The correct recipe for borscht. How to cook the most delicious borscht: a step-by-step recipe with a photo. How to make delicious frying for borscht: continuation of the previous recipe

January 25 - T.
it's not borscht at all. at least in my understanding.

Firstly, it is not necessary to put so much meat - this is not jellied meat. Although this is not for everybody. And you can take any meat - pork, chicken, beef. Best of all beef and pork bones. I put the potatoes in the first place - a couple of them whole with the meat, and the rest I cut into pieces and about 20 minutes after boiling the meat. When boiling from the broth, it is imperative to remove the foam, otherwise unsightly rags will float in the pan. Let the broth with potatoes and meat cook. I cook until a whole potato starts to fall apart. When the potatoes boil, I salt the broth. In the meantime, we are preparing the frying. Cut a large onion into small squares, fry in vegetable oil. When it becomes transparent, add grated large carrots and half of the medium beets, also grated. I fry and stew all this well (but do not fry it). I add 1 tsp. sugar, stir, then about 3 tbsp. tomato paste and 0.7 liters of homemade tomato juice or chopped fresh tomatoes. If there is no fruit drink, then about half 0.5 liter cans pasta and about a glass of water (the amount of pasta tastes depending on its quality). I evaporate all this well. Even a half of a calf in a saucepan will not save borscht with unsuccessful frying. Especially if the tomato is not well roasted and steamed. I put it out until it changes color - there is almost no liquid, and on the surface the oil becomes orange-colored. After that, I take out a whole potato from the pan and all its boiled parts by that time and knead it in a fry until mashed with a spoon. The potatoes that are cut into pieces remain. After that I send it all to the broth. stir, add thinly chopped cabbage, chopped greens (parsley, dill), bay leaf, chopped bell pepper... I add boiling water to the required amount and thickness. While it boils, I taste it. I add what I need - salt, sugar. If it so happens that I have little tomato paste (this happens) or the paste is very bad, then at the end I add citric acid to taste, this is a last resort. And so, with experience, I learned to calculate the amount of tomato per pot. As soon as it boils, I reduce the heat. It will boil for a minute and immediately take it off the heat. If the cabbage is young, then immediately after boiling. Never overcook cabbage. This is the second rule after well-steamed tomato. Everything. Let the borscht brew for about 15 minutes and you can eat. I did not indicate the proportions of the products, as each housewife does it according to her taste. Although. if approximately. I have a 6L pot. potatoes take about 1 kg, large onions and carrots, half a beet, about half a head of medium cabbage. So that there is no porridge, but also do not chase vegetables with a spoon over the plate. Whoever loves. Well, I indicated the number of tomatoes above. It is due to tomatoes that color is achieved, and not due to beets (this is not a beetroot). Someone does not like beets at all and does not put them in borscht at all. Could be so. This is the borscht that my grandmothers and mother cooked. This recipe is from Ukraine, do not hesitate.

How to cook delicious borsch, every housewife knows. Another thing is what is invested in the concept of delicious borscht. Each one thinks in its own way: for some it is Ukrainian borsch with donuts, for someone - green, someone thinks that the most correct borsch is cold, and someone is scalding hot, with a piece of meat and sour cream ... And everyone will think that this very simple recipe for borscht is the most correct one.

By the way, when I asked my former daughter-in-law to cook delicious borscht, she was embarrassed, "How to cook borscht?" And I, not even suspecting that there was some difficulty in this, hastily told her a simple recipe for borsch, clarifying at the same time that borsch is the same cabbage soup, only with beets.

