spinach, the recipes of which we have collected for you in this review.

Syroned kitchen: Salad from spinach leaves, raspberries, nuts, currant, pears

American Classic - Spinach Puree with Cream

As we said, the Americans have long and consistently tried to improve their bodies by drinking spinach in large doses, so with him (that is, on it) they ate the dog, and their recipes can be addressed to the word "classic".

If you prepare this dish of the spinach at home, in the restaurants like Steak Hous, you can make a view of the American cuisine connoisseur before friends, as this is one of the most common side dishes to steaks.

So, find the following products in the refrigerator:

  • butter - 2 tbsp
  • flour - 1 tbsp
  • cream moderately fat (milk can be possible - 180 ml
  • salt, black pepper, paprika - on a little bit
  • parmesan, Romano or similar solid Italian cheese - halfcan in a grated form (yes, yes - Mastere will be "gold"; if you want an economy version, try to take another cheese, but necessarily solid or, in principle, you can do without it)
  • nutmeg - quarter of a teaspoon
  • and finally, spinach - two tightly rammed glasses

We start cooking puree from spinach processing. If you got it out of the freezer, defrost and peel water. If the greens is fresh - hold a few pair or travelers on a hot pan so that it becomes soft.

Now we put a small fire on a small fire, we melt oil in it, we stir the flour in the oil and give her a minute to boil. This is also laying out cream, nutmeg and boil all two minutes. Sauce should thicken.

Add spinach, keep a couple of minutes (no longer a car, but just wait for the leaves to warm too well), salt, pepper, refuel the cheese and very well stirred. We take out a ready-made mashed potature from the Schill.

Spinach with cream - a universal side dish for meat and fish dishes, which you can apply both to a steak or chicken and to meat bread or baked perch.

Crockets from spinach

Spinach soup with egg and yogurt

This soup from the discharge of delicious and fast dishes that can be prepared for breakfast, in the interval between ironing shirt with her husband and makeup. True, provided that you have a ready meat broth.


  • spinach - 450 g (fresh or frozen)
  • meat Broth - 750 g
  • creamy oil - one and a half century
  • flour - 2 tbsp. (without a slide)
  • muscate Walnut - Quarter Ch.L
  • greek yogurt (special filtered yogurt without serum)
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice - from the fourth part of the fetus

How to cook delicious soup

Fresh spinach is not needed to prepare, from being frozen frosting water. Broth bring to a boil and cook the spinach in it 10 minutes. The saucepan should be closed at the same time, and the fire is set at such a level so that the broth is weakly boiling. After that, the spinach is partned and leave in a separate dish, and in a saucepan heating the oil, add flour and prepare her minute, constantly stirring. Now here we return broth, boil everything on small heat under the lid for five minutes, add spinach, nut, salt and pepper.

Our soup is almost ready. It remains to add yogurt and lemon juice, bring it almost to the boil again and remove from the fire, mixing well. Already in the plates we decorate the soup with pieces of boiled egg and paprika.

Sauce Dip from Spinach

Smoothie from spinach and apples

Undoubtedly, fruit-berry-vegetable mixes cooked from fresh fruits are helpful. Undoubtedly, gentle, whipped in a blender, the flesh with ice is pleasant to taste. But is it the most important advantage of a trend drink of modernity? Listen, and you will understand that 50% of the popularity of smoothies makes his name. This is not some banal puree or a beaten cocktail - this is something gentle, mysterious, mounted ...

In this smoothie there are several components, but the central, nevertheless, spinach, and his taste is felt strong. Do not apply a spinage smoothie by those who have a cool spinach relationship - only lovers will be able to evaluate this drink.


  • spinach - 2/3 cup of rammed fresh or ice cream
  • apple sour-sweet average - 1 pc.
  • peach - 1 pc.
  • thick fathead yogurt without flavors - 2 tbsp with slide
  • orange Juice - Full
  • ice in cubes - Fullack (if the spinach is fresh)

How to cook from spinach and fruit smoothie

Apple and peach we clean from the peat, bones and coarse core, cut slices. We put fruit, spinach, juice, yogurt and ice in a blender and beat. It is not necessary to defrost frozen spinach, and in this case we do not use ice. We whip off while the consistency of the drink will not resemble the air puree (just do not forget, it is not a puree, it is a smoothie!). If it turns out thick, pour some more orange juice.

