Siberia will save humanity ?! Western Siberia - the future of mankind how animals can lower the temperature of the ecosystem

The proposal to move the capital of Russia to Yekaterinburg is highly controversial. Social networks are organizing polls on this topic, and the media are already preparing publications about the pros and cons of such a decision. Some call the proposal a whim of politicians, others - a solution to the problems of several regions. But if you remember, then two famous prophets at once said that it was Siberia and the Urals that would become, if not the center of the world, then the center of Russia for sure! "Komsomolskaya Pravda-Tyumen" will tell about the most famous predictions regarding Siberia.


The prophets unanimously asserted: Siberia will save humanity. The sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce spoke about the region becoming the Promised Land, where there is water, food and shelter. The clairvoyant from America made his predictions in a trance - he answered questions asked to him without regaining consciousness. Casey argued that by the end of the 20th century, the climate on earth would change, so much so that mangoes and bananas would begin to grow in Siberia.

Moreover, Siberia will not be affected by the apocalypse. According to the predictions of the clairvoyant, the end of the world will bypass one continental plate - where Western Siberia is located. It is she who will be destined to become the center of civilization.

“It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world. Through Russia, the rest of the world will receive the hope of a lasting and just peace ... The new leader of Russia will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day he will unexpectedly come into power ... He himself and his new race will create centers of a new culture and a new technological civilization all over the world. His home, and the home of his new race will be in the South of Siberia ... ”, - predicted Casey.


The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga also made a number of predictions related to Siberia. One of them is about a boy who will have the same gift as Wang herself. This child was already born - in the 80s of the 20th century in the south of Western Siberia. If the prophecy came true, now the great clairvoyant must be at least 27 years old. Wasn't Cayce talking about this person, predicting a new ruler of Russia and a new race?

By the way, this is not Vanga's only prediction about the cold region. According to her prophecy, in 2030 Siberia will become the world's granary, and in 2060 the Ural mountains will be proclaimed the center of Russia.


While some prophecies speak of the greatness of Siberia, others warn of the invasion of the Gentiles. Schiarchimandrite Seraphim (Tyapochkin) said that the Chinese would begin to move en masse to Siberia - to buy up real estate and businesses. This is because the borders between our states will weaken. Or the prediction of the blessed Nicholas of Ural, who said that China would seize "Siberian and Central Asian expanses."

According to the prophecies of the elders, the invasion of the Gentiles will force the Russians to unite.

But should the predictions be believed? Most of the prophecies ever voiced have not come true. Take the same end of the world - since the 1990s, the apocalypse on earth had to happen at least 16 times! And there is no direct mention of the fact that the above events will affect the Tyumen region and Yekaterinburg. Therefore, if you believe in the prophecies, then only in the good. And remember the words of Mikhail Lomonosov, who assured: "The power of Russia will grow in Siberia"


Perhaps this is one of the greatest mysteries
the world, which must be revealed as much as possible
rather, for delay is truly like death!

Fifteen years ago, a seemingly inconspicuous event took place in a small Siberian girl Okunevo: her population increased by one person. This villager was the foreigner Rasma Rosite. Now there are legends about her appearance in Okunevo. As if Rasma came to Okunevo on foot from ... India, where she spent 8 years in the ashram (spiritual community) of Shri Babaji until his departure to another world in 1984.
Babaji's successor, Muniraji, told Rasma that there is a place in Siberia associated with Hanuman, the great Rama's faithful assistant, and she must certainly find him in the interests of Russia and the whole world. In this sacred place there is a communication channel with the cosmos, which must have time to be discovered and activated before it closes.
Ancient Indian legends say that Rama brought his people to the Indian subcontinent from the territory of Western Siberia. The reason was allegedly a certain planetary catastrophe that broke out on Earth thousands of years ago, as a result of which the climate in Siberia changed dramatically. Fleeing from the cold, the blue-eyed tall ancestors of the Slavs - the Aryans were forced to leave for the southern lands. They brought their highest culture and Vedic knowledge obtained from the depths of space to India.
According to Rasma, a majestic temple once stood near the present Okunev - the very "place" associated with the mighty Hanuman.
To some, everything that I have outlined above will seem fantastic. But in the former Soviet Union, there was a closed research institute that was engaged in the study of sacred places like Okunev, with the aim of using them as means of distant space communication. Moreover, in the summer of 1947, a secret research expedition was working near Okunevo.
Once in Nizhnevartovsk, where I lived at that time, I happened to meet the clairvoyant Olga Gurbanovich. To make sure of Olga's abilities, I decided to test her. The very first answers to my two purely personal questions shocked me so much that I was in a state of prostration for some time, but then, pulling myself together, I continued testing.
Further, answering the question about the healing properties of Lake Danilovo, located on the border of the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, the clairvoyant gave out that there are five such lakes!
According to Olga Gurbanovich, the healing properties of the water of these lakes are explained not simply by the content of certain microelements.
- In that area, in ancient times, there was a temple of indescribable beauty, which had seven domes, and each dome had its own purpose. The temple is both a spiritual and scientific center. In its main hall was an unearthly Jewel, which served as a means of distant space communication. Now the observatory temple is hidden underground. You must definitely find it!
- What does this Jewel look like?
- This is an octahedral crystal about 1.2 m high, pinkish-lilac tones. He must be found. This is an Artificial Intelligence of the highest level, created outside the Earth. With its help, you can establish communication with other worlds. This is its main purpose. The energy concentrated in it is capable of covering almost all of Western Siberia with a protective energy shield. The importance of the Crystal for modern civilization is enormous - it is our salvation, since humanity is on the verge of self-destruction! The first warning "call" should be expected at the end of 2004. Then the time for the vital decision will begin to shrink like pebbled skin. The task is further complicated by the fact that four "rays" are separated from the main crystal, which are located in the area of ​​healing lakes, it is thanks to their energy that the water acquired healing properties. These fragments need to be found and the integrity of the Crystal restored!
So Olga Gurbanovich (regardless of Rasma Rosite!) Took me to the Okunevsky temple and the "Channel of Cosmic Communication".
In the summer of 1998, I organized the first exploration expedition, and in July 2000, a group of Moscow geophysicists headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences Alexander Zaitsev left for the Okunev area.
But, before starting field research, I contacted Academician V.P. Kaznacheev, a world-renowned scientist. He advised to start research work by attracting people with supersensitive abilities to it, since the scientific tools for studying such things and phenomena are far from perfect.
I did just that. With the help of special testing, I selected five such senses, and they (together with Olga Gurbanovich) mapped out the places near Okunevo that the scientists and I were supposed to explore. In addition, the seers warned that at the present time the Crystal is not manifested on the physical plane. It can be seen only in the form of an energy-informational hologram.
... Comprehensive geophysical studies have shown that in the interfluve of the Tara and Irtysh rivers, a powerful anomalous zone is indeed functioning. Gravitational and electromagnetic anomalies are noted here. And seismic scanning of the earth's horizons showed that there is "something" at a depth of 12-18 m. In any case, the instruments recorded a unique phenomenon - the waveguide effect - signals with an almost continuous amplitude ... Classical seismic exploration does not explain such signals.
Our senses (by the way, living in different cities) stated that in this place there is a very ancient tunnel that leads to the desired temple. The next year, geophysicists and geologists re-examined this mysterious place. But I decided to play it safe and brought here two groups of Omsk geophysicists with more advanced equipment, capable of "looking" at depths of 50 and 100 meters. The result was confirmed!
Geophysicists and geologists have come to the conclusion that the objects discovered are most likely of artificial origin. But in order to interpret the discovered objects, the need arose for exploration drilling.
(Alas, due to lack of money, it has not yet been carried out).
And finally, the main question! Is it possible for the Crystal to be here?
Yes! To date, a large number of indirect facts have been collected indicating that it really exists!
Incredibly, Nostradamus pointed to the Siberian Crystal! Here is his prophetic quatrain:

A great holiday will bring
Tartarians Fiery horse,
Rushing for the first time
on the third way,
Hoofs lifting the ground
and thus revealing
An unearthly value
hidden deep in the bowels