True, when we came for lunch, and in a saucepan instead of borscht we saw strange dish, in which cabbage, beets and… were swimming. pasta, I realized that a simple, in general, recipe is not so simple for beginners. We diligently praised the brew so as not to offend the girl, but the thought that she was simply too lazy to look on the Internet to find a simple borscht recipe did not leave me. Therefore, I decided, starting with this article, to start publishing recipes for novice cooks, and the first in this section will be

A simple borscht recipe

To know how to cook delicious borscht, you need to understand what each specific family puts into this definition. I will describe a simple borscht recipe that we consider traditional in our family: with cabbage, meat and beets. And in order to cook red borsch with meat, you need the following products

Any meat, preferably on the bone - 0.5-1 kg
Fresh potatoes - 6-8 pcs.
Fresh cabbage - small forks, about 1 kg
Fresh carrots, medium size - 1 pc.
Fresh beets, medium size - 1-2 pcs.
Bulgarian pepper, sweet, large - 1 pc.
Onions, medium size - 1 pc.
Tomato paste - 2 tbsp l.
Fresh tomato - 1 pc.
Garlic, fresh - 1-2 cloves
Flour - 1.5 tbsp. l.
Refined sunflower oil - for frying vegetables
Spices: salt, dry spices for first courses, bay leaf
Fresh greens
Mayonnaise or sour cream to taste.

This list can be adjusted, depending on taste preferences and financial capabilities, the obligatory ingredients here are potatoes, beets, onions, carrots and cabbage. You can do without meat (and then it will be lean borscht), you can easily do without fresh tomatoes, even without tomato paste and flour for frying, but without these vegetables, red borscht can no longer be called borscht.

Well, let's start. So,

Recipes for beginners: how to cook delicious borscht

Rinse a piece of meat in cold water, cut off dark, coarse films from it, if any. Contrary to all borscht recipes, in which they suggest using only the most delicious for the preparation of the first courses, and, I believe that the hostesses here wishful thinking.

Not all young families can afford to cook exclusively from premium meat. As a rule, they save the better pieces for the second courses, throwing which is worse in broths for soups. The main thing is that there is a fat. And the fat will be from any meat, even the most unfit. By the way, there were days in our family when, instead of meat, I threw an ordinary skin cut from a piece of meat into the water for broth. Well, you know, under which there is still a layer of fat or subcutaneous fat? So, the taste of borscht did not suffer at all. Although, maybe, of course, because in our family, in principle, they do not like boiled meat too much. But we are talking about borscht, not about boiled meat! And its taste depends little on the quality of meat.

Of course, if there is an opportunity to cook from premium meat, you should not neglect this opportunity.

Well, I got a little distracted. Let's continue. Pour a piece of meat cold water and put the pan on the fire. The amount of water is absolutely unimportant, but, in any case, it should completely cover the meat. It depends on what degree of fat the borsch should be. Someone likes borscht to be fatty, someone loves leaner, again, he cares about calories. Let's assume that 2-2.5 liters of water is enough for a 1 kg piece of meat. That is, take a 3-4 liter pot to fit all the contents. Before the water boils, prepare the vegetables.

Chop the cabbage, peel the onions, carrots, beets, peel the seeds from the pepper, removing the middle with the stalk from it. Don't touch the potatoes yet, it's too early. Otherwise, it will turn black and dry, and the borscht will turn out to be tasteless.

After the water has boiled, remove the scale with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat under the pan. To remove all the limescale, the pan must be moved slightly away from the center of the burner so that scale forms on one side only. After no new scale has formed, you can carefully remove it from the sides of the pan with a clean napkin.

Remove the yellow spots of fat floating on top of the broth with a spoon, and pour them into a clean plate so that the fat is not digested and "saponified", that is, it is tasty, fragrant and does not taste like soap. It will still be useful to us. Repeat this procedure from time to time.

Season the broth with salt. Keep in mind that the water will boil off a little during cooking, therefore, salt a little less, not adding a little salt. Cover the pot with a lid to "simmer", and forget about the borscht for about an hour, depending on the type and age of the meat. Beef and lamb are cooked a little longer, and 35-40 minutes is enough for borscht with pork.

And now, in fact, begins the preparation and the answer to the question of how to cook delicious borscht. And a simple borscht recipe starts with making a vegetable dressing.

