Medicinal reference book geotar. Instructions for use of Zirgan eye gel and its analogues Zirgan eye drops instructions for use

Zirgan gel is a ganciclovir solution used to reduce the activity of a viral infection in ophthalmology.

It can be prescribed by a doctor for prophylaxis in the postoperative period (meaning surgery on the cornea), as well as for the treatment of keratitis caused by herpes simplex or associated diseases.

Zirgan eye gel composition

The active substance of Zirgan gel is ganciclovir with a percentage of 1.5% per 1 gram of ointment. It is derived from common acyclovir and is also used to fight the herpes simplex virus.

The basis for the ointment is a mixture of petroleum jelly, purified water, benzalkonium chloride and paraffin, which inhibit the absorption of ganciclovir and prevent it from drying out.

Indications for use

Zirgan gel is prescribed for the treatment of viral keratitis, as well as to prevent infection with mechanical damage to the cornea (its front part). Ganciclovir is a synthetic analogue of acyclovir, which is identical in biochemistry to guanine.

When penetrating through cell membrane the active substance is transformed into monophosphate, which is just active against the herpes simplex virus. According to the official instructions, ganciclovir also suppresses the spread of:

  • cytomegalovirus;
  • varicella;
  • Epstein-Barr virus.

In theory, it can be used to treat inflammation caused by the above infection.

In case of bacteriological damage to the cornea, the use of the gel is prohibited!

Pharmacological action and pharmacokinetics

Ganciclovir triphosphate, which is synthesized from the primary component, has the ability to integrate into the DNA structures of cells and inhibit the production of viral DNA.

That is, it does not affect the viral cells themselves, but at the same time prevents their natural reproduction (division of genetic chains). That is, its main action is to interrupt the process of virus division.

When it enters the body, ganciclovir is transformed into monophosphate and is predominantly excreted through the urinary system (absorbed in the kidneys). However, when exposed to the epithelium or cornea, the reosorption of the active ingredient is less than 15% of the initial amount.

Accordingly, most of the Zirgan is simply split under the influence of oxygen from the outside, and does not penetrate into the blood, other organic fluids.

Contraindications and side effects

According to the instructions, the gel is contraindicated to use when:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. under the age of 12;
  3. lactation (during breastfeeding);
  4. excessive sensitivity to acyclovir, ganciclovir and their derivatives.

Before using the ointment, a reaction test is mandatory. For this, a minimum amount of gel is taken and applied to the skin in the wrist area (with inside where the pulse is measured).

If after 10-15 minutes there is no inflammation, itching, or a rash, then everything is in order and therapy can be started.

From side effects only stand out:

  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • blurred vision within 30-40 minutes after using the gel;
  • punctate keratitis;
  • redness of the eyelid.

Use of ointment during pregnancy

Zirgan is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation due to the lack of information regarding the absorption of active ingredients (ganciclovir). Theoretically, more than 40% of active substances should not get into organic liquids, but studies on this matter have not been carried out.

Therefore, this the gel cannot be used to treat ophthalmic diseases during pregnancy. This also applies to the lactation period (breastfeeding).

The manufacturer also indicates that at the age of 12 years, the drug is not used, replacing it with analogs with acyclovir, which are closer in their biochemical composition to phosphates (they have a much lower percentage of resorption).

Instructions for use and dosage

The gel is introduced into the conjunctival sac 3 times a day using an applicator (included in the package of the medicinal product). The recommended dosage is a strip of no more than 10 millimeters (based on the size of the cavity).

Doctors usually prescribe the use of the gel for 7 days. The maximum allowable treatment period is 21 days, followed by a break of 10 days.

To prevent or promote re-epitalization of the cornea of ​​the eyeball, the gel is laid 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days (according to the instructions of the attending physician). Exceeding the specified period of treatment entails depression therapeutic effect, since there is not a small probability of viruses to develop immunity to synthetic acyclovir.