Honestly, the herbal shade with bright greenery does not excite the appetite, so take away to feed with great attention - take a beautiful glass and do not fill it up to the edges, then the accents will be shifted from the color of the smoothie on the glass. The drink can be decorated with a socket of young leaves of spinach, and the edge of the glass is a very thin circle of orange.

Spinach with zero and dried tomatoes

Spinach and pickled radishes salad

Of course, it is impossible to leave the salads into which green, juicy young leaves ask themselves. This interesting salad Fabuly to lovers of marinades will have to taste, and it includes very simple and ordinary products.


  • fresh Spinach - 2 Handsticks
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • radish - 10 pcs. (medium)
  • sugar - 50 g
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp
  • salt - to taste (approximately teaspoon)
  • red wine vinegar - 75 ml

First, we rinse the salad well, shake off the water from it and leave to dry, and at that time pickled Redish. For the marinade you need to mix vinegar, salt and sugar (let it completely dissolve). Sliced \u200b\u200bby thin circles radishes mix in the marinade and leave for half an hour.

Rediska take out from the marinade, but do not throw marinade himself - it will be needed for refueling. We mix olive oil and 3 tbsp of marinade in the package, a little pepper (you can additionally be salted) and mix the leaves of spinach in this refueling.

Now it remains to decompose the salad on the portion plates. Spinach can either mix with a radius and large pieces of boiled eggs, or put as a base, from above radishes, and use eggs to decorate a plate.

On the table, we also put the pledgers with the remnants of refueling - for the same fans of sour. Well, if your stomach is sensitive to vinegar, try weaker species - apple or rice.

Spinach with tomatoes and paste ORSO

What else to cook from spinach

Spinach is a real omnipresent Figaro among vegetables. He and in hot soups and in meat dishes, in omelets, side disk, salads, drinks. In the spinach wrapped the cabbage rolls, it is added to the porridge, in the green pilaf, marinate, salted, canning. In a word, as soon as it is not messed up, it suffers, it tolerates ... and pleases us with tasty and useful dishes.

By the way, about the benefits. Despite the fact that iron in it turned out to be much smaller than they thought first, it contains both vitamins, trace elements, and dietary fiber, in spinach a lot of protein, there are carbohydrates, a little fats. Therefore, eat it with pleasure and with benefit, but remember - well what is in moderation.

ABOUT useful properties Spinach go legends: it contains many minerals, including a large amount of iodine, vitamin C and provitamin A, which are not destroyed during cooking. According to the content of iron, the spinach ranks first among vegetables. It has a lot of potassium, its chlorophyll is close to chemical composition To the hemoglobin of blood, and copper located in spinach contributes to blood formation. Therefore, the spinach is very useful for diseases of tuberculosis and malignant anemia. Fresh spinach is used as a filler of green salads, it is added to mince, souffle and chicken. Also very often boiled spinach soup, adding cream into it.

Spices. A nutmeg is a magnificent taste additive to the spinach, it is rubbed and added to dishes with spinach shortly before readiness. To avoid discoloration of spinach, cut the spinach with stainless steel knife, carbon steel blade will cause color change.

Attention! In spinach, especially after flowering, a large amount of oxalic acid is formed, which comes into account with the calcium contained in it. A compound is formed, which is not absorbed by the body and is not output from it. Therefore, use the spinach to eat before flowering. It should be remembered that sorvalic acid has a harmful effect on the body in any case, if the spinach is used excessively.

Spinach blank for soups and hot dishes

Spinach to go through, rinse and cook in steep salty boiling water with the addition of soda in open dishes and on strong fire. When the spinach becomes soft, throw it into a sieve, pour cold water, give a track of water and rub.

The resulting puree shift into a deeply saw, put on the stove and prepare with constant stirring to such an extent to keep on a spoon, not stacking. To shift the puree into a deep bowl and give to cool, put in banks, close the lids and keep in a cold dry place.
In order for spinach to save his color, in boiling water adds baking soda (on 3 liters of water 1 tbsp. Spoon of soda) and, moreover, the spinach is boiled in an open dish and on a strong heat, and after cooking is poured with cold water.
The preparation of spinach is better to produce in July or early August.