Peel the potatoes, wash them, remove all the eyes and cut them into pieces, not too coarse, but you don't need to grind too much. Moreover, many are already kneading potatoes with a spoon on a plate. Put the potatoes in the broth, bring it to a boil again and, while the potatoes are cooking, chop the cabbage. Dip it into the pot as well.

Chop the onion and leftover vegetables. Pour the oil into the skillet and when it warms up, put the onion in the skillet and fry it lightly, stirring occasionally. There, put the pepper and tomato, cut into pieces, cut into thin shavings, then the carrots grated on a coarse grater and, last of all, the beets. Stir all this, and cover the pan with a lid - let it simmer a little.

Put tomato paste, flour in a jar or mug, stir well and dilute with cold water, stirring vigorously so that there are no lumps. Remove the lid from the pan and pour in the tomato paste and flour with vigorous stirring. Continue stirring the contents of the pan until the color of the tomato paste changes and takes on a brighter shade. That's it, the gas station is ready! A little more, and the delicious borscht will be ready!

Now pour everything in the pan into the pan. Be careful not to burn yourself! Stir the borscht and pour in the fat that is waiting on the plate. Add spices.
I use the universal dried seasoning "Aesthetics of Taste", which contains, in addition to onions and carrots, paprika, celery, curry, red pepper and parsley. You can use any other, or put the spices separately - the main thing is that without any flavor enhancers, monosodium glutamate and other chemicals.

By the way, those who have subsidiary farms can prepare dill stalks and parsley and celery roots. I've done that before. I collected a small bundle from these dried sticks, tied it tightly with thread and dipped it for 20 minutes into an almost finished borscht. Then, of course, she took out this bundle by the thread so that it did not interfere and spoil appearance borscht in a saucepan.

And - the final touch. 5 minutes before you are going to turn off the borscht, put 1-2 cloves of garlic in it. Who does not like a too spicy taste, do not peel the cloves from the skin, just cut off the ends on both sides so that the juice and aroma flow out. Or you can chop the garlic very finely or grind it with a garlic press. Incidentally, I do just that. It remains only to put the lavrushka (2-3 leaves), and turn off the fire under our culinary masterpiece.

While the borscht is infused for 10-20 minutes, prepare sour cream or mayonnaise, set the table. And then call for dinner. And do not forget to announce that now you know how to cook delicious borscht, and bookmark this simple borscht recipe, under the general heading Recipes for Beginners, because I will still have a lot of them. The family will not die of hunger!

When I collected recipes for the preparation of Ukrainian borscht known to me for this article, I was amazed at their variety. There are as many borschtas as there are Ukrainian regions and townships, even more. Of course, I will not tell about all of them, I will choose the best ones.

But most importantly, I will try to answer the question: what are the principles of cooking this amazingly popular dish? Its secrets, rules and ingredients? Why does not every housewife get a real Ukrainian borscht - really tasty and "the same"? Legendary.

Ukrainian borscht recipe - what's included?

Bouillon, most often beef meat. But the broth can be prepared from any other meat - pork, lamb, rabbit, poultry, as well as offal, sausages and even canned meat. By the way, you can combine different types of meat, for example, fatty pork with goose and dietary beef brisket.

A 3-liter saucepan will take a pound of meat bones.

Delicious borscht is obtained from fish (unexpectedly?), Both sea and river, and even canned. And I assure you, it will not be an ear, but real Ukrainian borscht... Popular recipes for cooking borscht with mushroom and bean broth. But it is better not to talk about vegetarian recipes in the presence of gourmets, they are not nutritionists and may misunderstand you.

Leavened broth ... Do you know how Ukrainian borsch was prepared in the hetman's Ukraine? Real Ukrainian borscht was once cooked not in broth at all, but in kvass. Imagine: raw meat, beets and sautéed vegetables with roots are poured with kvass, salted, peppered, flavored with sugar and put on fire. On the fire, this appetizing brew stands exactly until the moment it stops giving the foam (which, of course, needs to be removed). Then the kvass with the ingredients is sent to the oven (apparently, earlier in the oven?) And cooked over low heat for 4 hours. At the very end (15-20 minutes), add lard, crushed with garlic, and sour cream.

