What kind of mushrooms grow on stumps. Growing mushrooms on stumps in a personal plot. Growing oyster mushrooms on stumps

Mushroom pickers know: in the forest you need to look not only at your feet. If you find a “lucky” tree stump, the basket will fill up faster. Mushrooms growing on stumps are edible.

Mushrooms that grow on a stump or dry dead wood perform the function of forest orderlies

Mushrooms that grow on a stump or dry dead wood perform the function of forest orderlies. They quickly destroy dead wood, accelerating the decay process, enriching the soil with useful minerals... There are a lot of species of such organisms, but only a few are edible.

These are the following types:

  • honey mushrooms;
  • oyster mushrooms;
  • tinder fungus;
  • volvariella;
  • rowing;
  • deer mushroom.

The most famous and well-studied are, of course, honey mushrooms. There are several types of them in the middle lane. The name "honey agaric" means "on the stump" or "near the stump". It in itself suggests where to look for these edible mushrooms.

Scaly polypore (video)

Gallery: edible mushrooms on stumps (25 photos)

Types of honey agarics

Real, or autumn. The color can range from light brown to reddish brown. Mushrooms growing on stumps of poplar or acacia are light yellow, while those on pine or spruce are brownish red. The middle of the cap is covered with light scales, they are also called freckles. On a thin leg, there is always a membranous light ring - this is the main difference between a real mushroom and a false one. Honey mushrooms are fried, salted, pickled, added to soups or pie fillings.

Tuberous. The hat is gray, the collar on the leg is thin. Freckles are located in the center, and the edges of the mushroom are always smooth. In older specimens, the ring under the cap may disappear. Grow in deciduous forests.

Northern. These are mushrooms that are orange, honey or yellow. On the leg, instead of a thin ring, there is a white edge. These mushrooms grow on the stump in huge columns, often capturing the nearest trees.

Fatlegs. The color is brown or brown. The leg is thick, the cap is convex, with coarse scales. Mushrooms can be found on a deciduous tree stump, they do not grow large groups.

Dark. A thick mushroom of a brown or dark brown hue. Grows in coniferous forests, grows on living trees extremely rarely, preferring stumps.

Inexperienced mushroom pickers often confuse false and edible specimens. But distinguishing them from each other is quite simple. It is enough to pay attention to some characteristics.

The main signs of poisonous mushrooms:

  • lack of a ring (collar) under the hat;
  • bright yellow or bright red color of the plates;
  • even, thin, narrowed to the base of the legs;
  • in old specimens, the plates are pale, often green;
  • the taste is very bitter, but it is dangerous to taste.

Wild oyster mushrooms

The description of these large and very tasty mushrooms is familiar to novice lovers of quiet hunting more from trips to the store than walking in the forest. Produce the product in industrial scale for markets and supermarkets, many are grown in basements and garages. Nevertheless, oyster mushrooms grow on stumps in the forest.

Produce the product on an industrial scale for markets and supermarkets, many grow them in basements and garages

There are several types of such mushrooms:

  1. Oyster mushroom. The hat is cream or white, the leg is curved, the plates descend almost to the edge of the leg. Grows in deciduous forests, prefers oak and rowan stumps.
  2. Orange. Grows in October-November only on rotten stumps in dead wood. It is frost-resistant, but the pulp is tasteless: it has a watery structure and a putrid odor. Not poisonous, in some areas middle lane Young specimens are eaten in Russia.
  3. Oyster, or ordinary. The most popular and delicious oyster mushrooms. Brown, dark gray, light olive. They grow densely. As they grow, the caps of these mushrooms brighten. Very cold resistant. Fruiting even after the first frost.
  4. Pulmonary. Prefers coniferous forests. Outwardly similar to ordinary, but has more torn and smooth edges. The taste is insipid, not very pronounced; when cooking, it requires seasonings and spices.

Edible polypores

Surely everyone saw in parks, forests and groves huge, like plates, polypores. But few people think about what mushrooms are so stuck to the trunks. Few know that these organisms are edible, they can be eaten.

Surely everyone saw in parks, forests and groves huge, like plates, tinder fungus

Polypores often grow on living trees, but they can also often be seen on stumps.