It turns out that the country of Great Tartary was located on the territory of present-day Western Siberia, naturally, the Tartars should be understood as Russians, and the Third Way is easily guessed at the third millennium, where the Fiery Horse falls on 2026.
Awesome coincidence! After all, Olga Gurbanovich originally called the Crystal an unearthly jewel hidden underground ...
And further! Scientists from the United States conducted a unique Scoulos experiment called "The Essence of the Crystal". It was initiated by the spouses Robin and Sandra Foy. Later, several world-famous scientists and organizations such as NASA, the Institute of Intellectual Sciences and the International Scientific Medical Network joined their research. In addition, work was carried out not only in the United States, but also in Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland. At the beginning of the experiment, a hologram of a shining crystal was developed, which then took on a physical form, and the researchers were even able to touch it.
The materials of the Scholes experiment verification have been published in both scientific and popular literature and are known all over the world.
Moreover, the following information was obtained by contact: “The ripening of the greatest energy carrier is nearing completion on Earth. Mineral. A crystal that is able to change the system, principle and technologies of energy supply of the planet ... It can provide people with clean, life-giving energy for the next thousand years ... and bring new technical ideas to implementation: new engines and movers, new means of production and transportation, new consumer products and household items ... Science can step into the depths of the new energy. Accordingly, the environment will be cleansed, healthier, and environmental problems will be solved. A person will live much longer ... Wars will stop! The crystal will bring new thinking! "
Of course, it's hard to believe in this, but the ancients warned: everything imaginable is permissible!
Now about the Temple-Observatory, where the Crystal was once located.
And where should it be returned! .. After its integrity has been restored.
In 1963, after a flood, under the steep bank of Tara, two mirror-polished light gray stone slabs were discovered, which, alas, turned out to be lost, although there are many eyewitnesses who saw the slabs.
According to Olga Gurbanovich, in the vicinity of Okunevo, under a layer of sedimentary rocks, there is a very ancient city! If this city can be found, what the great Vanga predicted will come true: "An ancient city will be excavated, which will change the idea of ​​people about the ancient worlds!" And it will not just turn it upside down, it turns out that the civilization that perished as a result of a planetary catastrophe significantly surpassed the modern one! ancestors. In the "capsule" we will supposedly find recommendations, upon adherence to which, one can either completely avoid the disaster, or survive it according to a milder version, that is, with the least losses.
Here it makes sense to return to Shri Babaji, the spiritual teacher of Rasma Rosita, who often spoke about the future of Russia, hinting in the most unequivocal way that the center of world spirituality will soon move to Russia. All this was foreseen by Edgar Cayce! Moreover, he spoke about Russia with great love and great hope, although (like Babaji) he had never been to Russia. And one more important point! Babaji and Casey directly pointed to Western Siberia as a special place ... The great seer Casey predicted that Western Siberia would become a kind of Ark of mankind.
If we turn to the warnings of these two great people, then one of Babaji's prophecies sounds like a sentence: “Some countries are doomed, they have no future. Most of America will also be destroyed. Russia will survive ... By God's grace, Russia has always been protected. Peace will be established in Russia ”.
A very similar foresight was given by Edgar Cayce, in which he emphasized that "it is Russia that is destined to become at the origins of a new civilization on our planet."
I will say more! The foresight of Babaji and Casey about a future global catastrophe was confirmed in the Address of more than 1600 leading scientists of the world, dated November 18, 1992.
This warning document firmly stated: “There is no more than one or several decades left before the chance to avert the threats we now face will be lost and the prospects for humanity will be immeasurably diminished ... Fundamental changes are needed in our service to the Earth and life on it if we are to avoid enormous human suffering and irreparable damage to our common home on this planet. "
About 20 years have passed since the moment when this Warning was issued. There is very little time left for making the only correct Decision and Cardinal Measures for its implementation, but it continues to shrink like a shagreen skin! Moreover, the global cataclysm has already begun to gain its strength since December 26, 2004, when a disastrous tsunami struck the coast of 36 countries of Southeast Asia, which claimed more than 300,000 lives!
Further delay in making a Decision is truly like death!


A great holiday will bring the Fiery Horse to the Tartars,
Rushing the third way for the first time,
Lifting the ground with their hooves and thus revealing
An unearthly value hidden deep in the depths (Quatrain of Nostradamus).

After breakfast, having gathered in a large gazebo, everyone was silent in anticipation of the next narration of a topical topic, looked around and thought, well, who will tell something interesting today.

Fedka, catching the glances directed at him, reacted indignantly: "... Well, what hatched at me ... also to me, they are used to the fact that I always start to tell something ... as if there is no one else to tell here besides me ...", and, nodding at Seryoga and Vasily, he continued: “... there are some“ clever guys ”we have here, they have already enrolled in the“ Academicians ”... let them begin to tell ... and I, if necessary, will insert something and add …! ".

Kolka, who constantly followed Fedka like a tail, waving his arms, began to explain: “… Fedya, well, we are used to the fact that you constantly sit in the library, looking for something interesting, mysterious there. Just remember, when Vovan and Vitko were, then we always listened to interesting facts from life ..., then, they talked about the Cosmos ..., then about the Pyramids ..., then about the Aliens ..., then about our earthly Planet, how it was revived and where it came from ..., as it is called, now I remember ..., oh yes - tsi-li-vi-za-tsion ..., here ...! ".

Fedka, grinned, but, pleased with such a laudatory speech about himself, answered instructively: “... Yes, not civilization, but CIVILIZATION, is it clear to you a" smart guy "... ?! Well, okay, what can you do with you, ask your questions ... what do you want to know again ...? ".
Kolka, happily perked up: “... Recently on TV they showed and talked about some village, and it is called somehow wonderfully Okunevo ..., and there, something unusual happens ... there are lakes where everyone plunges or something ... , so if you know anything about it, then tell me ...! ".

Fedka, thinking anxiously, scratched the back of his head, closed his eyes, remembering what it could be and where this village was located.

Then Vasily intervened, who monotonously constantly gave out some facts: “... Okunevo is located on the territory of Western Siberia, and Omsk researchers discovered the existence of ancient civilizations there, and the center turned out to be the very village of Okunevo in the Muromtsevsky district, and this, according to many studies, is the Center Civilizations? "

Natalya, looking up from conversations with Vofka, asked in surprise: “… Okunevo is the center of civilizations? Come on, say this ... some village, which many do not even know about, turns out to be almost the Center of the Universe ... lie, but don't lie ...! ".

There was silence in the gazebo, and everyone looked at Seryoga, who, in the opinion of many, knew a lot.

Seryoga, after a pause for a while and looking at the silenced fellow-prisoners, replied meaningfully: "... Perhaps this is one of the greatest secrets of the world, which must be revealed as soon as possible, for delay is truly death like!"

Natalia, frightened: "... How is it - like death ...?".

Seryoga, calmly reacting to Natalyin's fright, continued: “Here you need to know the history that archaeologists have excavated ..., listen further: ... History is interesting and fascinating! Allegedly, it is there that the temple of Hanuman is located, to which, according to legend, Rama gave all of Siberia. The first touch to this great secret began more than half a century ago. The head of the Moscow archaeological scientific expedition, Alexander Sergeevich Zaitsev, having visited Okunevo for the first time in 1943, became interested in the extraordinary property of the water of "cosmic" lakes and, along the way, even recovered from tuberculosis there ... and, based on many facts, decided that this is the Center of Civilization ...! ".

Kolka, surprised: “... Yes, I also agree with Natalia here ... how is it ... such an inconspicuous village Okunevo - the Center of Civilizations? Don't you confuse anything ...? "

Seryoga shrugged his shoulders: “... Why not, especially since there was a continuation. The continuation began in the winter of 1993, when an ancient necropolis of a rather large area was discovered during the laying of the heating main. It was then that historians and scientists faced the real history, the history of the memory of places, and not with the theory, which, in fact, is an assumption, since the age of the excavations deeply stunned them ...! ".

Natalya, having heard about the researchers, immediately asked with interest: "... And what did they unearth there ...?".

Seryoga, dissatisfied that he was constantly interrupted, answered gloomily: “... First, there the children found two mirror-polished slabs of light gray color. But then, scientists have already decided that, apparently, they are the wreckage of some kind of artificial structure, and not the fact that this structure was not a temple ...! ".

Natalia, sincerely surprised by such a turn of events, was only able to squeeze out: "... Come on ... this is yes-ah ...!".

Kolka, also dissatisfied with the fact that Natalya constantly gets into the conversation when he hears about men, waved his hand in her direction and hissed: “... Natalya, stop interrupting a person ... let him tell him normally about what he knows about such historical data ... if you are not interested, then scratch to yourself ..., with your Vofka, and there communicate ... and let us listen to what is where it came from ...! ".

Turning to Seryoga, he invited him not to pay any attention to Natalia and continue the story.

Seryoga paused, remembering where he had finished speaking and continued: “... Well, listen ... fifteen years ago, and today it may be more, a seemingly inconspicuous event took place in a small Siberian village Okunevo: its population increased by one person. This villager was the foreigner Rasma Rosite. Now there are legends about her appearance in Okunevo. As if Rasma came to Okunevo on foot from ... India, where she spent 8 years in the ashram (spiritual community) of Shri Babaji until his departure to another world in 1984. Babaji's successor, Muniraji, told Rasma that there is a place in Siberia associated with Hanuman, the great Rama's faithful assistant, and she must certainly find him in the interests of Russia and the whole world. In this sacred place there is a communication channel with space, which must be discovered and activated before it closes. Ancient Indian legends say that Rama brought his people to the Indian subcontinent from the territory of Western Siberia. The reason was allegedly a certain planetary catastrophe that broke out on Earth thousands of years ago, as a result of which the climate in Siberia changed dramatically. Fleeing from the cold, the blue-eyed tall ancestors of the Slavs - the Aryans were forced to leave for the southern lands. They brought their highest culture and Vedic knowledge obtained from the depths of space to India. According to Rasma, a majestic temple once stood near the present Okunevo - the very “place” associated with the mighty Hanuman! ”.

Kolka, clutching his head, exclaimed: "... Wow ... where is India, and where is Russia ... is it really all, really ... ?!".

