How to avoid global environmental problems. Modern environmental problems. International Environmental Organizations in Russia

Continuous technical progress, continuing nature enslavement by man, industrialization, beyond recognition that has changed the surface of the Earth, became the causes of the global environmental crisis. Currently, the population of the planet is particularly acute such problems ambient As a pollution of the atmosphere, the destruction of the ozone layer, acid rain, greenhouse effect, soil contamination, the pollution of the waters of the world ocean and overcrowding.

Global Environmental Problem # 1: Atmospheric Pollution

A daily average person inhales about 20,000 liters of air containing, in addition to vital oxygen, a whole list of harmful suspended particles and gases. The atmospheric pollutants are conventionally divided into 2 types: natural and anthropogenic. The latter prevail.

FROM chemical industry things are not the best. Plants throw such harmful substances such as dust, fuel oil ash, various chemical compounds, nitrogen oxides and much more. Air measurements showed the catastrophic position of the atmospheric layer, polluted air becomes the cause of many chronic diseases.

Pollution of the atmosphere is an environmental problem, not a mischief familiar to residents of absolutely all corners of the Earth. It is especially acutely felt by representatives of cities, which operate enterprises of black and non-ferrous metallurgy, energy, chemical, petrochemical, construction and pulp and paper industries. In some cities, the atmosphere is also very poisoned by motor vehicles and boiler rooms. All these are examples of anthropogenic air pollution.

As for the natural sources of chemical elements polluting the atmosphere, it includes forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosions (dispelling soils and particles of rocks), the proliferation of pollen, evaporation of organic compounds and natural radiation.

The consequences of the pollution of the atmosphere

Atmospheric air pollution adversely affects human health, contributing to the development of heart and light diseases (in particular, bronchitis). In addition, such an atmosphere pollutants as ozone, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide destroy the natural ecosystems, destroying the plants and causing the death of living beings (in particular, river fish).

The global environmental problem of the pollution of the atmosphere, according to scientists and government representatives, can be solved by the following ways:

  • restriction of population growth;
  • reduction of energy utilization;
  • improving energy efficiency;
  • reducing waste;
  • transition to environmentally friendly renewable energy sources;
  • cleaning air into specially contaminated territories.

Global Environmental Problem # 2: The depletion of the ozone layer

The ozone layer is a thin strip of the stratosphere, protecting everything alive on the ground from the destructive ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Causes of the environmental problem

Back in the 1970s. Ecologists have found that the ozone layer is destroyed under the influence of chlorofluorocarbons. These chemicals are part of the cooling fluids of refrigerators and air conditioners, as well as solvents, aerosols / sprays and fire extinguishers. To a lesser extent, other anthropogenic effects contribute to the thinning of the ozone layer: launch space Rocket, flights of jet aircraft in high layers of the atmosphere, testing nuclear weapons, reduction of forest planets. There is also a theory according to which global warming contributes to thinning of the ozone layer.

The consequences of the destruction of the ozone layer

As a result of the destruction of the ozone layer, ultraviolet radiation passes freely through the atmosphere and reaches the surface of the Earth. The impact of direct UV rays adversely affects the health of people, relaxing the immune system and causing such diseases as skin cancer and cataracts.

World Environmental Problem # 3: Global Warming

Like the glass walls of the greenhouse, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen and water vapor oxide allow the sun to heat our planet and at the same time prevent the exit into space of infrared radiation reflecting from the surface. All these gases are responsible for maintaining temperature, suitable for life on Earth. However, increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide and water vapor in the atmosphere is another global environmental problem, referred to as global warming (or greenhouse effect).

Causes of global warming

During the XX century, the average temperature on Earth increased by 0.5 - 1? C. The main cause of global warming is considered to increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to an increase in the volume of fossil fuels incinerated by people (coal, oil and their derivatives). However, according to the application Alexey Kokorina, head of climate programs World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) of Russia, "The greatest number of greenhouse gases is formed as a result of the operation of power plants and emissions of methane during the production and delivery of energy resources, while road transport or incineration of associated petroleum gas in torches are made of relatively low harm to the environment".

