Euphorbia flower burn what to do. What is the danger of triangular euphorbia and other varieties. Caring for indoor milkweed at home: how to properly deal with euphorbia

Euphorbia is a popular houseplant today, despite the fact that it is considered poisonous and dangerous. He fell in love with flower growers for his unpretentiousness and original forms. A huge number of varieties of culture will allow everyone to choose according to their taste.

Euphorbia has about 2000 species of the family. Among them, you can find succulent forms, shrubs, trees and leafy specimens. They all differ in the shape of leaves and stems.

At the same time, there are no fundamental differences in caring for them. Care is simple. Even beginners in floriculture can grow it. The peculiarity of the plant also lies in the fact that it secretes milky juice... Culture is often used in medicine. Wherein is poisonous.

Euphorbia is also called euphorboy... The plant received its name from the doctor Euphorba, who were the first to discover the healing properties of culture.

Most species have dense, fleshy stems and leaves. The stems may have thorns. At home, a species is most often grown, which has the name Euphorbia the Most Beautiful. This plant is also called poinsettia.

Also popular indoor milkweed are and.

Indoor spurge rarely causes difficulties for its owners. Therefore, it is called unpretentious. However, a number of rules will help in growing a beautiful and healthy flower. In order for a flower to look good, it must be looked after and transplanted in time if necessary.

Humidity and watering

In the summer, euphorbia needs regular and abundant watering... At the same time, the plant cannot be poured, it is dangerous with stagnant water.

With the arrival of autumn, the number of irrigations decreases. In winter, the crop is watered only as needed. However, the soil should not be allowed to dry out too much. Moreover, some types of indoor milkweed do not need winter watering at all.

Excess moisture at low temperatures in the room is fraught with leaf fall and horse rot, which can lead to the death of the plant.

The culture does not need too humid air, however, it does not like dry air. Therefore, it is important to monitor moderate air humidity.

During periods of heat, the leaves it is recommended to spray with water room temperature and periodically ventilate the room. Spraying is not needed in winter. However, the plant should be kept away from radiators and heaters that are on.

Temperature and lighting

prefers warm... Therefore, it is necessary to keep the culture at an air temperature of 18 to 25 degrees.

In hot summertime, it is advisable to take the plant out into the open air. A courtyard, an open loggia or a veranda will do. When the temperature drops to 15 degrees, it must be returned to the apartment.

Some varieties of crops can tolerate very low temperatures up to 4 degrees Celsius, but they also need good lighting.

Flower loves light... Some specimens like to bask in direct sunlight. Others prefer diffused light. The second, for example, is the pounsettia.

Soil and fertilizers for euphorbia

For milkweed, you can purchase soil from specialized flower shops. Suitable for euphoric soil, for succulents or for cacti... At the same time, experienced flower growers prefer to prepare the soil on their own.

For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • Sod land;
  • Sand;
  • Humus from leaves.

All components are taken in equal proportions.

Also it is necessary to make a drainage layer... Small pebbles, polystyrene or expanded clay can be used as drainage. Drainage is necessary so that moisture does not stagnate in the soil. This is fraught with decay of the plant root system.

Despite the general unpretentiousness, he still needs feeding. Fertilization is usually applied once every two weeks during vegetative growth. As fertilizers, you can use fertilizers intended for succulent crops and cacti. For flowering milkweed, it is necessary to apply fertilizers containing potassium.

In the autumn and winter period no top dressing is required.

Pot selection

The choice of a pot must be approached responsibly. It is advisable to choose clay pots... However, plastic containers will work as well. The pot should be shallow, since the root system is poorly developed and is located near the surface of the soil.

When transplanting a culture, a pot is selected somewhat wider in diameter. A difference of 2-3 cm is enough.

It is very important that there are drainage holes at the bottom of the pot to drain excess moisture.

Euphorbia plant diseases and pests

Sometimes the owner has to face some problems. These usually occur with improper care.

The most common:

  • Falling leaves is a sign of phosphorus deficiency... To solve the problem, superphosphate is used as a top dressing;
  • The falling of the lower leaves of the plant signal insufficient watering;
  • Lead to rotting stems excess watering coupled with low temperature indoor air. In addition to increasing the temperature and reducing watering, the plant needs to be treated with fungicidal preparations;
  • Darkening of the leaves is a consequence lack of lighting;
  • The spots on the leaves of black and brown color are fungal disease... The plant must be immediately treated with a fungicidal preparation;
  • If the leaves wither, then the flower needs to be watered more often and more abundantly.

The most common pests:

  1. Shield;
  2. Mealybug;
  3. Spider mite;
  4. Root worm.

A sign of damage to the flower mealybug is a white bloom on a plant... A soap solution will help get rid of the pest. It will not be superfluous to add a little machine oil to it. Also, mealybug does not tolerate infusions of calendula and garlic.

Shield leaves white and brown spots on the leaves. You will have to fight it with the help of insecticidal preparations, for example, "Aktara".

Plaque white on the underside of the leaves is spider mite infestation... Wiping with soapy water helps;

Determine availability root worms it is possible only when transplanting white-veined milkweed. They need to be washed off hot water... And after transplanting, the renewed substrate is recommended to water the culture with "Aktara" once a week for a month.

