Production of a salad in Greek recipe. Greek salad: ingredients, history, interesting facts. List of products

It is a juicy, colorful and useful snack, which, for sure, heard everything. It will be by the way in the dietary diet, suitable for a family dinner and even to meet guests. Let's see how to cook greek salad, Following the traditions, and with the addition of other components.

Classic recipe is the easiest. To implement it, you will need only affordable components.

Required products:

  • one salad bulb;
  • tomatoes and cucumbers - two pieces;
  • two spoons of olive oil;
  • any spices to their taste;
  • 0.3 kg of olive bone peeled;
  • about 200 grams of fetax cheese.

Cooking process:

  1. We rinse vegetables from the list, cut into squares and send to the salad bowl.
  2. We put onion rings, olives on top and add fetax cubes.
  3. We sprinkle the ingredients with selected spices and water oil. Now you can serve dish weathered eaters, not even stirring.

Good combined with fresh vegetables Olive herbs. But in season, when young greens are available, it is better to use it.

Cooking recipe with cheese

Greek salad with cheese - option for those cases when there is no cheese that is used in a traditional recipe.

Prepare a set of products in advance:

  • half a breaker olives;
  • spices to your taste;
  • two big spoons of olive oil;
  • 0.1 kg of cheese;
  • one sweet pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Cutting cucumbers and tomatoes with large pieces, lay out in the selected container. With pepper, we remove the hat and seeds, cut it with a clearest and mix with the other ingredients.
  2. Next, oils and solonish cheese are sent to the salad bowl, which is also crushed into neat small squares.
  3. We pour the specified amount of lean oil and refuel by any spices at your own desire.

With chicken and crackers

In this preparation, crackers are used, which give the dish special piquancy and some kind of similarity with the popular "Caesar".

Sukhariki can be made independently in the oven, and if there is no time, then without prejudice to the taste of dishes and purchased.

Prepare such a product kit in advance:

  • 100 grams of olives;
  • a small sweet bulb;
  • herbs and spices to taste;
  • two cucumbers and as much tomato;
  • 0.3 kg of chicken fillet;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • three spoons of olive oil;
  • 0.1 kg fetax;
  • 50 grams of white crackers.

Cooking process:

  1. We rinse the salad, we tear it with any pieces and lay out on a plate. Top will go tomatoes and cucumbers chopped into pieces of medium sized, as well as onion by half rings.
  2. The chicken need to boil, grind and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  3. It remains only to cover the dish with olives, cubes of fetax and crackers, spice and pour olive oil.

How to cook a Greek salad with beans

This is not the most common option to prepare the dish under discussion, but be sure to execute it. Perhaps you will love even more classic salad.

Required products:

  • bunch of salad leaves;
  • 40 milliliters oil olives;
  • two cucumbers and two dense tomatoes;
  • a glass of beans;
  • 100 grams of olives;
  • one blue bulb;
  • 0.15 kg Fetax.

Cooking process:

  1. Before you start cooking, you need to soak the beans, and then until the readiness to boil it.
  2. Place the crushed lettuce leaves on the dish, and on top, place vegetables sliced \u200b\u200bwith cubes. Following the turn of the onion half colts, and then the beans.
  3. Mix olive oil with various spices, for example, with olive herbs - an interesting fill will be released. Pour it a dish.
  4. It remains to add olives and cheese, crushed with small cubes.

With feta cheese

Lightweight, bright salad is perfect for any side mancher and meat dish. It can also be prepared using not only the already considered cheeses, but also feta cheese, which is made from goat milk.

Required products:

  • any Mix of Fresh Herbs;
  • two spoons of olive oil;
  • 0.2 kg of cucumbers;
  • up to 200 grams of feta;
  • half a breaker olives;
  • fresh salad - beam;
  • a small head of a salad bowl;
  • pod of sweet pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare a large dish at which you will lay out all the ingredients.
  2. Rinse the salad leaves, brush them with your hands and send to the plate.
  3. Next, grind the cucumbers, tomatoes and pepper, which you first need to clean from seeds. We put all the vegetable cutting over the leaves.
  4. We add onions, crushed by half rings, cheese, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes, and olives. All this is filling the selected spices based on your taste. Pour a snack with olive oil and then it can be served.

