Muffins recipe at home. Recipes of delicious muffins. A selection of the recipes of the best muffins with a photo. Aerial cupcakes with orange

Portioned Keksiki - Muffins - are preparing quickly and obtain even in inexperienced cooking. Muffins recipes are diverse, which allows you to choose desserts and snacks for breakfast, to tea drinking, for a festive table in taste addictions.

Traditionally, Madfins are baked without a filling. Based on the basic recipe, many new desserts are preparing, introducing various ingredients.

Grocery list:

  • top quality flour - 200 g;
  • sugar sand - 90 g;
  • butter creamy - 110 g;
  • milk - 110 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • bakery baking powder - 5 g;
  • vanilla - 1 g;
  • salt - 2

Technology step by step.

  1. The oil is removed from the refrigerator and cut pieces.
  2. The egg shakes the egg. Add softening oil and vanilla.
  3. Milk heated slightly, pour it into the egg-oil mixture and bring to a homogeneous state.
  4. Separately connect the flour (pre-sinking) and the disintegrator. Add salt and sugar.
  5. Dry and milky-egg compositions are connected, stirred by a spoon.
  6. The resulting dough is unfolded according to silicone or paper molds, filling them only for two thirds.
  7. The blanks are placed in the oven heated to 180 ° C. Bake approximately 25 minutes (the degree of readiness is checked by a bamboo skewer).
  8. Madfins give a little cool in an open oven, then they are laid out on the meal and decorated with sugar powder.

Tip: To ensure that the pastries acquire a fresh taste, the dough should add a grated citrus zest.

Another classic execution with blueberries

Popular American dessert are Muffins with blueberries. This beroda can be successfully replaced with a more common blueberries in our places.

Components for dough:

  • 380 g of top grade flour;
  • 120 g of sweet butter;
  • 250 ml of warmed milk;
  • 160 g of "coffee" sugar;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 6 g of baking powder;
  • 170 g of blueberries;
  • 2 g salts.

Stages of cooking.

  1. The oil is kept at normal temperature, and when it fell, whipped with eggs using a whisk.
  2. Do not stop stirring, pour milk.
  3. Flour is sieved and connected with the rest of dry components.
  4. Both mixes are connected using a spoon.
  5. Berries wash, dry, introduced into the dough, stirring so that they are evenly distributed.
  6. Paper forms on 2/3 are filled with a blueberry mass.
  7. Cupcake with blueberries bake at 190 ° C to shut down (approximately 25 minutes).

Cooking dessert with chocolate

In this recipe, it is permissible to use chocolate to your taste. Baking with a dark bitter product is obtained with a pleasant mustard, and the milk component turns out to be sweeter.


  • 250 g of white flour;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 125 g of lump oil;
  • 150 ml of heated milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • chocolate tile (100 g);
  • 8 g of a bakery baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt.

Step-by-step recipe.

  1. Oil drowned in a water bath. 30 g of chocolate is added to the same container.
  2. In a warm softened mass, milk is poured and sugar fall asleep, without removing from the stove. Stirring, the composition is adjusted to a boil, then cool.
  3. Put eggs one by one.
  4. Flour and baking powder sift, salt add.
  5. Both compositions are connected, a spoon is stirred to homogeneity.
  6. Forms fill in the resulting mass a little more than half.
  7. The remnants of chocolate are blocked on small lobes and stick them into raw products.
  8. Chocolate muffins are baking at 200 ° C 20 minutes.
  9. After cooling, the product is pulled out of the forms and served on the table.

Delicious banana muffins

On this recipe in just 30 minutes from the available ingredients you can cook fragrant sweet cupcakes to tea.


  • 230 g wheat flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g margarine for baking;
  • 3 g of bakery powder;
  • 70 g of sugar;
  • 2 small ripe banana.

Stages of cooking.

  1. Bananas are cleaned, cut into circles, crossed for a fork to a porridge state.
  2. Margarine gets in advance from the refrigerator so that it is resolved. Beat with sugar with a blender.
  3. Do not turn off the device, drive eggs.
  4. Bananas are added, stirred with a spoon.
  5. Pieces are sprinkled with flour and bakery powder. We knead thick dough.
  6. Banana mass is laid out in the mold, taking into account the fact that it will rise greatly.
  7. Dessert is prepared in the oven, heated to 180 ° C, about half an hour.

With cottage cheese

The dough on this recipe is mixed in just 5 minutes. Curd muffins are treated with gentle, lush, air and surprisingly delicious.

It will take:

  • 160 g of flour;
  • 50 g thick sour cream;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 200 g of cottage cheese from 5%;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 70 g of oil;
  • 5 g of baking powder;
  • 3 g of soda and salts;
  • 10 g of vanilla sugar.

Step-by-step instruction.

  1. The eggs are scolding with a whisk, sugar fall asleep and continue to beat until all crystallines disperse.
  2. Adjust the cottage cheese and vanilla sugar are added.
  3. The oil is melted on a water bath, connect with sour cream and introduced into the dough.
  4. Parts add the remaining dry ingredients.
  5. Smelted homogeneous dough.
  6. Curd mass fill silicone molds for two thirds.
  7. Dessert bake at 180 ° C 30-35 minutes.

Tip: In order for the curd Muffins longer to save softness, they are stored at room temperature, with a towel.

Simple Madfins on Kefir

On the kefir residues, you can mix the dough for the gentle baking. The most delicious muffins are obtained from a three-day fermented milk drink.

List of ingredients:

  • 250 g of flour;
  • 250 ml of kefir room temperature;
  • 125 g of sweet butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 10 g of powder for breaking the test;
  • 2 g of salts and soda.


  1. Eggs are whipped with a sugar whisk.
  2. Oil soften on a steam bath and mixed with sweet eggs.
  3. Add kefir.
  4. Enter dry components, pre-singing flour.
  5. The flour mixture is added to kefir. Using only a spoon, mix the dough, reminding the sour cream by consistency.
  6. Mass are bottled on paper molds.
  7. Cupcakes at kefir are prepared at 180 ° C of about 30 minutes.

Lean carrot

For this recipe, sweet, juicy, fragrant and very bright cupcakes are obtained. This is ideal for tea drinking in the post dessert.

Required components:

  • 80 g of oat flakes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 50 ml of fresh orange juice;
  • 230 g of flour;
  • 10 g orange zest;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 50 ml of warm water;
  • 70 ml of corn oil;
  • 20 g of flax seeds;
  • 12 g of a bakery baking powder;
  • 2 g salts.

Cooking steps.

  1. Purified carrots are crushed on medium grater.
  2. Flakes are grinding in flour with a kitchen combine.
  3. Connect carrots, salt, sugar, baking powder, flour of oatmeal, flax.
  4. Add juice, zest, oil and water.
  5. Gradually suprate wheat flour.
  6. The kneaded dough is unfolded according to silicone forms.
  7. Carrot muffins are twisted at 180 ° C for 40 minutes.

Original lemon cupcakes

Muffins with the addition of lemon are obtained very light, gentle, with barely noticeable acid.

It will take:

  • 3 home eggs;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 400 g of wheat flour;
  • 1 large lemon;
  • 100 ml of non-unauthorized oil;
  • 200 g sour cream 10% fatty;
  • 5 g of vanilla sugar;
  • 5 g of soda, redeemed vinegar.

Make step by step.

  1. Special grater crushed lemon peel. It will be necessary 10 g of zest.
  2. Immersible blender whipped eggs with conventional sugar sand.
  3. Add vegetable oil, zest, squeezed from lemon juice. Continue to stir on medium speed.
  4. Flour and vanilla sugar sieved into the lemon composition.
  5. Add soda and sour cream.
  6. The resulting dough is unfolded by confectionery molds.
  7. Cupcakes are placed in the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 25 minutes.