Spinach Salted

Spinach Clear from the cuffs, rinse, dry in the fresh air, folded into banks, speaking salt, set the oppression. When the spinach is falling, you can report fresh greens. Store spinach in the refrigerator.
The 15 kg of spinach takes 1.5 glasses of salt. Before use, it is necessary to wash it, cut down and omit in the boiling soup shortly before serving. The workpiece can also be used in other spinach dishes: for example, spaghetti sauce.

Frozen spinach

Often the spinach frozen the future. For this, the greens need to rinse, dry and cut into thick strips. Then - remove in the freezer. Try cooking pie with spinach from such a workpiece. Feed, slightly salty dough perfectly combined with this greens. Serve it sour cream sauce or Marty. By the way, in the eastern cuisine, a filling of cheese with spinach is often used, adding it, for example, in Kutaba.

Motherland Spinach - Persia. In Europe, this vegetable hit the Epoch of the Gloomy Middle Ages. First - as a light laxative, and then found that this inexpressive grass is rather satisfying.

Beneficial features

B, vitamins of group B, vitamins C, P, PP, D2. Spinach is rich in mineral salts, in particular, iron compounds. On only green peas, young beans and meat pods are inferior. It is a champion in the content of iodine, which burst the spirit and protects against aging.
And what is important: all these useful substances are resistant to cooking and preservation!


In spinach a lot of oxalic acid, so you need to limit its consumption by children, persons suffering from kidney disease, gout, liver disease and gallbladder. However, it is said that during cooking this acid is neutralized by the addition of milk and cream, and it is not terrible in the fresh leaves of the spinach.

How to choose

The young spinach is well used to eat raw in salads and in dipa sauces, and older, coarse leaves are boiled on a pair, fry and extinguished. Also the winter and summer spinach distinguish: the winter leaves are darker. Three main varieties of spinach are on sale: Victoria (rosette of rounded, thick, curly, shiny dark green leaves), Golyansky (rosette with a diameter of 12-50 cm of extended, weakly green light green leaves) and a year (socket of smooth leaves).

In supermarkets, spinach is sold in packaging, washed and prepared for use. Buying spinach on the market or in a wealth, choose fresh stalks with green leaves.

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How to store

Unwashed spinach wrap in a wet fabric and store in the refrigerator no longer than two days. Before use, rinse it and cut off the coupling parts. For a longer period, the spinach should be frozen.

How to cook

Spinach has many valuable taste properties. But, I suspect, the main thing is why cooks appreciate it - this is a persistent emerald color, which is not terrible any heat treatment.

It is noteworthy that when cooking spinach in a pan does not add liquid! Before cooking fresh spinach, it is washed, cut and placed in a saucepan with a lid without water. Hold on fire for a few minutes, turning several times. Then poured the distinguished moisture and press through the sieve.

Spinach is well combined with bacon, nutmeg, cream, cheese, cedar nuts, tomatoes and chickpeas.

Several unconventional recipes


Cabbezzles in spinach leaves


750 g beef minced

40-50 pcs. Large spinach leaves

2 green onions beam

1 Lukovitsa

50 g of butter

juice 1 Lemon.

2.5 tablespoon flour

5 tablespoons sour cream

Greens of dill, salt and pepper - to taste

Vegetable oil for frying

Lower the spinach leaves for a few seconds in boiling water.

Prepare filling. Finger in a deep pan sliced \u200b\u200bonions until golden color. Add mince to the pan and roast for about 5 minutes. Then add rice and continue to fry another 5-7 minutes.

Wrap the stuffing in the spinach leaves. Fold the resulting cabbage rolls in the pan rows, sprinkle finely chopped onions and dill greens, pour warm water Prior to the level of the penultimate row of a row, pepper, salt and boil on slow fire. When the rice is almost ready, add a flour mixed with butter, lemon juice and put a saucepan, without covering the lid, in the oven.

Serve to the table with fresh sour cream.