With Beijing cabbage

Prepare all the necessary products in advance:

  • goat cheese gram 200;
  • as much pekinka;
  • the pod is not acute pepper;
  • pair of tomatoes and as many cucumbers;
  • olive oil - three spoons;
  • seasonings to taste;
  • 0.1 kg Maslin.

Cooking process:

  1. All the vegetables listed on the list are well rinsed and grind: cabbage - on strips, cucumbers and tomatoes - small pieces. Peppers pre-release from seeds and also turn into cubes or short-lived strips.
  2. We post all shredded components in the selected container, add kosy cheese and olives to them.
  3. It remains only to pour the dish with olive oil and add spices.

Do not solit a salad until you try it. Cheese and so quite salted, you can not guess and move with the usual proportion.

Greek salad in pita

This dish is more like a snack than salad. If you use a small pita or pit, then it can be submitted.

Required products:

  • 0.2 kg of any goat cheese;
  • pair of fleshy tomatoes;
  • one salad bulb;
  • two cucumbers;
  • spices to your taste;
  • two pita;
  • 30 milliliters of olive oil;
  • 100 grams of olives.

Cooking process:

  1. It is preparing such a salad is not more difficult than the usual one. Prepare all the ingredients indicated in the list: Rinse vegetables, clean the pepper from the seeds and cut everything into small pieces with squares or stripes. Onions can be shaking half rings - so the dish is even more beautiful. Lay out everything first in some bowl.
  2. Add a selected crushed cheese and olives there, pour oil olive oil, spice spices. You can also mix the oil in advance with herbs and give it a little to stand up - then it turns out a more fragrant sauce.
  3. Mix the resulting mass, send to the deployed pita and tightly twist it in the form of a roll.

Options sauces

It is not necessary to refill this dish only with olive oil and spices, because you can always cook sauce for Greek salad.

Classic refueling

Greek, or as it is also called Rustic Salad (Horiatiki), is simple, it is simple that its cooking can be described in one sentence: Cut all the vegetables with large pieces, add cheese and olives, fuel olive oil and sprinkle oregano. Everything! The Greek Salad of Jodyaki is ready, you can enjoy his natural Mediterranean taste.

The main rule of a simple, classic recipe for Greek salad is a large, rough cutting, "rustic". The size of the pieces should be about 2-3 cm. It is believed that in this form, vegetables preserve their taste quality, besides, the preparation of simple everyday salad should not take a lot of time. But the cheese is not necessary. Most often, large squeezes are laid out on top of vegetables, and the earters will already shy the pieces for the fork. Although in restaurants you can often find a flow with a cutting feta cube.

Among the mandatory ingredients: tomatoes, cucumbers, bulgarian pepper, olives and cheese. Sometimes add a sheet salad. Olive oil is used for refueling. And you can not regret it. In Greece, the hostess is abundantly watered with vegetables with refueling, firstly, so tastier, and secondly, after the dish is eaten, on the bottom of the Saladka there will remain a delicious refueling - vegetable juices are mixed with oil and cheese. It is usually twisted fresh bread, Olive pieces are obtained (Ladobuez), very tasty!


  • feta Cheese 200 g
  • tomato 3-4 pcs.
  • cucumbers 2 pcs.
  • onions red 1 pc.
  • pepper Bulgarian green or yellow 1 pc.
  • olives without bones 10-15 pcs.
  • olive oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • orego dried 2-3 scrap.
  • sheet salad at will

How to prepare a classic greek salad

  1. Vegetables need to rinse and dry, peeling onion from husks. Cucumbers I cut a large cube. If they are proud, do not forget to remove the skin.

  2. Onions crushed thin half rings. It is preferable to use a red onion, but if it is not, then the usual white ones will fit. Pre-marinate it or spray with lemon juice is not necessary.

  3. Bulgarian pepper I cleaned from seeds and streaks, cut a large cube. It is advisable to take a pepper of yellow or green, so that the salad look more elegantly and bright.

  4. Tomatoes cut into the same principle as other vegetables, that is, large.

  5. Prepared refueling from olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, salt, pepper and dried oregano. Olive oil is best to take Extra Virgin, instead of lemon juice, you can use wine vinegar, and dried oregano, if necessary, will easily replace the mixture of Italian herbs.

  6. All sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables, I folded into a deep bowl, added olives without bone. Watering refueling and stirred.