With cherry

For preparation, it is permissible to take fresh, canned or frozen berries. The composition of the test is intended for baking in molds from the metal: these muffins can be removed without a crust deformation.

List of ingredients:

  • 150 g of flour;
  • 125 g of cream margarine;
  • 100 g of sugar sand;
  • 40 ml of milk;
  • 3 medium eggs;
  • 170 g cherry without seeds;
  • 2 drops of vanilla essence;
  • 3 g of baking powder.

Cooking process.

  1. The oil is softened at natural temperatures, then whipped with a wedge with sugar and an essence.
  2. Whipping, milk and eggs are added.
  3. Flour and bakery baking powder, continue to stir.
  4. Gently interfere with berries.
  5. In each mold, lay on a spoonful of the test, following the berries to be in each portion.
  6. Muffins with cherries are prepared for 30 minutes at 180 ° C.

Cupcakes with raisins

Orange Madfins with the addition of raisins are always obtained by air and delicious. They attract their refreshing aroma in the cooking process.

Required components:

  • 200 g of top quality flour;
  • 80 g of vegetable butter;
  • 40 ml of non-unauthorized oil;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 ml of fresh juice orange;
  • 5 g of hawed soda;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 70 g of raisin.

Process cooking.

  1. Creamy oil is melted in a microwave oven for 30 seconds.
  2. Raisins poured hot water.
  3. Before homogeneity, we mix both types of oil, eggs, juice.
  4. Dry components are sieved and added to the dough along with soda.
  5. Lay out raisins (it can be cut if it is large).
  6. The dough is unfolded according to silicone forms.
  7. Muffins with raisins are prepared at 180 ° C 25 minutes.

Tip: So that the cupcakes remain soft without a crust on top, they are cooled and put in a plastic bag for 2 hours.

Spicy pumpkin Muffins

Unusual, but incredibly delicious cupcakes will be remembered by its light perch of and sweet-salty taste.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 250 g pumpkin meakty;
  • 40 g of purified pumpkin seeds;
  • 150 g of table margarine;
  • 60 g of yogurt without additives;
  • 100 g of brown sugar;
  • 250 g of wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • 2 g of black pepper, salt, chili pepper;
  • 8 g of baking powder.

Step-by-step recipe.

  1. Pumpkin turn into a puree by applying a blender.
  2. Pre-melted oil to beat with eggs.
  3. Connect all bulk components.
  4. Pumpkin puree whipped with yogurt.
  5. All ingredients are connected, mixed thoroughly.
  6. The dough is unfolded according to silicone molds, decorated with pumpkin seeds.
  7. Muffins are baking at 190 ° C until goldenness (about 22 minutes).


Cinnamon gives the classic Muffins spicy flavor and helps the taste of the dessert it is better to reveal.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g of butter;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 250 g of flour;
  • 10 g of the baking powder;
  • 100 g low-fat sour cream;
  • 3 g of cinnamon powder;
  • 2 g salts.

We prepare stages:

  1. The oil melted on the water bath is mixed with a part of sugar (150 g) and eggs.
  2. Separately stirred flour, salt, baking powder.
  3. Both compositions are connected, add sour cream.
  4. Sugar residues are mixed with cinnamon powder.
  5. Baking molds are filled with a dough, a mixture of cinnamon and sugar pour on top.
  6. Billets are placed in the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 25 minutes.

How to cook muffins on milk?

For this recipe, charming mini-cupcakes are obtained with a hat from the Strazel - confectionery crumb.

It will take:

  • 180 g of flour;
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • 80 g of sugar;
  • 1 raw yolk;
  • 65 g of sweet butter;
  • 7 g of baking powder;
  • 2 g salts.

Cooking technology.

  1. Connect 15 g of oil, 20 g of sugar and 30 g of flour. Patch into the crumb.
  2. In a separate dish, the remaining dry components are mixed.
  3. In another bowl, the wedge stir the yolk, melting the oil, heated milk.
  4. Dry and milk mixtures are connected.
  5. The dough is spilled in forms, filling them on 2/3.
  6. On the cupcakes lay the Strazel.
  7. Prepare dessert at 190 ° C about 30 minutes.

Looking for a delicious baking recipes? Then you hit the address. I suggest cooking you the most delicious Madfins, from which it is impossible to refuse, even if you restrict yourself in the use of sweet dishes.

Muffins are pretty simple in preparation. If undeformed guests have already appeared on the threshold, you will always have time to treat, while they are cute to the living room.

For the test you will need simple and affordable products: flour, milk, sugar, eggs. Do not do without additional components: baking powder, vanillin.

Muffins are very common with salted filler. Their role is performed by bacon, cheese, ham. Here it is appropriate to add various herbs, spices and seasonings to the dough.

There are lovers who are chocolate or fruit muffins. They are customary to add raisins, kuragu, crushed nuts, pieces of chocolate tiles.

How to cook Muffins at home, wants to know every mistress, because this treat will be to the place both on a family dinner and at the celebration.

I would like to recall that small muffins are baked faster, it will take 15-25 minutes for their complete readiness.

Preparatory work

There are recipes for which you need to prepare two containers, this moment should be foreseen if there are baking Muffins in your plans.

In addition, you will need: a whisk, a measuring cup, a blade, a bowl of refractory material for the molding of butter and chocolate.

Do not do the hostess and without molds in which Muffins are baking. They can be both silicone and metal.

In the first case, you will not come across the problem of extracting muffins on a plate for a presentation. As for metal molds, you can invest paper corrugated liners in them and serve a dish right into them.

Separately talk about the products that are included in the dough. Creamy oil in advance from the refrigerator, because it should soften.

Sugar and flour measure the measuring glass, and the flour before use must be asked. Prepare fillers: Raisin rinse and soak, nuts chop the knife, dried fruits to the desired size.

Recipe for chocolate muffins

How to bake Madfins at home to submit them to a festive table? Ingredients that contain a recipe is enough to prepare cupcakes on a small company.

If you plan to arrange a "Pier on the whole world", then increase the proportion.

So you will need:

75 g of white sugar; 100 gram tiles of black chocolate; 3 eggs; 0.215 kg of flour; 30 g cocoa powder; ¾ packs of oil; h. Vanillin's spoon; dessert burst spoon; ½ glasses of raisin.

  1. Soften the oil at room temperature, placing it in a bowl and cutting into small cubes.
  2. Add cocoa and sugar, scroll to homogeneity.
  3. Wake the eggs and pour the melted chocolate.
  4. Fucking flour Mix with a bakery powder, pour into the dough in parts.
  5. By adding vanillin, mix the dough and spread it according to the molds. Note that baking will increase in the amount as soon as it gets into the oven, so do not fill the molds to the top.
  6. Tasty and gentle muffins are baked 25 minutes, provided that the spirit furnace was pre-warmed up to 190-200 degrees.
  7. Do not miss the moment when cupcakes will be ready. They need to immediately put on the table and cool in forms.

As decoration, use the glaze or sugar powder mixed with cocoa. Learn other baking recipes.

Recipe for the preparation of chocolate muffins with a surprise

Delicious cupcakes with a surprise always liked the kids. If you are preparing a treat for a children's holiday, be sure to use my advice and bake Muffins with liquid chocolate filling.

Chocolate cupcakes are quickly prepared, the main thing is that you have the necessary ingredients:

two eggs; Fullack of sugar; 0.180 kg of white flour; 0.5 packs of oil; dessert burst spoon; Two art. Cocoa spoons; Solk chocolate (dairy, white and black).

