Study of the readiness of a child to school learning. Study of the readiness of children for school learning. Test "Fourth - Excess"

Sections: Common goodsAgological technologies

The topic of studying the readiness of children to school learning based on the works L.S. Profitable, L.I. Bozhenko, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin. For the first time, this question arose at the end of the 40s, when it was decided to transition to children from 7 years of age (before this resolution, training began with 8 years). It is from this time that the question is not fading to determine the readiness of the child to learning. A new splash of interest in this question arose in 1983, when they decided to teach children from 6 years. A new question arose before the company - about the maturity of the child and the formation of his premises learning activities.

A child coming to school should be mature in mental and social terms, it must achieve a certain level of mental and emotional-wield development. Educational activities require a certain stock of knowledge about the world and formation of elementary concepts. The child should be able to generalize and differentiate objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, to own thinning operations, be able to plan their activities and exercise self-control. The positive attitude towards the teaching, the ability to self-regulate behavior and the manifestation of volitional efforts to fulfill the tasks, the arbitraryness of cognitive activity and the level of development visible figurative thinking; skills speech communication, Developed Small Motoric Hands and Spectato Motor Coordination.

Object of study: The readiness of children to school.

Subject of study:study of the readiness of children for school learning.

The purpose of this study is: Determination of the psychological readiness of children for school training.

Tasks of this study:

  • determine the psychological characterization of readiness for school learning.
  • consider the main components of the readiness of children to school;
  • consider how the readiness of children's readiness for school training is carried out.

Junior school age

In modern periodization of mental development covers the period from 6-7 to 9-11 years.

The anatomy-physiological features of the younger schoolboy make it possible to perform quite serious work.

The time of active performance of a 6-7-year-old schoolboy does not exceed 20 minutes. The training activity becomes leading for the younger student. This contributes to the social atmosphere of his life. If earlier the child could be called good for the fact that he has an elegant jacket or a bow, now every opposite asks how things are at school, what marks. The family highlights a special time of classes, a special place, buy what the school requires, the school theme is constantly present in the conversation. A teacher becomes the main person for the child, school marks begin to determine his "value" in the eyes of others, to determine self-esteem and self-excitation.

All that is associated with the performance of lessons becomes a point of growth, development. This is a new level of cognitive processes, and volitional qualities of the personality, the desire to follow the rules prescribed and achieve success, and a new level of self-control and self-esteem. The desire to be in school, the desire to earn the teacher's praise helps not only take school demands, but also proudly fulfill all to the smallest detail.

Psychological characteristics of readiness for school training

The problem of readiness for learning becomes especially acute and practically significant due to the fact that there is a choice of deadlines when you send a child to school, and choosing the type of school, class and the nature of educational services, which will be able to him. Premature inclusion in school life makes it difficult to adapt the child to new conditions and can cause violations in personal development: uncertainty, anxiety, loss of interest in studying, the desire to avoid failures instead of efforts to achieve success, etc. However, the late start of school life is also dangerous Interest in school.

Psychological readiness for learning is divided into common and specific.

Specific readiness includes the learning skills necessary for initial school success: the ability to read, write, count. High demands in this regard are presented by gymnasium, elite educational institutions, organizing children's training before enrolling in school. However, for sustainable school success, the overall readiness of the child for learning is more important. It highlights three components: social readiness, intellectual and personal.

Social readiness for school is expressed in the fact that the child absorbs the internal position of the student. He ceases to like children's activities, the need arises in such matters that would be valuable, meaningful in the eyes of adults. IN modern conditions Such important thing is the school, and the child is increasingly asked even outsiders: "Well, how soon to school?". School life in the eyes of children is at least an adult and important that they sometimes do not like drawing lessons - "as if in kindergarten!".

A normal developed child wants to go to school, perform tasks, get markers. To this, his social environment pushes him

Readiness for learning includes both physiological components - school maturity and psychological components. In school, the child has to continue to withstand a static pose during the seat, perform intense mental work; Many educational actions, especially the letter, require thin coordinated movements of the fingers and the brush, while the child is developed mainly large motility. It is easier to adapt to the school conditions, children are physically strong, with fairly developed physiological systems.

Research of psychological readiness of children to school

In this regard, psychological techniques may be more useful in diagnostics. As part of a psychological approach to the diagnosis of school maturity, two main directions are distinguished:
- The first provides for the use of psychodiagnostic methods for determining the level of school maturity (test of Kerna-Jiraseca, Vitzlak test, etc.).
- The second implies the definition of school maturity through the diagnosis of the development of the child's mental processes.

Diagnostic complex:

1. Assessment of the intellectual component of school maturity.

Environmental orientation, knowledge margin.

The data is detected in a conversation with a child, in the process of which the overall erudition of the child is determined, the level of his knowledge and ideas about the world around. The conversation is built in a calm, trusted tone. To successfully conduct a survey and obtain reliable results, it is important to establish contact with the child during the conversation, to conquer his trust. In case the child makes it difficult, it is necessary to cheer it up, it should not be discontent or scold a child for the wrong answer.

The next stage of the study is associated with the definition of social and emotional maturity of the child, it can be qualitative and based on the data observation of the psychologist for the behavior of the child during the examination. In some cases, special techniques can be used to assess these components of school maturity.

2. Evaluation of the social component of school maturity

In the process of observation, the psychologist notes how much the child comma is, whether he is easy to contact, whether the initiative of communication itself shows. For more subtle diagnosis of social maturity, you can use the techniques proposed by G.A. Uruntaeva and Yu.A. Afonokina, for example, the "Study of Social Emotions" and other technique (see Appendix B).

3. Diagnostics of the emotional component of school maturity

According to the results of the observation, the peculiarities of the child's emotional response to success and failure, the presence of impulsive emotional reactions are determined, the child's bone is interested in the task and the like. Especially important for admission to school, the presence of volitional manifestations of behavior and the development of the ability to arbitrarily regulate their activities. In this regard, in the process of observation, special attention is paid to the study of volitional manifestations in the process of activity.

On the analysis of observation data is concluded about the development of volitional behavior, the formation of volitional qualities and habits.

To make a conclusion about the level of school maturity, the child and the definition of the program and the nature of its further learning are analyzed by the indicators of the child in all carried out methods. The conclusion is written in writing, in the form of the characteristic of the psychological development of the child.


In this paper, an attempt to get acquainted with the main psychological methods for determining the level of school maturity, the rules for the preparation of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child, as well as the peculiarities of the organization of the child survey before entering school.

As we learned, the preparation of a child for schooling is one of the most important problems of pedagogical psychology problem, this problem has become particularly relevant in connection with the transition to children's training, starting from 6 years of age and the introduction of new, largely alternative training programs. The success of the commencement of school, as well as the features of the child's adaptation in the initial period, largely depends on the extent to which age-psychological and individual features of the preschooler will be taken into account in the preparatory period. No less important is the question of the diagnosis of child readiness for school learning. According to many researchers (L.I. Bozchnch, A.L. Wenger, L.V. Zaporozhets, Y. Yirazek, N.V. Nizhny Novgorod, etc.), the main difficulties arising from children during the adaptation period are connected Most cases with insufficient school maturity. Therefore, the problem, the diagnosis of school maturity, determining the level of mental development of the child is particularly relevant.

In conclusion, once again select the highlights:

1. Psychological readiness for school, first of all, is manifested in the presence of a child learning motivation, allowing it to effectively engage in the educational process. At the same time, the motivation of the teaching indicates the necessary and sufficient to start learning at the school development of the intellectual and arbitrary sphere of the future student.

2. Psychological readiness for school appears as a neoplasm at the turn of pre-school and younger school age, which, according to domestic periodization of the child's mental development, is approximately 7 years.

3. Psychological readiness for the school appears as a result of the full development of a preschooler who has come to join the younger school age. It is important to note that attempts to artificial acceleration of the occurrence of school age lead to a slowdown in the development of the doctrine's motivation, and therefore, to a later appearance of psychological readiness for school. The latter does not grow out of targeted training for children to school, but from traditionally children's classes, the main place in which is occupied by the game.

And so, in the study on the topic of this work learned that such psychological readiness for school was considered excellent approaches to this problem; We studied the methods of psychological diagnostics of the readiness of children to school .

They also learned that there is a wide variety of diagnostic programs for determining psychological readiness for school.

As a result of the examination, children who need correctional and developing work are revealed, which makes it possible to form the necessary level of readiness for school.

Developing work with children in need in it is advisable to carry out in development teams. In these groups, the developing psyche of the guys program is being implemented. Not put a special task to teach children to count, write, read. The main task is to bring the psychological development of the child to the level of readiness for school. The main focus in the development group is divided into the motivational development of the child, namely the development of cognitive interest and learning motivation. The task of an adult first awaken in the child the desire will learn something new, and then start working on the development of higher psychological functions.

It is often believed that at the age of 7, the question should be allowed to resolve the question of the readiness of the child, which is why parents inadequately react to information about the unreadness of their child to the learning process.

The child as a personality is a unique, unique individual system, it is this fact that determines the dynamics of the development of each child, which is why everyone in school with a different margin of knowledge, experience, skills, with good or bad habits Psychological readiness for school education is considered in this regard as multicomponent education. In the child, firstly, the desire to go to school should arise, the motivation to educational activities should be formed; Secondly, the schoolboy must have a pronounced social position: the ability to interact with classmates peers, willingness to fulfill all the requirements of the teacher, the ability to monitor their behavior.

If in preschool childhood it is necessary to take the ability to play role-playing, plot games, then in the school period, games are becoming the rules. The child is socialized in the game by simulating his relations with the outside world, losing various situations in which he performs in various socio-psychological roles - in some of the leader, in others, in others, in the third, as an equal partner of communicating with children and adults. The good mental development of the child allows him to lay the foundations of success in the process of further mastering school knowledge, skills and skills. The optimal pace of intellectual activity will allow the child to work successfully along with the whole class.

A very different children come to the first grade, and this should be taken as a givenness that cannot be changed: everyone has different childhood, and therefore unequal development opportunities. Differences are determined by the characteristics of the lifestyle of the family, family traditions, the ideas of parents about life values, their hobbies, the nature of communication with the child and many other factors. In how the life of a child occurs, the economic and social status of the family play a significant role. However, the school makes the same requirements for all children, and the discrepancy between them, the deviation from them to any, even for the best, side turns out to be absolutely undesirable and can significantly complicate the life of the student. The standard of requirements is incorporated in that there is a single class of learning program, within which the assimilation of the exactly defined volume of knowledge is assumed during certain time and the fulfillment of the same tasks by all students. Requirements for the level of assimilation and implementation, criteria for assessments, the organization of training activities, the regime and form of classes are united for all children sitting in one class.

There are children who immediately turn out to be "outside the framework": the general education school does not know how to teach them, although they are accepted into school. The introductory conversation with the teacher and the diagnosis of readiness for school with the help of generally accepted methods does not always allow to see the "deviation of children from the established framework". It manifests itself later, by the end of 1-2 classes, when the absence of any promotion in learning becomes obvious. There are several reasons for this: a reduced level of child's intelligence, when the underdevelopment of conceptual thinking is masked by talkativeness and good memory; The sharp disharmony of the child's intelligence with the insufficient development of its verbal substructures (extreme "visuals" and "kinestics", according to R. Bendler and J. Greender); The presence of deviations in the emotional and personal development of the child (elements of neuroticism, auticity, psychopathy, etc.); Neurological complications, lightweight organizing, functional deviations in the work of the brain, reduced the overall performance that violate the attention and visual-motor coordination. When these, as well as pedagogically launched children from disadvantaged families, are incapable of training in a secondary school, it tries to get rid of them by moving into supporting institutions and classes.

Appeal to the issue of methods for analyzing the readiness of children to school in modern psychological science associated with the names of such well-known researchers as hp Vygotsky, L.I. Bozovich, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin et al.

Almost every psychologist working in the childhood psychology system, one way or another applied to the question of the readiness of children to school, to the issue of psychological readiness and socio-psychological. The most review of this topic is presented in the work of N.I. Gutkina (1996) and "Directory for a Practical Psychologist" (1998). If we talk about modern publications, then the publication "Psychological readiness of a child to school" (2013), "Pedagogue-psychologist's reference book" N.V. Oatman (2012), "Psychological Preparation of Children to School" E.N. Zhuravlev (2011), etc.

The book "Psychological readiness of a child to school" (edited by Ermolaeva S.D.) is devoted to the problem of the psychological readiness of the child to school. The book holds a detailed analysis of the existing approaches to the consideration of this concept, allocates the main components of psychological readiness and gives a detailed description of these components. In the second part of the book, methods are given, with the help of which it is possible to estimate the level of development of a child preschooler, to understand how much the quality is developed for school learning.