  7. Descended the Greek salad on the portion plates, the top of the feta large slices added from above (you can cut into a cube). Capped by dried oregano, slightly rubbing his fingertips with his tips so that he would better reveal his fragrance. If you wish, you can add fragments of leaf salad, it is perfectly combined with all vegetables and serves as an additional decoration of the dish.

As you can see, the recipe for the Greek salad is simple and fast, you just need to cut all the vegetables and fill them with sauce. Serve dish should immediately after cooking. Bon Appetit!

Let's start with the incredible: there is everything in Greece, except ... Greek salad! No, of course, in numerous restaurants aimed at the reception and entertainment of foreign tourists, the staff learned well that to the question of whether they had the above-mentioned salad in the menu, it is worth answering the apprusively and at the same time to nourish their heads to hide their own attitude To so common myth. However, the truth is that what we call the Greek salad, in Greece itself (like many other countries of the Mediterranean) is called dozens of different names, among which there is only the one we are accustomed to.

The most common local "name", which carries a herotoday's article, - "Rustic Salad" (in the original language - χωριάτικη σαλάτα, "Horiatics Salad"), which is very eloquent, accurately and fully displays the essence of guests submitted to guests: natural products available for the price, delightful in quality. The second common name is trite and obviously: vegetable salad. However, it is said that the last few decades in the use of Greek and another name of Greek salad - Salad Russian: Apparently, our compatriots massively order it in restaurants, tightly connecting the Greek dish with their own customs.

To avoid further confusion, let's just agree that Let yourself make a discount on our own traditions and will call a dish of fresh vegetables and cheese, which is universally prepared in the countries of the Mediterranean, Greek salad, however, at the same time in the mind will certainly become a small back for the memory of how correctly it is worth it.

So, go through the basic components of the Greek salad? Specialthe value of this dish is due to the fact that it has almost everything that is required to human: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Portion of delicious salad, saturated to taste and charming in its color saturation - and we can assume that full-fledged meal took place. Salad formulation is optimal: such a lunch will not only give a sense of satiety for a long time, but also normalizes the metabolism, delicately purifies the intestines, saturates the body with useful substances and microelements.

Greek salad products


If you think that the Greek salad can be prepared from semi-plastic greenhouse tomatoes without taste and smell, which are smooth beautiful rows lie on the shelves of supermarkets, you commit a crime against the whole greek culture Healthy nutrition.

The prerequisite for real Greek salad is fragrant tomatoes grown in open soil, Better - Farm or Rustic. Ideal - tomatoes grown by personnel on a personal garden.

Restrictions on the variety of tomatoes do not exist. Depending on personal preferences, you can take the fleshy red tomatoes, juicy pink, rich in taste black, discreet yellow.


The rule relating to the method of cultivation of tomatoes is equally fair both for cucumbers: the fruits should be fresh, elastic, juicy and very fragrant. The sluggish sticks of green, which in abundant offer modern stores, are categorically not suitable for Greek salad.

If there is a crazy thought in the head, clean the fruits from the skins, take the old good broom and drive it away. No self-respecting Greek will not deprive the cucumbers of their component!

Bulgarian pepper

Remember again that Greek salad is a rustic and simple dish, and pass by the ideal Bulgarian peppers, which can be purchased in the supermarket. In the absence of access to personal garden, the destination point is the farmers market, where the grannies with cars are going on, strongly grandfathers on bicycles, wicked rosy ladies in colorful headscarves.

Choose elastic fruits with fresh fruit: if she lied, it signals that the pepper was fed a few days, and then weeks ago. They can be used for stuffing or cooking sauces, but as a component of the Greek salad, they are absolutely not suitable.


Do you want to cook a Greek salad or a salad similar to Greek? This moment Extremely principled when it comes to cheese. The fact is that, according to the EU approved in 2007, the decision, feta may be called exclusively cheese of Greek origin, made of cow or sheep milk. All you buy in stores with such a name, but not produced in Greece, Feta is not.

Thus, it turns out that the authentic Greek salad can be prepared only with the use of cheese brought from a distant and sunny country on the coast Mediterranean Sea. You can purchase a real Feta in supermarkets, but few people decide to spend considerable money on what the domestic analogues exist, no less worthy and high-quality. What cheese to buy to prepare a real Greek salad, decide, of course, only to you.


For the preparation of Greek salad you will need high-quality olives without seeds. Choosing a product, try to do without canned something in metal cans with attractive labels, look for small benches specializing in the sale of goods from Italy or Greece - it is in these stores that you can buy pickled olives and top quality olives. You need a juicy solid fruit of beautiful chocolate color with a well-visible eggplant tint. Options with filling inside are good and tasty, but absolutely not suitable for the preparation of real Greek salad.

