How to salt pink salmon for cold smoking. Cold smoked pink salmon - a step-by-step photo recipe for cooking at home. Hot smoked pink salmon recipe in the oven

Country smokehouse. From the construction of a smokehouse to the correct preparation and storage of products Kozlov Anton Valerievich

Cold smoked pink salmon

Cold smoked pink salmon

Pink salmon belongs to the salmon family, so it should be smoked in the same way as other salmon species. Cold smoked and hot pink salmon are equally tasty, but differ in cooking technology.

If the carcass of the fish is frozen, then it must be thawed. Then we salt the fish. Salting should be done by keeping the fish in a 20% salt solution for 12 hours. The degree of salting can be determined independently, cutting off a small piece from the carcass every 8 hours, suddenly you like the fish after 10 hours, or, conversely, you will have to hold 16 - everyone has their own preferences. At the end of the salting, it must be rinsed, cut into pieces, and the excess salt must be peeled off. Now the fish needs to be dried in warm air and cooked. Cold smoked pink salmon will not quickly smoke, since smoking is carried out with smoke (low temperature) from smoldering sawdust of fruit trees or alder tree. To make the fish incredibly tasty, we advise you to wrap the pieces with canvas or gauze. This method is recommended for all types of fish with tender meat. Now we load the fish into the smokehouse. The average smoking time is 50–80 hours, it all depends on the size of the fish pieces (it is also possible to smoke a whole carcass).

Experienced smokers have noticed that the strength of the salting is directly related to the temperature of the smoke. This means that the saltier the fish, the colder the smoke should be. For smoking pink salmon, the smoke temperature should not exceed 25-30 degrees. During this time, the meat will become more dense, since prolonged exposure to salt and smoke dehydrates the product.

Ready-made pink salmon has a reddish-golden hue and a special taste that cannot be compared with any other fish.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the author's book

Cold smoked smokehouse Cold smoking is the treatment of specially prepared products with smoking smoke. As a result of such processing, the products acquire a specific smoked taste, and natural chemical substances that are part of the smoke,

From the author's book

Smoking technology The essence of smoking is that the meat is prepared using hot smoke, which is emitted from the firebox by smoldering (absolutely not burning) wood, wood chips or sawdust. Smoldering is caused by an open flame under the bottom of the smoking chamber. For

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1.7.5. Features of warm-cold glazing Warm-cold glazing does not come from the floor: at the bottom there is a blank partition, but on top of the opening and blank sashes. Most cold facade glazing profiles have the ability to replace single glass with a double-glazed unit. How

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Pink salmon is popularly called "pink salmon" for its bright fillet color.

Like other salmonids, it contains:

    easily digestible protein (25% by weight);

    trace elements (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium);

    vitamins (A, B6, B12, C, D).

This is perfect dietary product any form: 100 grams of this fish has fewer calories than 100 grams white bread... Smoked pink salmon makes a great snack. You can also add it to a salad or put it on a sandwich.

Smoked pink salmon from the store - not the best choice... Manufacturers prepare it with “liquid smoke”, add preservatives, dyes and other “chemicals”. Therefore, those who want to enjoy a truly delicious fish are interested in how to smoke pink salmon in a hot smoked smokehouse at home.

How to choose pink salmon for hot smoking at home

A good fresh pink salmon looks like this:

    scales - shiny, smooth, clean, without mucus and plaque;

    gills - light red, bright;

    belly - even, flat;

    skin - no damage, tight to the meat;

    smell - insignificant, without an ammonia tint;

    weight - from 800 g to 1500 g.

Choosing frozen fish is easier - they are guided by weight, amount of ice (no more than 5%). When choosing gutted, be sure to check the color of the fillet. It should be pinkish.

You cannot buy fish with yellowish meat on the abdomen, sluggish (dents remain from pressure), with unpleasant odor or covered in mucus.

True gourmets say:

"The male pink salmon meat is more fatty and juicy.

It tastes better than female meat. "

Therefore, when choosing fresh or frozen fish, be guided by the sex of the pink salmon.

    In females, the head is rounded, the body color is light.

    In males, the head is elongated, sharp, the scales are darker, the posterior fin is shorter than in females.