Seryoga shook his head, thinking, continued: “... But, having studied the facts, the same scientists completely refute the assertions that there was once a temple in Okunevo, whose age was about ten thousand years ... their assumptions does not change. In 1993, archaeologists - serious people, carried out some excavations of the necropolis, and concluded that the remains of this structure do not belong to any local culture. And later they came to the conclusion that we are talking about the ancient Aryans and their settlements standing on the banks of the Tara. This theory deserves serious attention. Aryan settlements were found not only in Siberia, but also in the South Urals. In the Sintashta burial ground (Arkaim, III-II millennium BC), Aryan war chariots were discovered. Later they will again move to the southwest: Iraq, Iran, the Sinai Peninsula. It is possible that they left their cities from climate change. Apparently, it was only on the Sinai Peninsula that they found their usual climate. "

Fedka intervened in the conversation: “... Remember, Vovan also talked about the resettlement of different peoples, from one locality to another! And that it was from our territory that an advanced civilization began ..., but where exactly ..., in what locality ... and what gave rise to knowledge ... he did not have time to tell ... maybe then our newly baked "academics" will tell us about it ... and … How… can you tell and explain how our Vovan did it…? ”.

Seryoga, exchanging glances with Vasily, shrugging his shoulders, replied: “... Yes, please ... that we know, we will tell you ..., you yourself interrupt ..., here, listen further: ... Siberian scientists put forward a hypothesis: 300 thousand years ago on the territory of Western A highly developed civilization existed in Siberia, where many religions of the world originated. On this vast territory, there was a powerful Proto-Slavic civilization with a city standing at the confluence of the Irtysh with Omyu. This hypothesis is also confirmed by the oldest written monument of the Russian people "Velesova Kniga", which speaks of a large city that had sanctuaries. It was located at the confluence of the Om (Om) river into the Iriy river (the ancient name of the Irtysh). And professor V.I. Matyushchenko (now deceased) in his monograph "Ancient History of Siberia" writes: "... here, according to a number of scholars, the most ancient Indo-Aryan epic" Mahabharata "was formed, the images and characters of which are surrounded by local rivers, lakes, mountains, valleys. Here, probably, was the cradle of the Indo-Aryans, some of them later went to the south of Asia, to the limits of Hindustan ...! The same is written in the ancient Aryan source "Rigveda"! "

Vasily, glancing at Fedka, who was fidgeting impatiently to ask something else, ahead of his question, said: “… Here Fedka asked about knowledge, where did it come from, how did people acquire such knowledge, and how did development begin…? I explain, but for this, you need to go back a little ..., it will seem fantastic to you. In the former Soviet Union, there was a closed research institute that was engaged in the study of sacred places like Okunev, with the aim of using them as means of distant space communication. Moreover, in the summer of 1947, a secret research expedition was working near Okunevo. There was such a clairvoyant who was attracted to work, Olga Gurbanovich, so she argued that the lake near Danilovo, located on the border of the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, has healing properties. According to Olga Gurbanovich, there are several lakes not far from Okunevo: Linevo, Shchuchye, Danilino, Shaitan-lake, where both water and mud are curative, but the healing properties of the water of these lakes are explained not simply by the content of certain microelements. And yet, until recently, only four lakes were known and they were formed from a huge meteorite that fell to the ground, but there are five such lakes. The latter is in full view of everyone, however, no one notices it. A few years later, Olga pointed out the fifth lake, the Linen-Hemp lake, which rather resembles a puddle of 100 meters long and 30 meters wide. Studied intermittently for almost 16 years.

Kolka asked in surprise: "... Why did you stop searching and research ...?"

Fedka answered sarcastically: "... Probably, as always, there was not enough money ...!"

Vasily confirmed Fedka's remark: “... Yes, this time, you are right ..., alas, due to lack of money, it has not yet been carried out ... but ... but, 30 years after the discovery of the plates, in 1993, a clairvoyant Olga Gurbanovich “discerned” an ancient temple deep underground. And in the summer of 1998, the first exploration expedition was organized. And 7 years later, in July 2000, a group of Moscow geophysicists headed by Alexander Zaitsev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, left for the Okunev area. This year, under the same Shkolnaya Gora, with the help of seismic devices, some kind of artificial structure was discovered, located in the thickness of soils, consisting of loams, sands and loose sandstones. And at a depth of 8 to 15 meters, there is some kind of large dense massif with a void inside, although there are no rock massifs here ...! ". But, before starting field research, we contacted Academician V.P. Kaznacheev, a world-renowned scientist. He advised to start research work involving people with supersensitive abilities, since the scientific tools for studying such things and phenomena are far from perfect ...! ".

Natalya, dismissing the impatient exclamations of the prisoners, did not lag behind Vasily with her questions: "... So, what was done ...?".

Vasily continued to calmly answer: “... With the help of special testing, A. Zaitsev selected five such senses, and they, together with Olga Gurbanovich, outlined those places near Okunev, which, then, together with scientists, were to be investigated. In addition, these clairvoyants warned that the Crystal is not manifest on the physical plane at this time. It can be seen only in the form of an energy-informational hologram ...! Comprehensive geophysical studies have shown that a powerful anomalous zone is indeed functioning in the interfluve of the Tara and Irtysh rivers. Gravitational and electromagnetic anomalies are noted here. And seismic scanning of the earth's horizons showed that there is "something" at a depth of 12-18 m. In any case, the instruments recorded a unique phenomenon - the waveguide effect - signals with an almost continuous amplitude ... Classical seismic exploration does not explain such signals ...! ”.

Fedka, nodding his head in agreement, confirmed that Vovan also then talked about the Pyramids and their insides, where they found various devices and robots, through which they established communication with the Cosmos and other planets, but without calming down, he asked: “... Well, what is here found something that can confirm the connection between space and our development in knowledge ...? ".

Vasily continued: “... Our psychics (by the way, living in different cities) stated that in this place there is a very ancient tunnel that leads to the desired temple. The next year, geophysicists and geologists re-examined this mysterious place. But they decided to play it safe, and brought here two groups of Omsk geophysicists with more advanced equipment, capable of "looking" at depths of 50 and 100 meters. The result was confirmed! Geophysicists and geologists have come to the conclusion that the objects discovered are most likely of artificial origin. But in order to interpret the discovered objects, the need arose for exploration drilling. And in the dialogue with Olga Gurbanovich, the following questions were asked: 1. “What does she, as a clairvoyant, see there, underground? What is hidden from us there? " And as Olga Gurbanovich stated: “... In that area in ancient times there was a temple of indescribable beauty, which had seven domes, and each dome had its own purpose. The temple is both a spiritual and scientific center. In its main hall was an unearthly Jewel, which served as a means of distant space communication. Now the observatory temple is hidden underground. To another question: 2. "What does this Jewel look like?" - she gave the following answer: “... This is an octahedral Crystal about 1.2 m high, pinkish-lilac tones. He must be found. This is an Artificial Intelligence of the highest level, created outside the Earth. With its help, you can establish communication with other worlds. This is its main purpose. The energy concentrated in it is capable of covering almost all of Western Siberia with a protective energy shield. The importance of the Crystal for modern civilization is enormous - it is our salvation, since humanity is on the verge of self-destruction! "

Fedka, waving his hand and screwing up his eyes, sarcastically said: "... Oh, how much has already been said about the end of the world recently ... and when this prediction began, who can say ...?"

The always calm Vasily, unable to withstand the constant interruption, already answered in a raised tone: “… We need to listen to the end and not interrupt… this is Olga Gurbanovich who said that the first warning“ call ”should be expected at the end of 2004. Then the time for the vital decision will begin to shrink like pebbled skin. The task is further complicated by the fact that four "rays" are separated from the main crystal, which are located in the area of ​​healing lakes, it is thanks to their energy that the water acquired healing properties. These fragments need to be found and the integrity of the Crystal restored! According to Mayan legends, 4 pairs of twins came to Earth in total. Or just 8 crystals. So our Siberia was ruled by the Crystal of Hanumana. But 3000 years ago, enemies locked him in a remote mine near Okunevo and blocked the passage to him. There are scientific researches, and they are interpreted as follows: “… On the Earth, the ripening of the greatest energy carrier - Mineral, is coming to an end. A crystal that is able to change the system, principle and technology of energy supply of the planet ...! ".

Seryoga, in order to support his colleague in this matter, nodding his head in agreement, confirmed the version of scientists-archaeologists: “... Yes, I agree, I also read about this, that according to legend, the main attraction of the Hanuman temple was the Thinking Crystal - a magic talisman having the form octahedron (according to another version, the crystal had 72 facets) 1.2 meters high. While in the temple, he maintained a constant connection between the Earth and space and was brought from the planet Satra, whose representatives, according to one version, built an observatory temple for communication with the Cosmos. So, this Thinking Crystal is the keeper of the knowledge of the aliens from this planet. In it, as in the most perfect computer, the information was laid: where is the human race, all the events that have taken place on Earth since the creation of the world have been recorded. It contains saving information for all mankind, which has come to a standstill in its "development", since it is the greatest energy carrier capable of completely changing not only the current energy supply system of earthlings, but also the way of thinking, and most importantly, their way of life. With its help, the priests controlled the climate and, as mentioned above, communicated with other continents (with the envious Atlantis, probably, too) and the planets. During such communication sessions, the dome of the temple opened, and a greenish column of light rushed into the sky. Local residents have seen this phenomenon more than once. Eyewitnesses tell how a greenish light column slowly rises from the lake into the sky, as if a searchlight is looking for something in the sky, or it suddenly starts to glow. Scientists believe that this is "the result of the outflow of plasma from the bowels of the earth's crust."

Natalia asked in surprise: "... That is, you want to say that Hanumana is a Crystal that you can talk to as a person, and he loves Russians very much and wants to cooperate with them?"

