How to pass the color perception test. Color blindness test. Is there a cure for color blindness?

Detects deviations in color perception.

According to statistics, 8% of men suffer from color blindness, which is mostly hereditary.

With this defect, a person cannot see the shades of the light spectrum and cannot drive a vehicle.

Color blindness test - what is it, what is it

The human eye is a complex organ, its retina is involved in the transformation of light stimulus. The retina contains light-sensitive cones, each of which is responsible for the perception of the colors of the spectrum: red, green and blue.

The defect in color perception is called color blindness. Such a genetic deviation is also checked without ophthalmic devices using special tests.

The essence of the test is that a person looks at tables depicting multi-colored circles and triangles with explicit and hidden numbers. People with correct color perception distinguish them, and those with impaired perception do not recognize numbers and geometric figures.

If a violation of color sensitivity is detected during a medical examination, then for such people there is no access to military professions. Drivers of vehicles and train drivers, doctors and chemists must also have the correct perception of the color spectrum. Representatives of these specialties undergo an eye examination by an ophthalmologist to obtain a certificate of fitness for work.

How is the color blindness test for drivers performed?

To get a driver's license, you must pass a thorough medical examination. If during the medical examination a contraindication to driving vehicles for health reasons is revealed, then the further examination procedure ends there.

If a defect in color sensitivity, which is called color blindness, is detected, it is impossible to drive vehicles. In the retina of the eye there are receptors due to which a person recognizes different shades of the light spectrum.

Colorblind people lack this ability. They can create an emergency situation on the roads while driving.

Future drivers undergo a medical examination in the eye doctor's office using color tables with images of figures and numbers. During testing, the subject should be located with his back to a window or a source of artificial light.

Rabkin's tables with small drawings are placed vertically at a distance of one meter at eye level. The examining ophthalmologist is located opposite the patient.

Within 5-7 seconds, the subject examines the picture and tells the examiner what he saw. Wearers of glasses and lenses do not remove them during testing. Such tables help to identify violations of color perception.

Based on the results of the tests, the ophthalmologist makes a conclusion about the degree of vision pathology in the person being tested.

Rabkin's book for doctors, and polychromatic tables

Several tests have been developed to diagnose color perception. In the practice of ophthalmologists, testing is carried out using polychromatic tables, the Rabkin test. The book for checking vision for color blindness, in which Rabkin placed test cards, is popular among oculists.

Rabkin's table for doctors consists of:

  1. Control and demonstration character, intended for all patients.
  2. General diagnostic type - detects deviations in color perception
  3. Differential diagnostic - determination of the properties of the pathology (deuteranopia, protanopia and protanomaly, as well as deuteranomaly).

The table shows small circles, similar in brightness, but differing in color shades and saturation. With the help of these small circles of the same color, a geometric figure in the form of a triangle or a circle and a number appear on a colorful background. People with vision without pathology can easily distinguish them. With an anomaly or color blindness, patients do not clearly see numbers and figures.

Tests with answers and hints to check drivers

You can prepare for testing using answers and hints, building a logical chain for memorization.

Here is the sequence of tests:

  1. Figures 9 and 6 are shown to clarify the tests.
  2. Geometric shapes square with a triangle.
  3. The number on the sheet is 9, not to be confused with 5.
  4. A triangle is shown.
  5. Numbers 1 and 3 on the sheet.
  6. Circle with a triangle.
  7. Test with a hidden "trick". 9 distinguish the examined.
  8. The number 5 is visible to patients without visual anomalies.
  9. The card shows the "nine" 9.
  10. Test with numbers 1,3 and 6. Not to be confused with 6, 8 and nine.
  11. A circle with a triangle is depicted.
  12. For the subject, the number 12 is distinguishable.
  13. Geometric shapes, circle and triangle
  14. A card with the numbers 3 and 0. There is no hidden "six" at the bottom.
  15. At the top right is a triangle, at the left is a circle, at the bottom is a square.
  16. The number 96 is depicted.
  17. Card with geometric shapes.
  18. Multi-colored squares are depicted in horizontal and vertical rows. 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th rows are red, the rest of the horizontal rows are green.
  19. On the card with 9 and 5, only 5 is visible for a color blind person.
  20. Geometric figures

The rest of the tests are the same as described above.


Interpretation of test results

Card with the image of the numbers 9 and 6 to explain the test:

  1. With the help of geometric figures of a square with a triangle, a simulator is revealed.
  2. On a card with 9, a colorblind patient will see 5.
  3. A patient without an anomaly will see an image of a triangle, and with an anomaly a circle.
  4. Figures 1 and 3 are shown. If there is a defect, they will see 6.
  5. Table with geometric shapes - a circle and a triangle. The subject with a pathology of color perception will not see the difference in figures.
  6. The sheet contains a hidden "trick". The number 9 is visible to both healthy patients and those examined with an anomaly in color perception.
  7. The number 3 5 is seen only by patients without deviations.
  8. The number 9 is depicted. Color blind people will see an eight or six.
  9. A card with the numbers 1.3 and 6. With a visual defect, they will be like 66.68, as well as 69.
  10. Sheet with the image of a triangle with a circle. Patients with pathology will see a circle.
  11. For colorblind people, the number 12 is indistinguishable.
  12. A triangle is visible to those who do not distinguish green, and a circle is visible to red.
  13. 14. Test with the numbers 0.3 and a hidden number 6. With a defect in the perception of green, they will see 1 and 6, and with a violation of the perception of red - the numbers 6.0.1.
  14. Visually impaired patients will be confused where the square, circle and triangle are.
  15. 9 and 6 are depicted. With a pathology of perception, red will see 9, and green - 6.
  16. Test with geometric shapes. The colorblind will see one of the figures.
  17. Multi-colored squares are depicted in horizontal and vertical rows. For colorblind people, these vertical rows are solid.
  18. On a card with the number 95, only 5 is visible for people with a violation.
  19. Colorblind people will not be able to distinguish geometric shapes.

The remaining tests from 20 to 27 are similar to those described above.

Online color blindness test for drivers with answers:

What to do if a problem is found

Color blindness should not be taken as a fatal diagnosis, although sometimes the detection of visual pathology can become an obstacle to your favorite profession. With a defect in color perception, a person does not have the right to drive vehicles, aircraft and ships. Artists and designers will also face difficulties. But you should not give up, you have to live without feeling an inferiority complex.

If an anomaly of color perception is found in children, it is necessary to explain the situation to them, they should not feel disadvantaged.

We need to help children navigate the street. The problem is created by traffic lights at the intersection of streets. A color-blind person needs to be taught the logic of recognizing light signals at a traffic light or act on the example of pedestrians on the roads.

Children of all ages love to draw. On pencils and felt-tip pens, color marking should be made understandable for the child. For example, yellow is marked with a lemon pattern, green with a leaf so that kids can depict the natural colors of plants and animals. Even great artists like Repin and Savrasov in the late period of creativity revealed a visual defect.

The day is not far off when genetic engineering will make it possible to cure pathology in the retina.

Children's vision test

A defect in color perception can be found in children in younger age. Boys usually suffer from this anomaly. When a deviation is detected, one should not panic, but prepare for the difficulties of adaptation.

You can learn about the degree of color perception and the pathology of color blindness in children from four years old.

To determine the violation, it is necessary to observe the actions of the child when he draws. If there are deviations, then his grass will not be green, but orange. He will paint the sky green, he will constantly be confused in colors.

You can check like this: if you put the baby objects different color, with the right color perception, he will reach for a bright object.

If the signs of an anomaly of vision in a child manifest themselves, you need to contact an ophthalmologist's office. Diagnostics of color perception is carried out using Rabkin's polychromatic tables. They come in the form of drawings - small multi-colored circles and dots with the same brightness.

With a visual defect, babies will not see an image that appears in a latent form. In the absence of problems with the definition of color, they will correctly name the numbers from the circles and geometric shapes.

Tests 27. During the diagnosis, a child with a pathology on the third test with the image "9" will call "5". So ophthalmologists will determine the violation of the sensation of shades of color.

Restrictions in activities in people with a similar anomaly of perception

Anomalies in color perception do not allow color blind people to live fully. For them, the choice of specialty is limited, they are not allowed to work where professional activity is closely related to normal color perception.

Signals and markings use colors: beacons and buoys, road signs and traffic lights at intersections, signs in public places, maps.

Representatives of such professions have a restriction on admission:

  • medical workers;
  • sailors;
  • railway transport drivers;
  • employees of chemical laboratories, etc.

Color-blind people are not accepted into educational institutions where military personnel are trained; not all types of troops are available to them in the army.

In Russia, color-blind people could get driving licenses with categories A and B until 2017, but with a special mark "Without the right to work for hire." And thus the driver could only drive for personal purposes.

Representatives of the above specialties should be checked in the ophthalmologist's office, where diagnostics are carried out using color polychromatic tables.

How to pass the color blind test well

To obtain a driver's license, you must pass a test for the correct perception of colors. Testing is being carried out using Rabkin's book for doctors to check for color blindness.

To achieve success during the exam, you need to be checked in a calm mood. With elevated body temperature, headache, problems with blood pressure, you should refrain from testing, it is recommended to take it after a good rest.

Before the exam, you should calm down and relax. With internal tension and anxiety, the sense of perception of the shades of the light spectrum can be distorted. The test room should be well lit.

The patient is seated so that the light source is behind him. Pictures for checking color blindness when viewed is at eye level. If you move it, it will cause distortion of the image of the figures.

The person being tested looks at the color blindness chart, which is located at a distance of 65 - 100 cm from the eyes. Each image is reviewed for 7-10 seconds. You should answer slowly. When a more detailed check is required, the pictures are viewed one by one.

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Ophthalmologists are not only high-tech modern equipment with sophisticated software. Quite informative are the old, time-tested methods, such as Rabkin's tables.

What are these tables used for, what diagnosis can a doctor make with their help, and why are drivers so afraid of them?

In this article, you will learn the basics of color testing and be able to independently diagnose online.

What is a methodology?