Olive oil

Many famous chefs believe that high-quality olive oil is a third of the key to success: it is precisely it combines the scattered components into a single whole, envelops them with an extraordinary spirit of the Mediterranean. Naturally, we are talking About the olive oil category EXTRA VIRGIN, which is obtained by mechanical prescript.

Such oil does not contain any additives, has a saturated taste and aroma and extremely useful for human health. Please note that the Extra Virgin olive oil color should not be close to yellow and amber tones, it is rather green - thick, rich and grassy. The taste of such an oil is very characteristic - he barely cares, he stunches a mixture of salted, sour and sweet, striking saturation, surprises with subtlety.


Knowing people argue that in many respects the perfect taste of Greek salad depends on how you prepare onions. Yes, it is to prepare - on the Internet a lot of recipes for Greek salad, but only some sources are opening the veil and say that before adding a bow to a salad, it should be removed from it bitterness, rigidity and anger. The taste of this dish should force you to love the world and rejoice in people, so the bow needs to be cleaned, cut into the rings and lay out for a couple of minutes in the cooked marinade prepared in advance: a little hot water, salt, spoon sugar. Having taken out onions from the marinade, in no case, do not press it and do not deform, it should remain as well and beautiful.


Oregano is the main Greek culinary grass, it is added everywhere where it is possible - the taste of many Greek dishes have an "oregane" accent. Of course, you can step up the salad by the Italian basil, French rosemary or Georgian cilantro, but it will not be a completely Greek salad, or even not a Greek salad. Oregano (although it is nothing more than an ordinary oregano) - Magic grass, do not neglect it if you decided to know the authentic taste of an authentic classical dish.

Classic Recipe Greek Salad

Of course, it is not necessary to talk about some kind of clear recipe with the exact amount of each ingredient, however, it is possible to withdraw a certain formula. The basic recipe for Greek salad is needed for orientation - feeling general balance Components, you can experiment and play with additives on your own taste.


  • 1 Cucumber;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1/3 of Bulgarian pepper;
  • 1/2 blue bulbs;
  • 5-7 olives;
  • 80 g feta;
  • salt, chopping dry oregano;
  • 50 ml of olive oil.


  1. My vegetables, cut them with large slices. We fold into the salad bowl.
  2. Onions clean, cut by half rings, if desired, a little marinate. Lay out in a salad bowl.
  3. We add olives without brine.
  4. Solim. Mix gently.
  5. On top of vegetables lay out some cheese cuts. Even more correct - solid - one! - Lot. This is an old rustic tradition. It differs from the modern fast food manner to cut fetu cubes.
  6. Sweep oregano.
  7. Salad is abundantly watering olive oil and serve. It is possible with a slice of lemon.

Refueling and training for Greek salad

The classic Greek salad is refilled with top quality olive oil, however, variations that diversify the taste of salad will also make it interesting and unusual.

Try to prepare training based on olive oil and lemon juice. You can add some white wine and balsamic vinegar. Honey droplet, soy sauce, Narshalak, a little cerebral mustard, and orange zest will make the refueling even more original.

The main rule of the preparation of lettuce dressing is that the sauce should be very rich in taste, but pleasant. If you prepared a refueling, but you don't like it (yes, yes, trying before!), Salad will not fix it, rather, she spoil salad itself.

Ways to diversify a classic recipe

There are a lot of options that allow you to diversify the usual rustic salad. In some recipes, it certainly includes a leaf salad. Low salted salmon and canned tuna, boiled cold pasta and baked Bulgarian peppers, ready lentils and raw cauliflower, capers and anchovies, avocado and mushrooms - everyone chooses supplements to their taste and wallet.

By the way, one more option is the leaves of the endivia. They are good not only an additional taste note - they are very cool to serve a salad in the portion. It turns out unusual and stylish.

Feed options

Greek salad is so popular all over the world that numerous experiments on its submission have become quite natural in the development of this dish.

Many of the chefs of famous restaurants build a "turrets" from vegetables, alternating them with cheese. There is a submission in the "boats" from Bulgarian pepper or sheet salad, in the pita and on the roasted bread slices, in small cups on the manner of Verryov and huge bowls, the contents of which can be detected half of China.