In the work "Psychological preparation of children to school" E.N. The zuravlieva is covered by the problems of the organization of psychological diagnostics of readiness for school and the recommendations are given to solve them. Psychological workshops for working with children contain original copyright techniques, topical and entertaining forms of work with children aimed at the development of school-minded skills and personal qualities. Undoubted value is a description methodical bases and the content of the collaboration and psychologist, an example of planning individual training for school preparation and the program of group correctional and educational training activities.

Verasca N.E. The manual "Diagnostics of the readiness of a child to school" presented a methodological apparatus (questionnaire, diagnostic techniques and maps of child development), allowing to determine the degree of readiness of the child to school learning: to identify the level of development of mental, communicative, regulatory abilities, small and large motility; Assess the level of awareness in the main areas of knowledge.

Methods used by foreign authors are represented by the "Orientational Test of School Maturity" of Coren-Yiyrasek and the test of the city of Vitzlak "School Learning Capacity. In the Curne-Yirasek test consists of the following components: drawing a male figure on representation; imitation by writing letters; sinking a group of points; Questionnaire Ya. Jirasika.

Among Russian techniques, allowing to determine the readiness of children to school and the level of formation of the skills of mastering educational activities can be called the "Pattern" methodology of L.I. Czech, "Graphic Dictation" D.B. Elkonin, Methods "Drawing by points" A.L. Hungarian, program H. Broera and others.

In addition to the methods that make it possible to determine the level of the formation of psychological prerequisites necessary to teach the child, the diagnosts use tests for school maturity, including various scales for identifying different areas of the development of the child's personality. You can refer to the intellectual scales of the psychologist from Estonia P.Ya. Keeza aimed at studying perception, logical and spatial thinking. A.G. Leader and V.G. Kolesnikov used intelligent scales to create an adapted Russian technique.

The most famous is the methodology for determining the readiness of children to school N.Ya. Sema and M.M. Semago. The technique includes 5 tasks: "Continue pattern", "count and compare", "words", "encryption" and "man's drawing".

Appeal to Methodology LA Wagner contributes to the study of the perception and thinking of the child. An independent exhaustion of different parameters of the figures contributes to the diagnosis of the color characteristics of the child's perception, the features of the shape and magnitude of the figure. The assignment of the job occurs on the basis of the number of signs and the choice of the most independent of all the figures.

The "Sequential Pictures" technique is aimed at studying the verbal and logical thinking of the child. The basis comprise the pictures proposed by the child, in which any event is depicted. Most often used consistently presented pictures of D. Vexler: Sonya, fire, picnic.

Methodology M.N. Kostic features a somewhat unusual approach to the diagnosis and proposes to navigate not to the end result of the test, but on the problem of solving the problem. As an object of analysis, in this situation, the difficulties experienced by children are experienced in the process of work, and assistance, the necessary achievements of a positive result. In this method, it is difficult to find it difficult to the isanovka and any novel or execute or executely tasked, taku is taking into account the deferment of the task execution, which pings that the child is not able to accomplish in accordance with the tearing. Probably the specificity of the methods under consideration does not allow it to be effective and valid.

Another characteristic directly related to the specifics of students in the lesson and allocated to all researchers and as necessary to evaluate school readiness. This is the ability to work according to the instructions. To assess this ability at one time, D. B. Elkonin was created by the "Graphic Dictation" technique. The ability to act according to the instructions is made to bind, although it is not quite legitimate, with the development of arbitrariness and volitional self-government. As noted in the literature and show observations, this skill is much easier formed by the guys who visited the kindergarten.

The "School Start" technique is a fundamentally new approach to pedagogical diagnosis and the organization by the teacher of the first weeks and months of children in school. The technique allows you to:

  • - get reliable information about whether the child is ready to successfully learn;
  • - create a basis for the development of universal training actions;
  • - provide an emotionally comfortable educational environment for each child;
  • - Pick up pedagogical methods and techniques, taking into account the level of readiness and plan individual work with kids.

The uniqueness of the diagnosis is as follows: the psychological examination of grade 1 textbooks allowed the authors of the UMC to identify the basic set of skills that it is important to develop the child from the very first days of study. These skills:

  • - ensure the understanding of the material of the textbook and instructions of the teacher,
  • - allow you to engage in the training dialogue in the lesson,
  • - Help to organize activities in the lesson and others.
  • - Timely diagnosis of such skills allows the teacher to "set up" the learning process on an individual level of readiness of each student and class as a whole.
  • - From the first days of study, comfortable conditions are created to achieve educational results corresponding to GEF NOO.

Total allocated 17 skills. They are grouped into the "Observation" blocks, "mental abilities", "test skills", "Communicative skills" and "Personal readiness": to track the process of formation of meta-reported Wood is necessary during all years of training in elementary school. This requires a special diagnostic procedure - monitoring of meta-reported URU, which must be carried out in connection with the introduction of GEF.

Diagnostics according to the method of L.A. Yasyukov sets the following tasks: to study the individual psychological features of first-graders for the purpose of individualization and optimization of the learning process; work with problematic children in the process of individual counseling at the request of teachers, parents; Diagnosis of the level and potential of the intellectual development of children in determining the educational program.

Comprehensive technique of GHG to school L.A. Syasyukova (1 part) is a psychological and social technology to optimize the training and development of schoolchildren and developed by a specialist in the field of school psychodiagnostics. The author picked up a diagnostic complex that allows us to estimate individual-psychological features that ensure the success of learning and developing a child in a modern primary school. The methodology includes subtests diagnosing: information processing speed, random attention, short-term auditory and visual memory, speech development, conceptual and abstract thinking, features of the prevailing emotional background, the energy balance of the child's body and adaptation capabilities, personal training potential (self-esteem, emotional attitudes towards school, family situation, etc.).

Purpose Methods: The results allow you to determine the degree of child readiness for school learning (including according to gymnasics), predict problems in training and adaptation from children prepared for school, and also competently plan the process of training for school.

Based on the analysis of the training process, the author was selected a diagnostic complex, which makes it possible to estimate individual-psychological features that ensure the success of learning and developing a child in a modern primary school.

This complex includes the following diagnostic techniques:

Testuz-Pieron's test is one of the options for "Corrective Sample", the general principle of which was developed by Bourdon back in 1895. The essence of the task is to differentiate incentive stimuli in form and content for a long, accurately definite time. Tuluz-Pieron's test is primarily aimed at studying the properties of attention (concentration, stability, switchability) and psychomotor tempo, recyclable information and reliability of information processing, volitional regulation, personal characteristics of the performance and dynamics of working capacity in time.

Test is equal (series A and B): The technique is intended to study the logical of thinking. The subject is presented drawings with figures related to a certain dependence. One figure does not reach, and below it is given among 6-8 other figures. The task of the subject is to establish a pattern that connects the shapes between themselves in the figure, and on the questionnaire, specify the number of the desired figure from the proposed options.

Gestalt-Test Bender: The Bender test allows you to determine the level of visitorious coordination of children. The group stage of the study is carried out by a school psychologist, it is the most difficult. The time of the study-- approximately 30 minutes.

Test Koch "Tree": Test "Tree" - a projective technique for a person's research, which is based on the idea of \u200b\u200busing wood pattern as a psychometric tool. Published by K.Koh in 1949, the technique in recent years has gained widespread in our country. The test is successfully used in child psychology, as the tree symbol is understandable to a person since childhood and does not require special drawing skills. The interpretation of the picture is the hypothetical analogy between the trend towards the growth of wood and mental development.

Test "Family Drawing". The test is designed to identify features inside family relationships. He will help clarify the child's relationship towards members of his family, how he perceives them and its family role, as well as the characteristics of relationships that cause a disturbing and conflict feelings.

Test color relationships. Color Test relations (CTO) is a compact non-verbal diagnostic method reflecting both conscious and partially unconscious human relationship level

Unfinished proposals (the methodology was published by D.V. Lubovsky, 1992). The goal is to identify the most significant problems of students. The methodical method is not chosen by chance - it provides closer emotional contact with the child and more preferable in working with problem children. The test of unfinished proposals is aimed at the diagnosis of child's relationships to parents, brothers, sisters, childhood informal and formal groups, teachers, school, their own abilities, as well as to identify goals, values, conflicts and meaningful experiences. The number of proposals for each category is grouped by topic (1-3 sentences for each topic), their order can be changed, but undesirable to group together offers for the same topic. The analyzes of the responses of children makes it possible to obtain ideas about the experiences of each child, subjective significance of those or other problems.

Diagnostics of self-assessment "Lestenka". Designed to determine the self-esteem of younger schoolchildren. We draw on a sheet of paper a ladder out of 10 steps. We show the baby to the ladder and say that on the lowest step, the worst boys and girls stand. On the second - a little bit better, but on the top step are the best, good and smart boys and girls. What step would you put yourself on? (Draw yourself at this step. You can draw 0 if the child is difficult to draw a little man).

It is worth noting that in practice it is difficult to choose from a variety of methods and programs (Gutkin N. N., Ovcharova R. V., Bezless M.I. et al.) The one that will help comprehensively determine the readiness of the child to training and help prepare for school . There is an insufficient level of the competence of parents on this topic. There is no continuity in the work of psychologist teachers, since not in all educational institutions have these specialists.

So, we saw that there is a sufficiently large number of techniques for the diagnosis of psychological readiness of children for school learning. The process of adaptation of children is definitely vital for the future. How firmly will stand on the legs of a new generation, as far as it is ready to work together, as far as everyone will be ready to make their own contribution to the general case, ultimately depends on the happiness of each particular child and our society as a whole.

One of required conditions The effectiveness of the development of the child's personality is considered to be continuing, the sequence of the educational process. The mechanism of providing which represents among themselves the organization of continuity between all the elements of education, namely, between the preschool institution and the elementary school.

Under the concept of continuity in this case, it is customary to understand a holistic process, which in turn is aimed at promising formation of the child's personality, taking into account its previous experience and accumulated knowledge. This process ensures not only the complete personal development of the child, but also its physiological and psychological well-being in the transition period from preschool education for education, as well as training in elementary school.

Not only many domestic scientists were engaged in studying various aspects of continuity in education - philosophers, but also psychologists and teachers, such as: G.N. Aleksandrov, A.S. Arsenyev, V.G. Afanasyev, E.A. Ball, E.N. Water carriers, S.I. Hanelin, S.M. River, B.M. Kedrov, A.A. Kaverlg, A.M. Leusushina, B.T.Likhachev, A.A. Lublin, V.D. Putin, A.S. Simonovich, E.I. Theheeva, A.P. Usova et al.

One of the main problems of continuity between kindergarten and elementary school is considered to be best tools, forms and methods for preparing children to school, the significant consequence of which personality readiness for school learning is recognized.

A variety of aspects of preparing preschoolers to school, the formation of personal readiness for school education was considered such specialists as: OM. Anishchenko. L.V. Burtsfai, L.I. Bozovich, L.A. Wenger, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Davidchuk, V.V. Dvalov, A.V. Zaporozhets, S.A. Kozlova, E.E. Kravtsova, M.I. Lisina, N.M. Magomedov, V.S. Mukhina, N.N. Falkov, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, U.V. ULENKOV, L.I. Czechanskaya, D.B. Elkonin et al.

Proceedings of such scientists as: N.P. Anikeeva, K.V. Bardina, Z.M. Boguslavskaya, A.K. Bondarenko, R.S. Burea, A.L. Wenger, V.Ya. Voronova, D.M. Grishina, A.O. Evdokimova, N.A. Korotkova, N.Ya. Mikhaylenko, A.I. Sorokina, T.V. Taruntaya, etc., are devoted to the development of the methodological foundations of upbringing, and training preschool children.

The process of training for school implies a specially organized pedagogical management of the child's activities in the process of which the child's domestic forces occurs, namely thinking, moral and volitional qualities, creative activity, behavior skills. Within this process Not only the prerequisites for educational activities are formed, but also implements the physical and spiritual growth of the child.

Between the need to create a holistic system for the training of children to school and the lack of scientifically argued recommendations on the organization of this process, there are contradictions.

The relevance of the research problems chosen by us is just the same and causes the common-goal and the practical importance of which and the need to solve it determined the choice of the topic of our research: the formation of the personal readiness of the child to school.

The object of research considers the readiness of preschoolers to school.

The subject of the study is the formation of the psychological readiness of the child to school.

The purpose of the study recognizes the need to explore the formation of the psychological readiness of the child to school.

To achieve the goal, during the writing of the work, the following tasks were identified:

    to analyze the theoretical foundations of preparing preschoolers for school training.

    reveal the psychological features of senior preschoolers.

    consider theoretical basis and allocate the principles of building a system for the preparation of senior preschoolers for school training.

To solve certain tasks, the following methods were applied: theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical literature.

The structure of the work consists of the introduction, two chapters, the conclusion and list of the used literature.