E. B. Rabkin is a Soviet ophthalmologist who devoted his life to studying such features of visual perception as color perception. To study the perception of colors, scientists have developed a whole range of techniques. Of these, the atlas of flowers and tables, which received the name of the author, turned out to be the most popular. They allow you to identify one or another form of violation of the perception of colors and diagnose such a common anomaly as color blindness.

REFERENCE: Color blindness is a congenital visual impairment (“color blindness”) in which a person loses the ability to recognize red and green colors. The disease is named after the English physicist John Dalton, who first drew attention to his own anomalies of “color” vision.

Rabkin's diagnostic technique includes 27 test polychromatic pictures. They help to establish the presence of a congenital or acquired color perception anomaly. To clarify the diagnosis, 20 auxiliary pictures are used to eliminate errors in the testing process.

Each of the main 27 tables is a large number of small colored circles on a light field. Their brightness is identical to each other, but the shades and saturation of colors are different. Circles of one or more similar shades create the outlines of figures and figures that are easily distinguishable by a person with normal color perception. Patients with color pathology either do not see the given numbers and figures at all, or they see completely different silhouettes that are distinguishable from the norm.

If, according to the results of testing on all 27 pictures, the patient correctly named letters and symbols, vision is considered trichromatic. This means that a person is able to accurately distinguish the three primary colors - red, blue and green. Abnormal trichromasia is indicated by errors in the tables in the amount from 1 to 12. If a person makes a mistake in 12 or more pictures, they are diagnosed with “dichromasia” - the inability to recognize one of the primary colors (most often green).

Indications for carrying out

A polychromatic color blindness test must be taken by all men and women who intend to obtain a driver's license. The correct perception of colors is necessary, first of all, for safety on the road. And if even experienced drivers do not need to distinguish shades, then recognizing red, yellow and green traffic lights is vital.

A study of vision for color perception is also being carried out in young recruits. Satisfactory results will be needed by all young people who, by the nature of their service, will be associated with vehicles.

Trichromatic perception is not a prerequisite for a person to be allowed to drive a car. The results are interpreted individually - even a patient with an average degree of color blindness can be allowed to drive.

Representatives of some professions by occupation need to have not only good eyesight, but also the correct perception of color:

IMPORTANT! The color perception test even detects irregularities endocrine system. Fluctuations in the level of hormones in the blood, their excess or deficiency can affect the quality of color perception.

In some cases, color sensitivity is temporarily reduced. Such a phenomenon can provoke motion sickness in transport, mental or physical overstrain, taking medications. Such patients are advised to be tested again as soon as they feel better.

Types of people by color perception

According to the criterion of color perception, ophthalmologists divide all patients into three categories: deuteranomalies, protanomalies, tritanomalies. Let's consider each of them in more detail.


Deuteranomaly is a visual condition in which a person has reduced sensitivity to green wavelengths. Patients with deuteranomalies well distinguish between light shades - blue and light green. But in order to fully perceive blue-green tones, such people need high color saturation and a large number of green waves.

The anomaly is diagnosed in only 1% of the population and is associated with the absence of chlorolab in the retina. This special substance is a photosensitive pigment responsible for recognizing the yellow-green gamut of colors. This type of color blindness is congenital and cannot be treated.


Protanomaly is a visual disorder associated with difficulties in perceiving shades of the red spectrum. This is also a congenital anomaly, but it is caused by a deficiency of such a photopigment as erythrolab. It is he who has a high sensitivity to red waves and allows a person to recognize shades from pink to orange.

Weak degrees of protanomaly are difficult to diagnose and do not affect the quality of life. With a high degree of impairment, the patient either sees very little red tints, or instead sees gray tones.


Tritanomaly, or tritanopia, is a perceptual disorder with the release of shades of blue. The disease is directly related to the work of the “blue” cones of the retina, which are especially sensitive to short-wave radiation. The disorder is caused by the absence of this type of cones or by a deficiency of the pigment responsible for their functioning.

The patient has difficulty distinguishing not only blue and light blue colors, but also all shades of violet. Instead, the human eye sees dark gray or light gray spots. Pathology is considered incurable and occurs with the same frequency in both sexes.

Causes of color blindness

The disease is hereditary, but color perception can also be disturbed under the influence of external factors. Congenital color blindness occurs due to chromosome mutations and is transmitted through the maternal line. In this disease, men are more likely to suffer (2-8%), while in women the disorder occurs only in 0.4% of cases. Patients with color blindness lose the ability to distinguish one or more primary colors, while the rest of the visual parameters are within the normal range.

REFERENCE! Monochromacy is an acquired color vision disorder. Patients with a similar diagnosis see the world only in one color due to the defeat of almost all photoreceptors in the retina.

Normally, color perception is built thanks to three types of special retinal receptors. Each of them contains a corresponding protein pigment responsible for the recognition of three basic colors:

Often, “color” cones are affected against the background of pathological processes in the retina:

  • mechanical damage;
  • age-related macular degeneration;
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • degeneration, etc.

Specific treatment for color blindness this moment not developed. Glasses and lenses with special filters help to improve the perception of colors.

Self-diagnosis using pictures

The large pictures below allow you to diagnose your own perception of shades. Each table is accompanied brief description norms and pathologies.