Overdose is unlikely due to poor absorption of ophthalmic ointment.

However, the manufacturer in the instructions indicates that exceeding the recommended dosage, as well as an excessively long course of treatment, can cause local inflammation of the cornea, loss of visual acuity (temporary).

Release form and storage conditions

Zirgan is produced in tubes of 5 grams with an applicator and a special stand that allows you to store the package upside down after the first use (to prevent sediment formation).

The permissible shelf life is 3 years from the date of production. After opening the bottle, it is disposed of after 4 weeks. If during this period the gel is not used, then it should be discarded.

Precautionary measures

The gel is not intended for the treatment of the epithelium due to the low concentration of the active substance.
It is also forbidden to use it to treat herpes. Applying it to the mucous membrane of the nose or mouth can lead to intoxication of the body, however, there is currently no antidote for ganciclovir.


Zirgan's analogues are:

  1. Zovirax.
  2. Okoferon.
  3. Acyclovir.
  4. Virolex.

The above analogs are relevant only for eye ointments and gels. Acyclovir and its derivatives are also available in tablets, eye drops.

Total Zirgan is an antiviral ointment with ganciclovir as an active ingredient... Effective for infection of the anterior cornea with herpes simplex or cytomegalovirus. It is not used for the treatment of children and during pregnancy. The course of treatment cannot be longer than 21 days.

Producer: Laboratuar Tea (France)
Release forms:
  • Gel Ch. 0.15%, 5 g.
Price for Zirgan in pharmacies: from 980 rubles. up to RUB 980 (1 offers)

Zirgan is an Italian eye gel available in 5 g tubes. Active substance serves ganciclovir. Has antiviral effect against the herpes simplex virus of the first and second types, as well as some adenoviruses. The drug inhibits the synthesis of viral DNA. Used to treat herpetic keratitis and conjunctivitis. Apply the medicine five times a day until the condition improves, then switch to three times a day. The course of therapy usually does not exceed three weeks. Can cause discomfort in the eye, such as burning and tingling. Cannot be used in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children, women during the period of bearing a child and during breastfeeding.

List of available analogues of Zirgan gel

Acyclovir (eye ointment) → substitute Rating: 6 votes

An analogue is cheaper from 663 rubles.

Manufacturer: ATOLL LLC (Russia)
Release forms:
  • Eye ointment, 3% 5 g, No. 1
The price of Acyclovir in pharmacies: from 13 rubles. up to 3530 rub. (11700 offers)
Acyclovir - an analogue of Zirgan, is produced in Russia in the form of a three percent eye ointment in tubes of 5 g. The drug suppresses the formation of viral DNA and, accordingly, the reproduction of viruses. It is active against herpes simplex viruses of the first and second types, the virus that causes shingles and chickenpox, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus. Indicated for use in herpetic keratitis and conjunctivitis. The medicine is placed behind the conjunctival sac five times a day until the symptoms are relieved and then for another three days. May cause local and general allergic reactions, discomfort in the eye. In case of overdose and accidental ingestion, systemic side effects of acyclovir may occur. You can not use the medicine in case of intolerance, pregnant and lactating women.

Allergoferon (gel) → substitute Rating: 9 votes

An analogue is cheaper from 564 rubles.

Release forms:
  • Gel, 5 g.
Price for Allergoferon in pharmacies: from 147 rubles. up to 205 rubles (29 offers)

Allergoferon is a domestic analogue of Zirgan, consisting of recombinant human interferon and loratadine. Available as eye gel in tubes of 5 g. It has a wide range of antiviral action, including against herpes simplex virus of the first and second types, virus, herpes simplex virus of the fourth type, Epstein-Barr virus, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus. The medicine stimulates the immune system, improves tissue regeneration, relieves inflammation and pain, has an anti-allergic and vasoconstrictor effect, eliminates gas edema and redness, relieves itching. It is indicated for use in inflammatory diseases of the eyes of a viral (including herpetic and adenoviral) nature, and allergic genesis (for example, with hay fever and perennial allergic conjunctivitis). May cause allergic reactions and irritation at the site of application. Contraindication to use is drug intolerance and childhood.