Kolka, thoughtfully suggested: "... Do you think otherwise tiny detachments of Cossacks of 100-500 people would have conquered vast Siberia from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean in 100 years?"

Fedka nodded in the affirmative: “... I agree with this statement, they have more facets, however, for sure. But that's why the research was stopped? Why can't you repeat the experience - enter into a special state, as Vovan once told about the mantras that opened the way to the Hall of Chronicles, and communicate with the Crystal as in the first case, and try to wake up another, if there are 8 of them, and get an answer ...? " ...

Then Peter entered the conversation: “… And where is the guarantee that there is no self-destruction mechanism and, with the wrong intervention, everything will not fly up and disappear from the face of the earth. Also, many planets and civilizations perished ... from such a misunderstanding of the situation and barbarism! Think of China's Great White Pyramid! It is possible that this Crystal, with its knowledge, no longer exists and that civilization was destroyed ...! ".

Natalya, embracing Vofka, sadly said: "... What a pity ... but why, in your opinion, was that civilization destroyed ...?"

Vasily, on reflection, entered the interrupted conversation: “... There are a number of versions. According to one of them, the Aryan civilization was "swept away" by a descending glacier. According to the other, it was destroyed by a catastrophic turn of the earth's axis by 72 degrees due to a falling meteorite, and the Siberian fertile land was destroyed overnight. According to the third, a conflict arose between the priests of the Siberian temples and the priests of Atlantis. The Atlanteans created their own crystal and decided to use it to destroy the main temple of our ancestors, but they were ready for defense. As a result of these "crystal" wars, Atlantis plunged into the abyss, but it also cost the temple complete destruction and plunging into the abyss of the earth (version of one clairvoyant). As for the climate of Siberia, then, according to one of the hypotheses, from the Ural Mountains to the Yenisei it was subtropical, which may well be connected with the theory of the reasons for the movement of the Aryans to the south ...! ".

Fedka, recalling Vovan's stories again, stated: “... By the way, the version about the rotation of the earth's axis and about the meteorite that destroyed civilization fits here too: as a result of its fall, the climatic pendulum swung in the other direction, and the cold set in. And in order not to be unfounded, I will now give you a record that I always wrote down after Vovan's story about the Stone of the Apocalypse ... listen here: “... Professor A. Lazareva said that the cause of the cataclysm lies in the mechanism of rotation of our Planet. The conventional axis of the Earth describes a circle in the sky, and this cycle lasts 25920 years, passing through the constellations of the Zodiac. In the transition from one sign to another, the tension of the earth's crust arises and nature, every half cycle, removes this problem by moving the Continents. Last time ..., according to A. Lazarev ..., Atlantis perished in this way, but ..., as it was said earlier ... the powerful priests foresaw the catastrophe and saved themselves, passing on to us, their descendants, a warning about impending disasters. And these predictions are embodied in the Pyramids and Ancient Temples, and, as you know, all Ancient structures, all the Temples of the Earth, are subordinate to a Single Structure, a Single Configuration, a Single Idea, i.e., in reality, it is a Single Mechanism! And, according to the decoding of the "Prophecies" of Nostradamus, in the second half of this century, the Earth will face a series of natural disasters ...! ".

Natalya, perked up at the words of "catastrophe" and, with hope in her voice, asked: "... Maybe we, there, in Okunevo, there is such a mysterious temple that can save us ...?" And where did he come from, this mysterious temple ...? And then, then you call a temple Hanuman, then a crystal ... and what does the name Hanuman really mean ..., just like the Turks call women of high status - Khanum. "

Vasily, in a calm and monotonous voice, began to tell: “... If you believe the Indian clairvoyant Satya Sai Baba, who appeared in India in November 1926, many millennia ago on the banks of the Tara River was built the most ancient Indian temple of the great healer of India, the monkey god Hanuman. Satya Baba himself was a priest in this temple, and now he is called to establish a "golden age" on Earth - to unite humanity into one brotherly family, to awaken the desire to live in love and cooperation. The disciples of the great prophet claim that he preaches a religion that was allegedly brought to India from Siberia. Hanuman is an Indian deity, a divine monkey, the son of the wind god Vayu. From his father, Hanuman inherited the ability to fly, move quickly, as well as incredible strength, and from the sun god he received knowledge. Hanuman was given eternal youth, he is revered as the greatest healer and patron of sciences. Hanuman helped Rama fight demons, and after his victory Rama gave him Siberia.
Hanuman, as a deity, belongs to one of the oldest religions in the world - Hinduism, which originated in the II-III millennium BC. So it is quite possible that the cult of Hanuman existed, as well as a temple in Okunevo. "

Natalya grinned: “… I see, it means Khanum - you can assume in the old fashioned way that this is a monkey of high society… I thought so…, a monkey, she is a monkey in Africa too…! Well, how did the Crystal get to us and where is he now ...? ".

Seryoga, in support of Vasily, so that he could rest a little, began to talk about his observations: “... Many people think about this and ask the question: Does he lie in a temple at the bottom of one of the healing lakes near the village of Okunevo or deep underground? Three clairvoyants independently "saw" that at present there is only a temple underground, and its Crystal has been moved to another dimension and is in fact inaccessible to earthlings. Only his energy projection is located here. This is also proved by an amazing find - two stones of unearthly origin, which were found at the bottom of Danilino. The first was about a meter in diameter and weighs almost half a ton. The second stone was discovered by geophysicists at a depth of three meters, this stone in the waters of Danilino, is about four meters in diameter and weighs approximately 30 tons. That is, the very fact of the existence of a stone, the formation of which is not characteristic of Siberian lands, speaks in favor of the hypothesis of the cosmic origin of the lake. According to the version, the meteorite split into five parts. Fragments of the meteorite that fell to the ground formed huge depressions, later filled with water. Three such lakes of the Omsk region are connected by an underground river, and the water in them is said to be holy. It does not deteriorate, does not bloom and heals many diseases. Moreover, not only water heals, but even photographs of these lakes, which testifies to some unknown energetic, and possibly magical properties of these “unearthly” formations. The most mysterious and most effective in terms of healing power is Shaitan Lake. The water in it is so curative that it allows you to get rid of psoriasis, eczema and other ailments. But, it is believed that the lake does not admit everyone, and it is difficult to find it, because the big Shaitan is not indicated on the map of the area. The lake has two bottoms. The first bottom is at a depth of about three meters. And under it is the water column again. And no one knows how much is actually to the second bottom. "

Fedka again intervened in the conversation: “... Here again about stones ... remember, our Vovan also talked about such a stone, which was divided into three parts, and, crashing into our Planet, divided the earth into continents. Now the same thing can happen, and the fault line will pass through many places ...! Listen from the notes that I wrote down based on Vovan's story: “... According to Nostradamus ..., in connection with the earthquake, the“ Earth's Crust Stone ”will fly into the Atmosphere and fly over the earth 20 thousand kilometers, exactly through the North Pole and descend in the Andes region to earth and this event will happen ..., again, according to Nostradamus ..., in 2054-2056 ...! But, the Stone will not just stick into the surface ..., on takeoff, it will crack into 3 parts and deliver as many as 3 blows: 1st - in the Bay of Biscay, 2nd - in the city of Norton, which is in the South of France and 3rd - for sure to the Roman Colosseum. These blows will give rise to giant cracks, which will spread like a web across the Earth and split the Continent, after which, part of the land on the Planet will be distributed differently ..., a split crack will tear Eurasia and Africa apart, just, practically, at the junction of the Mediterranean Sea. Then, Africa will go into free swimming, like South America, North America, etc. now. …! ". Changes in the Continents, which will occur as a result of geophysical changes and will generate a giant fault in the Earth's Crust, it will pass along the line: the US state of Louisiana - the Atlantic Ocean - France - Italy - the Balkan Peninsula - Turkey - the Persian Gulf - India - the Philippines. In general, Europe will completely separate from Africa. Then, the Earth's crust will “calm down ...!” For a long time.

Kolka, who has been silent until now and does not understand anything, waved his hand and expressed his point of view: "... All these are some fairy tales you are telling here ... how can this really be ...?".

Natalya, turning to Kolka, meaningfully commented: “… Nothing reminds you of how such an expression:…“ a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it…! ”.

Peter inserted his knowledge into history: “... Did you know that Heinrich Schliemann was considered abnormal when he went to look for Troy, fulfilling his childhood dream? In his hands was only a book with poems of the blind man Homer, but Schliemann nevertheless found the legendary city. Beliefs and legends are not built from scratch, there is a hint in any fairy tale, and there will definitely be an answer to any riddle ...! ”.