№ 1. This is an introductory picture that allows you to identify simulators and show the principle of the test. People with and without disabilities should see a nine and a six here.

№ 2. The principle is the same as in the previous table. A person with any vision should see a circle and a triangle.

№ 3. Here is a nine that trichromats should see. With an anomaly in the perception of the red and green spectra, a person will see the number 5.

№ 4. A patient with normal vision should see the depicted triangle. Protanomalies and deuteranomalists will see a circle in the picture.

№ 5. The table shows the number 13 - one and three. Individuals with red or green spectrum blindness will see a six.

№ 6. The norm is a circle at the top and a triangle at the bottom; with any color pathology, recognition of these figures is impossible.

№ 7. The nine and six shown in this picture should be well distinguished by healthy people. Colorblind people see only six.

№ 8. The picture shows a five, which patients with a disorder recognize very poorly or do not see at all.

№ 9. Trichromats see the number 9 in the picture, color blind people perceive it as an eight or six.

№ 10. Three digits are drawn here that make up the number 136. Protanopes and deuteranopes do not see this number, calling 66, 68, 69 instead.

№ 11. Healthy people see a triangle and a circle in the picture. With an anomaly in the perception of the red spectrum, patients see only a triangle, green - only a circle.

№ 12. In the picture, the patient should see one and two. If these numbers do not differ, we can talk about protanomaly.

№ 13. A healthy person should see a triangle and a circle in the table. With protanomaly, the triangle will not be distinguishable, and with deuteranomaly, the circle will be indistinguishable.

№ 14. Normally, the numbers 3 and 0 should be recognized in the upper part of the picture. With red color blindness, a person will see 1 and 0 in the upper part, and a hidden six at the bottom.

№ 15. In this table, a circle (left) and a triangle (right) are drawn - they should be seen by patients in the norm. Instead, deuteranopes find a triangle at the top left, and a square at the bottom. Protanopes see two triangles at the top and a square at the bottom.

№ 16. Trichromats see the depicted numbers 9 and 6. With red color perception disorders, a person will see only 9, green - only 6.

№ 17. Norm - the outlines of a circle and a triangle. Only a circle is deuteranomaly, only a triangle is protanomaly.

№ 18. The table consists of alternating rows of red and green. With red color blindness, vertical rows Nos. 3, 5, 7 will look like one color. With green blindness, vertical rows Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 will appear monochrome.

№ 19. Healthy people in the table must distinguish the number 95, all color blind people see only the number 5.

№ 20. Circle and triangle - this is how the picture should look normal. Patients with color blindness do not see these figures.

№ 21. People with normal vision should see 6 rows here - vertical in one color and horizontal in different colors. For color blind people, the opposite is true - the vertical rows will be multi-colored, the horizontal rows will be in one shade.

№ 22. Persons with normal vision should see two sixes here, color blind people see only one of them.

№ 23. 36 - all color blind and trichromats see such a figure. With severe violations of color perception, the numbers will not be visible.

№ 24. The test is aimed at identifying the acquired pathology of color vision. Such patients will not see the number 14, while healthy individuals, deuteranopes and protanopes recognize it.

№ 25. The principle is the same as in test No. 24, only one figure 9 is outlined in the picture.

№ 26. Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 4 in the table. Acquired color perception pathologies do not allow you to see this symbol.

№ 27. Healthy people should see one and three here. Color-blind people do not distinguish between these numbers.

Test Procedure

The study of color perception according to the Rabkin method is carried out by an ophthalmologist.

In order for the test results to be reliable, a number of conditions must be met:

  • the patient should be in a calm environment and try to relax as much as possible;
  • the picture is placed at a distance of 1 meter from the eyes;
  • each table is allowed to be viewed for about 5 seconds.

At the doctor's command, the subject names what image he sees on each table, and the doctor records the results in the study protocol.

If the verification is carried out online, the conditions should be similar. Only the results are recorded not by the doctor, but by the subject himself, after which he compares the data with those given under each picture.

IMPORTANT! The brightness of the monitor during testing should be high, the screen should not glare and be located opposite the light sources. You need to place yourself so that the display is at eye level and at a distance of a meter from them.

Some subjects try to find Rabkin's tests with answers before visiting the doctor in order to learn them and give “excellent” results in the office. But even hard training at home will not help mislead an experienced doctor. Among all the tables there are special checklists that allow you to identify simulators. Doctors also come to the aid of tint tests, which many tricksters “fail”. Do not forget that pictures can be presented randomly to a person, which can confuse even the most self-confident patient.

An ophthalmologist talks about determining color perception using Rabkin's tables:

Anyone who is concerned about the results of a future color perception test should remember one fact. These or other “color” anomalies occur in 50% of the population. Therefore, even a few errors in the Rabkin test for drivers are considered the norm and are not a contraindication to driving.

To identify color blindness (color blindness) and its manifestations in modern ophthalmology, Rabkin's polychromatic tables are used. According to the degree of color perception, ophthalmologists distinguish: trichromats (normal), protoanopes (people with impaired color perception in the red spectrum) and deuteranopes (people with impaired color perception of green).