Chapter 1. The readiness of the child to school learning as a psychological and pedagogical problem

1.1. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of preschool age

Childhood to school is a big gap in the child's life. Living conditions during this period is changing. The child discovers the world of human relations and various activities. During this period, the child is experiencing an intensive desire to enter adulthood, which at this stage it is, of course, is still not available. It is during this period that the child begins to actively strive for independence.

According to A.N. Leontyeva Preschool age is the "period of the initial actual warehouse of the individual." He believes that it is at this time that the main personal mechanisms and formations are becoming the formation of subsequent personal development.

By the time of entry into the preschool age, the child is already well focused in the usual environment and is already able to handle the items available to it. During this period, the child begins to be interested in things that go beyond the concrete cash situation. A child at this age is expanding not only a circle of communication, but also a circle of interest.

An important feature is that a 3-year-old child is already capable of behavior, which is relatively independent of the situation.

After the crisis of three years, such a period occurs when the child can already talk "souls." According to M.I. Lisina, precisely at this age the child first arise incoming forms of communication. The relationship between the child is significantly modified not only with peers, but also with adults. Falling himself, the child preschooler is trying to understand and establish his relationship with other people. During this period, he begins to be interested in the structure of a family, including all relatives: Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle, and the like.

The child begins to be interested in the causes of many natural and social phenomena, i.e. In other words - issues of the world's device. Having mastered in early childhood speech, the child seeks to the world of adults, wanting to occupy there with an adult position. In the absence of such an opportunity, the child begins to actively simulate the activities and attitudes of adults in the forms available to it, above all, fulfilling the role of an adult in the game.

The main activity of preschool childhood recognizes the plot-role-playing game, which allows children to simulate not only activities, but also the relationship of adults. No less significant contribution to the mental development of the preschooler contributes other types of its activities, such as: visual, structural, listening of fairy tales, elementary forms of labor and teachings.

Previously, psychologists called the game all types of child's activities, causing it by the fact that they were not aimed at achieving a specific result and in this sense are "non-serious" activities.

F. Boitendike, following a psychoanalytic tradition, argued that the game arises from a child due to the presence of unconscious impositions to liberation, removing obstacles emanating from the environment and to merge, community with others, as well as thanks to the current repetition trend. By paying attention to the properties of the game subject, he noted that this item must be partially familiar to the child and at the same time have unknown opportunities. Boitendike emphasized that both the animal and the person play not so much with the objects as with the images.

All types of childhood of pre-school age, with the exception of self-service, are modeling, i.e. The object is recreated in another material, so that there are previously hidden individual qualities, which become the subject of special consideration, orientation.

For example, the visual activities undergo very significant changes for the preschool period. Three-year-old kids with pleasure lead a pencil on paper, watching what it turns out. Compared to early childhood, when the pencil went on paper, and his eyes on the ceiling, it's already progress. This stage is customary to be called the stages of the doodles. The Italian psychologist K. Ricci allocated in the development of children's drawing the drawback and the pictorial stages, each of which is divided into several stages. The drawing stage includes two stages: the first - doodles, the second - stage of subsequent interpretation; The pictorial stage is three stages: the first - primitive expressiveness (three to five years), the second is the stage of the scheme, the third - stage of form and line (seven - eight years). The first stage is usually ends in early childhood, but it happens otherwise.

B.C. Mukhina describes a child who is up to five years (until he went to kindergarten) remained at the stage of interpretation of the doodles, and notes that this case is not exceptional. For unknown for reasons, such children are not built before "in the head" the image of what they want to draw.

The enthusiasm with whom the child spoils the doodle paper is caused by the coordination for the first time between visual and motor development. Any comments that make a hunt for drawing at this stage can cause a mental developmental delay. However, at this age, the child still does not depict anything on paper. Only finished "draw", he looks at the "work", trying to guess what he did, and, giving the name to his drawings. The drawings themselves remained the same doodles, as before, but an important change in the child's thinking was happening: he began to tie his marks on paper with the outside world. So begins the transition from "thinking in movements" to "figurative thinking".

Selflessly drawing, the younger preschooler accompanies its actions, speech movement, calls the depicted, not very taking care of the image quality. According to researchers, such drawings are more "Mimiche" rather, and not "Graphic". For example, the image of a jumping girl with a zigzag can be understood only at the time of drawing, and two days later the child himself calls the same zigzag fence.

In the second stage, the drawing becomes schematic (six to seven years): the child depicts an object with the qualities that belong to it.

The third stage of development of the picture in preschool childhood - Drawing on observation - N.P. was highlighted. Sakulina and E.A. Fleurina with systematic learning children drawing in kindergartens. If K. Bühler believed that the observation drawing is the result of uncommon abilities, the domestic scientists have shown that such a result can be achieved by teaching children, but not a drawing technique, but to systematic observation of objects.

The realism of the children's drawing increases by the end of the preschool age, but such an increase in similarity with the object is estimated in different ways. Some consider it progress, and others, on the contrary, decline. For example, the American scientist Gardner called the "golden age of children's drawing" the stage of the scheme, and later the stage of the line and forms - "a period of concrembly", as he saw in it first of all the decline in the expressiveness and courage of children's works (L.F. Obukhov) .

Reducing the expressiveness of children's drawing, approaching it to an objective photographic display, apparently, there is an expression of the overall transition from egocentrism to a more objective point of view.

Speaking about the meaning of children's drawing for the mental development of the child, some authors tend to assume the quality of children's drawing by direct reflection of the level of intellectual development (F.G. "Udenf). Others believe that the level of the figure reflects primarily the emotional sphere of personality.

The process of drawing the child is distinguished from the visual activity of an adult. The child of five and six years old usually takes care of the final result. The process of his creative self-expression is more important not only for the child, but also for the further process of its mental development. According to American psychologists V. Lovenfield and V. Lombert, the child can find himself in drawing, and at the same time the emotional block will be removed, its development. Similarly, art therapy is used in adults.

Another K. Bulaler movement of the verbal designation of the drawing process depicted in the figure from the end to the beginning of the drawing process shows, apparently, the formation of an internal ideal action plan. A.V. Zaporozhets noticed that the inner plan of activity in preschool age is not yet fully inner, it needs material supports and drawing is one of these supports.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, Children's drawing - a kind of graphic speech. Children's drawings are symbols of objects, as they have similarities with what is designated, unlike a sign, which has no similar similarity.

As reported by A.V. Zaporozhets and L.A. Hungarian, it is in preschool age that the sensory standards and measures are mastered. Sensory standards are a speech sound system, spectrum colors system, geometric shape system, musical sound scales, etc.

The artistic development of the child is not exhausted by its visual activities; The perception of fairy tales has a huge influence. K. Bücher even called the preschool age age of fairy tales. The fairy tale is a literary genre loved by the child. The hearing of the fairy tale turns into a child into special activities of complicity, empathy. By virtue of insufficient possession of the child, this activity should first have external supports. As noted by TA Repin, young children understanding is achieved only when they can rely on the image, so the first child books should be sure to fit the text and illustrations.

B. Betelheim, Children's psychologist and psychiatrist, wrote a book "The benefits and meaning of the magic fairy tale", where hesitated his experience in using a fairy tale for psychotherapy of children.

According to the views of B.D. Elkonina, the hearing of fairy tales is no less important for a preschooler than the plot-role-playing game. The hero of the fairy tale is simple with the role that the child takes on himself in the game. The fairy tale presents the perfect subject effect, and the action of the subject is given in its pure form, relates only to the ideas of good and evil, without intermediate (for example, professional or family) roles and operations with objects.

Attention and memory of the child at the beginning of the preschool age are mainly situational and immediate. As the child mastering his behavior, they are becoming more and more selective. For example, the senior preschooler during the game in the Cossacks-Robbers draws attention to the barely distinguishable arrows, as they are important for the game. He can remember the long list of "shopping" when playing a store, while a three-year-old kid remembers what I saw or heard, and not that I wanted to remember.

The development of speech and thinking becomes the core of the cognitive development of the preschooler. In the work dedicated to the development of speech and thinking of a child, J. Piaget allocated two large groups for which all the statements of the child can be broken: socialized speech and egocentric.

The operating values \u200b\u200boccurring in the role-playing game, although with a support for external items, contributes to the transition of the child's mental actions to a higher level. Subjectual thinking becomes visual-shaped, and as the game develops, when the subject actions are reduced and is often replaced by a speech, the child's mental actions are moving to a higher stage: they become internal with support for speech.

The possibility of incoming communication that appeared with the development of a coherent speech is expanding the horizons of the child. He receives knowledge about the infinity of the world, about its variability in time, about a certain determinism of phenomena. Representations purchased by a preschooler in the process of communicating with parents, other adults, from books and funds mass media, go far beyond the direct everyday experience of the child. They allow it to strudust his own experience and create their picture of the world.

All the well-known psychological flows of the birth of the personality, or "Forming I," belong to age after three years. According to 3. Freuda, this age is associated with the formation and resolution of the "Edipova complex", the core component of the individual, on which they are then only put on, as rings on the children's pyramid, later events of personality.

In domestic psychology, it is also considered that it is also considered to talk about the identity of the child only after the crisis of three years, when the child realized himself as a subject of action (L.F. Obukhova, K.N. Polivanova). Only after this awareness and the emergence of the ability to purposefully act a child can be considered a personality capable of becoming "on the situation" and defeat their immediate impulses (V.V. Davydov, A.N. Leontyev).

As you know, most adult people remember no earlier than a three-year-old age. This also can serve as an indicator that personal memories and personality itself appear only in preschool age. The awareness of itself arising in the crisis of three years, necessarily includes the awareness of its sex. However, only in the preschool age, the presence of a child about their field becomes stable. This is largely due to the identification of a child with the relevant social roles in the game and identification with adults of their sex. The sexual roles are absorbed by the preschooler as stereotypes of behavior associated with the floor (gender stereotypes), sometimes even in the absence of awareness of physical differences. Olyu or unwittingly parents themselves form such stereotypes in children, for example, when they say to the child: "Don't cry, you are a man!" Or "How bad that you swapped, you're a girl!". The preschooler, looking for recognition and approval by adults, receives it only when he behaves in accordance with recognized gender stereotypes that allow more rabbit and aggressive behavior of boys and more dependent and emotional girls. This leads to the fact that already on the fifth year of the girl's life and boys show different preferences in choosing toys: girls are much more often choosing dolls and dishes, and boys are cars and cubes.

Training in the process of the role-playing ability to behave in accordance with the imaginary role gives the opportunity to the preschooler and in its real behavior to submit to the speculative moral norm in contrast to their immediate situational desires. Naturally, the assimilation of moral norms, and especially the ability to obey them, cannot flow without contradictions.

The difficulty of observing the moral norm consists of a child precisely in overcoming the immediate motivation conflicting with a moral motive. The speculative "knowledgeable" motive can be effective in the absence of competing, direct desire or with external control by the part. In the game, the role is monitored by other children. The fulfillment of moral norms in real behavior is controlled by adults, in the absence of an adult child, it is much more difficult to defeat its immediate desire and not disturb this word.

In experiments E.V. Sabbathing children, remaining alone, violated the rule to fulfill the task and get the promised candy-award. But the returned adult with one presence reminded of moral norms and many children refused undesumed awards (although they did not confess in deception).

This shows that the outcome of the inner struggle of motives in the preschooler depends on the structure of a particular situation, since the strength of a moral ethical motive is not yet great. However, the very possibility of this inner struggle is essential in mental development. An early child's child is not capable of it, as it is entirely captured by a cash subject, associated with it and only in it draws its goals and motives. The preschooler, thanks to speech, is more aware of its own sociality and acts more in a social environment, rather than in the subject.

The preschooler already has the possibility of coented (hierarchy) of motives, which A.N. Leontyev considered a constituent sign of the person. As for the impact of the situation on the observance of moral norms, both adults do not act in any situation in accordance with their beliefs.

Many "Why?" The preschooler, withdrawing his knowledge beyond the specific situation, belong to the ideas about the time and related changes. By the end of the preschool age, the child knows that he used to be small and that he would become big more than the years. In this submission of itself in the future, both sexes are included ("I will uncad", for example), and a professional role.

The picture created by it corresponds to the level of development and the peculiarities of its thinking: in it in varying degrees there are animal representations of nature phenomena, and the conviction in the immediate effectiveness of mental phenomena. All these ideas are combined into a solid and consistent, from its point of view, the system, to each element of which it has something or another emotional attitude, which allows it to be called its worldview.

The crisis of seven years for the first time there is a generalization of experiences, or affective generalization, the logic of feelings, i.e. if some kind of situation happened to a child many times, he has an affective education, whose character also refers to a single experience as a concept refers to single perception or memoil.