Seryoga confirmed: “... Scientists claimed that they found records from the inhabitants of the planet Satra:“ You are earthlings, you are too frivolous about fairy tales, but through them you get knowledge! ”. And then, if we talk about the confessions represented at the Okunevo navel, then you need to start with the disciple of the guru Shri Babaji Rasma Rositis. In 1989, she went in search of the site of the Hanuman Temple. She was given a vision, which spoke of the ancient temple-observatory, once built by extraterrestrial civilizations in Western Siberia around the magic crystal, and that from this place in the future a new spiritual development of mankind will begin. According to Rasma, the choice fell on Omsk because the name of this city is consonant with the sacred syllable "Om", the central concept in the sacred Vedic scriptures: it is the sound in which the entire essence of the Universe is hidden. It turned out that the Tara river has a translation from Sanskrit ("savior") and bears the name of the great Indian goddess. One of the rivers flowing into the Tara is called Kailaska, and this is directly related to the name of Mount Kailash, which in the Himalayas performs the same "functions" as Olympus among the ancient Greeks. Guided by these and other signs, Rasma stopped here. Later, she said that, stopping in a tent not far from the village, she fasted and prayed for five days, and on the fifth night observed light phenomena: “the light floated around, luminous creatures came to me, I saw similar machines woven from light, and I heard unearthly music ". Two kilometers from the village, she discovered a place where the exchange of energy between the Cosmos and the Earth seems to take place. An altar made of stone ("dhuni") is laid out at this place. Babajists believe that in the future a beautiful city will be built here, an educational center for the whole planet, that all confessions will unite, there will be mutual understanding and friendship between them. Environmentally friendly technologies and transport will be developed. The Golden Age will start from here. And there will be an end to all wars. "

Vasily, joining in the conversation, recalled from the materials studied: “... Back in 1945, the famous American seer Edgar Cayce predicted that as a result of a global cataclysm, most of the Americas, England, and Japan would be flooded. The revival of civilization will begin in Western Siberia, which is designed to become the "Noah's Ark" for earthlings who survived the "end of the world." These predictions agree with the Indian clairvoyant Satya Baba. He believes that only in the area of ​​Lake Shaitan, at that terrible moment when Armageddon falls on Earth, the Chosen will find refuge. A new race of people will be born here, a new religion - a kind of symbiosis of all those existing today. New people will have unique abilities and knowledge. “And the Crystal will help them, which at the right time will appear from another dimension. And the temple will return to earth, ”- I'm sure, Rasma Rositis! Now, if we turn to the warnings of these two great people, then one of Babaji's prophecies sounds like a sentence: “Some countries are doomed, they have no future. Most of America will also be destroyed! "

Fedka, looking into the sky, at the floating clouds, asked anxiously: “... And what will happen to Moscow? Will she also die after the American catastrophe? .. Moscow stands at the intersection of two faults, that is, at the junction of four lithospheric plates ... I saw a map in the library, and there is a lot of material on Moscow on the website (on the main page). A map of Moscow with faults and seismically dangerous areas should be striking ...! ”.

Seryoga, looking around everyone, said with confidence: “... Russia will survive ..., by God's grace, Russia has always been protected. Peace will be established in Russia. A very similar vision was given by Edgar Cayce, in which he emphasized that “it is Russia that is destined to become at the origins of a new civilization on our planet. I will say more! The foresight of Babaji and Casey about a future global catastrophe was confirmed in the Address of more than 1600 leading scientists of the world, dated November 18, 1992. In this warning document, it was firmly stated: “There is no more than one or several decades left before the chance to prevent the threats we are now confronting will be lost and the prospects for humanity will be immeasurably diminished ...! Fundamental changes are needed in our service to the Earth and life on it, if we want to avoid enormous human suffering and irreparable damage to our common home on this planet. " About 20 years have passed since the moment when this Warning was issued. There is very little time left for making the only correct Decision and Cardinal Measures for its implementation, but it continues to shrink like a shagreen skin! Moreover, the global cataclysm has already begun to gain its strength since December 26, 2004, when a disastrous tsunami struck the coast of 36 countries of Southeast Asia, which claimed more than 300,000 lives ...! ”.

Natalia, turning to Vasily, asked: "... Vasil, explain to me, but you can still find this temple to save humanity ... and where exactly to look for it ...?".

Vasily, answering the question asked, clarified: "... If this city can be found, what the Great Vanga predicted will come true:" An ancient city will be excavated, which will turn the idea of ​​people about the ancient worlds! " And it will not just turn it upside down, it turns out that the civilization that perished as a result of a planetary catastrophe significantly surpassed the modern one! ancestors. In the "capsule" we will supposedly find recommendations, upon adherence to which, one can either completely avoid the catastrophe, or survive it according to a milder version, that is, with the least losses ...! ".

Natalia, keeping up with questions from Vasily, asked: "... Well, who knows how to do this, and where to find tips to start looking ...?".

Vasily, looking at Natalia, began to explain: “... It makes sense to return to Shri Babaji, the spiritual teacher of Rasma Rosita, who often spoke about the future of Russia, hinting in the most unequivocal way that the center of world spirituality will soon move to Russia. All this was foreseen by Edgar Cayce! Moreover, he spoke about Russia with great love and great hope, although (like Babaji) he had never been to Russia. And one more important point! Babaji and Casey directly pointed to Western Siberia as a special place ... The great seer Casey predicted that Western Siberia would become a kind of Ark of humanity ...! ”.

Natalia, not letting go: “... And, finally, the main question! Is it possible for a Crystal to be here ...? And what will it give us if we find it ...? ".

Vasily, not paying attention to the noise that arose because of Natalia's questions, calmly explained: “... Yes! To date, a large number of indirect facts have been collected indicating that it really exists! Incredibly, Nostradamus pointed to the Siberian Crystal! Here is his prophetic quatrain:
A great holiday will bring
Tartarians Fiery horse,
Rushing for the first time
on the third way,
Hoofs lifting the ground
and thus revealing
An unearthly value
hidden deep in the bowels.
It turns out that the country of Great Tartary was located on the territory of present-day Western Siberia, of course, the Tartars should be understood as Russians, and the Third Way is easily guessed at the third millennium, where the Fiery Horse falls in 2026. Here is an amazing coincidence! After all, Olga Gurbanovich originally called the Crystal an unearthly jewel hidden underground ...! And further! Scientists from the United States conducted a unique Scoulos experiment called "The Essence of the Crystal". It was initiated by the spouses Robin and Sandra Foy. These materials of verification of the Scholes experiment have been published in both scientific and popular literature and are known all over the world, since several world-famous scientists and organizations such as NASA, the Institute of Intellectual Sciences and the International Medical Scientific Network have joined in their research. In addition, work was carried out not only in the United States, but also in Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland. At the beginning of the experiment, a hologram of a shining crystal was developed, which then took on a physical form ... and the researchers were even able to touch it ... and, oddly enough, contact was made ...! "

Natalia, frightened and surprised, reacted: “... Come on ... was there really a contact? And what became known ... what did they learn ...? ".

Vasily, looking at Natalia, calmly continued: “... Moreover, the following information was received by contact:“ The ripening of the greatest energy carrier is coming to an end on Earth. Mineral. A crystal that is able to change the system, principle and technology of the planet's energy supply ...! It can provide people with clean, life-giving energy for the next thousand years ... and bring new technical ideas to fruition: new engines and movers, new means of production and transportation, new consumer products and household items. Science can step into the depths of the new energy. Accordingly, the environment will be cleansed, healthier, and environmental problems will be solved. A person will live much longer ...! Wars will end! The crystal will bring new thinking! "

Silence fell in the gazebo and Fedka, sighing in silence, expressed his assumption: ... Of course, it's hard to believe, but the ancients warned: everything conceivable is permissible ...! ".

Natalya, unable to bear the silence, asked: "... And how is this area still different, so that they could immediately find it, what else is remarkable and interesting there ...?".

Everyone silently looked at Vasily and Seryoga, because if they know something, then only they can answer.

Seryoga, in line for Vasily, began to tell: “... In 1994, a Christian chapel and a cross were erected on the elevated bank of the Tara. On major holidays, a priest from Omsk serves in the chapel. Old Believers come here, calling themselves Inglids. They believe that the famous Belovodye was located here 100 thousand years ago. And in the Okunevo area there was a large temple complex and "channels of intergalactic communication". The Inglids even seem to have seen a large alien ship over one of the lakes. The Old Believers put their symbol - "Solstice" not far from the chapel. And according to their beliefs, Arians began to appear from this place ...! ".

Vasily, thinking, said: “... But geologists and researchers believe that the first settlements of people in this place belong to the late Neolithic period and about four to five thousand years ago in the Okunev zone there were only small villages with a small cultural layer ..., so that's all there is still a lot to investigate and prove ... although a lot says that this is still an anomalous zone and there are many incomprehensible stories and visions happening there ... but this is another time ... now everyone is tired and needs to go to the dining room, but then let's stay hungry ...! ”.


Hello dear Svetlana.

You wrote a good and intelligible story about (excuse me, about supposedly) the future of Russia and the World ... No, this is not a censure of your understanding and your story, just after reading my desire arose to add five kopecks to your knowledge. Yes, I know about Okunevo and the anomalous zone in those places ... It is very possible that the predicted temple of Hanuman will be found near Okunevo (perhaps they will also find a crystal) ... It is very possible that natural (but in my opinion more man-made) catastrophes will somewhat change the physical appearance of planet Earth (and many people in capitalist countries will regret ...) ... It may well be that a worldwide Apocalypse is coming, but ... But judging by the saying that the death of a German, the Russian will not even notice this event. Once I wrote humor: Apocalypse No ...

The information went on TV - the Apocalypse is scheduled for September 23 - the end of the human world ... And on September 27, a Microsoft conference on improving information technology ...
Americans believe that a Russian person will not even notice that an apocalypse is taking place on Earth ... I am a Russian person, and I will calmly wait on September 27 ...