To pass the test for color blindness, you should follow certain recommendations:
- the test is carried out in normal health
- first you need to relax
- try to keep the picture and eyes at the same level during the test
- Up to 10 seconds to view the image

Picture 1

The picture shows the numbers "9" and "6", which are visible to both people with normal vision and people with color blindness. The picture is intended to explain and show people what exactly is required to do when passing the test.

Figure 2

This picture shows a square and a triangle, which are visible, as in the previous version, to both people with normal vision and people with color blindness. The picture is used to demonstrate the test and to identify the simulation.

Figure 3

The picture shows the number "9". People with normal vision see correctly, while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum (deuteranopia and protanopia) see the number "5".

Figure 4

The picture shows a triangle. People with normal vision see the triangle depicted, while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum see a circle.

Figure 5

The picture shows the numbers “1” and “3” (corresponding to “13”). People with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum see the number "6".

Figure 6

People with normal color perception distinguish two geometric shapes in the picture - a triangle and a circle, while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum are not able to distinguish the figures shown in the picture.

Figure 7

The picture shows the number "9", which can be distinguished by both people with normal color perception and people with color blindness.

Figure 8

The picture shows the number "5", which is able to distinguish between people with normal vision and people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum. However, for the latter, this is difficult or even impossible.

Figure 9

People with normal color perception and people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum are able to distinguish the number "9" in the picture, while people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum can see both the number "9" and "8" or "6".

Figure 10

People with normal vision distinguish the numbers “1”, “3” and “6” in the picture (they answer “136”), while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum see “69”, “68” or “66”.

Figure 11

The picture shows the numbers “1” and “4”, which are seen by both people with normal color perception and people with manifestations of color blindness.

Figure 12

The picture shows the numbers “1” and “2”, which are able to distinguish both people with normal vision and people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum, while people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum do not see the numbers at all.

Figure 13

The picture shows a circle and a triangle that people with normal color perception can distinguish. At the same time, people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum in the picture see only a circle, while people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum only see a triangle.

Figure 14

People with normal color perception in the picture will distinguish between the numbers “3” and “0” in the upper part, while they will not see anything in the lower part. Whereas people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum will distinguish between the numbers “1” and “0” at the top, and the hidden number “6” at the bottom. And people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum will see “1” at the top, and “6” at the bottom of the picture.

Figure 15

People with normal color perception in the picture will distinguish between a circle and a triangle (in the upper part), but they will not see anything in the lower part. People with blindness in the red part of the spectrum will see 2 triangles (top) and a square (bottom). People with blindness in the green part of the spectrum can distinguish between a triangle (top) and a square (bottom).

Figure 16

People with normal color perception in the picture will distinguish the numbers "9" and "6", while people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum only "9", and with blindness in the green part of the spectrum - only "6".

Figure 17

People with normal color perception see a circle and a triangle in the picture, while people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum see only a triangle, while people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum see only a circle.

Figure 18

People with normal color perception in the picture will see multi-colored vertical and one-color horizontal rows. At the same time, people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum will see the horizontal rows as one-color, and the vertical 3, 5 and 7 as one-color. People with blindness in the green part of the spectrum will see the horizontal rows as multi-colored, and the vertical rows 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 as solid colors.

Figure 19

People with normal vision are able to distinguish between the numbers "2" and "5" in the picture, while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum will only see the number "5".

Figure 20

People with normal color perception are able to distinguish two geometric shapes in the picture - a triangle and a circle, while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum will not be able to distinguish between the depicted shapes.

Figure 21

In the picture, people with normal color perception and people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum will distinguish between the numbers "9" and "6", while people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum will only see the number "6".

Figure 22

The picture shows the number "5", which can be distinguished by both people with normal color perception and people with manifestations of color blindness. However, for the latter it will be difficult or even impossible to do this.

Figure 23

In the picture, people with normal vision will see multi-colored horizontal and one-color vertical rows. At the same time, people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum see one-color horizontal and multi-colored vertical rows.

Figure 24

In the picture, the number "2" is what people with normal vision see, protanopes and deuteranopes do not distinguish this figure.

Figure 25

Trichomats (people with normal vision) see the number "2" in the picture, people with blindness in the green and red parts of the sector, the number "2" is not distinguished.

Figure 26

People with normal color perception distinguish two shapes in the picture: a triangle and a square. People with blindness in the green and red spectra, these figures do not distinguish.

Figure 27

Normal trichomats see a triangle in the picture, people with color perception disorders distinguish the “circle” figure


It should be noted that if the answer is wrong, there is no need to start panicking, since perception may depend on a number of factors: room illumination, excitement, monitor matrix and its color (when passing the test online), etc.
If deviations are detected during a free online vision test, it is recommended to see a specialist for a more thorough diagnosis.

Color blindness can significantly ruin a person's life. This is a genetic damage to the eye that does not affect visual acuity in any way. There are many myths and rumors associated with it. How is the test for color blindness and what methods of testing vision exist, read in our article.

Myth 1

Colorblind people see everything in black and white or do not distinguish between red and green.