Pruning a flower at home

The purpose of pruning is giving the plant a beautiful shape and rejuvenation... Pruning is required either at the beginning of the growing season, or in July, when the flowering period ends.

Initially, dry and old shoots are removed, and then they give the plant a beautiful shape.

In the year the pruning is done, euphorbia will not bloom. But next year it will be twice as abundant.


Indoor spurge can be propagated in three ways:

  • Seeds;
  • Cuttings;
  • By dividing the bush.

Seeds for propagation can be harvested by yourself. In this case, you will have to wrap the pods with seeds in a woven material in the form of a bag. This is to prevent the seeds that have ripened in the pods from scattering. You can store such seeds for no more than one year. At the same time, sowing fresh seeds is much better.

For planting seeds you need soil, which includes peat and sand. Before sowing, the substrate will not be superfluous to calcine in the oven. This will reduce the chances of developing an infection.

Before sowing seeds, they must be soaked in water for 24 hours. Only then they are sown in the soil in a moist state. From above, the crops must be covered with plastic wrap or glass to create a greenhouse effect.

Propagation by cuttings held in the autumn. A shoot of a leaf node about 10 cm in size is used as a cutting.All the lower leaves must be removed from the shoot. Then the shoots are lowered into water to wash off the juice that is secreted by the spurge. Places of cuts must be processed with crushed coal.

Then the processed and dried shoots are placed in the soil in the form of sand. It is recommended to cover the seedlings with cut-off ones plastic bottles... Avoid direct sunlight. The soil must be kept moist at all times.

Reproduce white-veined milkweed using dividing the bush necessary during the dormant period of culture. The spurge is completely removed from the pot. The rhizome of the plant must be divided into several parts. It is required to ensure that there are no rotted roots on the rhizome. Then the finished shoots are seated in separate containers.

How to transplant

Basic rules for milkweed transplant:

  1. The culture is transplanted in the spring;
  2. A young plant needs to be replanted once a year during the period of active growth;
  3. Transplanting adult specimens is required only once every two years;
  4. The pot for the transplanted flower should be slightly wider in diameter.

The plant should not be transplanted unless necessary.

What are the dangers, harms and benefits?

The plant is poisonous therefore it must be used very carefully. If there are small children in the house, then euphorbia must be kept away from them - it can cause harm.

Why is it dangerous?

All types of milkweed are capable of producing milky juice. It is very poisonous and dangerous.... This juice is on the first line of all poisonous products emitted by crops. Milky juice is dangerous not only for young children, but also for adults, people with allergies and for pets.

Skin burn

Contact with harmful milky juice on the skin can cause severe burns and inflammation... The formation of rashes and an allergic reaction is likely.

Contact with poisonous juice in the eyes

Eye contact with milky juice very dangerous temporary or permanent blindness... If this has already happened, then you must immediately contact a specialist. Before visiting a doctor, you must rinse your eyes and drip antiallergic drops.

For these purposes, "Cromhexal" is suitable. These drops are effective against redness. To prevent infection, it will not be superfluous to drip "Albucid". You can also lubricate your eyelids with erythromycin ointment. In any case, you need to be extremely careful with the culture.

Ingestion or ingestion

Milky juice is very dangerous in these cases. The following symptoms are likely:

  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Breathing disorder;
  • Decrease in body temperature;
  • Swelling of the tongue;
  • The appearance of seizures;
  • Fainting conditions.

First aid

At the first sign of poisoning, you need to immediately call a specialist.

  • To accept Activated carbon... For high-quality gastric lavage, it can be dissolved in sodium bicarbonate;
  • If vomiting is observed, it is recommended to swallow pieces of ice;
  • Consume laxatives based on sodium or magnesium;
  • Give an enema.

If an allergic reaction is observed, then an antihistamine is required.

Beneficial features

Euphorbia has a number of useful properties... Because of this, the plant often used in alternative medicine.

Why is spurge useful?

able to have a tonic and stimulating effect... It is also effective in cleansing blood vessels.

effective for constipation and will be useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It also has an antitumor effect. Milky sap is often used to remove warts and calluses. Effective for cleansing the face of blemishes.

Milkweed lotions are effective in treating burns and boils.


The milkweed contains the following components:

  • Flavonoids;
  • Saponins;
  • Tannins;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Starch;
  • Glycosides and resins.

Medical use

Milkweed tincture is effective in blood cancer, for the treatment of metastatic tumors in cancer. Also, the tincture is extremely effective for enhancing immunity.

To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • 10 g of crushed roots;
  • 500 g of vodka.

Tincture is required three times a day, 15 drops.

This recipe is also effective for impotence, uterine fibroids, stomach diseases, fungal infections, whooping cough. Small doses of milkweed juice are effective for strengthening the body and rejuvenating.

The juice is very poisonous, so you should not use it inside without knowing the recipes.

Milkweed seeds for medicinal purposes do not apply.

Milkweed roots are harvested when the terrestrial part of the crop withers. After washing and drying, the roots can be used to prepare decoctions, tinctures. Decoctions from the roots are effective for vomiting and diarrhea.