But still, this is not what I wanted to write a review about. Of course, some kind of crystal can influence the unification of people, but without a unifying idea, this unification will be short-term, as in the Soviet Union. But what can be put forward by such a unifying idea, that is the question? And if you substantiate and expand the understanding of "Russian man", that is, show the Russian person not as a physical nationality, but as a spiritual understanding of the world and the relationship of a good attitude. As in Russian fairy tales: Ivan the Tsarevich in his wanderings wanted to kill and eat a pike, duck, hare, bear, but heeding the wishes: Don't ruin me, have pity on my young children, Ivan left these animals alive (although he himself remained hungry, and only tightened his waist belt), and for this, then these animals gave their debt to Ivan with good deeds. But it must show that a person of different other nationalities can be a spiritually Russian person, and ... join Russia (for example, come to live in Russia). And so that a person could say to himself that he (a person) of different nationalities (who are You - Russian, German, American, Asian, Arab ...), but what kind of You are - I am a spiritually Russian Person ... For this I try to reveal the whole the beauty and depth of knowledge about the Russian language, so that a person who speaks Russian understands and feels pride and respect for his native language of communication - Russian.

Or a single Faith and religion that has swallowed all modern religions and beliefs? The foundations of such a belief have already found their basis in human culture. All modern religions have an addition: one enlightened person directly talks to God, and writes out a new Divine knowledge ... But any physical person is mortal, and after the death of this holy person, the priests pick up the new Divine knowledge as their service to God in the form of this teaching. And no reorganization of old ideas about such belief in God and religion will give anything new to man. But new spiritual relations between man and God are possible, this is an understanding of a direct conversation between man and God, in which (direct conversation) God (and the Soul of a man) always hears and understands a man, but a man has already received technical information on how to instantly hear and understand the answer of God (and the Soul of man) to this particular question asked, and in an instant understanding of God's answer, if necessary (the man did not understand something in the answer of God), immediately ask God again. This will be a new direct spiritual relationship between man and God, where there is no place for priests (perverters and perverters of the Word and Opinion of God), and where God Himself will spiritually educate in a person the Personality of a good outlook and attitude. That is, the Crystal has not yet been found, and a new spiritual relationship between man and God has already begun to appear (which does not in any way correspond to the predictions about the effects of the crystal) ... But the Temple of Hanuman and the crystal still need to be sought and investigated, this must be unconditional understanding.

With respect to you and a smile :), like a bunch of flowers, is that afftor and storyteller Only the wind.

By the way, our understanding of this world is largely influenced by the meanings of the letters of our name (name - (and) - living (m) - pleasure (I) - Mine), and let this semantic disclosure of your name become another smile of mine to to you,

Svetlana - (s) - sweetness (v) - sounding (e) - feelings (t) - grace (l) - life (a) - world-affirmation of the world view of the World (n) - perception (a) - world beauty world-spirituality WORLD world-spirituality (mine) world purpose.

Dear Anatoly, everyone writes as he understands himself and we think that we should be understood, and sometimes we doubt that others will understand us, and then a thought comes, and maybe it is not worth proving something to someone, because for this:
"... it took a mind and a rational being, instead of animals that by that time already inhabited the earth, we needed brains and a consciousness of what to do and, most importantly, a logical sequence of generations, since a long-lived person somehow stiffens and becomes thoughts that he is doing everything right and calms down in his correctness, and then development comes to a standstill and no one can convince him, and if he still has power, then there is no arguing and persuading who wants to give up his , therefore it is necessary to change the direction, and how to do it, it is necessary to kill that mind, but after all, he had gained experience and must be preserved. the world for the first time on the first stage, lived and, dying, sent their soul and knowledge to the very top of the pyramid, and there all this knowledge from all people is laid, as it were, in a large jug, and so on, a person comes back to life, but already to the second stage and refines what he did not learn in his first life, it leaves and new knowledge and experience is poured into the Jug of Knowledge and so on, until the 7th level of life comes, but the most interesting is if people come together to the first or the second or third, etc., levels, then they understand each other, but from other levels they do not understand each other, because either they have not grown to that level or have outgrown that level and it seems to them that this is already a passed stage, but because of this misunderstanding, abuse, scandals and wars occur, and again it turns out to be a dead end ...! ".
And yet, thank you for your feedback, as it takes patience and time to read such a long story!
Good luck in your creative field!
Best regards, Svetlana.

Mikhail Rechkin

Perhaps this is one of the greatest secrets of the world, which must be revealed as quickly as possible, for delay is like death! This secret is associated with Western Siberia (north of the Omsk region). Here, on the site of an ancient sanctuary, a powerful anomalous energy center was discovered. According to the greatest prophet of the twentieth century, Edgar Cayce, it is Western Siberia that will become the new Noah's ark.

Fifteen years ago, a seemingly inconspicuous event took place in a small Siberian girl Okunevo: her population increased by one person. This villager was the foreigner Rasma Rosite. Now there are legends about her appearance in Okunevo. As if Rasma came to Okunevo on foot from ... India, where she spent three years in the ashram (spiritual community) of Sathya Sai Baba and another 8 years in the ashram of Shri Babaji in Hairakan. Babaji's successor, Muniraji, told Rasma that there is a place in Siberia associated with Hanuman, the great Rama's faithful assistant, and she must certainly find him in the interests of Russia and the whole world. In this sacred place there is a communication channel with the cosmos, which must have time to be discovered and activated before it closes.



Ancient Indian legends say that Rama brought his people to the Indian subcontinent from the territory of Western Siberia. The reason was allegedly a certain planetary catastrophe that broke out on Earth thousands of years ago, as a result of which the climate in Siberia changed dramatically. Fleeing from the cold, the blue-eyed tall ancestors of the Slavs - the Aryans were forced to leave for the southern lands. They brought their highest culture and Vedic knowledge obtained from the depths of space to India.

According to Rasma, a majestic temple once stood near the present Okunev - the very "place" associated with the wisest and most powerful Hanuman.

To some, everything that I have outlined above will seem fantastic. But in the former Soviet Union, there was a super-closed research institute that was engaged in the study of sacred places like Okunev, with the aim of using them as means of distant space communication. Moreover, in the summer of 1947, a secret research expedition was working near Okunevo.

I'm lucky. I was born 27 km from Okunevo. At first, he was very skeptical about the mission of Rasma (spiritual name - Rajni). Our places are low-lying, swampy, and imagine that a temple once stood here ... No, thank you! And archaeologists have resolutely rejected the likelihood of the existence in the distant past in these parts of a civilization capable of erecting such sanctuaries.

Once in Nizhnevartovsk, where I lived at that time, I happened to meet the clairvoyant Olga Gurbanovich. To make sure of Olga's abilities, I decided to test her. The very first answers to my two purely personal questions shocked me so much that I was in a state of prostration for some time, but then, pulling myself together, I continued testing.

In my small homeland there is a small lake Danilovo with amazingly clear healing water that does not deteriorate for years. "Does the water of this lake really have healing properties, or is it an invention of local residents?" - I asked the third question.

The answer was as follows: “The water of this lake has unique healing qualities, but Danilovo is not one, there are five such lakes! They are located at approximately equal distance from each other in the form of the letter "G". The happiest person will be the one who finds the fifth - the magic one! - Lake. Since the water not only heals, but also rejuvenates ... To do this, you need to consistently plunge into the water of each lake, ending with the fifth - magical ... "

For a while, I was stunned by silence, then with difficulty I uttered:

- T-This is very similar to the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse".

“Prophetic” Olga, looking at me intently, gave out (received from above) the message: “You are earthlings, you are too frivolous about your fairy tales, legends, myths and traditions, meanwhile hidden in them are hidden knowledge, unclouded by time. You just need to learn how to decipher them ... "

But this is just the beginning!

According to Olga Gurbanovich, the healing properties of the water of the five lakes are explained not simply by the content of certain microelements.

- In that area, in ancient times, there was a temple of indescribable beauty, which had seven domes, and each dome had its own purpose. The temple is both a spiritual and scientific center. In its main hall was an unearthly Jewel, which served as a means of distant space communication. Now the observatory temple is hidden underground. You must definitely find it!

- What does this Jewel look like?

- This is an octahedral crystal about 1.2 m high, pinkish-lilac tones. He must be found. This is an Artificial Intelligence of the highest level, created outside the Earth. With its help, you can establish communication with other worlds. This is its main purpose. The energy concentrated in it is capable of covering almost all of Western Siberia with a protective energy shield. The importance of the Crystal for modern civilization is enormous - it is our salvation, since humanity is on the verge of self-destruction! The first warning "call" should be expected at the end of 2004. Then the time for the vital decision will begin to shrink like pebbled skin. The task is further complicated by the fact that four "rays" are separated from the main crystal, which are located in the area of ​​healing lakes, it is thanks to their energy that the water acquired healing properties. These fragments need to be found and the integrity of the Crystal restored!

So Olga Gurbanovich (regardless of Rasma Rosite!) Took me to the Okunevsky temple and the "Channel of Cosmic Communication".

In the summer of 1998, I organized the first exploration expedition, and in July 2000, a group of Moscow geophysicists headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences Alexander Zaitsev left for the Okunev area.

Surprisingly, in 1942, five-year-old Sasha Zaitsev and his mother were evacuated from Moscow to the village of Kormilovka (near Omsk), where he contracted tuberculosis, complicated by dystrophy. The old doctor told his mother that it was impossible to save his son, except perhaps to take him to the village of Okunevo: there is supposedly a place where people are healed.

So Alexander Zaitsev faced the Okunev anomalous miracle for the first time! And then (almost by accident!) He met me in huge Moscow. I, in turn, managed to find a sponsor, thanks to which the arrival of Zaitsev's group to the research site became possible!