This is not entirely true. There are quite a few types of color blindness, they are associated with the absence of a pigment in the retina that can distinguish certain colors.

Sometimes these pigments are not enough, a person distinguishes all colors, but they look muted, in pastel colors.
With another type of color blindness, the world before the eyes of a person looks like in an old photograph in which blue or green dye was added during printing.

As compensation, color blind people are able to distinguish many more shades that appear the same to the normal eye.

Myth 2

Only men are colorblind.

This is also not entirely true. About 5% of people on Earth suffer from some degree of color blindness. And among them every tenth is a woman. This is a hereditary condition, if there were people with such a problem in the family, it can be transmitted even after several generations.

The pathological gene is associated with the X chromosome and is passed from mother to son. If in the family the father is color-blind, and the mother is a carrier of the gene, then the pathology can also be revealed in the daughter. Color blindness in a girl can also appear if the paternal grandmother was the carrier of the pathological gene. Since most often only one X chromosome is damaged, women have a spare, healthy one.

Most cases of color blindness are detected by people by chance, during medical examinations.

Myth 3

This is a congenital condition, it is impossible to get sick with it.

Under certain circumstances, the retina of the eye is injured, the pigment ceases to be produced in it, because of this, the person ceases to distinguish colors. Men and women are equally susceptible to this disorder. It can even happen to a child.

Sometimes, with a retinal injury, color blindness develops in only one eye, the other remains with normal vision.

Temporary color blindness occurs when taking certain medications. If you do not pay attention to this, it can permanently damage the retina and develop into a permanent one.

Partial deterioration sometimes occurs with age, the process is slow, the person does not notice the changes.

Myth 4

All dogs are color blind and see the world in black and white.

The latest research has shown that dogs are guided by color and its intensity and brightness.

By appearance eyes to determine color blindness is impossible - it looks exactly the same as a healthy one. The peculiarity of vision is often paid attention to in childhood, when the child constantly confuses colors, cannot identify the same ones, and so on. In many cases, this has no consequences.

Reasons for the appearance

There are several causes of color blindness.
It is congenital and acquired. Congenital affects mainly boys.

Acquired arises also for many reasons.

  • cataract

With this disease, the lens becomes cloudy, light cannot pass through the cones normally, and color perception is disturbed. In this case, only one eye can be problematic, the other remains healthy.

  • malfunction of cones

the pigment is located in the cones themselves, if their work is disturbed, it is produced incorrectly.

  • eye injury

With a minor injury, color blindness is temporary and does not need treatment. The eye needs only rest. In more complex cases, treatment is required, which will be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. The eye needs complete rest.

  • tumors

A growing tumor acts on the nerve endings of the eye. This disrupts the passage of the impulse, color perception is disturbed. Any tumor should be removed, after surgery treatment is carried out.

  • CNS diseases

If color blindness is associated with this problem, it should be treated by a neurologist along with an ophthalmologist. If the cause of the disease is identified and eliminated, color blindness will pass.

  • Parkinson's disease and stroke

With these diseases, the passage of nerve impulses from the brain to the eye, to photoreceptor cells is blocked, due to which color perception is lost.

  • diabetes
  • Taking medication

If such a problem arises, you need to inform your doctor, it may be possible to change medications, find their analogues.

Acquired color blindness can be present in both eyes, most often it is uneven, it can even be of various types.

Color blind people and professions

In many cases, color blindness does not affect a person's choice of profession. But there are those where the ability to perfectly distinguish colors plays a key role. For example, drivers, machinists, pilots. They should not be engaged in medicine, it is unlikely that they will succeed in the field of interior design or fashion.

It will also be difficult for them in teaching, especially with children - in many cases it is necessary to distinguish colors.

In general, all professions where you need to be able to distinguish colors, shades and halftones.

It is for this that various tests are carried out to detect deviations in the ability to distinguish colors.

Checking for color blindness in children

A small child with a color vision disorder does not realize that he sees the world a little differently than other people, for him his vision is natural. It makes no sense to diagnose him before 3 years. You can suspect something is wrong by indirect signs - if the child does not always reach for the brightest toy, but can take a gray and pale one.

Usually children memorize the names of colors by the age of 3-4. Find objects of the same color even earlier. But if the baby has color blindness, he is physically unable to do this. Parents are angry with him, but the child does not understand the reason.

Most often, the child does not distinguish between red and green, blue and yellow.

If a child has such a feature of vision, then first of all you need to calm down. First of all, parents - color blindness is not a disease, the child just has to adapt to such vision, and parents have to come to terms with this feature of the child.

Parents can check their eyesight for color blindness even before the child enters school quite simply - by watching how he paints pictures.

If he often mixes up the color of the grass or the sky, in his drawings they are unnatural, this can be an alarming sign.

Older children are given several single-color sheets of colored paper and asked to choose the same color. If the baby is at a loss, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist.

For older preschoolers and younger students, you can already use the same tests as for adults.


For schoolchildren, this problem can cause many difficulties in learning. What is written on the board with colored chalk is often invisible and indistinguishable for him. And their own drawings differ in unnatural colors. Teachers should be aware of this feature of their student, help him cope with circumstances beyond his control - for example, he should sit in the classroom so as not to see light reflections on the blackboard.
If, before school, you did not encounter a similar problem for your child, then primary school is the time to do it.

