Osteoarthritis of the 2nd degree treatment with folk remedies. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint treatment with folk remedies. What is osteoarthritis

In order to understand how unpleasant it is to have such a disease, it is necessary to clarify that the disease itself called arthrosis is a change in the cartilaginous surface in the joint. Having cracked, the cartilage does not perform its function of shock absorption and the next stage of the onset of bone changes begins ( bone tissue). This is not only unpleasant, but also painful. It is at this moment that a person begins to think about how to cure osteoarthritis. knee joint folk remedies and by means of traditional medicine.

The latter, of course, are prescribed by the doctor, but you can prepare the folk remedies for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint and help yourself in this situation.

What can be done by the patient at this stage or how to treat osteoarthritis of the knee joint with folk remedies?

Changes that have occurred already at the stage of destruction lead to muscle disorders. In addition, the joint, capsule and ligaments with degenerative disorders in them are involved in the process. All this leads not only to discomfort, dysfunction of movement, and, most importantly, a signal of such a serious problem - pain. It is from it that it is necessary to get rid of at the beginning of treatment with folk remedies for osteoarthritis of the knee joints, and at the same time to achieve an increase in trophism at the local level. This is appropriate at any stage of the disease, which can be the first, second and third.

The incipient state of dystrophic changes in the bone junction area is a complex problem that can be solved with the help of internal and external use in osteoarthritis of the knee joint of folk remedies. And this means that there is a hard way to achieve the result.

To achieve a positive result you will need:

  • ointments, tinctures and compresses with a composition of natural substances.

With action:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain relievers;
  • and warming.

Only in this way it will be possible to achieve the result of restoring the disturbed processes of local nutrition, and, accordingly, reducing pain.

Recipes that can be prepared for osteoarthritis of the knee for treatment with folk remedies

  • Dandelion hats are used in the form of an alcohol blank. The tincture is prepared from 20 flowers washed under running water. Poured 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol stand for one month in a cool place, in which there is no direct hit sunlight... The finished tincture during the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint with folk remedies is impregnated with gauze and tied to the place of pain at night. This procedure is carried out for one month. And even if the pain goes away, you shouldn't stop making compresses.
  • Celandine oil. The action for osteoarthritis of the knee joint in the treatment of a folk remedy for such a medicinal plant will help to stop the disease. Considering that this plant, in case of an overdose, even rubbed into the skin, can cause an undesirable reaction, therefore, it is necessary to observe the proportion. This will require several plucked branches from 3-4 celandine bushes. The bushes should not have any spots or dry processes on the leaves so that the inner juice has a constant composition. Plucked bushes are crushed. The resulting mass in the amount of 3 tablespoons. placed in a liter container or jar and filled with oil, preferably best quality... After mixing, leave the liquid in a dark place for 3 weeks. After the liquid is filtered and rubbed into the knee before going to bed for 20 minutes. The procedure takes a month.

  • Grated horseradish compress. Horseradish grated on a fine grater is placed in water brought to a boil in a water bath and simmered over very low heat for several minutes. The water after you put it there, the horseradish should not boil, otherwise everything active substances evaporate. After cooling the mass to 37-38 ° C, it is applied in the form of a compress on the knee, with fixing with a warm cloth. If you don't have fresh green parts of celandine on hand, you can use the dried root.
  • An effective tincture of camphor and bodyagi for deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint in the treatment of folk remedies. In a darkened container, the following components are connected: 1sl.l. ammonia, 100 ml 96% alcohol, 1 tbsp. turpentine, 1 tbsp. oil (vegetable), 1 tbsp. vinegar, 10gr bodyagi, 1 tbsp. camphor. Leave the mixture for two days, shaking it occasionally. Apply the composition to the skin at night, after which you can wrap your leg with a warm cloth for a warming effect at the site of pain.