Milkweed honey is a unique composition of honey. It is a brown syrup. Brown color due to the high iodine content. It is used to treat diseases of the thyroid gland, gastritis, insomnia and varicose veins.

Euphorbia is original and ornamental plant... It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness. Milkweed care can be afforded by the most inexperienced grower. Euphorbia secretes juice that is poisonous and dangerous for humans and animals. Moreover, the plant is often used in folk medicine.

Viral infections

How to treat a milkweed burn

Severe disorder in the child.

We have quarantine in our garden

Comments (1)

In addition to antihistamines, in such cases, it is advisable to prescribe an enterosorbent, for example Polysorb. It will remove the allergen from the body - and this is the key to successful treatment

Thank you, I will know for the future)

Prescribe an ointment and everything will go away.

Thank you) Prescribed Gistan cream.

Euphorbia belongs to poisonous plants, like ficus and dieffenbachia. give another activated charcoal or that thread from the same series. and the doctor will prescribe an ointment for you.

Yes thank you. We know that the spurge is poisonous ((He stood at the trash can in the entrance while dad and son waited for the elevator, his daughter “felt sorry” for him).

awful, but I was scared that you have such a plant at home. uf. Get well soon. But the next time the daughter will learn from her mistakes and will not touch such things without the approval of her parents.

Thank you)) No, we don't have such at home. And the photo was taken from the Internet.

well, this is not the worst thing that could be. All will pass))

Thank you) In addition to Suprastin (or Zyrtek - to choose from), they appointed to smear with Gistan cream.

Hello Ekaterina! Tell me please) faced the same problem, yesterday my daughter tore off a leaf of little tea, and this morning there is redness, swelling and small blisters. How long have you been treating this?

Hello) in three weeks the redness disappeared, everything went completely in three months.

Girls, what do you give children with urticaria? What is better to buy - zodak or suprastin, and in what, in drops or tablets? And which ointment is better, bepanten, fenistil or geksikon?

Two days ago we had redness in the groin areas, I thought from a diaper. anointed and that's all. And the next day, the redness intensified and as if after sunburn the skin comes off and flakes, all red itches.

Hello, Ksenia Sergeevna, I will be very grateful to you, at least for a consultation. I have 2 children, girls, both have been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis from 1 month, allergy to milk protein. They were treated for a long time and persistently. Suprastin, fenistil, ointments, etc.

And me too, then what to do? I suspect that my reaction to something (what, the fig knows.) Was passed on to my daughter. I have such a rough spot between my shoulder blades and it itches. The baby is already a month old.

Girls, this is the situation. My son has a cough and snot for 2 weeks already, they prescribed drops for better expectoration 2 days ago. Salbubronkh are called. And droplets in the nose, softening something, Nazivin. We drank Salbubronch half a year and a month ago.

Girls, hello! I already wrote here recently on this topic, but she does not leave me in any way, so more questions are ripening 🙂 It sprinkled with a rash, itches, itching, I went to a dermatologist - they said allegric. I drank 10 Loratodin tablets.

Yesterday morning, after breakfast, I went to the shower. After a shower, I found a rash on my hands, on inside... A little later, a rash appeared on the abdomen and on the right armpit. I thought it was for cake, that I ate at breakfast.

Dear mothers! Help, tell me, maybe someone came across. Baby is 9 months old. We have a strong redness in the neck folds! Started at 4 months. complementary foods were introduced from 3 and so on GW. They came from the hospital and poured out children.

Girls, we are almost 6 months old, so an allergy overtook us, we have been drinking normal nutrilon since 2 months, for almost 2 months now completely on willows, they began to introduce complementary foods, first zucchini, everything is OK, then cauliflower, here the problems with the tummy began (from birth problems), canceled after 5 days, here we are.

And so at first. Until 6 months, there was no such allergy, one-time small quickly passing pimples. At 6 months I began to introduce complementary foods, vegetables, fruits, in January I introduced a banana everything is ok (there were in the village), returning to Moscow again.

Euphorbia allergy

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Euphorbia (euphorbia) is an annual or perennial plant of the Euphorbia family. In total, there are about 2000 species, very diverse in shape, size, habitat, growing conditions. The general characteristic feature Euphorbia is a white, viscous juice that resembles milk. A peculiarity of milkweed is that the juice in its stems and leaves is under pressure, therefore, if the integrity of the plant is violated, the juice comes out quickly and in large volume.

V middle lane the most widespread are the euphorbia sungazer, cypress, vine, garden euphorbia, white-veined euphorbia, etc.

The chemical structure of milkweed is poorly understood, however, it has become widely used in folk and homeopathic medicine as an immunomodulatory, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, antitumor agent. It is used in non-traditional therapy for oncological, gynecological, gastroenterological, nephrological, neurological diseases, immunodeficiency states, skin diseases.

The main medicinal raw materials are the herb and the roots of milkweed, tinctures, decoctions are made from the plant, and juice is used.

Despite the popularity of milkweed in folk treatment, it is necessary to remember about its extreme toxicity. The main danger is milky juice containing powerful toxins euphorbin and saponin, which have a local irritating and cauterizing effect.

How does milkweed poisoning occur?