Other global warming prerequisites are the overpopulation of the planet, reducing the area of \u200b\u200bforest arrays, the depletion of the ozone layer and toasting. However, not all environmentalists are responsible for increasing the average annual temperatures entirely on anthropogenic activities. Some believe that the natural increase in the number of ocean plankton contributes to global warming, leading to an increase in the concentration of all the same carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Consequences of greenhouse effect

If the temperature during the XXI century will increase by 1 more? C - 3.5? C, as scientists predict, the consequences will be very sad:

  • the level of the oceans will rise (due to the melting of polar ice), the number of droughts will increase and the process of desertification of land will increase,
  • many species of plants and animals will disappear, adapted to existence in a narrow range of temperatures and humidity,
  • run hurricanes.

Solving an environmental problem

Slow down the global warming process, according to ecologists, the following measures will help:

  • raising fossil types of fuel
  • replacing fossil fuel is environmentally friendly ( solar energy, wind energy and sea currents),
  • development of energy-saving and waste-free technologies
  • taxation of emissions to the environment,
  • minimization of methane loss during its production, transportation through pipelines, distribution in cities and villages and applications at heat supply stations and power plants,
  • introduction of carbon dioxide absorption and binding technologies
  • tree planting,
  • reducing family size
  • environmental education
  • application of phytomeliolation in agriculture.

Global Environmental Problem # 4: Acid Rain

Acid rains containing fuel combustion products also pose a danger to the environment, human health and even for the integrity of architectural monuments.

The consequences of acid rain

The solutions of sulfur and nitric acids contained in contaminated precipitation and fog, aluminum and cobalt compounds are contaminated with the soil and reservoirs, adversely affect vegetation, causing suchurance of deciduous trees and coal coniferous. Due to acid rain, the yield of crops falls, people drink toxic metals enriched (mercury, cadmium, lead) water, marble architectural monuments turn into plaster and blur.

Solving an environmental problem

In the name of the salvation of nature and architecture from acid rain, it is necessary to minimize the emissions of sulfur oxides and nitrogen into the atmosphere.

Global Environmental Problem No. 5: Soil Pollution

Every year, people pollute the surrounding environment of 85 billion tons of waste. Among them are solid and liquid waste of industrial enterprises and transport, agricultural waste (including keriformicates), household garbage and atmospheric fees of harmful substances.

The main role in the pollution of the soil is played by such components of man-made waste as heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, thallium, bismuth, tin, vanadium, antimony), pesticides and petroleum products. From the soil, they penetrate the plants and water, even the spring. In the chain, toxic metals fall into the human body and not always quickly and completely out of it. Some of them have the property to accumulate for long years, provoking the development of heavy diseases.

Global Environmental Problem # 6: Water Pollution

Pollution of the World Ocean, Underground and Surface Water Sushi - Global Environmental Problem, responsibility for which entirely lies with the person.

Causes of the environmental problem

The main pollutants of the hydrosphere today are oil and petroleum products. In the Water of the World Ocean, these substances penetrate the collapse of tankers and regular discharges wastewater Industrial enterprises.

In addition to anthropogenic petroleum products, industrial and household objects contaminate the hydrosphere with severe metals and complex organic compounds. Leaders for the poisoning of the World Ocean minerals and biogenic elements are recognized agriculture and the food industry.

Does not bypass a side of the hydrosphere and such a global environmental problem as radioactive pollution. The prerequisite for its formation was the burial in the waters of the world's ocean of radioactive waste. Many powers with the developed nuclear industry and the atomic fleet, from 49 to the 70s of the XX century, were purposefully stored in the sea and the oceans, harmful radioactive substances. In places of burial of radioactive containers, the cesium level is often excavated. But "underwater polygons" is not the only radioactive source of contamination of the hydrosphere. Water of the seas and oceans are enriched with radiation and as a result of underwater and surface nuclear explosions.

