Octopuses are not from our planet. Scientists argue: are octopuses alien or local? And at this time

Q Why not?

I am anxious about octopuses and squids. I try not to use it. After watching programs and articles about the future after the extinction of humanity. Where the place of highly intelligent beings will be occupied by They ... Smart, strange and others.


The study, presented the other day in the journal Nature, has become almost a sensation. It describes that during the analysis of the octopus's DNA, scientists came to the conclusion that these cephalopods actually have alien DNA.

According to the study, octopuses have a genome of incredible complexity, made up of 33,000 protein-coding genes. It is noteworthy that this number is significantly higher than similar genes in the human body.

Marine biologists are interested in this discovery, who intend to carefully study the DNA code of these mollusks in order to discover previously unknown characteristics. Thanks to this first-ever complete genome sequence, many of them already confidently claim that octopuses, unlike other animals, are not indigenous to our planet.
This is not the first study to highlight the rarity of octopuses.

Previously, they were studied by Dr. Clifton Ragsdale from the University of Chicago, who came to the conclusion that octopuses cannot be compared with other mollusks: eight tenacious limbs, a large brain and the ability to quickly solve current tasks of their own safety and provision stand out strikingly from others.

The British zoologist Martin Wells, without a shadow of hesitation, stated that the octopus is an alien. Based on this bold concept, another zoologist, Clinton Rag, suggested that the current study is the first to describe a genome derived from an alien being.

Researchers at the University of Chicago also noted that the octopus genome is actually full of transposons, or so-called jumping genes. These genes can be rearranged in the genome and what their real role in the body is, scientists have yet to figure out.

So far, it is only known that transposons are able to regulate gene expression and also significantly affect the general structure of the genome.

Scientists are confident that a deeper sounding of this issue by marine biologists and finding out whether the octopus actually has "alien" genes could give humanity huge prospects. In their opinion, the very existence of such discoveries suggests that earthlings are still far from a full-fledged study of the world in which they live.

· Alien DNA was found in octopuses in the amount of 30 grams. Octopuses assure that this is only for their own use.

· The British zoologist Martin Wells, without a shadow of hesitation, stated that the octopus is an alien. That's just him

Recently, researchers have put forward a very entertaining theory according to which octopuses are creatures from other planets that accidentally found themselves on Earth. Official science decided to respond to this statement, explaining that the adherents of the theory are deeply mistaken.

Octopuses are rightfully considered one of the most mysterious and amazing representatives of the animal world on our planet. These creatures have a lot of features that boggle the imagination: the presence of three hearts, the ability to change color, the brain is quite large sizes, and yet these creatures are very trainable.

Representatives of the order of cephalopods were often used by scientists in various studies, but the study of their evolution was difficult. It is a fact that octopuses are very intelligent creatures, so the question of what influenced their development is one of the most interesting and intriguing ones.

A strange-looking living creature so captured the imagination of people that the most incredible version of its appearance on Earth appeared. So, a number of experts believe that octopuses arrived on our planet from other worlds, where intelligent representatives also live. extraterrestrial civilizations... An article on this topic even appeared that adorned the pages of the popular scientific publication Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology.

As the authors of the study explain, the eggs of octopuses and squid were brought to Earth by a meteorite that crashed into the planet several million years ago. This is how experts explain the amazing development of these animals.

But a number of scientists boycotted the theory. For example, the famous biologist Paul Myers said that the study was not impressive and there was no reason to believe in it. He admitted that octopuses really for the scientific world are still very incomprehensible creatures, the evolution of which is poorly understood, but just because of this it is not very reasonable to weave a cosmic origin.

The scientist set out to destroy, as it seems to him, an openly stupid version that can firmly take hold in the minds of people, which he does not want, and began to "shoot" specific revealing facts. Myers explained that if we assume that octopuses really came from other worlds, then they should have nothing in common with other members of the order of mollusks, but nevertheless, common points are present in large numbers. In addition, the creatures could hardly survive in the conditions of the new planet.

Myers' skeptical position was reflected in the minds of other scientists, including Carey Melling. An employee of the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics noted that although the work of the researchers seems to be quite interesting, it is impossible to take it seriously and use it as a basis for further study of the animal world. This will simply lead to a dead end, since it is inherently false.

The story of the appearance of octopuses on Earth, as Melling explains, can be explained in other ways that are more intelligent. For example, a version of the Cambrian explosion is in development, which occurred between 541 million and 485 million years ago, resulting in a huge variety of life forms.

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