Other means

  1. Did not have time to prepare to eliminate pain in osteoarthritis of the knee joint in treatment, treatment with folk remedies can be carried out by the most in a simple way by picking a burdock leaf or finding a cabbage leaf at home. After slightly kneading it with your hands, just apply it on your leg for at least 2-3 hours. This simple method will reduce pain and inflammation.
  2. Folk remedies for osteoarthritis of the knee joint include ginger tea, which enhances the delivery of nutrients to the affected area, due to improved metabolism. Its essential oils can help relieve inflammation in the knee. In addition, the plant is in one of the first places among immunostimulating active substances.
  3. Lemon with garlic and celery are chopped in a conventional meat grinder. Three citrus fruits with peel, 120g of garlic and 250g of celery (root part) are suitable. The mixture is poured with boiling water in a 3-liter jar. After 12 hours, the composition is ready for use 3 times a day before meals. The composition is stored in the refrigerator and taken for 3 months if inflammation and pain exists. This is a simple but effective composition for osteoarthritis of the knees in the treatment of folk remedies.
  4. Honey wraps are also suitable when the disease has passed to the second stage. Such a folk remedy for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee is also very simple, but at the same time effective at any stage. Honey heated in a bath is combined with 0.5 glass of radish juice, 1 tbsp. salt, 0.5 glass of dry red wine. This is one of the ways how to treat osteoarthritis of the knee joints with folk remedies, when pain is constantly present. The composition is applied for 30 minutes and wrapped in a warm cloth.

Herbal fees

  • №1 ... Calendula flowers, birch leaves, elderberry, juniper berries, nettle leaves, willow bark, buckthorn and horsetail are taken in the same quantity. Having insisted all the components, the composition is taken orally for 2 months.
  • №2. Chamomile, immortelle, corn silk, yarrow, immortelle are used as folk remedies for osteoarthritis of the knee joint in dry form in equal amounts. The crushed components are poured with boiling water (1 glass) and infused for two hours. A collection of 0.5 cups is used before meals.

Anyone who believes that only doctors can help with osteoarthritis of the knee joint are simply too lazy to do something. Of course, consultation is needed in order for the treatment to be beneficial and not harm you. Otherwise, traditional medicine will help to suspend and maintain the result that has been achieved for a long time. Comprehensive treatment will help you defeat the knee joint as much as possible, so let's not hesitate and proceed with the time-tested effective advice.

Pain is a constant companion of this disease.

Let's start with what we recall. Knee osteoarthritis is a joint disease in which cartilage tissue is destroyed. Its destruction leads to the fact that the joint gradually loses its motor function. Moreover, the more the disease develops, the more pain it brings to the patient.

Disadvantages and advantages of treatment with alternative methods


  • As with any treatment in traditional medicine, there is contraindications... But they are rather individual in nature. For example, allergy to certain components. Therefore, if you have an undesirable reaction, it is worth stopping the reception or the procedures that caused it.
  • Also, the minus is that it is necessary to make lotions and drink decoctions often and for a long time. Which can significantly reduce the time for other tasks. On the other hand, if the disease returns or worsens, you simply will not have the strength to do other things because of the pain.
  • Not all folk remedies are compatible with each other and with medicines. For this, consultation with the attending physician is necessary. He will help you decide what is right for you and what is not.

Each person is different! And that folk remedy that helped one can harm another!


  • Cheap and sometimes just free. After all, some herbs grow in our garden or in the garden. But! Before collecting, make sure that they have not been chemically treated and are away from the road. After all, herbs can accumulate not only nutrients.
  • Acts gently on the body;
  • A minimum of side effects;
  • Can be used for prophylaxis;
  • In general, decoctions taste good and can simply replace tea or coffee.

To stop osteoarthritis of the knee joint, treatment with folk remedies is not enough. It is necessary to listen to and follow the instructions of the attending physician.

How is knee osteoarthritis treated?

It's pretty simple. Choose from a great variety of proposed tools, those that will be easier for you to do. And you go to a doctor's consultation. When you discuss with your doctor, you can start using them to overcome osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Treatment with folk remedies is not difficult - just follow the recipes and do as recommended.

Folk remedies for osteoarthritis of the knee joint are presented in a huge variety. And their effects on the body are also different from each other.

Tinctures and decoctions for oral administration

To strengthen blood vessels and relieve pain:

  • Grind freshly harvested purslane. Add a glass to one tablespoon of the herb cold water... Boil for 10 minutes and leave for 2 hours. Strain. Drink 3-4 times a day, 1-2 tablespoons.
  • Pour vodka over the inshell pine nuts. Insist 2 weeks. Use a teaspoon 3 times a day before taking. The same tincture can be used to rub sore spots.
  • Pour boiling water over the cedar shell. Take half a glass half an hour before meals.

Knee rub

Rubbing, which has a warming effect, helps in healing. They promote blood flow, and accordingly, the nutrition of the cartilage improves, which is very good for osteoarthritis of the knee joint. They are easy to make at home.

  • Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of castor oil, 1 tbsp. spoon gum turpentine... Rub the knee joint with this mixture 2 times (!) A week before bedtime.
  • Make a tincture of a pond of red pods hot pepper and 0.5 liters. vodka. Insist from 9 days or more. Then we rub the sore joint.

Rubbing to help relieve pain:

  • Pour about 2-3 cm of liquid honey into a 0.5 bottle, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Place the open bottle in the forest anthill, and when the ants are on the floor of the bottle, pour it vegetable oil by preheating it to 70 degrees. Close tightly and insist for two weeks in a dark place. Strain and lubricate the sore spot, then wrap it up warmly.

Using compresses

Compresses for osteoarthritis will help some to relieve pain and relieve spasm of the muscles of the knee joint. And some nourish the joint with useful substances. Yes, their concentration is not very high, but with constant use they give very good result... And in conjunction with drug treatment, they can enhance each other's actions.

The knee joint is very mobile. Therefore, the compress should be done in a calm position: sitting or lying down.

To relieve pain syndrome:

  • In an oven at a temperature of 60-70 degrees, heat freshly picked purple lilac flowers until droplets appear (about 10 minutes). Then put everything on gauze (bandage), wrap the knee.
  • Take a burdock leaf. Mash it up. Attach to the knee and fix it. Wrap with a bandage.
  • Pork internal fat melt and coat the knee very well on all sides. Wrap with cloth.

You can watch some more useful recipes in the video.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint, prevention

In order not to think about how to cure osteoarthritis, take care of your knee joints . Do not overload and injure them if possible. Do not neglect moderate loads.

It will also help. Add jellied meat and jelly to your diet. They contain building material for cartilage tissue. He will support him and not let him collapse.

Drink plenty of water. You can also sometimes drink tea from yarrow and nine-force, raspberry. There is dandelion jam.

Being healthy all the time is not easy, but the treatment is even more difficult. Monitor the condition of your knee joints and see your doctor at the slightest sign of osteoarthritis.

Deforming osteoarthritis of the knee (DOA) joint is a disease in which the function of the articular cartilage is impaired. At the same time, the amount of lubricating fluid decreases, processes appear on the bones, which interfere with the normal functioning of the knees. As a result, the owner of such knees gets painful sensations, stiffness and tension.

This disease has three stages. The first stage can be detected by a person who carefully takes care of their health, but in most cases the problem is revealed during a physical examination.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree should be carried out urgently, immediately after its diagnosis. Otherwise, the disease develops into the third degree and then the patient gets a disability, suffers from incessant pain and immobility.

Symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree DOA

How to define this disease in yourself?

The second stage of development is expressed by noticeable symptoms, which a person is no longer able to ignore. This is the height of the disease, accompanied by constant symptoms that do not leave the patient even during periods of rest. X-ray images clearly show the deformation of the articular cartilage, the affected areas of the bone, general deformation, a noticeable narrowing of the joint space, and foci of inflammation.

At the second stage, the patient begins to complain of the following symptoms:

  • persistent knee pain, regardless of physical activity;
  • pain in the calf muscle at night;
  • noticeable deformation of the joint;
  • inability to fully bend or straighten the leg at the knee;
  • edema;
  • crunch when moving.

If you notice similar symptoms that characterize the second degree, seek help from a rheumatologist. Timely detection of the disease will help to avoid possible problems in future.

It depends on whether you can walk and whether you have to go under the surgeon's knife when solving a problem with an operation.

Reasons for the development of osteoarthritis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree

What are the reasons for the appearance of such a disease?

There are several main causes of this disease. The risk group includes mainly elderly women with overweight, however, there are often cases of "young" osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

Here are the main reasons for DOA.

  1. Age. The older a person is, the more likely they are to find this problem. There is nothing strange about this. The joint, like any organ, has its own lifespan. When it wears out, it needs to be repaired using a variety of methods.
  2. Excess weight. The legs and knees in particular have a lot of stress. The higher the body weight, the stronger it is. As a result, the joint begins to malfunction, its deformation and inflammation begin.
  3. Hormonal imbalance. In many ways, health depends on the correct production of hormones. If such a balance is not observed, the deregulation of the work of various systems begins, the metabolism is disturbed, and immunity decreases. Women most often fall under this reason. Childbirth, menopause often lead to a disorder of the hormonal system.
  4. Injuries and great physical exertion. Passion for sports does not pass without a trace. Constant stress on the knee joints, for example, when cycling or lifting a barbell, does the trick. The knee collapses, leading to osteoarthritis.
  5. Inconvenient shoes. Heels, or lack of them at all, can also often cause illness. Especially it concerns overweight women loving stiletto heels.