Vegetables are laid out on a plate of bright multi-colored rows, alternate in a salad bowl with appetizing layers, roughly cut into a pair of pieces, neatly cut into small cubes - a lot of greek lettuce options, and it seems that every day of the chef come up with new and new interesting methods treat your guests delicious dish Of fresh vegetables and gentle soft cheese.

5 Rules of this Greek salad

Summing up, I want to write separately about basic and very important rules, without complying with which you will prepare anything, but not only a Greek salad.

1. Ingredients for rustic salad in Greek are cut large. No, not just large, but most of the largest - they have to hide in themselves the maximum of taste, plus the preparation of the most ordinary casual dishes to spend more than 5 minutes of time.

2. Are you preparing a salad for yourself and your family? Then drop doubts aside - And mix the contents of the bowl with your hands. RU-KA-MI! This will not only add to the salad of the soulfulness, but also will save the vegetables with whole, without crushing and not even giving them.

3. By adding olive oil, it is worth not only to pay attention to its quality (only the best, only verified!), But also by quantity. The canonical Greek salad should be oil, very oil - no real Greek will not regret olive oil, because he knows that after the Salante will empty, there will be delicious "juice" from vegetables, cheese and refueling. In this liquid, the Greeks make slices of freshly baked bread and enjoy the extraordinary taste of home meal.

By the way, for this process, the inventive people of the solar country even Invented a separate word - "Ladobuez" ("oilseed pieces"), which means completely indecent, but incredibly savory pulling the bread in a salad sauce.

4. Do not cut cheese. Limit one big chop, which is laid out on top of vegetables. So more beautiful, tastier and more "Greek".

5. Greek salad is prepared immediately before submitting to the table, and feeding, immediately eat. He does not need to be incanded, the products must be as fresh and only as chopped only as possible.

The history of the appearance of Greek salad

It is said that the birth of salad falls on 20-30 years of the 19th century. The fact is that tomatoes, one of the main components of the Greek salad, appeared in the territory of this country only in 1818 - and it was after almost instantly gained popularity and nationwide love, began to be used in salads.

Nevertheless, the story claims that it was only a prototype of modern Greek salad - say, his distant genetic ancestor, no more. In times, when the first tomatoes and onions appeared in Greece, these vegetables were not cut by pieces, but ate solely. Only a nearly a century later, one of the Greeks came to the USA from the next wave of emigrants, which guessed to cook favorite dish In a few modified format - after cutting in vegetables into small pieces.

In Greece, besides the rest, there is a proverb: With a rustic salad, you know Greece (or another wording: a village salad is all Greece in one plate). Enjoy the taste of fresh vegetables and soft cheese and know Greece!

Bridal simple! With such words, you can characterize the Greek salad prepared by classic recipe.
Greek salad is preparing incredibly quickly and simple, and the ingredients for salad are required the most common and accessible to everyone.
But what is the secret of Greek salad?! And I will reveal it his secret! It is concluded in juicy, ripe and fragrant seasonal vegetables, which are used to prepare salad and in perfectly selected ingredients and proportions. Vegetables for Greek salad are cut by rather large pieces.
And you can easily prepare a Greek salad at home, thanks to step by step photos, subtleties and secrets that I am generously share on the pages of our site. And believe me, your Greek salad will get tastier than in the restaurant!
Let's start cooking!
And admit, do you have much among you lovers of Greek salad and do you often cook this salad at home or prefer to order in a restaurant?
Also, you may like a similar composition, but a little different from the cooking technology, Salad "Shopsky". - This is not a greek salad, and Bulgarian origin, but he also gets unusually delicious and just preparing. It differs from the Greek the fact that the pepper for the shop salad is baked, and thanks to this, the salad is obtained with a very interesting taste.


tomatoes 3 pcs
cucumbers (small) 2-3 pcs
red Sweet Salad Bow (can be replaced by repusted) 0.5-1 pieces
pepper Bulgarian (green or yellow) 1 PC
olives (b / k) 2-3 tbsp.
brynza or Feta 100-150 g
olive oil 2 tbsp.
red wine vinegar (can be replaced with lemon juice) 2 tbsp.
orego (dried)
freshly ground pepper

Salad "Greek" is a real treasure for lovers of healthy and more diverse nutrition. Cocktail made of fresh vegetables, gentle cheese and oil from olive bones ... Looks very brightly and appetizing on the table, saturates vitamins and fresh pronounced taste. All these indisputable advantages complements another and very weighty - minimum calories! But how to make this salad tasty, can remove olives or add chicken? ..