Hot smoked pink salmon recipes in a home smoker

Prepare the fish before smoking: cut, salt and dry.

When cutting, remove only entrails and gills. Do not trim the head, scales and fins. Rinse the carcasses - now the fish is ready for pickling.

If you want to shorten the smoking time, you can cut it into pieces. Fillets cook faster than whole fish. But don't be too small! It is preferable to smoke half or quarters.

Now about how to salt pink salmon for hot smoking.

Use dry or wet way... Both methods are equally popular, and you will not feel a significant difference in the taste of the finished pink salmon. Choose the one that is more convenient for you.

Salting pink salmon for hot smoking

The easiest way is dry salting. Salt is rubbed into the carcass: from the outside - against the scales, from the inside - into the spine.

For dry salting, coarse table salt is used without additives. This way the taste of the fish remains clean when smoked. According to some recipes, black ground pepper is added.

If you need pink salmon with a golden smoked crust, add sugar to the salt in a 2: 1 ratio.

After processing, the fish is placed in glass or enamel dishes, additionally sprinkled with salt.

The container is covered with a lid and left in a cold place.

Pink salmon cut into pieces will be salted in 24-48 hours.

Whole - in 4-10 days, depending on the size. During this period, the fish should be turned over periodically.

After salting, taste the fish.

If it's too salty, you can soak it.

After salting, the fish is not washed, only wiped with a paper towel.

The last step is to dry out in the open air. At home, it lasts 6 to 24 hours.

Pickle recipe for hot smoking pink salmon

The second way of salting is wet, when the fish is soaked in the marinade.

For this recipe for 1 kg of pink salmon you will need:

  • 100 g of sea salt;

    50 g sugar;

    ground pepper and other spices if desired.

The fish is left in solution for 2-3 days at a temperature of +2 to +4 degrees.

After salting, the fish is dried with paper towels, then dried in the fresh air. It is advisable to place it in a draft, in the shade, protecting it from insects with a fine mesh.

Drying time in dry weather - 24 hours. If it's damp outside, pink salmon are dried indoors under a fan.

How to smoke pink salmon in a hot smoked smokehouse correctly

The salted fish is ready to be smoked. If you have to cook whole pink salmon, the skin is not removed.

For smoking according to the classic recipe, alder chips without bark are suitable. If you want to experiment with flavors, add thin sprigs of apple or pear, aromatic herbs... But for the first time, you should smoke hot smoked pink salmon on alder chips.

The smoking process is standard:

  1. Chips, previously moistened with water, are placed in the container of the smokehouse.
  2. The chips are covered with a tray for fat, which flows abundantly from the fish during the smoking process.
  3. Install a fish rack or hooks for hanging (depending on the type of smokehouse, its size).
  4. Place the carcasses and close the installation tightly with a lid.
  5. Turn on (light) the fire.

Hot smoking starts at a temperature of +110 degrees, it should be maintained throughout the process.


Pink salmon is a fatty fish. Be sure to place a tray in the smoker. Without it, fat will fall on the chips and burn, and ash and fumes will settle on the products. The pink salmon will taste bitter.

How much to smoke hot smoked pink salmon in a smokehouse

The duration of smoking depends on the size and cut of the carcasses. On average, according to the classic recipe, whole fish are smoked for about 2 hours.

If the fish is cut into pieces, the time for smoking pink salmon in a home smoker is reduced to 60 minutes, but it cannot be less.

And it will take a few more hours for the fish to "mature" in the open air.

Hot smoked pink salmon is stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in paper and a plastic bag.

The shelf life is no more than a week. Therefore, at home, do not smoke a lot of fish at one time.

Smoked fish is a great beer snack and an excellent independent dish. With all these advantages, pink salmon, like cold salmon, is easy to cook at home. To do this, you need to buy frozen pink salmon, pickle it and smoke it, but first things first.

His majesty is salmon

Pink salmon belongs to the salmon family, so it should be smoked like other salmon species. Pink salmon and hot salmon are equally tasty, but they differ in cooking technology.

Cold method

Cold smoking is a complex process that requires careful preliminary.

We offer, which can be supplemented based on your own taste and imagination!