Recipe for cooking and pasting Muffins:

  1. Soft oil run out with sugar and eggs.
  2. Patch the rest of the bulk components and knead not very thick dough. If it turned out to be dense than, add 2-3 spoons of milk.
  3. In order for the Muffins with a surprise, you need half the molds to fill the dough, put the chocolate slice and cover the test from above. The mass should not reach the edges, otherwise the baking will come out.
  4. Delicious cupcakes are baked 25 minutes, and in heated to 190 degrees, oven.

Recipe for maffin cooking hand

Mafina although they are prepared very quickly, it turns out delicious and with a delicate structure.

First of all, remember the list of ingredients:

0.5 glasses of sugar sand and milk; 3 eggs; 0,320 kg of flour; 4 large spoons of cocoa; 0.5 h. Spoons of soda; 0.180 kg margarine for baking.

For maffin cooking, you need to mix the components in a specific sequence:

  1. Mix in a saucepan margarine, sugar and milk.
  2. Put the mixture on fire and melt. To achieve the formation of a homogeneous mass, which then cool to room temperature.
  3. Enter the eggs in the dough, then flour mixed with soda.
  4. Molds Lubricate the fat, lay out the dough, not reaching the edges, and send Muffins to the brand oven.
  5. The baking mode should be like this: 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
  6. Before serving the Muffin, paint the melted chocolate, they look like very appetizing.

And now other simple baking recipes, which I recommend bake your own hands and please home.

Simple recipe for cooking cottage cheese muffins

Fresh milk cheese will be useful to you not only for cheesery. From it you can cook Madfins, which will become a favorite dessert of the smallest family members.

Product List: ¾ Oil packs; three eggs; 0.2 kg of flour, cottage cheese and sugar; 0.5 dessert burst spoon.

Stages of cooking and baking cupcakes, detailed recipe:

  1. Eggs scatter with white sugar to a homogeneous state.
  2. Oil just soften and mix with egg sweet mass.
  3. Add rubbed cottage cheese.
  4. Put the flour and baking powder into the dough.
  5. Fill the molds on 2/3 of the volume by the resulting test, arrange as abandon and put it in the oven. At 180 degrees, bake the muffins to the rummy state.

Muffins apply on separate serving plates, decorating whipped cream and fresh berries.

Recipe for cooking and baking banana muffins

Banana Madfins You need to prepare using two types of sugar, it is then that the cupcakes are obtained in particular delicious and fragrant.

More full list Products look like this:

2 eggs; 0.4 kg of flour; 0.7 cup of white sugar; 0.2 glasses of brown (reed) sugar; A pair of ripe bananas; 10 g of the bakery powder; 4-5 tbsp. spoons cl. Oil.

Recipe for cooking and baking cupcakes:

  1. The oil is a little soften and grind with one and other sugar types.
  2. Drink eggs and after stirring to plunge the flour and baking powder.
  3. Bananas Grind to the status of mashedral, add to the dough.
  4. Molds lubricate fat, put the dough in them, not reaching the edges on 1/3 of the volume, prepare 35 minutes.

Recipe for maffins with cherry

The combination of light sourness and gentle sweet dough is considered very harmonious. To appreciate the taste of baking, you need to cook the Madfins, which include fresh berries.

Components: 1 egg; 0.380 kg of flour; 0,280 kg of cherries; 230 ml of milk; 0.5 h. Spoons of salt; Package Vanillina; h. Spoon of a baking powder; 0,170 kg of sugar; 80 g. Oil.

  1. To prepare the muffins, mix in the container all the bulk ingredients. It is easiest to do this with the help of a manual bunny, then the mixture is very homogeneous.
  2. In the Misk, you melt the oil and, after cooling, add milk and an egg.
  3. Clean the clear cherry from the bones and cut in half. If the berries are small, then before booking them in the dough, leave whole.
  4. Bake the muffins to a very rummy state in molds, smeared by oil. In the oven you need to make at least 170 degrees.

I still have recipes for which you can simply prepare delicious and lush muffins.

Simple maffin recipe on kefir

A little kefir, which for several days "misses" on the shelf in the refrigerator, is suitable for kneading the test. It turns out incredibly air and delicious cupcakes, and we will talk about them now.

Detailed list of components:

¼ kefir packing; 100 g of sugar sand; egg; 2 tbsp. spoons of lean refined oil; a glass of flour; Vanilla and baking powder.

We begin to prepare the Muffins with the fact that we will mix flour with the rest of the bulk ingredients in the amount that the recipe requires.

Then you need to beat the egg with butter and kefir. The resulting mixture is pouring into a bowl, where dry components are already located, and knead the homogeneous dough.

Molds, lubricated with fat, fill in the test, but with such a calculation that the baking will grow.

Bake the muffins about 40 minutes and when they are shut, just determine the degree of readiness with the help of a wooden stick. We continue to study culinary recipes.

Muffins recipe with solid cheese

Fragrant cupcakes with a characteristic taste can be submitted to breakfast. With a cup of coffee, they harmonize especially successfully.

Prepare the dough from:

glasses of flour; ¼ packs cl. oils; 0.150 kg solid cheese; 190 ml of milk; one eggs; Busty and ½ spoons of salt. As a filler, use the paprika ground, dried tomatoes; Seeds of sesame.

First, soda cheese, and then proceed to the following processes:

  1. Soft oil Frick for a fork, add an egg and mix.
  2. Combine in the bowl all dry components, including seasonings.
  3. Check the dough from all components and lay it out in the molds. Sprinkle raw Muffins in sesame top above.

To bleach, you need to heat the oven to 180 degrees and send Madfins for 25 minutes. Want to know more recipes, just read the article further.

Muffins recipe with blueberries

In order to correctly knead the dough, exactly measure all the ingredients:

175 g of brown (cane) sugar; 0.380 kg of white flour; 120 g. oils; 200 g of blueberries; h. Spooning bundle. Do not do to you and without eggs, they will need two pieces of medium size.

First of all, seek flour and mix it with a bakery powder and sand sugar. Melted oil beats with milk and egg.

Now combine both masses and knead the dough into which you need to introduce a blueberries. Berries before use rinse and dry, and so that they are evenly distributed in the dough, just cut break in flour (see photo).

It's time to bake the muffins in a preheated oven. Turning on the equipment to the network, correctly set the temperature, it should be at the level of 200 degrees.

With this mode, muffins will be ready in 20 minutes. Make sure that the Muffins were well pasted, a wooden toothpick or skeleton will help.

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And now I suggest you to study Muffin's recipes from famous culinary culinary recipes, who, not bother, work in the kitchen and invent all new ways of cooking delicious dishes.

Recipe number 1: Muffins with chocolate and cherry candied

Original filler - Cherry Cherry Cups, make cupcakes with a favorite dish in your family. Believe me, you will prepare them very often. Cherchette Cherries can be used instead of raisins when you took the baking.

You have to knead the dough from:

one eggs; 0.1 kg of sugar; 0.2 kg of flour; Quarter pack of cream oil; dessert burst spoon; one glass of solid milk; 80 g of black chocolate and 120 g of cherry candied.

Start the preparation with the fact that break the chocolate on the slices and melt on the steam bath together with the creamy oil. When the mass cools, mix it with flour, baking powder and sugar.

Egg breathe with milk, pour into bulk components. Last Yes, add cherry candied in the dough dough.

Now fill the molds with the resulting mass, supper with crystal sugar and bake the muffin in the oven.