Environmental problems can be called a number of factors meaning the degradation of the environment of us. Often they are caused by direct human activity. As the industry has developed, there are problems directly related to the equilibrium impaired, which was previously established in an environmental environment, which are difficult to compensate.

Mira are diverse. To date, the situation in the world is such that we are in close to the collapse. Among the ecology can be noted such as:

The destruction of thousands of animal and plants, an increase in the number of disappearing species;

Reducing the reserve of minerals and other vital resources;

Extermination of the forest massif;

Pollution and drainage of the World Ocean;

Violation of the ozone layer, which protects us from radiation from space;

Pollution of the atmosphere, lack of clean air in some areas;

Pollution of natural landscape.

Today, there is practically no surface left on which the elements are not artificially created by man. Unsuburning and indulgence of human influence as a consumer in nature. The error is that the world around us is not only the source of wealth and various resources. A person is lost philosophical attitude towards nature as a mother of all alive.

The problems of modernity consist in the fact that we do not educate the concern for her. A person as a creature in itself is selfish, creates conditions for his own comfort, breaking and licking nature. We do not think about what they harm themselves. It is for this reason that today it is necessary to pay attention not to so much with the solution of environmental problems, how much to educate a person as part of nature.

Environmental problems are initially divided by the level of their scale to regional, local and global. An example of a local problem can be called a factory that does not clean the drains before making a reset to the river, and thus pollutes water and destroys living organisms living in this water. Speaking of regional issues, as an example, you can cite the well-known situation in Chernobyl. Tragedy affected thousands of people's lives, as well as animals and others biological organismswho previously lived in this area. And finally, global problems are those critical situations that are reflected in the population of the entire planet and can be fatally dangerous for millions of us.

The ecological problems of the world today require an immediate decision. First of all, as mentioned above, it is worth paying attention to coming to harmony with nature, people will cease to treat it exclusively consumer. Next, it is necessary to take a number of measures for general environmentalization. To do this, we will need to develop new environmentalizing technologies at work and in everyday life, the environmental expertise of all new projects is needed, a closed cycle is required.

Returning to the human factor, it is worth mentioning that it does not hurt and the ability to save, limit yourself. Reasonable spending of resources such as energy, water, gas, etc. can save the planet from their shortage. It is worth knowing and remember that at that time, while you in the crane flows net, some countries suffer from drought, and the population of these countries dies from a lack of fluid.

The environmental problems of the world can and need to be solved. Remember that the safety of nature and the healthy future of the planet depends exclusively from ourselves! Of course, well-being is impossible without the use of resources, but it is worth thinking about the fact that oil and gas can end in several decades. The ecological problems of the world affect everyone and everyone, do not stay indifferent!

Eh Cology is a factor on which the level of our life, health and comfort of stay in this world also depends! Understanding the subtleties of the interaction of living organisms with the environment, it is easy to determine what is good, and that bad for the health of our house is the planet. After all, all the problems of ecology begin with small - making detour changes in a small area, which subsequently can run a chain reaction, leading to the formation of an environmental disaster, first small, and then a planetary scale.

The environment is considered to be a science on environmental health. The value of this sphere for the health and life of a person is incredibly huge, because to stay healthy and live a full life only in a clean and healthy environment.

What are the problems of ecology

Ecology now makes worrying scientists of different spheres of science. The fact is that the problems of ecology are so comprehensive and illuminated, which is felt literally in all directions of life modern society. They can not be noticed, not to pay attention to them, but this does not mean that sooner or later you will not face the consequences of environmental pollution, which is called face to face. Consider the basic classes of environmental problems and try to figure out what the specific areas of environmental "diseases" have the impact.

Classification of environmental problems

Ecology problems today can be found in all known directions of the biological environment. Consider the basic classes of environmental problems with which living organisms, including people face daily.