Spinning sauce


10-30 pcs. Large spinach leaves

200 g 30% cream

20-30 g Butter

1 teaspoon lemon juice

½ teaspoon sugar

2 cloves of garlic (if anyone loves)

Salt, pepper - to taste

Rinse the spinach leaves with flowing water, lean on the colander, hide with boiling water and press the extra liquid. Do it with a knife until the greenish juice starts standing out. Grind the spinach almost to a homogeneous mass.

Heat cream in a deep frying pan on a weak heat, add creamy oil, sprinkle, pepper, add sugar, lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Then begin to slowly add spinal mass to sauce, stirring continuously. When sauce boils - remove from the fire.

This sauce is good for any fish and seafood.

In our country, the owners are honored by the owners of such greens as sorrel. It contains a lot of vitamins and useful acids, so that any dish with sorrel perfectly affects health and strengthens immunity. But, in the West there is another greens, as useful and tasty, which is used there instead of sorrel - this is a spinach. To taste, the spinach is much more neutral, it is not as sour, like sorrel, but you can cook with him exactly the same dishes, and even more.

Recipes, which prepare dishes from fresh spinach, are considered in this section of our useful culinary portal. How often can still be heard from modern menthat they are not a goat and grass will not eat. How erroneously this is an opinion because green grass, spinach and other greens must be the basis of the diet modern man. If, he only wants to be healthy and young. Doctors beat the alarm - heart attacks today occur even in 40-year-old people, diabetes And other diseases are also young. In order not to launch your health, today you need to start to eat right.

In compilation the correct menu An important role will be played by knowledge that cook from the spinach of fresh. Because, you can not always just wash greens, put it in the center of the table, read the homemade lecture, how the spinach is useful and enjoy the spectacle that they began to actively absorb herb. But, in the power of the hostess, choose certain dishes based on this ingredient and often prepare these dishes, thereby not only the balusy homemade something tasty, but also the recovery of each family member.

This greens can be used to prepare cakes and pies, soups. Especially tasty recipes of salads from spinach fresh. With unaccustomed it may seem that the spinach does not understand the neutral taste. But here it all depends on a particular recipe and how the hostess will turn out to be translated into reality. In particular, for example, in Salad, the spinach perfectly assumes the tastes of other vegetables and the dish becomes rich. Be sure to experiment with refueling for salads.

Nutritionists suggest that the day you need to eat up to a kilogram of fresh vegetables and greenery. At the same time emphasizes that the most useful products This category is those that have green. It's cabbage, cucumbers, any greens, including spinach. With recipes from this section of the site, you will no longer have questions that prepare from the spinach.


Lean salad with beans and mushrooms

Ingredients: Beans, Mushroom, Onions, Spinach, Salt, Pepper, Oil, Lemon Juice

Lenten menu can be very tasty and satisfying. That is what the recipe for lettuce with beans and mushrooms proves. Be sure to prepare it - you will like it. And we will help you with a recipe.

- 5-6 tbsp. white beans;
- 150 grams of mushrooms of the oyster;
- 20 grams of fresh spinach;
- salt to taste;
- Pere in taste;
- 3-4 tbsp. vegetable oil;
- lemon juice.


Chicken cutlets with egg, onion and spinach filling

Ingredients: breadcrumbs, vegetable oil, minced chicken, spinach, eggs, onion green

We offer you for dinner the recipe for juicy, very tasty chicken minced meat. And what would interest you even more, we decided to make them stuffed. By the way, cooking such cutlets / zrazy is not at all difficult.

For the dish you will need:
- minced meat;
- breadcrumbs;
- spinach;
- eggs;
- vegetable oil;
- Green onions.


Pie with spinach, egg and cottage cheese

Ingredients: butter, flour, spinach, egg chicken, cottage cheese, sour cream, baking powder, salt

Undoubtedly, this is one of the most delicious pies that will only benefit the body. And all because the filling is preparing from fresh spinach. In general, the recipe for a cake is simple - the dough is kneaded on the bustle. For filling, in addition to spinach, cottage cheese and eggs are used.

