Application rocket from colored paper senior group. In the senior speech therapy group. Applications for the Day of Cosmonautics from plasticine and salt dough


Clarify the knowledge of children about the concept of "space", "spaceship", about the planet Earth. To give knowledge about the holiday "Cosmonautics Day". Activate the dictionary. Teach children to round two corners of a rectangle from a narrow side; determine the initial shapes for cutting out parts of the rocket; to consolidate the ability to cut triangles from a square, cutting it diagonally; stick the item, starting with the large part.

Preliminary work: A teacher's story about Yuri Gagarin, a conversation about planet Earth, viewing illustrations.

Materials: Illustrations with views of space, spacecraft, portrait of Yuri Gagarin. Dark paper, A4 format, original forms for applique, glue, scissors for each child and napkins.

The course of the lesson.

Guys, soon we have a holiday "Cosmonautics Day", we talked about it. Let's remember what kind of holiday this is. Why are we celebrating it?

Children's answers.

Who will tell me what space is and where is it?

Children's answers.

What is the name of a person who flies into space?


Okay. What was the name of the first person who flew into space?

Children's answers.

Yes, his name was Yuri Gagarin. He flew into space, probably on an airplane? Or by helicopter?


Well, then, in a hot air balloon?

No, on a rocket.

What kind of rocket?

He got into a spaceship and flew.

In a spaceship, of course. Tell me, what did he see in space?


Yes, and which planet?


What is the name of our planet?


Well done. And now we will go into space with you, only we have no transport. Let's make rockets and launch them into space. But first you need to refuel.

Physical education.

We get up, go to the airfield and play the game "Rockets"

We fly away on a rocket

Get up on your toes

And then hands down

1, 2, 3, stretch yourself - here's a rocket flying up.

Well, here we have arrived at their places. Look at the diagram (shows the sequence of work).

The teacher shows the sample, and how he made the rocket. And asks questions.

What is the shape of the rocket body? (long, with a rounded nose)

What shape are the stabilizers? (triangular and located at the end of the rocket)

What color is the fire that escapes from the rocket nozzle? (red)

Showing the curvature of the rocket nose, cutting a square into two triangles, cutting a rectangle into stripes for fire.

Children are doing the task.

Whoever cut out the ship begins to glue it, starting with the largest part. But don't forget to glue the windows onto the ship. What are the windows on the spaceship called? What shape are they?

Children glue the rocket and portholes.

Well done, they launched their rockets into space.

After completing the work, the children lay out their compositions on the table.

Guys, look at how wonderful the work is. How many different missiles we have. Today, we, like real astronauts, have been in space. Did you like it?

(in the senior speech therapy group)

Program tasks:

  • to clarify and activate the dictionary on the topic "pets",
  • learn to navigate on a piece of paper,
  • indicate the direction of movement with the words: "left", "right", etc.,
  • fix the primary colors;
  • fix the account within 10 (direct and reverse), names geometric shapes, introduce the trapezoid and rhombus;
  • develop logical thinking, memory, imagination, creativity, teach how to perform a general composition in the application;
  • to bring up accuracy in work, good feelings.

Equipment: pet toys, tickets, sets of geometric shapes, rockets, sheets of colored paper, mugs, cards with drawings of robots, pencils, brushes, glue, napkins, oilcloths, parts of a rocket, the starry sky.

The course of educational activities directly.

1. Introductory part.

Attention! Attention! Everyone! Everyone! I hasten to inform the guys who love fantasy and adventure that mysterious and exciting events await us today. We are about to make a fantastic flight into space, where you will meet miracles, unexplored discoveries. Guys, what can you fly into space? (On a rocket!)

2. Consolidation of the passed.

Who controls the rocket? (Astronauts.)

Who was the first astronaut on the planet? (Yuri Gagarin.)

Yes, the first person to go into space was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, but even earlier Belka and Strelka had been there. Who do you think this is? (These are dogs.)

Guys, are dogs pets or wild animals? (home.)

That's right, well done!

3. Didactic game"Who is gone?"

In order for us to fly, we need to test our memory, because many trials await us in flight, let's play the game "Who is gone?"

Look closely at the animals, are they domestic or wild?

Marina, count how many animals there are.

Denis, who is the first?

Natasha, who is the last one?

Now close your eyes, I will remove someone, and you must name who is gone.

Well done, completely ready to fly.

4. Travel by rocket.

And now I will give you tickets that need to be deciphered and seated according to the ticket.

Misha, who is on your ticket? (Cows.)

How many? (two.)

Look for the number 2 and take your place. (Children take seats according to their tickets.)

So, everyone took their places, fastened their belts, adjusted their headsets.

(Music. Rocket launch.)

5. Didactic game "Determine the route of the rocket"

And here we are in space. Now you are all the commanders of the ship and control your missile. And the rocket will be a circle, space will be a blue sheet of paper. Place the circle on the sheet of paper at the bottom. The rocket quickly rises up, but falls sharply downward. Where is the rocket located? (Down below.)

Now she flies to the upper right corner. Where is the rocket now?