  1. First you need to defrost the carcass and salt it, since you can only cook salted fish according to this recipe.
  2. Salting should be done by keeping the fish in a 20% salt solution for 12 hours. The degree of salting can be determined by cutting off a small piece from the carcass every 8 hours. Suddenly you will like the fish after 10 hours, or, conversely, you will have to hold 16 - everyone has their own preferences. At the end of salting, it must be rinsed, cut into pieces, wiped off to remove excess salt.
  3. Now the fish needs to be dried in warm air and cooked.


Even before you start cooking, you should know that cold smoked pink salmon will not quickly smoke, since the low temperature from smoldering sawdust of fruit trees or alder. Pine and other conifers are not suitable - there are a lot of resins, however, you can read about this in the article “How to choose wood for smoking”.

If you chose classic recipe, you can smoke pink salmon in any smokehouse, it doesn't matter if you made it, or.
So the fish is ready to cook. To make it incredibly tasty and not fall apart, we advise you to wrap the pieces with cotton cloth or gauze. This method is recommended for all types of fish with tender meat.

Now we load the fish into the smokehouse, turn it on. Cold smoking lasts a long time - on average it takes 50–80 hours, it all depends on the pieces of fish (possibly smoking a whole carcass); what kind of smokehouse you have also plays a role.

Experienced smokers have noticed that the strength of the salting is directly related to the temperature of the smoke. This means that the saltier the fish, the colder the smoke should be. For smoking pink salmon, the smoke temperature should not exceed 25-30 degrees. During this time, the meat will become more dense, since prolonged exposure to salt and smoke dehydrates the product.

It remains to be patient to enjoy the taste of this aromatic dish!

Ready-made pink salmon has a reddish-golden hue and a special taste that cannot be compared with the taste of any other fish. Despite the troublesome and lengthy process, the game, as they say, is worth the candle. Since, in addition to obtaining a pleasant taste of fish, by smoking, you can save a maximum of vitamins and healthy proteins.

The calorie content of hot smoked pink salmon per 100 g is 190 kcal. Where the indicator of proteins is 22 g (88 kcal), fats - 11 g (9 kcal), carbohydrates - 2 g (8 kcal).

It is worth noting that the calorie content of smoked fish is higher than that of the product before processing (there are 160 kcal in raw pink salmon).

Hot smoke

To smoke pink salmon hot, you need to buy a raw or frozen carcass. We assure you that in terms of taste, a fish cooked at home will not be inferior to a store fish, on the contrary.

As a rule, hot smoking is chosen due to the fact that the process is not so laborious and less time consuming.

Marinating takes place in the same way as in the case of the cold method (if you wish, you can add your favorite spices, a pinch of sugar, and sprinkle the carcass with lemon in addition to salt). The process takes place at a temperature of 90-100 degrees and lasts only a few hours.

With this cooking method, the fish does not lose much moisture and remains juicy, soft and tender. How do you know that everything is ready? Very easy - there should be no blood near the ridge. The peel of the finished dish should lag slightly and release a light juice.

The shelf life of such fish is several days (cooked cold can be stored much longer).

Hot smoked pink salmon recipe in the oven

You can even cook without a smokehouse, in a conventional oven. Moreover, its taste cannot be compared with factory smoked meats made in accordance with GOSTs.

The recipe is simple: sprinkle the fish with salt and a little sugar, keep it cold for 8 hours. Then we dry it, fill it soy sauce and marinate in this way for an hour.

Video recipe with smoked pink salmon

For cooking, take a baking dish or a thick-walled pan, cover the bottom with foil, put rice with spices and dry tea leaves. We put the wire rack, warm up the pan, and only then put the fish on the wire rack, close the lid. The smoking time is 30 minutes, but after 15 minutes the fish must be turned over.

If you buy smoked pink salmon in a store, you need to know the GOST for this product. GOST 2623–97 applies to balyk products made from cold smoked salmon of the Far East.

Cook delicious smoked meats with us and do not forget to share your comments and impressions! Treat yourself to some smoked pink salmon for dinner!

Cold smoked pink salmon can be bought in almost any supermarket, but a delicacy homemade will be much tastier and more aromatic. In order for a homemade dish to turn out no worse than a store one, it is very important to choose the right fish for smoking and prepare it for smoke processing.