Air pollution. The air that we breathe contains a huge amount of non-displeased impurities, such as carbon dioxide, sulfur, nitrogen and other harmful chemical elementsStaying in solid, gaseous or liquid state. All this we breathe in the lungs. These "pairs" settle in the soil, saturate the upper atmospheric layer. Any contamination of the atmosphere forms an unhealthy background to habitat living organisms. But a much more dangerous point can be called that the structure of our planet's shell is destabilized. This can lead to a huge ecological catastrophe. A vivid example is the prospect of the destruction of the ozone layer. Theoretically, this problem may arise due to the rehabilitation of the atmosphere by freon, fluorine, chlorine compounds, chlorine, carbon and other substances. All these elements are constantly "emitted" into the atmosphere on the domestic and industrial and economic level. Also, with the development of high-rise aviation and the development of space spaces, a negative impact on the thickness of the ozone layer has increased.

Purity of surface and groundwater. From the water consists of all living on Earth. Water is a giving moisture, food for saturation of animal cells, vegetable organisms. Without water, life on planet Earth is simply impossible. But the purity of underground and surface waters today is questionable. Industrial emissions occur daily at many reservoirs in the world. Any class of the 3rd grade has already perfectly knows what the water cycle is in nature. Based on this, it is easy to understand that by passing a cyclical path, water Mass Gets saturation from all layers. And although the water in our cranes arrives after passing the multistage cleaning, to say that it is crystal clear, we cannot. Yes, and forget that the health of the water massif of the Earth is extremely important to preserve the lives of many important organisms, as well as for the formation of a familiar habitat of all living on Earth, is not worth it. On a global scale there is a risk of decreasing volumes fresh water on the planet. Is it worth going to concrete what it threatens to mankind?

To reasons for reducing fresh water, irrational use can be attributed water resources Man, as well as all the same banal pollution of natural sources and their complete disappearance.

Soil pollution. The volumes of the fertile soil layer also strive to decrease, and indeed the Earth gives us not only the steady plane of the support, but is also a source of food. Everything we grown on Earth is saturated from her subsoil. The quality of products obtained by the cultivation of agricultural land and private country sites depends on the health of the soil layer. Also, the life of animals, insects, plants, birds, etc. directly depends on the purity of the ground reservoir.

What threatens soil today? Pollution chemicals, radiation particles, salinization, erosion, weathered. Chemical fertilizers used in modern agriculture, often apply huge damage to the health of the soil layer. Foresting of forests, cloaking of useful planes - all this leads to reinforced weathered of the soil layer. As a result of irrational land use, erosion of the fertile layer is developing.

Urbanization and natural environment. The person is a reasonable creature, and it is human influence that the environment most noticeably changes. Growth of cities, technology development, increasing infrastructure, industrial progress is often closely bordered with cutting out of forests, pollution and cropping of water bodies, extermination of individual animal species, plants. Often, pursuing good goals, people seriously disturb the balance of artificial and natural landscapes. For this reason, some notable objects of nature remained only in history and no longer please the human eye, do not give useful "fruits" for the development and existence of life on Earth.

Global problems of ecology

There is a whole section of environmental problems, the development of which has almost did not affect human activity, such as global climate warming. Scientists are still arguing over the nature of this phenomenon. However, it is quite precisely proven that today the climate has become warmer by 0.8 degrees, the ocean level rose, the types of glaciers slowly decrease, the snow layer in the respective parts of light melts.

Such hypotheses are put forward:

  • The cause of global warming is increased solar activity.
  • The development of climate warming began with an increase in technological progress and as a result of active carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.
  • Causes of climate change lies in forest fires, volcanic activity.
  • Also, the sources of provocateurs for the development of climatic changes are the world ocean and the territory of permafrost.