Vegetables. Recipes for cooking Ukrainian borscht include such obligatory vegetables: beets (in Ukrainian "beetle"), potatoes, fresh white cabbage and, carrots, onions, tomatoes (tomatoes or pasta, sauce, juice), garlic. Less commonly used are beans, peppers (bitter and Bulgarian), leeks, green peas, eggplants, and zucchini.

Roots, fresh herbs : parsley, dill, less often celery, parsnips and dry herbs, popular in the family as spices. Herbs and condiments can be added as.

Seasonings. I know a Georgian family in which the hostess prepares Ukrainian borsch with Georgian spices: utskho suneli and cilantro. Another friend throws rosemary there. It turns out delicious. But this is exotic. Usually black pepper, rarely allspice and cloves are added. Bay leaf, of course.

Lard, bacon ... It is believed that lard should be old and "smelly", but more on that later.

How to choose and prepare meat for Ukrainian borscht

We choose

If you decide to cook Ukrainian meat borscht, buy bones with meat of the front and hind legs of the animal in the butcher's shop. Do you know how brain bones differ from sugar bones? Brain - those that are lower from the joint (the bone marrow is visible in them), sugar - higher. Both types will do, but bone marrow is preferable.

An excellent choice is a brisket, ideally combining meat, fat and bones, and a drumstick - with a high content of connective tissue that has gelatin. Bone broth made from this part of an animal has a very strong aroma and taste.

We prepare

In order for the borscht to turn out tasty, the bones must be chopped up so that the bone marrow finds a "way out" and mixes with the broth. Moreover, no matter what kind of meat you make the broth from, the approach to bones for beef, pork, lamb or duck with turkey is the same.

How to get rich broth in an economical way?

There is such an unpleasant feature of broths - foam. In all recipes, you can read the same thing: that it must be removed, removed and removed. Isn't there a more economical way? Fortunately there is.

So, we boil water in a saucepan. Put the meat in a whole piece and boil over high heat anew. When it boils again, we drain the water, and wash the meat thoroughly, after which we put it on the fire again, filling it with cold water now.

From this moment all "written" recipes begin. And we continue to cook Ukrainian borsch, saving ourselves from the need to "bother" with foam. At the same time, the meat was not cooked, the internal juice is still in it, and now we have access to it without unnecessary "garbage" and aftertaste.

The fact that the water is cold is a matter of principle. And there is no need to be afraid of salt. Both conditions are for a rich broth.

Note. Regarding when it is better to salt the broth, the spears break for a long time. The main thing: salt promotes the release of juices (therefore we recommend doing this at the beginning), but slows down the cooking (boiling) time of the product, which is why many are salted before removing from the heat. Choose: if you need an excellent broth - salt at the beginning, if you prefer tasty tender meat, then at the end.

When the broth boils again, again, for the last time, remove the foam. Now we add 2 whole peppers to the broth - a bitter pod and sweet Bulgarian, a whole onion (peeled or with it, you can "in a stocking") - then we will discard the onion and the pepper. * At this stage (and not at the end) our recipe for cooking Ukrainian borscht prescribes to throw a bay leaf. Then close the lid and leave for 2-3 hours over low heat.

When the meat is cooked, take it out and cut it into pieces. Throw away the onion, peppers. And we will add prepared vegetables to the broth.

* Instead of live peppers, you can have a few sweet peas.

  • More about the tricks of the preparation of this dish and its properties:.

Real Ukrainian borscht is cooked thick, not empty!

Real Ukrainian borscht is thick borscht. Gushchina can be achieved in different ways.

Method 1. For example, potatoes. To do this, put it in the borscht twice: first, finely chopped (2 pieces), so that it boils, giving the broth that very thick, and then larger, so that it remains "in the form of potatoes." Everything about everything will take 4-5 pieces, depending on the size.