For example, a child of preschool age has no real self-esteem, pride. He loves himself, but a pride of himself as a generalized attitude towards himself, which remains the same in different situations, self-assessment as such, generalized relations to the child around the environment and understanding of its value.

Chapter 2. Content and methodology for the formation of the psychological readiness of the child to school learning

2.1. Description of the methodology of diagnostics of the psychological readiness of the child for school learning

Investigation of the formation of a child's personal readiness for school training took place in kindergarten №397 "Sunshikovko" of the Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan among children preparatory group, the age of the subjects for 6-7 years, the sample was 25 people, of which 13 boys and 12 girls.

The following techniques were used in the study:

The technique is aimed at assessing the mastering elements of logical thinking. It contains tasks for the placement of elements in the matrix, composed of two features and is a "logical multiplication" of the classification of geometric figures in the form for their seriation in magnitude. Children are invited to find places of individual elements in this matrix.

The survey is carried out in a separate, well-lit room. Two adults are involved in the work: a conductive survey and an assistant, who observes the work of children and assists when performing the tasks of the introductory series. At the same time, 6-10 children are checked for individual tables to eliminate the possibility of imitating and copying solutions. Tables are placed in such a way that the work of every child is visible to adults well.

2. Methods "Dictation" L.A. Wenger and L.I. Czech. Methods for determining the level of arbitrariness as the ability to act according to the instructions of an adult - dictation, when executing which the child must connect figures according to the specified adult rules.

The purpose of the methodology: the diagnosis of the ability to act according to the rule specified verbal.

Structure of activity: assimilation of the rules imposed in a verbal plan; Holding rules in the course of the task; Search for the right moves with orientation to the rules for performing the task.

3. Also, during the study, a "test for determining the level of development of arbitrary regulation of activity" Nizhegorodtseva N.V., Sadrikova V.D.

The child is offered in a notebook to a large cell to draw a pattern of geometric shapes and conventional signs under the dictation of an adult, and then continue according to the sample. First, it is necessary to clarify the presentations of children about geometric figures (circle, square, triangle), show how you need to draw them in the notebook (the figures in size fit into one cell, the distance between the figures in the row one cell), and make it possible to practice. They explain that the crossings "+" and wands "!" Will be included in the patterns.

After that, the task is explained: "Now we will draw a pattern of geometric shapes, cross and chopsticks. I will talk about what kind of figure you need to draw, and you listen carefully and draw them one by one on one line. The distance between the figures is one cell. Attention! Draw the pattern ... "The first pattern is dictated. "Now continue this pattern on your own to the end of the line."

4. In addition, the "test for the development of self-control" Nizhny Novgorodtseva N.V., Shadrikova V.D. The purpose of the methodology: reveal the level of self-control.

The ability to self-control implies the attention of the child's attention to the content of its own actions, the ability to assess the results of these actions and its capabilities.

The child is offered to consider in turns of 4 pictures, which are depicted by his peers in the situation of failure in activities, ask to tell what is drawn (if the situation is understood by the child incorrectly, the adult gives the necessary clarifications), to explain the cause of the failures of the children depicted in the pictures and offer their own options solutions of a practical task.

Analysis of the results of the study is carried out with the help of methods of mathematical statistics.

2.2. Analysis of the results of the diagnosis of the child's psychological readiness for school learning

Analyzing the results of the "Systematization" technique, we can say that most preschoolers (64%) are at the average level of development, 28% has low levels, and only 12% are high.

Table 1

Results according to the method of "Systematization"





average level



low level



average level



average level



low level



high level



average level



average level



average level



high level



average level



low level



high level



average level



average level



average level



average level



high level



low level



average level



average level



average level



average level



average level

It is worth noting that children with low developmentduring the task, the figures were accidentally located without taking into account both seriation and classification relations.

Mid-Development Children,as a rule, classification relations took into account and partially considered seriation relations. They allowed certain errors when placing figures, which consist in the shift of them in the row of the figures of the same form on one or two cells.

Children with a high level of development have had figures with the classification and seriation relations, they allowed individual shifts in the location of the figures to one position to the right or left, but not a single exchange case of the shapes of different shapes.

Now analyze the results obtained by the "Dictation" technique

table 2

Results according to the method of "dictation"

Analyzing the results obtained according to the Dictation technique, it can be said that most preschoolers received an average common score when performing a task. Children did not absorb the instructions for a long time, their attention was scattered, there was no purpose to remember the instructions. Some children needed assistance to a psychologist, they carried out a rule with the first series of tasks, then knocked out, confused.

According to the results "Tthe following data were obtained for determining the level of development of arbitrary regulation of activity:

Table 3.

Results on "t eat on determining the level of development of arbitrary regulation of activity "





not good enough



skill is not formed



not good enough



not good enough



not good enough



not good enough



skill formed



skill formed



skill formed



skill formed



not good enough



skill is not formed



not good enough



skill formed



skill formed



skill formed



not good enough



not good enough



not good enough



skill formed



skill formed



skill formed



not good enough



skill formed

Analyzing the results of the methodology can be said that many preschoolers (44%) skill are not formed, during the fulfillment of the task, some children allowed errors, did not understand the task of an adult, did not want to perform tasks. 8% of preschoolers skill are not formed, dthis does not have the experience of interaction with adults in the training situation, do not have the skill of work on step-by-step instructions. 48% of preschoolers have enough work skill for adult instructions, they are able to listen carefully to the teacher and accurately perform his tasks.

Now we analyze the results of the "test of self-control" the majority of preschoolers (76%) explain that the cause of failures in the canoe, bench, swing, hill, i.e. failures occurred by the causes independent of the characters, it means that They have not yet learned to evaluate themselves and control their actions. Most likely, faced with failure, they will quit the work started and will do something else.

Part of children 24%, seen the cause of the event in the characters themselves and invites them to practice, grow up, gain strength, call for help, it means that he has a good self-esteem and self-control.

Thus, it can be said that most preschoolers are not ready to study at school, or are at the average level, with them it is necessary to carry out games and exercises contributing to the training of children to school.

2.3. Methodical recommendations for the formation of a child for school learning

The game is one of those types of children's activities, which is used by adults in order to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In the game, the child develops as a person, it is formed by those sides of the psyche, which will subsequently depend on the success of his educational and work activity, his relationship with people.

Didactic game With its training task, clothed in a game, entertaining form, attracted the attention of prominent foreign and Russian teachers at the dawn of the origin of the theory and practice of training and education of children of preschool age.

Imagine a number of classes with preschoolers.

Theme lesson "Day. A circle. Number"

The game "Name Right."

Read the children poem M. Melovskaya.

Nose one and mouth one, I am one of my son, the sun in the sky and the moon, and the earth for all alone. Offer children to consider drawing and call items that one (sun, moon, boy, cloud).

Game "Guess and Draw."

Fight children riddle. There are no corners and looks like a saucer, on a plate and on the lid, on the ring, on the wheel. Who am I so, friends?

(A circle)

If children are hampered in guessing a riddle, you can show them all these items.

Give children a task to spend your finger along the shooters, as shown in the figure.

Invite a red felt-tip pen to circle a large circle at points, and blue is small.

Children, referring to the thumb, alternately bend the remaining fingers under the words. Finger-boy, where have you been? With this brother - went to the forest, with this brother - Sch was cooked, with this brother - porridge

With this brother - sang songs!

4. The game "When it happens?".

Read the children poem M. Sadovsky.

He shouts the "ka-ka-re-ku!" Sun, river, breeze. And flies to the entire district: "Good day! Ka-ka-re-ku! "

Ask the children what the Cockerel of the Sun, River, the breeze wishes. (Good day.)

Specify that after morning it comes day and children go for a walk, then dinner, after which they have a daytime sleep.

The topic of classes "Number 1. Night. A circle"

1. The game "One and a lot".

Fight children riddles.

It is Antoshka on one leg, they are looking for,

And he does not respond.


In winter and summer

One color.

(Christmas tree)

Let the task find the deposits in the figure and circle them.

Ask children what items in a lot of pictures, and which one one. (Mushroom, Christmas tree, girl, basket, sun, bunny - one, many - flowers, birds.)

The game "What is Round".

Offer children to call items similar to the circle. (Sun, cherries, wheels from the car.)

Tell the children that the bear wants to draw objects round form, but does not know what.

Ask the children to help Mishke draw objects round shape, who want.

Additional material. Night. Around silence. In nature, everything sleeps. His glitter Moon is all around silver. S. Yesenin

Sleeps forests, the meadows are sleeping, fresh dew fell. In the sky, the stars are burning, in the river river they say, to us the window of the moon looks, to sleep with small kids. A. Blok.


The bug caught in a dream, the tail was wiser. Cat, sulfur, sleeping at the feet of the chair. In the soft chair at the window grandmother fell asleep. Mishka also began to yawn. Is it time to sleep Masha? A. Barto

The topic of classes "Number 2. Triangle. Fall".

The game "Riddles and Radiations".

Fight children riddles.

Run with the help of two legs while sitting on me rides. I'm stable only on running. Two pedals are at the bottom.


We always walk together, similar to the brothers. We are at the dinner under the table, and at night under the bed.


Let the task find the deposits in the picture and circle them.

Gaming exercise "Get acquainted with a triangle"

Ask children, what is the name of the figure drawn to the left? (Triangle.) If children find it difficult, tell me.

Let the task put your finger on the arrow and cover the triangle.

Then suggest children to circle a large triangle with a green felt-tip pen, and a little yellow.

Specify that the big triangle is green, and small - yellow.

Fizkultminutka "Maple".

The wind quietly maple shakes, left, to the right tilts. Once - tilt and two slope. Shealed the foliage of Maple.

Hands raised up, movement in text.

4. The game "What happens in the fall."

Read the children poem E. Alexandrova.

Autumn drives in the sky, dance leaves in the yard. Mushroom, rushing on his spines, dragged his hedgehog to his hole.

Questions to children.

What time of year says in the poem? (About autumn.)

What color are the leaves in the fall? (Yellow, red, orange.)

How does the hedgehog prepare for winter? (Harvested mushrooms.)

Specify that now the time of year is autumn.

Additional material.

Fall. In the mornings of frost. In groves yellow leaves. Leaves around the birch with gold carpet lie.

E. Golovin

If in the trees leaves the wishes, if in the edge of a distant bird flew away, if the sky is gloomy, if the rain is poured, this time of year is called in the fall.

M. Khodiakova

Screaming a crow in the sky


In the Forest Fire-RR, Fire-RR!

And it was just very:

In it settled autumn!

E. Intulov


So the autumn came, the legs in the puddle knocked. The breeze sneezed - a piece fell from the tree, turned on the barbell and fell asleep.

A. Grishin

The topic of the duration "Number 4. Square. Winter".

The game "Is enough to elephant tufels?" Read the children poem S. Marshak.

They gave the digger to Elephant.

He took one to the shoe.

And said: "We need a sewing,

And not two, but all four! " Inconsider the children to calculate how much the shoes gave elephant. (Four.)

Questions to children.

How many legs of the elephant? (Four.)

2. Gaming exercise "Draed the squares"

Tell the children that the drawn figure is called a square.
Ask what geometric shapes do they know? (Circle, triangle.)

Give the job to circle a square finger along the arrows, as shown in the figure.

Offer to circle a large square point - a red felt-tip pen, and small - green.

Specify that the squares can be of different sizes.

3. Fizkultminutka "Bunny".

Skok-Joke, Skok-Jack, bunny jumped on the pennies. The hare is cold to sit, you need to warm my paws, legs up, paws down, on the socks tighten, put the paws on the barrel, on the socks of the scaff. And then printing, so as not to fribe the paws.

Movement on the text of the poem.

The game "When it happens?"

Fight children riddle. Cold came. Wrapped in ice water. Long bunny gray wrapped over white bunny. The bear stopped roaring: the bear fell into the hibernation. Who will say who knows when it happens?


Tell the children that now winter, on the street is cold, the earth is covered with snow, trees are standing without leaves, people walk in warm clothing, you can ride on sledding.

Additional material.

Here is the north, the clouds hitting, got drunk, overwhelmed - and here is the wizard wizard!

A.S. Pushkin

Opaled with birch. The last leaves, the frost imperceptibly tipped to the window, and for the night, the magic brush painted the country.

P. Kirichansky

Both elephant, and a mouse, and a puppy, and buy a frog to buy sneakers for four paws. M. Multivskaya

The topic of classes "Big, smaller, the smallest. Spring".

The game "Consider, Pain." Read the children's poem S. Mikhalkov.

We are good kittens. One, two, three, four, five. Come to us the guys see and calculate.

Questions and tasks to children.

Cut the circles at points as much as kittens on


How many circles circled? (Five.)

Why? (Because there are five kittens in the picture.)

2. Game "When it happens?".

Read the children excerpt from the poem L. Agracheva.

Fun Auknula

From the forest of spring.