But, before starting field research, I contacted Academician V.P. Kaznacheev, a world-renowned scientist. He advised to start research work by attracting people with supersensitive abilities to it, since the scientific tools for studying such things and phenomena are far from perfect.

I did just that. With the help of special testing, I selected five such senses, and they (and Olga Gurbanovich) mapped out the places near Okunevo that the scientists and I were supposed to explore.

Comprehensive geophysical studies have shown that a powerful anomalous zone is indeed functioning in the interfluve of the Tara and Irtysh rivers. Gravitational and electromagnetic anomalies are noted here. And seismic scanning of the earth's horizons showed that there is "something" at a depth of 12-18 m. In any case, the devices recorded a unique phenomenon - the waveguide effect! Here is how A.S. Zaitsev.

- Once on a seismogram, strange signals were recorded with a duration of 10 milliseconds at an average frequency of 127 hertz. It is known that such acoustic phenomena plunge Indian yogis into a state of trance, in which they perform their miracles ... We recorded such signals with an almost continuous amplitude. Not everyone is capable of picking up this signal. My colleague Alexei Voznesensky, a man with perfect pitch, once started dancing around the seismic equipment. “There is some kind of musical disturbance, like an organ with a metallic sound. I didn't even write it down, ”he explained his strange behavior. "Write down urgently!" I demanded. The classical seismic survey does not explain such signals.

Our senses (by the way, living in different cities) stated that there is a very ancient tunnel in this place. The next year, geophysicists and geologists re-examined this mysterious place. But I decided to play it safe and brought here two groups of Omsk geophysicists with more advanced equipment, capable of "looking" at depths of 50 and 100 meters. The result was confirmed!

I would like to note that, in addition to Moscow and Omsk geophysicists, biophysicists, physicians and geologists, Novosibirsk medical scientists took part in seven research expeditions conducted in 2000-2007. As a result, eight mysterious objects were discovered underground, and unique results were obtained on a comprehensive study of five healing lakes. Geophysicists and geologists came to the conclusion that the objects discovered are most likely of artificial origin, and the water of the lakes really has healing properties. But in order to interpret the discovered objects, there was a need for exploration drilling.

What can it give?

If a core dug to the surface turns out to be with a stone, which, according to geological data, is not here, or even better: a column of ancient concrete is found in the drilling tool! some ancient structure. But drilling, alas, has not yet been carried out due to lack of funding.

And finally, the main question! Is it possible to find the desired Crystal in one of the ancient structures?

Perhaps. Since the following facts serve as an indirect confirmation of the existence of the Crystal: on a summer afternoon in 1958, in a meadow near Okunev, 7-year-old Luda and 4-year-old Nina Pastushenko observed a powerful light column emanating from the earth to the sky. (During the expeditions, we recorded such glowing on photographic film). It is possible that these luminescences are somehow connected with the Crystal.

The fact that the Crystal can really exist was pointed out by Nostradamus. Here is his prophetic quatrain:

A great holiday will bring

Tartarians Fiery horse,

Rushing for the first time

On the third way,

Hoofs lifting the ground

And thus revealing

An unearthly value

Hidden deep in the bowels

It turns out that the country of Great Tartary was located on the territory of present-day Western Siberia, naturally, the Tartars should be understood as Russians, and the third path is easily guessed at the third millennium, where the Fiery Horse falls on 2026.

An amazing coincidence! After all, Olga Gurbanovich originally called the Crystal an unearthly jewel hidden underground ...

And yet, could there be a Crystal with truly fantastic properties?

It turns out that US scientists conducted a unique Scholes experiment, initiated by the spouses Robin and Sandra Foy. Through their friend-medium, they received recommendations from the other world, in which they told how to conduct sessions on contact with spirits. The scientist spouses took advantage of them.

... Later, several prominent world-famous scientists and several reputable organizations, in particular, such as NASA, the Institute of Intellectual Sciences and the International Scientific Medical Network, joined the research. In addition, work was carried out not only in the United States, but also in Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland. They carried out an experiment which they called "The Essence of the Crystal." The spirits showed scientists a hologram of a shining crystal that appeared in a bowl on a table, which then took on physical form, and the researchers were even able to touch it.

The materials of the Scholes experiment verification have been published in both scientific and popular literature and are known all over the world.

In addition, the following information was obtained by contact: “The ripening of the greatest energy carrier is coming to an end on Earth. Mineral. A crystal that will completely change the system, principle and technology of the planet's energy supply. This crystal will be found, discovered and studied almost simultaneously on all continents. Non-radioactive, it will provide people with pure, life-giving energy for the next thousand years. The destruction of natural resources will stop on Earth: the extraction of oil, gas, coal, peat, shale and other raw materials. The use of nuclear fuel will cease. The new energy carrier will cause new technical ideas to be implemented: new engines and propellers, new means of production and transportation, new consumer and household products. Science will step into the depths of the new energy. Accordingly, the environment will be cleansed, healthier, and environmental problems will be solved. A person will live much longer ... Wars will stop! The crystal will bring new thinking! "

Of course, it's hard to believe in this, but the ancients warned: everything imaginable is permissible!

Now about the observatory temple!

In 1963, after a flood, under the steep bank of Tara, two mirror-polished light gray stone slabs were discovered, which, alas, turned out to be lost, although there are many eyewitnesses who saw the slabs. And since I have known some of them for many years, and I talked to each of them separately, I have a whole picture of how and when they were discovered. Therefore, I had no doubts. Moreover, the Okunevites (in connection with the artifacts found) appealed to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, but: neither an answer, nor the arrival of scientists, they did not wait.

To this we can add that all sorts of anomalous phenomena and frequent UFO sightings in the vicinity of Okunevo have been observed constantly for decades, and archaeological excavations have been conducted here since the 30s, and have already acquired global significance! But archaeologists don't dig deeper than two meters. And according to Olga Gurbanovich, who visited the vicinity of Okunevo in 2000, there is a very ancient city under a layer of sedimentary rocks! If this city can be discovered, what the great Vanga predicted will come true: "An ancient city will be excavated, which will turn the idea of ​​people about the ancient worlds!" And it will not just turn it upside down, it turns out that the civilization that perished as a result of a planetary catastrophe significantly surpassed the modern one! ancestors. In the "capsule" we will supposedly find recommendations, upon adherence to which, one can either completely avoid the disaster, or survive it according to a milder version, that is, with the least losses.

It makes sense to return to Shri Babaji, the spiritual teacher of Rasma Rosita (Rajni). “It is known that during the entire period of Shri Babaji's stay in the physical body from 1970 to 1984, not a single person from Russia met him. Nevertheless, Shri Babaji often spoke about the future of Russia, in the most unequivocal manner hinting that the center of world spirituality will soon move to Russia. Edgar Cayce said the same! Moreover, he spoke about Russia with great love and great hope, although (like Babaji) he had never been to Russia. And one more important point! Babaji and Casey directly pointed to Western Siberia as a special place ... The great seer Casey predicted that Western Siberia would become a kind of Ark of mankind.

If we turn to the warnings of these two great people, then one of Babaji's prophecies sounds like a sentence: “Some countries are doomed, they have no future. Most of America will also be destroyed. Russia will survive ... By God's grace, Russia has always been protected. Peace will be established in Russia ”.

A very similar providence was issued by Edgar Cayce, in which he emphasized that "it is Russia that is destined to become at the origins of a new civilization on our planet."

I will say more! The foresight of Babaji and Casey about a future global catastrophe was confirmed in the Address of more than 1600 leading scientists of the world, dated November 18, 1992. Here's what those, among whom more than half are Nobel laureates, warned about:

“Human society and nature have entered into a state of contradiction. Human activities cause enormous and often irreparable damage to the environment and vital resources. If we do not take control of many of our daily actions, then they will seriously jeopardize the future that we desire for the human and animal kingdoms, and can change the living world so much that it will not be able to support life in the form in which we are. we know. Fundamental changes are urgently needed if we are to avoid the collisions that our current course may lead to. ”

This warning document further lists the most critical situations: pollution of waters, oceans, soil, atmosphere, extinction of plants and animals, and overpopulation of the planet by humans. It is firmly stated: “There are no more than one or several decades left before the chance to prevent the threats we are now confronting will be lost and the prospects for humanity will immeasurably diminish ... human suffering and irreparable damage to our common home on this planet. "
About the author:


Rechkin Mikhail Nikolaevich

(born in 1950 in the village of Muromtsevo, Omsk region)

Corresponding Member of the Academy of Theoretical Problems,

Member of the Writers' Union of Russia,

Participant of the 8th (1988) and 10th (1990) All-Russian conferences of young essay writers in Pitsunda;

Laureate of the Year of the ECO magazine for the best essay (1986);

Laureate of the Year of the magazine "Nature and Man" for the best novel (1990);

Laureate of the Year of the newspaper "My family" (2007);

Awarded with a commemorative medal of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation “A.P. Chekhov "(2010);

Chief Editor of the "Unannounced Visit" magazine

"IZLOM" (Moscow, 1991), essays, stories;
"WAIT FOR ME AT Dawn", (Mozhaisk, 1993), essays, stories, story;
"OKUNYOVSKY ARK" (Moscow, 1998), essays;
"UNInvented Stories" (Moscow, 1998), stories.
"OKUNYOVSKY ARK" (Moscow, 2003), second edition (supplemented).
"SIBERIA WILL SAVE HUMANITY ?!" Volume I "Ascent to Truth".
"SIBERIA WILL SAVE HUMANITY ?!" Volume II "Okunevsky Crystal - the Pearl of Russia".
"SIBERIA WILL SAVE HUMANITY ?!" Volume III "Flight over time".
"SIBERIA WILL SAVE HUMANITY ?!" Volume IV "At the edge of the abyss."