Of course, to completely eliminate the anthropological factor, as the cause of the problems of climatic nature, it is impossible. It would be silly to believe that the development of technology would not affect this sphere. However, we are so few know about the mechanisms of interaction of the heavenly bodies and on the influence of the objects of the universe on changes on the planet Earth, which is unlikely to be appropriate if it is unlikely to be appropriate.

Problems of ecology and human activity

After reading all the above, many will see a reasonable question: what can be done to preserve the health of our environment? After all, a person with its activities has a direct impact on the emergence of serious environmental problems. Scientific and environmental scientists and representatives of other scientific spheres are tirelessly working to find a solution to important issues of conservation of the ecological balance on the planet. Today there are several quite real ideas, embodying that, you can help very much in nature.

  1. Separate garbage collection. Household and industrial waste are also a source of environmental pollution. After all, the garbage can relate to different categories. These may be toxic waste or garbage elements that can be recycled. Some types of garbage can be used as fuel. There is a waste category to be buried. Throwing garbage without parsing in one pile, we apply economic and environmental damage. After all, simple sorting and rational waste disposal solves a lot of serious issues, which helps to preserve the health of the environment and the population of the country.
  2. Saving fuel and electricity, rational use of technical means. Technological progress is good and correct. But to use all the resources associated with technological benefits is rational. You should always weigh the level of need to use a domestic appliance, assessing the benefits received and possible harm. Be sure to arrange days, hours, minutes of saving electricity consumption or fuel use. This will significantly reduce emissions into the atmosphere, will reduce the level of pollution. aquatic environmentwill help save useful resources.
  3. Reducing meat products. It is believed that vegetarianism can become an excellent drugs for the environment. The fact is that cattle breeding in production scale causes enormous harm for ecology, as it contributes to the formation of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Also, animal husbandry in order to produce meat products stands at the head of such problems as the use of useful areas and violation of the natural landscape, large-scale consumption of pure water, pollution of the external waste. Moving on plant food, a person can significantly reduce the scale of the need for livestock production. This, in turn, discusses the load from this sphere of negative influence. In addition, the health of each individual man adds one big "puzzle" of a healthy environment. As you know, the refusal of food of animal origin helps to clean the body from toxins, slags, harmful biological impurities. Vegetarian food Helps Clean the Spirit and Help the Body. But, as you know, taking care of the preservation of nature, the purity of the surrounding world, it is worth starting with yourself and own health.

Ecology of thought

To preserve our world and make it better, it is worth paying attention to your own perception of reality. After all, coming to this world and living on the principle of consumer will not be able to contribute to the preservation of environmental health. As it was already said earlier, it is necessary to start with themselves. It all starts with small. Take a child not to sift on the street. Do not throw garbage past urn yourself. Take care to learn the degree of harm from the use of certain gadgets and use resources rationally, restrained. A spiritually developed person will not allow themselves to harm nature. He will take care of his physical and mental health. Choosing healthy image Life, the right course of thoughts, taking a special look at the world, a person will take care of the environment. It will manifest itself both on a global scale and in small things. It is important to pay attention to the culture of your body, drawing up the right diet, as well as seek interconnections in certain actions and processes occurring in the world. It is possible that by changing inner world, spending some strength and resources by choosing loyal guidelines, each person contributes to the preservation of the ecology of our planet. And then large-scale ecological catastrophes will remain horns from newspapers and never become a reality!


After reading so much of the ugly about the prospects for ecology, you should not be upset! Today in the world there is a tendency to pay attention to these issues. Surely, many noticed that the Eco prefix flashes today here and there. We are offered ancoproducts, vehicles for sewing clothes, building houses, repair, production of various things. Environmentally friendly fuels are being developed today. Often you can hear about increasing the use of ecological transport. For example, electric vehicles, bicycles, scooters are in fashion. Modern people We often think about the ecology of the composition of products, fabrics, materials used for repair and erection of housing. Even pets, many owners strive to feed environmentally friendly feeds, without the addition of gennometric and chemical amplifiers of volume, nutritional and taste. Many dackets, farmers, owners of large agronomical farms are fundamentally refused to apply harmful fertilizers and care about the ecological purity of the erected crop.