  1. Variegated, or woody, mushroom. Collected from May to September, only young specimens are suitable for collection. Differs in pronounced taste and aroma.
  2. Sulfur yellow, or witch dough. Large bright yellow caps look like huge overripe chanterelles. It is in the “dough” stage, when the cap is still soft, that the mushroom is edible. Old individuals become stiff and cannot be eaten. They grow on stumps of deciduous trees. Elm or oak are preferred.

Mushrooms growing on trees (video)

Volvariella, ryadovka and deer mushroom

The description of the volvariella is difficult to find even in some identifiers. This is because it is not popular with mushroom pickers in our country. In China, it is considered a delicacy mushroom and is grown in special substrates. In Russia, there are three types of volvarella, but only one is edible. This is a silky volvariella. Her hat is white, puffed with light yellow fibers. Outwardly similar to a bell, in adult specimens it opens and becomes about 15 cm in diameter.

Growing mushrooms is a great hobby, even for those who are only superficially familiar with mushroom growing. You can grow mushrooms not only intensively, but also extensively - on stumps (so you can harvest directly in your garden). The most suitable mushrooms for planting on stumps are oyster mushrooms. But you can get honey mushrooms, tinder fungi or saw-leaves. But you are unlikely to grow champignons in this way. In this article we will talk about growing oyster mushrooms on stumps.

Selection and preparation of stumps

How to grow oyster mushrooms in the country? Growing oyster mushrooms on stumps requires careful preparation. The first step is to choose the stump itself, which will serve as the foundation for the future mycelium.

It is recommended to choose cuts of deciduous trees (up to half a meter in length) or to use the stumps that are left from recently felled trees. If you want to successfully grow oyster mushrooms on stumps, select hardwood hardwood. Maple, ash, birch, aspen or poplar wood will serve as a good material. Conifers have a detrimental effect on the mycelium, because they contain a huge amount of caustic resins that destroy the mycelium. To ensure the moisture level necessary for growing oyster mushrooms, you should hold the stumps in a container of water for a couple of days, although if you are using fresh wood, this is not necessary.

After preparing the log, add the mycelium. This can be done in several different ways. You can stagger holes in the hemp, up to 6 cm deep and up to 1 cm in diameter. The mycelium is simply poured into such holes (you need its grain variety), and after the hole you need to close it with moss or duct tape. If the mycelium is stick-shaped, place it in the holes you made earlier and close them using plasticine.

You can saw off a not too large disc (about 2-3 cm), cover the end of the log with mycelium, and completely close it on top with a disc, securely fixing it with nails. You can also cover the end of the log with mycelium (1 cm layer), place another log covered with mycelium on top, then a third, and so on. The result is a kind of column covered with mycelium.

After the job has been done, it is necessary to place the logs with mycelium in the basement. This is considered the best option, although a barn can be used as a place to store the lumps. As a last resort, a garage is also suitable, although experts are extremely negative about this option. The chocks themselves are folded in a pyramid and covered with burlap on top. If you used the third method, simply place the logs vertically, creating a kind of column. They are placed in several rows, and straw and sawdust are poured in between them. They are also sprinkled with sawdust on top, and then wrapped with burlap on the sides.

Planting hemp in the ground

The next stage in the cultivation of mushrooms is placing the stumps in the ground. It is best to do this in May, when it finally gets warmer. For planting, choose a shaded place so that the growing mycelium is as comfortable as possible. Dig a shallow hole (up to 10-15 cm), and line its bottom with sawdust or wet leaves. The stump is neatly placed there. Make sure that the distance between the stumps is at least 35 cm. After the stumps have been planted in the ground, water them as needed.

Growing technology

There are several ways to grow mushrooms on stumps. How to grow oyster mushrooms on stumps in a trench? Dig a shallow trench (about 15 cm) and cover the bottom with pearl barley to provide good nutrition for the mushrooms. After that, put the disinfected grain mycelium on top, having previously kneaded it well with your hands.

Its amount should be about 300 g for each stump. Boldly place wet stumps on the mycelium, and lightly sprinkle with soil. How to grow oyster mushrooms with mycelium sowing on stump cuts?

Treat the ends of the stumps with grain mycelium by applying it with a spatula or using a spatula.