Fish selection

In order for a homemade dish to turn out to be no worse than a store dish, it is very important to choose the right fish for smoking and prepare it for smoke processing.

The right choice of fish plays a huge role. If low-quality raw materials are bought, this can spoil the finished smoked meats. Therefore, during the purchase, special attention should be paid to the appearance of the carcasses and their condition.

For the preparation of cold smoked pink salmon, you can use both fresh fish and frozen or chilled. Fish is perishable, so it is worth checking its quality and freshness at the time of purchase. You should not buy raw materials that have noticeable mechanical damage. It is better to refuse pink salmon if the carcasses have an unpleasant odor, a weakened meat consistency, and a large amount of mucus on the surface.

Fresh fish gills will be bright in color. They should also not have an unpleasant odor. Make sure the fish do not have cloudy or sunken eyes. Also, do not buy carcasses on the surface of which there is a huge amount of ice. This indicates the repeated freezing of pink salmon and the fact that the fish has not been fresh for a long time.

Preparing fish for smoking

During the preparation of the fish, it is necessary to salt small and large separately.

Larger carcasses will be salted longer than small ones. It is worth noting that for the preparation of delicious smoked meats, it is necessary to carefully monitor so that direct sunlight does not fall on the pink salmon. This can cause the fat to become bitter and make ready-made delicacies tasteless and odorless.

To prepare cold smoked pink salmon with your own hands, it is very important to properly prepare it for processing. All actions must be performed very carefully, because the fish has tender meat that is easy to damage. Because of this, the finished smoked meats will not have such an attractive appearance and may begin to disintegrate during cooking.

If an uncut fish was purchased, then it is worth leaving the scales and fins. Only the insides are very neatly cut out. It is also advisable to cut out the gills. They can contain dangerous microorganisms that can cause food poisoning. In the event that a sufficient amount of salt does not get into the gills during salting, then they can provoke faster spoilage of ready-made delicacies.

Headless carcasses are also great for preparing cold smoked pink salmon. If large enough raw materials were purchased, then pink salmon can be divided into two equal parts. In this case, the spine is carefully removed, as well as large bones. For processing large fish, it must be cut into portions.

Salting types

Before processing carcasses with cold smoke, it is imperative to thoroughly wash the fish under cool running water. Next comes the salting stage. It is important to follow the rules of salting so that the finished smoked meats are tasty and aromatic enough. It is worth strictly following the selected recipe and proportions. Otherwise, ready-made delicacies may be too salty or, on the contrary, lightly salted.

For dry salting of pink salmon, you should use medium-ground salt. You should not use iodized products or with any additional additives. If you salt the fish with fine salt, then it will almost immediately cause the formation of a strong crust on the surface of the carcasses. This will prevent the deeper layers of the pulp from getting enough salt.

Only salt can be used as a dry salting. In this case, ready-made delicacies will have a pleasant aroma of fish and haze, without any additional odors.

To prepare cold smoked pink salmon with your own hands, you can use a small amount of black ground pepper. Quite often I add sugar to the salted mixture. Part of the sugar is taken for two parts of medium-ground salt. By adding sugar to the mixture, the finished fish will be softer, and its surface quickly becomes a beautiful color, rather smoky and dense. For a kilogram of raw materials, it is worth using two tablespoons of salt and a tablespoon of sugar.

Salt or the prepared mixture should be rubbed exclusively against the growth of scales. In the event that the carcasses are smoked together with the gills, then the gill covers are additionally moved aside, under which it is necessary to fill in a lot of salt. Pink salmon is also rubbed from the inside. A small amount of the mixture should be rubbed into the spine.

Then the prepared carcasses are laid out in a deep container, on the bottom of which a layer of salt is poured. Each layer of fish should also be sprinkled with salt. Further, future delicacies are tightly closed with a lid.

You can also use cling film or strong plastic bags for dry salting.

Leave the fish to marinate in salt and its own juice for at least 36 hours. It is best if the pink salmon is salted for 4-10 days. In this case, the temperature should be no higher than 4 degrees. During marinating, it is worth regularly turning the carcasses so that the salt penetrates into the meat as evenly as possible.