Madfins can be prepared in advance, freezing them in vacuum pack at minus temperature. When they need, you only need to warm them in the oven or microwave oven.

Recipe number 2: Muffins with the addition of soluble coffee and two types of chocolate

Write down the necessary ingredients:

oil strips; 3 eggs; 1 black chocolate tile and half white tiles; 2 tbsp. spoons of brown (reed) sugar and as much white flour; h. spoon of the bakery powder; ¼ h. Spoons of soluble coffee.

Bake the cupcakes will help you detailed instructions:

  1. Felt bitter chocolate on small pieces.
  2. Place them in a bowl with butter and send to the steam bath.
  3. Eggs run out with sugar using a wooden blade.
  4. Follow the disinteger, instant coffee and flour.
  5. Enter the oil and chocolate mixture and mix the dough until uniformity.
  6. Confectionary molds Lubricate oil and 2/3 fill the test (as in the photo). Put on the top of a piece of white chocolate on top and send baked.

After 20 minutes, the Madfins should be prepared, provided that the ovens was warm up to 190 degrees.

If you liked the recipe, I will be very happy.

My video recipe

Choose best recipe Chocolate muffins: with filling, banana supplement, with brandy and the most delicious chocolate. Delicious, gentle, lacquer chocolate muffins!

The first time I decided to bake chocolate cupcakes - and they turned out very tasty. Try these chocolate muffins, you will like them too! The recipe at about 12 cupcakes (depending on the size of the molds).

  • butter 100 g
  • All recipes with creamy oil
  • flour 230 g
  • sugar 200 g
  • milk 150 ml
  • cocoa (if you take a non-coming - you need 9 tbsp. l., and sugar - 150 g) 6 tbsp
  • salt chipotch
  • milk chocolate 50 g
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • basin 1 tbsp

Melt the oil in the microwave or water bath.

Add to Cocoa and Sugar oil.

Mix well and leave to cool down (the weight should be warm, but not hot).

To the cooled cocoa mass add eggs, flour, salt and baking powder and pieces of chocolate (they are not visible in the photo, but they are!).

Pretty mix all.

Put cupcakes in the molds in the oven. Muffins are baked 15-25 minutes, readiness to check the toothpick.

Chocolate muffins are ready. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 2: Muffins with banana and chocolate pieces

Recipe chocolate muffins with chocolate. The muffin dough is preparing on yogurt and milk, with the addition of cocoa powder, bananas and chocolate pieces.

  • Banana large - 1 pc.
  • Cocoa powder - 0.25 glasses
  • Chocolate chips or chocolate (broken) - 0.5 glasses
  • Natural yogurt - 0,75 glasses
  • Whole-grain flour - 2 cups
  • Basin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Brown sugar - 0.5 glasses
  • Milk - 1 cup
  • Egg is large - 1 pc.
  • Creamy butter - 4 tbsp. l.

Turn on the oven for preheating up to 200 degrees. Clause paper baskets 12 molds for muffins.

In a big bowl, sift the flour, add a baking powder, cocoa, sugar and chocolate chips.

In another bowl, mix yogurt, milk and egg, beat slightly. Banana to argue in a puree with a fork.

In the casserole, melt butter, add a banana mashed potature, mix. Share this mass in the milk mixture.

Mix dry ingredients with milky banana mass, mix to a homogeneous state. Put the dough into the prepared molds and put in the heated oven. Bake Madfins with chocolate pieces about 20 minutes, to a clean wooden stick with a punch.

Ready Madfins get out of the oven, give to cool in the molds. Then get and serve the muffins with pieces of chocolate immediately.

Recipe 3: Gentle chocolate muffins (step by step)

Gentle Muffins, melting in the mouth! With a bright chocolate taste, loose wetted texture. A very simple and affordable recipe, a beginner hostess will cope.

  • Butter creamy (margarine) - 150 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Cocoa powder - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Egg chicken - 2 pcs
  • Dough breakner (1C.l. Hained soda) - 2 h.
  • Wheat flour - 200-250 g

In a saucepan, mix oil, cocoa, sugar, milk. Bring to a boil, stirring, remove from the fire.

Cool. In the cooled mass add eggs, mix.

Add a baking powder and flour, knead not very thick dough.

Molds are a little lubricate with oil (I have silicone, I spray them with water), fill with a 2/3 test. Put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake for 20-25 minutes.

The cooled muffins can be lubricated with cream or chocolate icing. But they are already so stunningly delicious!

Recipe 4: Chocolate Muffins with Liquid Stuffing

  • chocolate black - 80 g
  • creamy butter - 80 g
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 100 g
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • cognac - 2 tbsp. l.

Prepare for muffins all required products - Classic black chocolate (78%), butter (fatty 67.7%), sugar, chicken homemade eggs, flour and cognac. Connect chocolate and oil slices in the heat-resistant saucepan.

Using the microwave, milling chocolate and oil, including it for maximum power three times twenty seconds, without special breaks. We stir the oil-chocolate mixture until uniformity.

In suitable for kneading test for muffins, the container should be broken down pre-washed and dry fresh chicken eggs, add sugar.

Sugar and eggs need to beat a little.

After throwing flour into the sugar-egg mixture. The dough must be slightly beat again.

We interfere with the oil-chocolate mixture in the dough.

Prettyly smear the dough, whipping it, and bring the last barcode of taste and aroma - good brandy, in small quantities.

Turn on the oven ("top - bottom") by 200 degrees. She will have time to warm up while we are engaged in forms for baking chocolate muffins with liquid stuffing. Lastery every ceramic (silicone) form for baking fondons with cream oil. The form of the shape of flour.

I distribute the dough evenly for five forms and send them to the oven.

After raising the test, the baking in the oven keep another 3-5 minutes so that the dessert can succumb, but the middle remained liquid. Get out of the oven and immediately we serve chocolate muffins with a liquid stuffing to the table. Pleasant gastronomic impressions!

Recipe 5, step-by-step: Muffins with chocolate filling

Delicious magic chocolate muffins with liquid stuffing, it is recommended to eat with ice cream.

  • chocolate dark 70-80% - 200 gr
  • butter cream - 100 gr
  • sugar - 50 gr
  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • flour - 60 gr
  • salt - ¼ ChL

Creamy oil is cut by pieces, chocolates are smoldering and put them in a bowl or a shallow plate.

We cast oil and chocolate on a water bath or in a microwave oven (do not overheate the mass, otherwise the chocolate can curl. If you are melting in the microwave, do not place for a long time, take the dishes with oil and chocolate and stir every 10-20 seconds). Thoroughly stir up to obtain a homogeneous mass, if it turned out very hot, we cool it.

Eggs whipped with sugar to getting thick foam.

Pour the cooled chocolate mass into egg foam and mix. Be sure to make sure that the chocolate-oil mixture is not very hot, otherwise the eggs can curl.

We mix flour and salt and sift them into a chocolate-egg mass. Mix to uniformity, but do not wash for a very long time, because Can stand gluten from flour and the dough will be dense, the Muffins will not raise.

Molds for cupcakes lubricate oil and pour the resulting dough on them, it turned out 9 pieces. We put in the heated oven 200 degrees. For 7-10 minutes (remove when they rise and begin to crack from above).

Dessert serve hot. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 6, Classic: Delicious chocolate muffins

  • Chocolate - 200 gr
  • Butter Cream / Margarine - 100 gr
  • Sugar Sand - 80 gr
  • Egg chicken - 2 pcs
  • Wheat flour - 150 gr
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp. or vanilla essence - 2 drops
  • Bustyer - 1 tsp. or soda + vinegar - ½ tsp.