For adults, there are other diagnostic methods.

Diagnostic methods

There are many types of color blindness. The easiest is the inability to distinguish between shades of color. For example, deep pink is perceived as red, while lighter tones are seen as white.

Rabkin's tables

The most famous and popular diagnostics is using Rabkin's tables. They depict a lot of multi-colored circles of different shapes and sizes. All these circles are of the same brightness, and among them numbers or geometric figures stand out in a different color.

A person with normal vision can almost easily distinguish them from the rest. If there are violations, these encrypted figures will be indistinguishable for him.


It happens simply - signs are placed in front of the subject in good uniform lighting, the patient examines them for several seconds and says what he sees. In this case, the person should be in a relaxed state and feel good. It takes 7-10 seconds to look at one picture, the pictures are located at a distance of 1 meter from the eyes at the same level with them.

In these tables there are also figures-traps. For example, a person with normal color perception sees 9, and a color-blind person sees 5, or a circle. They are seen only by color blind people with a certain type of color blindness, the doctor will be able to determine from his tables what kind of pigment is missing on the retina.

Several pictures in the set were created to identify simulators, those who, for some reason, want to deceive the tablets when passing the test. These plates depict pictures that are clearly and clearly distinguishable with normal vision and with any form of color blindness. The doctor can easily determine which color the patient does not distinguish.

The circles on the tables are selected in such a way as to check all possible deviations. And the color combinations are not random. However, when passing the test in a healthy person, errors are possible - the result may depend on the screen of the computer itself and on the lighting.

There are 48 plates in the set, 27 are used for general diagnostics. The rest are needed for a deeper analysis. They are necessarily included in the examinations of professional drivers, machinists, pilots.

The main tables of Rabkin can be bought, the rest remain for a more detailed analysis from the doctor. It is useless for a color blind person to simulate healthy vision, the doctor will decipher it anyway. It is also useless to pretend to be colorblind at military commissions - the remaining plates will still show color perception, it is impossible to learn them.

If these charts show a severe color impairment, such as red and green looking the same, the person will be denied a license altogether. The same will happen if there is no color discrimination in the blue-yellow range.

Checking for color blindness using the Rabkin table is used all over the world, it gives the most reliable result, type and degree of pathology. And control pictures will clarify the diagnosis.

Yustova's technique

This technique also consists of cards and is designed to identify which particular color violation is present in the patient.

The subject is offered four sets of cards, each of them reveals the pathology of one primary color.

  • The first set reveals violations in the perception of red and its shades,
  • the second is the green spectrum
  • the third is blue
  • fourth - black and white text

The tables are special pictures with "broken" squares, which depict a stylized letter C, with a gap in one of the sides of the square. The subject must determine the location of the break.
There are 12 tables of the test, each table shows several pictures with such an image. All cells form one tone, the test is constructed in such a way that the possibility of its “memorization” is excluded.

The test is also good because it is easy to conduct with children who do not yet know numbers and geometric shapes.

Such a test is also popular among ophthalmologists in the world. It is also used in the diagnosis of acquired color blindness in adults after various injuries, diseases and taking certain medications.

Ishkhara test

The test is somewhat reminiscent of Rabkin's tables. In it, the subject is also offered tables consisting of many circles of different colors and sizes. But in it a person should no longer distinguish numbers or letters, but pictures and simple images.

Such a test is mainly used to diagnose color blindness in children, they like such pictures and they willingly guess encrypted images. These pictures can also be offered to those who "learned" Rabkin's tables for "passing a medical examination." If color blindness is present, a person will not be able to distinguish the desired image.

Some other tests for determining color blindness work in much the same way. These are the color schemes of Stilling, Schaaf, and some others. Their principle is about the same.

Special cases

There are special cases when checking vision for color blindness. When more in-depth studies are required, and the subjects are subject to increased requirements for the ability to distinguish colors.

Correct perception of colors is necessary not only for drivers of any transport. There are times when this can be key.


When passing the military commission, such a test will be carried out. With normal visual acuity, they will still be drafted into the army, but you can serve in a very limited number of troops. In any case, it will not be possible to deceive the military registration and enlistment office,


All physicians require full color perception. The health of other people depends on this, so doctors regularly check these parameters of their vision.


If it is difficult to distinguish colors, then you can get very chemically. Many solutions outwardly differ only in shade, and the properties of the substances are different. It is better for a color blind person not to do chemistry professionally.

Treatment of color blindness

How to help a color blind person see the world in all its fullness of colors? After all, this is especially offensive if the loss of the ability to distinguish colors is acquired as a result of an accident.


Now it is impossible to cure congenital, genetically determined color blindness. In order to somehow help a person, multi-colored lenses are specially selected for his vision. But this method is ineffective, controversial. It can even be dangerous for general vision. So while research is being done, and such contact lenses are not used.

Special glasses with multi-colored lenses have been created, but these are experimental models, they operate in certain lighting conditions and cannot be worn for a long time.