Her bear responded,

Pouring from sleep.

Squatched squirrel,

Looked out of the hollow, -

Waited, fluffy,

Light and warmth. Ask the children, what time of year speaks in a poem? (Spring.)

What seasons do they know yet? (Autumn winter.)

3. Fiscultum "Fingers".

Fingers fell asleep

In the cam curled.






Wanted to play!

On account 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 fingers alternately squeeze out of the cam. The words "wanted to play" the fingers are moving freely.

4. The game "Connector".

Questions and tasks to children.

What size vase? (Big, smaller, small.)

What size flowers? (Big, smaller, small.)

Offer children to join the line flowers with vases, respectively, their size is a large flower with a large vase, a smaller flower with a smaller vase, a small flower with a small vase.

Additional material.

For playing classes with children, you should first get acquainted with games in cooking gaming material, cut out of the application or color blanks, which should be stored in envelopes or match boxes, pointing to them number, as in subsequent games you need to usepotorki from previous ones. In some games it is necessary to use colored cubes. For some games neededstrokewritten designer, minor items, toys, ropes, colored ribbons, children's musical instruments, paints, colored paper. A joint making of the game material will be especially useful for the development of his cognitive activity, business communication, will bring him a charge of satisfaction from the joint work and the process of knowledge. Such classes are involved in the child to enhanced, collens, organize his attention and are imperceptibly prepared for training activities.

Perthe whole pre-school period is mastering six main forms: a triangle, a circle, square, oval, rectangle and polygon. VNAchaletit can only be remembered by the name of the property itself - "Form" - and the name of all contours in the figure and cut models - "Figure". Among the many figures, he learns to distinguish their forms, first according to the sample, and then on the standard that is fixed in the presentation image. It is not necessary to strive for him to remember the name of all forms, but you need to call them by reinforcing your words by showing the sample. Later, the child begins to distinguish the names in your words, and then pronounce them yourself.

From three years, the child takes the pattern shapes, performs the action of comparison using such operations as a grouping of forms, applying, overlay. These operations are fixed when laying out mosaic, design.

From four years, the sample and mastering the survey operations are beginning to lead the child's perception, make the subject to examine the subject in more detail, not only general shapeBut also its distinctive details (angles, length of the parties, the slope of the figure). The distinction of parts allows you to perceive the form by its distinctive features, then it remembers the names of the forms. Acquaintance with the varieties of forms forms the standard of each form in the form of an image image, which helps to master the surgery, modeling new forms.

Game: What does this figure look like?

Show the figures on the left and name them.

You need to ask the baby to find items in the room or on the street, similar to these figures (look at the drawing on the right). To give, if possible, circle these items. If the child himself cannot find, you need to help him, show these items.

Game: What is the figure?

To play you need to cut out the shapes and stick them to the cardboard. It is necessary to ask the child to circle every shape with a finger along the contour. And then ask the child: "What is the figure?" You need to ask the child to put the figures under the same pattern. Then you need to show how to do it.

Game: Drawing Figure Pencil

Ask a child to circle figures with a pencil.

Coloring them different colors. Ask to call familiar figures. Show to an unfamiliar figure, oval. Call it. What does she look like?

Game: put on your bench

It is necessary to cut acquaintances already for a child shape, but other sizes. Show how the same figures are sitting on their bench. A new figure is added to the child. When he decomposes all the figures, once again call a new figure.

The game: Find out the shape to the touch

In the cardboard box you need to put several cardboard figures of different sizes and ask the child with closed eyes to take out the figure, feel it with your fingers and say the name.

Game: Find your place

You need to cut out the contours of similar items, to the drawings that will be used in this game. Ask a child under the drawing to decompose the figures, similar in shape.

Game: Spread Figures in Row

Previously, you need to cut similar figures to the drawings to be used in this game. All carved figures need to be asked to decompose into a row under the same figures, and then apply to the drawing. Show how to do this by turning the attention of the child to the fact that all corners coincide and the drawing does not look.

Game: Invert Figures

For the game you need to cut out the figures to the drawings that will be used in this game. It is necessary to ask for each figure in the drawingcollecta similar figure and turn it in the same way as in the figure, put under the figure, andattemadjust on the drawing.

Need to ask the child to show what he saw new figures. Call them - these are polygons andsemicircle.

Game: Collect Beads

Need to show the child how to collect beads fromcircles I.triangles and squares equal in size.

Game: Where is my trailer?

It is necessary to show the train in the picture and say:"On thestop stood a lot of figures. Whenapproachedtrain, all the figures quickly fled to their trays and stood in line. How did they find out their car? " You need to ask the child to put the shapes towards your trays.

Game: What figures are flags drawn?

The child needs to paint flags and draw the same.

Game: What are the houses like?

What figures are they built?

Game: What figures folded the figures?

Game: What kind of figures do you see in the drawings?

Game: Find Similar Figures

In this game you need to ask the child to compare the drawings on the right and left and show similar figures.

List of used literature

    Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. / Andreeva G.M. reisside. and add. - M.: MSU, 2002. - 456 p.;

    Artamonova E.I. Psychology of family relationships with family counseling. ed. E. G. Silyaeva M.: 2009. - 192 p.

    Akhmedzhanov E.R. "Psychological tests" / Akhmedzhanov E.R. - M.: 2006 - 320 p.;

    Bityanova M.R. Workshop on psychological games with children and adolescents. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 304 pp.

    Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. Textbook for universities. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 304 pp.

    Vygotsky L. S. Questions of children's (age) psychology. M.: Union, 2008. - 224 pp.

    Wenger A.L. "Psychological examination of younger schoolchildren." / Venger A.L., Zuckerman G.A. - M.: Vlados-Press, 2008. - 159 p.;

    Age and pedagogical psychology: Reader / Sost. I.V. Dubrovina, A.M. Podishozhan, V.V. Zatresin. - M.: Academy, 2009. - 368 p.;

    Ganicheva A.N. Family pedagogy and home education of children of early and preschool age. M.: Sphere, 2009. - 256 p.

    Hotels V.A. Psychology of communication. M., Academy, 2002 - p. 87

    Zaush-Godron Sh. Social development of the child. - SPb.: Peter, 2004. - 123 pp.

    Zvereva O.L., Krotova T.V. Pre-school education and development. M.: Iris-Press, 2008. - 123 p.

    Winter I.A. Pedagogical psychology: textbook for universities. - M.: Logos, 2008. - 384 pp.

    Lisin M.I. Psychology of self-knowledge from preschoolers. Chisinau: Stinacea, 2009. - 111 p.

    Mardakhaev L.V. Social pedagogy. M.: Gardariki, 2006. - 216 p.

    Nomov R.S. General psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - 304 p.

    Satir V. You and your family: Personal Growth Guide. M.: Aperel-Press, 2007. - p. 228

    Smirnova E.O. Psychology of a child. M.: School press, 2004 - 178 p.

    Sokolova E.T. Psychotherapy. M.: Academy, 2008 - 368 p.

    Spivakovskaya A. S. How to Be Parents. M.: Pedagogy, 1986. - 175 p.

    Stolyarenko LD, Sayagin S.I. 100 exam answers on psychology. Rostov N / D.: March, 2008. - 256 p.

    Stolyarenko ld Fundamentals of psychology: educational. benefit. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007

    Stolyarenko LD, Sayagin S.I. Pedagogical thesaurus. M., 2000. - 210 p.

    Semago N.Ya., Semago M.M. Theory and practice of assessing the psychic development of the child. Preschool and younger school age. SPb.: Speech, 2010. - 373 pp.

    Talyzina N. F. Pedagogical Psychology. M.: Academy, 2008. - 192 p.

    Khorgkova A.G. Wheels D.V. A boy - a teenager - a young man. M.: Education, 2009. - 207 pp.

    Uruntaev G.A. Preschool psychology: studies. Manual for studies environments Ped. studies. establishments. - 5th ed., Stereotype. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 336 p.

    Reader in general psychology. - M.: Publisher of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2009. - 832 p.;

    Hashlaeva O. V. The foundations of psychological counseling and psychological correction: studies. Manual for students Higher. Ped. studies, institutions. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. - 208 p.

Basic data on work


1. The concept of readiness for school learning. The main aspects of school maturity

1.1 Intellectual Readiness for School Learning

1.2 Personal Readiness for School Learning

1.3 Wallave Readiness for School Learning

1.4 Moral Readiness for School Learning

2 The main reasons for the unpreparedness of children to school



List of sources used

Applications A. Diagnostics for the assimilation of elementary mathematical representations

Appendices B. Graphic dictation D.B. Elkonina

Applications V. Diagnostics of intelligence using the Hadenf Harris test

Appendices of the city orientation text of school maturity

Applications D. Test "Ten Words"

E. Apps Test "Classification"

Apps J. Test for Social Maturity

Apps I. Social Maturity Test

Appendices K. Test "Drawing up a story on pictures"

Applications L. Test "What is missing?"

Applications M. Test "Fourth Excess"


The problem of readiness for children to school recently has become very popular among researchers of various specialties. Psychologists, teachers, physiologists study and justify the criteria of readiness for school education, argue about the age from which it is most advisable to start learning children at school. Interest in this problem is explained by the fact that the psychological readiness for school education can be compared with the foundation of the building: a good strong foundation is the guarantee of the reliability and quality of the future building.

The problem of studying the readiness of preschoolers to school is not new. In foreign studies, it is reflected in the works studying the school maturity of children. (GETER 1936, A. Kern 1954., S. Gidbel 1957, Ya. Yirasey 1970, and others). In domestic psychology, a serious study of the problem of readiness for school education, his roots going from L.S. Vygotsky, contained in the works of L.I. Bozovic (1968); D.B. Elkonina (1981, 1989); N G. Salmine (1988); HER. Kravtsova (1991); N.V. Nizhny Novgorod, V.D. Shadrikova (1999, 2001) and others. These authors, following L.S. Vygotsky believes that learning leads to development, and therefore training can be started when psychological functions involved in it have not yet matured. In addition, the authors of these studies believe that not a set of knowledge available in the child, skills and skills, is important for successful education at school. certain level his personal and intellectual development, which is considered as psychological prerequisites to school training. In this regard, I consider it expedient to designate the latest understanding of readiness for school "Psychological readiness for school",in order to separate it from others.

Under the psychological readiness of children to school, the necessary and sufficient level of the psychological development of the child is understood to assimilate school program for certain conditions learning. The psychological readiness of the child to school is one of the most important results of psychological development during preschool childhood.

We live in the 21st century and are now very high living requirements for organizing education and training make new more efficient psychological and pedagogical approaches aimed at conducting training methods in accordance with the requirements of life. In this sense, the readiness of preschoolers for school training is of particular importance.

With the solution of this problem, the definition of the objectives and principles of the organization of training and education in preschool institutions is due. At the same time, the success of the subsequent training of children in school depends on its solution. The main purpose of determining the psychological readiness of children to school is the prevention of school deadaption.

The relevance of this problem has identified the topic of my work "Study of the readiness of children for school learning."


To identify and explore the features of the psychological readiness of the child to school.


a) learn the features of the psychological readiness of the child to school.

b) identify the conditions for the formation of the psychological readiness of the child to school.

c) analyze diagnostic techniques and psychological assistance programs to children.

Preparation of children to school - the task is complex, covering all the lives of the child's life. Psychological readiness for school is only one aspect of this task. But within this aspect there are various approaches:

1. Studies aimed at the formation of preschool children a change in certain skills necessary for school learning.

2. Study of neoplasms and changes in the psyche of the child.

3. The study of the genesis of individual components of educational activities and identify ways to form them.

4. The study of changes in the child consciously subordinate their actions to the specified, with a consistent execution, verbal instructions of an adult. This skill consists with the ability to master the general method of performing verbal instructions of an adult.

School readiness in modern conditions is considered, primarily as readiness for schooling or training activities. This approach is justified by a look at the problem from the periodization of the psychic development of the child and the change of leading activities. According to E.E. Kravtsova, the problem of psychological readiness for school education, receives its concretization, as the problem of changing leading types of activity, i.e. This is the transition from the plot games for training activities. This approach is relevant and significant, but readiness for training does not cover fully phenomenon readiness for school. This approach is relevant and significant, but readiness for training does not cover fully phenomenon readiness for school.

L.I. Bozovic in the 1960s indicated that the readiness for training in school develops from a certain level of development of mental activity, cognitive interests, readiness for arbitrary regulation of its cognitive activity to the social position of the student. Similar views developed A.V. Zaporozhets, noting that readiness for training in school is a holistic system of interrelated qualities of a childhood personality, including the features of its motivation, the level of development of cognitive, analytics - synthetic activities, the degree of formation of the mechanism of volitional regulation.

Today, it is almost generally recognized that readiness for school education is a multiple education that requires integrated psychological research. Traditionally, three aspects of school maturity are distinguished: intellectual, emotional, social.