It is not recommended to wash completely salted carcasses. Otherwise, it will be saturated with too much moisture. Better to wipe gently with paper towels or paper towels. Then the fish is hung out in the fresh air for several hours. How bigger size carcasses, the longer they have to dry. You can also hang pink salmon indoors, but either in a draft, or additionally turn on the fan so that excess moisture disappears faster.

In this case, a special marinade or brine is used for salting future smoked meats. Most often, the classic recipe is used, which allows you to get delicious delicacies with a rich aroma of fish and smoke.

For a liter of water, you need to take one hundred grams of salt and 50 grams of salt. If desired, you can add your favorite spices and herbs to taste. It is worth noting that such a simple recipe is suitable for preparing not only cold smoked pink salmon, but also hot.

The fish is laid out in a container that will not oxidize. Then it is poured with marinade so that it completely covers the carcasses. Pink salmon should be pickled for a couple of days at a temperature that will not exceed 4 degrees.

After this time, the carcasses are thoroughly washed under running water, and then dried with paper towels. Then the pink salmon is hung out in the fresh air for a day in order to wither a little. During this time, excess liquid will drain from the carcasses so that after cooking the meat turns out to be sufficiently soft and tender.

Combined Ambassador

This salting method assumes both dry salting and wet salting. At the very beginning, it is necessary to dry saline the carcasses and let it stand for a little in a cool place. Only after that, pink salmon is poured with a pre-prepared brine or marinade and infused for some time, so that the salt has time to be absorbed into the meat well enough.

Cold smoking process

Cold smoked pink salmon can be salted using the dry method or wet. You can choose the option that is more suitable for each individual case.

Next, you need to prepare a smoke generator and a smokehouse for preparing delicious homemade delicacies. A small amount of wood chips are poured into the smoke generator. The device is connected to the smoking chamber using a special tube. Next, you need to ignite the fuel.

The fish is laid out on grates or hung on hooks. The structure is tightly closed. Soon, smoke will begin to flow from the smoke generator into the smoking cabinet. Gradually, the products begin to cook and turn into real delicacies.

Smoking takes from seven hours to two days, depending on the size of the carcasses. The more pink salmon or pieces, the longer the raw material will have to smoke. It is worth noting that all this time the temperature of the smoke should not rise above 30 degrees. Otherwise, you will not get aromatic smoked meats, but boiled fish.

Cold smoked pink salmon, cooked at home after the end of the cold smoke treatment, must be hung out in the fresh air for at least a day. This time will be enough for excess smoke to disappear, and the smell of ready-made delicacies becomes less harsh.

The composition and properties of smoked fish

Pink salmon meat contains a huge amount of microelements and polyunsaturated fats, which have a very good effect on the human body and health. The regular use of pink salmon has a particularly good effect on the condition of the liver and on its work. Over time, the kidneys begin to function better and endocrine system... This incredibly tasty delicacy contains a lot of phosphorus. Due to this, the bone skeleton becomes stronger. Also, people who have pink salmon in their diet improve their metabolism and well-being.

Calorie content

Pink salmon in small quantities can be eaten even on a diet. Fish is considered not very high in calories. 100 grams of cold smoked pink salmon, cooked at home, contains no more than 190 kcal.

Storage conditions

Cold smoked pink salmon is stored for several weeks in a cool place. In order for the delicacy to retain its taste, it should be placed in vacuum packaging... Smoked meats can also be frozen, which will allow them to be stored for several months.

Cold smoked pink salmon is considered a real delicacy that will adorn any table.

Fish is considered incredibly healthy, so it must be included in the diet. Making a treat at home is very simple, just follow simple recipe and observe proportions during the preparation of carcasses for smoking.

The most common and smallest fish of the salmon family has a maximum weight of 2.2 kg and a length of 76 cm. northern seas Arctic and Pacific Ocean.

100 g of this fish contains 150 kcal, as well as:

  • protein - 22 g;
  • fat - 6 g.

Heat treatment slightly increases the fat content. Therefore, hot smoked pink salmon has a caloric value of about 190 kcal, protein 21 g and fat 11 g.