If it gets on the skin and mucous membranes, it burns with milkweed juice, if the juice or parts of the plant gets inside - poisoning. The following situations can be dangerous:

  • transplanting or pruning an ornamental home plant;
  • work with weeds on personal plot(some types of milkweed are weedy);
  • independent preparation of medicinal products from milkweed or the use of handicraft products;
  • eating the leaves or stems of the plant for food;
  • playing with plant parts in children.

Symptoms of poisoning and burns with milkweed

If parts of a plant or juice are accidentally or intentionally ingested, severe toxic gastroenteritis develops, the symptoms of which are:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • pain and burning along the esophagus;
  • intense abdominal pain;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • bloating.

Symptoms of poisoning appear 8-12 hours after drinking milkweed. Starting with a dyspeptic disorder, as the disease progresses, it acquires general character... Against the background of vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration develops, manifested by severe weakness, dry mouth, thirst, decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, alternating with a rare threadlike pulse.

When toxins are absorbed into the systemic circulation, toxic damage to the central nervous system occurs: convulsions, confusion, lethargy, disorientation, increased body temperature, in severe cases, coma may develop.

The plant is of great danger to persons suffering from allergic diseases, since it can cause severe reactions up to Quincke's edema. Its clinical manifestations are swelling of the soft tissues of the face, pharynx, difficulty breathing and swallowing. An allergic reaction in case of milkweed milk poisoning can be lightning-fast.

When the milky juice gets on the skin, a violent local reaction develops. At the point of contact, the skin turns red, there is severe itching, burning, local edema, and rashes.

If milkweed juice splashed into the eyes, a sharp burning pain, swelling of the eyelids appears, visual acuity decreases, active lacrimation occurs, the conjunctiva becomes inflamed (becomes hyperemic, edematous), small-point ulceration may appear, sometimes it becomes impossible to open the affected eye. Perhaps the development of blindness, in severe cases, permanent.

When the juice gets on the oral mucosa, there is hyperemia, numbness and swelling of the lips and tongue, profuse salivation, burning and sore throat.

First aid for milkweed poisoning

When taking milkweed inside, you should:

  • provide the victim with physical and psycho-emotional peace;
  • take enterosorbents (Activated carbon 80-100 g of water suspension 2-3 times a day, Enterosgel 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day);
  • take a saline laxative (magnesium sulfate);
  • drink non-carbonated alkaline mineral water, milk or slimy drinks (barley water, jelly).

If milkweed juice gets on the skin, wash your hands several times with soap, smear with ointment with anesthesin or a remedy for burns, drink an antihistamine tablet (Suprastin, Claritin, Zirtek, Erius). Do not touch the mucous membranes with hands soiled in milkweed juice.

If milky juice gets into your eyes: rinse your eyes with running water, chamomile decoction, drip drops with an antiallergic component (Dexamethasone, Maxidex, Allergodil), drink an antihistamine tablet (Suprastin, Claritin, Zirtek, Erius).

When is medical attention required?

Qualified medical attention is always needed when:

  • taking parts of a plant or milky juice inside;
  • intense skin reaction with intractable itching and swelling;
  • the development of an allergic reaction;
  • juice in the eyes.

Possible consequences

The consequences of milkweed poisoning can be:

  • hepatic renal failure;
  • erosive gastroduodenitis;
  • heart failure;
  • Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock;
  • coma, death.

As a result of the ingestion of milky juice in the eyes, blindness can develop.

A skin burn with milkweed juice usually goes away without any consequences.


To prevent milkweed poisoning, you must:

  • take measures to prevent young children from coming into contact with milkweed;
  • do not cook yourself at home medicines containing milkweed juice, do not take homemade preparations of this plant;
  • do not exceed the dosage and do not change the treatment regimen on your own when taking products containing parts or plant juice;
  • carry out all garden work in individual funds protection (gloves, glasses).

Education: higher, 2004 (GOU VPO "Kursk State Medical University"), specialty "General Medicine", qualification "Doctor". 2008-2012 - Postgraduate student of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "KSMU", candidate of medical sciences (2013, specialty "pharmacology, clinical pharmacology"). 2014-2015 - professional retraining, specialty "Management in education", FSBEI HPE "KSU".

The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!

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Euphorbia allergy

Only experienced flower growers know how poisonous indoor spurge is dangerous; for ordinary people who like to decorate the windowsill with beautiful flowers, this plant is just a decoration of the house. Euphorbia is a herbaceous species. This is a perennial with a fairly developed root system. Today, about 2 thousand species of milkweed are known, some of them grow only in the wild, others are domesticated. These plants do not resemble each other at all, but they have one thing in common - they all emit a poisonous whitish juice, from contact with which many problems are possible... This juice is very similar to milk, in general, hence the name of this vegetation.

General characteristics of the plant

Euphorbia is a beautiful and unpretentious plant that is distinguished by longevity.
... In homes, offices and public organizations they like to decorate the premises with white-veined milkweed, in which large emerald leaves are practically penetrated with whitish veins. Over time, this plant becomes like a miniature palm tree, as the leaves from the bottom of the stem fall off and remain only on the top of the head. The flowers of the white-necked milkweed are small and white, it is advisable to pick them off immediately so that there is no trouble.