Zovirax (eye ointment) → substitute Rating: 5 votes

An analogue is cheaper from 517 rubles.

Manufacturer: -
Release forms:
  • Eye ointment, 30 mg / g 4.5 g, No. 1
Price for Zovirax in pharmacies: from 158 rubles. up to RUB 1,789 (4095 offers)
Zovirax is an analogue of Zirgan, Produced in Russia, Great Britain and Canada in the form of an eye ointment in tubes of 4.5 g. The active ingredient is acyclovir. The mechanism of action is the same as that of the above drugs. It is active against herpes simplex virus of the first and second types, herpes simplex virus of the fourth type, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus. It is used for eye infections caused by herpes viruses. The medicine with a strip of about one centimeter is laid behind the conjunctiva five times a day until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear, and then for another three days. Side effects are possible in the form of general and local allergic reactions, dryness, burning sensation in the eye, sometimes - inflammation of the eyelids and conjunctiva may occur. Contraindication to use is idiosyncrasy, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Aktipol (eye drops) → substitute Rating: 1 votes

An analogue is cheaper from 510 rubles.

Manufacturer: DIAFARM (Russia)
Release forms:
  • Eye drops, 0.007% 5 ml, No. 1
Price for Aktipol in pharmacies: from 122 rubles. up to RUB 526 (1241 offers)

Aktipol (analog) - Russian eye drops, available in bottles of 5 ml. The active ingredient is para-aminobenzoic acid. The medicine has a wide spectrum of antiviral action (including against herpes viruses of almost all types, many adenoviruses), improves immunity, relieves inflammation, swelling, redness and itching, improves the restoration of damaged tissues. It is indicated for viral lesions of the cornea and conjunctiva, as well as after surgery on the organ of vision and its injuries to prevent infection. It has no effect on the fetus, therefore it can be used during pregnancy and lactation. May cause allergic reactions. Idiosyncrasy is a contraindication to use.

An analogue is cheaper from 490 rubles.

Manufacturer: Firn M (Russia)
Release forms:
  • Fl. 10 ml.
The price of Oftalmoferon in pharmacies: from 246 rubles. up to 525 rubles. (1544 offers)

Oftalmoferon (analog) - produced in Russia in the form of eye drops in bottles of 5 and 10 ml. Consists of human recombinant interferon and diphenhydramine. It has an antiviral effect, improves local immunity, relieves inflammation, pain and swelling, has an anti-allergic effect, and accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues. Effective against a wide range of viruses, including most types of herpes virus, adenovirus. It is used for diseases of the eyes of a viral nature. Drops are instilled into each eye five to six times a day for acute stage, then switch to two or three times. There were no side effects when using the drug. Allergic reactions are possible. The medicine is contraindicated in case of intolerance to its components.

Purpose of the page: show a list of analogs (synonyms), current prices and drug ratings posted by users (more than 10,000 ratings in total).

Healthy eyes for a person is the stability of life. Indeed, it is thanks to our healthy vision that we can contemplate the beauty of the world around us, do our job, and get carried away with a hobby.

However, not everyone today can boast of full eye health. The reasons for this may be hereditary factors or acquired, which are manifested due to the effect on the human body of various bacteria and viruses.

Many are associated with viral infections that adversely affect both the lining of the eyes - the eyelids, and the internal contents Today, many patients of ophthalmologists complain of itching around the eyes, small rash, pain, profuse lacrimation. These symptoms can occur simultaneously during the progressive development of a disease such as herpes, called superficial keratitis.

In medical practice, ophthalmologists use a large number of drugs against this ailment and as its prevention. Among the most effective in terms of effective influence on ocular herpes, the eye gel "Zirgan" is especially distinguished by specialists. The drug used can be French or Italian.