Recipe products:

- 6 eggs,
- 200 g of butter creamy,
- 400 g of flour,
- bundle of spinach,
- 300 g of cottage cheese,
- 200 g sour cream,
- salt - to taste,
- ½ h. Spoons of baking powder.


Okroshka at kefir with radishes and spinach

Ingredients: dill, spinach, potatoes, eggs, water, kefir, salt, cucumber, radishes

In the summer, the sophisticatedness favorite dish Most people in the country. It can exist with her, and that chilly or gaspacho, and then, probably, lose. We offer you a new version of okroshka cooked in kefir with spinach and radister.

For the recipe you will need:
- 1 liter of kefir 1-2.5%;
- two cucumbers;
- beam of radish;
- bunch of green onions;
- prefabricated bunch of greenery;
- 1 handful of spinach leaves;
- salt - to taste;
- boiled potatoes - 4-5 tubers;
- boiled eggs - 2 pcs;
- Drinking or mineral water - 1 cup.


Vegetarian cutlets with rice and spinach

Ingredients: Spinach, rice, leaves curry, oatmeal, onions, lemon, vegetable oil, salt

If you do not know what dish please yourself and loved ones, we recommend that you pay attention to our new recipe, thanks to which you are easily and quickly cook rich cutlets From rice and spinach.

For the recipe you will need:
- 150 g of spinach;
- 250 g of boiled rice;
- 4 g of Carry Sheets;
- 60 g of oatmeal;
- Large head of the onion bows;
- Lemon floor;
- vegetable oil;
- Salt - to taste.


Egg with spinach in a bun

Ingredients: egg, round bun with bran, spinach, onion, butter creamy, solid cheese, salt

I suggest you today to feed useful and delicious breakfast All your family or your favorite. It is a breakfast - a guarantee of a successful day. Tasty and useful bread with bran, homemade egg and spinach - excellent products to start the day.
- egg 1 pc.;
- hard cheese;
- Round bun with bran 1st.;
- sliced \u200b\u200bonions - 1 tbsp.;
- Spinach - 1 handful;
- 3 tbsp. butter cream;
- Salt.


Pizzocier with potatoes, spinach and savoy cabbage

Ingredients: Pizzacery, Potatoes, Savoy Cabbage, Spinach, Cheese, Parmesan, Garlic, Butter, Salt

We suggest a little diversify your everyday menu and enter this wonderful recipe. We will cook pizzoceries - a paste of buckwheat flour in Italy, with potatoes, spinach and savoy cabbage.

- Pizzoceries - 400 g,
- Cheese bitto - 200 g,
- potatoes - 200 g,
- Savoy cabbage - 100 g,
- Spinach - 50 g,
- garlic - 1-2 slices,
- butter - 50 g,
- Parmesan - 20 g,
- Salt.


Pasta Fusilli with spinach and mozzarella

Ingredients: Pasta Fusilli, Spinach, Mozarella Cheese, Chile Pepper, Garlic, Vegetable Oil, Salt

Fast and delicious dinner can be prepared if you use our recipe. We offer you to boil any short pasta, in our case Fusilli, fill them with spinach and bake under Mozarella cheese. Delicious!

For the recipe you will need:
- 200 g Fusilli;
- 250 g of spinach;
- Big Mozzarella Ball;
- chili pepper pod;
- Two slices of garlic;
- olive oil;
- Salt - pinch.


Salad with spinach, tomatoes and skombing

Ingredients: Spinach, Tomatoes, Mackerel Canned, Onions, Lemon, Vegetable Oil, Salt

Spinach salads are always useful, nutritious and tasty. In addition, such dishes are very easily prepared. We offer you a sample of spinach salad, tomatoes and canned mackerel. If you follow the figure, salads are exactly what you need.

For the dish you will need:
- Fresh spinach - big hand,
- Fresh tomatoes - 4-5 pcs.,
- one or two bulbs,
- Mackerel in oil - 1 bank,
- lemon juice - 5 g,
- vegetable oil - 10-15 g,
- Salt - to taste.