There are varieties of milkweed that resemble cacti.... Some of them are quite small and do not have thorns. Others are decorated with sharp thorns and look quite intimidating.

Euphorbia is not only grown at home, in addition, many types of such vegetation are used to decorate the backyard.

Beneficial features

The poisonous plant spurge has long been known for its medicinal properties... It should be noted right away that it is undesirable to use it at home, since there is a great chance of poisoning. Milkweed juice can be considered medicinal only after specific processing..

Even the poisonous properties of this plant have found their place in agriculture... It is used for seasonal pest control.

All parts of a rather dangerous plant are suitable for human needs, only they must first be properly processed.

The flowers of the plant are harvested in spring and summer and dried in a sunny place. The roots are dug up in spring or autumn, when there are no flowers, then washed, dried in the oven and stored in the refrigerator. The leaves are collected and then dried on a windowsill or table.

Milkweed juice is allowed to be collected at any period; its healing qualities do not depend on the flowering of the plant. The juice collected in a glass container is brought to a boil in a steam bath, and then stored in the refrigerator.

Euphorbia has found application in the treatment of many diseases. The main ones can be distinguished as follows:

  • For skin diseases. Milkweed tincture helps in the treatment of poorly healed skin ulcers, warts and fungal infections. Pure juice cannot be used, it causes burns. To get rid of these ailments, you need to brew milkweed leaves, insist on it, strain it, and then make baths. If necessary, the broth is diluted with water, it does not lose its effectiveness.
  • To normalize the digestive tract. Euphorbia has a mild laxative effect. For this purpose, the roots are brewed, and they need to be cooked no more than 10 minutes. After filtering through cheesecloth and drink every morning on a tablespoon.
  • For the treatment of certain chronic kidney diseases. You can drink both a decoction and prepare a special alcoholic tincture, which is added a few drops to the water.

Apply this vegetation in medicinal purposes stands with great care and preferably after a visit to the doctor. Otherwise, the person will not be cured, but will receive severe poisoning, the consequences of which will have to be treated for a long time.

Under what conditions can milkweed be poisoned

Milkweed poisoning can occur when any part of this plant is accidentally or specially eaten.
... If pure milkweed juice gets on the skin, then burns occur, sometimes quite severe. Milkweed poisoning can occur under the following conditions:

  • When planting or pruning indoor plants.
  • Removing weeds at their summer cottage, do not forget that many species of this plant grow in nature.
  • Self-production of medicines or the use of tinctures that were bought from hand.
  • Preparation of vitamin salads in spring from young plant shoots. Many people do not know whether the spurge is poisonous or not, therefore, they believe that any greens in the spring will help with vitamin deficiency.
  • Collecting the plant by children and further play with it.

The degree of intoxication of the body depends on the amount of used plant materials as well as from general condition human health and the characteristics of his immune system.

In young children, any poisoning is always more severe than in adults. If the parents see that something is wrong with the child, they should immediately go to the hospital. This will avoid a lot of complications.

Poisoning symptoms

The main danger that comes from milkweed is that when any parts of this plant are consumed, severe gastroenteritis occurs.
, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • severe cutting pain and burning sensation throughout the esophagus;
  • cramping pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • nausea, severe vomiting and diarrhea;
  • increased gas formation.

The first signs of poisoning appear 8-12 hours after the plant is eaten. At first, only digestive disorders appear, then the situation is aggravated by dehydration. The victim has severe weakness, dry mucous membranes, heat, lowering blood pressure and worsening heart function.

After the absorption of toxic substances into the bloodstream, the nervous system is affected, which is manifested by convulsions, confusion and impaired coordination. In especially severe cases, these states end in a coma.

Euphorbia is a huge danger for people who suffer from allergies. Eating parts of this plant can cause severe allergic reactions, including Quincke's edema.

When the sap of the plant gets on the skin, a strong reaction occurs. The skin turns red, swells, blisters appear on it. At accidental hit juice in the eyes begins lacrimation, vision deteriorates and the conjunctiva becomes inflamed. The patient cannot open the affected eye. In some cases, temporary or permanent blindness may occur.

Urgent care

If it is reliably known that the poisoning was caused by euphorbia, assistance to the victim is provided in several successive stages:

  1. Provide the patient with complete rest, both physical and emotional.
  2. They give adsorbents that are in the house... If it is activated carbon, then it is preliminarily crushed into powder and poured with a small amount of water.
  3. They give a laxative, it is better if it is saline, for example, magnesium sulfate.
  4. Solder the patient with alkaline mineral water without gas, give milk, jelly and other enveloping products.

If the poisonous juice gets on the skin of the hands, then they are washed several times with soap, under running water.... Then they drink antihistamines in a therapeutic dosage. If the juice accidentally gets into the eyes, they are thoroughly washed and buried with any eye drops with antihistamine effect.

If a person has consumed parts of a plant for food or suffers from allergies, an urgent need to call a doctor. The consequences can be unpredictable.

What can be the consequences of poisoning

When first aid is provided on time and the patient observes all the doctor's prescriptions, then such poisoning can be completely cured in a few days. In severe cases or with self-medication, a number of complications may arise, which include:

  • chronic liver and urinary tract diseases;
  • gastritis or ulcers;
  • failures in the work of the heart;
  • severe allergic reaction;
  • fatal outcome.