Description of the drug and its properties

Eye gel "Zirgan" is produced in a five-gram tube with a tip that closes with a plastic cap. The packaging of the drug is a cardboard box with the manufacturer's logos.

Eye gel "Zirgan" contains ganciclovir, benzalkonium chloride, carbomer, sorbitol, sodium hydroxide, purified water.

Such chemical composition is able to actively destroy viral cells, penetrating their DNA and disrupting the sequential chain of their development.

The drug "Zirgan" requires careful use, it is not allowed to get on the skin, as well as on soft contact lenses. The drug is laid several times a day in the lower region according to the instructions and prescriptions of the attending physician. It is allowed to apply Zirgan eye gel for twenty-one days.

After opening the tube with the contents, the shelf life of the drug is four weeks.

The drug is not intended for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infections of the retina. Eye gel is not recommended for the treatment of children under twelve years of age, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers.

All men and women of childbearing age are advised to use methods of reliable contraception, since the drug has a very negative effect on the development of the embryo.

Side effects

Studies of the medical eye gel revealed the following possible side effects: intolerance to the components contained in the composition, the development of arrhythmias, the manifestation of hepatitis, dryness of the oral mucosa, irritability, drowsiness, chills, dizziness, back and lower back pain, blurred vision, conjunctivitis.

Farmila-Tea Pharmaceuticals S.p.A.

Country of origin


Product group

Sense organs / sight, hearing /

Antiviral agent

Forms of issue

  • 5 g - (1) - cardboard packs.

Description of the dosage form

  • Colorless eye gel.

pharmachologic effect

Antiviral agent. It is a synthetic analogue of guanine. The chemical structure is close to acyclovir. Inside the cell, ganciclovir is sequentially metabolized into the monophosphate form with the participation of cellular deoxyguanosine kinase, then into the active ganciclovir triphosphate. Acting as a substrate and incorporating into DNA, ganciclovir triphosphate competitively inhibits viral DNA synthesis. This results in suppression of DNA synthesis by inhibiting DNA strand elongation. Ganciclovir inhibits viral DNA polymerase more actively, even cellular polymerase. It is active against cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, Varicella zoster, Epstein-Barr virus. Clinical studies were conducted only for CMV infection.


After oral administration, it is slightly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability is 6-9%. Cmax in blood plasma after oral administration is achieved after 1.8 hours, with intravenous administration - within 1 hour. Distributed in all tissues, passes through the placenta. Vd is 0.74 l / kg. Plasma protein binding - 1-2%. It is excreted in the urine. T1 / 2 after oral administration is 3.1-5.5 hours, with intravenous administration - 2.9 hours.

Special conditions

Use with caution in patients with impaired renal function. This category of patients requires correction of the dosage regimen depending on the CC value. During the treatment period, regular monitoring of the peripheral blood picture and renal function is necessary. Depending on the degree of neutropenia and thrombocytopenia, correction of the dosage regimen or temporary cessation of treatment is required until signs of hematopoiesis recovery appear. The simultaneous use of ganciclovir with drugs such as dapsone, pentamidine, fluorocytosine, vincristine, vinblastine, adriamycin, amphotericin B, combinations of trimethoprim with sulfonamides is justified only if the intended benefit of therapy outweighs the potential risk. Ganciclovir should only be administered intravenously, because i / m or s / c injections cause severe tissue irritation. IV drip should be accompanied by an appropriate water load. In children under 12 years of age, ganciclovir is used in cases where the expected benefit of therapy outweighs the risk of side effects. When used in high doses, it is possible to suppress spermatogenesis in men and fertility in women. Men and women of childbearing age should use reliable methods of contraception during treatment. Men are also advised to use barrier methods of contraception for 90 days after the end of treatment.


  • ganciclovir 1.5 mg Excipients: benzalkonium chloride - 75 mg, carbomer - 4.83 mg, sorbitol - 50 mg, sodium hydroxide - q.s. up to pH 7.4, purified water up to 1 g.