Attempts are also being made to introduce the missing genes into the retina of the eye - so far only with the help of computer programs on virtual color blind. But research in this area is ongoing and, perhaps, a solution to the problem will still be found.


Acquired color blindness can be cured. Treatment depends on what caused it.

  • If medications were the cause, they must be canceled, color perception will be restored over time.
  • Operably - by eliminating cataracts or other damage to the retina

Most often, when acquired color blindness occurs, visual acuity begins to fall in a person.

Drug treatment is prescribed by a doctor, you cannot prescribe it to yourself - this can result in an irreversible change in vision, which will only worsen, until a complete loss of color perception.

Color blindness is one of the most common visual impairments. With this pathology, the eyes cannot perceive one color or several at once.

As you know, color blindness is inherited, and it affects males. The reasons for the development of this visual impairment can also be various diseases, trauma, inflammation, tumors of the eyes and central nervous system.

Definition and types of color blindness (color blindness)

Color blindness or color blindness is a violation of the perception of colors caused by a color vision disorder. A person who does not have such a pathology can recognize red, yellow and blue color and which, when mixed, give different shades.

From the point of view of physiology, this can be explained as follows: in the macula of the retina there are photoreceptor cells - cones. Their function is precisely to perceive colors. There are three types of cones, each of which has a pigment of a specific color (red, blue, yellow).

If there is no pigment in the cones or there is very little of it, then color perception is disturbed. In most cases, there is a lack of red pigment, rarely there is an absence of blue. In the absence of one pigment, dichromasia is diagnosed, and three - achromasia. And with trichromacy, a person has a weakened perception of one color.

For types of color blindness, treatment and tests for definition, see.

In this case, allocate three types of perceptual impairment:

  1. Type A- the perception of green or red color is almost completely absent.
  2. Type B– Significant reduction in color perception.
  3. Type C- color perception is slightly impaired.

Causes occurrence of color blindness:

  • Hereditary predisposition (transmitted through the X chromosome, so men are more susceptible to the development of this pathology);
  • Lack of pigment in cones or disruption of their work;
  • Injuries, tumors and diseases of the eyes and central nervous system ();
  • Age-related changes in vision;
  • Cataract (prevents light from passing through the media of the eyes normally)
  • diabetic;
  • Taking certain medicines;
  • Parkinson's disease (impaired nerve impulse conduction to photoreceptor cells and color identification);
  • Stroke (similar to Parkinson's disease).

Color blindness can affect both one eye and two at once, but in this case it will be uneven. Sometimes color blindness can occur as a temporary phenomenon due to medications with a similar side effect.

A person may not notice the symptoms of color blindness for a long time. The main signs of this visual impairment are:

  1. Violation of the perception of red;
  2. Violation of the perception of blue and yellow;
  3. Violation of the perception of green;
  4. Simultaneous violation of the perception of red, blue and yellow colors.
  5. (tears flow, pain in the eyes);
  6. Blurred contours of objects.

If color blindness was acquired during life, then it manifests itself as a gradual or sharp violation of the perception of colors. In addition, he can progress.

We also bring to your attention pictures for checking vision for color perception and a table of letters for checking vision by.

Allocate three types of color blindness depending on the violation of the production of pigment of a certain color:

  1. Tritanopia.

The most common species are protanopia and deuteranopia.

Protanopia is the inability to perceive red. This pathology is a partial form of blindness and is usually congenital.

In the case of protanopia, the photoreceptor cones lack the pigment erythrolab, which has a maximum sensitivity in the red-yellow part of the spectrum. A person with protanopia will perceive yellow-green as orange, and blue as magenta. However, he will be able to distinguish blue from green, and green from red.

Deuteranopia is a violation of the perception of green.

It occurs when the cones lack the chlorolab pigment, which has a maximum sensitivity in the green-yellow spectrum.

In this case, a person will perceive green as blue, and he will not distinguish purple from yellow-green. However, a person will be able to distinguish purple or red from green.


Tritanopia is a violation of the perception of colors and shades in the blue-yellow and red-violet spectra. In this case, the receptor cells lack the cyanolab pigment, which has a maximum sensitivity in the blue-violet spectrum.

A person with tritanopia perceives yellow as blue, and purple is indistinguishable from red. However, he can distinguish purple from green.

With tritanopia, twilight vision may be absent.

Color blindness test

To determine color blindness, anomaloscopes or special tests are used. Vision tests are carried out using special tables, for example, Stilling, Schaaf, Rabkin, and so on.

The ophthalmologist's table for checking vision is located.



Color blindness is a pretty serious problem, and in some cases it makes life difficult. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for hereditary color blindness. It can only be corrected with the help of special lenses or glasses, but they cannot always give desired effect. At the very least, an ophthalmologist can use tables to check for color blindness to determine the type of this disorder. Drivers, on the other hand, must regularly undergo a color perception test, because. their professional suitability depends on this examination.

Tests for color blindness and color perception are located.

Acquired color blindness is treated depending on the cause. If it arose due to eye injury or disorders in the central nervous system, then it can be cured with a conservative or surgical method. If color blindness appeared due to taking some medications, then you should stop taking them.

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