In order to prevent complications, you should immediately consult a doctor at the slightest symptoms of poisoning.

Euphorbia is a beautiful plant that will adorn any home. But you should be extremely careful when caring for him... If there are small children in the house, it is better to give the pot with your favorite flower to relatives or friends for a while. This step minimizes the risk of severe poisoning.

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All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is not an instruction for action.

For getting medical care we strongly recommend that you see a doctor.

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Euphorbia (euphorbia) is an annual or perennial plant of the Euphorbia family. In total, there are about 2000 species, very diverse in shape, size, habitat, growing conditions. A common characteristic of Euphorbia is a white, viscous juice that resembles milk. A peculiarity of milkweed is that the juice in its stems and leaves is under pressure, therefore, if the integrity of the plant is violated, the juice comes out quickly and in large volume.


In the middle lane, the most common euphorbia is the sunglare, cypress, vine, garden euphorbia, white-veined euphorbia, etc.

The chemical structure of milkweed is poorly understood, however, it has become widely used in folk and homeopathic medicine as an immunomodulatory, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, antitumor agent. It is used in non-traditional therapy for oncological, gynecological, gastroenterological, nephrological, neurological diseases, immunodeficiency states, skin diseases.

The main medicinal raw materials are the herb and the roots of milkweed, tinctures, decoctions are made from the plant, and juice is used.

Despite the popularity of milkweed in folk treatment, it is necessary to remember about its extreme toxicity. The main danger is milky juice containing powerful toxins euphorbin and saponin, which have a local irritating and cauterizing effect.

If it gets on the skin and mucous membranes, it burns with milkweed juice, if the juice or parts of the plant gets inside - poisoning. The following situations can be dangerous:

  • transplanting or pruning an ornamental home plant;
  • work with weeds on a personal plot (some types of milkweed are weeds);
  • independent preparation of medicinal products from milkweed or the use of handicraft products;
  • eating the leaves or stems of the plant for food;
  • playing with plant parts in children.

Symptoms of poisoning and burns with milkweed

If parts of a plant or juice are accidentally or intentionally ingested, severe toxic gastroenteritis develops, the symptoms of which are:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • pain and burning along the esophagus;
  • intense abdominal pain;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • bloating.

Symptoms of poisoning appear 8-12 hours after drinking milkweed. Starting with a dyspeptic disorder, as the disease progresses, it becomes general. Against the background of vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration develops, manifested by severe weakness, dry mouth, thirst, decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, alternating with a rare threadlike pulse.

When toxins are absorbed into the systemic circulation, toxic damage to the central nervous system occurs: convulsions, confusion, lethargy, disorientation, increased body temperature, in severe cases, coma may develop.

The plant is of great danger to persons suffering from allergic diseases, since it can cause severe reactions up to Quincke's edema. Its clinical manifestations are swelling of the soft tissues of the face, pharynx, difficulty breathing and swallowing. An allergic reaction in case of milkweed milk poisoning can be lightning-fast.

When the milky juice gets on the skin, a violent local reaction develops. At the point of contact, the skin turns red, there is severe itching, burning, local edema, and rashes.

If milkweed juice splashed into the eyes, a sharp burning pain, swelling of the eyelids appears, visual acuity decreases, active lacrimation occurs, the conjunctiva becomes inflamed (becomes hyperemic, edematous), small-point ulceration may appear, sometimes it becomes impossible to open the affected eye. Perhaps the development of blindness, in severe cases, permanent.

When the juice gets on the oral mucosa, there is hyperemia, numbness and swelling of the lips and tongue, profuse salivation, burning and sore throat.

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Poisonous houseplants: what is the danger of indoor spurge?

Indoor spurge is poisonous than dangerous, all experienced flower growers know. Euphorbia is a herbaceous species. It is a perennial that has a very developed root system. More than 2000 species of milkweed have been studied so far. They grow wild. Many of them are domesticated, and all species are not at all similar to each other. However, all varieties have one important similarity: a lot of juice is secreted in the roots and stem, which is very poisonous and can be fatal. The juice is similar in color to milk, hence the name.

Euphorbia is a perennial plant with more than 2000 varieties. Milkweed juice is poisonous.

By the way, among the domestic varieties there are those that simply cannot be distinguished from cacti. Such varieties grow wild in deserts or other arid regions. At home, they breed a triangular, ribbed, white-veined variety, Milkweed, Pallas and others.

Milkweed harm

Euphorbia has this name because of the milky sap that appears on the root or stem when damaged. This juice is extremely poisonous. The plant itself is very beautiful and has a wide variety of species. However, the indoor option will be unsafe for the occupants of the premises, especially if children or pets live in the apartment. Burns that remain after milky juice take a very long time to heal.

The fluid eats away at the tissues of the body. As a result, the wounds will resemble ulcers that will stay on the skin for a long time. If the juice of a dangerous plant gets into your eyes, it will cause inflammation.

If milkweed juice gets into your eyes, rinse them urgently.