All this can be done, the salad is so universal that it easily tolerate innocuous modifications and gifts are beautifully the result of even inexperienced cooking. Ways to cook this salad can find a lot on the Internet, but most interesting are different feed options. For example, sometimes vegetables are cut in large, and a piece of cheese, instead of cutting into it with cubes, put a solid large rectangle from above. The dish acquires a much more spectacular, restaurant look and all this is so simple and fast. Salad requires only cutting of all ingredients and ... that's all! Imagine?

Classic step-by-step recipe for Greek salad with photo

The classic salad recipe includes only cheese, fresh vegetables and the right "training". Many prefer to pour it with ordinary olive oil, but this method refers to more simple. If you want to spectacularly prevent this simple and surprisingly popular dish, you will need to play a little with tastes of refueling.


Tomatoes are large - 2 pieces;

lemon juice;

Salt, black pepper;

How to cook?

Step 1. Wash all vegetables thoroughly, cut extra parts, remove seeds from peppers.
It is worth noting that tomatoes for salad you need to use ripe, red. The taste is very dependent on it, and since vegetables are the main ingredient, they must be of the highest quality. Therefore, the salad still should be left in the Summer Collection, because in the winter it will not warm you up, and the taste of brought vegetables will probably be not too promising.

Step 2. Immediately take a beautiful deep vase for salad. We strongly recommend that you stop your choice on transparent dishes, since it is she who can most beautifully and brightly convey the appearance and taste of salad and decorate a festive table.

Step 3. And now it's time to cut the ingredients. Standardly in the salad are vegetables sliced \u200b\u200bby large cubes. Of course, depending on your taste preferences, you can cut all the ingredients with straws, thin slices, or small cube. But we still recommend adhere to the standard - cubes should be same size With whole olive.
So, put the cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and cheese.
But lettuce leaves better break into small pieces with hands.

Step 4. It is not necessary to cut the masses, so just open the can and drain the liquid - it will definitely need it anymore. You do not need to lay out the salad, since all the beauty is just in a colorful surface. Therefore, calmly lay out all the ingredients in the vase in any order, only the cheese will need to add at the end, because it is very soft texture and with stirring it can all squeeze on vegetables.

Step 5. The time of miracles came, prepare the most delicious - refueling. Take a small sauce or bowl and mix in her first dry ingredients - salt, black pepper, herbs. And then fill their tablespoon of lemon juice. It will be much easier to squeeze the juice from the lemon, if you warm it in the microwave oven for 20-30 seconds, depending on the power of your microwave.
You will have a paste, stir her carefully to be confident that no lumps were formed.

Now start pouring olive oil there. Pour gradually, constantly stirring, so that the mixture is not divided. In total, this amount of vegetables you need about 3x-5 tablespoons of oil, depending on how much you love its oily taste.
Be sure to use top quality oil, because the taste of salad depends on it. It must be unrefined and cold pressed.

Step 6. Pour vegetables in a vase with the resulting refueling and thoroughly mix the salad. Then, on top. Put the cubes of cheese and mix again, but very neat and very little. Salad is ready, serve more to the table and rejoice in the useful and tasty decoration of the table.

Bon Appetit!

Classic recipe for greek salad with crackers

No matter how good the original recipe, always want to improve it a little, because the truth is? For example, many hostesses, Greek salad seems not enough crispy, lacks good carbohydrates. Therefore, we decided to give you a salad recipe, in which garlic clutches of their own preparation are added to the usual composition, which give the dish of son and spices, so that he does not lose in appearanceBut it acquires additional advantages.


Red Bulgarian Point - 1 Large;
Tomatoes are large - 2 pieces;
Fresh cucumber - 2 large or 4 small;
Green lettuce leaves - 1 beam or 1 \\ 2 Kochkanchik Beijing cabbage;
Olives and olives (or something one) better with remote bones - 1 medium jar;
Olive oil unrefined;
lemon juice;
"Feta" creamy cheese - one small packaging;
Salt, black pepper;
Fragrant herbs (your taste).
2 cloves of garlic;
Three thick slice of fresh baton or bread;

How to cook:

Step 1. Let's first cook crackers, because they need time until they are dried in the oven, we will just have time to prepare all the other ingredients.
So, clean the slice of garlic, give it out of a large, wide knife, and then cut into small pieces.