In the pan, pour milk, add sugar sand, cocoa and 150 gr chocolate and heat constantly stirring, until the ingredients are completely dissolved.

Add butter, dissolve, mix. The resulting mass is slightly cooling.

Add chicken eggs, mix quickly.

Add flour with a bundle, mix.

It should be the dough on the consistency as a thick sour cream, slowly drag from a spoon, forming a slide.

Fill out mobhin molds with half.

You can bake Madfins in silicone molds or paper.

You can use any molds: Paper disposable, Teflon and silicone lubricity is not necessary, metal must be lubricated vegetable oil. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the muffins at the average level of 20 minutes.

Finished Madfins Pulley the remaining (50 gr) melted chocolate.

Recipe 7, Simple: Muffins - Chocolate Cupcakes

Take advantage of a very affordable recipe to bake chocolate muffins (recipe with photo step by step). Chocolate for them take good quality, black, high content of cocoa (no less than 60%). Skocharikov I advise you to add chocolate drops to the dough - very chocolate and tasty!

Put the creamy oil from the refrigerator in advance. If you did not do this for any reason, then simply cut the cold lump into pieces by connecting with a broken tile of chocolate.

Then take a biggest bowl, pour hot water into it.

Put a bowl with chocolate and oil into the water, periodically stir the ingredients.

As a result, under the action hot water Chocolate and oil melted.

Remove the bowl of water, pour sugar into the resulting oil-chocolate mixture. Stir everything.

Add to a mass one eggs, stirring it every time.

It remains to pour sifted flour and a baking powder. Stir until uniformity, but not long. At the same stage, add chocolate drops.

Take special molds. It is better if they are silicone, then they do not need to lubricate them. If you take others (metal, for example), then be sure to lubricate them with oil. Spread the dough in forms, however, remember that during baking it will slightly rise in height, so do not fill the container to the edges.

Preheat oven to 140 degrees and bake the muffin somewhere 40 min. After the specified time, they are completely ready. Of course, feeding these delicious Madfins, do not forget to brew coffee or tea. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 8: Chocolate Muffins on Yogurt (with photo)

Lovers of crispy crust on baking will probably enjoy this recipe for Madfins. Chocolate snacks are prepared on the flour of wheat variety and any yogurt.

  • flour - 250 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • salt - 0.5 h.;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • soda - 0.5 hp;
  • yogurt - 200 ml;
  • bustyer - 1 tsp;
  • butter cream - 100 g;
  • bitter chocolate - tile weighing 200 g.

First, the chocolate is broken and together with sliced \u200b\u200boil drowned in a water bath. The composition is complemented by sugar, stirred and keep on the stove for another 3 minutes. Then the eggs are poured into the mass and mix again, yogurt is added and once again, carefully smear the whole composition.

Flour is connected to a salt, baking powder, cocoa powder and soda. Dry mass is coated well.

Chocolate oily composition is poured into the flour and produce mixing the movement from top to bottom. As soon as the flour turns into the dough, the action stops.

Now engage in oven. The unit warms up to 200 ° C. On the contrary for the muffins placed paper devices. The mass in them is laying off with a spoon. To obtain a neat top of the molds, fill a little more than half. To obtain lush products, the mixture is put with excess.

IN hot oven Place a baking sheet and flow 20 minutes. Baking readiness is checked with a wand or match. Her dryness suggests that the Muffins can be tastened.

It is better to eat products the next day. Having ended the night, they will be more gentle and soft. The reduced recipe is designed to receive 12 servings. Try yourself and treat close people. Pleasant tea drinking!

Recipe 9: Simple Madfins with Chocolate Slices

  • Oil - 150 g
  • 1 and ½ tbsp. flour (about 200 g)
  • 75 g of sugar
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 2 tbsp. cocoa
  • Basin - 2 tsp.
  • Pieces of black chocolate

Chocolate muffins require mandatory availability of the following products: flour, oil, eggs, sugar, cocoa and chocolate.

Let's start cooking. Creamy oil is in full to melt to a liquid state in any convenient way (on the stove, in the microwave). We merge the melted oil in a bowl and add sugar sand there. Optionally, you can add some vanilla sugar or vanillin.

For oil with sugar, you drive two raw chicken eggs and with the help of a whisk or mixer are some of all whipped.

Flour Before use for the preparation of the test, it is necessary to mix with a baking powder and sift everything together (to saturate the air and avoid getting into the dessert of the garbage or lumps). We squeeze the flour to the rest of the ingredients and begin to laugh gently.

Pour to the bowl of cocoa powder.

The last stage of the preparation of the test is the final stirring. Here you need to achieve the disappearance of any lumps and the formation of a homogeneous thick mass of a pleasant chocolate color. The finished mass you need to decompose a spoon according to the molds (paper, silicone or metallic) about two thirds of volume and top to stick a small piece of chocolate. For baking, heating the oven to 180 degrees. Cooking time is about 25 minutes.

Dessert is ready! You can decorate them with a sprig of mint, pour sugar powder.

Recipe 10: Delicious Chocolate Muffins with Banana

There is a time to please your family delicious, homemade pastries, then you certainly prepare banana-chocolate muffins. Their unique taste, a gentle banana test in combination with attractive chocolate, will be appreciated not only the sweet tooth, but also those who are indifferent to sweet. At the same time, they will be able to cook them any mistress and time will spend quite a bit.

  • Flour 225 gram
  • Cocoa 3 tablespoons
  • Bananas 3 pieces
  • Chicken eggs 2 pieces
  • Sugar 100 grams or to taste
  • Vegetable oil 125 milliliters
  • Soda 1 teaspoon

Bananas clean from the skins and lay out in a plate.

Armed with a fork or potatoes and mark the banana pulp in the puree.

Eggs are rinsed under hot running water and divide into a separate plate. Pour sugar and vegetable oil, with the help of a whisk, whipping up to a homogeneous state. Then we pour out the bananas in the puree and we are thoroughly mixed with a tablespoon.

Next to the sieve, we pour the required amount of flour, cocoa and soda. Sift into a wide convenient bowl and mix. It is necessary to sift in order to get rid of lumps, and also enrich everything with oxygen, because so the baking will get even more air and gentle.

So, we pour a sweet banana mass to the flour and a wedge or with a mixer, we carefully beat everything. Liquid dough should be homogeneous and without lumps.

Baking shape thoroughly with cream or vegetable oil or, as in our case, we lay down paper molds. Then the tablespoon is laying the cooked dough, filling the molds about 2/3, because our dough will rise a little. And you can move to baking.

Heat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius and only after that, we set the shape in the oven. We bake the muffin until complete readiness for 15 to 20 minutes. During this time, they must rise and be covered with a beautiful crust. And the readiness can be checked with toothpicks, spanks or forks. If, when sticking the skewers, the trail will remain on it from the raw dough, then the baking is not yet ready, and if it is dry, then we boldly turn off the oven and get the shape, helping my kitchen patches.

Madfin is baking from the US and Britain, they are similar to our mini cakes. The essence of their preparation consists in mixing dry products and liquid ingredients. They are preparing quickly, recipes set, today we will look at some of them.

What products are needed for maffin cooking

Immediately it should be noted that the Muffins are sweet, semi-sweet and salty. From this will depend on what to select the ingredients. Since I am a public collection of dessert muffins, then from here and will dance.

For this miniature baking will be required different kinds Flour: wheat, almond, rice, nut, wheat mixture with corn, etc.

Dairy products, egg, butter, various types of sugar (brown, musculo) are needed.