Be sure to rinse your eyes as soon as possible. There are cases when the juice caused blindness, but it was temporary until the tissues were restored. The same applies to inflammatory processes on the mucous layers of the mouth, nose, lips. If this liquid is swallowed, a person will not avoid digestive upset.

Almost every person in the house has animals that often play pranks. By the way, children are also at risk, because they play a lot and may stumble upon this very dangerous plant. It is best to keep it as high as possible so that family members cannot reach it. The sap in all parts of the flower is dangerous, so it is best not to grow such flowers in the house at all.

By the way, some people attribute the common dandelion, which is so common on all lawns, to the euphorbia family. This is due to the fact that white (sometimes transparent) juice is also released from its parts. In fact, this is a delusion. Dandelion juice always remains safe for humans and animals. But the juice of all types of euphorbia is actually very poisonous, and euphorbia is one of the ten most dangerous plants that are grown at home.

Why is spurge so dangerous? This is due to the composition of its juice. It contains saponins, alkaloids, glycosides, bitter substances of an extractive type, toxic compounds, poisonous resins, etc. The sap is in each part of the flower, and it circulates under pressure, so that as soon as a leaf, stem or root is broken, a whitish viscous liquid will immediately sprinkle from the crack. Because of this, a person is guaranteed a burn.

If milkweed juice enters the stomach, digestive upset will occur.

Juice is dangerous not only if it gets on the skin, but also if swallowed. If the dose is too large, the person may not only develop stomach upset, but also mental confusion. In ancient times, this dangerous liquid was classified as a poison and called demonic milk. Although, for example, in ancient Egypt, euphorbia was used to treat various skin diseases (eczema, fungal infection, lichen, warts), it helped stop bleeding and relieve a person from headache. But on the other hand, if the product is used incorrectly or the dosage is not followed, it will cause a riot in the patient. In some cases, patients lost consciousness due to a sharp change in blood pressure. And the flower itself very often causes an allergic reaction.

Situations when the plant needs to be transplanted are dangerous. This should be done every 3 years when the pot gets too small. However, during this procedure, you can easily break off a leaf or even a twig, and juice will ooze from the crack. The affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes must be rinsed. It is best to carry out the transplant with gloves. If, nevertheless, a burn appears, then you need to rinse this place and apply ice. Additionally, you can take drugs with antihistamines.

As for contraindications for treatment with milkweed-based products, they are prohibited from being used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as applied to the eyes, open wounds. It is necessary to monitor the dosage of medications. Only a doctor has the right to prescribe them; self-medication is unacceptable.

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The use of milkweed in medicine

Pregnancy is a contraindication to the use of milkweed-based products.

Many poisonous and dangerous plants are not only used as poisons, but are also used for medicinal purposes.

These include spurge. Indoor spurge can be not only dangerous, but, conversely, very useful. The most commonly used in medicine is Pallas' euphorbia, because it is considered one of the most "medicinal". It is popularly known as the “root man” because it has a very thick root that has healing properties. This variety is very common in Korea, Mongolia, China. Traditional healers use not only the root, but also the leaves, plant juice. For example, the roots contain tannins, flavonoids, vitamin C, starch and various resins (their share is about 10%).

Pallas spurge, which is also one of the most poisonous, is included in the list of the most powerful healing properties plants. Euphorbia has a strong anti-cancer effect. Means based on this plant will even help patients who have developed an extensive cancerous tumor, let alone preventive measures against cancer. The juice affects metastases and stops their growth, which is very important for patients with cancer.

In addition, milkweed-based products are used to treat not only cancer, but also other tumors or growths. The flower will help with ulcers and inflammation in the lungs. In the most severe cases, euphorbia will help strengthen the immune system and the whole body in general, which increases resistance to all types of infections. By the way, it is not for nothing that the Pallas spurge is popularly called the male root. Even in ancient times, it was used to treat diseases of the genital organs of men.

In addition, despite the fact that burns can remain from untreated juice, if ointments and tinctures are prepared correctly, euphorbia is used to treat various skin diseases (including eczema). In medicine, they know about cases when euphorbia had a positive effect on ulcers from cancer, which turned into purulent processes.

The same applies to the positive effect on sarcoma. The stem and leaf tea is very helpful in stomach cancer. The tool has mild laxative properties. However, it is imperative to monitor the progress of the preparation of the infusion or decoction, otherwise the medicine can quickly turn into poison. An overdose can lead to vomiting and diarrhea along with blood, so it is forbidden to self-treat with milkweed without the doctor's permission.

Often, outwardly attractive, flowering indoor plants are poisonous. What to do in this case? Refuse to buy, especially if there are small children in the house, or not attach special importance to this? When properly maintained, poisonous indoor plants do not have a negative effect on humans. Having studied the species that contain poisonous sap or pollen, one should only be careful while caring for them, and avoid close contact with the skin and mucous membranes.

What indoor plants are dangerous?

Not all flowers are equally dangerous; in case of poisoning, only a slight one can be observed headache and nausea, and other types can cause respiratory tract spasms that can lead to death of a person or animal.

Euphorbia family

These plants are very dangerous, their juice is white, a little stringy, and contains euphorbin, a substance with strong poisonous properties. To get poisoned, it is enough just to touch the flower and a noticeable mark will remain on the skin. The resulting burns do not heal for a long time, ulcers form, and if the eyes are damaged, temporary blindness is possible. When hit in gastrointestinal tract not only the digestive organs are affected, but also the nervous system.