The reason may also be the peculiarities of the profession, heredity, lack of vitamins. There are times when doctors cannot say why deforming osteoarthritis of the DOA developed.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint 2 stages by alternative methods

If you are fond of traditional medicine, then your knowledge and skills in this area must be applied in treatment. Just remember that this treatment is not always enough to completely heal from DOA.

The best option would be the simultaneous use of various methods of therapy:

  • medicines, including pain relievers, anti-inflammatory
    medicines, chondroprotectors;
  • therapeutic physical training complex, consisting of restorative exercises;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • adherence to the correct diet;
  • taking essential vitamins.

Of course, you can add funds here. traditional medicine... Before starting such treatment, be sure to consult with your doctor, some plants can cause resonance with the medications taken, and this is dangerous.

Here are some easy recipes.


  1. Prepare cabbage leaves for a compress and pour boiling water over them. Attach them to the sore spot, fix them on top with a bandage and a warm woolen shawl or scarf. Leave it for two hours, then remove the compress and wrap it again with a warm cloth for several hours.
  2. Compress from lilac leaves. Apply slightly crumpled lilac leaves in the same way to the joint. Instead, plantain is also used.
  3. Compress from Dimexidum. Dilute Dimexide with clean, slightly warmed water one to one. Soak a piece of clean gauze in the resulting solution, attach it to your knee, wrap it with polyethylene, and secure it with a woolen scarf on top. Walk for two hours.
  4. Herbal compress. Chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine, calendula, lemon balm, juniper are suitable for these purposes. Brew the broth using one tablespoon of dried plants per glass of boiling water. Dampen gauze in a cooled, but not cold, means and apply to the joint. Secure the top with plastic foil and a warm cloth. Leave the compress overnight.


  1. Ointment from birch buds. Birch buds must be crushed in a coffee grinder and put into a small saucepan. Turn on a low heat, add beaver (preferably) or pork fat to the container in a ratio of one to one. Heat for 10 minutes in a water bath, stirring thoroughly with a wooden spatula. Pour the finished mixture into a glass container and put in the refrigerator. Use two to three times a day for a month.
  2. Propolis and wormwood ointment.

To prepare it you will need:

  • two tablespoons of chopped dried wormwood;
  • five drops of propolis tincture;
  • three tablespoons of vegetable oil, preferably olive oil.

In a water bath for ten minutes, wormwood and oil should be heated, and then add propolis tincture. Mix thoroughly and refrigerate. Treatment: use as an ointment or under a compress.

  1. Mustard ointment.

Prepare for this means:

  • 1 tablespoon mustard powder
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 2 tablespoons of butter.

All ingredients must be mixed and heated in a water bath for 10 minutes. Use as a compress or rub overnight. During the procedure, you will feel warmth, this mustard acts.

Also, for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint, it is recommended to drink herbal tea.

The successful treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint with folk remedies (as well as medicines, gymnastics) depends on several factors. These nuances are determined by the attending physician only after an accurate diagnosis is made - only then the application of the methods makes practical sense. All intended actions for a person suffering from an unpleasant and progressive disease will have to be coordinated with doctors, since manipulations and home remedies can conflict with the already prescribed course of drug treatment, have various contraindications for the presence of other diseases in the patient.

The main causes of osteoarthritis

Joint cavity.

An arthroscope is a medical device equipped with lenses with special lighting. It is inserted into a small incision over the affected joint. Light enters the joints through a technical fiber, and a miniature camera gives an image to a monitor, where a specialist doctor can carefully examine the joint from the inside, diagnose suspected pathologies, and in some cases even eliminate them. The manipulation itself is not too painful and does not require a long time for subsequent rehabilitation. And the patient "returns to duty" in 2-6 weeks.

Life in motion!

There is an opinion: with sore knee joints, all that is required is to lie down and move less. And it is fundamentally wrong! "Movement is life" this saying best reflects the need for it for those people who have similar diseases. When treating osteoarthritis of the knee joint (to relieve pain), the patient is recommended physical therapy (). Regular exercise can strengthen muscles, reduce the load on the diseased segments of the musculoskeletal system, and activate the blood supply to these areas.