As fillers, various types of thick blanks will be suitable (jam, jam, confiture, jams), fresh berries and fruits (bananas, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, raspberries, pears, apples, apricots, oranges, candies, and this is not the entire list.

To give piquancy and special taste, you can add as a filling: nuts, dates, raisins, chocolate chips or drops.

It should also be noted that the muffins are prepared in American and English recipes; So, in English versions, yeast is coming, American and food soda are added American in most cases.

As flavors and taste, seasonings are combined: cinnamon, nutmeg, Vanillin, Sea Salt, and there that your soul prefers. For the decoration of the Madfins will go delicious cream, which can be prepared by various recipes.


  • chocolate - tile (good quality);
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 3.5 tablespoons;
  • creamy oil or dairy margarine - 110 grams;
  • flour - 150 grams;
  • milk - 30 milliliters.

By simple prescription Muffins with chocolate are preparing:

The oil is effectively rubbed with sugar and introduce eggs not immediately, but one by one. Chocolate cut into small pieces. In the dough, we begin to add flour and baking powder, wash, omit chocolate and again suck the flour and pour milk.

We mix if we feel that the flour is not enough, then you will be swaying yet, I in the end I took 180 grams. The test semi-finished product should not be thick! Filling the mold test and put in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 25 minutes. Readiness to check the wooden stick.

2. Video - Classic maffin cooking recipe

Currently, so many professionals, home owners, how many baking recipes are useful, tasty, unique, but the main condition for this requires a creative approach and the right choice of products. Today we try baking with bananas and bran, and add-on cinnamon, it is really a masterpiece!


  • brown sugar - 110 grams;
  • bananas - 2 fetus;
  • wheat bran - 35 grams;
  • flour - 220 grams;
  • yogurt - 130 milliliters;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • cinnamon powder - 1 tablespoon;
  • dough breakner - 1 teaspoon;
  • grape bone oil - 3 dessert spoons;
  • linen seeds - for decoration;
  • salt - to your liking.

According to the unique recipe, Madfin with bananas are preparing so:

1. Wash bananas, clean from dense cover, then clean. One banana is cut into thin slices, and the second is tortuous in a puree.

2. After the flour, sift through the sieve, pour salt, baking powder and bran.

3. Smash eggs into the container, add sugar, pour yogurt, beat in a mixer, gradually adding a banana puree.

5. Prepared molds to deceive with oil, put on 1/3 of the dough form, lay the banana mugs on top and spray with grains.

6. Place the oven, the muffins must be baked at a heated to 180 with heat degrees. Ready to extract, cool slightly and can be served to the table.

In boring cottage cheese, you can add many different additives, then the gastronomic novelty will be yours. After all, indeed, instead of wheat flour, if you add rice or almond, plus almonds, then the peak of culinary art will fully mastered!


  • cottage cheese is not fat - 220 grams;
  • the fruit of orange - 1 thing;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • wheat and rice flour - 100 grams;
  • walnut (almond in the witch state) - 95 grams or floors of glass;
  • chocolate (milk) - 45 grams;
  • basin - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • fresh from lemon - 50 milliliters;
  • creamy oil - 75 grams;
  • sugar powder - 85 grams;
  • salt - 2 chips.

According to the unique recipe, Madfin with cottage cheese is preparing so:

1. Prepare orange citrus orange, remove a grater from it from the surface of the zest.

2. Prepare Lemon Fresh.

3. Cottage cheese soften or wipe through a sieve, to fill the eggs here, sugar, salt, ready to zest and pour Fresh.

4. To sift the whole flour, in order to enrich air oxygen, add a cooked mass, baking powder and fused butter, actively mix.

5. At the end, notice crushed almonds.

6. Stay in the dough into silicone molds and with a standard temperature to bake 40 minutes.

7. When filing chilled muffins to drop impregnation cooked from lemon freasses and sugar powder. For decor, sprinkle with grated milk chocolate. Delicate!

I like Madfins for being preparing very quickly and you can change the sea of \u200b\u200bvarious stuffs. Today there will be an incredibly tasty berry - blueberry.


  • flour - 320 grams;
  • creamy oil - 130 grams;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 incomplete glass;
  • busty and vanillin - 1.5 teaspoon;
  • milk - 80 milliliters;
  • berries of blueberries - at discretion;
  • salt is one pinch.

By a simple maffin recipe with blueberries are preparing so:

In a suitable dish, grind sugar sand with softened butter. Creamy oil soften and mix well with ordinary sugar. Next, neatly one egg to introduce and vigorously stir up to a homogeneous consistency. After pour milk and add all the other ingredients, with the exception of berries.

In silicone molds, put paper baskets and with a confectionery bag fill their test blank to the middle. Then berries, again the dough, and if desired, again with blueberries. The clarity of the molds should not be up to the top. And then, according to the classics of the genre, bake at 190 from a quarter of an hour, it all depends on the oven and the size of the molds. You can decorate such muffinkers with all sorts of coats, creams or what will be at hand.

6. Chocolate Muffins with coffee cream

Chocolate Madfins are like a song, in the house clean and comfort, smells of coffee, chocolate, which compete with each other, but in the mutual alliance they give the baking special piquancy and aroma. It is worth creating such an atmosphere more often.


  • flour - 230 grams;
  • milk - 220 milliliters;
  • sugar - 160 grams;
  • cocoa powder of good quality - 3 tablespoons;
  • vanillin - on the tip of the knife;
  • basin - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground coffee - 60 grams;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • peanut butter - 65 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 40 milliliters;
  • salt is a little.

According to the favorite recipe, chocolate muffins with coffee cream are cooking like this:

1. First prepare coffee from milk and natural coffee and strain through the siete.

2. Add ready-made coffee on the plates, lower peanut and vegetable oils, mix and cool slightly.

3. Drink eggs and add the remaining ingredients that go on the recipe. All mix so that there are no lumps.

4. Decide the dough on the molds and put for baking. Baking time is approximately 25 minutes, temperature mode 200 degrees.

6. After the specified time, the pie will extract, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, move to the substrate, cool and submit. Such misties - at least in the feast, even in the world, at least in good hands!

Muffins with cherries are a gastronomic union of a gentle curd dough with fragrant odor and light sour cherry. You can use fresh, canned or frozen. They are very loved by children!


  • wheat flour or almond - 385 grams;
  • chicken egg (home) - 1 piece;
  • milk - 1 a little incomplete glass;
  • cherry - 2, 5 glasses;
  • busty - bag or 12 grams;
  • creamy oil - 85 grams;
  • sugar - 175 grams;
  • vanillin - 25 grams;
  • salt - in preference.

By a simple recipe, Madfin with cherries are preparing so:

In one cup, mix dry products according to the recipe: flour, sugar, baking powder, vanillin and salt. In the second bowl mixed fused oil, eggs and milk. After connecting, mix with a comfortable spatula or spoon. Molds lubricate with vegetable oil, lay out the dough, inside the deepening and fill the cherries without seeds (they can be cut in half).

Heat cabinet to heat and bake at a temperature of 180 seconds to complete readiness and formation on the surface of a beautiful koller. Finished Madfins Cherry get and lay out on a beautiful dish to feed your family or guests with love.

8. Video - Lemon Muffins

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Create a unique culinary dessert or just an intricate loaf to breakfast is quite real. To this end, it is worth studying such a baking as Muffins and understand that without them just can not do. They come to the table, both in the form of exquisite treats and as a bakery product with special additives. The main thing is that the hostess would be desire to experiment and create muffins to their taste. Although everyone can participate in this process without exception. From this result will only win.