List of poisonous indoor plants included in this group:

  • Spurge,
  • Croton,
  • Poinsettia,
  • Akalifa,
  • Jatropha.

Araliaceae family

These are vines or short trees, the toxic substances they contain can irritate the skin, as well as disrupt the nervous system.

  • Hedera,

  • Polisias,
  • Fatsia,
  • Scheffler.

Aroid family

Representatives of this group are very popular among flower growers, since with their help you can easily decorate any interior. When these poisonous indoor plants are eaten, edema of the larynx and mucous membranes of the mouth will immediately occur, if it gets into the eyes, conjunctivitis and serious damage to the cornea are possible.

Outstanding representatives:

  • Aglaonema,
  • Alocasia,
  • Anthurium,
  • Dieffenbachia,
  • Monstera,
  • Philodendron.

Family nightshade

The bushes of some plants from this family are strewn with attractive berries, which also contain toxic substances. For this reason, it is not recommended to keep such flowers in families with small children, babies are too tempted to taste bright fruits. Symptoms of poisoning: nausea, abdominal pain, depression of the psyche, dilated pupils.

  • Decorative pepper,
  • Nightshade,

  • Brovallia,
  • Brunfelsia,
  • Brugmansia.

Family amaryllidaceae

A small dose of poisonous juice stimulates the gag reflex, if a large amount enters the gastrointestinal tract or into the blood, severe poisoning is possible. It is known that the natives smeared the tips of their arrows with the juice of these flowers. The largest concentration of the poisonous substance is found in the bulb.

Family members:

  • Amaryllis Belladonna,

  • Hippeastrum
  • Gemantos,
  • Clivia,
  • Eucharis.

Kutrovy family

The danger is caused by substances such as alkaloids and glycosides contained in the sap of poisonous indoor plants. In humans, they can cause serious violations of the heart and nervous system. Can be fatal if eaten by small animals.

  • Adenium,
  • Allamanda,
  • Oleander,

  • Pachypodium.

Other poisonous plants that can negatively affect human health

Not all flowers are dangerous in juice, some species can cause headaches or drowsiness, spreading a tart aroma.

Azalea - the scent of its flowers in a room can cause a slight narcotic effect, in which case a person's blood pressure drops and dizziness begins. The reason for this is andromedotoxin glycositis, which accumulates in a closed room.

Oleander - not only stems and leaves are dangerous in this flower, its aroma is so "heavy" that in a closed room it can cause an attack of cardiac arrhythmias, a pressure surge and even fainting.

In addition to azalea and oleander, hyacinth, lily, pelargonium, jasmine, hoya, murraya have a similar effect. It is not recommended to keep these flowers in the bedroom, as well as to people suffering from bronchial asthma. If these symptoms occur, you should ventilate the room and go out into the fresh air; in severe cases, it is recommended to seek medical help.

Poisoning precautions and first aid

Poisonous indoor plants can only conditionally be called dangerous, as mentioned, if properly handled, they will not bring harm to humans. All work on transplanting, pruning, dividing bulbs or rhizomes must be carried out with gloves, it is also recommended to wear goggles and a mask, juice can splash on the face. If the grower does not come into contact with the sap of the plant, but touches the flowers and leaves, then it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Toxic substances can also be on the surface.

If there are small children or animals in the house, the flowers should be positioned so that they cannot reach them. It is wise to place the pots on shelves along the walls. If the children in the family are too inquisitive, then it is better to refuse to keep poisonous indoor plants in the house.

What if the juice still gets on the mucous membranes, skin or stomach? Most importantly, do not panic and take urgent first aid measures.

  • If the substance comes into contact with the skin, wash the affected area. warm water with soap. It is recommended to rinse off under running water for a few minutes.
  • If poisonous juice gets into your eyes, rinse them with clean water for a long time. If after some time there is redness, burning, swelling, blindness, then you should immediately seek medical help.
  • If it was noticed that the child has swallowed a piece of stem or leaves, you should immediately induce vomiting. Having cleared the contents of the stomach, it is recommended to give it activated charcoal. After what happened, you need to closely monitor the child for some time, if his behavior causes anxiety (lethargy, drowsiness, abdominal pain, nausea), then you should seek medical help.
  • In case of severe poisoning with poisonous indoor plants the following symptoms occur: vomiting, loss of consciousness, abdominal pain, cramps, palpitations. Such vivid symptoms should alert, and in this case, it is already pointless to wait for time and self-medicate, you need to urgently call an ambulance team. The paramedic, who arrived on call, must be sure to inform which particular plant caused the poisoning, this will help to take the necessary measures in time.

Very often, after being poisoned, people try to reduce the effects of the poison by drinking a glass of milk. In no case should you do this! Milk will only strengthen the process and reduce the therapeutic effect of medications.

If you follow the precautions, then the flowers, even the most poisonous, will not cause harm, but will serve as an excellent interior decoration. Indeed, among the listed plants, there are many not only decorative deciduous, but also flowering species.

Video about poisonous indoor plants

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