An individual exercise course is developed for each patient by a specialist doctor. The choice of exercise depends both on the degree of development of the disease and on the physical condition of the patient. Exercise therapy should not be dynamic, rather, sparing, not exerting excessive physical exertion on painful joints. It is not recommended, for example, to do multiple deep squats. Traditional complex:

  • and restoring muscle volume, you can do the following exercise: lie on your back, lift one leg up and hold it like this for 2 minutes. Muscle fatigue appears over time, but the knee joint does not experience strong physical stress;
  • Stretching of joint capsules with ligaments is useful for strengthening muscles. The exercise should be done in a measured and smooth manner, stretching the legs in turn and lightly pressing on the joint. If movement causes pain or discomfort, then stop immediately.

Exercise therapy is undesirable to practice during exacerbations of the disease.

Additional methods

Additional methods of treatment include massage, manual and acupuncture, cryo and magnetic therapy, electrophoresis with novocaine, thermal procedure with paraffin or therapeutic mud, moxibustion with wormwood, and traditional medicine.

Folk remedies

Various manipulations that the so-called "wisdom of generations" offers us are effective as additional methods. A radical recovery, if the disease has gone far, should not be expected. As well as to perceive folk methods treatment as a panacea for all possible diseases. Before using this or that remedy, you should consult with your doctor.(and in no case should you prescribe the course yourself), since some funds and formulations may conflict with the drug treatment already prescribed by the doctor.

Soda, vinegar, massage

  • If there is swelling of the knees, then first we remove it. In the evening, dissolve two tablespoons of baking soda in a tablespoon of heated water. We moisten a cotton cloth with the resulting mass and wrap the knee. So that it does not leak, we also put cellophane on top, and then wrap it with a warm woolen scarf, fix the resulting structure with a bandage. We keep the compress on our knees until the morning. The procedure is repeated within a week - the swelling should go away;
  • take apple cider vinegar (two spoons) and the same amount of warm water. In the same way, as in the previous version, we make a compress (keep it all night). In parallel, in the morning and in the evening, you need to take a tablet of ordinary (not effervescent) aspirin and diclofenac. Course 1 month.

In the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint, medicinal herbs are used.


You need to pick 5-7 burdock leaves and put them in a pile (rough side down). Lubricate the knee joint with vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, olive, linseed), and then apply a stack of burdock leaves to the sore spot. We wrap it in cellophane, tie it with a woolen scarf and fix it at night. We shoot in the morning. We repeat within a week.

Birch leaves

We steam the young birch leaves collected in spring with boiling water. We put them on the knee joint (the total thickness of the raw material should be at least two centimeters). We wrap it all with cellophane, wrap it warmly. We keep the compress throughout the night. We shoot in the morning. We repeat for seven days.

Celandine juice

We soak a cotton-gauze bandage with this juice. We wrap the sore joint for 45 minutes. We repeat for seven days (you need to take three such courses intermittently).


Before the procedures, we warm up the knee joints well (this can be done with a heating pad). When the skin of the knee turns pink, generously lubricate it with natural bee honey. We make such a honey compress - it is possible with a light knee massage - for a quarter of an hour. Then we apply a compress of burdock leaves. The pain should go away after a few treatments.


Grind horseradish root in a meat grinder or grate. Then the raw material is steamed over low heat, but so that the liquid does not boil away. We spread the composition on cheesecloth and apply it to the knee joint. We wrap the top with cellophane, wrap it warmly. We hold the compress for up to half an hour (or until a tolerable burning sensation appears), then remove it. We repeat for 15 days.

Onion broth

Cook the onions with husks in a saucepan until they are completely boiled. We filter and cool. We drink the broth shortly before meals in a glass (you need to drink the entire amount). With a break, the course can be repeated.

Maclura tincture (Adam's apple)

You do not need to clean the fruit itself, all its parts will go into the tincture. We cut several pieces, put them in a glass jar (1 liter) and fill in two-thirds with medical alcohol or strong (up to 70 degrees) moonshine of double purification (vodka is a little weak, or you will have to insist even longer). We remove the container in a dark place with room temperature. The tincture costs about six months (at least three months); some experts insist even a year. Means for compresses and rubbing should be purchased Brown color(instead of the original green). Treatment consists in rubbing the joints with the resulting product.