Method 2. Another way to achieve the desired thickening for borscht is to add a little sautéed flour to it. Flour or semolina is fried with ghee / vegetable oil and poured into the broth, usually at the very end, before adding the crushed lard.

How to prepare beets for Ukrainian borscht

Beets are prepared in a variety of ways. But there are also common points, they are just the most important. First of all - adding vinegar or citric acid to it. Firstly, it will preserve the vegetable's bright pristine color, and the borsch will never look “faded”. Secondly, the vinegar will add a pleasant sourness to the dish. Thirdly, it will create an interesting effect - it caramelizes the beets: having become soft on the inside, they will remain firm on the outside. Very cute and delicious effect.

So, we added vinegar, salt and sugar to taste, and now we will fry (save) the beets in a saucepan, then add some pure broth there and simmer. Beets for a bright red, real Ukrainian borscht are ready. Just remember to give up the line to the potatoes.

Note. You can add a couple of dried prunes to the beets. Or you can ferment the beets first.

How to cook sauerkraut. The beets are peeled, cut into thin slices and placed in a glass jar. Then all this should be poured with cold boiled water, the jar should be closed with a lid and left in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

Sauerkraut is used in borscht along with juice. Fresh or previously (2 days) aged in cold water is added to it in an amount of 1: 1. This is so tricky, but it turns out very tasty.

More about beet kvass and its preparation. And about how to cook beets properly -

Vegetables for Ukrainian borscht - further down the list

Pass carrots, onions, tomatoes separately!

Carrot up to orange-golden color, can be together with roots, onions - up to golden-brown. It is best to sauté in ghee. If you cook dietary or vegetarian borscht, use vegetable borsch.

Tomatoes. If they are fresh tomatoes, pour boiling water over them, remove the skin and pass through a meat grinder. Ideally, peel the seeds of the tomatoes and then send them to the skillet. If tomato paste, then save it right away by adding a little broth.

Fresh cabbage can be kneaded with a rolling pin, and pickled hold for a couple of minutes in a hot frying pan, stirring occasionally. Then she will lose all her firmness.

Note: You can cut vegetables, of course, as you like, even into rings, even into logs. But it is best to cut potatoes into cubes, beets on a coarse grater, and all other vegetables into thin strips. Tested, so somehow tastier.

Mushrooms. In the given recipe for making Ukrainian borscht, there are no mushrooms or beans. However, if you like borscht in mushroom broth or simply added dry mushrooms to it, soak them for 3-4 hours beforehand.

Beans it is better to soak for the whole night. And cook separately from all other vegetables as it takes a long time.

The procedure for adding products when cooking Ukrainian borsch

Let's make a reminder so that we don't confuse anything.

So, the first will go to potatoes, 5 minutes after it White cabbage if the heads of cabbage are "old". If the recipe contains fresh or sauerkraut, it must be added along with the beets, not earlier.

Note: the potatoes are placed before the acid is added (tomatoes such as vinegar or sauerkraut). The fact is that it "thickens" our starchy vegetable and makes it rough and tasteless.

When the potatoes and cabbage are cooked, add the rest of the vegetables and roots. If the recipe for making Ukrainian borscht contains toasted flour, then it is also. We keep on fire for another 5-7-10 minutes.

Finally, finishing touch - lard crushed in a mortar with garlic, dill, parsley, green peas and salt. Necessarily old yellow lard, which evokes unkind aesthetic feelings.

In some recipes for the preparation of Ukrainian borscht, preference is given to bacon. Well, well, it's a matter of taste.

We put the lard in the almost ready-made borscht, increase the heat. As soon as it boils, turn it off immediately.

Leave the borscht to infuse for half an hour. Then we try and correct:

add sugar, salt, spices (black pepper, cloves, sweet peas), other dry herbs, vinegar - all that we are missing (if not enough). Then we insist. Pour into plates with sour cream and chopped herbs. Serve donuts with borscht.