A couple of decades ago, it was really amicable delicacy in domestic expanses. After all, there were everyday gingerbread and cookies, and sometimes cakes. But about various overseas woundings and did not have to talk. Muffins were served in high-kitchen restaurants and were considered almost a delicacy. So it was before that time, until simple cooks knew the real recipe for cooking. From this point on, the rust of taste and a variety of culinary fantasies began. Muffins were created on unique recipes. In the reserve of each chef was a couple of options. Many parameters differed. But, there was always the fact that taste qualities were always at the height.

The result has exceeded all expectations. This delicacy has become something unusual, as it is based on a variety of fillings. And absolutely not necessarily that they are sweet. You can always find a decent alternative. And if you add special herbs, then the result will not make you wait long. Madfins are excellent if they put the soul and fantasy in them.

The most interesting thing is that even young cooks can cope with this dish. Moreover, they will be insanely interesting to lay the dough on the molds. This will help them not only succeed in creating unique recipes, but also learn how to prepare such culinary masterpieces are handled.

How to cook chocolate muffins

Real paradise for sweet tooths. From such a delicacy they will not refuse. Not only are the Muffins have a pleasant texture, but also a chocolate taste. In this case, one faithful rule should be followed: it is clearly complying with all measures. In this case, even a child can cope with the task, and the result will exceed any expectations.


  • Egg selection - a pair of pieces.
  • Milk whole - half of the glass.
  • Sugar sand is 100 grams.
  • Cocoa - 2 tablespoons.
  • Wheat flour - a half cup.
  • Vanillin is a bundle.
  • Basin - packaging.
  • Dark chocolate - tile.
  • Salt stone - 0.2 grams.

The dish is calculated for 12 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Calculate oil on a water bath with 2 \\ 3 chocolate tiles. Mix with vaniline, cocoa and milk.

2. Eater chocolate grind. In the cooled creamy chocolate mixture, drive eggs using a mixer or a whine.

3. Mother to carefully sift. Mix with salt and dough dough.

4.Small portions add flour mixture to warm ingredients. Mix it thoroughly.

5. In each silicone mold, lay out a little more than half of the dough. Top to perturbed with stuck chocolate. Heat cabinet to heat up to a temperature of 200 degrees. Place the blanks for 15-20 minutes.

6.Dext and, if you wish, trigger a little sugar powder, and you can leave without additional tricks.

The result is both external and taste turns out simply stunning. Muffins literally melted in the mouth. And here the main task is to stop on time, as you can not notice and immediately absorb several portions.

Check video recipe from Natalia Vysotskaya:

Bon Appetit!

Classic recipe

If there is a desire to prepare something unusual and simple, then the proposed muffins will just come to the rescue. They are so tasty and at the same time are original, which remains only to admire the speeding of the culinary. And only he knows that the procedure for creating a culinary masterpiece does not take much time.


  • Select egg.
  • Wheat flour - a glass.
  • Salt.
  • Food soda - 1 \\ 2 teaspoons.
  • Creamy butter - 50 grams.
  • Sugar sand - 2 \\ 3 glasses.
  • Lemon acid is 0.2 grams.
  • Milk whole - a third of a glass.
  • Vanillin is a bundle.

The dish is designed for 7 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare on the working surface necessary products.

2. Molds with sugar thoroughly to get a homogeneous mass.

3. Late the egg.

4. Add milk with soda and citric acid. Mix.

5. Eye wheat flour. Small portions interfere with the test.

6. Use the mixer to bring all the components to a homogeneous state.

7. Require silicone forms a little more than half. Heat cabinet to heat up to a temperature of 180 degrees. Place billets in it. As soon as the crust is twisted, it is necessary to turn off the closet and leave the muffin to it until a complete cooling.

8. Hold the resulting delicacy to the plate and, at will, decorate.

It is noteworthy that such Madfins can always be made an order of magnitude original if adding various sweet toppings and fruits with berries when applying. It refreshes the dish and give it special taste notes.


Tropical fruit connoisseurs will appreciate the similar option to create a unique creation. Although these Muffins are considered almost classic. No matter who is the opinion. If they embarked on the moral, it is worth taking such a recipe for weapons and use it in practice.


  • Select egg.
  • Sugar sand - 5 tablespoons.
  • Wheat flour - 1.2 cups.
  • Busty - pack.
  • Creamy butter - 3 tablespoons.
  • Banana.

The dish is calculated for 8 persons.

Cooking process:

1. The working surface prepare all the products necessary for cooking.

2. Lee banana carefully crushed. Add sugar and drive egg. To wash it well before getting one-piece consistency.

3. Give the creamy oil. Add to prepared products.

4. Eye flour and add a baking powder to it. Small portions interfere with the rest of the products. There should be homogeneous consistency.

5. I will fill the mold to fill a little more than half. Place the oven, preheated to 190 degrees. Baking time - 20 minutes.

6. Total banana snacks and decorate them at your request.

Incredibly simple I. gentle recipe create all your favorite delicacy. In this case, each time you can experiment something and add any spices. This turns out a more rich taste.

Muffins on kefir with currant

There is no more than a dozen minutes before the arrival of the guests, but not to file the table? In this case, it is worth showing the smelting and resort to incredibly simple, but not less delicious prescription. Such Muffins are unlikely to leave at least someone indifferent. Both children and adults will necessarily require additives and thank the hostess for a worthy treat.


  • Select egg.
  • Vegetable oil - half of the glass.
  • Kefir is a glass.
  • Vanillin is a bag.
  • Wheat flour - 250 grams.
  • Basin - packaging.
  • Currant - 150 grams.
  • Sugar sand - 200 grams.

The dish is calculated for 10 people.

Cooking process:

1.Yejo carefully knocked down with kefir. Gradually keep sunflower oil.

2. Fucking the flour to sift. Mix with a baking powder and vanilla. Enter salt and sugar.

3. Extreme portions to add a flour mixture to kefir. Must get a damaging homogeneous mass.

4. Low most of the currant. Mix well.

5. I will fill the mold on 2 \\ 3. In the center put in a pair of berry currant. Place in the ovens with a temperature of 190 degrees.

6. Make about 25 minutes. It is necessary to follow the formation of a ruddy crust.

Now you can not worry that guests will be without treat. Muffins everyone will come to moral. Moreover, you can always use another berry, which is in the refrigerator or on the table. Some cases can be resorted to jam.


Sunny fruit can delight his rich taste. Orange Madfins will appreciate everything that prefers bold experiments and spicy notes. The result is always unsurpassed. And if we consider that this delicacy literally melts in the mouth, then we will not be able to go past them.


  • Egg selection - a pair of pieces.
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Busty - pack.
  • Creamy butter - half of the pack.
  • Vanillin is a bundle.
  • Orange - big fruit.

The dish is calculated for 8 persons.

Cooking process:

1. The inserts of the zest of orange. From the pulp to squeeze the juice to remove all the bones and extra impurities.

2. Masshed and cool a little. Drive two eggs and mix with a fork or a whisk.

3. Unscrew juice and zest. Mix.

4.Mack to overcome. Add a baking powder. Enter vanilla sugar and mix. Top pour liquid ingredients. Mix well with a whin. Do not knock down.

5. For baking, pre-prepare pre-prepare. Fill the test more than half.

6. In a preheated oven, place molds with blanks. Time is conditional, since the measure of readiness is determined by the ruddy crust and the dry dye. Cool. Extract from forms.

7. If desire to decorate with sugar powder or syrup.

Excellent Madfins are able to diversify any tea party. In addition, they are also useful, and the gourmets will appreciate their spicy notes.