  • We take a piece of bandage or cotton cloth and moisten it with tincture quite abundantly;
  • with this bandage we blot the affected area so that it becomes noticeably wet;
  • rub until the tincture is completely dry;
  • wrap the treated knee area with something warm, for example, a wool scarf (it is best to do this before bedtime). We repeat the procedures for a week.


It is worth reminding each potential patient once again: before starting the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint with folk remedies, you need to consult with your doctor-specialist who will assess the possibility and effectiveness of traditional methods of treatment. And before you make a decision to follow any additional course, you must undergo an examination. Do not trust charlatans and Internet "help". This approach can be harmful! And listening to the opinion of a doctor is a reasonable decision for everyone who cares about their health.

It can help in the treatment of arthrosis ... There have been cases when pain in the knee joints is literally brought to fainting. In such cases, according to the prescriptions of alternative medicine, observing the recommended doses, they use hydrogen peroxide.

The treatment is long-term, but the pain will gradually go away. The full treatment takes about nine months, and the first results can be felt in about three to six months. However, it is better to find out about the dosage and methods of application from specialists professionally dealing with this issue.

Joint pain can help out horseradish compress ... The horseradish roots are chopped on a grater, steamed over low heat, without bringing the water to a boil, and the resulting composition is spread on a canvas cloth moistened with the same composition. This compress is placed on problem areas. Dried roots can also be stored for the winter.

Traditional healers practice a method in which they mix 5% iodine, 10% ammonia, medicinal bile, flower honey and glycerin taken in equal volumes. After insisting for one and a half weeks in a dark place, the mixture for making compresses is ready. Shake the mixture before use, pour the required volume into a small jar and heat the liquid in a water bath. In this warmed mixture, wipes are moistened and placed on the joint before going to bed. Parchment and woolen cloth are placed on top. Treatment is carried out daily until recovery.

You can relieve joint pain with ... Moreover, not only compresses are beneficial, but also the use of cabbage for food. You can squeeze the juice out of the cabbage leaves to reduce pain. A medium-sized head of cabbage is cut into pieces, transferred to an enamel bowl, kneaded with a pestle or hands, and placed in a juicer. A flap of pure wool is soaked in cabbage juice and applied to the affected joint once a day, preferably in the evening. You cannot store ready-made cabbage juice for more than three days. Store it in a dark place.

In the second version, the compress is prepared directly from the cabbage leaf. Before going to bed, the juiciest and largest, not dried up, fresh leaves are removed from a large head of cabbage. Honey is applied to the concave surface of the leaves, preferably floral, and this side of the leaf is applied to the problem joint. It is recommended to lay parchment or polyethylene and woolen fabric on top. A similar compress is left overnight, in the morning it is removed and the place is washed. warm water... The treatment is carried out daily for a month. This will allow you to gradually accumulate beneficial substances in the affected tissues.

Rubbing is also used to relieve joint pain.

Dry elecampane root , which can be purchased at the pharmacy, is poured with vodka at the rate of fifty grams of elecampane for half a glass of vodka. The mixture is stirred and insisted in a dark place for two weeks. The finished rub is applied to the skin in the area of ​​the sore joint every day until the pain stops.

Good and medicinal oatmeal compress, for which you just need to have oat flakes... Take up to five tablespoons of flakes or oat grains, pour boiling water and then cook over low heat for six to eight minutes. You don't need a lot of water, since our goal is to get a viscous porridge. The cooled porridge is placed on a piece of dense natural fabric, wrapped and applied to the sore spot. The fabric is covered with a film and bandaged to the body. The compress is not removed all night. Use freshly boiled oatmeal every time.

Compresses you can also cook With eggshell and kefir ... The shell is ground into powder, and thoroughly mixed with kefir to a thick consistency. This resulting mixture is wrapped in a linen flap in the form of an envelope and applied to the sore joint, then the compress is fixed, having previously installed the film. They put a lotion for about three hours every day. Eggshells contain a lot of calcium, which is essential for proper joint function.

For cooking chalk and yogurt compress, student's chalk is turned into powder and mixed with yogurt, kefir or other dairy product to obtain a thick mass. This mass is applied to the sore joint and wrapped in polyethylene or cellophane. The compress is left for several hours, and in the morning it is removed and the skin is wiped off with a napkin.

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