And although the Eco prefix in 55% of cases is only a marketing trick that helps strengthen the value of the goods offered, yet the issue of conservation of ecology is becoming a mind and becomes relevant for all ages and generations of people. This means that humanity is on the right track. After all, the main thing in solving any problem is the awareness of its depth and recognition of its existence. The next step is the search for available and effective tools, expanding the accompanying toolbase. Further, the high level of discipline remains in the direction of applying the rules for preserving a healthy environment. Of all this, you can conclude that everything is not so bad. The fact that today the words "ecology", "eco-friendly", "environmentally friendly" is not an empty sound for most people, is a good sign. So, every day someone thinks about the preservation of the purity of the surrounding world. So, someone is not indifferent to the health of the planet and there are great chances of preventing the environmental catastrophe in the foreseeable future and much later.

The message on the topic "Environmental Problems" will tell about the importance of this issue for our planet. A message about environmental issues will show that urgent actions are needed to save the planet.

"Environmental problems" message briefly

Our planet is on the verge of a serious environmental crisis. Current ecological problems They lead to natural disasters, climate change and global warming. Modern environmental problems require urgent attention.

The main environmental problems of the world

1. Pollution air, water and soil. Industry and exhaust gases of cars are pollutants number one. Heavy metals, nitrates and plastic are toxins responsible for pollution. While water pollution is caused by spilling oil, acid rain, urban drain; Air pollution is caused by various gases and toxins allocated by industrial enterprises and factories, as well as fuel combustion. Soil contamination is mainly caused by industrial waste, which deprive the soil of the necessary nutrients.

2. Global warmingis the result of human activity. Global warming leads to an increase in the temperature of the oceans and the earth's surface, which leads to the melting of polar ice hats, increase the sea level. Because of warming, floods, heavy snowfall, desertification began to happen more often. In general, global warming leads to a change in the general weather script.

3. Overcake The planet leads to a lack of resources, such as water, fuel and food. Demographic explosion in less developed and developing countries Restores the already limited resources. Intensive agriculture brings damage to the environment due to the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides. Overpopulation is one of the most important current environmental problems.

4. Exhaustion natural resources. The consumption of fossil fuels leads to greenhouse gas emissions, which are responsible for global warming and climate change. Worldwide, people take efforts to transition to renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, wind energy, biogas and geothermal energy.

5. Disposal of waste. Excessive resource consumption and the creation of plastics create a global waste disposal crisis. Developed countries are known for producing an excessive amount of waste or garbage and relieve them into oceans and less developed countries. Nuclear waste disposal is associated with huge health hazards. Plastics, fast food, packaging and cheap electronic waste threaten well-being of people. Waste disposal is one of the current environmental problems.

6. Loss of biodiversity. Human activity leads to the disappearance of many species of animals and plants. Nature ecosystems were improved by millions of years, and humanity actively destroys them (animal hunting, fish catch, destruction of coral reefs).

7. Forest cutting. Our forests produce oxygen, and also help adjust the temperature and precipitation. Currently, the forests cover 30% of the Earth, but every year wood cover is reduced, due to the growing demand of people for more food, housing and clothing. The forests are cut down to build, for industrial or commercial purposes.

8. The depletion of the ozone layer: The ozone layer is an invisible protective layer around the planet. The depletion of the ozone layer of the atmosphere is associated with pollution. The ozone layer is valuable because it prevents harmful ultraviolet radiation to the ground. This is one of the most important actual environmental problems.

9. Acid rain. Acid rains can be caused by combustion of fuel or eruption of volcanoes or rotting vegetation, which isolated sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere. Acid rains can have a negative impact on human health, wildlife and water species.

10. The growth of cities leads to land degradation, increasing traffic, environmental issues and health problems.

11. Public health problems. Current environmental problems affect the health of people and animals. Polluted water is the greatest threat to public health. Pollutants cause respiratory diseases such as asthma and cardiovascular problems.