Melt butter, Mix it with garlic and add 1 \\ 2 teaspoon in a mixture. Then, large cubes (size with oline) cut the pieces of bread and abundantly lubricate them with an oil mixture. Equally distribute on the pallet to baking the bread and put the oven into the oven preheated to 70 degrees. You will need to bake crackers around 20-30 minutes, but every 5-10 minutes we recommend that you check them and stir them slightly - they do not have to burn in any way.

Step 2. Thoroughly wash all the vegetables and cleanse from the marbles, pollution and places where they are broken. From the peppers you need to remove all seeds. Do not forget about the high quality of the ingredients, it is very important.

Step 3. Prepare dishes. Cut all the vegetables with large cubes, brush the leaves of the Beijing cabbage.
In this recipe we use the Beijing cabbage to give Salad to the similarity with the Caesar salad, because we use similar crowns. Of course, you can use green salad, focus on your own taste preferences.

Cut the cheese cubes. Open jars with olives and drain liquid. Hasha 4. Prepare a refueling. Mix pepper, grass and salt in the sauce, overtake in the paste together with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Constantly stirring, enter from three to five tablespoons of olive oil.

Step 5. Put vegetables and olives in a salad vase, fill with refueling and mix thoroughly. Add cheese and interfere with a slightly vase in a slightly again. Top decorate with crackers. Do it as cautious as possible so that they do not commemorate and the salad turned out fresh and tasty.

Serve to the table and do not forget to wish everyone a pleasant appetite!

Greek classic chicken salad

No matter how much we did not like the Greek salad, something in it is constantly lacking ... It seems to be cheese, and vegetables, and oil ... But where is meat? If you ever wondered by this question, then this recipe is definitely written for you.

Despite the traditional recipe, stored years, gentle chicken fillet Perfectly fits in the "picture" of dishes and complements it, making it more satisfying and glad of meatons with its aroma. Since this salad is considered to be a restaurant, cook, we will cook in the best traditions - juicy fried fillet to the crunchy, golden crust, apply and only then let it go to our chic salad. Let's proceed?


Chicken fillet - 150 - 200 grams;
garlic clove for marinade;
Red Bulgarian Point - 1 Large;
Tomatoes are large - 2 pieces;
Fresh cucumber - 2 large or 4 small;
Green lettuce leaves - 1 beam or 1 \\ 2 Kochkanchik Beijing cabbage;
Olives and olives (or something one) better with remote bones - 1 medium jar;
Olive oil unrefined;
lemon juice;
"Feta" creamy cheese - one small packaging;
Salt, black pepper;
Fragrant herbs (your taste).

How to cook?

Step 1. So, proceed. To make a chicken as rich and gentle as possible, we pick it up. To do this, you need to clean garlic first and wash chicken fillet. You don't need to cut fillets, we will do with ready-made meat. But the garlic needs to crush the flat side of a big knife and chopped finely. Mix in a small bowl of a seaspagne salt of a salt, garlic, a little black pepper. You can add seasoning for chicken. Fill a mixture of a tablespoon of lemon juice and lubricate this palate fillet. Leave marinated at room temperature for half an hour - an hour.

Step 2. And now rinse and clean the vegetables from pollution. Remove seeds from peppers and cut the "roots" of tomatoes and cucumbers. Cut the vegetables with straw, in this recipe it is this that will be the best solution. The cabbage is also brought by hand. We use the Beijing cabbage because of its excellent combination with chicken meat. It can be replaced by a regular salad.
From cans with olives, drain the liquid, cut each olive for 3-4 rings.
But the "Feta" cheese, we all also cut large cubes.

Step 3. Prepare the refueling, mixing lemon juice with salt and herbs, stirring pouring olive oil.

Step 4. Need to fry the chicken. To do this, heals a frying pan with a thick bottom and high heat and lubricate its surface with oil. When the frying pan heats up, lay out chicken fillet and fry at least 5 minutes from each side, each side should be covered with a golden crispy crust. To check the readiness, you can pierce fillet for a fork. If you go muddy or pinkish juice, you need to fry further. If there is no juice or it is transparent, everything is fine, you can remove the chicken.
Give it to cool 10-15 minutes.