This present culinary miracle can surprise everyone. The main thing is that such muffins are incredibly useful. Therefore, they can be offered by children with appropriate baking without feasts. In addition, even adults will appreciate the tenderness of the test. After all, it literally melts and delivers any comparable gastronomic sensations with anything.


  • Natural cottage cheese - 200 grams.
  • Egg selection - 3 pieces.
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Busty - pack.
  • Creamy butter - 2 \\ 3 packs.
  • Sugar sand is half a glass.
  • Essence of orange - a couple of drops.

The dish is designed for 7 persons.

Cooking process:

2. Mix to mix with sugar and knocked down with a mixer to a homogeneous dense mass.

3. Maslo cream melt and add to the eggs.

4. Pouring a homogeneous mass to connect with cottage cheese.

5.Co mixed products add an essence.

6.Muka to sift and mix with a baking powder. Enter to already mixed ingredients.

7. The help of a mixer help Mix together all components.

8. I will make a silicone form to lay parchment blanks. Fill the test by 2 \\ 3 volume.

9.Thovahvahl wardrobe to warm up to 200 degrees. Place molds with dough. Bake no more than half an hour.

10.Track from silicone forms after cooling.

And then you can safely begin a variety of experiments. After all, cottage cheese muffins can be served with embellished cream and berries, condensed milk and grated chocolate. The main thing to have a desire to surprise and then the fantasy itself will manifest itself.

Muffins in microwave

Use modern devices to facilitate the cooking process very effectively they help to quickly create almost incredible masterpieces of cooking. The main thing to adopt right recipeAnd then everything will turn out just great. The proposed Muffins are very unusual, which literally makes this recipe.


  • Cocoa - 50 grams.
  • Chocolate bitter - tile.
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Creamy butter - pack.
  • Basin - packaging.
  • Milk whole - 2 \\ 3 glasses.
  • Select egg.
  • Sugar - 1 \\ 3 glasses.
  • Salt - 1 \\ 2 teaspoons.

The dish is calculated for 8 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Create the required products on the working surface.

2. Using the sieve to sift flour, and add sugar and salt.

3. In a flour mixture, pour cocoa and mix.

4.Yejo beat with milk. Add pre-melted and cooled butter. Continue to mix.

5.Coin all products and mix thoroughly.

6.Collar roll on a large grater. Most add to the prepared test.

7. The result should be an air homogeneous dough.

8.Silicone forms to prepare. Pour the dough so that it is slightly exceeded half of the total volume.

9. register time 3 minutes, and the power is not more than 630 kvaat. Place on the platform. Start baking.

10. Ensureantly cool and get out of the molds. Sprinkle with the remaining bitter chocolate.

11. When the chocolate is melted and soaked in Madfin, it can be said that the result is achieved.

Some may seem that this recipe resembles a chocolate fund. The statement is true. But, preparing such a muffin is an order of magnitude easier and create a similar masterpiece can be quickly and without excess costs.

With ham and cheese

Is there a desire to surprise guests and relatives? Then the proposed version will have to be more likely. After all, it would seem that the dish, the dish appears perfectly in another form. Muffins with ham little tried. And the truth is to say that there are no indifferent to them after sample. So the time of experiments has come.


  • Egg selection - 3 pieces.
  • Busty - pack.
  • The cheese is solid - 100 grams.
  • Olives - 13 pieces.
  • Ham - 250 grams.
  • Wheat flour - a glass.
  • Tomatoes dried - 150 grams.
  • Milk - half a glass.
  • Olive oil - 6 tablespoons.
  • Orego.
  • Sea salt.
  • Pepper and spices.

The dish is calculated for 13 people.

Cooking process:

1. All products are pre-prepared on the working surface.

2.Tomets, olives, cheese and ham cut into minor cubes.

3. Jike to beat with milk and olive oil to a homogeneous state.

4.Mack sift. Mix with a baking powder, salt and pepper.

5. Add pre-chopped products and mix. Flip oregano and Italian herbs.

6. Use the silicone blade to carefully wash.

7. Install the molds more than half. Place in a preheated oven for half an hour. Give a little cool and remove from the molds.

8. To do with fresh greens and sour cream sauce.

Such appetizing Madfins will definitely find their admirers. In addition, they will become an excellent find by enterprising hostesses for breakfast or as a snack for relatives and loved ones.


The proposed muffins may seem absolutely classic option. For many parameters, they resemble classic cupcakes, so they are perfectly combined with any drinks. In addition, they are so easy and melted in the mouth, which to break away from them to households simply will not be possible.


  • Egg selection - a pair of pieces.
  • Creamy butter - half of the pack.
  • Busty - pack.
  • Sugar sand is half a glass.
  • Lemon.
  • Raisins - 100 grams.
  • Wheat flour - a glass.
  • Vanillin.
  • Salt stone.

The dish is designed for 10 persons.

Cooking process:

1. To rinse thoroughly. Pour hot water.

2. Interest on the fine grater of the lemon zest.

3. Maslo cream melt. Cool.

4. From the remaining lemon squeeze juice. Delete unnecessary.

5. Jogging thoroughly, using a whisk.

6.Muka to sift, mix with a bundle, salt, sugar, vaniline.

7.Yike Mix with fule oil and lemon juice.

8. Mix all the components together.

9. Add raisins and zest.

10. Permate the dough and evenly distribute by pre-prepared molds.

11. Wheel the oven to the temperature of 180 degrees. Place the blanks for 20-30 minutes.

12. The dessert is a little cool and get from the form.

The proposed option is simply indispensable in the course of any tea party. After all, he is unusual and tasty. From him will be delighted with everything from Mala to Velik.


Cook original snack is quite real. Meat Muffins are worthy of confirmation. They are unusual in their texture and become an excellent option, both to any feast and as a snack.


  • Chicken breast without skin.
  • Olives - 1 \\ 2 Banks.
  • Onion feather - a pair of pieces.
  • Egg selection - 4 pieces.
  • Busty - pack.
  • Flour - a couple of glasses.
  • Natural cheese - 100 grams.
  • Olive oil - half of the glass.
  • Italian herbs.
  • Milk - 100 milligrams.
  • Sea salt.

The dish is calculated by 12 Pers.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare all the necessary components on the working surface.

2. Separate a cure breast from the skin. Rinse. Peel to complete readiness. Cool. Divide on fibers.

3. Jike to beat with olive oil and milk in deep tanks.

4. Mother of wheat sift. Mix with a baking powder. Add to the rest of the components.

5. Give all products. Add Italian herbs to the finished test. Mix. Sea salt pour in the last place.

6.Thovah buckage. In each mold, put on a pair of tablespoons of the test. Bake no more than half an hour.

7. The Madfins are a bit broken. Stay out of the form.

Video recipe:

This dish is an excellent option, which will have to do, both children and adults. And most importantly, the original snack can be obtained pretty quickly.

It would seem that the bake of decent Muffins is incredibly easy. Although even here there are a number of rules capable of improving the result and make it literally unsurpassed.

  • Each mold for the muffins must be pre-prepared: coated with oil or flour.
  • To obtain a homogeneous test, it is always worth using a mixer.
  • The optimal temperature for baking is 190 degrees.
  • Each form must be filled with a little more than half. Otherwise, not avoiding spreading.
  • Using fresh or frozen berries in cooking, it is before adding to the dough to peer their flour.
  • The readiness measure is determined not only by the ruddy crust, but also due to the use of a long wooden stick or match.

Create stunning muffins are incredibly easy. And most importantly, in the process you can always vary the main components. The main thing is that the dish is cooked with the soul, and the delight of the tastelessness, there will be no limit.


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