Raising awareness of these issues in society and in your families, you can contribute to creating a more environmentally friendly future.

The environmental problem is a certain change in the state of the natural environment as a result of the anthropogenic effect leading to the failure of the structure and functioning of the natural system (landscape) and leading to negative economic, social or other consequences. This concept is anthropocentric, since negative transformation in nature is assessed regarding the conditions for the existence of people.


Earth associated with impaired landscapes are conditionally divided into six categories:

Atmospheric (thermal, radiological, mechanical or chemical contamination of the atmosphere);

Aqueous (contamination of oceans and seas, exhaustion both underground and surface waters);

Geological and geomorphological (activation of negative geological and geomorphological processes, deformation of the relief and geological structure);

Soil (soil contamination, secondary salinization, erosion, deflation, fever, etc.);

Biotic (degradation of vegetation and forests, species, polishesia, and so on);

Landscape (integrated) - deterioration of biodiversity, desertification, failure of the established mode of environmental zones, etc.

By major environmental changes to nature identify such problems and situations:

- Landscape genetic. There are as a result of the loss of gene pool and unique natural objects, the integrity of the landscape system.

- Anthropoecological. Considering the change in the living conditions and health of people.

- natural resource. Related to the loss or exhaustion of natural resources worsen the process of conducting economic activity on the affected territory.

Additional division

Environmental problems of nature, in addition to the above options, can be classified as follows:

According to the main cause of occurrence - ecological and transport, industrial, hydrotechnical.

According to sharpness, non-large, moderately sharp, sharp, extremely sharp.

In difficulty - simple, complex, most difficult.

In case of solvability - solved, solid, almost intractable.

The coverage of the affected areas is local, regional, planetary.

By time - short-term, long-term, practically non-disappearing.

On the coverage of the region - the problems of the North of Russia, Ural Mountains, tundra, etc.

Corollary of active urbanization

The city is customary to call social-demographic and economic system, having a territorial complex of production facilities, a permanent population, an artificially created habitat and established form of organization of society.

The modern stage of human development is characterized by a rapid growth rate of the number and size of settlements. Especially intensively increase the large cities of a number from one hundred thousand people. They take about one percent of the entire Sushi area of \u200b\u200bthe planet, however, their impact on the global economy and natural conditions truly great. It is in their activities that the main causes of environmental problems are taken. More than 45% of the world's population producing about 80% of all emissions that pollute the hydrosphere and atmospheric air live in these limited territories.

Environmental especially large, it is much more difficult to solve. The larger the locality, the more substantially the natural conditions are transformed. If comparing with countryside, In most megacols, environmental conditions of people's lives are noticeably worse.

According to the ecologist Reimer, the environmental problem is any phenomenon associated with the impact of people in nature and with reversible impact of nature on people and their vital processes.

Natural landscape problems of the city

These negative changes are mostly associated with the degradation of the landscape of megalopolis. Under large settlements, all components are changed - underground and surface water, relief and geological structure, Flora and fauna, soil cover, climatic features. The environmental problems of cities also conclude that all living components of the system begin to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, which leads to a reduction in species diversity and a decrease in the area of \u200b\u200bearthly plantations.

Resource-economic problems

They are associated with a huge scale of the use of nature resources, with their processing and formation of toxic waste. The causes of environmental problems are in human intervention in a natural landscape in the process of urban development and in thoughtless waste disposal.

Anthropological problems

Environmental problem is not only negative changes in natural systems. It can also consist in worsening the health of the urban population. Reducing the quality of the urban environment entails the appearance of a variety of diseases. Nature and biological properties of people who were formed for a non-one millennium cannot be changed as quickly as the world around. Non-compliance between these processes often lead to a conflict between the environment and human nature.