(Children change the route according to the teacher and, answering his questions, they say where the rocket is: in the center, in the upper left corner, etc.)

Guys, you showed aerobatics! Well done!

6. Didactic game "Eliminate the hole"

Oh, guys, something flashed behind the rocket window. So this is a stream of meteorites. They collided with our rocket and damaged her. Now you are all design engineers. We need to repair our spaceship.

What color is our rocket?

(In front of the children is a rocket with holes in the form of geometric shapes. There are geometric shapes on the tray. Children impose and identify those holes that are suitable for repair.)

Now name the figures that you need for repair

(children call).

7. Acquaintance with new geometric shapes.

Children, you have two figures on the tray that are not useful to you.

Tell me, who knows what they are called?

(If they cannot answer on their own, the teacher invites them to count the sides and angles.)

Yes folks, they are quads because they have four corners.

(Then the teacher introduces the children to the new figures: the rhombus and the trapezoid, showing them.)

Guys, the assignment was very difficult, but you all did it well.

I'm very glad for you. And now I propose to leave our rocket and rest a little.

7. Physical education "Raketa"

And now we are with you, children, (Marching in a circle.)

We fly away on a rocket.

Rise on your toes, (Rise on your toes, pull your hands up, closing them.)

And then hands down. (They put their hands down.)

One, two, reach out. (They stretch up again.)

Here is a rocket flying up. (Run in circles on tiptoes ..)

8. Didactic game "Fix the robot"

We rested a little, we return to our rocket, our flight continues. Oh guys, while we were away, we had a letter. How are you
think from whom? (From aliens.)

Yes, from aliens. Let's read.

Dear children - earthlings, we turn to you with a huge request. We have broken our robots - assistants. We kindly ask you to fix them.

(Cards are handed out to children, two robots are drawn on them: one is a worker, and the other is missing some details. Children should see and finish drawing them.)

Guys, aliens in gratitude for your help have sent you pictures of the cosmic sky.

9. Application "Rocket"

And I suggest you make our rocket out of geometric shapes and stick it on this photo. First, the silhouette of the rocket needs to be laid out on
table and then stick it on. ( Independent work, individual assistance.)

These works will remain in your memory of our journey.

10. Return to Earth.

Guys, a signal has been received from the Earth's space center to return home to Earth.

Now, attention! The descent begins and the countdown begins. Close your eyes and count in an undertone from 5 up to 1.
- The rocket made a soft landing thanks to the well-coordinated and friendly work of the crew. Thanks a lot to everyone!

11. Summary.

Guys, did you enjoy our trip? What did you like the most? (Answers of the children.)

Applique classes - great way develop the child's accuracy, sense of color and imagination. Most kids just love to cut figures out of colored paper or cardboard, and then glue them on a sheet of paper, creating a variety of pictures.

In this article we will tell you how to make a thematic application with a child - a spaceship or a rocket made of colored paper.

How to make a paper rocket?

To make a paper rocket applique, you will need:

  • a sheet of thick paper or cardboard;
  • colored paper for applique;
  • pencils or felt-tip pens (for marking out the contours of figures);
  • scissors;
  • paper glue;
  • brushes (for glue and paints);
  • background paints (if cardboard or paper for the background is not colored) and a container for their dilution;
  • foam sponge.


  1. We take a thick sheet of paper or cardboard. It is best to use a dark blue or black background. If you only have white or gray background paper, paint it blue or black using paints and a foam sponge. Do not overmoisten the cardboard so that it does not get wet or lose its shape.
  2. While the background is drying, consider the location of all the details of the applique on the sheet. Draw the details of the rocket on colored paper (or print from a template) and cut them out with scissors.
  3. Glue the rocket parts together, trying to do this as carefully as possible. Draw on paper and cut out planets, asteroids, make stars out of gold or silver foil. If desired, all the details of the celestial space - planets, stars, etc. you can not cut out of paper, but simply draw on the background sheet using pencils or felt-tip pens. You can entrust this to a child. To make it easy for the kid to draw circles (for planets), use the materials at hand as templates. These can be cups, saucers, jars of creams or toys with a round base (pyramids, constructors).
  4. Lay out all the elements of the future composition in the background. See how well everything looks and change what you don't like.
  5. After the location of all the applique elements has been approved, glue them to the background with glue. Please note that the first to stick are objects that should be in the background of the future application - planets, asteroids, large stars. Whatever is closest to the viewer in the picture should be glued last.
  6. The finished picture can be framed by sticking a straw or narrow strips of colored paper around the background perimeter (stepping back from the edge by 1-1.5 cm).
  7. Place the finished applique under a small weight (for example, under a book that is equal to or larger than the background sheet) and leave to dry.

We offer another master class on creating a rocket applique. You can print the template, cut it out of colored paper and stick it on a pre-prepared background. You will get such a rocket.

But the most simple examples rocket applications that will be able to be done by babies at a very young age. Parents can cut shapes from colored paper and invite children to make appliques on their own

If, instead of a rocket made of colored paper, you want to create an alien spaceship or a meeting of astronauts-earthlings with representatives of other civilizations, you will need to think over the appearance of the aliens and their vehicle and cut it all out of colored paper. The general sequence of work does not change. In the gallery you can see examples of space-themed applications.