Cooking donuts for real borscht

Pampushki are round yeast dough buns doused with garlic gravy.

We prepare the dough from flour, warm yeast and butter mixed with sugar. We make small buns no more than 10 cm, bake in the oven.

For garlic gravy: Pestle crushed garlic, salt, water, or vegetable oil.

That, in fact, is all. We cooked Ukrainian borsch with donuts. Bon Appetit!

Other national dishes:

It is difficult to find a dish more popular than borscht. Hot and rich, you can eat them in full, because a good borscht is cooked thick so that the spoon stands on the broth and is always served with sour cream. But for those who are just mastering the basics of cooking, it may seem that cooking borscht is a very laborious task and will require a lot of time and effort. The most common and familiar to the common man borscht is prepared simply, the main thing is to remember the order in which the products are booked, this is the whole secret. Today we will tell you all the secrets of cooking delicious borscht and offer a win-win recipe for its preparation.

Cooking borscht - where to start

The first thing to avoid when preparing borscht is haste. This dish takes an average of 1.5 hours to cook - quite a long time. But this is borscht. We start cooking one of the most colorful first courses, and you shouldn't be intimidated by such a long preparation. The broth itself takes the lion's share of cooking. If you cook it in advance, then the first course in cooking will take you an hour less than the expected time.

So, first of all, we choose a recipe. A traditional recipe for red, homemade borscht should be based on three ingredients:

  • meat broth;
  • cabbage;
  • beet.

These ingredients are essential for our first course. Also, the recipe necessarily includes potatoes, onions and carrots - indispensable vegetables for the most delicious food of all time.

Depending on the possibilities, the broth can be cooked from beef, pork, but we suggest using poultry - on its basis you will get a low-fat, inexpensive and delicious dish to the envy. Borscht can also be lean, boiled in water (vegetarian), and this option is also acceptable, but, of course, borscht without meat is a completely different story.

Three main secrets of cooking borscht

Whatever recipe you use when cooking homemade borscht, the main goal is to make the dish tasty in the end. Every housewife does not get the perfect borscht from the first acquaintance with the recipe, but, nevertheless, experience comes with each preparation. Here are some important tips to help you cook a rich, thick, and filling borscht.

  • Beetroot - stew

Borsch, as a first course, should be appetizing and good in appearance. Properly prepared beets give the desired color to the borscht. In order for the food to retain its burgundy color after boiling, the beets must be lightly fried and stewed in oil before placing them in the broth. A teaspoon of sugar and a drop of lemon juice added to the beets at the time of stewing will help the root vegetable retain its bright color.

Note! Beets, cut into strips, retain their color better than grated beets.

  • Potatoes for density

The saturation of the finished broth in borscht is a matter of taste. Someone loves a liquid and transparent consistency, someone - the "yushka" is thicker. For those who like thicker liquid, one trick used by our grandmothers in the preparation of borscht will be to their taste. At the very beginning of cooking, put 1-2 whole raw potatoes in water, cook them along with all other products and do not remove until the very end of cooking. In the process of cooking, these potatoes will boil in mashed potatoes and make the consistency of the broth enveloping, thick and pleasant to the taste. In fact, the recipe is the same, but the taste of the first course with potatoes boiled in it will be completely different.

  • Add tomatoes

There is a widespread opinion among housewives that if there are beets in the borscht, then it is not necessary to put tomatoes - after all, the color will be bright anyway due to the root crop. This is fundamentally wrong. It is the tomato that gives the dish that sourness, without which the borscht cooking process will be imperfect. Fresh tomatoes will be good for your meal - they can be cooked along with onions and carrots; canned can be rubbed through a sieve and put in the broth.

On a note! As an alternative (to replace fresh tomatoes), the recipe recommends adding canned tomato paste, it only needs a few tablespoons per pot for the full flavor of the dish.