Step 5. All also straw cut the cooled at least a little chicken. Stay all the vegetables, olive and meat in a vase, fill with refueling and mix everything thoroughly. Top add cheese and mix again slightly, but do not get drunk too much.

Serve to the table as soon as possible. Bon Appetit!

Greek salad without olives

It would seem, what could be the Greek salad without olives? After all, this is his basis, you can say business card! It turns out that there is nothing terrible in this, you just need to change a little recipe for refueling and add another, more rich type of cheese. But this is not completely bad and not scary, so do not rush to correct the festive menu or rewrite all the plans.


Green salad - 1 package;
Red Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece, large;
Fresh tomatoes, ripe - 2 large;
Salted cucumbers are large, spicy ambulance - 2 pieces;
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
Salt, herbs, pepper;

How to cook?

Step 1. As you can see to replace marinated olives, we replace them with salt cucumber. This is a great solution to restore the acid and flavor balance of lettuce. Similarly, tomatoes can also be replaced if the salted cucumbers did not turn out.
So, wash and clean the vegetables from seeds and "roots", cut into large cubes.
Salted cucumbers are also better to slightly slip under the jet cold waterTo wash off an excess salt from the surface and cut as well as other vegetables.

Step 2. Small the cheese with small cubes. If you do not like cheese, you can return your favorite Fetu on its deserved place. The fact is that cheese has a brighter and salty taste that when eliminating olives and olive oil plays our hand. In general, in almost any option preparation, you can use cheese or, for example, Sulguani cheese. But then you need to change the method of cutting and cut into small cubes so that the salad does not scare the guests with its excessive salinity.

Step 3. Prepare a Vase and put all the vegetables into it, brush the salad. Prepare refueling. To do this, mix the salt, herbs and pepper with vegetable oil, Fill ready-made salad with refueling. In this embodiment, the cooking salad can be added to the dishes along with vegetables and boldly mix everything, as to smear the cheese, you will have to try to try, right? Thoroughly mix the salad with refueling and ... everything! Your salad is ready, serve to the table.

Bon Appetit!

Greek salad refueling

Think, you can cook only one as defined way? And here is not! No matter how authentic is not the salad, seasoned by olive oil, it is much more interesting, if you use complex refrigeration recipes, consisting of various spices, juices, oils and other things. Just this simple and insignificant, as many it seems, thing as a refueling can radically change the whole dish and we want to tell you how, to offer different options and ideas, be sure to try!

Let's first reveal a number of ingredients that are great for this salad. It's no secret that there is a certain principle of the combination of products and not every ingredient for such a salad will be a good choice.

1. Olive oil.
From him, of course, not to run anywhere. This is the main ingredient of refueling and always comes perfectly.

2. Lemon juice.
And this is not a surprise for you. Combining soft acid and pleasant, delicate taste - lemon juice perfectly fits into a vegetable cocktail.

3. Mustard.
Almost any restaurant salad improves in taste, if you add mustard to it. To get involved, of course, it is not worth it, but in small quantities it will be the most cherry on the top of the cake.

4. Honey.
For many, the amazing properties of honey and his ability to disclose the finest notes of taste of the products seem to be a legend, but it is actually so. Almost for any restaurant sauce, there are several drops of honey - the best solution to which experienced cooks always enjoy.

5. Balsamic vinegar.
Balsamic vinegar is a product hard to reach in Russia, but if it has in your kitchen - any salad will become a masterpiece in a matter of minutes. What should be done? Just add a few drops to the surface of the salad and mix! His unusual taste will disappoint anyone.

6. Garlic.
The taste qualities of garlic do not even need to tell, everyone knows. Distribute one small teeth into the sauce and can achieve the best praise from your guests. But you should not overdo it, it is the biggest mistake of many owners. Excessive acuity simply blocks the taste of all other ingredients and spoil the mood and you and children who have it and will refuse him at all.

7. Basil.
Oh, how many praise we hear about fresh, fragrant leaves of basilica. Despite the fact that they are used for the most part in the Italian cuisine, in small quantities they are well suited as an additive for various refills. The fact is that it is his saturated, bitter taste perfectly reveals fresh vegetables.

8. Dried Italian herbs.
And this is a small, kind of lifehak. Just keep the dried herbs among your spices and add to any salads and second dishes in small quantities - the Mediterranean spirit will not wait.

Experiment with mixing these ingredients in different proportions and you will always have a new, unusual and surprisingly delicious salad. I wish you success!

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