To encourage the development of creative thinking, let your kid draw astronauts in the porthole of a rocket or spaceship, and also take into account the kid's wishes regarding appearance and the colors of the spaceship, planets, aliens, etc.

While working, allow the baby to perform feasible operations - smear the parts with glue, choose the location of the planets, rockets, stars in the picture, etc. tell your child about space, our galaxy, planets and stars, about interplanetary travel and the history of space flights, explain why cosmonauts need spacesuits, who is Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova, Neil Armstrong.

After the applique is ready, play with your baby at astronauts, let the baby depict the launch of a spaceship with the help of gestures and sounds and come up with a story about brave astronauts.

Such a pastime will become for you and your baby not only pleasant entertainment, but also a useful developmental activity that forms the worldview foundations of the child's thinking and his imagination.

MKOU Kuleshovskaya OOSh group preschool education

Application summary

in the older group

Topic: "Space rocket"

Educator: Fomina V.G.

2017 year

purpose : continue to form children's ideas about space.

Tasks :
Find out what children know about space, the names of the planets; promote familiarization with the history of the first space rocket, broadening the horizons of children and developing their imaginations.
Develop visual memory, attention, accuracy.
Form the ability to work in a team.

To foster feelings of patriotism and pride in their homeland. Pin active and passive dictionary on the topic "Space".

The course of the lesson.

(Conversation followed by a slideshow about space on an interactive whiteboard.)

Guys, today we will talk about riddles that have been of interest to people for many thousands of years, about space! Space begins where the Earth's gas shell - the atmosphere - ends. At the surface of the Earth, this shell is dense; high in the mountains or where airplanes fly, it is rarefied, and then disappears altogether. Space is basically emptiness, but in this emptiness there are many amazing objects - planets, stars, galaxies. Everyone wants to see all this, so people worked for a long time and created flying machines. The dream of being in space has finally come true.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin first ascended into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. His callsign "Cedar" was recognized by all the inhabitants of our planet. Although Gagarin stayed in space for only 108 minutes, having made only one orbit around the Earth, but this was only the beginning - the beginning of human exploration of outer space, half a century has passed since then, but during this time cosmonauts from many countries, like men, have visited space and women.

What do you think Yuri Gagarin could see in space?

(Answers of the children.)

Of course he saw our Earth there! And of course satellites and stars.

Our Sun is a huge star. And she is surrounded by a whole family of planets. There are 9 of them: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.


Song about the planets.

(Children perform exercises to the music of the song together with the heroes - planets.)

Today in class, we will also fly into space, only on rockets that we will make ourselves.

Productive activity.

You have on your table a sheet of black or purple cardboard, a square sheet orange, 2 circles white for portholes, the sun, stars and blanks of planets, as well as glue, scissors.

    We carry out origami from a square orange sheet - a rocket.

    We glue the rocket on the cardboard.

    We glue the Sun on the sheet and the stars.

    We cut out, place on our work and glue the planets.

    Glue 2 windows onto the rocket.

    With felt-tip pens, we draw our image in the first window, and in the second an image of our friend, whom you wanted to take with you into space.

Didactic game "Pick a rhyme"

Among the field of blue -

Bright shine of a large fire.

The fire walks slowly here,

Earth - bypasses mother,

Shines merrily in the window.

Well, of course, this is ... (sun).

On clear nights

Mom is walking with her daughters.

She does not tell her daughters:

Go to bed, it's late! -

Because the mother is the moon

And the daughters ... (stars).

Letter A, letter A -

Alphabet head.

Vova knows, knows the Light,

"A" looks like ... (rocket).

Lesson summary.

Let's go to space. (We post our work on the board.)

Admire your work, how beautiful it turned out. Whose rocket is the best?

In childhood, many dreamed
Fly into starry space.
So that from this starry distance
Inspect our land.

It remains only to wait, maybe one of you will fly into space!

Oksana Kasyanova

I think that everyone is attracted by the beauty of the starry sky, and especially children. After all, they are so far away and unusually close. Space is full of mysteries that you want to unravel. Someone makes wishes for a shooting star, someone just dreams and imagines himself in place astronaut, and someone just admires the beauty of the starry sky.

The lesson begins with a story about a holiday that will come soon, about the heroes who conquered space, about the planets Solar system, about spaceships , comets and asteroids.

purpose: Tell the child in a language accessible to the child about outer space, tell who they are astronauts and how you can become one. Show what kind of stars are, expand vocabulary on this topic. Increase knowledge of stars, constellations and planets. Help develop imagination, fantasy and creativity.

Tasks: Teach children to compose rocket from geometric shapes, right calling: rectangle, square, triangle, circle.

Develop imagination, knowledge about the size of geometric shapes - large, small; the ability to cut a square into a triangle,

Fix the name of the color black, blue, red, green, the skills of sticking paper to cardboard.

To cultivate accuracy in work, interest in knowing the world around.

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