Under intellectual activity a differentiating perception is understood, perceptual maturity, including the selection of the figure from the background; concentration of attention; Analytical thinking, expressed in the ability to comprehend the main links between phenomena; the possibility of logical memorization; The ability to reproduce the sample, as well as the development of thin movements of the hands and sensor coordination. It can be said that in this way intellectual maturity significantly reflects the functional maturation of the brain structures.

Emotional maturity it is understood as a decrease in impulsive reactions and the possibility of a long time to perform not very attractive occupation.

TO social maturity there is a child's need for communicating with peers and the ability to subjugate their behavior by the laws of children's groups, as well as to fulfill the role of a student in school school situations.

Based on the dedicated parameters, school maturity tests are created.

If foreign studies of school maturity are mainly aimed at creating tests and a much lesser extent focused on the theory of the issue, then in the works of domestic psychologists there is a deep theoretical study of the problem of psychological readiness for school as a subject of activity, which is expressed in the social formation and execution of intentions and goals, Or, in other words, arbitrary behavior student.

Almost all the authors exploring psychological readiness for school pay arbitrariness a special place in the problem under study. There is a point of view that the weak development of arbitrariness is the main stone of the stumbling block of psychological readiness for school. The difficulty lies in the fact that on the one hand, arbitrary behavior is considered to be a neoplasm of younger school age, developing within the training (leading) activity of this age, and on the other hand, the weak development of arbitrariness prevents the start of learning at school.

D.B. Elkonin (1978) Considering that arbitrary behavior is born in a role-playing game in the team of children, allowing the child to rise to a higher level of development, which can do it in a single game, because The team in this case corrects violations in imitation of an intended image, whereas it is still very difficult to implement such control.

  • 3. 2, 2. Evaluation of dynamic attention
  • Protocol Study Research Estimation
  • 3. 2. 3. Estimation of switching attention
  • Protocol Research Research Estimation
  • Palkal Assessment
  • Palkal Assessment Error Score
  • 3. 3. Assessment of short-term memory
  • Saving scales for short-term memory
  • 3. 4. Evaluation of the thinking of the younger schoolboy
  • 3. 4. 1. Evaluation of verbal-logical thinking
  • Protocol research
  • Amendment at the time of the task
  • Savings of thinking scores
  • 3. 4. 2. Evaluation of figurative thinking
  • 3. 5. Study of the personal features of the younger schoolboy
  • 3) Wall norms: boys 11-12 years old (in 141)
  • 3. 6. Self-assessment and level of claims of the younger schoolboy
  • 3. 7. Using the method of observation to determine the psychological characteristics of the student
  • 7. Conversation with the class teacher
  • 2 conversation with a schoolboy
  • 3. Conversation about schoolboy with teachers
  • 6. Conversation with an old-fashioned schoolboy class
  • Chapter 4 Psychologist Work with Teenagers
  • 4. 1. Investigation of the cognitive sphere of a teenager
  • 4. 1. 1. Assessment of attention (according to Munsterberg method)
  • 4. 1. 2. Diagnostics of the level of intelligence
  • Time to hold subtests
  • 4. 2. Detection of anxiety level in adolescents
  • 4. 3. Detection of the type of temperament
  • 4. 4. Determination of character accentuations in adolescents
  • PDO text and improved objective score code
  • Survey sheet of main research number
  • 4. 4. 2. Detection of accentuations in a teenager using Schmeshek's questionnaire test
  • 4. 5. Diagnostics of aggression status in adolescents
  • 4. 6. Building a personal profile (16-factor questionnaire)
  • Chapter 5 Psychologist's work system with youthful age
  • 5. 1. Evaluation of personal features
  • 5. 1. 1. The "non-existent animal" technique
  • 5. 1. 2. Methods "Self-portrait"
  • Testing the test "Self-portrait"
  • The ratio of highlighted signs of the image in the test "Self-portrait" (out of 500 people in%).
  • The ratio of individual-typological features on the test "Self-portrait" (out of 500 people,%)
  • 5. 2. Receptions for the definition of accentuation in high school students Methods for auto-identification of accentuations of the character of e. G. Eidemeyller
  • 5. 3. Identify the motives of behavior from senior schoolchildren
  • 5. 3. 1. Measurement of motivation of achievement
  • 5. 3. 2. Measurement of affiliation motivation
  • 5. 3. 3. Study of the motivational sphere using the test of humorous phrases
  • 5. 4. Determination of control location
  • 5. 5. Evaluation of neuropsychic stress, asthenia, reduced mood
  • 5. 5. 1. Characteristics of the type of nervous activity
  • Evaluation of the mental state
  • 5. 5. 3. Measurement of the severity of the asthenic state.
  • 5. 5. Measuring the degree of severity of reduced mood - subdepression.
  • 5. 5. Definition of anxiety level
  • 5. 6. Study of cognitive interests in connection with the tasks of vocational guidance
  • Section Second Work with Adults
  • Chapter 1 Psycholirga work with teacher
  • 1. 1. Evaluation of the professional activity of the teacher
  • 1. 2. Identification of typological features of the personality of the generalization of the personality typology (in Yung)
  • 1. 3. Assessment of the professional orientation of the teacher's personality
  • 1. 4. Evaluation of the aggressiveness of the teacher (A. Assinger)
  • 1. Tiger or leopard. 2. HOME CAT. 3. Bear.
  • 1. 5. Empathy ability to empathy
  • 1. 6. Evaluation of the level of sociability of the teacher
  • 1. 7. Evaluation of response methods in conflict
  • 1. 8. Self-assessment scale Approval motivation
  • 1. 9. Study of the individual with a psychogeometric test
  • The system of individual psychological differences identified by the implementation of constructive drawings based on preferences of geometric shapes
  • 1. 10. Pedagogical barriers
  • 1. 11. The ability of the teacher to economic activities
  • 1. 12. Evaluation of the psychological climate in the pedagogical team
  • Chapter 2 School Psychologist and Parents Pupils
  • 2. 1. The work of a psychologist with preschooler parents
  • 2. 2. Test questionnaire of the parental relationship (A. Ya. Varga, c. V. Stolin)
  • 2. 3. Methods for measuring parental plants and reactions
  • Scale, components Factor 2
  • Scale, components Factor 3
  • 2. 4. Test "House-Tree-Man"
  • 2. 5. Determination of the psychological atmosphere in the family
  • Section Third Correction Takes and Exercise
  • Part I.
  • 1. 1. Basic principles and directions of work
  • 1. 2. Violations of personal development in childhood
  • 1. 3. Challenge and its correction
  • 1. 3. 1. Correctional work with a closed child
  • 1. 3. 2. Working with the parents of a closed child
  • 1. 4. Fears
  • 1. 4. 1. Methods for correction of fears who are not related to personal relationship disorders
  • 1. Enhance the overall level of the child's emotional experiences
  • 2. Playing the situation of interaction with the subject of fear in the game
  • 6. Emotional conflict
  • 7. Activity therapy
  • 1. 4. 2. Fears associated with the violation of personal relations
  • 1. 5. Aggressiveness
  • 1. 5. 1. Working with parents of an aggressive child
  • 1. 5. 2. Correctional work with an aggressive child
  • 1. 6. Social dezadaplation of child preschool age
  • Part 11 Correction of violations at school age
  • Chapter 1 Decides of attention
  • Chapter 3 Receptions of Development of Molding Activities
  • IV. Change the usual relationship conversion links:
  • Chapter 4.
  • Chapter 5 Imaging Development
  • Exercise 9. Tasks for the development of imagination
  • Chapter 6 Anxiety Correction and Shyness
  • Chapter 7 Psychic Regulation Methods
  • 7. 1. Capacities of psychological unloading as one of the main means of preventing neuropsychic health
  • 7. 2. Autogenous training
  • 7. 3. Self-regulation of the mental states of the teacher using neurolynguistic programming
  • 7. 4. Use of music in order to rehabilitate schoolchildren
  • 7. 5. Use of color in the work of a psychologist
  • Literature
  • Rogov Evgeny Ivanovich Desktop Book of a Practical Psychologist in Education
  • 117571 Moscow, Ave. Vernadsky, 88. Moscow Pedagogical State University of Comn. 452, bodies / fax 437 99 98, tel 437-34-53
  • 2. 7. Determination of the psychological readiness of children for school education

    Recently, the task of preparing children to school occupies one of the important places in the development of the ideas of psychological science.

    Successful solution to the tasks of the development of the child's personality, improving the effectiveness of training, a favorable professional formation is largely determined by how true the level of children's training for school learning is taken into account. In modern psychology, unfortunately, there is no single and clear definition of the concept of "readiness", or "school maturity".

    A. Anastasi interprets the concept of school maturity as "mastering the skills, knowledge, abilities, motivation and other necessary for the optimal level of learning school behavioral characteristics" (A. Anastasi, vol. 2, p. 6).

    I. Shvanzara more exccorates school maturity, as an achievement of such a degree in development, when a child "becomes able to take part in school learning." As components of readiness for learning in school, I. Schvazar allocates mental, social and emotional components.

    L. I. Boevich, in the 60s, indicated that the readiness for training in the school consists of a certain level of development of mental activity, cognitive interests, readiness for arbitrary regulation of its cognitive activity and to the social position of the schoolchild. Similar views developed by A. I. Zaporozhets, noting that the readiness for school training "is a holistic system of interrelated qualities of a childhood personality, including the features of its motivation, the level of development of cognitive, analytical synthetic activities, the degree of formation of mechanisms of volitional regulation of actions, etc. D. "(A. I. Zaporozhets, p. 56).

    To date, it is practically generally recognized that the readiness for schooling is a multicomponent education that requires integrated psychological research. The structure of psychological readiness is made to allocate the following components (according to L. A. Wenger, A. L. Wenger, V. V. Kholmovskaya, Ya. Ya. Kolominsky, E. A. Pashko, etc.):

    1. Personal readiness.Includes the formation of a child's readiness for the adoption of a new social position - the position of a schoolboy who has a range of rights and obligations. This personal readiness is expressed in relation to a child to school, to educational activities, teachers, to themselves. Personality readiness includes a certain level of development of the motivational sphere. Ready for schooling is a child whom the school is not attracted by the outside (the attributes of school life - a portfolio, textbooks, notebooks), and the ability to receive new knowledge, which involves the development of cognitive interests. The future schoolboy needs to arbitrarily manage his behavior, cognitive activity, which becomes possible with a formed hierarchical system of motives. So the child must have a developed training motivation. Personal readiness also involves a certain level of development of the emotional sphere of the child. By the beginning of school education, a child must be achieved relatively good emotional stability, against the background of which the development and course of training activities may occur.

    2. Intellectual readiness of the child to school.This component of readiness implies the presence of a circuit in a child, the stock of specific knowledge. The child should own the systematic and dismembered perception, elements of the theoretical attitude to the material studied, generalized forms of thinking and basic logical operations, semantic memorization. However, basically, the child's thinking remains figurative, based on real actions with objects, their substituents. Intellectual readiness also implies the formation of initial skills in the field of training activities, in particular, the ability to highlight the learning task and turn it into an independent goal of activities. Summarizing, it can be said that the development of intellectual readiness for school training suggests:

    differentiated perception;

    analytical thinking (the ability to comprehend the main signs and links between phenomena, the ability to reproduce the sample);

    a rational approach to reality (weakening the role of fantasy);

    logical memorization;

    interest in knowledge, the process of their receipt at the expense of additional efforts;

    mastering on the spoken speech and the ability to understand and use symbols;

    development of fine movements of the hand and visual-motor coordination.

    3. Socio-psychological readiness for school learning.

    This component of readiness includes the formation of qualities in children, thanks to which they could communicate with other children, a teacher. The child comes to school, a class where children are busy with a common matter, and he needs to have enough flexible ways to establish relationships with other children, the ability to enter children's society, to act with others, the ability to give up and defend themselves. Thus, this component implies development in children's needs to communicate with others, the ability to obey the interests and customs of the children's group, developing abilities to cope with the role of a schoolboy in school school situations.

    Practical psychologists working in public education institutions are facing the problem of diagnosing the psychological readiness of children in school education. Every year, starting from April-May and august, children who have reached the seven-year-old age rushed to school. In different schools there are methods and methods for organizing the reception of children. To date, almost everywhere determines the level of psychological readiness of children for school learning. At the same time, each psychologist, in the measure of its competence, theoretical preferences uses a different set of methodological procedures, which make it possible to obtain data on the formation of psychological readiness for school learning.