Lavash with egg and spinach

Ingredients: Slim Caucasian Lavash, Boiled Meat, Eggs, Cheese, Butter Cream, Sour, Spinach, Dill, Salt, Black Pepper

Imagine that the evening came, and several friends went to visit to visit you. And you have nothing ready for guests in the refrigerator. It is urgent to come up with something. This recipe will come to the revenue with egg and spinach. It is preparing easily and quickly, and his taste of your guests will not soon forget, and you yourself will not be indifferent.


- dill - 1 beam;
- Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
- Black ground pepper - to taste;
- Slim Caucasian Lavash - 1 pc.;
- salt - to taste;
- boiled meat - 100 gr.;
- Solid cheese - 70 gr.;
- butter butter - 50 gr.;
- Spinach - 1 bundle.


Yeast dough buns with spinach

Ingredients: Water, Yeast Fresh, Salt, Sugar, Flour, Floor, Vegetable oil, Fresh spinach

Probably it is easier to name those beneficial substances that are simply not in spinach than the opposite. Not in gift because the spinach is called vegetable with royal roots. His distinctive feature - with heat treatment, most of the beneficial substances contained in it remains. Include a dish from spinach into your weekly diet - and you will put your carbohydrate exchange mig, restore former performance and tranquility. We offer to start with buns.

For layout:
- 300 ml. water;
- 1 tsp. duck dried;
- 10 gr. fresh yeast;
- 1.5 ppm salts;
- 1 tbsp. Sahara;
- 200 gr. flour;

For dough:
- Opara;
- 3 tbsp. vegetable oils;
- 1 bunch of spinach fresh;
- 400 gr. flour.


Egg soup with spinach on chicken broth

Ingredients: eggs, chicken broth, spinach, salt, black ground pepper, bow

We propose to please your homemade beautiful, light and unusual soup, the main acting person of which the eggs are. For many years, severe disputes were conducted around eggs, someone with foam at the mouth argued their utility and high vitamination, someone paid attention to the cholesterol content. BUT B. last years Eggs were completely rehabilitated. As it turned out, cholesterol contained in them is not harmful, and the regular use of eggs in food is an excellent prevention of not only heart, but also cancer!

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:
- 2 eggs;
- 1 handful of spinach;
- 1 l. broth;
- pinch of salt and pepper hammer;
- 1 bulb.


Pizza with spinach in a slow cooker

Ingredients: Wheat flour, mushrooms, cheese, ketchup, sour cream, dill, spinach, egg, vegetable oil, salt, black pepper

Surprisingly, the fact - pizza can be low-calorie and useful. If the filling for it is made from vitamin and low-calorie ingredients. Such as spinach and greens, for example. Attraction to the dish will add champignons and cheese.

- wheat flour - 1 cup;
- champignons - 100 gr.;
- Cheese - 50 gr.;
- ketchup - 2 tbsp.;
- sour cream - 3 tbsp.;
- dill - 1 beam;
- spinach - 1 beam;
- Egg - 1 pc.;
- vegetable oil - 1/3 cup;
- salt - pinch;
- ground black pepper.


Spaghetti with spinach, zucchini and garlic

Ingredients: spaghetti, spinach, zucchini, garlic, olive oil, capers, salt

Many hostesses refuse to deal with spinach and zucchini only because they have a rather neutral taste. And they come very rash and shortly. After all, if you add, say, Zucchini is stronger and bright to product taste (garlic, for example), the first will absorb the latter and reveal its gastronomic properties to the fullest. We offer to prepare original and tasty dish - Spaghetti with spinach, garlic and zucchini.

- Spaghetti - 2 servings,
- Zucchini - 1 pc.,
- Spinach - 2 handstokes,
- olive oil - 4 tbsp,
- garlic - 2 slices,
- Cappers - 2-3 pcs.,
- Salt - pinch.


Open Pie with Spinach, Cheese and Ham

Ingredients: puff pastry, Spinach, Ricotta, Ham, Cheese, Salt, Pepper

As you know, pies can be dessert or snacks. Today we have a recipe for a snack spinning cake with Parm Ham and Ricotta Cheese. Juicy, tasty and bright it will definitely like you and your loved ones. Prepare it.
For the dish you will need:
- Puff pastry;
- spinach leaves;
- Ricotta - 400 g;
- Ham - 2 slice;
- True solid cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- salt - to taste;
- Black pepper - to taste.

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