Considering the causes of environmental problems, we note that the most important of them is the impossibility of the rapid adaptation of organisms to the conditions of habitat, and the adaptation is one of the main qualities of the whole living. Attempts to influence the speed of this process do not lead to anything good.


The environmental problem is the result of the interaction of nature and society, which can lead to a global catastrophe. Currently, our planet has the following extremely negative changes:

A huge amount of waste is 81% - enters the atmosphere.

More than ten million square kilometers of land erosion and deserted.

The composition of the atmosphere changes.

The density of the ozone layer is disturbed (for example, a hole above Antarctica appeared).

Over the past ten years, 180 million hectares of the forest disappeared from the face of the Earth.

As a result, the height of its water increases annually by two millimeters.

There is a constant increase in the consumption of natural resources.

As scientists calculated, the biosphere has the ability to fully compensate for anthropogenic violations of natural natural processes, if the intake of primary biological products does not exceed one percent of the total, but currently this figure is approaching ten percent. The compensatory capacity of the biosphere is hopelessly undermined, as a result, the ecology of the planet worsens constantly.

An environmentally acceptable energy consumption threshold is called an indicator of 1 TV / year. However, it is significantly higher, therefore, the favorable properties of the environment are destroyed. In fact, we can talk about the beginning of the Third World War, which humanity leads against nature. It is clear to everyone that the winners in this confrontation can simply cannot.

Disappointing perspectives

The development of global is associated with a rapid increase in the number to ensure ever-increasing needs, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of natural resources in countries with a high level of development and contribute to improving the welfare of individual states. Top permissible trait - twelve billion people. If people on the planet become more, then from three to five billion will be simply doomed to death from thirst and hunger annually.

Examples of environmental problems of a planetary scale

The development of the "greenhouse effect" has recently become increasingly threatening with the process. As a result, the thermal balance of the planet is changed and increase average annual temperatures. The perpetrators of the problem are "greenhouse" gases, in particular, the consequence of global warming is the gradual melting of snow and glaciers, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the waters of the world's ocean.

Sour precipitate

The main culprit of this negative phenomenon is the sulfur dioxide. The region of the negative effects of acid precipitation is quite wide. Many ecosystems have already been seriously injured from them, but most of all the harm is applied by plants. As a result, humanity may face the mass death of phytocenoses.

Lack of fresh water

The lack of fresh water in some regions is observed due to the active development of agriculture and utilities, as well as industry. A significant role is played here, rather, not the quantity, but the quality of natural resource.

Deterioration of the "light" planet

Thoughtless destruction, cutting down and the irrational use of forest resources led to the emergence of another serious environmental problem. Forests, as you know, ensure the absorption of carbon dioxide, which is "greenhouse", and produce oxygen. For example, due to one ton of vegetation, 1.1 to 1.3 tons of oxygen into the atmosphere is released.

Ozone layer under blow

The destruction of the ozone layer of our planet is primarily associated with the use of freon. These gases are used when assembling refrigeration plants and a variety of spawn. Scientists have found that in the upper layers of the atmosphere, the thickness of the ozone layer is reduced. A bright example of the problem is above Antarctic, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is increasingly increasing and has already been out of the continent.

Solving global environmental problems

Does humanity have the opportunity to avoid scale? Yes. But for this you need to take concrete steps.

At the legislative level, establish clear norms of environmental management.

Actively apply centralized measures to protect the environment. It may be, for example, uniform international rules and climate protection standards, forests, world oceans, atmospheric, etc.

Centrally plan integrated restoration work to solve the environmental problems of the edge, city, village and other specific objects.

Educating environmental consciousness and stimulate the moral development of the personality.


Technical progress is gaining increasing speed, constant improvement occurs. production processes, modernization of instruments, introducing innovative technologies in a variety of spheres. However, only a meager part of innovations concerns environmental protection.

It is very important to understand that only the integrated interaction of representatives of all social groups and state will help improve the environmental situation on the planet. It is time to look back to realize what awaits us in the future.

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