    During this period, a psychologist conducts both massive and individual psychodiagnostic surveys. With mass (group) examinations of children detected in general terms, the level of intellectual development, the development of fine motility hands, coordination of the movement of hands and vision, the ability to imitate the sample. To implement these purposes, to draw up a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of development of the child's readiness for school learning, the orientation test of the school maturity of Coren-Jiirasika can be used. This test has a number of essential advantages for the initial examination of children:

    first, this test requires a short time when used;

    secondly, it can be used for both individual and group examinations;

    thirdly, the test has standards developed on a large sample;

    fourth, does not require special Tools and conditions for their own;

    fifth, allows the psychologist to receive information about the child.

    Brief description of dough

    The estimated test of school maturity Ya. Jiirasik is a modification of the test of A. Kern. It consists of three tasks:

    drawing a male figure on representing, imitating writing letters, handling a group of points. Ya. Jirasik introduced an additional fourth task, which lies in the answers to questions (every child is invited to answer 20 questions).

    Drawing men need to perform by representation. When drawing written words, the same conditions must be ensured as and when drawing a group of points, combined into a geometric shape. For this, the sheets of paper with the submitted samples of the second and third task are distributed to each child. All three tasks are presented in terms of thin motor skills.

    Instructions for task 3: "Look, here are dots. Try and draw here, next to the same. "

    Test execution assessment:

    Exercise 1.Figure male figure.

    7 score Exhibited in the following cases. Drawn figure should have a head, torso, limb. The head with the torso is connected by neck, the head does not exceed the body. The head has hair (or they are closed with a hat, a hat), there are ears, on the face - eyes, nose and mouth. Hands are finished with a brush with five fingers. Legs downstairs bent, men's clothing used. The figure is drawn using the so-called synthetic method, that is, the figure is drawn immediately as a single whole (you can circuit with a contour without tearing a pencil from paper). Feet and hands "grow" from the torso.

    2 points The child gets if all the requirements are performed as in paragraph 1, except for the synthetic image of the image. Three lacking parts (neck, hair, one finger, but not part of the face) can be excluded from the requirements, if it is backed by a synthetic image of the image.

    3 points They put when the figure shows the head, torso, limbs, and the hands or legs are drawn by a double line. It is allowed the absence of neck, ears, hair, clothes, fingers, feet.

    4 points.Primitive drawing with a torso. The limbs are expressed only by simple lines (one pair of extremities is enough).

    5 points.There is not enough clear image of the body (head and legs) or both pairs of limbs.

    It should be noted that a person's drawing refers to the number of old diagnostic techniques. Back in 1926, F. Guiden attempted to create a standard scales for assessment of the quality of human drawings. This scale was aimed at assessing the drawing from the point of view of the level of intellectual development of the child. In 1963, D. Harris, Pupil F. Guding (F, conducted a new standardization of this task. The score of the signs to evaluate the drawing "Drawing a Man" in Gudenim Harris contains 10 categories of informative features:

    1) parts of the body, details of the face;

    2) the volume of image parts of the body;

    3) the quality of the combination of body parts;

    4) compliance with proportions;

    5) the correctness and detail of the image of the clothing;

    6) correctness of the image of the figure in the profile;

    7) Quality of pencil possession: hardness and confidence of straight lines;

    8) the degree of arbitrariness of possession of the pencil when drawing forms;

    9) features of drawing technology (only in older children, for example, hatching);

    10) Expressiveness of the transmission of the movements of the figure. The visual activities of children are currently studied quite widely, its stages and informative features are highlighted. Research M. D. Barreto, P. Light, K. Makhovener, I. I. Budnitskaya, T. N. Golovina, V. S. Mukhina, P. T. Homentauskas, and others. Show that features of graphic images to a certain extent correlate with the level of mental development of children.

    P. T. Homentauskas believes that the psychologist should be paid to the following moments of graphic presentations:

    1. Number of body details. Are there: head, hair, ears, eyes, pupils, eyelashes, eyebrows, nose, cheeks, mouth, neck, shoulders, hands, palms, fingers, legs, feet.

    2. Decorating (details of clothes and decorations): hat, collar, tie, bows, pockets, belt, buttons, elements hairstyles, complexity of clothing, decoration, etc.

    An informative can be the absolute magnitude of the figures: children prone to dominance, confident, draw figures of large sizes; Small human figures are associated with anxiety, uncertainty, a sense of unsuccession.

    If children over the five years passed in the figure some parts of the person (eyes, mouth), it may indicate serious violations in the field of communication, density, autism.

    It can be said that the higher the level of detail of the pattern (figures of the man), the higher the overall level of the child's mental development.

    There is a pattern that with the age of children, the drawing is enriched with new details: if at three and a half years the child draws a "chanting", then at seven years - will present a rich body scheme. Therefore, if in seven years the child does not draw one of the details (head, eye, nose, mouth, hands, torso, legs), then this should be paid attention to it.

    It should be emphasized, however, that this test does not have an independent diagnostic value, that is, it is unacceptable to limit into the child's examination: it can only be part of such a survey.

    Task 2.Imitation written letters.

    1 score The child gets in the following case. Imitation of a completely satisfactory written pattern. The letters do not reach the dual size of the sample. The initial letter has a clearly noticeable height of a capital letter. The rewritten word does not deviate from the horizontal line by more than 30 degrees.

    2 points Put if the sample is copied parsing. The size of the letters and compliance with the horizontal line is not taken into account.

    3 points.Explicit breakdown of inscriptions into three parts. You can understand at least four letters of the sample.

    4 points.In this case, with a sample, at least two letters coincide. A copy still creates an inscription string.

    5 points.Scribble.

    Task 3.Sourcing a group of points.

    7 scoreAlmost perfect imitation sample. Only a very small deviation of one point from a number or column is allowed. Reducing the pattern is permissible, the increase should not be.

    2 points.The number and location of the points must respond the sample. You can deviate even three points on half the width of the gap between the rows and columns.

    3 points.The whole in its contour is similar to the sample. In height and width, it does not exceed it more than twice. Points should not be greater than 20 and less than 7. Any turn is allowed, even 180 degrees.

    4 points.The drawing is no longer like a sample in its contour, but it still consists of points. The magnitude of the pattern and the number of points does not matter. Other forms are not allowed.

    5 points.Drawing.

    After the subtests are fulfilled, the psychologist collects forms and conducts the primary grouping of them according to the results of testing, selecting children with very weak, weak, middle and strong

    level of readiness for school learning.

    The results obtained characterize the child from the general mental development: the development of motility, the ability to perform the specified samples, i.e., characterize the arbitraryness of mental activity. As for the development of social qualities, with knitted with general awareness, the development of thought operations, these properties are quite clearly diagnosed in the questionnaire Ya. Yiirasik.

    The questionnaire of the approximate test of the school maturity Yaroslav Yiiracik.

    1. What animal is more - a horse or a dog? Horse =0 Points, incorrect answer \u003d -5 points.

    2. In the morning you have breakfast, and during the day. . .

    Dinner. We eat soup, meat = 0 points. We have dinner, sleep and other erroneous answers \u003d -3 points.

    3. Day light, and at night. . . Dark \u003d 0 points, incorrect answer \u003d -4 score.

    4. Sky blue, and grass. . . Green = 0 points, incorrect answer \u003d -4 score,

    5. Cherries, pears, plums, apples. . . what's this? Fruit \u003d 1 point, incorrect answer \u003d -1 score.

    6. Why earlier, the train goes down the barrier?

    So that the train does not encounter a car. So that no one fell under the train (etc.) \u003d 0 points Incorrect answer \u003d -1 score.

    7. What is Moscow, Rostov, Kiev? Cities \u003d 1 point. Stations \u003d 0 points. Incorrect answer \u003d -1 score.

    8. Which hour shows the clock (show on the clock)?

    Well shown \u003d 4 points. Showing only a quarter, a whole hour, a quarter and an hour,

    that's right \u003d 3 points. Does not know hours \u003d 0 points.

    9. Little cow is a calf, a small dog is. . . , Little Sheep is. . . ?

    Puppy, lamb \u003d 4 points,.

    only one answer from two \u003d 0 points.

    Incorrect answer \u003d - 1 point.

    10. The dog looks more like a chicken or on a cat? What looks like

    what do they have in common?

    On the cat, because she also has four legs, wool, tail,

    claws (enough likeness) \u003d 0 points.

    On the cat (without bringing the signs of similarity) = -1 score.

    On the chicken \u003d -3 score.

    11. Why in all brake cars?

    Two reasons (to slow down from the mountain, slow down on the turn; stop in case of risk of collision, generally stop after the end of the ride) \u003d 1 point. 1 reason = 0 points.

    Incorrect answer (for example, it would not go without brakes) \u003d -i score.

    12. What are like a hammer and ax like each other?

    Two common features \u003d - 3 points (they are made of wood and iron, they have handles, these are tools, they can clog nails). 1 Similarity \u003d 2 points. Incorrect answer \u003d 0 points.

    13. What are the squirrel and cat like each other?

    The determination that these are animals, or bring two common signs (they have four paws, tails, wool, they know how to climb trees) \u003d 3 points. One similarity \u003d 2 points. Incorrect answer \u003d 0 points.

    14. What is the difference between a nail and screw? How would you recognize them if they lay here in front of you?

    They have different signs: the screw - cutting (carving, such

    the twisted line, around the cut) \u003d 3 points.

    The screw is screwed down, and the nail is clogged: the screw - the nut

    Wrong answer = 0 Points.

    15. Football, height jumps, tennis, swimming. . . this is? Sport, Physical Culture \u003d\u003d 3 points.

    Games (exercises), gymnastics, contest \u003d 2 points. Incorrect answer \u003d 0 points.

    16. What kind of vehicles do you know?

    Three terrestrial vehicles, aircraft or ship \u003d 4 points.

    Only three terrestrial vehicles or a complete list, with a plane or a ship, but only after the explanation that vehicles are what you can move somewhere \u003d 2 points. Incorrect answer \u003d 0 points.

    17. What is the different person from the young? What between them

    Three signs (gray hair, lack of hair, wrinkles, already

    it can not work so much, he sees badly, hears badly, it is more often sick, it will most likely die than young) \u003d 4 points. One or two differences \u003d 2 points. Incorrect answer (he has a stick, he smokes, etc.) \u003d 0 points.

    18. Why do people play sports?

    For two reasons (to be healthy, hardened, strong, so that they are moving, so that they are not fat, they want to achieve a record and so on.)

    One reason \u003d 2 points.

    Incorrect answer (to be able to be able to) \u003d 0 points.

    19. Why is it bad when someone evades work?

    The rest should work for it (or the expression that, as a result, someone else carries damage). He is lazy. He earns little and can not buy anything \u003d 2 points. Incorrect answer \u003d 0 points.

    20. Why do you need to glue the brand on the envelope?

    So pay for shipment, transportation of letters \u003d 5 points. The one else would have to pay a fine \u003d 2 points.

    Incorrect answer \u003d 0 points.

    After the survey, the results are calculated by the number of points achieved on individual issues. The quantitative results of this task are distributed in five groups:

    1 group - plus 24 or more

    2 Group - Plus 14 to 23

    3 Group - from 0 to 13

    4 Group - from minus 1 to minus 10

    5 Group - less minus 11

    According to the classification, the first three groups are considered positive. Children who scored the number of points from plus 24 to plus 13 are considered to be ready for school.

    Total assessment of test results

    The children who received three to six points are considered ready for school education. A group of children who received seven-nine points is the average

    the level of development of readiness for school learning. Children who received 9-11 points require additional research to obtain more objective data. Particular attention should be paid to the group of children (usually these are separate guys) who scored 12-15 points, which is the development below the norm. Such children need a thorough individual examination of the intellect, personal development, motivational qualities.

    Thus, it can be said that the Core-Jiracic technique gives preliminary orientation in the level of development of readiness for school learning.

    At the same time, the concept of "readiness for school learning" includes both the formation of the main prerequisites and the foundations of training activities.

    G. G. Kravtsov, E. E. Kravtsova, speaking of readiness for school education, emphasize its integrated nature. However, the structuring of this readiness is not on the path of differentiation of the general mental development of the child on intellectual, emotional and other spheres, and, consequently, types of readiness. These authors consider the child's relationship system with the outside world and allocate psychological readiness for school related to the development of various types of child's relations with the outside world. In this case, the main parties to the psychological readiness of children to school are the three spheres: attitude to adult, attitude to peers, attitude to itself.

    In the field of child communication with adults, the most important changes characterizing the offensive of readiness for school education are the development of arbitrariness. The specific features of this type of communication is to subordinate the behavior and actions of the child with certain standards and rules, the support is not on the existing situation, but for all the content, which sets its context, an understanding of the position of the adult and the conditional meaning of his questions.

    All these features are needed by a child for accepting an educational task. In studies V. V. Davydov, D. B. Elkonina showed that the learning task is one of the most important components of educational activities. The educational problem is based on an educational problem, which is a theoretical resolution of contradictions.