How to cook

The recipe for ordinary borscht is very simple. The main part of the ingredients is occupied by vegetables familiar to the kitchen. It is thanks to them that this unusually tasty first dish turns out to be hearty and thick. Borscht is necessarily cooked with beets - it gives the characteristic dark red color for which this dish is so famous. Cabbage can be used in any available borscht (sauerkraut, sour, red cabbage or Peking cabbage), but only white cabbage will give a characteristic flavor to the dish.

Cooking time: ~ 1 h 30 min

Servings Per Container: 6.

To make a regular homemade borscht, you need the following ingredients:
  • 1 kg of chicken or duck;
  • 1 large beet;
  • 500 g of white cabbage;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (for frying);
  • 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped parsley;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • salt, ground black pepper;
  • 0.5 tbsp. sour cream (to taste).

Recipe: Let's start cooking

1. Rinse the bird. Put in a saucepan with a volume of 4-5 liters, pour cold water over the bird. Put on fire and cook until the meat is fully cooked (about 1 hour). Periodically skim the broth. At the end of cooking, remove the finished poultry from the broth, cool slightly and cut into portions.

2. Wash the beets, peel them. Cut the beets into thin strips. In a frying pan, heat half of the prepared vegetable oil, put the beets, pour in a little broth and cook over medium heat until soft (about 30-40 minutes). Periodically add water or broth. At the end of stewing the beets, add tomato paste to it, heat for another 10 minutes.

3. Peel the onions and carrots. Chop vegetables at random. Heat the remaining vegetable oil in a pan, put the chopped carrots and onions in it. Cook vegetables until tender.

4. Peel the potatoes, cut them into neat sticks or cubes. Then chop the white cabbage into strips.

5. Bring the broth to a boil. Put potatoes in boiling broth, 5-7 minutes after boiling potatoes - cabbage. Cook for 15 minutes, then add beets and sautéed onions with carrots and bay leaves. Season the dish with salt and pepper. Cook the borscht for another 15 minutes.

Advice: In order for the dish to retain its rich beet color even after boiling, add at this stage 1-2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.

6. When 10 minutes remain until the end of cooking, peel and chop the garlic using a press. Put chopped garlic into borscht. Cook for another 5 minutes and turn off the heat.

7. Let the dish stand under a closed lid for 10-15 minutes. Pouring the ready-made food into plates, be sure to add a tablespoon of thick sour cream to each one, on top of which sprinkle fresh chopped parsley.

Bon Appetit!

It's so easy and simple to prepare the most popular first course that will find its eaters in any kitchen. A dish can also be cooked in one broth, and the meat after cooking can be used for second courses. And the last tip: if frozen vegetables (beets, carrots) are used in cooking, then they do not need to be defrosted first - immediately place them in the frying pan and they will quickly soften in it and will be ready for further cooking.

In contact with

First of all, we remember well or print out the cooking recipe and turn off the computer so as not to be distracted. Without experience in cooking borscht, we do not recommend cooking other dishes at the same time. There are many recipes for this dish, but today we are preparing classic homemade and very tasty borscht from the optimal amount of products. How much to cook borscht, from what meat and what order of bookmarks - you will find all the answers in the article below.

How to make a simple borscht at home: a detailed recipe

This requires:

  • meat - 500 g;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp l. or 2-3 pieces of salted or fresh tomatoes;
  • lard - 100 g or 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • sauerkraut - 1 glass;
  • potatoes - 6-7 pieces of medium size;
  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 3-5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • greens;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp

Home cooking technology

  1. Pour cold water into a saucepan with a volume of six liters, a little more than half. Be sure to take water filtered or settled, free of chlorine.
  2. Rinse the meat with cool water and put it in a prepared saucepan. To make the broth more rich, it is better to take the meat with bone and cook it whole until tender, and then divide it into portioned pieces.
  3. We put a saucepan with meat on high heat.
  4. We clean potatoes, carrots and onions. Meanwhile, the broth boils, on the surface of which a foam appears, it is advisable to remove it: the broth will turn out to be more transparent. If you didn't have time, it's okay, you can strain the hot broth through a sieve.
  5. Cut half of the peeled potatoes into sticks and put them in the broth. If you are cooking pork borscht, then the potatoes should be placed immediately after the broth has boiled, and if you are using beef, then after 30 minutes. This is done so that the potatoes are well boiled and the broth is richer.
  6. After half an hour, add the second half of the diced potatoes, one carrot and one onion, peas and bay leaf to the pan. Carrots and onions can also be diced.
  7. When all the vegetables are already in the pan, add salt, and do not forget that our cabbage is also salted.
  8. After boiling, cook for about 15 minutes and add sauerkraut. In the finished soup, sauerkraut can remain elastic - this is normal, or it can be boiled, which is also very tasty, it all depends on the characteristics of its salting.
  9. While the future borscht is being cooked in the pan, we prepare the dressing in the pan. We melt the bacon, remove the fry. Add beets cut into strips or chopped on a coarse grater and fry a little. Since the beets take longer to cook, we will add the carrots later, after 5-7 minutes. It can also be grated or chopped into strips. Cut the onion into cubes, add to the beets and continue to fry, stirring occasionally.
  10. At the end of frying, add tomato paste or tomatoes, continue the process a little more. The borsch is almost ready, we taste it, add salt if there is not enough salt.
  11. Add frying and crushed garlic to the boiling borscht, let the soup boil again and immediately remove from the heat.
  12. Let the borscht brew a little, finally catch and remove the bay leaf.
  13. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

If you want to learn how to cook chicken borscht, then this is nothing special and the recipe is not very different from the traditional one. Chicken has tender meat and therefore the cooking time for the soup will be reduced by almost half. For a quick borscht, it is better to divide the chicken into portions. After the meat boils, wait 10-15 minutes and lay the vegetables. Then you act in accordance with the above recipe, how to cook borscht with meat.

And now let's answer the question that most often arises in the process of cooking borscht: how to cook borscht with meat and in what sequence should it be done so that it does not lose its beautiful appetizing color? Red can be achieved with tomatoes or beets. To do this, use the pork borscht recipe or the beef borscht recipe and wrinkle a little. After all, everything is individual. The color may depend on the quality of the beets (there is a variety that gives the soup a brown color, no matter how hard you try), and on how much sour cabbage. Now you will learn how to cook borsch with beets and sauerkraut so that it turns out red, and how to cook borsch with fresh cabbage so that the color is bright and rich. We reveal the secrets of chefs, leaving you no chance to miss with a touch.

  1. Don't boil the beets. The color is lost during the cooking process. Therefore, grate a third of the beets used on a fine grater and add when the soup is ready, bring to a boil, remove from heat and let it brew a little.
  2. Cook the beets separately. The shade will be brighter if boiled in the peel. Then grate and add at the end of cooking.
  3. Use sauerkraut. The bright color of borscht depends on the acidity, and the acidity, in turn, depends on the sauerkraut. If the cabbage is slightly acidic, then the borscht will turn out to be bland, and the beets will not give the desired shade.
  4. Add acid. For this we use vinegar, tomato pickle, citric acid or lemon juice. Add the acidifier you have to the dressing and evaporate a little so that the foreign smell disappears.
  5. During the preparation of the dressing, keep the skillet on low heat, since the beets will languish and only slightly lose color.
  6. Tomatoes will give a beautiful red color to borscht. This is a favorite option for those who know how to cook Ukrainian borscht. Peel the tomatoes and add either to the frying or to the broth after the potatoes are boiled.
  7. Tomato paste. It must be mandatory good quality... Dilute half a cup of tomato paste with hot broth from the soup until smooth and pour back, bring to a boil.

If you have your own unique secrets on how to cook borscht with meat to make it a beautiful red color, share in the comments. Using our tips and tricks, you now know how to cook borscht with meat so that even the fastidious (both adults and children) will like it. And if you are asked for supplements, consider that you have solved the problem perfectly!

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