These stumps are stacked one on top of the other, then tied with wire for strength. How to grow mushrooms by placing mycelium deep into the wood mass? Punch shallow staggered holes in the hemp. Pour grain mycelium there and close the holes with a wooden stopper, sawdust or moss.

Further care

Growing mushrooms on stumps at home is not difficult at all, you just need to follow a few important rules for caring for mushrooms. First, watering. Water the soil around the stumps very carefully; excess moisture harms the fungi. You can use a spray bottle instead of pouring water from a watering can.

It is best to water the hemp only during the dry period, because with optimal air humidity, additional moisture is not required for oyster mushrooms. Secondly, take care of sheltering your "mushroom plantation" for the winter. Spruce branches, foliage or straw are best suited (you just need to cover the stumps so that they do not suffer from frost).


So when can you harvest your first crop? Subject to all necessary conditions the first harvest can be obtained already a month after planting. By this time, the mycelium should finally take root.

During the season, you can collect mushrooms several times. In general, such plantations can bear fruit from three to five years, and you can harvest the most abundant crops in the second and third years. If you do not place the mycelium in a substrate with small particles, but choose solid wood, then you will have to wait longer for the harvest, but you can harvest it within 5-7 years.

Of course, the amount of the harvest will directly depend on the weather conditions in your region, because your "plantation" grows practically in natural conditions... In addition, the harvest can be obtained only twice a year - in the spring and autumn. This is quite a profitable activity, since this method of growing does not take much time and gives nice results... Of course, such an activity is unlikely to bring much profit, but growing mushrooms is an extremely exciting process that can interest anyone.

Video "Growing mushrooms on stumps"

In this video, you will learn how to properly grow mushrooms on stumps.

Honey mushrooms are considered one of the most popular and productive fruit bodies among lovers of "quiet hunting". They got their name because they usually grow around stumps. These mushrooms grow in large colonies, so they are harvested with great pleasure. Having found just one stump with mushrooms, you can collect several baskets of these mushrooms.

If mushrooms are mainly found on stumps, then the question arises: do mushrooms grow on trees? Translated from Latin, the word "honey mushroom" means "bracelet". This name is not surprising, because in addition to stumps, these fruit bodies grow on diseased and dying trees, growing in the form of a circle. It is not difficult to find such mushrooms in the forest, especially if there are often a lot of them in one area.

Honey mushrooms have thin, flexible and long legs, reaching 10, and sometimes 15 cm in height. Its color ranges from light honey to brown, depending on the soil and trees on which the mushrooms grow.

Pay attention to the photos of edible mushrooms growing on trees. Shown here that each piece has a film skirt. She frames the legs of honey agarics at a young age, and in an adult state the skirt is torn and hangs in "rags". The caps of real honey mushrooms are hemispherical in shape, covered with small scales. The color of the caps ranges from creamy yellow to red shades.

Honey mushrooms growing on a tree are known to all lovers of "quiet hunting", because they are capable of capturing large territories under their habitat. It often happens that even on living trees, honey agarics feel great. In addition, they can be found near certain types of shrubs, such as hazel, in meadows, forest glades, in ravines and in damp alder groves.

For beginner mushroom pickers, we suggest looking at photos of mushrooms that grow on trees:

However, these fruiting bodies are often found in forest clearings, such as under power lines. There, almost every stump is dotted with large groups of honey agarics. On the stumps of what trees do honey agarics prefer to grow? These fruiting bodies are found throughout Russia, including the Northern Hemisphere and the subtropical zone. Honey mushrooms do not grow only in harsh areas eternal ice... Rotten stumps of birch, alder, aspen and oak are of great advantage. But other tree species are also "in demand" among honey agarics, for example, acacia and even fruit trees.

What trees do edible mushrooms grow on and what do they look like?

Edible mushrooms are divided into spring, summer, autumn and winter species. Let us note specifically on which trees edible mushrooms grow. Spring and summer honey agarics are common mainly on deciduous trees; trunks with damaged and rotten wood are of particular preference. And in mountainous areas, summer mushrooms are found on spruce and spruce stumps. Honey mushrooms growing on conifers have a bitter taste and dark color, although this does not affect their nutritional value in any way. Summer mushrooms have a leg up to 7 cm high and up to 1 cm in diameter. The lower part of the leg is covered with dark small scales. The "skirt" around the leg is narrow with some steep edges.