    The educational task is solved through academic actions - the next component of educational activities. Educational actions are aimed at searching and allocating general ways to solve any class of tasks.

    The third component of educational activities are the actions of self-control and self-esteem. In these actions, the child is directed

    as if on himself. Their result is the changes in the most knowledgeable subject.

    Thus, arbitrariness in communicating with adults is necessary for children for successful implementation of training activities (primarily for the adoption of an educational task).

    The development of a certain level of communication with peers has no less important to further exercise than the development of arbitrariness in communication with adults. First, a certain level of development of the child's communication with the peers allows him to act adequately in the conditions of collective learning activities. Secondly, communication with peers is closely associated with the development of educational actions.

    G. G. Kravtsov, E. E. Kravtsova, emphasize that the mastery of educational actions gives the child the opportunity to assimilate the general way to solve a whole class of educational tasks. Children who do not speak this way can only solve the same task in the content.

    This relationship of the development of communications with peers and the development of training actions is due to the fact that children with developed communication with the peers are able to look at the situation of the task of "other eyes", to become a point of view of their partner (teachers). They have sufficient flexibility and are not so tightly tied to the situation.

    This allows children to allocate a general way to solve the problem, master the appropriate learning actions and solve direct and indirect tasks. Children, easily cope with both types of tasks, are able to allocate a general solution scheme and have a rather high level of communication with peers.

    The third component of the child's psychological readiness for school education is attitude towards himself. Educational activities involve a high level of control, which should be based on an adequate assessment of its actions and opportunities. Heavy self-esteem peculiar to preschoolers is converted by the development of the ability to "see" others, the ability to move from one position to another when considering the same situation.

    In connection with the allocation in the psychological readiness of children of various types of relations influencing the development of educational activities, it makes sense to diagnose children entering school through the mental development indicators most important for the success of school training.

    E. A. BUGRIMENKO, A. L. Wenger, K. N. Polivanova, E. Yu. Sushkov, as such a diagnostic procedure, a complex of methods are offered to characterize the following mechanisms:

    1) the level of development of educational prerequisites: the ability to carefully and accurately perform consistent instructions

    an adult, independently act according to his task, to focus on the system of conditions of the problem, overcoming the distracting effect of side factors (Methods "Graphic Dictation", "Sample and Rules"),

    2) The level of development of visual-shaped thinking (in particular, visual-schematic), which serves as the basis for the subsequent full-fledged development of logical thinking, mastering the educational material (Method "Labyrinth").

    All dedicated techniques are desirable to conduct with a group examination, as they are aimed at the child's ability to follow the instructions of adults addressed to the group or class.

    Methods "Graphic Dictation" (Developed by D. B. Elkonin) and aimed at identifying the ability to listen carefully and accurately perform the instructions of the adult, to properly reproduce the paper on the sheet a given direction of lines, to act on the task of an adult.

    For the study, each child is issued a tetrad sheet into a cell with four points deposited on it. Before studying, the psychologist explains to children: "Now we will draw different patterns. We must try to get it beautiful and neat. To do this, you need to listen carefully. I will talk for how many cells and in which direction you should spend a line. Cut out only those lines that I will say. When you spend, wait until I inform you how to draw on. The next line should be started where the previous one has ended, without taking a pencil from paper. Everyone remembers where the right hand? Pull the right hand to the side. You see, it points to the door (the real landmark is given indoors). When I say that you need to hold the line to the right, you will spend it - to the door (on the board there is a line from left to right to one cell length). I spent this line on one cage to the right. And now I, without taking off my hands, spend a line into two cells up. Now pull the left hand aside. You see, it shows the window (or another real landmark). Now I, without taking your hands, I spend the line on three cells to the left. Everyone understood how to draw? "

    After that, the psychologist proceeds to drawing a training pattern: "We start drawing the first pattern. Put a pencil on the highest cell. Draw a line without leaning a pencil from paper: one cage down (do not break the pencil from paper). One cage to the right. One cage up. One cage to the right. One cage down. One cage to the right. One cage up. One cage to the right. One cage down. Next, continue to draw the same pattern for yourself. "

    When dictation, the psychologist should make enough long-term pauses so that children have time to finish the previous lines. On the independent continuation of the pattern gives one and a half or two minutes. Children warn that the pattern is not necessary to continue on the entire width of the page.

    In the process of holding, the psychologist observes the children to start work every time from the specified point, encourages children ("I think you will definitely work out, try again"). At the same time, no specific instructions for the design of the pattern are given.

    After independent execution by children of the training pattern, the psychologist says: "Everything, this pattern does not need to draw further. We draw the following pattern. Now put pencils to the next point. Get ready, I start dictation. One cage up. One cage to the right. One cage up. One cage to the right. One cage down. One cage to the right. One cage down. One cage to the right. And now continue to draw the same pattern. "

    After passing the one and a half or two minutes, the psychologist says: "Everything. This pattern will not be drawn further. We draw the following pattern. Attention! Three cells up. One cage to the right. Two cells down. One cage to the right. Two cells up. One cage to the right. Three cells down. One cage to the right. Two cells up. One cage to the right. Two cells down. One cage to the right. Now continue to draw this pattern. "

    After a half or two minutes, the dictation of the final pattern begins: "Parameters on the lowest point. Attention! Three cells to the right. One cage up. One cell left. Two cells up. Three cells to the right. Two cells down. One cell left. One cage down. Three cells to the right. One cage up. One cell left. Two cells up. Now continue to draw this pattern. "

    Assessment of results

    The results of the training pattern are not evaluated. Each of the subsequent apartments are estimated to perform dictation and independent continuation of the pattern. The estimate is made on the following scale.

    The exact reproduction of the pattern is 4 points (irregularity of lines, the "trembling" line, "dirt" is not taken into account and do not reduce the rating);

    Playback containing an error in one line - 3 points;

    Playback with multiple errors - 2 points;

    Reproduction in which there is only the similarity of individual elements with dictated pattern, - 1 point;

    No similarity even in separate elements - 0 points.

    For an independent continuation of the pattern, the estimate is set on the same scale.

    Thus, for each pattern, the child receives two estimates;

    one - for the execution of dictation, the other - for the independent continuation of the pattern. Both estimates range from 0 to 4. The final assessment of the work under dictation is derived from three appropriate estimates for individual patterns by summing up the maximum of them with the minimum. The resulting estimate can range from zero to eight.

    Similarly, out of three estimates for the continuation of the pattern displays the final one. Then, both final estimates are summed up, giving a total score (Sat), which can vary from zero (if for work under dictation and for independent work It was obtained zero points) up to 16 points (if there were 8 points for both types of work).

    Method "Sample and Rule" A. L. Wenger was developed and aimed at identifying the ability to guide the system of conditions for the problem, overcoming the distracting effect of foreign factors. The results of its implementation also reflect the level of development of visual-shaped thinking.

    For the study, a sheet with tasks, which are distributed to children (on the reverse side, the child data is indicated - last name, name, age).

    The psychologist gives preliminary explanations, holding a sheet in hand with tasks: "You have the same sheets like me. You see, there were points here (indicates the vertices of the triangle). They were connected in such a way that it turned out such a drawing (he holds a pointer to the sides of the triangle). Nearby there are also points (points to the right of the triangle - sample are specified). You yourself connect them so that it turned out exactly the same drawing, as here (again indicates the sample). There are extra points here - you will leave them, you will not connect. And now look, the points are all the same or not? "

    When children respond to different points, a psychologist says:

    "That's right, they are different. Some points are like small cross, others - like small triangles, there are points like small mugs. You need to remember the rule: it is impossible to carry out a line between the same points, between two circles, or between two crosses, or between two triangles. The line can be carried out only between two different points. If some line you will do wrong, tell me, I will elare it with a rubber band. When you draw this figure, draw the following. Rule remains the same. It is impossible to carry out a line between the two identical points. "

    After the explanation, the psychologist invites children to start fulfilling the task. In the course, the psychologist stimulates, encourages the guys, if necessary, repeats the instruction, but no additional explanations are given to children. Assessment of results

    For each of the six tasks, an assessment is placed, which can vary from 0 to 2 points.

    In case the problem is violated in the task and the sample is incorrectly reproduced, 0 points are placed.

    In the event that the rule is broken, but the sample is unmistakably reproduced, 1 point is placed.

    In case the rule is not violated, but the sample is incorrectly reproduced, 1 point is also placed.

    In the event that the rule is not violated and the sample is properly reproduced correctly, 2 points are placed.

    If, when performing any - the child, the child spent at least one line is not between the specified points, 0 points are set for this task (except in cases where there is a small inaccuracy caused by motor or sensory difficulties). In the case when the child itself puts additional points, and then spends between them, the task is also estimated at 0 points. Error in conducting lines are not taken into account, they do not reduce the estimate (curves, trembling lines, etc.).

    The total score (Sat) is displayed by summing points obtained for all 6 tasks. It can range from 0 to

    12 points.

    Thus, this technique is aimed at identifying the ability to navigate in the conditions of the problem, identifying preferences in the orientation to the visual-specified sample or verbally formulated rule. The process of performing tasks also reflects the peculiarities of the perception of visual-shaped thinking and the level of development of the sensor-motor abilities of the child. This technique allows you to detect an important feature of the child's psychological readiness - this belongs to the "preschool" or "school" type. The predominance of the orientation to the sample (when the child tries to reproduce the shape of the triangle or rhombus and pays significantly less attention to the rule of dots) is typical for the "preschool" type. It is emphasized by the effort to execute the rule of the dots characteristic of the "school" type, indicate readiness for schooling. If the child's "school" type is observed in the perception and image of the sample form, this testifies to the failures of the figurative thinking and requires additional research on other methods.

    Methodology "Labyrinth" (Developed Research Institute for Preschool Education of APN former USSR) It is intended to identify the level of formation of visual-schematic thinking (the ability to use schemes, conventional images in situations in situations). The assessment is made in "raw" points without translating into a normalized scale.

    Before studying the study, children are distributed by the "books", which are sheets with the image of a clearing with branched tracks and houses at their ends, as well as letters, conventionally indicating the path to one of the houses. The first two sheets (A and B) correspond to the introductory tasks.

    Initially, children are given two introductory tasks (A and B), then everything else is in order. Children open a book with tasks that begin with an introductory task. After that, the psychologist offers instructions: "Before you, the Polyanka, the tracks and houses are drawn on it at the end of each of them. You need to find one house correctly and cross it. To find this house, you need to look at the letter (a psychologist points to the lower part of the page where it is placed). The letter is drawn that you need to go from the grass, past the Christmas tree, then the fungus, then find the right house. Everyone find this house, and I will see if you are not mistaken. "

    The psychologist looks at how everyone child decided to task. If necessary, it corrects errors, explains. Making sure that all the children completed the first introductory task (a), the psychologist invites them to flip the sheet and solve the second task (b): "Here, too, two houses and again it is necessary to find the desired house. But the letter here is another: it is painted how to go and where to turn. We need to go from the grass again, and then turn to the side. " The psychologist shows the "letter" at the bottom of the sheet. After explanation, children decide the task, the psychologist checks and explains again.

    After solving introductory tasks, it is proceeded to solve the main. Each of them gives a brief additional instruction.

    To tasks 1-2."In the letter drawn, how to go, which way to turn, start moving from the grass. Find the desired house and cross out. "

    Task 3: "Look at the letter. We must go from the grass, past the flower, then past the fungus, then by Birches, then Christmas trees. Find the desired house and cross it. "

    Task 4: "Look at the letter. It is necessary to go from the grass, first past birchings, then past fungus, Christmas trees, then chairs. Check the house. "

    To tasks 5-6. ""Be very careful, look at the letter, find the desired house and cross it up."

    To tasks 7- 7ft "Look on the letter, it is painted as you need to go, about which subject to turn and in what direction. Be careful. Laying the desired house and cross it up. "

    Assessment of results

    The solution of introductory tasks is not estimated. When solving 1-6 tasks for each correct turn, one score is accrued. Since 4 turns should be made in problems 1-6, the maximum number of points for each of the tasks is 4. In tasks 7-10 for each correct turn, 2 points are given, in tasks 7-8 (2 rotation) - the maximum number of points is 4, In tasks

    9-10 (3 rotation) - 6 points.

    Points obtained for solving each task are summed up.

    The maximum number of points is 44.

    The three presented techniques ("Graphic Dictation". "Sample and rule", "Labyrinth") form a complex, the total scores of which determine the level of execution by each child

    It was allocated five levels of execution of each task.

    Table 1 Sat values, corresponding to different levels of task



    Graphic dictation

    Sample and rule


    The final assessment of the fulfillment of the complex of diagnostic tasks is the sum of the conditional points obtained for the implementation of the techniques. It can fluctuate from about up to 36 points. Using table. 2 According to the final assessment, the level of formation of components of academic work is determined.

    table 2

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