ZIRGAN indications for use

  • Treatment of acute superficial keratitis caused by herpes simplex virus

ZIRGAN contraindications

  • Neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count less than 0.5x109 / L, thrombocytopenia (platelet count less than 25x109 / L), severe renal dysfunction, congenital and neonatal cytomegalovirus infection, pregnancy, hypersensitivity to ganciclovir or acyclovir.

ZIRGAN side effects

  • From the hematopoietic system: neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, eosinophilia. From the side of the central nervous system: obsessive states or nightmares, ataxia, coma, confusion, insomnia, dizziness, headache, nervousness, paresthesia, psychosis, seizures. From the side digestive system: nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, abdominal pain, anorexia, diarrhea, flatulence, changes in laboratory parameters of liver function. From the side of cardio-vascular system: arrhythmia, arterial hypertension or hypotension. Allergic reactions: fever, skin rash, itching, urticaria. From the urinary system: hematuria, an increase in creatinine and urea in the blood plasma, an increase in urea nitrogen in the blood. Local reactions: inflammation, pain, phlebitis at the injection site. Others: hypoglycemia, dyspnea, alopecia.

Drug interactions

Probenecid and other drugs that inhibit renal tubular secretion or reabsorption can decrease the clearance of ganciclovir and increase its half-life. With the simultaneous use of ganciclovir with dapsone, pentamidine, fluorocytosine, vincristine, vinblastine, adriamycin, amphotericin B, combinations of trimethoprim with sulfonamides, the development of additive toxicity is possible. The combined use of zidovudine and ganciclovir increases the risk of neutropenia. With the simultaneous use of ganciclovir and a combination of imipenem and cilastatin, generalized convulsions are noted.

Storage conditions

  • keep away from children
Information provided

Zirgan Eye Gel has an antiviral effect on the eye area.

Zirgan eye gel is an effective antiviral agent.

Getting into the focus of the causative agent of viruses destroys them. It has been applied and used for a long time.

Drug action

The drug is an active antiviral agent.

It acts as a substrate, integrates into DNA and inhibits the production of viral DNA, in other words, destroys the virus.

The agent is active against cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex virus, Varicella zoster, Epstein-Barr virus.

When appointed

It is used for a disease such as Keratitis.

Eye Gel Zirgan instructions for use

The ointment should be used 1-2 drops in the lower bag 5 times within 24 days.

It is worth using the ointment until complete recovery. After that, the application is reduced to 1 drop 3 times a day, the duration of the course should be no more than 21 days.

At the time of using the ointment, you need to be extremely careful, avoid interaction of the drug with the skin. If you wear lenses, remove them before applying the ointment; after installation, you can return them after 15-20 minutes.

During the period of time when you are using Zirgan, increase your fluid intake for the soonest elimination of the drug from your body.

Composition and form of release

  • Carbomer.
  • Sodium hydroxyl.
  • Benzalkonium chloride.
  • Sorbitol.
  • 1.5 mg Ganciclovir.
  • Purified water.

In pharmacies, it is sold as Zirgan eye gel in a 5 ml tube, with a plastic cap. Packed in a cardboard box.

Zirgan eye gel is available in 5 ml tubes.

Side effects

  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Burning eyes.
  • Speckled keratitis.
  • Decreased vision clarity.
  • Hyperemia of the eyes.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Nervousness.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Chills.
  • Dizziness.

During the treatment period, if a deterioration in vision is felt, we recommend refraining from driving and other actions that require high accentuation of vision.


  1. Children under 12 years old.
  2. Pregnant women.
  3. During lactation.
  4. In case of allergy to the components of the drug.
  5. With cytomegalovirus infections of the retina.
  6. With immunodeficiency.

Special instructions for use

Apply eye gel into the conjunctival cavity 4-5 times within 24 hours. As the condition improves, the number of installations decreases.

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