In the deciduous forests of the temperate zone of Russia, summer mushrooms can be collected from April to August. In a favorable climate, this species can bear fruit without interruption. Since summer mushrooms have false counterparts, experienced mushroom pickers advise to collect them only on the remains of deciduous trees, or better - exclusively on stumps left after cutting down birches.

The most popular among honey agarics is considered to be the autumn species, which is known as "real honey agaric", "osennik" or "Uspensky honey agaric". Experienced mushroom pickers are happy to share information about which trees fall mushrooms grow on. This species begins its growth in August and continues practically until November. Most often it prefers birch and birch stumps, then aspen, maple and oak. Usually, autumn mushrooms choose trees that show signs of rotting or disease. Although sometimes these mushrooms can even choose a living tree. In particular, old birch forests with fallen trees or swampy birch forests with many rotten trunks and stumps are an expanse for them.

Do honey agarics grow on conifers?

On coniferous trees, autumn mushrooms are much less common, although their beneficial features and vitamins are not inferior to mushrooms growing on deciduous trees. These mushrooms can sometimes pick pines and spruces, as well as their stumps.

Autumn mushrooms are the largest representatives of their species, since their cap reaches 15-17 cm in diameter. There is a convex tubercle in the middle of the cap, and small scales are located on the surface of brown color. The skirt, framing the leg, comes off over time and forms a blanket hanging under the cap. Sometimes, during the dry summer months, autumn mushrooms are found even on drying deciduous trees at a height of about 2-3 m from the ground. Therefore, you need to have a large stick with a hook in order to collect these fruiting bodies.

At the beginning of June, edible meadow mushrooms appear, flashing yellow-brown among tall grass in fields, pastures, along forest paths and in ravines. As you noticed, meadow mushrooms do not grow on a tree, preferring land.

The end of September and the beginning of October are notable for the beginning of the season for collecting winter mushrooms. These fruiting bodies grow in families, which grow together with their legs on fallen poplars, maples, willows, aspens, as well as on their stumps. Winter mushrooms are collected all autumn before the onset of severe frosts. It is noteworthy that these mushrooms do not disappear in winter, but simply “fall asleep”. During thaws, practically until April, they continue to grow.

There are many ways to grow mushrooms at home. Depending on climatic conditions, location of the area, types of mushrooms, goals and production volumes, various substrates are used for growing mushrooms. Mushrooms can be grown both for personal consumption, because it is an ecologically clean, always fresh product, and for sale for commercial purposes. First, however, you need to carefully study all the recommendations, starting with the characteristics and requirements for the growing conditions of the selected type of mushroom.

What mushrooms to grow

The most popular among fans of homemade mushroom growing are champignons, then shiitake, different kinds oyster mushroom, Judas ear, straw mushroom, winter honey agaric. simply using forest mushroom bedding and chopped mushrooms.

Mushroom Judas ear

Mushroom Judas ear (in China - muer, in Japan - wood jellyfish, in Korea - black mushroom) is well known to Russian consumers. It is sold in stores in small green boxes made in China. Strongly dried mushrooms, when soaked before use, increase in size by 5 times. This view mushrooms can be found in forests Of the Far East... It has the properties of restoring the state of the body after overeating, eliminates diarrhea and flatulence. Since ancient times, after plentiful feasts, soup and a spicy snack from this mushroom have been served.

Shiitake mushroom

Very interesting woody shiitake mushroom ... Eastern healers call it a treasure trove of the most healing properties... This is confirmed by modern medicine. Shiitake mushrooms can be grown in bark substrate.

All cultivated types of fungi are informally subdivided into "arboreal" and "soil". Woody mushrooms grow on wood cuts, chocks, fresh hemp or plant waste (mushrooms, oyster mushrooms). For normal life, the so-called. soil fungi will need soil, compost, long-stored manure (these are almost all the remaining cap mushrooms).