They say that the time of miracles will soon come, and we will witness many amazing archaeological discoveries that can radically change our understanding of the ancient worlds ... They say it is so predetermined. At the same time, they say that the area of ​​ice in the Arctic has been greatly decreasing for several years in a row, and this pace will gain unpredictable momentum in the near future. And if this trend continues, there will be no ice at all in the Arctic by 2060.

Scientists believe that such an outcome is the result of global warming, and the threshold has already been crossed, and there is no going back. Some even predict a faster melting of the ice covering the world's oceans - in less than ten years.

And as the ongoing events show - tsunamis, superhurganes, earthquakes - the global world cataclysm, about the inevitability of which the seers warned and warned, began to gain momentum.

Of significant value are the predictions of Edgar Cayce, who lived in the middle of the last century. It seems that humanity will be able to verify their truth in the coming decades.

According to unverified information in the early thirties of the last century, long before the hype around UFOs and aliens, in one of his long trance sessions, Casey found himself on board an unknown unearthly ship with creatures that could move in time and space. And it was they who showed him our planet as it will look in the middle of our century from space. Before Casey passed the Japanese and American coasts, including Los Angeles, as well as San Francisco and even northern Europe. They all lay in ruins. According to aliens, these ruins are not the consequences of wars, but what these regions will turn into as a result of the shift of ocean bottom tectonic plates - a giant natural disaster. And although the exact date was not given by the aliens, according to Casey, the catastrophe will occur in the middle of this century.

The "incomplete" end of the world, according to the aliens, will not affect only the very massive continental ocean plate, the one on which Russia is located, and it will be she who will be destined to stand at the origins of the history of a new civilization on Earth.

By the way, the visionary Daniil Andreev expressed a very similar idea, moreover, he even noted that by the time of the cataclysm all those who truly believe will gather in Siberia.

And almost a hundred years ago, Max Handel defined the same mission for Russia at the beginning of the third millennium. According to him, at the moment the planet Uranus enters the sign of Aquarius, the Slavic race and the Russian people will be in such a degree of their spiritual development that they will be able to advance much higher than their current state. Unfortunately, the existence of such a Slavic race will be very short-lived, but soon, according to the law of compensation, a people will emerge from it, which will become the last of the subraces living in the Aryan era. It is the Slavic civilization that will be the stronghold for the development of the sixth of the races of mankind.

The same is said in the ancient Vedic prophecy, which says that northern Shambhala will be destined to play a major role in the salvation of mankind.

However, long before Casey, Andreev or Handel, such a future for Russia was predicted by Paracelsus, who was not only a healer, but also a prophet. Four centuries ago, he predicted that the people who are called Hyperboreans, and its current name is Muscovy, will experience a terrible decline and an incredible rise, and one should not believe its plight. The Hyperboreans will fall three times and rise three times, and in their land, in the country of Hyperboreans, the Great Holy Cross will shine. And it will happen in 2041. And this cross will be visible to all inhabitants of the Earth. And then the Golden Age will begin.

The same Edgar Cayce, who, although he had never seen Russia, but spoke of it with great love, in addition to his prophetic statements, said that it was in our country that a great and true source of freedom would be born.

The famous not only in our country philosopher, traveler and writer Vadim Burlak, in one of his books bearing the iconic title "The Wrath of the Planet", spoke of a certain wanderer who has been wandering the Siberian lands for more than five decades in search of the place of the heavenly fire. According to him, during its existence Siberia has already experienced omen blows eight times. And, according to this wanderer, soon there will be the last - the ninth blow, which will not harm Siberia itself, since the alien from outer space will disintegrate into several parts. The main blows will fall on distant countries, and a world cataclysm will begin. And in Siberia, which will find itself in the most advantageous position on the planet, streams of people will rush in search of salvation.

But what is happening now in this Russian region, which is predicted to play the role of a new ark? Nothing good: firstly, the climate has changed, moving from a sharply continental belt to a mild continental one, with the makings of a subtropical one. Taiga is actively entering the tundra. The habitual habitat of many birds and animals, established for centuries, has changed, and now all new species are beginning to master the expanses of Siberia.

For example, in the west of Siberia, you can already meet a raccoon dog, which had never lived in these places before, but lived in the southeast of Asia. Of course, presumably we can say that she just acclimatized here, but how then can one explain such a miracle as the appearance of flamingos and pelicans on the lakes of Siberia?

Secondly, according to many sources of information, including publications on the Internet, some scientists - consultants and advisers to presidents or prominent political figures of various states express the opinion that the future forecast of the evolution of mankind should be started taking into account the improvement of the situation in Siberia.

By the way, this part of Russia has attracted the attention of many European countries, which understand that the situation in the future is by no means in favor of the climate on the European part of the continent.

However, the United States authorities began to show the greatest interest in Siberia. And this is quite understandable if we try to predict a rapidly developing pre-catastrophic situation. Back in the thirties of the last century, the same Casey wrote to the then President Roosevelt that America needed to redeem Western Siberia from the USSR, since it was this region that was destined to become the second "Noah's Ark" for us - humanity at the beginning of the next century.

But what can the Americans do? After all, they are unlikely to be able to buy Siberia, but they may well start moving slowly closer to Siberia. And it is likely that this process is already beginning.

Some of our compatriots say that they have already received some warnings from the "Subtle World" and therefore have begun to take certain actions. For example, who arrived in Siberian Okunevo from distant Kamchatka, which, alas, will certainly die, Dmitry Azarov creates huge reserves of food intended for future refugees. And Leonid Koloshin built a library with his own money in the Uimonskaya Valley in Altai, in which about one hundred thousand books are already concentrated at the moment. In his opinion, this will allow not to lose important knowledge after the disaster.

Maybe many people think that all of the above is just another delirium or savagery, but ... and if the timer has already started counting down and there is a certain amount of time left before the disaster.

Academician Vladimir Zubov once warned that mankind must be prepared for the coming disasters, and if we remember that the distant biblical Noah also warned his fellow citizens about the coming flood, then a lot falls into place. Alas, they only laughed at Noah, and it turns out that since then humanity has not grown wiser at all. And do you really have to build a new Ark?

Many years ago, in the small village of Okunevo in Siberia, a strange event happened: an Indian woman appeared in the village, who came to Okunevo on foot from distant India. She belonged to the spiritual community of the famous Indian guru Shri Babaji, who told her that there is a place in Siberia associated with the assistant of the great god Rama - Hanuman, and ordered her to find him for the whole world. In this Siberian sacred place, there is supposedly a channel of communication with distant space, which must have time to be discovered and must be activated before it finally closes.

Many Indian legends say that the god Rama brought the Indian people to Hindustan from Western Siberia. And the reason for this was a planetary catastrophe that broke out many millennia ago. As a result of the catastrophe, the climate in Siberia completely changed, and, trying to escape from the cold, the tall blue-eyed ancestors of the Slavic brothers - the Aryans - were forced to leave for the southern lands, taking with them the Vedic knowledge gained from space.

According to Babaji, it was here, near Okunev, that there was once a temple - a "place" that is associated with Hanuman. And it was in this temple that a Jewel of unearthly origin was hidden, which served as an instrument of cosmic communication. Now this temple is hidden deep underground, but it is imperative to find it in order to find this jewel - the famous Okunev crystal, considered a high-level artificial intelligence, which was created not on Earth, but beyond its borders.

They say that the main purpose of the crystal is to protect the entire Western Siberia with the help of the energy concentrated in it. This energy, supposedly, should cover the whole of Siberia with its protective shield.

It turns out that the Crystal is salvation for us. It was about him that Shri Babaji spoke about the future of our country, unequivocally claiming that the world center of spirituality will move to it. Casey had foreseen the same.

Moreover, Babaji's words sound like a verdict that many countries are simply doomed, they have no future, even most of America, while Russia will remain, because it is protected by the grace of God.

More than one thousand six hundred of the world's leading scientists have joined Babaji's or Casey's predictions of a future catastrophe. They spoke about this in their Address in November 1992.

You can talk about this for a long time, you can write books, articles, make films, but alas: time has passed and now there is no time for films and novels.
In 1999, during a solar eclipse, scientists recorded a change in the directions of the vectors of the Earth's electromagnetic radiation to the opposite. And what Cayce once said happened: the poles of the Earth began to move. Moreover, if in 2000 the displacement of the North Pole was twenty kilometers, then in 2001 it was already forty, the speed of movement doubled. The North Pole is heading towards Eastern Siberia, and this is already an irreversible process. The situation, in the opinion of many, can only be changed by the Okunev treasure. It must be said that the disclosure of this phenomenon has been of interest to scientists for a very long time: several expeditions were created in the direction of the Murom region, where Okunevo is located, but the Crystal has not yet been found. And time goes by ...

In conclusion, I would like to add that there will be those who will perceive everything that has been said as nonsense or fiction, but, as pessimists say, all the same, the places in the Ark will be limited, so the business of the drowning ...

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