In addition, it contains:

  • vitamins PP, B1, B2, B12, E, C, A;
  • mineral components - phosphorus, copper, iodine, potassium, zinc, sulfur, fluorine.

Based on this rich content, the product is recommended by nutritionists for various diseases.

  1. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. In case of violation of the water balance, the work of the endocrine glands and fat metabolism. Each calorie in pink salmon is not deposited by excess energy reserves on the sides and stomach of a person, but helps the body to fight them.
  3. Regular consumption of this fish normalizes the work of the heart muscle.
  4. It is recommended by cosmetologists as an excellent remedy for aging, for improving and rejuvenating the skin.
  5. Iodine reduces the risk of thyroid disease.

There are very few contraindications. You can not eat it for people who are allergic to fish, as well as for people with a high content of iodine and phosphorus. People with liver and stomach problems should eat this fish in limited quantities. It should be noted that cold smoked pink salmon has a calorie content less than hot, and at the same time retains all beneficial features fresh fish.

Smoking pink salmon

In order for pink salmon to be smoked at home without problems, do it in a smokehouse or in an airfryer.


Fish bought in the store must be thawed and washed. Free the unpeeled pink salmon from the entrails, while removing all abdominal films.

It is convenient to use a knife for cutting linoleum and carpets for cutting the abdomen and gutting.

If the fish carcasses weigh more than 1.5 kg, for better salting, it is necessary to additionally cut the carcass lengthwise along the ridge or cut into pieces.

We use the recipe for the salting mixture: coarse rock salt 2 parts + granulated sugar 1 part. Put the fish on the table and sprinkle with the mixture, carefully rubbing the abdominal cavity with it, pouring salt into the gills and at the base of the head, and put it on a layer of salt in a container. Incubate for approximately 36 hours at room temperature or 48 hours in a cool place.

Rinse the pink salmon in running water. Dry and dry for 6-12 hours before cold smoking. To do this, you can hang the carcasses by making spacers on the stomach.

If you want to speed up the cooking of the fish, you can marinate it for 12 hours.

Marinade for 1 kg of product is prepared from:

  • water 1 l;
  • salt 200 g;
  • sugar 100 g;
  • spices to taste (dill, saffron, pepper, etc.).

Pour the sliced ​​product with marinade and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Rinse, dry and can serve or continue smoking pink salmon.

Hot smoking

The processing of salted fish with hot smoke of 80-100 ° C can be done not only in nature. The whole process takes no more than an hour. Therefore, smoking it on an ordinary stove in the kitchen will not be too much trouble.

Here are some basic rules:

  1. Use pre-soaked chips of alder, beech, fruit trees.
  2. Place between the grate, on which the pink salmon is not yet smoked, and the chips, a special tray, plate, foil with curved edges. This is necessary to collect the melted liquid.
  3. Make sure that carbon deposits or condensation do not drip from the lid. Otherwise, your hot smoked pink salmon will turn out to be bitter.

For the best taste, you can put a sprig of saffron or dill in the belly and tie the carcass with twine. The tied product can be hung in the smokehouse or spread out on the wire rack and left for 30-40 minutes. Remove the fish, cool, keep in the refrigerator for a few more hours and serve.

Cold smoking

Due to the duration of the smoky process, cold smoked pink salmon at home is best prepared in the country or in the garage. Carcasses, previously salted in one of the ways, hang either in loops by the tail, or with the help of a wire threaded through the eye circles.

Be sure to part the walls of the abdomen with toothpicks or sticks.

And in this case, it is best to use alder chips for smoking. You can make cold smoked pink salmon even tastier by adding dry branches of juniper or fruit trees.

The whole process takes from 1 to 2 days. It depends on how long you intend to store the product. If you plan to put it on the table immediately or within a month, it will be enough to hold the pink salmon in a smokehouse at a temperature of 25 degrees for one day. If storage lasts up to six months (maximum), smoke the fish for at least two days.


If the information is useful to you, or your smoked pink salmon at home is better, tastier, we will be glad to learn about it in the "comments" section. If you know secrets unknown to us, share them with our readers. And then many Russians will put on the table dishes with smoked pink salmon prepared according to your recipe.

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