Where to grow mushrooms

For mushroom cultivation, you can use the most unsuitable premises at home: pantries, insulated sheds, rooms and various outbuildings, and in the warm season you do not need to look for places in the summer cottage. Even the most unsightly corner, dampish, where there is no access to direct sunlight, will come in handy.

Attention! Do not grow mushrooms near fruit crops. Otherwise, you can get a harvest of mushrooms by losing trees - they will be successfully populated and sucked out by new "pets".

Mushroom growing technology

The technology of home and garden mushroom growing involves the use of a substrate and a special planting material - mycelium. The purchased ready-made mycelium of the fungus is sown in a certain substrate, where, under specially established conditions, in 2-3 months full-fledged mushrooms grow.
At the same time, there are intensive (mushrooms in bags) and extensive (mushrooms on stumps) cultivation methods.

When growing mushrooms, it is important to adhere to all the requirements of the technological process, especially in the absence of sufficient experience and knowledge.

Photo: the origin of the mycelium of fungi in test tubes

Mycelium for growing mushrooms

To begin with, it is worth purchasing mycelium, i.e. planting material. In the purchase of mycelium of almost any mushroom in this moment no problem. However, everyone's favorite mushrooms and oyster mushrooms are in greatest demand. The mycelium is sold in specialized stores or firms. Most often, mushroom mycelium for sale is presented in glass or plastic jars, or in the form of a dense grain "brick" penetrated with white mycelium. At the Far Eastern Research Institute Agriculture They successfully produce high-quality mycelium of mushrooms: winter honey agaric, oyster mushroom, Ilmovaya oyster mushroom, shiitake, champignons, pestle, ringlet and a number of others.

Photo: planting material - mushroom mycelium, which is produced at the Far Eastern Institute of the Research Institute of Agriculture.

When purchasing planting mycelium, be sure to look at the date of production, evaluate where and how it was stored in the store. After purchase, you must observe certain conditions storage. If you had to buy mycelium in advance, then before sowing it can be stored for 6-18 months at a temperature of +3 to -5 ° C.

Mushroom growing substrate

For "woody" mushrooms, chocks and stumps will be an excellent substrate. It will not be difficult to prepare the substrate yourself, using wood shavings, sawdust, straw, sunflower husks, remnants of corn stalks and cobs. For soil mushrooms, compost, rotted manure, garden soil and other nitrogen-enriched waste are suitable.

Photo: growing oyster mushrooms on a substrate of straw and chopped pumpkin

Before use, it is imperative to decontaminate any substrate by steaming with boiling water (with the exception of manure) or in a microwave oven in order to avoid infection with mold and other harmful fungi.

Growing mushrooms in bags

It is quite convenient to grow mushrooms in various substrates - this is the so-called. intensive method. In the Far East, straw and soybeans are more often used. Growing in this case takes place in plastic bags.

The intensive method allows you to harvest mushrooms all year round, and the first mushrooms will delight mushroom growers in 2 months. However, there will be much more work and costs. This will require a specially equipped room with controlled climatic conditions. This method is mainly applicable for commercial production.

Photo: Ilmovaya oyster mushroom in a straw substrate

Growing mushrooms on stumps

A more common way, at least in the Amur region, is to grow oyster mushrooms on stumps or chocks, which should be fresh enough, not rotten. This is the cultivation of mushrooms according to the so-called. extensive method, i.e. mushrooms grow naturally. Of the trees, deciduous species are considered the best: forest beech, hornbeam, oak, chestnut poplar, ash maple. The most common soft tree for planting mycelium is poplar. True, it will last no more than 4 years. In the conditions of the Far East, the use of stumps and chocks (together with bark) from aspen shows good results.

Recommended sizes: diameter 20-40 cm, length 0.5-1.0 m. The wood should be moderately damp, so dried chocks or stumps should be moistened. It is best to harvest chocks in the winter-spring period. Further, in the center and on the sides of the chock or stump, several round holes should be made, 2-2.5 cm in diameter and 5-7 cm deep. You can make ripping cuts of the same size with a saw.

Photo: growing mushrooms on stumps in a greenhouse

Planting mushrooms on stumps

In May, on the chosen site for planting mushrooms on stumps, loosen the soil slightly and make a shallow hole in it, up to 8 cm. Pour the dried earth with water, then place 1 tbsp in the center. l. finished planting material (mycelium). Gently place the prepared chock on top of the mycelium, preferably in the center.

Rake loose earth to the base of the block, tamp the soil and build around the base something like an earthen roller about 10 cm high.For reliable survival, place a little (about 1-2 tsp.) Mycelium in the holes made and seal (to prevent penetration various pathogens) with wet sawdust, toilet paper, plasticine, resin.

A liter jar of mycelium is enough to populate about 9-10 chocks in this way. In the Amur region, the method of installing chocks with a "stack" is practiced to a lesser extent. It has been established that the best results are obtained by the method of installing and dropping blocks of wood one by one at a distance of about half a meter from each other.

Caring for mushrooms on stumps

From above, the prepared chock can be wrapped with non-woven covering material such as spunbond or lutrasil, preferably black, so that the hemp and chocks "breathe". In dry weather, it is advisable to water the chock with water on top from a watering can. Many people make the mistake of wrapping the tree with plastic. Mold fungi can form under it, the mycelium can simply rot.

It is better to dig in chocks in the warm season in a shady place, protected from direct sunlight. You can shade the chocks by planting curtain crops such as corn around, without pulling up tall grass. IN winter period chocks do not require additional care.

With the indicated preparation time, the first mushrooms will appear in September. At this time, it is advisable to carry out regular weekly watering. The maximum yield should be expected for 2-3 years.

There are two main methods of growing mushrooms on wood. The first is that the sprouting of mycelium occurs indoors, and fruiting - in the same room or in an open area. In the second method, the introduction of seed, germination of the mycelium and fruiting is carried out directly on the personal plot.

Growing mushrooms on cuts

At growing oyster mushrooms use hardwood logs without signs of rot.

The best species are aspen, poplar, willow, maple, hornbeam, beech, oak and birch.

You can also use the wood of fruit trees (apple, pear), walnut, etc. On deciduous trees with soft wood (poplar, willow, hornbeam) mycelium develops faster than on trees with harder wood (beech, oak), but the yield is lower ... Dried logs should be soaked in water for 2-3 days. In the prepared log, in a checkerboard pattern, drill holes 4-5 cm deep, 9 mm in diameter at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. Insert the sticks with clean hands and close the holes with paraffin, moistened cotton wool, etc. Then wrap the cut with plastic wrap, making small holes for ventilation, and place it in a dark, humid room for mycelium overgrowth.

At a temperature of 20-25 ° C, the log is overgrown with mycelium in 2-3 months.

After the appearance of a white fluffy coating in places where the log is infected with mycelium, the film must be removed, the cut must be taken out of the room and dug into the ground for a third of its length in a shaded place - this will prevent it from drying out and help increase the yield.

  • Our advice:
  • Cuts may not be taken outside, but left in the same room, with the same temperature and humidity of 60-85%. In this case, you can harvest all year round.

Fruiting is wavy in nature.

Growing oyster mushrooms on stumps

Of considerable interest is the cultivation of oyster mushrooms on hardwood stumps. It is advisable to use fresh stumps from the recent felling of a tree, 25-70 cm in diameter, on which no other mushrooms grow. You can infect wood at any time of the year, but it is better in April-June. The technology for introducing mycelium is similar to that given above. It is no longer necessary to wrap the stump with foil. The appearance of fruit bodies on stumps and logs located in the garden is facilitated by the night temperature at the level of 4-8 ° C. Up to 100 rudiments of fruiting bodies can appear on one log or stump. Fruiting lasts 30-50 days depending on weather conditions. In addition to obtaining excellent mushrooms, you can achieve the destruction of stumps in your area without uprooting.

Mushrooms planted on wood grow for 6-8 years and bear fruit until the woody substrate is completely destroyed.

From one cut, you can get 1.5-3 kg of mushrooms. The maximum yield of oyster mushrooms on stumps is observed in the second year after inoculation.

As you can see, nothing complicated. Try growing oyster mushrooms in your garden.

After all, it has been proven that in terms of nutritional, useful and medicinal properties all over the world the most valued mushrooms are extensively grown on wood!

chief technologist
© "Ogorodnik"

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